#Really proud of nightmare chara :)
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Here is another drawing I made of my dream!frisk and Nightmare!chara that I did on lined paper cuz I was bored
Dreamtale belongs to jokublog
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Underfell Sans & Papyrus character sheets (Updated version)
RED (Underfell Sans)
Backstory : Red survived all along with his little brother in the streets after his father got assassinated by some rivals. Times were hard, and that fragilized the relationship between the brothers, Red being the careful one and Edge trying to rebel against anything he said, and even engaging in the Royal Guard to prove him he had no control on him and wasn't his dad. After that, their life got slightly easier, but their relationship became bitter. Constantly bickering, constantly having to hide to avoid Edge's rivals to see him as a weakness, being force to consider his brother like his boss. Red lost hope of things even getting better, until a smal child fell and made him realize his brother actually still cared for him. Once the Barrier broken, they tried to live together for a while, but that didn't work, as they both fell into their old habits. Choosing to live separate was actually their best decision as they since slowly learned to get along again, and they're trying to fix the mistakes of the past. It's still hard, there are periods where they can'tbear each other, but it's way better than what it used to be.
Personality : Apprehensive - Inappropriate - Charming - Competitive - Uncoopérative - Cynical - Defiant - Difficult - Disrespectful - Fair - Faithful - Fiery - Fierce - Finicky - Flirtatious - Frank - Harsh - Impatient - Impolite - Impulsive - Very dependant - Irritable - Jealous - Jumpy - Lazy - Logical - Loyal - Mean - Moody - Obscene - Opportunist - Perceptive - Picky - Proud - Resentful - Sarcastic - Sassy - Straightforward - Wary - Grouchy
Job : Mechanic engeneer
Hobbies : Working on cars and on his motocycle, watching telenovelas to make fun of the characters, visiting forbidden places, finding new ways to annoy Grillby, pranking his brother or his S/O, bitching on his Karen neighbour.
Loves : Grease food, dinosaurs, hard mechanics, cars, being pet on the head, his brother, sleeping for 48 hours straight, taunting random people in bars to see how they'll react, big dogs, his freedom.
Hates : Doomfanger, his brother, heckin salad and broken glass lasagnas, nightmares, loud noises, people making fun of his inhability to express his feeling, being vulnerable, being nice to his Karen neighbour after he messed up bad, lemons square, being awoken before lunch, people touching his things.
The S/O of his dream : He doesn't think he can ever have a S/O so someone who shows interest and he's completely paralyzed lol. Clearly someone who has an interest in cars though, so he can talk for hours and hours with them.
Dealbreaker : Treating him like an idiot, trying to fix his relationship with his brother, using how he opens up when he trusts you against him as it's really hard for him to show some vulnerability.
Contacts :
Family : Edge
Best friends : UF Grillby - Copper
Close friends : UT Grillby - UF Undyne - UF Alphys - Oak - Pumpkin - Chief - Rus - Wine - Coffee - Sam - Ben - Fang
Friends : Sans - UT Alphys - UT Frisk - Honey - Nugget - Willow - Nox - Rumba - Demon - Killer - Delta
OK/Neutral : UT Undyne - UT Burgerpants - UT Gerson - Sun - Rambo - Salsa - Error
Would better avoid : Papyrus - UT Toriel - UT Asgore - UT Chara - UT Asriel/Flowey - Blue - Moon - Creeper - Ink - Dune
Absolutely hates : UT Mettaton - UT Gaster - UT Muffet - Tango - Torpedo
EDGE (Underfell Papyrus)
Backstory : Edge wanted to be a hero in a world that hated heroes. He learned it the hard way, risking his life stupidly as a kid just because he wanted to prove his brother was wrong to protect him that much. His ultimate defiance? Joining the Royal Guard, despite his brother screaming it was the worst idea ever. It was indeed, but by the time he realized it, he was a Captain, stuck in his role and unable to flee to survive one more day. Stubborn, he refused to show any weakness, forcing Red to follow along even though he never wanted to be the brother of the captain of the Royal Guard. Their relationship became more and more tense, to the point it almost broke. Thanks to Frisk, however, Edge realised how he hurt him these last years, and he's now trying to be better, even if it's not that easy. He's trying, but years of telling himsef he has to be strong and not show any emotion didn't do it any favor. It's better than it used to be, but Edge knows it could never be like it was when they were children. They are too different, they don't have the same objectives. He hopes it can get better one day.
Personality : Active - Allert - Ambitious - Anxious - Argumentative - Arrogant - Athletic - Bold - Calculating - Cheeky - Confident - Critical - Dedicated - Efficient - Fashionable - Fierce - Hardworking - Honest - Creative - Indepenent - Irritable - Kindhearted - LOUD - Moody - Judgemental - Observant - Old-fashioned - Patient - Pessimistic - Polite - Realistic - VERY resentful - Responsible - King of Sass - Snobbish - Strict - Stubborn - Sulky - Trustworthy - Versatile - Protective
Job : Legal consultant, pet shelter volunteer and volunteer cook for aid organizations
Hobbies : Brushing his baby cat, buying new toys to his baby cat, cooking, jogging, fighting with Undyne, bitching on people with Undyne, going to store and embrace the Karen spirit to have free stuff.
Loves : Doomfanger, fighting, cooking, searching for trouble, lasagnas, cats, when people manage to scare him and survive, challenges, dark chocolate, visiting new places, surfing, raging on video games for no reason other than make the other laugh, taunting Undyne and teasing her for her relationship with Alphys, how Frisk sees him as some sort of super-hero.
Hates : Fighting with his brother, Asgore, people abandoning their pets for no valid reason at the shelter, people mistreating animals on the Internet for views, when Doomfanger pees on his bed because he pet another cat, people calling him insensitive, people criticizing his cooking and especially his lasagnas, when Red is trashing the house.
The S/O of his dream : Someone clean, who's not pushing him and who understands he's not being mean on purpose. He's struggling. He likes flirtatious people more than he lets on.
Dealbreaker : Hurting Undyne, Frisk or Red, talking to him like he's an idiot, using his level of violence against him, ignoring him for no reason.
Contacts :
Family : Red - Doomfanger - UF Frisk
Best friends (but would never say it outloud) : Nox - UF Undyne
Close friends : Rus - Wine - Coffee - Copper - Chief - Delta - UF Alphys - UF Grillby
Friends : UT Undyne - UT Frisk - UT Mettaton - Honey - Pumpkin - Rumba - Sam - Ben -
OK/Neutral : UT Alphys - UT Chara - UT Gerson - Oak - Killer - Moon - Sun - Rambo - Salsa - Error
Would better avoid : Sans - Papyrus - UT Toriel - UT Grillby - UT Muffet - UT Asriel/Flowey - Nugget - Dune
Absolutely hates : UT Asgore - UT Gaster - UT Burgerpants - Blue - Willow - Tango - Demon - Creeper - Fang - Torpedo (ESPECIALLY HIM) - Ink
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lisa972kdlz · 6 months
Je crois que je vais poster au fur et à mesure des dessins plus ou moins vieux que j'avais fait et qui me semblent bien à partager :3
Il y a bien un contexte et un sens à cette image mais comme ça vient d'une fanfic ça peut être un peu flou. Enfin je suppose que c'est pas très important pour apprécier un dessin ^^
I think I'm going to post some drawings I've done over the years because why not :3
There's a context and a meaning to this image, but as it comes from a fanfic, it can be a bit vague. But I suppose that's not really important when it comes to appreciating a drawing ^^.
Il a des défauts mais j'en suis plutôt fière !
It has flaws but I'm pretty proud of it!
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Détails du dais :
Canopy details:
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Chaque personnage vient d'un univers alternatif différent. Tous ne sont pas identifiés, mais on peut voir :
Each character comes from a different alternative universe. Not all of them are identified, but you can see :
Color of Othertale who belongs to @superyoumna
GZtale!Papyrus who belongs to @nixensibrat02
Dancetale!Undyne who belongs to @dancetale
Fanon!Nightmare of Dreamtale who belongs to @jokublog
And Alphys, Toriel, Chara and Frisk are characters who belongs to unknown AU's of Undertale which belongs to Toby Fox
À la revoyure (⁠づ⁠。⁠◕⁠‿⁠‿⁠◕⁠。⁠)⁠づ !
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Undertale shitpost
"Hey cross?" Killer turned to his friend tilting his head  in a rather curious matter. "What? What is it?" Cross look at him, eyeing the suspicious flirt in a matter that read: u better not make a stupid your mom joke or I'll kick your butt. "Well- cross...you.. you never told me why your afraid of cows, everyone just knows it's a thing you got but I wanna know why"
Cross sweats nervously as he remembered that day. He was doing a task for his papyrus when suddenly a cow appeared out of nowhere. At first the cow was friendly he eve pet it and gave it  some food to mom on, until..Well... "it tried to eat me" dumbfounded. "What do you mean in tried to eat you? Cows are herbivores!" "We-well this cow tried to eat me! It's evil all cows are evil!" Cross would grab onto killed shoulder. "Do not trust them kill! Do not!"
Horror sat across from nightmare. His eyes shut tight as his boss/friend read him a story. It was Charlie and the chocolate factory. Why was he reading a kids story to this grown adult? Well thus grown adult had a nightmare, plus everyone loves bedtime stories. But soon dust join a, sitting next to horror laying his head on the others shoulder peacefully. "Hey what ya reading" he questions. "Charlie and the chocolate factory. Why?" "Oh shit I love that book!"
Soon enough the room is filled with the whole gang. All forcing nightmare to read them that story only meant for horror. Poor nightmare guess hes not sleeping tonight. 
"SANS!" Called Papyrus breaking into his brothers room, his eyes filled with stars for he had exciting news to share. "SANS! SANS WAKE UP!" "Hu- wha- what is it paps?" The very tired elder sibling would question sitting up to look at his over eccentric brother. "I'M OFFICIALLY A ROYAL GUARD! ISNT THAT GREAT SANS?!" "heh! Yeah bro congrats. You finally got your dream job, I'm so proud of you"
Who said papyrus would never get into the royal guard? What a bunch of lying jerks, papyrus was great and he just proved it. He's officially a guardsmen! And he'll be the greatest at that!
"You really aren't like them huh? That's...that's okay. I'm sorry for everything I did to you.. I just thought you were the same person and if I treated you like them you wild remember.  But I was wrong you aren't them. You aren't chara. You'll never be them"
Frisk nods, holding onto the dying child's hand  as he starts to tear up a little. "I just miss then so much, they were my best friend. My rock to my boulder and now...now they're gone"
a/n: undertale shitpost
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pokegalla · 2 years
I have one done! More to go! (This is gonna take awhile 🥲) Enjoy!
🗡 What are some rumours people have about your character?
* Butler. Evil Butler. Everyone calls him this. He hates it.
* Like really??? That’s how they see him?
* Killer called him Sebastian from Black Butler. He didn’t hesitate to bitch slap him.
