#Love love love my Lady Rainicorn!
zefny4 · 1 month
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me and who
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rjupiterj · 8 months
who wants to be the lady rainicorn to my jake the dog? 😔
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brooklynstar · 1 year
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thefunniestguy · 6 months
i wonder if astrid will return in season 2 .... i honestly thought she was gonna have a bigger role in f+c so i hope we'll see her at least a little bit again
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moonziies · 5 months
Lady Rainicorn and Jake
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I love love love Jake and Lady Rainicorn!! I didn't know how fun drawing Lady was going to be, I love all things colorful <3 so this was fun! It was nice to go back into my childhood memories
also, I'm dumb but as I was looking up references, I found out Lady Rainicorn speaks Korean 😭 trust me I was shocked I could have sworn she spoke English (I haven't watched it since middle school so don't judge)
Request from Instagram: Lady Rainicorn and Jake from Adventure Time!!
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daringenthusiast · 6 months
oh wow i did't expect such activity, i really appreciate this. wanna add, most of my drawing will be just sketches, so sorry abt that ( ´_ゝ`)
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here are some doodles with jake/lady rainicorn aaand petrigrof!! i love them
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alicemation-1 · 9 months
spoilers ahead
Full transparency; i had no clue episode 2 also released “today” (its 3am but as everyone knows from the fnaf series its not the next day until 5am smh my head)
1st of all, simon is living like an animal at a zoo, massive L for him
FIN AND TV???? OMG??? So is jake dead or what?? we see him in the trailer but it reeealy seems like fin wants us to think he is dead, but again this could be a misdirect and he’s just out with lady rainicorn or smthing. (I freaked put at dirtbear guy but fin was a maaaasive shock)
(in all honesty i will need to rewatch the episode in the morning because i spent too much of my attention on freaking put about fin)
fin is looking similar but still different than in puhoy and sports 2 different arms in the episode (the second being seemingly the same as in together again) Also i THINK he might still be with HW which would be a massive win but its kind of unclear (i personally think that the bear that attacked simon and fin the the heart of ooo was HW just in the form of a bear, given the wood on its face looked like a mask and the eye colour)
(this is likely the reason he was in dead world the first - for the worst of the worst - in together again because he is looking demonic as shiiiit)
Simon is following in betty’s footprints which is upsetting but honestly not surprising to see (very sad)
ok but why was the portal coming out of simons head though lol
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pinkartwitch · 6 months
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Adventure Time Come on grab your friends We'll go to very distant lands With Jake the Dog and Finn the Human The fun will never end, it's Adventure Time!
Who were your Adventure Time favourites? Are you watching the new show?
I heard they launched a spinoff Adventure Time with Fiona and Cake, and I’ve very excited about that. I didn’t watch a whole lot of AT when it was new, but I watched a few and they were just delightful! I still quote it to this day 💖 And of course, my favourite characters were Marceline and Princess Bubblegum! I loved Lady Rainicorn, maybe I’ll draw her sometime! mowindows94 on Insta, I referenced her work a lot and she makes the loveliest Bubbline content!
Stay tuned for more relevant work 😉
If you like this, please reblog, leave a like, a comment, and consider following me for more 💖
If you’d like to read Blood and Thorns, my original story about magic, personal agency, and queer love that overcomes oppression, you can here on my writeblr @pinkchaosstories
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jakesuit0 · 7 months
Video Makers Review
“Video Makers” is probably Adventure Time’s most effective use of its side characters thus far. Pretty much every main and secondary character besides Ice King and Gunter show up. All of Finn and Jake’s closest friends are at movie club: Marceline, BMO, Princess Bubblegum, Lady Rainicorn, Tree Trunks, Lumpy Space Princess, and Shelby. While several of these characters were also in the opening scene of “Power Animal”, this is much more intimate. It’s really cool how each guest gets a unique drink that fits their character. Princess Bubblegum has a sentient candy drink. She uses candy biomass to control her age. This must be how she maintains the body of an eighteen year old despite being about 835 in this episode. I also love her rocking a casual outfit this time. I mentioned in my “Go With Me” review that Finn’s friendships with Marceline and Bubblegum caused them to see each other more frequently. Even though they are sitting apart and not seen chatting, it’s interesting that they both attend a small, weekly get together. Marceline actually gets a couple of lines, making it her only speaking cameo in the first four and a half seasons. 
