#Presidents About Presidents
deadpresidents · 4 months
"It is rather a curious thing, my young friend, but that is exactly my record. I could outlift any man in Southern Illinois when I was young, and I never was thrown [in a wrestling match]. There was a big fellow named Jack Armstrong, strong as a Russian bear, that I could not put down; nor could he get me on the ground. If George [Washington] was loafing around here now, I should be glad to have a tussle with him, and I rather believe that one of the plain people of Illinois would be able to manage the aristocrat of old Virginia."
-- Abraham Lincoln, to Illinois Judge Samuel H. Treat, after Treat shared stories he had heard from George Washington's step-grandson, George Washington Parke Custis, who had noted that Washington was one of the strongest men of his generation and also a famous wrestler who had never been thrown in a match. ("Recollections of Lincoln" by James Grant Wilson, Putnam's Magazine, February 1909)
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ibtisams · 6 months
A report just came out from a Palestinian hostage saying he was strapped with bombs and sent into a Hamas tunnel, with Israel prepared to blow the tunnel up with his body if fighters were found inside and yet people are still making the “Hamas uses human shields” arguments that have been confirmed to be a myth with no supporting evidence
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halberdierminister · 10 months
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Look at this cool new t-shirt I made for fans of Abraham Lincoln! I made it on my own time, with my own resources, and without any affiliation to existing public or private institutions concerned with history, education, hospitality, culture or retail. You can find it at my new Threadless shop or directly at bit.ly/imissabe
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expelliarmus · 19 days
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causalityparadoxes · 19 days
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The Moon and the President's Wife // BOOM
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staffs-secret-blog · 9 months
I find it funny how when I say I’m mainly active on tumblr, some people IMMEDIATELY begin just saying words at me. I assume they are referring to tumblr memes. Somehow I’ve been on tumblr since 2015 and I don’t know a single tumblr meme. Found out about the skeleton war an hour ago.
Not even Dashcon? What about the bone stealing witch?
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The first real conversation Katniss has with Peeta is when he tells her that he wants to die as himself, that he doesn't want the games to change him into something he's not, and that he wants to keep his identity and prove he's more than just a piece in their games because that's the only thing he has left to care about.
The first time we see Lucy Gray she sings a song that basically says that nothing they could take from her was worth keeping. "Can't take my past. Can't take my history... You can't take my charm. You can't take my health."
The capitol has taken everything from them both, but at the same time, they could never take away who they are.
They are both likeable charismatic and funny, with the kindest hearts, and incredibly loyal to the people they care about.
At the same time, everything they do before the games, and during is calculated. Lucy Gray singing a love song and winning the hearts of the capitol. Peeta confesses he's in love with his district partner, therefore cementing her identity as desirable. Both of them know how to sway people with words, how to charm people, and how to manipulate crowds. Neither of them has any problem doing so to keep themselves, and the people they love safe.
Lucy Gray's song The Old Therebefore, about learning how to love and live her life to the fullest before death, a final and calculated stroke in a last-ditch effort to save herself from the arena. This evokes enough emotion in the watchers to get them to rise to their feet and plead for her life alongside Snow.
Snow, watching the 74th and preparing for the 75th Hunger Games sees Lucy Gray in Katniss. A young girl, from the 12th district. Unafraid at the reaping. Selling a false love story, manipulating a boy who loves her in order to get out and supporting the revolution with the mockingjay as her symbol.
He threatens her family to get her to sell that she and Peeta are in love, to prevent the revolution, because obviously, she's pretending. He's had experience with a girl just like her before. He has no doubt that she has the acting ability to sell this story because clearly, she manipulated the first Hunger Games in her favor, the same way Lucy Gray manipulated him.
Watching the interviews for the 75th Hunger Games he realizes-
Katniss is just an impulsive girl, in a Mockingjay dress she didn't know about, made by someone who supports the revolution.
Peeta is a boy who has the ability to move people with just his words. He made Katniss desirable, he was the one who sold the love story, and he was the one to make their romance seem real. Katniss only started the revolution because she would rather risk dying with him than live without him. A concept President Snow was completely unfamiliar with. And it is with all these realizations crashing around him Peeta drops the baby bomb. He knows the baby's not real, and so does Snow. But it evokes enough emotion in the watchers to get them to rise to their feet and plead for the lives of the tributes.
Is it Lucy Gray or Peeta?
By the time Snow realizes he's made a mistake, it's too late.
Peeta is still charming and manipulating the capitol. Katniss is in love.
He goes up against a kindhearted boy expecting to beat Sejanus again, only to find out that it's Lucy Gray he's fighting; knowing he will never be able to escape their ghosts.
-from a conversation i had with @grandtyphoonpoetry breaking down every character in the hunger games.
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xplore-the-unknwn · 7 months
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This also reminded me of how she said that Katniss wasn’t quite ready to harvest yet. Saying like “Katniss will take some time but eventually it’ll have you dealt with.” and it did! Fate sent him a Karma in the form of Katniss Everdeen.
Katniss who was a reminder of Lucy Gray, of his loved ones, of everything Sejanus stood for. Katniss who was a reminder of his PAST SELF- of a time where he could’ve done the right choices (with Lucy Gray, Tigris, correcting his father's sins with Highbottom etc.) of a time where everything could’ve been different.
Snow mentioned Lucy Gray strongly believed in fate when she said “You’re mine and Im yours. It’s written in the stars.” Of course he didn’t believe it. So when she was gone and Coriolanus Snow chose to cross that line of evil never turning back, the stars made sure that he will be haunted of it to his death.
A masterclass of storytelling right there. Suzanne you icon, you legend.
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hopeymchope · 1 year
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batcavescolony · 4 months
Poseidon: I can do one of two things. I can be the God of the Sea or I can control Perseus Jackson. I cannot possibly do both.
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deadpresidents · 4 months
[Jackson is a] mere soldier -- one acknowledg'd on all hands to be of little value as a civilian.
John Tyler, on Andrew Jackson, in a letter to Henry Clay, March 27, 1825.
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its-tea-time-darling · 6 months
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➸ The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes (2023) vs. The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2013)
Look at this. They're holding hands. I want them dead.
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abstractfrog · 20 days
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THE GLORIA SCOTT - part 2, and a follow up to my comic for the first half of this scene! thanks sm to @crashingmeteorz for allowing me to source validation for my whimsical cosmic approach to this moment <3
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communistkenobi · 7 months
It’s so funny when liberals lecture communists about not knowing how anything works, that we need to grow up and face the real world etc, while publicly demonstrating that their political imagination is so deeply impoverished that they genuinely believe the only thing the leader of the most powerful country on the planet in all of human history can do is block a slightly more fascist guy from taking his place every four years
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oceanview15 · 2 months
Coriolanus Snow: And I learned from that experience that love makes you weak. And I shall never feel weak from love, or from Lucy Gray, ever again.
Meanwhile, him every night for the past 64 years:
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in-my-loki-feels · 4 months
I can't stop thinking about pairing this guy:
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with this guy:
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Just something about the absolute goofball energy of the first, running into the megalomaniac energy of the second. I feel like President Loki would be all "I am here to rule and nothing's going to stop me!" and the Mobius variant would be confused but on board and also distracted by a dish on another table: "Oh yeah? Cool, cool, tell me more. Hey, are you going to eat that?"
ETA: I ended up writing a short thing for this idea. Adding a link here in case the one in the reblogs isn't obvious.
There is now a 4+1 expanded version up on AO3!
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