Here you can listen to the songs which will be competing in the first semi final of mello this Saturday!
Artists and songs:
Rhythm Of My Show - Tone Sekelius
Inga sorger - Loulou LaMotte
Haunted - Rejhan
Raggen går - Elov & Beny
Diamonds - Victor Crone
Länge leve livet - Eva Rydberg & Ewa Roos
Where You Are (Sávežan) - Jon Henrik Fjällgren, Arc North feat. Adam Woods
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ferrstappen · 8 months
Everybody wants a taste l LN4
a/n: i am in an urgent need of writing ideas I've had for MONTHS so brace yourselves I guess?? also the title ofc is from pop anthem jealous by nick Jonas.
i am also very very very stressed waiting for the standing start.
pairing: Lando Norris x actress!reader
this is angst. and some tom holland after this poll results <3
summary: Lando had never been the jealous kind, but after seeing you with many co-stars, he reaches his limit. and his girlfriend doesn't like it.
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No one would ever know Lando Norris' was reaching his limit as he stood on the sidelines of another press junket for his girlfriend's new movie: a coming of age movie that already was creating awards season buzz, and God was he proud of her, having witnessed the ten minute standing ovation she received during Cannes.
But of course the limelight wasn't only on her. No, it was on him.
Lando remembers when he was asked who he'd want to portray him if they ever did a biopic and he didn't hesitate: Tom Holland. There could be some similarities between the two, both British, chestnut curls, but now Lando's skin crawled just from hearing the name.
He had dealt with different co-stars during the almost two years of relationship; he'd seen her kiss them, fight with them, fall in love with them, but this was different, he never had to witness her naked skin pressed against someone else, placing her body on top of his, pretended noises he knew weren't real and authentic, but still, they were supposed to be just for him. All for the sake of making a point of her character being an adult now, some shit about an epiphany of being able to take control of her own life, make decisions about her body, and whatever the screenwriters wanted to portray.
And of course Lando didn't help himself.
user1: God has favorites, just check y/n having fake sex w tom holland and real sex w lando norris
user2: no but y/n and tom??? such a hot couple I NEED it to happen
user3: and what are you gonna do with lando and zendaya? lol user2: idc I just want y/n and tom to be a thing
And that was just the beginning, before the movie had even dropped, because the day of the premiere? Everything went wrong.
Sunny Los Angeles had welcomed you and Lando after landing from London, paparazzi eagerly waiting for the arrival at LAX, catching the perfect pictures of Lando placing you in front of him, holding your hand tightly and doing his best to shield your body from prying eyes who just wanted a couple of dollars.
Despite being jet lagged after spending a couple of days in your home in Monaco, there wasn't much time to catch a break because the moment the two of you set foot on the Beverly Hills Hotel, they barely let you take a shower before giving some nice, fluffy robes. Lando was first, out of nowhere two people were working on his hair while the other was applying some kind of serums and creams on his face, but he didn't care when it was time for another team to start working on you; Lando was mesmerized by the way your hair perfectly framed your face, the natural glow of your skin, the deep red of your lips.
"I don't like being so separated," Lando pouted, walking towards your seat, earning a giggle from you because he looked so funny and cozy with the big robe.
"There's not much we can do, baby. I can barely move," You searched for his eyes and that was when Lando got the idea. The hair stylists gasped when the racer sat down on the floor, circling his arms around one of your legs and resting his cheek on your thigh. "Oh, you're willing to be told off by the make up artists as well?" You asked him but your insides were dancing all over the place, your fingers quickly finding their place on his curls.
Neither of you noticed a Vogue photographer capturing the scene, with Lando's eyes closed and cheek smushed, with his arms secured around your leg, but neither realized representatives for Armani had walked in carrying Lando's tux and your body-hugging black velvet gown.
So far so good. A picture perfect young couple who loved each other very much and had photographers swooning by the way Lando fixes your earring and checks for lipstick on your teeth, and how you make sure his bow tie is leveled.
But then, they get to the red carpet.
It was an elegant affair, but still full of people and before he realized, the red carpet manager was separating you from him for an alone photo call before the one and only Tom Holland got there, cheerfully greeting you in front of the cameras, throwing a couple of jokes to make you laugh as he placed his hand on your back.
This was a nightmare, having to listen to people say how cute the two of you looked, a perfect on and off screen pair, chemistry on and off the screen, both your names already on the shortlist for the Oscars.
Lando's skin was starting to crawl, and it didn't help that he had to re watch the scenes haunting his mind, but this time it was out for the entire world to see, and it didn't take long for his latest instagram post to be flooded of vile comments.
when are you getting replaced by tom holland??
now tom holland can play you in movie and y/n plays herself, nothing changes lmao
lando control ur woman!!!
lucky man, she sounds so pretty I almost had to leave the theatre
lando honey you can leave her I'd never do that to you
And Lando knows he shouldn't, but when your hand reaches for his when the night ends, he pretends to look for his phone; when you try to fix a messy curl, he moves his head out of your reach.
and you know your boyfriend too well.
"Baby, are you okay?" You ask him once you reach the shared hotel room.
Lando lets out a dry chuckle, but too aware of his throat closing. "Why wouldn't I be?"
But you weren't having it, not today, not on your big day, not when you just wanted rest your head on his chest and fall asleep with his arms wrapped around your frame.
"I don't know, you tell me, you're the one acting weird,"
"I am not," Lando argued, trying to take deeper breath, but failing miserably.
"Okay Lando, whatever, I don't care. You can be selfish during a very important day for me for all I care,"
Those words struck a nerve: "Me? Selfish? Are you fucking kidding me?" Now you could see his cheeks flushing, maybe even his neck gaining some red color.
You wanted to be scared, to walk away and let him cool off any unwanted feeling or thought on his head, but you couldn't.
"No, I'm not. Please illustrate me as to what happened to put you in this insufferable mood," You argued back and watched as Lando's mouth opened and closed as he undid the cuffs from his shirt, threw the suit jacket on the leather sofa and threw away the bow tie, all in just a couple of seconds.
"Am I not allowed to be upset to watch him all over you, having to look at the both of you acting like the best of friends or lovers for all I care, and then have to watch on this fucking enormous screen how you kiss him and touch him," Lando spat the words as if they were venom; he could feel his throat closing
Your eyes widened in disbelief, your brain not processing Lando's words. "Lando, you are not making any sense. Are you listening to yourself?" You were careful not to raise your voice, knowing he wasn't in a clear space of mind, but you blood was running hot too after processing what he was implying.
"Yes, I am. (Y/N), baby, I'm tired of having to watch you making out with a different guy every a couple of months, it is so tiring, and I understand that this is your job, but..." Lando was about to continue but was stopped by you, messily taking off the heavy velvet dress and heels, putting on the first pair of jeans and oversized sweater you found. "What are you doing?"
"I don't want to listen to you anymore. You are ridiculous, Lando. You're talking about my job, my career, that I've worked my ass off, and never in a million years I thought you'd be telling me this bullshit! I'm not going to entertain this, so if you can't deal with this anymore, please let me know so that I can move on," this time your throat tightened, the last words coming out broken and choked, emotions fighting to make their way; from anger to utter sadness.
"Where are you going?" Lando didn't know if he was angry with you, disappointed in himself, maybe a mix of both as he watched you grab the Chanel black backpack.
"I don't know, but let me know if you can do this or what,"
You were sure those were the last words of the unforeseen argument, but as you were grabbing the card key of the room, Lando opened his mouth.
"Maybe you can go with Tom, everyone wants you two together anyway."
Of course he needed to get the last words.
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angel-of-the-moons · 6 months
Chocolates vs Aliens
Eddie/Venom x Pregnant!Fem!Reader
TW/CW: Fluff, details of pregnancy , childbirth mentions. Venom loves babies! This! Is! A hill! I will die on!
A/N: The winners of the poll! I'll do the Moon Boys next! Also okay its not a drabble but enjoy this hot word vomit asdfghjkl idk should I make a part 2??
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"SHE IS OUT OF CHOCOLATE?!" Venom's voice boomed inside his head.
"Relax, buddy, we can hit up the 7/11 down the street." Eddie scoffed, adjusting his wireless earbud. Thankfully it looked like he was on the phone, so he could talk freely to Venom without anyone thinking he was insane.
And well, he kind of was, a tiny bit.
Just a tad...
"BUT I CAN SMELL IT!" The symbiote whined childishly as Eddie scooped the frozen egg rolls into the wiry basket looped over his arms.
"Yeah yeah, I know. Mrs Chen could have eaten the last one, Vee. Just chill. How about some chocolate ice cream?" Eddie grinned at the pun.
"No! We always get brain freezes!" He entity huffed.
"Because you scarf down the whole tub in one go." Eddie chuckled.
Venom grumbled again, and a tendril snaked out from beneath Eddie's sweater and dropped a box of brownie mix into the basket. "Fine. I can settle with these."
"Whatever you say, love, but you're helping me bake the shit." The man shrugged in reply as he remembered to grab a carton of milk. He'd need some eggs, too... Well, at least his landlord let him move the chicken coop to the roof in exchange for some free eggs.
Those chickens were fat and spoiled, and Venom loved the little critters dearly, which Eddie always found humorous. Now, whenever Eddie made the joke of turning them into KFC, Venom would be aghast and headbutt him, citing that Sonny and Cher were his "babies".
He'd been talking like that a lot lately, Eddie realized. Venom apparently had a paternal streak in him. Eddie noticed that as well when Venom would find homeless kids or runaways, helping them and trying to seem as non-threatening as possible, even going as far as to change his fangs so they were blunt. (One of the kids assured him that was far creepier than the monster fangs, which made Eddie nearly keel over in laughter...)
"Deal." Venom purred happily, the tendril receding back to slip beneath Eddie's shirt and wrap around him like a hug.
"Alright, alright." Eddie chuckled, grabbing an extra box just in case as he walked around the shelves, sparing a glance at his phone to check the time.
"Eddie." Venom's voice said.
"What?" Eddie lifted his gaze, feeling Venom's haste flood him and put him on alert.
His eyes trailed the store until he landed on the checkout counter, where you were sitting. Not Mrs Chen, but cute, innocent, blissful you.
You were happily munching on a chocolate bar, one of the very ones Venom wanted. It would seem you had claimed it, eating the sugary morsel happily.
"Oh." Eddie mumbled.
He felt it as Venom seized control of his legs suddenly, sending him forward in jerking motions until he practically ran into the counter, making you jump in surprise.
"Oh! Sorry!" He smiled awkwardly, a faint blush to his cheeks.
'Venom, quit it! I'll get you chocolate later!' He said mentally to the alien inhabiting his body.
"No, Eddie. Wait."
"I, ah... Got a bit sidetracked and tripped over my feet." He added.
You smiled at him, "Oh, god. Yeah, I feel you. Lately it's like dragging my heels through wet cement." You chuckled.
Huh. You were... God, you were cute. He could tell even Venom thought so. With your cute fluffy turtleneck and your hair all done, your cheeks nice and rosy from the blush you'd applied.
Which... brought up the question.
"I've never seen you 'round here before." Eddie commented. "Mrs Chen is usually the only person I see in here..."
"Oh! I'm new in town, I live just down and street and she saw my situation and offered me a part-time here. I have a work from home job and everything, but ugh, just staying cooped up inside is so boring!" You say the last part with a groan.
"Damn, would've been nice if she offered me that job a couple years ago." Eddie chuckled.
You giggled a bit at him and looked at his basket, "Is that all for ya, hon?"
"Oh, yeah!" Eddie said, carefully organizing the things onto the glass counter. His eyes flicked to the candy bar you were still steadily breaking pieces off of.
"Bit of a sweet tooth, huh?" He teased.
"Ugh, god... lately? Yes! The craving for it has been absolute hell." You sigh exhaustedly. "Almost everything in my apartment is chocolate flavored or scented now!"
"... Cravings?" Eddie echoed, raising a thick brow.
"Okay, I know what you're thinking and no. It's not "that time of the month" like your brain is probably saying." You snort.
Eddie watches as your hand trails down to your midsection and you pat your belly beneath the plush fabric of your sweater, where a gentle swell stood out a bit more prominently as you smooth the fabric taut over your stomach.
"I just have a certain little jellybean who thinks they can dictate what mama wants to eat all the time. And apparently, chocolate is what's on the menu for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And... in between." You chuckle.
"OH." Eddie and Venom thought in unison.
"That's why she smells like that!" Venom barked, realizing the underlying scent of chocolate on you was laced with something else. Hormones. He was picking up on those, too.
"Oh! Uh, congrats!" Eddie said, clearing his throat awkwardly. "I'm sure you and your, uh, partner are probably super happy, huh?"
"Oh, no, it's just me." You smiled with a hum, taking another little sweet square between your lips.
Eddie's brow furrowed. "What?"
"Okay, so I'm not gonna be rude, but I will explain." You snicker. You seemed infinitely patient and polite about the subject. Apparently this very thing must be a common occurrence with you, that random people must constantly ask this same question, and how tiring it surely must be to answer it again and again...
"No, I don't have a partner, husband, or anything. No daddy."
Eddie awkwardly pointed to your belly. "Then how did y'know... that get in there?"
Eddie controlled the flinch he wanted to make when Venom pinched him. "You did NOT just call her baby a THAT!"
"Yeah, yeah I know. But there's something everyone forgets, and that it doesn't always "take two to tango"." You smile at him again, ringing up his items with one hand, chocolate still clutched firmly in another.
"I decided that I wanted to be a mom. But I didn't want to just go out and get pregnant willy nilly. I have a good job, steady income. But I don't have time to date and there's always the concern that I'd be left a single parent if whoever I was with decided parenthood wasn't for them, y'know?"
Eddie nodded patiently as he and Venom listened to you with rapt attention.
"I went to a fertility clinic, did what the doctor said, then had my egg fertilized with a sperm donor. And then boom," You point to your belly. "Jellybean."
"Oh, that... Yeah okay I forget fertility clinics are a thing." Eddie laughed, shaking his head.
