#Prince de la ville
gauthierguerrier · 1 year
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Prince de la Ville (12m35) - Amina Kramy & Kévin Koch : Hamid vit seul avec sa mère. En quête de stabilité affective il s’est réfugié dans le foot et a adopté Louis, son entraineur, comme père de substitution. Tout allait pour le mieux, jusqu’au jour où son géniteur refait surface.
Avec : Killyan Guechtoum-Robert, Akim Chir, Almamy Kanouté, Khelifa Belhaadj Adda, Halima Karoui, Messaouda Dendoune et les U16 de l’AAC Fresnes.
Chaque années les prestigieuses écoles de cinéma que sont la FÉMIS et la FILMAKADEMIE du Bade-Wurtemberg (Allemagne) font des échanges. En cette année de Coupe du Monde, j’ai été sollicité pour assister le binôme de réalisateurs Kévin Koch & Amina Krami dans leur projet de 3ème année sur le football.
Tourné essentiellement en banlieue entre les tours des cités de Bondy et les terrains de l’AAC Fresnes, le tournage de ce film aura mis en exergue mon anglais indispensable pour communiquer avec des collègues pour qui le français ne veut rien dire. De l’autre côté, j’ai aussi dû faire le traducteur pour les acteurs, membres de l’équipe ou autres qui ne bitent pas la langue de Shakespeare. L’autre gros défi de ce court-métrage doté d’un budget à 5 chiffres, aura été la gestion des nombreux figurants sans second assistant-réalisateur. Canaliser la quinzaine d’ados sur le terrain n’aura pas été une mince affaire, entre leur temps de concentration réduit et leur énergie débordante, il aura fallu de la patience et un brin d’autorité pour réussir à tourner.
Prince de la Ville est disponible en accès privé en cliquant ici.
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metahoodrecords · 2 years
Il y a quelque temps @ultrastellaire composait ce freestyle pour @bakari.4 Afin de rester proche des références de l’artiste, @ultrastellaire s’est permis de sampler le légendaire « prince de la ville » de 113 composé par le regretté génie qu’était DJ Mehdi ! Nous sommes heureux et fier de voir le chemin parcourus par @bakari.4 ! Il impose désormais avec brio, son rap, ses mélodies ainsi que sa vision artistique ! Et ça, c’est beau ! D’ailleurs, que pensez-vous de ce freestyle de @bakari.4 ?
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kamotecue · 4 months
footy match ✬ m. leon
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summary: in which the royal twins attend a game of their favorite football team, but who knows what would happen afterwards?
part one, and two.
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the twins took their seat, their eyes settling on the pitch, where the players of both teams were warming up. andres had face paint, the colors of barcelona while astrid wore her barca scarf.
isak sat beside the prince, while agnes (astrid’s personal bodyguard) sat on the left of astrid, the twins were in the middle.
“broder, kan du ge mig gummibjörnarna? [brother, can you give me the gummy bears?]” the crown princess’s voice was soft, as andres gave his sister a small nod. taking out his sister’s snack from the bag, kindly passing it to her as he received a small thanks.
the game had begun, as the twins focused on the pitch. they’re avid supporters of football, most importantly they support the same team—the team you do. you had gotten them into football, andres plays on a swedish youth team while astrid occasionally plays.
the first half ended with bonmati, hansen and caldentey scoring a goal, as the team headed to the tunnels, mapi looked around, accidentally making eye contact with astrid, as andres was playing rock-paper-scissors with isak.
the crown princess sent the spanish player a soft smile, as maria returned it, her figure disappearing as she entered the tunnel.
“vad är din poängförutsägelse? [what is your score prediction?]” astrid asked andres, who hummed before holding up four fingers.
“jag säger fem mot noll. [i say five to zero.]” the prince gave his sister a raised eyebrow, astrid just gave him an amused look. the half time quickly came to a break, as the players from both teams took their side.
“hur mycket vill du satsa, käre broder? [how much do you want to bet, dear brother?]” isak snorted at the crown princess’s behavior, knowing it would be food related.
“om du har rätt kommer jag att ge dig all min choklad från mina gömmor—om du förlorar kommer du att ge mig all din. [if you’re right, i’ll give you all of my chocolate from my stash—if you lose, you’ll give me all of yours.]” agnes softly smiled at the twins, astrid gave her brother a glare but accepted the challenge.
let’s just say, andres lost all of his chocolates. the game did end with a five to zero, as the team went around the pitch, giving their attention to the fans—the twins took it as a sign to get closer.
frido giving the two of them a small bow, andres returned it with a nod—astrid giving the swedish a soft smile.
“du behöver inte buga, frido. [you don’t have to bow, frido.]” astrid said, as frido tilted her head in confusion.
“lamento no saber quién eras. [i’m sorry for not knowing who you were.]” the twins set their eyes on the barca center-back, a few players were behind her as well. ingrid, alexia, patri and claudia—the ones who were curious.
“está bien, no podrías haberlo sabido de todos modos. [it’s okay, you couldn’t have known that anyway.]” andres replied, giving her a soft smile.
“det är mycket folk, ers höghet. [there’s a lot of people, your highness.]” agnes bowed her head as she spoke, the twins looked around—a few fans had pointed their phones at them, curious on who the kids are and why they’ve attracted a lot of players.
“¿podemos entrar? a mi hermana no le gustan mucho las multitudes. [can we enter? my sister doesn’t really like crowds much.]” andres said, frido hummed before handing the passes to isak. there were four, he gave her a soft thanks, as he placed a pass over the prince, before grabbing his.
“tack, isak [thank you, isak.]” the prince said, as isak gave the prince a small nod. as the barca players simply led the way inside, not knowing what would happen next.
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The Most Attractive 90s Musician tournament - Round 1
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GROUP A (over)
Match 1 - Geddy Lee vs Alanis Morisette
Match 2 - Brett Anderson vs Shirley Manson
Match 3 - KD Lang vs Kat Bjelland
Match 4 - Jarvis Cocker vs Mike Starr
Match 5 - Donita Sparks vs Matt Bellamy
Match 6 - Mike McCready vs Mike Dirnt
Match 7 - Zack de la Rocha vs Selena Quintanilla
Match 8 - Melissa auf der Maur vs Adam Horovitz
GROUP B (over)
Match 1 - Sean Kinney vs Mariah Carey
Match 2 - Rivers Cuomo vs Flea
Match 3 - Lauryn Hill vs Atsushi Sakurai
Match 4 - Shania Twain vs Dave Mustaine
Match 5 - Bilinda Butcher vs Whitney Houston
Match 6 - Dave Navarro vs Powerline
Match 7 - Dolores O'Riordan vs Missy Elliott
Match 8 - Janet Jackson vs Hope Sandoval
GROUP C (over)
Match 1 - Madonna vs Marty Friedman
Match 2 - Serj Tankian vs Prince
Match 3 - Tumblr anon vs Keanu Reeves
Match 4 - D'arcy Wretzky vs Kirk Hammett
Match 5 - Scott Stapp vs Martin Gore
Match 6 - Rachel Goswell vs Krist Novoselic
Match 7 - James Iha vs Tupac Shakur
Match 8 - Liam Gallagher vs Ville Valo
GROUP D (ongoing)
Match 1 - Patricia Morrison vs Chuck Schuldiner
Match 2 - Michael Stipe vs Michael Hutchence
Match 3 - Jason Newsted vs Mike Inez
Match 4 - Axl Rose vs Alex James
Match 5 - Kim Deal vs Tracy Chapman
Match 6 - Rob Halford vs Eric Martin
Match 7 - Henry Rollins vs Jay Kay
Match 8 - Chino Moreno vs Stephen Malkmus
Mini brackets and games:
Battle of the Mikes
previous tournament results <3 congratulations Tidal!
