#Pygmy Nightmare
theunderflux · 7 months
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So, I got some references made lol. @shadowy-suitcase-herring-neck
Now for the hard part. XD
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(i am enjoying myself far to much :3)
Update on the Pygmy Nightmare gang :D
Good news Our Newly formed gang of pygmy sanses has chosen a home den
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they should start building a nest soon.
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xmymelosmile · 7 months
I wanted to try dtiys, so this one got my attention! @shadowy-suitcase-herring-neck DTIYS ! this is my first time doing sth like tat-
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ngl I like the sketch more than the result ;-;
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honeybubbletea33 · 7 months
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Tumblr rlly messed up the quality BUT! this is an entry for @shadowy-suitcase-herring-neck’s DTIYS! (This is also the first ever DTIYS I’ve done so hopefully I’m doing it right ;_;) love these little Pygmy guys they bring so much joy to my dash and congrats on 246 followers! <3
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fluffychubbydragon · 7 months
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Here's my entry for your dtiys challenge. It was really fun to draw. Fun fact, I actually drew it in my tiny note book before converting it over to digital art. I put the traditional drawing under the cut. :3
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cloudyinthecloset · 3 months
I really enjoy @shadowy-suitcase-herring-neck's pygmy sanses sooooo My version of Nightmare, Equipoise!AU Night, as a lil pygmy sans!
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Some facts about this lil guy
Aequilibro Tantibus
Rescue pygmy, too weak/damaged to survive in the wild
Protected by his brother, Aequilibro Somnium
Loves mushrooms, likes to forage but exhausts quickly
Short heavy tentacles, takes a lot of energy to move, rarely used
Tentacle tips wag when happy
Cloak stays ON, hood stays UP, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO REMOVE
Zen vibes, soft squeaks, quiet purrs
Able to shadow sneak, but eyelight is always visible
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nidoarisato · 6 months
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@shadowy-suitcase-herring-neck had too much going on at the time, but still wanted to draw a version of the challenge drawing, even if it didnt ever make it in time for the official entry
Will probably redo digitally at some point
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l0standn0tf0und · 6 months
can't have too many fav fics with Georgie
first part
second part
third part
fourth part
♡ = smut, 18+ only
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alphabet headcanons (a: affection, d: domestic, g: gentle)
take care of each other (1st part - oh, brother)
tis the season... mistletoe season
you scared the hell out of me
parting is such sweet sorrow
christmas at the weasleys
another and another
the bookworm
orange bitters
stay the night
show and tell
days gone by
𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘴 𝘮𝘦
pygmy puffs
i can't do it
three years
first date
sneak in
♡against the wall
Not my stories. Just my favorites from other writers. All credits and support to the original authors: @harrysweasleys @ickle-ronniekins @thoseofgreatambition @crazyk-imagine @never--doubt @george-weasleys-girl @henqtic @cannibalizedyke @georgeweasleyslostearhq @hello-everyfandom @girl-next-door-writes @kinzis-writing @pepper-up-potion @myboipotterimagines
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Headcanon Time!
was just scrolling through the utmv headcanon tag so hehehehe
name color (under cut) is fave color (also hc) btw!
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The transest man you've ever met
Is super dramatic and does a lil song and dance number to keep his sanity
Likes Will Wood, Bears in Trees, Twenty-One Pilots, The Front Bottoms, 6arelyhuman.. RIProducer...
He got dragged into BiT by Red and he hates it
He's super embarrassed that he listens to vocaloid (for some reason)
He's autistic
Like. Almost all the DSM-5 symptoms to a T.
He has really intense flat affect and low empathy
He has troubles with speech and didn't start speaking until he and Dream were like 4.
Even still he pronounces the letter t as more of a d sound
Except in butterfly... catch him calling them "blubberflap" ...it feels better on his tongue, okay?
Has CWP, CFS, and POTS.
Denies this
Likes sharks
Denies this
Likes bugs
...Doesn't deny this, actually
He has a pendant of a bug trapped in amber
It's his favorite thing ever
Killer took it once and was not prepared for Nightmare's reaction
Panromantic asexual
Asexual through trauma
Has very bad social anxiety
Like. Bad.
He has had one (1) anxiety attack (that he can remember) and he hated it
Only time he's ever actively ran away from someone talking to him
Bonded with a pygmy of himself and now it's a service animal and squeaks at him when he's gonna have a fainting spell
He's an age regressor! Usually regresses around 4-6
Sleeptalks loud enough to wake up other people
Has caught himself sleeptalking (he felt himself reach up and say something as he was waking up)
English is his second language, Spanish being his first!
He learned a lot of grammar and pronunciation through the other bad guys
Because of this, he did not know "hoe" also meant farming tool and not just slut
He has a lot of allergies.. main ones being something in a specific soap scent (he can't figure out what), mildly to dogs, severely to rabbits, pollen, something in those fake pinecones, and dandelions!
Most of those make him break out in hives
He has a lot of stuffed animals and blankets
His bed's essentially a nest
Summer is his favorite season
He likes swimming.. if only he knew how
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Genderfluid, masc/andro leaning
Intersex as well! He has unusually high levels of estrogen
He usually wants to present as the opposite of his gender.. like he's an effeminate dude or a masc chick
Straight > bi-curious > pan > bi > gay
They want to garden!!... but they kill everything they touch
Cries when someone drops a stuffed animal
Teases Nightmare relentlessly for his speech impediment (in a sibling way not a bully way)
Is lactose intolerant
Has a lot of GI issues bc autism
Nightmare bullies him for this (again sibling way)
One of his legs is longer than the other!
His favorite season is winter
He learned how to swim because Nightmare read him a detailed description of what happens when you drown and he has been deathly afraid of swimming ever since
Is a complete and total caffeine addict
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Transmasc agender therian
Their theriotype is a lynx :)
Their special interests are birds, music, and Portal
Their favorite is GLaDOS and they are eternally disappointed in the simps
They don't get shifts
They also have OCD and schizo-affective disorder
They badly doodle birds on sticky notes and leave them around the castle
They're semiverbal/nonverbal and mostly communicate through ASL and little eeks
They will tell you to "go eek yourself"
This is easily misheard as "go eat yourself"
They are not telling you to kill yourself. They are telling you to eek yourself
what this means is unclear
They like playing Stardew Valley
They marry Abigail or Krobus every time
Every. Time.
He's a DM for D&D with Blue and Red and a couple others
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AMAB nonbinary!
He's deaf!
He's autistic!
He's scarily observant!
He knows your full name!
He will not tell you how!
It is surprisingly not through stalking! He would never!!
He can remember the names of every single child in all of his classes throughout school!
He still holds a grudge against Kelly from second grade!
To be fair, she was a bitch!
He plays jumprope with his war hammer! Yes! Jumprope!
He spins it and jumps over it as he does so!
This is to assert dominance!
