#Matt and shiro are besties
vldsideblog · 8 months
Okay, but why is writing teenage Matt and Shiro being besties so fun? It’s just Matt being chaotic and Shiro indulging it cause he thinks it’s funny. Absolute icons the both of them.
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Heyy can I get a Matt Holt x Shiros sister reader who’s like best friends with Pidge?? Thank you!!
This is such a specific request, plz IM OBSESSED PLZ this is too cute I can’t. Thank you again anon! I’m feeling so confident in my writing with all these requests I’ve been getting. AH Thank you all sm for being patient with meeeee 🥹❤️‍🔥 love y’all so much fr
I’m doin headcanons, hope that’s chill 🤷🏻
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Y’all for sure met through Shiro. Shiro introduced you to Matt and the rest of the Holt family long before they even knew they’d be going to Kerberos together.
Instantly, you and Pidge clicked, besties for the resties. You weren’t necessarily as smart as she was but you were always so curious and interested in what she was in to.
You and Pidge became really close considering you were only two years older than her. And because Matt and Pidge were always very close, y’all became the three amigos real fast.
Matt always enjoyed your company, he thought you were funny and kind and open minded. He liked you but he always felt like you were more of Pidge’s friend than his friend.
Only a couple months after meeting the Holts, Shiro noticed they were all you’d ever talk about. He also noticed how differently you spoke about each of the siblings.
When you talked about Pidge, it was like you were talking about a super hero, some cool cosmic thing that’s almost too hard to even explain.
But when you’d talk about Matt, big bro Shiro could tell you had a crush from the get go. When talking about him, you’d say his name a lot and you couldn’t even look at Shiro, a smile would poke at the corners of your lips and you’d look down at your lap awkwardly. And Shiro’s like 😏
Because of your close friendship with Pidge, you tried very hard to push your feelings down and just look at Matt as a friend. I mean he is your friend after all. Let’s just keep it that way.
When Shiro got the news of the Kerberos mission approval, you were the first person he told, just before he told Adam. And of course you were excited!!! Your big brother is going TO SPACE OMFGGGG
You def cried…a lot. And hugged him…a lot.
I have to mention…being Shiro’s sibling means being Keith’s sibling. You two are Keith’s chosen family for sure. So you were a big comfort to Keith upon hearing that Shiro would be gone for a while.
The next time you saw Matt, you were sure to congratulate him with an excited smile and a big hug. This was your first time hugging him and it was so nice, it was soft and innocent and warm. You couldn’t wait to do it again.
Matt, Sam and Shiro had many Kerberos meetings at the Holt family home and Shiro would always bring you along. The next several months before the mission were spent with Pidge as you both sneak around to eavesdrop and peak in on the Kerberos mission plans.
The day they left, you cried and hugged Shiro and Matt A LOT. You were a mess, an excited and proud mess tho.
Before he left, Matt told you to take care of his sister while he was gone and you promised him you’d look after her. He told you he was very relieved to know that you would keep Pidge company while he was away. And he knew Pidge would be good company to you while Shiro was gone.
When news of the failed mission came to you, you broke down, you were a mess. You were worried about your brother and your best friend’s brother. Poor Pidge has lost two family members. You couldn’t even imagine how Keith felt…and he disappeared soon after. You had lost both of your brothers in the same instance.
From that moment on, you followed Pidge everywhere and were her biggest supporter and protector. You had to keep your word to Matt to protect his sister and you also wanted to help Pidge in hopes of getting your own brother back.
When Pidge got into the garrison, you began visiting her almost every night. You’d slip through a broken part of the fence or carefully climb over the barbed wire at the top and meet her on the rooftop. You two had spent too many hours to count up there searching for a sign of Matt, Sam and Shiro.
Eventually, you found yourself watching Shiro crash land to Earth and you caught a glimpse of Keith running to save him. You couldn’t help but run in to help as well. Shiro would probably scold you two about putting yourselves in danger later but saving him was just too important.
It felt like you had closed your eyes for mere seconds and when you opened them again, you found yourself in the castle of lions with your brothers, best friend and a couple other garrison cadets. It all happened so fast, one moment you were helping bring Shiro back to Keith’s little hide away and the next you were watching everyone become paladins of voltron.
You didn’t even get the chance to cry or enjoy Shiro’s return, you were thrown straight into a galactic war.
Being the one person who wasn’t a Paladin, you found yourself helping Coran around the castle a lot and training to protect yourself in case you were ever thrown into battle. If you weren’t with Coran or in the training room with Keith, you were always by Pidge’s side. She was your best friend after all.
Often times, you went to Shiro for advice and to vent about your fears and worries and stress. He is so good to you, he always offers you the warmest hugs and gentle pats on the back and when you’re really upset, he’ll kiss your cheek and give you a big smile.
Other than that, you and Shiro often did your own things. You hung out with Pidge way more than you did with Shiro and he didn’t mind it. He was happy you had a best friend as wise and kind as Pidge. Lord knows you don’t have many other friends.
And there’s Matt…he was always a good friend to you. A fantastic friend even. And so in addition to always siding with Pidge and protecting her, you often ran off on your own to look for Matt and their father, Sam.
After many days of holding Pidge as she cried and crying along with her and staying up late to run tests on new tech and ruining mission plans just to go looking for Matt and Sam, Pidge had finally found her brother.
Once the siblings got back to the castle, you were the last to greet Matt. You sort of just stood behind everyone else to stare at him while he hugged Shiro and introduced himself to the others.
When he finally saw you, he looked shocked and excited all at the same time. “(Y/N)?” He said it as if he wasn’t sure if that was really you. You’d both changed a lot since you last saw each other.
Finally, you couldn’t hold back anymore. You ran to him, nearly pushing Shiro out of the way as you hugged him tightly. All he could do was laugh as he hugged you back.
