#Pearls are so fun to design omg
chipmunkqueenart · 2 years
Cherry Zircon's Pearl: Cherry Pearl
Zircon was given Cherry Pearl after winning her first major case
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Cherry Pearl works as Zircon's secretary, taking calls, making appointments, etc. and takes pride in her work. But she would much rather defending innocent Gems in the courtroom than taking their calls. Zircon's is rather forgetful when she's not in front of a judge, so she encourages her Pearl to learn Homeworld's laws so that she can have an extra set of eyes on any given case.
Unfortunately, that's all Cherry Pearl is allowed to do.
Pearl hates her lot in life, and despises the Gems that treat her as "Less than".
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imorphemi · 2 years
whoever suggested pearlescentmoon pony you got so many brain juices flowing
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beartusks · 1 year
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MOTH!BDUBS FTW!!! about him below v v important information pls read :
hiii moth!bdubs propaganda here 😇 im so obsessed with it, being a moth fits him sooo well imo!! he’s not a COOL moth like pearl is though, he’s one of those pests like a pantry moth 😭🥺 one of my headcanons is that his wings slightly vibrate constantly just like a normal moth’s do–they do that to keep the flight muscles warm–and when theyre vibrating a little more intensely than usual (wen he is excited or upset) he gets wing dust everywhere >w< i’ll draw a moth!pearl design soon too! i think she has more control over her wings and her wing dust has magical properties like makes people feel calm or relaxed (wonderful angst for Double Life) but bdubs’ just. gets everywhere LOL. rendog is super fun to draw btw, im very excited to draw more of him i just started watching hcs9’s rentheking arc from multiple POVs!!!!! it’s soo good omg 🥺 i love minecraft roleplay so fckn much🥺🥺🥺 ANYWAY, take my doodles !! idk why theyre making fun of him in the second pic THEY JUST ARE. note to self i need to draw tango STAT he is very fun to draw.
check out my IG post for this art for some extra moth!bdubs content , silly bdubs clips, and what inspired this headcanon! : D (maybe gimme a follow too while youre at it?🥺)
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chrisrin · 10 months
Hiii I want to know something about the mcyt su au! The way you assign gems to each person, does their personality influence the choice?? Or are you just going for the visual vibes of he gemstone? How do you choose
honestly it depends! some designs like bdubs was definitely more based on visuals, nephrites are green and have that one big eye so i was like, omg, that's very bdubs so i went with that for his gem.
others i feel are more personality-based, like scar as a spinel. or role-wise with mumbo as a peridot. it honestly depends on what grabs me more.
but the most important thing for me though is that for base designs (non-fusions) i try as much as i can to stick to ONLY canon designs/gems we've seen in the show, this is so i can pretty much directly pull color palettes from those characters and keep it as loyal-looking to the show as possible. it makes them more recognizable as SU designs in my mind, i did this with both gemcyt and gemstuck with only a couple exceptions (nepeta as a cat's eye, docm as bloodstone, etc.) i think a part of the fun challenge is trying to conform with these baseline designs while also trying to make the character recognizable. it's why some troll gemstuck designs have horns, and others don't. it depends on if i feel it was vital for their design aspects as most gems (unless corrupted) don't have horns.
with fusions i'm a lot more free-form with it, but for base designs i like to have at least 1 solid reference to compare the design to so i can try to match the show as close as possible. obviously this means i'm limited on what gems i can make people, and sometimes that puts me in a tricky spot because i also dislike doing too many repeats of the same gem, exceptions in both gemstuck/gemcyt being that i have multiple pearls (kanaya/eridan/jane in gemstuck, joel/pearl in gemcyt)
because let's be honest if we did this only on gem societal roles, the majority of the hermits would be either peridots as redstoners or bismuths/lapis lazulis as builders
so as far as choosing gems, that's sorta my mindset going into it! it's a mix of things but there's restrictions i give myself and i try to work within those when i can! :D
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everafterwhat · 6 months
your redisnighs of the EAH characters are so stunning and honestly better than the originals! that being said, which character's original design is the coolest to you? im having literally the hardest choice picking
Thank you so much, that’s so sweet omg that means so much to me🥺💞💓 That’s such a hard question because I like a lot of their designs for different reasons, of course some of them I’m not a fan of but I feel like I can always find something I really admire!
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I absolutely love Cerise’s design! I can’t get over her white streak of hair and the fact that she’s secretly the daughter of the big bad wolf is such a fun concept, it gives her hood multiple purposes which I love! Not only does she wear it to honor her destiny and mother, but to hide her identity. Though with all the growling she does I don’t know how she’s hidden it anyway. And don’t get me started on the patterning on her hood and stockings! And the BANGS😭💞
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Lilly Bo Peep is also a favorite of mine and honestly I wish she had had a bigger part, I would’ve loved to know more about her. There are so many cool backgrounders it’s insane, the dedication is so admirable😔💓 The bangs over one eye, the multi length and multi colored hair, the pigtails, the cute little apron outfit and bonnet? Obsessed!!
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Of course I have to put Duchess here, are y’all really shocked? I do have a few complaints about her outfit but I’m obsessed with her hair and hairpin. The pearls? The feathers? Love. I wish they hadn’t done a weird pattern on her skirt but that was definitely popular at the time of its creation, weird patterns were kind of everywhere. I love her pointe shoe heel things, they’re so cute and props to her for being that devoted LOL
There are so many other characters who have little parts of them I love, and some of them have beautiful special episode outfits which have my heart! I almost said Darling but I kind of hate her weird pink gem decor on her chest. I know it’s a throw back to what knights typically wore but I think it could’ve been illustrated better! She’s definitely a runner up tho💞
These are just my silly little opinions so let’s all be nice! I can’t list everyone here😭😭
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Redesigns of @keyunto's god characters!!! I designed their characters around 2021, and i redrew them so i can see how far ive come with my character designing skills!! suffice to say im really proud of myself >:]]
Design notes and old design comparisons below!
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I didnt change much with fox girl other than freckles ngl but i will say that i will always love drawing her spiky eyelashes <3 Shes my number one fav design to draw from everyone HAHA
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Now THIS design i had fun doing again!! first of all, made her hair MORE floofy and took away the kinda unneceasry braid on her hair. Also made her face more chubby because i think it fits a bunny goddess well!!
