#Political Memoirs
romasantos · 1 month
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microcosme11 · 3 months
Wedding of Napoleon and Marie-Louise dished by Austrian Prince
[This was originally a letter to his sister or mother. That's the reason he is so blunt.]
The Emperor seemed in a mood like a dog throughout the ceremony. This is because in the morning there were incredible scenes. Queens and princesses, it is said, had tried like the devil not to carry the mantle: tears, prayers, fainting, absolute refusal, it is claimed that they tried all this in vain. The furious master treated them from Turk to Moor, and an emphatic “I want it” finished the affair. The most angry was the Westphalian turkey, who is incredibly proud. Also, nothing was more comical than seeing the way in which they carried out their chore: one pouted, the other, with her bottle under her nose, threatened to feel ill, the third let the mantle drop which was much worse because it had to be picked up. The two sisters, one of whom is fat and the other in truly terrible health, had a great time. The only one who put a good face on a bad game and brought dignity to it was the Queen of Holland, because she has wit and tact; and then “my cousin, Julie” [he jokes that they are related] also carried the mantle very well, but she is such a slut that I would have advised her to do otherwise. I wouldn't have given up this show for anything. It is claimed that one of the porters having dropped her part of the train or not being at her post, the Empress gave her a very imperative look which said: “Well!" I didn't see this.
Sketch by the Prince. Clockwise from bottom: Pauline, Elisa, Hortense, Marie-Louise, Julie Bonaparte, Catherine of Westphalia, Jerome's wife.
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Souvenirs du prince Charles de Clary-et-Aldringen
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buckets-of-dirt · 6 months
Looking for Book Recommendations
Help me find a book I can give my right-wing little brother for Christmas following a harm-reduction model for deradicalization. I need something he'll actually read that will subtly expand his worldview just enough to help him take the tiniest baby step towards the center (we'll work on further left once he gets to the "reasonable" stage).
Book topics he seems genuinely interested in:
Memoirs by/biographies of "self made men"
Stoicism (he's read Marcus Aurelius already)
Those self-help books that supposedly tell you how to be wildly successful (ie rich and powerful)
Remember, the goal is subtlety. I need to meet him where he's at. He's not gonna read bell hooks or Das Kapital right away, especially if it's me handing it to him. If it's not an innocuous-seeming gift given in good faith it won't work.
Thanks for your help!
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droasterchicken · 4 days
The Philippines Cries in the State of Politics
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As disputes in the country continue to rise with the passing time, people need to step up to the challenge to resolve the problems that society brings. This is done through governmental elections, where the citizens of the Philippines would vote for candidates who run for positions in the government. Whether these candidates are worthy of the position, the fate of the Philippines lies in the decision of the nation. 
The people are given free will to vote those they deem fit to acquire a position in the government. Without elections, there is no free will, only submission to authority that has been predetermined by the privileged and those with high social status.
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It was in the month of May in 2022 and on a rather cool afternoon. It was common knowledge that Duterte had to step down from his seat as president to allow someone else to take the responsibility.
The votes were tallied between BongBong Marcos and Leni Robredo, the tension was high until the results were released. The news came from my grandmother who casually spoke of how BongBong Marcos won the position as president of the Philippines. In all honesty, I felt nothing, I knew nothing about the candidates themselves nor did I think of how this would affect me since I was just 16 years old. 
The internet was disappointed, if not hated the results, people on Tiktok were blaspheming Marcos and spoke of how it should have been Leni. Still, I underestimated the importance of elections until my mother spoke of how this affected the relationships of some families.
Parents were disowning their children, children were disowning their families, all because they had opposing views on who to vote for. This got me thinking, why are families willing to destroy their relationship because of the elections? Suddenly, it became a lot more significant to ponder about, especially when my time to vote would soon come. 
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The candidates for Philippine elections were represented through status and wealth. But that alone does not get one to succeed in the elections, one must win the hearts of the people to win the votes.
As I grew older, I realized that candidates in the privilege spectrum would make use of their reputation and do what they could to acquire the position they were aiming for in the government. Whether they were a star such as an actor, or from a long family line that withheld a rank in the government, unless the candidate was popular and had the money to buy people, it did not matter if the candidate was truly knowledgeable or fit for the position. If they are not popular, they do not have the chance to win in the elections. 
I recall the 2022 Philippine elections when Robinhood Padilla won as Senator. He was known as a TV star and actor before he became a Senator. Another example I could think of was the vice president, Sarah Duterte, who shared the last name of the previous Philippine president who was Rodrigo Duterte. 
