#Norma Jean <3
happyheidi · 1 year
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𝖬𝖺𝗋𝗂𝗅𝗒𝗇 𝖬𝗈𝗇𝗋𝗈𝖾 𝗉𝗁𝗈𝗍𝗈𝗀𝗋𝖺𝗉𝗁𝖾𝖽 𝖻𝗒 𝖲𝖺𝗆 𝖲𝗁𝖺𝗐𝗇 𝗂𝗇 𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝗁𝗈𝗆𝖾 𝗂𝗇 𝖠𝗆𝖺𝗀𝖺𝗇𝗌𝖾𝗍𝗍, 𝖭𝖾𝗐 𝖸𝗈𝗋𝗄, 𝟣𝟫𝟧𝟩. 
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jonathanbiers · 1 year
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i like going to metal shows for the energy of the music. no other reason....... (all videos taken by me)
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thxnks4themrms · 5 months
If I had a pair of Mary janes I’d be very happy
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idasessions · 2 years
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Norma Jeane Baker, October 1944
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scrollsofhumanlife · 2 years
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Norma Jean Crichlow-Perez
B. December 12th 1957 in Uniondale, Hempstead, New York
Las Vegas, Nevada
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pazzesco · 8 months
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Marilyn Monroe as Lillian Russell. Russell was one of the most famous actresses & singers at the turn of the century, known for her beauty & style, as well as for her voice and stage presence.
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Marilyn Monroe as Theda Bara, silent film star from 1914 – 1926.
In 1958 Monroe posed for a series of photographs taken by Richard Avedon for Life Magazine. The photographs were to accompany an article titled “Fabulous Enchantresses” where Monroe recreated five famous actresses, Lillian Russell, Theda Bara, Clara Bow, Jean Harlow, & Marlene Dietrich. Though Avedon was not completely happy with the photographs, the pictures appeared in the Christmas issue of Life. This issue also included her husband, playwright Arthur Miller's article “My Wife” which introduced Monroe’s “Fabulous Enchantresses”.
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Monroe as Clara Bow.
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Monroe as Jean Harlow.
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Monroe as Marlene Dietrich.
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Here's 3 year old Norma Jean on the beach with her mother Gladys in 1929
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g0r3stff · 9 months
Começando as Regras
OK ok ok. vamos começar com algumas regras fáceis, sim, eu disse regras e todos nós precisamos delas para ter sucesso em tudo o que queremos alcançar e aqui você alcançará o estilo de vida profissional perfeito da ana (anorexia), então vamos começaaaar....
> antes de tudo, todos nós precisamos colocar na cabeça que isso não é mais uma dieta ou doença com restrição de calorias, mas um estilo de vida com restrição de calorias. é um hobbie. é a norma, e você não pode deixar ninguém lhe disser que você está sendo obsessivo porque o que diabos eles sabem.
⚫ regra 7-7. a maioria das pessoas conhece essa regra e todas as pessoas pro ana a usam. e basicamente você faz o que diz na lata, não coma antes das 7h e depois não coma depois das 19h simples e não difícil. se você continuar assim por um ano inteiro, você teria jejuado por 6 meses inteiros!!!
não coma 3 horas antes de ir para a cama porque seu corpo queima calorias durante o sono e usa sua comida como energia durante a noite; portanto, se você apenas jantar, ele terá que usar isso como fonte de energia, mas quando acabar, queimará as calorias do seu corpo; no entanto, se você comer novamente antes de dormir, haverá comida suficiente a noite e não vai queimar naaada.
Tente gastar todas ou a maioria de suas calorias em alimentos com calorias negativas, porque eles não contêm muitas calorias e queimam calorias ao mesmo tempo, é uma vitória!
1. Água, água e água. Beber água é a melhor coisa que você pode fazer por si mesmo. A água ajuda a mantê-lo saudável e ajuda a liberar o corpo de todas as toxinas. Eu pessoalmente sei que isso é verdade, apenas certifique-se de ir ao banheiro o tempo todo, porque você terá que esvaziar a bexiga várias vezes. Além disso, a água fria queima calorias enquanto a água morna o sacia (beba 2 xícaras de água quente antes de comer e 2 xícaras de água fria depois de comer).
2. Esteja sempre com as unhas feitas, isso vai esconder o amarelado que ficará das suas unhas depois de um tempo de fome.
3. Sempre estabeleça regras para si mesmo, pois elas o ajudarão a se manter forte e o manterão no caminho certo para a magreza.
4. Retire boa parte que você vai comer e não se permita segundos.
5. Supõe-se que o vinagre de maçã maximize a absorção de gordura, portanto, beber um shot antes de comer ajudará.
6. Não morda a comida de outras pessoas ou do que você está cozinhando porque as calorias aumentam rapidamente.
7. Sempre tenha fotos de inspiração fina para olhar quando quiser comer demais.
8. Para ajudar a se motivar, mantenha um diário ou um livro de recortes de ideias e citações motivacionais. Isso também pode ajudar a parar sua próxima compulsão.
