#Mixologist Skills
bartenderthreads · 2 months
Sip-Sized Insight: The Art of Mixology - Crafting Palate-Pleasing Cocktails
"Unlock mixology magic! 🍹✨ Master the art of crafting stunning cocktails with our guide. #MixologyMagic"
Introduction: Imagine unraveling the secrets of mixology in the time it takes to savor a sip of your favorite cocktail. This sip-sized insight article dives into the exquisite art of mixology, guiding you through the journey of crafting cocktails that tantalize and please various palates. Perfect for those bustling days, this guide promises a quick yet enriching exploration into the world of…
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plumdale · 5 months
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Taking advantage of the warm weather and spending time outside & being together
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lifestylevampire · 8 months
my legacy did not go as written out but haru and molly r really fun
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istvanandonly · 9 months
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unhingedkiara96 · 4 months
Gallagher x gn!Reader fluffy/smutty headcanons involving some food
[This starts in fluff and ends in smut, you've been warned.] [cw: exchange of food from mouth to mouth]
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So, Gallagher is a mixologist, right?
But what if he also cooked?
Imagine him cooking for you or better yet, cooking/baking with you.
Making a mess in the kitchen (maybe on purpose), ending up with whipped cream on your nose, and he scoops it up with a finger before eating it.
Or maybe he doesn't scoop it up and just... licks the cream off your nose. And then acts as if nothing happened.
Except that he's smirking when you "confront" him about it.
He smiles softly whenever you compliment his cooking skills.
Imagine cutting some fresh fruits and giving tiny chunks to each other once in a while.
"Hm! This one tastes so good!" you say, as you slowly munch on a juicy strawberry he just slipped into your mouth.
"Really? Give me a taste", he asks, gently cradling the back of your neck in his hand.
He slips his tongue between your lips and gets the now mushed strawberry into his own mouth, gulping it.
"Doesn't taste as good as you. Give me some more..." he whispers, then kissing you and trapping you between his body and the kitchen counter.
He calls you his favourite drink, eventhough you "constantly make him hungry and thirsty".
When one of you wakes up at night in need of the other, you both call it "night cravings".
He'll often be fine with just giving you oral, because he just loves it so much, he can and will get off just like that.
Otherwise he usually tops, but he doesn't mind switching at all. If you ask sweetly~
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reiderwriter · 5 months
Hi there! It's me :"> again I read that you're closing your request soon and I just want to put another in before the deadline haha But by no mean you should put more pressure on yourself please take all the time you need, I'm always here happily waiting while enjoy reading all of the fabulous writing you had for other requests <3 Much love to your work <3
I have a request for s smut fic when the BAU was called in for a case: the victims were workers at the local bars/restaurants, the bau!reader recognised one of the bars the unsub frequently target is the one she used to work at as bartender/mixologist while putting herself through school and asked to be the undercover while other agents supervise. After successfully closing the case, the BAU decided to celebrate at said bar and the owner was happy to let the reader personally make your friends any cocktails outside of the menu.
The reader then learned about all the mildly irritations and possessive feelings softdom!Spencer had while watching people hitting on you behind the bar, but all of that can be solved with a (almost criminally) 3-sugar-cube level of sweet of a cocktail the reader personally made for him hiding an ungodly amount of alcohol which made the night a lot more interesting ;)
I'm sorry if all of my requests are soo long I know you want to have as much details as possible but please lemme know if you feel like it's too much haha Happy writing!! :">
A/N: Thank you for your request! I was partly inspired by this post to help me out with some of the drinks orders, so go check it out for more character headcannoms!
Warnings: NSFW, soft dom! Spencer, spanking, semi-public sex, jealousy, slight breeding kink/ creampie, thigh fucking etc. 18+ Minors DNI
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It had been a good few years since you quit the bartending job that put you through college, so you didn't realise just how much you'd missed it.
You thought it was the universe intervening when a case popped up in your college town, and the bar you'd spent every weekend in for nearly three years straight from the end of your undergrad to the first years of your masters degree was at the dead centre of Spencer Reid's geographical profile.
You knew the unsub had been hunting from bars, and it took only a few nights of surveillance to catch his scent, and one more of a simple cover to get the guy.
You'd taken up your spot once again, slipping easily back into making cocktails and pouring pints of beer on tap - a skill you were regretfully slow to learn but happy to see stayed with you even in your brief retirement.
You busted the bar while your coworkers tried to look inconspicuous sitting around as customers. Diligently, you served them mocktails and alcohol free beer ad regulars clapped you on the back, greeting you like an old friend as you worked to catch a killer.
JJ was the bait, and you were glad, for once, that it wasn't you, even if that thought made you feel guilty. She slipped out with a crash, and all eyed were on the man that followed her quietly to the alleyway out back.
He practically arrested himself. All in all, it had taken maybe three days to catch the guy, and you'd never been so happy to have had to work a double shift to do it.
“Y/N, if this FBI thing doesn't work for you, I'd be glad to have you back behind the bar. These college students just aren't what they used to be.” Your ex-boss grinned at you, indulging in his own glass of whiskey now that the case was closed.
He'd graciously invited your entire team to spend the rest of the evening at the bar celebrating (for at least a drink or two before his wife came to collect him). You were shocked when Hotch took him up on the offer, but happily stayed behind the bar mixing up the drinks.