It’s funny how worried Finn is about adhering to the copyright warning. It totally fits Finn’s character, but obviously it isn’t referring to showing the movie to a few friends. And Jake is right that those laws aren’t in effect anymore. We get our first mention of The Great Mushroom War, another example of significant lore being dropped so casually. It was pretty obvious already that Ooo was post-apocalyptic, especially from “Business Time”, but this was further confirmation for people who hadn’t pieced it together yet. 
I love all the scenes of Finn, Jake, and BMO filming Ooo. It feels like they are making an art movie or a documentary. It does a terrific job capturing the beauty and weirdness of the mundanity in everyday Ooo. Despite Finn and Jake calling it “random junk”, I’d totally watch it. They basically filmed Adventure Time season six. Finn and Jake try to film more structured scenes. The scenes don’t play out the way Finn and Jake intend, causing them to argue over what genre they want their film to be. The way the actors go off script is much more funny and entertaining. Finn and Jake should take their movie less seriously, and just go with the flow. We get appearances from more recurring characters: Slime Princess, Cinnamon Bun, Mr Cupcake, and Peppermint Butler. This episode is a real milestone in Adventure Time’s worldbuilding, showing off a structured world with various established elements they can naturally pull from. Shelby also says his iconic catchphrase, “check please”, for the first time. 
The ending of the episode is fantastic. BMO’s reaction to Finn and Jake feels like a child reacting uncomfortably to their parents arguing. BMO’s song is very touching. In addition to BMO finally getting to tag along with Finn and Jake for an entire episode, it provides his first truly impactful scene, which still holds up as one of his best moments. I like how quickly it causes Finn and Jake to make up, who of course wouldn’t stay mad about this long. Lumpy Space Princess’s intense reactions to all of this are also really funny. She’s eating this drama up. 
Grade: A-
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todomemolesta18 · 5 months
A thread of all my favourite ships Pt 2
Remember that this is my personal taste so dont get offended or anything ^-^
(In case you didnt see it, here is part 1
18. Puss in boots x Kitty Soft Paws (Puss in boots the last wish)
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19. Max x Roxanne (A goofy movie)
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20. Rapunzel x Eugene (Tangled)
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21. Steven x Connie (Steven universe)
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22. Rigby x Eileen (Regular show)
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23. Finn x Princess Flame (Adventure time)
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24 Bonnibel x Marceline
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25. Jake x Lady Rainicorn
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26. Gumball x Penny (The amazing world of Gumball)
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25. Katara x Zuko (Avatar the last airbender)
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26. Toph x Aang
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27. Sokka x Suki
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28. Mickey x Minnie mouse
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29. Lady and the Tramp
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30. Marco x Tom (Star vs the forces of evil)
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31. Adora x Glimmer (Shera and the princesses of power)
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32. Nick x Judy (Zootopia)
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I promise, next part is last one ^-^
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cartoondaydreamer · 2 years
Pibby Minisodes: Prepare for Battle
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Pibby prepared for battle against the Glitch, with the army of friends she made along the way.
I thought it would be cute seeing Pibby riding on Pinkie into battle, like a noble steed. And watching the video, I like that her hand sticks to the sword, it’s like Powerpuff Girls logic.
Pinkie is armed with her party cannon (maybe she had a new one recreated in a forge idk) and she is firing Coco’s eggs while the crazy palm tree plane bird drops eggs everywhere. (I was thinking of Pinkie using Coco as an egg firing gun, like when she used Twilight as a magic firing machine gun , but maybe using Coco as a cannon would be too weird)
Melira has her acme ray gun from the trailer, Mojo also is equipment with a ray gun, Lady Rainicorn is blasting magic beams and I thought I would also include Grim from The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy. GAOBAM is one of my favourite Cartoon Network shows, my siblings and I all love it. Grim’s scythe is powerful but not strong enough to destroy the Glitch.
