#POlite Conversation
amloveabledeathmo · 5 months
Why am I not supposed to be upset?
I'm going to complain about something. I know that what they're asking is "just small talk." "Casual conversation" "a common question" etc.
So how I think the Conversation should go:
Them: "Question about children, usually so do you have kids?"
Me: "No, I can't have them."
Them: "Oh I'm so sorry/sorry to hear that/sorry for your loss" And/Or "I apologize for asking the question/bringing it up. Change of topic."
How it actually goes:
Them: "Question about children, usually do you have any?"
Me: "No, I can't have them."
Them: "Oh You're so lucky!" (Just don't. Don't ever say this to anyone about something that upsets them) And/Or "You don't want them anyways. Kids are messy/annoying/rambunctious/loud/expensive/clingy/nosy and you never get to sleep well again." And/Or "That just means you have more money/time/joy/sleep." And/Or "Well it might still happen." And/Or "Have you looked into adoption, ivf, fertility treatment, surrogates, fostering?"
How I'm expected to respond:
Nod and agree, nod, smile, and agree, make a joke about how terrible kids are and how lucky i am. Thank them for their kind assurances and helpful suggestions.
How I want to respond:
"Of course I'm so lucky that one thing I dreamed about that should be acheivable and for many is beyond easy will not happen for me and it is not by choice at all." "If YOU don't like kids then maybe YOU should NOT have had any or at the very least stopped after one." "No." "Yeah I have of course never thought about or even looked into any other options, your dazzling brilliance truly blinds me." Incoherent screaming!
Why am I not supposed to be upset when people ask and then make light of it or even congratulate me on it? Why am I supposed to be nice and care about making them uncomfortable when they say things like that?
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Hi! About the ask friday, could you do headcanons about uncle Kenshi (and preferably uncle Ermac) taking care of a toddler Lí-Yàn? (Any age in this age group!) You don't need to do it if I'm asking much! I still can't stop thinking that you are THE warrior by facing all your problems and not giving up! ❤
sorry it took so long :)
from the brilliant sheilenwei:
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transarsonist · 1 year
but no yeah lets have the conversation:
"the CEO doesnt want to run that kind of website" Excuse, shouldnt have bought the 'go nuts show nuts whatever' website if thats the case. APPEAL DENIED
"we have to follow the TOS of the appstores we're hosted on" Excuse item one, no you dont, item two, you have since those days implimented infrastructure that would allow pornography and sex work on this platform Without violating TOS of any applicable app store. APPEAL DENIED
"we own the site we get to make the rules" Incorrect, this site has only ever made profit when the users willed it. we collectively own the site as a hive mind and no legal change in ownership will change that. APPEAL DENIED
"we have to keep this website safe for the children who use it" Argument based on fallacy banning pornography and sex workers does not prevent pornography and sex work from occuring on the site, it only forces aforementioned users to hide and avoid labling their content appropriately, which REDUCES the safety for children and sex workers alike instead of increasing it, this has been shown to the point that making this argument at all is tantamount to admiting fascist intent APPEAL DENIED
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becomingtoday · 23 days
Civil Dialogue Resolves Disagreements
If only Congress could with civility choose their words wisely, so much more could become accomplished. Who would have ever thought a false eyelash could shut down all progress in a nation? That was NOT a very "Becoming Today:.
Arguments are a natural part of life.  They can and do occur between friends, family members, co-workers, and even strangers.  As we witnessed last week if only Congress could with civility choose their words wisely, so much more could become accomplished. Who would have ever thought a false eyelash could shut down all progress in a nation? While arguments can be frustrating and even harmful,…
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luthienne · 6 months
by the way your voice always matters in the fight against injustice. every single time you speak out against an injustice it matters. it sheds light on it. it empowers others to speak up. it matters
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ayeforscotland · 3 months
Scotland - Ban Conversion Therapy Consultation
Scotland is currently consulting the public on banning conversion therapy. Unfortunately, it is not going well. The consultation has been brigaded by transphobes and it needs a lot submissions in support.
The Equality Network, who we did the Hollow Knight fundraiser for, has put together a guide on how to fill in the consultation form.
There is nothing in the consultation which limits the scope of who can submit their thoughts.
Please consider filling this in and help push to end conversion therapy in Scotland.
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lieutenant-sarcastic · 10 months
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weaver-z · 1 year
Dudebro comic fans: Why are you calling Spider-Man a Jewish superhero? He never says he's Jewish.
Every other line of dialogue in Stan Lee's run of Spider-Man: Oy vey! Doc Ock and his mechanical tchotchkes are ruining a nice afternoon in Forest Hills, Queens again! And I'm low on energy from not eating food today (the 26th of September 1974)!
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uesp · 2 months
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Agstarg: "There's an old Orcish saying about shields. I don't remember what it is, I'm just saying. There's an old Orcish saying. Buy a shield."
Vestige: "Do you sell shields?"
Agstarg: "No."
Vestige: "Thank you for the advice."