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now THIS was a big redesign. i practically. restructured her whole face HAHA but yeah i was just not feeling the og design, it was giving so much OOMPH and character so i tried to make her look more fierce and formidable, just how an actual lion is!
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now here i ULTRA LEVELED UP HER HAIR TO LOOK MORE RACOON LIKE LMAOO it was actually super fun drawing it!! no more the days of bland unspiky hair >B]
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i think her og design looks already super good!! BUT IM RLLY PROUD OF THIS REDESIGN SPECIFICALLY BCUS OF HOW THE HAIR FLOWS!!!! ITS GOIN SWOOPY SWOOPS!!!! and ofc had to use a feather earring because raven goddess etc gender etc <3
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honestly did not change her design that much EXCEPT for her face structure, and i think the lil pearl necklaces and crowns and beads are such a regal touch I LOVE IT
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Ohhh dog boy. ya i dont rlly like the og design that much DLKJSD so i had to rlly like. change almost everything abt him omg. but i rlly think this is a cute redesign!! i love the ruffly hiar 🥺
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TIGER MAN WOOOO I LOVE YOUUUU BUT YES I GAVE HIM MORE FACIAL HAIR AND EYEBROWS AND SPUNK >>B]]] og design looks like him in his 20s HAHA and NGL facial hair is hard to draw like especially beards, i dont get how it wraps around the face, but im DOIN MY BEST TO DRAW IT MORE
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his beard: pointy. his eyes: 🥺. the perfect redesign. Also i remmeber in that og design is that is when like the first time ive tried drawing hooked noses??
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it felt so wrong seeing a god based off a bear and Not even being fat??? A CRIME!!!!!!! SO YES TWAS IMPERATIVE HE BE A BIG BOY!!!
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I love this redesign so much HAHA like that hair is an UPGRADE and that FACIAL HAIOR MMMMMMMMM Like IM SO PROUD OF THIS OK LET ME HAVE THIS,,,,,,
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def didnt change much, as i rlly think the curly kind of long hair is SUCH a good hair for a love god HAHA and ofc i gave them the slutty ruffly poet shirt okay,,,,,😁hes the token twink of the group!!
but yeah all in all, im so proud of this!! i very much detwinkified almost all of them LMAOO and i think ive def imporved in terms of face shape, especially in noses and also fat! I hope i imporve more in the future and perhaps redesign this in the future years 👀
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fahbev · 8 months
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Babs, Bruce and Danny in my dpxdc merfolk au!!!
argh, plz excuse the poorly edited photo lmao- lost a lot of detail TvT
Babs has her info Here. But this is her design! I’m not actually entirely sure if any of these designs are final, i might tweak them, but here she is! I gave her necklaces.
Bruce is based on a leatherback sea turtle! The spots aren’t actually super accurate to a leatherback’s underside, but if you look at it a little harder... you may find a fun little easter egg. It’s subtle... or at least i tried to make it that way. (If people don’t get it i’ll explain in a rb lol) Did you know that leatherback sea turtles can be up to 880 pounds? Idk what that is in metric but that’s roughly 7 and a half Bahfevs. They’re also much more triangular/less round than other turtles, so I reflected that in his design. And ofc, Bruce and Damian are both sea turtles bc they’re related. But they’re different sea turtle species so it doesn’t make much sense. Who gives a flip. What’s Talia, you ask? To that I say: 🤷‍♀️
(Side note: apparently, I’ve conditioned myself so I can’t draw nuetral expressions. It’s gotta have some emotion or else it looks wrong, and it feels natural to always have something going on there. So... drawing Stoic McStoicface here was a pain in the penis. He kinda has an expression anyway lol)
Danny is based on a ghost knife fish! I’ll be honest, i didn’t even know these existed until I looked up “ghost fish” in the hopes of finding something thematic. But then... omg! They’re black with little white accents? Like Danny’s design? And they have cool, funky bodies? AND they produce electricity!?? That’s so FKING COOL! I’ll have to do more research, but so far i’m pretty sure they don’t produce enough electricity to hurt someone. They are related to electric eels though! I first learned that electric eels were knife fish and not true eels when I was researching the moray eel for Duke. Funny how that connects!
Danny’s story under the cut!
Okay so basically: Danny went diving to gather pearls because he wanted to make his parents happy/proud. While he was diving, His foot got caught in a rock and he couldn’t get it out. He panicked and he begged— to who? God, maybe? The universe, or the ocean? Maybe just begging fate or any higher power that could be out there, he doesn’t know. His only prayer was “Don’t let me drown!”. Unbeknownst to him, one of the pearls he’d grabbed was a magic, wish granting pearl. They’re rare enough that humans don’t even have legends of them... but the merfolk do ;).
The pearl took his very non-specific wish and decided to give him a tail and gills. He swam back up in a panic, and saw his new tail. Of course, this is a very horrifying thing to happen. But in less than a minute... it was already starting to dry off. As it dried, it turned back into skin.
Now, Danny has to be extremely careful not to get his legs or hair wet when he’s near people, because he’ll turn back into a merboy.
i... probably should have given him a shirt? He’d be wearing it, right? But i also did need to see what I was doing with that fin thing lol. I mean, a shirt would get annoying with that fin- he’d probably take it off. Tbh he’d probably have it off when swimming in general? Idk.
So: funny thing that happened when I was drawing Danny:
A first grader came up to me while I had it open on my desk, and she was like:
“Oh my god, that’s so good! Like, how did you even draw that?”
so I was like: “Oh thank you! ❤️”
And I think she asked again “How did you even draw that?”
so I was a little confused on how to answer, so I said:
“Well, I used my pencil...” and held up my pencil—
and then she got distracted by a spinny chair.
