#Nightvale vibes here
rattytaffy · 6 months
The crows and the rats will form convergent societies When humanity has reached its sunset. Will there be war? Will there be kinship? Will ether side have learned from the horrors that marred the world left to them? Who can say? Not me. Not you. Perhaps it is best to go to Newyork and go beneath all of it to where the rats reside. Ask them see what they have to say. Then go to the place where the city meats the woods in Portland. Ask the crows the same as you did the rats. Remember to be an ethical journalist. Show both side fully and completely with context. We want no yellow journalism here.
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sammy-the-haze · 1 year
alright gay horror nerds- what podcast should I listen to next?
What I’ve already listened to, in the tags
I’m considering: dreamboy, hello from the hallowoods, the storage papers, malevolent
I really don’t know what to start with and I find it kinda overwhelming. I’ve heard good stuff of all of those but not direct recommendations.
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drunkenmantis · 23 days
hey! have you ever listened to welcome to night vale? I am a fan of that podcast and your art of human Alastor gives me strong Cecil vibes. Cecil doesn't have a canon appearance so, well, perhaps it's just me.
I love your art! Especially the semi-abstract and colorful ones. I love the feelings u get from those.
Have a nice day!
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Oh hell yeah, i used to listen to Welcome to Nightvale a lot back when it was still fairly new
I'd always imagine Cecil to be more androgynous with dark eyes and of cause the purple eldritch tattoos and a third eye on his forehead, made a little quick sketch here
Imagine if they would collaborate xD
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The Fenton's powering the town via a portal to all times and dimensions is underused for eldritch town purposes. What if Sam's parents got replaced by a relative from the 60s and no one remembered? What about traits changing and no one commenting? People moving away only to have never considered moving a week later? And maybe only Danny and other ghosts notice.
This itches part of my brain in a good way. It also makes me think of nightvale and gravity falls as similar eldritch areas/hubs for the weird.
I've seen plenty if scenarios where amity is weird because of ambient ectoplasm leaking from the portal. Connecting ectoplasm to the power grid is just gonna speed that leak up. Pair this with amity canonically surviving both an apocalypse (via dan) and a trip to the zone (via pariah dark) due to the advanced ghost sheild it has. And mix in the headcannon the the giw pulled a massive coverup and basically wiped amity off the map and prevents people from contacting the outside world with tech. Maybe run with the amity is hard to find or leave due to dimension/ghost/magic. And we have a lovely little horror town.
Amity park, a place that is entirely paranormal, out of time, and technologically independent. A place that can survive virtually anything with its sheilds. A place where ghosts attack so regularly that the school has drills on how to react. A place that's been attacked by multiple gods in a short period of time. A place where the weatherman reports ghost attacks and if a specific person is going to be driving that day. (Asside the amount of visable crimes we see jack do, not just in driving but osha violations, assult, and property damage is making me wonder if he has some sort of diplomatic immunity. Why is he not in jail?)
The point is amity is absolutely a place where if you're driving late at night and your car breaks down, you find that you're not in kansas anymore. They have immaculately created an environment that sets of 'somethings not right here' vibes. And thats without looking at the physical effects of having an interdementional portal running the city's energy grid, the actual ghost attacks and the weird shit from that. I like to imagine that after undergrowths attack there are still parts of the city that haven't been reclaimed from plant hell. Gravity probably doesn't work right consistently. There's just pools of ectoplasm around from fights and there's a chance that if you poke those pools with a stick, the pool will come alive. There is a cooked turkey living in the alleys and gathering an army of living hot dogs. The teenagers all have been trained to fight and use weapons. There's a military presence trying to hush things up and attacking civilians.
Amity has so fully embraced being weird! i need more stories of normal people, or outside heroes, recognizing that this place is messed up and basically feeling like they're in a horror movie. Meanwhile everyone in amity is perfectly polite and adjusted to the weird. Crime is at an all time low, reparing property damage has been reduced down to a science, and a little common sense can get you out of most situations. All else fails just wait for Phantom.