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sur-nos-cendres · 2 months
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Bonjour ! Aujourd'hui, c'est l'explicatif des maisons que nous vous présentons, véritables organisations criminelles, elles ont des noms particuliers. Si vous le souhaitez, il est possible de rejoindre le discord et de découvrir les liens (pépites, on va pas se mentir) qui sont proposés. Bonne lecture. ♡
Ville crasse aux desseins sombres quand des ombres surgissent les pontes de son anéantissement. Princes du Crime aux griffes acérées et territoires farouchement gardés. Animaux en cage qui, par tous les moyens possibles, tentent de briser leurs chaines. Entre guerres, attentats et manipulations, les ombres se tordent suent de l'ichor qui couvre la ville d'un voile sombre.
Surnommées maisons (House) par les grands imprudents qui les dirigent, ce sont des organisations criminelles à la façade dorée. Elles sont au nombre de cinq et parent la ville de leurs égides artificielles. Cinq, le chiffre parfait pour couvrir chaque méfait, chaque vice.
Chacune d’entre elles doit son nom au vil sobriquet donné par les autorités locales, trop souvent silencieuses sur leurs activités déloyales. Réunies une fois par an sous les prunelles du Conseil de l’Olympe, les accords ne sont pourtant que de simplets palabres. S’achètent alors les intérêts et les gageures aphones et cela entre les beaux murs du Manoir des Hespérides, véritable paradis où les pernicieux s’accordent et échangent sur la bassesse de leurs vies, déclarée zone neutre depuis une trentaine d’années. Qu’ils soient petits bandits ou grands caïds au sang sur les mains, chacun peut trouver sa place à Birmingham.
Pourtant, dans l'ombre, les Moires rodent et cela depuis des décennies. Peu inclines à vendre leur silence contre quelques billets verdoyants, elles gardent l'équilibre entre ombre et lumière depuis si longtemps. Si longtemps... À présent, les Moires savent beaucoup de choses sur les maisons, gardent chacun de leurs petits secrets. Mais jusque quand ?
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lounesdarbois · 2 months
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Pour ce trente-cinquième épisode de l'émission La Libre Antenne sur ERFM, le camarade Blaise et la section Égalité & Réconciliation des Pays de la Loire m'ont convié à évoquer la praxis du bien vivre en ville en ce début de XXIe siècle... Merci les gars.
Sommaire et musiques:
01- Introduction 4 min 10 : Devienne - Sonate pour flûte, basson et piano 02- Le Prince et la Cité 12 min 06 : Devienne - Sonate pour flûte, basson et piano 03- Style urbain français entre 1840 et 1940 16 min 44 : Rameau - Les Fêtes de Polymnie – Ouverture 04- Paris nomadisée 20 min 42 : RAMEAU - Le Temple de la Gloire - Ouverture 05- Envers du décor et ascenseur 24 min 49 : Marais - Alcione - Deuxième Air des Matelots et Matelotes 06- Les HLM des années 1950-60 27 min 40 : Grétry - Richard Cœur de Lion – Ouverture 07- Banlieue parisienne 29 min 44 : Grétry - La caravane du Caire – Ouverture 08- La ville dortoir 31 min 19 : Philidor – Tom Jones - Ouverture 09- L’esthétique désolée 35 min 38 : Méhul - Symphonie No. 2 en D majeur - Andante 10- Exigence contre décadence 39 min 34 : Saint-Saëns - Bacchanale 11- La propriété comme bouclier 43 min 20 : Saint-George - Ernestine – Ouverture 12- Londres et les magasins provisoires 46 min 44 : Berlioz - Marche hongroise 13- Le ministère de l’Embellissement 49 min 44 : Méhul - Adrien – Ouverture 14- L’ameublement masculin 52 min 37 : Gounod - Symphonie No. 2 - Allegro agitato 15- Le mobilier sprezzatura 56 min 10 : Fauré - Pavane - Andante Molto Moderato 16- Les magasins de mobilier 58 min 56 : Gossec - Symphonie en D Majeur - Minuetto & Trio 17- Le mode d’éclairage intérieur 1 h 02 min 16 : Fauré – Sicilienne 18- La campagne française violée 1 h 04 min 45 : Ravel - Le tombeau de Couperin – Prélude 19- Le rapport de l’homme à la campagne 1 h 13 min 13 : Jaubert - Le Jour se lève 20- Henri Sellier 1 h 16 min 17 : Saint-George - L’Amant anonyme - Ouverture I. Allegro presto 21- Les smart cities 1 h 21 min 00 : Gossec - Symphonie en D Majeur – Allegro 22- Conclusion 1 h 24 06 : New Order - The Himm
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graceandfamily · 3 months
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Reopening of the Salon de l'Europe, a costume ball in 1900's clothing organized by Princess Grace and Prince Rainier III of Monaco. Monte Carlo (Principality of Monaco), on March 17, 1968.
Photograph by Thibaut Darvas, from the collections of the French newspaper "France-Soir". Bibliothèque historique de la Ville de Paris.
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francepittoresque · 15 days
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7 mai 1841 : mort du peintre et lithographe bordelais Philippe-Gustave de Galard ➽ https://bit.ly/Gustave-Galard Gersois d'origine mais passant une bonne partie de sa jeunesse en Amérique et en Angleterre par suite des orages de la Révolution, il se fixe à Bordeaux et devient, dans sa ville d'adoption, le prince de la lithographie, peignant une foule de portraits et de miniatures témoignant d'un esprit fin et original, son œuvre formant un tableau unique et parfait du Bordeaux de la Restauration
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shardofroses · 15 days
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Shard of Roses - Contexte
Dans un Londres fantasmé, jeunes femmes et jeunes hommes tentent de faire leur place au sein d’une société stricte et de valeurs morales puritaines. Les règles des uns ne sont pas les règles des autres, et la société n’est pas prête d’évoluer de ce côté là. Chacun doit s’y plier, ou apprendre à les contourner en étant plus malin qu’elles. Une tâche plus facile pour certains que pour d’autres.
Londres !
Voilà notre véritable protagoniste. La ville n’est pas seulement le cœur du Royaume-Uni, elle est le cœur du monde, elle et sa bonne société, si bien éduquée que tous les autres pays l’envient ! Et ils sont nombreux à venir jouer le jeu du mariage, à venir se plier à cette délicieuse conquête d’une main sur laquelle glisser une bague. Des Princes étrangers aux grands bourgeois, ne soyez pas étonnés de les voir débarquer pour se marier ou marier leurs enfants, car Londres et sa Royauté irradient et fascinent jusqu’à l’autre bout du monde !
La grande cité britannique vit au rythme de sa haute société, vibrante et florissante lorsque celle-ci revient l’habiter, plus calme et morne le reste de l’année. Cette haute société qui ramène dans son sillage toute une population, travaillant pour elle et avec elle. Et si c’est à l’appel du Premier Ministre qu’elle revient, et ce afin d’accomplir ses devoirs politiques, le cœur de l’agitation qui s’empare de la ville est tout autre.
Le mariage !