"Well I'm glad you're so open-minded about it!" You grin. "Most people judge me and go "oh your baby needs a father!" and the ever so classic "you don't even know who the father is?" line."
Eddie frowned, and he could tell even Venom was irritated on your behalf. "You don't need to have a partner or spouse to raise a baby. Seriously. What is this, the 1940s?"
"I knoooow!" You giggle again. "And besides! I can support me and my baby just fine, and I'm already happy and so far the pregnancy has been a breeze!"
Eddie could feel a tugging sensation from Venom. The symbiote was curious, and wanted to touch. But Eddie knew that was not only rude as hell, but to some people, socially unacceptable if you don't know the person or ask permission first.
"How uh, far along are you?"
"I just hit my second trimester." You chirp proudly, patting your belly. "The baby's tiny, but I'm finally showing, now."
"Ohhh." Eddie snapped his fingers. "Hence "jellybean", right?"
"Yes!" You laugh.
Eddie pulled out his card and swiped it to pay for the groceries. "It's a cute nickname. Have you thought of any names yet?"
Your brain did a record scratch, and Eddie could see the look on your face.
Nope. Not at all.
You hadn't thought of a damn one. Especially because you didn't know the sex of your baby yet.
Eddie started snickering at your expression, "Ahhh. My bad." He shoots you a cocky grin, "If I can recommend a name, Eddie is a pretty strong one!"
"Weak." Venom mocked.
"Eddie?" You echo, blinking.
"Oh, don't listen to him, girl." Mrs Chen snorted as she walked up to you two, whacking Eddie with a rolled up newspaper. "This boy is nothing but trouble!"
Her words were jabbing, but not spoken without affection, so you could tell they had a history together.
"Ow! Hey!" Eddie pouted, rubbing the top of his head.
"Oh please, I'd need to shoot this out of a cannon to dent that hard head of yours!" She huffed with a smirk, crossing her arms.
She tilted her head and noticed the candy bar in your hand, and made the mental connection with Eddie and Venom. Riiiiiight. Venom needed chocolate. Mrs Chen tossed it to you when you started scrolling through your phone for door dash orders for chocolate cakes from local restaurants to sate your cravings.
"Oh, right. Sorry about your chocolate fix." Mrs Chen replied, her gum smacking softly. "Gave the lady one to help ease her stomach."
The flush to your cheeks made Eddie smile as you looked at the candy in your hand. "I'm sorry!" You sputtered.
"Hey, man, you got a baby in you. You can't exactly tell the little, uh.... eh. The little person they can't have it?" Eddie struggled. He wasn't sure how the whole cravings thing worked, honestly. Would you indeed cry if he didn't accept your offer? Would your baby get hungry? Was that a thing? He knew jack and shit about babies in general, man.
"Pff, moron."
"Oh, I know but uh..." You say, your eyelashes fluttering as you think, looking from Eddie to the bar in your hand. You decided to finish breaking off the pieces you were working on, and extend your hand giving the rest to Eddie. "Here! I'm good, if I need more I can nab some from the gas station down the street."
"Oh! Uh... I don't wanna, y'know. Take anything from you and your baby." Eddie said, waving his hands.
"Eddie, if you refuse to take it, she could cry." Mrs Chen teased. "You don't want to make a pregnant woman cry do you?"
Eddie's face was hilarious as panic started to bubble up within him as he looked from you, to your outstretched hand, to Mrs Chen, who stood as proud as can be at the chaos she had just sewn.
"Hey! I'm not that hormonal!" You retort to the older lady. But... you deflate a tiny bit. "...Okay, well not yet but still!"
Eddie was still going through the moral dilemma of accepting the kind gesture vs taking candy from a literal baby in somebody's womb.
Venom made the choice for him, extending our Eddie's hand and letting him take it.
"I, uh... Thanks." Eddie blabbered quickly.
"Now let's go home before you make an idiot out of us further." Venom cackled gleefully at the socially awkward situation.
Eddie grabbed the plastic bags and gave an awkward wave and a smile before skittering out of the store with his tail between his legs.
"Geez, he needs to get laid once in a while." Mrs Chen scoffed, going over to check inventory.
You barely had a moment to collect yourself, stopping before you laughed so hard you peed yourself.
That was the first time you and Eddie ever met. It would not be the last.
Eddie shopped at Mrs Chen's place pretty regularly, her prices were easy on the wallet and she was close by to he and Venom's apartment.
You steadily built up a rapport with Eddie over the next two or three weeks. Venom was inexplicably drawn to you, wanting to constantly convince Eddie to touch your belly.
Eddie kept reminding him that it was frankly rude as shit to do that, and that hell, it would probably make you uncomfortable.
Not long after that, Eddie and Venom discovered--to Venom's utter glee--thay you lived in the same building, the apartment just above his. They found this out when Venom insisted on making sure you made it home after your shift at Mrs Chen's ended, knowing how vulnerable a pregnant lady looked to crooks and criminals.
Twice Venom caught and ate the brains of lowlifes who tried stalking you.
Venom, despite you not knowing of his existence, was fiercely protective of you. And... well he liked you. They liked you.
Eddie hated how quickly both he and Venom became infatuated with you, listening to you talk about your baby, your cravings... They could tell you were lonely despite your cheerful demeanor. Yes, Eddie and Venom had each other already, but they quickly thought about adding you to the mix.
But again, you didn't know about the alien slime monster living inside of Eddie. That subject would have to definitely wait...
He would check on you, leaning his head out his window on occasion to talk to you as you looked up, it brightened up the monotony of your at-home life in between work, asking about how you were feeling as your pregnancy developed. He even texted you lists of different baby names and their meanings to help you out!
When he first asked you out, you were floored. You've never met a man who was interested in a woman pregnant with somebody else's baby, before. You've heard about it sure, but... You were more surprised anyone was interested in you while pregnant with some guy's baby. Let alone your cute downstairs neighbor who apparently babied his pet chickens that were kept on the rooftop.
He even introduced you to them! You didn't hold them of course, for fear of bacteria, and chuckled as he furiously disinfected himself before even coming within three feet of you, all for you and your baby's health.
A man who was sweet, considerate, caring and he loves animals? Add the looks to that bill and that was a difference you were willing to pay. How was he still single?!
But... Well. That changed after your first date, and he was glad you accepted it all.
And it wasn't long after that (several weeks actually) you discovered he wasn't, in fact, single. He didn't have a girlfriend or anything but he certainly had a partner.
Said partner... was some kind of ooze-critter that lived inside of him. And you only found this out when you came home from a late night convenience store run for some triple chocolate chunk ice cream, walked into your apartment...
And saw him.
Venom, in his hulking form, stood awkwardly in your apartment, looking like a deer trapped in headlights when you flicked your lights back on, the ice cream in your bag forgotten.
As your door slowly swung closed due to angled flooring, you opened your mouth to scream.
Venom cut you off, his massive hands shooting up and he waved them, "DON'T SCREAM!"
You snapped your mouth shut, your teeth making an audible click as your heart hammered in your chest.
"We were worried! You weren't responding to our texts or when we knocked on your door?" His deep and rumbly voice growled out.
You shudder at the timbre of his voice, eyes never once leaving the rows of jagged fangs in his maw. You drop your plastic bag and step back, covering your belly--now very prominent as you were later in your term--protectively.
That seems to... upset him? He frowned, looking at the carpet as he lowered his hands, his large eyes narrowing as he carefully thought, trying to think of ways to alleviate the fear bubbling through you.
He took a slow step towards you, like you were a frightened animal caught in a trap that he had to be gentle with, lest you struggle or flail and get hurt.
"We were worried about you. We--" His head snapped to his left and he snarled. "Yes! "We"! You were worried, too! Don't try to say you weren't!"
You watch, in shock as he has essentially a one-sided argument with himself, getting exasperated, saying the word "love" and "dear" here and there.
You stayed, scared, until the ugly sensation of your nausea reared its ugly head and you dropped the plastic bag, literally shoving past this gigantic creature in a mad dash to your bathroom or you were gonna blow chunks right then and there.
You didn't even shut the door before you collapsed to your knees, hugging the bowl as you heaved the contents of your digestive system into the pearly white porcelain, leaving what could only be the Venom, the creature that supposedly stalked your city eating people, in your living room.
By the end of the nausea fit, your eyes were watery, your nose was runny and your face blotched with color, the whites of your eyes glassy from the strain. You felt lightheaded and dizzy as you rinsed your mouth with water right from the tap, gargling and spitting until the foul acidic taste went away.
You felt your now empty stomach growl and your first instinct was to go get food and eat again, to replenish the energy you just spent hurling everything you ate that day.
But then you remembered...
The big guy.
You didn't have any sort of object to wield as a weapon, so you merely sheepishly peeked around the corner, watching as the creature called Venom gingerly moved about your kitchen, things that looked like tentacles reaching out and grabbing a cup, some ice, and a can of ginger ale from your fridge and pour it into the cup; all the while making a sandwich. Nutella with your banana/mango spread. A favorite you'd started to enjoy in the past week.
But the only person you ever told that to was...
You froze when he turned around, locking eyes with you as he set the food on your breakfast island, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.
"We... We know that you're probably hungry after... So we figured..." He said, gesturing vaguely to the food and drink in front of him.
"How do you know..." You breathed.
His colossal shoulders heave as he sighed, walking around the island and over to you, stopping just a mere few feet away.
"Promise not to be mad? Or scream?"
You weren't sure why in the hell he asked you that, but you felt already too far gone into shock to really argue. Plus, throwing up took all urges to scream from your poor sore throat.
So, you nodded.
You watched as the strange black goo peels back layer by slinking layer, until a man is revealed beneath.
But it's not just any man.
It's fucking Eddie. Your neighbor-turned-recent-boyfriend.
"We can explain! Just please, please don't be mad at us!" Eddie winced.
You felt another dizzy spell start to hit at this revelation. "How long--"
"A few years. Look, we planned on telling you. It's just... not tonight. When you didn't answer my texts or calls, I got worried and..." He sighed.
You watched as Venom's head moved out from behind Eddie's shoulder to peer at you, the thick black goo that made up the appendage holding his head up moving almost like water. He offered you a smile, and part of you wished that'd solve the tension in the air, to assuage your increasing confusion. But sadly, it didn't.
"Vee didn't want to fucking wait an extra ten minutes when you didn't answer the door and climbed through your window, which you should start locking I mean I know we're on the upper floors with no balcony or fire escape, but it's still a safety concern and with the baby--"
You interrupted Eddie's rambling. "Vee?" You echo.
"Uh--okay. That's what I call Venom when he isn't being an incorrigible shithead. Or a parasite who takes control of my body." Eddie sighed.
You almost laughed when Venom headbutted him in the side of his head.
"Stop calling me that! It's rude!" Venom snarled.
"No, what's rude is breaking into somebody's apartment!" Eddie retorted, jabbing a finger at Venom. "We talked about this!"
"You were worried, too!"
"Yes but I wasn't going to crawl through her goddamn window!"
Your eyes darted from one to the other as they started bickering like a... like a... Oh.
Yeah. It was after a two hour long conversation that Eddie told you everything. About his ex, the Life Foundation, finding Venom, fighting Riot, then the whole thing with Carnage, Venom's offspring... and of course, their actual relationship with one another, now. They argued like a married couple because they basically were one, complete with... well. You weren't ready in the current situation to imagine how the bedroom situation worked between them, yet.
You took it better than he expected. Way better.
"Honestly.... The only thing scarier than Venom is childbirth." You said, sitting next to him on the couch, your hands on your belly.
"...Eddie." you said slowly.
"Uh--yeah? What's up, sweetheart?" He asked awkwardly, Venom's eyes immediately drawn down to where your hands caressed the bump beneath your thin t shirt.
"How come you haven't asked to touch my belly yet? I'm... surprised. I've had random people come up to me and ask, but not... you."
"Wait... uh. So. You're giving... Permission?" Eddie asked, blinking his big, ridiculously lashed eyes at you.
"Well, yeah, and--"
"FINALLY!" Venom hissed.
In a black blur, Venom lurched forward over Eddie's shoulder, straight for your tummy. He pressed the side of his head against your belly, tendrils of his strange slime-like flesh wrapping around your midsection; listening to the baby's heartbeat and feeling for any movements.
Eddie meanwhile, looked equal parts horrified and embarrassed as he facepalmed, blushing all the way to his ears. "That's why. He's been fucking obsessed with you and your baby since he first realized you were pregnant."
You looked down as the symbiote cuddled you, and by extension, your baby, your jaw agape at how he was purring while he nuzzled into you.
"...That's why you're always so concerned about me?" You asked dumbly, blinking over at Eddie, who gave you an awkward smile and shrug in reply.
"Yeah, hate to break it to you, doll, but... Vee has kinda... claimed you two." He said.
"Claimed me." You repeated.
"Yeah. He has this thing... with kids?" He rolled his hand to try and think of words to describe it. "He's overprotective. He's the same with Sonny and Cher, it's just... he doesn't interact with many pregnant people so when he met you, that weird little drive kicked in. The fact that we both started feeling something for you outside of that kinda blindsided us, but..."
"So what?" Venom scoffed, resting his chin on the curve of your belly, looking up at you with a grin. "This is our baby now, and we will protect the both of you."
"Venom!" Eddie snapped.
"You claimed us?" You were having a difficult time wrapping your head around this. All of it. The whole situation in general. First your boyfriend has a boyfriend who technically isn't a boy but identifies as one because gender was a foreign concept to his species, they were together before they met you, Venom is a literal alien--
And now... was he saying...
"L-Look, I know it's early on and we haven't been dating long, but..." Eddie rubbed his sweaty palms on his faded-out jeans.
"Are you two saying... that you want to be with me? Rest of the pregnancy, birth, and all?"
The hell was your life, some kind of weird, cheap, sci-fi romance novel? The dashing, handsome alien(s) swoop in and offer to help raise your baby? What kind of parallel world were you in?
Eddie was quiet, and Venom merely stared at him, before looking back at you.