The Core Virus:
* Quite proud to be known for causing fear into the hearts of both good and evil.
* An overlord? A being of utter chaos? Man they love it.
* That just makes them more terrifying
* Lmao people be dissing them
* Their rumors just revolve around them being a yandere psycho
* Do they really act like that? Wtf they should be as infamous as The Core Virus as an unstoppable force! Not….some low rated villain that is “yandere”
* They throw an tantrum everytime they hear it.
* He’s got two kinds of rumors: he’s an evil overlord and king of negativity. Then there’s him being a dad of sorts.
* He literally torments people. How is he a father figure?
* Sure he takes care of his new minions and also hangs around Lisa and her team. But he doesn’t want them to die for being idiots. He might need them in the future. It would be a waste.
* Yo who the f$&@ told everyone he prances around in a feathery boa-?!
* It had to be Ink.
* He denies this heavily. He is a destroyer! The hell would he do something as stupid as that?!
* (It’s actually true but Ink MAY have stretched the truth)
* Who made a rumor that her singing makes plants grow?
* She thinks it’s pretty cool. She’s just confused on how that rumor came to be.
* Turns out Ash saw her singing a tune while caring for her plants. She was always pretty good with her green thumb and Ash had misunderstood it as her being magical
* (She does have magic revolving around greenery though. But only in the dark world. Maybe that’s why her dark world form is based on plants….)
* Apparently people think she is young. Like a child young.
* Ooooooooo she hates it.
* She believes it’s because of her flat chest. Which makes her even more pissed.
Deltarune group (the group altogether in general):
* Weirdos
* Rumor has it that they do odd occult things on the low.
* Susie and Kris entertain the idea
* The others however do not and wish they would stop scaring others-
Lisa (Me):
* Quiet kid vibes
* Apparently someone made a rumor about her making a harem of skeletons
* Her response?
* “Shit I wish”
* This leaves everyone confused or concerned
* People really find him intimidating.
* Like they think he’s killed before or would kill someone
* They’re not wrong? But their rumors are a bit harsh or even twisted.
* (Don’t worry his friends got his back. Protecc dah Oreo dude-)
* Demon child
* They definitely think he’s not normal or just plain weird.
* Chara doesn’t care and purposely puts the rumors to good use by scaring people and do crazy pranks!
* (He gets in trouble a lot and Lisa, Nightmare, or Rosa punish him.)
* There’s a rumor that he actually is an infamous Team Fortress 2 player that has top scores. Even won a tournament.
* He denies it though
* Probably just to keep you guessing. Damn jerk….
* Has pastas from all over the world
* Probably true but are YOU gonna look and research ALL those boxes and the different types of pastas he has in storage?
* I’ll wait-
* Has won a pie eating contest
* He doesn’t really deny it but tries to avoid talking about it
* Something about the police getting involved….you decide not to press him further.
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my best boy in mha is Keigo- (I am proud simp)
I haven't really played Undertale but Chara has my interest, as well as Asriel. Aus, god I have too many favorites but some of em are Dream, Nightmare (both passive and corrupted), Killer and Reaper :D
(YAAA Honestly, the last wish is the better one of em in my opinion, and yeah it was so very cool- I loved how much character development Puss had, plus the panic attack was realistic as fuck like ytgukjhfwe- I wish Kitty had seen it tbh- Oh fuck I'm rambling lmao sorry-)
Jsjshshs me too- will be a simp forever, especially after he got burnt tho---
Oh same, i have been in the fandom for years but only played the game, like , a month or two ago
I also love Chara, <333 my precious demon child
And yesss!!! Saw it in the theatre/cinema/(idc what it's called), twas my first movie to see like that and it did not disappoint, i also loved that scene smmm
(dw hearing people ramble about stuff they like is always awesome to see)
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logically-asexual · 3 years
Hold me like you mean it
Logan’s feelings for Virgil and the fact that now Virgil barely notices him are stopping him from getting any work done. Janus offers a way for Logan to cope, by disguising himself into Anxiety. but is this really what Logan needs? and what’s in it for Janus, anyway?
Alternatively, an angsty story about rejection, denial, and manipulation.
warnings: (for the whole fic) unrequited love, rejection, manipulation, unhealthy relationships, gaslighting, dependency, dubious consent and non consent for kissing, sad ending, depression (vaguely described), angst in general, nightmares, self harm. let me know what else i should add.
taglist: @gummibearbullet @chara-07 @the-sympathetic-villain @whatishappeningrightnow
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Chapter 8
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words: 934
The following day, Logan didn’t move from where he woke up until he realized Thomas was having a meeting. He got up, put on his glasses and styled his hair, and went to rise up with the rest. However, right before doing so he realized Janus was already standing there, in his place. He could shove him aside and join anyway, but he decided to stop and listen in for a moment.
Thomas was in the middle of researching for a project, and Deceit helped by listing ways to ensure sources were credible (only the ones that aligned with Thomas’ perspective, of course, but Virgil was able to counter him and balance their information with points both against and in favor). Realizing that everything was under control, he chose to follow Janus’ advice and went back to bed, staying alert in case he was summoned.
He wasn’t, and spent the rest of his day reading a book he found on the nightstand.
The next few days went similarly. He would stay in the room, entertaining himself with puzzles, sleeping, or staring at the ceiling. He didn’t change his clothes, in case he was needed and had to show up quickly. Janus came to talk to him often and told him about their day, about the progress he had made with Thomas to set clear objectives and go after them, while maintaining proper care for himself. Logan felt empty most of the time, but knowing this made him quite proud.
It took them almost a week, but one day the others finally showed concern about his disappearance, or so Janus recounted to him. He said that Thomas inquired about it, and Virgil told them what he had told Logan before leaving his room the week before, assuming this was Logan doing what he asked for and stopping his caring act. Janus let them know that he simply found a more efficient strategy to work in Thomas’ mind, and didn’t need nor want to come out here and discuss his input; all that they needed from him was already there tacitly. According to him, the others understood and swiftly moved on.
Logan knew Deceit wasn’t a reliable source of information, but he had no alternative, with no will to go check himself, and his reasoning told him the story added up. Additionally, he simply couldn’t not trust Janus, he was the one who had always been there for him, and his only real friend in so long, who hadn’t judged him even in his worst moments. If Janus lied to him, it was for the best.
“Did I really harm them?” Logan asked him later that day.
They were sitting together on the bed, Janus had his right arm around Logan’s shoulders, and a book on his other hand. A second left hand came to rest on Logan’s knee, as the first lowered the book and Janus turned towards him. Logan saw his eyes glance to the side, as he mulled over his answer.
“You made wrong decisions,” he said, looking back into his eyes, “but every single time you have acknowledged them, apologized, and tried to make up for them. They’re the ones still choosing to be hurt, you’re not responsible for them. You should focus on what brings you peace of mind.”
Logan nodded, and chose to focus on the comforting weight of Janus’ hands on him. Silently, he slid even closer to him, melting into the embrace. Sometimes, he would overthink his situation, and get the idea that Janus didn’t love him, not as much as he needed Janus, or that Logan didn’t love Janus more than he missed the idea of Virgil he used to have. But it was wrong, this couldn’t be another illusion, it had no reason to. When he thought about what soothed his mind, it was always Janus’ affection, there was nothing else, so he let it be.
Janus lifted the book again and went back into narrating the story out loud for Logan, pulling him away from his thoughts.
After a few minutes, though, Logan was alarmed by a familiar sensation. A tug. A signal that he was being summoned to a meeting.
“They’re calling me.” His eyes widened and his heart hammered in his chest as an uncountable amount of emotions filled his brain. “Janus.” His voice was barely above a whisper. “They’re calling me. Should I go? Maybe they need me. But what if they ask about my absence? Would they care about that? What if it’s about something important? I have to-” His mouth was shut before he could finish.
“Logan.” He turned to Deceit, who was looking back at him sternly. “What do you want?”
He inhaled sharply through his nose. His pulse was still racing. After a second, he tried opening his mouth and found it was no longer sealed. “I…” There was another tug, and he forcefully shut his eyes. “I don’t…”
Janus brushed his hair away from his face. “Come on, darling. You can do it.”
“I don’t want to go.” He finally let out.
“And you don’t have to.” His voice was low and reassuring, and Logan felt the stress fade away with his words. Still, he clung tightly to Janus, using him as an anchor, as if otherwise he would be pulled away against his will. There were no more attempts to call him.
After a moment, he let go of his stiff hold, leaning back. He hesitated, and then changed his clothes into sleepwear.
He would return one day, but for now he just wanted to rest.
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notes: only one chapter left aaaaah. i love janus so much.
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the-judge-of-bones · 3 years
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And as promised, Some headcannons for the extra babies of the dream team, mostly blue because yes.
- It’s really easy to mistake blue and dream for siblings as dream’s body was based off of Blue, They both have yellow magic (Blue being a courage soul trait and Dream hope), They are both 5′1, Both Mweh heh heh when they laugh and both are pretty boundless when it comes to their energy. If they were to swap clothing, the only true difference between them would be their souls, Body type (when ecto is formed, blue is a lot more visibly muscular while dream is lean), voice/font. (Blue is uppercase comic sans/has a deeper tone and Dream is Dream catcher/has a lighter tone) and the fact that only dream radiates a positive aura
- And although they are fantastic friends (And eventually Soul bonded mates with or without an ink in the picture), they don’t consider themselves siblings. Some of the multiverse definitely does but the two of them will be quick to dissuade that thought in anyone who asks.
- Blue as apart of the star sanses is a energetic sweetheart but can and will be extremely serious when the situation calls for it as he takes after the more serious interpretation of blue (vs the owo smol blueberry baby bean most of the fandom likes), He’s more then capable of handling himself against strong opponents. Even with powers he doesn’t understand (His battle with x-tale chara in underverse), He has a mercy mentality but only to people who really deserve it, He’s not afraid to dust those who threaten him or his friends.
- The specific US that blue is apart of is kept secret by all but the other star sanses because whether you like it or not, You make enemies in the multiverse when you fight against their plans (error is a prime example of this), This is to prevent retaliation against him since blue is the only one with a dedicated timeline. Dream’s own is already dead and Ink’s timeline if you could call it that is the doodlesphere. He doesn’t want his brother getting any more grief or worry then he already feels knowing his baby brother is off fighting against things in world’s far past their own (even if he is proud of him-)
- Blue definitely feels inadequate sometimes due to the fact he is the only mortal amongst what is basically a bunch of gods (Ink, Dream, Nightmare), This is even in comparison to nightmare’s squad who shares in Nightmare’s power and a absolute shit ton amount of LV or more unpredictable threats like Error who is a powerful outcode. He’s strong and his magical capabilities are through the roof but for a mortal.
- As a result of this, Blue gets hurt a lot in these battles because he’s just not as durable as dream or ink, You’ll find he has a bunch of small scars and injuries, Mostly on his hands. Covered in colorful little bandages imbued with healing magic that he hides under his gloves. Most of this is because he tends to push himself as he doesn’t want dream or ink to have to worry so much about keeping him safe.