These alone exemplified the Philippine’s voting pattern, not by wisdom, but through personal feelings. Through these observations, it saddened me that people chose to ignore those who had great potential to lead the country and focused on those of popularity. Just because they contain the fun or “bibo” vibes does not mean they are qualified.
As of now at 18 years old in 2024, I tend to wonder; just how reliable is the system of the elections? If the government allows movie actors or models to apply for certain positions, are these the kind of people that we would want to represent and lead our country?
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The Philippine election is a place where everyone stands on equal grounds, a place where the country is properly represented by those who understand the country’s needs. By this, we should not view a candidate by simply their appearance, but predetermine whether they can handle the responsibilities given with the position and through their character.
As someone who is ready to choose the next leaders when the elections come, I am more than willing to not vote blindly based on popularity, but on the sets of skills that the candidates hold. Yet I shall never turn blind to one’s reputation, for whatever is built up by the candidates works as a surface that leads to their character and personality.
The Philippines is still in the middle of change, yet what never changes are the officials who are blinded with the power they hold, officials who are corrupt. Nowadays, people do not actually know how to properly see through the veils that candidates put up to please the public, later on this results in deep regret once that veil falls off. 
The need for electoral reform in the Philippines is a call for improvement. Ignorance is not bliss when it comes to having the right to vote. The candidates in the elections are not to be viewed for their outward appearance, but one must be an educated voter in terms of capabilities.  
Duterte as president may have achieved many great things for the country, even helped progress the nation, but not without consequence. The War On Drugs campaign, despite its good cause, resulted in blood shed and corruption. Many lost loved ones and cried for them, just as how people cry for leaders who will lead this nation and lift it up.
Don’t vote without cause, nor because of biases. Don’t vote because of popularity, nor because of sweet promises. Have the research done for the candidate’s reputation reveals who they are even before they stepped foot into the elections. If the country chooses the wrong candidate, it will reflect on the country’s complexions.
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jerseydeanne · 1 year
'Harry's tell-all truth bomb could really backfire for Meghan's political hopes'
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sage-green-kitchen · 17 days
Princess Dashkova and The Science Academy
When I studied history at Uni, one of my favorite research topics was Princess Dashkova. She was an important figure in the science community and in global politics.
Princess Yekaterina Dashkova was an advocate of women’s education in Russia. She was one of the first female higher education school administrators and was director at the Petersburg Academy of Sciences. She was an advocate to scientific innovation and education in Russia. Her love of science and learning started at an early age. Dashkova writes in her memoir, “the sleepless nights caused by reading and my general mood gave me an appearance of ill-health.”( Yekaterina Dashkov, The Memoirs of Princess Dashkov, trans. Kyril Fitzlyon (London, John Calder, 1958), 25 ) She read throughout her childhood and educated herself. Later she recalls a conversation with Potemkin where he says, “She is bored by the fools that surround her.”(205) Catherine thought highly of Dashkova’s intelligence and assigned her headmistress of the Academy of Science and would not take no for an answer. Dashkova initially wants to reject this offer and says, “that God himself, by creating me a women, had exempted me from accepting the employment of a Director of an Academy of Science.”(204) This shows how traditional gender roles and religion affected her mindset and how her enjoyment of science and intelligence led her to overcome this. She had also been influenced by the women she met in Paris and on her travels in the west. By taking the position she increases women’s education in science in Russia and many studies have come from the academy during this time and it was one of the biggest academic institutions in Russia at the time. She eventually also designed a second academy of the Russian language and also ran that one. Her role in education would not have been made possible if not for Catherine using her political power as empress to appoint her to that position and give Dashkova the ability to facilitate scientific discoveries and discussion of enlightenment thought.
Princess Dashkova was very well traveled. In 1768 she traveled to London and to Paris. She meets Diderot in Paris, an Enlightenment thinker best known for standardizing scholarly knowledge in L’Encyclopédie. While in Paris, she writes about a conversation she has with Diderot where they discuss enlightened philosophy. She specifically claims they discuss the peasant class. This idea impacted Russian Society because serfdom was increasing in the 1700s and this was a counter-enlightenment action. A large theme of western Enlightenment is freedom and equality, serfdom and the oppression of the peasant class is contradictory to this. Princess Dashkova shows her opposition to this idea when she counters that, “It is knowledge and understanding that produces freedom; the latter without the former would produce nothing but anarchy and confusion.”(123) This conversation shows a conscious effort by East European nobility to make the Enlightenment an advancement in art and science instead of a political revolution. Her continuous correspondence with Diderot has an impact on how Princess Dashkova experienced the Enlightenment. His works and letters were mostly regarded kindly by her. She writes, “Diderot, whose natural sincerity and lively friendship for me inspired belief in anything he had to say.” (159) This shows that Enlightenment thinking and philosophy impacted her and later the books she read and time in Paris influenced how she structured education and what was taught in her academy.
