#Mistral does cosplay
Yours isn't the only rewrite or AU I've seen that positions Mistral as the traditional kingdom, the old-fashioned kingdom, the kingdom mired in its own history. What do you think it is about Mistral that makes it seem to fit in that slot?
I think it has to do a lot with what we know about them from the beginning. Which is not much but it paints a pretty clear picture.
It's the place where most of WF's focus is, which means that the place should be pretty racist.
What's more, Cinder is quick to bring up Mistral as an example of "places where things are bad" too, meaning its not just anti-Faunus racism either or she would jump to Atlas.
Raven feels comfortable walking around in what's essentially an expensive samurai cosplay for some reason.
Pretty much ALL characters that we know hail from Mistral (Cinder, Neptune, Pyrrha) are self-conscious of their public image, which indicates a decently serious class divide there - what kind of society would Pyrrha need to live in to develop this complex of being unapproachable where even someone being nice or genuine with her would shock her?
From Pyrrha, we know it's big on warrior tournaments which itself is rooted in tradition and ritual.
The main character and mythology inspirations from that continent in the early seasons seem to be all about ancient Greece and ancient Rome, with japan and china being added latter on.
Out of the "bad sides" of Great War, Atlas/Mantle are the industrial powerhouses and "Kingdoms of Progress", so it doesn't make sense for Mistral to be exact same way either.
Likewise it's the only place that fits - Vale is the centrist expy, Vacuo is anarchy, Atlas is all about progress and technology.
We know there is monarchy there, or at least was a hundred years ago.
We know Faunus fight for their freedom started there.
We know Menagerie was an "insult gift" to the Faunus after the war was over. This indicates that a significant portion of Mistral's ruling body is still salty and stuck in the past.
We know that even now there's an effort to just ship off all Faunus into Menagerie.
The first WoR we have on Mistral also emphasizes the idea of class divide there.
What's more, in terms of narrative it just makes sense to go that way - the first three Volumes create teases of "what came before" and mysteries about things like silver eyes and Ozpin and Raven and Grimm. Logically that means that the place the cast goes next to has to resonate with those ideas as scenery is often molded to be thematically appropriate.
Also, what better way to challenge the main cast about how the world is not like they thought it would be than to show a place so rooted in prejudice, tradition, and class divide that it would make them question Vale too?
And in more practical way - Honestly? It's the Kingdom the show does least with and yet majority of the V3 plot hooks lead there - there's a lot more room to play around and world-build.
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Round 1 - Resurrect Bracket (Losers Bracket) Side A
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ashes to ashes, dust to dust; in sure and certain hope of the Resurrection to [make it to the finals]
Propaganda below ⬇️
so his whole thing is he's an inquisitor who is just fundamentally bad at being a priest on account of he does things like forgetting scripture and not being able to help but doubt the institution which gets everyone hes ever cared about killed. he's gay. he says shit like "careful, i bite". he's in yuri with a holy knight. he's one of my favorite characters and i want to beat him over the head with a cast iron skillet
fucked up gay little cleric who was supposed to grapple with the fact that the institution he serves is corrupt except he has been in doubt from the very beginning and very clearly doesnt put much stock in the scripture hes made it his lifes work to preach. hes kinda a freak with it. every line he speaks is said with the cadence of a gay guy checking under his nails while ignoring you as he talks. i have to hit him with mallets and shatter him into pieces.
This man is the world's worst clergyman. He's a high ranking member of the holy inquisition, but nobody respects him and he mostly just uses his position to investigate random murders for fun. He regularly forgets how the bible goes and little kids have to correct him on how the plot goes of the jrpg equivalent of jesus's resurrection. He has a holy knight for a boyfriend. He tortures people for information any other character can just ask for. His best friend out of the rest of the main 8 is an assassin and gang member. He tries to get people to commit crimes with him. His story is about uprooting the corruption in his church and killing high ranking church members and also Literal Fucking Jrpg satan. He regularly blasphemes and everyone around him looks in horror as he shouts at god and encourages people to become atheists. His catchphrase is "doubt is what I do." He is still somehow the most devout character in the entire game despite being a total fuck up of a cleric who does not deserve to be here whatsoever. Pls let him win it'd be SO FUNNY
Hes genuinely just the funniest guy. Very little about his story has to do with the faith but like. He routinely roasts the entire pantheon of in-universe gods. He beats people up (metaphorically of course) as one of his main game mechanics. He got stamped as the resident gayboy SO fast. His starliner definitely has higher intelligence than wisdom even though clerics use wisdom. Every chapter he appears in he solves a mystery by zoning out so hard his god blesses him with extremely vivid hallucinations. He's so deeply fucking traumatized. One of his battle skills is fully just beating his enemies up with his staff. He ends up defunding the police. He can very casually become a thermonuclear bomb but in a very holy way. His best friend is a 23-year-old assassin that exclusively calls him "Detective". Is he Catholic (ish)? Yeah, but he certainly doesn't always act like it.
He constantly commits heresy and doubts the gods but is still the not-Pope's right hand man
Listen, imagine you'd go to church and your priest gets roasted by kids for forgetting how the bible goes. That's him, canonically even. He's like if a redditor who wants to be a detective was cosplaying as a holy man. He's someone whose whole thing is doubting the gods and the church, to the point where he makes another person question his faith too, even though he is technically The holy man. He's absolutely unhinged and gay. He's 30 years old and absolutely does not look like it. He's traumatized, and cannot be sincere and honest about his feelings even once. He should go to therapy actually. Like desperately. For his sake and everyone around him.
he is from the faith but he doubts everything around him to find the truth through it........ also i'd like to see him torment the crotchety priest i had to do a face-to-face confession with in high school. it'd be funny.
FATHER BROWN BUT MAKE HIM GAY AND PLAGUED BY TRUST ISSUES. This man will forget his own sermons, beat people up for infos and, at the same time, gets to be the fantasy equivalent of a youth pastor. He somehow manages to be the most unhinged person in a party that includes a vengeful math professor who can and WILL mug people. He might not be the most devout Catholic of them all, but he is definitely the *funniest* one. Give it up for the world's shittiest priest!
i’m gonna be honest temenos is a TERRIBLE catholic but he’s funny and i love him. he also has a weird gay thing going on with a paladin it’s great.