“Okay, now that we've found out you're this magic mixologist, you have got to make us personal cocktails. I want to see how drunk you can get me, Y/L/N.” Emily laughed from the corner, finishing the last dregs of her virgin piña colada.
“My dear Emily, it is not the mixologist job to get you drunk, it's the mixologist job to keep you sober for as long as possible so you keep buying drinks.”
“No, come on kid, I'm intrigued as well. I'm not a cocktail guy but you've been pouring like a woman possessed tonight. Help.me out here, Spencer, hasn't she been on fire?”
Spencer's eye caught yours and your heart skipped a beat when he gave you a small smile. He'd been quiet all night, and you felt a little regretful that you'd made him stay so long in a place he wasn't entirely comfortable with. But he was still here, and surprisingly, still drinking, nursing the beer that your old boss had served them all when they'd returned from the crime scene.
“Mixology is an interesting field of study. When you think about it, it's practically chemistry.”
“I like to think of it as alchemy,” you grinned at him, enjoying the way he could turn anything into something more complicated and mathematical than it is. “Because one sip of one of my cocktails will have you thinking you've unlocked the secret of immortality.”
“Okay, if that's how drunk we're getting tonight then I'm calling home now,” JJ laughed standing from her chair and already dialling the numbers.
“Okay - here we go.” You grabbed the bottle of vodka from the counter and started, keeping your eyes focused on Reid as much as you could.
After two hours and about 5 rounds of cocktails, you'd nearly defeated the entire team. Your ex-boss had thrown you the keys half an hour earlier and called himself a cab, leaving you behind to close up just like old times.
Hotchner and Rossi had given in after two drinks each, apparently old and wise enough to know just how much alcohol was in an Old Fashioned and a Negroni each.
“Oh how the mighty have fallen,” Emily had mocked them on the way out, but two drinks later and she was asleep in the back of a cab having been carried out by both JJ and Morgan.
You'd used the good gin in her Aviation cocktail, and it was only a matter of time before she ended up peacefully sleeping the week away.
The only member of the team left standing was, surprisingly again, Spencer.
You'd gone simple with his Espresso Martini, though you'd made a big show and dance about adding twice as much brown sugar syrup than the recipe required.
“A sweet cocktail for the man who drinks the sweetest coffee known to man.” He'd brushed his hand across your fingers every time you'd passed him a refill, and you'd felt the familiar jolts of anticipation pass through you with each shared glance.
Your old boss had even noticed that you were ‘sweet on that little coworker of yours,’ and you'd had to do your best to stop yourself from openly flirting with him whilst he was sat there at the bar.
You'd done it for tips every single shift, not caring about the consequences, buy with Spencer, you so desperately wanted there to be consequences that you never so much as tried.
“We should pack up and head home, Spence.” You said, cleaning up the final glass of Mai Tai Derek had left behind, but when you turned around to see him, he was gone.
More accurately, he'd moved to your side of the bar and was sliding his arms around your waist from behind, pulling you in.
You gasped his name like a prayer, not expecting his cold fingers to curl under your shirt as he buried his head in your shoulder.
“Spencer! What's… what are…”
“Let me hold you.” He didn't say much more than that, but he didn't need to say more. You'd already.relaxed into his touch, eyes shutting so you could focus on the feel of his skin against yours.
“You're good at this,” he mumbled, words slightly slurred. “Everyone was watching you, they all wanted you to pour their drinks.”
You listened to each word of his voice fighting off confusion. Who was everybody? There hadn't been another customer in the bar since you'd made the arrest.
“The old men in the corner, they looked down your top when you picked something up for them. I heard them talking about it, how they thought about stuffing a couple of one's right here,” his hand trailed up to your breasts and you gasped, “like you were some stripper.”
His hands were slowly caressing you as he stood, chest pressed against your back, and you felt desire flood between your legs.
“Spencer, you're drunk, we should get you back to the motel.”
“My blood alcohol level should be around 0.11, so yes, legally I am drunk. If you want me back at the motel, be my guest, but I don't think I can keep my hands off of you tonight, Y/N.”
His words were blunt, delivered the same way he usually talked about case details, or books he'd read. There was nothing in it to indicate he'd meant to turn your world upside down just like that.
His hand had moved under your bra now, and you snapped back to reality, grabbing his hand and halting his movements momentarily as you craned your neck to look at him.
“Spencer, you're not in your right mind, you're going to regret this-” you didn't get to finish the sentence as he cut you off, pushing his lips into yours softly. With each second, his passion grew, until the two of you were caught in a battle of tongues, saliva dripping down your chin as you cared about nothing else but the pleasure you found in each other's mouths.
“The only thing,” he whispered between kisses. “That I'm going to regret, is if I let you walk me out of that door without showing you how much I want to possess every inch of you.”
His words were insistent but there was a question hidden in his movements. He'd withdrawn slightly, giving you enough space to turn him down should you want to.
You didn't.
Instead, you let a hand run up the back of his neck to his hair until you were pulling him down into you, stepping back into the warmth of his broad chest as you opened up to him.
Your other hand relinquished his, letting him explore your chest further and doing much of the same as you tried your very best to twist in your spot to get a better hold of him.
He was holding firm though, despite everything he'd drank, and had pushed you once again against the counter, hand moving between exploring your ass cheeks, and placing your hand firmly underneath you on the table so you could stabilise your position.
