#Man I just want to look cute and feel worthy of this life and whatever. It's not my fault my life is so terrible rn that I don't want to be
jejciu · 2 years
It's still so early and I feel lonely bc all my mutuals are offline.... I should totally go out right. I want to SO BAD!!!!!
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asuyaka · 8 months
I saw that you write for BSD, so can I request a Dazai x Male Reader(could be gn too, I'm fine with whatever) where the reader is also a detective from ADA and they are bloody rich and they love giving Dazai the royal treatment? I'm talking about carrying his stuff for him, buying whatever he wants without even needing to ask for it, paying for literally everything, making him snacks that they know he will like, opening doors for him, letting him walk on the safer side of the street, giving him flowers, playing with his hair, changing his bandages for him, carrying him around when he doesn't want to use his legs, showering him with kisses and compliments, praising him for his work and constantly expressing how proud they are of him, the whole nine yards.
I just want that man to get some good pampering, heaven knows he needs it.
★ - aaaa!!! 'm sooo glad 'm gettin BSD reqs!! >_< dazai isn't really 'm cup of tea, but 'm think he's okay ! (≧∇≦)ノ
☆ - Dazai Osamu x GN! Reader — Can be read as Male reader!
♡ - It's 'm first time tryin' ta write kissin' scenes 'n stuff so please tell me if it's good! Constructive criticism is heavily 'ppreciated! ( •̀ ω •́ )y
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It's not an understatement to say you're wealthy. You've worked hard to get where you are now, been through your fair share of trauma to finally live a somewhat stable life in the ADA.
Someone as wealthy as you with no family members to spoil should have someone to make feel worthy, right?
You do. Your best friend, and somehow boyfriend, Dazai Osamu, and his ever-so-concerning suicidal tendencies.
You love him more than anything, as cheesy as that may sound. And you spoil him to make sure he knows that too. Sure, Kunikida may call it a waste of money, but what will you do with it? You're happy in your quaint little ADA-issued dorm room, and sure people might berate you for not buying a million-dollar mansion but that's a waste of money.
You might be millions upon millions of yen wealthy, but you're humble with it.
Not with your spending on Dazai but... he's your boyfriend, who cares?
You walk into the main ADA office with a bright smile on your face. Not that your expression is visible, there's a massive array of flowers covering it.
"[Name] is doing it again," Yosano says as she rolls her eyes. She was the one who with her expert wingman skills, brought you and Dazai together and you'll always be greatful for that.
You wave at Atsushi who was always front and center at you and Dazai's 'gross lovey-dovey actions' as Tanizaki says.
Atsushi gets up, knocking on the Director's door. "Dazai-san, [Name]-san is here for you."
You shift the bouquet from your center to your left side, hiding an array of gifts in the bag you bought as well.
Dazai walks out of the Director's office, hands in his pockets as he pats Atsushi's head. "Alright, what is it this—" His eyes widen when they meet yours.
This isn't the first time you've given Dazai gifts that were obviously expensive. There was a time when you gave him a car and quickly learned how horrible of a driver he was so you weren't making that mistake ever again.
"All of this is for... me?" Dazai points at himself exasperatedly, his eyes wandering around your frame. The bouquet was almost twice your size, full to the brim with pink flowers— flowers he could easily recognize.
They were Camelllias. Flowers that meant love.
"Come, come! There's more for you." You beamed, putting the flowers down and handing him the bag.
Naomi was curious about what was in it the second you walked past the reception, Kenji, was just a naturally curious person.
Dazai pulls out a sharkitty plush. There were two of them, one in black and another in grey. "Oh, they're matching! I thought they looked cute so—"
"They're amazing— you're amazing." Dazai breathes out, a soft tint of red on his face.
Ranpo makes an overexaggerated gagging noise, leaning back against his chair with a lollipop in his mouth.
"I can easily stop supplying you with candy."
Ranpo takes that as an easy warning, immediately going back to doing his work.
"I have a date reserved for us if you aren't busy?" Your voice comes out sheepishly as if it's your first time asking Dazai out. In front of his co-workers it is, but with the amount of PDA you two do, asking him out shouldn't be this embarrassing.
"Who do you think I am? Of course, they have crabs."
Dazai smiles, grabbing the bouquet and letting you lead the way. You two begin walking, bidding farewell to your co-workers as you speed up a bit, opening the door for him.
"Ughh— just get out already! No one wants to see you two fawn over each other!" Ranpo yells from his chair. You hear Dazai laugh as he waves one final goodbye, glad he doesn't have to do anymore work, and glad he gets to spend time with you— his partner.
You close the door shut, grabbing the stuff from Dazai's arms so he doesn't have to carry anything. He pressed a kiss on your cheek. He loves you, so so much.
"You didn't have to spend so much on me, you know?" He says softly as he stuffs his hands in his pockets again.
"I don't care about my spending when they come to you, Dazai. I've told you this before, anything you want I'll get it for you. You're my boyfriend, and I love you. What more of a reason do I need?"
Dazai's cheeks burn bright. He's never been the one on the receiving end of flirting, but that all changed when he met you.
He's never felt love, romantic at least, until you came into his life.
He wishes you met Odasaku, you two would've gotten along. "I-I know, you're just—"
"Amazing? Perfect? Stunning? Ooo, maybe you're gonna call me beautiful!" You fill in for him, a cheeky grin on your face as you open the car door for him.
You put your gifts in the backseat, settling in the driver's seat with an adorning smile on your face. "Reward your doting partner with a kiss?"
Dazai rolls his eyes but brings his bandaged hand to your cheek. Your lips meet his in the middle and your hand rests atop his. The kiss was slow, your lips pressed against his like they were made for each other— like you two were made for each other.
You break the kiss in a pant, looking at Dazai with nothing short of fondness in your eyes. "You're great, you're so amazing Dazai."
"Shut up and kiss me."
You comply, now leaning over him as your lips press together, your teeth clacked against his. Dazai's tongue twirled with yours, pressing against the roof of your mouth, his hands settling on your hips as a groan left his mouth, your knee resting in the middle of his legs.
The two of you separated, looking at the voice with short breaths. Kunikida was standing in front of your windshield, an exasperated look on his face.
You wave an apology, fixing yourself up and sitting back in the driver's spot.
"You okay?" You ask quietly, you and Dazai's hand still intertwined.
"Dinner, right?"
You nod, pressing a final kiss on his cheek as you buckle him and then yourself. "I love you."
Dazai smiles, grabbing the black sharkitty plush from the back, and leaving it in his lap. "I have a crush on you." He says bluntly, his hands scratching the fur on the plushie's body.
You roll your eyes at Dazai's odd way of saying he loves you, but that's just how he is, and you couldn't have him any other way.
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darkbluekies · 1 year
How do yanderes react to an affectionate reader?
Warnings: mentions of sexual intimacy, obsession, yandere, but it's honestly most fluff
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— Silas: 
This man is a jealous, possessive, psychopathic little bitch and would melt if you were affectionate. Silas hasn’t been given much tenderness in his life, so in the beginning he’d be a bit uncomfortable. He thinks that you’d only want him in bed like everyone else. But when he realizes that you actually want to be close to him and hold him without anything sexual, he’d be determined. You would never be able to back out from that moment. Whatever chance you had of breaking up with him before are gone now.
“My sweet, little baby, you are so perfect. So, so perfect. You’re the best little thing in the world, aren’t you? A cute soul like you don’t belong in this harsh and unforgiving world … I’m going to protect you, make sure you’ll never be tainted.”
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— Dr Kry:
This man is a big fan of his personal space. Physical affection is not something he is prepared for. He’d hold your hand and give you quick hugs before he felt himself getting nervous — a feeling he hates. He can’t let you know just how powerful you are over him. If you played your cards wisely, you’d have him wrapped around your finger like a puppy. But if you’re more of a person that wants to give him gifts and write him cute notes, he’d be more okay with it. He’d keep them all to look at when he’s feeling down. 
“Alright, one hug … but then you need to go to bed, okay, Y/N? Good girl/boy. I’ll see you tomorrow, sweetheart. You can always call for me if you need me, goodnight.” As soon as he comes out of the room, he puts his hand over his racing heart. “Fuck, fuck, fuck … fuck, Y/N, you don’t know what you do to me.”
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— King Edward:
He loves having you affectionate. Edmund is an entitled little prick who’s gotten everything served on a silver platter. He expects you to worship him as well as much as he worships you. He can’t handle when people go against him, so if you’re affectionate, he won’t have much to worry about. He loves holding you, loves to hear you talk about your day and how much you’ve missed him. 
“You feel so good in my arms, my queen. I love you so, so much. Promise me you will only be mine. Promise me that you don’t show this wonderful side of you to anyone else. I’m the only one worthy enough to have your arms wrapped around me.”
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— Jerry:
Just like Silas, Jerry hasn’t experienced much affection other than sexual ones. She’s uncomfortable with you being affectionate for the most part and often rejects you when you want to touch her. But there are moments where she can’t say no to you. If you’re crying (and it’s not because of a punishment that she is sure that you’ve earned) then she’ll swallow her pride, wrap you in her arms and give in. If you’d give her a gift (like a necklace or shirt etc), she’d pretend not to like it, but wear it all the time and not let anyone else touch it.
“Don’t touch me baby or I will send you to the basement. Don’t test me. Oh … you got me a gift? Is that why you’re so frantic? I thought you wanted to hug me. A necklace? Does it look like I wear necklaces?” When you say that you can take it back and change it, she’ll hit your hand. “No, don’t touch it, it’s mine now.”’
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— Hedwig:
This girl would love it. Hedwig needs affection to stay alive. She’ll hold your hand 24/7, kiss every piece of skin that is visible, send you silly, little love notes and tell you how good you are, how perfect you two are together. So if you’re the same back … she’ll be over the moon.
“Look, I got you the video games you wanted! We can play together! You got me something as well? You didn’t have to feel bad for not giving me stuff … you know I love spoiling you! Okay, I can take it this time, but next time, don’t waste your money on me, okay? I love you, so, so much … I think my heart is going to explode!”
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Random Merlin Rewatch: Where a random number generator gives me a season and an episode from BBC Merlin; and then I comment on it as I go.
Today's episode: Season 1 Episode 5 - Lancelot
Before I start, I have to comment that it's quite the fucking coincidence that, even though I'm randomizing the seasons and episodes separately, I've landed an episode right before out last edition of these Random Merlin Rewatch posts. Maybe these generators just really like the early seasons BBC Merlin. Can't blame 'em.
Can't wait to see my boy Lancelot again.
Those mushrooms Merlin is picking look fucking delicious, damn.
Can you imagine you're just chilling, picking mushrooms, and then you look up and there's a huge ass 4 legged bird looking creature just straight up coming straight at you? Jesus fuck. Merlin, my son, you CANNOT catch a break, it's almost impressive.
Colin sometimes made the funniest of faces. Merlin looked about to literally shit himself and it made me crack up.
It truly is actually so sweet and brave for Lancelot to just. Do that. Like he just wanted to save Merlin, no questions, no nothing, he's just a good man.
What a horrifying thought that a creature that can fly and takes human might just. Come by where you live. And you just gotta be prepared. Fucking Christ that's scary.
Merlin looks so gorgeous with the light just shining on him like that. Long pretty eyelashes, bright blue eyes, red lips. Motherfucker looks fuckable I can tell you that much.
"The great Arthur" what an interesting thing for Merlin to say, to refer to Arthur like that. Is that what he hears about Arthur? Especially when it comes to his fighting?? That's so funny. Wonder how Arthur feels about that; pride or need to meet up to expectations. Knowing him, probably both.
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Gotta say, I love the fashion sense of this random lady here. Simply gorgeous.
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Jesus he's so dramatic.
What the fuck is this man doing, just flinging both of his swords around, what the fuck.
Merlin just immediately resorting to lying. Why does he think that resolves everything when it literally never does??
Merlin shaking his head and Lancelot's just. immediate disappointment is so funny to me for some reason. He's just "Yeah, I figured, fuck me, oh well, might as well kill myself-"
Did Uther just straight up create Camelot? I think he did. The first code came because of Uther wanting knights that he could trust, those who had allegiance with him, the nobility. And that's where the first code came from. Uther straight up created Camelot? From scratch? I always assumed he'd inherit from his father, but honestly, the fact that he made Camelot as great as she is by himself makes sense: that's why he never wants it to change unless it's by his own accord, not only because he's King, but because this kingdom is purely his.
Love Lancelot's little leather bracelets: a big thick one on his right arm, and a bunch of thin ones on his left. It's really cute how humans just like to make themselves look prettier or cooler or whatever with anything they've got.
"My father, my mother" implying Lancelot's an only child, since he doesn't mention any siblings dying at the raid.
Love how attached Merlin becomes of Lancelot. I think it's because Merlin can just see, plainly, that Lancelot is a good man. No hidden bullshit about, he's a good person. He knows Lancelot would make an amazing knight, probably better than the assholes he suffers while following Arthur around. That's why he fights so hard to give him what he deserves.
"Homework." yeah, 'cause your famously enrolled in a school, aren't you Merlin?
Merlin literally cannot be fucking subtle to save his life. Everybody just knows he's up in some shenanigan or other.
It's the way that Merlin is doing this almost with the intent of them finding Lancelot out, but much later on, when he's already proven worthy of his role, etc etc. However, Lancelot is right, you can't lie like that and then be a knight, so he knows that if he's found out, they'll kick him out. You have Merlin who knows the rules have to change, not just for his friend but just in general 'cause it's unfair, and then you have Lancelot that knows that it's not a good idea, and they'll be found out, but damn it it's literally what he's been working towards his whole life and, really, Merlin isn't wrong, is he? So even though he knows it won't end well, he'd rather take this little bit than nothing at all.
I'm not gonna lie, I would've died if I saw Gwen smiling at me on her knees. Jesus Christ, I feel flustered.
They're crushing HARD BRO.
"Best seamstress in Camelot." I don't even care if that's just Merlin exaggerating, this is now part of Gwen's character to me.
Lancelot is so awkward and dorky and then he has his smooth moments but it's just because he says what he means, he doesn't even know he's being smooth, please I love him.
The little sound Lancelot makes when he comes back from the stables. I'm fucking dead. That's me.
"And the truth before I lose my temper?" underrated Gaius line.
Arthur looks so slutty with that red shirt and red pendant combo.
We don't talk enough about how good the fight choreography can be in BBC Merlin. It looks so REAL, I don't know how else to describe it.
Jesus, Lancelot aimed to kill. Without a helmet, half of Arthur's head would've been cut off. Damn.
Arthur is so dramaticcccccccc
"You set him on a path of your choosing." This is so interesting. Mainly because, the point of saying that, Gaius means that Merlin played God and that he can't change destiny, he can't change everything. Well..... doesn't Kilgarrah literally tell Merlin the exact opposite? In the sense that he always tells Merlin that he's the one who needs to choose the outcome of others, like whether they live or die, which is literally playing God. Doesn't he expect Merlin to shape his own destiny but also the destiny of Arthur and of others, something that never works out and cannot be changed? Yet he always made it seem like he could change the outcome? I'm saying this just with a pit in my stomach that, unknowingly or not, Kilgarrah set Merlin up for a failed task, in the sense that, in him trying to play God and force everybody's destinies, he doomed them all. And I just don't know if Kilgarrah didn't think about that or just didn't care and just placed his bets. He put it all on Merlin, and it ruined everything. Kilgarrah really is the one who killed Arthur, not Mordred, not Morgana, not Merlin. I hope I worded this well.
Interesting that Morgana is wearing the same dress as the first episode, but also a high ponytail, which I can't remember any other time she did.
Oh jesus, it's so weird that Morgana and Arthur are looking at each other like that. I do get it, the king's ward I think would have the expectation of marrying the prince, but it's just sick that Uther just let that grow, knowing what he knows. People would talk about them two. He's hear them. And he'd just what, say "Perhaps they will marry."? Ew, bro.