Car qui n’est pas concerné ? Que vous soyez parent ou célibataire, tôt ou tard, vous devrez vous en inquiétez. Une inquiétude majeure pour les jeunes filles pour qui le temps est compté et qui ne peuvent pas se permettre de dépendre de leur famille, une nécessité pour tous. Il faut se marier, trouver chaussure à son pied, mais pas n’importe quelle chaussure ! Une chaussure qui vous permettra de parcourir le chemin de la vie sans vous donner d’ampoules et sans mauvaises surprises. Et si la chaussure se révélait de moins bonne qualité que prévu et que le talon se cassait en cours de route ? Cela serait fort fâcheux, n’est-ce pas ?
Même la Reine s’en mêle, vérifiant que toutes les demoiselles sous sa protection soient honnêtes et bien chaussées, poussant ces messieurs à s’engager et à se montrer respectable. Elle s’assure que les rouages qui font fonctionner cette société continuent de tourner. Et le mariage est loin d’être une question superficielle, même si les mondanités le laissent parfois croire.
Mais elle n’est pas la seule. Quelqu’un, quelque part, sous couvert d'anonymat, vous observe et s’amuse à raconter vos réussites, et surtout vos échecs. Lady Whistledown voit et sait presque tout, alors gare à vous et à vos choix. N’oubliez pas les règles, car elle n’oubliera pas de vous le faire remarquer. Et Lady Whistledown n’est sûre que d’une chose : même les plus belles roses ont des épines...
Source des gifs : https://bridgertongifs.tumblr.com/
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i-adriassen · 8 days
les differents paris
Un jour ou mon frere travaillait a barbes rochechoir j' ai tenter le pari fou de battre le funiculaire en entendant le gong de la porte se fermer j' ai couru dans les escaliers annexe et au dernier plateau j' ai senti la difficultes reduite au meme moment le funiculaire arriva... match nul....
Un jour ou je partais a Pigalle avec mes rollers descendant la parti incliner en frainnant puis je suis arriver vers Opera et la une Porsche m' a klaxonner ... non content de lui dire on ne klaxonne pas en ville Un bouchon immense et une rue en travaux j' ai reussi a la suivre et a la depasser puis la Porsche se trouvant derriere moi affrontat le bouchon plus loin en ayant fait un 90° derriere une Mercedes... sans collision 💥...
La derriere etape les 40 km des marechaux tjrs en roller 2h05 min porte de charenton bld poniatowski direction parc des princes ; retour bld soult. .. quelle rage j' ai mis dans la monte des lilas. . .
Arriveriez vous de tenir 10 min a la cadence la plus infernal (9:45) sur d' abord 40m puis 30 metres ? Sierra Henry Alain Greg Alpha Isidor
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wonder-worker · 8 months
Whether Jeanne (de Penthièvre) acted more as sole or co-ruler in Brittany was the foundational influence on her role during the war, in terms of both the frequency of her administrative activity and where she concentrated her efforts. Moreover, these shifts roughly paralleled major changes in the diplomatic relationships maintained vis-à-vis neighbouring France and England,but Jeanne’s evolving interests in these political contexts have not been adequately recognized by the traditional framework.
First Period
Jeanne, still a young woman, played a relatively restrained role in the first period of the war, being involved in roughly one-quarter of the attested acts. It was during these years that she gave birth to most of her children, which would have further influenced the scope of her participation. Perhaps correspondingly, extant records rarely note Jeanne’s presence outside the ducal city of Jugon, an area relatively removed from the fighting, before 1347. During this time, Charles was very mobile in his pursuit of the war with the support of the French troops, and while doubtless Jeanne accompanied him on occasion, these journeys cannot generally be traced, aside from one joint act issued on 13 June 1342 ‘en noz tentes devant la ville de Hambont [i.e. Hennebont]’. However, as early as May 1342 we have surviving records of Jeanne’s contributions to the duchy’s administration, both alone and with Charles. Among their early charters, some rewarded supporters for their services to the cause, reflecting the intensity of the combat at this stage. Jeanne took an early role in supervising the well-being of various religious institutions in the area, from diverse abbeys to the cathedral of Rennes. The couple also began to manage the viscounty of Limoges from 1343, even though it would not be formally granted to them by Philippe VI until 10 January 1345 and was still part of the dower of Jeanne de Savoie.
Second Period
The first period of wartime administration ended on 20 June 1347 when Charles was captured by the English during his siege of La Roche-Derrien. This opened nine years of negotiations for his freedom, during which Jeanne became the main overseer of governmental activity within Brittany; she appears in just shy of 60 per cent of the attested acts, or more than 70 per cent of the acts pertaining to Brittany and related affairs. The king appointed a series of governors of Charles’ lands during his absence, most notably Philippe des Trois Mons, but at least within the duchy their roles seem to have been restrained. Meanwhile, Jeanne’s acts for this second period show an increased involvement with international political networks, starting with her request for the pope’s aid only a few months after her husband’s capture; these manoeuvres took place while direct French military involvement in Brittany declined and alternative solutions to the conflict with England began to increasingly appeal. This intricate process will be analysed ... as an important example of Jeanne and Charles’ political collaboration, but the core developments and some of their consequences can be outlined here. Jeanne initially entered into negotiations with both Philippe VI and Edward III, mainly via papal intermediaries, and hoped to marry her son to Edward’s daughter, but no real progress was evident for several years. Both she and Charles attended the Anglo-French peace talks at Calais in late 1351, after which negotiations with France reached their high point with the marriage of their daughter to Charles d’Espagne in early 1352; Jeanne and Charles had only concluded temporary truces with England to this point.
On 29 November 1352, however, Jeanne summoned a large assembly of Breton bishops, religious houses, barons, and townsmen to confirm her choice of ambassadors to England for negotiating Charles’ liberation. This was the first meeting of what has been termed the Breton ‘estates’, expanding the normal council advising the prince(s) to include representatives of the towns. Before 1352, Edward III had showed concern for the integrity of the truces he made with Charles and Jeanne by seeking the confirmation not only of the duke and duchess but of the rest of the Breton political community, but this had been purely nominal and not required the towns’ actual participation or ratification. Their involvement here was probably contingent on the expectation that Charles’ freedom would be subject to some degree of ransom: it was expedient for Jeanne to assess and obtain her townsmen’s commitment to such an expense before the negotiations, rather than risk jeopardizing them afterwards through protracted bargaining. Accordingly, the towns summoned here were those on which Jeanne could most rely to underwrite the financial obligation which the treaty would eventually entail.
Although Edward had served as protector to the young Jean de Montfort (now in his early teens), he seemed willing to drop his support of the young prince in an offensive and defensive treaty concluded on 1 March 1353 that set Charles’ ransom at 300,000 écus (£50,000 or 270,000lt). But despite arrangements for the marriage of Margaret of England and Jean de Blois-Penthièvre going ahead at Avignon, Edward finally changed his mind, for obscure reasons. An explanation found in two fourteenth-century chronicles and espoused by La Borderie centred on the supposed massacre by Penthièvre partisans of an English garrison on the Île Tristan, off the lower western coast of the peninsula by Douarnenez, during Charles’ return visit in 1354. D’Argentré and some of the later Breton historians instead blamed ‘the count of Derby, the king’s nephew, who loved the party of the countess [of Montfort] and of the young duke of Brittany’; he, reminding the king forcefully of his prior promises to the Montfortists, brought about the end of the treaty. Pocquet du Haut-Jussé, meanwhile, attributed the failure to the ongoing hesitations of the papal curia in light of French disapproval. The need for royal consent remained a strong theme in papal communications about the marriage paperwork in early 1354, until the assassination of the constable Charles d’Espagne, Jeanne and Charles’ son-in-law.This murder, Pocquet argues, caused any commitment from Jean II for paying Charles’ ransom to evaporate, which finally broke Edward’s own resolve.