9. Tome café da manhã, isso ajuda a aumentar o seu metabolismo. Tente comer frutas com calorias negativas no café da manhã.
10. Sempre se exercite. Se você estiver em jejum, malhar ajudará a perder gordura.
11. Tenha sempre roupas menores no armário para quando você sentir vontade de comer demais você pode ver o quão perto você está do seu objetivo (o meu é um jeans skinny tamanho 34 que costumava ser largo em mim, antes de eu engordar)
12. Use um elástico apertado em volta do pulso e prenda-o sempre que sentir vontade de comer demais.
13. Certifique-se de ter uma boa noite de sono, pois pode queimar mais de 500 calorias e fornecerá mais energia para mais exercícios.
14. Sempre coma na frente das pessoas, isso ajudará a evitar compulsão alimentar e elas não podem dizer que você está morrendo de fome.
15. Durante o almoço na escola, faça sua lição de casa para distrair seus amigos do fato de que você não está comendo.
16. Quando sentir fome, faça algumas flexões, polichinelos ou sente-se na parede. Você não vai sentir fome depois.
17. Quando você está sozinho, TRABALHE PARA FORA!!!!!! Ninguém está lá para incomodá-lo.
18. Faça uma lista de alimentos que você NUNCA deve comer.
19. Torne-se vegetariano ou vegano para ter escolhas para comer.
20. Permita-se comer demais uma vez por mês. Você terá menos chances de fazer isso com mais frequência.
21. Nunca coma nada maior que uma xícara. Seu estômago se expandirá e você sentirá fome mais cedo.
22. Usar jeans escuros ou leggings deixa as pernas mais finas.
23. Tome um chá de hortelã ou hortelã diminui a fome.
24. Você não terá o corpo que deseja quando comer o que deseja, o autocontrole é uma grande parte para manter ou perder peso.
25. Ao comer após cada garfada, conte até 100 antes de comer outra.
26. Nunca coma toda a sua comida, sempre deixe um pouco para ser jogado fora.
27. Quando for comer fora, beba um copo cheio de água antes da comida chegar.
28. Quanto mais rápido você se distrair de um desejo, mais rápido você pode esquecê-lo.
29. Tome vitaminas diariamente, elas fornecem os nutrientes de que você precisa, mas não as obtém dos alimentos.
30. Quando estiver prestes a comer, pense que a comida não o levará mais perto de seu objetivo.
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captainhunnicutt · 7 days
Here's a running list of every time BJ drops the name of a person during casual conversation (sometimes as if it's common knowledge), and then never mentions them again:
1.) Norma Jean - Welcome to Korea (S4E1)
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2.) Gerald Rassmussen - The More I See You (S4E22)
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3.) Floyd Hayden - The Colonel's Horse (S5E11)
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4.) Louis Hepler - 38 Across (S5E15)
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5.) TR Miller - Lil (S7E3)
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6.) Elwood Einstein - Period of Adjustment (S8E6)
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7.) Aunt Shirley - War Co-Respondent (S8E23)
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8.) Eddie Hoffman & Old Man Wallerstein - No Sweat (S9E11)
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9.) Carl (!!!!) - No Sweat (S9E11)
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10.) [Aunt] Selma - Trick or Treatment (S11E2)
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11.) Earl Flagen - Give and Take (S11E14)
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In conclusion, BJ Hunnicutt only does this 12* times in the span of 179 episodes he's actually in. 7% of episodes. Do with this little piece of information as you'd like.
*It's definitely possible that I missed some, so if I did please kindly let me know.
EDIT: I absolutely did forget one.
12.) Ned Gradinger - Wheelers and Dealers (S10E5)
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thechanelmuse · 2 years
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Black American Music Month
• ELIZABETH “LIBBA” COTTEN - She was a maid at 9, wrote a hit song at 11 — and won a Grammy at 93. Not to mention she was a self-taught left-handed guitarist who played a guitar strung for a right-handed player, but played it upside down. This position meant that she would play the bass lines with her fingers and the melody with her thumb.
• SISTER ROSETTA THARPE- The “Godmother of Rock & Roll.” She helped shape modern popular music, was one of the few Black female guitarists to ever find commercial success and the first artist to blend gospel with the secular.
• ODETTA HOLMES - Known as “The Voice of the Civil Rights Movement.” In 1963, she sang for the masses on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial at the March on Washington. Her musical repertoire consisted largely of American folk music, blues, jazz, and spirituals.
• PEGGY JONES - Nicknamed “Lady Bo” played rhythm guitar in Bo Diddley's band in the late 1950s and early 1960s, becoming one of the first (perhaps the first) female rock guitarists in a highly visible rock band. Sometimes called the “Queen Mother of Guitar.”
• LIZZIE “MEMPHIS MINNIE” DOUGLAS - Known as the “Queen of the Blues,” was a singer, guitarist, and songwriter. Her title stems from her legacy of successfully recording music across four decades as well as being the lone female voice in a male dominated blues scene.