Not Gwen just heavily hinting that her type is Merlin. But also, are you about that? Considering: Arthur? 'Cause girl, you love that man. (and also Morgana, but it's not canon or whateverrr). Anyways, Gwen's type is: heart of gold. Now, is that heart obscured by anything? Like some defensive and prickly walls? Maybe. But it's still there.
Merlin and Gwen having girl talkkkkkkkkkk
Merlin and Lancelot at the VERY VERY least cuddled on that tiny little bed, didn't they? (they snogged too, but shhhh)
Well, that was short lived.
Lancelot is stronger than me, I would've started sobbing. Not even to get away for the crime, I'd just be so embarrassed and distraught, bro.
Oh, the fact that Arthur called Uther "Sire", ohhhh he wants to get on his good graces so bad to maybe save Lancelot.
"How can you trust a man who's lied to you?" by understanding any layers of his decision. By understanding why he did it. And only then can you make a true and complete judgement of his lie.
Lancelot is just. A good person. To a fault, I imagine, I personally think he's not truly always present, like in the moment, always either thinking of the past or future or just living day by day, unaware of really anything. It makes him a bit idealistic, but also quick to be realistic/pessimistic once he's brought back down to earth. He hasn't had a home since childhood so he never feels like he belongs anywhere. It's why it's so easy for him to leave. And while he never expects anything from anyone, he craves it so much; but once he receives it, he'll take any indication he doesn't deserve it and accept without question and just move on to the next. He doesn't think he's worth fighting for, so he doesn't advocate for himself. But he'll always advocate for others, if he has them. It's what he would want other's to do for him.
The fact that things only recorded in myth or legend are just. Walking about. Chilling.
I wonder how Bradley trained for the "ON ME!" screams he does. They're immaculate, but I bet training for it must be so fucking goofy.
It's a stunning creature, though, ngl.
It's the way that Arthur is, canonically, only 20 years old right now. He turns 21 in ep 9. He's literally my age. Jesus fucking Christ.
Well finally the guards are good for something.
One thing I'll always appreciate about Bradley's acting? He WILL look like he's exerting himself. His cheeks will be puffed out, he is inhaling and exhaling, he is pursing his lips in concentration, he is doing the WORK.
Uther is so fucking stubborn. How terrifying it must be for Arthur to know that in an hour or two, him and his knights are marching to what is, most likely, their deaths? He KNOWS they're weapons are useless. And yet he can't defy his king, his father. How fucking scary it must be to be the prince and to just have to maybe die for your father, the king? What the fuck??
Oh the things Gaius says about Merlin :((( they care about each other so much.
Oh yes, Arthur, we know YOU need Lancelot, you've looked down at his exposed hair chest twice now.
What a homoerotic charged scene. They need to bang at least once. Don't know if it would resolve anything, but at least it'd get them off.
Gaius trying to be so supportive, ough.
Gwen's father is still alive, do they not live together? Lancelot just barged in and there's no Tom in sight. Does he sleep at the forge? Actually. He just might.
Oh the music is GORGEOUS, hello???
Love how Gwen went straight to Merlin, she knows he'll do something about it. She doesn't know what to do, but she knows Merlin will at least try something. I feel like it's moments like these where it shows thar Gwen just always knew that somehow Merlin would solve things, and where she starts to suspect Merlin is truly very special. Maybe not "he has magic", not right away, but that there's just something about him.
Lancelot literally looks like the coolest knight ever bro. Most knight knight to ever knight.
Props to Lancelot for not freaking the fuck out when his lance just starts fucking glowing out of nowhere. I guess he's busy looking eye to eye with the griffin.
AHHHHH ARTHUR JUST SO EXCITED FOR LANCELOT!!! The way he said his name so softly, ough...... He's not gonna stop thinking about Lancelot for a LONG time, huh.
Oh, I love when the episode has so many happy moments like these :))) tugs at my heartstrings in the best way.
"I see you feel strongly about this Arthur." I just know Uther knows about Arthur's bisexuality bro, ain't no way.
It's the way that Merlin and Arthur just. share so many views in common. Makes me bonkers. I wonder how many amazing discussion they could've had if they ever felt truly comfortable in talking about such sensitive topics, and with Merlin hiding so much of who he is.
Uther watching Lancelot leave knowing he's literally all a knight is supposed to be. But then, it's not as easy to command them when they have such set morals. He knows Lancelot stands for what is right and THAT is a problem: he needs knights that stand for Uther, not for what is right. But he can recognize that Lancelot is a worthy man of it.
Also Arthur's heartbroken face. Yeah, Lancelot is gonna live rent free in his mind for a while. He'll never admit it though. Duh.
Oh Morgana speaks to Gwen so softly. The way she says her name??? Jesus fuck.
It's the way that they let him have a Pendragon red cloak at also armor? Hello???? That's a full knight riding out of Camelot bro. Now I'm thinking of the hilarious concept that Gwen was looking at the wrong guy-
Not Morgana doing an Arthur when she gets jealous: make Gwen take her mind off of things with work. She says it much kinder because that's just what Gwen deserves, but it's the same technique. Don't think about that other person, go do something for me instead.
And done!!! Fuck yeah brother
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cocosvalentine · 2 months
Confessions Of Sinner
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Agent Higuruma seems to have other plans in mind
fingering, black reade, gunplay, calls reader princess & darling, dom!Higuruma, porn with plot, playful banter, etc
word count : 836
Higuruma took a long drag of his cigarette before he turned to face you. He stood in the corner watching you struggle to set yourself free. Taking a final drag he walked towards you the light of the moon shining off the surface of his gun that sat neatly in his hand. “This could all be over, all you have to do is confess and I’ll let you go I swear on my life” The words came out almost like it was rehearsed numerous times. 
You glared at him knowing better than to listen to his words. You felt the bed dip as he leaned above you. You gulped as he trailed his gun against your lips down towards your stomach. “You can trust me, why would I wanna hurt someone as beautiful as you” You rolled your eyes at his words. “I’m sure your boss wanted you flirting with the person you hired to kill” he chuckles at your words as he grabs his whiskey glass. 
“It’s cute you think I care what that man thinks, though you’re right usually the job is done by now. But it’d be such a waste to kill such a beauty” A gasp left your lips at the feel of his hands trailing up your thigh. “Just confess to where you’re hiding whatever it is you stole and I’ll give you something even better” his hand paused just before the end of your mini dress. “Trading sex for my confession and here I thought you were more professional than this Higuruma” he leans closer blowing a soft blow to your ear before lifting his face.
“I don’t do it often, I do apologize my dear but I can’t help how you make me feel” A slight blush appeared on your brown skin at his confession and the feel of his bugle against your thigh. “Hmph even so, how can I be sure it’s worthy of my confession” you taunted watching how his smirk widened. His hand began to trail higher spreading your legs in the process. “Let me show you that it will be worthy of your confession,” he says as he tears your white tights before rubbing his fingers against your folds. 
“Already so wet? Don’t tell me you were waiting for this” he chuckles as he pulls your panties to the side before pushing his fingers deep into your cunt. A soft moan left your lips as your back arched off the bed. “So fucking tight, look how you’re sucking me in” he pumped his fingers in a slow sensual manner. Almost teasing, as if he wanted you to beg him for more. A loud moan left your lips as he slowly increased his speed. 
His lips meet your neck giving you soft wet kisses. “F-fuck” you moaned, biting your lips to hold off any more of your sounds. “Such a messy girl, look at the mess you’ve made” he whispered in your ear as he pulled his fingers out of your dripping cunt. You watched as he licked his fingers clean. “So fucking sweet” he groaned as he sat up between your legs. “I wonder what else you’ll let me put inside there” his eyes shifted towards his gun causing your eyes to widen.
“If you don’t want to I won’t force you” but even with his words, you couldn’t help the adrenaline pumping inside you. “It’s empty if you’re wondering” At those words, you nodded your head. “I need your words darling” He leaned down towards your face as he grinded his bugle against your pussy. “I want you to fuck me with your gun” his eyes widened at your sudden boldness but he complied.
You watched as he trailed it down towards your clit pressing it against it. Soft mewls left your lips as he twirled it around your clit. He pressed it against your fold soaking it in your wetness before slowly pushing it in. “Oh fuck!” you whimpered loudly as he began to pump it at a slow taunting pace. “F-faster fuck me faster with it” you whined.
His movements increased as your moans grew. The cold metal of the gun against your warm cunt drove you insane. Your cunt grew wetter with each thrust soaking the sheets beneath you. “Oh fuck I’m gonna cum” you whined and gasped feeling a burning feeling in the pits of your stomach. “Fuck Higuruma” you moaned his name loudly as his pace increased. “Cum for me princess” he groaned his eyes focused on the sight of your pussy sucking the gun in.
A loud moan escaped your lips as your juices spilled out. You lay there breathless as he pulls it out. “Truly a sight to behold,” he says as a short chuckle leaves his lips. You watch as he licks your juices off the gun. “Is it? But I’m not sure if that’s worthy of my confession we might have to go a few more rounds” you teased but it only grew his excitement. 
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cascade05 · 1 year
DIY (Independent S/O Idea)
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I see so many posts about Bakugo who takes care of his s/o and it’s cute and nice, but what if he was dating or married to someone who liked being alone and was used to taking care of themselves?
Warnings : Some language, unedited, also this is way longer than I thought it was gonna be, reader has a big-ass dog, ummmmmm... think that's it
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☾ This is a little self-indulgent so bare with me ☽
So, before meeting Bakugo you lived alone. Maybe you had a dog or maybe you had a cat or a lizard, I dunno. Point is, you lived alone. And you liked it that way. You had grown up in a pretty full house without a moment of peace��which was fun and enjoyable sometimes—so, growing up, you knew you never wanted to live with another person EVER again. That also meant you wanted zero romantic relationships because no.
A romantic relationship involves two people who were willing to give to each other. Be it time, energy, or just a listening ear, they would give of themselves to their loved one all because they, well, loved them. You could give. You were very good at giving. Ever since you were a young, blubbering toddler, you gave things to others because it made you feel good to know they were happy. When you are older, you gave other tings—time, energy, money—you were very good at giving.
It was the taking part of the equation—the asking for help and support and love part—that you knew you'd struggle with. People said you could learn but you didn't want to. As a kid, you had spent your whole life giving, but people rarely gave things to you—toys, little gifts, sure. You got those things often enough, but the deeper things in life? The things that were a little harder to give? A listening ear? Empathy? Patience? Support? You didn't have a lot of that. So, you gave that to yourself the best you could because you were good at giving.
You were more independent than most and you were happy like that. You didn't want to learn how to take because you were more than content being by yourself, thinking by yourself, living for yourself... That sort of thing wouldn't be fair for your s/o and it wasn't like you wanted an intimate relationship so you remained single—a virgin in every physical sense of the word.
Then, he showed up. (Hehehehehehehehhehehehehe)
It was a normal evening for you. Nothing out of the ordinary was going on, you didn't feel weird, and your giant fluffy dog (self-indulgent, I know 😔) was lounging about at your feet while you worked. Normal. Your online business was going very well—yes, I'm talking entrepreneur kind of independent—and the ac was blowing the perfect temperature so things were normal—they were especially good, actually.
Then, he showed up.
Out of the blue, something crashed into your house—through your bedroom balcony, it sounded like. Your dog (Imma name him Biji (Short for Bijronson)—self-indulgent—but you can name him—or her—whatever, I guess...) Anyway, your dog shot up from his spot because of course he did, you did too. He trotted to the bedroom door—not a happy trot, but a cautious, purposeful one—and stood at it, watching whatever was going on.
You arrived next, eyes widening at the whole-ass man who fell into your apartment—into your life but you didn't know that yet. You knew who he was. Of course you knew who he was. The number two hero was a very noticeable man. He was large, a foot taller than you at least. His shoulder width was ridiculous and only enhanced by his small waste. Such a snatched thing. Truly a Doritos shape worthy of nacho cheese dreams. (Nacho cheese Doritos are mvp, don't fight me)
Then there was his stupidly handsome face. A scar ran down the right of it—from the edge of his hairline down to his upper neck. His light blond eyebrow was missing in the middle and his crimson eye was a little milky. He wasn't completely blind in it, but rumor said he would be soon. Most people said it wasn't a pretty sight but you always disagreed. Not only did it look badass, but it proved he went to hell and was strong enough to come back. Which was cool as fuck.
He was awesome—maybe a little bit of a jerk but you didn't need to like him as a person because you didn't know him a just a person. You knew him as Dynamight. As a hero, and he was a damn good hero. More often than not you would joke with your closest friends saying “If he's not Dynamight, I don't want it.“
“Dynamight is the bar.“
“He has to at least be six-foot Dynamight stature before I'll even think about it.“
Silly shit like that—all of which was just that. Silly. A joke. Never in a million years would you want to date Dynamight or any of the other pros you joked about. Your friends knew that. Everyone would share similar jokes before consoling their poor husbands or wives or boos or whatever because it was just a silly thing. You wouldn't even call what you had a celebrity crush. Dynamight and his companions were hot, attractive people. Simple as that. You appreciated the pictures, kay. And what they did for Japan, of fucking course.
We're getting off topic though. What was the topic again? Oh, right.
Dynamight was in your bedroom. On your bed. Your broken bed, might I add. All while you stood wide-eyed in your doorway, frozen as if you were the one who barged in on him. Then he slowly sat up, running a gloved hand through his sooty ash-blond spikes to rid it of glass. It pulled you out of your shocked state. It was then you realized Biji was barking and had been for awhile.
You moved to grab his collar just as the man stood up from his spot. You had been trying to sush your dog but those attempts came to a halt when you saw the condition the hero was in. Thankfully, it didn't seem life-threatening but, then again, you weren't a doctor and that shit looked like it hurted.
“Uh,“ you began, unsure of how to proceed.
The man looked around your room with what looked like disgust and you almost wanted to mouth off at him for the audacity before you realized he wasn't disgusted the dorky pictures of you and loved ones pasted on your dark walls. He looked confused. He turned around in your room a few times, eyeing the place and muttering confused curses. It was then you began to wonder how hard he had hit his pretty head.
You moved to straddle your strong dog who hadn't stopped barking completely but had calmed just a little. He was still on guard but you weren't scared—he sensed that.
“Hey, Mr—“ —were you supposed to say mr— “Dynamight?“
He looked at you. It was a sharp, unimpressed look and you wondered why until you saw his eyes dropped to your ramen pajama pants. The ones that said, “send noods.“ Not that they were embarrassing at all, you told yourself.
The man gave you and your barking companion a once over, gaze lingering on the large black and white dog you were effectively holding back. He looked tired, you noticed. Dynamight clicked his tongue before turning around and walking towards the sizable hole in your glass doors. “Wrong apartment,“ he mumbled and you gaped.
Ruining your beautiful and lovely bed because he was defending citizens from villains was one thing. You could let it pass cause he had a lot more shit to deal with than your glass-ridden floors and broken wall. His agency would cover the damages anyways.
Ruining your shit because he blasted his hot ass into the wrong apartment, however, was a whole other thing. Would he finance the repairs you needed to make? You hoped so but you didn't know, it wasn't during a fight, after all. No, he wasn't leaving until he promised his agency would take care of it. And until he recovered a little because he looked very unsteady on his feet.
“You're leaving?“ was your stupid, shocked question.
He scoffed. You narrowed your eyes at his broad back. Yes, you were enjoying the view and you would've enjoyed it a hell of a lot more if his torn shirt didn't show off his numerous gashes and cuts. Suddenly, you didn't feel like bitching to him about your apartment—you would make him pay for it, but later.
The crunching of glass caught your attention and you realized he really was leaving like that. “Hey, you're hurt,“ you said dumbly because you weren't really sure how to convince him to stay long enough for you to help.