“You look different.” “Yeah, ditto.” You can decide who said what.
Y’all are just so taken aback by seeing each other again under these strange circumstances and now things feel…different. You spent so long, tried so hard to help Pidge find him and now that he’s here, it feels like you know him inside and out. You’ve been picturing him in your mind for so long, wondering if he’s even alive and you’d cry at night thinking about him and you start to panic as you realize you’re still very much in love with him…you still have the same crush on him that you did years ago, when he wore glasses and had braces.
Although you’re happy and relieved to have Matt back, you give the Holt siblings some space for the first few days after his return. You know how close they are and it was very emotional for you when you and Keith rescued Shiro, you just want to give them some private sibling bonding time.
Immediately, they put a stop to that. They both so badly want you to be a part of everything they do. Pidge feels that she will forever be in debt to you for helping her, and Matt is also secretly in love with you is incredibly impressed that you made it all the way up here with the rest of the team and really appreciates that you stuck by his sibling this whole time. You kept your promise and that makes his heart explode ❤️‍🔥
After just a few weeks with Matt around, EVERYONE could begin to feel the tense vibes between you two. Like…y’all are really comfortable around each other and you are decent at pretending to be ‘just friends’ but there are certain times when Matt is just very obviously pining for you and the team can’t NOT notice, he’s just too dramatic for it to go unseen.
Pidge notices first and she’s like “Yep. I saw that one coming from a mile away.” Then she starts to whisper to the rest of the team about it and point it out more often just to embarrass Matt.
She’s terrible, she’ll literally blackmail Matt with threats of telling you how he really feels about you. And he’s like 😥 “Katie, please, no.”
After a couple days of blackmailing to get piggy back rides and get served food and drinks while she works, Pidge begins to actually talk to Matt about it more. She starts to become his little wingman, giving him tips about how to woo you and things she’s learned about you since he’s been gone.
One day, Matt decides to confess his feelings to your brother first. It was a bit awkward at first as Matt stuttered and blushed, but it quickly became a very comfortable and deep talk about how much they both admire you.
Suddenly, he gets a surge of confidence and asks Shiro’s permission to ask you to be his partner, considering that Shiro is one of his closest friends and also his hero. Of course Shiro approved. Y’all are too cute for him to say no. He ships it so hard already.
Matt comes barging into the lions’ hangar where you are assisting Pidge in adding some cool, new invention to her lion. He charges straight up to you with a very concerning look on his face. He’s bright red and breathing quickly and won’t look you in the eye which is very unlike him.
“Matt? What is it? You okay?” And he’s looking nervously back and forth between you and Pidge.
“Spit it out already, Romeo! We have work to do.” Pidge is lowkey grossed out rn. Y’all are cute but you’re her best friend and he’s her brother and she doesn’t want to see it up close like this.
“(Y/N), I think I love you…I-I uh…I’m sorry.” Matt’s so red and scared and stressed rn, omg plz tell this boy how you feel already.
“I love you too, Matt.” And instantly, he’s looking at you and he’s smiling.
He asks you very softly to be his partner and how can you refuse? You’ve been dreaming of this day for so long.
Because y’all are already close friends, the transition into a relationship is super easy. You still geek out together with Pidge and you still talk to each other the same, you just get to do cute couples shit too like cuddle in bed under the blankets and hold hands as you walk together and share quick kisses right in front of Pidge just to gross her out. It’s honestly hilarious.
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awhoreintheory · 2 years
Lance and Matt, as soon as they met, would've clicked INSTANTLY.
Like bro those two are menaces to society, have you seen their energy??
Matt was a fucking viner. I don't take criticism on that.
Lance is a vine quoter.
They both have the cheesiest pickup lines, come backs, and the worst pranks.
They would've been the two friends the friend group has to actively keep separated.
Keith is jealous of Matt. Matt knows Keith well enough (bc him and Shiro are besties) to know the Keith is jealous of him.
Chaos ensues.
Matt is the mastermind behind it all.
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strawberijasper · 3 months
Paladin redesigns
So... my friend @adaphyl and I have been working on a Voltron rewrite because canon Voltron? Eughdghf god awful, we all know. But it's ok, it's not real it can't hurt us.
We've been working through the cast and redesigning characters. I'm posting the paladin redesigns first just because my Altean redesigns need a bit more explanation... there's a lot of lore and I just don't got it in me rn.
I say these are the paladin redesigns but I did also include Keith's dad for reasons, we called him Jim. Anyways here are my redesigns as well as some notes on our rewrites of the characters (I will go more into this at a later date, but for now just some important notes).
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He's trans ftm, wears a binder. He needs to be wrestled out of said binder because he will wear it for too long. He is on hrt but has been off of it for a while cause space.
Keith is itty bitty, we made him 5'5.
He has more non-human features, the stripes on his arms are Galran markings, as well as the "freckles" on his face. He does get more Galran features in the future (will be in a future post).
Shiro's son.
He's autistic because I say so (I'm projecting but also honestly none of them are neurotypical lets be real).
Lance is amab and nonbinary, goes by he/they.
Fuckboy with a heart of gold but like... genuinely. He comes off as a fuckboy to many people but he truly is just a silly little guy. Canon Lance but far better.
He's average height, 5'10.
He wears friendship bracelets made by his nieces and nephews, and always has hair ties on him for anyone who needs one. The anklet is from his mother.
Shark tooth necklace is because it's his favorite animal (and because sharks are MY favorite and I'm projecting).
Transmasc genderfluid, uses they/them pronouns primarily but is fine with any.
Pidge is still the shortest, around 4'11 iirc.
Pidge is aroace because I say so, romance and sex repulsed they do not give a shit about any of it.
Their hoodie was originally Matt's, they stole it in order to sneak into the Garrison and decided to just keep it. Pidge misses their brother.