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comradekatara · 1 month
lok was truly so crazy for being like yeah the season 1 villain is an allegory for maoism?? except he’s literally not a communist in any meaningful way bc he never once even mentions the issue of uh. class. and season 2’s villain is ostensibly a theocrat who exploits his religious/spiritual authority to exert neocolonial control over a recently independent territory/people but all he really wants is to fuse with the personification of chaos and plunge the world into darkness for ten thousand years. and season 3’s villains are an anarchist terror cell who do have clearly defined goals and advocate for proletarian rule but also they’re fucked up little sadist freaks who love chaos and torturing teenagers. and season 4’s villain is a fascist ethnonationalist dictator and she’s gonna be the ONLY character in the entire show to mention that the ostensibly independent city state where most of the show’s plot has taken place is literally a fire nation neocolony proxy state on stolen earth kingdom land. the famously anarchist character who values independent personal freedom and hates nothing more than being told what to do and telling people what to do is now the agent of said neocolonial state in the form of being the literal chief of police. who gives a shit about her arc as an abused disabled girl who fights to assert her power and autonomy while also learning to accept her own vulnerability around the people she loves, and how that narrative might be personally meaningful to many disabled people. she’s a cop now. oh, and the firstborn son of the pacifist monk who had to fight tooth and nail to assert his values as the sole survivor of the genocide against his people is now a military general, again, for the army of said neocolonial proxy state. the kid who was orphaned as a child and grew up on the street fighting to survive another day is helplessly stupid and naive and his only purpose is to chew the scenery in increasingly less funny, more obnoxious ways. if you were expecting the even remotely coherent politics of atla, a story fundamentally about the struggle to resist imperialist violence both as a target of it and from within the imperial core while grappling with your identity and the impetus to preserve your cultural heritage in the face of genocide, then you’re shit out of luck, because that show was made in the bush era, back when liberals protesting the iraq war and implicating americans in their role in upholding imperialist agendas was acceptable. but this is the obama era, so of course you can still deport people at staggering records and drone strike civilians and worship at the altar of capitalism, as long as you remember that reinforcing the status quo through implicit violence is good as long as you’re a queer disabled brown woman!!! more woman of color chiefs of police!!! more bisexual woman ceos!!!! more indigenous war profiteers!!!! more hot girl ethnostates!!! absurd fucking show…
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becomingtoday · 5 months
Resolving Arguments Via Dialogue
The key to effective dialogue lies in active listening. This involves not just hearing the words, but truly understanding the emotions, experiences, and values behind them. It requires suspending judgment,.. Accepting we all can be “Becoming Today”.
Arguments are a natural part of life.  They can and do occur between friends, family members, co-workers, and even strangers.  While arguments can be frustrating and even harmful, they can also become an opportunity for growth and learning. The key is to resolve arguments through respectful discussion. Perhaps we need to come to accept a renewed common understanding of what civil dialogue…
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odinsblog · 4 days
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Leave it to fuck boy Elon Musk to always boost the tweets of racists, trans/homophobes and other Christofascists
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The American College of Peds is pretty much like a “Crisis Pregnancy Center,” where they actively deceive people into believing that they offer abortions, but in reality they are an anti-abortion, Christian nationalist, hate group. The American College of Peds is running the same okie doke with their fake name (which closely resembles the name of a more respected association, American Academy of Pediatricians) and their proclamations about the LGBTQ community.
Edit: Elon Musk was not “fooled” by this. He’s a racist, crackpot conspiracy theorist who uses his platform to elevate the views of other racists and bigots. This is intentional on his part.
Here is their Wiki link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_College_of_Pediatricians
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steveyockey · 8 months
I think more than the message that “Zionism is NOT Judaism” which is true but rings hollow to me I would like to see people embracing the fact that Zionism directly contradicts many Jewish values and that anti-Zionist Jews see their faith as inherently connected to their activism against the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. I was taught to be anti-Zionist largely by Jewish friends and comrades and I continue to lean on them for guidance and clarity as they bravely stand against the propaganda their institutions foisted on them from the moment they were born. In return I work to fulfill the promise that I will make them feel safe in any place, not just the occupied land they were raised to see as the only home where they would not face anti-Semitism. the fight for a free Palestine and the fight for a world where Jewish people can exist without fear are intrinsically linked and must be pursued together
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notbecauseofvictories · 3 months
just came off my shift as an election judge and I honestly think we should make people do this. I support abolishing the draft, and I even think that jury duty can get complicated, but everyone in the country should be forced to learn about election procedure, then have to sit around for 14 hours and practice being customer service for democracy. I think that would fix us.
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ayeforscotland · 1 year
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You're going to hear a certain (Tory) contingent celebrating that they've 'Banned conversion therapy' but unfortunately the legislation including a 'consent clause' which makes it hugely ineffective. Nobody 'volunteers' for conversion therapy.
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scintillyyy · 4 months
there's always something a bit funny to me in the idea that jack and janet taught tim these weird robotic "society manners" whatever those are but the way they're described is always like. that would be the most weird and offputting way to interact with a human being ever & would be just terrible for networking purposes.
(now i do think that tim would be a great natural networker on account of 1) he is one, canonically and 2) he's got a lot of traits that good networkers generally have--he's good with people in general, he's naturally extroverted, good at small talk, has an eye for and good ability to remember details, and is generally likable. i also think this did come from his parents but not in a weird gotta train the business baby way. more in a that's kind of what he grew up around way--jack (when not being a shitty dad) is also shown to be a kind of boisterous, generally likable, good at small talk, etc and tim growing up in boarding school meant growing up and living with peers with plenty of chance to practice social interactions & hone skills like small talk and conversation)
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