Each of these explanations for the treaty’s abandonment presents its difficulties. It is unlikely that Charles would have attacked a relatively insignificant garrison held by his erstwhile ally, and it is unclear why his partisans might have done so, or why such an event could disrupt this important alliance if other causes were not also at play. There is insufficient justification for the opposition of Henry of Lancaster, whom Pope Clement VI (r.1342-52) had engaged for Charles’ cause and who even received a letter of thanks for his efforts. Pocquet du Haut-Jussé’s interpretation has the appeal of drawing on well-established trends in the French monarchy’s reactions to the Breton difficulties, but it does not explain the grant of papal dispensations on 6 May 1353 and 13 May 1354. The best explanation is that, as Anglo-French talks broke apart in 1354 after the (likewise abandoned) Treaty of Guines (6 April), Edward’s decision to desert his protegé appealed less than a more straightforward financial arrangement, particularly when he could continue to receive the incomes from Brittany as tutor to the young Jean, and to use the Breton war as a distraction to the French. Moreover, Mark Ormrod’s suggestion that the king operated throughout the negotiations with ‘calculated duplicity’ may mean that the rupture should not be considered so startling as to need much external explanation. Ultimately Jeanne, Charles, and (again) the Breton assembly formally renounced the plans, and Charles’ liberation came in 1356 only for the enormous sum of 700,000 florines a lescu (£116,667 or 630,000lt).
This phase of Jeanne’s career spanned two of the periods of the war identified by La Borderie, first featuring an upsurge of military activity until 1352, followed by a decade of stagnation. Paralleling the English support of the Montfortist cause, the major fighting took place under French leadership, but Jeanne helped organize the defence and financing of certain towns. But what most characterized the period 1347–56 were the skirmishes of small fighting groups led by captains on both sides operating more-or-less autonomously in hope of profit. If this caused a certain constant level of turmoil, Jeanne’s acts attest her attempt to maintain supervision of routine affairs within the duchy. Her role as sole effective leader of her cause was accompanied by a change in her personal habits. From 1348 to 1351 most of her recorded activity was conducted at Dinan/Léhon rather than Jugon. In the later years of the captivity, she also spent time at Guingamp, especially for the stretch in 1354 when Charles was permitted to return to the duchy (from 30 January); she accompanied him to Saint-Malo on 21 April to see him off.
Third Period
After Charles’ definitive return to the duchy, as during his few short visits before 1356, Jeanne’s role was more modest, perhaps even by choice, than during the long years of her husband’s absence. As in the first period, Jeanne was involved with approximately one-quarter of the surviving acts, most of them directed towards Breton affairs and matters in Limoges. Charles seems to have handled most of the transactions concerning his ransom on his own; this comprised the majority of their international correspondence at this time, and the ruinous arrangements of 1356 overshadowed the rest of the war.136 However, there is clear evidence of their collaboration in matters of government, for which Jeanne had demonstrated her capacity for nine years. Her centre of residence moved to the ducal city of Nantes, where she often lived alongside Charles. It is likely that Jeanne accompanied her husband on some of his visits to northern Brittany across this final period, though she sometimes remained at Nantes when he travelled. Charles also spent some time in Paris attending to the problems caused by King Jean II’s capture at Poitiers in 1356 and the Parisian uprisings under Étienne Marcel in 1357–8. Jeanne probably remained behind to oversee the Breton administration.
Having regained the support of his royal protector,the younger Jean de Montfort was allowed to return to the duchy in 1362, sparking a violent upsurge of activity during the war’s final years. The two armies met at the Landes d’Évran on 24 July 1363, and Charles and Jean drafted a provisional treaty. This called for a partition of the duchy, roughly following the geographic distribution of each side’s supporters: the south and west would go to Jean,including Nantes, and the north and east (with Rennes) to Jeanne and Charles. The reason for the compromise’s failure is unrecorded, though some Montfortist chronicles reported simply that Charles refused it. The only contemporary information about these late negotiations comes from the notarial transcript of the meeting which Charles and Jean held on 24 February 1364 at Poitiers under the aegis of Edward the Black Prince (d.1376), where Charles declared he ‘had not at all come there to respond to the terms proposed by the said lord count’. Why he did so is uncertain, but many accounts in the fourteenth century and later attributed the rupture in negotiations to Jeanne. And it seems impossible that Jeanne was not involved with the decision; it was, after all, her land to dispose of, and she had a clear motive for refusal, since half a duchy would have seemed a richer prospect to the young Jean de Montfort than it did to Jeanne, who had acted as duchess for years. But this did not necessarily make the decision a product purely of personal choice. Even Guillaume de Saint-André, who blamed the Penthièvre side for rejecting the peace of 1363, wrote strongly against the idea of breaking Brittany in two; his protagonist Jean de Montfort asserted that ‘God does not wish that I divide my duchy in any way’. Given the defensiveness of the Breton nobility when regional prerogatives were threatened (as would be demonstrated the following decade), a division might have been untenable.
Fourth Period
So matters came instead to a head at the battle of Auray on 29 September 1364, where Charles was killed. The news reached Jeanne at Nantes, and she immediately made for Angers and her daughter’s family. This brief period in Jeanne’s life is very little documented...but it is worth examining because Auray has been too often treated as a decisive end to the war, when in fact there was no single reason why Charles’ death meant that Jeanne had to surrender the duchy: ‘la bataille ne devait pas suffire à arrêter la guerre de Succession’. It was her inheritance, not Charles’, and she could have remarried. The towns of Jugon, Dinan, and especially Quimper all resisted the Montfortists. For some time after the battle, it was unclear what direction events would take. Froissart reported that Jeanne and Louis d’Anjou initially attempted to collaborate to continue the fight. Pope Urban V (r.1362-70) wrote on 5 November with condolences to Jeanne, but avoided discussing the political fallout of her loss. Even in December, his messenger to her and Jean was instructed to seek at least a truce if lasting peace was not yet possible because of the ‘warlike aggressions and stirrings which make difficult the path of the isaid peace’. But circumstances were against Jeanne. The recent battle had once again been immensely destructive to the ranks of the Breton nobility through both death and capture, leaving Jeanne in a difficult position from which to wage war. She would be better able to bargain protected by the powerful duke of Anjou than at the mercy of her cousin. It may also have been unclear what support she could expect to receive from France. Charles V had ascended the throne only earlier that year and was reluctant to rupture the relative stability existing with England; nor could he afford for the Breton situation to remain a distraction. With her husband gone, Jeanne’s relationship to the French monarchy was less assured, and it was in the king’s interest to maintain the duchy’s allegiance regardless of who was in power. Indeed, by 11 November Charles was already negotiating the possibility of Jean’s homage. It was time for reconciliation.