Pidge wears a binder and is very good about not wearing it for too long. They set a timer for how long they should wear it and will take it off as soon as they can, as well as set reminders for break days. They are on top of this shit.
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Hunk has tattoos (not pictured, we're working on designing them). We wanted to really represent Hunk's culture and because he's Samoan we wanted to give him some traditional Samoan tattoos as a treat.
He's everyone's bestie/big brother actually and I love him can you tell I love him?
iirc he's around 6'0 tall.
Paints his nails the voltron colors, one finger for each member. His thumbs are painted yellow so he can point to himself.
Shiro is a trans man, he has had top surgery and is also on hrt.
Shiro is Keith's stepdad... kind of. Kind of stepdad kind of adopted dad. Simply dad.
Shiro is also around 6'0, shorter by Hunk by an inch.
Oh he also has a tongue piercing hehe haha.
Jim (Keith's bio dad):
Jim is Jim.
No but really, he was in fact a firefighter, we are keeping that. He dies in a fire and Keith now wears his dog tag.
He may have held hands with Shiro at some point :3c
There isn't much to say about him (I simply don't remember everything) but just know I love him.
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vldkeith · 10 months
character bios for my fanfic! 🎥🪩
y'all know how i'm writing a lengthier au fanfic right now right? well i have character bios/intros for it! these basically lay out who everyone is in this au. i just think it's neat and hopefully gets ppl excited 👀
takashi shirogane - extremely talented actor with a lot of social capital, despite the fact that he is an out gay man. played the adorable, lovable leading man in rom-coms and sitcoms for a while and has recently graduated to more dramatic roles, which he excels in. everyone seems to love and respect him for the most part. picked up keith when he tried to steal his car at a younger age (10?) and hasn’t stopped looking out for him since; they’re like brothers. 
keith kogane - guy who hates celebrity culture but got foisted into it due to his association with shiro. has a reputation for being handsome goodboy shiro’s naughtier younger brother who flips off the camera, punches paparazzi, and has no filter. hates every moment he’s forced to endure hollywood life, but does so to protect and be there for shiro. has been smeared by the tabloids extensively, both for being a delinquent and for being gay. keith did not choose to come out, like shiro had before him, but instead was outed by a member of a gay forum he frequented who figured out his identity (he was 17 at this point). hates society and has a chip on his shoulder.
lance mcclain - starry-eyed hopeful fresh off of his first non-extra role and new darling of the press. gunning for lead man roles in romcoms; knows he’s bisexual but doesn’t want to come out for fear of his family’s reaction and because he believes it will smear his reputation and thus chances to get the roles he wants. this view is understandable and pretty accurate, but it means that he is actively hiding himself and presents intense complications when he and keith start being “a thing.” has a reputation for being charming (if a little sleazy) and flirty with women, which is both natural to him and carefully cultivated so he has the best chance at getting romcom roles. he idolizes shiro–in part because he’s an out gay man, though he’d never admit that–and wants to be mentored by him so badly he’ll make himself a nuisance in shiro (and keith’s) life until he can. 
(more under the cut)
allura altea - orphaned daughter of famous actress mother and professor father who died in a hit-and-run when she was 16. keith’s best friend; they’ve affectionately dubbed themselves the “dead parent’s society,” but the press likes to call them “?????.” allura was being brought up as a future actress by her parents, having starred in many dcom-esque roles as a child, but when they died she quit all of that and kind of just does her own thing now. currently, she’s enrolled in UCLA as a politics major. 
coran wimbleton-smyth - retired acclaimed director who occasionally signs himself on as a producer for works he thinks are particularly meaningful. he’s the producer for shiro’s next film, a sci-fi space opera a la the hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy, and he’s gunning for shiro’s character to be explicitly gay. genuinely good-natured and wants to be involved with his projects; has a reputation for being the kind of director/producer to bring donuts in for everyone and cancel shooting days if the weather gets too hot. would support the current (2023) strikes. wants to see everyone succeed, but especially shiro and his family. 
hunk garrett - lance’s bestie and bisexual-awakening! aspiring personal chef to celebrities, but currently works at a restaurant and attends california institute of technology for engineering, because why not? met lance when lance went to eat at the restaurant he worked at and liked the food so much he asked to personally thank the chef; hunk had changed the dish last-minute as it went out the door, ratatouille-style, and so he gets the credit. they’ve been besties ever since! 
matt holt - lance’s young agent! saw potential in lance because of their shared personality-type, but he can be ruthless when it comes to matters of public opinion and which roles lance should take, which lance both appreciates and dreads. committed to doing what’s best for lance’s career, whatever the cost.  katie “pidge” holt - matt’s younger sibling that is pushed into lance’s orbit unwillingly due to her big brother’s job. hangs around because, whatever he may say, she really does like lance as a friend, and warms up to hunk quickly once they meet due to their shared interest in engineering/computers. has a geocities website dedicated to weird lizards and insects. low-profile enough to get away with things none of the others could manage.
nyma - shiro's ruthless but skilled publicist. knows how to turn public opinion around her finger, all while pretending to be innocent and nice the whole time. this doesn't mean she's uncaring, though; sometimes she'll let slip that she actually cares about shiro and keith's images because she cares about them, not just because it's her job and reputation on the line if she doesn't. isn't afraid to advise them to do painful and sometimes downright demoralizing things, but it's always in the interest of saving their necks, at least from her perspective.
this isn't an exhaustive list of the voltron characters that will be included btw; i'm going to find a way to put adam & romelle in if i have to die for it. but these are the main cast i have so far :) let me know what you think!
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apple-juice16 · 6 months
Fanfics I found enjoyable. Like a lot. My personal favs.