- Dream frequently spends time in underlust ‘blending in’ because Underlust is full of positivity to soak up, he tries to avoid being spotted by anyone as he’s very embarrassed about wearing the traditional stuff seen in underlust even if he looks absolutely adorable in it! (Things to draw at some point)
- Blue has his own room in dream’s realm but it’s more often then not that he finds himself sleeping in dream’s bed alongside him because both of them are very touchy feely and sleep better with someone beside them, Getting up in the morning is a struggle because they being as cuddly as they absolutely get tangled up in each other’s embrace’s and more often not, One of them falls out of bed while trying to get up.
- Blue despite how energetic he is, is NOT a morning person and is a very mumbly tired, Trying to steal someone else’s coffee or leaning up against someone else to try and catch a few more Z’s. But once he’s really gotten going, he usually doesn’t stop for hooooours.
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randomfandomasks · 3 years
General Headcanons Frisk & Chara
First, all frisks and Charas (and Asriels) are all aged up.
Charas are using they/them and she/her pronounces (except Storyshift Chara they are only using they/them pronounce) while Frisks are okay with any pronounces.
Charas are not the “villain”.
Classic Chara and Underfell Chara are the narrators.
All Charas love chocolate, but each one prefers a certain type of Chocolate.
Classic Chara prefers  pure (with nothing in it but Chocolate), normal Chocolate, they do not care how sweet it is. But they hate white Chocolate. They are really picky  with other sweets though.
Underswap Chara prefers white Chocolate although they do  not really have a preference.  She loves Chocolate in any kind of form (chocolate cake, chocolate ice cream etc). 
Underfell Chara really likes bitter Chocolate they do not really like too sweet Chocolate. And they also like hot Chocolate, but without sugar. Chocolate is actually the only sweets that she eats…all other Sweets and Candies are too sweet for her.
Swapfell Chara likes sweet bitter Chocolate, and Chocolate Bars with fillings (nuts, fruits etc). They are picky with their Chocolate bar…it has to have the right amount of sweetness and bitterness. They would probably have one or two favorite Chocolate bars that they like, and they are gonna  be very hesitating with other Chocolate bars.
Storyshift Chara is the definition of a bad Sweet Tooth. They like any kind of Chocolate and Candy. This Chara is basically a walking Candy dispenser they have always any kind of Candy with them. They are unhealthy obsessed with Chocolate. Once they actually mixed every singly type of Chocolate that they had with them together...and they were completely fine.
All Frisks are not picky with their Food at all. Even if some of them are kind of Jerks...but they are definitely not picky.
Classic Frisk: They are very friendly and extroverted although sometimes a bit shy. It’s very easy for them to make friends since they are very kind. They are also very flirty, and they are very good at making people flustered. And they love to give compliments, although they get slightly shy themselves when they receive them. They are good at cooking, baking, solving puzzles and riddles (thanks to Papyrus) and they love adventuring. They are very curious too. Sometimes too curios for their own good. Frisk cherishes and loves all of their friends and their new Family since they do not have their own. Their Hobbies are reading, hanging out with their friends, watching Anime and cooking/baking. There are days when they are feeling guilty over all the Genocide routes, and they sometimes have nightmares. But do not underestimate them and don’t hurt their friends, they have enough determination to kick your butt. Their Favorite Music Genre is probably pop music...I do not think they have one, they like all music genre. Their Hogwarts house would be probably Hufflepuff...I mean they are not reckless or stubborn (enough) to be in Gryffindor. Yes, they are determined and brave but that’s only to protect their friends. They are not very cunning or ambitious either. And a Ravenclaw would (probably) not fall in to the Underground...they won’t even go to Mt.Ebott in the first place. They are dedicated, hardworking and very loyal to their friends. Frisk is  a great friend and they value everyone.
Classic Chara: they look cold outside, but they are actually very sensitive and emotional. A lot of the time they have trouble to express themselves without saying something mean, they really do not mean it that way....they try their best. They love the Monsters with all of their heart and soul, and they hate the humans with passion. Classic Chara doesn’t trust easily. Surprisingly they do love to give compliments they are very shy about it though. Just don’t compliment them back they get very flustered, and usually do not accept it. If they compliment you, you know that this is true since they are very honest, and sometimes blunt. They are good at baking, cooking, gardening and at playing the piano. Chara doesn’t have a lot of friends, but she is actually a very loyal friend, and she cherishes the few friends that they have. They are not really extroverted, but they are not very introverted either...it usually depends on their mood, and who they are talking/hanging out with.  Since they are more Stoic it is usually hard to tell if they like something or not. While they do like Anime they are more of a casual fan. They don’t need to watch every single Anime that’s out there. Their favorite music genre is probably something like ACDC, but, again, they do not really have a preference. (Actually they really do like Lady Gaga and Pink) Their Hogwarts house is Slytherin...they are this type of Slytherin who is usually just minding their business...until you insult or hurt their friends. They won’t hesitate to avada kedavra you into another dimension (or another timeline/universe).
Underswap Frisk: this Frisk loves to mess with people. They could tease and prank everyone all day. Besides that, they are very polite and respectful. They also hate humans just like Classic Chara does, but they are more willing to give them a chance. They trust people way too easily. Just like Classic Frisk they are very flirty, but they do not get flustered as easily. The only reason why the flirt is because they love to mess with people...that’s the only reason actually. Underswap Frisk is way more extroverted and easy to make friends with. Although they are more careful and quieter around Humans. They are good at baking, Gardening and playing the piano. Underswap Frisk actually prefers cartoons to Anime. This does not mean that they do not like Anime they just like funny and more lighthearted cartoons. Their favorite music genre is... well Soundtracks (Disney Soundtracks, Cartoon intros, etc) they are not much of a fan of “normal music” because they think that some songs are way too serious sometimes. Their Hogwarts house would be Gryffindor or Gryffinpuff...they are brave and somewhat reckless. They are just as loud as a Gryffindor is...I think that Underswap Frisk is a very proud person, and they are not afraid to show it. They are basically like Fred & George from Harry Potter. They love to mess and prank people but also always ready to stand up for their friends. 
Underswap Chara: they are very Stoic and way colder than Classic Chara. They do not trust easily, and they are very tensed when Monsters or Humans are friendly to them. Their experience with Humans is...well, not a good one. So, they do not trust Humans at all they would need the longest to learn how to trust others. They are mostly very quiet, but not in a shy way, and more in a “I do not wanna talk to you” way. Underswap Chara can be very sarcastic tough. They are very smart, too. Their hobbies are reading, painting and gardening (although they are not very good at it). They do not like puns and get rather annoyed by them.  On the outside they look always bored and disinterested, but they just have a hard time showing emotions that doesn’t mean they do not have them. They do not watch TV that often mostly because they aren’t used to have one. In general they like Books more, but they also like some video games. They are a very good listener but a not so great talker. Most of the time they do not know what to say which is why they like giving gifts to others. This is their way to show that they care. But they get flustered very easily, ever single time someone is saying something nice to them/or about them, they  blush. They are not used to it a lot of the time people were very mean to them. And if someone gives them a gift they may also start to tear up....if you lucky enough they may also show you a small smile. Their favorite music genre is pop music, and they like more calm music...maybe sometimes a bit of emo music. Their Hogwarts house would be probably Ravenclaw since they are very smart and creative. Also, they are pretty wise...they do not often give advices, they just don’t like given them, but IF they do they always give the best advice. When you look them in the eyes you can see that there is so much wisdom in them...if only they could see it themselves maybe then they wouldn’t be so hard on themselves.
Underfell Frisk: somehow they are even friendlier than Classic Frisk, and also more determined. And that’s probably a good thing. Oh, and they are also very brave...not anyone would give these Monsters so many chances. Who knows how many times Underfell Frisk had to fight each of the Boss Monsters? But they never gave up. Somehow they always see the good side in Humans and in Monsters which is why they are very trusting maybe even naive. They're also very understanding and empathetic. Underfell Frisk does not really flirt...only a few times. They are very oblivious when it comes to flirting...they’re probably the only Frisk that can’t flirt. Even if someone flirts with them, they don’t get it until someone explains it to them. But they do not get flustered...they just nod.They are very generous, and love giving gifts, but they do also like receiving them. Usually they have a small, friendly smile on their face...it is extremely rare to see them angry or annoyed. They’re also very curious and smart. Their Hobbies are hanging out with their friends, meeting new people/monsters, going on an adventure and drawing. While they do not really have a favorite music genre they do have a favorite music band, and it’s Imagine Dragons. Their Hogwarts house is Gryffindor...they are very brave, but they are not the “loud” Gryffindors. They are a smart Gryffindor who is also very brave and reckless. Although their determination to make friends with anyone in the Underground could be a Hufflepuff and a Gryffindor trait.  So, they could be a Gryffinpuff as well.
Underfell Chara: They are more anxious than the other Charas...,and way more quieter. Underfell Chara is more or less a lone wolf, they like to be by themself. This doesn’t mean that they don’t want any friends...in fact they do have a few friends. Although the most of them are Monsters. They just do not need to hang out with other people every single day. Both Humans and Monsters weren’t very kind to them, but if they have to choose who they would want to live with, they would choose Monsters since they never really hurt them. In some way she understands the Monsters because they also have difficulties being kind.They  remember the time when Monsters weren’t that violent (and edgy). The Dreemurrs were all most of the time very kind and generous, even though Asriel loved to mess with them sometimes. They don’t trust easily, but they are willing to give someone a chance...only one. And they are very blunt sometimes they say things without thinking  because of this humans often don’t like them. Humans have issuse exepting the truth.They are generous, and do like sharing things with others. Even though they have problem interacting with strangers, but they are surprisingly very polite despite that once they come out of their shell they always say very interesting things. They have a great memory and they are very good at drawing. While they other aren’t bad at drawing...Underfell Chara would be the only to become an artist, and they would also be very successful at it.  They also like music a lot the only music Genre that they do not like is probably Rap or Hip Hop. Underfell Chara is very creative and intelligent. While they are not really a fan of Puzzles and Riddles, they are very good at them. Their Hogwarts house would be probably Ravenclaw due to their creativity, intelligent, and their also a quick-thinker.
Swapfell Frisk: the introvert Frisk. While the other Frisks are more or less an extrovert this Frisk is definetly an introvert. They are also very anxious. This Frisk has trust issues and they hate humans. They are not willing to give them a chance...why should they?. Well, you could say they are an introvert with Humans, and with Monsters they are an extrovert. They are very hardworking and a loyal friend. They always put others first and themselves second. Swapfell Friks is good at all ot of thing even though they don’t see it themselves. They are very insecure which is why they do not like hanging around Humans since humans are more judging then Monsters are. They love hanging out with their family the most...they do not have a lot of friends. But the few they have are the ones they trust the most. Also they are very generous, they are always donating food and money to the ones that need them. They also would risk their life for others without exepting anything in return. Their Favorite music is surprisingly hard rock and metal. Their Hogwarts house would probably be Huffelpuff since they are very selfless, and all-rounded.