He worked his lips down your neck, prying your other hand out of his hair and placing it parallel to the first, before pulling your hips back slightly and encouraging you to arch your back.
You only realised you'd assumed a position for spanking when the first blow landed on your ass.
It was soft, all things considered, and he was still busy bruising your neck that you almost thought you'd imagined it.
The next one was harder though. It was real.
“Spencer!” You gasped as he stroked a hand over your asscheeks.
“Shhhhhhhh s'okay. You have a beautiful ass, I'm just making it prettier.”
His hands fumbled over your pants zipper, and then pulled them down to your knees as he continued stroking your ass and licking your neck.
The material limited your movements, trapping your knees together as he delivered one more blow. The skin to skin contact was too much and you let out a sinful moan, surprised at how loud you were suddenly managing to be.
You'd never been spanked before, never even thought about it, but something about Spencer's hands on you, the lingering scent of alcohol in the air had every hair on your body standing in excitement.
You heard Spencer unzip his own pants and were a little regretful that you didn't get the honour. You wanted to see him hold him in your hand, take him into your mouth and play with him until you knew just how he worked. But your back was still to him, and he wasn't giving you the space you needed to turn around and catch a glimpse.
“Every man in this bar tonight wanted to be where I am right now,” he whispered into your hair as he kissed the crown of your head, and then pushed your panties aside and ran himself along the lips of your cunt.
It was a night of sounds - the zippers, his whispers, your moans - bit you still weren't expecting to be able to hear your arousal.
It was erotic, near pornographic how wet his spanking had made you, and he let out small groans of appreciation as he gathered your juices on his cock.
He didn't try to breech you just yet, but rocked his cock between your thighs and cunt, teasing you just enough to keep you hooked, but nowhere near where you needed him to get you.
“Every man who was in here wanted you, and I got you. Right?” He asked again, practically rutting against your cunt.
“Y-Yes, Spencer.”
“Yes, sir.” He corrected, and you gasped as his hand struck your ass again, dangerously close to where his hips joined yours.
“Yes, sir.”
“Be a good girl for me, baby. I want to take care of you.”
With those words, he lined the tip of his cock up with your entrance and slipped in.
With your knees still locked in place by your pants, it was really up to Spencer to control the pace. You didn't spare a second for the thought that had you been completely naked with a better range of motion that he still wouldn't relinquish this quiet control of you.
With one hand on your hip, and the other curled around to reach your clit as you arched your back against him, it wasn't long before he was setting a vigorous pace.
It wasn't that he was thrusting particularly fast, or that he was doing it ridiculously hard, like some men who knew no better tried. It was the combination of how far he was able to reach with his careful concentration on your pleasure.
You felt him speed up once before quickly drawing himself back to the even tempo, doing his best to not get lost in you.
His fingers traced your cunt in a slow figure eight as first, before experimenting with different movements, shapes, words until he'd been rewarded by your cunt clenching around his cock as you came all over it.
You gasped in shock, and flushed, so shocked it took only that long.
Instead of congratulating himself on getting you off though, he used your orgasm to inform himself of what you liked, what you so desperately needed from his fingers and his cock.
And most importantly, he didn't stop.
Even as your body twitched and spasmed around his cock, he kept up his wrist movements, keeping your body warmed up as he finally took his turn.
“Tell me how much you want this,” he whispered into your ear.
“I want this so badly, Sir, I need your cock pumping in and- ahhh out of me.”
“Tell me how nice my cock feels,” he again ordered and you willingly obeyed.
“Your cock is perfect, it's so big and warm, like it was made just for me.”
“Good girl, now tell me how much you want me to shoot my cum inside of you.”
Your mouth went dry as you choked out a moan, his pace getting rougher and rougher with each thrust. You hadn't heard him correctly, surely, your brain was imagining things.
But he prompted you with a slight tap to your face, a slap that wouldn't leave any mark.
“You don't want my cum all over this bar, do you? It would be a shame for your ex boss to fail his hygiene inspection.”
“Cum in me! God, please cum in me.”
He gripped you tight around your waist as he finally pushed himself over the edge, filling you with his seed and keeping you pinned in his arms until he was sure that none of it would escape.
“I'm glad you agreed, because I wasn't asking,” he said, chest still slightly heaving as he rode out his orgasm, lower body twitching in its sensitivity.
When he finally did pull out, he'd spent so long inside you, cockwarming, that not much of his cum slipped out. He cleaned you up with a clean dishcloth you pointed to on the counter, and pulled your pants back up, quickly manoeuvring his up too.
After a brief moment of silence, you finally turned to look at him, melting into his arms again as you took in his fucked out expression.
He stroked your head quietly for a few minutes, before pulling back from your hug.
“This bar doesn't have CCTV, does it?”