And just for fun, characters in the Glitch include Kenny, Peppa and Bendy. I honestly don’t watch South Park but everyone knows that running gag. Peppa is a brat and a bad role model for kids so I thought I would sacrifice her to the Glitch. And then there’s Bendy, anyone that watched Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends will never forget that episode. He was horrible, he never got punished, the other characters were blamed for everything and he got away with it. So I Hope Fosters fans will find this cathartic.
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emilythecartoonist · 2 years
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Catra! Ms marvel⚡️lady rainycorn🌈 elvis and stitch! Jessica cruz green lantern! Medeline! Theese were the characters i drew for this six fanarts! I am yet to finnish shera, i loved the first comic run of ms marvel!!! I also drew lady rainicorn! One of the greatest characters in adventure time! Then we have elvis and stich! I loved elvis and lilo and stitch! Jessica cruz is my favorite green lantern!i feel like her anxiety makes her strength and power even more amazing and interresting!
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arekayic · 9 months
thinking about a spider-man adventure time au…. like there isn’t a specific spider-man universe i’m using (it’s more of an amalgamation of TASM and mostly USM bc they’re my faves) but oh my god i’m going crazy….. details after cut. i do want to clarify that this is NOT a character analysis because im horrible at that, i CANNOT "read between the lines".
like like peter as finn obviously because of him being the mc,, i’m thinking deadpool being jake because (ignoring spideypool cause i don’t really care for it anymore AND dp’s flirting because finn and jake are BROTHERS.) spidey and dp have a similar dynamic as finn and jake also deadpool’s personality really fits jake as a whole. and copycat is lady rainicorn because dp deserves happiness hehe
gwen is totally princess bubblegum,, science girl,,, peter in this totally has a crush on her and everything happens the same as in canon. i'm also thinking felicia as marceline.. black cat the halloween queen hehe :3 she'll still be a vampire though but she's LITERALLY called black cat she's GOTTA be halloween themed.
next up is ice king i guess. i want him to be usm doc ock bc tom kenny lol, but the personality doesn't fit much.. but it'll be hilarious so i'm keeping it.. and since it's usm doc ock i want the gunthers or gunters or whatever to be the spider slayers lmaooo. kaine would the main gunter i suppose.
i kinda want USM miles to be BMO because i love both of them,, and usm miles feels (to me) kinda like a brother to peter and BMO is pretty much considered a brother to finn and jake (i think). NEPTR is random as hell but i kinda want amadeus cho (USM) to be him, probably only as iron spider though.
ok ok now my favorite casting,, HARRY AS FLAME PRINCESS... i'm a parksborn junkie and wow their personalities and relationship match up SO well with finn and flame princess it hurts.. and yeah i know that finn and flame princess break up but UGH they fit so well, so i must deal with it. i just finished watching s4 e1 so i'm FUELED on this right now RAAAAHHHH. i did draw something and i'll post it tomorrow if i remember teehee. this harry is totally based off tasm because i LOVE his design and character and they fit flame princess more than usm harry does. also flame king is norman because that fits GREAT.
i'm also thinking, on the subject of love intrests, mary jane as huntress wizard. now this mj i haven't based off of usm (and tasm doesn't have her) so i don't really have a basis for her. BUT. her and peter are always fated to be together so she of course would be what is finn's final love interest in normal adventure time ( :,) /pos) and i also feel mj's usual design would mix well with huntress wizard's. now i want to clarify i do not remember anything because i haven't watched adventure time in YEARS and my current rewatch is only in season 4.