He runs a tattoo parlor!
He plays D&D with Dust!
His character starts cults themed around himself and rakes in NPCs as followers!
This is not concerning!
be not afraid
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Their favorite color changes all the time!!
Right now it's red :3
They use kaomojis ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
And star emojis ✨⭐🪄🌟🌙💛💫
very good
His love language is penguin pebbling!
Once he knows you like something he will never stop bothering you with it
best boy
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He's nonbinary and doesn't care to explore past that
Surely the fact that he hates his gruff voice and wants to wear skirts has nothing to do with gender
He loooooves Bears in Trees and pestered Nightmare until he listened to them (he loved it)
He's autistic but has no clue
Everyone else knows
He's a lot
But he's friendly
Almost too friendly
He's very loud
But he's friendly!
He also can't spell
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Transfem bigender genderfluid demigirl
As in
She's transfemenine bigender
and those two genders are genderfluid and demigirl
She's best friends with Nightmare and makes him paint his nails (he loves it)
She makes him leave his house (he doesn't love it)
She will bring you waffles
10/10 friend
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mysticetus · 2 years
top 10 whale skulls
10. bottlenose dolphin grin
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9. scp 682 (beluga)
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8. orca grin
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7. Pakicetus eyes so close together on the top of the head
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6. narwhal :(
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5. bowhead whale (3 sticks)
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4. pygmy sperm whale severely asymmetrical nightmare
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3. sperm whale 🥣
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2. strap toothed beaked whale (mrrph mrhmm mrrhhrph)
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1. river dolphin 😁😁😁😁😁😁
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sirsen · 6 months
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I wanted to draw @shadowy-suitcase-herring-neck 's pygmy challenge ^_^
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itty-bitty-mess · 9 months
Pip was a little pygmy lamia and, like almost every individual of his breed, he was quite the ungrateful brat. He had been adopted from the bitty adoption center and then returned by his previous owner who had spoiled him rotten, making him believe he was the most important thing in the world and that everything had to revolve around him. His brattiness had gotten so bad, that his previous owner returned him without a second thought despite the little pygmy’s empty “apologies”, a futile attempt to not lose the luxurious and comfortable lifestyle he had been so accustomed to.
One day, a young woman entered the establishment in looks for a small companion who could add some sort of excitement into her life. Pip’s eyes landed on that woman and he immediately got to work to be as “cute” and “charming” as possible, playing up the “widdle baby” act as much as he could. Trying to charm his way into a new home and back into his beloved comfortable lifestyle. The woman wasn’t entirely convinced on Pip at first, but after a “cute” tantrum full of crying blue tears and puppy dog eyes, she ended up adopting him with a simple shrug.
Pip was over the moon once he arrived to his new home, slithering everywhere, exploring every corner of the small apartment, calling dibs on the places he would soon mark as his property. The woman or, as he began calling her, “Mommy” didnt really seem that bothered by Pip’s behavior. When night arrived, she prepared him a small makeshift bed with an empty shoebox and some tissue paper and socks. Pip straight up refused to sleep in the box, demanding Mommy to let him sleep on her bed instead.
“Eh, im not doing that but if you don’t want the bed then suit yourself” Mommy said with a shrug as she picked up the makeshift bed and put it on the closet. “But I gotta tell you the floor gets really cold at night and I tend to lock my door.” Pip was a little taken aback by her reaction. He had expected her to beg him to sleep on the box, or to comply and let him sleep on her bed. He tried throwing another tantrum, this time trying to be clear about what he wanted.
“WAAAAHH!! BUT MOMMY I DONT WANT A STINKY BOX, I WANNA SLEEP WITH YOU!!!! IM SCARED OF THE DARK!!!!” Pip cried, his fake little tears and screams falling on uncaring, deaf ears.
The woman just shrugged and responded with a “sucks to be you, buddy” and went to her room. Pip followed her and tried slithering as fast as he could to slip into the bedroom before she locked the door but all he managed to do was hit his face straight into the hard metal door. She had entered and immediately locked the door shut, and Pip was way too big to slip through the gap between the door and the floor.
But he wasn’t gonna give up so easily! He started banging on the door nonstop, his tiny gloved hands barely managing to make any noise against the metal door. He tried screaming, directly demanding Mommy to let him in immediately. But what Pip didn’t know was that she was wearing sound proof headphones, allowing her to have a good night’s sleep. He ended up sleeping on the cold, hard floor, trembling and shaking with tears of rage in his eyes. This wasn’t over yet, he was gonna make Mommy’s life a living nightmare and she would have no option but to treat him like the king he was.
From that day onwards, Pip tried almost every trick on the book to make Mommy do what he wanted. He started pissing and pooping on her clothes to “teach her a lesson”, but she simply shrugged and said “Cool, I was gonna throw those old rags away anyways”. Whenever she fed him “cheap and disgusting” Bitty Kibble, he would throw the little food bowl back at her but his aim was so pathetic that he barely managed to flip the bowl. He tried stealing her food which only caused him severe food poisoning because the idiot stole and ate a moldy piece of bread that was many years past its expiration date.
He demanded Mommy to buy him a control remote car and other expensive toys but she just threw a crumpled paper ball on his direction as said “There, play with that instead lol”. He threw constant tantrums but she completely ignored him or just didn’t seem to care enough. Even when he had planned on scratching or biting her, his pathetic and useless little fangs and his weak little “claws” did absolutely no damage
He even tried stealing Mommy’s phone and trying to break up with her boyfriend through text. However, the boyfriend could tell that wasn’t how his girlfriend texted, he could tell that it was Pip by the terrible grammar and childish word usage so he sent Pip graphic images of bitty gore which deeply traumatised him. He told Mommy about this, hoping that maybe she would craddle him on her arms to comfort him but all she did was laugh at him. Pip felt humiliated, he couldnt believe she didn’t even comfort him or tried to pamper him after such a horrible thing!
Tears welled up in his little eyes and he went to the corner to fake cry again, looking behind his back every few minutes hoping to see Mommy looking back at him with a guilty expression, but all he saw was she had left for work again. This wasn’t fair! How could Mommy not care about him! He was Pip, the great and magnificet pygmy! The most specialest lamia of all, who deserved all the love and attention in the world!
Pip suddenly got an idea, he was gonna go to Mommy’s workplace and demand her, in front of everyone, to give him what he wanted, like fancy human food, expensive toys, a shiny new bandana and to let him sleep on her bed! Mommy could sleep on the floor if she wanted! Perhaps he could even make up some lies about him being “abused” and “neglected” to ruin her reputation with her colleagues. Yes! That was a great idea! Mommy would surely listen to him if he isolated her from everyone! Pip was sooooo smart!