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citrlet · 3 months
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meet sydney wilder, gen 1 of my new gameplay~
i'm kicking off a new playthrough of the whimsy legacy expanded by @lysiablr , starting at gen 3 just to spice things up!
very long overview and premise of this gens details under the cut if you wanna know what's goin on
Sometimes life brings you a little bundle of joy in the shape of an accident. As soon as you're of age - after whirlwind teenage years of partying, skipping classes, and turning in homework late - you become a mixologist at the local bar.  You are a clumsy Sim who fears the sound of commitment, but loves to have a good time. You enjoy dating new and exciting Sims, but you never, ever commit to anything too serious.  You love your job, and you love that you don’t have to show up for anyone. Period. If you don’t have to show up for anyone, then you can’t disappoint them, right? One morning, after a rough night of partying and a whole lot of bubble blowing and juice, you wake up feeling... off. There's something that just isn't right, and you just can't shake it. You’re tired, you’re feeling ill, and food sounds absolutely revolting.  ... It can't be. But it is. One pregnancy test later, and sure enough, the lines clearly fade into view. You're about to be a parent. After the initial wave of fear, you regain your senses, heart filling with warmth at the idea of no longer being alone. While having children was hardly the first thing on your mind, you can’t say you'd totally ruled out having a few later in life. Turns out later is right now.  But... who is the parent? All at once, you recall the night before, and realize that there are three different possibilities. The catch is, you won’t know the answer for sure until the baby is here. Is that too late? Will you confront your partner when you find out, jump in with them and co-parent, lie and tell a different partner the child is theirs, or will you go it alone?
starting info
Aspiration(s): Serial Romantic [Base Game] Traits:  Clumsy [Base Game] Party Animal [High School Years] Non-Committal [Base Game] Bonus Traits / Lifestyles: Compassionate (For Richer) [Parenthood] Incredibly Friendly (For Richer) [Outdoor Retreat] Uncontrolled Emotions (Or for Poorer) [Parenthood] Beguiling (Or for Poorer) [Base Game] Focused Skills:  Dancing [Get Together] Mixology [Base Game] Juice Fizzing [Eco Lifestyle]
Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight) Have your Sim romance at least three different Sims at once, enough to be able to woohoo / try for baby with each. Be careful of jealousy! No getting married or entering into any kind of committed relationships.
Voulez-Vous During the first half of your young adulthood, complete the 'try for baby' interaction with three different Sims in one night. Do not test for pregnancy at all; wait until the next couple of days and see if your Sim experiences any symptoms of pregnancy. If not, do it all over again. If your Sim cannot get pregnant, first check all three partners for pregnancy; if none are pregnant, try again OR randomly select one of your partners to have a science baby with three to seven days after the one-night stand, as if a baby was dropped off at their doorstep by an unknown partner.
When All is Said and Done Choose whether to parent the child alone, confront the correct partner, or approach a different partner to claim that the child was theirs. In the event you choose to confront or approach a partner (regardless of whether they are the correct one), start an argument with them and then play out the scenario from there.
Always have a bright / fun hair color. Change it up frequently!
Have a hobby making juice / nectar.
Name the child after an alcoholic beverage.
Start a fight with who you think is the co-parent or who you have chosen to be the co-parent, then decide to make up or split up based on the reactions.
Obtain as many milestones as possible for your infant.
Live life normally from there, with or without a partner - new or old.
Master the Dancing / Mixology / Juice Fizzing skills.
Complete the Serial Romantic aspiration.
Complete the Mixologist career.
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thebramblewood · 8 months
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One final note to our esteemed guests, If you're a vampire of any culture whatsoever, you may have seen last month's Sanguine Cuisine feature on rising undead mixologist Desi the Demon. We are beyond thrilled that he will be mixing premium blood-infused cocktails for those who'd rather avoid the mess of a live meal (as well as plasma offerings for the incurable bores among us). Although his nickname belies his well-mannered demeanor, it's a nod to both his devilishly potent concoctions and the mysterious origins of his talent. Allegedly, he traded his soul to Satan in exchange for his preternatural skills behind the bar. We can neither confirm nor deny the veracity of these claims, but guests are advised to sip his dastardly drinks in moderation. Sincerely, Lilith and Caleb Vatore
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ai-yo · 9 months
Shout out to that Black British girl that couldn't get tickets to see Beyonce so she lied that she had 3 years experience as a mixologist and got the job to work the bar at Tottenham stadium
So in preparation for her new job watched videos online and taught herself to make cocktails.
She enjoyed the concert and got paid and taught herself a new skill. A legend of Black history I am so mad I didn't think to do this.
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natolesims · 26 days
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Tiana's been working at the best restaurant around. Our girl is the main candidadte to become a new line cook, but she needs to be skilled in other areas: that's why management asked Tia to take extra shifts as a mixologist.
Thanks, now she's having energy failures on a daily basis.
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tiallussims · 22 hours
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Pride Month Selfies
Luca Addonizio | Gay
Born and raised in Windenburg, Luca isn’t a stranger to Windenburg’s party and nightlife scene. On the contrary, as a passionate and skilled mixologist at the Narwhal Arms, he’s the life of the party. Always a flirt but not a man for a night, Luca broke more than one tourist’s heart. Wherever he shows up, he’s turning heads. His pastel pink hair may be one reason for that.
I made Luca for @madebycoffee's 'A Second Opinion' BC, which unfortunately got canceled. So that cutie is still single. Any takers? 😁
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yeolsaintlaurent · 4 months
Crimson Veins, Midnight Flames ch.2 [BBH]
pairing - baekhyun x fem reader
additional characters - sehun, chanyeol
genre - mature, smut, thriller
themes - Social Divide, Ambition and Privilege, Dark Desires, Identity and Self-Discovery, Love triangle, Sex, Mystery and Gothic Elements
Synopsis - Explore the intricate world of Oxford University, where Baekhyun, a scholarship student, intertwines with the wealthy elite led by Sehun Oh and Y/N Van der Bilt. Against the backdrop of seductive parties and concealed love, the tale unfolds at the grand Ivy Crest Estate in the picturesque town of Willowbrook. Here, secrets and power plays unravel, revealing a collision between societal expectations and personal truths, with gothic nuances weaving through the rich tapestry of privilege and deceit. This is where the heart of the story beats, echoing with the footsteps of characters entwined in a dance of love, betrayal, and hidden mysteries.