Well, maybe not specifically catholic. But behold, OFFICIAL ART: https://cdn.wikimg.net/en/zeldawiki/images/a/ab/LinkPraying.png
in the original legend of zelda game there’s a bible (localized to the book of magic due to nintendo of america’s guidelines), a cross in the adventure of link, and in a link to the past, there’s art of him kneeling in front of a crucifix. hyrule has its own religions but there are undeniable christian roots.
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didyoutrydynamite · 2 years
Does JNRZ have any particular Halloween traditions they bring over from they're families and such?
They indeed do! Well most of them.
Halloween isn't very popular in Vacuo, so May never really got the full experience of it. But as soon as she figured out it's pretty much a holiday dedicated to cosplay, she was FULL STOP into it.
Jaune's village followed more traditional old school Halloween customs, so imagine his surprise when he found out that they don't leave out bread and water for spirits to enjoy.
Reese had always been a huge fan of Halloween even before it started gaining popularity in Mistral. She's rather more of a fan of the tricking part than treats, leading to her usual pranking mischief taking a turn for Halloween theme scares.
As the team's resident Party Girl and only local amongst them, Neon introduces the gang to Mantle's "Night of Embers". On the night before Halloween, young adults all over throughout Mantle will come together to throw wild Halloween parties in various derelict buildings that are due for destruction. It is tradition that before the sun rises on Halloween Day, the last of the party goers vacate the building and burn it to the ground. Some say it’s supposedly a metaphor for "Burning bridges of the past in order to always move forward." Others say "Teenagers just like burning shit."
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jack-ad-astra · 5 years
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It is done! Celestial Record cosplay prop! More to how I did it under the cut!
You are interested in how I did it? Here goes! What you need: - two blank notebooks (or one if you can find one in the right thickness) - black tea, lots of it - sponges - adhesive tape - lots of patience - a hair dryer - one water-proof ink pen - optional: print out of the mural found on google - some gold/silver colour, brown colour - some extra material for the cover (you can choose which material to use), some cardboard paper for your bookmarks - hair-dryer - cutter - hot glue - ironing board and iron 1) creating the book itself For making the actual book I got two notebooks and cut off one cover from each of them, fitting them together to form one bigger book. I basically glued them together with hot glue and created the spine with adhesive tape. Don’t worry if you have to re-apply glue later on. 2) filling the book! I then started to fill my book with entries - I based mine on the discovery locations in the game. My entries consist on text on the left side and a little sketch on the right. As you will dye the pages later make sure you use waterproof ink or your writing will become illegible. Of course filling it is optional - you can leave it empty if you want. 3) dyeing the pages For dyeing it I used black tea. I put three teabags in one normal mug. Let it cool down a bit before starting. I used a sponge to soak up the tea and then spread it over one page at a time. You can use the teabags as little “brushes” to add droplets of tea here and there, making the pattern more unique! Make sure you dry each page with a blow-dryer thoroughly before continuing. Count in a lot of time - this takes ages! (3.5) covering up the part where the two books become one Because the page where my two books join didn’t look too pretty I glued in the picture of the mural, which I had printed out and dyed and dried the same way as explained in 3.!) 4) Doing the cover The cover isn’t exactly hard to do - paint the front and back in a brown you like. For the gold part I looked for the symbol on google, flipping it vertically and transferring it to your material. Either use something golden from the very beginning or use anything you want (cardboard paper, adhesive paper, even foam rubber should work!). With scissors or a cutter you can cut it out and glue it on :) The same goes for the silvery parts! 5) The bookmarks The easiest of the whole prop - just cut out cardboard stripes in the shapes you want. No need to draw on them - I just did because I was in the mood for it. ;) 6) - will probably add some protective layer later on. Writing this I realize I should have taken progress pics...next time I shall try to remember! But if you want to try yourself or have questions with the reference pics/entries I used don’t hesitate to ask!
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tumblezwei · 2 years
When I first saw the new design for Ruby, I was kinda "meh" about it, which to me was a good thing, because I still haven't finished my cosplay for Ruby's v7 outfit, and I want to cosplay characters who aren't Ruby sometimes, so I was glad I didn't immediately want to cosplay the new outfit. But the more I keep seeing it, the more it's growing on me... Why does the character design for RWBY have to be so dang good??? It's not fair...
RWBY outfits have that weird quality to them where when you first see them you're like "eeehhhh I dunno," but as time goes on you realize that it slaps, actually.
The only exception being Weiss's Mistral arc outfit bc that shit was grey as hell.
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fire-the-headcanons · 4 years
What's WeaponsEx?" Raven asked.
"There's a big weapons convention every summer in Vale. Tons of businesses show off new stuff. Dust companies, arms manufacturers, defense engineers—" he said.
"And there's an entire wing of the hall for comics!"
"You mean recruiting."
"Yeah, same difference. There's costume contests, artists answer questions and sign autographs—"
"And they get a few famous Huntsmen to come too," he finished.
Qrow listened with an intensity usually saved for forging class. "Whoa, cool."
Raven rolled her eyes. "You're drooling."
Follow the Beacon Taiyang—COSTumes
[Link to Masterpost]
[Hey, look! A normal-length chapter!]
"Ramparts! For all of your cosplay needs!" Summer declared, throwing the door open dramatically. The Taupes followed her in, looking around in confusion.
"This is a costume store?" Raven asked, brushing through a rack of sweaters.
"Thrift store," Tai corrected. "People donate old clothes, they sell 'em cheap, and the money goes to charity. Summer likes to find stuff and make alterations."
"Come on, let's look at suits!" She grabbed Qrow's wrist and hauled him off toward the men’s section. Amused, Tai and Raven followed.
"Okay, we want to find a green suit and vest for Ozpin, and a red suit for Pete," Summer said, already digging through the racks for anything near the right colors. "Preferably double-breasted, but we probably won't find one. We can sew a little gold ribbon around the edges to make it look like him. I've got a scarf we could tie like his ascot. What about shoes? Should we get shoes?"
He accepted the hideous maroon suit she was holding out.  "Our uniform shoes will be fine, Summer."
"Yeah, you're right." She was in her natural habitat now, comparing every dark green suit in the store to one of their photos from Ozpin's file. It only took a few minutes for her to pop back out of the racks with a three-piece that looked to be about Qrow's size. "Try it on!"
"Uh…" He eyed it warily, holding it in front of his face.
"We are not spending four thousand lien on something you're only going to wear once," Raven said, glaring at the tag.
She had a point. Tai glanced over Summer's shoulder at the photo on the scroll, searching for another solution. "Y'know, Ozpin's suit is really dark—the uniform jacket and pants would probably work fine if we got a green turtleneck to put under it."
