yeesiine · 2 months
The deeper you heal, the higher you raise the bar on who gets access to you.
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soranatus · 10 months
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Yamato in One Piece ED “Raise”
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lookatjesus · 3 months
Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up. John 2:19
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bitchesgetriches · 11 months
Hello, Bitches! I have recently (2 months ago) become a permanent employee at my job after working as a contractor for almost 2 years. That came with a $2 pay increase, which has been great! But soon after I got hired, most of my team got pulled to a different department and I ended up taking a lot more responsibility, working OT, and helping with various projects outside my usual scope. Now I'm wondering if asking for a pay raise would be reasonable... like I said, it's only been a couple months, so it feels way too early, but my workload has literally doubled and the nice words from my supervisor doesn't do anything for my bank account lol. I appreciate any advice!
Honeybee... ASK FOR THE RAISE.
If you're truly worried about the timing, wait 6 months from the moment you took on extra work duties. But the important thing to remember is that you are going UNCOMPENSATED for performing duties outside of your job description. And that's not ok. Remember: wage theft is the most common form of theft in the U.S. You owe it to yourself not to be robbed by your employer.
Here's advice on getting that raise:
You Need To Ask for a Fucking Raise 
The First Time I Asked for a Raise 
If you found this helpful, consider joining our Patreon.
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arctic-blade · 2 years
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この作品 「錦木 千束 / Chisato Nishikigi」 は 「錦木千束」「リコリス・リコイル」 等のタグがつけられた「Raise」さんのイラストです。 「Made a fanart for our energetic Chisato! Hope you guys li…
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evilishei · 10 months
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I love how Zoro and Nami seemed to be the central figure in each clip and everything just revolves around them.
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tootiecakes234 · 4 days
YOU GUYS!?!?! I got a new job😇😇😇 AND it comes with a pretty big raise😭
I’m so excited🥳🥳🥳
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I've been working at a motel for over 2 years. I made $11/hour in the last half of 2020, $12.50 in 2021, and $14 in 2022. I get my first paycheck of the year in the morning, and my next course of action will depend entirely on how much my boss has decided my time is worth in 2023
$14.00 - $14.24, I quit on the spot
$14.25 - $14.49, I submit my two weeks notice
$14.50 - $14.99, I quit the moment I reach my savings goal (sometime in February), at which point I can buy a car and leave the godforsaken Florida Keys in my rear view mirror!
$15.00 - $15.49, I stay on until this summer. I'm still gonna buy a car once I reach my goal, but instead if leaving right away I'll spend a few extra months to build my savings back up. I won't reach the high water mark of my original goal in such a short period of time, but I'll have enough to sublease an apartment for the summer, so I can take my time looking for a new job instead of stressing about finding one as soon as possible
$15.50 is my best case scenario, so I guess I'd stay on indefinitely. I'll get my car, then I'll save, save, save as much as possible for as long as possible. As soon as I've built back up to my pre-car goal, I'll put a third into a savings account, a third into the stock market, and the final third towards a creative endeavor that's been thinking about for a long while (I'll keep you posted, if everything works out)
No plan survives first contact with the enemy, so I'm sure something will come up that prevents me from following through with any of this. It's not that this is a hard job, it's actually quite easy and the hours are almost ideal, but the customers are the absolute worst human beings I have ever had the misfortune of interacting with and my boss is the stereotypical living embodiment of the word boomer.
My time is worth more than $14.00/hour, and I need to figure my life out so I'm not stuck working customer service or retail for the rest of it.
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wiirocku · 2 years
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Psalm 20:5 (NLT) - May we shout for joy when we hear of your victory    and raise a victory banner in the name of our God. May the LORD answer all your prayers.
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lumochiart · 10 months
i’m so glad they brought back endings to the anime after what felt like an eternity 💕 they really know how to hit the fandom’s heartstrings 🥹
going to be listening to this on repeat for the next forever 🎶
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lovejustforaday · 9 months
Shoegaze Classics - Raise
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Raise - Swervedriver (1991)
Main Genres - Alternative Rock, Shoegaze
A decent sampling of: Noise Rock, Neo-Psychedelia, Post-Hardcore, Grunge
Getting close to the end of this series. I have this and just one more record after that before I get to writing on what I consider to be the masterpieces of 90s shoegaze.
Of all of the bigger names in the 90s U.K. scene, one name sticks out like a sore thumb for being really, well, not like the others. You had Ride, Slowdive, MBV, Catherine Wheel, Lush, Chapterhouse, and, well, these guys.
Today I will be discussing the power-lifting chords and psyched out feedback of shoegaze's very own dreadlock sporting Swervedriver.
The Band
Swervedriver formed in 1989 in Oxford, the same city where Ride was formed. In fact, it was Mark Gardener from Ride that helped get them signed early on with Creation records. The band never got as big as MBV or Ride, but they were in good company (until their duplicitous label shafted these bands hard, anyway).
The original lineup was leader Adam Franklin on vocals and guitar, with Adi Vines on bass, Jimmy Hartridge on guitar, and Graham Bonnar on drums. The mainstays ended up being the creative duo of Adam and Jimmy; Adi left the band after the first record, and Swervedriver has been through like four different drummers.
Swervedriver certainly did not look like most shoegazers, and their brand of shoegaze was unconventional for the scene of the time - fast tempos, pounding chords and kick drums, very heavy on the feedback noises, with reverb being a significantly less important component in the bands' textural craft when compared with the others. They were a lot more rock 'n' roll than any of their contemporaries.
Essentially, Swervedriver made shoegaze with more muscle, but still equally hazy and mesmerizing.
