#Okinawan language
uchinaguchishutoku · 7 months
ゆんたんじゃ すがいぬ くとぅば♪読谷村のしまくとぅば展「装いのことば」
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なーだ あちゃはいびーんやー☀️
あちゃはぬ、 ふかとーてぃ ぬーん ないびらんくとぅ、ゆんたんじゃんけーある ユンタンザミュージアムんけー いちゃびたん。
「すがいぬ くとぅば」とぅ さーに、うちなーとーてぃ きらーったる きんに ちーてぃ ありくり はなし さっとーびーん。
また うぬ きのー ぬーでぃ いゃびーんとぅか ありくり うちなーぐちさーに 紹介 さっとーびーん。
「すがいぬ ことば(装いのことば)」と言って、沖縄で着られていた服(当時は着物)についてあれこれ紹介されていました。
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くれー わらびが きちょーたる きん やいびーんり。
くしんけー ぬーがら あやが ちちょーびーん。
うれー、やなむんが うーてぃくーらんぐとぅ ちちょーびーんり。
いっぺー うむっさいびーさー!
10/1までぃ さっとーびーくとぅ、ぐすーよん じひとぅん ぅんじ ぅんもーち くぃみそーりよー😍
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don-dake · 7 months
喺 「神明之地」 嘅一晚。
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“This is my relaxing chair! It's where I relax! Ah! So relaxing!” — Bingo Heeler, S1E7 BBQ
即刻抄佢出嚟畀 「桶走」 坐!估唔到 「桶走」 咁適合坐落去喎!摺櫈仔好似係特登整咗畀佢噉!😸 「桶走」 睇起嚟係咪好開心呢?仲有,我老竇製造嘅摺櫈仔正唔正呀?😺 幾咁希望我有佢一半嘅本領呀!
可惜,佢呢套功夫就冇遺傳畀我…我亦都冇藝術家,冇工程師嘅天份…😿 舊底喺中學時曾經有上過木工班(係冇得選擇,逼不得已要上嘅課程),但係始終都係徒勞無功!😿 喺嗰班上冇學到啲乜嘢,只係賺到 「肥佬」 一個!😿
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餐牌封面幾得意喎!😺 有沖繩島出名嘅 「シーサー」(shīsā;由漢字嘅 「獅子」 所嚟嘅)做嘜頭。而根據網上搜查,餐館名 「ニライカナイ」(nirai kanai),沖繩話嘅意思係 「神明之地」 噉解。另外,覺得呢度嘅裝飾都幾唔錯喎,幾復古,溫暖嘅感覺!
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一邊等緊餸嘅時候,一邊讀緊餐館內飾墻上啲貼紙簽。順便練習一下日文!「ソーキ網焼き」(sōki amiyaki)係乜嘢呢?「ソーキ」(sōki;據稱係來自漢字嘅 「梳」)係指緊 「沖繩式燜排骨」,「網焼き」(amiyaki)係 「燒烤」 嘅意思。「スーチカー焼き」(sūchikā yaki)係 「燒鹽豬肉」,而 「メンチカツ」 (menchi katsu)即係 「��肉碎餅」 噉解。
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果然,嗌咗個嗰套 「ラフテー」 (rafuté;漢字寫法Wiki話係寫成 「羅火腿」 噉解) 套餐真係同我熟悉嘅紅燒肉,或者有啲名聲嘅東坡肉好相似!簡直可以話 「ラフテー」 嘅味道同中式嘅滷肉根本冇分別!
雖然係噉講(笑),但又唔係話唔好食喎!「ラフテー」 燜到好腍,咬起嚟唔韌,肉喺口入面好快融,好容易消化。正呀!😺
仲外買咗啲沖繩式 「冬甩」。沖繩話稱 「サーターアンダギー」 (sātā andagī)。聽佢嘅名亦都可以估到 「サーター sātā」 係 「砂糖」 嘅意思,至於 「アンダギー andagī」 呢,網上搜查話畀我知係指緊 「油炸」 嘅意思。
Wiki亦都有話,其實 「サーターアンダギー」 係由中國嘅一種油炸甜球,叫 「沙翁」,嚟嘅。😮 我搵緊 「サーターアンダギー」 有關嘅資料先知有 「沙翁」 嘅存在喎!