"I was thinking just a scarf for that bit, actually," Summer said, running to the end of the aisle and grabbing one with horrible stringy fringe. "We'll tuck the ends in under the jacket. Cardboard will work for his tie-pin-thing, and then all we need are some glasses."
The bin was right next to Tai, and he started rifling through. "None of these look like Ozpin's."
"Those weird bendy parts on the sides are probably custom. Just grab some small round ones."
He held up a pair he’d seen almost immediately, and Qrow gingerly took them.
"How does he see though them?" he muttered, squinting. "These are tiny."
"They're also only thirty lien 'cause the lens is cracked, but we can take them out back at school."
"What should we get for the Carmine costume?" Tai asked. "I don't think we're going to find a leather apron here. Or for less than fifty thousand lien."
"What? No, I'm wearing the one I didn't finish in time for WeaponsEx!"
"Come on, you can wear it next year. We've gotta match. Nobody will be able to see the detail on it in the dark anyway!" 
"Fine," she sighed, grabbing maybe the ugliest brown dress in existence off the rack behind her. It looked about six sizes too big for her, layered with thick ruffles in multiple shades. "I'll cut patches of the darker lining for the embossing Carmine has around the edges. There should be plenty of fabric."
She just couldn’t do a sewing project halfway. "That's still way more effort than you need to put into this."
"What's WeaponsEx?" Raven asked.
"There's a big weapons convention every summer in Vale. Tons of businesses show off new stuff. Dust companies, arms manufacturers, defense engineers—" he said.
"And there's an entire wing of the hall for comics!"
"You mean recruiting."
"Yeah, same difference. There's costume contests, artists answer questions and sign autographs—"
"And they get a few famous Huntsmen to come too," he finished.
Qrow listened with an intensity usually saved for forging class. "Whoa, cool."
Raven rolled her eyes. "You're drooling."
"Yeah, it's where the SDC unveiled the Guillotine last year." Summer said, still thumbing through the suits. "The easiest way to do Professor Mesánychta's suit would be to splatter-paint stars onto the school uniform, but anything that would show up might not wash out…"
"Flour." Tai pointed out.
"Ooooh! Yeah!" 
Raven frowned. "It'll just fall off."
"Not while you're wearing it! Your aura kinda holds it in place—I speak from experience. We can make her headband out of cardboard too. Lucky so many of the staff wear dark suits."
They brought their things up to the registers, the twins looking much more at ease with their two hundred lien price tag.
"So, where should we eat?" Summer chirped.
"…We're not going back to the school?" Qrow and Raven shared an anxious look.
"Well… we could, but it'd take like two hours to fly there and back," she said. "Besides, don't you want to go somewhere other than the cafeteria?"
"Maybe, uh, we'll just meet up with you again after, then…" Qrow stammered. 
"What? Come on, that'll take ages," Summer said with a wave. "Come with us to Goldenrod's! We go every time we’re in Vale, they have these giant noodle bowls, it's great—”
"We'll meet you there in a half hour," Raven said. "There's a comic store Qrow wanted to look at."
Why were they—oh. They hadn't been worried about the cost of the suit just because it was frivolous. Tai's ears burned with secondhand embarrassment. "Uh, Sum—"
Summer tilted her head. "You know I love comics… Why don't we all go after lunch?"
Qrow straightened up, bracing himself. "Because we don't have any money."
Raven shot him a panicked glare as Summer wilted. "…Oh." She fiddled with her hands for a second before shoving them into the pockets of her hoodie. "Sorry, I…"
"I—I mean, it's been nice looking around with you two—"
"We'll buy today," Tai said quickly. Anything to make the awkward stop.
"You don't have to—" Raven began.
"No, come on, it's team bonding time! We've got you. And next time we come to town we'll just pack a lunch."
* * *
"So, have you ever visited Mistral?" Summer asked, errantly drumming on the table as they waited. "I guess you said you were from southern Anima, that'd be a long trip…"
"It was. We went twice."
Her eyes widened. "Really? What's it like? I don't really remember Anima that well." 
"It's…more dangerous than Vale," he said, glancing out of the window at the end of their booth. "Unless you're rich. We mostly kept our heads down. …What about your home? What's Patch like?"
Summer shrugged. "Not much to say. It's just a little port town on an island outside Vale. Forest on the west side has some Grimm, nothing big enough to be a real threat."
"It's the most boring place in existence," Tai sighed.
"At least you'd have ships to look at," Raven said. "There is nothing on Remnant less interesting than a farm." Everyone stared at her for a half-second, she'd been her usual withdrawn self all day. She flinched at the sudden attention. "…I've always liked boats."
"Me too," Summer admitted. "But, sailing boats. With sails. You know, the old-fashioned windy kind, not the new big loud cargo ships."
Nobody liked the giant—usually Atlesian—monsters that would barge into the harbor at all hours. Tai gestured with his chopsticks. "Ugh, and that one asshole that always runs too close to the north side of the island and wakes everyone up in the middle of the night!"
"Well, hey, why don't we go to the docks after the comic store? We could take pictures and stuff!"
"Because your camera’s broken. Remember?"
"Oh, yeah." Her face fell a little. "Well, we can still look around."
"There's not actually a comic store," Raven admitted. "We were trying to buy time."
Summer reached across the table, taking her hand in both of hers. "Raven. You're not getting out of going to the comic shop with me and Qrow just because you made it all up."
Raven rolled her eyes, the ghost of a real smile playing around her mouth. "Fine."
Next Chapter: Summer—Mission Critical
[Yet another chapter of Qrow is a Nerd. ‘Suave flirt’ is a valid interpretation of the text, it’s just not my interpretation]
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rwbyconversations · 5 years
Why Oscar’s writing has been disappointing
Stories rely on their characters. You can tell a grand, sweeping narrative that spans continents and timelines but if you don’t give a rats ass about the people at the center of these events, viewers won’t care. Stories with high kill-counts like Walking Dead, Game of Thrones and Attack on Titan rely on audiences forming an attachment with characters very quickly, so that the possibility of their sudden death is all the more painful for the viewer. Long story short, if you can’t make an audience care about your character, it can be hard to keep them interested. 