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warnings - drugs, orgy, nudity
Chapter 2: Intoxicated Whispers of Realities
The weekend arrived, ushering in a torrent of neon lights, thundering music, and the infectious energy of the party scene. Chanyeol, the embodiment of excitement, managed to coerce Baekhyun into attending one of Sehun's legendary house parties. Reluctant but intrigued, Baekhyun found himself at the doorstep of a pulsating spectacle.
The thumping bass resonated through the air, mingling with the laughter and chatter that reverberated within the confines of Sehun's grand residence. Baekhyun, wearing a pair of black slacks, a plain white t-shirt and worn down sneakers, felt like a ghost in a sea of vivid hues and designer outfits.
Chanyeol tossed the keys to his G-wagon over to the valet and then proceeded to pull Baekhyun into the heart of the madness. The air was thick with the scent of alcohol, and the extravagant setting transformed into a kaleidoscope of colours, illuminated by vibrant neon lights and shrouded in a haze of smoke.
The grand entrance beckoned guests into a realm of luxury, adorned with exquisite marble statues that seemed to breathe life into the grandeur of the surroundings. Wait staff, poised with trays of tantalising drinks and pills, were stationed strategically to cater to Sehun's distinguished guests.
Inside, the party pulsated with life. A grand piano echoed with the notes of a skilled pianist, adding a touch of class to the vibrant chaos. The bar, a focal point of the festivities, boasted top-shelf liquor tended to by seasoned mixologists who crafted cocktails with finesse. The air was thick with the eclectic beats of the music, drawing people onto the dance floor where bodies swayed to the rhythm.
In one corner, a high-stakes poker game unfolded, the stakes rising with every round. For those seeking an even riskier and naughty thrill, a table nearby hosted a game of strip poker, laughter mingling with the suspense of the game. Outdoors, a massive pool became a hub of activity, with guests skinny dipping, and colourful floaties added a playful touch to the scene. The mansion, a playground of indulgence, buzzed with the heady cocktail of wealth and revelry.
"Come on, Baek! This shit is going to be fucking epic!" Chanyeol shouted over the music, leading Baekhyun through the chaotic dance floor.
As they navigated through the throngs of people, Chanyeol spotted a familiar face. "Yo, Sehun!" he hollered, beckoning for Baekhyun to follow.
Sehun, the stoic host of the wild affair, greeted them with a charismatic smile that barely masked his usually cold exterior. "Chanyeol, my man! Glad you could make it. And you have brought..?"
"This is Baekhyun," Chanyeol introduced, giving Baekhyun a playful nudge. "He's a bit new to the scene, but he's catching up."
Sehun extended a hand, impeccably dressed in head-to-toe Dior, his sharp gaze assessing Baekhyun. "Welcome, Baekhyun. Enjoy the party."
Baekhyun, feeling like a small fish in a vast, tumultuous ocean of debauchery, managed a polite nod. Sehun, his usually icy demeanour slightly thawed by Chanyeol's association, continued to judge Baekhyun based on his attire, silently questioning the connection between him and Chanyeol.
Sehun's opulent mansion played host to an exclusive gathering of affluent individuals, a meticulously curated assembly of young heirs draped in extravagance from head to toe. Adorned in scrupulously tailored ensembles and accessorised with the finest trappings, they emitted an unmistakable scent of wealth. Sehun's discerning eye had carefully selected guests who promised both social prestige and business potential.
In this high-society party setting, the guests shed their reserved exteriors, revealing a different facet of their personalities. While outside the walls of the mansion, they were draped in the veneer of propriety and formality, within its confines, inhibitions were cast aside. Laughter rang out unrestrained, and the grandiosity of the mansion provided the perfect backdrop for the elite to indulge in their most lavish desires. The atmosphere pulsated with unrestrained energy as Sehun's carefully chosen attendees let loose.
Chanyeol guided Baekhyun through various conversations and social circles, urging him to embrace the madness. Soon after, Baekhyun excused himself and wandered off to a quiet corner.
In a secluded alcove, shielded from the rhythmic beats, Sehun, draped in an air of haughty refinement, strolled up to Baekhyun. "Couldn't help but notice that Chanyeol's taken a liking to you. How's the party treating you?"
Baekhyun, caught off guard by Sehun's sudden attention, managed a modest smile. "Feeling a bit like the odd one out tonight to be honest."
Sehun, maintaining his aristocratic air, raised a disdainful eyebrow as he scrutinised Baekhyun's attire. "Well, you're certainly not…well prepared for the occasion."
Baekhyun, sensing the subtle arrogance, glanced at his choice of clothing. "Didn't expect this level of... extravagance."
Sehun, with a condescending smirk, replied, "Consider it a tip for next time. Dress the part. It's rather crucial if you want to run in these circles."
As Sehun gracefully navigated the party, Baekhyun found himself on the fringes of Sehun's exclusive circle, savouring morsels of conversations and glimpses of a more relaxed Sehun.