She’s so precious omg 🥰
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Can we get a headcanon of all the babies getting the cross necklace like mom and Andrei have?
omg how cute is this!! 🥹 kinda long, so under the read more!
so none of the kids’ crosses actually come from greece like yours since trekking across the ocean to find v specific cross is a non starter
but andrei floats the idea of getting crosses made up by a russian jeweler that he’s used before
he talks about it with geno and his mom and as a surprise, geno gets the cross made as his gift when he baptizes evie
geno cries when you ask him to be her godfather and you cry when he shows you and andrei the cross
each kid’s cross is just slightly different but they all have the same general shape
geno adds diamonds to evie’s cross since that’s the april birthstone
pyotr is alina’s godfather and he works with geno to have her cross made up - he chooses to have her cross studded with little topaz stones to match her eyes
kira and dimitri are baptized by your cousins, but still uncle geno and uncle pyotr are invested now and work together to design their crosses
at this point you and andrei have been completely shut out of the process, much to your annoyance even though it’s sweet of your brother in law and your husband’s best friend
truthfully it’s kind of fun to see the crosses when they’re done - the surprise is always exciting and the explanation for why the cross was designed the way it was always makes you cry at the thoughtfulness the two men put into the job
it’s also definitely the raging baby hormones that are still taking over your body when each kid is baptized
kira’s cross has alternating tiny alexandrite stones and seed pearls for her dual june birthstones
dimitri’s cross is an exact copy of andrei’s, size and all and you’re worried that he’ll clock himself in the face with the cross, but the men tell you that he’ll grow into it
it’s very cute to see your tiny baby wearing the giant cross and you make plenty of rapper jokes
and for surprise baby #5 (details forthcoming), it’s a happy coincidence that geno is vacationing in greece right after baby is born - so he searches jewelry stores on the islands and comes home with a matching cross, in yellow gold, not white gold, but still the same style as yours and andrei’s
you cry and geno teases that he’s clearly the best godfather of all time
for the last kid (and yes andrei this is the last kid i swear to god i am not having a sixth kid are you out of your mind??) geno and pyotr share godfather duties
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asexual-spongebob · 3 months
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I present:
✨Invader Kwazii✨
so I’ve been watching invader zim and I was like “omg what if I made a octonauts x invader zim AU” so here it is-
Kwazii’s zim (cuz I just thought it’d be funny)
Tominnow’s gir (for funnzies, + i don’t see much Tominnow content so I thought this would be a fun opportunity.
shellington’s dib (idk it just made sense to me)
Pearl’s gaz (cuz Shell’s dib)
Paani’s just a friend of kwazii (and later on, lover.) (I couldn’t really think of a canon character equivalent for him lmao)
peso’s keef. Idk it just made sense to me.
barna and inkling = Almighty Tallest. mostly because I thought it’d be funny. Dashi’s tak maybe?
and Tweak’s skoodge maybe? still trying to decide who gets who’s role.
the first image is the first design I made for him but I changed it a little (I added more green + gave him an extra tail to look more like an alien)
I drew the first two images yesterday but just finished the third one.
I might turn this into a fanfic someday so keep ur peepers peeled >:3
just know there’s gonna be Kwazini + shellso (later on, I’ve got some shit planned in my head for how shellso happens) oh yeah and pearlanca is also a thing here . and twashi as well for funnizes.
I’m gonna start thinking of stuff + plotting the outline :) it’s probably gonna a decently long fic if I get around to writing it someday.
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roseofcards90 · 2 days
Hi hiii, everyone! I am planning on making a series of posts for my first time watching Steven Universe! I’ve been watching with @mgjong and it’s been so much fun omg! I can’t thank her enough for watching with me ❤️
For these, I’m going to talk about my breakdown analysis for each season (I’ll be doing Season 1A and Season 1B as separate), and I will also give commentary on every episode (yes I am insane) and highlight certain ones that are my faves! I will give my overall thoughts about the season as a whole, as well as the main characters and what I’ve learned of them so far.
Episodes marked with a ⭐️ are some of my personal faves from this season! Here is my overall breakdown of Season 1A down below:
*I also wanted to preface this saying that my knowledge of the show is very limited. Most of the things I’ve heard about it have come from when it was still airing, and my childhood friend who was obsessed with it at the time would also ramble about the show to me. I already know some major plot points (such as Garnet being a fusion and the Ruby and Sapphire stuff) and other minor details, but yeah most of this overall is still pretty blind to me!
So first off! I wanted to talk about some general points about the show:
- I absolutely love the art backgrounds in each episode. Some of them are just so pretty to look at. I know the animation can be iffy at times, but overall it is very consistent across episodes.
- Character designs are also pretty unique, and each one stands out to me among the cast! The fact that you can easily pick out even the minor characters is a huge win for character design imo
- The title cards also reflecting the time of day/weather for the episode is a neat detail! I did not realize that, Mg had to point it out to me kdfjdfnk and the fact that they imply little things from just that one shot (like it being the temple hand above the house where they do their laundry) is a great attention to detail!
- I think the setting is also really nice! Having it take place in a coastal town near the beach feels refreshing to me.
- Soundtrack amazing that is all 🫡
General Character Thoughts:
At first, I really didn’t think much of Steven’s character I would have to admit 😭 I thought he was a sweet kid ofc, but I wasn’t sure where the show was gonna take his character and his development. That is, until I started to see more of the bigger picture and realize what direction they were going to take him. And now I have high hopes on how Steven is going to develop throughout the series just from all the expectations placed on him from his loved ones and the other gems. Your mother was amazing, she was everything. She gave up her form so you can be born. How do you deal with that? How do you cope with being the only one to not know her at all, your own mother? Can you fill the void she left behind? Will you falter when you can’t?
Also, having a mother-son version of this trope is one I haven’t seen much? Barely at all tbh, so it’s refreshing! I think it’s very sweet to portray a male character as very emotional and compassionate, and have him take after his mother.
Amethyst is great I love her LMAO she’s so silly!!! On the surface, she seems to be the outward comic relief in the cast. But when you look more closely at her character and her reactions towards certain things, then it becomes clear that there is something deeper, the feeling of self-hate and resentment towards herself compared to Pearl and Garnet. I like how this is first hinted at in Tiger Millionaire, an episode about Amethyst’s hobby with wrestling. I think it shows that even in her own space, that self-hate will still find a way to manifest (it didn’t help that Pearl and Garnet showed up but yeah 😭)
Oh, Pearl. Where do I even start? There’s…a lot. I’m going to be honest, my perception of Pearl from what I remember is just “very gay lady” back when the show was airing LMAO which isn’t wrong necessarily. She is that, but she’s also a lot more than that. Pearl is tragic. She is a character who continues to grieve because of her closeness and her love towards Rose. She can be a bit overbearing and critical at times with Steven, but it’s because she cares about him and wants him to grow. Ofc she loves him, that’s her son. But Pearl isn’t perfect. She’ll have outbursts, she’ll panic, she’ll slip back into the loss that continues to consume her and project it onto others. And it’s not healthy at all 😭 I am curious to see how her character will be in the later seasons, but for now she’s one of my faves! Absolutely love tragic gays who cannot move on 🫡
Also I just love how at first glance, she seems like the character to have the brain cell in the group, but then you realize episode after episode that nah, she’s just as insane as everyone else LMAO it’s so good (I believe in OCD Pearl too btw SO REAL)
AAAA I LOVE GARNET!!! I love how calm she is but also deadpan LMAO??? She’s so silly sometimes, it’s cute! I like how she’s the one to ground the whole team together, not wanting to underestimate Steven, but ofc, still being protective of him. There’s more we learn about her in Season 1B (which I’ve already seen by this point), so that’s why I don’t have a lot to comment on here. But she’s still pretty cool, especially with all the various hints towards her actually being a fusion!