Swapfell Chara: the grumpiest Chara. They are always annoyed. While they also are very determined to help the monsters they are less friendly and more loud about it. They won’t hesitate to simply yell at the Monsters. They do not fear anything as it seems. The moment they’ve met Swapfell! Alphys they simply scolded her for being so violent and mean. (Although Swapfell! Alphys face was priceless)They are also easily annoyed..(and they also have a short temper). Swapfell Chara has a cold expression but that’s only when they are not yelling at anyone. And this Swapfell! Temmie annoyes her the most. Oh, they are also very stubborn..they can argue for a very long time. They always need to have the last word. Swapfell! Chara is probably the loudest Chara. Their personality is like a light switch they get angry pretty fast, but they also calm down just as fast. Swapfell! Chara is good at sports, and at video games.They are always listening to music it helps them to calm down, and to relax a bit. Their favorite music genre would probably be something that helps you relax so, probably instrumental or classic maybe a little bit of pop, too. Their Hogwarts house is Gryffindor since they are very brave (I guess), and they have a very “fiery” personality. Gryffindors definetly have  a short temper since the others houses are more calmer. And they are also very stubborn.
Storyshift Frisk (Shifty): they are very cautious and unsure. They have a shy side and a flirting side. At first they are very shy and do not talk much, but as soon as they get warmed up to someone than they are showing their firting side. They are a big flirt, but they are mostly an oblivous flirt. Sometimes they flirt without even noticing it. They get flustered pretty easily though. Usually they get very shy when someones compliments them. Shifty is also very friendly and polite, but also very open minded and curious. But they are not reckless, they often hesitate before making a decision or going somewhere. It’s very easy to make friends with them. While they do not trust that easily...they give chances...sometimes even too much. They are very determined, too. Shifty loves playing with their friends...they are bit more childish than the other Frisks. They love both watching TV, mostly Anime but also some Cartoons, and reading Books. Shifty is not much of a painter tough, they are more of a musican. They can play a lot of instrument and they listen to every music genre. Of course they likes some music genres more and some less, but in general they are okay with anything. Their Hogwarts house would probably be Huffelpuff or maybe Ravenclaw since they are both extremley loyal and very curious. They are a Ravenpuff/Huffelclaw.
Storyshift Chara: The ultimate tease. They just love to tease and mess with people. Out of all Charas they are the most flirty one. They are is a compliment in almost every sentence. They are always using nickname it is very rare for them to call someone by their real/full name. Also, they are very charismatic and calm. Despite their teasing, calm nature they getting easily offended. They do not like when people call them “cute” since it makes them blush. But they do not get flustered easily it just that they do not see themself as the “cute” one instead they see themselves as the “cool” one. Storyshift Chara also has a serious side, they know that Monsters are very delicate and they are determined to help them. They forgive way easily than the other Charas do. They are can play piano, and are actually verd good with it do despite the fact that they haven’t played it that much. Storyshift Chara loves pranking people with ketchup they considere it’s a hobby. They are very protective of their family (and Monsters in General). It’s kinda surprising that they do not have a lot more friends, but maybe it’s because they are just too lazy to find new ones. They’re not really good with changes and new things. Their favorite music genres are jazz and pop, but they do pretend that they like Rap just so that they can mess with people who do not like it. If they know a person that doesn’t like rap they will definetly play rap music near them. I think their Hogwarts house would be either Huffelpuff or Gryffindor, but I kinda wanna see them in Slytherin, too. 
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ask-endless · 4 years
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Alternate Universe by ErroneousArtist The image used was created by Arctic_Mizikio
Endless!Sans is a character that belongs to a broken alternate universe of Undertale. Due to some leading factors in his backstory he is able to exist outside of these AUs and interact with them.
What is an Alternate Universe (AU)? An Alternate Universe (AU) is when someone creates a spin-off of the original storyline. Usually this means many possibilities, concepts, settings, abilities, personalities, even social differences or standings. Sometimes it has many inclusions of the original cast from Undertale or additions to those characters. The collection of these AUs are called the Multiverse.
Can Endless!Sans travel throughout the Multiverse? Endless!Sans can create portals in a digital fashion consisting of glitching and distortion to access other universes. Even some that are otherwise unreachable by normal means due to his code ability. However, due to the complications of some universes this may not be possible due to the interference of other creators.
Is Endless!Sans part of the Bad Sanses? Yes, because of his hatred for humans and resets he tends to work for Nightmare. This allows him to be able to execute his plans for all timelines to stop resetting even if the results are negative timelines.
What is Endless!Sans’ weapon of choice? Endless!Sans uses the knife that his Chara had when they completed their multiple Genocide Routes. This is mainly due to his low production of magic after his soul was shattered and corrupted by hatred. Still he has other abilities that will be explained further in this FAQ.
Official Design Sheet
The image created by Kikyo_Tora
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The following information is base on Endless!Sans’ backstory. This is simply a guide to his official outfit and character design.
Endless’ outfit is overall gray-scale due to a factor in his backstory which turns his clothes into gray-scale. This happens with all his clothes. On average it takes anywhere between 5mins to 60mins for clothes to completely turn gray-scale.
There is a hidden scarf that is extremely torn and near gone under all of his clothes that once belonged to his Papyrus. He is extremely attached and will not let anyone touch it.
Layers go as follows: Hidden torn Scarf of Papyrus, White T-Shirt, Black Shorts with white lines down the side, Vest-Hoodie with fluffy hood and pockets, sometimes wears White Socks, and his fluffy Slippers. 
Red rimmed glasses for when his left (red) eyelight is not active due to his poor vision. He hates wearing them in front of others so it is unlikely he is to wear them at all even if he is near completely blind without his left eyelight.
There are dust markings on his hands and feet do not come off. No matter what it is bound to him as a reminder of his sins; this is mainly due to the Karma (KR) that he has inflicted on himself in his battle with Frisk/Chara.
Endless!Sans has three tongues that are almost tentacle like in nature. However, he can force his magic to only summon one though it takes more magic to do this since he has to force it to make a singular tongue.
Any ecto-parts that are summoned are bright red to represent the determination he has within him. Very rarely can blue or yellow ecto be seen sparkling within it to represent the original Sans but this is an extremely rare occurrence. 
During times of stress or upon his death there will appear a “Death Slash” across his chest where Chara killed him on many Genocide runs. Often it will “leak” with determination.
Endless!Sans is also a glitch. Often a few white glitches will appear or he will randomly distort. This is due to his messed up coding.
Why are his eyelights two different colors? The right eyelight is white due to being the original Sans he use to be. However, it is often faded cause of his backstory which caused his right eye to become almost completely blind. His left eyelight is fully red with a black center. The red is due to Determination that fuels his magic. Sometimes on very rare occasions the blue or yellow from his original magic can shine in.
Is there a reason why his bones are black? Due to absorbing Chara/Frisk’s soul it turned his own soul black due to the hatred within Chara. Over time in his Save Screen his bones began to turn black and the dust stains on his hands became more noticeable.
Does this mean his blush is red? Endless!Sans’ blush is red. On rare occurrences it can have ‘freckles’ that appear throughout his face. His magic also smells like Chocolate covered Strawberries.
✧ Personality and Traits ✧
Small Warning: Mental illness will be spoken about. Research has been done about these illness as well as the creator themselves suffers from a few of them. Please note that these are not used to insult anyone with these disabilities. The following are all canon personalities and traits for Endless!Sans:
Endless!Sans would be best described as socially awkward when it comes to others (this excludes any Papyruses/Papyri).
Endless!Sans is also a extremely passionate chef. There is few things that bring him joy in the multiverse and cooking is one of them. He is very proud of his cooking skills. Described by their creator as the Gordon Ramsey of Sans.
Endless!Sans is a hypocrite. Do as he says not as he does.
Endless!Sans constantly is under the effects of Karma (KR) which made him very hard to communicate rationally with.
Endless!Sans hates humans. There is nothing that can be said or done that will change his mind about such things. He blames mostly Frisk/Chara for everything which often leads him to tracking them down in each universe and killing them without mercy. 
Endless!Sans tends to avoid harming any Papyrus/Papyri in any universe.
Endless!Sans can sew and crochet. Though he isn’t very good at crocheting. He tends to rip his clothes a lot by accident so he has learned to sew them up without it looking like patchwork.
Endless!Sans absolutely hates Ink!Sans, and highly dislikes Killer!Sans (however is willing to work with him due to joining Nightmare!Sans’ crew).
Endless!Sans will glitch out or become distorted if he is stressed out.
Endless!Sans has mild Haphephobia, Chronic PTSD, Manic Depressive, and Anxiety. These are the confirmed disorders he suffers. However, he avoids seeking professional help and prefers to run away from his problems instead of facing it.
Endless!Sans will often visit surface worlds just to look at the cities and skies. This is due to never having a true Good Ending. He tends to hate going to the underground unless he is ordered too go there.
Endless!Sans cannot die permanently. Due to the high amounts of Determination he continues to absorb from many universes he persists even after death and will “respawn” back in his Save Screen in Endlesstale. However, it can take anywhere between an hour or a year before he is able to escape the Save Screen.
=============================================== Nightmare and Endless The image used was created by CoolCowboyCody. 
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✧ Backstory Information ✧
The backstory is currently in the works. However, please refer to this guide.
What is the original name of Endless’ AU called? Endless and Endlesstale is not the original names that he had went by. However, it has not been revealed what these original names were.
What happened to Endless’ Soul? Is it really just a shard? When Endless absorbed the human soul of Chara it almost killed him. He managed to get to the Save Screen with his determination before he completely dusted. From there certain events occur before his his bones turn black.
How did he escape his Save Screen? Often Ink!Sans would visit to see if something new happened to Endless’ story. However, one day the artist spoke about a reset that happened in a universe he had visited which set Endless into a rage. They fought briefly before Ink tried to just run away. However, not realizing how quick Endless was Endless had tackled him at the moment of Ink using his paint for teleportation. From there he completely glitched out and ended up separated and in a part of the Mutliverse where he discovers his portal ability.
What happened to Endlesstale? Before Ink!Sans showed up Endless had shattered the Reset button completely. Destroying all chances of any new game to be played. The last save is the only save file which is after Endless killed the human.
✧ Additional Information ✧
This is some additional facts and information. Please note that you are free to make your own Head-Canons.  All information provided is just his canon to Endlesstale.
When was Endless created? October 14th, 2019 was the official date of creation.
Is Endlesstale accessible to other Sanses? Only few of the AU Sanses have the ability required to get into this AU. Ink!Sans being one of them and unknown if anyone else has been able.
What is Endless’ birthday and age? August 1st is his official birthday. Endless is 23 years old canonically. However, he isn’t sure on his birthday this is just what he remembers.
Official height for Endless? Endless is slightly taller by the original Sans by an inch. 