"Yes." He said. "Eddie is too much of a pussy to say it, but he likes the idea of taking care of a tiny you."
"Venom! Fuck! Stop calling me that!" Eddie snapped at the symbiote as he protectively snuggled your tummy.
Venom merely stuck his tongue out at him, "I will when you stop calling me a parasite!" He looked back up at you, giving you the best rendition he could of a hurt puppy. "Do you see how he talks to me? Despicable!"
You snorted a short laugh before you could stop yourself, and covered your mouth.
"Hah! See? She thinks I'm funny! So shut it!"
"Oh, my god, that does not count--"
"Yes it does I already won." Venom said contentedly.
"Look!" Eddie groans. "Just... We are willing to be with you. Take care of you, and help with the baby. If... you'll have us. I know this whole situation is weird, but..." Eddie trails off, looking at you hopefully.
The decision wasn't as difficult as you thought it'd be. Eddie and Venom haven't given you a reason to be afraid--other than scaring the shit out of you earlier because Venom apparently has fucking anxiety--and, well... They were so sweet, and gentle... And if Venom doting on your unborn baby currently was any indication, the affection would probably increase a hundred fold after your little bundle of joy arrived.
"Okay." You said.
All the tension seemed to drain from Eddie's body and he sighed, a relieved smile blooming on his face as he looked at you with a look in his eyes that had your heart doing a little flip in your chest.
"Thank God..." Eddie sighed happily.
Venom grinned widely at you, before shooting back to Eddie and seizing the body again, his inky black mass covering Eddie entirely.
Your couch creaked under the added weight of Venom's increased mass as he leaned over, dwarfing your whole body as he wrapped his thick, tree-trunk arms around your tinier body, nuzzling into your cheek before giving you a kiss. Thankfully no tongue, because you thought you'd probably choke if he did that.
When he pulled back, your face was flush at the boldness of his actions, and looked up at him as his opalescent eyes narrowed sweetly down at you.
But something Venom said clicked into your brain, finally, once it rebooted from the kiss.
"Venom, you said you two wouldn't mind helping raise a tiny me." You began. "But I don't know if I'm having a boy or girl, yet."
"Oh, we can." Venom grinned. "I could tell when I was holding onto you. It was easy."
"What?!" You sputter.
"You're having a little girl, by the way."
You booked an appointment two weeks later. And damn, Venom was right. You were having a girl! At least the naming situation was easier, now that you narrowed down the sex.
Many people said you and Eddie were moving fast, but you ignored them because they didn't know the real situation. Your apartment was bigger, two rooms, one for you (and now Eddie and Venom) and the other was the nursery for the baby.
Eddie was affectionate, but Venom was downright clingy. He was almost always wrapped around your belly in some way or another, purring as he used his weird slimy body to massage you. He helped with your back strain surprisingly, how he would massage you. Eddie proposed maybe letting Venom bond with you for the remainder of the pregnancy to ensure safety and good health, but Venom shot the idea down himself.
He explained it like it was a bit like an organ donor match, if you weren't a match for him you could get sick, or God forbid both you and the baby could die. And to Eddie's surprise Venom made the nature decision to settle for massaging your back and tummy to ease the strain.
Venom jumped at the chance to rub your coconut oil into your belly to help ease the risk and appearance of stretch marks, too.
Through the mood swings, crazy cravings and nesting phases and all, you two boyfriends stayed with you through all of it. Several times you woke up to Venom and Eddie cooking in the kitchen, making sure you had a decent breakfast in the morning.
The only problem was... well. They cooked like broke college boys. So, you spent time giving them cooking lessons, which was one of the funnest things you'd done in a while. The messes were worth cleaning up, the cute recordings you made were memories that'd last a very very long time.
Nighttime cuddles were great, Venom slinking beneath the blankets to wrap around both you and Eddie to snuggle, massaging you the whole night. It really helped when he would conform a certain way so you could lay on your side comfortably and ease the strain on your poor spine and hips.
Who needed a pregnancy pillow when you had a symbiote, right?
Eddie and Venom read up as much as they could on the subject of babies and childbirth and to say Eddie was terrified was an absolute understatement. The photos and diagrams alone had him chewing his nails (getting a swift smack from Venom) and he felt himself getting queasy when he found out that apparently you would be delivering the placenta as well?!
How much did you have to go through, making a tiny human?!
This whole situation amused the fuck out of you, however, as you'd done all this research and merely accepted it. A bit of blood, etcetera after delivery seemed easy to deal with given you've dealt with your period since puberty and that alone was a mess by itself...
But watching a man learn more about it? Oh, it was hilarious.
But hey! They were excited for a cute little baby girl to snuggle and kiss!
One night, you were laying in bed as you scrolled through various baby items online, saving a few cute things for later. Eddie had his head on your shoulder, watching a movie, with an arm draped over your belly, now painfully (sometimes literally) obvious bump, feeling the baby shift and move around as she kicked inside of you.
Venom had encapsulated Eddie's arm, his massive hand stroking your tummy idly.
Apparently, a thought had been bouncing around in Venom's brain and he finally decided to ask it. His head morphed from behind Eddie and peered over at you.
"The baby is a girl." He said.
"Yeah, Venom, that's been established." Eddie snorted, moving until his cheek was resting on your chest.
"Eddie, that's mean." You chuckle, running your fingers through his hair. "Venom, continue."
"Thank you, sweet thing." Venom purred at you, shooting Eddie a glare afterwards.
"But anyway... If the baby is a girl now..." He tipped his head to the side. "What if the baby decides or realizes when she's older that she isn't one? Or either?"
You lower your phone, eyebrows raised at the gravity of his question. Even Eddie sat up on his elbow to look at Venom, surprised at the depth of the question coming from his symbiote. Honestly though, the subject made sense coming from a species that technically didn't have genders in the first place...
Venom seemed happy with your reply, and looked to Eddie expectantly. He already knew what his opinion was, but he wanted him to say it out loud for you.
"Well..." You begin. "If she decides she wasn't born the right gender, or feels like she's neither, or even leaning on both scales... I won't have a problem. I just want our baby to be happy and healthy, not conformed or trapped in any way. That includes the identity she will have as she realizes things about herself."
"Well, I don't have room to talk on gender identity." Eddie snickered. "Considering how you didn't really decide to go by male pronouns until you bonded with me and stuck with that identity because it fit for you... so, yeah. Whatever the baby decides when she's old enough is fine with me."
You grin and kiss Eddie on his temple, ruffling his hair as Venom nuzzles into your belly.
Safe, happy, and loved. That's what your baby would be, no matter what. With her two weird dads and her mom who puts up with their nonsense.
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In Every Trio There's Always A Duo Pt. 2
John Price X F!Reader
Johnny and Simon had wanted to broach the subject of speaking with you and discussing the matter of everything that had happened, but you weren’t ready. You weren’t sure if you were ever going to be ready.
thank you to everyone who voted for this in the poll! I've been stuck in a rut for forever and needed something to help break that rut. as always feedback is highly appreciated!
warnings: mentions of past injuries, panic attacks, slight vulgar language, Price being protective
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While you hadn’t been honorably discharged(which honestly sounded like a much better option at this rate)you were put on permanent desk duty. Learning to walk was a struggle that had taken over the course of a year for you to finally get comfortable with. John had been by your side every step of the way, cheering you on even when you were ready to quit. It had been a nice surprise, knowing he was so supportive. He’d taken a short leave once you had finished the intense physical therapy, wanting to make sure you would be alright. No one had known that you had moved in together, John kept everything quiet for your privacy.
Johnny and Simon had wanted to broach the subject of speaking with you and discussing the matter of everything that had happened, but you weren’t ready. You weren’t sure if you were ever going to be ready. You’d started seeing a therapist to get everything off your chest, had it truly been your own fault that you were unaware of how Johnny and Simon felt about you? Of course your therapist was adamant that no, you were not at fault for their actions. They were your comrades, and when it mattered most that everyone was kept safe, you had been caught in the crossfire.
The memories haunt your dreams daily, you would wake up covered in sweat thinking you were back in the enemies hands. John would always be there, calming you down until you realized you were safe, there was nothing there to attack you. Even if the wounds had healed, the constant reminder that you couldn’t even walk around without a cane. 
“Hey, you doing alright, sweetheart?” John was propped against the open door, arms crossed over his chest.
“Yeah, just trying to get through this mountain of paperwork so I can head to lunch.” You’d gotten so into your work you hadn’t realized how late it actually was.
“Darling, it’s dinner time.” John raised a brow, had you not gotten up to even get a glass of water?
“Oh, well shit.” You muttered under your breath, reaching over for your cane.
John kept his distance, he’d offer assistance if you asked but never wanted you to feel like you absolutely had to use his arm. It was nice to know he didn’t see you as an invalid, unable to do something as simple as walking. The only times he would ever refuse to let you walk is whenever you’d fallen asleep on the couch, carrying you up to your shared room.
“Got distracted again, didn’t you?” John smirked as you reached his side, he couldn’t fault you for it though, he’d done the same many times before.
“It was all those damn mission reports Laswell sent over. She wanted them done by lunch and I completely forgot.” You sighed, leaning against his chest and breathing in the soft scent of his cologne.
Any cologne, perfume, or body spray was strictly forbidden when on base, but John always managed to sneak some because he knew you loved it so much. No one dared to try and bring it up to John, lest they piss off their Captain and be put on latrine duty. Johnny had wanted to jokingly reprimand him, how wearing cologne wasn’t allowed but then he remembered. Until things had calmed down, he was going to keep his head down and wait.
John wasn’t a monster though, he worked well with his team and made sure that everyone made it back home with no injuries if he could. However, his thoughts were always filled with you, if you were eating, if you were having nightmares. God, he was absolutely smitten with you and everyone could see it.
“I’ll call her tomorrow, tell her not to send reports that are nearly overdue.” John wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling your body flush to his own.
“I still need to do my job, don’t worry about me.” You patted his side, smiling into the fabric of his shirt.
“I always worry, gotta make sure my love is doing alright.” John pressed a kiss to your hair, rocking you both gently.
It was a nice feeling, being held so comfortably in his arms. You’d pictured your future together many times, curious if he felt the same way about things. It’d been just over two years since the incident, and things were going well. You had been living together for a little over a year, officially asking John to ditch his old flat and move into yours. It was only because you had the space, and not because of the stairs in his, totally not.
“I’ve been thinking…maybe it’s time for me to retire. And before you start freaking out and saying that I don’t need to, I want to.” You’d been debating it for a while, it would be easier to retire and find something else to occupy your time.
“As long as you’re sure, I don’t want you making any rash decisions because of what you believe my feelings would be.” John had been the one to fight to keep you on the task force, and while it was true you didn’t want to disappoint him, you hated doing paperwork.
“I’m sure. I’ll talk with Laswell about getting the paperwork ready.” It would be less stress on your end, which meant less walking and irritating your leg even more.
It would be a change for sure, but you couldn’t let everything from the past ruin what could turn into a bright future for you. ~~~~~~
It hadn’t been your idea to head out to lunch for the day, frankly you were more than ready to curl up on the couch and relax for the rest of the day. So, when John suddenly decided that the two of you should head out to get something to eat, you were suspicious. Now that isn’t to say that John couldn’t be spontaneous at times, but given everything that had happened? You were just a little bit wary of the situation. You’d thrown together a quick outfit, stealing one of his jackets since the air was beginning to chill.
“Well, well, look at this gorgeous lady.” John smirked as you walked over to him slowly. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes jokingly, pressing more of your weight against your cane.
“That’s only because a certain someone decided it was a great idea to head out and get lunch.” You pressed a quick kiss to his lips, smiling as his stubble grazed your skin.
“And it is, so let’s get going before all the good tables are gone.” John grabbed his wallet before helping you out to the car.
The good thing was that he didn’t hover. Whether it was during your rigorous physical therapy or your current journey, he gave you space when needed. There were times you wanted nothing more than for him to pick you up and just carry you everywhere, but that was overkill. Maybe he would offer to carry you over the threshold if you ever got married.
Marriage, a word neither of you had uttered after your relationship had become more serious, almost as if it were a dirty word. You knew after a few months that John was the only man you wanted to spend the rest of your life with, and if that meant never getting married, you were happy. Marriage, a family, those were things that you’d once truly wanted, but after all the horrors you’d bore witness to? You couldn’t bring a child into this world knowing it would never be truly safe for them.
“I already checked the layout and they do have stairs, so if you need help just let me know.” John’s voice was gruff, low and gravelly as he pulled into the seemingly small parking lot.
“We can check them out first.” You liked being independent, not wanting to feel so helpless at times.
John parked the truck and slipped out before you had even managed to slip off your seatbelt, coming around to your side and opening the door with your cane in his right hand. You swung your legs out of the car, taking the cane from his hand and scooting to the edge of the seat slowly. Once your good leg was on the ground you slowly stepped down with your bag leg. Your arm braced with the cane as you stood up, fully supporting you nodded at John.
John waited until you had stepped away from the truck before shutting the door, the sun was shining brightly as you both turned to make your way to the restaurant. There were two people standing outside, talking with one another quietly enough that you couldn’t hear them. A soft gasp slipped through your lips as you realized exactly who it was.
“John!” You turned and slapped his upper arm, jaw dropped open as he laughed.
“Sorry, I wanted to surprise you, didn’t think they would still be outside.” John smiled and pressed a soft kiss to the crown of your head.
“Well, consider me very surprised right now.” You shook your head and sped up your movements, wanting to greet them sooner.
John bit his tongue harshly, he knew better than to chastise you when you were excited to greet old friends, but god dammit he hated it when you didn’t listen to him. Their loud cheers echoed across the area as they both embraced you.
“It’s been so long! What are you even doing here?” You smiled over at Farah, eyes twinkling in the bright sun.
“We got a call from a certain captain asking us to come visit, and we couldn't say no.” Farah smiled over at John as he reached your side, an arm wrapping around your waist.
“Really?” You turned to look over at him, grateful and thankful he’d called in this favor for you.
