#Note: Tubbo did not in fact take him
royalarchivist · 7 months
Etoiles: Oh, if you kill me- ok, no. Ok, ok. I'm focused.
Tubbo: Bro, what do you mean, "if I kill you"?
Etoiles: DUDE– stop- stop thinking I'm unkillable, dude! Stop thinking this! I'm not a superhero- I'm not Thanos! I'm a fcking diabetic!
Tubbo: [Laughs] That's crazy.
Etoiles: Stop thinking I'm Thanos, please. Like, it's annoying in this server!
Bad: You can take him, Tubbo.
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molluskmirage · 4 months
the boogeyman effect following Bbh from purgatory 1 has been a very fascinating phenomenon.
there is alot of residual and lingering opinions of Bad from both characters and fans and its been interesting because having watched Bads pov he really didnt do anything more then what others did in purgatory. Q!Phil is mad because Bad terrorized his team but bad had far less kills then Tubbo, and plenty other teams were around terrorizing others Fit slaughtered Tina and soulfires farmers (most of which then never returned)
Q!Tubbo is mad for ‘day 12’ for a poor decision Bad made, but Bad was carrying the team mostly alone for many many hours the whole 2 weeks (the most out of anyone on the team) I think he could be forgiven for not having the clearest decision making skills running ragged and getting killed.
Q!Bagi feels betrayed by bad and has been more comfortable around tubbo since p1 but tubbo murdered her before she could say a word in p1 and Bad asked for her consent first before doing so.
Q!Etoiles is salty about the 2v1 but he and Fit started it by attacking tubbo alone who then had to run to bad and it was a 2v2 before then becoming a 2v1 as Fit backed away injured
Q!Phil has also mentioned that bad has not taken responsibility for his actions and this is echoed a lot in fan spaces but Bad is constantly taking on blame for things he may have only been adjacent too. He’s said he’s killed a lot of people, he jokes that he’d do it again. He doesnt often show remorse for his actions which I think is more what some are after but he does acknowledge things he doesn’t pretend it never happened. He told Pepito he was a monster. And anytime some express anger towards bad he respects their feelings (that doesn’t mean he’d chose to act differently or feel remorse in such actions but he doesn’t tell anyone theyre not allowed to feel that way)
its a fascinating subject to me because this effect has carried over so strongly within the space despite the fact Bad didn’t even have the highest kills in p1 for soulfire (it was Tubbo by quite a margin) yet Tubbo is often unnamed as the wrongdoer. Bagi set up Bad for death, while it didn’t come to fruition she still did that to Bad. Bad could not do anything but run when red team took on the bounty system which was excruciating to watch. Red also showed no mercy when the boats arrived and killed Bad the sole player for blue leaving his body in a zone that would kill a naked player.
Bad did do wrong he spawn killed Jaiden. However his stalking home bases and killing others in general was no different then all of the other skilled players repertoire. Bad had to play offensively for his team the majority of the time as he was one of the few that could, yet the boogeyman effect holds onto him and warps even his own members perceptions after the fact. Q!Tina as an example very enthusiastic about letting Bad loose in p1 too then scolding him for actions he took under her instruction.
The fan narrative has been the most acutely difficult to manage as the effect is almost to mystic proportions and finding disdain for even mundane actions Bad takes and reading into those as disingenuously as possible always set on more then retribution but truly an end to his character. Which again having watched Bads POV I havent been able to discern anything remarkable that any other character hasnt also partook in.
The difference I have noted is that Bad will always consider himself in the wrong regardless if his actions had justifiable reason behind it. Dapper told Bad to win in purgatory. After purgatory Bad put himself and Dapper down as ‘oh thats just something Dapper would say hes just bloodthirsty, but narratively Dapper has committed self harm in order to protect his siblings and other islanders ((an issue Dapper unfortunately sees in his father and perpetuates himself)) believing he is nothing more then a tool to help those he loves, he would not risk his siblings lives for bloodthirsty humor. Bad knows this but when faced with the hate others saw in him he waves off both his and his sons merit buckling down. Bad and Dapper have dark humor but are always making gifts and finding ways to help others. There is nothing on the island Bad is more set to protect then the eggs and this thought with Dappers message, Q!Bad really thought he needed to go all out to protect them, even still he held back a lot and would 2nd guess because he wanted to be absolutely certain of the egg’s safety.
He wasnt without reason yet with the boogeyman effect looming over his reasons never seem to be able to hold a candle to the more popular characters, and he often concedes a lot to it. He says it with a laugh, tease, and is sassy with it but still he concedes to others perceptions of him as he doesnt want to override others feelings. It can be a bit exhausting as things are blown out of proportion to what they were in originality but on a social breakdown of how things and information travels its very very interesting and I have been enjoying the dive even if it stings sometimes with reflective thoughts.
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tobi-smp · 6 months
[looks left, looks right]
I've been holding this one back until people got cool with a lot of things very quickly but I think nows the time
lets have a quick examination of c!allium off the top of my head
1: ranboo joins the server and is immediately heckled by dream
2: that same day he meets tommy and they have the famous exchange where tommy asks ranboo if he likes flowers (to rib him) and ranboo accidentally punches him trying to give it to him. this is cute on its own, but of course we Know that tommy loves flowers, that he covered his house in them, that he sung to the plants in l'manberg
3: and importantly, that he took the flower
4: tommy immediately taking ranboo under his wing and running off to Do A Prank with him. this is really important because this is tommy trying to go back to the way that things were Before. the way that he'd had fun with his family and what he did when he felt safe and secure. this is tommy being silly with a new person he might consider a friend, but it's Also him trying to reconnect with that happy Free feeling he'd had before
5: they'd made a bunker specifically to plan out their prank, and he'd put the allium that ranboo gave him into a chest hidden for safe keeping. And That Allium Survived. he kept it and it survived
6: when they're caught not because what they did was Actually out of line (griefing was an every day occurrence, even and Especially between l'manberg and dream's territory), tommy Deliberately Did Not Throw Ranboo Under The Bus.
he didn't take it seriously, he made fun of everyone because the situation was ridiculous, but he Never implicated ranboo. and in fact, he only started Admitting to the crime When Ranboo Was Being Implicated. he Deliberately Took The Fall For Him.
(and it's worth noting that the evidence that was used to tie to tommy to the crime in the first place were signs that Ranboo wrote).
7: and in return Ranboo Stood Up For Tommy. ranboo is a character defined by his conflict avoidance and lack of spine, But He Stood Up For Him. he admitted to being a part of it, and he pointed Out that tommy was taking the fall to try to protect him, and he did so Specifically to counter tommy being called selfish.
8: then in between the trial and exile day tommy opened up to ranboo, both about being afraid of his relationship with tubbo falling apart AND with his relationship with wilbur. admitting to having nightmares and admitting that this fear of losing tubbo is tied to having lost wilbur. this is something he'd never said out loud to anybody at this point, and it'd be Many Many more months until he'd open up about it to anybody else.
9: while there Were people who visited tommy in exile multiple times, ranboo was undeniably the most consistent (outside of ghostbur, until well. dream tried to kill him)
he visited him in person And he wrote to him regularly. dream saw this as a threat so explicitly that he tried to sabotage their writing, to which ranboo circumvented it.
he'd regularly talk to tommy and try to help him while he was breaking down. he's on the of the only people on the entire server to have a full picture of what happened and it ate at him.
10: he was Also the first person after techno to find out that tommy was still Alive.
11: ranboo's "dream is the reason" being intrinsically tied to how he's Seen dream hurt tommy and rip him apart from his friends.
12: His Speech At The Green Festival. "why can't you guys just choose PEOPLE" not direct at tommy but to Defend Him. why didn't they defend him because he was their Friend? why did the politics Matter when they all knew what was happening was wrong? (of course, we know the answer to that. but ranboo wasn't there to see it. he didn't know)
13: ranboo being there at doomsday, despite everything he was there. I Think About It
14: Ranboo Being There At The Disc War Finale, Finally Putting Himself Between Tommy And Dream. Dream Specifically Looking At Him In A Crowd Of People. I Think About It I Think About It.
15: Tommy's Death, My Fucking God Tommy's Death. him finding the allium and realizing that tommy had kept it. him openly furious at the way the server treated him, how nobody saved him and how all of this could've been prevented if people had just Acted, if they'd Cared. everyone including himself.
chewing out sam for leaving him, sam talking to him bluntly about exile, I Think About It I Think About It I Think About It
16: ranboo and tubbo shadowing tommy after his revival. killing mobs for him, putting blocks under him while he's walking, watching to make sure that he's okay. Trying To Help Him Be Okay. doing therapy with him, talking with him. so afraid that he'll just disappear. "does he make you happy?" I think about it
17: tommy having a place in the mansion, even if he'd never moved in, he was supposed to be there
18: a major part of ranboo's struggle with his enderwalking not Just being about the fear of it happening at all, But The Realization That He Might've Hurt Tommy and how it absolutely Ate Him Up Inside
In Conclusion: if beeduo marriage hadn't happened I fully believe people would've started shipping c!ranboo and c!tommy and all of the discourse about rpf would've happened about them instead, and then years later tommy would've dropped his own actual rpf featuring his real self. this alternate timeline is way funnier
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apollos-boyfriend · 3 months
haii could you give me a summary of c!purpleds characterization ???
oughhh i always struggle w questions like these because for me it has become almost second nature but. i will try my best (≧∀≦ゞ fellow cpurpled enjoyers feel free to chime in with ur own suggestions if u so wish
purpled is selfish. this feels like a pretty obvious aspect of his character but Oh the amount of people i’ve seen get it wrong. he does not feel guilt over his selfishness. he will take and take until there’s no more left to steal, and he will blame the other party for his loss. he’s a survivalist before all else, a businessman before a person, and he’s proud of it. he’s manipulative and cunning and, honestly, a total asshole most of the time. it’s part of his charm
he’s been used. a lot. being used is kind of a key aspect of his character and his behavior. i think it’s important to note though that his experiences are never portrayed in a way where he’s meant to be pitied. his story is more focused on rage, on revenge, on a burning anger that will burn everything in its path. his story is tragic, yes, but he Refuses to let it be a tragedy (he is not consciously making this choice, which i’ll go into later)
he’s VERY prideful. he’s good at a lot of things and he knows it. i think a lot of people see his character type of smug, confident asshole and jump to the conclusion that it’s a front for him to cover up his insecurities but. i cannot stress enough. he is Genuinely Just Like That. he is almost fully incapable of self-doubt. if he ever encounters a situation where he has fucked up he will instantly find a way to shift that blame to others. he’s hot shit, he knows it, and he WILL make it everyone’s problem
something i think is really important is that, when it comes to seeing others, he sees most people at a neutral. he has very few people he strongly likes or dislikes, and is more uninterested and unconcerned with most people. he looks down on them, but not in a negative way, per se. that’s just how purpled sees people. if they can’t provide him with something, they’re unimportant to him. it’s not personal, it’s just fact. quackity is the only person purpled has a true hatred towards, as well as technically tommy, but that was more as a one-sided rivalry, and much, much lesser. it’s worth noting he did NOT hate slime, seeing him as a nuisance at best. he only attacked slime because he knew it’d be the way to hurt quackity the most, he held no real animosity towards him otherwise. ponk, hannah, jack manifold, tubbo, and technically boomer are the only people i’d really classify of being people purpled enjoys being around/sees on the same level as him
i know a lot of these points are somewhat bleak and serious, but he does have a silly side!! he likes pranks and scams. his best friend is his dog, who he regularly talks to as if he was another person. he has a flair for the dramatics and likes showing off, even if doing so is risky, and even if no one but him will see it
this is less of a character analysis but he talks like if you introduced an angry victorian orphan to youtube shorts. he has a very specific cadence of more sophisticated, verbose language mixed with modern-day slang and memes. it’s. very strange. i really can’t begin to properly describe it
there is zero self-awareness in that boy. he cannot see past his anger and spite and realize possible mistakes. 95% of what i’ve mentioned here he is completely unaware of. he can’t see his flaws, he can’t realize his wants, yet he always sees himself as on the right and on top. he is playing 4D chess completely unaware that everyone else is playing checkers, and is prone to unintentionally self-sabotaging himself due to being unable to recognize his true wants. he has 0 self-awareness of any of this. the way i write purpled is to make it Blatantly Obvious to the reader that his mindset and worldview is wrong, but make him completely blind to these points. he should not know things are wrong, but the reader should be able to pick up on it
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theenderwalker · 7 months
hai!! im just curious on what your take is on c!ranboos enderwalk. thats a bit vague actually . like i mean what did you view it as? cus i know some people see it as morally grey, a different part of them entirely, etc. sorry if that doesnt make sense i just havent heard many people's opinion on it lol
ok this is a big and difficult question because ultimately we don’t have a conclusive answer in canon . so i’m gonna synthesize how i interpret what we do know.