Anything can be normal if you live in it long enough. But that doesn't mean the unprepared aren't right to be afraid
- hestia
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utilitycaster · 4 months
you got me. i binged all of midst in two days and it was great, but now i dont have a lot of other podcasts to listen to. do you have other good fiction podcasts you like?
DO I. I am not the Most Podcast Person I know but I definitely follow a lot because I drive a lot and walk a lot and put them on in the background while I do chores. Also, I'm sticking to scripted/plotted fiction here and not actual play but I can provide some actual play podcast recs too, though none are terribly obscure.
Wolf 359 is a completed podcast but a great binge. It also is science fiction and deals with capitalism and corruption and complicated characters and weird space stuff; it regularly makes the "great fiction podcasts" to check out and I think is closest to Midst in that it's also a tightly plotted work that goes to a natural end point.
I frequently talk about and recommend the Silt Verses and the thematic nature is remarkably close to Midst, but the vibe is very different. It has a lot of folk and body horror elements (audio-only, but they are absolutely present). Also covers the "man what if capitalism and religion were working explicitly in tandem" element of Midst with the added dimension of "what if there were many many gods and and they all demanded literal, physical sacrifices". Sister Carpenter is cut from a similar cloth as Lark and I love her dearly. To draw other comparisons would be to spoil it. It's on season 3, which will be its last. It is extremely intense in that when I fell behind I found it tough to binge without taking breaks, but it's really fucking good. (I also recommend this to people who like Candela Obscura, though that's more for eldritch horror vibes).
The Penumbra Podcast is great because it has two separate storylines (it was originally intended to be an anthology, but people fell in love with Juno Steel specifically). I like both, but Juno Steel is the more popular one - it's set in the future, in our solar system but in space, and follows Juno Steel, a private eye. It's extremely weird neo-noir. There is a homme fatale and a fantastic cast of characters, and it's also an interesting ongoing plot. The Second Citadel is more fantasy rather than sf though it's also kind of in that general New Weird bucket and is even harder to describe but I think it's underrated. It's also on its final season but it's been going on a while so it will take a bit for you to catch up.
Within the Wires is also a podcast I've recommended in the past. It's by the people who do Welcome to Nightvale which isn't listed here both because I assume you are aware of it, and because that's an ongoing slice of life sort of thing; there are plots but there's sort of that sitcom-esque "nothing really changes the status quo" element though the earlier era had some more structured stuff. Anyway, Within the Wires is found audio, so each season is different - the first is relaxation cassette tapes, the second museum audio guides, the third voice memos, etc. There are callbacks/connections between seasons at times, and I would recommend listening to at least the first two seasons in full (which are very strong) to get a sense of the world before hopping around later. The reason I recommend it here is because the worldbuilding is spectacularly done in a way that reminds me of the elegance of the worldbuilding in Midst, and because it's found audio, while it's one narrator per season you will get those weird asides and interesting tonal choices.
Tentative rec for Camlann, a roughly modern day post-apocalyptic take on Arthurian legends and the folklore of the British Isles only because it just started and has 3 episodes. I like it, but I don't know what plot it's building to (nor how long it will be; they have funding for one season but aren't sure about future ones.)
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dmwrites · 5 months
2023 fic roundup! Thanks for reading my stuff this year!
Below is all of the fic links, summaries, and any additional notes (in chronological order) from yours truly:)
NPC Bdubs: an in-game explanation to why Bdubs didn’t upload his Limited Life pov- Cleo notices that Bdubs is acting a little weird, almost like some kind of non-playable character.
The Coral Kids’ Keeper: Martyn and Scott live out on a island on the sea on the Limited Life server, and a sea creature that calls himself xbcrafted take interest in them. He protects them. He is here to protect them, right? (Dm note: oh my goddd I love this one still I love the horror at the end [I may just be biased to xb tbh lol])
Impulse’s post-death affirmation: Impulse got second place in Limited Life, and Skizz is so proud of him.
Clock Full of Love: Impulse gave Bdubs a clock in the beginning of Limited Life. At the end, Cleo adds her own touch to it.