Greg is an interesting guy! I didn’t have many thoughts on him at first, but some episodes later in the season had made me rethink my initial thoughts on him. He’s clearly trying his best as a father, wanting to still connect and bond with Steven. And he’s also another character we see deal with the grief of losing Rose. I love how he has many parallels with Pearl because of this, with the way they deal with loss and also their personal relationship with Steven. I’m looking forward to seeing more of him and also more interactions between him and Pearl I think they would be funny DJDKFKF
I LOVE CONNIE I LOVE HER SO MUCH!!! IDK MUCH ABOUT HER BUT SHES SO CUTE AND I LOVE HER AND STEVEN'S RELATIONSHIP! I do like how she’s written to be a bit of a weeb LMAO it’s very accurate for 12 yr old kids obsessed with anime. I can’t wait to see more of her in the main cast!!!
Rose Quartz:
Besides her sharing my name (which I already love lmao), I have heard many things about her character that have piqued my interest! From what I've seen, she's a character who haunts the narrative, always being mentioned in the other's words as a lasting memory, or just her own portrait in the house being displayed in the background during some scenes. I love how the writing continues to portray her like this, and us as the viewer are curious to learn just who she really was as a person. We know that she was important, that she led a rebellion against her own kind to protect the Earth, and that she meant a great deal to the Crystal Gems and Greg. But just who was Rose really? Behind everyone's fondness and memories of her? Is she really just the all-loving heroic sacrifice we're presented with?
It's funny, because we are a lot like Steven in a way. We are in the same shoes as him, where we learn alongside him in finding out more about is mother and what the kind of person she is behind everyone's rose-tinted glasses. It's a really neat touch that helps connect the viewer to Steven as both a protagonist and a character
Episode Breakdowns (very brief):
Gem Glow:
• I think this is a decent introduction episode that lays out the characters and initial dynamics in the show! The Crystal Gems fight but they don’t want Steven to get hurt, but Steven ends up helping in his own way and starts using his powers as a result. I don’t have much else to say about it, but I think it’s neat!
⭐️ Laser Light Cannon:
• I like this one because you can start to see Rose haunt the narrative, and also the implications that are shown in the episode: the main one being that the cannons activate due to Greg’s phrase! I just love how much this implies how close her and Greg were that she made it so that the cannons activate because of something so silly, yet obviously meant something to her back then
⭐️ Cheeseburger Backpack:
• I stared this episode mainly because I absolutely love how it comes back in the best way possible in Season 1B. It is such good foreshadowing, and while the episode itself isn’t too noteworthy to me, I think viewing it as a mirror of the other episode that calls back to it makes it so much more interesting
Together Breakfast:
• I don’t think there’s much to note in this episode, other than it’s a characterization moment for Steven. It shows how much he sees the gems as his family, and how he wants them all to be together. It’s sweet!
• …I have nothing to say other than…yeah, nightmare fuel 👍
Cat Fingers:
• Okay lowkey this episode disturbed me a bit while I was watching KJDFDFKL 😭 I did not find the cat fingers cute, but I do like how this showed Steven’s ability to shapeshift! We’re starting to see Steven be able to wield some of the abilities the Crystal Gems have too!
⭐️ Bubble Buddies:
• Connie’s first appearance!!! I love it so much, the fact that they had met each other before and Steven was waiting to see her again and return her bracelet, how Connie also paid attention to him too! I love that little backstory they have together before they officially meet
Serious Steven:
• Another characterization one for Steven! Him wanting to help the gems no matter what, and I like how this episode kinda parallels the first episode a bit? Instead of being childish here like in the first episode, we see Steven be more serious, but he still helps them in his own way. Also this had an interesting frame showing a mural with presumably Rose Quartz fighting? Very curious indeed…
⭐️ Tiger Millionaire:
• This is where we see Amethyst’s self-esteem issues at the forefront. Seeing Amethyst’s and Steven’s relationship be expanded upon was nice too. We see one of Steven’s core traits with wanting to make everyone happy. He wants to continue accompanying Amethyst in her wrestling hobby and even uses a made up back story for Amethyst’s wrestler persona to help people understand her better. In relation, we see that Amethyst takes pride and confidence in wrestling because she’s good at it. It gives her something meaningful to her existence. So overall, I think this episode does a good job with characterizing the both of them
Steven's Lion:
• Lion’s first appearance! I love how he’s just…not explained LMAO he’s a pink lion and he’s chilling, and it’s obvious with his connection to Rose because of his pink color scheme
Arcade Mania:
• I like how this episode focuses on Garnet’s competitive side, as well as showing her 3rd eye under her visor. It’s silly, especially with the rhythm game (why did they name it that…), but it’s cool that it showed how Garnet is an important member on the team and seeing Pearl and Amethyst rely on her too. Also her relationship with Steven as well and how determined he was to snap her out of the game was sweet
⭐️ Giant Woman:
• OPAL FIRST APPEARANCE ALSO PEARL AND AMETHYST BEING GAY AF WHEN OPAL FIRST TALKED I THINK I DIED AND CAME BACK TO LIFE 🪦 but seriously, I like how we see fusion for the first time and they make a cool point that many fusions are their own person, and they take the best aspects of said gems and have them be in balance together. Very cool fr!!!
⭐️ So Many Birthdays:
• They went the existential crisis route omg 😭 but besides how dark this episode is, I do like how we see the gems care for Steven a lot. It also emphasizes the point of Steven’s powers being heavily influenced by his emotions!