i firmly believe that ranboo’s enderwalk state is, well, just ranboo. i think it’s a matter of what memories he has access to at a given point in time, how he acts on those memories, and it’s not nearly as black and white and ‘enderwalking’ and ‘not’.
there are things he knows, and doesn’t know that he knows, things he’s done that he doesn’t remember, and critically, he has relationships with people that he does not know about. it’s not as simple as enderwalking off-stream and not onstream, because we have examples of him acting on information he doesn’t usually have onstream and he has forgotten things he did while fully aware and not under duress (the shulker box deal with foolish, which he didn’t remember later when asked about it during the lessons stream).
it’s implied in some places that it’s a cyclical thing (in the arg, one of the pages refers to ‘the enderwalkers’ as ‘circadian’ (referring to circadian rhythms/sleep cycles)<-i think this is still sort of speculation but people tested it with the font layered over the crossed out section and it fit, arg also deals strongly with the clock motif, clock ticking and stopwatch as teasers for the arg, etc) though its also able to be triggered manually through strong emotions, pain, and fear. (splash water bottle, dream smile). Z claims uncertainly that it may be genetic, and their writings imply that ranboo isn't the only one though there's no suggestions as to where these other enderwalkers may be.
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it oftentime feels like while he's enderwalking he has access to more memories--though it might simply be different memories. he for sure has access to more information about his past (eg. he remembers ender entirely sometimes, while most of the times we see him on screen he's in the process of relearning it, or is at least much more subtle about knowing it.) At times he acts on fully subconscious memories, like when he built the cobblestone end city over l'manhole without realizing exactly what it was or why.
what i think is most important to this understanding though, is that he is SO consistent in what he wants and believes. the things that change are who he knows and associates with, and what he remembers. but ultimately, he has the same goal. he just acts on it differently. people not sides, stopping conflict, being a mediator, ‘one happy family’. these ideas are something he consistently believes in all the time. it’s the context that changes, whether he’s working with dream on the community house, or with tommy and tubbo to kill dream, or wilbur and hitting on 16, he is willing to take extreme measures to pursue these goals.
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IMPORTANT TO NOTE: i don’t believe the purple eyes enderwalk trope is strictly diegetic. we know for a fact that ranboo is visibly indistinguishable while enderwalking and not, as we have seen him ‘enderwalk’ on other people’s streams, and he has interacted with people ‘in’ and ‘out’ of the state without them recognizing any difference. (cphil, cfoolish, and cawesamdude as some notable examples)
TLDR: It's just Ranboo, with more, or different, or all of his memories.
(link is to a clip of c!ranboo saying as much based on the information he had at the time)
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trashfangirlsworld · 1 year
So, yesterday tommy made a video on his serious channel talking about his relationship with social media and I feel like it’s important regarding all the stuff with drm recently (quick note that tommy wasn’t talking about any situation in particular in the video, it was just general statements). To summarize what he said: he doesn’t check social media, stays out of drama,and relies on his close friends to keep him in check and to tell him if he’s doing something wrong as he prefers to have these kind of conversations in private and in person instead of the internet. Honestly this isn’t surprising, tommy doesn’t really follow his fans on twitter and he generally only tweets to reply to some of his friends and to make cursed tweets, but this is important because it means that he really might me uninformed about the drm situation. I think there’s a very good chance tommy was told about the situation in passing (maybe by tubbo when he made the unintentional joke, maybe by someone else, there’s no way to know) and when he learned that legal action was going to take place allegedly he trusted that it was going to be resolved for the better and left it at that. Now, you could argue that tommy should have a way of being told by fans when he’s doing something wrong, and I get that sentiment, but I also can’t blame a guy for distancing himself from socials considering that prior to becoming a convenient shield for them, drm stans used to be so horrible to tommy for everything he said or did that he blocked some of them from his twitter. So at the end of the day, Tommy’s continued interactions with drm are a consequence of lack of knowledge, lack of experience in situations like this and the unfortunate fact that drm hasn’t lost that much and has still a very active fanbase that bring him up whenever tommy streams or posts something. And on one hand it’s somewhat relieving to know there’s no malice in the interactions with drm, on the other hand it’s somewhat frustrating that something that was already out of our control is now even more so, because we can’t control who tells tommy what
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sansxfuckyou · 6 months
maybe it's just me (built to snap eventually)
Summary: Technoblade and Dream have a rivalry, and the both of them are sure it's as simple as that, a rivalry- definitely not something that'll lead to an all consuming culmination of hatred and obsession, it couldn't be
Warnings: heavy gore, graphic & poetic character death, awkward conversations, the rivalsduo is meant to be read as a possessive/obsessive thing instead of a romantic thing, injury recovery, swearing, not actually character death, funerals, please read with caution
Authors Note: you know, this was originally an SBI-centric fic in my head, but then I had a lot of fun with the rivalsduo dynamic, so here we are now. I don't even know how we got here, but the end product is really fun. rip awesamdude. @sobredunia i subjected you to some of my mad ramblings, heres the full thing, i'm too tired for the ending to be perfectly formulated. hope ya'll enjoy, and if you do consider dropping a reblog, ao3 port comes out hopefully tomorrow
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"Look, Techno," Phil began with as he glanced at his second son. His beloved son, who he cared for dearly despite his rather odd choice of form, "We need to have a talk."
The Piglin hesitantly made eye contact, "Yeah dad?"
"You have the most non-human blood of all my sons, given the fact you can shape-shift. I still don't get why you want to be a pig, but you do you. Really though, a pig?" Phil rambled.
"Dad. The point," Techno said rather sternly.
"Right, yeah, this conversations topic," Phil said cautiously.
"Is this about sex? I know about sex," Techno blurted out before he could stop himself from making an assumption.
"Fuck no, definitely not," He answered with, his wings gave a fluff of discomfort. He cleared his throat, "But, as you may know, immortals grow attached to mortals. Usually picking a specific one without realizing it in the moment, and sometimes we take it upon ourselves to protect them until they die of natural causes."
"That explains Wilbur's obsession with Sapnap," Techno mused with an eye roll.
Phil gives a hum, "No, he just really wants to fuck Sapnap- it's Tommy's situation with Tubbo though."
"Ah," Techno said, a wave of understanding washed over him, "I don't have one of those."
"You do," Phil answered with, "It's not always friendship, or romance, sometimes it's hatred. Immortals grow deeply attached to a mortal to the point of obsession, brutalization even, to make sure we can take care of them or take advantage of them. It's like," He paused, "It's like our tether to mortality, we live mortal lives through their existence. Even if their mortal lives put them so close to death everyday; even if the mortal lives they lead are ones we hate them for; we grow obsessed and can't help it."
"An example," Techno demanded.
"Well," Phil said, "I don't have one of the aggressive type off the top of my head, but I'd say it's similar to your predicament with Dream, no?"
Deep red flared on Techno's face at the accusation, it didn't show much considering the hue of his skin. He cleared his throat roughly and gave a feeble defense, "Is not."
"Is too," Phil countered with.
"I fucking hate him! I want him dead! I would never do anything to protect him, ever," Techno snapped aggressively. And the way he snarled and nearly yelled would scare everyone but Philza, Tommyinnit, and Wilbur Soot. They were just used too it.
"What if I said he was dying right now, what would you do? He's on the floor, bleeding out, what do you do?" Phil asked.
It made Techno pause, he hated the fact it did but he needed to think about a question this grave. He dropped further into his chair, cape awkwardly pooling around him. He opened his mouth to speak but paused, "I'd kill him I'd finish him off myself."
"Why," Phil demands.
"Because blood loss is a terrible way to go," Techno answered with.
"What if someone else was about to finish Dream and you could save him momentarily? Then what?" Phil asked carefully. Each word interlocking to paint a beautiful picture in Techno's head.
"I'd save him, and then I'd kill him," Techno answered with, and he sounds ashamed of his answer even though he can't say someone else gets the honors of killing Dream. He takes a heavy breath, "I save him, kill his attacker, give him a potion, tell him to find me once he's healed, and then I'd kill him."
"Then go," Phil said as he stood up, "You don't have any omnipotence yet, but I do, and I just wanna say that you're about to lose him."
"What? He can handle some fucking bandits," Techno said defensively as Phil started to walk off.
There's a hum, "Yeah, but I doubt he can handle someone like Sam given his new Netherite gear."
Techno stayed silent, a deep knot of confusion settling in his gut. He stays here and lets Sam kill his one true rival, or he goes out there and tries to find said rival before Sam does. He gives an annoyed groan as he flips onto his side, "Sam can kill him."
"I'll be in the kitchen if you need me then," Phil answered with, a smirk on his face but Techno can't see it.
The second that Phil is in the kitchen the piglin is on his feet and leaving, he can already feel his tusks jut out a little bit more than usual. Stupid divinity in his genetics, he hates and loves it. But, he'll put that godly wrath to good use, just to make sure he's the one who gets to kill Dream in the end of it all.
An axe is in his hands when he reaches the door, diamond, enchanted, it will tear open someone's skull once again. He doesn't bother to grab any armor, a totem and he's well on his way out the door and into the wilderness.
He really hopes that Sam has a spare life, just to make sure he'll wake up and understand why people don't mess with an immortals mortal.
"Do you have any idea how hard it was to track you down?" Sam asked as he took another step into the bloody snow, a deep crimson turning to ice from Dream's previous death.
The man shakes his head as the tip of a sword goes to reach under his chin. He lifts his head with the blade, "How long?" He gives that trademark grin, that undying smile, the thing he's known for most on wanted posters. His hands are resting in the snow behind him, and his jacket is slashed up, no armor, he didn't think he'd need it. How wrong he was.
"Months. I spent fucking months trying to track you down after you got out just so I could have the pleasure," Sam explained in an exasperated tone. He jutted he sword forward and Dream lurched backwards till he was flat on the snow. A paw came to rest on his knee and pressed until it shattered, he bit his tongue and didn't scream, "And you have more fucking lives than you're supposed to. You should be dead right now, unable to return."
Dream laughed, "Naw, that's not how someone like me works. I can't let you of all people kill me," He tries to push himself up to face the centaur, resting on his elbows, "Only one person out there gets the honor, and trust me, he won't be pleased to find you trying to steal it."
"We all want you dead, and you think any of us care who finishes you? They don't," Sam snarled as he leaned in, raising his paw up to Dream's femur and presses until it shatters, a bloody burst as the bones splits roughly, "I'll be fucking praised."
There's an amused hum from Dream at the sudden lurch back on Sam's end, the way his ears swivel around. Snow crunching under feet, fast, closing in on them very fast. And in the instant that Sam is looking back to see who it is, he's being tackled down by a seemingly amorphous wild boar. Tusks sharp as an axe tearing into his hide and cloven hooves (almost paws), the fur is pink, striking red down the back.
"Technoblade," Dream said as he looked at his temporary savior, "He was just bluffing."
The beast whips it's head around to snarl at Dream. The beast-like characteristics are fading, until the red separates into a cape and the horns to a crown. His breathing is labored, eyes still glazed over red, he can form words just barely; "Your life is fucking mine."