RWBY has overall done a fantastic job at getting people to fall for its cast; I’m a case in point with how hard I’ll go to bat for Emerald and Mercury. But be it the obvious choices in the main cast, the wide array of villains to obsess over. The fandom even has a few eccentric folk who stan for people not seen in years! (shoutout to CFVY fans, who knew you’d get rewarded over the whole Coco in Chibi thing by getting a book?) But rather unfortunately, while one character has managed to earn a fanbase happy to see them get content, the writing has consistently failed one particular character, through constant refusals to allow them the screentime they deserve and often putting it in the wrong places when they do get morsels of time to shine each year.
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Oh no, not you. I’ll get back to you before this hiatus is out. 
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... actually why are his gloves orange of all colors? And what’s with the banages, is he planning on cosplaying Dazai from Bungou Stray Dogs at an Atlas convention during the off-season?
Yeah, no, I’m talking about Oscar Pine. First introduced in Volume 4, Oscar has now been a part of the main cast for half of the show’s runtime. In that time Oscar has developed psychosis, met a ticket-punching man, got stuck in a house for a month, fought a teleporting staircase man, was involved in a train crash, bought new clothes, and stole military property. 
Notice something? Nothing in there mentioned Oscar getting character development. Or rather he does... but it’s always offscreen. Oscar is infuriating in the sense that he has a lot of wasted character potential to be one of the best characters in the show- a simple but efficient design, great voice work from Aaron Dismuke and a charming personality that makes him a likable hero. But in spite of that all, Oscar constantly get the shaft when it comes to his screentime showing him developing from his problems, and each volume so far has had Oscar be faced with a trial that would make for a truly fascinating character arc, only for him to get over it while the camera’s focused elsewhere. And that’s what I’m going to focus on in this essay- I’m going to go over why I think Oscar’s writing has been consistently mishandled, and my hopes for the character in Volume 7. 
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God damn I don’t like doing this, I want to like the farm boi most of the time 
1) Volume 4: All these voices running through my head, I’m on fire, face burning red
Oscar is introduced very early in Volume 4- as in, he’s in the first episode and is the eighth character we see onscreen after the villains. Oscar is in fact, if you don’t count Ruby’s character short, present in Volume 4 before the title characters. His first episode is... a lot of nothing, mostly just Oscar doing some farming. Oscar’s introduction does a good job telling us a bit about his character without him saying much- he’s prone to daydreaming while working on the farm, clearly not enjoying himself and his work. It matches up with what we learn later, that Oscar dreams of becoming a hero. It’s a stock motivation, and a stock background, but a simple and effective way of setting up a hero who desires the chance to prove himself in the wider world. His intro scene is a nice, quiet beat between the dark opening of Evernight and Salem, and the more frantic action of RNJR fighting the Geist. But overall the time the fandom was wondering what was up with Oscar- he wasn’t in the OP and nothing had set him up before now and yet here he was, getting focus before the main girls.
It takes until Oscar’s second appearance, three episodes later in Family, that we get the real reason for his importance- Ozpin’s in his head, but it would take another three episodes, in Punished, for this to be elaborated on in an unintentional Christmas gift from Rooster Teeth; Ozpin’s in his head due to their Auras and souls merging thanks to Ozma’s pact with the Archangel Asshole a few centuries back, and now Oscar is starting to act like an Assassin’s Creed character with all the memories that are in his head that he didn’t create. It’s a cruel irony for Oscar- Ozpin plays on how Oscar wants to be more than just a farmhand to try and get him to go to Mistral, but Oscar’s body language and face make it clear that this wasn’t how he saw himself getting some new life choices. Rather tragically, Oscar finally gets the chance to be part of something bigger but the manner in which it’s offered to him is anathema, as it’s coming from a literal voice in his head who claims to be a dead headmaster, and more importantly, he was never offered a choice- this was thrust upon him, a young 14 year old child who never asked for this burden of responsibility. And the last shot of Oscar in this episode already has him cracking under that burden, stuck on his knees and unsure what to do. 
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(also btw Oscar’s Aunt tells him to clean his hands but Oscar’s model has gloves on all the time, so... how would he clean his hands? Or does he read books with dirty gloves? Eww)
It’s an interesting place to leave Oscar, at the metaphorical and and spiritual crossroads, and means the viewer wants to see Oscar’s next actions and the deliberation between the easy, boring life he knows or risking everything on a voice in his head telling him to try his chances in the big city. Sounds pretty interesting, right?
Not to the writers, unfortunately. Because when we next check in with Oscar three episodes later during Kuroyuri, Oscar’s already on the road to Mistral with his backpack all ready to go. That deliberation, the consideration, Oscar eventually choosing to trust Ozpin and go along with his plan? All done offscreen. Similarly, Oscar goes from treating Ozpin’s voice as an irritating thing to be annoyed has been chucked out a window- now out on the open road, it doesn’t “feel crazy” anymore. It just feels like such a cheap way to handle Oscar’s writing- rather than show his development naturally, it just fast-forwards until it reaches a point where it skips all that. And unfortunately, this isn’t the first or last time Oscar is victim to the writers fast-forwarding through his development moments. Given how much of Oscar’s arc hinges on this crucial first step, it just seems inane to me that of all of the potential Oscar scenes to cut... him coming around on Ozpin and making the call to leave was what got the cutting room floor. Especially since nothing in his Kuroyuri scene was all that essential for Oscar in contrast, barring setting up the the mystery Hazel and Ozpin’s past.
Oscar doesn’t appear again after his encounter with Hazel until the finale, when during the montage of Ruby’s letter (that consists of half her dialogue this season) we see Oscar on the train to Mistral, which really only caused a problem thanks to all the people who used it to ask why RNJR didn’t take a train. He also appears in the post-credits scene, meeting Qrow at a bar and asking for his cane back, the volume ending on Oscar extending the cane experimentally. 
Being blunt, I feel like Oscar should have been cut from Volume 4 and just introduced in Volume 5 with the bar scene. Volume 4 already had to juggle far too much in RWBY and Cinder’s plots, and adding Oscar to the mix unfortunately meant the screentime for some characters had to suffer- especially Yang. His time this season ultimately goes nowhere and only gives him a basic background that most fans would have already guessed from his character design, and the already wobbly Jenga Tower that was Volume 4′s screentime didn’t need more blocks thrown on top. I like a fair few things in Oscar’s arc, but it’s content that ultimately I’d have been fine having left on the cutting room floor. Hell, if nothing else, Oscar’s first scene should have ended with Ozpin’s reappearance, that these are two separate scenes is mind-boggling and left the fans wondering what the hell was Oscar’s purpose for weeks. 