What are some of Endless’ abilities in battle? Unfortunately, Endless lost most of his abilities that a normal Sans would have after absorbing the human soul. Such as he does not typically summon bone attacks. Either he cannot or he chooses not too. That has yet to be explained.  Endless is actually very quick. Faster than most Sanses due to glitching. He is not limited to one reality but he tends not to use his abilities due to being rather lazy. Unless it comes to human hunting. So, he rather just die and respawn back in his own AU if things are dire enough.  The ability to summon his Gaster Blasters is vastly cut short. He can choose to summon many at once that do little damage as well doesn’t have the KR ability attached, or one big one that is highly powerful. Both options slowly take away his magic usage over time. Instead he relies on his his weapon of choice; knives. Though he is outmatched by Killer!Sans when it comes to blades (except Endless’ knifework in the kitchen). Another reason he cannot stand him.
Is Endless ambidextrous? Yes, he is actually!
What are Endless’ hobbies other than working for Nightmare? Endless tends to enjoy cooking even though he is not so good at baking. He has gotten rather good at it and perfected many of the Papyruses/Papyri’s recipes.  Aside from cooking he enjoys memes, dark humor, sewing or crocheting, stargazing, or watching cooking shows. 
Does Endless sleep? No, he tends to be wired on coffee, whiskey, and pure will-power. This is due to his haunting nightmares. He will never get a restful sleep. Instead he just tends to busy himself with work.
What is Endless’ assigned font? https://www.dafont.com/endless-boss-battle.font
Is there a canon gender for Endless? Endless is male.
What is Endless’ canon sexual orientation? Endless is not romantically or sexually interested in anyone.
✧ Bad Sanses ✧
This is some information about how he acts with the Bad Sanses. Please note that you are free to make your own Head-Canons. All information provided is just his canon to Endlesstale.
How did Endless become employed by Nightmare!Sans? When Nightmare was invading a timeline one day he came across Endless killing humans but leaving monsters alive. This generated much negativity, naturally, Nightmare was very curious about him. When Nightmare realized that Endless was a walking negativity emitter due to his constant state of Karma (KR) he and Endless struck up a deal.
What is Endless opinions of all the Bad Sanses? Going down the list... Killer!Sans - Endless dislikes him. His complete disregard for killing anyone and everyone makes him sick. The fact that Killer has no remorse about who he kills especially when it comes to a Papyrus makes Endless boil in rage. Dust!Sans - Even though Dust hurts Papyrus’ his remorse for killing his own brother still allows some tolerance of the matter. Though he still keeps his guard up at all times around him. Horror!Sans - These two actually get along fairly well. Due to Endless being a chef he tends to make food for Horror and even present it to Crooks (Horror’s Papyrus). This makes them get along fairly well. Especially after a few puns are shared. Cross!Sans - One of the only ones that Endless could become friends with to some degree. They both has the same taste in humor as well both are friends with Epic!Sans.  (bonus) Error!Sans - These two, while having similar goals and very much common interest, they do not seem to get along. It also depends if Error!Sans knows about Endless’ past. This would cause the destroyer to either hate him entirely or avoid him.
✦ Can I use him with other information than what is listed above? Absolutely! As long as everyone understands the differences between canon and fanon then there is no harm in enjoying this character. However, please be respectful and do not force your opinions on others. If people have issues with how you use him please show them this FAQ page. ✦  Can I use him for things such as Roleplay, Drawings, Fanfics, etc? Absolutely! As long as everyone understands the differences between canon and fanon then there is no harm in enjoying this character. However, please be respectful and do not force your opinions on others. If people have issues with how you use him please show them this FAQ page.
✦ Can I use him to ship with others?
Absolutely! As long as everyone understands the differences between canon and fanon then there is no harm in enjoying this character. However, please be respectful and do not force your opinions on others. If people have issues with how you use him please show them this FAQ page.
✧ Using Endless ✧
Please be sure to have read the above sections before reading this.
Must I tag you for credit every time Endless content is made?  Please do! I would much rather be tagged. He is still my original design and would not like anyone to misrepresent that. For all SFW credit please use the details below: @ErroneousArtist is my handle on most places. Such as the following: Tumblr, Twitter, Discord, Deviantart, etc. #Endlesstale #EndlessSans #ErroneousArtist For all NSFW credit please use the details below:  @ErroneousSins is my NSFW handle. Such as the following: Twitter #Endlesstail #NSFWEndlessSans #ErroneousSins
May I use him for things not related to Undertale? No, please do not do this. Endless is still my character and I would like to keep him within the Undertale community. Thank you.
Am I allowed to draw/write fanart of him? Please do! Please be sure to use the credit as listed above.
Am I allowed to add him to comics or interacting with other characters? Please do! Please be sure to use the credit as listed above.
Am I allowed to add him to Undertale related games? Please do! Please be sure to use the credit as listed above.
Am I allowed to pair him with my OCs or other characters? Please do! Please be sure to use the credit as listed above.
Am I allowed to design Endlesstale characters? Please do! Please be sure to use the credit as listed above.
Am I allowed to roleplay as him? Please do! Please be sure to use the credit as listed above.
Am I allowed to commission other people to draw him or am I allowed to accept commissions with him? Please do! Please be sure to use the credit as listed above.
Am I allowed to make merch (plushies, keychains, posters, etc) of him to sell? As of right now, please message me privately about it. If I allow it then please be sure to use the credit as listed above. ================================================ Credit to TheCrayonQueen for Aftertale and Errortale inspired stories. The characters Geno!Sans and Error!Sans belong to CQ. All inspiration is drawn from these characters and should be respected as such. Please understand that while the original concept and theme is being used with approval from CQ themselves via their FAQ... Endlesstale has an inspired theme but taken its own liberties to become its own story. Please respect the original concept artist and developer. Design layout of this FAQ credited to Comyet. It helped be able to properly set up everything needed.
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I finally got a colored digital drawing of my Nightmare!Chara done! Really proud of this design overall
Link to an explanation of this idea here:
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Hello, I'm kind of new to your au. What is the basic premise of Rivertale? Also, did the characterisations of Delta and Blackberry change over the course of making the Rivertale comic? I feel like the Delta we see in the beginning acts very different to the Delta we see later on or in interactions with other aus. What's the relationship between Delta and Blackberry? Why is Blackberry so much smaller than other sanses? Also, what's up with Crushedberry? Why is he "breaking"?
Hoo boy. I was worried about an ask like this. But I AM glad you asked.
At the very beginning- Delta AND Blackberry had no personalities. In things I write/draw- I allow the characters to grow starting with a general base personality- usually built on something that the mass works of others collect in my mind. Sadly- that means Delta appeared stupid and goofy- and Blackberry was kind of aloof. Fortunately- my characters tend to lead me to how their personalities REALLY are after a short while- and thus often end up completely different than that of their beginnings. So- Delta started out stupid and goofy (like everyone else in the fandom seems to make him, save for @maxladcomics‘ Fell) - But later he developed the personality that really makes him fit into the story arch (his indifferent, gloomy and slightly angry self) and Sans was aloof and ‘cool’ (as like with everyone’s obsession/depiction of them in the fandom, save for Maxlad’s sans’) - but later developed... well he’s kind of unimportant, honestly. You’ll see why when I explain the Premise of Rivertale-
So I created Rivertale on the sole basis of I was getting tired of the same old story with AU’s. Sans is awesome, is an enigma and can do anything- takes care of his borderline stunted mentally little brother, who has no friends, no personality other than over-the-top obnoxious and ‘innocent’. However the premise of Rivertale is this:
It’s actually a story arch that follows the spiral of a monster who lost everything, and forfeited his brilliant mind in the process. Destroying more than what he initially lost due to his incredible grief... and pushing away/torturing/traumatizing the only ones that kept him connected to the thing he lost- his wife. (Which is why it jumps -every chapters end- to a flashback to Gaster’s story) But it mainly follows the River brothers- Delta and Blackberry- in their multiverse travels to try and seek out the only monsters that can possibly help them defeat the massive entity of cruelty and insanity their father has become. Their originals. The brothers cannot touch which was due to two reasons:
I didn’t want people shipping them together
It is an aspect of the story no one is aware of yet... they cannot touch because [redacted] and that really is the main reason other than the shipping part.
Delta has received severe irreversible damage to his rib cage when they were baby bones from accidentally coming in contact with one another. There’s a lot of mystery about the boys that will explain a lot of why they are they way they are- that being [redacted] as well as Gaster [redacted] them so technically [redacted] but you’ll find all that out eventually in the comic.
Delta and Blackberry’s relationships are extremely estranged, while it is obvious the two generally care for one another- as it shows when Delta saves Blackberry- and soon to be posted- Blackberry doing what he can for Delta in his situation... they also hate each other pretty severely for various reasons. I derived this from my own experience with my siblings- it bothered me to see how incredibly close Sans and Papyrus were. I am the youngest of EIGHT- and I had never hugged my sisters until I turned 25, and that was once- and it was awkward- and we haven’t even touched the other’s hand/arm/back since. So I wanted to portray THAT kind of sibling interaction to better portray that not ALL siblings are touchy-feely, ‘there for each other’, ‘stick up for you’ kind of people. Sometimes they just leave you be- and you leave them be, and you get to be proud from afar when they grow up semi-ok. Delta hates Blackberry because he’s actually useless. Not like how other Sans’ are useless- Blackberry is ACTUALLY useless. He’s tiny- so he’s not fast... he can’t use magic- so he can’t help fight- his hands are incredibly small- so he can’t even hold a physical weapon... he’s generally a walking target that Delta HAS to protect- because otherwise if he let Blackberry get hurt- it’d just be MORE cumbersome.
Blackberry hates Delta because he’s everything he isn’t. He’s tall, handsome, powerful, calm-- plus Delta automatically inherited their mother’s armor, because he could actually WEAR it- while Blackberry only got her fuzzy slippers. Literally and figuratively getting the short end of the stick. Plus he’s well aware he’s a burden- and constantly wants to be more help, but in doing so he just causes more issues for Delta to have to deal with.
Blackberry and Delta were ‘premies’ in the monster world. Their mother was murdered by Chara when they were still ‘en utero’ and as their mother’s soul crumbled around their little souls- their father incubated them in vats to keep them alive. (This will actually be shown in the next flashback- but I don’t mind saying it now.) Gaster noticed their souls were slowly fading, so in order to keep the last thing Gael created alive... he took some of her dust- and his essence and poured the mixture into the vat of magic and other chemical compounds that acted as a ‘womb’ for the twins. This mixture worked- for a short while- until Gaster noticed Delta’s soul was needing more than what they had to offer (in all honesty if Gael were still alive and carrying them, Delta would have miscarried due to this- or he would have ended up killing Gael) so in desperation, Gaster placed a screw driver in the crack from the stab wound he received from Chara and pulled hard- breaking out the middle of his hand into pieces and throwing those pieces into the two vats. Delta’s received more than Blackberry’s and days later their little skeletons formed. Using the extra bone from Gaster. So because of this- Delta received more ‘calcium’ than Blackberry.
