#Remote Jobs
oldnetreasures · 5 months
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My lovely friends, I need your help! As some of you may be aware I have seizures as a result of a traumatic brain injury from when I was in high school.
Last Thursday I was getting ready for work and had my scariest seizure to date. Thankfully my boyfriend was home and heard me crash. As a result of that seizure my boyfriend and I both agreed I should try to find a remote work job.
I was wondering if any of you may have any ideas of remote positions that are hiring out of Nebraska? I would appreciate any leads possible, please and thank you!!
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jteasers · 9 months
🌸 Studio Drydock is Hiring! 🌸
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Come work with me and the amazing Studio Drydock team ( aka the peeps behind the witchy farming sim Wylde Flowers ) We're looking for a Community Manager; this is an entry level position.
⚡ The application deadline is EOD 13th September AEST. ⚡
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Job searching and applying for jobs is a fucking full-time job in and of itself
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lotkwm · 24 days
Explore the lucrative realm of online data entry jobs with our comprehensive guide. Join RemoteJobs for FREE now!
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Does anyone know of good remote jobs I could look into, or companies who have remote positions that I could watch for openings?
I know everyone wants remote these days, but I genuinely need it this year due to travel I’m going to have to be doing for moving and family stuff. I want to take work with me so I don’t have to take time off. I can’t really afford to take time off, especially since I’ve been so off my art game and can’t supplement it with commissions very well. I can’t depend on commissions because I don’t trust my brain to stay out of rut. I honestly don’t really care what the work is as long as it’s not telemarketing. I’d love an art related job but I’ve had no luck finding any so far (granted I’ve had no luck finding ANY remote jobs). LinkedIn and others like it haven’t been very helpful…
If anyone has any ideas or suggestions, or even just tips for looking like a good fit even without a BA/BS, please let me know!
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brookesophelias · 17 days
Currently immersed in the captivating pages of The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins, I'm reminded of the power of storytelling. As I explore the world of Sensitivity/Authenticity Reading, I'm driven by a desire to ensure accurate and respectful portrayals of marginalized communities in literature. How does one embark on this journey? I'm eager to utilize my skills in proofreading, editing, and creative writing to breathe life into disabled and mentally-ill characters. If you have insights on how to enter this field, I'd love to connect and learn from your experience. Let's collaborate to make literature more inclusive and authentic!
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mapsofinnerspace · 8 months
So I just read this somewhere on LinkedIn, haven’t stopped crying. Why?
Because all of this is nonexistent in my country.
Because I recently lost an awesome job opportunity just because the managers were illogically clung to the idea of the position being 100% on-site, even if it wasn’t a customer facing one, and even if the office was located in an overly conflictive and dangerous area, and my working shift would end at 9 pm.
I told them my concern, and they chose to increase the base salary instead of changing their minds about switching to remote working. Even when this position was 100% remote in all other countries they have presence at.
Even when the recruiter and the director himself interviewed me from the comfort of their homes in Italy and Latvia at weird evening times.
And this is too stupid.
In all the jobs I’ve had so far, my colleagues from other countries always work remotely. My local team and I are the stupid ones who have to go to the office at least two or three times a week. It doesn’t matter which company it is, or what kind of position it is about. We always, ALWAYS have to go to an office.
This is particularly traumatic for me (yes, TRAUMATIC) in a city like this, located in the third world. One of the most chaotic cities on the planet, with the worst traffic and deficient, slow, and inadequate public transportation systems where a major disaster happens every year. Where you can spend two hours trying to cover a 10 km distance.
This is one of the dirtiest cities in the world, with the highest levels of environmental pollution, litter in the streets and broken sidewalks that, if you’re not careful enough, you can step on and fall to the ground or into an open sewer. This is one of the cities with the worst rates of violent crime on the streets, countless kidnappings, rapings and femicides, and rampant drug and people trafficking.
And natural disasters. Yes, we do have rainstorms, floods and winds for most part of the year, along with incoherent temperature changes. And.. overly strong earthquakes from time to time (7-8+ degrees of magnitude) that can happen as you’re commuting to the office in the middle of the traffic at peak hours, or as you’re packed like a sardine in the underground, or at the 15th floor in the office, or inside their elevator with 10 strangers around you. Plus, we have too many hurricanes from both ocean sides, and volcano ashes that worsen my asthma, for which is recommended to stay indoors.