Pip spent the entire night planning how he would take his plan into action. The next day, when Mommy left for work once again, he swiftly slipped through the closing gap of the door, trying to no be seen by her. Then, he silently slipped into her car and hid there, standing as still and silent as possible while she drove. Then she finally arrived to her workplace and entered the huge, shiny office building. Oh, this was Pip’s chance! This was gonna be so good!
He got off the car and slithered around, following silently behind Mommy, he was waiting for the perfect oportunity to strike and humiliate her. However, as they entered the building, Pip was immediately greeted with a massive crowd of people walking in all directions like busy bees in a hive. It was overwhelming and loud for the little lamia and, in a moment of disorientation, he lost sight of Mommy!
He panicked and looked in all directions, slithering through the squeaky clean, polished floor and trying his best to dodge the passerby. He tried screaming and calling out to Mommy, surely she would hear him and go to his rescue! Mommy would never abandon such an important lamia like Pip! Surely Mommy would show up and sweep the little lamia in her arms and take him to a warm and cozy bed full of toys and yummy food like he deserved!
However, his squeaky little yells were drowned out by the constant noise of the office building. People calling out each other’s names, machines working and beeping nonstop, loud clicking of keyboards, etc. All louder than Pip’s weak little voice. Pip tried moving through the crowd, and soon he spotted a stranger who had stopped walking to watch their phone. He got an idea and tried making a “cute” teary eyed expression as he approached the stranger, knowing that his cuteness would be enough to capture the stranger’s attention and get them to help him.
“UM.. EXCUSE ME, IM WOST AND TOO WIDDLE TO MOVE THROUGH THIS CWOWD. CAN YOU HELP ME FIND MY MOMMY PWEASE?” Pip said, pouting and about to start fake crying again. But the stranger didnt seem to hear him. Instead, they started to walk back to their office.
“WH- UM, EXCUSE ME?? HELLO??? DID YOU EVEN HEAR ME???? IM A WIDDLE LAMIA AND I NEED HELP!!! ARE YOU DEAF?? HEWWO!!!” Pip yelled, the baby act completely dropped as he was ignored. He was extremely angry so he raised his voice, damaging his throat a little but continuing regardless. “I AM PIP, THE GREATEST AND MOST IMPORTANT PYGMY IN THE WORLD!! HOW CAN YOU NOT HEAR-“
And then another person immediately walked by and “unintentionally” kicked Pip on the rib, breaking it and sending him flying all the way across the lobby, making him hit his head against the marble floor. Pip laid there against the wall, in too much pain and complete shock, trying to process what had happened. Never in his life had Pip gotten harmed before, his previous owner was always so careful and caring, making sure he was always safe and protected. He had never known pain until that moment.
Little blue tears fell from Pip’s eyes, the difference this time was that they were genuine and not fake. He wanted to go back to his first home, where his owner gave him a whole human king-sized bed just for him. Where Pip could cheerfully slither across the long table full of all kinds of delicious food and pick what he wanted whenever he wanted. Where Pip had an entire miniature theme park just for him to play in. He regretted being so ungrateful, he regretted pissing and pooping everywhere to get his previous owner’s attention, he regretted rippin apart his previous owner’s nice chairs and couches whenever he threw a tantrum, he regretted interrupting others and yelling and manipulating his previous owner to get his way, he regretted insulting his previous owner multiple times and calling them horrible things.
Pip started crying, sobbing even. He regretted everything he did and how much of an unbearable brat he had been. He wanted his comfortable life back. He wanted to feel pampered and like the center of everything again. He tried screaming, calling out to Mommy again, he desperately needed her to hold him or at least pat his back or something. But nothing happened. So despite the pain of his now cracked skull and broken rib, Pip pushed himself up and tried slithering around again. Calling out to Mommy and crying non stop, not caring about the ammount of snot that now dripped from his nose cavity.
As he slithered around, Pip didn’t watch where he was going and another person walked by and harmed him. This time, they stepped on his tail, causing the internal tail bone to shatter and the ecto-flesh to rip open, beginning to bleed. Pip let out a loud, ear piercing scream, hugging his tail in pain as he curled up into a fetal position. Then another person walked by and kicked Pip once again, the force of the kick itself caused another couple of ribs to break. Pip could not stop screaming, the pain was too unbearable for him.
Even with his damaged tail, Pip tried dragging his body across the floor, trying to escape the crowd. But another pair of seemingly giant feet crushed his little arms. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!”. He screeched, but the person responsible for it kept walking as if nothing had happened. He tried using his body and his tail to push himself forward but another couple of people walked by, kicking him around between them as if he was a pingpong ball. Every time he tried getting out of the crowd, people would suddenly walk by and either step on him or kick him back to the center of it all. Tears fell from his eyes as he recieved another kick, then another, and so on.
He cried, he screamed, he yelled as loud as he could. Maybe if he was loud enough, people would realize he was there and maybe even help him. But no, nobody cared and they continued on with their day. Now, compared to the treatment he was used to, Pip felt insignificant. He was no longer “The Great and Amazing Pip, The Specialest Pygmy Of The Entire World!”, he was just a worthless little thing, lost in an office building, getting kicked around as if he was nothing but trash.
Finally, Pip caught a glimpse of Mommy in the distance, she was talking with another woman as she held a cup of coffee and a clipboard. Tears of joy formed on Pip’s eyes. Maybe this nightmare would finally be over! Maybe if he screamed loud enough, Mommy would recognize his voice and immediately go to his rescue!
With anticipation and hope in his eyes, Pip took a huge chunk of air and prepared to let out the yell of his life. But life had other plans as a woman walked in. She was wearing tall heels, clicking and clacking against the floor. Without a care in the world, she walked by and interrupted Pip mid-yell as she stepped on his spine. Pip felt the sharpest and strongest pain of his life coursing through his entire body. He wanted to screech in pain but he couldn’t, he couldn’t talk, he couldn’t scream, he couldn’t move the lower half of his body…
Tears fell from his eyes, panic surged through his body as he saw Mommy about to ride the elevator. He used his broken arms and tried dragging himself in her direction with all the strength he had left despite the immense, agonizing pain he felt.
“MoMmy- Mo- ahk! moMmy! hElp mE! It hUrtS.. HURTS! HELP! MO-“ but Pip couldn’t even finish his sentence as a floor scrubber passed by. Polishing and sweeping the floor and picking up Pip along the way. The little pygmy was trapped alongside the dust and trash. Pip could feel everything despite being unable to move. He felt his tiny little body being ripped apart and crushed piece by piece. His arms were first, then his tail, then finally his torso and head detached and nothing but dusty, bloody remains mixed with garbage and dirt were left.
When Mommy returned home that afternoon, she didn’t seem surprised that Pip was nowhere to be found. Instead of panicking or worrying, Mommy just shrugged and started to put away the groceries. Maybe Pip had slipped out and died as he fell from the window, or a stray cat got inside and ripped him apart. Whatever had happened to Pip, Mommy didn’t really care, she had better things to do and she had already been considering returning Pip back to the adoption center anyways.
