#Or at least okay people.
kyouka-supremacy · 1 year
I know I'm just being delusional but I really think sskk would be good parents
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wearenotjustnumbers2 · 5 months
Yesterday marked the 100th day of genocide. Please, do not get used to this. Our people, killed, bombed, kidnapped, stripped, executed and starved is not normal. Our kids in pieces, their body parts collected in bags is not normal.
Israel has killed 23,700 human. More than 10,300 child. We'd need 177 school bus to carry the Palestinian children killed by Israel in gaza. 10,022 fatherless child. 8,352 motherless child. The wounded have their wounds rot and die waiting in front of the crossing. Maggots seen inside alive people's wounds. 5,500 pregnant woman will give birth in the upcoming weeks. 100 Days of Genocide. 100 Days of the world watching silently.
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uncanny-tranny · 9 months
I think it would really benefit people to internalize that mental illnesses are often chronic and not acute. Some of us will never be able to jump the hurdle of managing illness, much less sustaining a sense of normalcy. Many of us will never "recover," will never manage symptoms, will never even come close to appearing normal - and this is for any condition, even the ones labeled as "simple" disorders or "easy-to-manage" disorders.
It isn't a failure if you cannot manage your symptoms. It isn't a moral failure, and you aren't an awful person. You are human. There's only so much you can do before recognizing that you cannot lift the world. Give yourself the space to be ill because, functionally, you are.
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edgarallennope · 29 days
as james somerton is back in the conversation, i would like to soyjack point to the one and only tweet that hbomberguy has made in light of the recent news:
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nelkcats · 11 months
Banshee Star
When Ember asked him to be her duet at a concert, Danny didn't think it was a good idea, but the ghost insisted and said she was sure he had a very good voice. In the end the halfa accepted, and they passed off their ghostly appearance as some kind of exotic make-up. They were Phantom and Ember, "Ghost Stars".
Oddly enough, that was how Danny discovered that his voice was...strangely good for singing. The people around him seemed vaguely hypnotized before Ember snapped them out of said state with a solo on her guitar. People said it was an amazing experience.
Danny decided to accept more of the ghost invitations and in a very short time they had become very popular musicians - they even toured! but when they were passing through Gotham, they were stopped by the dark knight.
Batman was very concerned about the mind control he had noticed at several concerts and decided to confront the source. It was best to thwart their plans before they happened. His sons were not convinced about his deductions.
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strwbrryklly · 11 months
i know julian’s genetic augmentation was not something the writers had in mind for the character from the beginning of the show but it still makes episodes previous to the reveal so interesting. his quote in season one about how ‘fate’ has given him a gift. how much did it hurt him to tell that lie, among so many others? the entire episode ‘the abandoned’ where they find the jem hadar child who is genetically engineered, and julian’s particular stance about how he’s a sentient being, not just a specimen created to kill. is that how julian felt? more machine than man, made purely for success? is he arguing for himself alongside the jem hadar kid? it just fascinates me how the reveal recontextualises so many things from previous seasons.
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pleader600 · 11 days
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Happy 6th anniversary Detroit Become Human!!
Almost everybody is here! I made a scavenger-hunt like image, featuring 141 unique characters, 20 animals, and 10 Jericho symbols to locate! The biggest piece I’ve challenged myself with, I hope you guys enjoy!
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thywheelof-fate · 6 months
okay but how many times do you think the Dark Urge tried to not-so-subtly feed Enver totally-not-people à la Hannibal and Will Graham
Durge, holding a container with bloody hands: I cooked a delicious meal for you, my friend and ally :) Well, Scelaritas cooked it but I hunted it :)
Enver, running on two hours of sleep: is this people
Durge: Yes :)
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hunrising · 8 months
What’s baffling to me is that according to what western governments/media said these past days, hamas shouldn’t have attacked civilians in response to the violence they’ve been suffering for decades because it violates international laws, and I agree, civilians shouldn’t have been victims of an attack like this. However now, according to those same people, Israel has the absolute right to defend itself and have no other option but to respond aggressively, no matter how many civilians get caught in the crossfire, and thus also violating international laws? I’ve been racking my brain to see if I’m missing something, or if all of these politicians and journalists are intentionally contradicting themselves in order to please each other?