Grian and Scar’s punishment: It all started when Grian and Scar touched his (Doc’s) redstone (tunnel bore). Their punishment? Zombiecleo scolding them.
Talks of Adoration on the Tower of Team TIES: Etho and Impulse have more in common then they think, and reflect on it all one sleepless night in the Team TIES base
Big and Handsome God Has A Big Sad: the empires s2 server can’t be empty, right? Sure, Joel hasn’t seen anyone in forever, but people still love him, surely, right? They wouldn’t all leave him. They wouldn’t. Right? (Dm note: this idea wasn’t executed as well as I would have liked, but I really like the crumbling reality vibes of this one)
Cuddling with the Homies: Grian, Impulse, Scar, and Skizz playing Sons of the Forest. They get one tiny-ass tent to all sleep in. It’s if the “only one bed” trope was four dudes being idiots in the woods in a tent.
I know how to keep you warm;)): the new life smp folks wonder if Chillager Martyn will freeze up if he gets flustered. Scott is up to the task. It’s all silly.
Copper Pearlo takes on The Button (2): Grian and Mumbo stumble upon copper golem Pearl
One Year Later: Double Life ended one year ago (when I posted this fic lol). Impulse makes Bdubs another clock
The CuteGuy Who Stepped Up: Scar needs a CuteGuy sidekick, and Grian does not want to be a sidekick in the slightest. Enter Joe Hills from Nashville, Tennessee. (Dm note: the CuteGuy main character was decided by a poll. This is also my second most-liked fic of 2023)
The Slime Code: Gem is a slime in New Life! She calls Jevin on Hermitcraft to ask about any slime rules she now needs to follow
A Dream of Pink: Joel has a dream of showing a pretty girl with pink hair (who roasts him) his hardcore world builds. She seems familiar…
3rd Life x NightVale: the radio transcript when Cecil Palmer from the town of NightVale interviews a strange man with a red sweater and split knuckles and keeps talking about something that happened in a desert. (Dm note: love this one, definitely caters to a very specific audience, but this one shows up in my notifs almost every day. I think I did a good job at the ad breaks and such.)
Sacrificial Impulse: Grian, Scar, and Skizz died while hunting ghosts with Impulse. Impulse wants to bring them back, no matter the cost. Also, EvilNotion is the ghost hunters’ boss.
xB’s Revenge- a Blood on the Clocktower story: based on the first session of hermitcraft’s BOTC, Iskall accuses xbcrafted of being the demon, and xB becomes the first innocent to die. But xB sticks around after death, and wants the sweetest revenge on Iskall. (Dm note: this one is long as hell but man the concept was so good. Drowned!xb is so good.)
Bdoubledown? How Cute: a brief conversation between Impulse and Skizz about Impulse’s brand new soulmate in Double Life
GIGS gets another G: Gem is jealous that Grian, Impulse, Scar, and Skizz are hunting ghosts, and wants to join in. Pearl, local odd woman, has a way. Possession is fun among friends! (Dm note: this is the most liked fic of this year, which is definitely not what I expected lol)
The Dungeon Is Hungry: Hypno thinks all the superstitions around the Decked Out 2 dungeon are stupid. That is until everything goes sideways and Cub is covered in sculk and pointing a sword at him down in level 4.
The Impossible Task: Martyn gets a very simple, two-word task in Secret Life: find RenTheDog. But Ren isn’t here… right? (Dm note: when I thought of this idea I literally said “ouch!” in my head lol)
GIGGS Hunts a Ghost!: the GIGGS crew gets called on by Zedaph to find and capture evidence of a ghost he claims he has seen haunting hermitcraft. (Dm note: the b-plot grian and zed rivalry is so funny to me idk why I decided they hate each other lolll)
A Moment of Peace: Martyn and Cleo are estranged soulmates in Double Life, and they take a moment to drink some tea and talk about what soulmate they’d like to have if they had a choice.
It Feels Different Now (and that’s a good thing): Pearl has to hurt people on the Secret Life server as part of her task, but she takes no joy in it now. She harkens back to what has changed between Double Life and now.