“Of course. I know you've been feeling down lately, and I wanted to help you feel better.” John’s eyes crinkled as he smiled widely, gesturing towards the restaurant.
Alex held the door open for the three of you to head inside, waiting patiently as you made your way up the steps. John stood behind you, waiting to assist in case you needed him to at any moment. Once you were inside and seated everyone seemed to let out a soft sigh of relief. You’d known about Alex’s leg, it was one of the reasons you’d gotten so close over the last year, even if you hadn’t lost your actual leg, he understood your pain and struggle.
“You know? You and John actually kind of look alike.” You glanced between Alex and John, taking in their features.
Of course Alex was younger than your boyfriend but if the both of them shaved? They could definitely pass as brothers. Then again there were the two full sleeve tattoos that Alex had on his arms. Okay, okay, maybe the actual biggest difference was their accents, but your statement still stood.
“Darling, that’s the first thing you’re going to talk about?” John raised a brow and chuckled, turning to take a sip of his water.
“Yes! I’ve been cooped up in that damn office all week, I felt like I was going to go crazy.” You smiled and laid a hand on his knee.
The food was delicious, more along the line of appetizers and finger foods rather than a meal if you were honest. The conversation flowed so smoothly, not so much as an awkward silence as you all cracked jokes or told stories of everything that had been going on. You were so unaware of the world around you except for the four of you at the table you hadn’t noticed John slip out of his chair. Alex’s eyes widened as he caught on, jaw dropping open slightly. Your brow furrowed as you followed his line of sight, a loud and shocked gasp slipping through your lips.
“Darling, I know we’ve only been officially dating for just over a year, but I’ve known since the day we met that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. You’ve been through something that most people wouldn’t have been able to handle and you came out even stronger than before. Will you do me the honor of being my wife?” John slipped open the small box, a gorgeous ring nestled inside the black velvet.
“Yes, a thousand times yes! I will absolutely marry you!” You wanted to throw yourself into his arms but thought better of it.
John smiled widely as he slipped the ring onto your finger, pulling your fingers to his lips to press a soft kiss to each one. The entire restaurant burst into applause, cheering loudly for you both. Alex and Farah snapped a few photos, the two of them smiling happily for you. While Alex had no clue at all that John was going to propose, Farah had helped him find the perfect ring. She may have stalked your social media, finding your pinterest to find what you loved most. John was shocked at how much effort and work she’d put in, but right now he was so grateful for it.
“I love you so much darling, more than you’ll ever know.” John pressed a soft kiss to your lips, keeping you close as you cried.
“I love you too.” You sniffled, reaching up to wipe away your tears.
John pulled you into a tight embrace, pressing kisses all over your face. You laughed and pushed him away, albeit very weakly. It was a reminder that sometimes good things did happen in life. It was in that moment that you suddenly realized something, you would be announcing your engagement eventually to the entire crew. Which meant both Simon and Johnny would find out as well. 
Should you have talked to them about everything that had happened? Sure. Except you didn’t want to, you wanted to avoid talking with them at all costs. It was mainly because you were still dealing with the issue with this leg. Maybe you could smooth things over, but at the end of the day you weren’t entirely sure.
The rest of lunch was eventful, Farah and Alex sending you the photos and videos they’d been able to take during the proposal. You couldn’t stop staring at the ring, a bright smile on your face as you thought about what your future entailed. You weren’t going to rush into planning, you wanted everything to be as stress free as it could be. 
“Don’t be strangers! We’ll send the invite when we set a date.” You hugged Farah close, smiling as she squeezed your waist tighter.
“We’ll do our best to be there, if we can’t I expect to see all the lovely pictures.” Farah would make sure to be there for you and John, even if she had to drop everything last minute.
“Of course, if you can’t make it I’ll make sure John sends them to you right away.” You patted her arm gently, taking your cane as John stepped over to you.
Saying goodbye to friends you didn’t get to see much never got any easier, it was understandable of course but it never hurt any less. John would do whatever he could to make the rest of the day special for you, even if that meant going home and running a bath. On second thought, a bath might soothe your aching muscles so you could actually help with dinner.
“John, what do you-” You were cut off by the sound of a voice, rather two, calling your name.
As you turned to address whomever was calling you, your heart seemed to stop in your chest.
tagging: @gaylemonshark
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Shelby Sister- No One Speaks Of This!
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This one was requested over on Wattpad. I’m working on other requests now!
1 month to go. 1 month until I finally get to meet my child. My husband, Edward died before I knew I was even pregnant. Since then aunt Poll and my brothers have been keeping a very close eye on me. Today it's my brothers turn to watch me, Polly, Ada and Esme are off out on a shopping spree.
I walk into Tommys office at the betting shop where all my brothers are
"Bloody hell YN your fucking massive" Arthur shouts nursing a whisky in his hand
"Please never get married and get a women pregnant" I shake my head and roll my eyes
"Come sit down" John pulls out a chair for me. I smile gratefully at him and take the seat
"Thanks. At least one of my brothers have sense" I laugh
"How are you feeling?"
"Achy. My feet are swollen, not that I can even see my feet anyway" I rub my huge belly "and on top of that I keep having these pains"
"Pains?" Tommy frowns looking worried
"Polly said it's normal. Wouldn't worry. I'm not gonna give birth on your desk if that's what your worried about"
"Don't even joke about that" Tommy points at me the walks over, crouching down "you listen here. You don't make an appearance until Polly and Ada are home. You got that?"
"You lot better get to work. I'll just sit here and read"
"You let us know if something happens or if you need anything" Arthur says placing a hand on my shoulder
"Yeah yeah" I wave my brothers away and get my book out of my bag.
As I sit reading, the pain that I have been feeling seems to be getting worse. It's now like a cramp coming a going, getting stronger and stronger. I shift in my seat uncomfortably and feel a pop and water runs down my leg soaking the seat
"What the fuck?" I gasp
"What? What's wrong? What...." Arthur runs over to me
"I didn't even need the toilet" I hold my stomach as pain washed over me
"Shit" John sighs
"Tom. Better clear your desk. Our sister is about to have a baby"
"No. No chance I'm not giving birth to my baby on his desk and no way am I having my older brothers look at my womanhood"
"You want me to go and grab Finn or maybe Michael"
"Hell no" I shout at John
"Then you've got no choice love"
"Fuck.... Ok fine get me up" I hold my hands out for Tommy and Arthur to help me out of the chair. They walk me, slowly, to Michaels office "why are we going int Michaels office?"
"You said you didn't want to give birth of my desk"
"Your evil Tommy"
"Yeah yeah get up there" Arthur and Tommy help me up onto the desk and help me to lie down
"Right well since John boy is the most experienced one here... take the lead"
"Oh god" I groan
"Ok then. YN legs up"
"I've never been more grossed out than I am right now" I cry doing as my brother asks
"Shit. Ok YN I can see the head"
"Oh shit" Arthur gags. Tommy takes my hand and squeezes it tight
"When you have that tight pain you need to push"
Thankfully within 3 pushes I have a baby boy in my arms. My baby boy. John cuts the cord. We wait for the placenta to arrive while Arthur goes to my house to get me some clean clothes.
Once I’m cleaned up I sit in Tommys office on a sofa
"None of us ever speak of this again" I look at my brothers who all agree every quickly.
"What the bloody hell happened here?" I hear Polly yell as she walks through the door of the betting shop
"John delivered a baby" Tommy says as if it's nothing
"Wait YNs baby? He's early. Is he ok? Is YN ok?"
"Both are fine. Go in my office" Polly, Ada and Esme walk into Tommys room "oh my god YN"
"Shhh. He's just gone to sleep"
"What did you name him?" Esme asks walking over to me
"William Edward Shelby"
"Shelby?" Polly asks confused
"We I never took my husbands name. And I think he deserved to have both of our names. So he gets his dads and mine"
"I love it. And your ok?"
"Yes. We both are"
"I'm sorry we couldn't be here"
"It's ok. Who knew mister here would want to meet you all now"
"Well. Wellcome to the world William"
"What the fuck happened to my desk!" Michael shouts. Polly, Esme and Ada all look at me confused
"I didn't want to have my baby on Tommys desk. Tommy took me to Michaels"
"Bloody hell" Polly sighs "let the blood bath commence"
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rhoorl · 3 months
WIP Wednesday
Thank you to @wannab-urs and @frenchiereading for the tags! I only have one WIP going at the moment, but it has several storylines so I'll try and make this game work for me this week!
Step one: Post snippets of the fics you're working on (can be a summary if there's no snippet)
Step two: put them in a poll and let people vote on which one you should work on, then prioritize the one with the most votes.
Step three: Ask me about my WIPs! I've got lots of lore to share + more snippets, etc.
All of this is unedited and written mostly on my phone since I'm still plotting out the chapter so ignore typos.
Benny x Vanessa
“You excited?” Will sat on the couch playing a video game as Benny paced around the living room. Benny stopped and looked over to see his brother trying to hide a smug smile. “Yeah. J called a little bit ago, thought he was going to give me shit…” Benny trailed off rubbing the back of his neck. “We’re excited to see you out there again Bean,” Will paused his game, putting the controller down to walk over and assess his brother’s outfit. “You look like me, why’re wearing this?” Will grabbed at the sleeve of Benny’s buttoned down shirt. “I dunno…I wanted to look nice,” Benny pouted, fidgeting with the collar of his shirt.
Frankie x Jo
“So, I have a confession to make,” he said as he sprawled out on his bed, propping the phone against a pillow. “Ooo mysterious. Tell me more Morales,” she quipped. “So, what would you say if I ah,” he ruffled his hair and took a deep breath, “what if I came up there this weekend? I’ll be out of your hair by Monday, you can drop me off at the airport before you go to work, or I’ll take an Uber.” He waited for what felt like an eternity for her to respond. He briefly thought their connection crapped out because she was stuck looking at him. “What do you say mi cielo? I, I don’t have to, if you already have plans-”
The Adventures of Cousin Joel and Bean
"Bean what the fuck is a 'thirst trap' and why did Sarah say she saw it on your Instagram? Jesus I don't even know what half of that shit even means," Joel muttered to himself, pinching the bridge of his nose as he sat in his truck outside of Steph's house. “Oh…ah…I dunno man, you know the kids and how they talk, can't keep up,” Benny tried to laugh it off but Joel pressed on until he finally revealed the meaning of the phrase. “What kind of picture you posting Ben? My daughter is on that app!” “No, no, it's just a selfie in the mirror at the gym. I had my shirt off, it's what she'd see at the beach, man, nothing worse than that.”
“Hijo de puta, how fucking dare you show up here. After three fucking years?” She yelled at him as he got out of the car. He tried to say something but he couldn’t get any sound out. Next thing he knew he was dodging a well-thrown shoe to the head as she continued to call him every name in the book both in English and Spanish.
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genericpuff · 3 months
in reference to the have you read LO poll by god have I tried but god. God...
A vicious cycle. I go okay I really do need to plow through more of it if I'm gonna hang around the ULO reddit, and then I step on the comically placed rake. I can't do a complete skip thing bc I'll be too disorientated on where I'm at in the plot but my brain only tolerates it up until she declares she's missing her dick appointment and like, girl. Please. You committed mass murder (if not genocide) and this is a slap on the wrist considering, let alone that your moms got the worse end of the deal.
Why it's that specific moment idk but the bottom just drops out for me and it's soooo fucking stupid because like, she couldn't have just... bitched about being stuck with hard labor? That's the bitchy shit I'd sort of expect from a privileged nepo baby and even barring the twue wuv story going on it's her actual biggest issue going on right then. What she's presently living out. But yeah no, horny, we gotta establish that she's horny. Okay.
Sorry about the borderline vent over it there's just enough really interesting thoughts mixed up in the pile of flaming garbage to make one go rabid if they stew on it, and you clearly get that given the rewrite. Have a good day.
omg i've had that exact sort of thing happen with me before too tho, not in quite the exact same sense of like, "wanting to take part in a community but struggling to get through the source material it's based on", but there are like, so many webtoons and manga and stories I've tried to read - after being urged to by pals and people who read them - that I've dropped after multiple attempts of trying to read them. And they're not necessarily dumpster fires like LO (though some of them definitely aren't great) it's more like I'm sitting there wondering "when's this gonna get good? when's this gonna be worth all the hype?" Tower of God is the biggest one that comes to mind, I have tried to read that webtoon on SEVERAL occasions and I just can't justify trudging through all those early episodes for it to maybe "get good". And that's not even me saying it's bad, it's just not interesting to me in the slightest. No hate to anyone who likes ToG, I think I've also sorta drifted away from shonen over the years so that's definitely not helping, but I just can't be bothered to try and read that webtoon anymore, I've given it so many attempts and I'm doing lmao Kudos to the creator though because it's a LOT of work to make a webtoon of that length and they should be proud of that.
Back on the topic of LO though, yeah, I was following the comic when that episode was still brand new and it really made us all go 🤨 because of how out-of-pocket it was. And then like an episode (or two?) later she bullied a former classmate of hers from 10 years ago at his job. That was the precedent for Persephone's character that was set for the third season of LO and it's just gotten worse as it's gone on.
Either way, if I'm being honest, you're really not missing much by skipping over the majority of S3 (like, if you made it to the dick appointment episode before giving up then you're already pretty close to the current point in the story). Like I'm not gonna lie, you could easily skip up to the midseason cutoff point because everything leading up to that is just a bunch of nothing. Hades and Persephone get married and it's the most underwhelming scene ever despite it being the moment people had been waiting years for, also they 'adopt' Dionysus but he's barely in the comic except for when Rachel remembers he's a character so you could also get by on minimal details. Oh yeah, and it turns out Demeter had a kid during the 10 year time skip who we see in like two episodes and then proceeds to get fridged forever.
So yeah, as much as I'd recommend people read LO as a sort of "entry ticket" into the crit community surrounding it, S3 is a lot of nothing and you would frankly not miss out on a thing if you skimmed it or skipped the middle portion of it entirely lmao
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sp-ud · 1 year
Transcript of those last few minutes of the lore dump because I need that shit written down. I've bracketed and bolded the ones that are the most lore important but wrote mostly everything.