• NORMA JEAN WOFFORD - Nicknamed “The Duchess” by Bo Diddley, she was the second female guitarist in Diddley's backing band.
• ALGIA MAE HINTON - She was widely recognized as a master picker and buckdancer in the Piedmont styles. She would often play her guitar behind her head while buck dancing.
• ETTA BAKER - She was a Piedmont blues/folk guitarist and singer who began playing the guitar at age 3. Taught by her father, long-time Piedmont player Boone Reid, Etta played 6-string and 12-string acoustic guitar, and 5-string banjo. She was a master of the blues guitar style that became popular in the southern piedmont after the turn of the century.
• JESSIE MAE HEMPHILL - A legend of hill country blues guitar. She grew up in a lineage of familial fife-and-drums bands from northern Mississippi, rose to popularity in the mid-1980s and had a fruitful career during which she performed around the globe, traveling mostly on her own. She played in open tunings and, having started as a drummer, had a percussive guitar style that included slapping and banging the instrument. She would also tie a tambourine around her calf, which, together with her strumming-and-drumming guitar work, gave her performance the sound of a one-woman-band.
• BEVERLY “GUITAR” WATKINS - One part soul singer, one part rockin' roadhouse mama, and one part gifted songwriter. She's been chronically under-recorded for a woman with her résumé, performing with the likes of James Brown, Ray Charles and Otis Redding. She didn’t record her first album until she was 60. Her blistering licks on a 1962 red Fender Mustang earned her the well-deserved nickname “Guitar.” She gon’ put on a show:
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One more for good measure:
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• WILLIE MAE “BIG MAMA” THORNTON - Also referred to as “The Godmother of Rock & Roll.” She was a blues singer, songwriter, self-taught drummer, and harmonica player. She was the first to record "Hound Dog", in 1952, which became her biggest hit, staying seven weeks at number one on the Billboard R&B chart in 1953 and selling almost two million copies. She also helped to shape the sound and style of “Texas-blues,” an evolving blues sub-genre known to incorporate swing and big band elements.
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That's 114 contenders! Amazing job everyone!
we got 323 submissions and labored over every single one until approximately 2am, which is why this bracket looks so fucking incomprehensible. (shoutout to tumblr user asparagoos for creating The Milves Rubric and user pastramis, who plays fantasy football and knows brackets.)
anyway, full match-ups are below the cut. starting tonight (3/30) we'll start with uhh the upper left-hand chunk today, then make our merry way down the list three times a day until the first elimination round ends. the top scoring milves will not appear until the second elimination round, aka when this bracket is legible.
milf lovers grab your therapist's number!
Regina Mills (Once Upon a Time) vs. Marge Simpson (The Simpsons)
Queen Clarisse Renaldi of Genovia (The Princess Diaries 1 & 2) vs. Olivia Crain (The Haunting of Hill House)
Barbara Howard (Abbott Elementary) vs. Ambessa Medarda (Arcane)
Helena "HG" Wells (Warehouse 13) vs. Taissa Turner (Yellowjackets)
Catelyn Tully Stark (A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones) vs. The Black Fairy (Once Upon a Time)
Penelope (Greek Mythology, The Odyssey) vs. Siobhan Sadler (Orphan Black)
Xenomorph Queen (Alien Cinematic Universe) vs. Goldie O'Gilt)
Bella Goth (The Sims) vs. Jean Milburn (Sex Education)
Cersei Lannister (A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones) vs. Valka (How to Train Your Dragon 2)
Queen Calanthe (The Witcher Netflix) vs. Nancy Botwin (Weeds)
Marge Simpson (The Simpsons) vs. Ella Montgomery (Pretty Little Liars) WINNER MARGE
Queen Clarisse Renaldi (The Princess Diaries) vs. Peggy Bundy (Married With Children) WINNER CLARISSE
Sarah Jane Smith (Doctor Who, Sarah Jane Adventures) vs. Olivia Crain (The Haunting of Hill House) WINNER OLIVIA CRAIN
Barbara Howard (Abbott Elementary) vs. Stacy's Mom (Fountains of Wayne) WINNER BARBARA
Ambessa Medarda (Arcane) vs. Jacqueline Carlisle (The Bold Type) WINNER AMBESSA MEDARDA
Helena "HG" Wells (Warehouse 13) vs. Flemeth (Dragon Age) WINNER HG
Taissa Turner (Yellowjackets) vs. Janet Van Dyne (Antman and the Wasp) WINNER TAISSA
Patty Hewes (Damages) vs. The Black Fairy (Once Upon a Time) WINNER THE BLACK FAIRY
Milah (Once Upon a Time) vs. Penelope (The Odyssey) WINNER PENELOPE