USM ben reilly would be fern. i don't really need to explain why. *cough* 'clone' of mc *cough*
carnage is lemongrab because of that abhorrent screeching (that phrasing could apply to either of them lol). venom might be his brother but i can't remember him at all lmao so that might change
now now now i think that eddie brock would be peppermint butler (but make peppermint butler smile less) because of his general vibe and story. but i must say, i'm talking about eddie with NO venom. i think as a candy person he would be black licorice so his design could reference venom with his colors.
fast round now, flash should be lsp, prismo could maybe be played by doctor strange (USM!!!), mysterio could be magic man because LOOLLL, martin could be peter's dad in TASM?, billy should be iron man, cinnamon bun COULD be liz allen (cause of harry) but i feel bad doing that to her, abracadaniel could be USM moon knight just for the laughs. i have NO clue who the lich should be,,due to usm lore i want goblin but norman is already flame king soooo... ultimate goblin maybe?
and that is IT for nowww. i will keep posting more about this au under #rk's spider time au, and i will be reblogging this post if i have more info teehee anyways i am insane.. ALSO also most (not all) character relationships are ignored when i pick the roles because that fucks up some stuff (like marcy and simon being close even though felicia and doc ock barely have anything to do with eachother)
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lascidarkblueuniverse · 4 months
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My Adventure Time Self Insert/Persona (Adventuresona), Isrrael The Unknown! by isrrael120
Hello Well, I was looking through my old notebooks from high school and I found an old drawing of some kind of old Adventure Time Self Insert drawing that I did and I remembered that I did it after watching the end of the first season, so I basically redrawn it and created a kind of bio with the vague memories I have about it, well this time it is in the universe of “Adventure Time with Finn and Jake” or “Adventure Time” for short!!!!
Name: Isrrael The Unknown
Nicknames: Isrrael, Issa, Wet Dog, Creature, Abomination, Weird Werewolf, Thing, Unknown Entity, New Species
Sex: Male
Age: Unknown
Physical Age: 15 - 21
Species: Unknown
Occupation: Adventurer And Hunter
Place of Origin: Unknown
Current Residence: In An Unknown Place In A Forest Of Trees
Height: 5′ 6″ - 5’ 11"
Weight: 200 lbs
Family: Unnamed mother, Unnamed father
Friends: Finn, Jake, BMO, Princess Bubblegum, Lady Rainicorn, Marceline, Ice King etc.
Love Interests: None
Enemies: The Lich etc.
Neutral: None
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Personality and Character Traits: Isrrael often describes himself as unpredictable because of his tendency to suddenly change his emotions, such as being excited about fighting and then getting very nervous about forgetting a person he had an important meeting with for one simple reason, In general, he is a calm person at first glance, although there are moments where he becomes the opposite of his calm nature, in addition to being distant at times with everyone, Depending on the situation (including small and insignificant things) he becomes very nervous, He usually looks like a funny person although his sense of humor is quite simple in reality, He is usually quiet or not very talkative, He is a sentimental person and he always tries to do things right with everyone and if he doesn't it affects his mind a lot, He is curious by nature, he usually tries to search and understand everything although it brings him problems sometimes, He has traits of being intelligent even though he doesn't understand very advanced things, He is clumsy sometimes and apologizes a lot when he screws up, He is insecure about himself and gets sad easily because of that, He likes to spend long periods of time alone!
Powers and Abilities:
Wolf Physiology/Werewolf Physiology: He possesses the traits, attributes, characteristics and/or abilities of wolves, achieving this by completely or partially transforming into wolves, choosing to imitate certain aspects of them or simply already being a wolf in the first place/He possesses the traits, attributes and/or abilities of, transforming into, or being/is a werewolf, a human or humanoid being with the ability to transform into a wolf or an anthropomorphic wolf-like creature, he acquires the traits of werewolves, the most obvious being the ability to transform into a wolf with the natural characteristics inherent to both wolves and humans, including senses, stamina, agility, etc!
Earth Manipulation: He can create, shape and manipulate earth and “earthen” elements including most solid objects, specifically all minerals and mineral compositions regardless of their state (mountain, boulder, sand or dust), dirt, soil, etc!
Mana Manipulation: He can create, shape, and manipulate mana, a magical form of life energy. He is also a source of impersonal energy that is both external and internal, existing in people, places, and objects, and that the user can transmute into magical powers that produce outstanding results in both practice and combat!
