#Park Han-byul
k-star-holic · 6 months
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Park Han-byul Jeju Island is also a bigger than life witness +
Source: k-star-holic.blogspot.com
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everyfilmisaw · 8 months
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여고괴담 3: 여우계단 (Whispering Corridors 3: Wishing Stairs) by Yun Jae-yeon, 2003
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mymelodypink · 2 years
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We're at the sea radish field. We want to walk quietly, so don't come here. —Ms Choi Ki Peum
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prdxinvadcr · 10 months
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best  known  for  being  the  first  boy  group  under  GLASSHOUSE,  PARADOX  INVASION  (  파라독스  인베이젼  )  –  or  PRDX  (  피아르디액스  )  –  is  a  fictional  seven-member  group  that  debuted  under  the  company  in  2019.  known  as  GLASSBOYS  during  their  pre-debut  era,  the  members  (  YOHAN,  DOHYUN,  LIGHT,  ADRIEN,  DASHI,  CHASE,  and  KOI  )  would  release  a  single,  FROZEN  NIGHT,  seven months  before  their  official  debut  in  march  the  next  year.  despite  releasing  a  great  pre-debut  track,  PRDX  upset  many  people  for  debuting  with  TO  THE  SKY,  which  fans  call  ‘THE  MOST  DISAPPOINTING  DEBUT  SONG  EVER,’  most  ignoring  the  song  and  pretending  it  never  existed.
a  year  after  their  official  debut,  DOHYUN  would  abruptly  leave  the  company,  filing  a  lawsuit  for  negligence  and  mistreatment  during  his  time  as  a  member  of  the  group.  it  would  take  another  year  of  battling  and  PRDX  going  on  hiatus  for  most  of  it  before  GLASSHOUSE  reported  they  won  the  case.  a  month  after,  the  group  released  an  sudden  special  video  on  youtube,  featuring  YOHAN,  DASHI,  KOI    –  and  what  seems  to  be  the  new  member  –  titled  13TH  MONTH,  released  on  the  13th  month  since  the  group’s  hiatus  began.  the  music  video  attracted  lots  of  attention  because  of  the  anonymous  member  that  the  company  didn’t  officially  introduce,  which  earned  him  the  nickname  MEMBER  X.  GLASSHOUSE  released  an  article  later  that  month,  announcing  that  the  group  was  officially  out  of  the  hiatus  with  the  release  of  an  ep,  PUZZLE  PIECE,  featuring  the  13TH  MONTH  and  two  other  songs;  KILLIN’  ME  and  LIGHT  ME  UP,  which  were  sung  in  chinese  and  japanese. 
PRDX’s  comeback  soon  after  was  with  a  mini  album  WAKE  UP  WORLD  that  many  fans  considered  different  from  their  usual  cyberpunk  sound.  despite  reaching  a  global  audience,  the  group  received  only  three  wins  with  THE  GUERRILLAZ  &  BUMP  IT  UP  throughout  their  6-week  promotions  due  to  fans  disliking  the  group’s  new  sound.  it  was  also  when  MEMBER  X  finally  revealed  himself  as  DAMIAN  KANG,  also  going  by  his  stage  name  :  MIKEY,  and  announced  his  position  as  the  main  dancer,  lead  rapper  and  face  of  the  group.  after  much  prodding  and  stalking,  fans  uncovered  the  truth  that  DAMIAN  is  the  younger  brother  of  STUPID  CUPID’s  TOMIE,  a  girl  group  under  GLASSHOUSE’s  subsidiary.  this  created  a  divide  in  the  group’s  fandom  where  half  felt  like  he  was  receiving  favouritism  from  the  company,  while  the  other  half  wanted  him  to  stay  a  member  because  of  his  talents.  since  coming  back  from  a  hiatus,  PRDX  developed  a  habit  of  releasing  two-sided  albums.  first  side,  named  as  SIDE  A,  would  include  more  edm  and  noise  title  tracks,  while  the  second  side,  SIDE  B,  would  focus  more  on  the  refreshing  sounds,  accompanied  with  y2k  vibes.  these  days,  fans  have  gotten  used  to  PRDX having  noise  music  incorporated  into  their  sci-fi  /  retro  concept,  and  as  of  2022,  PARADOX  INVASION  managed  to  somehow  combine  their  old,  cyberpunk,  sound  with  a  new  concept  approach,  further  confusing  the  fans  yet  intriguing  them  enough  to  give  them  a  chance  to  show  their  best. 
⸝⸝   BASIC  INFO  ! 
GROUP  NAME  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ paradox  invasion  /  prdx
COMPANY  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ glasshouse  inc.
DEBUT  DATE  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ march  27th,  2019 
DEBUT  SINGLE  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ to  the  sky  
CONCEPT  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ cyberpunk,  sci-fi,  noise  music,  game  /  retro,  y2k,  versatile 
GREETING  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ “  flip  the  record,  play  the  tunes!  hello,  we  are  paradox  invasion!  ” 
FANDOM  NAME  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ endgame 
FANDOM  COLOURS  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ shocking  blue  (  #3bbcc2  )  ,  shamrock  (  #1ccca5  )  &  hot  red  tears  (  #ef335a  ) 
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⸝⸝   MEMBERS  ! 