Jimmy’s Grave: Cleo made Jimmy a grave before he died in Secret Life. He did end up dying that very day, and a mourner comes by his grave when it’s all said and done.
Red: Pearl’s favorite color is red. She is made to be a red name, even when she’s not.
Becoming the Villain of the Server: (secret life) Scar digs up Jimmy’s grave to take his spine, to sell it to Joel, pretending that it’s Lizzie’s. Hey, what else is a man to do? (Dm note: this one fucks so hard, i love how fucked up the idea of it is, what Scar would have to do to make it happen. Eating this.)
From One Lonely Winner to Another: Scar wins Secret Life. Sunflowers grow from his skin to be with him as he goes to succeed the final task. (Dm note: another one I love, I just love the aesthetic of it all.)
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ghost-of-ao3 · 10 months
So this is going to be a list of Tim centric fics. To be clear I haven’t read very many of the comics but I love both fanon wet cat Tim and Canon feral jackass Tim. I love all the flavors of Tim and I feel like my fic recs will show that so be mindful. I’ll also try to warn for triggers as I list them but I probably won’t get everything so please please be mindful of the tags and keep yourself safe! That said here’s the list in no particular order.
The Definition of Valor by nerdpoe 10,106 words and 1 chapter. This fic is about Tim having been blinded by Ra’s after his Widower attack is forced to adapt and overcome the difficulties that comes with losing his sight. It’s a good mix of funny and serious and I personally adore the way it’s written.
The Blood on Our Hands by KelpieCodyne 8,207 words and 1 chapter. This one is about Tim getting blasted by a spell meant for the person with the highest kill count. I like how Bruce has to grapple with his kids morality and with the fact that many of them have killed before and I really love how his siblings step up and bring out their own problems with his strict moral code. If that’s something you enjoy you might like this one.
Loch & Key by jayburb (toothpasty) 12,514 words and 3 chapters. This one does have Tim being abused by his parents so TW for that. The fic itself is about a legend of Loch Gotham. It features Tim’s interactions with the Loch and the vibes are excellent. I really really loved reading this one.
In Service by smilebackwards 12,730 words and 3 chapters. This is about how Tim ends up apprenticing under Alfred instead of becoming Robin and it changes more than you would think. I really adore the interactions between Tim and Alfred and watching him learn from him. It also re-frames his relationship with Bruce which is deeply sweet because the man has an adoption addiction that can’t be stopped.
Baby Birds and Bat Caves by IzzyMRDB 30,113 words and 20 chapters. Tim goes into the cave system after a storm and it makes him weirder than he already was. It’s based on Welcome to Nightvale but Gotham style and is very fun to read. I adore watching how Tim interacts with the forces that be while the bats are panicking over a child running around Gotham and reporting on the oddities of the city. It’s just a good good fic. TW for Joker’s attack on Barbara and Jason. These are still mentioned and while I don’t find the references overly graphic others might disagree.
Growing Old with You by LilliputianDuckling This is a series with 12 works currently and 110,554 words. It’s a Timkon series where Tim and Kon are childhood friends with good father Lex Luthor, identity shenanigans, and just the struggles of growing up and falling in love. I really cannot recommend this enough if you’re a Timkon enjoyer. There is some smut in the later works and some of the vague homophobia of being 12 year old boys in the early 2010s era but nothing that’s like hate crimes, there’s also mentions of peer pressure with regards to sex but nothing happens. The warnings being said I really connected to the characters in this fic and it just felt very real in a way that was so good. This is probably my favorite Timkon series and like I said I cannot recommend it enough and no words I say will do it justice.
Where Bats and Birds Roost by Mouse_in_this_house this is a series with 26 works and 204,783 words. For warnings There is a fic in here that centers on Sexual harrasment, attempted assault and stalking all done by an original character, Ra’s also harasses Tim So for this series please be mindful of heavy themes in regards to sexual assault. There’s other warnings but I can’t remember them all so please be mindful of the tags and do what you need to do to keep yourself safe. I cannot describe exactly what this series is but it’s a focus on Tim, the Batfam and the Core Four. Tim is so Tim in this series, he’s feral and a little unhinged but also scarily competent. It feels like Tim coming into his own and building a home, building safety net after safety net and making his own. Meanwhile people are worried about him and are dedicated to trying to work it out. That and the Bats think there’s a new player on the rise and the Batfam has no idea it’s Tim. Just all in all a really cool series.