The heavy feedback element gives the band's sound a closer feel to many of the American alternative rock bands of the time, and there's significant crossover with grunge and post-hardcore on this record in particular. The band had sort of a "Foo Fighters does shoegaze" sound (note: this was before Foo Fighters existed). If I didn't know better, I'd probably assume Swervedriver was an American band.
And if I'm being honest, many songs in their discography are just straight up alternative rock with a little more effects than usual. Categorically, I'd say that it's a shoegaze record, but Swervedriver are definitely stretching the definition of the genre. More power to them, though, cause this shit goes hard!
Sounding like a broken record at this point, but the band put out some EPs and then dropped the debut. Let's talk about that debut record.
The Record
Raise dropped in 1991, descending onto the shoegazing scene like a swooping phoenix firestorm. Never before had shoegaze sounded this adrenergic and chaotic. With this record, Swervedriver established themselves as the hardcore band of the scene.
The band produced the record themselves with help from a small team on mastering, mixing, and engineering. The production sounds very of its time, a little hollow at times, but I honestly kind of love it. Sounds stoned as hell. And based on my knowledge of the lyrics of this record being mostly about "seeing" and "feeling" and other vague sensory references, its safe to assume the band was possibly stoned as hell too (a lot of shoegaze bands probably were).
"Sci-Flyer" opens the record with LOUD noise rock and wire-y guitar feedback that trickles down like liquid lightning. This is probably the hardest rocking track of the first wave of shoegaze bands, and one of the finest displays of flashy 90s guitar work that I can think of. Deliciously raucous.
Swervedriver turns up the reverb on "Deep Seat", a grimy, swirling trip that sounds as soft as a pillow and yet tough as nails at the same time. Its one of those songs that makes it easier to understand how guitars as an instrument held such a stranglehold over airwaves for the better part of a century. Like, what the fuck even is this black magic fuckery that we call guitar pedals? This one is utterly sublime, definitely my favourite cut off the record.
"Rave Down" is a crushing landslide of bittersweet chords and guitar feedback melancholia. A song for crying manly tears at the beauty of life. This is, dare I call it, "brogaze".
"Feel So Real" is almost noxious, though I mean that in a good way. The central riff is this really backwards, screwy sounding guitar feedback that feels totally uncanny as it brushes past your ears, going from one channel to the other.
"Sandblasted" is a bouncy, acid-y, riff-heavy track that treads along like a beast. Franklin's vocals are almost sassy here, I honestly love the delivery. Not all that shoegaze to my ears, but I'm a fan of it regardless.
I swear, this record would've been huge in the American market if Creation had made enough efforts to promote it there. There's maybe one or two moments on here where it gets a bit too non-descript, but tracks like "Deep Seat", "Rave Down", and "Sci-Flyer" are just as good if not significantly better than 90% of grunge's output.
What Came After That?
Swervedriver most definitely were not about to go britpop like many of their contemporaries did in the mid 90s. Such a transition would've been awkward as hell, and this was a band that knew exactly what kind of music it wanted to keep making.
In fact, Swervedriver were basically the only major name of the shoegazing scene in the British Isles that kept making shoegaze records (three more in fact) in a similar vein for the rest of the 90s. Virtually everyone else either went britpop, went more obscure with something like post-rock or space rock, or disappeared entirely by the end of the 90s.
Adam and Jimmy seemed completely unfazed by how quickly the British press turned on shoegaze, metaphorically flipping the bird to the music journalists and their own music label, which had mostly given up on promoting bands like them in favour of gushing over frigging Oasis of all bands (yikes).
Swervedriver also had troubles with the American label A&M records which released the North American version of their sophomore record. Eventually, they abandoned major labels to sign with the indie label Zero Hour Records.
But anyway, yeah Swervedriver released three more records in the 90s. Their sophomore 1993's Mezcal Head is often just as, if not even more praised by fans as the debut. Not as huge of a standout as Raise was for my tastes, but it's a very respectable record in its own right.
Swervedriver had a reunion earlier than most shoegaze bands in 2008. The band has put out two more LPs of which I've yet to check out - 2015's I Wasn't Born To lose You and 2019's Future Ruins.
As it stands, Raise is right up there in my shoegaze A tier with records like Split, The Comforts of Madness, and Flying Saucer Attack. Still one more review to go before I get to discussing my S tier records, but for now I digress.
If you're a fan of Foo Fighters, Smashing Pumpkins, Sonic Youth, Nirvana, Pearl Jam - any of these bands - I highly recommend you check out Swervedriver. This is an excellent gateway drug for those new to shoegaze but familiar with grunge and other 90s alternative rock, and it's high time that Swervedriver receives more of the love that these other bands already get.
Highlights: "Deep Seat", "Rave Down", "Sci-Flyer", "Feel So Real", "Sandblasted"
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soranatus · 10 months
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Li’l Hiyori & Denjiro in Ending 19 "Raise"
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squeakerphant · 2 years
Looks like I might be getting a raise!! Boss absolutely adores me and thinks I do an amazing job at work. Eeek!! Also with all the hours I put in after being sick from the 'vid I'm gonna get a verry nice cheque Friday. Love seeing my hard work being appreciated.
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Enjoy some selfies, it's been a while. xo
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mattsmemes · 4 months
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justana0kguy · 10 months
2023 AUGUST 25 Friday
"The LORD gives sight to the blind.
The LORD raises up those who were bowed down; the LORD loves the just.
The LORD protects strangers."
~ Psalms 146:8-9a
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s3znl-gr3znl · 5 months
I work for "red circle company" and the highest raise I've heard someone get is .53cents. The lowest I've heard abt for this store is .03cents. Both after multiple years of working there.
Anyways it always makes me wonder how people might react if i were to counter-offer with eating their still steaming intenstines in front of them
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