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三隻狗仔畀 「サーターアンダギー」 魅惑咗噉!(笑)
點都好,叫佢 「沙翁」 也好,「サーターアンダギー」 也好,第一次試沖繩風味嘅 「冬甩」,味道唔知點形容先好…出面嚡嚡嘅口感,有啲似菠蘿包噉,入面似濃密嘅西式蛋糕,味道有啲似雞蛋仔噉…總之,就幾好味嘞!(笑)呢間餐館值得再嚟試過!
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kkulbeolyeonghwa · 8 months
Month wrap-up
Korean: 383 words this month, the biggest amount this year! This was my main focus this month. Picks of my favorite words from this month:
교대 交代 - taking turns 당청되다 當籤- - to win the lottery 마땅히 - properly 석화 石花 - oyster 일당백 一當百 - equal to 100 warriors 출하 出荷 - shipment
Japanese: only 57 words this time! I feel like I've studied more though. I've gotten better at listening! Favorite words:
いれい 慰霊 - consoling the dead しけ 時化 - stormy weather at sea でんち 電池 - battery よてい 予定 - plans
Mandarin and Cantonese: I haven't focused on these much this month. However I've been listening to both languages a bunch.
Mongolian: I haven't logged the words I know because I'm learning it with a different approach. But I've been studying it a lot and am learning a bunch of new words!
Toki Pona: I can now understand written text 99% of the time. I should practice writing next.
Okinawan: I've learn the Okinawan version of every Japanese word I've studied this month. I'm progressing steadily.
Other languages: I've been learning random words from other languages too. Notably Hungarian (Which I haven't learned at all in the past). Maybe I should start studying it regularly!
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ladyimaginarium · 6 months
from mikjikj-mnikuk/turtle island to inuit nunangat to kanata to kalaallit nunaat to anahuac to abya yala to alkebulan to the levant to moananuiākea to sápmi to éire to bhārata to zhōngguó to nihon to aynu mosir to siberia to niugini to nusantara to bandaiyan to aotearoa, from coast to coast to coast to coast, from sea to sea to sea to sea, none of us are free until all of us — men, women, enben, children, queer people, disabled & neurodivergent people, elders, animals and the land and the sea and the sky — are free!!!!
#arcana.txt#turtle island = north america aka canada america & mexico (& the carribean & central america & greenland depending on who you ask)#inuit nunangat = the arctic aka inuit territory#anahuac = the traditional name for mexico#abya yala = south america (& the carribean & central america depending on who you ask)#alkebulan = the indigenous name for africa#levant = the place where israel & palestine are but also includes cyprus jordan lebanon & syria#moananuiākea = the hawaiian word for the pacific ocean & all the pacific islands#sápmi = the traditional land of the sámi in the northern parts of scandinavia & sweden norway finland & russia#bandaiyan = the indigenous word for australia / aotearoa = the māori word for new zealand#& the reason why i& included animals & the land sea & sky was bc that's central to indigenous activism just as much as it relates to humans#ya can't just free the humans ya gotta free the lands seas & skies too!!#btw mikjikj-mnikuk means turtle island in mi'kmawi'simk i& found it fitting to use the oldest language that yt europeans heard when arrivin#as the mi'kmaq were literally the first indigenous peoples that yt settlers spoke to & saw in 'canada' aka kanata which is the actual word+#which it originated from which came from a huron-iroquois word!!#+ zhōngguó is the chinese word for china ! i& included it bc the uighurs & tibetans & other idigenous peoples are still struggling there!!#+ nihon is the word for japan & i& added it bc we can't forget the ainu & okinawans !!#kalaallit nunaat = greenland & éire = ireland in gaeilge#niugini = new guinea in tok pisin / nusantara = indonesia & the archipelago from old javanese bc they have a lot of indigenous peoples#bhārata = india — i& added it bc there's a LOT of indigenous peoples there & the caste system often has them at the bottom#aynu mosir = ainu homelands !!#siberia also has MANY indigenous peoples living in literally the coldest parts of the world & they're going thru a lot rn#nobody's free until all of us are free!!!!#protect indigenous peoples everywhere!!!! protect each other!!!!#protect the lands seas & skies & also keep them centered in your activism while making sure human rights are valued!!#land back#activism.#psa.#** post; okay to reblog.