“No shit,“ was his rude—but fair—response.
You huffed in annoyance. At least Biji's barking had stopped and he seemed calmer, albeit tense. Dynamight crashed into the wrong apartment, right? So he was aiming for an apartment in the complex, right? “You're apartment's in this building? Right?“
He said nothing but he didn't need to because you could see the gears in his head turning—could see the realization in his crimson eye. He knew what you were about to suggest but you said it anyway. “Just leave out the door—the actual door, not the one you DIYd,“ you said obviously, nodding to the broken glass.
He looked at said DIY door and grumbled something under his breath. Then he turned to face you. You rose a brow at his glare. It was his turn to nudge his head and he gestured it to your dog. “That flea-bag gonna let me through?“
“His name is Biji—“ “I don't give a fuck—“ “—and he might let you through, so long as you say please.“
The word please must've kickstarted an allergic reaction of some kind because Dynamight's face scrunched up like he swallowed piss. It was oddly adorable and you mentally nodded in satisfaction. If only he made such a face where cameras could catch and immortalize it.
“The hell is wrong with you? You think just cause I'm in your apartment you can order me around?!“
He was starting to raise his voice. Your hold tightened on Biji's collar as the dog began barking again. You took a deep breath in an effort to prevent your own anger from spilling out. “Yes,“ you damn near hissed, tugging Biji back because he was pulling.
Dynamight did not appreciate the answer but you didn't give him a second to bitch about it. “Might I remind you of how you barged in here out of nowhere. I'm not entirely calm and neither is he so, if you want him to be civil, say. Fucking. Please.“
“Be friendly,“ was really what you were telling him. He didn't look like he liked the idea, so you helped him out. “You ruined my door, broke my bed—which people don't get to do until after they take me out for dinner, by the way—“ —he scrunched his face again and you wanted to laugh— “and now I get to clean all that shit up. So, the least you could do is get your dirty ass over here to show Biji that you aren't as much of a threat as first impressions implied.“
A teenager getting his phone taken away—no, a kindergartner getting told to stand in the corner was what the giant hulking man ahead of you reminded you of. With more annoyance than you thought possible, Dynamight begrudgingly drug himself closer to you. He stopped a few feet away—stopping as soon as Biji became a little more frantic.
You gently caressed the dog's side, whispering and muttering calming words to him, promising him the giant man was a friend. Dynamight was allergic to that word too, but he sucked it up—as he should—and slowly removed one of his gloved before holding out the back of his hand to your dog.
Biji wanted to jump out of your hold but you held firm, slowly walking towards Dynamight who rose a brow. If it was in amusement, then you'd shove him out of the conveniently placed hole in your wall. Biji sniffed his hand eagerly. After a few moments, you felt his tail beat against your legs. A small smile spread on your face. “See?“ you cooed. “He's not so bad, is he?“
Biji was too busy sniffing the hero to respond—and he so would've responded otherwise. “Give the side of his neck a nice pat,“ you said softly. “It'll reaffirm you're friendly,“ was added when he glance at you in annoyance.
“Still think you can order me around,“ he scoffed, but much more softly then before.
“I do,“ you responded immediately, “so pet him.“
He hated it, you knew he did because why would a man like Dynamight like being bossed around by someone half his size? But the man gave Biji's long hair a gently pat anyway—not before wiping his hands on his pants, you noticed.
Both of you left the room after and you closed the door behind. “Unless you're scared of dogs, I'm gonna let him go.“
The man said nothing in objection—or anything at all—so you released the beast who ran up to Dynamight immediately. “He might jump so—“ and he was already up, paws on Dynamight's large chest and tail wagging eagerly.
“Biji, down,“ you ordered, gently tugging his collar when he went to jump again.
“Uh,“ you pointed down the hall, “door's that way.“
And off you both walked. No one said a word which gave you a moment to remember the hero's injuries. “I have first aid stuff, if you want it,“ you ended up mumbling because of course he would have his own medical supplies.
“Sure,“ he mumbled back, a rough but oddly civil sound that threw you off guard.
Maybe he was almost out? He probably had to patch himself up a lot. “I, uh, I'll go get it.“
And you did, entrusting Dynamight to Biji's care. You went to your bathroom and grabbed the first-aid kit in record time before returning to the entryway, just in time to see the Great Explosion God Dynamight petting your adorable Biji boy. You really wished you and phone right now because no one would believe you.
“Got it,“ you said softly, grinning when he pulled away with a scowl.
“Here you go, apartment buddy. Need anything else? Bottle of water? Painkillers? Anything?“
He didn't say yes or no. He just clicked his tongue before turning around to open your door. You rolled your eyes, following behind to make sure Biji didn't follow him out but also to make sure he got to the elevator fine. You knew he would—he probably dealt with much worse—but, just in case.
“Nice meeting you, love your work but don't make remodeling my apartment a habit.“
He didn't laugh which was his loss cause you were funny as hell. Dynamight gave you one last glance—a very judgy-looking glance before walking off. “See you around,“ you offer lazily before doing a double take.
He was already at his apartment. He was digging out his keys to his apartment because his apartment was—you counted the numbers.
817, and yours was—“Dang, guess we're apartment neighbors, huh,“ you mumbled.
Not quiet enough because he tossed a glare over his shoulder. You chuckled nervously. “See ya 'round,“ you said and you meant it this time.
You retreated into your apartment after. Apartment 818.
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It's funny cause I was gonna make like a headconnon bullet point list thing about Bakugo x Independent s/o but it turned into this which is a drabble. A fun drabble that would make a pretty interesting story...
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strangelock221b · 27 days
S3E3 (spoilers abound)
I knew that was a dream, it was too romantic. But good, Colin needs a wet dream or two about Pen. It's sad that it takes this to get him to realize he's attracted to her but hey, whatever works.
So Gregory didn't break his arm from being in the balloon like everybody guessed, interesting. Still chaotic, but not in the same way.
Colin, please, promise me you'll never play poker -- you couldn't bluff convincingly if your life depended on it. I'm glad Hyacinth is supportive of Pen, even if Eloise isn't.
"Must be rich, must be handsome, and he must be of high rank." John Stirling is an earl, one of the upper ranks of the nobility. Just saying...
Philippa really is dim. Let's hope that in her and Prudence's case, intelligence skipped a generation and any kids they have inherit Portia's brain. She's not perfect but she's leagues smarter than those two.
Mrs. Varley says Pen has a visitor and I assume it's Colin or Debling. It's El and my response? An out loud "What the fuck?"
Oh, El. She's maturing (slowly) but she's not ready for them to be friends again yet. Maybe by the end of E4? And can I just say that I LOVE that blue dress Eloise has on? She looks lovely AND SHE HAS HER FLOWERS BACK! So, the show's costume designer was holding back her flowers until she became more herself, got it.
Pen in a park and everyone's talking about her. Ugh. Honey, none of them are worthy of you. Take note of who's talking down about you now and when you're on top, see which of them kisses your ass. They're the ones to avoid like the plague.
God, I love weeping willows, they're like natural gazebos. And this one is HUGE.
Sorry, Pen, but the tulle in your hair looks stupid. It looks too much like you accidently left a curling rag in.
So now they're both nervous, so cute. Colin's world has been rocked to its foundations and he needs to find his footing all over again.
So, Debling is a vegetarian and a naturalist. He seems to prefer animals to people. Considering the ton, I can't say I blame him. Lady Cowper is threating to arrange a marriage for Cressida if she doesn't get married this season. No unconditional love there, that's for sure. Cressida, get yourself a husband whose estate is far from your father's and tell your parents the roads are bad, so they can never visit. That should keep contact with them restricted to letters and the Season.
I really hope this earl who just introduced himself to Francesca isn't John.
God, I love Alice. She's a sweeter person than the ton deserves. She's right about Colin being gallant, too bad he's only just starting to realize how badly he messed up.
Debling uses odd animal metaphors and his humor is a little whack but I like the guy. As long as he's honest about why he wants a wife, I'll support him. He's cute too. Beards were unfashionable during this era, so it's another sign that he doesn't care about what other people think.
Aww, Cressida. Yeah, your family doesn't support you at all. I'd ship her with Debling if they weren't so obviously wrong for each other. She does need a good man to marry her but I don't think she'll find him this season.
Oh, Colin, you are so far gone for Pen. Do something about soon, please, before you lose her forever.
I do not like Eloise's outfit. It looks like a modern business suit with an extra-long skirt.
I take it back, I think I do ship Debling and Cressida, but if what he's after is just someone to watch his estate while he's gone, I think she can do better. Still, isolation might be what she wants, who knows?
Eloise is third- and fourth-wheeling. I'd feel sorry for her but hell, she deserves this.
I just had to look it up -- yeah, "marriage whisperer" is a phrase that could have been used back then since "horse whisperer" was a phrase that was already in use. Still, it sounds too modern.
So, Lord Samadani's a marquess, not an earl. Is his first name John? Does he have a first cousin named Michael?
Debling, you're the one who insisted on this three-way conversation, figure out how to end it politely. Colin is so jealous. Do something about it.
Prudence's husband really is dim. She married him for his looks, didn't she?
Rescues all around. Debling's going to have to make his decision soon, this is getting ridiculous.
Another ball. A handsome man gives Violet her accidentally dropped glove. I assume this is the "unwanted" visitor Agatha was complaining about. Blood relative? Widowed in-law? He's the right age bracket for Violet, so that's good.
Cressida looks ridiculous and miserable. I have to wonder whose idea these gowns are -- hers? Her mother's? The modiste's? Whoever, they have no idea what they are doing. This one looks more like modern haute couture, and ugly haute couture at that.
Pen and Cressida in a literal race to Debling, good lord.
Okay, so Samadani is apparently not John. Good, he doesn't understand what Francesca's after.
BROTHER?! Interesting. He's hot. I love his voice and his thoughts on having grown children. Wow, if this is Violet's "gardener," she'll be fucking the brother of the woman who fucked her father. England really is a small country.
Who took a bunch of spoon handles and put them in Agatha's hair?
Agatha is in her own personal hell, I love it.
Is THIS John? He's not Scottish, going by what little he's said. Disappointing, but not the end of the world. Loves the quiet, understands that people need quiet, he's perfect for Frannie.
Shonda, Shonda, Shonda. Yes, a Lady can be a married woman HOWEVER, the daughters of dukes, marquesses, and earls are also addressed as Lady, so Benedict assuming Tilley is married is wrong.
This dance Tilley and Benedict are dancing looks like a cross between a waltz and a tango. I'm sure the choreographer was told to just give them whatever moves look best on camera.
Cressida really looks like she's going to cry. Ugh. I don't want her to suffer her book counterpart's fate.
Colin looks like he's about to kiss Pen in the middle of a crowded ballroom then in comes Debling to steal her away for a dance. Colin, please, move faster next time.
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luwritesomething · 1 year
read the thing you wrote abt mickey altieri 🥺🥺 i love that man so much. if i could, i was wondering if i could request something abt him? maybe something where the read has insomnia and he helps them actually sleep <33 only if you want, of course 🫶
Mickey Altieri x Reader: Nothing’s Gonna Hurt You Baby.
Words: 1199
Warnings: mickey is a killer but reader doesn’t know that (however this is not what the fic is about). there are light mentions of anxiety, stress and pills (for headaches), i think there's swearing (bc it's me).
Summary: after a movie night with your boyfriend mickey, you don’t want to go to sleep.
Author's note: thank you so much for requesting, @altierirose!!! mickey will always have my heart, and he’s so fun to write for. i didn’t make this explicitly about insomnia, but reader does have trouble sleeping and that’s what this is about. no hate to dirty dancing, btw!!! (just a bit.) i'm giving you a follow bc there's not much people appreciating our boy... feel free to request whenever !!!! this is my attempt at not using "y/n" anymore.
Criticism is appreciated and request are open (except for the Wednesday fandom)! Hit that anon button and tell me your idea! You can see the character i write for HERE.
Every Friday night was reserved to you and Mickey since you two had started dating, some months after the beginning of your first college year. It had been agreed by the two of you, because you had soon realized that college life was messy, difficult and crowded; and a little bit of bonding time reserved for your relationship sounded like a good idea. Slowly, it escalated from cute little dates in the campus’ cafeteria to coffee shops outside the enclosure, until you two finally retreated to one plan and one plan only — movie night.
Fairly chosen, one week he was the one to choose one of his movies in between his precious collection, worthy of a Film student; and the next one you would choose, sometimes with better or worse criteria, but always having fun. Popcorn, candy and a blanket pulling you close together, his hand either around your shoulders or wrapped around your waist, letting you lean into him. It was a great plan for a Friday night.
This week it was your turn, and you had purposely chosen a movie that would piss off his movie buff extraordinare’s taste; something like Dirty Dancing. Mickey had bitched around for quite a while, not letting you hear the somewhat awful dialogues, but amusing you anyway because even if he could be annoying, Mickey was still funny and charming, in his own way.
The movie ended not too late, to Mickey’s relief, and as soon as the credits rolled in your little TV he jumped out of the bed with the empty bowl of popcorn in his hands, while he roasted the movie like it had personally offended him.
“It just makes no sense.” He said, putting the bowl in the only table you and your roommate had in your shared dorm. Your friend had always been kind and comprehensive enough to allow you to have the dorm whenever Derek, Mickey’s roommate, didn’t want to leave his. Mickey turned to you, still in bed, with a wide grin. “And seriously, Baby? It’s just so unrealistic for someone to spend a whole summer being called Baby by everyone.”
“Mickey, it’s a movie.” You laughed quietly, your head cocking to the side. 
Mickey pointed at you with his index finger. “That’s not an excuse, and you know that.”
You rolled your eyes at him. “Whatever.”
He couldn’t help but chuckle at that sight, and you watched him do so. Mickey looked really handsome when he laughed, as his face filled with joy and beaming happiness — you liked the way he enjoyed himself around you. It was something sweet.
“I’m dead.” Mickey was able to say as soon as he stopped laughing, exhaustion washing over him after a hard week. His body felt sore, you could tell by the way he crawled to your side in bed. His body next to yours, even on top of the sheets and blanket, felt so familiar. A smile was shot your way. “Let’s go to sleep, uh?”
Something inside you crumbled suddenly as soon as you saw him getting inside the bed, without bothering to look if you were doing the same because he thought it was rather obvious. It produced you a feeling close to anxiety, thinking about sleeping while you slid by his side — this week had been hard on both of you, but what had kicked your ass the most wasn’t assignments and classes, like it had happened to him, but sleep. 
A series of all-nighters the last week had thrown you off, and now your sleep schedule was messed up. You had laid in bed every night, eyes closed, waiting for Orpheus to sweep you out of the world and into sleeping, but it hadn’t happened — as much, an hour or two before your alarm went off you would fall slightly asleep, producing you low headaches that you had successfully avoided with a few pills.
“But it’s so early.” You said, and your voice went a little higher like it used to do whenever you lied, catching Mickey’s attention.
His eyes drifted to your alarm clock behind you, head tilted. “You’re not tired?”
“I am.” You sighed, and then you stuttered a bit, before confessing. “But… I haven’t been sleeping well. It’s– It’s silly.”
Mickey’s body language changed instantly. His back straightened, so he could sit up with it against the headboard, body turned to look at you and give you his full attention. His eyes scanned you slightly, making you look away in embarrassment — you were a grown adult, and not wanting to go to sleep without a good reason was childish, you knew. 
“Is this about the murders going on?” Mickey asked quietly, like someone else apart from you could hear him talking about the matter that had been hunting everyone in your circle for the last couple of weeks. Two people had been murdered in the new, based on real events, slasher’s opening night. “Because if it’s that, I can promise you, you have nothing to worry about.”