And so, with another bitty gone, life on the big city continued, for nobody would care about an insignificant and worthless little bitty.
The End.
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ngl i was a little unmotivated today :P so have this random doodle of Pygmy killer making something out of clay he found in the stream while i think of what shenanigans i will create with the rest of the pygmies.
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look at the boi go :D
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yanderes-galore · 6 months
In my opinion cause soul of cinder is all the manifestation of all the Lord of cinder that have been linking the fire he must have at least each trait of this lord , so let's analyse the Lord's first :
Gwyn of Lord of cinder and king of Gods he try so hard to prolong the age of fire even if it extend to his family and himself in the end becoming hollow
Yhorm the giant , the giant who linked the first flame in attemp to save his people and city even if his people do not feel love from him in the end he was slaughtered by his own friend Siegfried by the sword he give to him
Ludleth of courland A small pygmy from courland and a extracting and coalescing the essence of souls to gain incredible powers. But he still have nightmare from the burning
Abyss Watchers A legion of Undead soldiers tasked with fighting the Abyss wherever it takes shape, united in their souls by the wolf blood of Artorias to link the First Flame and do their duty one last time.
Aldrich, Saint of the Deep: A cleric from Irithyll of the Boreal Valley who took pleasure in devouring humans, eating so much that his body became a sludge of darkness and was made to link the First Flame for his strength. Sacrificing anything and everything to brought the age of sea
(He reject his destiny but I want to mention him) Lothric, Younger Prince A prince brought into the world by the royal family of Lothric for the sole purpose of linking the Flame, but his frailty, curse and suffering led him to reject his destiny.
And if we want to add the player basically us from DS 1-3
Ashen one, Bearer of curse, and Choosen undead basically an unkidled or human who self determine to continue or reject the linking of fire.
So the soul of cinder personality will be a obsessive yet protective guy that stubbornly protect reader even if it cost him his life he'll be a very gentleman kind of person that tries to change the course of destiny and fate if your life is in danger sacrificing anything and everything as long if it keep you safe. Hate him if you must but he'll keep loving you.
And to add that in mind the failure of the Lord be a reminder in his head that he can't fail her just like the Lord fail linking the fire making his personality 10 time more overbearing
Posting this to pull from when I do the Soul of Cinder concept soon! You may see it tomorrow or the day after that, I'll see.
Thanks for the motivation and direction to take, Anon!
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braveclementine · 20 days
Chapter 4
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Warnings: 18+ readers only, smut
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
𝕴 𝖉𝖎𝖉𝖓'𝖙 𝖜𝖆𝖐𝖊 up on the day we were supposed to go to Kings Crossing until nine-thirty and was immensely glad that I had already packed my trunk the night before. I'd stayed up late because Dad had said he'd try and drop by before the last day of school. Unfortunately, we got an owl around eleven o'clock saying he wouldn't be able to make it but he wished me and Trang a good time at school.
I'd also been woken by a nightmare around one o'clock which I'd immediately recognized to be a vision, and wrote a letter to Hannah Abbott telling her that'd I'd just had a vision telling her that I'd seen her being pulled out of Herbology class only a few weeks into term because her mother had been found dead. I told her that she would be safe at Hogwarts, but if her mother and anyone else in the house could find a safe place to stay or take up extra precautions, it would be advisable.
I didn't know if Sadie would be able to deliver it before Hannah left for school and I also didn't know if the Death Eaters were going to attack Sadie by delivering it. I waited for Sadie with a horrible sickening feeling in my stomach and wished I'd used a different owl.
I ate a quick breakfast and helped Mr. Weasley put my trunk in a second Ministry car which would be taking us to Kings Crossing today. Trang and I sat in the car with Ginny and I stared out the window, wishing I could see Sadie fly back to me. Meanwhile, my pygmy puff who I'd christened Amelia, was sleeping in her cage. Trang had christened hers Oliver. But I couldn't even bring myself to make fun of her.
Trang could barely sit still the entire car ride- which wasn't long. It would be her first time on the Hogwarts Express, riding to school. Of course, she'd been at Hogwarts last year, but only in the hospital wing and Dumbledore's office, and I suspected she'd seen a bit of the grounds too. But this year was different. She'd be attending classes and I knew her deepest wish was to become a witch and she was finally going to be able to achieve it. It was a weird turn of events and it made my strangely uncomfortable.
The Ministry cars stopped in front of the train station where two, grim-faced Aurors were waiting for us. I wished that Tonks was here but I knew I'd see her on the other train station when we arrived at Hogwarts. Of course, I'd have to help Harry first.
The Aurors didn't speak as they walked into Kings Crossing with us, our things on trolleys. We approached the barrier, but Trang was looking around, looking apprehensive and I realized that I'd forgotten to tell her how we got onto the platform.
"Quick, quick, through the barrier." Mrs. Weasley said nervously and glanced at the Aurors, "Harry had better go first, with-"
One of the Aurors nodded and gripped Harry's arm, steering him towards the barrier. Harry wrenched his arm from his grip and pushed ahead, the Auror quick on his heels. Trang watched them disappeared through the wall and her mouth dropped again. I put a finger out, pushing it closed.
"Elizabeth, Hermione, you two next." Mrs. Weasley said and we went through with the next Auror walking between the two of us. At least he didn't attempt to grab my arm.
"Let's go" Hermione said and we quickly loaded our things off the trolleys and carried them up to the prefect carriage. Then we came back out to see Mr. Weasley come through the platform with Trang. I was glad- she looked much more relaxed until she saw the train and all the students on the platform. She didn't drop her mouth again but she seemed very nervous and looked pale.
Harry came up on the train, Trang following him quickly.
"We gotta go down to the prefect compartment, Harry and then patrol." I said.
"Right" Harry said and I waved to him and Trang and then followed Hermione and Ron to the prefect compartment. To my surprise, only Pansy Parkinson was in the compartment representing the Slytherins. Anthony and Padma were representing the Ravenclaws and we all nodded to each other.
Ernie was waiting as the male Hufflepuff. He shook hands with Ron and Hermione and gave me a quick side hug.
"How was your summer?" He asked.
I sighed, running my long hair back. "Cold."
He chuckled and then turned his attention to the head students so that we could learn about all the different security measures that would be taken at Hogwarts this year and also how we'd be asked to patrol the corridors more often along with teachers. So in other words, I wasn't going to be getting a lot of sleep this year.
Finally, around mid afternoon we were let go and we patrolled the corridors. Ernie and I stopped by a compartment that a lot of Hufflepuffs were sitting in including Hannah Abbott, Susan Bones, Justin Finch-Fletchley, and Zacharias Smith.
Hannah looked up when we came and stood up abruptly and hurried past me and down the hallway. My face flushed and I looked at Susan, "What did I do?"