Dream would stand up and walk condescending circles around Techno at this point, but considering how ruined his left leg is he can't do so. He shrugs, "I think our friend the prison warden understands that now."
Techno still indulges, killing Sam rather swiftly, tearing out his chest and spreading the ribs. A gut wrenching scream, and a snap of teeth around a heart, he's gone before he can ask why. The boar still feasts, the boar feasts until the human half of the corpse has been thoroughly desecrated, to the point it can barely be called a corpse.
Dream just watches, fully aware of the fact that'll be him one day, when Techno has finally decided to end their game of cat and mouse. Dream quite likes this right now, just watching, mentally preparing himself for the final bell to toll. Readying himself for the day Techno decides that killing someone when they're wounded is viable and far better than letting them heal to fight at full strength.
When he raises from the corpse, so close to just being another guy, but bereft of the simplicity of a human form, he looks at Dream. He licks the blood from the back of his hand before walking over to his rival, his enemy, his beloathed, but he wouldn't dare call him a friend. He crouches down and gently prods at the shattered limb and Dream hisses, "Guess you can't make it back to your place on your own."
"Kill me now, I'm on my last life," Dream answered with, "You want too, don't you?"
"Not when you're pathetic like this," Techno said bluntly as he slid an arm under his rivals knees, black pants still intact but in need of being cut up to tend to the wound. He slides an arm around the shoulders, lowering to his back and picking him up, "I'll patch you up."
Dream feebly pushes against the torso of his rival, "No, fuck you. I have an extra life, let me freeze to death."
"That's a lame way to go," Techno said as he carried Dream, he was cold, worryingly so. Techno catches the clasp of his cape on his task and attempts to swing it over.
"Are you using your cape, as a blanket?" Dream asked, he did reach for the velvety red fabric to curl himself up in it a little bit.
"Like I said, it would suck to freeze to death," Techno said as he clutched his rivals body a little closer, he can hear a zombie groaning below the ground. It's a defensive motion, like hell he's letting Dream get struck down permanently by anything other than his own two hands.
Dream hums, "I've frozen to death before."
"How was that for you?" Techno asked as that purple glow of the portal came into view past the trunk of a tree. He slows a bit, can sudden shift from cold to hot kill a human? Demi-human, because he knows that some part of Dream isn't human just like he isn't.
Dream shrugged, "It was lame, just cold," His raises a hand to touch one of Techno's tusks and the hybrid bites, fangs just barely nipping the edge of Dream's fingernail. Shock is on his face, it's pure shock, usually held behind an arrogant mask. Techno revels in the fact he's one of the few who gets to see Dream with the mask off, even if only for a second, "Dude, dick move."
"I know," Techno said, and he grinned, it made Dream's blood boil.
He crosses his arms like a defiant teen, which, yeah, he never really grew out of the defiant part. He rests his head on the fabric of Techno's shirt, and despite the pain coursing through him he keeps a straight face. He's felt worse, "Fuck you."
Techno gives a singular laugh, "I would never."
"Neither would I," Dream spits back, "I was using hyperbole."
"Shut up before I strangle you into a coma," Techno threatened.
Dream shut up.
"Hey dad," Wilbur began with as he walked past Techno and into the kitchen.
"Yeah Wil?" Phil responded with as he pivoted on his heel to face his first son.
"Why is Techno sitting on the couch staring at the ceiling?" Wilbur asked, "His hands are bloody."
Phil shrugged, "He has an 'acquaintance' over and he's worried about how Tommy will react," He gestured around vaguely with his spatula as he spoke.
"Oh my fuck, Techno got a girlfriend?" Wilbur asked excitedly, trying to keep his voice hushed but failing.
"I do not have a girlfriend!" Techno shouted from the living room.
"Trust me, this visitor is not a girlfriend," Phil said with an amused hum, "Far from it."
"Who is it?" Wilbur asked, making a point of getting up in his dads face as he spoke, the Elytrian shifter edged back.
"You'll have to wait and see," Phil said as he pushed away his son with the tip of his spatula, "Go bother Techno about it."
"He'll rip my head off dad," Wilbur said, he snatched away the Elytrian's cooking utensil, "I'll help cook instead."
"An extra set of hands is always welcome in my kitchen," Phil said as he grabbed a spatula for himself.
On the other side of the house Tommy, the youngest of Phil's sons, is kicking off his boots and shaking down his tail of the snow. Striped fur stands on end when he catches the scent of blood, heavy on the air. Before he can even announce he's home he's following that fresh blood smell that burns his nose down the halls to Techno's room.
He doesn't knock, just swings open the door, "Techno are you-"
Words die in his throat as he stares at the man in his brothers bed, it isn't his brother. His heart rate picks up when that cunt in green tilts his head to be greeted with the sight of the blonde. There's a small smile void of malicious intent, but Tommy sees violence in those emerald eyes. He slams the door shut before Dream can even get out a weak 'hi,' his fur is bristled now.
"Technoblade, why the fuck is Dream in your bed?!" Tommy exclaimed as he walked into the living room.
"I don't fucking know!" Techno shot back as he snapped up from his sitting position, "I couldn't just let him freeze to death, that'd be cruel!"
"I thought you hated him!" Tommy practically screamed.
"I do hate him! I promise, but I need to be the one to kill him! And you wouldn't fucking get it!" Techno roared back at the considerably smaller of the two.
"Then why in the name of Philza Minecraft, Foolish Gamers, and so on and so forth! Is he, in your, bedroom?!" Tommy yelled, his throat hurt just a bit, "If you're fucking him I'm going to disown you."
"That's disgusting! I would never fuck someone as low as him," Techno snapped, tone lowering as he spoke. He heaved a long sigh, "He's staying."
"I'm killing him in his sleep," Tommy said venomously.
Techno would be snapping Tommy's neck right about now if they weren't brothers, instead he stands up and walks past Tommy who gives an annoyed sound. He leans in the doorway of the kitchen, "Is dinner ready yet?"
"I take it you don't want to eat dinner with us?" Phil asked as he portioned a couple of diagonally cut sandwiches onto a platter.
"Not if Tommy is being a bitch about Dream staying here," Techno said as kindly as he could, which wasn't kindly at all. He crossed his arms bitterly, "Can I have a plate?"
Phil hands the plate to Wilbur who hands the plate to Techno.
"Thanks," Techno said.
The living room is empty, his bedroom door is propped open. He tries to stay calm as he enters his room to find Tommy above Dream, dagger so close to piercing his heart. A pair of weak hands grasp desperately at the blade to stop it from puncturing his skin.
"Tommy," Techno said coldly, he placed the plate of sandwiches on his desk.
The blonde looked up, "This isn't what it looks like."
"Yes, yes it is what it looks like! Get this thing off of me!" Dream snapped as he attempted to use his one good leg to kick off Tommy. His attempts were feeble, he just wanted to scare off the Procyonidae, not hurt him.
"Dream, shut up," Techno snapped, "Tommy, get out of my room."
"But-" The plead was desperate.
"Now," Techno snarled and the raccoon was skittering out of the room in mere seconds. He heaves a sigh before grabbing the plate of sandwiches and dropping down his bed beside Dream.
Dream reaches for a sandwich and Techno shifts the plate a little closer.
"Think twice before badmouthing any member of my family," Techno said.
Dream nodded, "Got it."
"Sorry that Tommy just, did that," Techno said weakly as he tore a chunk out of his sandwich, cheese stuck to one of his tusks.
"I probably deserved it," Dream answered without any chalantness in his voice as he ate his sandwich.
"If you want to stay here,"
"I don't,"
"You'll have to live with that, and Wilbur, and Phil, and the humans they drag along. You aren't gonna have any control here, you're just here to heal up,"
"I didn't want to be here at all,"
"I know, but I couldn't let you freeze to death, it's so fucking lame,"
Dream gives a small sigh, "Thanks anyways."
"You're welcome," Techno said and it hurt to say it to Dream, "On account of the fact that you're sleeping in my bed-"
Dream quirked a brow and smirked at the words.
"Not sexually," Techno quickly defended with, "Fuck, you have a dirty mind."
"That I do," Dream said with a small laugh, "Please continue."
"I'm sleeping on the couch now, so if you need me, just roll out of bed and drag yourself across the floors and wake me up," Techno said.
"How hospitable," Dream said with a roll of the eyes, "I'll keep that in mind."
Techno grabs another triangle of cheese and bread, "Yeah, yeah, get some sleep."
Dream gives a sickly sweet expression, "Good night, Techno," His voice was sugar sweet and it made the piglin gag, that made Dream laugh.
"Watch your fucking mouth bud," Techno snarled out, "I'm not above killing you in your sleep."
Dreams legs are shaking, and he's holding onto Techno's hand like a vice as he tries to take steps. Everything still hurts so much, and his bones aren't quite set, but he needs to try. He's already overstayed his welcome and he needs to heal up and learn how to walk again.
"Hey, dude, you can just lay down again," Techno offered quietly as he led Dream to the kitchen, "I'll bring you some leftovers."
He shook his head, "You said that Phil, Wilbur, and Tommy were bringing over their mortals, I want to be at the dinner table."
"Uh huh, and whys that?" Techno asked, tilting Dream off balance just a bit. It garnered a heavy glare that made the Piglin grin.
"I'm your mortal according to Phil, so I want to be there," Dream explained as he took yet another shaky step. At least it wasn't bleeding anymore, the gauze holding his leg in one piece.
Techno nearly laughed, "You're definitely not my mortal, I just want to be the one who kills you," He knocks his tusk gently against the side of Dream's head, "Is it not fair for me to make sure you're at your best when I do?"
"It's kinda gay, that's what it is," Dream accused rather boldly, "But really, it's just like what Phil was telling me about. You act like you own my mortality, more so than usual," He pauses, "I appreciate all the help getting back to my best again but people don't just do that."
Techno paused, "I'm built different."
And Dream just laughs, "Yeah you fucking are, you're built like a brick house and a pig for fucks sake! I'm lucky to have an enemy like you."
"I'd say the term 'rival' works better," Techno corrected as he rolled his eyes and led Dream into the kitchen.
Tommy glances up and instead of doing anything he just leans further into Tubbo. His breathing picks up.
"Dream! Glad to see you're joining us for dinner," Phil said with a grin.
"Can't stay in Techno's room the whole time I'm here, it'd be rude," Dream said, almost nervously, but not quite.
"I trust everyone here knows each other?" Phil asked as he glanced over the table.
Dream sat down next to Phil, Techno sat down next to Dream, acting as a comfortable barrier between Tommy and Dream. Schlatt leaned over the table a bit, to get a good look at the man Dream had become. He's softer now, just as gnarled with scars but physically, he's softer, less malnourished.
"Not personally," Schlatt said, "But we all know Dream."
Quackity gives a hum of agreement, "We know him very well, I guess having bad taste in men runs in the family."
Both Phil and Techno glare at Quackity.
"I'm just being honest," Quackity mused.
"Firstly, fuck off," Techno said, "Secondly, I hate this man," He gestured to said man who was sitting beside him, "Thirdly, Wilbur has dogshit taste in men and you're proof of it, lastly Tommy is, he's Tommy."
"I love debates," Tubbo said, butting into the conversation with ease, "But can we not kill each other over this little dinner?"
"Sounds fine," Quackity said as he glared at Techno, "Peachy keen."
Techno lounged back further into his chair and grabbed his plate, "I'm going to my room."
Dream gave an offended gasp, "You're gonna leave me out here to die?"
"No I'm not," Techno said before roughly hoisting up dream and slinging him onto his shoulders.
Wilbur gives a hum, "Don't be too loud, might ruin our appetites."
The glare Techno shoots at Wilbur is sharp enough to cut through steel. Wilbur just smiles.
"You're gross," Techno said.
"And hot," Wilbur answered with, "One of those two things, you aren't."
"I am this fucking close to throwing Dream at you, he will claw your eyes out," Techno threatened, holding his fingers mere millimeters apart.
"I'll have to agree with Wilbur," Quackity said smugly.