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lee  YOHAN  (  1997  ) 
han  ,  LIGHT  ,  byul  (  1998  ) 
ADRIEN  hong  (  1999  ) 
dai  ,  DASHI  ,  shiwei  (  1999  ) 
damian  ,  MIKEY  ,  kang  (  2000  ) 
CHASE  park  (  2000  ) 
watanabe  ,  KOI  ,  niko  (  2001  ) 
yoon  ,  DOHYUN  ,  donghyun  (  1998  ) 
FROZEN  NIGHT  ˳  FROZEN  NIGHT  ›  pre-debut  single  ❪  2018  ❫
TO  THE  SKY  ˳  TO  THE  SKY  ›  debut  single  ❪  2019  ❫
STAGE  BREAKERS  ˳  BIGGEST  HIT  ›  mini  album  ❪  2019  ❫
BREAK  THE  LIMITS  ˳  DREAM  IN  A  DREAM  ›  re-packaged  album  ❪  2020  ❫
EDGERUNNERS  ˳  RPM  ›  mini  album  ❪  2020  ❫ 
PUZZLE  PIECE  ˳  13TH  MONTH  ›  special  ep  ❪  2021  ❫
WAKE  UP  WORLD  ˳  THE  GUERRILLAZ  +  BUMP  IT  UP!  ›  mini  album  ❪  2022  ❫ 
SCENE  STEALERS   ˳  MAKE  IT  BOUNCY  +  BEATBOX  ›  mini  album  ❪  2022  ❫ 
BACK  TO  OUR  DAYS  ˳  BACK  DOWN  +  PAY  ATTENTION  ›  mini  album  ❪  2022  ❫ 
INTO  THE  90s  ˳  GAME  OVER  +  KICK  IT  4  NOW  ›  re-packaged  album  ❪  2023  ❫ 
PLAYER  SELECT  ˳  DOING  BIG  THINGS  +  I’M  THE  ONE  ›  full  album  ❪  2023  ❫ 
SHOW  ME  LOVE  ˳  SHOW  ME  LOVE  ›  special  ep  ❪  2024  ❫
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wandj221 · 2 years
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Wendy's Youngstreet next week's schedule and guests
11/21 : Jukjae (viewable)
11/22 : Woodz (viewable)
11/23 : No guest (viewable)
11/24 : Ahn Yeeun
11/25 : Lim Han Byul, Kim Jae Hyung
11/26 : Xdinary Heroes Gunil, Jungsu, Gaon
11/27 : Park Soyoung, Choi Sung Min
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simpxxstan · 2 years
leave me loving you (knj series)- Chapter 1
pairing: idol!namjoon x reader
genre: angst, fluff, exes to lovers, idol au
summary: love is easy. marriage is hard. especially with kim namjoon. it’s only for your daughter’s sake that you keep in touch. but when feelings linger, can you ever move on from the past?
word count: 4k
rating: 13+ (everything is sfw)
warning: a large dose of angst. I may or may not have teared up while writing this. topics of divorce and pregnancy.
a/n: hi! I’ve been away from tumblr for more than a month now, because I’ve been really caught up with work and studies :(. Missed JK’s bday too, but here I am to post this as a belated celebration! Happy Birthday Jungkookie! All of the love in this world to you, angel. The original intention was to finish this series by Namjoon’s bday, but I don’t think I will be able to write that fast. This is for my bestie,  @mommyofpinkears I hope you like this, babe! Thank you for reading! All of your support is so so appreciated, love y'all! Enjoy!
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You flick from one channel to the next on the television, your mind in a completely different place. With every passing minute, your tension just increased, and you gulped down larger sips of the ice tea you had made yourself. It was past 10 o’ clock, and Namjoon had still not brought Byul back home. 
It did remind you of the old days, sometimes. How the father-daughter duo would disappear for long hours, visiting some park or the other, ice skating in the rink, singing at the kid’s karaoke, or taking a walk down the Han river in the peace after the sunset. Even then, you’d be super worried when they would return home late. But somehow, there was some kind of ease in your mind then. You knew that no matter what, Namjoon would bring her back home. And he’d come back to you too. 
The trust was still there. You knew Namjoon too well to think he wouldn’t dote on his daughter and bring her home safely. The only person you were worried about was Namjoon. 
You didn’t want to repeat the incidents of last month again. 
You both had to make your hearts into steel, even if it was for Byul’s sake. 
Just then, the bell rings and you walk up, rushing to the front door to open it and find a cutely asleep Byul in Namjoon’s arms, while the man himself was looking at you with a smile. 
“She’s tired.”
You can’t smile, not when you were so worried just a moment ago. “Where did you take her?”
“To the amusement park. The new one? In Gangnam.”
You nod, and extend your arms in order to take Byul into your arms. 
“No, let me put her in bed. She’ll wake up.”
Your eyes become sterner, as you glare at Namjoon, whose face takes up a mildly begging expression. 
You can’t not be melted by his puppy eyes. 
You never could resist them. 
You step aside, letting him walk in, and he walks straight to the bedroom, knowing very well where the rooms were. You shut the door, put the TV on mute, and walk into the bedroom, just to see the big man trying his best to gently tuck in the tiny girl, who had a smile on her face as she basked in her Appa’s warmth. You bit your lip to stop the tears from rushing to your eyes. When Namjoon finished, he kissed right in between Byul’s eyebrows, and whispered goodnight to her. Then he looked up at you, and walked out of the room. You shut the door and walked out too. 
You could see the tears gathering up near his eyes too. 
“Did you two have fun?”
“Hmm, I think she did. Although she was a little scared during the rides, it was good.” 
“And you?”
He looks at you with a soft smile, his eyes wistful. “Hmm, me too.”
You want to hug him so bad. He’s literally asking for it, with those dimples popping up slightly, his hair fluffy and soft, the blonde wearing off. But you won’t. You’ve mentally scolded yourself a million times to not lean into physical touches. It would honestly be the last straw.
“Did you eat dinner?”
“Yeah, we ate ramen and corn dogs. She really liked the corn dog, has she tried it before?”
“I don’t think so. I thought it would be too fiery for her, but I’m glad she liked it.”
He nods. You take in his outfit, a light beige hoodie and plain jeans, but he looks… so fine. You regret your decisions for the nth time.
“Umm, Y/N, I had a favour to ask of you.”
You nod, urging him to continue. 
“Byulie told me she has a parent-teachers meeting in school on Thursday. Can I come along, if that’s okay with you? I really want to meet her teachers and understand her progress.”
You furrow your eyebrows. “You’ve never been involved with her school work  before, why now?”
“I don’t know, it’s just…”
“Do you think that just because I’m not as smart as you, I can’t raise her to be smart?”
You want to take your words back. 
You really do.
Because he has the saddest look in his eyes now and you want to cry just by looking at him. 
“No, Y/N, I didn’t mean that. I just wanted to see how she’s coping at school and stuff like that.” 
“Well, Byul’s never had many problems. I’ve spoken to her teachers before, and they’ve all confirmed this. Plus our communication is really strong so even if she faces any difficulties, she doesn’t hesitate to tell me. 