Driven by curiosity, he approached one of Sehun's friends, masking his interest with an air of casual conversation. "Hey, you know Sehun well?"
The friend, assessing Baekhyun with a hint of curiosity and scepticism, responded, "Yeah, we go way back. What's up?"
Baekhyun, feigning nonchalance, hesitated before delving into his inquiry. "What's his deal?”
The friend, sipping on their drink, chuckled knowingly. "Sehun tends to keep a cool exterior, especially with those outside his circle. But when he loosens up with a few drinks, it's a different story. Lucky for you, he's in a friendlier mood tonight." Hm, If you say so.
Playing the innocent card, Baekhyun probed further with subtlety. "Any idea why he's so fixated on my..clothes?"
The friend, offering a cryptic smile, shrugged casually. "Sehun values appearances highly and tends to scrutinise how people fit into his world. He believes that gaining entry is no casual affair, and not just anyone can seamlessly become part of his trusted circle or the circles of those he holds close."
As Baekhyun processed this revelation, he listened intently to the friend's insight into Sehun's world. Little did he know that this seemingly extravagant night would unravel layers of social intricacies, leaving him on the precipice of the unpredictable twists and turns that awaited him.
At another end of the party, Sehun approached one of his inner circle mates, a trusted confidant who had been with him through thick and thin. "Do you know anything about that guy, Baek..something?"
The friend, glancing at Baekhyun from a distance, replied, "Not much. He's a scholarship student. Almost never seen in social circles. People say he's…middle class."
Sehun, sipping his drink, raised an eyebrow. "Interesting. What's he doing here, then?"
The friend continued, "But here's the twist. One of our friends is in his class, and they say he's like.. a genius. Top of his class. Professor Harrington’s favourite. Got the brains, apparently."
Sehun, absorbing this unexpected revelation, contemplated the incongruity of Baekhyun's presence in the extravagant setting. The information lingered in the air as he continued to observe Baekhyun from afar, wondering what hidden layers lay beneath the surface of the scholarship student.
The night unfolded in a symphony of conversations, music and laughter echoing through Sehun's grand residence. There were semi-nude people sitting around the large oak dining table and playing strip poker. There were wait staff stationed everywhere, making sure the guests were served whatever they wish- drinks, pills and marijuana infused finger foods. 
Baekhyun sought refuge on the balcony amidst the swirling haze of smoke and the distant thumps of the bass.
His gaze wandered to Chanyeol, on a mission to be the life of the party, as he was being held upside-down at the keg, while elsewhere, students indulged in various degrees of intoxication. Baekhyun shook his head at the sight of two blokes snorting cocaine off the belly of a naked woman, silently disapproving.
Seeking a reprieve from the clamour, Baekhyun stepped onto the balcony. The cool night air offered a stark contrast to the heat and chaos inside. Lost in contemplation, he was caught off guard when Y/N appeared beside him.
"Hey! You're the guy that helped me out outside the exam hall! I’m so sorry I don’t think I caught your name" Y/N's voice cut through the ambient noise, her eyes sparkling with recognition.
Baekhyun, startled by her sudden presence, managed a sheepish smile. "Baekhyun, Hi! Yeah... I hope your exam went well."
Y/N nodded, a mischievous grin playing on her lips. "I’m Y/N. And it did, all thanks to you. What are you doing out here? The party's inside, you know."
Baekhyun glanced inside and back at her. "Honestly, I’d much rather be listening to my records in the dorm than be in there," he confessed.
Y/N assessed him from top to bottom. "Well, you have to try it to knock it, right?" Before Baekhyun could respond, she grabbed his arm and led him back into the lively gathering.
Inside, Y/N called for attention, her friends turning curious gazes towards Baekhyun. "Hey, everyone! This is Baekhyun. He's the life-saver who helped me out during the exams!"
The group erupted into cheers, and Y/N continued to regale them with the tale of Baekhyun's timely assistance. The sudden attention overwhelmed him, but he couldn't resist the genuine warmth of Y/N's gratitude.
Sehun, observing from a distance, couldn't ignore the commotion. His girlfriend and her friends were fawning over Baekhyun, and his jaw tightened in response. Masking his irritation with a tight-lipped smile, he approached the group.
"What's going on here, my love?" he asked Y/N, his eyes fixed on Baekhyun.
Y/N beamed at Sehun. "Well~Baekhyun here saved the day during the exams. Isn't that amazing?"
Sehun, suppressing his annoyance, forced a smile. "I see. Thanks for helping my girlfriend, Baekhyun," he said, emphasising the possessiveness. "Well, I would definitely say that this calls for more shots." Sehun signalled one of the waitstaff, who promptly brought a tray filled with shot glasses filled with very strong, expensive spirits and liquors and some colourful pills. Sehun pushed a glass and a pink pill into Baekhyun's hands, subtly making sure he joined in on the drinking. The group then clinked their shot glasses and popped the pills on their tongues before downing the shots.
As the shots flowed freely, Baekhyun found more and more drinks being handed to him, and he caught himself in the whirlwind of the ‘celebration’. The alcohol blurred the edges of his consciousness, and Sehun, with a sly grin, continued to encourage him to indulge. By the time the ninth shot was downed, Baekhyun's head was spinning, and he excused himself.