Masterkey override or the one time when everyone realised that Lance was smart ClaraCivry (Kat_of_Dresden)
No Archive Warnings Apply, Lance & Pidge | Katie Holt, Hunk & Lance & Pidge | Katie Holt, Lance (Voltron)Pidge | Katie Holt, Hunk (Voltron), Matt Holt, Coran (Voltron), Smart Lance, Surprised Team, Insecure Lance (Voltron), Awesome Pidge, Types of intelligence, Realisations, People appreciatng Lance, Fluff
Basically, Lance asks Pidge to teach him some technical stuff, and it turns out that he is more intelligent than any of them thought (including Lance himself). A smart Lance fic, for all your smart Lance needs, featuring awesome teacher Pidge and startstruck team.
Words: 1,323 - Chapters: 1/1
Monopoly was a bad idea - AuroraDownTheRabbitHole
No Archive Warnings Apply, Keith/Lance (Voltron), Allura/Shiro (Voltron), Keith & Shiro (Voltron), Keith & Pidge | Katie Holt, Allura & Coran & Hunk & Keith & Lance & Pidge | Katie Holt & Shiro, Keith & The Blade of Marmora, Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Kolivan (Voltron), Ulaz (Voltron), Thace (Voltron), Antok (Voltron), Swearing, Team as Family, Board Games, Monopoly (Board Game) - Freeform, Chaos, Domestic Fluff, Dads of Marmora (Voltron)
The blade of marmora members really shouldn't have let the paladins play Monopoly,you know what they say you only play board games with the people you want to break bonds with ............. this was a big mistake.
Words: 660 - Chapters: 1/1
An Eye for an Eye - DpsMercy
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Martin Blackwood & Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Sasha James & Tim Stoker, Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist & Tim Stoker, Michael | The Distortion & Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Helen | The Distortion & Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Martin Blackwood, Sasha James, Tim Stoker (The Magnus Archives), Elias Bouchard | Jonah Magnus, Not Them (The Magnus Archives), Michael | The Distortion (The Magnus Archives), Helen | The Distortion (The Magnus Archives), Other Character Tags to Be Added, Jon is from Night Vale, Crack Treated Seriously, Friendship, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Fix-It of Sorts, Jon becomes friends with most avatars, Spooky shenanigans, Jon is too chill to be scared, No beta we die like Gertrude's assistants, Typical Night Vale Weirdness, Typical Night Vale Violence, Canon-Typical Worms (The Magnus Archives), typical TMA horror
In which Jonathan Sims is not from the UK but instead, if you took his origins and turned them sideways twice then flipped them over, he technically would be from the US, the town of Night Vale specifically. Elias can’t do shit about it and gets a headache and slowly creeping madness instead. ***** On indefinite hiatus
Words: 15,555 - Chapters: 9/?
Welcome to...The Magnus Institute? - princeetheo
No Archive Warnings Apply, Martin Blackwood/Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Carlos/Cecil Palmer, Georgie Barker/Melanie King, Elias Bouchard/Peter Lukas, Martin Blackwood, Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Tim Stoker (The Magnus Archives), Sasha James, Elias Bouchard, Peter Lukas, Rosie Zampano, Georgie Barker, Melanie King, Jessica Law (Fictionalized), Jordan Kennedy, Ben Below (fictionalized), Basira Hussain, Alice "Daisy" Tonner, Carlos (Welcome to Night Vale), Cecil Palmer, Dana Cardinal, Steve Carlsberg, Janice (Welcome to Night Vale), Abby Palmer, Cecilos are Jon sims parents AAAA, Non-Human Cecil Palmer, Cecil Palmer is Described, Autistic Carlos (Welcome to Night Vale), Trans Carlos (Welcome to Night Vale), Awkward Carlos (Welcome to Night Vale), jon sims and dana cardinal are childhood besties, steve carlsberg is the best uncle, Cecil Palmer's Fashion Sense, Dork Carlos (Welcome to Night Vale), eye avatar cecil palmer, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, FUCK CANON !, we ball, no beta we die like danny stoker, Pining Martin Blackwood, The Mechanisms Were Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist's College | University Band, Autistic Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, He/Him and They/Them Pronouns for Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Trans Martin Blackwood
Carlos 'The Scientist' Sims and Cecil Palmer are Jonathan Sims parents, that's it. that's the fic.
Words: 2,325 - Chapters: 3/?
jonathan sims: part-time archivist, part-time wanted murderer, full-time bitch
No Archive Warnings Apply, Jon & Several Cats, Martin Blackwood/Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Georgie Barker, Jude Perry, Michael "Mike" Crew, Basira Hussain, Alice "Daisy" Tonner, Elias Bouchard, Martin Blackwood, Humor, Comed, ya bit cracky, Based on a Tumblr Post, everyone thinks jon killed leitner and they revere him for it, Season 3, Season 3 AU, Canon Asexual Character, Asexual Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Cats
Jon didn't kill Jurgen Leitner, but no matter how many times he tries to tell people that, they just don't seem to believe him! It's not all bad, though: while he is a wanted murderer on the run from the cops, Leitner was apparently so universally despised that Institute employees and Avatars alike are tripping over themselves to help him out. Now, he just has to figure out how to clear his name (though that's easier said than done).
