1luckyrubberducky · 1 year
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... sun having claws?
......Oh.. hhh-
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kairolee2004 · 11 months
Vern: Should you really be dressed like that when you have guests over?
Y/N: Should you really be talking to me about fashion when you're dressed like that
Vern: What's wrong with the way I dress?
Y/N: Vague gesturing at all of him
Vern: That's-
Y/N: If you don't shut up I swear to god they'll never stop finding your pieces and your mother won't even ask why
But I was imagining it going something, more like this-
Vern: Wow (y/n) …. You look like a whore-
Y/n: what did you just say?!
Vern: You heard me, “YOU.LOOK.LIKE.A.WHORE.
Y/n: I swear on my fucking god, ima knock the shit out of you!
Vern: Then do it… little girl.
Everyone else: WAIT STOP-
*Y/n beats the daylights out of Vern, in the middle of the living room*
If you want to write it differently, you sure as hell can! I love seeing different writing styles and different scenarios play out! 💗
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breezypunk · 1 year
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“Crowley: the angel who did not so much fall as saunter vaguely downwards.”
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bluedandelion1 · 4 months
I don't know if anyone's noticed yet but I realized something when I rewatched the song "The Show Must Go On!" of Hazbin Hotel!
When the gang was singing to Charlie and trying to cheer her up, they offered her their hands to get up. And which hand did she take?
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SHE TOOK ANGEL DUST'S! Angel, who didn't believe in her at all was the one who pulled her up! Not Nifty, not Husk, not Vaggie and not Cherrie's, but Angel's! Who didn't believe in her at all and was quite oppossed to her project! He was only there because he got a free room but now he's the one to pull her to her feet and help her feel better! He genuinely believes in her dream now!
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Look how happy they are! MY FUCKING HEART!
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greensimp · 1 year
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Aagh I haven’t done this kind of coloring in forever
Line art took 2 and a half hours roughly
Color and shading took 6 hours and 50 minutes
Also, changed the eyes. They looked a little too attack on titan-y before.
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tboyminyard · 3 months
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words cannot describe the emotions i am feeling right now
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screwzara · 1 year
On the topic of animation
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Have a gif of @flamy-t and @boiling-potato chatting! :)
I swear to god u guys sparked my need to animate again-
Also, @lunarthefrieschild extra good luck for ur animation :)
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soulzerofever · 5 months
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“tartan is stylish!”
the new ateez concept photos were encouraging the brainrot so here we are
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hellzfire · 1 year
wip i made at like three am last night
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1luckyrubberducky · 2 years
Quick DOODLE comic
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@chlorenw can confirm - is cat.
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ofcowardiceandkings · 3 months
were doing the anxiety today !!
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proxyrose-lilith · 1 year
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I finally was able to draw TFA! Bumblebee, I could only draw 'mini' bee but never TFA Bumblebee. I ams happy.
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black-suns-rim · 1 year
Some random adhd thoughts
Me: -spaces off into thought-
Me: I have never had a hater before that I recall. No mean messages, no rude comments... why do other good artists have haters that they don't deserve?
My ego: if I do have haters, they must all be pussys and are scared to face me cause I'm just that awesome
Also my ego: or I'm just so good, no one can hate me
Would yautja taste good? Would their meat be bitter or would it be sweet? Would they be chewy or like impossible to eat? How does a yautja look when it's cooked? Would they be toxic to eat?
*has 3 different songs playing in my head, only knowing parts of them and not the full song*
(Canon) Yautja might be "homophobic" or they might be like the ancient Romans. Maybe some weird mix. They care a lot if you have children or not. They literally snip snip males that aren't suitable to have kids. Having a child is literally political to them, and it would be socially unacceptable to not have a child. They would probably harshly judge other male yautja who do not have offspring, making them seem "homophobic" in a way. (Do not come after me you overly sensitive people on the internet. This is just a thought and I'm not homophobic. I have to make this clear cause last time I made a comment like this people thought I was homophobic when I am not >:p)
Me: nice, I have motivation to draw today. But what will I draw?
My brain: -flashes the most disgusting, butt-clentching, stomach hurtling image ever-
Me: ah, perfect. Will I show anyone this? Only for torture
*5 more songs start playing in my head*
If anyone could read my mind, they would have a panic attack. Unless they were also neurosivergent, then they'd have sensory overlaod
Me: -spaces out in deep thought-
Person: what are you thinking about?
