#Medicinal flowers
libragardener · 1 year
Normally I would suggest only drying herbs so delicate as roses entirely inside and in shade, but, I think a bit of warmth helps to ensure a successful drying especially during the humid months of spring. Plus it makes for a great photo-taking opportunity.
The first batch or roses are done drying ~~ ready to be put into glass jars & little bags to trade and create with. Roses have many medicinal properties as well as magical associations too. For this reason a small jar of assorted roses make such a thoughtful gift. Roses can be used as decoration, in herbal skin care products, to add to a relaxing bath, or as part of a self love ritual.
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I will save a more extensive post about the medicinal properties of roses for another time as in this post I would really love to share a key tool for the herbalist that makes the job of collecting and drying roses possible – the woven basket.
As an active herbalist I am lucky to own many baskets, some of them were already here on the farm and repaired with willow by me, other gifted by my very thoughtful partner (<3), and more recently I have been experimenting with making baskets myself.
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Happy equinox! It’s finally time to awaken from growing moss face down in the woods all winter.
Image description. A vivid orange multipetaled blooming calendula is flecked with raindrops. Its soil, leaves, and blue ceramic pot are visible. The edges of a terracotta pot, blurred green leaves, and beige tile are visible in the background.
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The Purple Wild Chrysanthemum: A Medicinal and Edible Delight
Purple wild chrysanthemums, also known as Asteraceae Chrysanthemum morifolium, are not only visually stunning, but they also possess remarkable medicinal and edible properties. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of this unique flower, exploring its history, uses, and benefits. So, grab a cup of tea and prepare to be amazed by the wonders of the purple wild chrysanthemum. A…
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reachingworldlive · 9 months
Top 10 Flowers With Benefits of Medicinal Flowers for Beauty!!
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bebeautifulusa · 10 months
Medicinal flowers - Should Grow in Your Backyard
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Chicory root is derived from a dandelion-related plant with vivid blue blossoms. Since it has a similar flavor and color to coffee, it has been used for generations in cooking and traditional medicine. This root's fiber is frequently extracted and used as a food addition or dietary supplement since it is said to have several health advantages.
The amount of inulin in fresh chicory root is 68% of its dry weight. Fructan, also called fructooligosaccharide, or inulin, is a form of fiber consisting of sugar compounds that your body cannot digest. It functions as a prebiotic, feeding the good microorganisms in your stomach. These beneficial bacteria aid in the better absorption of minerals, the control of dangerous bacteria, and the reduction of inflammation. Therefore, the fiber included in chicory roots may support ideal digestion in a number of ways.
2. Chicory root fiber may aid in good digestion because the inulin it contains nourishes your gut flora as it goes through your body undigested. Studies specifically indicate that inulin helps ease constipation. Taking 12 grams of chicory inulin daily helped soften stool and dramatically increased bowel movement frequency, according to a 4-week research on 44 persons with constipation, compared to taking a placebo. A daily dose of 10 grams of chicory inulin was shown to raise the average number of bowel movements from 4 to 5 per week in a trial of 16 individuals with low stool frequency.
3. Taking 10 grams of inulin daily resulted in substantial reductions in the level of blood sugar and hemoglobin A1c, a gauge of overall blood sugar, compared to taking a placebo, according to a two-month trial of 49 women with type 2 diabetes. Additionally, the inulin utilized in this study is referred to as powerful inulin and is frequently used as a sugar alternative in baked products and beverages. Its chemical makeup is a little bit different from that of other varieties of inulin.
4. According to certain research, chicory root fiber could regulate hunger and reduce calorie intake overall, perhaps resulting in weight reduction. Taking 21 grams of chicory-derived oligofructose per day, which is extremely comparable to inulin, resulted in an important, 2.2-pound (1-kg) average drop in body weight, whereas the placebo group gained weight, according to a 12-week trial in 48 persons with excess weight. Additionally, this research discovered that oligofructose assisted in lowering ghrelin levels, which is a hormone that increases sensations of hunger.
Add To Your Diet
Add 1 Tbsp of ground chicory root to your coffee or tea. It’s a prebiotic and natural laxative that will help move things along and regulate your bowels.
Get Medicinal Garden Kit from official website
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The scientific name for yarrow is Achillea millefolium, and it is a tall perennial blooming plant. A large portion of North America, Europe, and Asia are where it is farmed. The blooms, which are yellowish-white in color and clustered in clusters, have been used for their amazing health benefits from the dawn of time. It is also known as the "nosebleed plant" because it may help with blood coagulation and illnesses related to nosebleeds. Additionally, Achillea is a reference to the Greek mythological troops who utilized this herb to heal their wounded comrades. More than 140 distinct species of Achillea exist, and they are recognized by their grouped flowers and aromatic, hairy leaves.