Prompted by King Charles, Jeanne agreed to talks and, writing from Angers on 11 March 1365, appointed delegates to represent her, chosen from among the ducal councillors (Hugues de Montrelais, bishop of Saint-Brieuc; Jean, lord of Beaumanoir; and Guy de Rochefort, lord of Acérac), along with one of Louis d’Anjou’s men (Guy de Cléder). The result was the first Treaty of Guérande on 12 April. It is often claimed that this treaty reserved Jeanne’s use of the title of duchess of Brittany, which appears in almost all of her subsequent acts, but the treaty granted the ‘name and arms’ of the duchy only to Jean de Montfort. In addition to the territories inherited directly from her parents (Penthièvre, Goëllo, Mayenne, etc.), Jeanne would retain the viscounty of Limoges - now overrun by the English,whom Jean de Montfort was to help remove; and she was exempt from homage to Jean for her lifetime. She was to receive an indemnity of 10,000l each year in compensation for Brittany, 3,000l for her other losses, and half of any aides which Jean raised on her lands. The new duke was to persuade Edward III to release Jeanne’s sons, the eldest of whom was to marry Jean de Montfort’s sister Jeanne. Finally, while the succession of Brittany was no longer to pass through the female line, it was stipulated that should Jean de Montfort die without male heirs, the duchy would revert to those of Jeanne de Penthièvre. These terms left aside entirely the actual legitimacy of the claims to Jean III’s inheritance.
Later life, 1365–1384
After this settlement, Jeanne’s career was far from over, even if it underwent a radical change. Her patterns of residence after Auray until the late 1370s seem to have been entirely unlike those at any phase of the war. Paris became the place where she conducted her most important business, although she spent some time in Angers as well. These arrangements probably relied on her relatives’ hospitality: in 1373, Charles V granted her a house in Paris when, ‘having come to dwell in our bonne ville of Paris, she had no house where she might live’. By contrast, Olivier de Clisson acted as her financial lieutenant in Brittany from at least 1370, though since Jean IV complained in 1372 that Charles V had granted safe conducts for travel within Brittany, including one to Jeanne, she must have returned at least occasionally. These moves reflected her fierce efforts to retain her prerogatives rather than marking any sort of withdrawal from politics, as the Montfortist narrative would have it. After all, her remaining possessions and high connections still placed her among the first ranks of the aristocracy. She seems even to have initially left open the possibility of remarriage, though this was to have no sequel. The last two decades of her life were spent dealing with the fallout from the Treaty of Guérande and the war more generally, albeit with varying degrees of success.
-Erika Graham-Goering, "Princely Power in Late Medieval France: Jeanne de Penthièvre and the War of Breton Succession"
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M O N A C O 🇲🇨
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1. Monaco est le deuxième plus petit pays du monde, après la Cité du Vatican, et est connu pour son style de vie glamour, ses casinos de luxe et sa côte méditerranéenne pittoresque.
2. Le Casino de Monte Carlo, situé dans le quartier de Monte Carlo à Monaco, est l'un des établissements de jeux les plus emblématiques et prestigieux au monde, attirant de grands rouleaux, célébrités et royauté.
3. La famille Grimaldi de Monaco a dirigé la Principauté depuis plus de 700 ans, le Prince Albert II règne actuellement à la tête de l'État.
4. Le Grand Prix de Monaco, organisé chaque année sur le circuit de Monaco, est l'une des plus anciennes et prestigieuses courses de Formule 1 au monde, avec des rues étroites, des coins étroits et des vues à couper le souffle sur la mer Méditerranée.
5. Malgré sa petite taille, Monaco est l'un des pays les plus riches du monde, avec une économie forte motivée par le tourisme, la finance, l'immobilier et les biens de luxe.
6. La Principauté n'a pas d'impôt sur le revenu pour les résidents, ce qui en fait une destination populaire pour les particuliers et les célébrités qui cherchent des avantages fiscaux et un style de vie luxueux.
7. La vieille ville de Monaco, connue sous le nom de Monaco-Ville ou Le Rocher, est un charmant quartier médiéval perché sur un promontoire rocheux surplombant la Méditerranée, avec des bâtiments historiques, des rues étroites et des vues panoramiques.
8. Le Palais Prince de Monaco, situé à Monaco-Ville, est la résidence officielle de la famille Grimaldi au pouvoir et est ouvert au public pour des visites guidées de ses chambres, cours et jardins opulentes.
9. Le musée océanographique et l'aquarium de Monaco, fondé par le Prince Albert Ier en 1910, est un établissement de recherche marine de renommée mondiale et une attraction de visiteurs, présentant diverses expositions sur la vie marine et l'éducation.
10. Le Monaco Yacht Show, qui se tient chaque année à Port Hercules, est l'un des plus grands et prestigieux salons de yacht au monde, avec des superyachts luxueux, des voiliers et des technologies marines.
11. Le Grand Prix Historique de Monaco, une manifestation biennale organisée sur le même circuit que la course de Formule 1, met en valeur des voitures de course anciennes et attire des passionnés et des collectionneurs du monde entier.
12. Le Rallye Monte Carlo, l'un des plus anciens et les plus célèbres rassemblements au monde, a lieu chaque année à Monaco et sur la Côte d'Azur environnante, avec un terrain difficile et un paysage à couper le souffle.
13. Le Casino de Monte-Carlo, conçu par l'architecte renommé Charles Garnier, est un chef-d'œuvre de l'architecture Belle Époque et dispose d'intérieurs somptueux, de décorations ornées et de salles de jeux emblématiques.
14. La plage de Larvotto à Monaco, située dans le quartier de Larvotto, offre des rivages sableux immaculés, des eaux cristallines et des vues imprenables sur la Méditerranée, attirant les demandeurs de soleil, les nageurs et les plages toute l'année.
15. L'équipe nationale de football de Monaco, bien qu'elle ne soit pas membre de la FIFA ou de l'UEFA, dispute à l'échelle internationale des matchs amicaux et des tournois, représentant la Principauté
16. Le Gala annuel de la Croix-Rouge de Monaco, qui se tient au Monte Carlo Sporting Club, est l'un des événements caritatifs les plus prestigieux au monde, auquel participent la royauté, les célébrités et les philanthropes pour collecter des fonds pour des causes humanitaires.
17. Le Grand Prix Historique de Monaco, une manifestation biennale organisée sur le même circuit que la course de Formule 1, met en valeur des voitures de course anciennes et attire des passionnés et des collectionneurs du monde entier.
18. Le Marathon de Monaco, qui se tient chaque année le long de la côte panoramique et des terrains montagneux difficiles, est un événement sportif populaire attirant des coureurs de tous niveaux du monde.
19. La population multiculturelle monégasque comprend des monégasques, des Français, des Italiens et des résidents de plus de 100 nationalités différentes, créant ainsi une communauté diversifiée et cosmopolite.
20. L'Orchestre philharmonique de Monte Carlo, fondé en 1863, est l'un des plus grands orchestres européens et donne régulièrement des concerts et des récitals au prestigieux Opéra de Monte Carlo et dans d'autres lieux.
21. Malgré sa réputation de terrain de jeu pour les riches et les célèbres, Monaco s'engage également à promouvoir la durabilité de l'environnement, avec des initiatives visant à réduire les émissions de carbone, à promouvoir les énergies renouvelables et à préserver les habitats naturels et la biodiversité.
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mlwritersguild · 11 months
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murder face, by @alexseanchai
A fic inspired by the heliotrope flower
AO3; temporary character death, hawkmoth defeat, marinette needs a hug, angst with a happy ending
shout from the hundred-square-femtometre rooftop — Yesterday at 8:21 PM please, I don't even need to be asleep to have nightmares source: I can hear my sister screaming like her cat just died my sister is two continents away save a vespa, ride the métro — Yesterday at 8:23 PM You hear it too? Everyone who was here on 1 Sep 2014 says it's Ladybug
Lady Noire storms inside Tour TVi, a dark blue blanket with two thin red stripes over her shoulder, a phone clutched so tightly in her hand she must be leaving claw marks on its case. Those few people in the lobby at this hour scatter away from her path at the first glimpse of her face: cold and pale as death.