“No, it’s not that.” You shook your head, to prove your point, then just shrugged. Mickey watched you curiously, carefully. “I think I’m just too stressed. The exams, and all… College life isn’t as good as they paint it and, I don’t know, maybe I can’t take it.”
A beat of silence, then two, before Mickey’s brows furrowed together. “That’s bullshit.” It surprised you enough to not let you speak instantly, giving him time to speak first. “I mean, I understand you being stressed, it’s natural. But if you can’t take it, then no one can.”
“That’s not true.”
“But it is!” He insisted, seriousness written all over his face. You had only seen him this serious once or twice before, when he was passionately defending a horror movie from Randy’s criticism, and when he had asked you out for the first time. “I think you’re taking it all too seriously. You stress too much about every single test and—”
“But it is serious, Mickey.” You interrupted softly, wrapping your arms around your knees for comfort. “I can’t slow down.”
“It shouldn’t take your sleep away.” He retorted. His hand reached out for you, comfortably squeezing once. “You’re doing great. I mean that. But you need to chill.”
Nodding slightly, your gaze fell down and away from him, processing his words. The silence settled between you, but Mickey needed to know what you were thinking — not anymore to have the upperhand, but because he was worried, and if there was something pure in him, that was his love for you. 
His hand left yours to barely graze your chin, lifting your head and gaze up. “Is that all of it?” Mickey asked softly. His eyes shone. “Nothing more on your mind?”
“That’s all.” You muttered, nodding slightly. He gave you a smile.
“Wanna go to sleep now?” 
Once again you nodded, and you two slid inside the bed. He switched off the lights and his arm surrounding your waist and pulling you closer didn’t startle you. Mickey didn’t fall asleep until you did, surrendering yourself to the calm circles Mickey rubbed onto your back and his even breathing close to you.
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mktrashheap · 3 months
Hi, well I was wondering if you could do a headcanon of what it would be like to propose to a male reader, the Lin Kuei trio and maybe Shang Tsung...?
A/n: I'm still alive, but is life busy lmao miss y'all hope I got Shang Tsung right
I'll be a contrarian here and say: this man would have no problem proposing.
If you guys got serious enough that marrying is on the table, he'll be very straightforward with it.
He is a man that know what he wants and puts effort into it. When he comes to the conclusion he wants to marry you, he'll waste no time.
He is, however, quite blunt. To put it mildly.
His proposal is the least romantic of the bunch. It's not that he doesn't care, it's just how he is.
When you say yes (bc why tf would you not???) he's the happiest you've seen.
He has a rare smile and a much kinder expression. He is truly happy.
And cocky. A lot.
Bi-Han is an arrogant man. An arrogant man who is going to marry the man he has chosen and has chosen him back. He's insufferable.
Already has a future planned for the two of you.
Kuai Liang:
My man literally jumped into marriage in lighting speed tf lol
But honestly, like his older brother, Kuai Liang won't take too long to figure out if that's what he wants.
Maybe he jumped into the relationship already knowing? Who knows...
I'll be a contrarian again and say that his proposal looks a lot like Bi-Han's.
Kuai Liang isn't as blunt as Bi-Han is, but he isn't stereotypically romantic either.
It's an intimate moment for him. Just him and the man he loves.
When you say yes (he's a keeper) it's like he lights up like a Christmas tree.
He is happy, his cute face looks better with a smile than the usual frown.
Quite possibly, you won't get him off of you for the next few hours.
He isn't as boastful as his brother, but he's feeling himself just as much. He's marrying a worthy man and he wants to make sure everyone knows it.
Between the three, he's the one that took the longest to propose.
It's not for a lack of love, by the gods no. But he is someone that is way to used to losing people he loves. His life is unstable and unpredictable, there's a part of him that keeps saying he'll lose the man he loves as well. Why wouldn't he? He can never keep things.
He gets in on his head for quite a while before proposing. His thoughts go everywhere.
But he will come to terms with it and take the chance.
When he does, his proposal is heartfelt. He puts everything he feels about you in the best way he can and what he may lack in romance, he makes up in depth.
It's a vulnerable moment for him. He's putting everything on the table for you to chose and he's scared. Scared to be turned down and scared something will take you from him as well.
When you say yes (he deserves all the love) it's like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders. He loves you and you love him as well, he wants to live this.
He's a proud individual. He has come a long way and is daring. That to say everyone will know about it. He won't shut up about you. He likes to talk and he's beyond happy.
He's never going to share private subjects, but he sees no point in hiding the marriage. He knows he has many enemies and is very aware they may want to get between the two of you, but he leaves extremely clear he will have none of it.
Shang Tsung:
Where do I begin? Whatever the hell you did to have that man wanting to marry deserves an award.
He has been going for a long time fooling and backstabbing people, he may have thought about doing the same to you many times over, but whatever reason, he never did.
He isn't a stranger to temporary alliances, it's what he has been doing his whole life. But he found himself wanting to keep you.
What a curse. His very heart playing a trick on him.
He takes long before proposing. It takes him long to figure out what he feels is love and not just lust or convenience, not that those two aren't good as well.
When he does know what it is, he takes just as long to calculate the outcomes of it.
How would that impact his plans? How is he going about it? Who should know, if anyone? Do you love him? Truly?
He gets distant from you because he needs the time to think things through.
As for the proposal. I think that would be a quiet thing.
He does make it feel unique, he simply is fancy like that, but it's quiet and close, just the two of you. It's simple, but carefully thought out.
He's been lying for so long for so many people, it's difficult to be any different, but he tries.
He hates how it makes him feel vulnerable, like he was helpless once again.
Surely he could concoct some magic to guarantee your acceptance and he might if you decline him, but he decided to take the risk first.
When you say yes (oh boy, you better) you'll see a beautiful, honest smile on Shang Tsung's face, probably the first one after years.
He can't help his smile, he doesn't want to. He's in loved and he's been accepted by the man he loves. He feels on top of the world.
The rest of the day or night is solely for the two of you. You accepted to tie yourself to the snake, good luck taking him off of you.
He feels like an idiot. He could have saved himself so much anxiety and time if he came around it sooner, but at the same time, he wants to enjoy the moment.
He'll keep the marriage a secret for the time. He isn't ashamed, but he doesn't want anyone to know about it before he's in a position of power. Not even his allies will know before the time he decides to let them know.
Man, you're going to live like a god if he has his way. Shang Tsung has big plans for the both of you.
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synthetictorii · 8 months
The Price Of Beauty ✧ Hizashi Yamada
Pairing: Present Mic/Hizashi Yamada x reader Genre: fluff Summary: Hizashi's been having headache that have a very obvious cause. It takes a lot of effort and sacrifice to keep his hair in such unnatural shape, y'know? Word count: 5.1k A/N: ...obligatory old and cringey fic ahead warning...
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     The bell rang, declaring the lesson finished. It was late in the afternoon already so all the students hurried out of classroom without asking you any question. You were teaching assistant for English lessons at U.A., the hero academy, which was pretty ironic as you were born quirkless. But it was a job you really enjoyed and it still left you with enough time to study for your own lesson on police academy. What you didn’t inherit in terms of quirk was compensated for by your high intelligence and natural talent to simply soak up information. You never had a hard time studying, not even now during your last college year although yes, there were subjects you spent more time on than you wanted but hey, that was life. You felt truly blessed to be clever enough to get the opportunity with the U.A., the students were mostly fine kids and the lessons were fun. However today left you exhausted even if nothing much happened as you didn’t get nearly enough sleep, binge watching the new series of your favourite show until 4 a.m. The good thing was that it was Friday so you could catch up with your sleeping tonight.
  You yawned and let your head fall down on your hands lying on the desk you were sitting at. You closed your tired eyes for a while, enjoying last warm rays of sun falling on your back through the window. You must have dozed off for a second since you did not notice the steps approaching you or that a person stood above you until they softly petted your head with a chuckle. Your head snapped up, eyes widened in surprise. “Hey, [y/n], was I that boring?” Asked the person (who still didn’t remove his hand from your head), grin on his lips. Your features relaxed and your shoulder dropped slightly. Now that you knew who it was, you had to restrain yourself from leaning into his touch. “Sorry, I’m just really tired, Yamada-san,” you gave him a weak smile, your eyes casted down so you wouldn’t have to look on his pretty face. As if it mattered, your cheeks were probably pink anyway.
  The only reason why you hadn’t fallen asleep during the lecture was him – your long time crush Yamada Hizashi, or as the public knew him, the pro-hero Present Mic. You were interested in him since he debuted as a hero. You admired how skilled he was in using his power, always paying attention not to hurt civilians or break windows with his loud voice. And he also had his own radio show and taught at the high school. It was truly admirable that he managed to do so many things. Then there were, of course, his astounding looks. His mane of golden hair that he obviously took good care of, well-trimmed mustache and piercing lime eyes with facial features worthy of God himself with his beautiful cheek bones and jawline to die for. You absolutely loved just watching the man as he elegantly moved and explained the grammar or really simply existed. You couldn’t take your eyes off him. He always radiated so much energy, watching him was hypnotizing.  
  “I already told you like hundred times to call me Hizashi,” he sighed, pulling you out of your thoughts. The pout was evident in his voice. You were not going to deny yourself looking at his cute expression. Whatever face he was making he always looked so perfect and charming, was this man actually a human? “No one calls you that in school, I’d feel weird if I did,” you explained, scratching your nape awkwardly. You kept your mouth shut about the fact that you were afraid that the word would come out as a purr. “Ah, so that’s how it is,” he nodded but you saw the devilish smirk already forming on his face and crossed your hands across your chest. “Then I suggest, that you, [y/n] [l/n], join me on Sunday to help me grade the essays at my place,” he finger-gunned you but quickly laughed it off. It almost looked like he was nervous. Why make him even feel even worse by telling him to pet you again because you missed his touch. “That’s if you don’t have anything else to do for school or whatever,” he added quickly and more quietly than before. All the deadlines that were slowly drawing closer were forgotten the instant you saw your chance to meet him outside the school. How could you refuse his offer when he was obviously so flustered about it – not to mention that you wouldn’t miss out on it for the world? Your heart jumped around in your chest. “I’d love to help you!” You smiled brightly at him, your [e/c] sparkling with happiness that didn’t go unnoticed, sending his pulse into overdrive. He snickered and spinned around with a yelp of excitement. Yes, he was loud, very loud, but you didn’t mind one bit.
  After agreeing on details, you left the classroom together and chatted for a little while before going your separate ways – him into teacher’s lounge and you home, finally. You smiled the dorkiest smile the whole way to your little apartment, whistling a happy melody. Sure, it wasn’t exactly a date, yet your heart was beating so fast you wondered if you’re not going to collapse. Maybe you’ll finally get a chance to talk to him properly, not just simple small talk you managed to have in between classes or strictly work-related discussions. You were hoping that it would also give you a chance to show him your interest in him, although you doubted you’d actually make a move or something.
  It was something that was always on your mind and bothered you – that he was affectionate towards you (and others too but you noticed that not quite as much) whereas you kept to yourself and never returned it. If it was his way of showing interest, he must be thinking that you’re not into him. Oh boy, how wrong he would be. For now though there was no reason to worry about that. Instead you tried to imagine what his home will look like – will it be an apartment or house? You guessed a flat since it was more practical and easier to maintain. And there’s bound to have plenty of speakers and posters and CDs all around the place! You daydreamed for the rest of the day, not getting slightest bit of work done. Even as you were falling asleep, cuddling to your blanket, Hizashi’s image stayed on your mind.
Nearly half of the next day you spent in bed. Of course you re-watched all your favourite episodes of any series you could thought of during the night and had to catch up on sleep now. After that you pretty much just worked on some essays you were supposed to finish until the end of next week while doodling little hearts and lovey-dovey stick figures into the notebook next to your keyboard. You had hard time concentrating on the task at hand, already impatient to see Hizashi. It was so sweet to wake up to his text, it only stated the address of his apartment and that he was looking forward to your meeting but still… that he sent it today meant he also thought about you, right? You bit your lip, smiling as you drew yet another little heart, feeling like a love-sick schoolgirl.
  Tomorrow came soon but not soon enough. You barely slept the whole night due to excitement. Miraculously though you were overflowing with energy, feeling like you could run the whole marathon without breaking a sweat. This was the power Hizashi had over you. You agreed on meeting him at noon after you had lunch which was still about three hours away but you were already running around your flat too nervous to eat so you figured why not start getting ready.
  You styled your [h/l] hair the way you liked the most and that made you feel confident. Then you had a little mental breakdown over what clothes you were supposed to wear. It took you way longer than it should and it was almost time to go. In the end you settled for comfy skinny jeans that made your ass look nice (but that was definitely not the reason you chose them) and casual shirt with rolled-up sleeves. Yup, looked good enough. You packed all the things you needed along with your keys and phone, reading the address one more time. You picked up a banana, at least a little snack, and headed out, almost running as you couldn’t hold in your excitement.   
   You for sure were no runner yet today your body pushed beyond its limits and carried you to the address in record time. You let yourself into the building as someone was just leaving at your arrival so you simply gently knocked on the door labelled Yamada Hizashi and waited.
   Soon you heard soft steps and the door was opened, revealing a surprised Hizashi. You giggled at his shocked expression before taking in his appearance. He looked completely different, so much so that you’d doubt it’s the right guy if it wasn’t for the lime eyes and his mustache. He had more conservative pair of glasses on his eyes with simple black frames and was dressed more casually too, sporting black jeans with holes on the knees and t-shirt with a name of some band on it and grey cardigan. His directional speakers were nowhere to be found, leaving his neck bare, safe for the beaded necklace. The neckline of his shirt allowed you a glance at his exposed collar bones and you swallowed thickly. But the most prominent change was his hair. He had them tied back into a messy bun but it was still flowing in golden streams down his shoulders. He looked even more mesmerizing than in his hero outfit. You checked the name plate again. He laughed softly and scratched the back of his head, nervous under your look. “Expected better?” he joked but you heard the uncertainty in his voiced. You shook your head gently and gave him a supportive smile. “You just look quite unrecognizable,” you explained. “That’s the idea,” he snickered and stepped aside to let you in. You walked in and took off your shoes, following him to the living room.  
   The place was cleaned spotless and all the plants were green and healthy. You expected that much, just like all the little decorations. Most of them were music themed, unsurprisingly. Yet even with every surface covered with all kinds of little decorations, photos or CDs, the living room was rather spacious with little furniture, the modern looking black sofa dominating the room. The contrast made you confused which was obvious on your face so Hizashi quirked a brow at you, still nervously shuffling next to you, it almost looked like he was the guest. “I was just wondering why’s the room so empty, I imagined it full of technology and stuff,” you smiled at him curiously. He reciprocated it in somewhat mischievous manner. “Where would I dance if there was no place?” He winked at you and picked a remote from one of the shelves, pushing a button. Upbeat music started playing from a huge stereo in the corner. Hizashi spinned in a semi-circle, moving in front of you and extended a hand towards you. “Shall we?” His lime eyes shone brightly, sending your heart racing at hundred miles an hour. He looked so playful and pretty and your lovesick brain could hardly resist his offer. Luckily you remembered in time that last time you danced with someone you almost broke their foot as you accidently stomped on it too hard. You’re not going to risk the same happening to this precious man in front of you. “Aren’t we supposed to grade some essays, Hizashi?” You sighed dramatically, already moving your gaze away from him but then you caught a glance at how his pupils dilated, grin wide. “[y/n]! You finally said it!” He exclaimed, overly-excited, jumping on the spot like some child. At first, you weren’t sure what was he talking about, but then it hit you and your face turned pink again. It was incomprehensible to you that simply hearing his name from your lips could make him so happy. “Yeah, so stop overreacting if you want me to say it again sometime,” you snorted fondly. He calmed down in an instant, still all giggly.