Crushedberry is a totally different entity... lol he is way more powerful than Blackberry- but he appears to not be able to use magic either. The reason being is because of his appearance. In Riverfell- the way monsters show their affection is through acts of violence. A hug is physically painful- unless the intent of the hug is to actually cause pain. So- Levee cares a LOT about his disgusting brother- and often will be found stomping him into the ground- throwing various heavy objects on top of him- or just generally tearing him into pieces. So Crushedberry is literally held together by his magic- that’s what the pink goop is. It’s his magic, liquified, to hold himself together. It works in his favor though- as he is more violent than Levee- as an ‘Eradicator’ of Riverfell, his magic is perfect for hunting, finding, and trapping weak little ones- with the added bonus of being able to eat with his mouth- or with the acid of his magic burning into flesh after a few minutes of contact. He’s a real nightmare :)
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Hope that answered everything! I’m so glad you asked- and hope you continue to have an interest <3 I do work hard on this story--
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secretmarial · 4 years
So I’ve been thinking a lot about the KFC kids in general and their genders. Obviously all three are non-binary, and seem to prefer they/them, though Frisk only spent a day among monsters and is probably the youngest so they may pick out different pronouns at a later point. Anything from this point on is headcanon, do not feel as though I am trying to push my opinions on you!
Long post under the readmore!
Then I decided to start thinking about their assigned genders, just to get a better handle on backstory. Actually, that’s a lie. I saw that one galaxy brain meme about afab nb being perceived by other people, thought of Chara, and then when I thought about it I decided that being afab would give Chara maximum suffering and as much as I love them, suffering at the hands of humans is a major part of their personality. Note that I say afab would elicit maximum suffering because ‘male’ clothing is worn by basically everyone, while a-hole bios looking to force Chara to be a ‘good girl’ could shove them into dresses. (And also periods ohGod)
Chara now has problems with anything stereotypically feminine which they would hopefully address in therapy. MTT would of course be delighted to help them become more comfortable with the concept of dresses and makeup not meaning ‘girl’ though only at their own request. They end up a tendency to recoil from femininity so much that they overcorrect into masculinity. They do not identify as a male-nb, however, but as agender.
I decided Frisk is intersex because they seem to fill a role of ideal-Chara. Not to say that they are a replacement in any way shape or form, but it sort of ties in to Asriel saying that Frisk is the type of friend he wished he could have had. Frisk also achieves Chara’s goal of freeing monsterkind, and is compared to them on at least one occasion, besides the mistaken identity. It would almost make sense that Frisk would naturally have the kind of body Chara would be envious of. Also, I love the idea of Frisk growing up to have all of the secondary sex characteristics. They’re tall as heck, have broad shoulders, wide hips, curvy breasts, facial hair, ect, ect. I just want Frisk to be visibly, aggressively nb to anyone who looks at them.
I decided to have one kid for each assigned gender so Kris is amab. This is mostly to differentiate them from their siblings, since a lot of people want to say Kris is one, the other, or a fusion. That’s really all I have to say for them, at least until we get a better handle as to what exactly is happening in Deltarune. So this basically means that Chara and Kris are trans, while Frisk is technically cis. This throws Chara for a bit of a loop but they roll with it.
Frisk and Kris are both totally cool with dresses, makeup, and jewelry, though Frisk enjoys dressing up more than either of their fellow adopted siblings. This makes sharing a headspace with Chara a little awkward though, so they avoid it at first to keep from giving Chara dysphoria.
I also made decisions on deadnames, which I wasn’t originally going to share because they don’t matter but I’m going to be honest I’m a little proud of myself here. I decided that Chara’s deadname is Lucille, because of the similarity to Lucifer, as a shoutout to the demon that comes when you call its name. My dad has a snake named Lucifer and we call her Lucy, a common nickname for Lucille, so that’s where that came from. I also decided that young Chara didn’t originally know that nonbinary was a thing, they just knew they weren’t a girl. So, they figure, they have to be a boy, right? (Wrong) So they cut their hair short in the middle of the night (I recently decided that this is prompted by a nightmare, which I might expand on later, especially if anyone asks). Then they stare in the mirror and realize that they need a boy name, right? They consider (I considered) Luke, based on their original name, but then realized that they could use this opportunity to name themselves after the coolest guy ever, Jim Kirk! (Chara is a canon nerd, fight me) Except, James is kinda a boring name? And Kirk sounds weird. So during their short time identifying as male, Chara goes by the name Tiberius. They announce this to all of their classmates the next day. ‘But it sounds a little pretentious, you can call me Ty for short!’ Their parents and classmates and probably teachers all gave them hell for it, which is depressing. Then they eventually realize that, even if no one is really respecting their new male pronouns or any of it, ‘boy’ doesn’t fit any better than ‘girl’ did. So they just ditch the concept of gender as a whole. I like to think they gave themselves their name as they were climbing Mt. Ebott, and it became something of a mantra to them. ‘My name is Chara. My name is Chara.’ Then they fall and meet Asriel, and the first thing they blurt out after he asks if their okay is “My name is Chara!”
Kris was adopted by the Dreemurrs young enough that they might as well not have a deadname, because they don’t remember it at all, not even the faintest inkling of it. Actually it’s possible that they don’t, that their bios didn’t name them, if they were adopted from birth.
Frisk, oddly enough, does have something of a deadname, though it’s only really on a technicality. I have weirdly specific Frisk headcanons, which involve their homeless single father calling them by dozens of pet names, so often that they legitimately don't realize that one of them is their actual legal name. That one name?
No I will not stop being ridiculous and making things deeper than they need to be, you can’t make me. Anyway, have a nice day and please feel free to shout at me about any of this I would love to discuss, as long as you’re discussion does not involve the KFC children having binary genders.
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Are you all still active? And do you accept oc rp accounts or only canon based ones?
((Oh boy.
So here’s the thing...I’m probably not going to give these blogs quite the attention I did in the beginning, and I should explain why because you all deserve that.
At first, I didn’t think these things would go anywhere. I figured they’d be fun to play around with, banter, get some jokes in and see a few likes, maybe a reblog or two. But then they started gaining traction, and before I knew it, people were invested in my silly little accounts.
I wrote down a quick sketch of a plot and some ground rules for myself, rules that I intended to follow. I essentially wrote a post-Endgame story before Endgame after I saw Infinity War incorporating the elements I wanted to see in the next movie. At the time I was one person. No one was helping me. I knew I wanted to tell a story you all could participate in and enjoy, and to do that I thought it was best if I laid out a groundwork for myself on ways to do that. Things like resolving to answer every Ask, even if it was just to warn the person to stop what they were doing. To adopt every kid (at first that wasn’t on Anon but then I gave in). To give you guys Milestone rewards as thank yous, because even when I just hit fifty subscribers on Tony’s blog, I was ecstatic and appreciated you all so much, and felt like you deserved something so I could show you my gratitude. Unfortunately, before they went up...someone forced me to use one I wasn’t expecting. Literally right after I had made the rule for myself.
I told myself that if anyone found an Infinity Stone, it would be the one Tony had.
The Soul Stone.
I needed the Soul Stone for the plot to work, but I needed Tony to have a safety precaution around it too since Thanos was (is?) still alive. I told myself that if someone found out Tony had the Stone and wasn’t supposed to, he would have a way to protect it. So I had to use the solution I gave him: FRIDAY sending the Stone to an unknown planet with one of the Iron Man suits and promptly wiping her databanks of its location so Thanos or anyone else would be unable to find it. 
So someone found an Infinity Stone...and it was just...gone. Before I’d figured out how Tony would get it back.
My fellow Admins all know this. I can’t begin to tell you how many discussions I’ve had with them trying to write myself out of this hole. Usually, I’m pretty good at getting characters out of seemingly impossible situations...but I haven’t come up with anything that feels believable, that I feel like justifies the plot I have in mind or really respects the characters and who they are.
Normally I would have just gotten rid of the plot point of the Soul Stone being lost completely...but this isn’t an unfinished chapter in my Google Docs. It already happened. I can’t change it.
I don’t know if you guys have read Mercy by Stephen King or watched the movie, but it makes an excellent point that I strongly agree with:
Annie Wilkes : When I was growing up in Bakersfield, my favourite thing in the whole world was to go to the movies on Saturday afternoons for the Chapter Plays.
Paul Sheldon : [nodding]  Cliffhangers.
Annie Wilkes : [shouting]  I know that, Mr. Man! They also called them serials. I'm not stupid ya know... Anyway, my favourite was Rocketman, and once it was a no breaks chapter. The bad guy stuck him in a car on a mountain road and knocked him out and welded the door shut and tore out the brakes and started him to his death, and he woke up and tried to steer and tried to get out but the car went off a cliff before he could escape! And it crashed and burned and I was so upset and excited, and the next week, you better believe I was first in line. And they always start with the end of the last week. And there was Rocketman, trying to get out, and here comes the cliff, and just before the car went off the cliff, he jumped free! And all the kids cheered! But I didn't cheer. I stood right up and started shouting. This isn't what happened last week! Have you all got amnesia? They just cheated us! This isn't fair! HE DID'NT GET OUT OF THE COCK - A - DOODIE CAR!
Paul Sheldon : [long pause]  They always cheated like that in cl... chapter plays.
I don’t want to cheat you all. As arrogant as it might sound, I think I’m a better writer than that. And you all certainly deserve better than that.
When I went to see Endgame (in full Tony Stark cosplay, might I add), I hoped to find inspiration to continue. And let’s just say that ending killed a part of me and I’m still dealing with nightmares and panic attacks over it. My mom asked me if I wanted an Avengers cake for my 22nd birthday and I burst into tears. I just...I can’t handle it right now.
But I recently got my inspiration back for this plot. I remembered how much I loved my ideas, the little timeline I had laid out for myself. I remembered how much fun it was for Tony and Stephen to interact with their kids, for Thor and Loki to talk to Midgardians. I remembered how much fun it was to use obscure ships. And I want to do it. For those reasons, I want to come back to it. I want to see that plot through to the end of the line, whatever that may be.
So I’ve added some elements, and I’ve decided to go in with firmer rules than I had at the beginning, where I would let anyone tell Tony and Stephen “yeah, so...I’ve been stabbed, ‘sup with you guys lol”.
The catch is...it won’t be on these blogs.
It would mean going through everything on them and pretending it didn’t happen, which hardly seems fair, especially when so many people still like and reblog some of my more popular posts. It doesn’t seem fair to just throw all of that away.
Like I said, I don’t want to cheat you, and doing that feels like cheating to me.
So instead I’m starting over. I’m in the process of setting up new blogs, a new Discord server, and I’m working with my Admins to put these new blogs into place.
The other big twist is...I won’t be advertising them here.
I don’t want you all to think I don’t value and appreciate all your kindness and support.
But I don’t want you all to join those new blogs just because I made a joke on Bucky’s account (in this set of blogs) that you liked. I want you to join because you’re invested, because you enjoy the interactions, because you like my writing for what it is and not just because it’s me typing it. It’s the same reason I have a separate AO3 account I never share.