Stumbling through the dimly lit house, Baekhyun approached Sehun for directions to the nearest restroom. Sehun, subtly relieved to be rid of the unexpected party guest, casually pointed him in a random direction.
Alone in the dimly lit hallway, Baekhyun felt the weight of the alcohol hitting him. As he turned a corner, he heard the raucous laughter and clinking glasses behind him. The scene was too much, and he couldn't shake off the uneasy feeling that he was out of his depth.
In his unsteady state, Baekhyun stumbled into an open door, expecting a bathroom. To his horror, he found himself in a room where a bunch of people were having an orgy. One of the guys, clearly high, signalled him to join them while someone else hurled their heel at him to shut the door. Caught off guard, he blurted out an apology and he quickly shut the door.
The embarrassment lingered as Baekhyun tried to regain his composure. The events of the night had taken an unexpected turn, and he couldn't shake off the feeling that he was navigating uncharted territory.
As Baekhyun walked away, he glanced back to see Sehun making a grand show of hugging and kissing Y/N. A twinge of discomfort gnawed at him, but he decided to retreat. Leaving the chaos of the party behind, Baekhyun stumbled back to his dorm, the events of the night replaying in his mind.
After a hasty shower and a violent bout of vomiting, Baekhyun changed into his pajamas. He settled into bed, the room spinning as he drifted into a restless sleep, unaware of the storm that had been set in motion during that fateful night at Oxford.
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krawlernyannyan · 4 months
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The final new character of v2.1 is revealed and it's Gallagher, our first playable member of Penacony's Family!
"Making a drink is a sensory skill. In dreams, creating fizzy concoctions requires adding a bit of your mood. Heavier if you're troubled, a touch sweeter if you're in high spirits... It's not just about mixing beverages. It's about mixing the experiences of life." A security officer of the Bloodhound Family at Penacony. He is also a slovenly and indolent mixologist. Though unorganized in apparel and casual in how he makes his drinks, he is always courteous toward guests but keeps his vigilance about him. He seems to be a character with a complicated past, yet never actively mentions any details.
Always happy to see more Abundance characters, and I actually might be able to make a mono-Fire comp once this guy rolls around. Glad he's only a 4!
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moonlight-tmd · 4 months
How do you feel about merformers?
And for something fluffy, Blitz and Bee making and sharing snacks together!
Merformers are a fun concept, like those biotech fellas swimming in the sea and somehow ending up in lake erie and meet each other. Autobots are your local normal mermaids while Decepticons are sirens (the evil versions, most often resembling sharks in the fish half).
BlitzBee and making lunch for each other- sweet! I feel like Blitz would know Bee is all for sweet stuff and tried his best to get some but for there's just not much to get in the ranks, outside of the supplies Swindle provides. I think he knows few recipes and tries his best to make rust cookies in their humble kitchen and ngl they turn out decent, they aren't the best but at least they're not burned.
Bee has all the things he needs, but 0 cooking skills. He is a pretty good mixologist so most often he'll make fun smoothies and drinks for Blitz to try out on their meetings. Sometimes he steals stuff Optimus baked and brings them too, the food he himself makes is... edible.
Speaking of snacks- i once had an idea about Bee finding Blitz's snacks. Blitz is part of the Autobots team by now and Bee was looking for something to eat cuz he ran out of his sweets in the secret stash and stumbled upon a box of nicely prepared metal salad in Blitz's art room. And so, like any partner would do, he ate Blitzwing's salad. It was... kinda good actually.
Blitz found him eating the salad after a while, he had that uneasy expression when Bee asked about it. Blitz took the salad away from him and told him to not eat his food, Bee assumed he was upset that he ate his food. But that didn't stop him, from time to time he would go out of his way to find the same nicely prepared salad hidden in different spots in the art room, one time Ratchet caught him eating a salad and Bee told him Blitz made it. He didn't know why the old docbot had a disgusted expression the moment he offered him some.
Later he overheard Ratchet scold Blitzwing for letting Bee eat his food and that he better not let him eat any more. So from that moment all the salad he was finding mysteriously disappeared. No matter how much he asked Blitz to give some to him, he wouldn't. He never knew why it was bad for him to eat something so tasty and healthy- like, Prowl had salads all the time, why was it bad for him to eat one too?
Yeaaah, Bee has developed a taste for cannibalism by accident. Neither Ratchet or Blitzwing let him know about it tho. And if you ask why Blitzwing had mech metal to make the salads, he just took some from the corpses of stray 'cons that Ratchet was supposed to scrap and instead he somehow got persuaded into letting Blitz take care of them in secret (maybe so they save on fuel cuz Blitz needs a lot of it).
Geez it was supposed to be fluffy and it still somehow took a dark turn...