Techno places his plate down on the table and gently lifts Dream from his shoulders.
"Hey now, let's be rational, we're all adults here," Dream said rather nervously as Techno shifted how he was held.
"Yeah, and what's a couple more months with you healing up," Techno said, and despite phrasing it as a question it was a statement.
"And that's enough! From the both of you," Phil demanded as he stood up, voice cold and stern in such a way it made his children freeze. He glared at each of them, "None of you are going to your room, I plan full well on having dinner with my family present for the first time in over a month."
"Since Dream got here," Tommy muttered.
"What was that Tommy?" Phil growled out.
"He takes up all of Techno's time! They have to be doing something right under our noses," Tommy accused.
"I would never!" Techno snapped back, "I hate him."
"Then how come you're taking care of him?" Wilbur asked before Tommy could.
"Because," Techno faltered, "Because I, he-"
"He owes me one," Dream quickly stepped in with, "I saved his life and he's doing the same."
Phil knows that Dream is lying, omnipotence will do that to you. He doesn't say anything about it though.
"He doesn't have to do so in the house I live in," Tommy answered with, extremely exasperated at that.
"Tommy, Dream is a guest in our household and I expect you to at least try and respect him," Phil said, "I don't like it either, but he's Techno's mortal, we're respecting that."
"He fucking isn't!" Techno said desperately.
"Kid," Schlatt began, "Look at yourself, you're fucking obsessed with that green guy- he's your mortal, and you're his immortal, whether you like it or not."
"He's not my fucking immortal," Dream spat venomously.
"That's what I said when Phil started fawning over my existence, making sure I didn't get hurt and shit," Schlatt said as he stood up, "Porch?"
"Porch," Dream answered with as the rest of the family argued over the table.
"Look, I'm not an expert on this shit," Schlatt said, "But I sure as hell have experience."
"Then start talking," Techno demanded.
"Watch your tone, I could have smited for that," Schlatt said as he pointed to Techno with his cigar.
Dream scoffed, "Sure."
"When you sleep with someones dad anything can happen," Schlatt said with a casual shrug.
"I'll be up questioning my life decisions tonight," Techno said, "Forget late night training."
"Do you want my advice or not?" Schlatt asked coldly.
They both nodded.
"You, green," Schlatt started with, "Deal with it, Techno is gonna be making sure you don't die for a very long time. Even if you do die, I wouldn't put him past trying to bring you back if he didn't get the honors. No one will so much as lay a hand on you if they find out that you 'belong' to Techno."
"But I hate him," Dream said as the Piglin unloaded him onto a lawn chair.
"For now. You hate him for. I hated Phil and here I am, fucking him," Schlatt said with a bit of a laugh, "I guess some of me still hates him, and I'm not trying to say you two will end up fucking, but you belong to each other now."
"Like some fucked up and lazy soulmate trope?" Techno asked.
"Exactly like that," Schlatt answered with, "You're a fast learner."
"Thanks, I've been told I get it from my dad," Techno said stiffly.
"Where was I? Right, Piglin," Schlatt said, "Dream belongs to you, you can defy it, distance yourself from him, try to forget him- but if you catch wind of anyone trying to hurt him you're gonna end up fucking them up. Like what you did to Sam. Tommy would do the same for Tubbo, but that's because he cares about Tubbo as a friend, not because Tommy wants to be the one to kill Tubbo."
Techno nodded.
"You want to kill Dream when he's at his full power, you'll do anything you can to make sure you can fulfill that. Your obsession turned into a necessity somewhere along the line, sure, if you fail to kill him permanently, you'll move on. But there will be a very long mourning period of something you failed to do," Schlatt tried to explain.
"So, basically, I have a divine being here to protect me, so he can kill me?" Dream asked, "Cause that is, it's kind of stupid and hard to wrap my head around."
"How do you think I feel?" Techno asked, "We were supposed to be killing each other, dying of blood loss in a heap on the ground, buried in the same coffin."
"See? That's the whole 'immortals have a mortal' thing kicking in," Schlatt said.
"I've always thought of Dream like that," Techno said.
"And that's always how I've thought of Techno, we're supposed to die together, he kills me, I kill him," Dream defended.
"That won't happen," Schlatt said, "Techno is immortal."
"Then I'll find a way to kill him," Dream said, "I have too."
Schlatt's eyes widened a bit, "Okay, this is clearly a lot more in depth and messy than whatever Phil thinks it is that you too have going on."
Techno hoisted up Dream, "That was useless advice then."
Before Schlatt could say anything else Techno ferried Dream throughout the house, his family was still arguing. He dropped Dream down onto the bed, then he laid down on the ground.
"Don't you sleep on the couch?" Dream asked.
"They're screaming at each other, I do not want to be out there," Techno said.
Dream took a tentative breath, "You don't have to sleep on the floor."
"I'm not fucking you," Techno said.
"I'm not asking you to fuck me," Dream said, "That would sound a lot more like 'we should have sex to piss them off' instead of what I said."
Techno sat up and pulled himself onto his bed, tossing aside his cape and gently placing down his crown. He laid down on his back, Dream rested on his side facing away, towards the window.
"Don't make this gay," Techno said before Dream could even bother to say anything.
Instead he rolled over until his head was resting top of the Piglins chest, "Okay."
"This is pretty fucking gay," Techno said carefully. Maybe he enjoyed having someone lying down on top of him, it's a nice pressure, like a weight blanket shaped like a human.
"Don't care, go to sleep," Dream said, "I'll be gone in the morning."
Dream wasn't lying when he said he'd be gone in the morning.
When Techno woke up he was alone in bed, and when he opened the top drawer of his dresser one of his shirts was gone along with a gem out of his crown. Dream's mask was there, the physical one, the cracked and bloodstained porcelain left behind on top of Techno's desk. He lifted it up and out fell a small note.
I really hope that you do end up killing me, and I want to kill you too, ask Phil to bury us together, that would be nice. I want to rot with you, I want to die with you, it'd be a lot harder to say this in person, so I wrote it, and left. Like a pussy. Because sometimes you gotta be a bit of a pussy, if you ever want to find me you should be able to use the pantleg you cut off to scent track me
When you decide that it's time, make sure it's somewhere they'll find our bodies
I would say yours truly, but if you're so concerned about it being gay, I won't
There goes Techno's concerns of Tommy scaring off Dream. He places the letter down gently and clasps his cape around his neck, velvety fabric flowing comfortably. He rests his crown atop his head, now he has even more reason to kill Dream, he stole one of the crown jewels.
He finds Tommy sitting on the couch and he looks guilt ridden. He glances up to see Techno, alone, without Dream. A little bit of worry worms it's way into Tommy's stomach, did he fuck it up that badly? He really hopes he didn't, "Where's Dream?"
"Gone," Techno answered with, "You didn't cause it."
His nerves ease just a bit, "Sorry," He doesn't mean it, Techno chooses to believe he does.
"Don't worry about it," Techno said, "Just do me a favor."
"What is it?" Tommy asked.
"Make sure that me and Dream go down in the same coffin when we die," Techno said before pushing his way into the kitchen where he found Wilbur biting through an apple at a worrying pace.
Techno grabs a cooked strip of beef and tears into it as he leans against the counter.
"I'm engaged to Quackity," Wilbur said quietly, "It happened last night, when you weren't in the room."
Techno nearly chokes on his food, "Really?"
Wilbur nodded, "Yeah, really, I was waiting until we could all be together to get down on one knee. It's a big deal."
"Sorry," Techno said quietly.
"Is Dream still asleep?" Wilbur asked.
Techno shook his head, "Dream left."
"He could barely walk," Wilbur said, "Where are you going?"
Techno shrugged, "On a walk, don't know if I'll be back."
"I'll tell Phil," Wilbur said.
"you know he's a bit omnipotent, he already knows," Techno said bluntly before starting on his way off.
The morning air is cold on his face, he doesn't care about that though. Not when he has a brand new search to begin anyways, it's been forever since he's had a chance to hunt someone like Dream. The difference is that this time he's actually going to kill what he finds, and he hopes that they both go down in flames by the end of it all.
Dream is holding a dagger in his hands when Techno finds him, it's enchanted, a deep purple hue that keeps flashing this sickly green. He stuffs it in his pocket and flops onto his back, the Piglin joins him on the ground.
"You know what I've been thinking about lately?" Dream asked.
"Enlighten me," Techno answered with.
"What you said when Schlatt took us aside to try and explain the 'immortals having a mortal' thing," Dream answered with, "How we've both always thought of rotting together."
Techno gives a hum, "Doesn't everyone think that way about their true rival?"
"I don't think so, Techno," Dream said with a laugh, "It's been months since we last met, I talked with my acquaintances who have rivals, they don't think like that of their rivals. They just want their rivals to die so they can come out on top, they don't want to die with them, they'd kill their rivals in their sleep, Techno."
"Oh," Techno said quietly.
"What we have isn't normal for rivals," Dream said, "It's so fucking stupid, we hate each other, we need each other, and then, we'll kill each other."
"We're supposed to do that," Techno said.
Dream shook his head, "One of us is supposed to come out on top, we aren't both supposed to end up in the dirt."
Techno sat up, "We've dreamed of rotting together since we first met. Dream, we've wanted to slit each others throats for as long as I can remember, so fucking what if it's not normal?"
"It's pretty fucking gay," Dream said as he sat up.
"To die together? For me to rot in your arms and you in mine? That's just fucking destiny, how is that pretty fucking gay if we don't have control?" Techno questioned, "I'm dying of blood loss, and you're going down with me, understood?"
There's this odd stinging at the corner of his eyes, he classifies it as crying even though he shouldn't be. They're talking about how they're meant to die together, to be buried together, because that's their twisted rendition of this song and dance immortals do. He nods, "Yeah," He pulls out the dagger, "I found an enchantment to make sure you'll die with me."
Techno bumps the side of a tusk against Dream's head, "Thank you," He's not quite sure why he's saying thanks over a promised death, but he is.
Dream heaves a sigh, "I suppose this is it then."
"I don't want this to be it," Techno said, "I want to keep living so going down with you will be even better."
"I made stew last night," Dream offered awkwardly, "Beef, lamb, potatoes."
"No pork?" Techno asked.
"I can't eat pork even if I wanted to," Dream said, "It feels, wrong."
"Could I have a bowl?" Techno asked.
Dream gestured to the campfire behind him, "It's boiling away in the pot, help yourself."
The answer is a quiet, "Thanks."
"I don't want to kill you tomorrow," Dream said rather absently.
"Neither do I," Techno answered with.
"Then when?" Dream asked.
Techno didn't know, "I guess we'll just know when it's time."
Dream nodded, "Yeah, yeah that sounds good to me."
There's this gravitational pull when it's finally time to close the circuit, the both of them swirling to the same point like they've been caught in a hurricane. Drawn to the center point where everything coalces and becomes one, rage, blood, hatred, bones, screaming, crying- they both know why they're gridlock.
Blade of an axe pressed to the edge of Dream's sword, bright blue diamond edges clashing and shards splitting off. It blends with the sand below them, glassy, glimmering, red spills into it and darkens it in splotches. Technoblade's blood isn't red, Technoblade's blood is maroon and it shines like oil, it's not mortal.
A heady exclamation as they lurch back from each other once again, breathing labored. A dagger is raised, the one and only, the blade that will seal their fates, the blade that will spell out the ending of their tales as one. Two creatures so different brought to the same point all over again, they both started with the same weapon, and now they'll both end with the same weapon.
Technoblade loses his form, axe in one hand as he lunges at Dream, the humanity of his form fading until he's naught but a beast. A wild animal, eyes glazed over in red, crown turned to horns built to rend flesh like his tusks. And Dream just grins even wider, this is it, this is time.
He is finished. His god is finished. His god will finish him. He will finish his god. They will end it all. They will fade in each others arms. They will be go rancid in the desert heat. Their bones will twine till archeologists don't know what they are. They will end everything. His god will feast on his flesh in their last moments. He will drink his gods blood until he sees the light of reincarnation.