I feel proud when people come to these blogs and see Tony confronting Steve and find out I was writing both of them, not bouncing off a fellow Admin.
I hope I don’t sound ungrateful. I’m swear not. But I want the new blogs to earn their following just like these did. You all saw something in these blogs, whether it was a joke, some advice; something that meant something to you. Maybe you saw family. Maybe you saw a friend. I don’t know. But I sincerely hope that whatever it was, I earned that follow from you. That I earned those likes and reblogs of my own volition.
All I ask of you is if you want to see where these new blogs will go, if you want to follow them, if you find them, please, don’t spoil what will happen for any newcomers who join the ranks. Certain plotpoints will carry over. I want any new fans to be as invested and surprised as you were.
Maybe one day I’ll tell you where the plot moved if you can’t find it and you want to know the big picture. Maybe you’ll just unfollow me or ignore the fact that I’m working on something else.
But I’m not going to just up and abandon these blogs. For a long time, they meant something to me, and at least to some of you. They’ll stay up, and I’ll answer your asks and engage with you. I can’t speak for the other Admins. But with me, you’ll always have someone to message, even if I take forever. But no more nitty-gritty plot. We’ll say Thanos got tired of holding Quill prisoner and fucked off somewhere. These blogs are now just for lighthearted family fun.
This is a long-winded rant to say that yes, I am still active in some ways, and I’m not in others.
As for OC accounts, they have always been welcome, but they don’t get put on the Masterlist or get OC-centric plots. Just be sure to follow certain rules- like Tony having no biological children.
I’m sorry for the rant.
TL;DR: I’m making new blogs to write this plot as I originally intended, but these will stay up and you can message them (at least mine). Also, OCs are cool and always welcome. ~Admin Chara))
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aymar-lounox · 5 years
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CH0: Out of Sight: PART 1 <--- PART 2 ---> Soon…
PERSONAL ADVICE: Download the PDF file it’s better IMO, I like the font & colors there better, tell me if the colors are making things worse~ Link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Wu0fcnNzuWZEy1_A9cU1otnrUYH_K5A2
Chara woke up after a rather long sleep, they were on a bed, and it wasn’t any kind of bed, it was very soft, and absurdly big, as no matter how far they tried to extend their arms and legs they couldn’t reach its end…
((a King-sized bed for sure!))
“oh… it doesn’t hurt anymore…” said Chara as all of her wounds disappeared like if they never existed.
they stretched their arms up, then downwards, and they hit something-
“Ouch!” -said Asriel who was still sleeping…
“Ah! Sorry, I didn’t see… you…” apologized Chara
“Ah- It’s alrighty! I’m the one who…” -the prince suddenly stopped
“It was Me who… wanted to stay here… you were like- having nightmares- I think? and I didn’t want to let you alone-… and-” anxious and embarrassed, Asriel found it hard to explain himself…
“it’s okay… um… thank-”
“Asriel wake up!! the breakfast is ready; make sure to bring our guest too! I prepared a pie!” -called Toriel from the kitchen interrupting the child’s thanks
“I’m coming mom!” replied the Prince
“do you feel okay Chara? Does it still hurt somewhere?”
Chara simply shook her head in a clear “no”
“Great!! Then let’s go, you’re going to love mom’s pie for sure!!!” – said the prince all excited as they held the child’s hand and dragged them to the kitchen
“Good morning dad! good morning mom!”
“Good morning Asriel; Oh! And to you too young child, “Chara” was it right? how are you feeling?”
“good, thanks…” they said quietly hiding behind the young prince
“Here comes my Cinnamon Butterscotch pie! the biggest part belongs to our guest of course!”
“Whoa! aren’t you lucky?!” said the king with such a goofy soft voice; nothing compared to what Chara heard the day before…
The little guest remained silent gazing into the table…  
“Are you perhaps allergic to cinnamon my child? I can cook you something else if you want”-
“No… I just…” -replied the quiet one.
they started moving their hand around the table, around the plat, looking for something… the fork, they found it, getting a grip of it; they quickly went and took a piece of the pie in front of them.
-Asriel was excited and impatient to see Chara’s reaction, the king was as curious but was calmly observing the guest from the corner of his eye.
“It’s… very soft…and sweet.” Said Chara
“Hehe, your welcome~” Said Toriel all proud
-Despite enjoying the pie, Chara had something important to tell the monster family, they gathered all the courage they found, put their fork down on the table…
“Madame Monster…”
“you can call me Toriel my child…”
“…okay…Madame Toriel…”
-Toriel left a sight out, a little smile on her face
“can I ask you something…”
“well, Of course, my child!” 
“are you going to eat me?”
“What- No, why would we do that?” -startled said Asgore
“because I was a bad girl… I disobeyed to mother, and she always told me that bad kids have their eyes and hearts eaten by monsters…”
“I don’t want a pie…” their voice beginning to break
“and you can eat my heart if you want… but-”
-Asriel startled by the scary sayings of the child; dropped the piece of pie of his fork; his eyes quickly went full of tears again.
“just, don’t take my eyes… they, are very special... even if they-… don’t look- …you can have my heart instead, I don’t mind…but leave me my eyes…”
Suddenly pausing, after thinking for a moment. “... please?”
The young girl, had such an awkward manner of speaking, confused, anxious, and difficultly trying to explain their mind, it was obvious that they never really socialized…
Toriel stood up and went up toward Chara’s chair, she knelt “Listen Chara… We are not going to hurt you… Nor, will we be taking your eyes or even your heart… so please, never say that again okay? you can stay with us as long as you wish, nothing will hurt you, you are safe here.”
“Tori is right! young one, you don’t have to fear anything, since I! THE KING of the Monster kind, assure you that we are going to protect you from anything! But you don’t have to worry, monsters are very kind, naïve even Haha!” -Said the King with a voice full of pride and confidence
Chara remained silent, and in their silence, they experienced a moment of disbelief, the child reached for her eyes, touching them, feeling them, she smiled slightly…
“Asriel would you take our little guest; see the stars in Waterfall? I’m sure it will help her feel better! even if I know that the ones on the surface are way more impressive! Hehe~” Asked Asgore his son
“Sure Dad! let’s go Chara!” answered Asriel vividly, weeping the tears from his eyes, as he took her by the hand
-The kids gone, Toriel gave a worried look to the king…
Asriel on the road to waterfall, was thinking of ways to cheer up Chara
((The flowers! She will like them for sure- she- yeah Chara is a… She)) The prince stopped and stood still a moment
((Aaaaaaaaaaaah!!)) begun Asriel internally screaming covering his face with his ears, letting go of Chara’s hand.
Chara wondered why the fluffy monster was squeaking so loudly, and why did he let go of her hand.
((maybe my hand was too cold?)) she thought    
“you- you can walk on your own now right? Haha- I’m always dragging you around sorry” -He spoke quickly, embarrassed.
“yeah, I can…” replied Chara following the sound of his quiet footsteps  
Asriel decided to take a shortcut to avoid going by HOTLAND, his new friend would probably find the extreme heat very unpleasant.
as they reached the intersection, Asriel turned to Chara “See from here it’s Hotland, but we are going that way to Waterfall!” as he pointed with his finger to some direction
“The road is a little rough at first so be careful not to fall, okay?”
“mhm…” nodded Chara
A few minutes after the prince warnings, he heard a loud thud, he turned quickly, to find Chara on the ground, He hastened to help her get up.
“I’m so sorry! I shouldn’t have let go of your hand! I didn’t even want to let go! I- You just got better and now because of me”- he spoke as if he was about to cry
“But Why are you crying?” Asked Chara the prince, curious.
“I- I don’t know…”
“My hands were cold?”
“huh? No, it wasn’t why?”
“Then, why did you let go?”
“it’s… you are a girl… and…”
“And?” Asked Chara genuinely waiting for an answer
“uh… holding hands with a girl is… urgh… I can’t tell you!!” as he covered his face with his ears, while he made that weird squeaking sound once again.
“you are quite strange heh” said Chara
“I’m not”- said Asriel about to deny her last statement, but as he looked at her face, he saw a faint smile, an expression he had never seen from her.
“yeah heh I might be…”
“I’m not as good as mom but” said Asriel as he put his hand on Chara’s forehead to heal the small wound of her fall “it should be enough”
Chara quickly put her hand on her savior's forehead
“Ergh… what are you doing?” asked Asriel shyly
“you are touching my forehead; why can’t I?”
“but… I’m healing you…”
“Well, so am I” said Chara
“is- is that so…” replied Asriel
Done with the healing, Asriel helped her stand up.
“well let’s go Chara, it’s not too far now, I’m sure you’ll love Waterfall’s stars!” said the small monster as he made sure to hold her hand tightly this time, bearing with his shyness, and thinking about, how this human had such an unexpected playful side.
“We arrived!” -Shouted the prince all excited
“Look up Chara!! look at all those stars!” 
Chara raised her head, their hair still covering their eyes “Y-yeh they are… really nice…”
“Wait, you can’t see with your hair! let me”- Asriel pushed her hair away from her eyes
And even though the young girl tried pulling her head back, it was too late…
“y-your eyes… they are white…?” the monster child surprised couldn’t help but to say so
“yes…They are…”
“is that… normal for humans?” asked Asriel not holding back his curiosity
“no…I don’t think it is…” replied Chara as she sat on the ground
“um, does- does it hurt?” 
“No… not anymore...” affirmed Chara
“why? I mean, If- if you want to talk about it… I’m just curious and-”
“Umm… mother told me to never speak of them… but she, never said so with a monster? will she be angry?” -Said the girl talking to herself.
“so… hum?” Her mind made up, she waited for her companion’s questions
“should I ask? - ah okay um… your eyes… can you see?”
“no, all I can see is a faint light… far, far away.” said the child as they extended their hand reaching for the void in front of them…
“Sorry for lying about the stars… I didn’t want to…”
“It’s alright, I’m sorry I didn’t notice, you even fell because of me, don’t worry though! I’m a quick learner! I’ll be ten times! - no! a HUNDERED TIME more careful!”
“that’s a lot of carefulness!” exclaimed Chara slightly worried
“Oh, were they always White?”
“they- no, they were red before”
“Oh, like mine!!”
“really?” asked Chara curiously
“Yes! they must have been very beautiful!”
“no, they were not… in my village, it’s said that humans born with red eyes are demons, that they represent the embodiment of evil”
“Embodiment of evil?” asked Asriel
“it means the container and responsible of all the evil things in the world, and that evil must be punished for simply existing”
Asriel remained silent not knowing how to properly respond  
“and, I was that embodiment, I don’t remember well, but my sight was always blurry, and, my eyes were constantly burning.”