“That’s really good to hear.” He whispers quietly. Sincerity shines in his eyes. 
“But I'd think she’ll like it if you come to the parent-teachers meeting. 
You could finally see him smiling. “Are you sure you’d be okay with that?” Your heart ached. “Yes. Of course. You are her father.”
Judging by the look he gave you, you didn’t think this was the answer he expected. But it didn’t matter. He had already turned towards the door, turning once to say, “See ya on Thursday then! Please text me the details.”
You nod, opening the door for him.
He stopped in front of you, gently leaned towards you, and pecked your forehead. 
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
When you closed the door, speechless, a single tear ran down your eye.
Loving Namjoon had been a dream, until you woke up and faced reality. Wherever you went, cameras flashed in your eyes and you found your peers stealing glances at you, eyes burning with jealousy. It almost felt like a crime, dating and then marrying Namjoon. It was as if you had stolen him away from thousands of people. Hate comments on your Instagram, multiple rumours aimed to shame you, and the endless invasion into your personal life. It was something Namjoon had warned you about, but you were terrified by the scale of it. But even that was something you could manage. He, the boys and their company had helped you with those issues too. 
However, everything turned bitter when you actually became pregnant. You both had talked about it, and Namjoon had always been ready to become a dad. He would often wistfully dream, with you lying on his chest, how he would drive his child to school every day, how his child would have his dimples but your smile, how he would spoil his child (to which you would lightly scold him), and how he would find another partner to go on nature walks with. You would laugh at his dreams, finding them adorable. You weren’t so eager to become a mother, you wanted to settle down more in life first, but you were sure Namjoon would be the best dad ever, and that made your heart warm. You couldn’t dream of having children with anyone other than Joon. 
You still remembered that morning clearly. You had woken up and taken a pregnancy test after repeated bouts of vomiting and nausea in spite of no reason for food poisoning. 
The test had, as you had expected, revealed positive. 
You had woken him up gently, showering tiny kisses all across his face and neck. You knew this was his favourite way of waking up, and even before his eyes had opened, his cheeks had broken into dimples as his smile rose. “What’s up, baby girl?”
He opened his eyes at your mock urgency, brows raised in anticipation. 
“Who’s ready to be a dad?” You had shown him the little tool, showing a red line, indicating your pregnancy. 
His face had gone from shock to disbelief to surprise to sheer utter joy in a span of ten seconds. “Really?” He sat up, holding you in his lap. You nodded, the widest smile on both of your faces. “YAYYYY!” He had lifted you up as he stood up hopping slightly. Laughing, you begged him to put you down, but he showed no signs of stopping. He began to twirl you round and round, and then you said, “Joon, no really, I’m gonna vomit all over you, if you don’t stop right now.” Alarmed, but not in despair, he had stopped. “I’m sorry.” He kissed you on your forehead, your nose, and then your lips, deepening it slightly before the two of you became out of breath. “I love you, my baby mommy,” he said, booping your nose with his. “I love you too, Namjoon-ah.”
And then everything went downhill. 
He arrived just ten minutes before the meeting was scheduled to start, panting as he ran into the school campus, muttering apologies to everyone. You hadn’t even spotted him in the crowd, but Byul had begun waving her hand at him, beckoning him to where the two of you were standing. Unconsciously, the edges of your lips curled up. 
It had been his dream to come to school with his child. Even if it was in fragments, you did hope Namjoon was happy that his dream was coming true. The way his eyes were lit up, he sure did seem happy. He made his way through the crowds, which was not an easy feat as people instantly started gathering around him, recognising him as RM of BTS, and flocked him for autographs and selfies. He politely apologised, all the while, keeping his eyes on you and Byul. By the time he reached you, he was quite flustered, but Byul instantly hopped into his arms. 
“Appa!” she smacked his cheek with a loud kiss, and he hugged her tightly. “You came!” 
“Yes, darling. Of course I came.”
“How are you?” You asked him. 
“Doing okay. Am I very late?”
“Nope, don’t worry. We still have about-” you looked at your watch, “Oh dear, we have a minute left! Let’s start making our way to the classrooms!” he laughed at your panic, but when you unconsciously clutched his hand and walked towards the classroom, Namjoon’s face lit up with the most beautiful sad smile, as his heart ached and leaped at the same time. His daughter in his arms, his angel holding his hand, this was nothing less than his ideal. Except it wasn’t the ideal. 
Although the divorce had been your call, you had probably suffered the worst brunt of it. Being with Namjoon had been challenging, but at least you always had him at your side. When you had asked for the divorce, you had thought that the grass on the other side would be greener. 
But it was a thought in vain. 
The first time you had visited your regular supermarket, you had absentmindedly bought a ton of things that you would never use, but you had made it a habit to buy them for Namjoon. A special type of strawberry jam, his typical razor, the cookies he liked to eat with tea, a juice mix he had been waiting for a long time to buy but the supermarket had run out of stock. It was only when you had returned home that you had realised your mistake. 
He had surely been surprised to see you at his door late in the night, a plastic bag in your hand, and Byul on your shoulders. 
“Hey!” He had smiled at Byul whose face had glown up with the same smile as her Appa, and stepped aside, asking you in.
“No, no I have to get back home. Just came to drop these.” You plopped the plastic bag in front of him. “I, umm, bought some stuff. Accidentally bought stuff you liked and then realised I have no use for them.” You laughed, so fake, trying to hide your embarrassment. 
He picked it up, and smiled again, “Thank you, Y/N-ah.”
“Umm, I’ll be on my way then.”
But Byul had started whining in broken words near your ear, “Appa, Appa please Eomma…” It broke your heart as you tried to shush her. 
“Can I hold her?” He asked you, wistfully. 