  “’right, so sit down here,” he patted a spot on the sofa while backing into the kitchen, the music still played much quietly in the background, “and tell me what would you like to drink, I just bought some new kind of tea I wanted to try for the longest time if you want to join me?” He shot you a look you could only describe as hopeful. “Sounds good,” you beamed at him, eager to try something he found promising. “I wouldn’t guess you to be the tea type,” you teased as he prepared the tea according to the steps on the little bag it came in. “Shōta showed me its wonders,” he explained as he set the colourful cups down on the coffee table with a soft thud. “I hope it’s good, would be awkward if it’s not,” he grinned sheepishly and plopped down on the opposite side of sofa. You tried your best not to look disappointed because of the distance between you. “I fully trust your instincts,” you reassured him with a smile. He gave one himself and then reached under the table, pulling a stack of papers. “You ready to dig into this?” he lifted the pile. It was obviously heavy, suggesting that a long grading session was upon you. You were not going to complain though; it only meant you’ll get to spend more time with the man! You simply nodded and took a half, or attempted to as it was really rather hard to hold all the sheets. Hizashi noticed and without any difficulty moved your share into your lap. “Even struggling with papers, you should hit the gym with me sometimes,” he said jokingly, blissfully unaware of the storm of images of him all sweaty and pumped from the training running through your head. You hid your red face behind the essays. “How long have these been piling up anyway?” you asked instead. He cleared his throat, embarrassed. “Let’s just say that some students need those grades fast, okay?” You rolled your eyes playfully, taking your pen and looking at the first essay.
  About two hours in, your eyes started to sting, migraine threatening to attack. You laid the papers down and pinched the bridge of your nose. You still had half of the papers left to grade. Hizashi knew you both were in trouble after the first half hour when he almost dozed off. After that he gave up his place on couch, instead sitting on the pillow on the ground so the slight discomfort wouldn’t let him fall asleep. Now you began to understand why it took him so long to get the grading done. You laid on the couch with head supported by arm rest and pillows, yet sleeping didn’t once cross your mind as you were too nervous in Hizashi’s proximity. Your tired eyes moved on their own to look at the man. You couldn’t see his face but he was obviously just as done with this shit as you were. Every other second his hand reached into his golden hair, pulling at his hair tie to loosen its grip. You bit your lip. He seemed to be in pain – no wonder, his scalp must be so sore after his hair were styled high up for days in school and then tied back. Maybe a little massage would help him? You were afraid he would hear your heartbeat, the thought speeding up its rhythm. It’s worth a try, right? He also sometimes played with your hair! And helping each other is what friends and colleagues do after all! Sure, your motive was purely the selfish pleasure of touching him but you needed some excuse if he asks why are you doing that. You wouldn’t be able to tell him the truth – that you were wondering since you first saw him how would his hair feel against your fingers and that it was so hard to keep yourself from playing with them when he sat next to you on meetings.
   You took one last deep breath and snaked your hand into the messy bun he pulled his hair into, toying with the hair tie until it came undone, doing so stealthily enough he only noticed when his locks fell fully around his shoulders. “[Y/n]…? What are you-,” before he could finish his sentence, you mustered all your courage and threaded your fingers through his hair to gently rub little circles on his scalp. A little satisfied moan escaped his lips, draining all blood from your body and sending it to your cheeks. How shameless! You thought and sat up so you could use both your hands, resuming your little demonstration, gradually moving your fingers all across his skull. It was relaxing for you too, his hair was silky and each lock slid and curled perfectly around your fingers. You took your sweet time on each new spot, making sure it felt good. You knew the pain that comes after wearing ponytail the whole day but couldn’t imagine what pain does he have to go through with his trademark hairstyle.
  Hizashi’s feedback was… pleasantly embarrassing. He made little murmurs and soft gasps, each one of them sending your heart near cardiac arrest. “Damn, is this what they teach you at uni?” he sighed happily, head leaning into your touch. You giggled and scratched the top of his head. “Feeling better?” you asked, never stopping the movements of your hands, now running your fingertips gently all over his skull. “Right now, I would gladly grade your half of the essays too if you continued,” he purred. “Deal,” you chuckled as you dumped the ungraded papers into his lap unexpectedly. He didn’t believe you would actually do that, turning a bit to look at you questioningly. “Are you sure? It will take forever!” he frowned concernedly. You rolled your eyes. As if you’d let him strip you off your one chance to show him you can be affectionate too. “Absolutely sure, your head must hurt like hell after having your hair up like that all the time,” you continued your massage as he sighed and relaxed again. “You have no idea, but it’s a price I’m willing to pay for my perfect look,” he winked at you over his shoulder.
It was so playful you were glad you were sitting or else your knees would probably give up under you. But well, two can play this game. “In my opinion, it’s worth it, though you look great like this too,” you informed him. You tried to sound as nonchalant as possible, though on the inside your heart was racing. He tensed, caught off guard but quickly regained his composure. He chuckled softly and moved a strand of his hair behind his ear. “Thank you,” he said honestly, his voice changed but you weren’t able to pinpoint which emotion had caused it, “I admit I was hesitant not to do my hair up today.” That piqued your interest. “Why?” You asked curiously, tone soft as it seemed to be a touchy subject. “Well… that’s,” he chuckled humourlessly and gave a shrug, “I’ve been made fun of because of my hair, so yeah. Only when I started styling it the way I do now did people accept it as a part of my superhero persona.” You stopped your movements for a while and opted instead for simply laying your hand on his shoulder. “I like it more this way,” you smiled gently when he turned to look at you again. “Makes you look younger,” you snickered, making him chuckle, “besides I’ve always had a thing for guys with long hair.” That earned you a cheerful laugh, the sound of it easing your anxiety over his reaction to your confession. Something in his eyes changed though, what it was though stayed a secret to you once again. The two of you fell into comfortable silence with you massaging his scalp while he graded the essays.
   He was right in the end. It did take him a short forever to get through all the papers but his pace was significantly quicker than before. During the necessary short breaks you chatted about everything and anything, about his radio show and your classmates, his own student years and how the tea he made was really delicious. It was wonderful, you really enjoyed yourself and it surprised you how easy and fun it was to talk with Hizashi.
  So much so that you nearly whined when he set the last essay aside and pumped his fists into the air. “Finally,” he sighed happily and turned to you. You folded your hands in your lap and grinned at him proudly. “I can’t believe you really sacrificed yourself like that just to be spoiled,” you laughed. “Aren’t your hands hurting?” he asked as he glanced at your hands with concern. You flexed your fingers a few times, if only he knew how much time you spend typing away on keyboard, it was basically a work out. “Not really, but a rest would be nice,” you smiled reassuringly. “I’m just glad I didn’t have to grade all those,” you teased contently. What fool would choose some boring – and for the most part badly written – essays over caressing Hizashi’s golden mane? “So does that mean that I can always trade grading your part for a massage?” he raised a brow at you playfully. You pretended to ponder about his proposal but who were you kidding, of course it meant exactly that. “You can try, I won’t stop you,” you shrugged but your lips betrayed you, forming into a wide smile. “It’s a deal then,” he smirked victoriously.  
  You chatted for a bit longer but as the sun began to set, you decided it was time for you to leave. You didn’t really want to do so but you also didn’t want to walk home in the dark. Hizashi generously offered to accompany you on your way but you declined despite all his arguments. He was obviously tired and his first lesson tomorrow starts at 7 a.m., you knew because it was yours too. However, you definitely needed to wake up later than him as your appearance didn’t need such meticulous preparation. You decided that even though you’d gladly trade your soul for an opportunity like that any other day, it will have to wait. “It’s really fine, Hizashi,” you chuckled at the pure childish joy that lightened up his face at his name. “And I’ll text you once I’m safely home, okay?” you offered and he sighed, leaning against the door frame. “Fine, but I don’t like it,” he pouted and with a push he stood straight right in front of you. “Thanks for coming,” he smiled and spread his arms. You breath hitched in your throat and your heartbeat quickened but you quickly shook off your nervousness and stepped right into the hug, wrapping your arms around him too. “No problem,” you said sweetly as you reluctantly let go of him. “Let’s do this again sometime, shall we?” you asked hopefully and he gifted you one of his precious grins. “Of course,” he winked at you as you waved each other goodbye. You rushed home, all giddy and lovesick.
  During the next couple weeks it became a nearly daily occurrence for every teacher at UA to see you and Hizashi together, most of the times on the couch where Hizashi laid with his head in your lap, chatting, grading, or tapping away on your phones. Every time you massaged his scalp, careful not to mess up his hair. In return for your gentle care, he always prepared a tea or coffee for you before your first lesson and gave you less papers to grade.
  You would be lying if you said you didn’t want more but you were quite content with how things were now. No longer were your conversations focused on work-related topics and general small talk, instead you both learned many things about each other. It was almost uncanny how alike you two were and how many of your hobbies matched. You also became much more affectionate towards Hizashi although still more professional than him. He seemed not only to notice that change but also enjoy it greatly. He paid more attention to you, his lime gaze finding you even in the middle of lectures. Students luckily haven’t noticed yet.
  Today was Friday, your favourite day, and not because of the upcoming weekend. It was the day when you had a two hour break in between lesson you taught with Hizashi so you could spend it together and often did. It was the highlight of your week.
  Your ways parted after stepping out of the classroom. He has offered to bring you lunch – something he did quite often in the last week, you weren’t complaining though – whereas you headed to teacher’s lounge to reserve the couch before Aizawa usurps it for himself. You actually considered asking the man about Hizashi; he must have told him something, right? They were best buds after all! Stepping into the room you sighed happily, it was empty and the couch was free. You sat down and pulled out a book from you bag. It won’t hurt to read for a bit before Hizashi comes.
  You managed to get through the whole chapter before the door opened and in walked the loud man with both your lunches. “Sorry to keep you waiting,” he smiled as he sat down and handed you your box with Chinese noodles with vegetables and chicken, one of your favourites from the canteen. You said cross-legged, your knee gently brushing against his tight. You wondered since when exactly did you start to sit so close to each other. “Thanks, this was totally worth the wait,” you hungrily dug in, closing your eyes at the delicious taste. He laughed softly and also started eating. You watched him from the corner of your eye. His movements were always so graceful, even if he was doing something mundane. He was still as fascinating as he was before you got to know him properly and your crush only got more unbearable because of it.
  Opening of the door caught your attention, shifting your focus on the person coming in. “Hello, Aizawa-san,” you greeted the black haired man, the slight tensing of Hizashi’s features going unnoticed. “Hello, [y/n],” he replied, catching you off guard – never before did he wasted energy on talking. You never took it personally as the only person who got him to talk was currently sitting next to you. You still had to notice how said blonde eyed the newcomer warily. Of course he also noticed the change of his friend’s treatment of you. And he had a feeling that it meant nothing good. He knew he shouldn’t have told him anything! “Is something the matter?” you asked curiously, polite smile still plastered on your face. Maybe he wanted your help with something? What could that possibly be you had no idea but it was the only explanation you had for the shift in his behaviour. Aizawa looked at Hizashi briefly, only the most inconspicuous twitch of his lips was a sign of any emotion. “You know, my neck’s been hurting like hell today and since you always help Yamada I thought-,” he didn’t get to finish his thought as Hizashi suddenly jerked to your side and pulled you to his chest, almost knocking both your lunches down. You looked up at him confusedly. His cheeks were pink as he glared at Aizawa dangerously. “Shouta! She’s mine!” he pouted as he pulled you even closer to him. Now you were even more confused, what was going on?
  “Oh really?” he cocked a brow at the blonde and turned to you. If you didn’t know any better, you’d thought that there was amusement sparkling behind his tired eyes. “Are you, [y/n]?” he asked the crucial question. You gulped. To be honest, you didn’t mind one bit to be monopolized by Hizashi – in any sense really. But how would he feel about that? Sure, he did started all this but there’s also the possibility of this being just another quirk of his playfulness. If it was so and you expressed your feelings, you were risking the fragile relationship between the two of you. Then again, you were tired of waiting and second guessing. “Yeah, kind of, sorry Aizawa-san,” you smiled, equally apologetic and nervous. You felt Hizashi tense against your back, his hands stilled too. On the other hand, the man in front of you smirked victoriously but his eyes weren’t on you but on the blonde. “Is that so? My mistake,” he said, nodded, finally looking at you again, and walked to his table on the furthest side of the room, safely out of hearing distance.  You bit your lip gently as Hizashi let his hands fall from your waist back to his lap. He cleared his throat, awkwardly shifting next to you. “Well…,” he started, anxiously fidgeting with his fingers. “Well?” you looked at him just as anxious. “Are you serio- I mean, would you like it?” he blurted out, finally meeting your gaze. His eyes were wide and hopeful behind his glasses. You noticed he was holding his breath – just like you. You averted your eyes for a fraction of second. But who were you kidding; you truly didn’t have to think about it. “Yes, yes I would,” you whispered with a shy smile. His own widened into a full-blown grin as he pulled you to him again, squeezing you tightly, making you laugh in delight. This time his lunch did fall down but neither of you cared. “That settles it then! You’re officially mine!” he cheered loudly enough for everyone – Aizawa – to hear. You wondered if he planned for this to happen, if so, you owe him big time. Maybe you could also gave him a little massage? “But be warned, my dear,” Hizashi purred quietly into your ear, wanting only you to hear him this time, “I don’t share.” A pleasant shiver ran down your spine. “I don’t think I mind at all,” you whispered back as you kissed him. No way, Aizawa can take care of himself.
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gay4harm · 10 months
Pairing- Riri x spider women reader
warning- violence, reader has a criminal record, smut, 16+, fighting, gory I guess, oral, cunilingus, there might be some other stuff but I don't remember
A/N: Sooo I did put a suit for reader in the story but you guys can imagine whatever, this is lightly proof read and there's more plot that smut. Some stuff might sound a bit corny and dumb or whatever but that's kinda the point
Anywaysss, hoped you guys like it
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Y/n L/n, college student, part time intern, convicted felon and spider woman or Aracnid, which was the name you had chosen, take your pick, You were called many things in your lifetime and you accepted all titles.
One thing about you though is not many people liked you but that's just the way you liked it.
You didn't have many friends but that was fine, the only people you really talked to were your best friends, Mj and Ned, they were both nerds but that's what you liked about them, when they found out about your secret identity Mj wanted to be your "man in the chair" whatever that meant but obviously you needed the help and they just so happened to be good company.
Around campus you were known as a pretty girl, a pretty girl with anger issues and a bit of an attitude problem that is, but a pretty girl nonetheless, with that you had plenty of people on both and all genders try and come at you, you turned them all down. You never had crushes like that except for a certain someone, Riri Williams, she had a nice face, great body and amazing intelligence, she wasn't like everyone else, she had confidence, there were many times were you had tried and test her, she if she could handle you and she just so happened to pass every test, every single time.
She was all you could think about, she was one of the very few weaknesses you had but you had never actually done anything with her, you were way to busy.
You fought crime at night and did school and went to work in the day, being a superhero or whatever was cool until it wasn't, your suit was cute but uncomfortable at times and the so called villians that you fought were too easy, you needed a real challenge but it seems like the only worthy villains were probably all dead or in some prison halfway across the world.
It was rare that you could just chill and live your life so when you got the invite to some party you couldn't say no, you got all dressed up in one of your favorite dresses, did your makeup and hoped you could just get drunk and have a good time.
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After a couple minutes of walking around you had found some of your friends and you began to drink and unwind and a hour in you had gotten a little tipsy, as you went to get another drink you could feel the presence of someone behind you reaching out to grab your shoulder but you spun around before they could touch you, thanks to your spidey sense, you turn around and you're face to face with one of your favorite people, Riri Williams with a big grin on her face.
"Yo I didn't think you were coming" She leans forward to engulf you in a big hug, despite Riri's size she was surprisingly strong. "Honestly I didn't think I was coming either but I decided, why not?" She smirks at you, glad she could see you which she rarely did and that was only during classes and occasionally out on campus, all she wanted was for you to give her a chance.