Hetch: and we're back. Congratulations Ranboo, you made it to the end!
Ranboo: where... where am i? Hetch? You're alive? What's-
H: You completed your experiment!
R: What's going on?
[H: Of course I'm alive Ranboo, you see, I still have a role to play here. The Founder gave me a purpose many, many years ago. To repurpose this company and create these experiments... these, shows. In order to find who in your world is worthy of joining the cast and living on in the future shows forever!]
R: I don't wanna join, I don't want to go on the future shows please. I don't want to do... I don't want to do any of this, please just let me- you can just let me go right? I mean- what future shows-
H: I'm afraid that's not an option.
R: Wait so you've just been doing- you've just been behind all of this? What do you mean?
H: Oh yes. Every decision you made, every death you've caused, don't you see these consequences are your own actions?
R: No they- they weren't my actions! You controlled me! You controlled me!
H: I didn't do anything Ranboo, I just wrote a script. The real human emotions that come from breaking a reality. Don't you see that's where the real fun is?
R: I don't- please just let me go, I won't say anything, I'll leave and then it'll- it'll be okay. I'll just leave, I mean- it's just... so is it all just fake? is it not- what's, what's going on I mean
[H: Oh it's very very real. Look, in the past I would just make my own decision on whether or not a character was worthy of joining the cast-]
R: I don't want to join the cast. Please, I don't want to keep doing this.
[H: But, since this is the first time we actually have a live audience we might as well let them pick! What do you think audience? Should we let him live in these shows for an eternity? Or end this one with a BANG?]
R: (After a bit of screaming about being let go) So, so what happens?
[H: Well, if they decide to let you live, you'll be... rescripted, repurposed, and uh, recast. In my experiments. Forever.]
R: I don't... wanna do...
H: As for the latter, we get an entertaining ending, both to the show, and to you!
R: So wait... then I... so I die? I mean *mumbling* You can, you can change this right? You don't have to do this! I mean, someone- someone will FIND YOU! SOMEONE WILL GET YOU FOR THIS!
[H: Look Ranboo, you can die now, or you can die when you've outlived your usefulness. Which could be tomorrow... or a thousand years from now. It all depends on how long you can fulfill your role!]
R: I don't want to be... I don't want to be in this anymore, please.
H: Well, you won't have to be-
R: You can let me go, right?
H: -if they pick the Die option for you, I guess.
R: What? The die...
H: Yes, as I said, you either join the cast and live on in the show forever... orrrr we end the show with a bang. Do you remember Ranboo? All the decisions that got you here?
R: They weren't- they weren't mine! They weren't mine!
H: Oh but they were-
R: No they weren't, you did this!
H: -you see, we only pushed you a little in the right direction, every time the show 'broke' and you saw what's really happening behind the scenes- that was the real you Ranboo! Your decisions, your choices! That led other people-
R: Just let me go-
H: -to die for you! That's the Hero in you Ranboo!
R: I don't want to play anymore... I don't want to be... I don't want to keep doing this
H: You'll play as long as they wish you to play Ranboo.
R: Don't... I don't...
H: They can't get enough of you, and looking at the poll it seems they want to play with you forever.
R: Wha... what? No, please, just let me go! I don't care! I don't want to keep being responsible for this...
H: Time's almost up! About a minute left. Any last words you might want to say to the audience to swing them one direction or another?
H: Strong words from our Hero.
H: He'd rather quit, than keep going
R: I don't want to keep going...
H: keep entertaining you, the masses. What do we think about that, audience? Has he earned his rest? Or do we want to see him play again?
R: Just let me die... I can't live with this. I saw everything, I saw everything. Just let me-
H: And you'll see so much more.
R: No, no, please JUST LET ME DIE!
H: Ah, well it seems the audience has made their decision Ranboo, are you ready to hear it?
R: Please I... I don't know...
H: The audience has voted... for you... to die!
R: Wha.. wha--
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penny00dreadful · 9 months
WIP Weekend
Okay my lovelies, I know I've been very quiet recently but that is because I have been doing the damn thing. There's something big on the horizon, just you wait.
Thank you so much to my darlings @hbyrde36 and @thisapplepielife for the tag. 😘
Rules: Make a 24-hour poll with the names of your wips and then for whichever wins, write one sentence for every vote it gets (but you should also write 1 sentence for every vote each of them gets!)
I will be posting snippets as I write so keep an eye out. 😉
Results post
Summaries under the cut:
Return of The King - Part 8/9
Vampire!Steve, need I say more? Last chapter there was an earthquake, Wayne got the cliff-notes of the Upside Down, there was a car chase van chase, feral Steve, and they approached the gate to the Upside Down.
Dustin just wants Steve to be happy. So he tried to parent trap him with Nancy. Clearly they should be together. But Steve's heart doesn't even seem to be in it at all! How is he so bad at this? And Eddie is being less than helpful
Through The Valley
Post-Apocalyptic AU. Eddie, Dustin and Nancy have a nice little community of survivors outside of Hawkins that they take care of, surviving day to day. Everyone's a little broken, missing the rest of their Party just hoping that one day they'll find each other again.
Dungeons and Dragons AU. Steve is the golden boy of the small town of Hawkins. Harrington in name and now a Paladin with his very own oath to hunt down the Bard, the witch Eddie Munson and bring him back to justice under High Priest Henry Creel.
And They Were Roommates!
Steve and Eddie don't hate each other exactly. They just... tolerate each other. But one night Eddie doesn't come how for hours. Long after he's supposed to and it's not like Steve is worried or anything... he's just... concerned for a fellow human being... that's all.
Cat and Mouse
Prequel SpyAU. Steve is a top agent, practically running circles around his adversaries. Through a truly awful attempt at pickpocketing, he meets Eddie and it's like the guy has infected his brain, he can't stop thinking about him. Can't stop wandering if maybe Eddie's in so deep Steve won't be able to dig him out.
Unnamed PStobin+RSteddie Baby AU
Steve and his husband had always wanted kids. Except apparently Albert wasn't quite so up for it as he'd previously said. Robin is just standing there, 37 weeks pregnant with Steve's IVF baby having just punched Albert in the nose and oh god why is she leaking everywhere?? Is it happening?? IT'S HAPPENING, OH JESUS!
Before He Cheats
One evening, Eddie gets a call from some guy named Steve dropping the news on him that his boyfriend has been cheating on him. With this Steve person and Steve had no idea up until that day.
And Eddie rarely takes that shit lying down.
Zero pressure taggy tags. @artaxlivs @just-my-latest-hyperfixation @xenon-demon @mentallyundone @spooky-stevie @spoookysix @steventhusiast @subbaculture @theheadlessphilosopher @vecnuthy @wormdebut
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simpjaes · 24 days
Since we’re kind of on the topic of writing, can I ask a question?
Have you ever had that thing where you have so many ideas and WIPs, but you don’t know where to start or which one to continue? Like there’s just so much creativity and shit overflowing in your brain? I’m kind of having that problem rn and idk how to handle it😕
oh, i constantly have that problem. what i do is prioritize by who i'm thinking about and what sounds best for me tbh. i tend to fixate on specific ideas and once i've written it, ill end up fixating on another,
like if you saw my notes in my phone filled to the brim with single sentence ideas, some marked out bc i've written them, others waiting to be written....man....
it's not easy to have a one track mind though, i use polls here a lot to help me decide if i have too many i actively want to write! like rn??? i rly wanna write jay, but i promised sunghoon night-shift part two. im fixated on them both in their own little way tho so i know as soon as i finish with sunghoon, i can hop into my jay doc and go insane c: it's like a lil treat
other things you can do tho:
- i already mentioned polls - i do this thing before bed where i write in my head. whichever fic comes to mind first is usually the one ill fixate on. - write down all of your ideas somewhere, find the one that strikes some type of imagery in your head first.
that's rly all i got for u ;-; im v messy when i write, can't lie about that. but i hope it helps!!
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wiseatom · 11 months
so I've been thinking about?? trying to write?? a botw byler au, and I was thinking about it before totk so I was thinking of it with the party as the champions, but then totk came out and the sages were there and more relevant and so I was like oh shit maybe this might need to change maybe I should ask other people would they prefer OVERWHELMING TRAGEDY AND ANGST or actual active plot contribution so I ran this poll lmao and realized while running it that I'm actually team angst but um. ok wait this is an unnecessarily long winded way of asking your opinion. you're a fic writer i admire and you like loz so which one do you think is better. angst or plot contribution
first of all i would eat up any loz au. i'm already panting and getting saliva all over this ask answer so sorry abt that. second of all i so aggressively agree w what you said abt the champions in that post you linked and i am so distraught and also upset that someone would ever disrespect them by calling them COWORKERS. third of all i'm going to make a case for both and you can either ask for further input or make a choice from that or ignore me completely 👍 i'm going to put this under a cut bc it is so long:
the thing about botw+the champions that is so just like. (gestures wildly with hands) to me is that you Know the champions but you also Don't. i know botw has received so much (undeserved imo) criticism from the way the story is told through the game -- namely, that it's optional -- but i have always said that i think it's very funny that the people who say this also praise the post-apocalyptic sandbox vibes in the same breath, as if that is not The Exact Reason botw's story is told the way it is, and a story being optional doesn't mean it's not important or impactful, BUT I DIGRESS. the thing w the champions that i love is that once upon a time, these friends meant everything to link, to the point where they literally died for him and zelda and their people and their collective shared kingdom, and he 1. also died and 2. got a second chance where they didn't. there's so much to explore from link's perspective, because he's the one who got the second chance, and then he woke up with no memory of it (a merciful spare from the grief), and then he had to relearn who all of them were, and why he loved them, and grow that love all over again, and then experience that grief in a very complicated way, because on one hand -- he doesn't fully remember everything, and so his grief might not be as impactful, but on the other, he remembers Enough to know that he loved them fiercely. very interesting to explore re: grief and guilt, bc both are very, very complicated! you then also have the juxtaposition of zelda and her guilt and her grief, because she remembers EVERYTHING, and her "failure" was the catalyst for an event so catastrophic it altered hyrule forever (i use failure loosely bc i do not think it was entirely her fault but i digress x2).
from a totk+sages perspective, Yes, you could say the sages have more personality, but that's literally bc we. actually have game time with them? that takes place in the present? lol. i think with the sages and their motivations it's broken down, for me, into three things, unranked: their people, their connection to link, and personal fulfillment. the fact that each of their regions and, essentially, their people, is being impacted by whatever phenomena is happening is enough of a motivation to make them want to be a sage. riju, sidon, and yunobo all have connections to link from the previous game, and tulin knows link well enough to have a baseline connection with him, so obviously that motivates them to want to help him and be a sage. and then there's the fact that they all, to varying degrees, need this for Themselves -- whether it be for glory or self actualization or reassurance or whatever you want to call it. i also like the idea of this being a Second Chance narrative in many regards, because it is a second chance for the imprisoning war but also a second chance for the champions, almost. to be able to rise up together and defeat a common enemy just like their ancestors were destined to do. i think there is also a desperation to totk that botw doesn't have bc botw the ending has already been decided, whereas with totk, you have a chance to save everyone -- especially zelda.
it really honestly depends on what kind of story you want to write. it depends on the messages you want conveyed and what you want byler's focus to be. for me, botw is a zelink getting together narrative (or, least, it sets up for them to -- link literally spends the entire game falling in love w zelda for the second time), whereas totk is an established relationship vibe. i think botw puts byler more center stage with the rest of the party taking more of a backseat role and totk does the opposite. i think it is maybe obvious on which of the 2 games i prefer from what i said but i say go with your gut and evaluate the takeaways you want from this fic. don't go for the angst just bc it's angst and don't go for the easy route just bc it's the easy route. think about what you want this fic to make people feel when they read it and i think the answer might come easily!!
i hope this was helpful literally at all. i would apologize for rambling but you did come into my ask box and ask me to talk about zelda and i think you knew you were going to get a ramble out of it
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silvermuffins · 4 months
Okay so. Here we go! God I am. So checking hyped. Oh man. I can barely make myself get started. Little bit nervous since the person whose liveblogs made me want to do the same follows me now (hi!) but eeeeeeeeeeee
Y'all gotta understand p3 made me who I am. It has been personality-defining in several ways for ten years. I have rarely felt quite as loved as the day the announcement leaked and like four different people independently came to me like Letty did you see
In the true spirit of Akihiko Sanada, I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS
Okay let's dive in,,,,,
New theme song! I'm gonna miss the toast but i will give this a chance.
New visuals, stellar ones, really driving in that shit's fucked
Idk how that poll is gonna end so I'll start with just Some Thoughts at a time and then we'll see where we're going
Oh shit difficulty... Let's do normal to start. Fuck no I am not doing merciless. But I want some challenge.
Oh the opening movie is a little different....and they're letting me play already!
They are doing my boy right so far,,,, but yukari may take some getting used to. Also they pronounce iwatodai different and that will DEFINITEly take getting used to. Definitely some iykyk in there.
I am examining EVERYTHING. My guy walks fast tho goddamn. Can no longer run with hands in pockets. RIP hand/pockets.
If y'all could hear the noises I am making,,,,
Shit do I have to enter the name in eastern order or is western fine? /Google/ Reddit says western! Minato Arisato walks again.
They did that contract-with-spooky-child scene pretty well despite it not still being an anime cutscene. I can accept it.
Oh she didn't point the gun at me this time. Which is less dramatic but DOES make more sense overall. I can accept it.
Once again the Noises I am making. Y'all. I am living. Checked in on that poll, so far one big post later on is winning so I'll keep at it for now!
How does this rewind thing work exactly...? Is it for like, if I fuck up a social link?
Menu looks like diving into water. All my water associations for Minato have been justified. Got he's so beautiful I'm gonna cry. "My reflection looks tired" yeah I bet it does you depresso espresso you.