Yarrow is mostly drunk as tea and is highly recognized for its beneficial therapeutic effects. Due to its antipyretic and diaphoretic properties, yarrow leaf tea aids in the treatment of fever by causing sweat. Refreshing yarrow tea is useful for aiding digestion because it has a carminative effect, and it is also used to treat diarrhea because it has an antispasmodic effect. Yarrow is a soft herb that offers several health benefits whether consumed as a powerful herbal tea, extract, or essential oil. The entire plant is edible.
When used with other skincare products, yarrow's natural astringent characteristic helps tighten skin and treats skin issues like acne. Because of its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, yarrow leaves can also be eaten to treat toothaches. The fresh and dried leaves and petals may also be used as an aromatic spice in a variety of delectable dishes.
If you ever get a toothache, try chewing on a fresh yarrow leaf as it will numb the area and provide needed relief.
Yarrow's Potential Health Benefits
Gut Health Heals Wound  Reduces Stress  Increases Healthy Brains Decrease Inflammation
California Poppy
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Beautiful flowers known as California poppies are seen growing wild over most of North America.
The Papaveraceae, or poppy plant family, includes a flower known as the California poppy (Eschscholzia California). Although it blooms in many other U.S. states, including Arizona, and Northern Mexico, it is the state flower of California. California poppies are widely planted in gardens as well as along roadways as native wildflowers. The orange-to-yellow blossoms of California poppies serve as a food resource for pollinators like bumblebees. They have other names like "Cup of gold" and "California Sunlight" due to their joyful, vibrant hue.
A restorative, deep sleep like the kind we had as kids, when getting to sleep and remaining asleep for at least eight hours each night were both simple, is supported by California poppy. When you can use this herb to produce your own Sleep Tea, why take the chance of becoming addicted to pharmaceutical sleeping pills?
Collect any of the following: stems, flowers, or leaves. Cut into small pieces, combine with boiling water in a cup or saucepan. Steep it for around 10 minutes. Drink something warm right before bed for a peaceful, uninterrupted night's sleep.
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Several conditions, including as coughing, skin irritability, and digestive issues like ulcers, are treated by using marshmallow root. It is offered as a powder, pill, tea, and cough medicine.
The marshmallow plant produces a root that resembles a fibrous, brown husk. The marshmallow plant's flowers, roots, and leaf can all be consumed. The substance called or sap-like material, that the plant generates is what gives marshmallow root its therapeutic benefits. Research indicates that the plant's mucilage coats the skin and digestive tract and includes antioxidants. This may assist with digestive problems including ulcers as well as skin irritation.
Extracts from the marshmallow plant's calming effect may hasten the healing of wounds.
In contrast to controls, marshmallow extract applied topically accelerated the healing of wounds in rat research. The extract proved successful in killing particular strains of bacteria, according to the same study, which may help shield against illness.
Inflammation and irritation of the skin may be treated with marshmallow root. Its topical treatment may aid with dermatitis and harm from UV rays or sun exposure, according to a review research.
While marshmallow root may help mend sun-damaged skin, it shouldn't be used as a substitute for appropriate sun protection. Sunlight's UV rays can speed up the aging process of the skin and are one of the main causes of skin cancer.
A few of the marshmallow roots should be pulled out, cleaned of any debris, and placed in a glass container or cup. Let the mucilage extract sit in ice-cold water covered for a few hours. Drink to relax and restore your digestive system from the mouth to the colon.
Get from official website
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Flavonoids are a class of compounds found in chamomile. The nutrients known as flavonoids, which are found in many plants, are crucial to the therapeutic properties of chamomile.
The special qualities of chamomile may enhance the overall quality of your sleep.
It has apigenin, a type of antioxidant that binds to certain brain receptors that might induce drowsiness.Reduce insomnia, or the persistent difficulty to fall asleep, using a dependable source.
According to one research (Reliable Source), postpartum mothers who drank chamomile tea for a period of two weeks had better sleep than those who didn't. Additionally, they had less signs of despair, which is frequently associated with sleep issues.
Added research According to a study by Trusted Source, participants who took 270 mg of chamomile extract twice day for 28 days experienced 1/3 fewer nighttime awakenings and slept 15 minutes more quickly than those who did not.