Siobhan Sadler (Orphan Black) vs. Norma Bates (Bates Motel) WINNER SIOBHAN
Gerri Kellman (Succession) vs. Xenomorph Mom (Alien Franchise) WINNER XENOMILF
Alex Blake (Criminal Minds) vs. Goldie O'Gilt (Ducktales 2017) WINNER GOLDIE
Bernie Wolfe (Holby City) vs. Bella Goth (The Sims) WINNER BELLA
Elizabeth Jennings (The Americans) vs. Jean Milburn (Sex Education) WINNER JEAN
Valka (How to Train Your Dragon 3) vs. Ana Servín (Madre Solo hay Dos) WINNER VALKA
Matriarch Benezia (Mass Effect) vs. Queen Calanthe (The Witcher Netflix) WINNER CALANTHE
Julie Cooper (The OC) vs. Nancy Botwin (Weeds) WINNER NANCY
Ana Amari (Overwatch) vs. Aunt May (Spider-Man MCU) WINNER AUNT MAY
Joyce Byers (Stranger Things) vs. Queen Ramonda (Black Panther) WINNER JOYCE
Admiral Kathryn Janeway (Star Trek: Voyager) vs. Nalini Vishwakumar (Never Have I Ever) WINNER JANEWAY
Carol Newman (The Santa Clauses) vs. Bette Porter (The L Word) WINNER BETTE
Addison Montgomery (Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice) vs. Sabine Cheng (Miraculous Ladybug) WINNER ADDISON
Laura Roslin (Battlestar Galactica) vs. Mrs. Brown (Paddington 1 and 2) WINNER LAURA ROSLIN
Yennefer of Vengerberg (The Witcher 3) vs. Carminha (Avenida Brasil) WINNER YENNEFER
Camila Noceda (The Owl House) vs. Sarah Alder (Motherland: Fort Salem) WINNER CAMILA
Wynne (Dragon Age) vs. Melissa McCall (Teen Wolf) WINNER MELISSA
Mon Mothma (Star Wars) vs. Carol Peletier (The Walking Dead)
Helen Parr (The Incredibles) vs. Seven of Nine (Star Trek: Picard)
Abigail Pent (The Locked Tomb) vs. Medea (Greek Mythology/Euripedes)
Queen Elinor (Disney's Brave) vs. Caroline McKenzie-Dawson (Last Tango in Halifax)
Evelyn Wang (Everything Everywhere All At Once) vs. Takhisis (Dragonlance)
Annalise Keating (How To Get Away With Murder) vs. Maureen Robinson (Lost in Space)
Gemma Teller (Sons of Anarchy) vs. Celeste Wright (Big Little Lies)
The Fairy Godmother (Shrek 2) vs. The Smart House (Disney's Smart House)
Marcia Roy (Succession) vs. Martha Rodgers (Castle)
Pyrrha Dve (The Locked Tomb) vs. Danielle Rousseau (Lost)
Olivia Benson (Law and Order: SVU) vs. Linda Flynn-Fletcher (Phineas and Ferb)
Morticia Addams (The Addams Family) vs. Maeve Millay (Westworld)
Melanie Cavill (Snowpiercer) vs. DCI Amy Silva (Vigil)
Beverly Crusher (Star Trek: The Next Generation) vs. Lucille Bluth (Arrested Development)
Abby Bartlett (The West Wing) vs. Laura de Mille (Doom Patrol)
Alicia Florrick (The Good Wife) vs. Ellie Torres (Cougartown)
Zelda Spellman (The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina) vs. Lisa Lisa (Jojo's Bizarre Adventures)
Tsunade (Naruto) vs. Jules Cobb (Cougartown)
Katherine Hastings (American Auto) vs. Esme Cullen (Twilight Series)
Abby Griffin (The 100) vs. Letty Ortiz (The Fast and the Furious 9)
Jocasta (Greek Mythology) vs. Joss Carter (Person of Interest)
Julia Sugarbaker (Designing Women) vs. Eve Fletcher (Mrs. Fletcher)
Chrisjen Avasarala (The Expanse) vs. Marion Lavorre (Critical Role)
Tiffany Valentine (Chucky) vs. Jodie Mills (Supernatural)
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arcanespillo · 7 months
it says that ur into poetry in ur bio and thats so cool!!! i like poetry as well and am taking it as an elective at uni but i am actually not too good with poets so was wondering if you had any favourite poets? if not thats totally fine. maybe poetry recs? thanks ☆
i'm not the river / nox by anne carson is tricky to find but there's a fragment here / PORTRAIT OF THE ALCOHOLIC WITH WITHDRAWAL / A BOY STEPS INTO THE WATER / SOME BOYS AREN’T BORN THEY BUBBLE / Thirstiness is Not Equal Division / EVERYTHING THAT MOVES IS ALIVE AND A THREAT–A REMINDER / A Man Said to the Universe / The Worm King’s Lullaby / Cortège / the triumph of achilles by louise gluck / the reticent volcano keeps by emily dickinson / the mirror by louise gluck / i go down the shore / the arrowhead / Brother / My Brother at 3 A.M / I would I might forget that I am I / the second elegy / stripped car / The Saints Come Marching In by Anne Sexton, How to Be a Dog by Andrew Kane, Angel of Hope and Calendars by Anne Sexton / I Remember / WHAT THE BIRD WITH THE HUMAN HEAD KNEW / THE TRUTH THE DEAD KNOW / In The Deep Museum / Lament / The Starry Night / A Curse Against Elegies / jesus suckles / start here / march is march / a bad day by mary oliver / Portrait of the Illness as Nightmare / lord knows / Town of Finding Out About the Love of God / fragments from Avalon Revisited (1963) by Margaret Atwood / from crush by richard siken 'the torn up road', from war of the foxes 'landscape with fruit rot