#Mushy personal stuff
grizzlyofthesea · 2 years
Mushy Personal Emotion Turtles
So, as you can tell, I absolutely adore the Rise iterations of the turtles and April. I'd like to take this time to expound on just how much they mean to me, though.
The Mad Dogs' significance to me ties into my sibling relationships. I only have one biological brother, but I could make a case for there being two sibling figures in my life--my brother, and one of my cousins who may as well have been an older sister to me. My histories with both of them are rocky.
My brother has been part of my life for as long as I can remember; he's only a year younger than me. I've spent nearly all that time bickering with him and sometimes getting into more intense fights. It was at its worst when he was about 10 to 16 years old, so when I was about 11 to 17. We're doing better now. I think we've learned to appreciate each other's company more since we've both gone off to college. But having such a negative force in my life for so long was...not fun, to say the least.
Then there's my cousin. We used to play together all the time. When we were old enough to set up our own email addresses, we emailed each other basically all day, every day. It was fun at first, but something turned our relationship toxic. I'm still not quite sure what the catalyst was. She cut off contact with me after a particularly brutal argument, and I did not cope with it well at the time. At all. This happened during an already difficult time in my life, so I was a total mess. I'm doing better now, but it's not perfect. Family gatherings where I see her are still awkward even though this happened several years ago. I want things to go back to how they were, even though I know it was terrible for my mental health. It's awful. Every time I think I'm over it, I break down crying whenever the topic comes up.
In summary, even though I've always had at least one sibling figure present in my life, my relationships with them have almost always had some sort of strain on them.
This is where the turtles come in.
Seeing the turtles just...be brothers, with April as basically their sister, really struck a chord with me. I really wanted that in my life. For once, I just wanted to have a nice, normal, relaxed sibling relationship. Do they have silly arguments sometimes? Yeah. Do they have some major disagreements? Of course. But they always stand up for each other in the end. They never get into fistfights with the intent to seriously hurt each other. They never intentionally ignore each other's achievements. They love each other to the core.
I started joking with my friends that I'd "adopted" the turtles and April as my siblings, but then I decided to take it just a bit further. For fun, I did some tarot readings to determine what my relationships with them would be if they were my siblings.
First, I checked to see if they'd even accept me as a sibling. My deck has you draw three cards for a yes or no reading; the answer depends on how many "no" cards you draw. All three cards I drew indicated "yes." :)
Then, I drew individual cards for each unique sibling bond.
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April: Queen of Swords
Indicates strength and resilience. I took this to mean a close, trusting bond.
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Raph: Three of Cups
Represents comfort and fun. I feel like he'd be my "big little brother," protecting me just like the others even though I'm older than him.
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Leo: The Hanged Man
Symbolizes uncertainty and limbo. It isn't a lost cause, but there would be the least trust between us.
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Donnie: Seven of Pentacles
Stands for dedication and potential. We'd be loyal as all heck to each other, and we may even enble each other to excel.
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Mikey: Nine of Cups
Represents support and love. We'd hang out a lot and get each other through tough times.
Are any of you weirdos like me who get way too attached to fictional characters? (I mean that in the kindest way possible.) Feel free to share your thoughts.
Thank you for coming to my Turtle Talk.
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irish-chikorita · 7 months
Trick or treat, Ire!!
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there u go bro 😎🛹
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mushiewrites · 1 year
george’s laugh here i’m gonna pass out he’s so heCKIN CUTE 😭🫠
i keep watching over and over again bc he’s the most adorable little dork 🥺 i’m so obsessed with this laugh
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starryvomit · 2 months
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“it feels like we’re on vacation.”
“you say that a lot when we’re together.”
“huh — i guess i do.”
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alicornze7 · 2 months
Not an ask but ... Been seeing you liking tons of my posts ((and some of my reblogs , I think))
uh oh...ya caught me red handed😅
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Whatever you’ve just witnessed is me at my low point and doom scrolling away
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kenobion · 7 days
Another pride month and still single 😔
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midwrites · 5 months
January 2024 Housekeeping
...or WIPs, how I'm doing and other things I keep neglecting to share on Tumblr.com
Once again Midna here with the compulsory beginning of the year post in which I try to cram everything I haven't been talking about around here on a single post for those who do not follow me on Twitter or the other Blue site:
Writing is going well, I am still stuck in the Arctic as you may have seen from my latest fics and all of my current WIPs are Terror related. I have finally been able to fall on a more constant rythm with my PHD along this course and recovered some of my writing motivation and speed that had been a bit gone since the passing of my cat last summer.