Your entire health is greatly impacted by proper digestion.
There is some preliminary evidence that chamomile may improve digestion by lowering the risk of some gastrointestinal disorders.
A decreased incidence of several cancers has been associated with the antioxidants in chamomile tea.
Apigenin is an antioxidant found in chamomile. Apigenin has been demonstrated to kill cancer cells in test tubes, particularly those from the breast, uterus, prostate, skin, and digestive system.
Furthermore, a study of 537 individuals found that those who drank chamomile tea 2–6 times a week had a much lower risk of thyroid cancer than those who did not.
Take a handful of dried or fresh chamomile leaves and add them to a warm bath. Step inside to relax your entire body, especially sore muscles, and aching joints.
Evening Primrose
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Due to the fact that this plant's flowers emerge around dusk, it is known as evening primrose. Every blossom only lasts for one night. It was used by our ancestors to produce a poultice for bumps, cuts, and skin outbreaks. In the end, they were correct. Gamma-linolenic acid and linolenic acid, which our skin need but cannot manufacture on its own, are both found in this plant.
They are also crucial for the membranes of nerve cells, which is perhaps why more individuals are turning to this plant to treat their unsolved nerve pain. Hormone levels can also be stabilized by evening primrose. A hormonal imbalance may be the cause of persistent weariness, unexplained weight gain, or an inability to endure hot or cold conditions as you once could.
Grab a leaf or root of the plant and crush it to make a poultice. Apply it directly to a wound or skin rash to promote healing.
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Lavender is typically associated with two distinct characteristics: its aroma and its color. The lavender flower and the oil made from it, however, have a lengthy history in herbal therapy, which you might not be aware of.
The Latin term "lavare," from which the English word "lavender" is derived, literally means "to wash." Ancient Egypt is where lavender was first used in writing. There, the mummification procedure used lavender oil.
Lavender was used as a bath addition later on in many places, including ancient Persia, Greece, and Rome. Lavender was valued in these societies as a purifying agent for the body and mind.
Some of the following may benefit from lavender:
Lavender may help with some of the following:
insomnia anxiety hair loss headaches
acne burns eczema and dry skin wound healing mood issues
Gather some fresh lavender from your garden and put it in a small herb pouch. Place the pouch inside your sleeping pillow or under your mattress. It will ward off mosquitos and other insects and help you fall asleep faster.
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One of the most well-known plants in the world is echinacea, often known as purple coneflower. Native Americans have long utilized it to cure a variety of illnesses.
The immune system is crucial when it comes to our health. Even if you are really ill and lack access to any medications, a powerful one could still be able to rescue you. Even with the greatest medications and medical professionals by your side, a compromised immune system may not recover. Echinacea is the best herb for supporting your immune system.
Dig up some echinacea roots and slice them rather thinly. Put them in a pot with water and let everything simmer for 30 minutes. Drink hot for an immune boost at the first sign of a cold or any other illness.
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Calendula is a marigold herb that has been used for many years for its advantages for skin health, including promoting wound healing.
Flavonoids, which are organic chemicals, are abundant in calendula petals. According to reports, these substances have anti-inflammatory, anti-thrombogenic, anti-diabetic, anti-cancer, and neuroprotective properties.
There are several skin disorders that may be treated with calendula. Calendula may help with diaper rash, wounds, vaginal yeast infections, and other diseases, according to research.
Calendula has also been used to alleviate cancer patients' treatment-related adverse effects and decrease pain and inflammation.
During the Civil War, calendula flowers were packed directly into open wounds, and they were used by surgeons when dressing wounds to promote healing and prevent infection
Medicinal Garden Kit
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You'll always have a method to treat a cold, bring down a fever, or stave off headaches if you have feverfew in your backyard. People have employed this herb, which has potent anti-inflammatory properties, to treat sore and swollen joints. It appears that the plant chemical parthenolide is what gives the plant its therapeutic properties. The best approach to use this plant is to chew the flower heads and leaves raw to release the parthenolide flowing inside. The flower heads and leaves have the highest concentration of parthenolide.
Potential Advantages
Potential AdvantagesTest-tube studies indicate that the chemicals in feverfew may suppress certain cancer cells. Pain relief: The feverfew plant's anti-inflammatory qualities may aid. improved mood: In experiments using mice, feverfew was effective in easing anxiety and depressive symptoms. Human research on this subject is not accessible, though. Rosacea treatment: Topical lotions containing parthenolide-free feverfew extract may lessen inflammation, so treating acne rosacea. Parthenolide is taken out of topical treatments since it might irritate the skin.
