#NOT looking for criticism!!!
writersmorgue · 10 months
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Abrosexual describes someone whose sexuality is fluid or changeable. For example, one day they may identify as asexual, the next as lesbian, and the next as pansexual. Abrosexual people can fluctuate between all sexualities, or just a few. The timing between fluctuations can also vary. x
Gender-fluid refers to a nonbinary gender identity or gender expression that’s not fixed and is capable of changing over time. x
TD;DR - i'm queer in every way :)
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hoolay-boobs · 9 months
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YA novel covers
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yudol-skorbi · 5 months
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teeny tiney hut to make them all safe and sound
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thottybrucewayne · 2 months
For as much as I love Paris Is Burning (1990) (It was foundational in my getting into ballroom history and learning more about the ballroom scene in my area when I was in my early 20s), I feel like we barely mention its spiritual sequel How Do I Look (2006) even though it gives a much better look into ballroom and how the popularity of Paris Is Burning affected the scene. It also touches on the issues participants of the og Paris Is Burning doc had with the handling of the og doc and the way the mainstream has been trying to exploit the ballroom scene since the second they found out about what it is. While Paris Is Buring is a deeply important part of our history, it should NOT be your first and last stop when learning about ballroom culture.
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shesnake · 2 months
“Monkey Man” was shot and completed in 2021, and Netflix soon after acquired the rights for around $30 million, but it’s been on the shelf for three years and they‘ve all of a sudden decided to get rid of it? What gives? It turns out, according to an in-the-know source, that it was the portrayal of a fictional right-wing Hindu Nationalist character in the film that worried Netflix about their future dealings in India. And even though they had paid more than twice the production cost, they decided to give the film back to the producers, which is what caused the long delay. Universal and Peele eventually took a particular liking to the film, so much so that they suggested possible editing changes and delayed the release until what they thought would be the right date. It’s as simple as that. In the end, it was all about politics and optics for the streaming giant, especially since India has become the current top growth market for Netflix. Co-Founder Reed Hastings has mentioned that a majority of the service's next 100 million subscribers would most likely come from India.
Universal/Jordan Peele's "suggested possible editing changes" in question:
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tedkaczynskiofficial · 7 months
I love Zutara as much as the next girlie, but I think people romanticizing Zuko catching Azula's lightning in the Final Agni Kai are doing Zuko's character a massive disservice. He would have done that for anyone. Not just anyone in the Gaang, anyone.
He did it for the division he ended up getting burned over. He did it for his subordinate that was going to fall to his death after the ship was struck by lightning. He did it for Lee, when he was kidnapped by Gao. He did it for Iroh, when he confronted his dad and tried to break him out of prison. He did it for the whole Gaang at the Western Air Temple. He did it for Sokka, Suki, and Hakoda at the Boiling Rock.
His whole character revolves around saving everyone else first. Hell, he tried to save Zhao of all people! There's no way that would have gone well for Zuko if Zhao had actually taken his hand. He always does what he thinks is right first before considering his own safety.
Zuko always saves other people. Even if, especially if, he can't save himself.
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inamindfarfaraway · 2 years
Shoutout to the maned wolf, which is technically neither wolf nor fox but has its own genus called Chrysocyon! Why -
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why are your legs so long?
I mean, intellectually, I understand that it’s because you live in grasslands and have evolved to be able to see over the grass, but emotionally… why? Are they?? Like that??? Surely there was a way to make your body more cohesive and proportional-looking?
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idolomantises · 6 months
I’ve said this before, but I always found stories that frame heaven as “evil” and hell as “good” (or less bad) to be genuinely boring. I like more nuanced approaches to each realm.
I understand that for a lot of people, Christianity is a religion they like to criticize and mock, but I feel like if you don’t even understand the fundamentals of the religion, why even attempt to critique it?
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olessan · 15 days
Essek and the rest of Bells Hells: Okay, we're going to Eiselcross, an icy, glacially-locked wasteland. Everyone grab some stuff to dress accordingly.
Dorian, Imogen, and Ashton:
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oddthesungod · 1 month
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humbly making my contribution to the dorian wearing the dorian shirt pile!!!!
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ludinusdaleth · 1 month
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"Did you just spritz the Spider Queen?!"
-Critical Role Campaign 3, Episode 93, "Bittersweet Reunions"
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yudol-skorbi · 7 months
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i am at the point where if i dont finish now i'll newer finish so yeah the rest of the gaaaaaang
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from-the-stone-art · 9 months
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There’s something like the anticipation of a kiss, then the pleasure of being cloaked in peace~
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fox-guardian · 13 days
starting to feel like part of the reason that Sam and Celia's romance thing feels a little off rn is cuz like. what do you mean they're actually dating. he asked her on a date and she said yes. and it's working out so far. it's chill and fine. what do you mean they're not pining for 4 seasons, not communicating, and then getting together only after one of them walked through hell to drag the other out and make sure they know they're loved and wanted. they haven't even patched each other's wounds yet hello. aren't y'all moving a little fast.
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octy-in-boots · 8 months
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Many things change; some things never do.
Art by @ornerine and @agarthanguide!
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drawsmaddy · 15 days
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[ID: A digital illustration of Orym and Dorian Storm from Critical Role. They're stood side by side, in mirrored poses. They both are facing three quarters away from each other with a hand on their hips, looking back at each other with smiles. They're both wearing their level 13 outfits, Orym in Zephyr armour with blue vines growing across it and his sending stone tied to his belt. Dorian is wearing a sheer shirt that's very open in the front, a blue half cape with a sunset coloured lining, gold pauldrons on one side, and dark blue trousers. End description.]
Orym's longer hair and Dorian's tits-out sheer shirt are so fucking fantastic <3
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