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desolateice · 1 year
I was fighting so much with the CSS for Umibudo. I had three Okinawan language sources and I think by the time I finished messing with the chapter’s highlight text it broke almost all the links I’d put in the note. So these are the sources I used to attempt writing romanized Okinawan: Useful Okinawan phrases from Omniglot I believe this website has a set number of phrases they try to translate every language into, they don’t fill out all of them because I don’t think they were able to get all of them, but for basics and a quick guide it’s helpful.
Learn Essential Okinawan Language Phrases helpful in your travels! by Nihongo Master This website is somewhat in line with what I learned, how to say thank you and to greet people as well as a few useful phrases. It’s a website more for learning Japanese so a lot of it they compare to Japanese and explain the differences when an opportunity arises.
Rikka,Uchinaa-nkai! ( Let’s go to Okinawa! ) Okinawan Language Textbook for Beginners This is a beautiful resource of self study that one would find at the start of a language class. It teaches you how to introduce yourself, ask where something is, talk about your family (not partners though), ask how much something is and talk about food as well as a few other things. A lot of love went into this. I didn’t use wikipedia but they also have a decent amount of information.
Okinawan, or Uchinaaguchi, is an endangered language. So while I know that the phrases I used might not have been what would’ve been spoke in the 80s because language changes, my conjugations are probably very wrong, and the ways I used words might’ve not been accurate, I still wanted to attempt it. So please forgive all the errors, and I hope these sources can be useful for anyone with an interest in language/ curiosity about Okinawan/Uchinaaguchi or at least interesting.
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akkkkkkkkkkka · 11 months
Okinawan Verbal Morphology / 沖縄語の動詞形態論
Okinawan has an agglutinative morphology which involves “glueing together” bits of information. This is very similar to languages such as Japanese and Korean.
Okinawan, and many Ryukyuan languages, have retained some grammatical forms now obsolete in Modern Japanese. One of these is the attributive form. The present and past tense of verbs in Okinawan inflect for the attributive form, as well as a terminal form ie the dictionary form. However, other innovations have occurred in Okinawan such as losing the object marker and the subject and genetive marker sounding phonetically the same in certain contexts. In this lesson I will only teach the plain form to introduce the basic verbal morphology. I will also not be teaching the specific conjugation rules. A full list of tenses can be found at the end under further reading.
In all lessons, romanisation will not be used. A full guide to hiragana will be attached under further reading.
Lessons will include a colour code: new terms and concepts will be blue and feature focuses will be red. The words in blue will be defined at the bottom of the page under definitions.
Further reading gives additional resources which will help in your study of Okinawan.
The present tense ending is simply the dictionary form of a verb.
For example:
咬むん(かむん) - to eat; (I) eat
言ん(っゆん) - to say; (I) say
考ーゆん(かんげーゆん) - to think; (I) think
聞ちゅん(ちちゅん) - to hear; (I) hear
話すん(はなすん) - to speak; (I) speak
All past tenses comprise of an alveolar consonant (or avleolo-palatal) + aん:
〜たん,〜ちゃん, 〜だん, 〜じゃん
For example:
咬だん - (I) ate
言ちゃん - (I) said
考げーたん - (I) thought
聞ちゃん - (I) heard
話ちゃん - (I) spoke
The negative is a little bit less predictable since they are a mixture of alveolar sounds, [k] and [m]. They also are of the structure aん like the affirmative tenses:
あん, かん, がん, さん, らん, まん, だん
For example:
咬まん - (I) don’t eat
言やん(っやん) - (I) don’t say
考げーらん - (I) don’t think
聞かん - (I) don’t listen
話さん - (I) don’t speak
The past negative is actually pretty simple, it comprises of the negative form plus たん:
あんたん, かんたん, さんたん etc
For example:
咬まんたん - (I) didn’t eat
言やんたん - (I) didn’t say
考げーらんたん - (I) didn’t think
聞かんたん - (I) didn’t listen
話さんたん - (I) didn’t speak
The attributive form is made by removing ん and adding る in the present and present negative.
