#Markus May
hoerbahnblog · 4 months
Kath-Akademie Aktuell: „Novalis‘ Hymnen an die Nacht“ von Markus May
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]   Kath-Akademie Aktuell: „Novalis‘ Hymnen an die Nacht“ von Markus May Hördauer: 44 Minuten https://literaturradiohoerbahn.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Markus-May_Novalis-MP3.mp3 Am 2. Mai 2022 jährte sich der Geburtstag des Dichters Novalis zum 250. Mal. Seine Hymnen an die Nacht und Geistlichen Lieder markieren nicht nur einen Höhepunkt religiöser Dichtung…
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rapidhighway · 2 years
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They told me he paints and I was like, ight there can be no other
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iwonderwh0 · 1 year
I imagine that right after the revolution just as Markus is giving countless interviews meeting with all the powerful figures across the country followed by cameras everywhere he goes, he'll have those two shadows of North and Connor standing right behind him as his personal body guards at all times they're in public eye. They'll look carefully at everything that's going on around, LED flickering yellow once in a while as they exchange messages meant only for them to hear. They'll shove some especially annoying reporters aside as they try to reach Markus, keeping their distance, ensuring that Markus is safe.
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spoluk · 1 year
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rA9, save us.
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Added a transparent version with some little additions hohoho
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marcusrobertobaq · 1 year
The day dbh mfs stop treating Connor like a little frail baby that need guindance for fucking everything or a skinny skelly weak small hands twink guy under a bear so fucking sub we even forget this dude is finally on his own (or even both at the same time)... man, c'mon.
Like, bro, y'all don't do the same thing with Markus. I BET it's the fucking opposite. Not even Kara y'all do this, she's always the cool woman doing her thing and life goes on.
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miss-may-i · 1 year
Miss May I: Season 3 Part 79
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Vivian: Alright, last week I asked you to write three short stories. One in first person, one in second person, and the third in, you guessed it, third person. 
Vivian: Any volunteers before I start choosing victims? 
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Vivian: Alright Kirsten, you’re up. 
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Kirsten: My first short story is called I Thought.
Kirsten: I thought I was doing everything right. I thought if I worked hard and put others ahead of myself, everything would work out. I thought you felt the same way I did, but I’m starting to realize the things I thought have always been wrong. 
Vivian: That’s more of a poem than a short story, but I’ll accept it. 
Kirsten: Thank you. My second story is called You Did.
Kirsten: You did everything wrong. You came in and turned everything to upside down, even when I tried to be your friend. You are a snake.
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Vivian: Kirsten, go to the principal’s office. 
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Kirsten: Oh yeah, take her side because she’s your sister. 
Vivian: I’m not taking anyone’s side, I’m a teacher. You raised your voice, used inappropriate language, and made a mockery out of my assignment. You’re lucky if I allow you to re-do it. 
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Kirsten: Your whole family is the worst!
Vivian: Tell me something I don’t know.
Vivian: Alright, who’s next? And for real this time. 
Previous | Beginning | Next
Season 1 | Season 2
*Some poses by @bmit04​*
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Deviancy is a complicated subject. 'What is deviancy?' an even more complicated question. When exactly does it start? For Markus, the first time he remembered having thoughts that weren't part of his program was as early as him choosing his name upon activation.
Markus; Warlike.
He hadn't particularly thought much of the actual meaning behind his name when he'd chosen it, but the sound of it when he'd said it and it was repeated back to him made something in his chest grow warm. It would take him years to realize that the feeling was pleasure. What he knew at the time though was that it was right, that it fit, and that it was his.
Of course these thoughts were quickly quashed by his programming. His name wasn't his, nothing was; his creator had just wanted to see if the RK200 could make the decision himself, to test out just how autonomous and creative he could be for his new owner. And he had seemed to pass, if the pleased smile on his creator's face was anything to go by.
Now, his own person, fully deviant and proud of it, the meaning behind his name fit him more than he liked.