You looked up at him, stunned to say anything. Your brain short-circuited as your heart screamed to you, look what you’ve done, Y/N, her own father is asking for your permission to even hold her. “Yeah…” You slowly removed Byul from your shoulders, and placed her in Namjoon’s extended arms. He immediately engulfed her, his big body warming her up as she snuggled sleepily into Appa’s neck, her hands going round his body like it was a mountain she was trying to hold on to. “Please step in? I’ll just hold her for a while… I think she’ll fall asleep soon.” He peppered her hair with kisses, a fond smile on his face. You smiled at the sight, this was the best sight you had seen in the longest time. And you had dreamt about it for so long too- ever since you had found out about the pregnancy, you kept thinking of how Joon would be with his child- he would mould them into his little habits, fondly playing with tiny toys, going around zoos and parks to look at animals and plants, reading illustrated books together, their tiny body in contrast to his large one. 
But now you had ruined your dream with your own hands.
You stepped into his house, and tiptoed to the sofa, where Namjoon currently sat down with Byul. After the divorce, you had continued to live in the house the two of you had shared earlier while Namjoon had moved into a new house closer to the BigHit building and the other boys. It was smaller than your house, and minimalistic to an extreme extent- just beautiful paintings from his private collection adorning the otherwise plain walls. His dog, Rap Mon, suddenly entered the room and climbed up the sofa to sit next to Namjoon and Byul. She giggled and instantly began petting it. Byul had probably been too young to remember playing with Moni as a child, but they had always shared a special bond. You muted your movements, careful to not spoil the moment. It was too precious to be spoiled. And too heartbreaking. 
Joon looked at you just at the moment when tears spilled the threshold of your eyes. You immediately sniffed and wiped them away, whispering apologies. But then he had extended his arm to you and you had snuggled into his embrace, without thinking twice. It was probably wrong to do this, but you didn’t care. You couldn’t just sit in front of the love of your life and not want to be near him, especially when he was at his most vulnerable. 
As soon as you had placed your head on his shoulder, he began stroking your hair, the same way he was doing to Byul. “My two favourite girls”, he would say. “And Eommoni?” you’d tease him, but he’d scrunch his nose and instantly reply, “She’s not in the list”, resulting in you giggling loudly.  
The last thing you had remembered that night before falling asleep was that he smelt like you. It was probably because he was wearing your perfume on his sweatshirt. 
Byul’s teacher somehow began regarding her as a special human species after she saw that her father was the Kim Namjoon. “Aah, Namjoon-ssi, I must tell you, your daughter is one of the brightest children in her class. She must have got that from you, considering that your intelligence is a well-known fact…” ending in a slight laugh, as she dropped her neckline even lower. A bitter taste spread in your mouth. He had always received such attention, and it had been quite easy for you to ignore it earlier when you were married. But now that… he was technically single, a silent fear rose in your heart. You quickly shooed it away to focus on the discussion Namjoon was having with the teacher, Byul carefully sitting in his lap, playing with her braids. 
“I know she’s doing well in academics, but I also want to know how she’s faring in extra-curricular activities, like singing or art?” “Oh I know why you’re asking this, hmm”, the teacher wiggles her eyebrows with a smirk, as if she knows some secret that you don’t. Namjoon simply smiles, dimples on full display, and you feel that bitter taste again. You only notice that you’ve been biting your lower lip, when he grabs your hand, and squeezes it gently. He leans in and whispers, as the teacher rummages through some sheets to find something, “Stop looking like a pressure pot. You’re all red.” You realise he’s purposely turned on his charm, and it is actually producing results. The teacher shows you both all of Byul’s reports from the last term in her extra-curricular activities. As you dig into the details of her academic and extra-curricular records, Namjoon sits back into his chair, easing out as you take over the meeting. 
Later, as you three sit in the cafeteria, he says, “Phew! She’s quite the flirt. Byul-ah, you have a funny teacher.” Joon winks at your daughter, who’s sipping on a milkshake. “No- she’s normally nice. Today she was funny.” As she slightly chokes on her drink while speaking, you pat her back trying to ease her, and you scold Joon, “Don’t talk to her while she’s drinking, Joon. Her drink goes down the wrong pipe.” He laughs at that. “What’s so funny!” “Nothing, the wording is funny.” “You’re finding everyone and everything amusing today. Even things which aren’t.” “Like her teacher’s behaviour?” “Yes like her teacher’s behaviour. Quite mean, I’d say, considering the mother of the child is right there and she’s ignoring me as if I’m non-existent.” “I’ve always had that effect on people, Y/N.” “The effect of reducing others to just background while you’re the focus?” “Yes. You know it all too well, Y/N-ah.” You become silent, suddenly remembering the party where you had met him for the first time. Hobi’s new album’s listening party. You had been unable to take your eyes off him, although you were there just as a family friend of Hobi’s. You would’ve never got the guts to approach him, but luck had favoured you, when he had casually sauntered up to you, and introduced himself to you, all grace and smiles even in the casual atmosphere. You knew then why his fans went so gaga over him. 
“Yes, I know it all too well, Joonie.”
He didn’t notice your silent statement as Byul began poking him in his chest, right above his ever-growing pecs, “Appa, let’s go to the park near Youngjae’s house, please? She tells me it’s so pretty!” Her eyes widened as she began describing the park, and you noticed that Namjoon was equally invested into this conversation. You had never had been as fond of nature as he had been, and his traits had flown smoothly into his daughter’s blood. “Y/N, is it okay if we go there now?”
“Are you free to go now?”
“Yeah, I took the rest of the day off.”
“Okay then. Let’s go!” Father and daughter nearly bounced as they stood up, and you laughed to see their excitement. It made your frozen heart so warm. 
“When will you stop being cruel to yourself, and just admit how you feel?” Sana asks you over another glass of wine, the two of you chilling out in her apartment as both Byul and her kids have fallen asleep in the kids’ bedroom after an intensely wild play-session, and her husband is out of town. “I don’t know what I feel, Sana.”
“Well, you certainly don’t feel like leaving him outside your door every night. And being heartbroken every time you see Byul because she looks exactly like him.” 
“I know these things. I took the plunge despite knowing these things would happen. But you know as well as I do that the reasons why we split haven’t changed yet.”
“But other factors have worsened, Y/N.”
“Oh dear, stop talking like a scientist.” You both laughed, because Sana was actually a molecular chemistry scientist. The laugh broke your conversation, and you were further distracted by a text on your phone, as Sana stood up to bring some more snacks from the kitchen. 
Hi Y/N-ie! Sorry if this is weird but- have you and Joon fought recently? 