広いさる(ふぃるさる)猫(まやー)- A big cat
話さんたる女子(うぃなぐ) - A woman who didn't speak
This lesson was focused on the plain form present, past, negative and past negative forms. This was by no means a detailed guide of the individual rules. The attached Google Doc will give more information on the specific conjugation types arranged into tables. It also has other forms including the passive, desiderative and causative among others. That Doc will give the detail that this lesson was missing simply because there’s not much to say on the specific conjugation types that can’t be included in tables.
> Definitions:
• Agglutinative - from the Latin “agglūtinō”, “to glue (together)” which involves adding morphemes to a root. These morphemes usually don’t mean much (if anything) on their own. This is contrasted with fusional languages where one morpheme can be used in different situations and these are usually “words” as defined in English.
• Attributive Form - a form of a verb to use it to describe anything (in this case) after it ie as an adjective
• Object Marker - marks the object of a sentence ie the thing that the verb is affecting eg I eat watermelon, “watermelon” is the one receiving the “eating” - Japanese: 私は西瓜を食べる (watashi wa suika wo taberu), “wo” = object marker, marking “suika”. Okinawan: 我んねー西瓜咬むん (wannee shiikuwa kamun), lack of an object marker unlike Japanese.
• Subject Marker - the subject and topic markers are very similar in usage and both handle information being known or not. The best way to understand the usages is to see them in a sentence.
• Genetive Marker - this shows possession eg 猫ぬ目 (mayaa nu mii) - the eye of the cat. This marker is used in the same position as the ‘s strategy of possession in English eg the cat’s eye; the marker directly follows the possessee.
> Further Reading:
Full Conjugation Tables: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-ew99qbNZHqpuNwDHYTzsTEpoLWdD1OANqWVic7LS4I/edit
Hiragana Tables: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12Z__i6Ay7wXm1H-40wLTqRKluyz_IlOYrRxrHWDnm8s/edit
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cuchufletapl · 1 year
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That's not how you say night in Japanese (it's yoru) and Yuru's mom basically says here that her native tongue isn't Japanese, so my guess is that it's a Ryukyuan language. Probably Okinawan, if only because that's the most well-known.
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luna-mistrunner · 6 months
additionally I’ve always been all about landback and such movements. I think that it’s very clear that an imperialist state like the US or Israel “granting sovereignty” to an indigenous population and forcing them to move into allotted slots of land is inherently a process created to legally and politely attempt to wipe them from the world or minimize them to the point that their resistance is negligible. It makes it so that if there is resistance involving any form of force, they can do things like declare war and further press their spear of ethnic cleansing.
It’s malicious. It’s horrible. It’s something they create to sanitize the injustice they’re committing and rig the game in their favor, give themselves legality to continue committing atrocities. There are many such cases as this and ALL of them are bad.
A two state solution does NOT work. This option is almost completely analogous to punitive imprisonment most of the time. I think that most of my followers know I think this but I have gotten more followers over the years and I don’t know how many of you clearly understand how I feel in general
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cruelsister-moved2 · 9 months
omg wrt The Other as well kind of pertinent rn with like increased western consumption of east asian particularly chinese media is the inability to recognise other 'others' as it were lol so people will be reading really blatant othering of minority ethnic groups, usually peoples of northwest china, that uses the same tactics as western othering, but bc the targeted markers might be like having light eyes or being very tall so it doesnt alert you to any of the forms of ethnic prejudice you recognise in which darker skin, eyes, and hair are almost always a feature..... but if you knew how to recognise racial othering as a phenomenon it would be impossible for this to go over your head like its basically just taking ur anglocentricism to the point that u cant recognise any racism but ur own racism......................
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interretialia · 2 years
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"Psi" littera Graeca et "Sai" genus armorum Iaponicorum habent Eandem formam
The Greek letter "Psi" and the Japanese weapon "Sai" have The same shape
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(Fontes Imaginum: 1, 2.)
(And everyone in Tumblr Classics lets out a collective Ψ...)
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yadntve · 1 year
I’ve considered a minor in Japanese I’ll leave my community college with 3 terms of Japanese, how is it going?
it's going pretty good, all things considered! the minor is separated into language and culture stuff for me, and i just about finished the language portion. each college can have different courses (esp for the culture section) so i think it's interesting to see what each uni has to offer!