Words: 17,189 - Chapters: 10/10
The White Wolf - JaskiersWolf
No Archive Warnings Apply, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion, Jaskier | Dandelion, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Triss Merigold, Nenneke (The Witcher), Shapeshifting, Shapeshifter Jaskier | Dandelion, Wolf Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Non-Human Jaskier | Dandelion, Feral Jaskier | Dandelion, Established Relationship, Protective Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Protective Jaskier | Dandelion, Pack Cuddles, Sleepy Cuddles, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Canon-Typical Violence, Mild Blood
Following an unfortunate encounter with a mage, Geralt gets cursed into a wolf. Jaskier and Geralt must travel the Continent in search of someone that can help them. - Can be read as a stand alone
Words: 6,018 - Chapters: 3/3
Five times Jaskier hid nothing from Geralt and one time the Witcher finally noticed the obvious
No Archive Warnings Apply, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia & Jaskier | Dandelion, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Jaskier | Dandelion, Jaskier can talk to animals, Geralt is so dense he might collapse into a black hole at any moment, can be read as pre relationship, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia Cares About Jaskier | Dandelion, curses gone right, 5+1 Things
Jaskier has a special talent he never tried to hide from Geralt: He can understand and talk to animals. He never tried to hide this from Geralt, but our witcher is a bit dense.
Words: 6,747 - Chapters: 1/1
The Viscount - pukner
No Archive Warnings Apply, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia & Jaskier | Dandelion, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion/Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Jaskier | Dandelion/Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Jaskier | Dandelion, Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon, Original Characters, Eskel (The Witcher), Essi Daven, Valdo Marx, 5+1 Things, POV Multiple, Human Jaskier | Dandelion, Jaskier | Dandelion Being a Feral Bastard, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia is So DoneIdentity Shenanigans, Trans Jaskier | Dandelion, Genderfluid Jaskier | Dandelion, we're spicing things up yk, canon-typical weird euphemisms, POV Outsider, update it has feelings now, and yennskierand geraskierand geraskifer, why is it getting long
"I can't imagine just telling people I'm from Lettenhove, though," the man says, a smile caught in his voice, "How do you do it?" "Can I tell you a secret?" asks Jaskier, tone taking on a conspiratory tilt. Then, in a whisper that is no quieter than his earlier speech, "I think it's funny." "Funny!" says the man, laughing. Funny, thinks Geralt, bemused. Lettenhove isn't actually a real place. But Jaskier is certainly the Viscount of it. (Or, five times Jaskier tells someone he's the Viscount of Lettenhove, and one time he tells the truth.)
Words: 14,584 - Chapters: 4/5
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uniquecellest · 5 months
Adam and Shiro being in RWRB AU
* Adam and Shiro coming from very established families especially at the Garrison, though Adam's not only help contributes but also helped found the Garrison
* Shiro secretly having a crush on Adam but didn't know it at first
* then it hits him one night
*Adam is aware he has strong feelings for Shiro he just doesn't know where they lie
*the two are the biggest rivals ever competing for top spot
*Shiro asks for class changes due to Adam being in most and once he realizes his crush can't blushing around him
* Adam assumes Shiro wants more rivalry than friendship and goes with it
*Matt and Keith are done with their shit obviously
*Adam starts to be colder to Shiro and throws himself into his studies since he doesn't have Shiro in many of his classes anymore
*there's a formal gathering where they make fools of themselves so they have to be besties at things
*it starts with them being roommates and being in all the same classes together
*they start getting along
*at the next big event when Adam sees Shiro talking to someone (he thinks it's flirting) not to mention his over stimulation he goes outside
*Shiro finds him
*Adam kisses Shiro and freaks out and leaves.
*Adam like leaves leaves, when Shiro goes back to their dorm Adam is gone along with all of his things. All of their friends haven't seen Adam either
*Adam's family forces him back for his mid terms/end of term exams and he completely ignores Shiro acting like Shiro doesn't even exist
*Shiro finds Adam asleep one night in the library. Shiro takes Adam back to their dorm (Shiro still refers to it as theirs despite now rooming with Matt and taking on Keith). Shiro sleeps on the couch putting Adam in his bed
*The two start a secret relationship though they act like friends to the public. Only Matt and Keith know
*The two go away for Spring Break together. They're saying 'I love you' at this point but Shiro confides how hard he has fallen for Adam, which freaks Adam out so he leaves. (Not due to Shiros feelings but due to his own bc he realizes how deep his feelings for Shiro goes and it scares him)
*Adam doesn't resurface at the Garrison for a while after spring break so Shiro throws himself into his studies.
*Someone who is jealous of them, their spots, their grades, shares photos with the Garrison of Adam and Shiro kissing and holding hands (person thinks that Adam and Shiro only got their spots bc of their families) as an expose (person could also have a thing for Adam or Shiro)
*Matt and Keith become Shiros saving grace at the Garrison while it turns out Veronica and Adam are besties and she's his saving grace at home
*Veronica and Matt plot together to get Shiro to Adam
*Shiro is upset at Adam for ghosting and not even responding once the photos came to light
*Adam then confesses how deep his feelings for Shiro goes and how it scares him and when the photos came out he was only worried for Shiros safety not his own
*the two reconcile
*to everyone's surprise it's not Adam's family they have to convince its Sanda bc she's too busy trying to "protect" the reputation of Adam's family
*Adam and Shiro live happily ever after with their gremlin little brother/son Keith
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astralscrivener · 9 months
for the fic ask game! ★✎ϟ (for this one, in my case it's gotta be every angsty moment you write, especially every time keith cries or has a breakdown in soopits lmao <3<33)
★ what was the scene you most wanted to write in [fic]? what was the hardest scene to write?
gonna use SOOPITS for this question as well! in terms of chapters that are already posted, for what i wanted to write:
keith's almost assassination. i had been sitting on that for YEARS. that chapter started as a oneshot idea shortly after s3 aired (and the fandom put together in like 5 minutes that "shiro" was a clone). the oneshot never came to fruition, and then when i started SOOPITS i realized i needed to use it. desperately. the broganes angst. the klance angst. the chaos of "oh okay so we just have a secret assassin on our ship drifting in space. cool cool cool". very among us. i tried to write an among us oneshot a few years later during late 2020 and then realized that was essentially the entire s5-6 arc
the s6 finale (6.06 & 6.07). i had the ending of s6 planned FOREVERRRR i had the scene of lance in the black lion in my mind for YEEAAARSSSSS i had the keith & lance vs kuron + shiro vs sendak fights in my head FOREVERRRR i would constantly make music videos in my head to those chapters on my walks to class for a good 2 or 3 years. i dearly miss walking across the quad with starset or the score or hidden citizens blasting in my head.
