#None whatsoever
aarontveit · 1 month
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GRACELAND, S01E08: Bag Man
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thatradfailure · 8 months
If you like a character but don't include their disability in art (drawing AND writing) then I'm sorry but I don't think you do as much as you think you do. This includes
- Scars
- Prosthetics/amputated limbs
- Mobility Aids
- Glasses
- Etc
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kingkunigami · 10 months
I love that we collectively agree that these men exude so much power and confidence but the moment they’re in front of a pretty woman they’re terrified and have no idea what to do.
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Uthgerd the Unbroken: This Witches Festival, I think I'll just set out a big empty bowl that says "take one".
Uthgerd: That way all the kids will think some jerk took it all.
Vilkas: Have you no shame?
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kinnikubustanut · 20 days
Me when I fucking GET you
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thyknife · 2 months
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freebooter4ever · 13 days
*deep breath* insta audience can no longer claim im paying too much attention to only geno now 👍
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nevert-the-guy · 5 months
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Deltarune fans, I offer to you a Compromise.
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grace-nakimura · 6 months
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Grace: ... y'know when I said you'd changed? Gabriel: Mmh? Grace: I was wrong. Gabriel: Are you sorry? Grace: Nah.
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geekgirles · 1 year
Full offense, but if streaming services are going to start bombarding us with ads, then there's literally no reason for us to not stick to pirating, other than respect for the creators who actually gave it their all with those shows. I mean, at least on illegal sites all I need is to have Adblock installed and I'm golden.
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sp0re-speaks · 9 months
Dedf1sh being real is so important to me. She deserves it!! Give the background splatbands more content! Give Harmony more to do too, let her leave her shop.
But fr tho i love seeing all the appreciation for her everywhere now lmao. Let the floodgates open!
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mstrickster · 5 months
(I might have sent this one in already but I can't remember lol) Okay but imagine Adam wears contacts. One day, he runs out and has to wear his glasses. Cue Charlie having a crisis because (in a Squidward voice) OH NO HE'S HOT!
It doesn't sound familiar, but it also sounds completely familiar. I just love the idea of Charlie seeing Adam and something that is like so normal and being like, "I am so turned on right now" He turns into like Gomez with Morticia where he's like obsessed with how Banksie looks.
Like I fully believe there are things that like are very natural and common things that people do that they each find hot about each other. So, like when it turns into a like a relationship, the other ducks are like, "Oh god, you made it weird now!"
If the word got out that Charlie liked Adam in his glasses. Averman would have a field day with that. He would totally go to Charlie and be like so how do I look in my glasses. He would bat his eyes and everything. It would be the worst thing for Charlie but it would be so funny
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paramouradrift · 5 months
#Avatar BioShock Crossover AU" 2023 please!!!
This one's a doozy.
I don't remember precisely what triggered this one, but there was a period of a couple weeks last year where I got really into the idea of an Avatar/BioShock crossover AU. This spawned several AUs, only one of which made it into my WIP folder, apparently, so the rest must be lurking on discord with my beta reader. This particular AU has a few scant character notes, some timelines, and a discussion of themes that paint what I would consider a compelling but overly-ambitious picture.
The themes in play: destiny, causality, consciousness, free will, and moral choice. We are pulling material from BioShock, BioShock 2, BioShock 2: Minerva's Den, BioShock Infinite, Avatar: the Last Airbender, and Legend of Korra. Rapture exists in its own right, whereas Columbia is replaced with Republic City. Tears, Spirit Portals, and Spirit Wilds are all the same thing, linking Rapture and Republic City across time and space. Bending and Splicing are the same, as well, with the "Avatar" being someone who has spliced up to an incredible degree and not died of every kind of cancer. The Avatar State is thus a kind of berserk mode that uses up all the EVE in the Avatar's body, leaving them powerless and vulnerable at the end. Past Avatars exist as coherent ADAM ghosts.
Aang, in this story, is a Jack/Eleanor Lamb character originally from Rapture who escaped into Republic City through a tear, and set about trying to find a way back to Rapture's past to undo all of the damage he ended up causing. He's a man haunted by guilt whose efforts are ultimately futile, because that's not how causality works.
Korra is our Elizabeth, whose ability to open and close tears makes her valuable to Aang in his quest for redemption, but also makes her a target for everyone on both sides of the veil who wants a slice of the Rapture/Republic City pie. But opening and closing tears destroys entire sections of probability space, creating fixed points in spacetime and releasing a ton of spiritual energy that gets eaten by the bioluminescent mass that sits beneath Rapture, spitting ADAM slugs back out into the world, accelerating the chaos and decline of both cities.
I have here that Aang somehow travels back to the past and becomes the founder of Rapture, which means he later creates and then kills himself while trying to do everything he can to avoid that outcome. It probably made more sense in my head the time. The other members of the Gaang are listed as Rapture's Best & Brightest: Zuko and Sokka are divorced and miserable, with Zuko trying to be a single dad and Sokka inventing the Thinker; Katara is the city's foremost doctor and philanthropist; Suki is a detective/private security chief; and Toph runs the banks because nobody else is capable. She also laid a lot of the city's foundation.
The Mechanist is here inventing things. Wu is a popular singer with his own radio program. Suyin is a prima donna ballerina. Asami is...presumably doing something amazing, but I didn't write that bit down.
The villain rogue's gallery is all here as well, moving back and forth across the tears and causing mischief and mayhem. Zaheer's radical spirituality causes Aang (Rapture Founder) to ban religion, and Unalaq tries to get control of the Avatar Program so that he can become an Avatar himself. Ozai and Zhao extend their feelers throughout both cities, seizing power and resources for themselves. Amon slots himself nicely into the Atlas role (plot twist and all), so nothing really more to say there. Kuvira is apparently a former police officer turned mob boss capitalizing on the chaos for her own gain. Long Feng is a cold technocrat who runs a private security firm and manages assets for city big wigs. My note on him is "a less affable Sinclair."
Pro-bending/ADAM boxing is a thing, so Mako and Bolin are here trying to make it big in the big bad city/ies, which probably means I planned some background Wuko.
I have no idea what my endgame was. I don't know what the actual plot was going to be. This project wasn't one I seriously considered planning out in detail because I was in the middle of H&V/J&R work, and that takes priority over anything else with this level of ambition. Having said that, it might be interesting to take another pass at the concept and see if I can turn all of that up there into something workable.
WIP Game master post.
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lividmorris · 9 months
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Back at it again with the screenshot edits with OCs 💥💥💥
What y’all think? Btw I might do another Wukong edit maybe with him with long hair…
we shall see thou ^^
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thapunqueen · 1 year
thoughts on boones transmasc swag ?
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peteneems · 8 months
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