and millipede', 'birds over the trampled field', 'the museum', 'self portrait against red wallpaper'/ from louise gluck's the wild iris 'clear morning' 'spring snow' 'scilla' 'the hawthorn tree' 'april' 'the jacob's ladder' 'matins' 'song' 'vespers' 'harvest' 'retreating light' 'lullaby' 'the gold lily' / from her vita nova 'the open grave' 'roman study' 'timor mortis' 'castile' 'mutable earth' 'inferno' / from faithful and virtuous night 'aboriginal landscape' 'utopia' 'the melancholy assistant' 'a foreshortened journey' 'the horse and the rider' / from meadowlands 'parable of the king' 'moonless night' 'departure' 'rainy morning' 'telemachus' guilt' 'meadowlands I' 'telemachus' kindness' 'parable of the dove' 'purple bathing suit' / from firstborn 'the cripple in the subway' 'seconds' 'letter from provence' 'firstborn' / from the house on marshland 'the pond' 'gratitude' 'abishag' 'the fire' / from descending figure 'the garden (2)' 'origins (4)' 'thanksgiving', from the triumph of achilles 'exile' 'seated figure' 'liberation' 'adult grief' 'horse'/ apostle town / the town of the sound of a twig breaking / strawberry moon by matthew dickman / the wolf god / this poem by mark bibbins (another year on the day/ of class photos/ i scratched at my face/ with a sharpened popsicle stick/ no blood just a few pink lines/ that didn't read/ what else./ i wanted a cast on my leg/i wanted braces and glasses/and my tonsils out/i wanted scars/i don't know when or whether i figured out the difference between wanting to be damaged and wanting to be healed) / ancient text by louise gluck
short talks by anne carson, waiting for god by simone weil, blue horses by mary oliver, dog songs poems by mary oliver, men in the off hours by anne carson, trances of the blast by mary ruefle, autobiography of red, red doc and norma jeane baker of troy by anne carson, richard siken and ocean vuong's books are famous honestly but try to read their stuff if you haven't checked them out yet (i don't like ocean vuong but i did like some bits of his first book) and also i suggest reading 'the journal of albion moonlight' if you find yourself particularly liking red doc, i hope you were not expecting old poetry because that really isn't really in my ropes
this is what i have noted on my journal :p if you can't find some stuff dm me but you can search for most poetry books on archive.org and it's free and legal
+ poems by Margaret Atwood ! i forgot, like this one
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cooki3face · 9 months
lions gate portal reading : 8/8/23
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Featuring Norma Jeane, the queen of manifestation herself. We love her and we miss her! <3 we’re going to ask the right questions this evening, what you’re manifesting, what you need to release, and ask for some guidance and words from spirit!
pile one 🤍
I see you manifesting strength here pile one. You’re manifesting the strength to keep a positive mind and be bigger than your ego and bigger than negative thoughts and anything that threatens to knock you down. You’re manifesting protection over the things you love and the things this open portal is about to bring in for you. I see you also manifesting the breaking of karmic cycles, bad cycles, and the banishment of toxic relationships whether these be romantic or platonic. I see you guys manifesting happiness, good karma which you are rightfully owed, and health and happiness. And you guys are very heavily manifesting the banishment of fears and insecurities and self-limiting beliefs and whatever it is that’s holding you back here.
You want to step into your higher self, you want to become the person you knew you could be all along and you’re asking the universe for help to break the cycle of insecurity and break the imprisonment of negative thoughts and ideas and energy. I see you manifesting closure as well. The release of resentment and anger and heartbreak. You’re manifesting forgiveness you’re manifesting the release of any heavy energy that you’ve been carrying around and dragging with you over the years, over the past couple of months, over the past couple of weeks. You’re manifesting a clean slate and a new life, I’m hearing, “I no longer want to be angry anymore. I no longer want to hold onto resentment anymore. I no longer want to hold onto fear or negativity anymore due to my trauma and my past.” You don’t resonate with past versions of yourself anymore, past versions of connections you’ve been in, past versions of situations you’ve been in, past versions of the people you’ve been around.
