#Morpheus x Nymph! reader
melancholypancakes · 1 year
We literally need a Hades & Persephone AU fanfic of Morpheus and Y/n
I cannot stress this enough, if anybody wrote a fanfic (that’s not “Dark! Morpheus” or “Yandere”) please link it to me :) 
For now, here is my little idea of it (nobody has to write like this but you can). 
Y/n is the daughter of M/n, a water Nymph who was the lover of Desire of the Endless and when Y/n was of age. 
She was helping her mother gather flowers, and herbs and planting seeds in the ground. 
Now, Y/n was half a nymph and half an endless, so her mother did her best to raise her and to at least show her how to control her powers. 
As Y/n was the daughter of Desire, she was beautiful but had Desires not of lust but of love and romance. 
Y/n truly loved her mother, despite never meeting her father. M/n....was overbearing, overprotective, manipulative, and psycho. 
Y/n would say, “Crazy” she knows her mother just didn’t want her to end up like she did or just like her father. 
In this one, Y/n falls for Morpheus as he falls for her, love at first sight and it was inspired by the many versions of Persephone and Hades. 
Where Persephone ventures into the underworld on her own and falls in love with Hades. 
Y/n is also into brooding gothic men (as we all are for Morpheus) 
Soon, Y/n wanders too close to the clouds, too close to the “other” realm. The dreaming. 
Y/n never had seen a more beautiful place than the dreaming, she wander through the mountains, village, and castle. 
Little did she know, someone was watching afar. The King of this realm was enchanted by her beauty, her smile, and her kindness when she was interacting with his creations. 
Morpheus had felt his face grow red and his beating cold heart filled with a familiar warmth he hadn’t felt in a very, very, very long time. 
This girl was lucid dreaming, he could sense it as he followed her more. he wanted to know why she was here and how she knew she was dreaming but he never got the chance as she was waking up. 
The more she lucid dreams, the more she noticed there was someone watching her, and when she caught him. 
She was intimidated by how handsome he was, she nearly giggled and blushed. 
“Who are you? why are you following me?” she asked as she tried not to show how nervous she was. 
“I am Morpheus, the King of the dreaming...I did not mean to startle you...I was only observing why you are here and aware of your dreams.” He explained. 
Oh, so he wasn’t a stalker and he is a king? 
This was another realm? 
These were questions in her mind, “Oh, I see My name is Y/n, Daughter of M/n it is an honor to meet you, Lord Morpheus” she says as she bows to show respect. 
“There is no need for that. You’re a guest and please...call me Dream.” He says as if it was the first time he has ever told anyone that. 
The Nymph smiled at him warmly, making his heart flutter as she blushed looking down at her feet. 
During her time in the dreaming, Morpheus showed Y/n around and she got to see how beautiful the dreaming realm truly was. 
She was amazed by Morpheus’s kingdom, “it’s so beautiful...” she whispered. Morpheus looked at her with glossy eyes and whisper back “Thank you...”
After Y/n woke up she couldn’t wait to go back to the dreaming realm and she was cheerier than usual which didn’t go unnoticed by her mother.
As days, weeks, and soon months passed, Her mother started to get suspicious this was more than getting a “goodnight sleep”. 
M/n found out what really made her daughter happier than usual...
It was spring, Y/n would hear someone calling her name and she look back just to see someone in the shadows. 
Y/n walked toward this person, and she saw a familiar person Morpheus...
His wild raven hair, a long black robe, a skin tone pale, skinny, and star eyes. 
She was wondering how could he be more beautiful, was she having a crush? 
She felt butterflies when she’s around him and blushes when he’s looking at her. 
Morpheus had felt the same, his heart would beat every time she was near, his cheek would be red when she smiles at him and when she talks he can’t help but smile. 
he was smitten by her just as she was with him. 
Morpheus really wanted to see the girl again, She wanted to see him too as she was falling hard for the King. 
Little did she know, her mother was watching. 
She was in utter shock to see her talking so casually to an endless but not just any Endless. 
Oneiros, Morpheus, Dream of the Endless, Lord of Dreams and Nightmares, and King of the Dreaming. 
She was furious, this entity was after her daughter, her innocent child and she couldn’t allow Y/n to be near someone so dangerous. 
“Y/n! Get over here! you stay away from my daughter!” She screamed as she ran to Y/n and forcefully snatch her daughter. 
“Mother?! what are you-” She tried to say but was cut off by her mother pushing herself and her daughter away from The Endless. 
Y/n tried to push away from her mother and reach her hand to Morpheus but they were too far away. 
Once out of reach, M/n examines her daughter, “Did he hurt you?” she says worriedly. 
“What?! no! Mother what is going on I was just talking to-” she tries to say but was cut off by her mother once again. 
“Talking to an Endless?! Y/n do you have any idea who you were talking to?! He could’ve killed you!” M/n exclaimed. 
Y/n was concerned about what her mother meant, Morpheus wouldn’t hurt her, if he truly could he would at the first chance he got. 
“He’s not like that mother! We were only talking! Besides, he’s really sweet.” Y/n says as she smiles. 
“Sweet?...”SWEET?!” Her mother screamed as she grew angrier, “THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS AN ENDLESS BEING “SWEET”! M/n screamed as Y/n could only stare in shock. 
“That’s it. You are to stay far away from Oneiros and never speak to him again! I mean it Y/n!” M/n said as she forbid her from ever seeing and talking to Morpheus again. 
“What! But Mother you can’t-” Y/n exclaimed in shock as her mother would forbid her from speaking to the Endless she had fallen for. 
“Oh, yes I can and I will and you know why? Because I am your mother and what I say goes!” she exclaims as Y/n looks at her sadly. 
her mother may have forbidden her from seeing Morpheus in the waking realm but in the Dreaming, she couldn’t. 
And like a rebellious young woman such as herself, she just did that.
One night Y/n went to sleep, she ventures out into the clouds again, walking through the Dreaming realm as she walked along the path to look for the King. 
When Y/n spots him, she was so happy and ran up to him as he notices her, and she jumps into his arms happily. 
Although Morpheus never showed it, he was very happy to see Y/n. “I’m so sorry for how my mother acted, she is usually sweet...I was worried I wouldn’t see you again!” She exclaims as she looks up at him. 
Morpheus felt warm by her words, as Y/n spend longer in the dreaming her physical body asleep. 
Y/n didn’t mind she wasn’t going to wake up as long as she was with Morpheus, but her mother was growing sick worried that her daughter may never wake up again. 
She knew Dream of the endless had something to do with this. 
In the Dreaming realm, Morpheus and Y/n were sitting in fiddler’s Green when he suddenly asked her. 
“Would you...like to live here?” 
She was shocked, to say the least, but smiled as she didn’t even know she could, “I would love to Dream!” she exclaims. 
Morpheus gave her a shy smile as he stood up and led his hand to her and she took it and stood up with him. 
Morpheus leads her to a tree with fruits in it, Peaches. 
Morpheus pick the fruit and gave it to her, “If you eat this, you will remain here with me for eternity...You will be my wife.” he said slowly making sure she truly wanted this. 
Y/n nodded, as she took the peach gently and ate half it.
So, M/n demanded Desire of the endless, her ex-lover and father of their child go rescue their daughter Y/n from the dreaming realm. 
Desire never truly cared about his lovers nor his children but if it got Morpheus upset.
It was worth it.
so, he agreed and went to the dreaming to get Y/n but she simply refused to say, “I actually love it here, It’s beautiful and Morpheus is really good to me! I’m actually pretty happy being his wife and him as my husband.” She exclaims happily. 
“You don’t want to go? Really?” Desire was genuinely shocked his own offspring wanted to spend time with their brother. 
Y/n was true, she loved Morpheus and wanted to be with him as his wife, she really loved him. 
So, Desire just gave up at that point. He could care less and he could kill her but he didn’t feel like doing that so he would come up with a different plan to ruin Morpheus. 
As for M/n, He could care less. Y/n was happy anyways and when M/n found out she was frustrated and angry so she decided to ruin everything for mankind and not help preserve the plants and flowers. 
It causes the plants to never grow again and the water would soon be dry. 
That was really bad for humanity and the gods got worried, so Hermes rushed to the dreaming realm to tell Morpheus and Y/n immediately. 
Morpheus and Y/n realized that was really bad. So, Y/n rushed back to the waking realm to snap her mom out of it. 
M/n was overbearing as usual and hadn’t seen her daughter in months, so Y/n made a deal with Death of the Endless to spend six months in the Dreaming realm and the other six months in the waking realm with her mother. 
Morpheus and M/n’s mother knew of this and were okay with it since this was a better solution and M/n wouldn’t be fighting over Y/n but still hated the Endless beings.  
During the first 6 months of the year, M/n would be depressed and not let the plants and flowers along with the water grow or purify. 
While Morpheus and Y/n were lovesick with each other and enjoying their married life and ruling the Dreaming together as the King and Queen. 
When the other half of the six months came around, M/n was overjoyed to be with her daughter again, the plants, and flowers grew and the water was pure once more. 
Y/n and M/n would plant flowers, plants and pick out flowers, and soon would swim in the lakes...
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helluuu<3 i'm in for the celebration, let's gooo! Maybe a blurb with protective Morpheus? Because why not? thank uuu💕
this has been sitting in my drafts for way too long, i am so sorry 💕
Protective Morpheus ~. Blurb
Pairing: Dream of the Endless x Reader
The temperature in the room dropped when the words were spoken. They rang through the air, sharp as a knife. The chatter around you stopped almost immediately, someone even gasped.
You starred at the God in front of you, cheeks burning, throat closing. Everyone heard it, everyone stared, and embarrassment rushed through when you couldn't think of anything. No clever comeback, no funny joke. And then again - were you even allowed to speak to him like that? To defend yourself? You were a nymph, nothing more, standing in a room full of Gods and Goddesses and Endless'.
You knew this was a mistake.
"Say that again," Morpheus voice was almost... soft. But you caught it - the undertone. It let the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.
The God tensed up and looked over your shoulder. "W-what?"
The King of Dreams was gone and instead the King of Nightmares had appeared by your side. Darkness was now seeping through the room, shadows circling the God - the fool - who had dared to insult his lover.
"Call her that again," Morpheus said, staring him down. The depth of his voice hummed inside of you. "Come on. Don't be shy."
You had never felt more terrified for another being and yet, you had never felt more protected.
"I apologize, I... " The God stumbles over his words and backs away, the crowd behind him separating, making way.
"I doubt that'll be enough."
send me an ask and i will write you a blurb
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rosalinrabbit · 2 years
Over - Pollination
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Pairing: Morpheus x Nymph!Fem!Reader 
Warnings: Smut, sex, oral sex, unprotected sex, vaginal fingering, sex pollen/sex drugs, drugging/spiking, slight non-con (reader isn't exactly sober/of sound mind...), cum obsession, begging.
Summary:  Desire has a fondness for trouble, but perhaps just this once, their goal is a little less nefarious. As their brother Morpheus, Dream of the Endless continues to shut himself off from everyone and refuses to let himself be happy, Desire sets a plan in motion. A plan that will only have one outcome, for Morpheus would never let you struggle alone.
Word Count: 3.7k
A/N: A super smutty one-shot in honor of our favorite King of the Dreaming. How can you possibly watch Sandman and not instantly become obsessed with this lovely man? I adore him.
In terms of new stories, I have been super busy but written A TON, but I don't like uploading multi-chapter fics until they are finished for editing/not abandoning and leaving everyone suffering purposes! Please bear with me, I hope to have them out soon.
SMUT 18+ / Minors DNI
Do not translate or re-upload any of my work. Works are only cross-posted on AO3.
Morpheus was interrupted from his work by a knock at the door.
“Come in,” he sighed, reluctant to have to speak to anyone. He only grew more annoyed when he laid eyes on his sibling as they entered the room, slinking about with that stupid grin on their face. “Why are you here?”
“What, I can’t visit my brother?”
“You never just visit. Why are you here.”
Desire smirked and leaned against the wall by Dream’s desk. Annoyed eyes narrowed at them, trying to discern the purpose of their visit.
“Death and I had a little chat the other day. And you know what she told me? She said that you’d gotten yourself a pet.”
“You mean Matthew? He’s hardly a pet.”
“No, not that stupid bird, I’m referring to your little nymph. The one that Death found, all lost and scared and without a home,” Desire said in a slightly mocking tone.