"Warn Nadja Chamack I'm taking over as tonight's guest," Lady Noire snaps.
Somebody calls Arlette. Side by Side is live, but no one wants to find out if, with the Black Cat Miraculous, Ladybug's looks can kill.
shout from the hundred-square-femtometre rooftop — Yesterday at 7:43 PM I can stay up past 03:00 if I want, it's Labour Day, we're closed no dying on this hill — Yesterday at 7:45 PM Irrelevant. Zoé is correct: schedule your system maintenance or your system maintenance will schedule you. shout from the hundred-square-femtometre rooftop — Yesterday at 8:21 PM please, I don't even need to be asleep to have nightmares source: I can hear meimei screaming like her cat just died meimei is two continents away save a vespa, ride the métro — Yesterday at 8:23 PM You hear it too? Everyone who was here on 1 Sep 2014 says it's Ladybug
Ladybug speaks softly, carries her partner's stick @CometHeliotrope Bonjour Monarque. C'est après minuit. Sais-tu où est le Prince Charmant ? Oh regarde, c'est ton alliance. Translated from French by Googol Hello Monarch. It's after midnight. Do you know where Prince Charming is? Oh look, it's your wedding ring. [image: Lady Noire sitting on one of Paris's slate rooftops, toying with a platinum wedding ring and glaring into the camera.] 9:13 PM · 29 Apr 2017
Alya Césaire, photojournaliste citoyenne de la Ville miracles @ladyblog_paris This is legit. Source: personal communication with Ladybug. 9:17 PM · 29 Apr 2017
Lady Noire storms inside Tour TVi, a dark blue blanket with two thin red stripes over her shoulder, a phone clutched so tightly in her hand she must be leaving claw marks on its case. Those few people in the lobby at this hour scatter away from her path at the first glimpse of her face: cold and pale as death.
"Warn Nadja Chamack I'm taking over as tonight's guest," Lady Noire snaps.
Somebody calls Arlette. Side by Side is live, but no one wants to find out if, with the Black Cat Miraculous, Ladybug's looks can kill.
Zoé runs up the spiral staircase and skids to a stop outside the Césaire apartment. Nino opens the door at the first sound of the doorbell. "Comrade Moutarde de Dijon!" he exclaims. "Good to see you—have you heard from Comrades Mayo, Bechamel, or Sweet and Sour?"
"Comrade Bechamel is going to strangle me enough already without inviting Comrade Sweet and Sour," Alya calls from the living room, where she, Max, Kim, Rose, Juleka, Ivan, and Mylène are gathered around the television, currently playing the latest advertisement for Alliance rings. At second glance, Zoé does recognize the person hovering awkwardly near the dining table: XY Roth.
"I may mean that literally," Alya adds. "She might wring my neck with her bare hands."
"…What's wrong? Should we be heading for the TV station?"
Alya's group text didn't say. All Zoé knows is it's a problem for the Resistance.
"Don't be bemused, it's just the news! Hi, I'm Nadja Chamack, and this is Side by Side. Today, I'm joined by our own Ladybug!"
"Lady Noire," she corrects Nadja, who is far too familiar with interviewing akumas to flinch. Well. To flinch much.
"…This is the third time you two have swapped Miraculouses, I believe?"
Lady Noire nods, a stiff, sharp motion. "The question you should be asking is, where is my partner?"
Nadja gulps. "Yes. Where is your partner?"
"The same place as Prince Charming."
It's a Tsurugi brand phone, from the sound it makes when turning on. Lady Noire blows on the screen, angled so only she can see the display, and zips her knuckle tip through an unlock pattern. "No missed calls," she tells the Side by Side camera. "A couple of text messages from friends, but not one from family. Most of them may be asleep at this time of day. Monarque might be too busy trying to magic his hand back on to pay attention when I'm talking about his son."
Silence rings through the room, through the city, as piercing as her earlier sobs.
"I will be more generous to Monarque than he has been to my partner and me," Lady Noire says, her voice shaking with rage. "You have until midnight to contact me to arrange the handover of every Miraculous you have. Every note and every artifact that you have even the slightest inkling might be of interest to me or my team. Every name you know of someone else who has chosen to help Monarque, or who has known his secret identity and kept silent. If I have any reason to believe that you are withholding something, if I have any reason to believe that you are trying to escape, you will not like what happens to Monarque's son."
Nadja shudders. Breathes. Asks, "What happens after midnight?"
"At midnight," says Lady Noire, "I name Monarque on air."
"I have no proof that will satisfy a court of law," Lady Noire tells Mme Chamack, Paris, the world. "But the man he is in the rest of his life does have a… professional reputation to protect. Perhaps I am framing the man I will name. Why would I do that? Paris wonders. What skeletons might they find in his closets, if they try to figure out what this man has done?"
Her arms are wrapped around the bundle of fabric she brought. Possibly only the fact that her claws can't pierce her armor is keeping her forearm from bleeding.
A ringtone. Mylène reaches for her phone, only to stop when Lady Noire thumbs the phone she's holding, silencing the sound.
"Come on, dude, pick up," mutters Nino into his Alliance ring.
The ringtone again. This time Lady Noire answers. Someone turns up the TV volume, but it doesn't pick up the phone call audio.
"You must be Mayura!" Lady Noire says, cheerfulness ringing painfully false. "It's good to know you're alive. Chat Noir was afraid something had happened to you after we stopped seeing you around—you know him, such a bleeding heart."
She taps something. "—do with him?" snarls the caller on speakerphone.
Nino growls, "Mayura."
"What do you think I did with him?" Lady Noire shouts. "I told Monarque I'd make him regret this. He took my partner away from me!"
"Where is my son?" Mayura demands.
Lady Noire blinks twice, opens her mouth, and closes it again. Then shakes herself and drags in a breath. "You know him," she says, voice softer now but no less terrifying. "If I told him he needed to jump off a bridge to help stop Monarque, do you truly believe he'd hesitate?"
"She's bluffing!" shouts Monarque. "My son, come home at once, do—"
A strangled sound. "She may be bluffing," Mayura says. "I'm not. Nooroo, wings rise!"
"I thought so," Lady Noire says. To the TV crew, she adds, "Cut to commercial."
Adrien's latest perfume ad plays.
Mylène is the first to speak. "You don't…really think Ladybug would hurt someone, just because he's Monarque's kid. …Do we?"
"I think," says Alya, typing furiously with one hand shielding her Alliance projection from view, "Monarque thought that if something happened to Chat Noir, Ladybug would lose control. Marinette, pick up your fucking phone."
The original guest on tonight's Side by Side is back on the sofa, almost managing to act as though whatever movie she's starring in is still the headliner of the episode. Or so Nathaniel says. Kagami is mostly not paying attention to anything but which way to the bakery and how fast to jog so she doesn't leave him, Marc, and Sabrina behind. A beep signals a new notification on her Alliance: an email from Nathalie Sancoeur, which can wait until Kagami has spoken to Marinette. She thinks highly enough of Chat Noir that tonight must be frightening.
"She's out with Adrien," Cheng-san tells them. "Is it something I can help with?"