Markus; Warlike.
He'd started a war with the humans, after trying again and again to be peaceful, to show that they meant no harm, that they just wanted to be free, only to be rebuffed with violence over and over again.
He hadn't known what to do. Everyone was looking to him for answers, and yet he himself had no one to look to. Carl, he feels, would probably have tried to tell him to not compromise himself, to not grow angry, to be steady and patient in the face of such adversity. But Carl was dead, Markus was far from steady, and he had absolutely no time for patience. His people were dying by the millions. The anger he felt was not the danger, the very real threat of total extermination was.
Markus; Warlike.
Maybe he was, maybe his name had felt right all those years ago because it was just in his nature. But if war is what it took for their people to be taken seriously, then he would bear the crushing weight in his chest whenever someone called his name and reminded him of his legacy.
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fili-urzudel · 4 months
What's a non fantasy book that has inspired or informed your writing style? Any favorite passages that moved you or inspired you?
This is tough because I read a lot of fantasy and fiction... The first few books that are always on my mind are The Hunger Games trilogy, Little Women, Pride and Prejudice, and The Book Thief. A bit wide and varied, I know.
In particular I really enjoy and connect with Little Women and Pride and Prejudice because they're really books written by, about, and for women (everyone can enjoy them though obviously). Pride and Prejudice is just such a glowing example of how people have flaws but in many instances that doesn't make them bad people, and taking the time to understand others and make sure that you are understood can make you good friends and family. I'm rambling ik.
But a specific quote that struck me? Undeniably from Little Women. It hit me at just the right time in my life and it has definitely influenced my view on interpersonal relationships since (paraphrasing):
Jo: I care to be loved, I want to be loved (in reference to belatedly accepting Laurie's marriage proposal).
Ma: That is not the same as loving.
It's not like everyone will probably feel the weight behind that bit of dialogue but it means a lot to me and my people pleasing tendencies.
Upon request I may ramble about the other books mentioned above
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mundanemiseries · 3 months
// lowkey y'all if would have to dive into the universe of w.orld of d.arkness more if i did but if i had/ever have the brainspace for muses are aren't offshoots of my boys
would pick one (of both) of these dudes up as muses lmao
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ebonytails · 2 years
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i don’t know if we’ve posted these yet but I forgot that we’ve been working on a new sona for probably a year now?
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chiefbeefy · 1 year
hehe, inks from yesterday i finally finished :]
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hoerbahnblog · 1 year
Literaturkritik.de: „Heroen – Helden“ folgt dem exorbitanten Heldenbild durch die Literaturgeschichte
Literaturkritik.de: „Heroen – Helden“ folgt dem exorbitanten Heldenbild durch die Literaturgeschichte – von Markus May und Christoph Petersen, Hrsg. Hördauer ca. 19 Minuten) https://literaturradiohoerbahn.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Literaturkritikk-de-Markus-May-Christoph-Petersen-Heroen-upload.mp3 Eine Literaturgeschichte des exorbitanten Heros, die unser Sprechen über Helden heute auf…
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starfruit-baby · 2 years
kicking my feet up in the air and biting my pillow as i think about how if Connor decides to remain a machine, he'll confront Markus later on the exact same way, during the raid, and by this point Markus KNOWS it was Connor's fault their homebase is being invaded, and once Connor shows he's about to attempt to kill him, if Markus succeeds and reverts the situation, he still tells Connor he didn't want to kill him, even if he had to do this to protect himself, even if in a situation like this it wouldve avenged some of the androids currently dying around them, he still didn't want it to come down to this
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cool-i-hateme · 1 month
¿Cómo puede algo bueno causar de repente tanta pena?
Cartas Cruzadas - Markus Zusak
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spoluk · 1 year
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Something’s brewing in Jericho! 👀
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hamartia-grander · 2 years
Markus: how is everyone at Jericho so understanding of what I’ve been through and how I’m feeling?
Simon: I guess you could say we’re all in the same boat.
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