Morpheus’s jaw tightened at the mention of the you. “Do not refer to her in such a way. And do not mock the tragedy that befell her or her home. Death found her and her home was destroyed, she had no where else to go. I agreed to let her live here. That’s that.”
“Well, anyway,” Desire waved in the air, dismissing their brother’s disdain towards their attitude. “She’s very cute. Very sweet. I think you two would make quite the pair…” Morpheus said nothing as he continued to stare down his sibling who rambled on.
When it was clear Desire would not leave until he gave in to whatever it was they wanted, he responded. “She is very dear to me, but we are friends. Please don’t read into things.”
“You’re quite thick in the head, did you know that, brother? Which is why, sometimes, I think it’s best to force your hand…”
Morpheus stood up from his desk abruptly. “What did you do?” He asked in a low, stern tone.
“You’ll find out soon enough,” Desire winked. “Goodbye, brother!” They called as they left, likely returning to their own realm now that they’ve succeeded in causing trouble.
Dream of the endless tried to sit back down and go back to his work, but it was hardly an hour after his sibling left that two palace staff came rushing into his office.
“Sir, It’s y/n…. She- she um…” one of them spoke, panting from how quickly they had ran in and clearly unsure how to phrase it.
Morpheus simply stood up and headed towards your chambers, walking at a quick pace.
He heard a strange, high-pitched whimper coming from your door as he approached it, as well as the sight of vines and leaves creeping out from the cracks in the door. He swung open the door quickly to see you writhing in your bed at the far end of the room with the plants you kept growing and twisting around the furniture and up the walls.
The palace doctor was trying to examine you but you wouldn’t quit moving. Morpheus shut the door behind him and crossed the room to where you were, looking to the doctor for answers.
“What happened?”
The doctor turned to him and pushed her glasses up slightly, sighing. “It would appear that she has been given a drug which has greatly increased her libido. It’s like she’s gone into heat, her temperature is increased and her mind is all mixed up. According to Lucienne, she collapsed in the library after being seen with Desire… I think you can guess who is responsible.”
Morpheus’s pale face nearly reddened at the doctor’s words, and his eyes trailed down to you. Your face was flushed red and your eyes squeezed shut, a few tears escaping down your cheeks, and both your hands gripping the sheet that had been laid over your body, threatening the sheet to fall and exposing your breasts.
He quickly reached over to you and pulled the sheet up, and felt your hands gently wrap around his arm as he did so, refusing to let him go. You hummed in contentment through small sobs, eyes still closed yet savoring the contact.
Morpheus had been around a very long time. Of course he knew how to fix it, but he didn’t know if he could possibly overcome his own fears of doing so. He was terrified of letting you get close, and even more terrified of losing you.
“It should wear off in two days without anyone intervening, it’s just going to be a bit painful for her… If there is intervention, it could wear off in a couple of hours to a day. Unfortunately, there’s nothing else I can do for her… so I’ll be on my way,” the doctor gave Morpheus a look before leaving the room, making a point to lock the door behind her.
He sighed, looking down at you. Gods, he thought you were gorgeous. Even in your delirious state your hair shone and your skin looked as soft as silk.
You had been living together for a few years now, and he considered you a good friend despite his reluctance to allow you to live in the Dreaming. It was Death who had convinced him.
Death impressed upon him the importance of nature, the value of giving humans dreams and visions of lush greenery and delicate flowers. It was the lack of appreciation for those things that left you without a home, weakened and alone.
You were so good to him, and he appreciated you deeply. You somehow always knew when he was in a mood, when he needed to talk, when he just needed company. For the most part, you seemed to keep to yourself, crafting those visions of nature for the humans and filling children’s dreams with butterflies. You fit right into the Dreaming, effortlessly.
As you clung to his arm, he gently moved his other hand to push hair from your face. A small gasp escaped your lips, and experimentally, Morpheus cupped your cheek, stroking his thumb across your skin. Your eyes fluttered open, more tears escaping, and you sighed at the contact.
“Morpheus,” you whined, trying to grip his arm tighter and pull him closer.
“Little one,” he whispered to you, knowing how your heart skipped a beat when he called you that. You never told him how much you liked it, how it made you feel as though you were under his protection, but he knew. “What’s wrong?”
“Too hot,” you gasped, and it was painfully true. It felt like you had caught on fire, clenching your thighs together as you felt wetness seeping out of you and down your legs. “Hurts so much. Touch me, please,” you moaned. You would normally never ever be so brazen, but your brain wasn’t working quite right and the only thing you wanted was the gorgeous god next to you to rearrange your insides.
You felt your muscles cramp again, letting out a heady moan as more slick left your entrance and the vines around the room twisted up another few inches. You could never quite control the plant growth when your emotions were running rampant.
His thumb that had been gently rubbing against your cheek slowly edged towards your lips, and without second thought, you opened your mouth, your tongue curling around the digit and sucking on it. The black haired god sat down on the bed beside you, staring into your eyes intensely.
Those grey eyes were filled with indecision and restraint. Trying to assure him, you asked again. “Please, please, touch me, Morpheus. I need you,” you pulled down the sheet covering your breasts and grabbed his hand, licking and pressing kisses against his wrists.
Morpheus knew as soon as the doctor told him what had overcome you that this would only end in one way. He cared too much to lock you in here and let you suffer alone, and he was far too infatuated with you not to take the opportunity to bring you to several mind-numbing orgasms. Especially if you would be in pain otherwise. He might be a god, but Morpheus felt powerless against you. He knew he’d do anything for you.
You watched his eyes as his resolve broke, pulling his arm away and yanking the sheet entirely off your body. The cool air of the room felt better against your feverish skin, but you burned under his intense gaze, his hand ran over your skin, across your breast and down to the curve of your hips, before stopping. You whimpered, and his hand finally glided over towards your legs, up your thigh feeling the liquid that had been dripping out of you. A strange, low growl emitted from his throat as he felt just how wet you were, and you nearly cried when he finally touched your center, fingers circling through the wetness and around your clit.
“Shh, good girl,” he whispered as you moaned wantonly with his fingers on you, desperate to cum in any way you can get. “Does that feel better?”
“Mhm, so much better,” you sighed, trying to move your hips against him. His long fingers suddenly breached into your pussy and slid in with ease, curling up over and over again, making your body feel like it was being wound up impossibly tight. “Oh, gods, please,” you moaned as he continued curling his fingers slowly inside of you, the slow pace torturous yet making the buildup even more intense before you shattered, crying out his name and squirting liquid onto his hand as your legs shook and your pussy convulsed around his fingers.
The orgasm took the burning, painful heat away and took the edge off of the pain you had felt, leaving you warm and buzzing as the aftershocks rolled through you. Morpheus pulled his fingers out of you and his clothes were gone in an instant, climbing over you and claiming your lips with his own in a messy, heated kiss.
You kissed back fervently, feeling the needy heat inside of you flare back up as you wrapped your arms over his shoulders, whimpering into his perfect mouth and rubbing against his leg that was now between your own.
“You’re being so good for me, darling,” he told you in that seductive voice which had always affected you even when you didn’t want to admit it. His voice sounded like pure comfort and sin.
“Oh!” You gasped when his mouth came into contact with the spot under your ear, nibbling down and making you feel like you could burst at any second again.
You watched in awe as he worked his way down your body, clutching the sheets beneath you when his mouth sucked and gently bit on your nipple, giving attention to the other one as well before continuing down back to your center, eyes locked on you as he began to place kisses on the inside of your thighs.
When you felt his tongue part your soaked folds you were convinced that you must be dreaming. But you weren’t, and the man between your legs was the one responsible for all dreams in the first place. No, it was all shockingly real, and every time his tongue swirled your sensitive clit, the warmth added even more pleasure as he worked you back up to your peak.
He paused, and you felt a hand grip your breast as he spoke. “Look at me, y/n.” As if he needed you to see it was him bringing you pleasure. It was him you revered, him who was making you see stars, and you of course complied, looking down to see his ever-messy black hair slightly covering his eyes as he looked at you.
The sight of him between your legs mixing with the look of pure power he was giving you as he sucked your clit made you cry out his name as you came once more, juices dripping down his chin as you gushed and your walls clenched around nothing, his name coming out in pants through your overwhelming pleasure. When he finally ceased his movements his hands both gripped your thighs as he sat up, looking down at you. Your hair was messy and your eyes were beginning to glaze over in ecstasy.
Morpheus often wondered how you looked so perfect, so effortlessly beautiful. Perhaps it was because you were simply of nature, a nymph made to protect and nurture, sweet by mere creation. Now, looking at you in your post-orgasm haze, he realized he hadn’t been appreciative enough of you. You were beyond perfection, made of pure wonder, better than anything he could ever imagine. And now, you were under him. You were his, looking up at him as if he was the only important thing in the world.
How had he waited this long?
Perhaps, despite Morpheus’s disdain for the pain the condition was causing you, Desire’s meddling had worked out well for once. Not that Morpheus would ever let Desire anywhere near you again…
The feeling of his hands gripping your thighs was oddly comforting, making you feel powerless against him. And that’s all you wanted. You wanted him to absolutely ruin you, to pull you apart at the seams and put you back together as his.
Your eyes were skimming across his slender, long body before landing on his cock, erect and leaking, and you let out a whimper at the sight of it alone, moving to sit up and reach for him, but he didn’t allow it, putting a hand on your shoulder to stop you from getting up.
You let out an unhappy noise at the refusal but he quickly reassured you with kisses along the side of your face.
“You’re still burning up, let me take care of you, little one.”
Nodding, you opened your legs for him, but still quickly wrapped a hand around his length and pumped up and down gently, experimentally almost, and watched his eyes flutter closed for a moment as he let out a deep groan.
“Such a needy girl. You need to be filled up? Will that make you stop hurting?”
You nodded again, desperate for him to stop talking and shove himself deep in you already.
“Say what you want,” he taunted in his seductive voice.
“I want you, Morpheus. I want you in me,” you breathed impatiently.
He finally lined his tip up with your entrance, the intrusion warm and causing you to gasp.
As he pushed in, he began to fully stretch you out, causing a slight burn. But the burn felt so right, and you just wanted him deeper. You wanted him everywhere. You wanted to feel like you were so full of him you could burst.
You encouraged him by wriggling your hips against him as he continued to push into you, moaning softly in his ear and he let out a low moan as he finally bottomed out, fully sheathed inside of you. You were incredibly wet and your walls were squeezing him tight, and the overwhelming sensation of finally being inside of you forced Morpheus to pause for a moment so he wouldn’t cum inside you right away.
Before he even started moving you wrapped your legs around his waist and started rocking into him slowly, looking at him with pure lust and moaning in such a lovely, needy way that he had no choice but to give in to you.
He finally started fucking you in earnest, and your nails began to dig into his back as his cock dragged in and out of you, hitting every single spot as he did so and leaving you a mess. You couldn’t stop moaning, losing touch with reality quickly as he tilted your hips up and began thrusting directly into your g-spot, making you nearly scream as you saw stars.
Your eyes were locked on his, in near worship of the way the god was giving you pleasure. Your brain was obsessed with it, still locked on the idea of getting him somehow deeper, desperately yearning for him to cum in you as much as possible. There was nothing but him as his hips thrust into you, a hand moving to your breast to squeeze it roughly.
The thought alone of Morpheus cumming inside of you is what sent you over the edge. You wanted to please him, wanted to keep a part of him in you, wanted him to mark you and use you for his own pleasure.
You cried out through your fog of lust at the intensity of the orgasm, your pussy tightening around his cock and clenching down, you could feel him throbbing inside of you as you came around him and coated his thick cock with your release. Instead of giving you a clear head, the instant pleasure and release from your orgasm only lasted a few moments before you were sent further into hyperdrive.
“Oh, fuck,” Morpheus cursed at your tightness. “Give me one more, darling. One more,” and his hand moved to circle your drenched clit. You cried out, squirming under him.
“Deeper! Please, Morpheus, my lord, fuck me deeper! I need you to fill me with your cum, need it so much,” you babbled, desperate and dead set on being filled with his cum. It was the only thing your brain could think of, being marked, being his, filled to the brim with your king’s white and sticky release, the warmth spreading through your abdomen as it dripped from your soaked core.