Oscar’s debut arc has its ups and downs, much like the volume itself. His intro scene and argument with Ozpin are both well-executed and show the viewer the vocal dynamite of Dismuke’s performance or just set up his base character, but for every good thing to come of Oscar’s arc, it’s fraught with issues- most notably, his scene of choosing to leave his home being omitted and beginning the unfortunate tendency for Oscar to get the short end of the stick when it came to development and agency, which undermine his choice to leave. But overall, Oscar built himself a small but dedicated fanbase with his debut volume, even immediately shooting up to become a potential target for Ruby’s affections in the fandom shipping wars. It was a rocky start, but surely now that Oscar was going to have his plot merged with RNJR, he’d be able to handle his screen-time more effectively, right? 
Volume 5- Two for one on meatsacks
Volume 5 is Oscar’s worst volume so far, being blunt. It’s a lot of people’s worst volumes though (Cinder, Ruby, Weiss, Mercury, Adam, mine) that at least he can share the load. It doesn’t help that he’s not in half the damn thing because his body is being used by Ozpin to regale the audience with expositon that makes them actively yearn for the sweet embrace of death... or just the return of the World of Remnant shorts. Oscar’s first scene in Volume 5 is just a recycling of the Volume 4 post-credits scene, which raises the question of why the scene was used in Volume 4. I don’t think it’s even touched up, they literally just copy-pasted it. Much like his first scene in Volume 4, his intro scene this volume is intercepted by comedy relief- last time it was Jaune’s miserable attempts at being a strategist, this time it’s Drunkle Qrow.
... You know, this scene ages poorly in hindsight given how just one volume later Qrow’s alcoholism is treated with ice-cold severity. 
Episode 3 follows up on this and gives us Ozcar’s first major scene of the volume, and unfortunately also sets up their dynamic this volume. Oscar gets some awkwardly charming moments with Ruby but overall the scene is dominated by Ozpin taking over for the first time and explaining his reincarnation powers alongside setitng up RNJR’s plot for the season- “training.” An episode later sees the entirety of this training, with Oscar and Ruby engaging in hand-to-hand combat and Oscar getting a lore dump from Ren (in hindsight this is novel not just because they’re outside during it but Ren’s the one delivering the infodump and not Ozpin). Ozpin barely even factors into the episode barring some fisticuffs and a generic speech at the end. But the scene is overall just pointless to the narrative beyond loosely setting up Jaune’s own Semblance unlocking, and this is the last we hear of RNJR “training” for the upcoming trials at Haven. Hell, even though the story makes a point of noting Oscar still hasn’t unlocked his Semblance, that still hasn’t come up two years later. This scene really only pays off in one immediate way:
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This is Ruby’s sole contribution to the Battle of Haven after getting KO’d by Emerald outside of just yelling orders for offscreen fights, and all this helped do was begin to convince people that “MERC’S A BAD FIGHTER WITHOUT EMERALD.” 
Lighting the Fire’s training scene is one of Oscar’s only major scenes where he interacts with RNJR to boot for the entirety of Volume 5, and it’s quite sad that nothing really comes of it. It just serves to highlight how little Oscar interacts with the other kids, as most of his dialogue this season is just as Ozcar.
Necessary Sacrifice then, should be great on paper. It’s an entirely Oscar and Ruby scene with Ozpin only chiming in at the end. It has Oscar confronting Ruby and himself on his fears and how Ruby can put up a brace face, and Ruby finally gets to open up a little about losing Penny and Pyrrha at Beacon. But the scene just falls flat on its face and botches the execution. Putting aside Ruby’s own problems in this scene (her speech feels incredibly pre-rehearsed, as if she spent hours practicing it in the mirror to ward off anyone actually prying into her life). Oscar’s anger and fear come out of left field with nothing setting this up in his prior scenes this volume. Ruby needed a scene where she talked about losing Penny and Pyrrha, but it should have been during Volume 4, with Jaune. Having it now with Oscar feels like the writers apologizing for having Ruby get shafted for screenitme during Volume 4... during the volume where she gets shafted by literally everyone else. The scene is frustrating to me, it could and should have been a lot better (musically at least I love the reprises of When It Falls and Lets Just Live), but it just feels like a hasty patch note. Oscar doesn’t really develop from the situation and his fears are just forgotten for the rest of the volume. 
Oscar then proceeds to basically sit out Volume 5 barring Chapters 11 and 12. I still don’t get why he wasn’t part of the dinner scene with RWBJNR, since it would have been so very easy for him to be part of the dinner and get the chance to interact with the rest of the kids. Oscar wants to be a hero, so let him... actually interact with heroes his age. Have him brought up to speed on the crazy adventures the team have, let them get to interact with Oscar without having to deal with his backseat driver. You could even make something tragic of the scene where Oscar is forced to go away so Ozpin can take over, and the team’s faces fall flat when Ozpin gets right to talking shop which leads to the YOU TURNED THEM INTO BIRDS exchange. But otherwise, the rest of the House scenes revolve around Ozpin talking. The kids talk past Oscar, and again, you can very easily make something tragic of that as Oscar could grow to resent Ozpin because none of the others see him as himself, just a puppet on strings. But again... Oscar’s just not allowed to develop onscreen in this show.
And perhaps the worst thing about all this is that whenever Ozpin actually is called out on his tactics, one of the most pressings ones in his possession of Oscar,a  14 year old boy, is never used as fuel. Granted, yes, Ozpin has no control over who’s his next host but surely someone, somewhere is going to opine how morally bankrupt it is that Ozpin essentially conscripted a child not even old enough to get a learner’s permit into his eternal shadow war. It’s times like this that my theory that Jaune was going to be Ozpin’s original replacement before the backlash to Jaundice made them backtrack looks more and more possible. 
The Haven Battle episodes quickly have Ozpin force control away from Oscar, but it’s not like Oscar did much before then anyway other than serve as the conduit for another lore dump on Hazel’s backstory. He doesn’t try and learn why Leo defected and manages to trounce the headmaster so well one wonders how the hell Leo got put in charge of a combat school. After that, Ozpin takes over (and we admittedly get some of the coolest fighting in the actual Battle of Haven in Ozcar vs Hazel) and Oscar only briefly returns in the last seconds of the finale to drop the sequel hook that they need to get the lamp to Atlas.