⭐️ Lars and the Cool Kids:
• It’s a Lars episode and it exists, but the main thing I loved about it was towards the end. It had such a great moment with Steven standing up for himself and his mother, but it was also a bit heartbreaking too? Steven never met his mother, but he still believes in and realizes how much she cared for living beings. He will stand up for her no matter what because he doesn’t have anything to doubt her on, only what he’s heard from the others. I do wonder if this will be forshadowing later on when Steven learns something less…positive about Rose he can’t stand to believe as the truth
Onion Trade:
⭐️ Steven the Sword Fighter:
• Another dark one with Pearl literally getting stabbed in front of Steven. Along with the Tiger Millionaire and Arcade Mania, this one is my favorite among the episodes showing the relationship between the gems and Steven! Having him try to deal with the hologram Pearl while the real Pearl isn’t around really showed how much Steven has grown as a person. He’s tying to be more responsible and mature without Pearl around, which I think is a great character moment for him
Lion 2: The Movie:
• I like how this episode both develops Steven and Connie’s relationship (they’re silly kids who both think that the other doesn’t want to hang out with them but Connie provides normalcy for Steven, while Steven provides excitement for Connie. They both accept each other is the main thing that I love about their relationship), as well as whatever tf is going on with Lion DKDKDK it becomes even more clear now that he was Rose’s lion with the training temple they go to (love how this also comes back too). Also COOL SWORD
Beach Party:
• A silly one! This one is more of my favorites among the episodes that focus on the Beach City residents. It doesn’t get too bogged down with silliness, but it still focuses on character interactions between the gems and the residents! It’s overall very funny <3
⭐️ Rose’s Room:
• Rose first voice appearance! In the form of a whale LMAO I couldn’t imagine when this episode first aired and people lose their shit when this happened. It’s cool to get a glimpse into how Rose’s room works, that it gives anything Steven wants, but whatever it creates is still imperfect
Coach Steven:
• Sugilite first appearance! I cannot believe Nicki Minaj voiced her 😭 also I do like how it touched upon Pearl’s insecurities. “I’m not strong enough to do anything” THATS SUS PEARL WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN THROUGH WHY IS THAT SOMETHING YOU BLAME YOURSELF FOR??? I NEED TO KNOW MORE
Joking Victim:
• Lars and Sadie are cool ig??? I mean Sadie is cool, Lars is…there LMAO but it’s interesting to see more of their dynamic. I assume they’re a popular ship in the fandom, and I think Lars in his own way can be sweet at times. But in general, I just think that Sadie deserves so much better 💀
Steven and the Stevens:
• Very convoluted episode fr 😭 it doesn’t make much sense to be canon either? I feel like if the gems had access to a time travel artifact thing, they would’ve already used it a long time ago. I’ve also been told this doesn’t come up again, unless it’s with Steven recounting his trauma during this episode, so idk it really doesn’t make much sense, besides it being another silly episode
It’s nice though how this episode hints at the season finale by showing the desert created by Lapis in Mirror Gem in the background! Very cool detail there
Monster Buddies:
• We start to see more of the corrupted gems and learn about them. This one also highlights Steven’s overall kind and compassionate nature that he’s willing to extend to corrupted gems, seeing their humanity beyond the corruption. It’s another reflection of how his mother acted before. Also he’s able to bubble gems now and becoming more and more like his mother
An Indirect Kiss:
• An interesting way to show that Steven has his mother’s healing powers? 😭 was not expecting it to be through his spit DJDKDLDL the title is clever for that. I also like how it subverts our expectations (as well as the gems’ expectations) that Steven has the exact powers his mother did
⭐️ Mirror Gem:
• Lapis first appearance! I love they just casually show that Steven hasn't attended school 😭 it's kinda sad in a way? Like ofc we see Pearl try her best with teaching him, but it still highlights the differences between Steven and the other kids. He still doesn't have the most normal life when it comes to being 12 and not sharing experiences other kids his age have gone through.
⭐️ Ocean Gem:
• The season finale! I loved it a lot. Mainly because of how they start to set up some doubts regarding the Crystal Gems and their motivations. Lapis obviously doesn't like them and tells Steven to not trust them. She says they "never cared about the other gems, only Earth", so it leaves the viewer wondering if what Lapis is saying is true or not. But it also reinforces the point that they gems have been fighting for Earth, in the name of Rose Quartz and her mission. In contrast, Lapis only wants to go back "home", not seeing the beauty in Earth like they do. She's a good foil to the crystal gems (I would also say she parallels Pearl in a way because they both want to go back home, but Lapis follows her own ideals and wants to be set free, while Pearl's takes on Rose's ideals as her own and follows them to the end).
BUT YEAH THIS HAS GONE ON LONG ENOUGH SO COOL SEASON I LIKE HOW IT'S SETTING UP A BUNCH OF THINGS FOR LATER STUFF AND IT'S SILLY AND HAS ITS SERIOUS MOMENTS TOO!!! I think the show towards the end started to become more grounded on what it was going to do, so I like that! I can't wait to start my review of Season 1B fr 🫡
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genrihgayne · 1 year
I LOVE your Pearl designs!!!!! Any headcannons for the characters of double life??
And yes I have plenty!!!
Sorry for long delay in replies - I wanted to make a big and cool post with all of my headcanons but I procrastinated it for almost half a year💀💀
several parts it is!!
So anyway let's start with something light and what I've already put into graphic explanations(?)
I feel like I have to mention that in my case I have different parts of their clothes/bodies represent their Life at the moment. For some people it's color of their eyes, for others - hair, or some markings on skin, or some, uh, modifications(crystals, color of feathers, plants)? Idk it's minecraft skins I work with what I can
First one is our beloved dead but pretty(tm) lifeseries!Cleo
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First it's a frame from my "It took me by surprise" animatic and here you could see some of my headcanons. The most obv one is vines-herbs-grass-flowers growing out of her hair. For different Life goes different type of flora. Also patches of different skins(?).