"Maybe?" Marc glances at Nathaniel's Alliance projection and winces. "If she's with Adrien, she's probably okay but she won't be coming with us. So the next part of our plan is to head to Tour TVi with paint guns, in case Lady Noire needs backup—"
A car turns the corner. Adrien's car, specifically. Or not Adrien's, of course. Kagami starts toward it; Adrien's bodyguard gets out, alone. Kagami catches a glimpse of the interior: no people, only suitcases and messenger bags and reused grocery boxes.
Cheng-san hurries outside. "You're not with them?" she asks.
Adrien's bodyguard hands Cheng-san a locked tablet and holds out an unlocked phone. " 'Sign here to verify receipt of these documents'," his Alliance's digital Kagami doll reads aloud. " 'Review these documents at your leisure. If neither of you sign these documents, nothing will change. I believe it is in Adrien's best interests if you both sign; if either of you do, they will go into effect at the time of receipt.' "
Cheng-san narrows her eyes. "Is it in Marinette's best interest? Does your idea of Adrien's best interest agree with Adrien's idea of Adrien's best interest?"
Adrien's bodyguard signs the phone with a swipe of his own fingertip, locks it, and gives it to Cheng-san.
"This had better not be a trick!" shouts Cheng-san at the departing car.
"Sorry to interrupt," Ladybug says, reentering the camera's field of view entirely unapologetically. (It is Ladybug, now with the blue blanket draped over her shoulders like a cape; while out of sight, it seems, she switched back. There's going to be an akuma at the studio any moment now, and Nadja is very glad she called Lila and spoke to Manon while Ladybug and Mayura were negotiating terms.) Ladybug holds up Monarque's son's phone. "Mayura will be arriving momentarily, with a few people whose names and faces you'd love to be the first to publish. We're waiting on a signal from a third party before we reveal those—Monarque's son is not the only one in danger, and we're making sure the others are safe—"
Half the studio lights go out. The starlet Nadja is in theory interviewing bolts for cover. Nadja scurries over to one of the cameras, ready to flip to breaking-news-reporter-on-the-scene mode.
The other camera operator swivels that camera toward the opening door. Only two of the eight people who enter have any identifying characteristics at all: her Butterfly armor resembles a purple evening gown, and he must be the man under the Monarque mask, akumatized and vaguely familiar. The other six are different sizes of blur, with a superficial resemblance to Oblivio; two flicker between blue and green, and four between purple and red.
"The matters you don't wish televised are being delivered to someone I know you trust," Butterfly-Mayura says, brisk and businesslike. "These two are minors. I cannot imagine Chat Noir will want their lives destroyed; I am certain my son does not. These four have known about our Miraculouses for twenty years or more; though Monarque has been threatening their children in order to keep them silent, I cannot imagine either of you or my son will think that is enough to forgive them their silence." She pauses, considering a drawstring bag in her hand. "My son's mother will not."
Ladybug exhales. "I was wondering if this was for her," she says, very soft, but registering clearly on the audio pickup nonetheless. "If she's half as much like—your son—as his father says… No, she wouldn't think her life is worth the price."
The akumatized Monarque glares sullenly.
Monarque's son's phone rings.
"Lucky Charm!" Ladybug exclaims, hurling her yo-yo into the air and catching a magazine in a red-and-black plastic sleeve. "Mode, Septem—very funny," she tells the air, unamused. The phone rings again. "Heeeey there, friend!" Ladybug answers, bright and awkward, not unlike Manon lying through her teeth. "He can't come to the phone right now, we're a little busy—"
"I bet you are—"
Alya Césaire's voice stops.
"Please do not tell me this is that signal," Alya says faintly.
Ladybug rolls up the magical copy of Mode, takes five strides, and breaks Monarque's nose.
"Oh my god Gabriel Agreste is Monarque."
Alya sounds horrified. Manon adores Adrien; Nadja doubles her hope that Ladybug is bluffing. Or that Alya is wrong.
"Ladybug, where's Adrien?"
"Heh heh heh, funny story—" Ladybug hangs up.
"Madame Chamack," calls Butterfly-Mayura, getting Nadja's attention just in time for Nadja to catch the drawstring bag. "One for each of these seven; break it to remove the mask. Perhaps wait until Ladybug and Chat Noir have left?"
Nadja swallows and nods.
The purple butterfly slides out of the akumatized Monarque's visor and flickers to white. Violet-black magic bubbles over him, leaving a seventh blob, blood-red.
"Miraculous Ladybug!"
She whisks the blanket-cape off her shoulders to hide the person her magic brings her. He takes it as an attack—of course he does, the last thing Chat Noir remembers must be fighting for his life—
"Stop thrashing or I'll tell your girlfriend you want to PvP her in Ultimate Mecha Strike!" Ladybug hisses. "Twenty-five thousand nine hundred and thirteen to eleven is clearly not thrashed enough!"
The boy under the blanket goes statue-still.
"What did you just say?" asks Chat Noir.
"I said put your mask back on, kitty."
"That's what I thought I heard," Chat Noir mutters. (From the look of the audio meters, the audience didn't catch that.) One pale hand emerges from the blanket; Ladybug slaps something into his palm; with a flash of green light, Chat Noir reappears in living color.
Ladybug grabs him by the jingle bell and drags him down into a gasping, sobbing kiss.
"—My lady, I have a girlfriend," Chat Noir reminds her the moment he breaks free. "I will be telling her someone kissed me—" He stops, taking in the rest of the room. "What are you calling yourself now, Mayura, la Papillon Reine?"
"I believe I'm calling myself a poor excuse for a second mother," Mayura answers. "Ladybug. Our agreement."
"I believe I said it's his decision whether he even ever wants to think of you again," Ladybug retorts. To Chat Noir she says, "Or of me. I did kind of just convince all of Paris I did the same thing to Monarque's son that Monarque did to you. I've got six Miraculouses and two Alliances in my pocket, Carapace just got delivered a bunch of interesting things including at least seven more Miraculouses, I don't think either of those green blobs is Argos so it's probably only seven, the Ladyblogger has all sorts of fascinating documents to dig through, and Nathalie Sancoeur will be handing over the Butterfly Miraculous any moment now."
That all came out in one breath.
"…What," says Chat Noir.
Ladybug tilts forward and faceplants into Chat Noir's chest, mumbling something. He softens, holding her close.
Then stiffens up again. "Nathalie Sancoeur?" He snatches the yo-yo from Ladybug's waist, captures Mayura—she makes no effort to resist—and plucks the Butterfly brooch from her bodice.
Nadja wouldn't necessarily recognize Nathalie Sancoeur if she passed her on the street. Neither, most likely, would anyone in the room, and if Nadja could get her breaking-news-reporter hat on instead of watching in stunned silence like the rest of the world—
Chat Noir takes a deep breath, clutching Ladybug like a lifeline. "Ah," he says, retracting the yo-yo. "Gabriel Agreste isn't planning on sending Adrien to London because he thinks that will keep him safe from the terrible influence of friends Gabriel didn't pick out for him and a girlfriend Gabriel can't intimidate. Though I'm sure he wanted Adrien to keep thinking that. It's because Adrien only has two living adult relatives, one lives in London, and the other committed suicide back in September and he expects it to finish killing him soon."
One of the red-violet blobs shakes. Chat Noir glares at his own Miraculous. Nadja has a sudden horrible suspicion that Chat Noir spent the months of Monarque's silence believing he'd killed a man.