Morpheus knew immediately that the drugs were fully affecting your words and desires, but he was quite sure that if he didn’t give you what you wanted, you would remain overheated and desperate and would go to whatever lengths it took to get him to cum inside of you.
He complied, shifting your hips once more to change the angle to reach even deeper, a high-pitched whine escaping from you as he hit your spot perfectly.
“You want me to come inside of you?”
“Yes! Yes, yes, please!” You cried, back arching as you looked up at him in pure desperation.
“How could I ever say no to you? I’ll fill you up so full, mark you, leave you dripping…” your moans grew in volume as he continued, still rubbing your clit. “Do you want that? Want to be so full of my cum that you feel it inside of you?”
Morpheus knew you were beyond words, you were so lost in pleasure that the vines you unknowingly controlled had began to creep onto the bed and wrap around the headboard. With the brutal pace and precision of the way he was fucking you, and the amount of liquid that kept seeping out from your core, he knew you were close.
“Cum for me again, and I’ll cum inside of you, my love. Cum around my cock,” he commanded, and you certainly complied. You gripped the sheets beneath you as you finally let go, sobbing out in your release, feeling like fireworks had gone off in your nerves and gushing around him for the second time. It was so brutally powerful, and even more so when you felt Morpheus’s hips slow as he released inside of you with a deep groan, the warmth coating your insides and filling you with inexplicable contentment. The feeling of him finishing inside of you prolonged your orgasm left you shaking. You felt perfectly full, overjoyed to be claimed by him in such a way, and your needy brain finally quieted giving you peace from the rampant lewd thoughts.
The vines and leaves shrunk away, not dying but reverting to their previous state. The overbearing heat finally left your body leaving you feeling only warm, buzzing, and sated, whispering your thanks to him in a small voice. You felt heavy and your legs felt nearly numb. Morpheus stayed inside of you but shifted your bodies to be on your sides, facing one another. “You were such a good girl for me,” he spoke softly as he pulled you closer. You quickly curled up against his chest and fell asleep, barely aware of your surroundings but feeling safe in the warmth of his arms.
You woke up feeling normal, the cool and fluffy fabric of the comforter against your skin, along with the warmth of Morpheus’s arms.
The man was always so stone-cold and expressionless that you thought he might be cold to the touch, but no, he was pleasantly warm.
Then, confusion hit you. Why were you naked? Why was he naked?
And why was he in your bed??
Your eyes widened and you shifted your head to look up at him. He looked so peaceful, messy hair hanging over his closed eyes, chest rising and falling with each breath.
As you watched him, realization began to wash over you as you remembered what you had done. You shot up in embarrassment and covered your mouth with one hand, using the other to pull the blanket up and cover your exposed breasts. The sudden shift loosened the god’s grip around you and his eyes opened.
“I- My Lord… I am so sorry!” you apologized still covering your face, bright red with embarrassment over your brazen actions.
“What are you sorry for, little one?” He asked with the ghost of a smile on his lips, sitting up to tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear and pull your hand from your face.
You looked down shamefully, face burning and unable to meet his gaze. “For what I did… earlier…”
“Look at me, y/n.”
When you didn’t comply he reached out to tilt your chin up.
“Do you regret what we did?”
You paused for a moment before shaking your head.
“Well, I do not regret it either,” he spoke in that ever serious voice of his, smooth as velvet and dark as obsidian. He took the hand that was holding the blanket over you and pulled it away, pulling you towards him to settle back against his chest. “Though I do apologize for not doing that sooner.”
You couldn’t help the laugh that escaped you, and you glanced up to see an obvious smile on Morpheus’s face.
Though an odd turn of events in your relationship with the King of the Dreaming, as you lay in his arms, you could not be happier.
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elena-mayfair · 2 years
Through the Nightmare
Paring: Morpheus x f!reader, Sandman x f!reader Warnings: swearing, blood, adult themes, horror images, possible triggers Summary: You are a sorceress and exorcist dreaming nightmares every night and at the end of every and each of them you end up in the Dreaming and you see him. One night after revealing himself to you he showed you his world and asked for your help. Now the time has come to keep the promise that you gave him. Word count:4.5k Note: Gifs are not mine, credit to the authors
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Part one: Lost in the dream Part two: Back in the dream Part three: Through the Dreaming Part four: In the Waking World Part five: Before the Nightmare
"I work alone" these were the last words she said before entering the building. Alone. Morpheus refused to stay in the hotel room, he did not ask her to keep her company, did not argue, just walked with her all the way up to the entry door. Once there, she did not look at him, did not bestow a smile on him, did not utter a word, and neither did he. He just quietly observed her as she used the key and locked the door behind her. He thought to himself that perhaps he should give her some words of assurance, utter simple good luck, or be careful perhaps, after all, humans needed that. That stayed in his thoughts only. It was because of his actions she was here. He put her in this scenario. She was right, he could choose someone else, he could find John Constantine, who served him well in the past, and yet he choose her. Standing under a stone archway near the building she was in, he couldn't help but wonder about his decisions. And yet, he had to know...
"I want to see what she is doing," he spoke to his raven.
"Boss, are these doors stopping you from entering?" Matthew asked sarcastically.
"That was not a request." with that statement Matthew spread his wings and flew up into the sky. Morpheus could see her clearly through his raven's eyes.
Y/N was walking around the apartment with the speed and grace of a wild wolf, the kind that he had seen in the woods ages ago. Her delicate and fluid moves reminded him of woodland nymphs dancing in the moonlight, her sudden gazes and sharp head turns brought memory of a hunter stalking his prey. Even though the light in the apartment was turned off she seemed to see everything with perfect clarity. She moved from one corner to another corner of the apartment and placed protective crystals in each and every one of them. Pyrites, known for their ability to defuse destructive energy. "She knows what she's doing," he thought and observed how she removed the carpet from the floor to make sure that marked sigils are still there. Devils trap, an ancient magical symbol used for trapping demons in place. He had not seen this symbol for centuries. She carefully checked every line twice, making sure that the white paint is intact. With one swift move of her hand she placed the carpet back in its place, it was a small yet so interesting display of magic. She placed salt lines in every doorway and on every window, he had to order Matthew to fly away so she could not notice him. Yet for a moment she stopped and looked outside the window, carefully scouting the night sky and tree line. He decided that she could not see him. She marked the last salt line and retrieved a gun from behind her back. This took him by surprise. She must have hidden it earlier by the waistband of her jeans but he didn't notice. "How could I have missed it," he thought. Y/N unlocked the gun, reloaded it, checked the chamber, then tucked the weapon again behind her back. Lastly, she reached her hand into her neckline under her blouse and pulled out a necklace on top. He ordered Matthew to fly closer and saw that in her hand she held an amulet, a pentacle, and an amethyst, joined together. She squeezed the amulet tighter in her hand before letting it fall slowly back on her neck. She was ready. She backed away into the shadows and took a waiting position. Like a wolf crouched in the shadows waiting for its prey. In the darkness of the room, the only bright spots were the silver necklace on top of her black blouse and her shining eyes.
"Boss? You want me to get closer?" he heard Matthew's voice even though the raven was far away from him.
"No," he replied without saying any words out loud. With a corner of his eyes, he noticed the couple entering the building. The man looked proud, and the woman looked frightened. "Stay where you are," he added.
As the boss ordered so Matthew did. Not a long moment passed when the sound of the door lock opening made Y/N's eyes narrow and her position changed, ready to attack. She slowly pulled her gun from behind her belt and huddled in the shadows, waiting.
"The night was lovely," the woman, Christen, said with forced politeness. It always amazed Morpheus how easily humans lied to each other, how effortlessly they played their roles against their will.
"I want a drink," was the only thing the man said. All three Matthew, Morpheus, and Y/N saw him directing himself in the opposite direction from the one she was in. It was a waiting game. In the room she was in it was still dark. Purposely she selected the living room, based on Christen's letter mister Jackson, or at least the demon in him, played the role of career man. And what else career man can do after returning home other than drinking some fancy alcohol in his fancy chair while watching the news and making plans for the growth and expansion of his fancy business? So she waited.
"I'll get you one," Christen said "You go and relax hun" nervous blab came out.
Morpheus saw Y/N move herself up quietly, he knew it was a bad move from Christen's side, and so did she.
"Hun?" The demon stopped in mid-step "Hun? Are you fucking joking right now?"
"I don't know what you mean," Christen tried to shrug it off.
"Hun?" the demon laughed and what came out of his mouth made Christen shrink down a bit, "What did you do?" he growled
"I didn't do anything!" she defended herself "I just wanted to be nice!"
"To be nice?!" he took few steps towards her and grabbed her by the throat, he pulled her up in the way that she could no longer touch the ground with her feet and brought her crying face to him "And since when exactly you are nice you stupid useless blood bag?"
Morpheus saw Y/N securing her fingers on the gun while at the same time with her other hand reaching out for the knife. The waiting game was over, he knew that she didn't want to risk a woman's life, she rather risks her own. At the same moment when Morpheus ordered his raven to knock on the window to get the demons' attention Y/N jumped out of the shadows and threw her knife at the demon's back. She was no longer a wolf, she was a viper, attacking his oblivious prey.
"Hey! Fuckface! Leave her alone!" she taunted. She stood in the living room doorway, luring the demon in. The creature slowly released his hold on Christen's throat and turned itself toward her. He reached out and pulled the knife out of his shoulder.
"And who the fuck are you," his eyes burned red.
"I am Karma you ugly son of a bitch," she grinned at him.
Morpheus was observing it all with admiration and curiosity. To him she was so fearless at that moment, willingly putting her life in danger in order to save an innocent woman. At that moment, he realized that for her it wasn't because she had made a promise to help him, but because she had made a promise to herself to help this woman.
"Come on you ugly fuck, let's dance!" she taunted him even more.
And so it did. Upon seeing the carvings on the knife, the demon dashed toward her. Its speed was too great for a mortal, its agility too formidable for her to resist. But she did resist. She danced and whirled around him like the demon itself dodging his attacks and blows. Every time he tried to grab her she dodged, every time he tried to strike her with a knife she evaded him. She tried to draw him into the trap she had set. Not to kill, not to exorcise, she had to trap him. So she danced around him like a she-wolf dancing around her lured prey for several long minutes. Morpheus knew that for a mortal, a few seconds of such a dance with a demon seemed like an eternity. He saw Y/N weaken. The demon swung and cut her arm with her own knife.
She hissed at him and rolled backwards. She wanted him to follow her, and he did so right into the trap. Pretending to be defeated huddled on the ground she viciously waited for his final attack but it did not come. The demon raised his knife hand upward, took a swing but his hand hung in the air. Confusion painted itself on his face when he saw Y/N peering at him with a devious smile and satisfaction in her eyes. It was only at that moment that he noticed her outstretched hand and spread palm facing him. She smiled venomously and pushed him backwards with her power, straight into the trap she had set.
"Witch," the demon gritted through his teeth.
"You know, I really do not like this word," she rose to a standing position and pointed her gun at him, "It has a bad ring to it, "she sassed and fired her gun.
The demon only laughed at her with hoarse growl.
"Gun?! Really?!" he taunted "I'm a demon you stupid bitch! Gun can't hurt me!!"
Morpheus watched as Y/N's took several steps toward the demon. Her movements smooth and confident, there was not a trace of fear in them. A sinister smile adorned her face, betraying that she knew something the demon did not. Her eyes narrowed, satiated, she had him exactly where she wanted him. She approached him at arm's length and looked at him menacingly.
"I know," she said quietly, "But it can trap your sorry ass." with a smooth motion of her hand, she pulled the rug out from under his feet with power, knocking him over in the process. The devil's trap was revealed. The demon growled at her dangerously. "Oh stop with the growls, they are ridiculous!" she laughed at him "This is how it's going to be," she crouched down and stretched her open hand in front of her, making her knife obediently fly to her, "As you see, devil's trap," she twirled the knife in her fingers, "that bullet in you, enchanted, so if you were thinking about leaving this body, don't bother" she grinned at him.
"You killed this body," he said, the tone of his voice becoming more cautious.
"Do I really look I care?" she raised her eyebrow.
Morpheus was observing all this through his raven eyes in amazement. Eons of existence had made him stop noticing the complexity of mortal creatures, the delicacy of their existence, the strength of their being. He stopped noticing the beauty of mortal life. He watched Y/N with bewilderment, so merciless and yet so kind, so gentle and carefree and yet so threatening, her life could have fled at any moment but at that moment, at that moment he knew Y/N felt more alive than ever.