"Well I'm really glad you did, it's nice to see you, you look real good." She scans up and down your body making a small detour to ogle your breast and she bit her bottom lip, you tried not to notice but you couldn't help but too with the way she was looking with absolutely no shame.
There was a minor moment in time before she decided to gather up the courage to ask the question that had been on her mind.
"Look so I was wondering if you weren't to busy if you wanted to catch a movie or something?" Riri's face was filled with anticipation, hoping you'd say yes, but her question caught you off guard a bit.
"Well I don't know Ri, you already know I'm a pretty busy girl. I almost couldn't come to this party" You look at Riri's face expecting to see it laced with disappointment but there was none to be found, even if she was disappointed she had a good way of hiding it. "Alright well that's cool, just let me know when your free"
As she walked away you swear you could see her break her facade and you saw her disappointment and hurt. You felt bad so before she walked away you grabbed her arm, stopping her.
"Wait Riri I didn't mean to-" Before you could get another word out, your arm was grabbed and yanked, you were pulled back and pushed against the kitchen counter, you look up to see a fairly pissed off girl that you swore was in your robotics class. "Yo what is your problem!?"
"What's my problem? My problem is that your fucking my boyfriend!" You couldn't believe what you were hearing, not only did you not know who this girl was or who her boyfriend was, you were definitely gay and had no interest in men. "Look you must have the wrong person, I don't even know your boyfriend"
The girl points at her boyfriend who was standing across from you two with a dumb look on his face. "So you're telling me you have never seen him in your life? Because last I checked I saw pictures of you and him all cuddled up" You looked around the room dumbfounded, this girl had every right to be mad, at her shitty boyfriend that is, not you though, you didn't have any part in this. "Look I think your just confused, I would literally never fuck your boyfriend"
"Oh really? Well you could have fooled me, you seem like the type to just fuck around." You couldn't believe what she was implying, she was basically calling you a hoe. "Ok well even though its none of your business, one I'm gay and even if I wasn't I wouldn't touch your boyfriend with a twelve foot pole let alone fuck him, maybe you need to talk to your boyfriend instead of bitching to me about it. You need to hop up of my dick and get the fuck out of my face." You tried to seem as calm as possible as you cussed this girl out. She had no right to get in your face and accuse you of sleeping with her man, if anything she needed to be in his face complaining to him.
Before you can even try and walk away she pulls her arm back with her hand balled up in a fist preparing to punch you, just as she was about to connect your face with her fist you duck and give her a right hook of your own making her fall face first on the ground. Your hand surprisingly started to ache which was a surprise, it was probably the alcohol.
The girls nose was leaking with blood as everyone crowded to make sure she was ok. Before you could walk up to her to see if she was ok Riri grabbed your arm pulling you to the door, as you two walk out she guide you to her, car opening the door for you, you get in and she hops in after you. She starts the car without saying anything and begins to drive.
You two drive in silence until she breaks it. "So, you hungry?" You look at her for a second before nodding your head, she drives to a small 50s themed diner and upon walking in you could hear 50s classics coming from a jukebox in the background, the maroon and white booths and stools as well as the checkerboard floor made it seem like you stepped into a movie.
Before you and Riri sat down she pulled you to the restroom after asking for ice and cloth from one of the waitresses, she sat you in one of the stalls as she helped you ice your hand, it stung a bit but it wasn't anything you weren't used to.
"Does it hurt? It looks kind of bad" She was referring to the bruise that was starting to form but you didn't even notice. "Nah I'm good, it's not the first time I've had to punch someone in the face."
You both chuckle at your joke and you had actually felt better but there was also the fact that Riri was being so nice to you even though you had constantly been kind of a bitch to her, always acting like you didn't like her even though all you could think about was her. You needed to apologize.
"Riri.... I um I'm sorry for being such an ass to you, you don't deserve it. And the thing is it's not like I don't like you or like I don't want to go out with you, its just I-I'm a busy person but I still feel really bad because you've just been trying to go out with me for so long and I keep saying no. So like I said before I am so sorry Riri and I would understand if your starting not to like me anymore, but you should know that I still do and-" Riri cut off your incoherent rambling with a quick kiss on your lips to shut you up, she knew that you liked her and that you were busy but that didn't matter to her, she still liked you and she would keep asking you out until you said yes.
"So I guess that means you accept my apology?" Riri throws her head back with a deep hearty laugh as she gripped your hands in hers. "Of course I do, I could never be mad at yo pretty self" You put your head down as you blush at her complement.
"Well, I feel like I need to show you how sorry I am"
"Oh really? You tryna prove how sorry you are?"
"Yeah." You lean forward placing your lips on Riri's as you place your hand on her cheek with the other one behind her neck pulling her in closer. The kiss started out sweet and small but it turned both passionate and hungry as if you both had been waiting for this. You lift both yourself and Riri up and push her against the wall deepening the kiss more as you travel your hands up and down her clothed body.
Your hands go to the band of her sweatpants and you go to pull them down. You crouch down to her heat and you rub over her clothed clit and you put just enough friction that caused her to whine at how much you weren't doing, she begins to move her hips to give herself something more than what you were doing but you moved your hand just to tease her some more.
"Y/n stop fuckin around."
"Sorry I just wanna feel you first."
You move to pull down her underwear as her wetness dripped down, you lift her leg up onto your shoulder to get more access. You blow on her clit a little causing Riri to jerk back slightly, you lick a fat stripe up her folds before encapsulating your mouth around her clit and beginning to suck, making a pattern out of sucking hard and softly, using the bead as a pacifier.
From above you the only thing coming out of Riri's mouth were whimpers and moans.
You were thankful no one else was in the bathroom.
"I really am sorry Ri, I hope you know that" Your words came out muffled as the vibration from your words went through Riri's entire body.
"Shiiit yes Y/n I-I know, it's ok, f-fuck, your d-doing such a good fucking job" Riri could barely form a sentence but you wanted to pull more out of her, you flatten your tongue and open your mouth so you can fit all of Riri's pussy in your mouth. She clenched around nothing as she rode your face to chase her high.
"Oh f-fuuck Y/n, shiiit, your mouth feels so good, I'm gonna cum" All of her words came out drawn out as all her muscles tightened and she came all over your mouth and down your chin, you moan at the taste as you lick up all her juices not wanting anything to go to waste.
"You did such a good job Ri" you plant a kiss on her forehead then her nose and lastly a sloppy kiss on her lips allowing her to taste her juices, she moans in your mouth from the taste.
You take the cloth that had been previously used to ice your hand, wetting it and using it to clean up any leftover cum and any sweat that had fell from Riri as she tried to catch her breath. You help her get back dressed and you clean her up some more before speaking up.
"So you still hungry? Cause I know I am" She grins at you before hitting your shoulder playfully. "What I wasn't enough?"
"Of course but I'ma need a little bit more to satisfy my hunger"
"Well you know you can have all of me" She smirks at you before planting a small kiss on your lips.
You walk out the bathroom hoping no one heard the lude activities going on and you both help yourselves to a burger and fries with Riri paying of course.
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The next day was pretty uneventful, you went to your classes as usually and everything went smooth.
Well that was until you were called to the dean's office. Upon walking in you see the dean; as you expected, the same bitch you had clocked in the face last night; you soon had learned her name was Sydney, and her trashy boyfriend, Todd.
"Hello Ms.L/n, glad that you could join us." You look between all three of them when it hit you that Sydney must have informed the dean of what happened the other night and now you were in deep shit.
"Look I don't know what she told you but whatever it was isn't true, it was an act of self defense."
You tried to explain yourself but he just gave you a confused look; no more like amused. "Ms.L/n, your not in trouble." You were confused, if you weren't in trouble then why were you here? "If I'm not then why am I here?"
"Why don't you take a seat" The Dean motions for you to sit at the empty seat by "Sydney the terrible" and she gives you a stank face as you sit.
"Now I understand that you two had a bit of an altercation last night at a frat party, if I'm correct." Before you could reply Sydney spoke up first. "Yes that is what happened Dean Sanders, and if its alright I would love to give my side of the story first." The Dean nods his head telling her to continue. "Well I have reason to believe that Ms.L/n decided to sleep with my man. Now I can admit, I did have more than a few drinks last night which caused me to, as some would say overreact a bit but I have proof that they had sex."
"Listen Ms. Sainclair, I understand that you might be a bit frustrated about your situation but we are just here to settle this argument between you two, I'm not here to solve your relationship problems."
"But I have pictures!" Sydney reaches in her purse to retrieve her phone and she scrolls down to a picture of her boyfriend and some girl cuddled up; the only thing is, it definitely wasn't you. "That's not even me, that's some other bitch."
She looks down at her phone and realizes her mistake putting her head down in shame.
Not even a second later of this realization, the door opens revealing Riri with her black sweatpants and shirt to match, her gold chain dangling on her neck in the light with her long goddess going down her back.
In other words she looked so fine.
"Ms.Williams glad that you could join us."
Riri looked just as confused as you did when you had first walked in until she saw you and shot a small smile your way, you returned the favor.
"Um I'm not in trouble or anything I hope"
"No of course not Ms.Williams, your here because of the altercation that occurred last night. If I'm correct you were right there when it happened"
"Oh you mean at that party, yea I was there."
"Ok well as a witness I just need you to tell me what happened in your own words."
"Um well, me and Y/n were talking when ole girl saying she was sleeping with her boyfriend and then next I know Y/n punched her."
Riri's reenactment of what happened was pretty accurate but it made you seem like the bad guy a bit, maybe she just didn't all the way see what happened.
"Well dean I only punched her because she tried to hit me, like I said before it was an act of self defense, I-" The dean cut you off before you could finish your testimony, you already knew what he was going to say, even if you tried to explain yourself it wasn't going to work.
"Ms.L/n I would understand that if you weren't on probation. You should know that this little incident goes against your parol, your lucky I didn't call your probation officer." You shake your head in annoyance, you had already know about all this, you knew you shouldn't have punch her but a part of you believe she deserved it.
"I looked at your criminal record and I was surprised at how many police reports there are against you. I mean there's aggravated assault, arson, assault and battery, multiple charges of DUI's, theft, vandalism, fraud, accomplice to murder-"
"I already told you and everyone else that was an accident, it wasn't supposed to happen."
"That doesn't matter and everything I listed isn't even all of it. The way I see it, you need to stay in school or your not going anywhere in life, so I suggest you stay out of trouble" You look behind you to Riri and all you can see in her face was surprise.
No more like worry
Was it just disappointment?
Or was it all three?
either way you felt angry at yourself for letting this happen, Riri was never supposed to find out about all that. She was supposed to stay ignorent and happy with you.
The you that you wanted.
Not the felon.
Not Aracnid.
Just you
"I think the best thing for right now is for you two to apologize to each other and then just stay away from each other so another incident doesn't happen. Is that understood?" He looks between both of you, apologizing was the only answer. "I'm sorry that I thought you were sleeping with my boyfriend and for trying to punch you. Even though you seem like the type to fuck around"
You look at her amused and irritated, letting a low chuckle fall from your lips. You decided to play her game, maybe even beat her at it.
"I'm sorry for punching you in the face; even though you deserved it for being a massive cunt-"
"Hey! We are not doing the name calling" The dean yelled, clearly frustrated by everything going on.
"I think I deserve another apology, don't you Dean Sanders?"
"Oh what, you can't handle what you dish out princess?" She gets a bit flustered, trying to ignore the pet name but quickly returns to her previous bitchy mood. "If anyone's being a cunt it's you." You grin at how much you were clearly bothering her but you didn't care, it amused you.
"Ok you know what I think we're done for the day. All of you return to your classes and stay out of trouble." The dean puts his head down as he points to the door signal for us to go.
You and Riri are the last to leave but you speed walking trying to avoid the conversation you hoped would never have to happen, but she caught up to you.
"So a convicted felon huh? Honestly I'm not all that surprised although some of those charges-"
"Riri, you were never supposed to find out about that and you know it, I didn't want it to change how you felt about me. Please don't let that stuff change it."
Once she saw your hurt expression her face changes into a softer more understanding one.
"I'm not mad if that's what you thinkin, just surprised, a little concerned but not mad. And nothing could ever change how I feel about you." She pulls you in close allowing you to smell her mix of sandalwood and vanilla, mixing together to create the perfect scent causing you to lean in to her more just to be intoxicated by it more than you already were.
She snakes her hands around your waist as you sling your arms around her neck. You two are only a few inches away until she places a sweet kiss on your lips, you melt under her touch not wanting to pull back until she does, you whine due to the lost of contact.
"I'ma see you later ma" You were a bit disappointed that she had to leave but she had classes and so did you. "Yeah I'll see you" Riri could see you were a bit upset so she walks back up to you giving you a gentle squeeze on your arm. "Hey we still on tonight right?" Last night you gave in and accepted Riri's invitation on a date, you had cleared your schedule and hoped no asshole would try and destroy the world.
"Yeah we still on"
She pulls you close again and once again kisses you, only this time it was sloppy and hot.
You couldn't wait for tonight.
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One night
One night without anything bad happening was all you wanted.
But instead of going out with Riri, the person you had been crushing on for the longest, you had got a call about another dick who had been creating goulish monsters and then letting them out on the town, you hadn't caught the asshole who was doing it yet but you managed to capture and kill the creatures they were letting loose. You hoped tonight would be the night you captured the creator so you wouldn't have to worry about it anymore.
The worst part about this was that you would have to cancel on Riri, which you didn't want to do but it had to happen.
So when you got the text from Riri that she couldn't make it to the movie you guys were going to see, you were relieved.
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You get to the place where you got the call and upon arrival you find yourself by a abandoned warehouse, the area was rough. There was broken glass everywhere, overgrown plants and trees and it was completely deserted, you wondered if this was the place this maniac was doing his experiments.
You walked around for a few minutes before you heard
It sounded like a branch had been broken
like it had been stepped on
but by who?
or what?
You decide that you might be able to find this thing if you were on higher ground.
so you swung up and began to look on the roof, around the building, you even took a second to venture in the warehouse but it was empty.
You went back on the roof and that's when you saw it
In the dim light from the moon you saw what at first looked like a hunched over man
His arms moved as if he was picking something up only to bring it up to his face. The smell of something musky and rotten filled your nose as you stepped closer
You look down to see what looked like droplets
Red droplets, that looked a lot like blood
And as you got closer the droplets turned into small pools of it
As you looked of its shoulder you stepped back in horror as you saw the lifeless body of a young women, one who looked familiar
You wanted to scream and run but you couldn't you were frozen in place and when you tried to scream nothing came out.
It turned, now face to face with you
Its face was covered in blood and if you didn't have your mask on it would be able to see the terror in your face.
It leaped forward almost tackling you to the ground but you moved just in time, your brain switched back to normal and you instantly began to throw punches and kicks left and right, it dodged and threw a few strikes as well but not without getting hit by you more than a few times.
You were starting to get a bit sloppy, a lot of you punches weren't connecting and the ones that did weren't doing enough damage as the ones before, he was starting to overpower you and before you knew it you lost balance and fell to the ground, as you tried to get up and fight you heard what sounded like something flying
it wasn't a plane or anything
not a bird of any sort
and you didn't find out until you looked up and saw what looked a lot like an Ironman suit.
But that was impossible, Tony Stark was dead and no one else had his suits
Or maybe they did
The mystery person swoops in and knocks it over so now it wasn't hovering over you
You got up confused by who this mystery person was, and so did they
"Yo who are you!?" You shouted over to the person hoping they heard you, but when they didn't respond you just continued what you came here to do, you ran over to it but the mystery person got to it before you could, in fact she had bumped you out of the way due to her clunky suit being in the way.