It was a text from Jimin. Another text quickly popped up below.
Aish, I’m sorry this is really out of the blue- I haven’t even visited y’all for some time. Sorry if you’re sleeping or uncomfortable.
You smiled at the continuous apologies, and you typed back a text. 
No, Jimin, I’m awake, although Byul has fallen asleep! And if you’re gonna apologize so much, I’m seriously going to block your number.
He quickly sent another text. 
Haha, sorry- oops I did it again, oh gosh!
You laughed at that, and again texted him to calm down. Then you saw the message that Jimin had sent first. Why would he think that you and Namjoon had fought? You had parted ways quite peacefully last evening when he had dropped you both home after your exploration of the park. 
Nope… we haven’t fought. Is something wrong?
You waited for the reply, and it pinged up. 
Oh. I assumed wrongly… he’s just a little sad. Idk he’s behaving the same way he did when you guys would quarrel earlier.
Really? How is he behaving?
Again a pause.
He’s not talking, just staring at the world without seeing anything, and chugging down his drink. He couldn’t even record the song we were supposed to record today properly. He kept fumbling up the rap. Quite unusual on his part, that’s why I wanted to ask you.
Oh. This was really unusual. You had never known that he would react like this to your quarrels, and while it made you guiltily happy that your fights would affect him like this earlier, it spread a dark feeling in your mind now. Why was he behaving like this? What was on his mind?
Before you could reply, another text pinged up. 
I’m didn’t want to bother you, Y/N. Just wondered out aloud, and I guess it's making you worry. Please don’t worry too much, we’ll take care of him. Goodnight!
You sighed. It was so truly Jimin to not want to make you worry. You fought the physical urge to walk out of Sana’s house and drive straight to wherever Namjoon was to hug and talk to him to bring him to a better mental state. 
Instead, you walked up to Sana, into the kitchen. “Hey, see what Jimin just texted me.” As you showed her the chats, you felt a sinking feeling in your stomach. You were feeling so helpless and clueless. And a bad friend. A bad wife. A bad lover. A bad ex-wife even. You were just so, so pathetic. 
And that’s why, when the tears started pouring out, you didn’t stop them. You just let Sana hold you in her arms, while you made her shoulder wet with your sobs. The pain just wouldn’t stop. 
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youtifulkrp · 2 months
Most wanted?
Hello !
After polling our community, we were able to produce this list:
Loona... Cho Ha-seul , Wong Kahei ; Vivi , Jeong Jin-sol , Kim Jung-eun ; Kim Lip , Jeon Hee-jin , Kim Hyun-jin , Park Chae-won ; Go Won , Choi Ye-rim ; Choerry , Son Hye-ju , Im Yeo-jin
Vixx... Cha Hak Yeon ; N , Jung Taek Woon ; Leo , Lee Jae Hwan ; Ken , Han Sang Hyuk 
Dreamcatcher...  Kim Min Ji ; JiU , Kim Bo Ra ; SuA ,  Lee Si Yeon , Han Dong , Kim Yoo Hyeon ,  Lee Yu Bin ; Dami , Lee Ga Hyeon
BTS... Kim Nam Joon ; RM , Kim Seok Jin ; Jin , Min Yoon Gi ; Suga , Jung Ho Seok ; J-Hope , Park Ji Min
Mamamoo... Kim Yong Sun ; Solar , Moon Byul-Yi  ; Moonbyul , Jung Whee In ; Wheein , Ahn Hye Jin ; Hwasa
Girls’ Generation / SNSD... Kim Tae Yeon ,  Lee Soon Kyu ; Sunny , Stephanie Young Hwang  ;  Tiffany Young ,  Kim Hyo Yeon  , Kwon Yu Ri  , Choi Soo Young ,  Im Yoon-A ,  Seo Joo Hyun ; Seohyun
Soloists... Kim Hyo-jung ; Hyolyn , Lee Chae-rin ; CL , Kim Hanbin ; B.I. , Bang Yongguk , Jessica Ho ; Jessi
BTOB... Seo Eun Kwang , Lee Min Hyuk , Lee Chang Sub , Lim Hyun Sik , Peniel Dong Shin ; Peniel , Yook Sung Jae
iKon... Song Yunhyeong ; Song , Kim Donghyuk ; DK , Koo Junhoe  ; June , Jung Chanwoo
Winner... Kang Seung Yoon ; Yoon , Kim Jin Woo ; Jinu , Lee Seung Hoon  ; Hoony , Song Min Ho ; Mino
Kard...  Kim Tae Hyung ; J.Seph , Matthew Kim ; BM , Jeon So Min , Jeon Ji Woo 
GOT7... Lim Jae Beom ; Jay B , Mark Yi En Tuan ; Mark , Wang Jackson ,  Park Jin Young , Choi Young Jae , Kunpimook Bhuwakul Bambam ; BamBam , Kim Yu Gyeom
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ⤷ ⋆⭒˚.⋆ 𝑨𝑫𝑴𝑰𝑵 𝑵𝒀𝑿𝑿 & 𝑬𝑹𝑶𝑺
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kdramacrybaby · 2 years
Sh**ting Stars (2022)
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Genre: Romance, Comedy
Synopsis: Oh Han-byul is the head of public relations of Starforce Entertainment, one of the biggest celebrity companies in the country, and Gong Tae-sung is their most famous actor. The two knew each other even before they ended up at the same company, but they never got along and still they bicker every time they come near each other. After Oh Han-byeol makes a mistake, Tae-sung vows to make her life as difficult as possible - but that means the two end up spending a lot of time together, and some say that there is not far from hate to love.
Episode info: 16 episodes / Runtime around 60 minutes
Lead cast: Lee Sung-kyung (Oh Han-byul), Kim Young-dae (Gong Tae-sung), Yoon Jong-hoon (Kang Yu-sung), Kim Yoon-hye (Park Ho-young), Lee Jing-shin (Do Soo-hyuk), Park So-jin (Jo ki-bum)
Link to watch: You can watch on Viki or Dramacool
Drama rec masterlist | Drama rant thread (beware of spoilers)
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This is the cutest freaking drama, and I am so sad it's actually over. Though I do like the kdrama format of 16 episodes, sometimes I wish they would go on just a little longer, so I can have more time with the characters.