"She said she got a very disturbing letter from you this morning." Zacharias answered. "What was it about?"
"Er- if she didn't tell you the contents of the letter, then it's none of your business." I said softly. Did she not believe me? Did her parents not believe me? Did she think it was a trap? I ran an aggravated hand through my hair again.
I saw that Dean Thomas and Ginny were walking past and suddenly Zacharias was on his feet and he was calling after Ginny who turned.
"What happened at the Ministry?" Zacharias asked.
"None of your business." Ginny said coolly. "Eliza's behind her, why don't you ask her?"
I shook my head quickly behind Zacharias back, giving her an exasperated look.
I sat down next to Susan and waited as Zacharias continued to barrage Ginny with questions and then I stood up as Ginny pulled out her wand and then hexed Zacharias. He flew backwards, skidding to a stop at my feet. I looked down at him with zero pity. "You deserved that you know."
Suddenly, the compartment door opened and Professor Slughorn came in. Ginny flushed pink and then Slughorn chuckled and said, "That was a good bit of magic now! Ah, Elizabeth, I was looking for you! If you two would like to come with me."
Ginny gave me a nervous look and I rolled my eyes. With a wave of my wand, I performed the counter-curse on Zacharias and left the train compartment without a look backwards. I smirked as I closed the door behind me.
We entered the compartment where a tall black Slytherin was waiting. Blaise Zabini, yuck (yuck only because he was a Slytherin, not because he wasn't hot or nothing). Then there was Cormac McLaggen, a seventh year Gryffindor. Also yuck (because he was a jackass). And then there was a seventh year Ravenclaw by the name of Marcus Belby. I only liked him because his Uncle made the Wolfsbane potion.
Ginny and I sat down across from each other. She was sitting next to Professor Slughorn and I was sitting next to Zabini.
A few moments later, Harry came through the compartment door with Neville.
"Harry, m'boy! Good to see you, good to see you! And you must be Mr. Longbottom!" Professor Slughorn said, jumping to his feet as they came in. Neville nodded and they also sat opposite each other close to the door.
"Now, do you know everyone? Blaise Zabini is in your year, of course." Slughorn started but none of them made any acknowledgement. "This is Cormac McLaggen, perhaps you've come across each other-? No? And this is Marcus Bely, I don't know whether-? -and this charming young lady tells me she knows you!" Slughorn finished. I supposed that was what Ginny and Slughorn had been talking about in the hallway when I was envisioning Tonks finding Harry in the compartment. "And of course Harry, your sister!"
"Er actual-" I spoke awkwardly as the other students shot me a look, but Slughorn was already speaking again.
"A chance to get to know you all a little better. Here, take a napkin. I've packed my own lunch; the trolley, as I remember it, is heavy on licorice wands, and a poor old man's digestive system isn't quite up to such things. . . Pheasant, Belby?"
Belby gave a start and took half a pheasant.
"I was just telling young Marcus here that I had the pleasure of teaching his Uncle Damocles. Outstanding wizard, outstanding and his Order of Merlin most well-deserved. Do you see much of your uncle, Marcus?"
Belby started to choke on his pheasant, not realizing that he'd have to speak. Professor Slughorn pointed his wand at him and said, "Anapneo." Interesting spell, I'd certainly never heard of it before.
"Not. . . not much of him, no." Belby gasped, eyes streaming with watery tears and the purple hue slowly started disappearing from his face.
"Well, of course, I daresay he's busy. I doubt he invented the Wolfsbane potion without considerable hard work!"
"I suppose. . . Er. . . he and my dad don't get on very well, you see, so I don't really know much about. . ." Belby drifted off as Slughorn gave him a strained smile and turned to Cormac.
"Now you, Cormac. I happen to know you see a lot of your Uncle Tiberius, because he has a rather splendid picture of the two of you hunting nogtails in, I think, Norfolk?" Professor Slughorn asked.
"Oh, yeah, that was fun, that was. We went with Bertie Higgs and Rufus Scrimgeour- this was before he became Minister, obviously-"
"Ah you know Bertie and Rufus too?" Slughorn said, offering around a plate of pies that I politely declined. I hated pie. "Now tell me. . ."
I tuned out the rest of the conversation as Slughorn turned Zabini who had a famous mother. I'd heard the stories before. Married seven times to rich men who died under mysterious circumstances. Sometimes, she married rich Muggles and it turned out they were suicidal, jumping off cliffs. Considering he was a Slytherin, I would assume that his mother put a number of spells on the men.
I made sure to tune out Neville's conversation particularly hard as he was getting flustered, his parents being famous Aurors and being tortured so horribly their minds broke. Ginny and Harry were also determinedly blocking out the conversation.
"And now!" Slughorn said, jerking me out of my thoughts. I wished I'd thought to bring a patented daydream charm. "Harry Potter! Where to begin? I feel I barely scratched the surface when we met over the summer! 'The Chosen one', they're calling you now! Of course, there have been rumors for years. . . I remember when- well- after that terrible night- Lily- James- and you survive- and the word was that you must have powers beyond the ordinary-"
Zabini gave a little cough and Ginny burst out angrily, "Yeah, Zabini, because you're so talented. . . at posing. . ."
"Oh dear! You want to be careful, Blaise! I saw this young lady perform the most marvelous Bat-Bogey Hex as I was passing her carriage! I wouldn't cross her!" Professor Slughorn chuckled comfortably. "Anyway, such rumors this summer. Of course, one doesn't know what to believe, the Prophet has been known to print inaccuracies, make mistakes- but there seems little doubt, given the number of witnesses, that there was quite a disturbance at the Ministry and that you were there in the thick of it all!"
Harry nodded but said nothing.
"So modest, so modest, no wonder Dumbledore is so fond- you were there, then? But the rest of the stories- so sensational, of course, one doesn't know quite what to believe- this fabled prophecy, for instance-"
"We never heard a prophecy." Neville said, turning pink.
"That's right. Neville, Eliza, and I were there too, and all this 'Chosen One' rubbish is just the Prophet making things up as usual." Ginny said.
"You were there too, were you?" Slughorn asked with interest, looking between the three of us.
"There were actually quite a few students there." I said dreamily, sounding a bit like Luna. "Ten of us in total."
Slughorn was very interested but I said nothing more and he looked quite disappointed. Then he rambled off about many different things and I watched the sun fall lower in the sky and finally I said, "Professor, I don't mean to be rude, but it's getting very late, I just wanted to warn you!" My cheeks flushed.
Professor Slughorn looked out the window and said, "You are quite right! You'd better go and change into your robes, all of you. McLaggen, you must drop by and borrow that book on nogtails. Harry, Eliza, Blaise- any time you're passing by. Same goes for you, miss!" He said to Ginny and me. "Well, off you go, off you go."
We filed out of the compartment and I stretched, thankful to be out of there. Now, to go find Trang.