What you’re releasing:
I see you releasing stagnancy. Anything that’s holding you back. Anything that’s keeping you from waking up in the morning and putting your best foot forward and improving your life. Anything that pushes your manifestations away from you. I see you reeling all of them in because of the blockages you had you’re releasing them. You’re offering yourself, you’re offering others, compassion, forgiveness, and understanding. I see you letting go of a lack of mindset or letting go of desperation for money or desperation for improvement in your finances. I see you releasing impoverished energy and allowing money to flow to you. Letting go of the fear surrounding not having any money or not having enough money because you know it’s coming in for you.
I see you letting go of giving more of yourself to others than others are giving to you, I’m seeing you balancing the scales and realizing and understanding your worth and how important it is to sit in your energy and accept and receive love and blessings endlessly moving forward. You’re not chasing anything or anyone, you’re understanding that if it is yours it will come to you, you’re understanding that you have every right to ask that anything and everything come to you with ease. You’re understanding that nobody deserves anything more than you do. You’re understanding that it’s okay to release your control and relax because you won’t have to force your manifestations to come to you or push things into fruition because the universe and the most high love you so much that they will give you your blessings easily and regardless because you’ve done your part and you’ve done the inner work.
“Continue to step into your power and know how worthy and deserving you are. You’re strong. You’ve done so much work and have taken such initiative already to improve your life and make room for the manifestations that you’re asking for and you will receive them. Be confident and continue remaining in the energy to receive. Remember all the opportunities you could have, remember all of the things that you could receive, remember how attainable everything is to you. Whatever you want is yours. Whatever you need is yours. Whatever reality you can dream up or create is yours. Put some respect on your power and how much of an artist your heart and your mind are. Your heart holds all the secrets of your deepest desires and more. Your heart is the council of your higher self. He/she is within you. Us, your ancestors, your spirit guides, and your angels are within you and behind you. We are protecting you and guiding you and wishing nothing but the best for you and creating nothing but the best for you to have. Anything that you’ve had to wait for, anything that you’re waiting to receive we’re preparing it for you so when you receive it is everything you’ve been looking for. All you have to do now is sit back and relax and enjoy your day and the time you have to yourself. We’ve heard everything. We’ve prepared everything. We’ve sent you everything.”
pile two 🤍
I see you manifesting not having to work as hard or you’re manifesting the type of abundance that gives you the freedom to live your life and enjoy your day without working yourself to death or burning up all of your energy in ways you would rather not. Someone is manifesting the ability to work smarter, not harder. I see you manifesting working and making money like the divine and special and worthy person that you are. I see you manifesting the career or manifesting a lifestyle that you truly deserve. You’re manifesting a soft life, you’re manifesting peace and harmony within your life.
I see you manifesting the release of things that stress you out and drain all of your energy whether that be in your career, in the people in your life, in love, etc. you’re ready to give up the struggle, you’re ready to give up the constant feeling of filling a void or wanting more or grasping for more and not ever feeling like you have enough, you’re ready to give up dissatisfaction and the feeling of unhappiness, you’re ready to give up not feeling content and not feeling loved in your relationships. You’re manifesting the banishment of unfairness in your life, you’re manifesting the banishment of dishonesty within yourself and within others.
You’re manifesting no longer living a double life or no longer having to pretend that the things you want and desire aren’t attainable for you or aren’t things you truly want. You’re manifesting being able to be yourself unapologetically and you’re manifesting being loved wholeheartedly for who you are. You’re manifesting freedom, freedom from internal and mental blockages and barriers, you’re manifesting freedom from negative thoughts and insecurity and fear. You’re manifesting being able to finally walk away from everything that keeps you down or keeps you from living the life you truly deserve to have, mental health issues, addiction, karmic partners and friendships, toxicity, drama, and conflict.
What you’re releasing:
Karmic people, karmic relationships, and karmic connections. I see you walking away from toxic relationships or relationships and people who are no longer serving you and represent parts of yourself and lifestyles you no longer resonate with and no longer live. There was probably a small amount of time where you recognized you were changing and things were shifting and you were starting not to find peace or contentment in the things you used to enjoy, the things that made you feel comfortable, the things that calmed you down or made you feel better and you were afraid to you tried to step back into that karmic reality that you used to live but now you’re realizing you are ready for more. You’re letting all of that go. You’re stepping into your power. Stepping into a new reality.
You’re releasing the habit of not respecting yourself or not loving yourself and giving yourself the care and compassion and forgiveness that you deserve and that you’ve earned after all of this time. You’re releasing beating yourself up for making mistakes, you’re releasing convincing yourself that the things you truly desire are unattainable and unavailable to you because you’ve not had them before, you’re releasing the belief that you cannot grow and cannot improve because it’s hard and because you’re not used to it. You’re releasing not speaking up for yourself, not being honest with others, and being honest with yourself. You’re releasing not having clear boundaries, clear communication, and a clear mind. You’re releasing living for others and creating facades so others will accept you.
You’re releasing stubbornness, you’re releasing the ego. You’re releasing not taking the initiative to get the things you want or go after the things you truly desire. You’re releasing the habit of talking about things and not doing them. You’re releasing not being in your emperor energy and channeling all of your inner divine masculine energy and being in your power and creating the life that you want regardless of whether you are a man or a woman. You’re releasing insecurity, fears, self-limiting beliefs, and all of those ideas and belief systems that kept you afraid and kept you away from the things you loved and wanted all of this time.