Volume 5 is just a bad season for Oscar- this is the one time we don’t get his eternal phantom of offscreen character development because it’s not fair to say Oscar has any development in Volume 5. He’s immediately forced to the back to serve as a projector through which Ozpin can put the audience to sleep, most of his actual scenes are irrelevant or just feel like a waste of time and he basically sits out the entire finale. It’s just infuriatingly incompetent writing- we’ve gone from Oscar being a waste of time in Volume 4 to just being a waste of a character in Volume 5 who barely gets to express himself. Little is done with Oscar that could not be achieved by putting a tape recorder beside a lampshade and calling that Ozpin’s new host. Volume 5′s bad for a lot of characters, but at least most of the rest of the cast had good seasons beforehand to show how well they could be handled or written. Oscar didn’t have that, and while ultimately the blame was placed more on Ozpin for hogging the time, Oscar’s critics began to grow and he was derisively seen as just a plot device to let the writers bring Ozpin back and serve as a mission marker for the heroes. One more bad season for Oscar could spell the end to his character ever having a warm reception among the fans and critics. Drastic action would need to be undertaken in order to regain trust in Oscar. 
3) Volume 6- Tossing out the baby with the water
So the big plan to give Oscar some screentime... was basically cut Ozpin out of the story entirely. Oscar is almost entirely himself after the fourth episode, it’s the longest run of episodes with Oscar as himself that we’ve gotten in the show to date and Ozpin doesn’t even surface until the finale. There’s a lovely line of Oscar’s in episode 4 that finally lets him address some of the fears and concerns he should be rightfully worried about- “I’m just going to be another one of his lives, aren’t I?” Oscar’s tone is just so bleak there, it works super well and it was nice to finally see Oscar expressing human emotions. It even my cynical heart hope that Volume 6 would finally see Oscar get the limelight he had been denied for two years running.
But then the ball is just dropped hard. Oscar’s left in a background role for the Brunswick episodes, stuck working on a tire while RWBY encounter the Apathy. What’s already a somewhat rushed resolution to the whole plot of “RWBY express concerns about going onward to Atlas in light of Jinn’s revelations” now leaves Oscar, the guy carrying Ozma’s soul in him, out of the moment. He just gets to be tired and tell Blake to make food if she’s hungry. 
Argus at least alludes to putting Oscar in the driver’s seat for his own solo arc where he explores the city alone after Jaune physically assults him (why didn’t anyone stop Jaune from hurting Oscar two people saying Jaune’s name with all the concern of someone stubbing their toe just feels cheap). Even though I was cold on the episode as a whole, Dead End did set up the wonderful idea of an Oscar episode, one where he maybe forces Ozpin to come out so they can talk frankly for the first time in two volumes. Maybe they could even rip off Avatar (some more) and have Oscar meet Ozma himself, using his conversation with the two as his own chance to rally onwards and decide to bring the fight to Salem.  It could have been a really sweet moment of him backing Ruby up in her desire to keep going, the two forming a mutual bond of bolstering each other’s hopes as they carry the burden for their team. 
But no. Because I can’t have nice things, in an otherwise near-perfect episode where I actually got Mercury and Emerald screentime and the lovely Pyrrha statue scene (which I low-key feel like Oscar should have been a part of but that’s a subject for another day), Oscar just gets over his issues, buys a new outfit and dodges past his problems, getting to develop past them, off-screen, for the third time in a row. 
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As far as I care, Oscar stole the money for this costume from either Qrow or Jaune and I don’t care if Miles says to my face he earned the money legit, I’m keeping that headcanon. Also, why are his gloves still orange? They don’t fit the rest of his costume.
If there was anything that got cut from Volume 6′s final half, I’d bet money on it being Oscar’s solo arc. Kerry himself has admitted during the RWBY Rewind for the finale that stuff got cut, and it’s very likely (going off comments from Miles that The Lost Fable was a huge resource drain) that this content was going to be part of the entire episode that was cut (Volume 6 initially had 14 episodes but around Christmastime this was remedied down to 13). It’s actually downright insulting and infuriating that Oscar got the shaft again, especially when Volume 6 finally seemed to be addressing the issue of Oscar never getting growth or focus. He was free of Ozpin, and with Ozma’s history revealed it was the perfect time for him to embrace the past forced upon him and resolve to become a hero. But no, the episode count went down so we had to wave goodbye to Oscar’s agency again. 
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Just think of how beneficial it would be for Oscar to actually confront his sorta-not-really ancestor, who may have had to watch as soul after soul gets consumed for him. Has Ozma ever had someone tell him none of this was his fault? I feel he needs it. 
If I was a more suspicious person I’d say it almost feels deliberate, that someone on the writing team doesn’t like Oscar and is purposefully keeping his growth offscreen out of childish spite. But three volumes in a row now, Oscar’s growth has felt artificial and fake, and leaves him feeling like an afterthought. I know it’s not a problem of RWBY not being able to write new characters well, just look at how fleshed out and beloved Maria was after just her debut season. But Oscar just can’t catch a break and it’s frustrating to watch. In a volume that otherwise made huge strides in solving many of the pre-existing issues in Volumes 4 and 5, that 6 still refuses to treat Oscar with anything other than mild apathy is just mind-boggling. 
Like, what was even the point of having Jaune say Ozpin was just pretending to be Oscar? To make Jaune look irrational? To plant the red herring in the viewer’s minds?  The rest of the volume itself shoots the idea down hard, and it feels like it was going to be used during Oscar’s potential cut scene, but again... it was cut. I can only go off what’s in the volume and unfortunately, Oscar in Volume 6 is only marginally better than he was in past Volumes. Bless his heart, Aaron is trying to save this character but the writing itself is dragging Oscar down every chance it can get. 
4) Volume 7- The potential breaking point
Oscar’s character is currently in a make or break spot, and Volume 7 will either finally solve his growth issues or this will be it and his fandom will reach a boiling point. The worst thing is, it’s a very easy solution to fix Oscar.
Just put his character development onscreen. 
That’s it, the golden answer to all of Oscar’s problems is to just stop cutting his development and agency short. Oscar has potential to be the most tragic character in RWBY- someone who wanted to be a hero, only for the responsibilities to be forced on him without his consent. He’s someone who the rest of his companions oftentimes don’t see as a person, just a walking telephone to their boss. Imagine how dehumanizing it would be, especially after Qrow’s “Don’t lie to him, we’re better than that” line? Imagine being someone effectively living on borrowed time because sooner or later, your consciousness will be absorbed what makes you you will be but a distant memory? Oscar could easily be a shining example of character growth, he could easily have a great arc of learning to deal with the burdens of Ozma’s struggle, of being the target of Hazel and Salem’s ire when he did nothing to earn it. But it needs to be soon, or all the potential in the world won’t be able to save Oscar. 