Well.. for me, having to commute to an office every fucking day has turned my work life into a nightmare, into something tremendously traumatic, depressive and deteriorating. Even more so because of the need to force myself to socialize in office settings, wearing uncomfortable clothing that makes me feel like a clown, surrounded by people from a backward and poor culture where they only watch Televisa soap operas as kids. A culture of nosy and gossipy people who don’t respect personal space nor personal boundaries, people who excessively use physical contact in unnecessary ways.. who are envious, jealous, classist, racist, misogynistic, and terribly competitive. People who instead of valuing my strengths and helping me overcome my weaknesses, chooses to see me as a threat, as a rival that has to be put down and eliminated. People that come from a nepotistic culture of laziness who do everything half-heartedly and get everything in life by being either the boot-licker of the boss, or simply friends or family with someone with power and influence in the company.
So why does remote work hardly ever exist here? First, because of the local culture. People from this damn country don’t know how to exist without being surrounded by others. They don’t know how to be by themselves, nor how to work without being micromanaged and without gossiping against each other, like the telenovelas they watch. And second, because this is a petrol based country, where petrol extraction and supply is controlled by the government and therefore, they need to sell gasoline at all costs. Having a mostly remote national workforce would kill their fuel business, so they do everything they can to promote on-site work by hindering laws.
My life.. it would be totally different today if there were remote job opportunities in this shitty country. Having a remote job would have allowed me to move to a better country already, as a digital nomad.. a country that has a better infrastructure, better laws, better services, better geographical conditions, and most importantly.. a better culture.
So here it is.. the text from LinkedIn..
“Remote work does not mean Work from Home (WFH)
Remote work means Work from Anywhere (WFA)
Here are a few other things it means:
1) It means not being handcuffed to an expensive city with a high cost of living.
2) It means access to the best opportunities from where you live your best life.
3) It means flexibility to work when you are most productive, not a rigid 9-to-6 shift.
4) It means anywhere is your office: a cafe in Paris, co-working in Melbourne.
5) It means trust & responsibility, with a culture of accountability and initiative.
6) It means a greener lifestyle, reducing carbon footprint, eliminating useless commutes.
7) It means improving your health & well-being instead of 2H a day commuting.
8) It means being a global citizen: colleagues of different cultures & time zones.
9) It means not having to choose between a fulfilling career or life: you get both.
10) It means breakfast with your spouse before work & dinner with kids at night.
11) It means being there for a family member who is dying of an illnesses.
12) It means quick adaptation to new technology, staying ahead of digital trends.
13) It means focusing on results and outcomes that matter rather than clocking hours.
14) It means removing the stress and anxiety that can come with office senseless politics.
15) It means having your ideal work environment to foster your creativity & focus.
16) It means doing the best, most meaningful, impactful work of your life.
17) It means seeing your kids walk, laugh & talk for the first time.
18) It means creating a more inclusive and diverse workforce.
Actually, remote work is the future of living!
It's about upgrading quality of life for billions of workers & their families globally.”
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the-uncanny-dag · 2 months
Arctically cold take, but I fucking hate working from home & it only makes my mental health worse. If I can't geographically separate workplace & domestic environments, I would rather die by harakiri
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bookphile · 2 months
I don't know who needs to hear this, but if you're looking for a job right now, here are the things to keep in mind (this is US centric only):
the market is really bad right now, and super competitive. If you're not hearing back, the problem isn't necessarily you.
on that note, if you're not hearing back at all, even once in a while consider redoing your resume and cover letter. you don't have to tailor it to every job post, but it does have to be relevant to each one.
most of the posts and videos about remote jobs that are hiring right now are fake. the few that aren't disappear really fast because so many people apply, so if you're not one of the first 10 people to see it and go to apply immediately, it's most likely gone if it existed at all.
the other thing is that a lot of those jobs do require experience and very few of them are entry level, they will require tests and assessments, and most don't offer more than $15.
use chat gpt to grade and make suggestions to your resume and cover letter, do not just have it write it and submit it. do read it over to make sure it didn't add fake information or make something up that's not relevant.
make sure to research certificates and classes and bootcamps for authenticity and actual need in the field, certain popular fields like product management, UX, and cyber security are over saturated and hard to get into, if not impossible, at entry level.
look into local resources in your town, like the library, to see if they have any job search programs. local facebook groups are great too to find part-time jobs and gigs that pay better than app gigs. or even just a community of other job seekers for emotional and job search support.