Apparently there is or will be dlc of some sort! I will almost certainly obtain it.
Starting school! Wow they expanded that cutscene. Eeeeeeee. Yes I like this. It feels like home got a fresh coat of paint. It's gonna take me forever to get anything done. God. I'm. Okay give me a little while to just run around doing nonsense.
VOICED SOCIAL LINKS CONFIRMED it already was but I'm thrilled anyway
My boy is already curious about sewing. Don't worry, Minty, we will be spending so much time with a certain someone. Ooh, seems he has a decent sense of smell... Aha, there a certain someone is! So very French...
Okay, game, you win, I'll make progress. Hi, Toriumi, yes I have a tragic backstory.
Minato just `why are people keep talking to me`. Suck it up boy we're gonna meet EVERYBODY.
New VA for Junpei is great so far. I'm so glad. The previous one was a case of how truly unfortunate it is that garbage people can be good at things. But so far, the characters are sounding great!
Yukari you are not subtle. Here I am trying to cover for you and you just give Junpei the wrong idea.
"No one takes rumors seriously, anyway." Stares directly into the camera. Stares in P2 familiarity. Stares. I do not remember if this line was in the original but S T A R E S.
Getting junpei's two cents on everything and. God it makes me so happy every time a familiar song kicks in.
Doodedoo, 'splorin.
Mmkay back to the dorm. We can actually explore the kitchen? Fridge space? Can't use the kitchen yet? DO I GET TO MAKE COOKING MINTY A REALITY?
I don't have tons of commentary right now that isn't best expressed as a bunch of vague satisfied noises and squeals in a higher range than the human ear can detect. Or by wiggling furiously, which doesn't come across well in text. Know that I am wiggling furiously. Everyone looks so good. Everyone sounds so good. I'm so happy.
Okay so it's not fully fully voiced. But still! So happy.
I know it's just Like This but the game just railroading me slightly feels like AGH STOP TAKING AN HOUR TO DO ANYTHING well stop having do much to examine them (please don't stop)
Ikutsuki is here! And oh his voice,,,,,
Weeps in playing as IC as possible demanding skipping a question. Ah well. I know how I interpret my boy and that brings me joy.
Time for stuff to get creepy! Eeeeeeee. Guys I cannot wait for how they're going to show some of the freakier things. ...oh well. This cutscene with the guy going all gloopy and collapsing definitely loses a little something by being in-game rather than fully animated. Damn the way they showed it in the original was so much scarier. Ah well, can't win 'em all, I guess.
Aaaaaa is that Yukino being referenced on TV? Was she on Who's Who before? Yukino <3
It's tiiiiime for the first full moon. Come on, Reload, you can't drop the ball on this one...! Come on, wow me! Blow me away!
Oh hey justification that sleep is probably less effective during the dark hour to go along with the standard stamina drain. Neat! Love getting my head canons confirmed. That said, also enough room for other interpretations. You love to see it.
Really like this just collapsing on the bed thing. Shaking it up! Ftr it's like super creepy that they have a camera and what looks like fucking heart monitor on Minato. But I am here for the creepy. And there goes the attack and Akihiko getting hurt and Yukari sent to escape with me.
Ohhhh please let me swap weapons around. Don't lock me into just swords. I want hammer.
I know it's all panic and scary RN but that kind of just makes it hilarious that I can still examine everything. Poor Yukari just dealing with Minato not being freaked at all.
HNNNNNN THEY DID NOT FUMBLE. I didn't think they would because like, out of everything, they've gotta get the Awakening right! But still! Hoodamn!
Oooh so the tutorial mara DID split off as scraps of the Magician! Huh so this is the battle interface...ngl I kinda miss the revolver menu, that was good shit. And now we go splat.
One week later,
Backstory storytime with Yukari! I am a protagonist and thus a designated therapist. I am absolutely the person to pay your parental issues on. Never mind that Persona 2 firmly established the existence of actual therapists in this universe.
God. I'm gonna cry. My beautiful boy,,,,, I missed this so much. I'm a goddamn broken record. I said numerous times that I'm completely incapable of being normal about this. Fuck I'm tearing up.
Yes, Junpei. An upset stomach. That's definitely what kept me out of school for a week.
Mr. Ono just wants to talk about his special interest and he is so valid. Please tell me everything about samurai.
Real talk there had to be so many rumors and gossip about Minato. New transfer student - already a hot topic. Walks to school with Yukari on his first day, to stir the pot. After like three days he's suddenly absent for a week. Like, there's no way people didn't talk, right?
??? THAT's new. "Twilight Shard" on my bed making me feel like Legend of Zelda came to visit. Unless that's what we're calling plumes of dusk now.
I think they've given Ikutsuki even more puns. I join the team with very little convincing because supernatural danger isn't something to be leery of at all.
Nor are spooky little boys no one else can see who appear to me in the middle of the night bearing cryptic warnings of impending doom. I give him a good ol' doudemoii and go back to sleep.
Junpei joins the team! We support a guy willing to admit he was crying on the ground.
Trying to remember to report what's actually happening in the game, too. Don't wanna assume everybody is already familiar. I do wanna convince anyone who isn't to become familiar though. Anyway yes Junpei this is a thing we don't talk about. Except when we do, out in public.
Ooooh please don't fumble this bit! Tartar sauce! I am almost through the intro! ...wait I don't think THIS happened before? What's going on? Why are we delayed? ...oh. Oh that's, uh, bad. So for those who don't know, death and suicide are major topics of discussion in this game. You have been warned.
People jumping onto the tracks is not something I recall though... Maybe they're just driving in Apathy Syndrome as a major problem? Or I just plain forgot since, y'know, ten years. But I have reviewed since then... Junpei I would love to secret late night menu with you but we have an intro to get through.
Okay! Tartarus! ...they could have made that weirder. Less euclidean. But I can accept it. Wheeee dungeon crawling time! Oh fuck the menu is so stylish. I love it. Okay, time to kill things. Oooh, Tartarus looks good! Hate-love how it almost looks like it's breathing or something, real uncanny. Love the falling black feathers.
I wonder if they're keeping the condition system... I guess I'll find out! Oh, All Our Attacks are so nice.... We get finishing touches! Done and dusted! ....shuffle time doesn't do any shuffling anymore? Ohhh I guess Twilight Fragments are basically keys...
Doodedoo more tutorials. Someday I'll be free. I am getting kinda tired though...
Drags Junpei all over town to examine everything. Meanwhile the bgm sings "my life will turn out to be so cruel"...yeah because Junpei stops me from going to every restaurant. Hm, based on these police station offerings, I think I might be stuck with just swords, which is a little bit bullshit. Unless versatility is something I unlock later?
Come to think of it, Kurosawa probably has a heck of a story, if he knows shit's fucky but not what's going on... What are these personal connections of his? And how did the kirijo group get in touch with him?
....wait what's this about only the track and field team accepting new members? I know it makes the most sense, but I wanna swim! Are they going to force-track me?
Hm... I thiiiink I'm gonna just study in the library. I have no money to put toward anything else, and if things are the same academics is a bitch to max out.
It is now 3 am and my head hurts, so I'm gonna wrap it up here for tonight!
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monster-noises · 2 years
Top, slump, red lights, your eyes ~~
Answered for both my WIPS: Flesh and Hot Iron and Haggarty v-v; Top - The song that would be a theme song for your wip. FaHI: Villanous Thing - Schafer James It's where it is on the playlist for a reason. ("You'll find no ever after here; it's clear that isn't what you came for" "waste no worry for the world, let it be a tragedy of love and glory; while they wait by gates of pearls, we'll be building palaces in purgatory" Like are you Kidding me....) HatWW: The Sky and the Dawn and the Sun - Celtic Woman I think there are better songs if you want a Tonal theme for Haggarty, and tracking down a tune that encapsulates both the mood and the narrative is.. surprisingly challenging, but This is the song I can most picture as playing over like.. a Trailer. Slump - song that would play at the end credits of your wip FaHI: Life Eternal - Ghost or Ashes - The Longest Johns Though Ashes is Specifically the end of Lazarus's playlist/story, (A lament directed at Karl as Lazarus dies, mutated and burning, in the ruins of is home/studio: making the "I'll tend to the flame, you can worship the ashes" a bit of sourly tinged tounge-in-cheek joke. It's not a perfect overall match lyrically but I like the idea and tone enough) I think it's a contender.. Life Eternal is the Real Shit though, I'm so so happy it works so well for FaHI, it's just one of my favourite Ghost songs overall.
HatWW: Les Bal Des Chats - Cecile Corbel A fun, playful little song with lyrics that pertain to absoluuuuutely nothing but I can see it clear as day playing over the credits of Haggarty. Red lights - sexy song you could imagine people would do thirst traps of your oc FaHI: Laplace's Angel (hurt people? hurt people!) - Will Wood I way overthought this one.. I know what I would pick to do like.. a Sexy Thirst Trap Edit of Laz (for the record it's This. And This for a more ~jazzy vibe~) But What Would The General Public Choose???? so after a small out-reach for consensus, someone suggested this ^^ old chestnut.. Which is actually a very pivotal song on Laz's Playlist and honestly Yeah, I Can See It. I'm into it. That's the One. HatWW: Fairytale - Alexander Rybak Being honest I've not until very recently thought about the way people may read/ choose to consume Haggarty beyond "oh look at this darling little fairytale story with whimsical character/creature design! A fun, charming, and touching little read!" (It was originally developed while I was still in my non-fandom period so I had kind of... forgotten people don't always read comics/ engage with media the way I do/did dfkjghdjfg) But if I really think about it the most likely character to get a Thirst Trap is Paug (the funny little lad on the right), and I think one set to the chorus of Fairytale would be rather funny and delightful! Your eyes - song you could imagine a ship edit for your ocs FaHI: I Know you Know - Charming Disaster or Hell and You - Amigo The Devil This time we are not polling the audience. This time it is being Dictated. These are the Big Two. Only acceptable options. (okay and also Home to Me - Devil and the Deep Blue Sea, if you want to get Extremely Mushy but it's not even on the main FaHI playlist so it doesn't count. ... FUCK also Curses -The Crane Wives... There's so many good ones... ) HatWW: Once again, I hadn't really.. Considered... this idea yet.. for Haggarty particularly.. and after scouring my music collection have come up sadly empty handed for a song that suits the story and mood of HatWW.. especially not for the main pair of Haggarty/Paug (or any potential couples for that matter).. I feel bad to leave a question unanswered but also FaHI got like.. Four songs. So. That should hopefully make up for it...
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existslikepristin · 3 years
Activated My Trap Card
This one is VERY old. Even from before What A Bummer.
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Tags: TheLounge?, CLC, Seungyeon, Yeeun, Eunbin, male reader insert, scary ladies, the most uncomfortable threesome with an audience of one, vote story
You stand in front of the door to Cube Entertainment's offices. You got a strange call a few days ago telling you to come to this address in order to "make a lot of money." You were worried that it might be something illegal, or a scam, but after you looked the address up you got a little excited.
And it seems like you were right to be! After a minute or two, the door opens and you see Seungyeon standing there, looking straight into your eyes. She's wearing a super low cut black tank top, a pair of jean shorts that look like they've been cut extra high for optimal showing off, and the most basic pair of black flip flops ever. She doesn't look surprised to see you.
"Yeah, there you are," she says in her deep, beautiful voice, putting her hands on her hips, "I knew you would be perfect. Come on in. I've got a job for you."
She stands aside to let you through the doorway and closes the door behind you.
Unsure of where to go, you wait for her to make the next move. She does exactly that, walking past you and letting her hand graze past your thigh on the way. That had to be an accident right?
With her back turned to you, you look down and she that her tank top is mostly backless, and her shorts reveal about half of her butt cheeks. There is so much skin on display to you right now. You make an effort not to look, but it's damn hard.
You're about to take another look when Seungyeon spins around gives you a deadly look in the eye. "So tell me... who's your CLC bias?"
Holy shit, why is she putting you on the spot all of a sudden?! She looks like she wants an answer, and fast! This really was a trap! Fuck!
Options: 1. (Picked:) Seungyeon 2. Seunghee 3. Yujin 4. Sorn 5. Yeeun 6. Elkie 7. Eunbin
"Y-y..." you stutter, trying to think about how fast you can turn around and open the door to run.
"Yeeun?" Seungyeon takes a step toward you. She's very, very close.
You stumble back and bump up against the door. Seungyeon follows.
"Y-you," you manage to say.
A mischievous half grin grows on her face. "Yu...jin?" She punctuates the "jin" part by pressing herself up against you. You're still nervous, but you suddenly think you know what this is about (that isn't some shit like assassinating you). She's soft but firm, like you can definitely feel the dancer muscles under her tender skin. Except for her tits, pressed against your ribs. Those are totally soft, other than two tiny points of hardness.
"Nah... you."
You feel Seungyeon's body shiver from top to bottom, and she slides one of her legs up yours, trapping you against the door just a little more. Her hands are suddenly on your shoulders.
"That's what I was hoping. I saw you a while ago. You didn't see me, but I saw a picture of me on your phone," She squeezes your shoulders a little, like she's getting needy, "Do you touch yourself when you see me?"
You gulp. You're really not sure if telling the truth about that will help your case here.
Then it's your turn to shiver, as Seungyeon licks your neck, then buries her face in it. "Tell me which one of my holes you fantasize about being inside the most."
Well, what do you say?
Options: 1. (Picked:) "I've always wanted your pussy wrapped around me." 2. "Do you think your throat can take all of me?" 3. "Spread your ass and I'll show you." 4. "Hole? But what about your tits?"
"I've always wanted your pussy wrapped around me."
Holy shit, you've never seen clothes come off a person so fast. You barely catch a glimpse of Seungyeon's nipples before they're smashed against your chest again.
"Well I want to wrap my pussy around your cock," she says, already lowering your pants, "Help me make that happen, okay?"
You're not sure how you're supposed to help, since you're pinned between the door and her paralyzing, hot body. You feel your pants dropping to the floor, taking your underwear with them. Your dick springs up and slaps Seungyeon's pussy. Of course you're already hard.