A tusk tears into his stomach and tears up behind his sternum, he screams and it sounds like a laugh despite how guttural and agonized it is. The hand with the dagger is pressed flush in Technoblade's throat, the enchantment shooting through the immortals blood, destroying divinity. Allowing him to die with Dream like they're supposed too, like they've been meant to do since before they were born, even in the afterlife they'll kill each other.
They'll kill each other in every world because who else is bold enough to kill either of them? Who else is smart enough to figure out the enchantment to kill a god?
Who else is meant for Technoblade the way Dream is and that in itself begs the question of who else is meant for Dream the way Technoblade is.
There's a laugh as the enchantment winds through Technoblades veins, destroying him as he destroyed Dream. The tusk is unmoving in Dreams chest as he laughs with Technoblade, even as fangs bite into his flesh. He is meat. He is flesh. He is sustenance. Technoblade is a predator. Technoblade is a devourer. And he will die of food poisoning because nothing else can kill him.
A hand, slowly losing strength because Dream drank his potions like a good boy, raises up to clutch at Technoblades shoulder. Blunt nails tear into the fabric as he laughs. It's a wet sound. He sounds like death. And he supposes that killing a god could make him death. He takes a breath, deep despite all of the red in his lungs, and he speaks.
"This is how it was meant to be," The words come out on a whisper, spoken with reverence because this is how it's supposed to be. Technoblade kills him. He kills Technoblade.
And the god gives a deep hum, a reverberating sound that shakes into Dreams bones. His immortality is being stripped from his blood, the oily sheen, glistening a rainbow of colors in the most unnatural way, is gone. He can feel himself fading and he's glad that it's Dream who did it. A hand, rough, desperate, hungry, clutches at the small of the mortals back and clutches him so very close. Snout burrowing around inside of Dream's chest, everything he has to offer in this destined death until Technoblade is choking in it all.
Strangled in greed or strangled with gifts he can't tell the difference, all he knows is that the taste of Dream's blood is perfect. The way bloody hands tangle into pink hair so long and left unbraided. Head mashed into his shoulder and breathing a susurration against his ear, it's hedonism with how much he keeps taking even though they're both to die in moments.
"I love you,"
Neither of them know who said it, they both know those aren't the right words with how sick this fulfillment of their existence is. The engulfing and ever consuming flame of obsession ate them both. The difference is that Dream's god is still eating him even as he fades and slumps further into the warm body just barely holding on.
And when it's finally over, they lay in the sand. They go rancid in the heat. They rot in the heat. Limbs entangled and weapons caught in each others flesh even as their corpses release everything else. They fade from reality together as they were meant too. Neither of them know. Neither of them see. They are gone.
Phil is the only one who knows they rotted out there for a week when someone finds their corpses being picked at by the vultures. Phil is the only one who knows what went down with the curse of his omnipotence. And even as he hates having to bury his own son, he knows in the back of his mind this was inevitable. Dream was his sons mortal. His on was Dreams immortal. It was bound to spiral, it was bound to end in bloody promises.
"How does it feel Phil?" Schlatt asked as Phil sat down beside him.
"How does what feel?" Phil shot back with weakly.
"Attending your kids funeral," Schlatt said.
"Terrible, you're staying at my place tonight," Phil answered with, "For emotional support."
"Figured as much," Schlatt sighed.
Wilbur is the final person at the casket with the rotting bodies, Quackity stands beside him. They both place a flower on the rotting flesh.
"This sucks ass," Wilbur choked out quietly.
Quackity nodded, "Definitely."
"There goes Techno, my favorite brother," Wilbur said, "What am I gonna do now?"
"You have me," Quackity supplied gently.
"I know I do, but it's not the same," Wilbur said, "It's just, not the same."
Tommy is crying, head buried in his hands as the smell of rotting flesh makes his stomach turn. He hates it. He feels like he's going to vomit even with a hand rubbing gentle circles on his back.
"Hey, dude," Tubbo said gently, "It's gonna be fine."
"It would be fine if he didn't make me bury him with Dream," Tommy practically sobbed into his hands, "That cunt broke me, and Techno gave him the honors to be buried together."
Tubbo just pulled his friend into a hug, silently.
"I'm gonna do it though," Tommy said weakly, "Because that's what he wanted."
Techno revives with Dream in his arms and while it isn't unwelcome it is unexpected. They did die like this, it makes sense they'd revive like this. He recognizes the room as his own and Dream is still asleep, locked firmly under one of Techno's arms.
They weren't supposed to revive, that was supposed to be it. He's never lost a life, he must've had extras. So much for that whole event happening. It was for absolutely nothing aside from feeling a little bit less weighted about the odd form of rivalry he holds with Dream.
Said man is starting to wake up, shuffling just a bit. He goes ramrod straight in mere moments before sitting up, "We should be dead."
Techno gives a hum, "Oh well."
"What a fucking waste!"
"Dude! Keep it down, Phil isn't a heavy sleeper,"
Dream dropped down onto Techno's chest again, "This is bullshit, it took me so long to find that dagger, and get the resources to actually kill you."
"We could do it again," Techno offered.
"That's not," Dream began, then he stopped himself. Right, they already aren't conventional rivals. They're already breaking the fundamental rules of rivalry, "Yeah, sure, we'll go on some grand adventures to find ourselves and end up in each others arms all over again."
"Don't make it gay," Techno said quietly.
"It already is gay," Dream said.
"Again, not gay if we have no say in how shit happens," Techno said, "Besides, I still hate you deeply."
"And so do I, fuck, we were supposed to stay dead," Dream gave an exasperated sigh, "It would tie off all those loose ends."
"Life isn't simple," Techno said as he shrugged off Dream and moved towards his desk. Everything ached from the brutality of his death, he picks up the mask, "You left this here."
Dream gives a hum, catching it when it's tossed over, "Thanks."
"How long do you think we were dead for?" Techno asked.
"A month, maybe two," Dream answered with, "Wanna go give Phil a heart attack?"
"Oh, absolutely," Techno said as he tugged Dream off the bed.
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prianya · 2 years
This might be a bit specific and long so I apologise, but I really like how you write Xisuma and was wondering if you write parent-child dynamics? Because this thought has been on my mind and I cannot for the life of me write xD
If yes, then could you write a Xisuma + teen!reader who was originally from the DSMP, but ran away from it after Dream got locked up? Thinking of them being like familiar to Tommy and Tubbo - a bunch of scars and trauma, trying not to do anything that could get them in huge trouble that could result in them getting hurt/killed. Xisuma let's them stay at his base and helps them out, adopting them and seeing them as his own child!
Maybe the reader has a really bad nightmare at night, which makes them go to find Xisuma (he's either probably sleeping himself or working on something idk), not wanting to be alone for long. All of this leads to Xisuma comforting them while the reader explains what is bothering them, just soft hurt/comfort :D
Late Night Reassurance
Xisumavoid x Teen! Reader ▪︎ Platonic
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Word Count ▪︎ 1,011 words
Summary ▪︎ Sometimes nightmares can affect you more than you think. It's okay though, you've got your adoptive dad to help!
Note ▪︎ This fic does mention scars and a nondescript injury, so if you're uncomfortable with that, please don't read. I tried my hardest on this one, and I'm not sure how good it actually is. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy!
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Xisuma had never thought that he’d become a father, especially with how a lot of the hermits on the server were just as chaotic as children. He had enough on his hands, and yet he couldn’t help but feel obligated to take you in. He wasn’t the only one that had offered, many other hermits offering up space in their bases for the new teenager. Sure, he wasn’t your first choice due to your extreme fear of admins, but Doc had deemed him one of the only people on the server capable of responsibly caring for a minor. The decision had been met with little resistance from you, and you were quickly moved from your temporary rooming in Doc’s base to a more permanent room in Xisuma’s.
 The only thing he could say was off about this was the fact that you were so quiet. You never really spoke, and when you did it was quiet. That also tied into the fact that you never argued with any decision made. There was never any disagreement, never any type of difference in opinion when you were confronted with something. He will admit that, yes, he was worried about it. He knows the basis of how people your age act– due to the many parenting books he had read in a hurry– and to say your behaviour was abnormal was an understatement. He tried to push his worry away, pinning it to the fact that this was a new environment and you were still not used to it.
 The scars lining your arms and legs, though, were not only abnormal, but extremely worrying. Most of the scars were obviously not self-inflicted, like the healed scar from a burn that marrs the surface of your left leg. That was one of many, and not the only concerning one. While wearing a tanktop you had borrowed from Grian, twin scars; both the size of Xisuma’s palm, had been revealed due to the low backing made to fit Grian’s wings. For once, Xisuma was happy for the tinted glass on his helmet, because the horrified look on his face when his eyes caught the scar would have made you more skittish than you were. Later that day was when he confronted you gently, and when he found out most of what had happened on that godforsaken server. There wasn’t a moment in the day that he didn’t feel resentment towards the corrupt admin. From what had happened on the server, it was easy to see that it had affected you due to how you acted. You were scared, even months after you were away from what had caused you such pain. He was happy, though, that you finally got a supportive and safe space to heal.
 Tonight was the same as your routine had set. Xisuma paused his admin duties to cook and eat dinner with you, something that you had said you enjoyed. The two of you had grown closer since your arrival on Hermitcraft, and he had become the closest thing to a father to you. Your dinner was nice, and you got to tell Xisuma about your day with Scar, who you had taken to well. You had once said Scar reminded you of an uncle or brother; and when he told Scar you said that, the man cried. You had grown, definitely, and you flourished under the protective attention of the admin. After dinner, you said good night to Xisuma, giving him a hug and then heading to bed. He wouldn’t sleep for a few more hours, staying up and working on some backlogged projects he had.
 Hours after you had gone to bed, Xisuma was alerted to the sound of floorboards creaking, and the door to his office cracking open. He looked up, surprised to see you standing in the doorway to his room with puffy eyes.
 “Are you alright?” he says while pushing his chair away from his desk, and makes his way across the room to you. You silently shake your head and lean against him heavily. He frowns, wracking his mind for some type of solution.
 “Do you want some tea?” His words make you look up, and you nod at him. The two of you go down to the kitchen, and you stay silent as he makes the both of you Sweet Berry tea. After a short period of silence, he speaks.
 “Are you feeling better?” he asks you as you stare at the tinted visor of his helmet. You can see your reflection in the glass, you note. Noticing your stare at his helmet, he removes it and sets it on the counter. You finally process his question, and you nod again.
 “That’s good. Did you have a nightmare?” he guesses. You looked so much like you did when you arrived, and he was worried that whatever nightmare you had had set you back in your recovery.
 “Yea, I did. ‘M fine now, I’m over it,” you practically whisper, the concern in him growing stronger. It was clear that you weren’t over it, and something was still bothering you.
 “Are you sure? You can talk to me if you want.” His words are soft, and the look on his face holds nothing but concern. You suddenly change your mind, and begin to speak.
 “It was about you. It wasn’t a really bad nightmare, it just made me worry. Somehow, He was here, and you were hurt. I know it’s stupid, but it still made me afraid.” Xisuma just pulls you into a loose hug, leaving you enough room to back out of it if you want. You don’t, and you hug him tighter as the two of you stand in the middle of the kitchen, your cups of tea forgotten.
 “No matter what happens, I would never let him hurt me, let alone hurt you,” he reassures you. It was then that Xisuma realised that he thought of you as his child, and it was then that he realised that he had somehow become a father.
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llitchilitchi · 2 years
In your copacetic au, does c!Dream ever get defensive about c!Sam and their situation-ship?
Like would he aggressively proclaim how they feel about each other and try to convince everyone else to let them go, or would it be more like a sad denial/reassurances and just tell positive stories about c!Sam? Would c!Sam try to defend himself, too?