Healing: He can heal himself and restore biotic organisms to their optimal health, healing damaged or withered organisms, wounds, broken bones, low vitality and disease/poisoning, he can potentially heal any form of bodily damage!
Lunar Empowerment: He becomes stronger, faster, more durable, etc. when he comes into contact with the moon, moonlight, or lunar energy/substance, unlocking affinity-related abilities and enhancing his existing powers, depending on the lunar cycle of the moment (he can't use his powers on a new moon and is very powerful on a full moon)! +Powers/Abilities Unlocked Under Full Moon: *Lunar Energy Manipulation: He can create, shape and manipulate lunar energy! *Illusion Manipulation: He can manipulate illusions/hallucinations, making targets see, hear, touch, smell or taste things differently than they really are! *Power Echo: He can automatically replicate/reflect every attack used against him, where every attack on a target is instantly and automatically returned in equal measure to the attacker! *Extreme Temperature Resistance: He can survive a wide variety of hot/warm and cold/low temperatures without discomfort!
Skills and Hobbies: Hunt, Drawing, Playing Video Games, Surfing, Playing Guitar, Read Books, Waterbody, Learning New Magic Arts, Astronomy
Basic Backstory (Main): Isrrael The Unknown Is An Adventurer And Hunter From The Land Of Ooo, Of An Unknown Origin And With Vague Memories Of A Different Life He Goes On Many Adventures Alone Or Accompanied, He Is A Great Beast Hunter, He Likes To Read Books And Spend Hours In Bodies Of Water Such As Lakes, Rivers, Seas And Etc!
Basic Backstory (Others Stories And AUs): None
Complete Biography (Main): +During The Series(Season 1): He originally appears as an elusive new species of werewolf, the only thing we can get of him are photos of shadows with the simple characteristics of a wolf, his ears and tail, many locals began to get scared when he began to approach them during The nights then ask Finn and Jake for help to get rid of him, during a search they meet Isrrael who was actually a 15 year old teenager with the same wolf characteristics said by the locals and he only greets while eating a piece of raw meat. lying near a lake, during a chat with Finn and Jake they realize that this boy has a pretty relaxed personality although he doesn't mention that he doesn't remember how he got to this place to begin with, so Finn mentions the issue of the locals so that Israel I simply say that he did it because the animals he hunted tried to hide near them, indicating that he basically behaved like a wild animal and he says that he has been living that way for weeks, although it seems to be his way of life, he couldn't continue scaring everyone so Finn and Jake try to convince him to show up with the locals to avoid more problems but at first Isrrael didn't want to do it but in the end he does when he finally shows up the locals themselves seemed upset making Isrrael ask Finn in a whisper if he could be buried alive but Finn clearly denies that idea so Isrrael thinks of something else so he tells the locals that he could help them with their daily activities for a while, so Isrrael does it for the next day and in the end he manages to talk to the locals that he was good and making him feel good then he goes to Finn and Jake to thank them for talking him into doing it and then he sees a squirrel with two suitcases and chases it through the forest followed by Finn and Jake!
Complete Biography (Others Stories And AUs): None
Additional Information: +He Acts Like a Dog And/Or Wolf Sometimes! +Everyone in the Land of Ooo Thinks He's Some Kind of Werewolf! +He Likes To Try New Things That He Sees! +He Really Likes Fighting And Violence Because Of His Aggressive and Analytical Way of Fighting! +Sometimes He Looks Like He Has Depression Although He Doesn't See It As Such! +He Sometimes Prefers To Be Alone With His Thoughts! +He Sometimes Has Flashbacks To A Different Life! +He Is A Surfer And Swimmer!
Weapons and Equipment: Various Swords And Other Weapons!
Disguises and Other Personalities: The Shadow Wolf: It used to be how they knew him at the beginning because he used to be fast with what he did, he was a shadow with werewolf characteristics the only thing that was known about him! The Secret Wizard: A Costume That He Uses To Enter The Wizard City, It Consists Of A Large Night Blue Tunic With A Large Moon Drawn In The Center!