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Rough reference piece from several months ago. Don't @ me I'm more comfortable at digital art
For clothing I don't think I have something unique??? But it's self-explanatory anyway
Next one is Grian
Let me be clear I don't really care for his POV of Double Life but I DID watch his POV of Limited Life so yeah
I don't think I have ever drawn him before this messege so it was my first attempt and it kinda stick with me
SO SORRY for the quality of the photo
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"She's a little bit different but we still love her"
As you could see I went kinda overhead with his design. I'm sorry that The iconic Red Sweater had to go😔😔😔
He is an Avian in my headcanons but I wanted to give him something more than just wings as I see in different headcanons of different talanted artists. Claws for feet it is! Also little ear-wings just looks nice imo
When dealing with bird-like legs (or any other hybrid legs) you have to think of a good piece of clothing that would be appropriate, comfortable and that it should look nice. Idk if I managed to achieve it (tbf it's a sketch ref) but overall it looks well-put, it's easy to draw and I think it should be comfy. At least I hope so!
For his Life indicator I've chosen colors of his, uh, under-feathers?? I'm sorry I don't have the correct anatomical name for them and words in general are not my tea but I hope you all can see what I'm talking about
That design was in mind for Life Series only and I used it for post-Ep1 of Limited Life animatic but he decided to change his skin in Limited Life Ep2 and I just cope with it bc for the love of me I couldn't figure how leather jacket could work with all that
You can see clothes a little bit more here
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Glasses felt like a fun accessory at the moment but in the actual animatic it gave really cool 'Anime villain' effect
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So yeah. That's pretty much it for them two
There will be several parts about my other headcanons and let me know who would you like to hear about next!!
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wormtime123 · 8 months
I cannot get over how gorgeous you limited life zine piece is <33 The color palette is bright and bold, and the highlights and shadows are dramatic and recognizably your style. I love your Pearl and Bigb designs, and the movement to them both really conveys the high energy frenzy of the scene. Stunning, I was so happy to see you were participating
omg this is so kind, thank you sm!! 😭😭💖 i was incredibly happy to get to draw for the nosy neighbors, they mean so much to me & it was super fun to tackle the flailing rush of that scene. ty very much again! :]
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jrheatriz · 3 months
(Okay so I know I’m terrible at actually responding to your answers to these, but just know I really do enjoy reading them!!)
I know you make a lot of Pinterest boards, and often post pictures saying stuff like “The people from [one of your stories’ worlds/countries/etc] would wear this” do you have any place’s traditional/current popular fashion style mapped out in your head any? Also given any thought to hairstyles or jewelry maybe? 👀
And yes, i absolutely have specific ideas for AWIA stuff especially, just bc the different styles is important for worldbuilding and character design especially. for instance:
Andanthe's clothing is largely inspired by South Asian (and sometimes Middle Eastern) fashion, particularly in places like India, Pakistan, Palestine, et cetera, but with a minor twist bc andanthe is set in a more deciduous, foresty-new-england type area. Andanthe's national color is vivid green, so Andanthian royalty in particular wear a lot of green, which can be dyed with dandelions and other natural dyeing materials (and gold is prevalent too, bc well. royalty.)
So what i mean when i say Andanthian fashion is South Asian inspired is the emphasis on flow, layered fabric, and printed patterns-- e.g., this goooooorgeous look from Vogue India fashion week (2016)-- the nice, rustic yet earthy color tones, the regality of the fabric and its swish, the way the outer covering of the garment alludes to a sari and really shows off detailed patterning in terms of print. so yummy.
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(Small note tho, it's important that Andanthe has quite lush and vibrant use of color in their fashion, because the kingdom of ilwich also has a thing for green.)
keep in mind though that despite this, Andanthian fashion is also a bit... utilitarian. there's the natural form and silhouette of the fabric, but there's also the sharper edges that leave little show of frivolousness. the high, conservative yet elaborate collar, the nice fancy but straightforward belt. like it's pretty, but it's cool. and especially for characters like morgan, who prefers more masculine clothing to anything else, this kind of rigidity benefits her style. like "yeah bitch, we could totally beat your ass in battle. but also we got that shit on." see below for reference example.
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Okay so one thing about the anwhines is that like andanthe they like straight lines and silhouettes that have a little flow, but unlike andanthe, they don't prioritize layering lavish fabric. they do absolutely love working with geometric shapes. see below: the lovely rectangular box of the overcoat and the linear shape created by the straight dress. another BIG important thing is bold geometric patterns-- because as you can probably guess, alot of the Anwhine inspiration comes from West African culture and Caribbean culture. it's no less intricate than andanthe's, but definitely less dainty. also very yummy.
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Another important thing to know about the anwhines is that their national color is blue. there's the nice, easy-going cerulean blue that alludes to their lovely and idyllic oceans, but also a dark and no-nonsense navy blue usually worn by royalty. white accents, like cotton/linen lace or collaring, is also common.
there is also an important accent of white pearl and shell used in their fashion, because well. why wouldn't you make shell and pearl jewelry if you're a nation comprised of isles floating around in the sea? it's too easy. they don't mind gold bangles or wooden hair accessories either tho. Also, clay, because clay beads are fun! and because i love Black hair and all the pretty stuff you can do with it, having pretty jewelry in your hair is heavily important. see below for examples.
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okay, i'll be honest, monerva's cultural fashion is a lot less real-world specific and a bit more eclectic. it's for a reason, tho; i mean, neither andanthe or the anwhines are homogenous cultures by any means, but monerva is very forward thinking and focused on trendiness and innovations. which means they do whatever the fuck they want and can be inspired by any number of cultures, because it depends on personal style. monervians in general are very focused on looking cunt and showing off. as they should!! so if you're planning on inviting a monervian to your party, expect them to show up to the function in some shit like this.
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monervians looooove lace, linen, and the very regal yet soft white that those materials bring to the table. they love frills, folds, ruffles, and massive silhouettes--and extra points are given if it's constructed in a way no one's ever thought of before. in terms of colors, monervians love light and frivolous pastels (pinks, lavenders, blues). they live in what you might traditionally imagine a fairy kingdom to reside--that is to say, a lavish and disorienting colorful forest glade-- so they use flower and plant-based dyes and incorporate flowery embroidery int their lacing and patterning (see below). unlike the last two kingdoms, there's less of an emphasis on printed patterns on clothes unless it's a personal style thing. and in terms of jewelry, they love precious stones, crystals, and mineral pieces. bonus points if they're shiny and a little gaudy.