(Also on a smaller note you mentioned that the Revengers were looking for Michael, did they find him during all this mess)
when Dream's first found, he screams for Sam. it's panicked and loud and desperate, and Sam can't tell if that's because Dream's scared of the consequences of being discovered or the fact that Tubbo is holding a massive axe. he never gets to find out, because Techno blocks him with his own sword, keeping a distance between the two. their eyes meet over Techno's shoulder, and Sam knows the exact moment they both realise that this is Dream's way out.
still Dream cowers and hisses at anyone who comes close to him, until Techno steps over with a tired sigh. Dream doesn't fight beyond a few offended insults thrown at Techno as he's picked up like a small child. (Sam hoped that he would be the only one who gets to handle Dream like this.) but he's not angry. he's not fighting back. Sam watches his project be carried away while Eret holds a blade to his throat.
the panic comes back only once Dream realises that Sam is not following. he looks around, demands Techno stops and it takes everything in Techno to stop the idiot from falling out of his arms.
"Sammy's nice to me," he insists, even days later.
"Can I see him?"
"Is he coming to visit?"
"He was good to me."
Ponk wonders if Dream clings to Sam out of the fear of being alone. despite the hickeys, and despite the claims that Dream was okay with all of it, Ponk struggles to see how any of it was ever okay.
he never uses fancy words, doesn't call them a couple, doesn't say they were in a relationship. then again, he denies him and Techno being friends, at which Techno only snorts and tells him to keep lying to himself.
(Dream wonders if Sam is locked up, somewhere far away, or if he left him behind the moment the server found out about them. if it was easier for him to walk away without thinking of it too much, like George and Sapnap and everyone else. the thought alone hurts more than everything the Warden did to him.)
Sam paces in his room, and as soon as the door opens he crosses the few steps to the exit and grips Bad's arms with enough force to bruise.
"Where is he?" he demands, and Bad drops the food in his hands as he startles.
"You know you're not allowed to see him," he remindes, almost chastises.
Sam hisses, takes a step back from his once friend.
"How is he?" he tries again.
"Better, not thanks to you though," Bad huffs. "I'm not telling you anything more, Sam! You ruined him!"
"Does he miss me?" Sam asks, finally, and he feels a sick warmth spread through his chest when Bad huffs and leaves the room. he pretends it's longing.
(while Techno wrestles Dream out of his corner, huffing and sighing at Dream's shoves and childish insults, Tubbo steps away from the scene. he calls for Michael, hopes to hear his son call back as he passes what he assumes is Sam's bedroom, and then takes the stairs down. his eyes well with tears when he pushes a door open and Michael turns away from a cloth chicken, dropping the toy to go hug his dad.)
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dyketubbo · 2 years
theres a lot to say about the subject of forgiving abusers but really it all just comes down to the fact that theres like. different types of forgiveness, and the fact that dsmp doesnt exist in a bubble. theres nothing wrong with like, tommy going yeah i forgive you because i need to move the fuck on with my life. his decision. there wouldnt even be anything wrong with tommy apologizing because dream was about to die. tommy is at his core a kind person, theres nothing wrong with him showing some regret and kindness, even to dream.
what is wrong with tommy apologizing to dream and gaining this ~understanding~ of him is that it uh. is based on the idea that tommy being an annoying 16 year old is a fair reason for dream to effectively kidnap, abuse, and outright torture him and also kill him three times, kill lazar and vikk three times each and torture them, try to kill tubbo just to get to tommy, torture and kill sam to have control over the prison, abandon sapnap and george, manipulate multiple people, and more.
its that tommy taking on the blame for ruining dream in the same way dream ruined him. makes it out as if theyre equals in any way. as if their entire relationship wasnt always dream having power over tommy and abusing it, abusing him. theres hardly a win in clingyduo taking themselves out with dream, not in a "the only way to seek justice is to kill dream" way (although that has some truth to it on a narrative sense), but in a "jesus fuck they had lives outside of him and the narrative acts as if this is the only way, they have to abandon everything just to show that dream and tommy couldve been friends if.. what, tommy was less annoying and a bit more kind?" way
and ultimately it sucks because. this just isnt a good time for that kind of narrative. not to meta game, but when one of the actors has allegations currently in legal question against him, its.. not great, that the story hes been working on for years now where his character consistently hurt and abused and held his position of power over a teenager ends on a forgive and forget moral. no matter what the truth of the matter about the allegations are, thats.. uncomfortable. not because im upset that dream didnt die in the way i wanted, but because during a time where victims have it hard as is, its just.
not appropriate? to have almost two years of a storyline about abuse and how it affects the victim, turns them into a worse version of themself and keeps them in a state of terror for as long as their abuser is out there, creates a situation where because the abuser happened to be somewhat charismatic and hide their worst flaws from the public, the victim is scared that no one will believe then, and does have a multitude of people who think that the victim shouldnt be listened to, because theyre annoying, because the abuser wouldnt do that, because the victim must have done something to deserve it, to make the abuser do what they did. and have it end on a note where the victim apologizes for making the abuser a worse person by.. being annoying. and dies with their abuser and their best friend, memory wiped of everything (supposedly, including their memories of their friends and family) so they can go on and be friends with their abuser never knowing what happened.
all while a victim of one of the actors has been mass harassed because.. supposedly, dream wouldnt do that. because amanda acted weird before and after. because she wanted it and that made it okay, even though she was in a position where she didnt know what was wrong about dreams actions. because. dream has power over her, because hes a somewhat charismatic man whose built up a public face of a well-meaning man who cares about his community and about victims. and amanda, in the eyes of many who dont believe her, is an annoying girl who just wants to ruin dreams life. all while we have some clues suggesting that dream may have finally gotten around to this so he could do damage control.
even if you ignore that the ending just isnt satisfying on a narrative level, it. gets concerning, to think about, when you realize that this story is influenced by cc biases, and that that includes dreams own biases against the people hes hurt in real life. thats what makes the ending uncomfortable. its not a proper story leading up to a narratively satisfying understanding of where the abuser came from, a narrarively satisfying way for the victim to forgive and move on. its a not great moral at a bad time handled by someone i dont trust to have had good intentions when playing out this ending. the fact that the people who already hated ctommy for being a victim of cdream can feel like they were right and go on to hate amanda for being a victim of ccdream? thats unsettling. very fucking unsettling.
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ranboo5 · 2 years
How about the take that Ranboo doesn't care about boreal boys/the syndicate and is just there out of fear?
I actually have covered this one before but it's literally my arch nemesis so I'll go over it again just rq bullet list format
this take is borne of two things: 1. Misunderstanding emeralds (esp Techno) as "static" and 2. Misunderstanding c!Ranboo's concessions mechanism
Okay the first thing that has to be addressed is that this is not an out of nowhere take necessarily right yk antistrawman principle strongest ver etc. Like Ranboo HAS been intimidated into doing shit by Techno before and there's two points where that's most prevalent and relevant
1. The armor interaction. This is pretty unambiguous. However notable here also is that these terms are extremely clear and straightforward they are a bit arbitrary re time and such but Ranboo does not have to maneuver hidden threats the terms of the threat are extremely upfront. Now this is not necessarily smth that makes this interaction good but it is smth that is extremely clearly communicated. This is not a Complicated Eggshells Routine there is no veiling of when the other shoe drops it is extremely straightforward physical threat and navigating it is not convoluted. Again tbc this isn't good straight out but it IS a clear communication that does end up laying groundwork for later development
2. The actual Syndicate stream. This is the key thing here okay. I will try to keep this concise
RANBOO DID CANONICALLY COME ALONG BECAUSE HE WAS AFRAID THAT THE THREATENING NOTE TO TBBO WAS RELATED TO THE SYNDICATE, AND HE WANTED TO KEEP TUBBO SAFE. Ppl aren't strictly making this up they are taking off their blinders for a second to see Ranboo make his classic maneuver wherein he complies with a threatening force to try to get in on and influence it perhaps away from threatening him and his (to varying success). Ranboo IS being careful here and he IS ultimately complying in making this decision
HOWEVER important things here also include: 1. Technoblade, who is currently actively making an effort to check his behavior and mien to not be coercive, himself actively backs off from the dark alleyway bit when he realizes it might be/is genuinely intimidating. 2. Ranboo is confident enough to test the waters not once but twice in major ways pointing out explicitly the anti coercion clause (the scene . Means a lot to me) and also to say that he can advise because he knows how to not be violent (he never does bc the Syndicate doesn't do anything and also Ranboo is full of shit)
These don't necessarily change the fact that his ultimate decision is that maneuver I mention b4 BUT the thing is ppl constantly miss that Ranboo overtunes on this. He's careful and he's still not gotten proof they won't fuck Tbbo up which he actively doesn't want... so he does the thing that he does with EVERYTHING he does this with NLM the whole time he does this with Tubbo he does this with Wilbur he arguably did this with Tmmy and it can be inferred he's done this w/ Dream THIS IS A THING RANBOO DOES THIS IS HOW HE LIVES. AND IT'S NOT GOOD
MUCH LIKE HOW THE PEERPRESSURE ARC IS ABOUT . TJOSE THINGS CHANGING. Techno at Multiple Points explicitly works to tell AND show Ranboo that not only is Ranboo not genuinely obligated to him or Phil or the Syndicate or the commune but also that Ranboo's safety and agency is smth Techno Will Take Steps To Defend. Like .
AND WE ARE NOTTTTT FORGETTING PROMISEDUO. Ranboo has not at ALL expressed a significant fear of Philza because their first significant interaction was Phil getting him out of lava and they have remained amicable since!!! Phil minds his own business and respects Ranboo and Ranboo RESPONDS TO THIS!
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brick-a-doodle-do · 2 years
#2 for notes & #62 for docs. :)
#2 for docs is LONG......so i'm making this a lil' fic :DD
(edit) okay i just read this and genuinely it's a pretty okay oneshot?? wtf??? here you go!! that moment where you read super old writing and realize it's pretty much completely similar to your writing now </3
(also scroll down for #62, it’s there i promise)
meeting boo
wc: 1889
tw: injury (non-fatal), swearing, mention of fatal vore (doesn't happen), aaand i think that's it
Tubbo yelped, narrowly missing the edge of the cabinet and falling, his arms instinctively moving to grab something, but they never did. The rope his leg was secured to went taut with a harsh snap, a spasm of pain shooting through his leg while he hung there, his cloak beginning to block his sight. The lightheadedness of being upside down kick in, along with the half-lidded eyes and numbness of his leg. He could feel conscious slipping from him inch by inch, and before he knew it he was just a beat away from passing out.
Until he wasn't.
He hadn’t properly registered what was happening, except for when something warm enveloping him from under. Shit. Tubbo tried to scramble back, only to be stopped by the rope. “Stop, stop, stop!” Tubbo yelped, pushing the fingers away from him. “I’m not going to hurt you, just stay still,” Ranboo instructed, his words soft. “Ranboo, please, stop,” Tears pricked at his eyes while he helplessly laid within the human’s grip, squirming occasionally against the fresh wave of pain moving throughout his numb leg.
His vision was cloudy, his throat hurt, and his eyes were threatening to close. He couldn’t, though. Not when he’s vulnerable in a human’s grip. “Please, calm down.”
“Stop..” Tubbo whined, nearly yelling again as his leg was free, pins and needles moving throughout his leg while it returned to its normal- no, abnormal position. It was broken. “Fuck…” Tubbo whined, placing a hand on his broken leg. “Put- put me down.” Tubbo tried, and surprisingly, the cold counter was soon his holder.
Ranboo crouched down, his hands curled against of the counter while his covered face stared at him blankly. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” Tubbo whined again. “I- I could help you?” Ranboo offered. Tubbo rapidly shook his head. “I can do it fine, just leave.” Tubbo choked on his words, tears now streaming down his partly-scarred cheeks. “Sure, right, okay.” Ranboo stood and backed away slowly before fully leaving the room with a click of the door.
Tubbo sat on the counter quietly, a hand clamped over his mouth to stifle his hiccuping sobs. He pressed his lips in to a thin line then placed his hands behind him. It was slow, but he could manage pushing himself backward towards his makeshift medical supplies in the wall.