Chew some of its leaves raw whenever you have a fever or feel a migraine attack is about to strike (very important to use before it does).
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gccexchange · 2 years
Five Medicinal Flowers
Medicinal Flowers: Flowers are often known for their colour, aroma and beauty. But there are a few flowers which also carry medicinal value to them, and this makes these flowers even more precious for humans. A list of 5 such amazing flowers is given below. Lavender: These flowers are easily grown and have a great fragrance. It reduces anxiety and releases physical and emotional tension. It is…
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jothetender · 7 months
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Strain: Concord Cream
Grower: Elite Cultivation
State: Oklahoma
Medical/Recreational: Medical
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drenched-in-sunlight · 7 months
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after months of eluding my grasp the no.1 Rubicon hater manchild has decided to make his face known in my head.
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kagooleo · 1 month
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johto’s champion and chronicler for the deity of the ilex shrine, it’s lyra!🌿
this one took me a while due to trying out different techniques (studying a Lot of art nouveau) and making a couple changes to her outfit (the details help), but I’d like to think she’s learned a lot in her journey and wanted to reflect her experience more in her champion fit
her specialty would be in fairy types and her meganium’s divergent evolution is grass/fairy 🧚🪷
and a bonus w/ the johto gang after the photoshoot!
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#kagarts#trainer lyra#meganium#pokemon hgss#get ready for a bigass tag wall again HYAH#her team picks are meganium (grass/fairy + shiny!) azumarill togekiss alola ninetales gardevoir and clefable (mega evolves for fairy/steel)#terrains and high sp atk + statuses galore + her dino can cause a stronger confusion (like toxic w badly poisoned but its w/ Bad headaches)#i'll probably make changes as i go design wise for meganium but colors were inspo from sampaguita flowers#the flower's associated with true friendship and utilized in medicines or given as good gestures in various traditions and celebrations#and also bc she's 🇵🇭 babey!!!!!!!! i'm slapping all my favs w the pinoy beam and not even the dinos are safe >:]#since her dino is shiny a lot of the colors are just a few color diffs where the little orbs are + warmer tones. gotta make a ref sometime#not sure if I should tag the others bc the focus is on her. but the quartet always pulls thru for each other#i like thinking silver gets comfortable enough to be the friend that's “s'cuse you my Friend asked for No pickles”#silver in line picking up her food like “yeah yeah i know her and btw that’s CHAMPION lyra to you. YES she ordered a strawberry shake”#both of their meganiums are Best friends and silver likely uses his dino when you rematch him (and his would beee grass/dragon)#calling this piece Done though oh my god this semester has been nuts. don't wanna take any longer on a single piece or i'm eating tree bark#tumblr's gonna kill the quality on it but idgaf im Done. i need to tidy up my sheezy now
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nmfonsek-art · 3 months
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Special herbs color explorations.
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littlepawz · 8 months
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Snow Lotus near Mount Kailash Tibet. This white, cottony flowers are popular ingredients for Tibetan medicines for ailments ranging from rheumatism to what's called "women's diseases."
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vintagehomecollection · 10 months
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This bath gains style from easy-to-clean marble squares on the floor and walls. To handle their weight, floor joists needed reinforcing. European pedestal sinks and wraparound storage unit look trim, save space.
Ideas for Great Bathrooms, 1991
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kadextra · 5 months
oh let’s maybe reflect on how q!bad was in this numb daze of sorrow for the whole beginning of stream (“what’s the point. I might as well go be useful.”) no totems, putting on a fake smile Until he was alone to read empanada’s heartfelt letter. there was a moment he flatly stood there until he broke and started to cry
“why would you give me something so sweet right now...?”
for the rest of the day afterwards he let out his feelings more <3
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tanuki-kimono · 1 month
Interesting article by Xavier from Archéo'Japon, overviewing the history and beliefs surrounding May 5th Kodomo no hi 子供の日 (children's day) / Tango no Sekku 端午の節句 (Japanese take on Duanwu festival) traditions.
Original article is in French but really worth a read through auto-translate if you wish to learn more about the origins of some of the Kodomo no hi rituals :)
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aemulatorizrafel · 1 month
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Heureux Fête du Muguet! Happy Medicine Melancholy day, enjoy this magical girl Medicine!
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guys what if i told you i made another vflower song cover fanart a few days ago but forgot to post it on tumblr
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everyone listen to this vflower medicine cover its the best shit ever
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