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Out of all the kingdoms in this story, (there are more than 4, i'm just too lazy to put them here) Ilwich is the one that looks the most medieval like. I mean, the world of awia is a little anachronistic because fuck it i do what i want, but the idea is that the aesthetic dances loosely with medieval era technology, foods, clothing. ilwich though, is the most closely tied to that medieval eastern europe aesthetic. they, as i mentioned earlier, have a penchant for green like andanthe, but because ilwich is located in marshy wetlands and deep underground castles carved near and underneath mangrove-like trees, their colors reflect the more dull nature of their surroundings.
Another important thing about ilwich-- they are a culture that is very closely tied to the worship and mythos of the old dead gods. i might have mentioned that the pantheon that existed before the concrete memory of fairies had ever been formed kinda cannibalized each other to extinction. the link between the gods and fairies is caput. Mostly. but some remnants of the old religion remain, and many of it is guarded by ilwich acolytes that chill around in the catacombs. to reflect this, ilwich garb happens to be more simple and more pious: simple linen or wool fabrics, with little excess or bright, printed fabric. don't mistake less simple with boring, though; what they lack in pattern and emroidery, they make up for in layering. due to it's marshy background, ilwich loves dark greens and blacks, dull sages, rustic browns, and dusty off whites. However, some nobility/royalty add a bit more flair; case in point:
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like monerva, they like using nature-y elements in clothes, but rather than mimicking bright, lush flowers, ilwich mimics decaying leaves, cobwebs, and dark moss. cosmo sheldrake would love these weirdos.
and another thing: because the marshlands are typically chilly and much of ilwich is underground, ilwich fashion includes many layers and furs. Again, a lot of browns and off white furs are preferred.
Anyways! rant over. hope that answered some of your questions :D
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alelelesimz · 3 months
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splatoon 3: side order ~ ale's 2024 game reviews II
oooooh guess who finished side order (like, actually 100%)! me baby! and yes i've technically been playing splatoon 3 since 2022 and this is for games i finish this year BUT side order is a totally different game mode so it counts :p also it's my review i make the rules
spoilers ahead! although if you've paid any attention online there's no huge spoilers going on.
i finished the tower on my 4th run i think, i'm not that good at this game okay. but i did finish it on the day it released! i got a bit sad because i thought it was too short but then i realized you're supposed to replay this a bunch of times and the story keeps going! so it ended up lasting a couple weeks for me. it could've been faster if it wasn't bc i needed to finish my catalog before the season ended, but hey that's better i think!
i like that the game forces you to do a run with each weapon, cause otherwise i would've done only the shooter and MAYBE the roller. but it was fun! i hate chargers and splatlings, but once you learn how to use the chips and get a bunch of hacks, it becomes easier even with weapons you suck at. also i love overpowering Pearl, it's fun.
the game itself is absolutely gorgeous. i found myself staring at the ink before starting almost every level. i'm a sucker for glittery pastel ink are u kidding me!!!! the design of all the characters outside KILLS me like what the hell they're all SO adorable i want one of those jellies in real life. also cypher's design rules.
the world is so pretty too, i love all the backgrounds in the levels (and that they reused animal crossing fish ugh!!!!), the outside of the building, THE LOBBY????? i can't start a run without running around with the cool lights and music!
i LOVEEEE that we got so much Acht! i was already obsessed with them before the dlc, like their design and persona was such a cool concept for me, and now we get to hang out with them and learn about them before getting sanitized omg i love it so much. also we love an enby in a nintendo game
i also love Pearl and Marina so much, fight me all you want but they're truly the superior idols of splatoon. i love that nintendo let them be so incredibly fucking gay in this game. yeah yeah it's not said out loud but i've never seen two characters more in love than those two bitches. good for them
oh and i fucking love Smollusk wtf. why is it so adorable????????? specially at the end aaaaa him and small fry are my sons
the only things i didn't like about the dlc are that they kinda teased something going on with agent 4 but then there's nothing about them? we have a palette and the clone thing looks like them and then there are a couple mentions here and there but that's it? i would've preferred if they don't mention them at all instead of this. i also would have liked a little cut scene once you finish all the weapons. i was a bit disappointed once i finished eight's palette you're just done with it and well. that's all! smollusk is now friendly and nothing more :/
aaaanyways i really enjoyed myself with this dlc! i'd say i enjoyed it more than return of the mammalians which i still haven't 100%. i've seen people say octo expansion was better but idc cause i never played it! so side order gets 4.5/5⭐️ from me :D love u splatoon
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dreamwritesimagines · 2 years
So sinceCherie loves a good gown and jewels she would definitely want to go all out for her wedding - which led me to looking at regency wedding dresses on pinterest. I found that a lot of the dresses are all fairly simple, most seemed to use lace, embroidery and different fabrics to create the designs rather than jewels (even Daphne had a simple wedding gown that was absolutely gorgeous).
I tried looking for some dresses that were more of a statement piece and found this dress:
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I think this dress could be right up Cherie's alley (it's the one Audrey Hepburn wore) because the sheer overcoat is a statement in itself and the bodice/neckline have jewels scattered around. It's in the regency style but not as simple as other regency wedding dresses. You could then pair it with a veil that is the same fabric (maybe a different shade of white) as the overcoat - I think Cherie would definitely have a veil, she's going all out. 
Hair wise I think she would have something similar to Elizabeth Bennet from "Pride and Prejudice" with the peals scattered throughout the curls.
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And then the veil would tuck up right underneath the up-do so it doesn't cover the pearls. However no matter what she wears Anthony will go absolutely feral because we all know that man has trouble keeping it in his pants. 
So first of all, you're absolutely right! Cherie would want to go all out for her wedding 😂
Second of all, I AM FREAKING OUT, THAT DRESS IS SO GORGEOUS?! 😍 I can totally see her wearing that, and it's more intricate than other dresses without looking "too much" and that's her style! The sheer overcoat is so beautiful😍
Oh she would definitely wear a veil! 😍❤ Cathedral veil, longer than the train of her gown❤
Omg pearls in her hair, that's such a lovely look! 😍
Anthony will definitely go feral😈😏 It'll be fun! ❤
Thank you so so much I LOVE THIS! 😍❤❤
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heyitslapis · 11 months
what sort of gemsona would you assign me 🙈
***Long post warning, lots of info-dumping ahead. TL;DR answers at the bottom
I have SEVERAL ideas, so at least you have plenty of options/inspiration! I'll include both the gem itself along with any appearances that are canon to SU to give you reference. We'll start where I feel like a lot of people (myself included) start: with your birthstone(s), Ruby & Onyx!