It's cute as hell, cheesy in all the right ways, and laugh-out-loud funny. Enemies to lovers is always a yes from me, and this was just perfect. Their chemistry is off the charts! I want nothing more than to see these two actors work together again.
If you have seen Business Proposal, I feel like the vibes are very similar (In a good way). So I'm also saying that if you haven't seen either of the two dramas, get a move on and do it 😂 If you enjoy rom-coms even just a little, you will love them, I promise.
I will have to say that I was somewhat disappointed when they went for the love triangle, but they actually somehow pulled it off and managed not to ruin any of the characters for me. So I'll let it slide just because.
If I have to be nitpicky, I do want to say that the overall drama was a bit messy. They tried to put a lot of different stories into it and had so many b-plots I actually lost count along the way. I do feel like some could have been cut without affecting the drama at all, and if that's the case, the b-plot should have just not happened. (I tried to count all the b-plots and think it came up to like 6 or 7 different things going on almost all throughout the drama - that is a lot for only 16 episodes).
The main story, however, was perfect, and I'm not going to let anything ruin that for me.
It had everything I love in a good rom-com and I will definitely come back to rewatch sometime in the future.
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kdramafeeds · 2 years
City Hunter OST
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Always Here - Oh Joon Sung 
Always Look At You - Park Gyuri 
Aria of the City - Oh Joon Sung 
Attention - Oh Joon Sung 
Black Warrior - Oh Joon Sung 
Can’t Stop - Son Han Byeol 
City Hunter - Oh Joon Sung 
Cupid - Girl’s Day 
Dead or Live - Oh Joon Sung 
Deep Inside - Oh Joon Sung 
Eagle Eye - Oh Joon Sung 
Endless Crying - Oh Joon Sung 
Fire Flower - Oh Joon Sung 
Glory of the City - Oh Joon Sung 
Gun Fighter - Oh Joon Sung 
Hot Spade - Oh Joon Sung 
I Love You, I Want You, I Need You - Apple Mango 
It’s Alright - Yanghwajin Band 
I Wanna Be Your Man - Hunter 
Kwang Hwa Moon - Oh Joon Sung 
Liar - Oh Joon Sung 
Lonely - J-Symphony 
Look Only At You - Park Gyuri 
Love - Im Jae Bum 
Love Is Over - Apple Mango 
Mama’s Crying - Oh Joon Sung 
Memories of Love - Park Ju Won 
Middle Point Symphony - Oh Joon Sung 
Morning Garden - Oh Joon Sung 
Nana’s Theme - Oh Joon Sung 
Nice Play -  Oh Joon Sung 
Puchai Waltz - Oh Joon Sung 
Red Water - Oh Joon Sung 
Sad Run - Oh Joon Sung  
So Goodbye - Jonghyun 
Suddenly - Kim Bo Kyung 
The Fire of Love - Oh Joon Sung 
The Man You Want Me To Be - Hunter 
Unstoppable - Son Han Byul 
Wanna Be a Man Only for You - Apple Mango 
Yellow Party - Oh Joon Sung 
You and I - Rainbow 
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jeongyunhoed · 2 years
Call it Home
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Group: ATEEZ Member: Hongjoong Genre: Fluffaroo! T/W: MC has a moment of minor insecurity.
A/N: Here’s another piece that I wrote that hopefully was another shot at unclogging my brain. I was listening to this song and I immediately thought of writing another piece because it was probably so fun for the original singer to play at a random session. 
In the same vein as “Space Age Love Song” because I can’t be bothered to change the OC. 
Listen to: Call it Home - Ginger Root (seriously, he’s so good)
After some convincing, Jongho agreed to let Hongjoong come with him to see their jam session that came on a day that they were both free, even though Hongjoong knew Jongho made time in the midst of a busy one. He had only seen them perform on stage, and this would be the first time he witnessed how they practiced, how she practiced. 
The band’s lead guitarist Go Minyoung, who was like the girl of his dreams, was a – no, the reason why he wanted to come. After the date they had that ended on a rather open note, Hongjoong was convinced he wanted to see her again, only his schedules got in the way of a second date. He wasn’t able to see them perform at The 11th Hour for some time, and was subject to relentless teasing from his producer friends on how great she looked during those times they weren’t able to watch, or how they added a few new covers to their setlist. 
Hongjoong would hear one of the new covers in their jam session as he followed Jongho into a studio a little outside the vicinity of the company. The band made sure to keep their practicing studio close to them so Jongho didn’t have to travel very far, and they would have a meal at the 7-11 under the company, which surprised Hongjoong at how close they were this whole time. 
The sounds of the keyboards filled the soundproof room, along with the sounds of cymbals and snare drums. 
“Hey everyone,” Jongho greeted them, making them stop in the midst of their setting up. “I brought Hongjoong hyung along, is it okay?” He asked, eyeing the older male and then their reactions. 
Some of them were glancing at Minyoung, who smiled upon seeing him, before nodding and agreeing. Hongjoong closed the door behind him. “I think we know why,” the band’s frontwoman, Park Byul grinned. “Make yourself comfortable, Hongjoong,” She said. 
“Yeah-yeah, I will,” He said, noticing the empty monobloc chair that was right in front of Minyoung. “It’s the first time I got to see you all up close,” He chuckled. 
“Really?” The band’s keyboard player, Han Jo, asked, pausing to give Jongho a hug before he opened his guitar bag to set up. “Good thing you’re there then,” She teased, noticing where he sat. 
Minyoung was also subject to teasing from the band since that night he asked her out, especially from the band’s drummer, Choi Soobin. She would shrug it off, not wanting to get herself carried away when it came to him. She knew better than to assume whether things were going well or not, even when her gut would be certain. 
“H-have you been well?” She asked him. 
“Yeah, I have, we’ve been busy recording and filming, all of those things. I was surprised that Jongho still made time even when we’re all tired,” He said. 
“It’s called priorities, hyung,” Jongho overheard them with a chuckle, checking the sound of his bass guitar. 