"What is the point of all of it," Demon asked "Just exorcise me and let's be done with it."
"Oh, wouldn't you want that," she made a dismissive gesture with her knife "I've got some questions for you."
"Do you now?" he growled.
"There is a rumor on the street that one of you sons of bitches has something that belongs to one of the Endless," she started "I want to know which one."
"Oh come on Witch!" he emphasized the last word "You do not actually expect that I'm going to tell you anything!"
Y/N extended her hand in front of her and turned her wrist slightly. The demon immediately fell to the floor and recoiled in pain catching his guts.
"Actually, I do!" she smirked at him and stepped closer positioning herself right at the edge of the circle of devil traps, "Dreams helm, who has it!" she said with a commanding voice.
"Don't know what you're talking about!!" the demon knelt down and shrieked in pain.
Morpheus watched her display of power with fascination. She only grinned wider and twisted her wrist a little more. The demon wailed in pain and the infernal sounds echoed throughout the room.
"Morpheus. Helm," she demanded, "Name."
"Never heard of it..." the demon started but before he could finish Y/N stretched her other hand in front of her causing the demon's body to convulse.
"Name," she demanded.
"This is not how we do things, your kind, and mine, " he choked out, "I possess and you sent me back to hell."
"Oh I'm changing the rules, " she smugged "You going to give me the name and I will kill you."
"You cannot kill me," he reeled in pain.
"You wanna bet?" she grinned and twisted both of her hands slightly.
"Stop!!!" the demon wailed pleadingly "Fine! Fine! I'll tell you! Just send me back to hell already!"
"Go on,"
"It's Etrigan! He's got Dreams helm!"
She twisted her hands making his body twitch again. The drool rolled out of the demon's human mouth, blood began to flow from his eyes and mouth but she did not stop pressing. Morpheus calmly observed her mercilessness, watched her power, the power he hadn't seen in millennia. The power that should have ceased to exist long ago.
"I've...told...you...," he was choking on blood.
"You lied. I hate liars." she replied calmly "I know Etrigan, I know you are lying. Tell me who has Morpheus's helm!"
"So you could run back to him and tell him?" the demon suddenly rose his bloody eyes at her and smiled horribly "Tell me, Witch, what did he promise you that made you do his bidding?"
A shadow of surprise flashed across Y/N's face upon hearing the demon's words. Her pressure on his mangled body eased enough for the demon to rise to his knees and look at her with his deformed bloody face.
"You from all people should know that dreams do not come true," he laughed mockingly and followed with his eyes to the window, "Dreams' puppet on the strings. He already knows who you are, bitch."
Seeing this, Morpheus ordered his raven to retreat immediately but it was too late. Through the raven's eyes, her gaze met his. A mixture of rage and disappointment stirred in her eyes. Before he had time to retreat Y/N's smirked and with a smooth movement of her hand created a wall of blackness dividing him from her, blocking his view.
"I am no one's puppet" she gritted through her teeth and pressed the demon to the floor with all her power. Its body opened with a thousand wounds, blood began to ooze onto the floor in continuous streams, while the demon inside the human body began to burn. As if in the distance she heard the woman's terrified screams but she ignored them. All her power was focused on the demon and only it. Furious, betrayed, she vented all her anger, all the frustration she had been bottling inside her for months on the bleeding human body and its demonic parasite.
"It's Choronzon..." the demon grunted out and blood splattered from his mouth "His name is Choronzon..."
"See, that is what I call cooperation," she smirked and amplified her power on the demon tearing its form from the inside piece by piece.
"You have to send me back to hell..." she heard but a sound coming out of the hole where there used to be a mouth. "You...can't...kill me...Lucifer...you can't..."
"Watch me," she smirked and abruptly spread her outstretched arms in front of her. The demon rose several feet above the ground...
"Y/N Stop!" she heard a distant commanding voice. Morpheus stood in the doorway of the room, his eyes focused on her. Her power enthralled him, almost with the same force with which her unbridled anger saddened him. "I command you to stop!" 
"Listen to your boss witch," she focused on the growly noise in front of her. These were the last sounds that he made. She twisted her spread arms and ripped him into pieces. The human body exploded splitting the blood all over her, the demon vanished.
Morpheus watched her bloodied tired figure breathing deeply, with calmness, as if something horrible had just escaped her body. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at him. Anger and disappointment gave way to satisfaction and amusement. She smiled warmly at him.
"See?" she smirked, "I told you that I will get you his name" she took two steps towards him but her knees collapsed beneath her. She was exhausted. She has kept her promise...
You really wanted to keep your posture but you had to admit to yourself, that you exhausted your body more than ever before. You took two steps toward Morpheus and you felt your knees bending under your own weight. "Fuck!" you swore in your thoughts attempting to stand straight but your legs refused to obey you. The feeling of relief came out of nowhere, just a swift gentle wind around you and suddenly you could stand up straight again. You felt Morpheus's solid yet delicate hand on your lower back, while his other placed your arm over his shoulder. That brought chills down to your spine and somehow terrified you more than the demon you just killed. His eyes were staring at you relentlessly with a mix of care, sorrow, and something else, something that you could not name. His marble face was so close to yours, that you could feel his breath calming your skin, bringing the scent of an endless green field and mountain breeze when suddenly you realized...
"I have demon blood on my face, have I?" you asked shyly. He only smiled slightly with his barely visible smile. "Oh god," you buried your bloody face in his shoulder embarrassed, "Oh god!" you gasped upon seeing bloody stains on his perfectly black coat.
"Don't worry about it," he said quietly, "You killed him..." he looked at the remaining parts of the host body.
"Yup!" you were proud of yourself "and I got you the name! Cha...Cho..." you struggled "Charizard!"
"Choronzon," he corrected you.
"You should not have done that," he stated quietly.
"What the fuck you mean I shouldn't do that!" you frowned "he was a demon, and now there is no demon! One point for me, zero for Hell!"
"We should go," he stated again. You were starting to hate his commanding tone. He gently tried to direct your useless body towards the door.
"Wait..." you placed your hand on his chest not thinking about it twice, "I need a moment." you tried to stand on your own feet. Morpheus reluctantly moved his hand off your back making sure with his eyes that you would not fall. "I'm good," you tapped his chest gently, "I'm good..." you added more to yourself than to him.
You slowly approached Christen who was limping against the wall in terror. You extended your hand to her and her gaze followed looking first at your hand, then at your bloody smiling face. Christen grasped your hand and allowed you to help her stand on her own two feet.
"I'm sorry for what you had to witness," you started "I will admit that I used your case for my own gain. I needed that information," you explained, and upon seeing her nodding slightly you continued "You will be safe from now on. I find no word in me to express how sorry I am for the horror that you had to live through. But it is over now. You and your son will be safe. You survived the years of terror with him, you will survive this. You are a strong woman Christen. You will be alright," you held her hands in yours and spoke with a calm assuring voice.
"But how," she uttered with a shaking voice, "How do I move forward?"
"It's simple," you smiled genuinely, "You just have to believe that dreams, real dreams, do come true." you released your hands and looked back at the Dream with a smile on your face "We can go now."
He approached you and placed his hand back on your lower back but instead of directing you towards the door he reached down to his pocket and took out the pouch of sand.
"Dream I don't..." you stared but the way he looked at you made you stop mid sentence.
"Your body has been through enough today," he said calmly.
You saw him reach into the pouch and pull out a handful of sand. He let the golden grains sift through his fingers. To you, it looked like he let himself feel each and every one of them. He waved his wrist gently and the golden spirals wrapped around you, surrounding you with dancing sand on all sides. As it danced, whirled, twisted, enveloping you in golden dust, it transported you back to your hotel room in the blink of an eye.
"Magical..." you whispered. You wanted to move but you realized that his hand was still placed firmly on your back, "I've got your perfect coat all stained with blood," you tried to defuse the tension.
"You're hurt," he replied ignoring your previous statement.
"It's not mine," you looked down at yourself and noticed that you are covered in blood. You thanked yourself for taking spare clothes with you. You looked up at Morpheus standing still just an inch from you, "Did anyone ever told you that you have severe trust issues?" you smirked.
He only looked down on your slashed arm and back at you.
"I've had worst," you said, "trust me." you released yourself from his hold and moved to your bag for a first aid kit and spare clothes. You desperately needed a shower. "What now? We've got a demon name, what's our next step?" you asked.
"I'm going to Hell to retrieve my helm," he answered with as much ease as if he had said it would rain tomorrow.
"What?!" you gasped, "What do you mean, you going to Hell?! Like physically going to Hell, as in...as to Hell?!"
"My sand can take me there," he explained calmly.
"Hold on!" you dropped your first aid kit and your clothes onto the bed and walked towards him, "Here me out! You do not have to go to Hell!" he looked at you with curiosity and rose his eyebrow, "I know, I know, trust is not your strong suite and believe me we will talk about this, but if you would, if you could trust me again," you continued, "I could bring the demon to you!" you offered.
"You displayed remarkable power today," he noticed.
"Great!" you clapped your hands satisfied that he agreed even though he did not, "Summoning a demon is much easier than going to Hell and finding it don't you agree?" you smiled brightly, but when he did not reply you simply stated, "We gonna do some summoning and you will have your helm in no time! And now, forgive me my Lord, but I desperately need a shower."
~~Week later~~
You thought that you saw weird and unexplainable things in your lifetime, after all just a week ago you shredded a demon out of existence, but seeing Morpheus, the anthropomorphic personification of a Dream itself, sitting on your couch, in your apartment, causally sipping a tea from your favorite cup was the weirdest thing of them all. Somehow you convinced him that summoning a demon is better than going the Hell, and made him agree to your plan. Now, he was relaxing on your couch while you were peppering yourself and your surrounding for the summoning ritual. "Causal Sunday afternoon," you thought to yourself, "Litteral personification of a Dream and Witch preparing for summoning the demon."
"You're smiling," he noted. He seemed so relaxed in your presence, so humane, so normal, that for a moment you forgot who he really was.
"Nothing, it's just funny you know?"
"What is?"
"This!" you pointed out on the devils' trap, candles, herbs, everything around you, "You, me! This! It's kinda funny you know," you smiled.
"You do not seem to be uncomfortable," his lips twitched slightly.
"Neither do you," you smirked, "Alright! I'm done! Come here" you order him. He placed a teacup on the table and stepped closer, placing himself next to you, "Take my hand," you ordered but upon seeing his gaze you explained, "I know the demon's name, you know your helm which I have never seen. Combine these two, we have a stronger spell," he took your hand and locked it in his. "Now just relax, breath, and focus on your helm," you instructed and started an incantation.
Ad ligandum eos pariter eos coram me! Et ad congregandum eos coram me! Ad ligandum eos pariter eos coram me! Et ad congregandum eos coram me! Ad ligandum eos pariter eos coram me! Et ad congregandum eos coram me!
You were expecting the candlelight to go off, herbs to burn down and demon to show up inside the devil's trap. Instead, you felt the ground shaking underneath your feet, tipping over the teacup, throwing your books off the shelves. You closed your eyes, squeezed Morpheus's hand, and focused all your power on the spell.
Ad ligandum eos pariter eos coram me! Et ad congregandum eos coram me! Ad ligandum eos pariter eos coram me! Et ad congregandum eos coram me! Ad ligandum eos pariter eos coram me! Et ad congregandum eos coram me!
"Come here you stupid fuck!" you swore.
"But I am here..." you heard a gentle kind voice in your head. You quickly released Morpheus's hand and opened your eyes.
The ground shaking stopped, the spell was broken, and what you saw before you made the blood freeze in your veins. A picture of utter devastation and destruction unfolded before your eyes. The sky above your head was black and thick with smoke and the ground beneath your feet was scorched, dead. Before your eyes stretched a wall made of human bodies, deformed beyond recognition. In the middle of the wall was a narrow passage, a gate, surrounded by fire on both sides.
"I don't think we are in Kansas anymore," you gasped.
"No," Morpheus took two steps forward and positioned himself in front of you, hiding you behind his back, protecting you, "We are in Hell."