"I'm glad that's over." Neville muttered. "Strange man, isn't he?"
"Yeah he is a bit. How come you ended up in there, Ginny?" Harry asked.
"He saw me hex Zacharias Smith. You remember that idiot from Hufflepuff who was in the D.A.? He kept on and on asking about what happened at the Ministry and in the end he annoyed me so much I hexed him- when Slughorn came in I thought I was going to get detention, but he just thought it was a really good hex and invited me to lunch! Mad eh?"
"Better reason for inviting someone than because their mother's famous." Harry said, scowling after Zabini. "Or because their uncle-" He broke off and then he said. "I'll see you three later."
"But what're you-?" Neville asked as Harry flung the cloak over his body.
"Later!" He whispered and he was gone.
I rolled my eyes. "Well, I'm going to go and get my stuff and go find Ron and Hermione and Trang."
"Oh, I know where they're staying!" Neville said, "I'll come with you."
We said good-bye to Ginny and then headed back to the compartment that I'd been in. Susan was no longer there either and Hannah had never come back. I got my stuff and then followed Neville to the compartment with Hermione, Ron, Trang, and Luna.
"What'd he want?" Ron asked.
"Dunno, he never talked to me and I blocked out most of what he said." I answered, sitting down next to Trang and opening the Daily Prophet.
"Where's Harry?" Hermione asked.
"Dunno." Neville answered. "He said he'd be back eventually."
"I'll go find him if the time gets close. Also Trang, Luna here is a fellow Ravenclaw so she'll show you where the Ravenclaw table is."
"Great." Trang said, sounding relieved and Luna smiled at her before disappearing again behind her magazine.
As the train came to a stop and we started to get our stuff out, Harry still had not returned.
"Eliza we have to do our prefect duties." Hermione said nervously, "Where is Harry?"
I hesitated and then turned to others, "Can you guys get my stuff out on the deck?"
Neville, Hermione, and Ron nodded and I dashed out of the door towards where I knew the Slytherins were going to be staying. I watched Zabini, Goyle, and Crabbe coming down the compartment and though they gave me nasty looks, they passed by without a word. Pansy was waiting in the compartment and then she left too, throwing me a nasty look as she passed by.
I heard a crash and knew that Harry had been immobilized.
I rushed to the door, throwing it open, my wand raised. Harry was lying on the floor and Draco was standing over him. Draco spun around and though I had the shield charm halfway out of my mouth, he was faster and my body froze. Draco laid me down next to Harry, smashing my nose in with his foot, and throwing the Invisibility Cloak over the two of us.
Blood rain down my face and onto my clothes. Lovely. My wand was still in my hand and I tried very hard to think of the countercurse. I managed to do it and sat up just as Tonks came into the compartment. There was a flash of red and Harry unfroze as well.
"Wotcher Harry, Wotcher Elizabeth." Tonks said. Harry picked up the invisibility cloak. "We'd better get out of here, quickly. Come on, we'll jump."
We hurried after her into the corridor and she pulled open the train door and jumped onto the platform. I jumped after her, feeling a rush of adrenaline and then Harry landed next to me. The landing, jolted my nose and my hand leapt up to it but didn't touch it.
"Who did it?" Tonks asked.
"Draco Malfoy. Thanks for. . . well. . ." Harry said.
"No problem." Tonks said, not meeting my eyes. "I can fix your nose if you stand still."
Harry and I stayed still as she said "Episkey" twice.
"Thanks a lot!" Harry exclaimed as our noses were mended.
"Thanks." I murmured.
"You'd better put that cloak back on and we can walk up to the school." Tonks said. I turned into a cat, and Harry swung the invisibility cloak over himself. Tonks waved her wand and a wolf appeared and shot off towards the castle.
"Was that a Patronus?" Harry asked.
"Yes, I'm sending word to the castle that I've got you two or they'll worry. Come on, we'd better not dawdle."
"How did you find us?" Harry asked.
"I noticed neither you or Elizabeth had left the train and I knew you had that cloak. I thought you might be hiding for some reason. When I saw the blinds were drawn down on that compartment, I thought I'd check."
"But what are you doing here, anyway?" Harry asked.
"I'm stationed in Hogsmeade now, to give the school extra protection." Tonks said.
"Is it just you who's stationed up here, or-?"
"No, Proudfoot, Savage, and Dawlish are here too."
I wanted to ask how Kingsley was but I had the two-way mirror still and besides, I was a cat- I couldn't talk.
"Dawlish, that Auror Dumbledore attacked last year?"
"That's right."
I started to fall behind, my cat legs much shorter than their human ones and Tonks stopped, bending down and picking me up and carrying me. I purred in her arms and the slightest smile came over her face before flitting away.
We finally made it to the castle and Harry, still hidden under the cloak, rattled the bars and then I heard him say, "Alohomora!"
"That won't work on these, Dumbledore bewitched them himself." Tonks said.
"I could climb a wall." Harry suggested.
"No, you couldn't. Anti-intruder jinxes on all of them. Security's been tightened a hundredfold this summer." Tonks said flatly.
"Well then." Harry said, sounding annoyed, "I suppose I'll just have to sleep out here and wait for morning."
"Someone's coming down for you. Look." Tonks said. I jumped out of her arms and turned into a human. Harry pulled off his invisibility cloak.
"Well, well, well." Professor Snape said. "Nice of you to turn up, Potter, although you evidently decided that the wearing of school robes would detract from your appearance." He tapped the padlock once so that the chains snaked backward and the gates creaked open.
"I couldn't change, I didn't have my-" Harry started.
I was glad I was in my Hogwarts robes, though blood was all down the front of them, and I knew there was dried blood on my face.
"There is no need to wait, Nymphadora, Potter and Kane are quite- ah- safe in my hands." Severus said.
"I meant for Hagrid to get the message." Tonks said, frowning.
"Hagrid was late for the start-of-term feast, just like Potter and Kane here, so I took it instead. And incidentally," Professor Snape said, standing back so that we could pass through. "I was interested to see your new Patronus."
He shut the gates in her face and I frowned at him. "I think you were better off with the old one. The new one looks weak." His voice was full of malice and before I knew what I was doing, anger flew through me and I strode forward and slapped him across the face so hard that it echoed through the courtyard.
"Elizabeth!" Tonks exclaimed but I was already striding off, my anger pulling me towards the castle.
"Elizabeth- wait-!" Harry exclaimed, sounding nervous. I was already on the castle steps and heading up past the front doors and then found my way to the Great Hall. I pulled open the double door with a hard jerk and then hurried off to the Hufflepuff table, my eyes flashing with anger and I sat down next to Ernie.
"What happened to your face?" Susan asked in horror.
"Why, what's wrong with it?" I asked, reaching for a chicken wing.
"You're covered in blood." Ernie said, "what happened?"