Likes: Draw, Water, Magic, Music, Food, Bread
Dislikes: Stress, Soup, Hard Things
Quotes: “Oh hello you two, what do you want?” “It's Hunter Time!” “A good lake to relax!” “Seriously, take a bath, you smell like death!” “sorry for being late, I had a fight!” “you want what thing?” “Hey if I want to fight I will and if I don't I won't I won't!” “Delicious, fresh meat!” “I'm always ready to be violent!” “I like parties like everyone!” “Hey, I can bury everyone alive, right?” “Hey, just because I behave like a wild animal sometimes doesn't mean I can't be civilized!” “I don't know how I got here in the first place!” “I'm a little sad about what happened!” “Hey don't talk to me that way now!” “very good, I don't know what to say now!” “I'm kind of crazy if I'm honest but I'm fine!” “Wait I have a date?” “this should be easy!” “Well I eat raw meat, I say it's common for me!” “Hey, I bathe frequently!” “These memories are confusing!”
Relationship Chart/List: Closed None
Questions: Closed
Roleplays: Closed
Dares: Closed
Headcanons: Closed
Notes: -When I drew him for the first time I was 16 years old and his personality is based on mine at that age! -A lot of what I write is based on memories of seeing AT OC/Self Inserts ideas on the internet at that time! -Links Full: Tumblr, Twitter, Pixiv, Instagram and Deviantart
Isrrael The Unknown (Adventure Time Sona) - Me Art - Me Adventure Time © Pendleton Ward/Cartoon Network
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moderntimeadventure · 2 years
Welcome to the Modern Time Adventure AU! It’s basically an interpretation of what Adventure Time might be like if it took place nowadays. Before getting into it you may want to check out this FAQ to figure out some basics of the AU. Enjoy!
Yes yep yeah I've included events and characters that appear in both the original show, distant lands, and a teensy bit from the comics, so if you're looking for something spoiler free, this isn't it.
As far as I'm concerned, there isn't really one. Mostly it's everyone being stupid and having fun but I hope to also included some sideplots based off the original show plots, such as certain relationships, events or scenarios happening.
What's different?
Honestly, I think the biggest thing that's changed is the timeline. It's my AU so I decided I can do whatever I want, so the occurrence of the events slightly different .. but other than that there are some small changes with character specifics that aren't really worth mentioning in detail here.
Does Finn lose his arm in this AU?
Short answer, yes. Long answer, I do feel it's important to Finn's character and arc that he loses his arm, however the basis of the AU is the gang having fun and I didn't want to make it too angsty. Also, Finn is only 15 here and the current thought is that he won't lose his arm until he's older, around age 17 like in the show.
About me:
Hiya my main is @mispelled and Adventure Time has become really special and close to my heart recently, I know I'm late and the fandom is pretty much dead but. I don't really care, I'm gonna have fun anyway :)
Primary characters:
Finn, Jake, Bonnibel Bubblegum, Marceline, Phoebe/Flame Princess, Fern,
Secondary characters:
Simon Petrikov/Ice King, Peppermint Butler, BMO, Neptr, LSP, Susan Strong, Frieda, Tiffany Oiler, Cadebra, Spader, Blaine, Huntress Wizard, Betty Grof, Prismo, Lady Rainicorn, Kim kil whan, Charlie, Viola, Jake Jr, T.V.,
Characters that I've included but aren't really part of anything important:
Jermaine, Sweet P, Tree Trunks, Mr Pig, Aunt Lolly, Uncle Gumbald, Cousin Chicle, Neddy, Earl Lemongrab, Lemonhope, Gunther, Martin Mertens, Minerva Campbell, Hunson Abadeer, Joshua, Margaret, Billy, Canyon
(warning: this is going to be very long. You've been warned)
Character Specifics
Finn Mertens (he/him), 15. Idiot teenager who lives in the treehouse in Jake and Lady's backyard. Jake often sleeps there too because Finn will sometimes get nightmares. Likes plants. Favorite color is blue. Aro ace. Finn and Phoebe dated for a bit and then had a fight and broke up, didn't talk to each other for three months, and since then have made up, now they are besties.