It was a lousy cast, and was really just medical tape wrapped tightly around his leg, but it would be fine. Right? He’d just stay here for a while. Maybe he should go stay with Tommy? No. He should treat this on his own, he doesn’t need someone to help him. He’s been solo for a year now, he doesn’t need to break that.
It wasn’t helping. It was a bit, but not much. He couldn’t walk, and more importantly, he couldn’t get food, which was taking its affect on him now.
“Hey, um, this is really stupid, I- I don’t even know where you’re at, or if you’re still here… but, I just wanted to ask how your… leg is doing, is it- you know, healing?” Ranboo’s voice beamed from outside the wall suddenly. . . he was showing genuine concern for the borrower.
“I’m fine.” Tubbo announced.
“Can- can you walk yet?”
Ranboo didn’t respond for a bit. Tubbo sat in anticipation for the next words, but they were late to come. He started to believe the human had left after disappointment washed over him over the fact his little snack couldn’t walk yet.
“There’s medicine out here if you want it.” Was all he said.
Tubbo had never had human medicine before. A lot of borrowers will mix random herbs and call it medicine. But they weren’t pills like humans have, they had a lousy soup-like thing. He didn’t even know if he could eat a human-sized pill. He could try, but what if it was a trap? He couldn’t escape from it due to his leg.. gods he’s overthinking. “It’s not a trap if you’re thinking that.”
“To be fair, you saying that makes it more suspicious, bossman.”
Tubbo heard Ranboo sigh in amusement. “It’s here if you’d like it.” He said again. Tubbo made a small noise in acknowledgement. He doubted the human heard it but he really didn’t care right now. Sleep was pulling at his eyes and before he knew his heart beat had dropped and conscious slipped out of him.
Leg pain had woken him up. Tubbo groggily propped himself up against the dusty wall and rubbed his eyes with the palm of his hand. Ranboo’s past words repeated in his head. There was medicine set out for him, right. No. It was a trap. . . or poison. Not medicine. A human would never do that for his kind.
He knew this, and still, in the back of his mind, he pondered on what was actually out there. Maybe there was nothing and Ranboo was just toying with him, trying to get him out onto the counter and vulnerable so he could overpower him. Would he be eaten? Kept as a pet in a jar or a cage? Flattened? Cooked? Endless endings.
And that was why he continued to lay in bed. And lay, and lay, and lay for weeks. He slept through most of it, and if he hadn’t been sleeping he was either having a short conversation with Ranboo or salvaging the last of his food. He’d run out three days ago and it was starting to affect him badly.
Nearly six weeks had passed, Tubbo had been without food for almost a week now. He hadn’t gotten up in a bit, the last time he did he could manage a short walk with a bad limp. Perhaps he should try it again.
He could move his leg better than he could a week ago, and it definitely felt better to walk on now. He had a limp, but he could manage with going out to get food.
He limped through the room to the rope he’d set in the back of the cabinet. Shit. He couldn’t climb this, it'd fuck his leg up again, right? He supposed he could go on the counter… but he’d need a rope for that as well. He could go a bit longer without food, maybe.. or maybe Ranboo could help? No. Just climb the rope and get food.
It wasn’t as bad as he thought it would be, truth be told. His pace was a bit slow while he tried to keep his leg steady and not move it quickly or drastically, but within moments he’d found himself in the dark cabinet. He felt around for any type of box or bag, a wave of relief washing over him as he brushed over a familiar box. Hopefully.
He maneuvered though it, breaking the cracker into four to store easier. He stuffed the last quarter into the now-full bag. The cabinet door opened, catching Tubbo off guard. “Fuck,” Tubbo frowned, gazing at the masked human ahead of him. He looked relieved.
“Sorry,” The two muttered in unison.
Tubbo looked down in embarrassment, then back up with a genuine, small smile, while Ranboo huffed in amusement again. He did that a lot. "It’s good to see you’re… doing better,” Tubbo nodded, the grin gone. “Right, well, I’m doing a stream in the kitchen, you may want to… lay low?” Ranboo suggested.
“Okay,” Tubbo nodded again, taking a hesitant step back.
Ranboo closed the cabinet door after their encounter to allow the tiny his privacy. He hadn’t completely grasped the whole borrower concept yet, probably from Tubbo’s neglect for telling him information and Google’s unhelpful results.
Not that he could blame the borrower; someone as small on him clearly wouldn’t feel safe sharing information on his species. If he was really that desperate for information, he could ask Wilbur, given that he had a much closer bond with Tommy than Ranboo had with Tubbo.
He had time before his stream, he could probably squeeze in a visit to Wilbur’s? No, that would be stupid to go there just to get advice on how to win Tubbo over. They’re making progress; it won’t take too long. Hopefully.
The stream went fine, Tubbo assumingely stayed.. wherever he was. The walls, maybe? That seemed like the most logical option. He remembered Wilbur briefly muttering about it to Tommy on a call. Whatever.
He idly typed ‘good stream’ in Ranmail then began cleaning his… terribly messed up kitchen. He frowned at the sight of raw egg from the subgoal, and countless wrappers and unclosed bags. Flour was everywhere, and a partially eaten cake was in the middle of it.
“Hey, bossman,” Tubbo’s voice was quiet, but he managed to hear it. Ranboo turned, his eyes landing on the small form on the counter. He crouched, curling his hands around the counter. “Hey, what’s up?”
“I- I um… gods this is stupid, but I- I just wanted to.. thank you for talking with me for- for the past few weeks and- um- untying me.”
Ranboo smiled even though it wasn’t visible. “Did Tommy put you up to this?”
“What? How do you even- no, he didn’t…”
“Alright, well, you’re welcome. You seemed like you could use the company.”
Tubbo fiddled with his thumbs while thinking of a response. “Yeah, Tommy’s been so worked up with his human lately. A- And I’m also sorry that I was so… quippy? with you. My- my kind really aren’t supposed to talk, or even be spotted by a human, so-“ Ranboo shook his head. “I get it.” He said softly. “So- uh.. yeah, thank you.” Tubbo smiled genuinely. Tubbo took a step back, and Ranboo nodded shortly. A beat of silence passed before the borrower spoke up again. “So…uh, what’d you do to your kitchen?”
Ranboo looked back at the kitchen island then back at the tiny. “I don’t even know.” Tubbo huffed in subtle amusement, but it was there. The borrower opened his mouth to speak again, but was cut off.
“Tubbo!” Tommy’s muffled voice called from (assumingely) the walls, catching both Tubbo and Ranboo’s attention. “Now he comes. Hold on,” Tubbo muttered, holding a finger up as a sign to wait, then disappearing beyond the walls. The two’s probably quieted conversation couldn’t be heard from out here, so Ranboo returned to cleaning while he waited.
“Tommy?” Tubbo called out as he maneuvered though the dark hallway until he spotted Tommy “Hey, big man!” Tommy grinned, but it fell a moment later. “Why’re you limping?”
“Oh, I- I uh… broke my leg,”
Tommy gaped at that. “You fucking what? Shit, Tubbo I’m sorry I didn’t visit you- I, uh, was giving you space because of what happened the last time I came,” Tommy fretted. “It’s fine, you worry too much." Tubbo paused for a moment. "What’re you here for, bossman?”
Tommy stayed quiet for a moment or two. “I wanted to visit you.” Tommy shrugged.
“I’ve got a human to attend to, so, ma-“
“You’ve what? You’ve made peace with Ranboo?” Tommy said, a shit-eating grin plastered upon his face. Something about his eyes said he was about to bolt through the tunnels and straight out onto the counter to talk to Ranboo. He did.
sdfjgdfds sorry if you had to scroll through that 😅
#62 in docs is titled 'any thrill will do: notes' and is worldbuilding/plot outline rambles for my quackity au :D
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So for like a year I’ve had a notes page titled “C!beeduo thoughts for when I cave and download tumblr” and I finally did so even though I’m not super interested in them anymore it would feel wrong not to post these thoughts (also feel free to ask for clarification if you want because these notes are jumbled as hell)
-name a better duo then c!beeduo fans and being touch starved I’ll wait (no c!beeduo themselves don’t count)
-Ranboo forgetting he thought Tubbo ender
C!Ranboo: says something sweet in ender
C!Tubbo: (genuinely touched) hey bossman do you remember teaching me ender
C!Ranboo: (now a little embarrassed) no
-They immediately hug each other so tight and refuse to let go appon c!Ranboo’s revival
-When c!Ranboo looks people in the eyes he gets murderous thoughts because endermen but for c!Tubbo he can look in his eyes because the thoughts are muddled by sweet ones about how much he loves him
-Them calling each other pretty because I know for a fact those two are insecure about their appearance
-nlm c!beeduo: awkward and nervous around each other
snowchester c!beeduo: still awkward and nervous around each other but now they are married and with child
-the fact they can look each other in the eyes means a lot on both sides
-Michael has a British accent
-endear walk Ranboo cares for his family deeply
-ew!Ranboo is also more clingy and overprotective
-they’re extra clingy when c!ranboo gets revived
-c!Ranboo giving c!Tubbo his jacket when he’s cold because the cold barely even effects him anyways (enderman)
-both of them having pink hair or white hair
-c!Tubbo being able to pick
c!Ranboo up but c!Ranboo is convinced he’s going to drop him
-all wholesome and genuinely sweetest nicknames started off as insults
-they are nothing if not both insecure about their relationship
-c!ranboo: so is their a mr _ in your life or
C!tubbo: yeah it’s you
C!ranboo: wait really
-C!ranboo is very much not a morning person
-c!Ranboo calls c!Tubbo and Michael “his favorite boys”
-c!Tubbo can’t call them his favorite boys because c!tommy will throw a fit (also c!Ranboo nonbinary real)
-c!Tubbo and Michael doing the angry face thing me and dad do
-c!Ranboo listening to him rant about red stone and nukes
-c!Tubbo wants to be held c!Ranbbo wants to hold
-c!Ranboo brushing the bangs out of c!Tubbo’s face so he can see his eyes
-c!Tubbo hitting himself to try and stop himself from crying
-they do each other’s hair
-c!tubbo is a communist not because he’s anti exploiting the working class but because he’s pro exploiting rich people
-c!tubbo sneaking up behind c!Ranboo to give him a kiss on the cheek and it always catches c!Ranboo off guard
-c!Ranboo gets to be mostly unlabelled as a treat
Gender: idk
Romantic orientation: idk
Whether or not his relationship with his husband is platonic or romantic: idk
-post marriage pre falling in love c!beeduo >>>>>>
-queer platonic infuses on the queer
-c!tubbo used to joke flirt with c!Ranboo as a way to pretend he was like actually close
-“He claimed to love Ranboo's wealth, for it was far easier than admitting the truth-“ (I think this was a quote from a fic but I don’t remember which one)
-c!beeduo cheesy hallmark movie au
-c!tubbo is just so seasonal
-the idea of taxes never actually mattering to c!beeduo is fine and good but it’s so much more funny if there just stupid and thought that the marriage would genuinely help with the taxes that they don’t pay
-one of them loves to read and the other absolutely despise it but I can’t decide who’s who
-matching explosion scares that they take care of together
-they can’t go to bed angry like physically c!ranboo will count as a hostile mob and c!tubbo “can’t sleep monsters near by”
-ghostboo making his vail darker/more opaque so c!Tubbo doesn’t have to see his dead husbands face
-c!Ranboo’s earnings act as item space
-ghostboo: I thought maybe you could love me like you used to even though I’m different
-c!Tubbo: and she’s smiling at me and I feel nothing I feel empty and I’m scared that
-mermaid (cRanboo) and pirate (cTubbo) au (actually ended up drawing this hell yeah)
-c!Ranboo (or c!Tubbo honestly) and c!Aimsey are just going to be mlm + wlw solidarity I can already tell
-c!Aimsey is Michaels cool uncle I don’t care it’s happening (sorry c!Tommy you’ve been replaced)
-c!Ranboo uses more cute nicknames then c!Tubbo
-c!Ranboo: do you think I’m a good dad
c!Tubbo: I mean you’re no Tubbo underscore beloved but yeah you’re alright
-these repressed bitches who have awful copping mechanism
-c!Tubbo is either the most overdramatic sick person or he completely hides his illness and tries to pretend he’s fine no in between
-c!Aimsey is a human who has an obsession with bunnies and is not a hybrid
-cAimsey, c!Eryan, and c!Tommy fight over who Michael’s favorite uncle figure is
-Michael is an Angel with his dads…every one else is free range
-ghostboo’s veil is optional but he only really where’s it when c!Tubbo Is around
-when they first got married they stayed up all night talking because they’re both a bit afraid to fall asleep
-sometimes c!Ranboo will just forget that they’re married and get super caught off guard by affectionate actions
-are you guys married or just roommates?