Me: -doesn't want to talk about the big character plot I just made within the span of 10 seconds because it's way too much information for me to talk about-
Me: nothing-
*makes random noises, animal sounds and yautja clicking as vocal stims*
I really don't know what this post is, but enjoy
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emcant · 3 months
A cliffsnotes story for the followers:
>terrible skin as a teen
>sinus issues throughout life
>parents finally hit on food allergies
>everything clears up within 2 weeks of dropping milk
>go to college
>get a full allergy panel
>doctor comes back with a list several pages long
>milk, gluten, eggs, legumes, citrus, cocoa, etc
>but I do it and my skin is better for it
>several years later
>still own an EpiPen but have never used it
>about to go on my first business trip
>refill the scrip so I know it's not expired because that sounds like a nightmare
>do another allergy panel
>several points for various plants
>but the food section is totally clean
>very high pollen count in my area
>don't go outside
>substitute lime juice for vinegar in the dinner recipe
>suddenly so itchy I want to take my skin off
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holyguardian · 4 months
“Take Aerith somewhere safe.”
Those words had barely left the woman’s lips, when her hand fell down to the ground again. Limp and weak. She was dying… it was evident from how she looked. She had that hollow gaunt expression. There was nothing that could safe her yet. But the little girl beside her… her green eyes were full of resilient bright green.
The woman her mother had grabbed by the wrist looked at the child for a brief moment, before she knelt down and quickly searched for the healing potion in her bag… but as soon as she blinked again, she knew that the mother of the child was gone.
It was one of these very rare moments in her life, where Ida felt completely helpless. She had no control over any of this… and this child?
Little mite was still so young, right between her two son's ages, if she had to guess – and her sobs broke Ida’s heart. Carefully placing her hands on the girl’s arm and back, Ida tried to give her a little comfort, while still not tearing her away from her mother. She looked around… but there was no one close by. No father. No other family. No friends. No one cared for this little girl’s fate.
No one but Ida.
Glancing down at her – Aerith – again, Ida noticed the II on her arm. A tattoo. And in that moment her worry turned into dread. She had seen that before. That and another symbol… the child’s name, too. Aerith…
Quickly Ida undid the buttons of her coat, draping it around the girl. She could only allow her one more moment of grief for her mother, before he scooped her up. As cruel as it was, they had to hurry.
“My darling, we have to go.” @housetummelt - Ida
Aerith had tried to find a doctor to make her mother all better again, which was how she had grabbed the sleeve of this woman in her white coat and tugged for her to follow, begging for help. "Please, please help my mummy, she's sick!"
Ifalna knew this was her only chance to make things right for her daughter. Aerith, stubborn as a cat, thought all she needed to do was to find someone in a white coat to help. It was a horrible feeling, to fully realise that the only world her baby knew was one where adults wore white coats.
She reached for the woman, to hold onto the same wrist that Aerith had guided closer. She could see it in her eyes, that she wanted to help in some way. "Take Aerith somewhere safe." There was so much to explain. So much left unsaid. But it was all she had left to give. It was like in knowing that her daughter wasn't going to be alone, her body finally dared to relax...
Aerith was beside herself. Bawling and clinging to her mother, she knew that her soul was slipping away. That her mother was returning to the Planet and there was nothing to hold her back — try as she might, little hands clinging as though she could hold her mother there and make her stay. They were free now! They could live in a house together! They could grow gardens and never have to see a wheelchair again!
She cried in loud, wracking sobs. Especially when the kind woman scooped her up, her hands losing grip of her mother. Her arms remained outstretched, grasping for where her mother lifelessly laid, and there was little chance of a silent getaway with how she cried her heart out. Eventually her arms slackened, and eventually her sobs calmed to sniffles, even if the tears never did seem to fully stop. They were far from the train station now. Far from the bad men. All she could do was watch over the woman's shoulder. Take in the new sights, of streets that looked... neat. Tidy. Where they had funny pretend trees and lights that lit up all of the pathway.
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rebelichor · 5 months
The world was so beautiful. Enok could still not grasp all the feelings and emotions. The wild of Pandora felt like home. But home also meant the few Sarentu they still were. At night the planet looked even more amazing, glowing in all colors. He could sit here all night and watch the forest around them - but he could also look at her the same. Ariadne sat beside him, curiously watching a small critter plap along a leaf. She was so beautiful. She belonged here, Enok was sure. Under the light of the moon. Turning to her, he gently tucked a flower behind her ear. The glow increasing again, as if the plant felt how special Ariadne was. Enok‘s fingers lingered to cup the side of her face for a bit. 
„This is all I ever wanted.“
Ariadne would never cease to admire her home.
The Sarentu were nomads who traveled far and wide. They had no hometree. No camp to fly their colours. No hollow to cozy up inside. No nest to pad. To be Sarentu was to be a child of Pandora, to wander between the clans as keepers of stories and diplomats — though admittedly she had a fondness for the Kinglor forest.
The lush and vibrant life. The bonds they had woven. It was where they had shed their old life. Where they had been reborn again, as na'vi.
A smile bloomed on her face when Enok gifted her a flower. She turned and pressed her cheek into his fingers. Then she smiled wider still.
"This feels like home." Her tail curled with his, as if she were holding him.
"This feels... right."
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