Damian Drake by InkpotSprite 6,962 words and ? Chapters. Damian gets told to find his dad without being told who it is and ends up thinking his dad is Jack Drake. I adore it when Damian ends up imprinting on Tim like a baby duck. This is very sweet and it’s very funny to watch Damian and Dick be at odds. Just a very funny lovely fic.
Alone Together by SpaceWall 22,908 words and 4 chapters. This features Batfam heavily and isn’t exactly Tim centric but I had to add it to the list because this idea for platonic soulmates changed my brain chemistry. Your soulmates are with you your whole life, as invisible forces. I cannot describe this one but it’s really really good.
The Threads That Bind by SpaceWall 5,921 words and 1 chapter. Tim is practiced in thread magic, when Jason attacks Titans tower he sees that magic first hand. I personally love fics where Tim has a special little thing that’s uniquely his, this one does that really well as it describes his relationship with his small form of magic.
Into the Brighter Night by shoalsea 162,894 words and 12 Chapters. This is a fic about Tim that takes place mostly when Tim isn’t there. It shows how his family and friends view him without him being explicitly present for most of the fic and it’s done incredibly like I’m still losing my mind over this fic. Young Justice is heavily present and is my everything. It starts with a threat against Robin and then spirals out from there. I highly recommend this one just showstopping. TW for sexual assault being brought up, it's not graphic but still be mindful.
Maybe with a Shift in Planets by SilberSkiesAtMidnigh 4,557 words and 1 chapter. For warnings there are mentions of Cassandra being abused by her father. This is a fic where Tim finds Cass on a roof before they are found by Bruce. I love how this is focused on Cass’ POV and how it makes sense of the world in her eyes. And I love the way she views Tim Just really lovely work.
To Eat Well by SilverSkiesAtMidnight 4,599 words and 1 chapter. This is a fic about Tim but it focuses mostly on Jason. When Tim is kidnapped the family is left to cope as well as they know how. Jason stress bakes. I’m adding this fic in for a few reasons, one it’s really good and super well written and two the focus is Tim being missing and the love and concern the others have for him.
Surveillance by smilebackwards this is a series with 4 works and 29,187 words. This is a Civilian Tim Au where Jason never dies and it changes things. This series is really good, I love Tim arriving late or early to the Batfam and this fic delivers it so well. Just because he isn’t Batman trained doesn’t mean he’s not competent and just really incredible as a character. A lovely series.
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thatmoththoth · 5 months
Woah, Juno managed to go a whole episode without making out with someone. No surprise asmr this time!
Also here are some thoughts:
•fuck Darkmatter
•mmm Juno got that Narcissistic depression ‘woops I drive all my friends away’ sadness.
•yaaaay backstory time!
•still very vague, but my man needs some therapy. Maybe he can get over his fear of psychiatrists some day. Why do all my podcast people desperately need therapy. Name one podcast person who doesn’t atleast have one mental disorder based on vibes and trauma. I would say Cecil Palmer from welcome to nightvale, but uh, he acts cheerfull but is probably the most deranged considering he’s ok with ‘legalised murder’.
•everyone here needs a good hug
•anyway I have brain damage, goodbye.