“Whenever I tried opening them, they always started crying on their own, like if… they hated me…”
“each day mother poured that “medicine” on them, she said it will “fix them”, but it never did for a long time, it made them burn even more, I thought that not even mother’s medicine could erase the evil that they were…”
“and so, mother was always, always angry, and so, I too was angry… at myself”
“I was scarred that if the village found out about me, they would end up punishing mother too… that’s why I always remained at home, Mother said I couldn’t go outside, and if I ever broke that rule, monsters would come to take and eat my ugly eyes…”
“T-that’s not true! We would never do something so horrible!!” Strongly mumbled Asriel denying such gruesome act
“And one day, mother was very busy, so she asked me to take the medicine on my own, but I was a bad child, I didn’t want it to hurt, I tried taking the, I wanted to pour it in my eyes; but my hands were shaking and… the flacon slipped… and spilled all over the ground…”
“it couldn’t have been a mistake… I’m sure I did it on purpose…I’m evil after all…”
“I don’t…” Interrupted Asriel her story
“I don’t think you did it on purpose… if- if it hurt you… it was bad for sure!! …isn’t it?!”
“maybe… I don’t know anymore…” said Chara confused, as she began questioning everything she knew.
“then, how did you fall from the Sun gap?”
“Well, when mother came back… she was naturally so angry; she screamed, and she hit me”-
“She is the bad one- She is the demon not you!!” Cut off the prince angrily
“No, no, no! you don’t understand! I deserved it… I wasted the precious medicine she made for me, and it didn’t even hurt that bad!” said the child in clear denial
“…even if you say so…” said the young monster not yet convinced by the legitimacy of her mother’s doings
“and when mother left, I tried opening my eyes, and for the first time they didn’t hurt anymore! Mother’s medicine worked for sure! I looked at my hands! my feet! and I saw my room! There were tons of different used toys too! but all I wanted to see were those eyes…”
“I looked around the room, and I found a broken mirror, and there I saw them! Those evil eyes; they… they were, of a vivid red! And…”
Chara stopped talking and kept silent for a moment…
“and?” asked Asriel slightly tilting his head
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tymki · 5 years
Bravery - Chapter Nine
I sit upright. I clutch my stomach as I gasp for air. I realise where I am. I’m still in Asriel’s room, on his bed. He’s sleeping on the floor. Guess I didn’t wake him. I cry quietly to myself, rocking backwards and forwards. I know it’s just a dream, but would it hurt to have a different one for a change?
KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK “Aah! Stay away from me!” I jump up and hold my fists in front of me. My shout jerks Asriel awake, but I’m more focused on the door. Is it Chara again?! Why won’t they just leave me alone?! “Aisling is that you?!” It’s Toriel. I lower my hands. “Yeah, I’m right here!” I call out. Asriel jumps again and turns to me. “Aaah! Stop doing that!” “… Sorry…” I hear Toriel breathe a sigh of relief from the other side of the door. “Thank heavens, I was worried sick! I thought something had- but it’s okay, you both are safe. Please, child, leave a note when you decide to wander off, I had no idea where you were.” Pause. “Anyway, breakfast is ready, whenever you both want some.” I hear her muttering something to people outside the door. Oh yeah, Dogaressa and Dogamy were keeping watch outside all night, weren’t they? I think she’s telling them off. Were they sleeping? I hear her footsteps as she walks away. I turn to Asriel. “Sorry about scaring you. Did you forget I was here?” He smiles. “Yeah. A bit. But it’s fine, don’t worry.” He looks closely at my face. “Were you crying again?” “… Yeah. Had a bad nightmare. But I’m okay now.” He hugs me anyway. So warm and fluffy. I grin up at him, “I know you’re tired and all, but don’t fall asleep on me, okay? I want my first royal breakfast.” He lets go of me and smiles. “Well it won’t be really special, but I hope you like it. Let’s go.” We leave his room and walk down the hall with Dogaressa and Dogamy following behind, looking sleepy and slightly ashamed after Toriel talked to them. Don’t think they did much actual guarding last night. “I want some coffee…” Asriel yawns.
Soon enough, we arrive. Wow… those are some pretty big chairs. Don’t think I noticed them properly yesterday. I actually have to climb up them. Even then, I still feel tiny. But then again I’ve always been tiny, I just feel even smaller now. Hope I grow more soon. Asriel sits down next to me and pours himself a huge cup of coffee. Well, maybe it’s normal sized for a monster…? But anyway, I look over the table to see what there is. Cereal, toast, fruit… I notice the strawberries and yoghurt. “Sweet!” I grab them and make myself some strawberry yoghurt with cereal. I bite down. I feel my face relax. “Oh wow… it’s even better than I remember…” Asriel notices what I’m eating. “Oh, what’s that?” “Something my Mum used to make for me. Wanna try it?” I give him the ingredients. I usually don’t like sharing – growing up with three older brothers, usually ‘sharing’ meant that something got stolen from me. But it feels different with Asriel. I want him to like the same stuff I do. He takes a bite. “Mmm! This is really good. Can’t believe I haven’t tried it before.” “Glad you like it.” Toriel and Asgore enter the room. Asgore puts on the kettle. “Some tea, guys?” “Do you have any sugar?” I ask. “Of course!” “Then yes please.” Wow. I’m sharing? And saying please? Mum would be so proud. Mum… I remember the nightmare. It’s the same one I keep on having over and over again. It hurts that that’s probably the only way I’ll see my friends and family now… “Huh? What?” I realise everyone’s looking at me. Toriel clears her throat. “I asked if you slept well, Aisling?” “Oh, um… yeah.” Apart from the nightmare, I feel pretty well rested. They give me tea, I take three sugars and drink. Don’t think I’ve had chamomile before. I don’t really have tea much. It’s nice, though. The rest of the family are talking away happily. Meanwhile I’m just thinking about the dream. Is there any way I can make these nightmares stop? What do I do?
“How many monsters did you kill? How many families did you tear apart?”
The voices echo around in my head, over and over again. But maybe… maybe I can fix this. Or at least make it better, if only a little bit. It’s my fault so I have to be the one. I take a deep breath. Be brave. “Asgore, you’re the king, right?” He pauses mid conversation. “Last time I checked?” “Do you know where all the monsters live? There’s something I need to do.”
“Are you absolutely sure about this, Aisling?” I nod my head. “Yeah. I caused this mess, so I’ve got to fix it.” He smiles. “Well in that case you will probably need a translator.” He introduces me to a blue-eyed monster with bunny ears who’s slightly taller than I am. She smiles at me, but she keeps her distance. “This is Nina. She knows all the languages spoken in the Ruins.” “P-pleased to m-meet you.” “Hey, nice to meet you too.” She nods quickly. Asgore kneels down and places his hand on my shoulder. “Aisling, listen. If things get too rowdy then Dogaressa and Dogamy are there to protect you, and if all else fails, I am just outside. We will travel from place to place together, but if there is any trouble then just call me, okay?” I nod. This is a different kind of scary for me, but I’ve got to do it so that me and everyone else can move on – or start to, anyway. “Okay.”
We arrive at the first house. Well, it’s more of a hole in the wall of the ruins. But it has a welcome mat and a post box outside with a little door in front. Nina knocks on the door. A family of large frogs all hop out. A Dad, a Mum, and their three children. They all have the Delta Rune on their chest, just like some of the monsters I killed. Oh no, this is going to be rough. Nina talks to them in their language. It’s like a mix of animal sounds. They seem happy to see her – she probably knows them well. Then she starts gesturing at me. I see their expressions change. The Mum brings the kids back in but stays outside, staring at me. The largest of them, the Dad, is furious. He creates magic, but the slightly smaller monster, who I guess is his wife, stops him. His head droops down and they both begin crying. The wife looks at me and speaks. I don’t understand what she says, but I get the body language. “She asks ‘why did you do it?’” Nina translates for me. I can tell from the tone that she doesn’t like me either, and I can’t blame any of them. I take a deep breath. “Anything I say won’t matter. Just know that I’m really, really sorry. I know how it feels t-to lose… family…” Dammit, I’m tearing up again. I hear Nina pause a bit before she starts translating for me. “I’ll… I’ll never see my family again. It hurts so, so much, and I’m so sorry that I put you through that too. I’m sorry for hurting you… I’m sorry for hurting everyone. I’d take it all back if I could… but I can’t… and I’m so sorry for what I did… I don’t expect you to forgive me. I just wanted to tell you the truth, and to apologise…”
Well, they didn’t kick me out, which is what I was expecting, but they didn’t let me in either. Not that I would’ve fit anyway, the house is too small. Still, it went better than I thought it would. Now me and Nina are walking back up the path in silence, with the guards behind us, but I know that she wants to say something to me. “What’s up?” “Oh, uh…” She pauses, “I just want to say… er… you’re nothing like I imagined you to be.” “Er… thanks, I guess.” “I m-mean… when I heard what had happened in the Ruins, with the monsters and everything… well… we were told to keep out of there as much as possible. T-to keep away from the, er… human menace.” “’Human menace’? Sounds like something Chara would say.” “It was them who said it. But uh… seeing you in person, translating for you, seeing how you really feel about all this… I just… I think maybe they’re wrong about you…” I smile at her. “Thanks. That means a lot.” We walk up to Asgore who’s been waiting for us all this time. He smiles when he sees us. “Howdy! How are you doing, Aisling?” “I feel… a bit better. And I’m ready to keep going. Where we headed next?”
We go to house after house. All the monsters look really similar to the ones I killed on my first day here. I apologise for what I did to all of them. Some monsters were sad, others were angry, but no one hated me. They’re nothing like humans at all. One family was very accepting. They showed me photos of their lost son. They told me stories about him and I told them stories about my family. Then (with Dogaressa and Dogamy keeping careful watch), I played with the other kids outside. Monsters are weird… not sure if I’ll ever understand them.
I rub the tears from my eyes as I walk back up to Asgore while Nina checks the map. We all learnt that she knows this area better than we do after we got lost a bunch of times. Turns out Asgore’s not that great at directions. The King grins broadly at me as I walk up to him. “Howdy! How’d it go? Ready to head home again?” “I think I’ve just been invited to a birthday party…?” “That’s terrific! How are you feeling?” “Exhausted…” He laughs. “I bet you are. That must have taken a lot of effort.” I nod, rubbing my eyes again. He opens his arms and I practically collapse into his hug. Guess good hugs run in the family. “You’re very brave, Aisling.” I widen my eyes and look up at him. “I am?!” “Oh yes. Not many creatures would be strong enough to do this. You’re very courageous, indeed.” “But I… I was crying the whole time.” He gives a deep, hearty laugh. “So? I cry all the time too. It’s bad to bottle up your emotions, Aisling. Just let them out. It’s much healthier and you feel much better afterwards.” “But my brothers told me… only babies cried…” “Some monsters think like that too, but from my experience it is incorrect. I feel like the bravest souls I have ever known have learnt to be open and honest with their feelings and to be unafraid of how others view them. Do not care what others think about you. Because the people who are important are the ones who do not care about how you look or how you act – they like you for who you are.” Woah… I’ve never thought about it like that before. I look up at the King and I feel so much respect for him. We hug again. “Thanks, Asgore.”
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