Seungyeon isn't waiting for anything. She lifts herself onto her toes, and your dick gets just enough room to be able point fully up. Your tip rests somewhere in her folds. She reaches around her back and you feel her fingers adjust you very slightly, and suddenly you feel your entire dick being engulfed by her as she drops back down.
She groans. Loud. You're very aware all of a sudden that you're having sex in the front hallway of an entertainment company's office and look around. Seungyeon grabs your chin and forces you to look into her eyes though. You see stars dancing around them, but that's probably because you're feeling light headed from the pleasure being forced onto you right now.
The look she gives you is... intense. The whole time she's moving her body just right to keep your dick inside her, despite the fact that she's so soaking wet and slippery and at such an awkward angle. She manages it well though.
"Do you like this? Hm?" She asks. You open your mouth to answer but all you get out is a moan as she squeezes your dick with her pussy. Against your stomach, you feel her abs working to make that happen. What a fucking talent!
She smiles and pulls your head down to her open mouth. You open yours too and it gets assaulted by her tongue, dancing just as wildly as her body does.
When she finally breaks away from the thing you could call a kiss, she moves her chest off of yours to let you get a really good view of her jiggling tits, shining with sweat. If you're honest, you've already seen most of them thanks to the clothes she wears, but with nothing to cover them at all they're absolutely amazing.
"I need you to... cum, alright?"
Woah, that's sudden. Does she mean inside?
"The first cum... happens fast," she pants between every couple of words. No wonder, since she's still fucking you while just on the tips of her toes, "but that's what... we need... You need to last... longer for the next round."
You definitely already feel your orgasm coming, she doesn't need to tell you that. But wait. Next round? What is she talking about?
Simple poll this time:
Choices: 1. Take charge and cum the way you want to! She didn't specifically say she needed you to cum inside her, but that's a risk you're willing to take. 2. (Picked:) Are you joking? She knows what she's doing and has a plan for MORE? Don't take charge, she'll make you cum the way she wants to!
No way you're risking doing something she doesn't want you to right now. Not after she mentioned a "next round."
"It's happening now!" you say through your half gritted teeth. You really hope she knows what you meant, but you're having a little trouble forming full, meaningful sentences right now.
Seungyeon gets both of her arms around you and squeezes. Her eyes lock on yours again and you're captivated. You can't look away. "Do it... then."
Her hips grind against yours, and your orgasm hits you like a runaway train. You're dizzy, but you can still notice that she's squeezing down on you. As your cum fills her up, her eyes roll up, she bites her lip, and a grin spreads across her face.
You barely register that you slump to the floor, with Seungyeon's clamping pussy bringing her down with you.
"You dumb fucking hooker."
Suddenly, your senses all come back to you. That wasn't your voice. Or Seungyeon's. Oh shit. You can't see where it came from. But you recognize it. You start to imagine yourself getting beat up by body guards, or thrown in jail, or... fuck, maybe exiled from South Korea? Is that a thing that could happen?
So, whose voice was it?
Options: 1. Seunghee 2. Yujin 3. Sorn 4. Yeeun 5. Elkie 6. (Picked:) Eunbin
With a semi-exhausted sigh, Seungyeon leans to the side and looks over her shoulder. You feel a sense of impending doom as you see that the voice came from the daddy long le-- er, you mean, "maknae" of CLC, Eunbin.
Eunbin is only about fifteen feet away down the hall, wearing shorts (not as short as Seungyeon's, but still revealing her full legs), a blue sweatshirt, and tennis shoes. She looks... well she looks stone-faced as normal, but you bet she's super angry, based on the tone of her voice.
"Beannie, it's all good, okay?" Seungyeon sounds annoyed. She stands up, a wet plop nearly echoing as she comes off your dick. She faces away from you. If you weren't terrified, you would be admiring the bottom view of her bare ass and pussy dripping with your cum. Actually, you just came inside her. You're suddenly even more terrified, thinking about the entertainment company lawyers that are about to sue you into oblivion.
There's a dead silence for a solid ten seconds as the leader and the maknae stare each other down. You barely have the self consciousness to cover your dick with your hands.
"Don't you want to try him out?"
You stare up at Seungyeon's back. Could she make this situation worse? Don't mock the witness!
Eunbin's deadpan glare lowers down and locks with your eyes. ShiiiiIIIIT. Her look goes a little further down, right at your hands. And she licKS HER LIPS, WHAT?
"I'm busy, ass whore. Besides, the bitch is waiting with her cunt wide open," she swears evenly, like she's discussing the mild weather. You would question what she's saying if you weren't so confused, and still light headed.
Seungyeon groans, this time with annoyance rather than with pleasure like earlier. She turns around and bends over to grab your arms and starts pulling. You have to assume she wants you to stand, so you try, but it's awkward, trying to stand without revealing your mostly softened cock. Once you're up, she yanks on your hands, flashing Eunbin. Yet, she only looks for half a second, then turns and walks through a doorway. The same one Seungyeon starts dragging you toward, all the while with your cum slowly dripping out of her onto the floor.
What the fuck is happening here?
And who's the "bitch" Eunbin is talking about?!
Options: 1. Seunghee 2. Yujin 3. Sorn 4. (Picked:) Yeeun 5. Elkie
As you make your way through the door, dragged by Seungyeon, Eunbin is nowhere to be seen, but there is definitely another person. You're not sure you recognize her though.
She's tied down with some soft looking rope to a cushioned table. And the ropes are all she's wearing, with the exception of a blindfold. The ropes are holding her down and holding her legs wide open, but her arms are completely free. Doesn't seem like effective bonda--
The door slams shut behind you, making you just about jump out of your skin. Eunbin was hiding behind it! She has on exactly the same expression as before, too. She must be determined to creep you the hell out.
Before you can do or say anything about that, Seungyeon grabs your chin and turns you to look at the tied up girl on the table again. "See there? That's Yeeun. She's been a very good girl until today. She's only had sex a couple times before, but last month she told us that she wants to be a little slut, so that's why you're here."
You see Yeeun biting her lower lip. Seungyeon reaches down and starts stroking your dick back to life.
"You can fuck her any way you want to, as long as it's hard, and as long as you can do it for a really, really long time. And if you can do that..."
Seungyeon drops to her knees and takes your mostly hard dick in her mouth, diving all the way to the base and quickly sucking off whatever was left from the first round. She pops back off and licks it from the bottom to the top.
"If you do that for her, I'll definitely be calling you back."
You look back and forth from the leader of CLC below you and the rapper in front of you. Should you really? This seems crazy.
"What will it be? You can take her sweet pussy all the way to the moon and back, but she's not on the same prodigious birth control I am,"
You mentally breathe a sigh of relief at that, but also wonder what the hell qualifies a birth control as "prodigious."
"If you're afraid of putting a baby in her though, we already pre-lubed her pretty little ass. It hasn't been used before, but you should glide righ-"
DEAR LORD, Eunbin's ever-expressionless face appears right in front of yours, out of nowhere, "Or you can face fuck her. I've been dildoing this stupid thot's dumb mouth for days to get her ready for your fatass penis, if you have the balls," she says, nearly monotone. You're seriously confused by her rude behavior here and suspect she might be hiding a torture room somewhere in this building.
From the table, you hear Yeeun. You may not be at a good angle to see her, but it's definitely her. You'd recognize that sweet, meek voice anywhere, "I'm ready... please fuck me?"
Holy damn. This is really happening isn't it?
Options: 1. (Picked:) Take that risk! Pussy time! 2. Well, if her ass is already lubed... 3. Don't risk Eunbin crushing your skull. Throat fuck Yeeun. 4. Why is titfucking still not an option?! Lol, jk, we all love her boobs, but she's not big enough for that. 5. Run the fuck away! These bitches are actually insane!
You take a deep breath. This is just plain insanity that you are witnessing before your eyes.
Insanity is contagious, apparently.
You step around Seungyeon, and stand over Yeeun. She's at just the right height, and your dick rests on her pelvis, between her legs. You hear a short gasp of excitement from her... and two more behind you, which is definitely still weird.
You back up a few inches, bend your knees just a bit, and move forward again. Yeeun is a bit small, so it takes some pushing, but you can see the anticipation building on her face (what isn't covered by the blindfold). With a thrust, you're in.
Yeeun sighs and a smile crosses her face. Seems you made a good choice. She's going to like this.
"Woohoo! Now make her a slut!"
Again, you nearly forgot about your audience. Seungyeon moves to stand right next to you, one hand on Yeeun's inner thigh and the other one squeezing your ass cheek. Yay, fun...
For hours, you pound Yeeun into the table. Seungyeon stays with you the whole time, climbing on top of Yeeun, sliding herself all over you, and licking... pretty much everywhere.
A couple of times you have to change things up, untying Yeeun and flipping her onto her stomach, re-angling her so you can hold yourself up mostly by your arms, and eventually scooting her to where her head hangs off the table while you kneel over her.
You cum at least four times, but it's hard to be sure, since you think you went basically numb after the first three hours.
Yeeun seems to have lost her mind around that same time. Her blindfold fell off at some point while you were fucking her from behind and now you can see that her eyes have become unfocused. Every time you pull out to adjust after the second hour, she whined and tried to get you back in. But anything coming out of her mouth eventually turned into needy moans.
You kind of wonder to yourself how realistic it is to have lasted so long, for Yeeun to have actually gone half comatose, or for this process to have "turned her into a slut," but hey, it was bliss for you.
Seungyeon gets on her knees between you and cleans off your exhausted cock (and the area around it) with her tongue. It's a little sore actually, but you're not about to complain.
She stands back up and wraps her arms under yours, pulling you in. "I think you were successful, baby. Yeeun is going to want so much more from now on. Let's hope the baby you definitely put in her doesn't slow her down."
Oh. Right.
"So, what's next? Want any kind of... reward before you go?"
With her hips slowly rubbing side to side against yours, it's pretty obvious what she means, but hey, she asked, so...
Options: 1. (Picked:) You're drained, but you'll try for Seungyeon! Even if it results in embarrassment! 2. You want more, but you don't think you can get it up anymore. Be smooth and give her your contact info. 3. Uh, yeah. The call you got said you were going to get paid money for this. That's a reward. 4. Maybe just something to drink? You're fucking exhausted! (Warning, this option is mad kink territory.)
With your cock just about ready to fall off, you aren't sure how well this will work, but you're willing to try for Seungyeon. You grab her by the hips. A smirk crosses her face, and she doubles down on grinding against you.
You lift her chin up for a kiss. It's your turn to take charge with her now. She coos into your mouth. Her fingernails lightly scrape either side of your spine, sending tingles all up and down your body. Her entire behavior just changed! Sheesh, and all you had to do was take the initiative in grabbing her? This girl changes her mind as fast as she takes her clothes off.
The sweetness continues for the better part of ten minutes. You could swear the room's temperature is evening back out, from the sun-like heat earlier to being very pleasantly warm.
Seungyeon slowly breaks away from the kiss, looking into your eyes with less intensity and more... care. She leans her head back, and you take the hint, diving in and sucking carefully at her neck. Her silent shuddering is only interrupted by a moan coming from behind you.
You can guess what it is, but curiosity gets you to turn enough to look. And of course, it's Eunbin. She's still staring, which is still creepy. But she's also got both hands moving inside her shorts. She's probably been there all along, so you guess she can stay and keep watching. You doubt she'd leave even if you asked...
Trying not to think too much about your audience, you get back to work on Seungyeon, kissing her tanned skin from her chin, to her chest, to her toned as hell stomach, to her clit. Once there, her knees shake, so you decide to set her down somewhere she won't fall. It's time to pay her back for all the oral service she's been giving you!
Seungyeon backs up at your touch, until she leans back against the table in the middle of the room, and onto Yeeun's half conscious body. The skinny girl groans as she's suddenly used as a back rest, but Seungyeon doesn't seem to have any interest in fixing the problem.
This is your moment. You're going to make Seungyeon squirm on top of her rapper. You'll make her explode! You start leaning down, tongue halfway hanging out of your mouth...
"Damn, you're still not hard?"
She's holding you back by the forehead, looking between your bodies down at your lifeless dick.
"W-well, yeah, I mean, I just..." you gesture down at Yeeun. That's where your hardness went, and it's still dripping out of her at a moderate pace!
Eunbin's hands are on your shoulders, pulling you away from Seungyeon. It's a bit of a shock, to say the least.
"I'll call you later! Buh-bye!"
The next thirty seconds are a blur. You're dragged, stunned, out of the room, through to the opposite end of the hallway you came in from, and shoved out a door into an alley.
"See ya, fuckface," is the last thing you hear from Eunbin before the door slams behind you.
What the hell...
The door reopens, and you spin around just in time to get a face full of your pants.
"Don't forget your stupid clothes, you degenerate," Eunbin throws you one last insult before the door closes again.
It's a little chilly out here.
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themultifandomgal · 2 years
Shelby Sister-Ghosts
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"There's no such things as ghosts YN"
Isaiah, your best friend sighs taking a long drag from his cigarette
"But Is, I hear things at night, sometimes in the day when I'm alone too"
"You'll get locked up talking like that"
"Is, I'm being serious!" you practically yell at Isaiah "Tom said gran was a medium, could talk to spirits, Aunt Poll has a gift when it comes to babies and I'm hearing shit, what if I..."
"Ok YN, you are my best friend and I believe you every time you tell me something, but there's no such thing as ghosts. Now sit down and drink your drink" he nods towards the half full glass on the table. You sigh sitting down and taking a sip of your drink
"John used to tell me this story about a woman who lived in our house before us. She died because her husband murdered her and now she haunts the place. I swear I've heard her"
"It's just a story your brother told you to scare you and now it's worked"
"Who said I'm scared? You know what stay the night at the betting shop alone and then tell me ghosts aren't real"
"Fine" Isaiah groans.