July birthstones are traditionally Ruby, but these days most months have a 2nd stone. So you could choose traditional Ruby or the newer Onyx! (unfortunately there are no canon Onyxes in SU that I'm aware of) Rubies in-show are common soldiers used as a lighter personal guard or for quick low-level missions. They're short, coming in at around 4ft tall. Their personalities vary, but some traits we see repeatedly in the show are that Rubies get distracted easy, are often forgetful, fairly naive/easily deceived, stubborn, rowdy, goofy, a bit hot-headed & loyal to a fault! The Rubies below are all wearing similar/same Homeworld uniforms, but even so you can tell all of them apart, either by gem placement, certain accessories, variants in their outfits/hair color/skin color, or by their personalities!
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Next are gems that have canon concepts/appearances that fit your vibe: Starting out strong with Sapphire!
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Sapphires are what we would consider Royalty & closely resemble Princesses. They're one of Homeworld's Aristocratic Gem types, used mainly for diplomatic affairs or for their Future Vision, an ability that allows them to see the most probable outcome of a situation. As far as I know, its assumed that all Sapphires have this foresight, but it can vary, like how Padparadscha can only see what was, not what will be (though her variance is caused by being off-color, a term used to describe Gems that differ from the Mould Homeworld has for them). Sapphires are the same height as Rubies (around 4ft) & personality-wise tend to be more reserved, quiet, thoughtful, introspective & have a diplomatic way of looking at things. They tend to be more compassionate than most Gems of their status & their Future Vision helps them easily draw conclusions or make plans/decisions.
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Not much is know about Morganite in-universe, since she never had a canon appearance beside her concepts in the art book. The little bit we do know about Morganite is that she was the Owner of the Ruby & Pearl that make Rhodonite, & her role on Homeworld is being a designer for the Diamonds' palanquins. Morganites are assumed to be high status Gems, like Sapphires & Aquamarines, on account of the Morganite above owning a Pearl & having her own personal guard (both signs of high status on Homeworld). Based on the concept art, her height would be just above that of a Ruby or Sapphire ( probably around 4'6"-5'0" ft). Fun fact: irl Morganites, Aquamarines & Emeralds are just a few of the handful of gems that are part of the Beryl family!
Speaking of, the next Gem on my list for you is: Pearls!
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Pearls are considered status symbols on Homeworld. Only Gems of a high Aristocratic status own Pearls, like Morganites & Diamonds. Though it's assumed that Pearls may also be gifted to a Gem that performs exceptionally well or accomplishes great feats for the Diamonds. The Pearl will typically be customized by or for the Gem she's being made for, either mirroring her owner's appearance or matching their aesthetic in some way. This is done in the Reef, a Pearl production center owned by White Diamond. Pearls are known to entertain by either singing or dancing for other Gems, and will typically hold items for their master by storing said items in the pocket dimension inside their gemstone, as well as provide other forms of utility or assistance for their owners (like if unpaid interns were immortal). It's assumed Pearls stand at around 6'0"-6'6" feet tall & are always portrayed with a slender or lanky body type. Pearls are refined, elegant, graceful (usually), intelligent, determined, dedicated, handy & can almost easily pick up any skill/hobby. Pearls all seem to have distinct personalities, but share many of the same traits listed above.
Lapis Lazuli (one of my personal faves):
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Lapis Lazulis are used as terraformers sent from planet to planet by Homeworld during early stages of colonization to rebuild planets to be ideal for Gems to inhabit. Not much is know about their societal status, but they're very powerful Gems for how small their frame is. Lazulis are shown as shorter than Pearls but taller than Rubies, so they're presumable around 5'5"-6'0" tall. Personalities vary, but the few that we've seen have consistent traits of; stubbornness, being somewhat reserved, self-assured/confident, determination, fighting spirits, no-nonsense (at least at first impression) & can be judgy, but are also whimsical & friendly once they warm up. Their main abilities are flying with water wings that they make, hydrokinesis, & the ability to make ice.
An honorable mention of this category: Moonstone
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Very little is known about Moonstones- even less than we know about Morganites -as all we have to reference her is the two photos above. The one thing we do know is that Moonstones have invisibility. These Gems are smaller in stature, but approximate height is unknown. This one makes me think of you based on the irl stone more than the SU version, but its in this category since there is visual canon references.
Lastly, there are a few stones that I associate with you just based on your personality & overall vibe. When I think of stones that are "you", these also come to mind! We have;
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Opal (left)! Fascinating, colorful, a unique stone that is dazzling, stands out from most other stones & gives a fantasy/otherworldly vibe. The only canon Opal is a fusion, but we've learned that in-universe there are stand-alone Gems as well as the fusions (since fusions name themselves, they're not actually related to the stand-alone Gems)
Moldavite (right)! Gets a bad rap, is actually a really nice stone! Very unique in formation & the earthy dark green reminds me of you! To me, instead of cottage-core earthy vibes, Moldavite is more witchy, forest sorceress vibes.
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Moss Agate/Tree Agate (respectively). Agates in-universe are typically big buff Gems, standing between 7-9ft tall. They're typically soldiers, guards, protective escorts or sent on missions that require lots of muscle. The SU Agate body type/personality may not fit you, but the stones above remind me of you because of the earthy/foresty aesthetic!
Lastly, one that I think of when I think of Gemsonas for you is Angelite! Mostly because of the angelic, ethereal feminine vibe I get from this stone.
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As promised, the TL;DR: If you were to ask my humble & professional opinion as someone who loves rocks & loves Steven Universe, my personal opinions on stones that would suit you best for a potential Gemsona (out of the 13 I listed) are; Moonstone, Pearl, Morganite, Angelite, Lapis Lazuli, or Opal.
Don't let my opinion sway you on what you want the most though! And don't let the canon designs deter you from choosing one that really speaks to you! Many people's FanGems look completely different from the canon versions. Same goes for what the Gem's job is or what their personality is like. At the end of the day, a Gemsona/Gem OC is yours to play around with, & with that you have the freedom to do whatever you want with them forever!
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