Perhaps Volume 7 will have a flashback to Oscar in Argus having that confrontation with Ozpin and getting his new outfit. Perhaps Ironwood will be mistrusting of Oscar claiming to be Oz, and Oscar will have to step up and prove he is who he says he is. Qrow never apologized to Oscar for punching him, so an apology would serve both Qrow and Oscar’s arcs as Qrow reignites his spark to fight. A potential confrontation with Salem where Oscar may try something the previous Oz lives didn’t could work wonders for Oscar. Volume 7 could still easily have Oscar get spotlight, but with how many plates the season is already planning to spin (Tyrian and Wattts going to Atlas, Cinder and Neo going after Ruby, Weiss dealing with her family, Ruby learning about the Silver Eyes with Maria, a likely return of Faunus racism for Blake and Yang, Atlas class warfare, the token reminder that Pyrrha died so Jaune, Ren and Nora can be sad, etc.) I’m already accepting that Oscar is the most likely candidate to get the boot again. It’s happened before, and I try to avoid being a sucker who falls for the same thing over and over. Definition of insanity and all that. 
5) Conclusion
Oscar is... I hate to say this again, but infuriating to me writing wise. He has so much potential as a character in terms of his growth but despite having had main character status for half the show’s runtime now, it’s hard to really care. Oscar keeps getting the short end of the stick, and if it turns out that the whole reason he got shafted for years was because of M&K’s mystery fetish, I might actually throw a chair out a window.  
What makes it worse is that Oscar is not a character with no hopes of being salvaged! There is a very easy way to remedy the problem and it’s just to let him have his time to shine and develop offscreen. Flashbacks covering the lost events such as his leaving his farm or gaining confidence in Argus (or even giving Oscar a character short specifically to address these issues) might be belated and feel like damage control- let’s be fair, after Adam’s short this wouldn’t be the first time they resorted to doing damage control in their shorts- but it would be a step in the right direction and show the team are committed to working to salvage Oscar. But they want to do it, it has to be now. If Oscar leaves Volume 7 suffering from the same problems, he might as well get killed off in Volume 8 because that will be it for his character, no one will defend him and Oscar will fully become the heroic Cinder in that no matter what, you can rest assured they won’t get onscreen development from anything that happens. In the meantime, all I can do is hope that this time, things will work out for the farm boi. There’s a goldmine of a character here guys, someone’s just gotta put the work into finding the first nugget. 
In short, Oscar can be a great character, if the writing lets him become it onscreen. But until then, it’s going to be a frankly depressing journey to get there.
Thank you for reading. 
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missfinefeather · 4 years
Remember, the Stealth Blogs happens around 6:30 am PST
If I'm not awake at that time, feel free to @ the RWBY role for me
Here's the link ahead of time
Thanotos Omega
think those last two posts were out of order,
Shit, you're right... let me look at the queue real quick, so if anything else is jumbled
They aren't jumbled in the queue but... it's posting out of order for some reason x.x;
Fucking tumblr
Thanotos Omega
man that sucks,
Anyway in the Weiss short you can see how Weiss used to have a centered ponytail before switching to her off center one as a subtle was to defy her dad,
ooh!Okay, I'll be manually posting them from here on out so, they may come out in a faster rate. Just as a heads up
I'll try not to post them too fast but ya know
Gotta say, I like ‘Red Fang’ as a way of saying the Violent White Fang
I don’t think I’ve seen that before
Ilia's situation definitely parallels being closeted like you said, but it also resembles being a white-passing minority. I feel like that may be the more intended analogy, since Miles himself is a white-passing half-Mexican.
And yeah, welcome to the ‘Ilia Trailer’ as was dubbed by the Fandom
Or at least the part I was in at the time
It seems like you keep calling Mistral Mantle in these shorts
Thanotos Omega
Narrator: Then we got Ilia's back story over blake doing stuff
Was I calling it Mantle? Woops
to be fair its still Blake trailer in that YES its mostly about Illia's backstory, its still begin told through Blake's perspective, we're being shown Illia through Blake's eyes, at least that's my interpretation
Trying to pace these post out, but I'm already 10 minutes ahead of schedule xD
Listening to Bmblb...
aka The Yuri Fandom National Anthem
Thanotos Omega
Maybe you could just do what Toooldforfandoms does and when you stealth blog just do 1 big post
Okay, just Yang left
Yeah... I mean, I think what's fucking up the queue is the 2 every 5 minutes thing
I think I should switch it to 1 every 5, and then just put more screenshots into each post
Yeah, i know it's the 2 every 5 minutes, because it's only jumbling in packs of two
By the way, I'm pretty sure that was a thorny devil Faunus, not a giraffe one. He had spikes and the different-colored bits were actually plates, not just blotches on his skin.
yeah, I noticed my mistake early on, but giraffe was funnier
thorny devils are among my fave animals o3o
No adult Yang in her Beacon outfit sadly. But we do have her adult VA in it!
Stop lying, that's just Yang crossed over to this world.
Oh gog that's so good omg....
This is one of my favorite songs in the entire soundtrack IMO
I love the trumpets
Yeah Yang’s songs are always good
I still love Weiss and Blake’s
Trailer Songs but Yang’s basically get every other top spot of songs
Yang hung on using her Focus Sash! Yang used Revenge! It's super effective!
We also have Barb on Bumblebee, but no cosplay
Put a helmet on, Yang, jeez
Yang’s just using FEAR strats
I mean I know Auras are a thing but hitting a rock at 75mph's still gonna hurt
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eclair · 6 years
Taking a break from scribbling, I answer the tag thing from @ashiiblack :)
The questions I need to answer:
My questions: 1) What got you into fandom?
Pretty boys and nice quotable lines. :P Well, I do love anime in general so I am into a bunch of shonen anime and some shoujo too. (Used to be more shoujo than shounen but blame sports anime.)
2) If you could switch places with a celebrity who would you choose?
I dunno. I don’t think I’d like to switch places with a celebrity and have to deal with too many people.
3) How do you deal with conflict?
^ As with the above answer. I can’t people much so... It honestly depends on how I am. These days I just shut down. Not the best way. But it’s either that or I get so furious and it’s really bad when it happens. And I hate it when it does happen.