the KEITH BREAKDOWN in OPERATION KURON (6.05). another chapter i had rattling around in my mind for years. like hey it sure is fucked up that your older brother is actually a clone who tried to kill you! you know all those walls you had up? it is NOT going to be enough to hold this breakdown off. MAN. MAN
hardest scene? the goddamn TRIAL. before the current chapter which is giving me grief (gameshow rewrite), the trial chapter took me AGES. i started it in like september 2019. by the time i updated it, it was ten months later. july 2020. covid had started. everyone's lives were in shambles. i rewrote it dozens of times. i watched judge judy as "research." i had extensive talks with nicole. i hated writing that chapter so bad but i feel like the ending was rewarding enough
✎ how do you think readers would guess a fic was yours if you posted anonymously?
so i actually do have a reliable answer for this. keith and lance almost always have a very "us against the world" kind of mindset in my fics, and i guess someone reading one of my fics one time didn't look at the author that closely and realized it was me when they did their whole "you and me" "us against the world" shtick so. devoted klance ig! disgustingly in love dumbasses!
ϟ tell me what moment/scene in [fic] made you sicko in the window.jpg to read and i’ll tell you which scene made me feel that way to write
my GODDDDDDD first of all thank you. i also go bonkers over writing keith being emotional. he's very repressed in public / in front of the team and in private he is a mess and emotional. boy has walls up
scenes that made me sicko in the window to WRITE are indeed all the scenes where keith is emotional, especially those scenes in s4 (particularly 4.05) where he tells off kuron. stand UP for yourself bestie !!!
also, all of the scenes in 6.06/6.07 with keith, matt, and lotor, and then in 7.01/.02/.03 with keith, matt, and pidge. i LOVE writing keith and matt as friends/relating to each other, but also i love writing keith and pidge as besties who relate to each other. i am having a GREAT time making matt avoid his own trauma.
oh and also? the entire operation kuron chapter. actually just all of 6.05-6.07. absolutely fucking bonkers. cackling at my monitor the whole time
thank u for the asks these are fun !!
fic ask game!
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vee-is-a-clown · 1 year
Ok so about Pidge in Witch's Herbal Tea (WHT):
Any pronouns but often defaults to feminine when referring to themself [I'm projecting]
Keith affectionately refers to them as Pigeon
He grew up with Keith because Matt and Shiro were besties so they were besties by proxy
A fuck around find out typa bitch when it comes to experiments (Good thing they have good healthcare)
Created a homunculus as an experiment and is now her lab hand/pet (Rover)
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lasersheith · 28 days
Howdy hey, just wanted to say how much I'm enjoying going back and reading your sheith and other Voltron fics. I love how much you included Matt-and-Shiro besties shenanigans in some of them, and made them HILARIOUS. You write EVERYONE so well. And you have so many fics?? Dude. Your AO3 is the gift that keeps on giving.
Ahhh this is so nice thank you 💚 I'm so glad you're enjoying them! I really loved the show and writing fic for it and had such incredible friends to help me bounce ideas and beta for me and encourage me 🥺 I've been trying to get back into writing lately and this is really encouraging, thank you so much 💕
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swagging-back-to · 1 year
besties just hear me out.. hear me out for a second.
Voltron x attack titan cross over aus. Mainly the voltron cast thrown into the plot of attack titan.
Just hear me out! this is mostly just me figuring out the au so it's rambly as all hell. there's TWO versions of this i want to explore. both are klance btw because DUH.
It wouldnt be a 1:1 crossover because obv. and It'd be lance centric obv cause he's my boy. So Lance --> eren.
Hunk fits armin's role almost perfectly. hunk is a relatively curious type of guy, takes punches with grace and doesnt hit back out of kindness--not out of weakness.
Pidge is hanji reimagined, basically. Although she's technically younger than lance and hunk, this au would make her slightly older than them. I'd lessen the age gap between senior officers and new recruits by a couple years so the difference isnt so intense. Coran would also occupy some aspects of hanji's character, but very loosely. He's like a bridge between hanji and erwin--silly but also holds more authority than the paladins.
Erwin could be occupied by allura. I dont think this one requires much elaboration.
Shiro would be Levi's character (even tho im canon ereri, im willing to change my preferred dynamics for the au.) this is mainly because Shiro is always tired, and responsible for a bunch of kids, and i know having to beat the shit out of any of his kids would tear him apart (referencing the court scene.)
so who would occupy misas actual role??? keith, of course. "BUT WAIT, MISA AND EREN DONT GET TOGETHER IN CANON?" i hear you saying, but luckily this isnt a 1:1 au. Misa and eren butt heads (LITERALLY) multiple times, misa is a badass killing machine, misa is an orphan, misa admires eren and eren is envious of misa. It literally just works for this au.
Moblit's character can be filled by coran and hunk collectively and at the same time that the two are occupying other character roles.
The galrans would probably be molded to fit into the marleyans, but i dont really care who becomes who. I feel like Lotor being Zeke just kinda makes sense, though. Zethrid would be reiner, ezor would fill berthold's shoes simply because of how close she is with zethrid. Axca is DEFINITELY 100% annie. that leaves narti as pieck. IDK about the war hammer and jaw titans, though. Not even a single clue. Maybe Haggar could have the war hammer, seeing as she never actually joins the fight if she has any chance of losing (like a coward) and always fights from far off the battlefield. genuinely no clue for ymir though.