"Blankets, water, food and a pillow" I show Isaiah the makeshift bed I have made for him "I'll be upstairs in my room if you need me to comfort you"
"Yeah yeah off you go YN I'll be fine" Isaiah tells me. I hold my hands in the air and walk out. I head upstairs and see Tommys light on, I knock it before walking in
"Hey Tom Is is staying over in the betting shop because he doesn't believe me that it's haunted"
"He's in for a long night" Tom chuckles. Out of all of my siblings he's the only one to believe me "goodnight YN"
"Night Tom" I close his door behind me and then into my room. I get changed and get into my bed.
I'm woken up in the middle of the night to being shuck
"YN, YN"
"What?" I reply to Isaiah annoyed
"You were right, there's a bloody ghost downstairs"
"Really? oh cool" I roll over so I'm not facing him
"I saw it YN, a woman. The story John told you is real"
"I know" I groan still half asleep
"YN can you come and look"
"Fine" I roll my eyes and slowly get out of bed. We walk downstairs and into the betting shop, there's nothing in there... at the moment "do you want to stay in the house? not that that's any better"
"Can I sleep on you bedroom floor" the lights then flick on causing Isaiah to scream as my aunt Polly is stood at the door
"Will you pair shut up. All I can hear is you freaking out" Polly points to Isaiah
"Sorry Poll" Isaiah looks down at his feet
"Bed, both of you" we both make our way to my room and I get Isaiah sorted on my bedroom floor
"Thank you YN"
"So do you believe me now?"
"Yes. I believe you"
"Good" I get into my bed "oh also if you wake up and there's a little boy in the room that's just...."
"Finn I know"
"No it's William, he had TB. Goodnight Is"
"Wait, what. You can't just tell me that and then go to sleep"
"I can and I will"
"But YN..."
"Shhh go to sleep"
"I suppose he got scared then?" I hear Tommys voice. I open my eyes and see my 3 older siblings looking at Isaiah on my floor
"At least he slept on the floor" Arthur comments
"Does he believe you now about the ghosts"
"Yes I think he does" I laugh getting out of bed
"You gonna wake him up?" John asks
"Na he had a bad night last night. Think William came to say hi" I walk past my brothers who all chuckles
"Poor lad" Tommy says as we make our way downstairs
"YN ghosts aren't real" Arthur sighs
"You sure about that. Maybe tonight I'll ask William to go say hi to you"
"Err no no thank you. No thank you William" Arthur shouts out looking around him
"I'm hungry, let's eat" I walk into the kitchen with my brothers following me
"Sleep well YN?"
"Like a baby. Is however I don't think got much sleep" aunt Polly smiled and gives me a knowing wink.
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harringrovetrashrat · 4 years
heyyy uhhhh can i get a #43 with a side of #3 and umm, can I add on some insercurites for free? how much? all my love and appreciation?? dang I've already maxed out my card but you can have my heart...
Anon, anon, anon.... I’ll do it for free.  The love an appreciation is very welcome tho (i’m a leo bastard) ;)
Why this prompt gave me trouble, I HAVE NO IDEA.  It took FOREVER to get myself going, I even had to do a fucking twitter poll, and I’m still unhappy with how this came out.  So, on the house, I’m gonna rewrite this again later.  Because there’s not enough of anything in here.
That all being said, I don’t fully hate this and I wanted to get something out for ya.  And let you know that more was coming after this.  (Fic under the cut)
Steve watched as Billy leaned against the lifeguard tower, finger twirling one of Casey’s curls, making her blush.  He sunk lower on the plastic lounger, glaring through his sunglasses.  It wasn’t like he thought Billy was really into her.  But still.  It made his heart clench and his stomach all queasy whenever Billy flirted with someone else.
Steve knew he wasn’t bad to look at.  That he was pretty cute.  But after Nancy and the tunnels and everything, he’d kind of lost his appeal or something.  Girls didn’t flirt with him, like, ever.  And it wasn’t like he was looking for their attention, but it would have been nice.  To get confirmation you weren’t fucking hideous.  Because Billy was gorgeous.
Like made Steve sweat the first time he saw him gorgeous.  Like, model gorgeous.  Like a fucking sun god, all tan skin, freckles, and muscles that Steve just wanted to run his tongue along, to bite and fawn over--
Steve groaned quietly and pushed his sunglasses up, pressing the meat of his palms to his eyes.
They’d talked about it before.  Talked about how Steve didn’t need to worry, but sometimes he didn’t know why Billy was doing, well, whatever it was they were doing, besides the obvious us both knowing about monsters thing.  Nothing like shared trauma.  Maybe it was because he was the only other guy in town who was okay having another guy’s dick in his mouth.  Steve sighed and grabbed his stuff, catching Dustin’s attention.
“What?” He asked, coming over.
“You guys want pizza and ice cream?  On me.” Dustin perked up and grinned.
“Hell yeah!  Can’t see why anyone would say no to that!” He went back over the The Party, gesturing animatedly.  They cheered and Steve ignored the way Billy’s eyes darted over and didn’t leave him until he was walking out the gate.
Steve fidgeted with the remote, hating himself and hating Billy and hating Hawkins.  He hadn’t heard anything from Billy, even though they supposedly had plans tonight.  Well, they had their usual It’s Friday let’s get wasted and fool around thing.  At least, he thought they did.  What a fucking chump.  He scrubbed at his eyes, ignoring the pit in his stomach when the clock hit 1 in the morning.  Ignoring that Billy should have been here 3 hours ago.
Steve had really thought things were getting better.  Billy had been staying the night, been staying for breakfast, and it had made Steve yearn for something domestic.  He wanted to spend every morning dressed in his underwear and one of Billy’s shirts, making them omelettes.  Give him his coffee, just the way he likes it.  Have Billy pull him down for a kiss that’s barely a kiss because they’re both smiling.
And then he ignored Steve for 3 days.
So Steve had gone to the pool.
And there was Billy.  And Casey.
Billy had ignored him the whole time.
And now here he was, somehow still under the impression that Billy might have come over for their usual Friday hangout.  That maybe Steve could pretend for a little bit that he mattered to someone.  That one fucking person wanted to spend time with him.  Wanted to be around him just because.
He wiped at the tears welling in his eyes and stood up, accepting that it was time to call it a night.  As he passed by the front door to head up the stairs, someone began pounding on it.  Steve let out a bitten off shriek and clutched at his chest.  Whoever was there wasn’t bothered by the noise, just kept pounding away.  Steve licked his lips and grabbed the bat he kept by the door.  Regular.  No nails.  He got it ready and swung the door open, ready for --
Billy Hargrove.�� Drunk as a fucking skunk.  Falling forward with the momentum of his fist, eyes wide.  Steve caught him and stumbled back, dropping the bat.
“What the fuck?” Steve said, his voice flat.  Billy gripped the front of Steve’s shirt and pulled himself up, eyes bloodshot.
“Steve,” Billy slurred.  “You’re awake.” His eyes were wide, like he was shocked, and he didn’t pull away, keeping his face close to Steve’s.
“Yeah,” Steve replied, wrinkling his nose because Billy’s breath reeked.  “Waited up for you.” Billy rested his forehead in the crook of Steve’s neck and brought his arms up, pulling Steve closer.  Steve couldn’t help himself, he was so fucking starved for attention, and he let Billy cling to him, wrapping his own arms around his waist.
“Thought you would,” he hiccuped, “Wouldn’t wanna see me.” Steve sighed.
“Can’t say I’m thrilled you showed up 3 hours late and drunk,” he said, because he shouldn’t be happy Billy came like this, but he is.  He’s happy he came at all.  And how fucking sad was that.
“I didn’t wan-wanna intrude on your time with the nerds.”
“Too busy with Casey?” Steve snapped.  He felt Billy stiffen against him.  Watched him pull back and level Steve with an annoyed look.
“Fuck does that mean?” He grumbled.  Steve rolled his eyes, suddenly so fucking angry because Billy didn’t even notice.  Didn’t even fucking care.
“It means,” Steve bit out, “That you can just tell me if you wanna fuck other people.” Billy looked at him like he was making no sense, which just irked Steve more.  “You don’t have to, to let me down gently, okay?  I can take it.”
“What the fuck are you even talking about?”
“Oh my god!” Steve finally pulled all the way away from Billy, wrapping his arms around himself and hunching over, trying to make himself smaller.  “Just leave.” He didn’t look at Billy, scared that he might cry, over Billy fucking Hargrove.
“Is this,” Billy began, speaking slowly, sounding a bit more sober now, “About the flirting?”
“Is this about--” Steve scoffed and shook his head.
“Seriously?  You’re worked up over harmless flirting?” Billy sounded annoyed and Steve felt like fucking shit.  Felt tears welling up because he was an idiot.
“Fuck you,” he said, voice watery.  “I fucking--  I’m worked up,” he spit out, “Because you ignored me for 3 days.  Because when I wanted to talk to you, you fucking, fucking laughed in my face.” He scrubbed at his eyes, wishing he wasn’t crying over Billy goddamn Hargrove.  “Because you apparently can’t even bear to be my friend in public.” He laughed, the noise twisting into an aborted sob at the end.  “I’m worked up because I was actually convinced for like, a little while, that you cared about me.  That this wasn’t some fucking distraction from the bullshit.  That it maybe meant something.” Steve still hadn’t looked at Billy, who had been quiet the whole time.  “You know, sometimes, I fucking hate you.” Steve was surprised at the sharp inhale of breath and looked up, shocked to see Billy quickly rubbing at his eyes.  He glared at the floor and licked his lips.
“Please--” he stammered.  “Please don’t say that.” Steve was thrown for a loop.  Billy using please?  Billy looking upset?  Billy being anything other than his usual I’m too cool to care about anyone or anything self?
“What,” Steve said, monotone.
“I--” Billy swallowed and shut his eyes tightly, like he also couldn’t look at Steve while he was vulnerable.  Like he was vulnerable.  “I-- I got scared.” He swallowed, eyes still closed.  “When you-- You’re just so--”
“What,” Steve repeated.
“In the morning,” Billy said.  “When you smile at me, and it’s all soft and just for me, I just--” He licked his lips and wiped over his mouth harshly.  “I want that.  I got scared because I want it so much and you just…” He stopped, words trailing off like he’d already pried out what he could.  Steve couldn’t do anything more than stare, mouth open in a small ‘o.’
“So why--”
“I wanted you to hate me,” Billy said.  “I wanted you to hate me because then I wouldn’t ruin it.  I wouldn’t ruin you and you could go back to your life before I inevitably fucked this up.  But,” he let out a shuddery breath, “But hearing you say it… I don’t-- I don’t want you to--”
“I don’t,” Steve replied, probably too fast.  “I don’t hate you.”
“You should,” Billy whispered.  Steve didn’t know how to respond, so instead, he took Billy’s hand and pulled him into the kitchen.  Made him an instant coffee and got him a glass of water.  They sat in silence, neither looking at the other, until Steve cleared his throat.
“So, you really aren’t into Casey?” Billy let out a shocked laugh and shook his head.
“How is that what you’re focused on,” he muttered.  “No, I’m not.  My dad knows when I’m not, well, fucking around.  Knows that means I found someone.”
“What the fuck?” Billy shrugged.
“I’m good at pretending, Harrington, but I’m not like you.  I don’t like girls.  Sex is nice enough but they don’t really do it for me.  We left San Diego because my dad figured that out.  And he always asks who I’m meeting when I go on dates, always makes sure he knows where I am--”
“Seriously, what the fuck!” Billy shrugged again, staring into his mug.
“I don’t flirt because I want to,” he said, voice soft.  “I do it because I have to.  Because he doesn’t ask me where I go every Friday anymore.” Steve felt like shit again, but now for a whole new reason.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” Billy said.  “I should have told you.  Don’t know that I ever would have if you didn’t push me.  If I wasn’t still fucking drunk right now.” He finally, finally looked at Steve, and Steve was surprised at just how tired he looked.  “You told me how it made you feel, and I couldn’t even--” He looked away again.
“It did kind of feel like shit,” Steve said.  He backtracked when Billy hunched in on himself.  “But it was also because I was a little jealous.  That like, you even could flirt.” Billy raised a brow, confused.  “It’s stupid,” Steve said, blushing, “But you’re like, like a fucking adonis?  Shut up,” he said when Billy snickered.  “And like, I know I’m not like, ugly or anything, but I’m not anything special, so I just--”
“Not anything special?” Billy asked, looking confused again.  “Are you kidding me?” Steve flushed and looked away, frowning.
“You don’t have to rub it in,” Steve muttered.
“No, no,” Billy said, grabbing Steve’s hand.  “You--” Billy looked at a loss for words.  For once.  “The minute I saw you I couldn’t-- I couldn’t think about anything except the fact that I wanted to suck your dick.” Steve rolled his eyes but smiled a little.  “Seriously, Harrington.  The minute I finally saw that dick?” Billy shook his head.  “A goner.  Wanted to fucking choke on it.”
“Billy,” Steve sighed, smiling a little more.  “You don’t--”
“I’m not going to stop until you remember that you’re hot as fuck, okay?” Billy looked away, a blush creeping across his face and down his neck.  “I get lost in your eyes sometimes,” he mumbled.  “They’re so open and kind and deep.” He looked back at Steve and brought his hand up to Steve’s face.  “When you’re asleep I see how many moles I can count.” He cupped his jaw, thumb rubbing a gentle circle on Steve’s cheek.  “It hurts to look at you sometimes,” Billy whispered, eyes glazed over.  “Especially when you smile at me.  When you’re shining so bright and I just--” He leaned forward, pulling Steve into a gentle, but thorough, kiss.  Steve kissed back, tears prickling at the corners of his eyes.
“Billy,” he choked out, lips still pressed against Billy’s.
“You’re so good, Steve,” Billy said in a rush.  “Please, please forgive me for making you feel like you weren’t-- You know that I--” Steve cut him off with a kiss, letting Billy’s tongue swirl around his before pulling back, breath short.
“We should maybe talk about things a little more,” he mumbled, smile wet from tears, but still light.  Billy smiled a little.
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