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i’ve been listening to camp here and there and this shit slaps
sydney is my husband
i want to hug him and care for him in the way he needs and fight the whole damn world to keep him safe
i fucking love junipers vibes like what the hell is they on (affectionate)
ok but lucille is fucking terrifying to me
the children of cabin dungbeetle are just like me fr and i love them
the pattern of so many couples among the counselors has to mean something
i deadass love that jedediah has to do couples therapy so much when his own relationship(? deadass thought they were married but can’t be sure now) is in fucking shambles
go tell ur husband you’ll fight for him man
but seriously as far as loving it goes i’m a mcdonald’s ad
i’ll update when i’m finished but if you haven’t listened i seriously reccomend this it’s a combo of the flippant yeah there’s the horrors of nightvale and the watching relationships be affected by the horrors of tma and there’s gay ppl and insane children and mommy issues
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Do you have a short and fun podcast? Genre preferably fantasy or sci-fi or horror :) I’ve listened to a bunch of podcasts already but I recently listened to Absolutely No Adventures which I just binged, cause it was so short. (A small sample of vibes that I’ve listened/am listening to: TMA, malevolent, WOE.BEGONE, welcome to Nightvale, absolutely no adventures, the adventure zone, the penumbra podcast, brimstone valley mall, kaleidotrope, the bright sessions, Sherlock and co)
Idk if this is anything. I’m just looking for something short that I could listen to, if you can’t think of anything necessarily short, I’m also always open to whatever you think is good!!
hello friend !! here are a bunch of shorter, finished shows you could easily binge and which I would rlly recommend :
When Angels Visit Armadillo - I recommended it a few times already but it's short and it slaps
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Directive - rlly good, it gets to you in a very specific way
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Deviser - great horror, like rlly GREAT
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Dreamboy - a bit weird at first but fascinating and unique
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SEREN - really good unknown little show, I was waiting to be able to recommend this one, it's awesome
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enjoy !!! ♡
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
People always give different answers for what Spirit Box Radio and Welcome to Nightvale have in common besides vibes and weird radio shows. So here is what I think it is: mommy issues.
Sam and Cecil share the fate of having powerfull mothers who should never ever had been responsable for a child ever.
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rebuke-me · 8 months
hellehellohello i do not go here but. au ask game. tell me about number 36
so. number 36, for the readers, is one that i cannot tell to this friend bc it has spoilers. for something i want them to watch. so instead. theyre getting 38.
apocalyptic broadcast au!!!!! my beloved. its a little convoluted but.
jeremy's in a zombie apocalypse setting. and just general apocalypse. very welcome to nightvale "everythings going to shit its so weird here" vibes, complete with the fact that jeremy's one oddity is carrying around a microphone to record stuff and try to broadcast it to other survivors. he records everything, he tries to describe it, very podcasty. like an audio diary.
he keeps running into people and they keep dying. michael, christine, jenna, brooke, chloe, rich, jake. each and every single one of them dies in an apocalyptic way. the only people that stay alive are him and his sister. which is weird, right?
weirder is the fact that, in a totally normal parallel universe, jake's picking up this broadcast in his car.
jake dillinger's living out of his car, after his house burned down in a weird freak accident, and no one knows. the only reliable radio station is one where this kid, jeremy, is talking about his batshit sounding life. its weird to begin with. but its even weirder because he's saying the names of all these people that jake knows. michael mell, rich goranski, christine canigula. he knows these people.
but who the fuck is jeremy heere? no one like that exists.
he starts looking it up, and the only result is a forum about a character named that in a game that no one else's game seems to have.
and he reaches out to the guy, who ends up being michael mell, who sees this character in his copy of a video game, but no one elses saves have him. he's just a mysterious mod or something.
and shit gets even fucking weirder when jake himself appears in the radio show, which only plays when he's there alone. and he seems to have a crush on this guy before he dies in a horrible way.
and then theres some sort of weird portal thing, and a storm, and these two kids crash into the back of jake's truck, somehow falling from the sky.
and one kid is a girl around the age of 13. and the other is a gangly teenage boy with a radio microphone, wearing a faded varsity jacket with jake's last name on it.
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hamable · 10 months
Thoughts while watching the new miraculous movie cuz I’m three minutes in and can already TELL I’m gonna be losing my mind:
Spoilers under cut obv
Daddy no :( you can’t take me to school tomorrow with fresh baked goods for my whole class :( that’s so embarrassing :( what would they THINK ?!?!
Marinette: I want a better life (beautiful, picturesque Paris, apartment above your parents bakery, heading to a fancy school) cause I’m so clumsy???