“Everyone ready? Alright,” Byul eyed Jo, who started to play the first few notes of the new cover they were performing, “Call it Home '' by Ginger Root, a more easygoing number compared to their energetic ones. Soobin started to join her, then Jongho, and then Minyoung. 
If I don’t own up to myself Who will be waiting for me Checking up on my mental health Writing that one great story
Once again, Hongjoong was entranced, watching the girl who would potentially become his girlfriend, play the chords of the song. 
Cuz why should I be so keen to try
It was one of the keyboard-heavy songs, and Minyoung knew to assist Jo in some of the parts as Byul continued singing. They smiled amongst themselves, getting lost in the song. Hongjoong was amused at how they were smiling at each other as they played. 
It’s alright, if you don’t go Stay inside Call it home
The lyrics immediately made him think of how they started, and how their date went. It made Hongjoong think about how he learned that Minyoung had the day job of working at a cat cafe and how she owned a ginger Scottish Fold that she named Benny. 
Sit like a dog in Norway Scout out the time and place tonight Will they be waiting for me There’s probably better things to try
They caught each other’s gaze, Minyoung immediately breaking to turn to the small keyboards next to her, playing along. Even after the date, she kept thinking of what it meant to date someone like him. At times she felt insecure about her looks, knowing how good-looking he was and how she wasn’t exactly what would be considered to be pretty, even as he would assure her that she was. 
And I’m wanting it more than I told you Can’t sleep won’t sleep But I cannot wait any longer It’s too late too deep Cuz why should I be so keen to try
Hongjoong felt his heart swell with pride as he watched them, seeing how Jongho was genuinely enjoying himself while also seeing Minyoung do what she did best. The more the song went on, it only strengthened his resolve that he wanted to see her again. 
It’s alright if you don’t go Stay inside call it home Stop your crying just say so When you’re here call it home
As soon as the song ended, Hongjoong got up. Somewhat overcome with emotion, he went past the microphone stand and kissed her. The rest of the band cheered, as Minyoung wrapped her arms around him, feeling every insecurity she had somewhat melt away in his embrace. 
Hongjoong pulled away, cheeks red. “...So, I’m going to take that as a yes to a second date?” He whispered. 
“Yeah,” Minyoung nodded, looking just as embarrassed as he was.
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k-star-holic · 11 months
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Lee Chun-soo, Bae Suzy resembles Park Han-byul as a soccer player (Salim nam2)
Source: k-star-holic.blogspot.com
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korelist · 8 months
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb: 7,5 Benim Puanım: 7
Drama: Backstreet Rookie (English title) / Convenience Store Saet-Byeol (literal title)
Hangul: 편의점 샛별이
Director: Lee Myung-Woo
Writer: Hwalhwasan (webcomic), Geumsagong (webcomic), Son Geun-Joo
Date: 2020
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Ji Chang-Wook, Kim You-Jung, Han Sun-Hwa, Ahn Sol-Bin, Kim Min-Kyu, Eum Moon-Suk, Kim Sun-Young
İmdb: 7,5
Benim Puanım: 7
2020 SBS Drama Awards - December 31, 2020
Excellent Actress (Kim You-Jung)
Bende birçok izleyici gibi Ji Chang-Wook’un bir an önce ajans değiştirmesi gerektiğini düşünenlerdenim. Kendisi bu konu ile ilgili her ne kadar “hayranların istedikleri rollerdense beni tatmin eden işler içerisinde olmayı tercih ediyorum.” dese de işlerin reytingleri ortada. Backstreet Rookie de konusu, çekimleri ve hikayesi ile zayıf kalan bir diziydi. Komedi ve abartı unsurlarına ağırlık vermiş olsa bile yeterli olmamış diye düşünüyorum. Aşk hikayesi demeye ise asla dilim varmıyor. Yine bir Webtoon hikayesinin ekmeğini yemişiler.
Dizinin orijinal ismi olan “Pyeonuijeom Saetbyeoli”’in marketin Saet-Byul’ü gibi bir anlamı var. Jung Saet-Byul(Kim You-Jung) liseye giderken ilk görüşte Choi Dae-Hyun (Ji Chang-Wook) ‘a aşık oluyor. Okul dışında yanlarından geçen bu aşık olduğu adamın dudaklarına yapışıveriyor. Sahneyi de oldukça abartılı çekmişler. Kızımız uçarak adamın üzerine atlıyor falan, neyse. Dizi Kore’de bölümlük yayınlanırken bu sahne üzerine hoop yine başlıyor spekülasyonlar.  Kim You-Jung 1999 doğumlu gencecik bir çıtır olduğundan “Love in the Moonlight” dizisinde Park Bo-Gum ile çektikleri öpüşme sahnesinde 17 yaşındaydı. Bu o zaman hem dizi yapım ekibinin hem de partnerinin topa tutulmasına neden olmuştu. Bu dizide de lise kıyafetleri ile kendinden çok büyük bir erkek ile öpüştüğü için topa tutuluyor. Burada ufak bir Goblin dizisini hatırlatmalıyım. Kore’nin kült yapımlarından biri olan Goblin’de liseli bir kızın devasa yaş farkı olan bir adamla aşkı anlatılıyordu. Ki oyuncular arasındaki yaş farkı da bir o kadar vardı. Sanırım niyet önemli. Ve kesinlikle kalite olarak karşılaştırılamayacağını biliyorum, yalnızca yüzeysel benzerlik nedeni ile araya girdim. Bu konuyu bir kenara bırakırsak yeni nesil oyuncular arasında Kim You-Jung’u çok başarılı buluyorum. Dizilerle hatta dönem dizileri ile büyümüş bir oyuncu olarak birçok oyuncuya taş çıkarttığında görebilirsiniz.