Mystery person on the other hand, who just so happened to be the same genius you were supposed to go on a date with tonight, had recognized your voice but shrugged it off.
It couldn't have been you
could it?
There was no time for confusion and unanswered questions, there was still a monster you had to fight and it was close to getting away
You and Riri were trying to fight it but to no use, neither of you were used to fighting with people like that so the fight became sloppy and confusing, when Riri wasn't in the way of what you were doing then you were in the way of her.
And god forbid you two actually tried to work together, you had thought she was some jackass and she thought the same thing.
Riri tried to shoot it with one of her blasters but the creature ran every time she tried to shoot it.
It got frustrated and amited a foul smell that clogged all your senses, you couldn't hear or see and your nose was ambushed by a pungent, smoky oder. You removed your mask as you dropped on the ground to regain yourself but the only thing you could do was cough and rub your eyes.
You look over to see the mystery person who you saw to be non other than Riri but you couldn't react due to your state and it looked like she was in the same one as she tried her best to exit out of her suit.
You could only utter out one word as you continued to choke out
"Riri?" She looked over and had the same confused expression.
Your vision became blurry and the last thing you saw what the creature fleeing the scene before you saw black.
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A/N: Finally done!
I was just so unmotivated to finish this but I got it done and I hope you guys liked it.💕
51 notes · View notes
hellcatinnc · 5 months
My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! Season One Anime Review
Includes Spoilers
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So I had recently bought the game and tried to play it and felt I was lost not knowing the characters or the connections and was solely going by the looks of Alan was most pleasing to me. Anyways I decided to sit down and watch the anime then I would be ready for the game. It says the game takes place after the first season of the anime so here is my review of the first season then I will start playing the game and will leave reviews later for that.
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First here are all of them as kids aren't they damn cute like all the little boys were adorable, still prefer Alan and Keith as far as little kids go though. Thats just my opinion.
Alan Stuart
So lets start with the man that had my attention right away. He was the most dashing and handsome of them all to me. He is Mary's fiancé and I wanted to show something in the difference in how he looks at Catarina and how he looks at Mary and you can see a big difference. First picture is Alan and Mary if Catarina wasn't in the picture its cute but I still see lack there of love. Then the 2nd picture is of him carrying Mary when she almost gets hurt yet he doesn't even look down at her, this is after he knew Catarina. As you can see when Catarina became part of his world Mary didn't phase him in the least.
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Now below is the difference Catarina has opened up Alan's world. First holding her in his arms effects him it gets to him because the feel of her against him is hard for him to think about anyone but her. He gets flustered easy around her and although he took alot longer for him to realize what his feelings were it was always shown even when he didn't have a name for it.
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Even though she was engaged to his brother there was something in the way they looked at each other. Like they haven't confessed anything to each other but that look even from her. She looks at him with more love and affection than she looks at her fiancé to me. I love the chemistry and damn I can't wait to romance the hell out of this man in the game. He is a tsundere but damn one fine one and he really does love her. I thought in one episode that showed all of their desires to be with Catarina and they cut his short I felt like I was gipped then this scene happened where he climbed the tree and that connection there it looked like at one point they were going to kiss even so much Mary saw and was freakin out to get to them. However it ends that episode and never picks it back up so I am curious what happened that day.
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Then just the casual in the hall glance and how they were so competitive as kids it all led them to care for each other the way they do. I think not only that but she was good for him he always felt 2nd best to Geordo being his brother and she never let him feel second best to her. She still hung out with him and even helped him play a prank on his brother/her fiancé. They are the perfect example of the big brother/best friend trope that led them to care more. He is still my favorite and I love his awkwardness sometimes along with his flusters he is absolutely my kinda guy for sure.
Keith Claes
I honestly wasn't sure how I was gonna feel about Keith going in I mean yeah I knew it was her brother but I was curious to see how it played out. From the very first time you get a idea of him as a kid you realize he is so hurt and broken and just needs love and care. When Catarina is the one who gives it to him even when he doesn't feel worthy of it wasn't hard to see this boy fall and fall hard.
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Unlike some of the others from well off families even though Keith had the upbringing to be a gentleman and noble he would still help Catarina in whatever she wanted to do. She wanted to build a farm he did it to, if she wanted to travel the towns he was there. No matter what, he is always in her court and would burn the world, well in his case with his magic he would crumble the world around them so that they were together and the things that could hurt her were gone.
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This man 100% is the bean of this show. He genuinely loves her and not as a sister. I mean he isn't her real brother more like a cousin they said than anything. He fell for her pretty soon after meeting her so I don't think he truly ever put her in a sister only mind set he was determined to be there for her like she was for him. He really is a sweetheart and I don't know how anyone couldn't like him. He is my 2nd favorite with Catarina I love how he looks at her.
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I also love his constant trying to bump Geordo out of the picture just to be next to his sister. He would truly follow her anywhere. Its also sincere and sweet that when he thinks he will never see her again you can see all the pain in him of that sad little boy again but he rises past it all to be there for her even if it means talking to her when she is in a coma until she eventually hears him.
Nicol Ascart
Ok not gonna lie he is your kuudere for sure, man of very few words and very hard to know what he is thinking. However when he looks at her he only sees her. All the girls fall over themselves for him but when Catarina looks at him and he looks at her he cares about nothing else. He knows she is with his best friend Geordo and knows he shouldn't love her but says he would rather spend any moment he can by her side until he no longer can again. This truly grabs at my heart strings.
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I love that even as kids they look at each other in such a sweet endearing way. The fact she is good to his sister when no one else is, and she treats him like he is important and not some object to drool over or push away. With her he can be himself, he can smile when he never did before her. Even in the episode of desire you could see he would push all the ladies away to take her away with him to be happy. He is your darker sheep of the anime but still such a sweet boy I look forward to seeing more from him as well.
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Geordo Stuart
So I'm on the fence the most with him only cause sometimes he feels to perfect. However by the end of the first season you realize he felt nothing but a mundane life and really didn't know happiness until her. This really made me start liking him more. He is a total flirt but only to her which I respect completely. I mean if your gonna flirt make it towards the one you want. Also the fact that he felt responsible for her injury as a kid that she got hurt he vowed to marry her right then so that she would never worry about people ridiculing her for her looks due to the mark on her forehead. I mean even at a young age his proposal was adorable and spot on with the hand kissing and everything.
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He is definitely the mischievous boy and Keith probably is smart to worry about him. I say this because if Catarina gave him half the chance he would so sleep with her. He is probably the only boy I truly feel is the most dirty minded one of them all. In the desire episode you see that when he literally gets wine and starts trying to make out with her. He even announces in the dreamish world that they are now married and she gets to be alone with him all night. That was so spot on with his desires.
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He does love her though its not like I can't see how much he cares anyone can see it. The way he holds her though is so sweet he holds her like she is the most precious thing in the world because to him she is. I hope in time with him being her true route you see more chemistry between the two mainly from her side because as of right now its more one sided from what I see.
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He gained even more respect for me when he got upset like he blamed himself for not being able to protect her. I feel like he would do anything to protect her just like any of the other men and that is a value in him. I also don't think he would ever hurt her intentional at all. Come on he don't even notice other girls nor does he care what people think of him or of her its what he feels. Then the fact he takes water and feeds it to her in a kiss when she is in a coma to keep her hydrated that was the most romantic thing he did so far. So by the end of it I think I love him as much as some of the guys now he just had to win me over a bit more.
Raphael Walt
Ok this boy is a down right cutie, to me he is you cinnamon roll in this anime 100%. Yes he had darkness and revenge take him over but come on his moms last words as she bled out in front of him was avenge my death. That is enough to make anyone flip a switch.
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The way he holds Catarina's hand so gentle even when he was in pain and suffering, as well as how she reaches out to touch him and understand his pain. I honestly think they could make a good match and wish it was included in the game. I hope eventually he gets to shine and have even a small chance with her.
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Then after all the bad things he did and she understood why he tried to make up for it all. He isn't a bad boy at all this is a sweet baby boy who just needs to be loved and cared for by a woman and I think he will grow up well.
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Come on you can't tell me he isn't sorry even Keith and Geordo make a comment that she has taken on seducing another man for them to have to compete against. This should prove he should be a love interest. I will cross my fingers I see more of him in the second season or in future games. He is the side character that I think should be dateable.
The Girls (Mary Hunt, Sophia Ascart, & Maria Campbell)
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Mary - The girls are all supposed to be her best friends but every damn one of them is in love with her. Sometimes its way over done like especially with Mary. I feel like with Mary she tries to force her love on Catarina, and she tries to shut down everyone elses advances. I feel like she would even be a bad one to date for being controlling in the end. She is the cray cray yanderish types in female form I swear.
Maria - She is a sweetheart but sometimes she is just too sweet to me. Like her light side magic to how humble she is. The fact she sees the good in everyone all the time and although I know she has it hard I just feel like she needs to spend more time being herself and not this over joyed happy girl all the time. I do still like her but as far as her with Catarina I just don't see anything but friends.
Sophia - She is my favorite of the girls probably cause when you realize she was with Catarina in her past life and how much she loved her even after she died it shows there is such a close bond with them. When no one else wanted to be her friends her connection with Catarina made her grow up much happier. I even love how she got to say goodbye to her one last time before being there by her side as Sophia. I can say I think friendship is all they should be even with the fact I think she does love her I think she wants her brother and Katarina to be together as well. Maybe they want to share her lol.
Overall Thoughts
This is such a beautiful anime all the way around. After just the first episode I was hooked and needed more. I would have binged it one day if I had been busy that day but by day 2 was done with one sitting from episode like 5 to the end. I love everyone of these characters for one reason or another. They all bring something to the story that when you take one out for just a moment you realize how they are needed. There of course there is a few side characters you would miss to but the main ones below are the biggest ones you can't have this anime without.
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I absolutely love how these guys looks flustered like they seriously are hot as hell especially Keith & Alan who were effected the most. Geordo and Nicol's are a little more shameless and promiscuous in their own way compared to Alan and Keith who are alot more innocent.
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The banter between Keith and Geordo is what makes it funny as hell though. They are always technically dick measuring and showing each other up. Their banter is needed though unlike the other guys they are the ones that are the biggest rivals.
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I love this show has happy and funny moments but also sad and unpredictability as well. Characters you will learn to love some to hate and some you just don't care about. I honestly did not expect to love every one of the guys for one reason or another that usually never happens. I usually have one or two and the rest I don't care about but I'm actually looking forward to playing the game now to see how each story plays out all because the anime got my interest. I read a review on the ships people love and hate and I disagree with them so this is supposedly the ships that are the biggest from the anime.
Catarina x Alan --- LIKE ( I agree to me he is the most well fit for her and her personality. To me they are end game.)
Catarina x Sophia --- LIKE/HATE (I've seen this one waver for people, like I love their friendship and how much they care for one another but to me best not in a romantic way.)
Catarina x Keith --- HATE ( I disagree I think he would follow her to the ends of the earth and always take care of her anyway he could. He would make a good life long partner for sure.)
Catarina x Nicol --- LIKE (I agree they are cute together and the fact he don't care about any of the girls throwing themselves at him when she gives him attention tells you he has eyes only for her. I love how soft his eyes are when he smiles at her too.)
Catarina x Mary --- HATE (I agree she is overly pushy and even though I like Catarina with the guys when it comes to girls she is my least favorite. Anyways any advances she has made towards Katarina she has been shot down with anyways.)
Catarina x Maria --- LIKE/HATE ( I have seen this one waver too and just like with Sophia think they are better friends than more.)
Catarina x Raphael --- HATE (I disagree I actually think he is cute as a button. The fact he is fast to admit he is sorry but still wants to stay by her side I think he needs his own love route he deserves it after watching his mom killed in front of him. )
Catarina x Geordo --- LIKE (I agree they are cute together and I wouldn't totally hate them being together I like his flirtiness anyways)
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bsd-brainrot-go-brr · 2 years
I hate rich people
Can be read as Poe x reader but really it’s just me complaining about the fact that the guild has the power of capitalism
“Do you see this shit, Karl?!”
Almost accusingly you held the paper out to the raccoon, as if the little guy was actually capable of reading it.
“Look at those numbers! A monthly pay check. He gets this every month! This is ridiculous” you exclaimed while throwing your arms into the air. This was unbelievable. Unspeakable. Unthinkable. If he knew this was a thing, Marx would either rise from his grave or start spinning so hard he would instantly, single-handedly fulfill the three year energy plan of Saint Petersburg.
Meanwhile the little furry guy grabbed the edge of the paper with his little paw as soon as you lowered it into reach again as if he actually wanted to take a look at it.
“I hate rich people," you muttered while Karl fully grabbed the paper.
You left the room to approach the kitchenette, yes, this man had his own kitchenette in his office, they were that level of rich, because it was nearly time for afternoon tea. Or whatever rich people called their food in the afternoon. And here you were decided between breakfast and dinner every damn day. what a life.
Edgar Allen Poe, or as you called him: Murder Mystery Guy, was busy working on something. What exactly? No clue. Not your place to ask, you were just the (underpaid, undervalued, underappreciated) assistant. Your job was to make sure he wouldn't starve and would occasionally socialized when required (as in: attend his meetings). This by itself wouldn't sound like a hard job but now that you'd actually met him...... eh.
Regardless, you still put together a small assortment of cookies and tiny sandwiches, crying internally about how ridiculously ‘upper middle class’ tiny sandwiches were, before bringing everything over to your boss in hopes that he would, for once, consume something with nutritious value.
“I deserve a raise” you stated while approaching him. Most times out of ten he wouldn’t even respond to anything you said. At first this greatly confused you because who in their right mind would hire a personal assistant to never interact with them, but then it became clear that he wasn’t actually the one who hired you. A certain Miss Alcott had had that idea apparently, so technically she was your boss? Either way, this man did not like to speak. He was kinda cute though and had the best racoon in the world so all was forgiven. But he did indeed not respond to you. Would’ve been too damn nice. Instead you flopped down on a ridiculously comfortable chair in the corner of the room and watched him ignore the tray you’d just brought over.
“What are you working on anyway?” you finally asked, something you actually didn’t know. Magically, this got you his attention. “I am working on the greatest mystery novel of all time,” he stated with a level of seriousness that almost threw you off the chair. What a funny guy. He was starting to grow on you. Despite the ridiculous paycheck. Nevertheless you eventually caught yourself: “So you want to write an unsolvable mystery yeah?”
“Yes,” he confirmed, though he did not look up again. The man did not spare you a glance. No wonder his raccoon had more friends than him. But then again it’s Karl. Everyone loves Karl. How could one not love Karl and still feel worthy of being alive? One couldn’t. That’s why Karl antis simply did not exist. 
Regardless, this morning in your daily choice of which meal to skip, your choice had initially landed on lunch, and now you were faced with a perfectly fine tray of snacks just sitting there, untouched. This made you want to kill someone, but it also made you want to strike up a conversation with him just so you could sneakily get closer and eat his food. What was he gonna do? Pay you any less? Hardly possible. Thus, you got up and came over, talked while you were walking. Your suggestion was the following: “Then just make it unsolvable”
He gave you a complicated expression.It was somewhere between “isn’t that obvious?”, “that’s what I was trying to do” and “why are you talking to me i already spoke to someone once today and i need three to five business days to mentally prepare for a conversation so how dare you”.
“You know how in math class they teach you that you can’t divide something by 0 and then immediately after you’ll have an exam where they try to make you divide something by 0 to see if you remember?” you asked as you came to a stop at the desk. You reached out to grab one of the mini sandwiches but didn’t get to take a bite as his response was a very short and simple: “No.”
“Did you not go to elementary school?” you inquired and then finally shoved the whole sandwich in your mouth at once. Ah yes, at last: Food.
He either didn’t notice, or he didn’t care as he responded: “I was home schooled.”