"Malfoy." I said darkly, pulling out my wand and closing one eye and pointing it at my own face and said, "Tergeo! Better, Susan?"
"Yeah." Susan said, though her eyes were lingering on my clothes. I pointed my wand at my clothe and said, "Scourgify!"
Harry came into the Great Hall now and hurried down to the Gryffindor table, people whispering and pointing and standing up to look at him.
"So why did you get on Draco's bad side?" Susan asked. Rose had come to sit down next to me. Justin and Zacharias were now sitting closer but Hannah was sitting far away, determinedly avoiding my gaze.
I rolled my eyes, "I've been on his bad side for about five years Susan." Then I sighed and said, "In this particular incident, I was actually just going to save Harry and got caught up between their fight."
"Oh." Ernie said, glancing up at the Professors table.
Dessert appeared and I helped myself to some ice-cream, trying to look over at the Ravenclaw table. Trang was sitting next to Luna, looking down at her dessert and looked up. I smiled at her and winked and she grinned back.
Then Dumbledore stood up and the laughter and talk died away. "The very best of evenings to you!" He said, spreading his arms wide and showing the very tips of his black hand.
There were gasps and outbursts from the tables as they caught sight of his hand. Dumbledore smiled and shook his purple-and-gold sleeve of his robe over his injury and said, "Nothing to worry about. Now. . . to our new students, welcome, to our old students, welcome back! Another year full of magical education awaits you. . .as many of our old students and new students should take to heart is that the Forbidden is off limits- especially now. . . and Mr. Filch, our caretaker, has asked me to say that there is a blanket ban on any joke items bought at the shop called Weasleys' Wizards Wheezes. Those wishing to play for their House Quidditch teams should give their names to their Heads of House as usual. We are also looking for new Quidditch commentators, who should do likewise. We are pleased to welcome a new member of staff this year. Professor Slughorn is a former colleague of mine who has agreed to resume his old post of Potions master."
The word seemed to spread around the Great Hall as people tried to figure out what that meant. Ernie and Susan were showing identical faces of shock. Rose was looking around, frowning, trying to figure out what the significance of this word was.
"Professor Snape, meanwhile, will be taking over the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher!" Professor Dumbledore said.
"NO!" Harry shouted loudly at the Gryffindor table while the Slytherins exploded into cheering and clapping. Other students looked at each other, muttering.
"Dumbledore is going to let him teach Defense Against the Dark Arts?" Ernie asked, shocked. "How could he?"
Susan, Rose, Ernie, and I were all in a small little huddle. I could feel Professor Snape's eyes on me, but I was to angry at him to acknowledge him.
Dumbledore cleared his throat and the buzzing died down. "Now, as everybody in this Hall knows, Lord Voldemort and his followers are once more at large and gaining in strength. I cannot emphasize strongly enough how dangerous the present situation is, and how much care each of us at Hogwarts must take to ensure that we remain safe."
I looked over at the Slytherin table to see that Draco was levitating his fork with his wand, not paying attention to Dumbledore. Deciding that I too was bored, I lowered my wand under the table and muttered, "Acuelo!"
Immediately, his concentration on his fork dropped and the gold fork dropped against the golden plate, making the loudest clatter that sounded throughout the hall. I grinned, watching him bend down with a pink face to grab his stinging knee. Dumbledore didn't break stride in his speech, but I heard Severus' voice, plain as day in my head, 'Enough.'
I scowled, dropping my face back to my plate, not acknowledging him.
"The castle's magical fortifications have been strengthened over the summer, we are protected in new and more powerful ways, but we must still guard scrupulously against carelessness on the part of any student or member of staff. I urge you, therefore, to abide by any security restrictions that your teachers might impose upon you, however irksome you might find them- in particular, the rule that you are not to be out of bed after hours. I implore you, should you notice anything strange or suspicious within or outside the castle, to report it to a member of staff immediately. I trust you to conduct yourselves, always, with the utmost regard for your own and others' safety."
There was a bit of silence and then Dumbledore smiled and said, "But now, your beds await, as warm and comfortable as you could possibly wish, and I know that your top priority is to be well rested for your lessons tomorrow. Let us therefore say good night. Pip pip!"
Ernie and I got up to approach the new first-years and we led them through the castle and taught them the password at the door and then Ernie led the boys up through one door and I led the girls up to their dorm in another one.
Then, reluctantly, I headed into my own dorm where Susan, Megan, Leanne, and Hannah were. Megan and Leanne were deep in conversation and I'd never really spoken to them. Hannah had her back to me and I motioned to Susan to come out of the dorm.
"What's up?" she asked.
I hesitated and then said, "I wanted to tell you how sorry I am for your loss. Madam Bones. . . well she was a really great witch Susan."
Susan blinked sudden tears out of her eyes and said, "Thanks Elizabeth. I'm really sorry about your Godfather too."
I nodded, looking down. "It's alright, it's how he wanted to go. He always wanted to go down fighting." I smiled a bit, now looking up at the ceiling. "That's how I want to go too if I don't make it."
"Me too." Susan said softly.
We went back into the dorm and I stood there awkwardly, looking at Hannah's back. And then she turned to face me and said, "I just wanted to say thank you for warning me ahead of time."
"Er-, you don't seem happy about it." I said hesitantly.
She hesitated too and said, "Mum doesn't believe. . . she doesn't. . . she thinks it was a joke."
I closed my eyes with horror. "I'm sorry Hannah."
Her eyes were filled with tears. Susan had our backs to us but Leanne and Megan were looking on with interest. "I just. . . I'm glad you warned me anyways. I've told my other family members not to pull me out. I'm already prepared and I don't want to leave Hogwarts anyways."
"It's going to be okay." Susan said softly now, putting a hand on Hannah's shoulder.
Hannah nodded and climbed into bed.
Soon, Hannah, Susan, Leanne, and Megan were all fast asleep. I kept pacing the room, unable to sleep. I kept picturing Severus's horribly mean face and the malice in his voice as he said, 'The new one looks weak'.
Finally out of frustration, I walked out of the girls dorm and turned into a cat outside the Hufflepuff dorm and started to head towards the potions room before remembering that Snape was no longer teaching potions and had to take a much longer route to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.
I turned human once inside the classroom and headed up to where the office was, knocking on the door.
"Come in." a sleek voice said.
I pushed the door open and walked inside, closing the door behind me.
"Oh." Severus said, dropping his quill on his desk. "Er I didn't think you'd come tonight."
I didn't say anything.
Severus stood up and approached me and said, "Look-"
"Don't." I said coldly.
"No?" Severus said, raising an eyebrow, his tone close to matching mine. "I think I should get a say in the matter."
I glared at him. "You said her patronus was weak, Severus. And you know perfectly well what her patronus looked like and why that offended me!"