Currently I am editing the next chapter of damn your wife and my February planning includes trying to finish a secret project and the following installment of what makes a (good) man if I don't bounce back into trying the last chapter of damn your wife, that is.
Idk if I will be able to write anything for it but cowboy show fest has been plaguing my dreams and I'd encourage anyone who is into the Terror to check it out, because it's looking like it'll be an incredibly inspiring event
Anyways, I think that's all of it? My main focus for this year, creatively speaking, is to try and finish all the big projects I started last year and to start working on smaller ideas with different characters and fucking around a little more with style, but we shall see how that goes. On the meantime, I hope everyone around here has been doing alright, and as always, I'll try to be around more, even if it's just to clog your dashes with posts that inspire me!🧡
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persephoneunderground · 2 months
so many things are bad for me right now--family/friendship stuff, professional stuff, creative stuff, and trying to exist in a world on fucking fire.
but my girlfriend is here through thick and thin, and i feel so loved. so, so, SO loved, for the first time in my life. and that makes it so much easier to deal with everything.
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mushiewrites · 1 year
concept inspired by a dream i had (because SOMEONE told me to post it 😵‍💫)
george is laying in the middle of the bed, his arms stretched out to the sides and restrained so he can’t bring them down. his legs aren’t restrained but dream is straddling one of george’s knees, using his own leg to keep george’s thighs separated
dream uses a massage gun and pushes it into george’s inner thigh, right in the middle where it’s most sensitive. george convulses and is just howling and wailing and screaming bc it tks so bad, he doesn’t even have the ability to form words
he feels it suddenly on his ribs, dream moving it in circles and george is laughing so hard he feels like he might die. after spending some time getting to know george’s hip bones, the massage gun makes it’s way back to george’s inner thigh. dream keeps it steady despite george’s thrashing.
dream let’s up for a minute, leaning forward to wipe the tears from george’s cheeks. he lets him breathe for a minute or two before he turns it back on, digging it right back into his thigh. the cycle repeats 😵‍💫
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tsuki-tariyo · 1 year
Don’t mind me, just showing off the MSA tees I got today
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These designs are so goood wtf ;w;
Shoutout to @mysterybensmysteryblog for the designs. Seriously, I can’t get enough of it
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girl-bateman · 10 months
Meeting up with the kid I've been assisting for 5 years for the LAST time pls send good vibes and pray that there's no crying
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biographydivider · 2 years
Mushy Stuff incoming...
I know with me being Bri’ish I have no claim to Thanksgiving but I just wanted to say I’m really, really thankful for this tiny little community I’ve found on tumblr this year. This year has been the most insane of my life (debut novel launch party followed literally the next day by an MRI scan kinda insane) and loving Encanto and then Rise with you guys, creating fics and talking about the characters and making up silly headcanons and just writing for the joy of writing, not for publication, has been such a stabilising force when things have threatened to spiral out of control.
I’m thankful too for Encanto and Rise themselves! My family life isn’t the best, and these wonderful stories, filled with so much love and humour and beautiful animation (in very different ways), are so important to me now. And as much as I adore my sexy ratman and all the fun we’ve had shaking him about, I’m so, so so so so happy I found Donnie as a character when I did. I was actually questioning my hold on reality in the same month that he clapped me on the shoulder and went ‘note to you; you know all those times you thought you might be autistic? You’re autistic. You aren’t crazy, you misread a social cue. Go see a doctor.”
I’m so happy I met you guys.
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newtness532 · 10 months
"do you want some rice, but worse?" - whoever came up with stuffed vegetables, probably
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tvrningout-a · 10 months
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" over and over again, i sink my teeth into my weakly self because in this world riddled with mistakes, i want to make sure you can smile. i don't want to lose anyone anymore. "
pg. 3/∞
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royfaglock · 2 years
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Happy ten years to the boys who have brought me so much joy and laughter. I can’t even put into words how Arin and Dan have helped me. These boys are my safe place when I’m anxious. I’m so proud of them! To many more years! I love you both so so so much!
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kenobion · 10 months
Where’s the part in life where a beautiful man is in love with me?
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