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uchinaguchishutoku · 5 months
ぱーぱーたーぬ じんぶん✨おばーたちの知恵✨
うちなーぐゆめー なーだ じゅーぐゎち やいびーしが、うらんだぐゆめー なー しわーし なてぃ ねーびらんやー。
しむ しじみとーびーたくとぅ、、、、
はっし!ありくり なびしちーぬ まんどーびーたん。
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くれー、むる しまぬ ぱーぱーたーが ちゅくてぃ くぃみそーちゃる むん やいびーんり♩
じこー いるまんちゃーさーに、あんし 可愛いぐゎー やる😆
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くれー まっかいあらやー やいびーんり。
くれー、あかばなーから、オレンジばなーから、あんさーに 薔薇🌹ん あいびーんやー!
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はーや!!!薔薇がやーり うむたしが、アップル🍎 やいびーたん!
ぱーぱーたーぬ じんぶのー でーじ😆😆
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🌹The Shureimon Gate is also under construction today, but I would like to revisit once it's done.
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kkulbeolyeonghwa · 6 months
My studies this month
This month I've been focusing on other things and I even took a week off for a holiday! So I haven't logged my words or anything, but I can still tell what I've been studying.
Korean: I've been watching the news every day! I haven't been learning many new words this month.
Japanese: A lot of improvement! I can speak a lot more now and understand many new words! My favorite is コヲロコヲロ!
Mandarin: A lot of accidental immersion! I went for a holiday in the city and there were a BUNCH of Chinese people for some reason? I heard an unusual amount of the language this month.
Cantonese: Not much this month either! Watched a few documentaries in the language!
Italian: new language! My friend speaks it and I wanted to have a go! So far so good, seems simple!
Okinawan: I can speak simple sentences now! I need to work on my listening skills...
Ainu: also a new language! I want to focus on this a lot more this month!
French: I read a few news articles, not my main focus!
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I've been focusing on conlanging all this time. I need to move my focus back to languages this month!
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trans-leek-cookie · 2 years
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(Image has ALT text)
Yeah. Yeah no looks good Google
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yarameijer · 2 months
Hi, I've been reading accidental reversal and I really like your 'what if' scenarios with tenma and the gang, and I've had a fic idea I've been considering for a while that I'd appreciate your input on
I've really gotten attached to the idea of a Deaf Tenma, making the decision not to go to a Deaf School (The only Deaf school in Japan that I can find is Meisei Gakuen, which is located in tokyo, which is extremely close to if not the same city where Raimon is) so that he can play for the soccer team that inspired him, only to find the whole fifth sector mess going on.
naturally, he starts the whole revolution, because hes putting the quality of his education on the line to play for raimon, and he isn't about to let that sacrifice for nothing.
tsurugi notices straight away, and when he goes home he immediately starts learning JSL, because first of all he is Not ableist (for obvious reasons), and second is because if he's going to be monologuing at this kid, he's going to make sure he can be understood (he ends up being to go to interpreter when aoi/shinsuke isn't there)
shunsuke asks aoi to teach him and they bond
endou is surprisingly good at JSL when he picks it up (good with his hands + has a very expressive face), kidou, not so much (obscured face, not very expressive anyways)
due to the tension among the team in the first few games, it takes a good chunk of raimon an embarrassingly long time to realize that he isn't just wearing earbuds, and that he doesn't just have an odd accent, and that him looking directly at peoples mouths isn't just a quirk (shindou/kirino/sangoku being like 'How did you not realize? it's so obvious, we've just been learning independently')
also because I've noticed a trend in the show that these kids sure do like to monologue on the soccer field, and I think it's funny if they keep getting interrupted by a kid that just, does not seem to care (its difficult to lip read from a distance, they won't always be facing him, and it seems like a bad idea to wear hearing aids while playing a sport where kids can whip up fire tornadoes, because the average cost of a pair of hearing aids is approximately $4000, or ¥592,560)
anyways it's just an idea I've been considering
Whoa, I love that idea? It sounds so great! I’m a huge fan of rewriting the old story with just enough of a spin to give it a new flavor, and this one’s super interesting. Kinda reminds me of an idea I had at some point in which Tenma is mute and uses sign language. Also lmao Tenma pulling the revolution because ‘’I did NOT sacrifice my education just to get stuck with this crap’’ sounds like such a Tenma move, ngl.