“you’ve been healing and taking the time to realign yourself with your highest purpose instead of waiting around for someone else to do it for you or for things to magically change or improve and we’re so proud of you for making the connection, for taking the initiative and for stepping into your power. We ask now that you continue to take the steps to listen to your heart and follow your heart and allow it to guide you to all the things you love unconditionally, all the things you’re meant to do within this lifetime. Life has not been the kindest to you and life is not kind to many and it is not often that many find the strength to spin gold from their circumstances and understand their soul's purpose and how bright they can shine if only they took the time to alchemize their lives and muster up all of their ambition to catapult themselves into the beyond. When you were born, we were all so excited and we knew that you would struggle but you are very special and we knew that you would come out on top. We loved you unconditionally and we sent you special people/a special person who would love you unconditionally till the moment you learned to love yourself unconditionally all the same and you have learned true self-love. You have learned what it means to honor your heart and honor your wishes and your soul's inner calling. We placed you back in the life that you were living so that you could open your eyes and see how much more you deserve and how much more you desire and how capable you are of attaining all of the wonderful things you wish for and now you’re ready to go get them. We wish you so much love and luck on your journey. We love you.”
pile three 🤍
I see you manifesting direction for your future and the ability to see what it is that you want in life and for your purpose and your desires to come to you. I see you manifesting the gift of compassion for yourself so that you may have compassion for others and be able to connect with people and truly understand and feel for them. I see you manifesting being in tune with yourself so that you can be in tune with others. I see you manifesting being able to help yourself so that you can help others. I see you manifesting closure and forgiveness and peace from your past and the things that sit within you that trigger you and disturb the peace of your heart and your spirit.
I see you manifesting stepping into your power and coming into alignment with your divine purpose and with your gifts and your magic. And I also see you manifesting the ability to be in tune with your intuition and have better discernment, I see you manifesting the banishment of creative and emotional blockages I see you manifesting emotional maturity and the gift of wisdom and strength.
what are you releasing:
You’re releasing conflict and drama and the tension that has surrounded you in your life for a long time. You could’ve found you’ve grown out of wanting to be the center of everything or wanting in on drama or knowing what’s going on because that stemmed from the fear of what others thought of you, what others were saying about you, and your fear of disappearing if you were not involved in the conflict that went on around you. I see you releasing conflict in your home and growing out of the conditioning that came with your trauma and being used to the yelling, the tension, and the rage that comes with growing up in certain homes.
I see you releasing holding onto secrets. I see you releasing believing that you belong in environments that are less than you deserve. I see you releasing being comfortable in environments and situations and partaking in habits and activities that don’t reflect how much you love yourself and how much you deserve. I see you releasing trying to push and pull things into fruition or push and pull things the way you want them to be due to fear of being out of control or things harming you or putting you in emotionally draining situations and mindsets. I see you releasing disharmony in your relationships and what it feels like to be alone because of the people you choose to be around not having the open heart chakra and being tuned into the energetic wavelength to truly support you and want the best for you.
I see you releasing the past, past situations, past versions of people, past people who didn’t do right by you, past trauma, past conflict and experiences, past versions of yourself who didn’t truly want peace, past versions of yourself who didn’t know self-love and didn’t know true love, past versions of yourself who put you in bad situations and bad environments despite your deepest desires of harmony and love and connection and respect due to fear.
“You are learning how to protect yourself, how to value yourself, how to put yourself first, as you are vulnerable to the energies of others and what you consume and let in after a long time of not truly understanding what it meant to protect your peace, to act out of self-love, to control what you heard or what you saw. You are finally making lessons from your experiences and opening your mind, your heart, and your ears to the words and the guidance of the most high after a long time of not being tuned into the frequency to listen and understand. You are being given a fresh start and a blank slate as you deserve it and we know now that you are more than ready to use it with grace and create a safe life and a good life for yourself. Everything that happened, all of those situations and people that came into your energy and did not serve you and did not honor you because you did not require them to you are seeing finally the purpose of it all and why we brought so many things into your life and why we allowed you to go through so much hardship. There are lessons everywhere. Open your heart and your mind and your ears to listen. There is love where you return home to yourself to find it. There is peace and harmony where you find it within yourself to build the boundaries and the foundation to have it. We watched as you grew, we watched as you struggled and you had a hard time understanding and uncovering the truth and finally those times have passed and you are ready to release all the things you carried with you and you are ready to live a good, harmonious life. Keep growing, keep flourishing, leave no stone unturned, and find all truths and all answers with every hardship and with every trial and tribulation that come your way from this point forward.”