Authors note: Part six is done! Oh my lord, I had so much fun writing this chapter! Switching POVs, adding long awaited, at least by me, bloody horror element. It was awesome to write this! And now...what will happen now since we are not in Kansas anymore :) I hope you will like this chapter as much as I do :) I want to take a moment to thank you all again for all of your comments, likes, reblogs, and messages. You guys are truly amazing! You really have no idea how much this story, and all that happened after I published the first part, how much all this means to me. All I can do, as an expression of my gratitude, is deliver the best chapters I can possibly write. Sadly, I must inform you, that from now on I won't be able to publish as much as I did during this week. I had some time off work and I've been able to write every day. But sadly vacation is over, real life is calling, and I have to go back to work. Since I will have much less of free time I won't be able to publish daily. But I think I can do two chapters per week :) I really really want to continue this story with my renewed drive for writing. At last, as always, Dear Reader, thank you for reading :)
Tag list: @mycrazyfandom @unavoidabledirewolf @calicoevening72 @mata0-0mata @uzumaki-mj @thegreatestsandwich @parabatai-winchester @munsonmunster @consistentreader578 @jupiterclipse @fangirlmary @clown-princesa @witchxlove @galaxypox @dilfsandtherapy @hjalmarofrivia
Part seven: Through Hell
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deicidis · 2 years
I Have Trembled My Way Deep | Preview
status: Unfinished
Morpheus x Naiad!Reader
words: 676
warnings: Implied non-con (not Morpheus) and suicide
But escape alone is not enough. Though your calves are stronger, your lungs endured, you were exhausted beyond what your heart could take. You want Poseidon to stop, to rot where he stood. You want him to suffer and tremble just as much as you did, you want to plunge your pocket knife into his eyes and drink his blue blood with his cracked opened skull. So was the reason why you sat at the edge of a river bank and watched the twilight sky instead of running when you could sense that he was growing closer and closer. Scrambling for a sense of your habitat, fresh water always feels like home. Let it  be fresh water the last thing you see. Not one formed with salt.
Because you will kill yourself in the fight if you have to.
“I know you’re here little Nymph.” His rancid voice calling out to you in the distance, Your resolve crumbled by the second. Your tears have warmed your cheeks and you feared it would be etched like a mark. Your body shivered instantly as you closed your eyes. Despite having nothing to lose, despite convincing yourself that meeting Thanatos is a better choice, there is a part of you that still clings to life and its abundance of delight to be found. Mother to be seen again. Sisters to hold once more. You realised you were never ready to toss the Obol in your pocket for Charon. So you Dreamt of a better future as you did one last desperate attempt. You prayed to your god.
“My benevolent god, lord Morpheus, if you could hear me, I beg of you. Help me. Take me far where he couldn’t find me and you will always have my service.” You whispered. It was a foolish attempt. Poseidon would’ve found you to the edge of the living world. Moreover you were no one, minor deity of no import. No queen nor a daughter of one. Why should a god meddle in your affairs? Still, the god of dreams was a salve to your burden more than the other gods. Perhaps the only god.
“Your prayer is heard.” Your eyes jolted open at a voice that was not Poseidon’s. Snapped your head to find the Dream god beside you, behind you, but he was nowhere to be found. Your heart palpated twice as fast. The hairs on your neck stretched upwards.
“Return from whence you came.” He continued, and your body instinctively leaned into the water, finding the river had turned as black as the night, as stilled as one.
“Reach into me, and you shall hide no more.” Once more Dream god’s deep and quiet voice enticed and you paused, digesting his words that felt too good to be true. You turned to see how close your oppressor was and you can see the outline of his form between the trees. Your heartbeat is a hummingbird trapped in your ribcage, you felt like vomiting all over the water. There might be a greater sacrifice to be made by exchanging with Dream god.
But you would give him your limb for that chance.
So you took a deep breath, steeled yourself, and plunged into the cold, dark water. You swam deeper, deeper and deeper. For a moment it was a Sisyphean effort. There is no direction, no life could be sensed, no surface to return, only a bottomless river. Your arms ached from carving the water in the endless dark. You might be swimming into the bowels of the earth where there is only Kronos, waiting for you with his primordial emptiness. Yet it is still better than the alternative.
Then, a speck of light can be seen. Pale blue, glimmering like a star.
You swam into it, almost in a frenzy, desperate for something tangible. It expands as you swam, blinding and comforting, and when your body had passed its threshold, you had fallen wet unto the earth that was not from whence you came, but a homeland of a god.
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writing-fanics · 2 years
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[ one last time ] : morpheus x reader
[ warning: angst : death : blood : unknown sickness ]
[y/n] gripped the corridor walls as she made her way through the hallway. leaning against the wall for support as her legs dragging behind her. Her body weak and frail even in her youthful appearance death grasp was closing in. even if though her lifespan is ten times that of humans, the nymph’s time on this earth was coming to a close.
“mama!” Lily shouted seeing her mother out of bed. Placing both hands on the side of her hips.
“you shouldn’t be out of bed,” she exclaimed huffing and shaking her head. [y/n] smiled weakly looking down at her daughter, “I’m fine Lily.” [y/n] said, walking passed her daughter to get to the library.
“No you are not!” Lily said walking beside her mother.
“You are going back to your bed mother! I’ll bring you what you need.” Lily said and her mother wasn’t listening. Her daughter’s voice becoming distorted and distant.
Her vision becoming blurry, and her legs turning into jelly. “Mama!” Lily shouted, as her mother fell forward catching her. A black figure appeared in her vision as she looked up at the blurry sky, “Morpheus?” [y/n] mumbled, hoping to finally see her husband again after he’d disappeared ten years ago.
“No it’s me Lily,” Lily said and [y/n]’s vision cleared up. she started crying missing her husband her lover the father of their child. he has never laid eyes in Lily. never met her he disappeared the night she went into labor.
“I-I only want you to be prepared when it’s my time.” [y/n] says placing her hand on her daughter cheek.
“Your gonna be okay mom alright. Just hang on there I’m sure daddy will be back soon.” Lily said planting a kiss on her mothers hand.
“You’re too grown for your age my little one.” [y/n] starts coughing and luckily the other staff arrived to help carry her back to her room. Placing onto her bed. She didn’t want to leave yet wanting one last time to hold Morpheus in her arms, feel his arms around her as they kissed.
“Lily, be a good girl okay.” She says and Lily starts tearing up and nodding.
“You’ll have to be a big girl soon,” she says coughing once again gently rubbing her daughter thumb.
“I know and I’ll do what I can’t for my kingdom.” Lily says and [y/n] smiles and shakes her head.
“No I want you to live your childhood while it lasts. don’t worry about your royal duties. once you come of age-”
she coughs harder some blood running down the corner of her lip. “then it’ll be your choice.” Y/n groans in pain. Lily wrapped her arms around her mother crying [y/n] kissed the side of her daughter’s head. trying her best to comfort her daughter.
“please don’t go mommy.” Lily sniffled her cheeks puffy and eyes red. Her mother wiped say her tears kissing her forehead.
“it’s my time darling my time is up.” y/n says holding her daughter.
“No auntie death can’t do anything. it’s how us nymphs work.” she says and y/n then pulls off the wedding ring.
“here so I may always be with you, and one day maybe you’ll find love.” she says and Lily takes it and begins crying looking at her mother’s wedding ring.
her eyes gloss over as she laid in bed,“I-I just wish I got to see your father one last time,” she says her breathing ceased and her eyes closed. her hand slipping off her daughter cheek.
“Mommy?!” Lilly cried reaching out for her mother. Lucienne holding the princess back hugging her as she cried.
morpheus sat alone in the glass cage of a prison. he felt a hole in his chest as if he’d just lost something or someone. it wasn’t until he’d escape 96 years later he found out why.
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gaarasgirlfriend · 4 years
bakugou x reader - demigod/pjo au!
in which the son of ares guides the cute new camper to her cabin 
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“dude have you seen the new arrival? she’s smokin’ hot! 10 drachmas says she’s an aphrodite kid.” kaminari, son of apollo, told his friends.
hours ago, kaminari was on his way to bother chiron again, wanting to go on a quest because he was ‘bored out of his mind’ but before he could even get a word out he was met by a stranger. a very beautiful stranger. a stranger who kept glancing down at chiron’s hooves.
ah. she was new to the camp.
chiron was telling the girl about the camp’s layout, pointing over to the volleyball court where kaminari’s sister, jirou, also a child of apollo, was playing with momo who was a daughter of athena.
“i know it’s a lot to process.” chiron said, a sympathetic smile on his face.
“no kidding. the other day i was just taking a nap trying to do my algebra homework and now you’re telling me that greek gods exist and that medusa and minotaurs are real and would very much like to kill me.” the girl said.
“the woes of being a demigod...” chiron mused.
the centaur looked up to see kaminari watching the pair, “ah kaminari my boy, come here.”
‘gladly’ he thought, checking out the girl.
“y/n this is kaminari son of-”
“kaminari, son of apollo. it’s a pleasure.” kaminari grabbed her hand and kissed her hand.
“do all children of aphrodite do this? because i’m more creeped oout by this than any gorgon sister honestly.” y/n said, taking her hand back after kaminari kissed her hand.
“i’m actually a child of apollo but i’m sure that my good looks confused you~ it’s okay~” he chuckled.
“this whole interaction will be so funny if i ended up being a child of apollo.” she suddenly mentioned, which made the blonde-haired boy freeze up. 
“i- are you-” he started to say.
“don’t worry though, it’s my mom who left.” she said, with a slightly hurt tone that kaminari picked up on, after feeling the same way for 13 years he could recognize another lonely person from a 100 miles away.
he suddenly smiled, “ don’t worry, you’ll find family at this camp.” he patted her back as he directed her over towards the cabins, waving bye to chiron as he left to scold mineta, a satyr, for harassing yet another wood nymph again
“bet you’re hoping that you’re not part of that family after flirting with me.” she snorted.
kaminari’s face flushed, “it’s a habit!”
currently he was telling the bakusquad (nickname given by mina after the five of them were on a quest) about the girl he was with earlier.
“ i hope she ends uo being your sister. that’ll really teach you not to flirt with every girl you see.” sero, child of hermes, said while shaking his head. 
“i guess falling for relatives runs in the family. izuku’s dad for example.” mina joked. izuku’s father, zeus, wed his sister, hera, who had no children at this camp out of loyalty. 
“be careful saying shit like that you pink haired dumbass! you never know when zeus is feeling less merciful than usual.” bakugou, son of ares, seethed.
“aww! bakugou~ you care for me~” mina teased the boy who was sharpening his sword.
a pair of crimson eyes rolled as the owner scoffed, “better pray to morpheus because that would only happen in your dream you fucker.”
the group laughed at the blonde boy who continued raging at the pink-haired girl. 
“anyways, i’ll take you up on your offer kaminari! we had an aphrodite kid two weeks ago so i don’t think we’d have another one so soon.” kirishima said.
the redheaded son of hephaestus was sitting on the floor, tinkering with some weapons, with sero and mina sitting down with him. 
“me too.” bakugou’s gruff voice called out.
the group looked back at him, eyebrows raised.
he gave them a wicked smile, “i’m just praying that she ends up being a child of apollo.” he started to cackle, the rest of the group, excluding kaminari, joining him.
“where is she now? i want to meet her!” sero said, standing up. 
“yeah me too!”
“same here!”
“i was going to show her around but then jirou and momo took over. jirou said that i ‘wasn’t to be trusted with any girl’. it hurt! i wasn’t going to pursue her until after she got claimed!” kaminari sighed, shaking his head.
“as they should. they probably saw you kissing the poor girl’s hand and decided to save her.” mina said.
“yeah, yeah, whatever. anyways sero! you ready to fight bakugou?” kaminari said.
the boy got his sword and stood up, “been ready but you were on that tangent about that chick.”
“whatever. anyways let’s start.” bakugou said.
meanwhile while they were fighting, you were with momo and jirou. it really surprised you when you found out that they were brother and sister, given his bold personality and jirou’s chillness.
“okay so sero is going to show you to the hermes cabin, where you’ll be staying at until you’re claimed.” momo explained to you.
“got it! is sero a son of hermes?” you asked.
“yes, he’s been at this camp since he was 12. most of the campers have been here since they were 12 but once in a while we get an older kid like you.” jirou explained.
“how about you guys? how long have you been here?” you asked curiously.