Alternate idea; Pidge could also fit armin's role, simply because of both their intelligences. I debated having pidge fill misa's role because her familys death would drive her to become a badass fighting machine, but i feel like she doesnt fit the role as perfectly as i'd like...
So, although pidge technically embodies some aspects of misa's character, and hunk represents armin's character, i think the living situations could be reversed. On one hand it would be funny if lance and pidge squabbled like misa and eren do in canon, but i genuinely cant see pidge fretting over lance like a mother hen. That's why i think hunk should be the one taken in by the ''jaegers'' instead of pidge. Pidge's father and maybe matt would occupy the role that armin's grandfather had.
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34choco · 2 years
Top 5 voltron ships?
1. Shiro/Keith aka sheith. Obviously!!!!
2. Pidge/Allura. You watch season one again and tell me Allura doesn't have a crush I dare u.
3. Hunk/Lance. What can i say sometimes the line between besties and lovers disappears
4. Coran/Alfor. Imma be real with yall i thought that one was gonna be canon (at least one sided) for a bit.
5. Lotor/Matt. Look I KNOW its a crack ship but in the universe where the writing was actually good (aka my brain) they have potential ok???
(bonus ship #6: all of them + ME cause u know im always on that poly/selfship shit LMAO)
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ao3-feed-shadam · 1 year
Voltron: Fabled Heroes
by thatawkwardsamurai
Voltron is classically one of the most Sci-Fi shows I can think of, and definitely by far one of my favorites; so, I came up with the story when I had the thought, "Voltron, but what if high-fantasy?"
So I did, and now I present Fantasy Voltron, with a cheesy fantasied up title replacing "Legendery Defender"!
Hope y'all enjoy! :)
Words: 4434, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Lance (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Hunk (Voltron), Matt (Voltron), Shay (Voltron), Lotor (Voltron), Zarkon (Voltron), Hagar (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Adam (Voltron), Curtis (Voltron), Commander Iverson (Voltron), Voltron Lions (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Adam/Shiro (Voltron), Curtis/Shiro (Voltron), Hunk/Shay (Voltron), [slight] Allura/Lotor (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Fantasy, make them all gay (but not), would say "canon divergence", but it simply is by no means canon, (That's a lie), some canon zest, but mainly fanon, mmmm genderqueer Pidge, bi lance, Gay Keith, Fluff, Shiro suffers (or "canon lore"), Allura and Lance are Besties, oh and Coran too, Allura and Lance and Coran are besties, Enemies to Lovers, im sorry for my sins father
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/48005503
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balmerancrystalance · 6 years
the jock, the preppy and the nerd aka garrison matadashi hcs
matt and shiro meet for the first time when matt was getting bullied, trying to fight them in all his pre-serum steve rogers glory, when the roaring of a bike echoes loudly, following by someone yelling at the bully from behind to “pick someone of their own size”
shiro, taking off his helmet and hopping off the bike: hey, you alright?
matt, breathless by both the fight and the pretty boy now helping him stand up: yeah, you should’ve seen the other guy
this is why shiro has been a hero longer for matt than anyone else
shiro immediatelly becoming sam’s favorite after finding out what happened
they bond over comics, movies, memes and of course, s p a c e
they also become commander iverson’s headache
on his first try on the simulator shiro effortlessly beats the record
matt, whistling: would you look at that. soon you’re gonna have every girl in here drooling over you
shiro: *closeted gay silence*
shiro eventually comes out to matt as gay when watching love, simon on movie night, giving matt the confidence enough to come out as bisexual
matt starts to wear glasses and hates them because he thinks now he looks even more like a nerd
matt: it’s like i literally have a ‘break my nose’ sign tattooed on my forehead
shiro, without looking up from his paper: actually, the reason why you get beat up is because you wear heelies but go off i guess? besides, i think they look cute
matt: *blushes in bisexual*
a year later, the first day adam walks into class shiro’s brain short-circuits
caramel smooth skin, aurburn hair falling all over his face, golden eyes looking through the room, uniform fitting in just the right places and-oh shit, he’s coming this way, fuck fuck f u c k
adam, smiling: hi, excuse me, is that seat taken?
shiro, a gay mess™: *tentatively looking down at his lap* i-
matt, slamming his hands against the table: please, join us
just when shiro thought he survived his interaction of adam asking him for a pencil their teacher offers shiro to show to show the new kids around
teacher: i’m sure one of our best students here would love to walk you through the installations and help you getting settled down
shiro, internally: ♫ conceal, don’t feel, don’t let them knoooow ♫
adam, nudging his arm smirking: so, what you say golden boy?
*shiro.exe has stopped working and somehow got even gayer*
matt excusing himself of having to do something for the rest of the day, even tho he knows shiro knows he’s lying
matt, picking up his stuff as soon as the bell rings: i’d love to join you but you know how dad gets when i’m late and stuff but hey, have fun, yeah? gotta gay-go, i gotta go!
adam, hooking his glasses into his slightly open garrison jacket: seems like you’re stuck with me
shiro: *gay panic bass boosted x10000*
the three of them quickly become friends, adam becoming their new mediator whenever they bicker (”okay, but hear me out, what if shiro is actually six?” “for the last time, that’s not how it fucking works”), knowing for some reason shiro would always listen to him and that matt is slightly intimidated by him
shiro wears his garrison jacket out, adam wears it tucked in and matt is lucky if he remembers to wear it
adam beats shiro’s score on the simulator on his first try but he’s already way head over heels for him to be even bothered about it, too focused on adam’s smile as he comes out of the ship to hear the other kids mocking because ‘the new kid beat his score’
shiro, later that day: i guess some congratulations are in order
adam, releasing the breath he was holding: oh, thank god. i thought you’d be mad at me
shiro, smirking: well, maybe i am
adam: oh, really now? *getting closer to shiro* can i make it up to you?