Things like doordash and other app delivery jobs are hard to do unless you're willing to drive long distances and be paid very little money for it. Consider wear and tear on your car, milage, and gas money before you jump into it. Also you need to set money aside for taxes.
If anyone has anything else to add, please do so.
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caxycreations · 1 month
Anyone know where to find work as a freelance writer or voice actor?
Been trying everywhere, and the places I find are either no good (literally can not get any interest, or they rely 100% on "being discovered" rather than letting me actively seek work)
or worse
they demand I pay to be shown the job opportunities.
And of course the other legitimate places require degrees, paid certifications, certain amounts of experience (saw one place that required 2+ years of voice training...listed as Entry Level) and other things I can't do.
Any advice? Or better yet, any job offers?
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indigorain54 · 2 months
Ok so I haven't seen anyone post about this new issue yet but it needs to be talked about.
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If you have seen posts like this one DON'T CLICK THE LINK!!!! It's a phishing attack and is considered spam. They will steal your data and this is not a real job ad. Please report them when you see them and block them. If you see a post with a suspicious link don't click it.
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Their blog page will usually look like this, with multiple posts of the same false ad. With the wrong tags to it.
Be safe online everyone!
Don't fall for phishing and scams!
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oldnetreasures · 4 months
I've been locked out of my account due to switching devices but ya girl is officially back hehe.
I found a remote job that pays $24 an hour. All equipment is provided aside from WiFi. I started Monday and I am absolutely in love so far. 🥹 Walmart can suck it.
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herwellnessjourney · 3 months
Anyone else struggling to find a job?! If anyone knows anyone how works remote or found remote work that pays well, please message me!
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onlineshwe · 1 year
How to make money while traveling
Traveling the world can be an exciting adventure, but it can also be an expensive one. Fortunately, there are many ways to make money while traveling that can help fund your adventures and allow you to see more of the world without breaking the bank. In this article, we will explore some of the best ways to make money while traveling.
If you have a skill that you can offer online, freelancing is an excellent way to make money while traveling. Many companies and individuals are willing to pay for services such as writing, web design, social media management, and graphic design. You can find freelance work through various websites, such as Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer. Freelancing allows you to work from anywhere in the world, as long as you have a reliable internet connection.
Teaching English
Teaching English as a foreign language is another popular way to make money while traveling. Many countries, particularly in Asia, are always looking for native English speakers to teach English to their citizens. You can find teaching opportunities through various programs such as the Peace Corps, Teach for America, and private language schools. Teaching English can be a fulfilling experience, and it allows you to immerse yourself in a new culture while earning money.
Working in the Hospitality Industry
Working in the hospitality industry is another excellent way to make money while traveling. Hotels, hostels, and restaurants are always looking for seasonal workers to help them during their peak season. Many hospitality jobs come with free room and board, which can help you save money on accommodation while traveling. Working in the hospitality industry can also give you the opportunity to meet new people and experience the local culture.
If you have a passion for writing and love to travel, starting a travel blog can be a great way to make money while exploring the world. Many travel bloggers make money through advertising, sponsored posts, and affiliate marketing. While it can take time to build a successful travel blog, it can be a fulfilling way to share your adventures with the world and earn money in the process.
If you have a talent for photography, selling your photos online can be a great way to make money while traveling. You can sell your photos on websites such as Shutterstock, iStock, and Adobe Stock. Many travel companies and publications also purchase photos from freelance photographers. Selling your photos online can be a passive income stream that allows you to earn money while exploring the world.
In conclusion, there are many ways to make money while traveling, and the above methods are just a few of the most popular ones. Whether you decide to freelance, teach English, work in the hospitality industry, blog, or sell your photos online, remember that earning money while traveling requires dedication and hard work. With some effort and persistence, you can fund your travels while experiencing the world in a unique and fulfilling way.
Also, to learn more about click here
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lotkwm · 24 days
Explore online jobs for stay-at-home parents including its benefits, how to discover it and how it changes current working dynamics!
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nando161mando · 7 months
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