God I saw stuff about the singing voice and it’s so tonally and stylistically different from Christina Vee’s VAing that I can’t take it seriously. The singer isn’t necessarily bad, but it’s so clearly a different person.
Aside from the im loving the animation so far. It’s so cool seeing these character I’ve known since like 2017 in a new, more polished style.
Goddamnit we’re still making popular girl no carbs jokes???
DAMN ALYA THATS COLD (oh sorry, do I need to take a number behind the line of friends coming to your rescue?) LIKE YOUVE HAD ONE LINE SO FAR.
Chloe going about this bully/rival thing reeaallll fruity
Emo Adrien just trying to listen to MCR and tune out the normies that just don’t get it 😡😭
Nooroo called them the ladybug and chat noir miraculouses, but shouldn’t it be the ladybug and black cat miraculous? I thought they chose their names for themselves, ladybug sticking with ladybug, chat noir coming up with his own?
This chat noir so silly and goofy
Btw why did Marinette prove her worth while adrien was just like. Doing hw. It’s easy to prove you can use the ladybug for good. Show me why he was chosen to use destruction for good. That’d be so interesting.
Plagg take an antacid plz
Pop off hawk moth villain song honestly, best one so far
Nino Dr. Love omg my favorite guy
Golden rule: always stay cool… (voice immediately shoots up an octave when Alya speaks to him)
That’s gotta be at least a few casualties
ASHDJFJF Catches Chloe from a deadly fall only to redirect and chuck her HARDER into a dumpster
Chloe you gotta stop giving off repressed fruity vibes
This movie has not established enough of a connection between marinette and adrien to justify ladybug rejecting chat noir (on the basis of loving someone else, I mean, not that she can’t reject him at all)
Plagg? Not the time.
The movie has not established enough, if any, disconnect between adrien and gabriel. I love seeing adrien stand up for himself, but it feels kinda weird
Adrien with headphones is so fucking funny to me. Head down shoulders hunched, listen to welcome to Nightvale cause no one else gets it
Chloe. Every. God. Every word out of your mouth is so fruity. “There is someone else. And she’s right in front of you.” Someone else for who, Chloe?? For marinette?? I better you’re hoping she thinks you mean u and her huh?
Crush likes someone else. Life not worthy living. Dreams not worth pursuing.
All these songs run together. Except hawkmoths. His kicked ass.
Jesus Christ it’s Armageddon
It’s the end of the world are you really gonna be salty rn?!?!
Ew why it’s the cataclysm like. An oil slick?!
Oh shit he dead
Oh he super dead
From the top of the Eiffel Tower? Into water?? You’re dead.
Damn show hawkmoth could never.
Jesus fucking razor winged butterflies
Movie says fuck sentimonster adrien here’s Emilie pregnant
Anyways uh you killed and displaced likely hundreds of citizens so get ready for a lifetime in prison, hawky
Ok you placed the rubble back together but a bunch of people are still probably dead right
Ya Chloe make a quick exit bc of that gay crisis you’re having. Next year? Back to bullying. What was this year Chloe? Hm?
Overall: cool animation and effects, nostalgic for early lady noir dynamic, writer brain is itching for what could’ve been, but otherwise it is what it is, prob won’t watch it again.
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Welcome to Nightvale!
The Nightvale community radio here.
In this blog I post things that probably weren’t, but could’ve been said on Nightvale community radio. I also say “Nighty-night, Nightvale” every night, instead of the usual “Goodnight, Nightvale. Goodnight.” Enjoy!
I am also always open to suggestions, questions and role play. I am Cecil Palmer, a radio host in a friendly desert community, and I do accept notes and calls :D
Not to be outdone by our rival, @/desertbluffs-communityr4dio, we now have a tag system:
#hey Cecil for asks
#weather for posts with weather music
More to be added… perhaps, sometime.
PLEASE NOTICE that my name doesn’t have the “t” in “night vale” because tumblr said my name was too long. If you want to tag me and can’t, that’s why. So. There. Now you can tag me.
Important note: I’m only here to express my weirdness and vibe with Nightvale. I am still trying to get the voice right. I have not listened to all episodes of wtnv because I am new to this fandom.