You took your sweet time chewing that sandwich. Really savoring the taste of all the things you couldn’t have. After swallowing down you stated: “That explains a lot” while reaching for another one.
“What’s that supposed to m-”
“Anyway my point is that in order to determine that something is unsolvable you have to try it right? And you have to be able to admit that you were wrong about something initially. I imagine if you’re a genius detective or inspector or whatever protagonist you choose... then your ego wouldn’t let you admit that something can’t be solved. So if the solution is to admit defeat then someone with a lot of ego probably wouldn’t get it. Or am I wrong?”
This had him stunned. Success. This gave you the opportunity to procure many more tiny sandwiches. You would proceed to devour three of them before he finally admitted that: “You’re... not.”
This, on the other hand, stunned you a little, but it also gave you the necessary confidence for another question.
“So can I get a raise?”
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quill-pen · 10 months
I've considered doing some Cratchit-related stuff for a while now, so I finally bit the bullet. Don't ever expect smut for them, though. I can handle writing innuendo for them, but the actually stuff... I just can't do it. I can't. This Bob is so cute and wholesome--I can't graphically imagine him in that scenario and not be uncomfortable about it.
There's a little innuendo at the end, but it's not explicit.
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She didn't like pearls.
Never had.
She didn't like their shape or texture; they were just too round and smooth--it was off-putting and unnatural.
That said, Ethel Cratchit couldn't help but linger her eyes on strings of them in boutique windows and around the necks of other ladies.
She wasn't envious. Not really. Again, she didn't even like pearls after all--she wouldn't even wear the things. But... there was a small part of her, deep down, that wanted at least one string of them. Not because she wanted to wear them, but because of what they symbolized to her mind's eye: worthiness. It was stupid and shallow to feel--however slightly --like her ultimate, womanly worthiness came from owning a string of pearls, she knew, but Ethel couldn't help feeling that any more than she could stop herself from staring at the blasted things in the first place.
For most of her life, Ethel Cratchit had been the eldest daughter of a tenant farmer. She'd seen good times and bad, known hunger and plenty. She'd also grown up seeing that even her mother, wife of an often-struggling farmer as she was, had owned a string of pearls. As far back as Ethel could remember, she had watched her mother take off the string to stow safely at night and put it on the next morning after shining it up. She didn't remember ever particularly liking the things, just being oddly mesmerized. Of course, whatever her feelings for pearls, her mother had looked gorgeous with them. And her father had always made sweet comments about it.
"Any worthwhile woman owns a string of pearls," Ethel remembered a snooty aunt saying once in reference to her mother's necklace.
Ethel had liked that aunt about as much as she liked pearls, but for some frustrating reason that comment has stayed with her. They'd implanted deep in her brain and grown and morphed into a frustrating idea: "Pearls were for worthy women. If a woman had pearls, she was a worthy woman."
This spawned Ethel's desire to own a bit of jewelry she didn't even care for, to begin with. It embarrassed her to no end, and she had only ever brought it up to Bob once when they'd first begun courting. It had been her "tell me one odd thing about yourself" answer. She'd then promptly told the man, that if he ever wasted such money on her to indulge this peculiar urge, she'd leave him on the spot. It was stupid and pointless. A waste of money.
Those words were far from her mind and lips now, as she sat on their bed in the candlelight holding the ornate necklace box Bob had handed to her moments before. Stretched out gracefully on the rich red velvet inside was a delicate little string of pearls. Their unnaturally smooth surfaces glinted opalescent in the waving firelight. It was her first birthday after Bob had been made Mr. Scrooge's partner, and it had been a truly magnificent one, but this... this took the cake for all the day had offered!
It would have been the natural thing to say how beautiful the pearls were; most women would have thought them beautiful. Ethel, of course, didn't and Bob knew that, so she couldn't say such things. All she could do was whisper in utter disbelief, "Robert Cratchit... what on God's blessed earth...?"
"I know it's you'll say it's a waste," her husband murmured, gently brushing her loose, flowing blonde tresses over her shoulder. "I know you won't ever wear them and that you don't actually like pearls. But I know you've always wanted a string anyway, Buttercup. I-I know what they mean to you. You are the worthiest of women, my beloved darling, and you deserve to feel worthy in every aspect. And if that means wasting money on a necklace that will only ever collect dust and never see the light of day, I will gladly waste that money." He brought a finger up and gently lifted his wife's face to his to meet her gaze. Bob smiled softly, his mismatched eyes alight in undying, gentle devotion and infatuation. "Making you feel the best is never a waste in my eyes, Ethel Marie," she stated. He leaned forward and kissed her brow.
Ethe shook her head but couldn't help but smile. "We could have spent that money on something much more important, Bob," she stated matter-of-factly.
"And we can do that another time," Bob countered. "I don't think I'm on the edge of losing my job anytime soon. Besides, I think it's just as important to treat the woman I love and the wonderful mother of my children as it is to donate to any charity in the grand old city. 'Charity begins at home' and all that." He leaned in and pressed his lips to hers in a long, soft kiss that she eagerly returned. "Mmmmmm.... Happy birthday, my beautiful love."
Ethel smiled against his lips, gazing into his half-lidded eyes with a lovestruck gaze of her own. After a moment she reluctantly pulled away and stood. Tenderly closing the box, she crossed the floor to her modest vanity, opened a drawer, and tucked the necklace inside before closing it. All at once, that little ache deep inside her that had been there for as long as she could remember didn't ache anymore. And all because of a bloody little string of ugly, round stones, the woman snorted to herself, shaking her head. Ugly, round stones she wanted to have but never wanted to wear--oh, she was daft! As daft as the handsome, wonderful man who had wasted money on the ugly, round stones she wanted to have but never wanted to wear.
Speaking of which...
Ethel spun about on the balls of her feet to face her man. She leaned back against her vanity table and stretched her arms across it, smiling saucily at the half-undressed fellow. "Well, now, Mr. Cratchit," she purred huskily, tossing her head so that her hair fell over a shoulder and part of her face. She pushed away from the vanity and sauntered back to the bed with an extra sway in her hips.
Bob stared at her, wide-eyed and wanting as she came on. He gulped. The sight of her clad in nothing but her thin, dusty pink, ruffled, and satin-ribboned summer nightgown made him uncomfortable in the best possible way.
Ethel crawled up into the bed above him and straddled his lap. She smoothed her small palms up his solid chest and over his slender shoulders as she gazed darkly down into his longing eyes. She bit her bottom lip as his hands automatically came to hold her waist then slid down to rest on her hips. "You've indulged my foolish fantasy to own a pearl necklace despite how I'll never wear it," she crooned, trailing her fingers up into his hair to tangle at the nape of his neck. She pulled him into a passionate kiss that successfully left them both panting for air when they parted. Then the blonde leaned down until her mouth was right against the redhead's ear and whispered tantalizingly. "I think that's earned you the opportunity to give me a pearl necklace I actually want to wear."
Ethel giggled as Bob blushed crimson up to the very tips of his ears.
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Taglist: @luvreadingfics @amazingassash @beascrooge @themostanonymousscribbler @b4bynikii @sparklesphobia @christmasgaybusinessmen @tenodai @witchypandamonium @purgratoriat @neonshoe @orangewierdo @mirthadra @the-enchanted-rose @simp2537 @pandora-native-ayatei @youngsongnerd @crimson-phantom-designs @cila-17 @ry-ichi1 @artist-anon08 @alittlebitbethany @crowwritesthings @hyerizz @crowbones13 @rom-e-o @softmullet @cheesethegodfather @the-house-of-auditore-frye @thephantomofzaun @littlethief78 @oldmanlusting @annsign @juderia637 @mystarsignisno @ray-painter @theroyalhouseofwindenburg @m0nsterwife
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cosmicck · 2 years
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Yaayyy my first rq thx so much! And did you mean Kirari momobami??
Mammon x G!n Mc
Lucifer x G!n Mc
Barbatos x G!n Mc
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•Always thinks you got a problem with him with yo RBF, mans always thinks you wanna fight him he will glare back.
•Now him being a tsuendare he finds you cute but will NEVER ever admit it.(everyone knows except you tho)
•At one point he thought you hated him, which he thought long about one time, cause you never smiled, and it looked like you glared at him all the time.
•But your just like that with everyone.♡♡
•Sometimes you never speak but when you do it is so straight foward, like to emotion whatsoever.
"Hey Y/n, have you seen my ramen?? I swear I out it in this cabinet."
•And then you would just walk away, like dayum. Could at least have a little emotion dude.
•Oh?? So you can gamble and you supposeingly "really good" huh??
•As the Avatar of greed he can and will challenge you to gamble for like 50 cents.
•Mans is greedy for that stack like Kakuzu he wants needs the money dude.
•Ok so his luck for gambling is low...very low, but that wont stop him at all doesn't matter if your 'good' or whatever.
•A simple game of poker?? Sure why not dude?? Atleast a good 30 minutes to an hour right?? Wrong.
•10-15 minutes and you were finished, that.damn.quick.
•His Jaw is wide open babe, one thing he's challenging you to Poker next you are walking away from the table, like tf??
•I think he would call you Sasuke cause I feel like the only anime he's watched his Naruto, so thats your nickname now, SasGay UchiHoe-
•You've bet him for Goldie, like he was being so dense and desperate that he bet his baby.
•He wanted to win atleast once even if that ment betting his favorite thing worth more than life.
•You, ofcourse won, and honestly you had no use for it so you have it back.
•But when you won I tell you this man ugly cried for so long and he did it so loud like omg, you started to feel bad.
•If you want to give him a kiss on the cheek you can♡♡
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•Barabatos is a pretty chill dude, he wouldn't really mind you much really, honestly he find you cute and he's not aftraid to admit it.(unlike someone)
•Would strike up normal conversations, you wouldn't really say anything, but he wouldn't mind it really.
•You can gamble?? Cool!! Go against me!
•Idk why but he seems like a Russian Roulette guy, I see him enjoying it a lot and him being a BEAST at it.
•You beating him?? He would totally worship you, ok thats a bit dramatic, he would find you worthy, and he would talk to you like all the time.
•He finds you cool and someone to look up to, even though you only beat him at Roulette.
•Feel like if he's bored he'll just ask you to keep him company in anyway possible, gamble, watching a movie, hell even cuddeling.
•When he hears your voice for the first time he thought it was a calming voice really, yes it is emotionless but he likes it.
"Y/n are you mute, or do just not talk a lot??"
"I just dont talk much I dont need to anyway, but I can."
•He really liked your voice that at times he would ask you to film it for him.(ok that seems like an Asmo thing but whatever.)
•Have tea with him now.
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•Ngl mams is kinda the same, a RBF, does talk but not all the time.
•His first impression was that he thought you were rude, and you had no manners at all.
•He still thinks that of you since when you do talk it's so dry, like your polite but he needs to know you are, he doesn't like your tone.
•I mean he's a man of manners what do you expect??
•You gamble?? Nice, don't care, but challenge me.
•Hmmmm I just feel like he'll play whatever, like he's good at everything.
•Or so he thought. When you guys played, it was like 100 years had gone by which is like a blink of an eye for him.
•Ok...so your pretty good at gambling, doesn't change my opinion about you, but I have some form of respect for you.
•If anyone was watching then they'd be quite suprised as well, like you beat Lucifer?!? Damn you are good...
"Mammon I swear I am going to bury you alive."
"Yes sir."
•Would text you on D.D.D if you just wanted to play a simple game, or just hang out and read with him, like I said, he has some form of respect for you really.
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Sorry this was a bit short I kinda lost motivation and I'm tired from doing nothing lol, but I dont wanna go on Hiatus when I just stared so like yeaaaa.
Btw its abt to be the school year for me so my post will be slower when I start school.😢
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ravens-words · 1 year
if my heart was a house, you'd be home [On AO3]
Snapshot of Jake, Bradley and Caroline's life together.
A/N: Some of y'all wanted a bit more of these three, so this is me delivering. Hope you enjoy!
Jake wakes up to an excruciating amount of pain, in every inch of his body. When he opens his eyes, the room he's in is dark and gloomy, and the only sound in it is the beeping of the heart monitor. He tries to lift up his head, but it's awkward as hell with the neck collar he has on. He's helpless, and for a moment, the panic sets in and he's paralyzed with it.
But then the door opens. "You're awake," a bright, comforting voice says, and seconds later, the nurse is looking down at him with a small smile. "Your young man was just here," she tells him as she checks his vitals and does whatever it is she's supposed to.
"'y young man?" He rasps, frowning.
"Bradley," she tells him, "he said he'd be back in an hour. Was pretty sure you'd wake up the second he stepped foot out of the hospital, and it turns out he was right!"
Jake grins, amused, and she chuckles. She finishes up in less than a minute, and hesitates at the door. "Do you need anything, sugar?"
They've got him on the good drugs, so the pain's gone already. He wants Bradley to be here, but he's not gonna tell his nurse that, so he just shakes his head.
He drifts off back to sleep just a second later.
The next time he wakes up is much more pleasant than the first. He's not in pain, for one thing, and there's a small hand holding onto his tightly. He smiles before he opens his eyes, and a small finger pokes his cheek. "Jakey?"
He opens one eye first, sees her grin, then opens the other. Caroline claps her hands excitedly, then stands up on her chair, eying the distance between it and the bed. Jake's heart squeezes in his chest when a furrow appears between her brows as she bites her lip.
He sits up, hides a wince as he does so, and extends his arms. She falls into them easily, trusting him to catch her. It's equal parts terrifying and awe-inspiring, knowing that this little human has, for some reason, taken one look at him and decided he's worthy of her trust. "Hi, Care-bear."
She settles on the bed beside him, kicking her feet a little as she tries to get comfortable. Once she's settled, she looks up at him with wide, blue eyes. One hand comes up to his cheek, and much to his embarrassment, he feels the burn of tears in his eyes at the sweet touch. "It hurt?"
He smiles, crinkles his nose. "A little."
She sits up, then leans down, and presses a loud, messy kiss to the bandage on his head. "Better?"
A tear slides down his cheek before he can stop it. "So much better." He smiles widely, wraps his arm around her back and tugs her close.
That's how Bradley finds them. Jake looks up when he hears the door open, and their eyes meet. His boyfriend's shoulders slump in relief, and he crosses the distance between the door and the bed in three quick strides.
Jake lifts up a hand, and as soon as he's within reach, Bradley latches onto it, brings it up to his lips. The kiss he presses there is soft, but the one he presses to his lips is anything but. "Never do that again," he mutters against Jake's lips, making him shiver.
"Yes, sir," he drawls out.
Bradley rolls his eyes, then straightens up. He looks down at his sleeping daughter, strokes her hair. "She was worried about you."
Jake looks down at her, eyes closed peacefully and letting out a cute snort every now and then. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be," Bradley tells him, "it's not your fault." When Jake looks at him, he finds Bradley looking down at them tenderly. It's a look Jake will never get tired of.
"She really loves you," he tells him, quiet and reverent.
"I love her, too." Their eyes meet again, and Jake smiles, crooked and a little nervous. "Love you, too."
Bradley's breath catches in his throat, while Jake stops breathing altogether. He kisses him, soft and lingering. "I love you, Jake," he breathes out, "God, I'm so in love with you."
Bradley takes one of Jake's hands in his, and lifts up the other to run his fingers through his hair, massaging his scalp. Jake bites back a moan and attempts to move closer. Bradley huffs out a laugh.
Jake looks down at Caroline instead of his boyfriend's smug face. There's a piece of hair that has fallen over her face, so he tucks it behind her ear. She shuffles, burrows a little closer, and lets out an adorable snore. He grins up at Bradley. "She snores like you."
Bradley shoves his face gently to the side, "I don't snore," but he makes up for it with a kiss to his temple.
His eyes start to droop a moment later, and Bradley drags a chair closer without letting go of his hand. "Sleep," he tells him firmly, softly, "I'll be here when you wake up."
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