Severus strode over to me, pushing me up against the door and putting a finger to my lips. "I didn't say it looked weak because of the animal it took. I said it looked weak because it was weak. It wasn't as bright as it used to be and it was certainly less solid than her old one was."
I opened my mouth to speak and he pinched it closed between his thumb and pointer finger. "Though I must admit. . ." He leaned forward so that our cheeks were touching and his lips were close to my ear, "you get your point across through. . . actions. . ."
I blushed bright red, feeling flustered. His hand was snaking around towards my backside and his other hand moved from my lips, down to the side of my neck. He pressed his lips to mine and I closed my eyes. I found my hands were on the front of his shirt, pulling him to me.
I couldn't stay mad at him forever. I loved him to much, it was a flaw. I couldn't stay mad at Fred or Cedric or Harry or Dad either. I loved all of them too much. And then, I pushed away from the door, pushing Severus towards the bed with so much force, he fell backwards perfectly. I jumped up high, almost like a cat and landed ontop of him gently.
Severus grabbed my hips, rolling over ontop of me now, our clothes coming off in layers. He immediately hooked my legs over his shoulders, burying his face into my cunt. I whimpered, closing my eyes in pleasure as he ran his tongue through my folds, adding two lovely fingers to work me up.
"Severus please." I begged through a whisper, wishing I could grab his hair, bring him closer to me.
"Let go love." Severus murmured and I released on his lips and tongue.
He smirked as he pulled back, taking his cock into his hand, before lining himself up with my entrance. He pushed himself inside until he was balls deep.
Now my hands did come up, one lacing through the soft strands of his silky black hair, the other gripping his shoulder tightly.
He moved slowly and sensually as he usually did, his lips kissing my collarbone and breasts. I hummed in content, kissing his cheek and shoulders, whatever skin I could reach.
He grabbed both of my hands in one of his, pinning them above my head as he took one of my nipples into his mouth. He thrusted a little harder, his free hand reaching between our bodies to roll my clit between his fingers.
"I love you Elizabeth. I don't ever want you to forget that." Severus whispered softly across my skin.
"I'm sorry I slapped you." I apologized, cunt fluttering around his cock as he continued to fuck me. "I'm sorry I lost my temper. I'm sorry I only had a one track mind about the situation instead of hearing what you really meant. I'm sorry."
"I accept all of your apologies." Severus said, suddenly pulling my body upright so that I was straddling him in his lap. I wrapped my arms around his waist, crying out at the new angle as he thrusted up into me. "And now I want you to cum all over my cock like a good girl."
"Fuck." I whimpered, doing just that, feeling my release wash over me hot and then cold. He spilled into me, kissing my neck and then my lips.
"I love you too Severus. I love you a lot." I whispered softly.
Severus gently pulled out of me, using a simple spell to clean the both of us up, before he wrapped the sheets around my naked body. He tucked himself behind me, wrapping his arms around me.
He kissed my cheek, his fingers in my hair. I closed my eyes with a small smile on my face. And I could still feel him running his fingers through my hair as I fell asleep.
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fandomlover84 · 1 month
Bittybones In Twisted Wonderland; Bittybones
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Y/n’s Bittys
Y/n: Kya {Pure Bite}, Solar {Lumen}, Lunar {Nocturne}, Blaze {Fire Papa}, Flare {Bloodymoon}, Prince {Fire Royal}, Macaroon {Macaron}, Casper {Ghost}, Royal {Kingding}, FireFrost {Alpha Baby Grillby}, Icy {Omega Gaster Babybones}, Shard {Alpha Gaster Babybones}, Tundra {Beta Gaster Babybones}, FireFlame {Beta Baby Grillby}, Icicles {Alpha Papy babybones}, Frostbite {Alpha Sans Babybones}, Snowfall {Omega Papy baby bones}, Fireflurry {Omega Grillby babybones}, Blizzard {Beta Sans babybones}, Arctic {Beta Papy Babybones}, Glacier {Omega Sans babybones} (19)
Lux: Switch {Swap}, Soldier {Mutt}, Lumière {Dream/Paladin}, Green {Blind/B}, Captain {BlackBerry}, Melrakki {Snowberry} (6)
Haruki: Curly {Sea foam}, Spookheart {Spoopster}, Fintan {Yanby}, Bunbun {Punny}, Tea {Teacup}, Barzellette {Corny}, Blend (7)
Nymphe: Void Goop {Goopster}, Aiden {FireRing}, Windy {Suave}, Knuckles {Brassberry}, Axel {Dadster}, (5)
Aria: Rose petal {Bud the Rose} Comet {Stars}, Fedora {Yanberry Swapdere}, Rhythm {Maestro}, Anwar {Mamba}, Graphite {Error/Gaffes} (6)
Belladonna: Stormy {Savvy}, Naia {Dolphin}, Sea {Papy}, turtle {San}, Anti {Krait}, Azure {Baby Blue}, Bean, (7)
Aaron: Lucifer {Boss}, Diablo {Edgy}, Satan {Fell}, Amon {Coral Lamia}, Jaune {Dream/Marvels}, Jokester {Honey Bo}, Electro {Wingdings}, Hounddoom {Heckberry} Leo {Papython}, Stampy {ink/Stamps} (10)
Indivar: Hunter {Horror}, Honey {Little Bro}, Fusion {Yancap}, Catena {Chain}, Feather {Pygmy}, Majesty {King}, SugarTrap {Teeth}, Smooth, (8)
Hades: Kit {Kitcat}, Pup {Pupy}, Sleepy {Softbones}, Black {Nightmare/Dreads}, Sombre {Nightmare}, Nurse {Poppy}, Cherry Red {Runt/Cherry}, Reef {Coral}, Dee Dee {Daze The Flower}, Tiger {Babybones kitty Alpha} Lion {Babybones kittys Beta}, linx {Babybones kitty Omega}, Mort {Baby Pup Alpha}, Flash {Baby Pup Beta}, Vie {Baby Pup Omega} (15)
(Page will get edited as time goes on or When I wanted to add another Bitty)
[Note] I do not know the over all Idea of Bittys bone that be Mama Cry, I only own my Ocs Part of the plot as it mostly following The Twisted Wonderland plot but with my own plot ideas added in to make this Story my own. Not copy and Pasta Or Get someone say in the Comments “YoU’Re CoPyInG _____ WoRk” And the Drawing that have the L🖤S or With the Fandomlover And the Otter on it or the Symbol I made for my storys. Which is at the top of the Chapter on Quotev. The Alphatale Bittybones Belongs to AlphaMamaLioness on Tumblr and A lot of the Other Bittys are From Tumblr I can’t find all of them or They belong to fandom, I will try and Put all the Creators of said bitties when I have a Chance I will put in on this Chapter. P.S I forgot my password word for My tumblr but I found it and Now going to Publish my Story on here with the chapters I have done. with that out of the way. Creepypastalover84 Signing Out. ☮️
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