I hope this was healing and you found what you need to with this reading and wish you the best of luck with your manifestations and bringing happiness and abundance into your lives. If you ever need a personal reading, you may go to my Instagram and click the link in my bio to book a reading with me, I love you, goodnight. 🌙🤍
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plumbaleena · 3 months
Norma / Rockabilly Lookbook
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hang with me t-f on twitch 9:30am cst xx
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hollywoods-angel · 10 months
marilyn monroe <3
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marilyn monroe was not just an actress, but she's become an american icon in every way. she started off as norma jeane, a model in her free time! gradually she began working towards her goal of becoming a movie star.
although most people didn't see it, marilyn was smart. she knew what people wanted to see, she knew how to act and get people's attention. she worked endlessly to better her acting skills, taking plenty of classes and observing other classes. she was an avid reader who owned almost 400 books!
marilyn was very shy and quiet. she was far from a diva, she was kind and beautiful on the inside and out. throughout her life she did charity work and advocating for minorities. her style and her soul inspire me everyday :)
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netherfeildren · 11 months
i was wondering if you had any book recommendations or a list of your favourite books that you could share?<3<3
hello hello! i 100% absolutely do *cracks knuckles* there’s absolutely nothing i love more than talking about my favorite books let’s go
- i always start with anne carson bc she’s undoubtedly my favorite author writing today. no one (and i mean this literally) is doing what she’s doing. a strange concoction of greek classics / poetry / prose. narrative poetry is pretty much the gist of it. autobiography of red is one of my most favorite books ever — sad funny gorgeous all the things. i also love the beauty of the husband and norma jean baker of troy but i’ve read all her books and they’re all wonderful
- the goldfinch by donna tartt. like not just the story — boris and theo and everything, but no one writes about existence like DT and i don’t even mean in the metaphorical existential sense but what it is to live a life, the space around you, a home, a friendship, your material things, a social life, everything. it’s not necessarily her attention to detail, even tho it is, but it’s more so the details she chooses to include. (rumor about a new pub in june was fake *cries*)
- i’ve read a lot of nabokov this year. i read pnin it was good, i read laughter in the dark it was Excellent!! now i’m reading one of his books of short stories and i like it a lot a lot i’m a big short story person i read a lot of anthologies
- consider the lobster by david foster wallace is one i love. people either find it dry and abysmal or perfect i’m the latter
- bulgakov’s the master and margarita seminal classic for a reason - funny shocking mysterious all the things i think everyone should read this book at least once
- i read primeval and other times by olga tokarczuk this year it was quite strange like postmodern fantasy. some parts of it are pretty uncomfortable but i did enjoy it
- i’ve been working through anais nïn’s backlog this year and i’m having fun with it. i’ve read all the erotica and it’s interesting in more than just the sex. it’s pretty violent and strange and like shocking. and i like her very concise style it’s pretty good
- lighter stuff everything by lisa kleypas but particularly the hathaways lovely comfort reads i go back to all the time — my favorite type of romance is a historical romance hands down (i have read SO MUCH historical romance and will give a more detailed list if that’s wanted) — also her ravenels series but particularly chasing cassandra is DELICIOUS
- for fantasy katherine arden’s winternight trilogy is unlike anything else ever and i’ve also met her and she’s so kind and lovely and a wonderful human who deserves all the success in the world
- miscellaneous but by no means lesser : ottessa moshfegh, louise glück, loretta chase (lord of scoundrels)!!! swoon!; tessa dare
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femmefatalevibe · 10 months
hi there. im about to start college and i want to change my closet so i can feel more confident in my body and feel like the woman i want to be
im short (5'2), have an hourglass-shaped body with thick thighs, a big chest and a short torso, so finding clothes that look good on me is hard. what kind of clothes do you recommend to have that femme fatale style? thank you <3
Hi love! Applauding your mindset and the effort you're taking to step into your own as you enter this exciting new chapter of your life.
I would say that tailoring will be your best friend – think structured v-neck/square-neck top (knit polos), button-down shirts, tailored vests, blazers, high-waisted bootcut/flared trousers, A-line skirts/dresses/shorts are all great options.
I recommend the Gap '70s Flare pants/jeans, square-neck/deep scoop-neck tanks & tees, v-neck/polo-style tops, hoodies, & sweaters, casual button-downs (options that hit below your hipline/cover your hips), a longline (vegan) leather blazer (hits below your hips), knit flared pants (they pair well with a v-neck sweater for loungewear, lunch, or going to class) a simple trench coat, pointed or square-toed shoes (consider a short block heel) that matches your pants and has a shaft that doesn't leave an awkward gap of skin between the top of your shoe and hem of your pants.
Some other options include layering a thin deep scoop neck tee under a strapless bustier top with some bootcut or flared jeans/pointed-toe flats or boots, a squareneck/button-up bodice and wide-leg trouser jumpsuit, or a fit & flare style dress with a square-neck or sweetheart neckline.
I would look at COS, Banana Republic, Everlane, Reformation, Madewell, Alo Yoga ($$$ though), The Frankie Shop, DISSH, and Norma Kamali for options under $200.
Hope this helps xx
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