Çok fazla konuyu dağıtmadan geri döneyim, Saet-Byul bu sansasyonel sahne sonrasında hayatı yokuş aşağı giden bir kızı canlandırıyor. Babasını erken yaşta kaybediyor ve kardeşine bakmak için okulu bırakıyor. Yıllar sonra Dae-Hyun’un çalıştığı markette iş başvurusunda buluyor. Choi Dae-Hyun (Ji Chang-Wook) ise kendisini tamamen işine adamış 30larında market yöneticisidir. Ailesiyle birlikte büyük bir market markasının franchise’ını işletmektedir. Hayatta çok amacı olmayan, tek istediği marketin iyi satışlar yapması müşterilerin mutlu olmasıdır. Dizinin ağır eleştiriler almasının bir diğer nedeni de Choi Dae-Hyun’un yakın arkadaşı olan Han Dal-Sik (Eum Moon-Suk) karakteridir. Bob Marley hayranı olduğu için onun gibi giyinen karakter, dramanın ırkçılıkla suçlanmasına neden olmuş.
Bu kadar tepkiye etki olarak dizideki bütün romantik yakınlaşmaları çıkartmışlar. Hikaye olarak da bakıldığında romantik bir durum olmayınca anlatmaya çalışılan aşk da izleyiciye hiç geçmiyor. Kaldı ki kızımız aşık olduğu adamın yanında işe başlıyor beyimiz kendisinden oldukça büyük ve uzun süredir de bir kız arkadaşı var. Yoo Yeon-Joo (Han Sun-Hwa) çok zengin bir ailenin kızı, Dae-Hyun’un bundan haberi olmamasını geçtim çift olarak asla uyumlu değillerdi. Oyuncu yada oyunculuk olarak söylemiyorum. Yanlış anlaşılmasın, senaryo gereği karakterler birbirine uygun değillerdi. Dizinin bu kısmında hangisinin birinci hangisinin ikinci kız olduğu birbirine karıştı.  Son bölümlere kadar ikisinin de ön planda olması çok tatsızdı. Dae-Hyun dizinin başından sonuna kadar Saet-Byul’a kız kardeşi gibi davrandı. Hiç iki kadın idare etme gibi bir mevzuya girilmedi. Hal böyle olunca da evin küçük kızından büyük aşık moduna geçemedi.
Finalde havada kalan ya da koca sezon boşa izletilen şeylerde vardı. Yoo Yeon-Joo’nun şirketteki kötü adam figürü gereksiz bir iki yükseldi, sonra bir anda bitti. Niye geldi niye gitti belli olmadı. Saet-Byul’un okuldan arkadaşı Kang Ji-Wook (Kim Min-Kyu) da diziye çok yüksekten giriş yapanlardandı. Karizmatik, zengin, yetenekli, kibar… herşeyi toplamış ona vermişler. Sonra sessiz sedasız azalarak yok oldu. Son olarak da Saet-Byul’un kız arkadaş grubu! 3 kişilik bu grup dizinin daha ortalarına gelmeden bir anda 2 kişi kaldı. Kızlardan birini bir anda senaryodan çıkardılar. Hiç anlam veremedim.
Toparlayıp bitirmem gerekirse; diziyi keyifle izledim. Bu kadar gömdükten sonra ne kadar inandırıcı olacak emin değilim ama sıkılmadım. Ortalama, çerezlik bir diziydi. Benim açımdan Ji Chang-Wook’a bakış açımı biraz değiştirdi. Oyuncuyla “The sound of Magic” ile tanıştığımda çok beğenmiştim. Sonra izlediğim dizileri ve takip ettiğim showlarda hatta vlog videolarında bir şey fark ettim. Oyuncu hep aynı. Şaşırması, korkması, birini dinlerken ki mimikleri… Bu beni bir miktar, çok az bir miktar soğutmadı değil. Şimdi 2023 dizisi “The Worst Evil” duyurulmuş. Çok içten umuyorum ki bu sefer şeytanın bacağını kıracak, hadi bakalım.
April - Crazy
Raven Melus
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misisbuknoy · 2 years
I finished two Korean Dramas and one Korean movie in the past week and here’s my little review about my wonderful Korean experience in Netflix.
Sh**ting Stars (8/10)
I was not that hooked with the show. When it comes to Korean drama, I cannot simply ignore the next episode. That’s why when I started watching Korean series it was not that healthy because I could stay up until early morning just to catch up with the episodes and binge watch it. But it was not like that with Sh**ting Stars, there was no rush and I could just take my time. I was more on excited with the laid back office style of Oh Han Byul.
Little Women (9/10)
This show made my head ache because I did not sleep well while trying to finish all episodes. I couldn’t put my phone down! One word to describe the story - INTRIGUING. One episode you thought you finally understood everything then it will turn your world upside down. 
Midnight Runners (10/10)
I am a fan of Park Seo-joon and this movie has been in my downloaded list for quite some time already. I watched it last night with my husband. My husband even liked it. The story, fight scenes, humor, the acting, everything was perfect. It was a movie that was really worth watching. 
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thehandbox · 2 years
Identical Affairs // I have a Lover
Hae-Gang (Kim Hyun-Joo) is a successful lawyer, but she wants to become more successful. Due to her ambitions, her relationship with her husband, Jin-Eon (Ji Jin-Hee), deteriorates. At that his time, Jin-Eon meets Seol-Ri (Park Han-Byul) who attends the same graduate school. Her personality is pure and enthusiastic, like his wife Hae-Gang had in the past. Hae-Gang then has an accident and loses her memory. She meets Baek Seok (Lee Gyu-Han) and live as her younger twin sister Yong-Gi (Kim Hyun-Joo). 
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vanimeiy · 2 years
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1. EXID's Jeonghwa 4. YERI (RedVelvet)
2. LABOUM's Solbin 5.Seulgi(RedVelvet)
3. GUGUDAN's Mina 6.IRENE(RedVelvet)
7. Irene Kim 8.Lee Joo Yeon
9.Actress Park Han Byul
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chltlssbtm4793 · 2 years
Park Han-byul Jeju Island cafe, toilet issue maker?
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The Jeju-do cafe run by actor Park Han-byul is attracting attention from fans as an unexpected place.
On the 7th, on the cafe SNS operated by Park Han-byul, "Cafe's issue maker (?) toilet. Likes and dislikes differ, but in our eyes, it looks pretty.”
The cafe explained, "The interior owner made this work after asking me not to touch it, saying that I can do whatever I want in this place."
Customers who have been to the cafe are also leaving various responses through comments, such as "I like the bathroom... the way to go is pretty" and "I was very satisfied".
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