“we actually arrived together. we went to the same school and we er, ran away together after a cyclops attacked us while we were camping.” momo said.
“oh gosh, that was probably terrifying.” you mumbled.
“it was. but luckily there was a satyr there who helped us.” momo said.
talking a bit more, you guys finally made it in front of the arena where sero supposedly was. the arena was a huge conference building that towered over most of the other buildings. it was between the cabins and the armory.
“oh my god, this is the arena?? it looks like the roman coliseum! it’s huge!” you said, amazed by the big building.
“wait till you see the amphitheater and climbing wall.” jirou snickered.
“a climbing wall? what?” you looked at jirou.
momo chuckled, pulling you inside of the building, “come along now.”
walking inside of the building, you were met with about 50 people inside of the building. a few of them spared you a glance or waved to momo and jirou but other than that, everyone went back to their training. the room was lined with dummies and weapons. the sounds of angry grunts, yells, and swords clashing seemed to fill the air as you looked around in amazement.
‘holy shit! that kid’s hands are glowing! and he’s? making the dummy levitate? who is he the child of and can i have magical powers too?’ you thought to yourself.
you looked towards the back of the arena to see a small group circling two swordsmen. one of them had black hair and pale skin, although he seemed to be knowing what he was doing, he was losing to the other guy.
‘oh damn.’ was your first thought when you looked over at the blonde haired boy.
he was tall, with a muscular build that was adorned with a black tank top and sweats which was a bit strange as most of the other campers were donned with the standard orange shirt. but you weren’t complaining. he looked good. his body was coated with sweat, and his muscles flexed with each swing of his sword. he was gaining distance on his opponent. his crimson eyes were narrowed in concentration, a slight scowl on his face as the black haired boy dodged his sword.
that soon ended when the blonde guy suddenly disarmed the ravenette, his sword clanging on the floor as it fell about 5 feet away. the blonde boy had his sword pointing at the other boy’s chest, his own chest heaving up in down.
the black haired boy sighed, with his hands up, “i give up.”
the blonde haired boy smirked, and you could feel yourself almost gasp.
you would’ve believed in all of this greek mythology shit a lot sooner if they showed you this boy. he was literally carved by the gods themselves.
the boy went over to his friends as the small crowd dispersed. a red-haired boy handed him a towel.
“hey sis! hey momo! bold of you to show your faces around these parts when you stole y/n from me.” kaminari said.
jirou rolled her eyes, “i have a legal obligation to protect all women in this world from you. thank god the hunters of artemis haven’t met you. you would’ve been killed on the spot.”
“whatever! hey y/n! missed me?” kaminari said, walking up to you.
“how could i miss the guy who may be my brother even though he flirted with me?” you chuckled.
he suddenly looked up to the sky, “whoever y/n’s parent is please claim her! u-unless it’s you dad!”
they laughed at the boy’s dumb antics. kaminari then took them over to where his friends were sitting.
“hey guys! this is y/n! she’s new here so be nice! looking at you bro~” kaminari said.
you looked over to see he was talking to the guy who won the fight. your eyes made contact with his before he suddenly looked away with a small ‘tch’.
“he’s like that sometimes. you get used to it. i’m kirishima, son of hephaestus, nice to meet you!” the redheaded boy said as he was putting together a weapon. he seemed like a very kind person.
“hey girl! i’m mina, daughter of dionysus!” the girl with pink hair waved to you.
“i’m sero, son of hermes! i’ll show you to your temporary cabin!” the black haired boy grinned.
“nice to meet you all! i’m y/n, like kaminari said and i hope we get along!” you said.
you looked over to bakugou since he didn’t introduce himself yet, “and who might you be?”
“...bakugou, son of ares.” he mumbled.
“son of ares huh? that makes sense. he’s the god of war right? you were amazing with that sword! well granted i don’t know much about swords or anything like that but it looked badass! you too sero, you did amazing!” you said.
“thanks! i wonder what kind of weapon you’ll wield...” sero said as he tapped on his chin.
kirishima suddenly jolted, “y/n! you have to let me build your weapon once you find out what you like!”
you nodded, “of course!”
“we’re gonna be heading out now! bye y/n!” jirou and momo called out to you.
“bye guys, thanks for showing me around," you called out to them.
you turned back to face the group when sero suddenly said, “we should probably head out soon too-” he was interrupted when a young boy around the age of 8 or 9 came up to him,
“sero! you’re still gonna train me right? i haven’t gotten the hang of my new sword that kirishima built for me.” kirishima grinned at the fact that the young boy was taking training so seriously with the weapon he built for the boy.
sero squatted down to the small brunette boy and ruffled his hair, “of course lucas! let’s go over to that dummy to practice!”
“yay! thank you sero!” the boy said, energetically dragging the older boy towards the dummy.
sero looked behind him to look at you, “sorry!”
you only smiled back, “it’s okay!” if a kid as cute as lucas ever asked you to do anything, you didn’t think you could say no to him either.
“well now that sero’s plans have been foiled i will take it upon myself to deliver y/n to the cabin of hermes.” kaminari declared.
“oi dunce face, i’ll take her. after what happened earlier i don’t think you’re to be trusted with another girl for at least another 100 years.” bakugou snorted, earning a laugh from you.
kaminari pouted as bakugou gestured you to follow him. the remaining bakusquad members only stared at the leaving duo as they made their way out of the arena. 
“no way.”
“i agree.”
“bakugou just offered to walk a girl back to her cabin? kaminari did you hex me again?” kirishima said. 
“so what’s the story behind the nickname dunce face?” you asked as you walked beside the tall boy. 
finally being close to him you could see him even closer. he had faded scars littered all over his arms, but there was a scar that was underneath his collarbone that stuck out to you. it was quite big, probably from a monster’s claw. his skin was slightly tanned, from being outside training, you assumed. his spiky hair looked very soft and you had to stop yourself from touching it. but oh lord did you want to pat his head.
bakugou snorted in response to your question, “that idiot was in a prank war with the hermes cabin. he tried to hex them but messed up and ended up hexing himself to be dumber than usual for a whole 24 hours. amusing as it was, it was tiring taking care of him.”
you laughed, “i barely know the guy but i can say with full confidence that that is something he would do.”
his lips quirked up for a second butt you didn’t seem to notice, “yeah he’s a dumbass.”
“how long have you been at this camp? and how long did it take for you to get claimed?” you asked curiously.
he shrugged, “about 6 years. a hellhound attacked me while i was on a school trip but chiron was disguised as my substitute teacher so after a phone call to my mom, we arrived here. it took about 3 days for ares to claim me. it was right after a game of capture-the-flag, my team won courtesy of me. i guess dad was so proud he decided to proudly show me off or something.” he smirked.
“woah, that’s cool!” you said, looking at bakugou in amazement.
“damn right it is.”
a few minutes passed as you guys walked towards the cabin.
“how’d an idiot like you even find this place? a satyr help you?” he suddenly asked.
“yep. his name was mineta, i think? i was about an hour away from this place before a hellhound attacked me. mineta was nearby oogling at some chick and he helped me here.”
bakugou suddenly looked at you, “MINETA? that perverted bastard? i hate his ass, he should be fed to cerberus.”
“i agree with you on that one buddy, while we were hiding he kept on staring at me. what a creep. but he was pretty helpful when we were running away. guess he decided his life was more important than a pair of boobs and actually got serious.”
bakugou’s ears suddenly got very hot as he sputtered, “y-you idiot girl! you’re even more perverted than that dumbass mineta!”
you only laughed in response.
“we’re here.” bakugou said.
you guys had reached the cabins and you were gazing at them in awe. all of them were huge. there was one that was made out of pure gold, one was made of silver, one looked like a mini aquarium, another was covered with barbed wire and housed some very loud kids. you guessed that that one was the ares cabin.
you saw a kid with half red and half white hair come out of the black cabin that looked like a haunted house. he went up to the house in the center of the half circle of cabins to meet up with the green-haired boy walking out of the cabin that had a big lightning bolt etched into it. 
“woah…” was the only thing you could say.
“okay bye.” bakugou said, suddenly walking towards the cabin cabin that had a pair of kids wrestling in front of the doorsteps as other kids cheered for them.
“huh? wait!” you grabbed his hand.
“let go of my hand dumb idiot!” he said, a small blush on his face.
“you have to walk inside with me! I don’t know anyone.” you pouted at him.
he rolled his eyes, “only if you let go of my hand.”
once you let go of his hand, you guys headed inside.
the cabin was normal enough, but it was slightly bigger than the other cabins. you assumed it was to take in unclaimed demigods such as yourself. it was filled with about 50 bunk beds. but only about 20 kids were in their bunks, most of them taking naps.
“incoming!” you heard a feminine voice say from above you. 
before you could look up, bakugou pulled you into his body as he moved towards the right. a storm of water balloons that seemed to be enchanted was hurled at the stope you were standing at. 
“rin! you said you would finally get them outside the cabin this time! at this rate the apollo bastards are gonna win.” you heard a girl say.
“relax yuki! i’m gonna make it this time i can feel it!” rin said.
“sorry about that!” they both called down to you.
you paid them no attention. how could you when you were chest to chest with bakugou right now? you could feel his firm chest against yours and you could’ve sowrn you felt a set of abs underneath that thin tank top. 
“dumbass, you didn’t even move out of the way. just accepted your fate, huh?” he teased.
he gently pushed you away and saw the slight blush you had on your face, “did being that close to me have that much of an effect on you?”
“shut up~” you whined as you hid your face in your hands. 
he chuckled and you suddenly looked up at him, he was cute when he laughed.
“hey! are you a new camper?” an orange-haired girl walked up to you.
“looks like it, poor thing has been following this aggressive bastard all day. i saw them in the arena!” the blonde boy next to her laughed. he was suddenly elbowed in the stomach by the girl. you decided that you liked the girl.
“i am! y/f/n unclaimed and at your service,” you said.
“so lame…” you heard bakugou mumble underneath his breath. it was now your turn to elbow him.
“i’m kendo! this is monoma! both children of hermes!” the orange-haired girl said.
“i bet she’s a demeter kid. i get nature vibes from her.” monoma said.
“what the tartarus does nature vibes even mean?” bakugou asked. was he getting offended on your behalf? how sweet. also what the hell was tartarus?
“she looks weak-” bakugou’s eyebrow twitched in annoyance at the boy’s response.
“anyways! we’ll take over from here bakugou!” they walked away, motioning for you to follow them.
you took a step towards them before glancing at bakugou, “thanks for bringing me here bakugou! it was nice talking to you, you’re a fun guy to be around!” and with that, you walked away. 
‘a fun guy? me?’ a ghost of a smile appeared on his lips.
it suddenly dropped, “oh shit.”
he suddenly looked up towards the sky, “dad, please tell me you kept it in your pants for her mom.”
the sky gave no response.
“ya know, i usually hate the color orange but i’m liking this shirt! makes me feel like i’m apart of something exclusive!” you told kendo as you checked yourself out in the bathroom mirror.
“i know the feeling girlie! but you look good in that shirt! also what’s up with you and bakugou? you two a thing?” she teased to which you blushed in response.
“n-no! i mean he’s cute but-“ 
“aha! i knew it! you two are so cute! but i’d wait until after you get claimed… ya know… so you know for sure you’re not siblings.”
“oh it’s fine! it’s my mom who’s gone!” you said.
“oh then you’re good!” she smiled at you.
“but does he know that?” 
your smile dropped, “uh oh.” 
“DUDE! can’t believe you’re in the same boat kaminari was in!” kirishima howled as he clutched his stomach.
“i mean i would ask her if it’s her mom or dad that’s gone.” kirishima said after calming down.
bakugou went quiet. he often did this when kirishima said something that bakugou did not think of. like this for example.
“thanks.” he mumbled very quietly. to the untrained ear, it would’ve sounded like bakugou said nothing. but kirishima knew better, “go get her buddy.” 
it was finally time for the campfire and you were excited! granted, any situation that called for s’mores made you happy. walking to the campfire where most of the students were, you waved at monoma and kendo before heading over to where kaminari and sero were.
“hey guys!” you smiled at them.
“hey y/n! liking the shirt!” sero said.
you laughed, “finally one of you guys!” 
“how was the hermes cabin?” kaminari asked you. 