OOC I use pronouns they/them.
My main is @i-have-41-protons
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dragontamer05 · 1 year
So the poll is reaching it's final days, best of luck and keep my hopes out that a tie can be pulled or at least Ryou be able to make a last minute pull and make it a real close one win or lose.
Before it's over I do want to try and better explain myself on why I don't think Cecil, deserve the title of strange weird guy.
Look there's no doubt he's strange and weird, and at least deserves his spot in the polls (and many of his other wins) and if he was against a different character I may very well have voted for him.
That said I think there might be some misunderstanding when I (and maybe others but I won't speak for them) say that his weirdness is Nightvale's "normal".
Because sure I think we can all agree he's said and done weird things, that even other characters find odd but here's the thing in context of the tone of the show and the vibe of the town it's not that weird to hear he thinks Peanut Butter is a rock or has some fear of Mirrors considering this is the same town where something like A talking river rock exists with out question, or a sentient glow cloud dropping dead animals joins the PTA and has a child.
Idk maybe it's a hot take but weird as he is I'm not sure I'd even say he's the weirdest guy in Nightvale.
Especially after you listen long enough you kinda just come to expect him to say the weirdest shit that wouldn't come off as any stranger if the same thing got brought up for some other random citizen in Nightvale- everyone there is more then a little odd- goodness knows Cecil has gone off more then once about some person he was doing a news report on and how he thinks X thing of them is weird. That's just kinda how Nightvale is everyone is weird and to an extent everyone probably finds everyone else weird.
Where as Ryou stands out in amongst some of the other weird characters, and basically just about everyone who meets this kid thinks he's strange af.
And yeah we know what he looks like but we also know that because of his looks both staff and student alike thinks he's weird based on that alone and the poor guy gets bullied for it- say for his fan club of girls who seem to find him quite attractive.
And to an extent yeh naturally White haired kid in every day regular Japan, that's a little weird on it's own.
Ryou's weirdness actively sticks out, and written as such that you take notice. Cecil's weird maybe it sticks out in the moment but I'm gonna be honest hearing that Cecil - or if it was anyone else in Nightvale- believed Peanut Butter was a rock, not the weirdest thing to have occurred in Nightvale or said about someone.
That's what at least I mean when I say his weird is normal for Nightvale
Where as even in Yugioh you wouldn't necessarily expect this otherwise rather sweet kid to be making dark jokes about a friend dying, or asking if they want to touch his bleeding wounded arm seemingly unconcerned by the injury mind you, he's like the only character that's actively strongly interested in the occult and all that creepy stuff.
He gets possessed regularly enough that it's more of an inconvenience for him at this point suddenly coming to and find out he's someplace he wasn't before
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tzalmavet · 2 years
do you listen to welcome to nightvale? i think youd like it :3
I haven’t tried it yet, so nope!  Kind of a surprise I guess, since I’ve actually been on tumblr for about as long as it’s been around, and I got to see its rise in popularity, peak of its fandom, and its twitter quotes being shared around endlessly on here, in real time...
I’ve always thought it sounded really cool and like something I’d possibly enjoy, but the sad truth is... I don’t like podcasts.  I usually avoid them like the plague!  So many of them just seem so improvised (even lacking transcriptions!), and that combined with the lack of visuals makes for a medium full of repellant vibes that I can never sit down and pay attention to. WtNV though, from what I can tell, came out before everyone and their dog was making podcasts, so maybe it’s different?  It has the framing device of being a radio show, which is a clever way to take advantage of a purely audio-based medium for fiction, and I have been meaning to try out radio-based fiction for a while...  I’ll definitely give it at least a try, someday!  I’ve seriously been meaning to for years.  I just struggle to listen to podcasts without getting annoyed, bored, or distracted, since there’s rarely scripts (I also assume that if a podcast is Good, there will be something special you get from the audio experience that you’d lack if it were just the script, or even a novelization), and I can’t idle scrolling tumblr or daydreaming while listening since I’d have to pay attention to the words being spoken.
Maybe someday...!
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