Also yes, Raimon is located in Inazuma Town which is somewhere in Tokyo, it’s on the wiki if you want to check it out!
Okay so I’m not sure what exactly you wanted my input on, so I’m just gonna ramble! Feel free to send me another ask or comment if you wanted something more specific. Anyway, some things that immediately come to mind when I think about this:
1) One of the reasons Tsurugi takes his JSL lessons so seriously could be because Tenma reminds him of his brother. It’s not the same situation but in a way they’re both dealing with disabilities and Tsurugi has seen firsthand how hard it can be for Yuuichi, so he’s a bit softer towards Tenma because of that.
2) Depending on how much of a little shit you want Tenma to be: imagine him turning off his hearing aids at comedic moments, like when someone starts gushing about Fifth Sector’s goals. Tenma just nope’s straight out of that one. Or, although this might be a bit later when he’s more comfortable with the team, him turning off his hearing aids when someone starts scolding him. Absolute power move. They don’t even need to know he does it, maybe someone eventually finds out, cue comedic moment.
3) Since you mentioned accents… Tenma’s from Okinawa and as far as I could find, Okinawans have at least a bit of an accent. Deaf people are also known to learn how to speak by copying the lip movements of the people around them… so if Tenma grew up on Okinawa, it could be assumed he’s grown up speaking Okinawan Japanese and has the accent to match. I imagine non-deaf Tenma would have worked out most of his accent after he moved to Okinawa town so as to not stand out, but deaf Tenma would have had a harder time doing so/might not have even realized he had an accent in the first place. (There is a difference between Okinawan Japanese, which is a Japanese dialect, and the Okinawan language, which is a whole other language altogether and only a few people speak it (mostly the elderly) because it stems from a period before Okinawa was Japanese territory, so if you make use of this idea, maybe look into that a bit. It’s a bit of a complicated situation but I think it could really add something to the characters). This does depend a little on whether Tenma was born deaf or not, I think (that would also influence his lip reading/sign language skills - was he born deaf or has he only been deaf for a few years?)
4) Find subtle ways to mention it throughout the story instead of using full paragraphs. I like comparing it to writing someone who wears glasses. Small details are glasses getting fogged up when going from the outside cold into a warm room, or when drinking tea. Smudges on glasses that annoy the character. Pushing them up when they slip down their nose. These are all small, subtle actions that add a lot to the story and ‘remind’ readers of this detail without putting too much focus on it - you could try and do the same thing with Tenma’s deafness: lip reading is really difficult so Tenma might misunderstand or ask for clarification, or little habits he has (like you mentioned, watching people’s mouths rather than their eyes).
Anyway, I’d definitely recommend doing research on writing deaf characters because it’s very easy to accidentally make a mistake and come off as disrespectful. I’ve read a story or two in which there was so much focus on a character being deaf that it seemed to be their only character trait, and not only does that take away from the story, but it’s also not a good representation. Being deaf is not a defining character trait; it’s just part of their character, like wearing glasses or having asthma. An important thing that should be acknowledged but not constantly mentioned/made to be the center of their life and character.
Some questions that immediately popped into my head:
1. Was Tenma born deaf or did he lose his hearing?
2. Does he shout or say the name of hissatsu techniques? Would he even bother with that?
3. In fact would he even bother trying to learn the names of hissatsu techniques (since they can be super weird + it’s during a match and he’s not wearing hearing aids, so these both make it hard to lip read) and instead just come up with names for them himself? Imagine him referring to Sangoku’s Fence of Gaia as ‘’the rock thing’’ or Kami no Takuto as ‘’Shindou-senpai’s lightshow’’.
4. Does the entire team learn sign language (and how good are they at it), or does Tenma speak and lip read more with certain members of the team and use sign language with others?
Of course the amount of detail you put into it all depends on how long you want the story to be! I hope this is sort of what you wanted, and again, feel free to ask something else if this isn’t what you hoped for.
And in case you decide to write the story, best of luck!
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