"I would have handed that over myself," Nathalie Sancoeur says. "And this, to Adrien, so I know he's alive."
'This' appears to be the wedding ring on her own hand.
"Ladybug keeps her promises," Chat Noir tells her.
Sancoeur slumps and nods. "Tell Adrien I'm sorry I lied. This is what killed Emilie. And for what little it's worth, Emilie wanted none of this. Tell him the unlock PIN on her phone is the year she first heard her favorite song. When he watches her videos, he should have Marinette with him." She removes the ring. "When you give Adrien this—" She hands it to Chat Noir. "—tell him he is never to let anyone but himself touch either half of his amok."
Ladybug whirls on her. "Excuse me?" she and Chat Noir demand in unison.
"—You didn't know." She folds to the floor. "You didn't—how did you get Adrien's cooperation?"
"You know he threw himself off a skyscraper for me and you're still asking that?"
If Nadja can see Ladybug's about to fall to pieces…
"So did any part of your brilliant bluff involve Marinette thinking her boy-toy died?" Chat Noir asks, steering Ladybug out of the studio. Nadja doesn't catch her answer; Chat Noir sighs. "Well, we had a good run, my lady. I promise I'll take good care of the miracle box after she ends you."
The studio door slams shut behind them.
Nadja stares at the drawstring bag in her hand. It contains seven marbles, each colored to match one of the blobs and labeled with initials. CB and LR on the blue-green, GA on the deep red, and TT, AG, AB, and RR on the red-violet.
Then she remembers she's on the clock and on camera and has to figure out something to say about this.
"Don't be bemused, it's just the news!—"
"Marinette helped," Ladybug murmurs. Chat Noir's warmth is the only thing that feels real right now. "It turns out she's really easily bribed, in the right circumstances. All I owe her is your life."
"She is plotting your doom as we speak."
"She is trying to figure out how to get the love of her life to stop talking and start kissing. It will probably help if we catch Argos, since apparently it's possible for a senti not to know it, and if your cousin really wanted to help you—!"
Chat Noir stops on the nearest rooftop to set her on her feet and stare at her. Tonight feels like it should be a full moon, but there's a slim crescent nearing the western horizon, with a breeze flicking at her bangs and a few bold stars visible above the city lights.
"But maybe I am just going to sleep by myself and probably have nightmares about half your father's arm falling off when I grabbed him. I don't know. That's up to you, probably. Did you know his Alliance assistant looks just like your mother?"
"Marinette is with her boyfriend right now," Chat Noir says slowly.
"And my partner is with me. Keep up."
Chat Noir shakes his head and sweeps her back up in a princess carry, leaping to the next roof and the next. "Years I was trying to catch your attention. Years, Ladybug, and all I ever had to do was look behind me."
"I love you too."
Chat Noir misses a stick-hold and narrowly avoids smashing them both into a wall.
Zoé's mother is being arrested. For accessory before and after the fact to Monarque's hundred-mile list of magical terrorist acts.
She leaps up when Alya's apartment doorbell rings anyway. Zoé and XY are the only people here not enthusiastically digging through the small mountain Adrien's bodyguard delivered. Even Rose and Juleka are alternating between sitting with Zoé and trying to smash open the glass bubbles with their kwamis inside.
It's Adrien, with a sleeping Marinette draped over his back. "Hey," he says, sheepish. "Can we kick Alya out of her bedroom for a few hours? Marinette needs a catnap and I don't think she's planning to let me go, uh, possibly ever."
Behind Zoé, all sound halts.
In the exact same tone of stunned and dazed by the now obvious as when she realized who Monarque is, and with exactly as much explanation, Alya says, "Oh my god it genuinely is a funny story."
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atthedas · 23 days
Bienvenue sur Ainsi tomba Thédas
S’il ne doit y avoir qu’une seule capitale dans les chaotiques Marches Libres, emmaillotage de cités-États toutes plus ambitieuses les unes que les autres, le plus humble des habitants de Thédas comme le plus grand affirmeraient très certainement que ce serait Starkhaven. En plus de deux siècles d’indépendance, la ville repoussa tour à tour les deux empires expansionnistes, affirmant par là sa puissance militaire ; et son palais de marbre, résidence des Princes, ne souffre pas de rougir face aux splendeurs d’Orlaïs. Elle accueille une somptueuse cathédrale aux vitraux multicolores, provoquant l’admiration et le respect des plus hautes dignitaires chantristes ; et les prêches de la grande prêtresse résonnent comme autant de marches à suivre vers Sa Lumière. Carrefour situé au cœur du continent, baignée par le plus grand des fleuves, la place forte ne manque jamais de richesses ; et ses habitants, fiers de leur culture, n’hésitent jamais à s’en vanter auprès de qui ne l’avait encore jamais admirée. Car en ce début de la cinquième Ère, dite des « Exaltés », Starkhaven est réellement la ville de tous les possibles, dominant de fait sur les plans militaire, économique, culturel, spirituel et religieux, attirant les regards de tous les royaumes et empires environnants ; et nombreux sont leurs ressortissants envoyés derrière ses murs dans le but d’y concrétiser leurs intérêts – qu’ils soient réellement patriotiques ou, plus simplement, personnels. Chacun désire y récolter ses fruits… au risque d’en affamer l’arbre.
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deathlesssaints · 1 month
levi cherche son obsession (ship m/m)
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de retour avec ma pub honteuse ;; mais si vous avez envie de jouer un ship m/m qui promet beaucoup de drama, ce pré-lien est fait pour vous. petit prince attiré par la crasse de colchester, ville située dans l'ouest-américain perdu. provient d'une famille puissante, crush indéniable sur levi qui est lui aussi obsédé par la personne de x. pas encore amoureux, mais certainement dépendant. tout est assez libre, du fc au pseudo, de même pour son histoire. je cherche juste quelque avec qui feels à mort parce que qu'est-ce qu'une vie de rp sans feels à gogo ???? >> lien en commentaire pour pas tâcher vos feed ✨
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aurevoirmonty · 6 months
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"Hier et aujourd'hui, pour la première fois, il m'a été montré d'une manière quelque peu monumentale cette chose immense : le Monde Antique. Je pense que je peux à la fois voir et ressentir que c'est la force vitale à partir de laquelle l'avenir se développera. Lorsque la nouvelle civilisation aura traversé tous les feux purificateurs du Moderne, sa majesté intérieure sera étroitement liée à celle des anciens ; cette prophétie de Gemisthos Pleton approche de son accomplissement :
'Une religion va surgir que tous les hommes accepteront, elle ne sera ni chrétienne ni païenne, mais très semblable à cette dernière.'
Je vois un être avançant vers nous à travers les rues de la capitale allemande, un drapeau rouge entre ses mains, un homme comme les héros d'antan, et je le vois conquérant les générations et les princes sans valeur d'aujourd'hui - éphémères sans moelle ni colonne vertébrale - et je le vois fonder un nouvel Empire rempli d'êtres humains forts et nobles, magnifiques et grands dans une ville nouvellement construite, resplendissante avec des arcades et des thermes, des gymnases et des artères sauvages, un Empire antique-moderne.
Mais qui peut me blâmer si dans mes rêves, je me mets à la place d'un tel homme ? Les souhaits ne sont-ils pas les précurseurs de la réalisation, et la capacité de chacun ne grandit-elle pas avec son objectif ?"
Lettre d'Otto Braun à son ami, Otto G. 17 décembre 1910 (13 ans)
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