C!Tubbo: neither
C!Ranboo: both
-that one meme were it’s like I wonder what I taste like
-You know those people who interpret c!beeduo as platonic and then put a /p on every post even if it’s not even a little romantic I think it would be funny if people who interpreted them as romantic did that too. Like draw a picture of them straight up kissing and then put a /r just to make sure it’s clear
-Ranbob exists which means canonically c!Ranboo has to be revived to not upset the space time continuum
-It’s so important to me that one of the first things that made them “fall for each other” was seeing how good of a dad the other was to Michael
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irrealisms · 6 months
no one gets too much light liner notes
fic here if you haven't read it!
the title comes from the song As Many Candles as Possible by the mountain goats. the first verse especially makes me think of how c!tubbo approaches forgiveness, and was the inspiration for a lot of this fic, but i do also have a lot of feelings about the chorus and second verse and c!tubbo.
small detail: ranboo and ghostbur are around about the same amount of time because they're both splitting their time between L'manburg and the arctic!
the rocket launcher is brought up right at the beginning to introduce the general -- themes and era this fic is about. like, it is true to this era that tubbo has it in his inventory/enderchest while intending to move it to a barrel, but it's also in this fic as a signal: this fic is about the festival! tubbo is now the owner of this thing that is a symbol of his death at the festival!
c!tubbo is so interesting to me in his imitation of c!schlatt while he's president. the substance abuse is at least semi-canon-- after exiling tommy, he gets high (at 1:34:15), ditto when he discovers tommy's alive (clip). and of course everyone else is paralleling them-- tommy, quackity, and fundy all say tubbo acts "like schlatt" while president. this is definitely something tubbo is thinking about! and it's also something i think about a lot in regards to all of the manburg cabinet but especially tubbo (as president of NLM) and quackity (as president of LN).
there are actually two different tubbo-as-schlatt paralells going on here, one of which tubbo is thinking about and one of which ranboo is thinking about.
the first is: tubbo ordering tommy's exile as being equivalent to schlatt ordering tubbo's execution, in that neither of them directly killed their ~victim but their orders as president led to their death. this is what tubbo is thinking about throughout this whole section: he understands schlatt now because he sees himself as having done what schlatt did; he forgives schlatt because it'd be hypocritical not to. this is what tubbo feels incredibly, deeply guilty and fucked up about. he has picked up schlatt's bad habits and even as he takes part in them he's doing it from a place of being deeply traumatized by schlatt. he drinks whiskey to cope and as he does it he's thinking about what it smelled like on schlatt's breath while schlatt yelled at him. he is trying to justify schlatt's actions because he's trying to justify his own actions, but he still feels deeply guilty and miserable about them, because no matter how much he minimizes and ignores his own feelings he knows how much they hurt.
the second, which ranboo is panicking about, is: tubbo is getting a member of his cabinet to decorate a festival, and that member of his cabinet is a traitor/spy/friends with and feeding information and resources to the enemy. and tubbo is talking about how he understands executing that person!!!!! now, obviously, this is also a self-blame thing, where he blames himself rather than schlatt for killing him (and at times blames tommy rather than himself for exile! note that blaming dream for exile, while correct, is not really on his mental radar), but it's also deeply, deeply alarming to ranboo, who is trying to figure out if he's going to get killed. (tubbo does see the parallels here to some degree, but much less than ranboo does, and they're secondary in his mind to the parallels w tommy.)
speaking of ranboo's point of view on this conversation-- ranboo ... knows that tommy's alive. it is super uncomfortable for ranboo to be engaging with tubbo's guilt and grief about tommy's suicide, knowing that (a) tommy isn't actually dead, (b) he absolutely cannot tell tubbo this, because, well, see the previous bullet point!
on a different note-- we, the reader, know two things: (a) tommy isn't dead, tubbo hasn't killed him; and (b) when tubbo does in fact find out that ranboo is a traitor, he actively refuses to execute ranboo, even on quackity's urging, because he does not want to be like schlatt. tubbo and ranboo are both afraid of the parallels between tubbo and schlatt, but tubbo isn't, actually, schlatt. he may have picked up some unhealthy shit from his time in the cabinet--both unhealthy for himself and for his interactions w others--but he has not and will not do the thing that he spends this entire fic alternating between "beating himself up over" and "trying very hard to justify" (or, for that matter, the thing that ranboo spends the entire fic afraid of.)
also, i tried to sprinkle this in, tubbo is passively suicidal. he's passively suicidal throughout this whole era. you see this the most on doomsday and the disc finale but you also see it some in his conversation w ranboo the day before the green festival, which was a major inspiration for this fic. while he's talking to ranboo he consistently downplays his own death as Not A Big Deal! and while ranboo is, yes, panicky over what that means for himself, he is also deeply concerned for tubbo that tubbo doesn't value his own life very much.
the ending note of ranboo not decorating for a funeral is intended to be ambiguous between two possibilities: either ranboo forgot the whole conversation (cf: how Fucking Scared he is for it!), or ranboo remembers and is actively choosing not to decorate for a funeral because he knows that tommy's alive and hopes that tubbo will find this out soon. which is true? i didn't actually have an answer to this in mind while writing it. both. either. tubbo can't tell the difference, and neither can we.
(another complication to that line: decorating for a festival, after spending this much time talking about the manburg festival and tubbo's death, is decorating for a funeral.)
bonus fun fact: due to my timeline obsessions, this is set on a specific day: december 18, 2020.
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bunchesofoats · 2 years
DSMP!Coffee Shop AU
Feat — Most, but not all, C!DSMP Characters (C! not CC!)
Contains — Coffee Shop AU aka lots of big, fancy barista words
Notes — I work in a cafe and I thought this would be funny. This is mostly just characters, but I might do another post regarding the L’Manburg Revolution but in Coffee Shop Rivalry form. Let me know if you’re interested in my inbox!
The Dream Team created the Dream Cafe together, it was mostly Dream’s idea so they named it after him- Sapnap and George just decided “why not” and tagged along
Dream is an absolute god at making/remembering all sorts of drinks like the back of his hand, George is adequate at drinks but he usually likes working in the kitchen where there’s no annoying customers, and Sapnap loves working at the cashier to meet new people
Ponk was one of their first customers who turned into an employee due to how much of a regular he was, his expertise is more on drinks like fruit refreshers and teas but he loves helping in the kitchen! He makes absolutely MENTAL lemon bars that even Dream doesn’t know the recipe to.
Similar to Ponk, BBH was also a customer turned employee! He loves working in the kitchens w George (who has no complaints when BBH takes over so he can “go on break”) and his expertise is muffins! Don’t ask how he’s so good with knives though.
Sam is the cafe’s resident fixer upper and is one of the managers (along w the Dream Team), if the espresso machine is broken he’ll either fix it himself or have a 5 page document of replacements with pros and cons of each product
Tommy was a new hire they took a chance on, they didn’t usually hire teenagers but they thought it’d bring in more of a younger audience than their usual old men who order a single black coffee- He absolutely LOVES making lattes, stuffing any leftover sweets in his apron, and hiding food around the cafe from BBH
Thankfully, Tubbo applied as well and was in the same orientation group as Tommy so they became the customers’ favorite pair of troublemakers! When Sam isn’t working, Tubbo is often very helpful with fixing things around the cafe! Though only quick fixes and temporary, they’ve saved them from dealing with cranky customers who want their coffee at a certain time
The managers attempt with Tommy and Tubbo didn’t work exactly as they planned because Tommy then roped in Wilbur to apply, whose favorite type of drink is a single black coffee. He did end up learning to like sweeter things such as lattes after being taught how to make them by Tommy, but he still will ask Tubbo to brew him some "regular" coffee every now and then
Like Wilbur with Tommy, Fundy was told to apply by Wilbur. Fundy is more in charge of Dream Cafe’s promotion. As their social media manager, he deals with their website, online delivery/pickup orders, and can even cover the register when Sapnap isn’t working! He’s usually found working in the cafe’s back office with, surprisingly, not coffee but juice for some odd reason. Something about how he doesn't care for cafe drinks.
Punz and Purpled both applied out of the sheer need for money and the fact that the cafe was close to their homes. They just clock in, do what they’re told, and clock out. No one really knows either of them well except Dream. Fundy has gotten a laugh and a bit of help with website ideas from Purpled though. No one really knows what they do outside of work.
Schlatt applied out of sheer boredom, barely works any shifts or hours, and like Punz and Purpled, no one knows anything about him outside of work. He’s the cafe’s enigma worker, really good at the job but incredibly mysterious otherwise.
Eret, Jack, and Niki all joined at the same time and were all a part of the same orientation group so they created a group chat together (will get back to this later)! Like the Dream Team, Eret works on drinks, Niki in the kitchens, and Jack is on the register!
Lots of chaos ensues, and maybe some unexpected rivalry causing a split?
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colossal-red · 2 years
Alright spill. I’m your new au just a normal life: I mean obviously it’s a small civilisation being watched over by spectators so what’s the deal? Are they like an experiment now or like a zoo kind of deal experience? PLEASE JUST RAMBLE ABOUT EVERYTHING
*Typing noises intensify*
So, first off History Lesson: Long ago, humans discovered the existence of borrowers, and they did the classic human thing of treating them like pests and or food. But, come a little while later, the borrower species came to be Endangered, so a Scientist going by Doctor Soot, proposed taking the remaining borrowers, and keeping them in enclosures to examine their behavior and keep the species alive. Over time, the borrowers forgot about the existence of humans, and thanks to Genetically-modifying plants, they were convinced that they were in fact normal size. Because humans made miniature trees that actually functioned as trees, a variety of flowers, and domesticated spiders. The way the borrowers completely forgot about the existence of humans, was because eventually all the Elders passed away mysteriously, leaving only one Elder still alive, Philza Minecraft. He’s not technically an Elder tho, he was just a baby when the walls went up, and is the only person in the village of L’Manburg who was alive back then. Nowadays, humans are only known about in old Fairy Tales. The humans mostly leave them alone, occasionally coming by and dropping off food. To the borrowers, it seems as if it magically appeared, and they eventually built a Church near the drop-off place and due to some old notes they found, they call this God, Soot. And that’s about it for History Lesson. Oh wait, one more thing, Doctor Soot isn’t actually Wil, it’s his grandfather.
Now then, who is our main-cast?
Tommy Innit Minecraft, the son of Philza, he is Wilbur Soot’s personal favorite Borrower to watch.
Tubbo Schlatt, son of Jay Schlatt, he usually just does his own thing and hangs out with Tommy.
Philza Minecraft, the oldest man in the colony, accidentally spotted a human and was scared out of his mind, but now they talk all the time.
Ranboo, last name unknown, he is a human who somehow got into a borrower exclusive Discord Server, but he doesn’t know it yet, as far as he’s concerned, he’s talking to humans.
Wilbur Soot, the head-scientist, he takes care of the L’Manburg colony, and observes quietly.
Technoblade, close friend of Wil’s who usually vibes at his apartment.
Kristin, a fellow scientist who helps Wil out with the L’Manburg colony. But, she was spotted by a certain Old Man and now comes by to talk to him as much as possible-
Last thing, next chapter is gonna be interesting, because Tommy and Tubbo are gonna try to get out, now what will their reactions be when they see just how small they actually are? :)
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