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god forbid a woman do anything
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iwantyoursexmp3 · 2 months
most interesting part of andrew ridgeleys whamoir! (wham! memoir) to me is that the most engaging part + the part where he read as the most engaged whilst writing was the bit before anything to do with wham! and was just abt their friendship as kids…..the wham! stuff had interesting details and anecdotes and reflections but it felt just like a quick (sometimes very rushed tbh the pacing felt wayyy off at times) retelling of the wham! story just getting all the basic beats and details fans would want to know….my conclusion is man just really wanted to write about his best friend. good for him
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frevandrest · 1 year
That’s interesting. Why do you think Charlotte was closer politically to the Dantonists?
gfdsgdffdsgsd I admit it's more of my tongue in cheek thinking than anything fully based in reality. Because there is nothing 100% demonstrating that Charlotte was actively thinking about politics. On the other hand, the way she talked about it in her memoirs, does show that she had Political Opinions. She tried to minimize this aspect in her memoirs (because she tried to present herself as a "proper woman" concerned only with domestic issues), but she does share enough to indicate that she thought about this stuff more than she was willing to admit. I am not sure if we can count Charlotte as a revolutionary in her own right (not like, say, Claire Lacombe), but I do think she was more political than she presented in her memoirs, and more than how she is often perceived (by historians).
And if Charlotte thought about the revolution and politics, it is clear that she was pro-revolution... but also not necessarily in the way her brothers were. Again, I don't have any concrete proof, and this is why I would love if someone wrote about Charlotte from this angle, but she does seem more of a traditionalist in some ways, and idk, less radical (?) than her brothers.
This is also reflected in the company she kept. Because Charlotte had many male friends/acquaintances and many of them were Dantonists. She had men who helped her (including times when she was fighting with her brothers), and many (most?) of them were associated with Dantonists.
Then there's also Fouché. Not a Dantonist, obviously, but fits the idea of Charlotte associating herself with men/factions outside of the Robespierrist circle. Like our girl met with Fouché a few days before Thermidor, and I assume they didn't talk about weather.
And after Thermidor, she was arrested and very quickly released, and while it could be simply because it was clear she didn't have much contact with her brothers, she was released super super quickly. This indicates that someone perhaps intervened on her behalf (true, she also signed a document in prison but I still feel there had to be someone who specifically said for her to be released.)
Finally, there's citizen Mathon, a man who helped her hide after Thermidor and with whom she lived after being released and until his death, decades later. Mathon's daughter was Charlotte's heir, and it seems like Charlotte raised the girl as a step mother. No concrete indications that Charlotte and Mathon were romantically involved, but they lived together and raised his daughter. Mathon was also associated with Dantonists.
So while there is nothing indicating that Charlotte was actively working against her brothers (or that they worked against her - that's Thermidorized bullshit), it does seem that Charlotte was more political than commonly perceived. She kept company with men from different factions (particularly Dantonists), which seems like conscious choice (?). It might be possible that she was just unaware of the implications, or she knew very well and she did it because this is what her (political) opinions aligned with.
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ginkovskij · 4 months
Hello! The chronicles you've been reading seem super interesting, what are the titles 👀?
One is the chronicles by Usama ibn Munqidh, I am reading the version curated by P. M. Cobb under the title “The book of contemplations”, but you can find it also curated by P. K. Hitti under the title “An Arab-Syrian Gentleman and Warrior in the Period of the Crusades; Memoirs of Usamah ibn-Munqidh”.
The other one is the “Cronica” of Salimbene de Adam (the most opinionated man of his times), translated from latin by C. Cantarelli.
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boysnberriespie · 8 months
Unfortunately just had the devastating realization that Hetalia was the beginning of my leftist journey
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laurapetries · 1 year
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From Geena Davis’ memoir, Dying of Politeness.
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sanctfy · 7 months
crazy how every cult ever is actually exactly the same inside
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ladysqueakinpip · 1 year
i wanna do a little writing survery after a brief talk with a friend over a novel im reading. reblog and in the tags say 1.) your favorite genres to read and 2.) what types of scenes are the most boring for you to read
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werewolfetone · 1 year
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I know that these pictures are a bit difficult to read but please you HAVE to read The Two-Penny Post Bag and Trifles by Thomas Moore they're really funny and SO hilariously mean
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every single word Cora Fitzarthur speaks sets off my autism alarm <3
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