matt, bursting into the room in nagisa 50% off’s voice: sup, sluts?
matt knows they like-like each other before even they do, maybe its a holt’s intuition, maybe its the fact they were the epitome of the mutual pining ao3 tag
shiro finally asks adam on a date??? he’s still not sure how it happened, like, one minute he was was talking about a meteor shower and the next one adam’s hand was on his thigh saying he would see him tonight
if he got lost in adam’s lips in the middle of the conversation, which had some information he could really use right now, no one needed to know
shiro, running around their living room in panic: what do i do?
matt, playing video games sitting upside down on the couch: use the bike, that did it for me
shiro, after getting his keys and slamming the door shut: right-wait, what?!
boy oh boy does adam love the bike
shiro: need a ride, star pilot?
adam, already hopping on the bike: i don’t know. i’m not supposed to get on bikes with strangers. no matter how hot they are
shiro, laughing: then thank god you’re an awful listener
adam, whispering on shiro’s ear, smiling: to the stars, golden boy
its cheesy and disgusting and if he tells matt he won’t hear the end of it but adam looks so pretty under the moonlight shiro doesn’t care, its just perfect
shiro: did you asked for a wish already?
adam: to every single one we saw so far
shiro: how many things could you possibly want
adam, getting closer to finally kiss shiro: well, right now? just one, you
shiro and adam go back to shiro’s room forgetting matt was there o o p s
adam, the next day: are we really going to pretend nothing happe-
matt and shiro, at the same time: yes
once its oficial, adam and matt switch rooms so he can be with shiro, matt agreeding immediately when he found out adam’s roomate droped out, meaning he had the whole room to himself
adam calls him “takashi” for the first time and shiro ascends to the astral plane
the three of them somehow graduate from the garrison with honors
adam and shiro decide to become teachers, commander iverson’s recommendation, and matt hangs around every now and then helping sam
everyfuckingone in the galaxy garrison knows they’re a thing™
shiro, knocking into adam’s classroom: professor, might i have a word?
students: oOOooOooooOoOoooOOOoOooOhhhh
years later they find out that not only matt, but shiro as well, could be part of the kerberos mission, adam nothing but excited and supportive of his two favorite boys
after a few requiered studies for the mission are done, shiro gets called back, returning a few hours later with papers in his trembling hands
matt, getting up from adam’s lap where he was solving his rubik's cube: oh, fucking finally. dude, what took you so long?
adam, getting up as well: i was starting to geeting worried. what they said?
shiro, looking down at the paper, whispering: i’m... dying
shiro doesn’t get to continue because suddenly adam is runing away, feeling like he’s going to be sick at any moment, matt motioning him with his head to go after him, that he’ll be fine and they’ll talk about it later
that same day matt gets home and walks into sam’s office, sam is on the phone with someone but immediately hungs up at the sight of his son, they don’t say anything, they don’t need to
sam just nods and matt rushes to cry into his arms as loud as he can maybe since the time he found out he was having a sister and thought it meant his parents wouldn’t love him anynmore
shiro constantly says he’s okay, but he’s not
shiro and adam start to fight
they both end up occasionally at matt’s bed in the middle of the night, shiro just being done with life and needing a shoulder to cry on, adam terrified of not knowing how much left he has left to live with shiro
if matt wakes up sandwiched between his best friends he doesn’t mind
adam and matt work with the garrison on a project to create a device that would estimulate shiro’s muscles, they know its not much but its enough to make him cry, so they take it as a win
shiro and adam keep fighting
one night while watching movies adam asks matt to bring him his glasses, since shiro was way too comfortable to move from his spot sprawled across his lap apparently, matt finding a box with an engagement ring by accident
tiny teeny baby keith becomes part of this dysfunctional as fuck gay family
matt, mocking: aren’t you two too young to raise a child?
adam, sipping his black coffee not looking up from the newspaper: i don’t know. i think we’ve done a pretty decent job with you
adam sees how good shiro is with keith and fuck he just wants k i d s
shiro and adam just keep on fighting
the night after showing pidge how sam and him communicate it hits him like a whiplash, running to the garrison to find adam to tell him the good news, that the three of them will be able to talk all the way from kerberos
but he eavesdrops by accident them fighting about adam being tired about shiro constantly putting himself in danger and finally breaking up, so he keeps it to himself
when adam and shiro started to date, matt, being the overprotective best friend he is, told adam to take care of shiro, the morning before leaving for kerberos, adam asks him to return the favor
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phoenixyfriend · 6 years
Just give me a modern au fic where Lotor gets paired up with Allura, his childhood friend, for physics class when he transfers to the public school after getting kicked out of his parents' house, and then ends up with a massive, silly crush on her best friend's brother.
Shiro's not sure how to handle the fact that his twin is now the center of the local (former) rich boy's attention.
Ryou (Kuron) is flattered and very much enjoying said attention.
Alura and everyone else want popcorn.
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thepictureofsdr · 3 years
ive lost my fucking mind
i can’t remember the personalities of the lions so i’m going off the paladins
alastair is the black paladin bc like shiro he’s the most traumatized and is the only one to make logical decisions
christopher is green bc logical and scientific and sweet
thomas is yellow bc he’s kind and caring and will fuck a bitch up if you mess with his friends
matthew is blue bc ~trauma~ hidden under 7 layers of bisexuality and humour coping mechanisms
james is red bc half non human black haired cryptid angsty little shit you can’t help but love
cordelia is allura, elegant and loving queen
lucie is coran, eccentric bestie of allura who would die for said bestie and comes up w the best stories
grace is lotor if he ended good, reformed villain arc
i can’t fit jesse into this help me
@anarmorofwords @littlx-songbxrd i’m losing it slowly but surely my sanity is CRACKING I CANT DO VLD AGAIN
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