4) What’s the best thing you’ve created? (if it’s fic or art, link please!)
A crocheted toy for my kid’s daughter. XD It’s funny how she refers to it as cat-bear-dog. My friend sent me a picture last week of her daughter (now much older than when I gave it) holding cat bear dog. I am a proud auntie. 
5) Who is your favorite YOI character and why?
Just one?! It’s hard. It’s Otabek and Yuri. Not just because I ship them. I just love the way they are both driven and passionate about figure skating. How Otabek is possibly secretly very extra (because of Park Guell) and how Yuri is possibly a soft-hearted boy who is just very tsudere.
6) What was your favorite playground game as a kid?
I wasn’t really into playgrounds. We used to go outside the house to play sometimes though. It would be a local version of hopscotch.
7) What is your Hogwarts House?
8) Who do you most want to cosplay?
These days? Mari Katsuki. <3
9) What fictional character are you most like?
Probably Asahi of Haikyuu. Not that I am an ace player. I am not but the personality might be closest.
10) If you could visit anywhere, where would you go?
Japan. All the food, all the manga, all the art supplies. For real.
11) What is your favorite restaurant and thing to get there?
Four Seasons. I love hotpot and it’s just so nice and comforting. <3
Time to ask 11 questions:
1. What song would always get you into a good mood? 2. What is your favorite memory from your childhood? 3. Do you have a signature dish or favorite dish to make? 4. Is the tumblr name you have something that you’ve always used or you’ve changed names over the months/years?  5. Which do you prefer writing with on a daily basis? Pencil/pen/marker/something else? 6. If you could travel to a different era, what era would it be? 7. What is the most memorable name you’ve given to a pet/doll/thing? (Example: Laptop named Picard, pet dog named Sherlock, etc) 8. What color dominates your wardrobe/clothes? 9. If you can have a superpower for a day what would it be? 10. When it gets so stressful, what do you do? 11. What project do you want to do but never could seem to find time for it? Tagging these lovely people to answer the questions I wrote: @n3rdlif343va, @magical-mistral, @lecheesie, @d2diamond, @madamredwrites, @ellipsesarefun, @maddcocoa, @tootsonnewts, @seththeshallow But if you don’t feel like it, it’s ok. No pressure. :)
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Round 2 - Resurrect Bracket (Losers Bracket) Side B
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ashes to ashes, dust to dust; in sure and certain hope of the Resurrection to [make it to the finals]
Propaganda below ⬇️
so his whole thing is he's an inquisitor who is just fundamentally bad at being a priest on account of he does things like forgetting scripture and not being able to help but doubt the institution which gets everyone hes ever cared about killed. he's gay. he says shit like "careful, i bite". he's in yuri with a holy knight. he's one of my favorite characters and i want to beat him over the head with a cast iron skillet
fucked up gay little cleric who was supposed to grapple with the fact that the institution he serves is corrupt except he has been in doubt from the very beginning and very clearly doesnt put much stock in the scripture hes made it his lifes work to preach. hes kinda a freak with it. every line he speaks is said with the cadence of a gay guy checking under his nails while ignoring you as he talks. i have to hit him with mallets and shatter him into pieces.
This man is the world's worst clergyman. He's a high ranking member of the holy inquisition, but nobody respects him and he mostly just uses his position to investigate random murders for fun. He regularly forgets how the bible goes and little kids have to correct him on how the plot goes of the jrpg equivalent of jesus's resurrection. He has a holy knight for a boyfriend. He tortures people for information any other character can just ask for. His best friend out of the rest of the main 8 is an assassin and gang member. He tries to get people to commit crimes with him. His story is about uprooting the corruption in his church and killing high ranking church members and also Literal Fucking Jrpg satan. He regularly blasphemes and everyone around him looks in horror as he shouts at god and encourages people to become atheists. His catchphrase is "doubt is what I do." He is still somehow the most devout character in the entire game despite being a total fuck up of a cleric who does not deserve to be here whatsoever. Pls let him win it'd be SO FUNNY
Hes genuinely just the funniest guy. Very little about his story has to do with the faith but like. He routinely roasts the entire pantheon of in-universe gods. He beats people up (metaphorically of course) as one of his main game mechanics. He got stamped as the resident gayboy SO fast. His starliner definitely has higher intelligence than wisdom even though clerics use wisdom. Every chapter he appears in he solves a mystery by zoning out so hard his god blesses him with extremely vivid hallucinations. He's so deeply fucking traumatized. One of his battle skills is fully just beating his enemies up with his staff. He ends up defunding the police. He can very casually become a thermonuclear bomb but in a very holy way. His best friend is a 23-year-old assassin that exclusively calls him "Detective". Is he Catholic (ish)? Yeah, but he certainly doesn't always act like it.
He constantly commits heresy and doubts the gods but is still the not-Pope's right hand man
Listen, imagine you'd go to church and your priest gets roasted by kids for forgetting how the bible goes. That's him, canonically even. He's like if a redditor who wants to be a detective was cosplaying as a holy man. He's someone whose whole thing is doubting the gods and the church, to the point where he makes another person question his faith too, even though he is technically The holy man. He's absolutely unhinged and gay. He's 30 years old and absolutely does not look like it. He's traumatized, and cannot be sincere and honest about his feelings even once. He should go to therapy actually. Like desperately. For his sake and everyone around him.
he is from the faith but he doubts everything around him to find the truth through it........ also i'd like to see him torment the crotchety priest i had to do a face-to-face confession with in high school. it'd be funny.
FATHER BROWN BUT MAKE HIM GAY AND PLAGUED BY TRUST ISSUES. This man will forget his own sermons, beat people up for infos and, at the same time, gets to be the fantasy equivalent of a youth pastor. He somehow manages to be the most unhinged person in a party that includes a vengeful math professor who can and WILL mug people. He might not be the most devout Catholic of them all, but he is definitely the *funniest* one. Give it up for the world's shittiest priest!
i’m gonna be honest temenos is a TERRIBLE catholic but he’s funny and i love him. he also has a weird gay thing going on with a paladin it’s great.
I know the movie is called VelociPastor but he's actually a Roman Catholic priest and a velociraptor too.
Please watch velocipastor. I don't think I could describe it if I tried.
Doug is canonically a Roman Catholic priest who is questioning his religion after his parents die.
He turns into a velociraptor and decides to fight crime. I don’t wanna spoil it but the movie is batshit insane
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