“chaotic. there was a prank war going on between your two cabins. but it was kinda fun! monoma swiped me some apollo kid’s bow but i had no idea what to do with it.” you shook your head.
“y/n! hi! ohh i see you’re finally one of us now!” mina said as she arrived with bakugou and kirishima.
“gather around campers!” chiron said before starting the camp fire songs.
you couldn’t really participate, as you didn’t know any of the songs, but you were still enjoying the experience.
“hey.” a gruff voice called out to you, breaking you out of your stupor.
“bakugou! woah you’re actually wearing the orange shirt for a change… consider me impressed.” you teased.
with a minuscule smile on his face, he sat down next to you on the tree log as you both stared into the fire. his body heat was arguably hotter than the fire itself. he was very warm and you wanted to cuddle up in his arms. 
“so how was your first day of camp?” bakugou asked.
“kind of crazy honestly, never thought that satyrs or centaurs would exist. nor did i expect to be attacked by a scary ass dog while i was just strolling through the city. but it is nice to finally get some answers as to who i am. plus i met some pretty cool people along the way.” you looked into his eyes and grinned.
he laughed, “yeah, i find kaminari cool as well. even if that shithead is currently burning his tongue with that marshmallow.”
you rolled your eyes and punched his arm, “i hate you.”
“hate me? you’ve literally been following me around today like a little duckling. i don’t know if you could call that hate.” he nudged her with his shoulder.
“who else was going to show me around? kaminari? would you have let him?” you mused, leaning a bit closer to him.
he chuckled, a smile on his face, “maybe, who knows.”
he suddenly realizes that you’re very close to him and he leans back, both of your faces hot.
you realize that you need to tell him about your mother before he decides to stop to pursue you. 
“hey bakugou… i need to tell you about my parents…” you suddenly say, bakugou meeting your eyes once again.
“yeah, what about them?”
“well my mother is actually-” you started before you noticed he was staring above your head. you looked around to see almost every camper looking at you. you looked up to see the image of a glowing pink dove.
“huh?” was all you could say before you looked down to see yourself in a white ancient chiton dress. you lifted your dress and saw yourself in golden sandals. your arms were adorned with gold bands. you touched your hair and felt that it was done perfectly. you felt your lips coated with gloss, so you assumed your makeup had been done as well.
“the fuck…?” you muttered before looking up at everyone. 
they all were bowing to you, bakugou included.
“all hail, y/n l/n, daughter of aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty.”
“well at least he doesn’t havent to worry now.” kirishima mumbled to his friends.
“nice meeting you camie and shindou!” she waved at the pair. they were her siblings. that would take a while to get used to.
“call me sis!” camie squealed while shindou rolled his eyes at her and walked away towards the rest of the aphrodite kids.
“looks like kaminari didn’t have to worry after all.” you heard bakugou say behind you.
when you turned around to look at him, you felt him suck in a breath. did you look that different?
“looks like it.” you smiled.
“s-so what was that thing you were going to tell me?” bakugou cursed himself for stuttering. but who wouldn’t curse while in your presence? makeover or not, you were still probably the prettiest girl bakugou has ever seen.
“oh… i was going to tell you that my godly parent was my mom, not my dad.” you mumbled.
“oh?” he smirked, “and why did you feel the need to tell me that?”
you rolled your eyes, “you know why you idiot.”
“please enlighten me.”
“it’d be really weird to want to date your brother, so i just gave you the go ahead.” you said, suddenly finding the ground very interesting.
“did aphrodite make you bolder too along with that makeover?” bakugou questioned, snickering to himself.
“huh? i’ve always been bold! remember when i talked about boobs-”
he clamped his hand over your mouth, looking around the camp to make sure no one overheard.
“you’re crazy. wouldn’t be surprised if you were a dionysus kid.”
“whatever…” you rolled your eyes, a smile on your face.
a moment of silence pass as you looked around the camp, many of the campers were heading back to their cabins and you decided it was time to leave.
“i think it’s time i head out, everyone is leaving.” you said.
“see ya.” you heard him ay, a slight look of disappointment on his face.
you took one step towards the cabins before you turned back towards the blonde haired boy, “actually i can’t seem to find my way back to my new cabin. could you help me out?”
he smiled, “you really are a dumbass.”
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melancholypancakes · 1 year
The Goddesses and Echo The Gossip Nymph
“Why are you following me?!” the Nymph asks angrily as Persephone responds, ‘Why are you repeating everything you hear?” she asks Echo. 
“Why do you care?! do you think I care, Aphrodite, is flirting with Desire?!” she yells as Aphrodite stammers to explain herself. 
“I don’t care! I don’t care about your problems with hades and Minthe! I care about something way bigger!” 
Persephone gasps as Echo knew about her problem with Minthe.
“Echo. You gotta stop doing this or you’re gonna get yourself killed.” a goddess beside Aphrodite and Persephone said. 
“I’m not doing anything wrong!” echo exclaimed angrily at Y/n. “Yes, you are. You’re spreading rumors of Aphrodite having an “affair” with Desire of the endless and Persephone fighting Minthe over Hades!” Y/n exclaims back. 
“Well...What about you?! You’re laying with Dream of the endless! behind Zeus’s back!” she yells and the goddess gasp. 
“You have no proof of this and even if you did. I wouldn’t let you speak of it and it’s none of your business!” The goddess yelled at the nymph. 
“I swear, by the Gods keep spreading these nonsense rumors Some God or Goddess is going to curse you!” Y/n yells as the nymph runs off.
“Just leave me alone or I’ll everyone your dirty little secrets!” Echo screams.
(After Hera steals Echo’s voice) 
“Now, what have we learned?” Y/n said looking Echo dead in the eye. Echo looks sadly at her and looks down at her feet silently.
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rosalinrabbit · 1 year
Wildflower, Wildfire
Over-Pollination part 2 / Blue Banisters Track List
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Pairing: Morpheus x Nymph!Fem!Reader 
Warnings: Slight hurt w/ comfort, fluff and feelings, relationship doubts, pre-existing relationship, soul mates?, Morpheus likes to tease reader, smut, sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), praise kink, possessive sex, slight dom!Morpheus x sub!Reader, cum obsession, begging, breeding kink? Porn w some plot. 
Summary: Since Desire’s interference in your relationship with Morpheus, things have been going very well for the two of you. Yet you can’t deny the aching worry in your heart that you’d end up like his other lovers. When you begin to question your place in Dream’s realm, it appears that Desire is trying to interfere once more.
Word Count: 3.5k
A/N: Continuation of Over-Pollination :> Also author makes up some bullshit about how the Dreaming works lol enjoy. Will cross-post to Ao3 later today.
SMUT 18+ / Minors DNI / You are in charge of your own media consumption. Please read responsibly.
Do not translate or re-upload any of my work. Works are only cross-posted on AO3.
< I’ll be like a wildflower
I live on sheer willpower
I’ll do my best never to turn into something
That burns, burns, burns… >
-Lana Del Rey, Wildflower, Wildfire
Entering through the back doors of the palace, you sighed, stretching your arms over your head. Your dress was unwrinkled and your feet, while bare, showed no signs of where you’d been, such was the magic of the Dreaming. You had spent most of the day in the gardens among the flowers, and while you greatly enjoyed the work, you always felt sleepy by the end of the day. Morpheus may not need to sleep, but you were not originally from the realm. Though not human, your body still required some sort of rest to maintain function. However, you never liked going to sleep without seeing your partner.
As Morpheus would likely be busy for a while longer, you made your way to the library, bare feet padding through the castle quietly until you arrived at the familiar door. You often came by at least once a day, picking up or dropping off books and chatting with Lucienne.
“Lucienne?” You called, voice traveling through the long halls with books from floor to ceiling. 
“Up here!” You heard her faint voice from above, and ascended the stairs to find her. When you finally found her, she was pulling books off a particular shelf into a stack on the floor, likely going through a certain topic and re-arranging.
“Do you need any help?” 
“No, no, my Lady, I’m quite alright. There is, in fact, a method to all of this.”
“I can well believe that,” you smiled. “And stop calling me ‘my lady!’ You know that is a title I do not possess.”
“Perhaps one day,” she smirked. “I know you are still worried that he is not sincere, but I promise you, it is different this time.”
“I hope you’re right. I just couldn’t bear for him to one day regret it, yet live amongst those in his realm that call me their lady. There have been others before me, there may be more after.”
As much as you loved Morpheus, and as much as he seemed to love you now, fear remained in your heart that you would be like the others. Even Queen Titania, who ruled over the fae and the nymphs, was rumored to have had a brief and tumultuous affair with the King of the Dreaming. And yet, people had begun to call you “my lady,” and as it went on, you started gently correcting them, not wanting to take a position that was not truly yours.
“I would never lie to you, y/n. If I say it is different, I mean it. For all of the loyalty I have to my King, I’d never see you hurt. If I had doubts, I’d tell you.”
“I know,” you assured her. “I trust you whole-heartedly, dear Lucienne.”
“I am glad you’re here, as there have been plenty of new books appearing in the non-fiction section regarding the effects of deforestation and pollution on the greater environment of the waking world. Seems like you’ve been making some progress.”
“I am just happy Morpheus lets me interfere in the dreams sometimes,” you laughed, elated that you were successful in turning attention towards mother earth. “It’s a slow process, influencing the waking world. Seeing any improvement is exciting.”
“Y/n!”  Matthew cawed from somewhere nearby, and as you and Lucienne looked up, you spotted the black raven hurling toward you. You quickly stepped to the side, and he crashed into the bookshelf next to Lucienne instead of you, causing the pile Lucienne had been making to fall. “Y/n- OW!”
“Matthew,” she scolded. “What have I told you about being careful in the library!”
“Sorry- sorry,” he spoke, shuttering slightly as he righted his wings. “It was an emergency! Morpheus wanted me to warn you that Desire has been spotted in the Dreaming. He has gone to look for them now!”
“Not again,” you sighed. While you didn’t harbor any ill-will towards the other Endless, you certainly did not appreciate being drugged without your will. You would think that would be a given, but even though Desire had successfully meddled in yours and Morpheus’s lives, you feared they wouldn’t stop while they were ahead. What’s to say they wouldn’t ruin your relationship as easily as they started it?
“Maybe you should leave the library, this is where they found you last time,” Lucienne suggested, sending you an apologetic glance.
“I’ll be in Morpheus’s solar,” you spoke, leaning down to pick up a book that had landed by your feet. “I doubt they could have gotten in there- right?”
“Unlikely?” Matthew gave what seemed to be a shrug, before flying over to you and resting on your shoulder. “I’ll come with you! If Desire causes trouble again for you, Lord Morpheus surely will never let me hear the end of it!”
“Yeah, yeah,” you rolled your eyes and gave a playful swat to the worried bird before bidding goodbye to Lucienne and heading back down the stairs of the library. The halls seemed quiet as usual, and you made it to Morpheus’s solar without trouble. Matthew left your shoulder and perched on one of the arm chairs by the fireplace as you closed the door.
Matthew would not sit still, hopping from chair to chair as you settled into a loveseat by the window, overlooking part of the gardens that you worked in nearly every day. He wasn’t in here often, usually if he did rest he went to his chambers which were connected by a short hallway between, but you wondered if he had ever spotted you working from the windows. Despite Matthew’s endless rattling on, you found your eyes growing tired, and slipping closed. You wouldn’t sleep, you told yourself, you tried to keep listening to the raven talking nearby.
You definitely had fallen asleep, and your only tell was how much the sound of the door opening startled you. Your head tilted up, and you saw a very distraught Morpheus in the doorway.
Matthew had squawked when the door slammed open as well, but was collecting himself. “My Lord! There you are! I watched over Y/n the whole time, Desire didn’t find her.”
Morpheus showed no indication of hearing what Matthew was telling him, for as soon as his dark eyes met yours, they were locked on you. 
“Matthew?” He eventually spoke, still not looking at the raven and keeping a quiet, even tone.
“Yes, sir?”
“Thank you. Now get out.” He ordered quietly, and Matthew immediately followed his command, probably just thankful not to have angered him.
“Is everything okay?” You asked, now that it was just the two of you. Morpheus calmly closed the door behind him, and you watched that calmness break as he strode over to you quickly, leaning down and kissing you hard.
You gasped at his sudden change in demeanor, and at the fervor with which he was kissing you. “Ah, Morpheus-”
He leaned his forehead against yours, eyes closing for a moment. “They really didn’t get to you?”