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estah · 9 months
The BOLD THE FACTS tag by @helenofsimblr
The Rules are simple! Tag people and name a character you want to know more about! If you want to let the person you tagged decide who to showcase, then don’t name a character and they can pick somebody. Easy! The person who is tagged will then bold the remarks below which apply to their character &, if they want to, include a picture with their reply!
i was tagged by @akitasimblr (thank you so much 😊❣️) and harps was chosen! so here we go 🤸🏾‍♀️
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$ Financial : wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty
✚ Medical : fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non applicable
✪ Class or Caste : upper / middle / working / unsure
✔ Education : qualified / unqualified / studying / other (she graduated with a distinguished culinary arts degree and earned a mixology specialist certificate)
✖ Criminal Record : yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but not caught yet / yes, but charges were dismissed
◒ Children : had a child or children / has no children / wants children
◑ Relationship with Family : close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings /sibling(s) is deceased 
◔ Affiliation : orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent(s) / not applicable  
♦ extroverted / introverted / in between
♦ dis-organised / organised / in between
♦ close minded / open-minded  / in between
♦ calm / anxious / in between
♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in between
♦ cautious / reckless / in between
♦ patient / impatient / in between
♦ outspoken / reserved / in between
♦ leader / follower / in between
♦ empathetic / vicious bastard / in between
♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in between
♦ traditional / modern / in between
♦ hard-working / lazy / in between
♦ cultured / uncultured  / in between / unknown
♦ loyal / disloyal / unknown
♦ faithful / unfaithful / unknown
★ Faith : monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic
☆ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care (big fan of anything haunted, legends, myths, stuff like that)
✮ Belief in an Afterlife : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✯ Belief in Reincarnation : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
❃ Belief in Aliens : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✧ Religious : orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious
❀ Philosophical : yes / no
❤ Sexuality : heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual 
❥ Sex : sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favourable / naive and clueless
♥ Romance : romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favourable /naive and clueless / romance suspicious
❣ Sexually : adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious
⚧ Potential Sexual Partners : male / female / agender / other / none / all
⚧ Potential Romantic Partners : male / female / agender / other / none / all
☠ Combat Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none  
≡ Literacy Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✍ Artistic Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✂ Technical Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
☕ Drinking Alcohol : never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / Alcoholic (harps is a celebrity mixologist so when she comes up with a new drink, she tries it, to make sure it actually tastes nice lol! so no one complains and she starts seeing herself on news articles for trying to poison someone 💀)
☁ Smoking : trying to quit / quit / never / trying it / rarely / sometimes / frequently / Chain-smoker
✿ Recreational Drugs : never / quit / trying it / rarely / sometimes / frequently / addict
✌ Medicinal Drugs : never / no longer needs medication / some medication needed / frequently / to excess
☻ Unhealthy Food : never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / binge eater
$ Splurge Spending : never / sometimes / frequently / Shopaholic (anything for her daughter 🥹)
♣ Gambling : never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / compulsive gambler
i'm tagging: @kashisun @whiimms @deathbypufferfish @bloomingkyras @buglaur @neighborhoodstories @tulipsimss @minty-plumbob @druidberries @seokolat and anyone who wants to do this! 😊
-> here's a link to the OG post so you have a fresh "template" : bold the facts tag.
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sim-carelle · 2 years
Magical Origin Challenge
Snowy escape for some of the lifestyle goals *
Get to work, nifty knitting, city living, eco lifestyle, or Jungle Adventures to sell things
Cats & Dogs for pet familiar option
Realm of magic *
Outdoor retreat for the herbalist skill *
Country Living
Paranormal *
Recommended Mods
Any of Lumpinou's mods
 Lgbtqia+ Mod
Woohoo wellness
Psyche mod
Occult Toddlers
 Kiara’s Odd jobs
Ghastly Ghosts
Part time jobs bundle
Master Duelist career
Sim Legacy Hub (Not a mod, just good for tracking the family tree)
Not yet released as of 11-28-23
Sell all items at their recommended or default prices, always take the first offer for plopsy
If you get an item you don’t want from something like winterfest and cannot sell it through in-game means, you can sell it through build buy but must subtract the funds gained  Example: if you have 50 simoleons and get an item that is worth 100 subtract 50.
Can only sell objects that you had bought
Generation 1: The Wizard
Reside in Glimmerbrook
Learn all 25 spells
Spouse must be a spellcaster
Have at least one biological child
Only choose prowess perks
Max the logic Skill
Generation 2: The Sorcerer
Must be blood related
Have one Familiar, if you have cats & dogs must be a pet.
Only choose spellcasting perks
 Max the Charisma Skill
Generation 3: Potion Crafter
Learn all 15 potions
Only make money from selling potions
Only choose Alchemy perks
Max the mixologist Skill
Generation 4: Herbalist witch
Master the Herbalism skill and gardening and/or flower arranging skills.
Can only sell produces from either those three skills or from odd jobs
Have the Technophobe, outdoorsy, and close-knit Lifestyles
Have simple living and/or off the grid lot traits
 Must have a green footprint if you have eco lifestyle
Generation 5: Cursed
Have a cursed lot
Must have at least one spellcaster curse that never gets cured
Generation 6: Psychic
Master the medium Skill (if you have the psychic mod max out the psychic skill as well)
Become an expert paranormal investigator
Live in a haunted house
Generation 7: Specialist
Master in only one school of magic (practical, untamed, or Mischief)
Have the coffee fanatic lifestyle
Befriend the corresponding sage
Generation 8: Familiar Master
Collect all 11 familiars (plus 2 if you want to count pets)
Only make money from selling collectables
Have the energetic lifestyle
Generation 9: Duelist
Only choose spellcaster perks
Only duel to make money
Without master duelist mod, sell the ingredients you win)
Collect all 10 wands
Have the adrenaline seeker lifestyle
Generation 10: Living the Simple life
Max out any full-time career
Have the simple living lot challenge
No need to worry about being the best spellcasters, meeting spellcaster
Destroy the glimmerstone
Have a non-spellcaster child
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