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I think this fandom is too normal about Petronille. WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE'S ONLY IN HER LATE TEENS/EARLY 20'S WHAT DO YOU MEAN?????
Like like!!!! We don't have a timeline on when Bonnie and Nille ran away from home, but it HAS to be when Bonnie was really young. Bonnie doesn't seem to remember their parents well at all, and the most we hear about them is that they were "mean". So like!!!! Depending on how old you see Bonnie (10-12ish) and how young you think the two ran away, that could range from 5 to 9 years give or take.
Thats!!!! A range!!! At the oldest Nille (say 24) she was 18 or 19 when the two ran away, which is an adult but still pretty young, but the youngest range????? Hello??? If Nille is 19 now, she could have been as young as 11 when she took Bonnie!!!! What!!!!
I don't think that's the case, but still??? If we take the average of those two, Nille would be 16!!! 16!!!!! And taking care of her sibling basically on her own!!! Nille is a kid who had to grow up too fast and take on the world to make sure Bonnie and her could survive!!! Nille's probably been fighting a good chunk of her life for their happiness and that doesn't even ACCOUNT for the abuse their parents messed her up with. And then after EVERYTHING basically sacrificed herself so Bonnie could have a chance to live from the King's Curse!!!!!
And after all that!!!! Suddenly, she's offered protection from 4 random adults who also adore her sibling and want to take care of the both of them??? What do you do with that??? Do you even BELIEVE that??? Can you even trust that someone else than you could be trusted with your baby sibling? That you can let someone else take that responsibility. The responsibility that you took on with your whole heart and soul to the point you made sure that even if you basically DIED for all that mattered, at least Bonnie would have a chance.
You've been asleep for months and woken up in a new reality where you're not your sibling's whole world anymore. They've changed. You weren't there for it. These people Iove Bonnie so much. But do they know them as much as you do??? They weren't there all this time!!! You should know your sibling better than anyone here!!!
And yet. Yet...
You don't know what to make of this. You're happy Bonnie's safe. You're terrified you don't recognize the new parts of them that have shown up without you being there.
Your sibling lives in a whole new world now. They love you. They would come back to it just being the two of you if you pushed it.
But if you do, you're not sure Bonnie would ever forgive you for it.
(Are you seeing my vision??? Do you understand why I'm not normal about Nille????)
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greenpitbullzombie · 9 months
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Mr. Whitmore having an aquarium of coelacanth in the year 1914 is hilarious. 😅
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thatsbelievable · 9 months
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uncanny-tranny · 3 months
I think respecting trans people comes with a territory of like... just because many people will pass as cis doesn't mean that it's a great idea to use their passing as a way of legitimizing how absurd transphobia is
Transphobia isn't absurd because I "look like a [cis] man," it's because transphobia is fucking ridiculous. It would be ridiculous whether or not I passed or whether I look like a "conventional man." I use myself as an example, but ultimately, passing or appearing normative should never play into whether or not transphobia is bad.
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puppetmaster13u · 7 months
Prompt 52
So I’ve seen several catboy Danny prompts, but hear me out: All of Amity becoming so ecto-contaminated that everyone becomes something akin to a mythological creature. And Danny? He becomes a Nekomata- a two-tailed cat that was said to be able to shapeshift into humans for mischief, including straight up haunting people and stealing corpses. Vlad ends up a kitsune- which is already associated with taking on human forms to seduce people and with things such as foxfire and possession. Tucker ends up a sphinx sort of creature- “It’s not fair you guys can just float around while I have to figure out how to use these stupid wings when I could be coding!”- and Sam ends up a dryad of some sort, they aren’t entirely sure what but that’s what they joke it is so…
The people sent to investigate this city are more than slightly freaking out.
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dogboots · 9 months
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normal about these two...
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itissadbutitsmy-life · 9 months
remember when come along with me came out and we were all so sad because bmo was all alone. and now i guess the crew was like well, lets do that again. but worse and harder.
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