“No-no I feel fine,” and you gasped once again when the King of the Dreaming pulled you into his lap as he sat down. His arms wrapped around you tightly and as you shifted to put your head on his shoulder, you felt his arousal against the underside of your thigh. You froze, unsure if what had affected you the last time Desire came to visit had been given to your King.
“Did they-”
“They didn’t drug me,” he spoke softly, anticipating the question. He seemed very sure of this by the way he was looking at you, but you had to ask again.
“Are you sure? You’re- you seem worked up,” your voice trailed into a whisper as he set his hands on your hips and started grinding your ass against his hard length.
“I’m sure, but I need to be inside of you, my dear,” he murmured against your lips. He was riding up the skirt of your dress, eventually finding your underwear and ripping them clean off of you. He could have gotten rid of it with ease, but Morpheus always tended to enjoy ripping the clothes off of you more. It sent flutters through your stomach and heat directly to your core. 
“Get up for a moment, love.” You obeyed immediately. 
He pulled his hard cock from the confines of his pants, opting to leave his clothes, as well as your dress, on. Morpheus sat back down on the loveseat and leaned back slightly before reaching for your hips again, pulling you gently to straddle his lap. You were already wet from the way he had grinded you against him, so as he aligned himself with your entrance, he was able to slide in with ease, pulling you down so he could sink into you further. You let out a whimper as you were stretched open on his cock, filling you completely. It was still overwhelming, your eyes rolled back, no matter how many times he’d been inside of you it overwhelmed you. You were convinced it was just Morpheus himself, because truly, nothing else felt like him. Nothing else compared to how much the King of Dreams showed you he wanted you and showed you that you were, in fact, his.
As you tried to move your hips a little, his hands harshly gripped your hips, lifting you up before pulling you back down onto him.
“Ah!” you gasped, your legs struggling to match the pace he was setting you at. Riding him was something you rarely did unless the sex was on the gentler side, which was once again unusual for the two of you. But when you did ride him, he was still in charge of you, and you loved to have him remind you of that.
His hands roamed across your still-clothed body, ghosting over your breasts and squeezing your waist, until his hand was cupping your jaw, making you look him in the eyes. 
“Look at me, little one,” he spoke softly and evenly, as if he wasn’t currently all the way inside if you.
“Please, please touch me,” you begged, longing to feel his hands on your bare skin. The teasing was overwhelming, and you wanted nothing more than his touch. Even though he could have removed both of your clothing in a mere instant, he had left it all on.
“Tell me who you belong to,” he ordered. When you only whimpered in response, he pulled you flush to him, slowly grinding you on his cock and hitting spots deep inside of you. “Tell me who you belong to,” he said once again with a sharper tone.
“You! ‘M yours!” You stuttered as he was at just the right angle inside of you. He seemed satisfied with your answer as he brought up a hand behind your head and grabbed your hair, gently pulling your head back and exposing your neck fully to him. 
“That’s right, you’re mine. No one else can have you,” he growled and sucked marks into your neck. You clawed desperately at his shoulders, the pleasure in your core rising with every movement from him. 
“Take me,” you panted, desperate to have Morpheus fuck you the way only he could. “Please!”
“Cum for me first. I wanna see you come apart, my love,” he murmured into your ear, voice as sweet and dark as sin. He moved one hand to your waist, and the other pulled up your skirts to rub tight circles over your clit. You moved your hips against him, arms around his neck as you began riding him once more. “Good girl, keep going, fuck, I can feel how you’re tightening around my cock. No one else makes you this desperate, do they?”
“N-no, never, just you,” you whimpered, growing closer with each passing moment. His voice and his words kept pushing you nearer to the edge, you felt yourself getting warmer and your legs were shaking.
“Cum, cum for me,” he whispered in your ear, and it broke you. You felt the pressure in your core tighten and burst, sending waves of pleasure through your whole body, cunt spasming around his cock as you cried his name. Your legs became useless nearly the instant your orgasm hit, but Morpheus continued to thrust up into you, letting you ride it out and extending the pleasure further until you collapsed against his chest. “That’s it, good girl,” he praised, running a hand through your hair for a moment before fulfilling his promise to you.
He pulled you off of his cock and had you hips up and face-down into the couch cushion in seconds, causing you to cry out loudly at the overstimulation when he swiftly re-entered you in a single thrust. Your inner walls were sensitive, and as he began fucking into you at a brutal pace, you could barely form a single coherent thought. It was at least twenty full seconds until you realized that the room had gotten colder because Morpheus removed both of your clothing. You could do nothing but take what he was giving you, and as he continued to hit the spot inside of you that made you see stars, you felt yourself getting closer again.
His hands gripped your hips so deeply you knew there’d be marks to admire later, and as you glanced over your shoulder, you could see the intensity in his eyes. His lips curled when your eyes caught on his, and he leaned over you to grab you by your neck and pull you up so you were kneeling with your back flush against his chest, changing the angle. Your head was on his shoulder, and your cries mixed with the lewd sound of skin against skin.
“Who’s making you feel so good, hmm?”
“Say my name, little one.”
“Mor-Morpheus!” you cried as his hand found your clit once more, pushing you closer and closer.
“Yes, that’s right,” he groaned, movements becoming more erratic as he neared his end, too. “I’ve marked you all up, but I still have to claim your insides, my love. Have to fill you so much it starts dripping out of you- that’s what you want, isn’t it?”
“Oh, fuck,” you mewled, he knew those words would send you over the edge. The knowledge he was going to cum inside of you just to re-claim you as his had the cord inside of you snapping and your orgasm hit you like a wave, each of Morpheus’s thrusts sending you further into a state of bliss as you cried out, unable to even hold yourself up as you felt his cock twitch from the way your walls were squeezing him. “Cum in me, please, breed me, Morpheus,” you babbled out as your orgasm continued to wash over you.
“Good girl, asking so nicely for it, that’s my girl,” he moaned as his movements slowed. He was fully holding you against him as he reached his peak with a deep groan, pressing as far into you as he could and his cock releasing so much that you could feel it hitting deep inside of you and beginning to drip down his cock and out of your soaking entrance. He kissed your neck as you both came down from your highs.
You shuttered at the feeling of him dripping from you, and he carefully slipped out of you before gently setting you on your side on the couch. Your body was still twitching with aftershocks as he moved to push the cum that was leaking out of you back inside with his fingers, causing you to sigh with contentment.
“After all this time, you’re still obsessed with my cum, hm?” Morpheus hummed in amusement.
You giggled despite your exhausted state, swatting his hand away from your entrance. “Can’t help it. I know it isn’t gonna get me pregnant, it’s just the whole nymph and fertility thing…”
He smiled tenderly at you, placing a soft kiss to your lips before shifting to lay behind you, arms wrapping around your naked form on the plush couch. “I know. Besides, it drives me crazy hearing you beg.”
You hummed in response, his chest pressing against your back making you feel drowsy and safe.
“Are you really okay? What did Desire want, anyway?”
“I’m perfectly alright, it’s just that they are always looking to stir up trouble. I can’t believe Desire thinks they could come anywhere near you after last time. I was worried what I would do to them if they got to you again. But I did hear something interesting…” He pulled you even closer, speaking in that suave voice of his directly into your ear. “It seems that someone doesn’t want to be the Lady of the Dreaming.” His voice was low, and while he didn’t seem angry, you could not tell what he was feeling. “What do you have to say to that, little one?”
“I-” You began to speak, but you felt yourself blushing furiously when the words got stuck in your throat. “I- I didn’t want to take the title just because we’re together,” You confessed. “I know you’ve had other lovers in the past and those relationships didn’t turn out well, I don’t want to take a title that is not rightfully mine… It feels wrong to establish myself so firmly in this realm when we have only been together a short time.”
You craned your head to the side to look at him, and his eyes twinkled slightly in amusement, which confused you, as you were on the brink of tears. He lovingly brought a hand to cradle your cheek as he spoke to you.
“Little one, this is not the first time you’ve told me of your doubts, but I am surprised at this. You don’t know, do you?”
“Know what?”
“If people living beyond this castle have been calling you “my lady,” that is because it is your rightful title. Your rightful place. Destiny made certain of that, long ago.”
“But what does that mean?”
“It means that this realm and its inhabitants are not capable of recognizing someone as their Lady unless it was truly meant to be. While I had always hated Destiny’s interference in my realm, I see now that he has given me the greatest gift.” You were in disbelief, and you rolled over to face him on your side, looking for any signs of him joking. But Morpheus would never make a joke like this… No, he must be completely serious.
“What if- what if one day you no longer want me?”
“That day will never come, darling. Trust me, I’ve lived long enough to know. Even if I did not feel this way, Destiny is unchangeable. Even if you correct the townspeople and the visitors, they will still refer to you as the Lady of the Dreaming because it is ingrained into the fabric of this world. When you rejected it… well, that’s why Desire paid us a visit. They seemed to be worried that I wasn’t holding onto you quite tightly enough… I had to give them a very very firm reminder that you’re mine.” His hands wrapped around you tightly when he spoke, and you smiled, tucking your head into his neck. “I made a decision, quite some time before we met, that if I were ever to love again, it must be reserved for the right person. The way I felt for you, long before Desire interfered, it was indescribable. I waited so long to tell you because I was terrified knowing that if I had you, I would never be able to let you go. Desire could apparently feed off of that knowledge, off the desire I held for you, and got annoyed by it. That’s why they interfered.” 
Morpheus had never told you any of this before, and while you had never doubted his love for you, his admission pushed away all other doubts you had about the two of you. And about your place in the dreaming.
“I do feel like I belong here,” you whispered. “I just didn’t want to overstep.”
“The Dreaming is your home now, love. Will you take the position of Lady?”
You pulled your head back to look in his eyes, and a soft smile was on his lips.
“Morpheus… was that a proposal?” He shrugged.
“I suppose it was half of one.”
“Half a proposal?” you stifled a laugh.
“I would not propose to you in this state,” he chuckled. “No, not a real proposal. Though, it did kind of sound like one, didn’t it?”
“If I am the Lady of this realm, doesn’t that make me… your wife?”
His face broke into a grin at your question. “One day, yes. It doesn’t have to be now. Might as well have you get used to being called “Lady,” first,” he teased.
You smiled at him as you spoke. “Okay.”
“Yes?” you nodded in affirmation. “Would my Lady be so kind as to kiss me, then?”
You couldn’t help but laugh at the way he was teasing you, but you still obliged him, leaning your head up to meet his lips in a loving kiss.
As the Lord of the Dreaming stroked your hair and held you close as you drifted off to sleep, you felt completely sure that you were where you belonged.
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writing-fanics · 2 years
so like for the morpheus x water nymph reader fic I’m thinking about when roderick opens the door from her locked room.
“am I finally free?” she asks, looking at him.
“no even better I got you a friend,” He says, and she’s just heartbroken.
“I don’t wish for a friend I wish to be freed.” She said back cowering on her bed.
“I want to go home you promised. why keep me here I’m of no use to you.” Y/n
“you keep me as a trophy something to show off to your guest.”
He then grabs her roughly she’s then knocked out and placed into the glass sphere along with the endless. seeing the nymph angers morpheus as he glared at his captor
“you should thank me dream of the endless I gave you a little friend.” Roderick says
Morpheus glared at him the endless clenched his hand, “Annoying little thing really won’t stop complaining.”
[y/n] whimpers at the pain on the side of her forehead. a small bruise and a toy stream of blood ran down her forehead.
[y/n] opened her eyes and realized where she was she was about to panic when she noticed Dream beside her, “Onerios?”
he hasn’t heard that name in years, “I haven’t heard that name in centuries.” Morpheus
“my mother told me about you,” y/n
“good things I hope,” morpheus
“mostly.” Y/n
“I was captured from my home,”
“Haven’t been in the water since”
“I miss it dearly along with my mother.”
her head starts hurting again she starts feeling dizzy and leans her head against the glass. he could only watch as she passes out.
As time went on they slowly knew more about each other but slowly y/n started to seemingly fade away from the lake of food [id if water nymphs get hungry or not probs due but are immortal but not really just live ten times as long as humans]
she’s weak barely able to sit up straight and is seemingly slowly dying a lot sooner
Morpheus still upholding his pride keeps his mouth shut while holding her in his arms
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