Bonnibel Bubblegum (she/her), 17. Very studious, serious about her future. Favorite subjects in school are science and technology, but also enjoys home ec. Has a pet mouse named Science. Loves Marceline's songs but wouldn't admit it during the time they weren't talking. Questionable morality. Autistic and has anxiety. Favorite color is pink. Ace lesbian. Lives with her Aunt Lolly and Uncle Gumbald, cousin Chicle and foster siblings. Has a twin brother Neddy who doesn't live at home. Helps out in the candy shop most days after school
Jake Dogg (he/him), 32. Dad Humor ™. Also fart jokes. Plays the viola. Sneezes loud as heck. Gets very passionate about things he cares about. Likes going for long walks. Bisexual. Is Legit the best dad and brother ever. Loves his kids and his wife and his brothers sm!!! Isn't officially married to Lady but calls her his wife very often. Stay-at-home dad but tends to do random jobs during the day while most of the kids are at daycare/school. Finn's official best friend and bro. Fave color is yellow but dark blue is a close second
Phoebe Flame (she/her), 15. Hot temper, daddy issues. Has an older brother named Flint but isn't close with him. Found a passion in freestyle rapping and often raps with Neptr. Finn called her "flame princess" while they were dating (because of her last name and her temper) and he sometimes still uses the nickname to antagonize her. Favorite color is orange. Bisexual. Growing up her father was super overprotective and low-key abusive. She ran away from home for a bit but they made up eventually and now have a tense relationship on the mend.
Marceline Abadeer Petrikov (she/they), 18. Acts angry and punk but is actually a major softie. Writes music and takes inspiration from mitski, girl in red, chloe moriondo, cavetown and the red hot chili peppers. Had a vampire phase in middle school and still has a soft spot for YA novels. Favorite color is red. Bisexual. Has played in a band but has come to realize she prefers writing alone. Has insomnia which is when she writes her songs. Ambidextrous, which explains her ability to play bass with both hands.
Simon Petrikov (he/him), 58. Former Professor of Archaeology. Likes penguins. Plays the drums. Getting over a mental breakdown involving amnesia
Fern Campbell (he/they) 15. Finn's lil brother. Only reconnected with Finn recently because neither of them knew the other existed. Autistic. Nonbinary. Has a lot of angst™. Feels like he needs to one-up Finn at all times and live up to his reputation. Questionable morality and anger issues. Has a green thumb and really likes plants. Favorite color is green.
BMO Dogg-Rainicorn (he/they/she), 5. Adopted kid of the Dogg-Rainicorn family. Very imaginative, likes to play pretend. Has an imaginary friend, "Football", and plays soccer in an after school program. Is in Lady's first grade class
Pepper Mint Butler (he/they), 6. Very smart (especially for his age). Likes to use big words and will sometimes swear. He's That Weird Kid who knows random facts about creepy things. Plays DnD. Draws comics (which the rest of the cast likes to read and discuss at length). Lives at the Gumbald Foster Home. Is in Lady's first grade class.
Neptr Dogg-Rainicorn (he/him),11. Adopted kid of the Dogg-Rainicorn family. Super smart. Small for his age and uses a wheelchair most of the time. Loves pie and is in Tree Trunk's good books, often hangs out at her pie shop. Beatboxes with Phoebe.
Lady Rainicorn (she/her) 31. Works as a first grade teacher during the day. Mother of seven. Such a good mom and teacher. Speaks Korean at home, but English while teaching. Pansexual. Best friends with Bonnie and they'll sometimes get together to talk shit and eat junk food.
Charlie Dogg-Rainicorn (she/her), 6. Likes witchy stuff, mythology and tarot cards. Twin to Jake Jr. Is in Lady's first grade class
Jake Jr Dogg-Rainicorn (she/they),6. Daddy's girl. Twin to Charlie. Is in Lady's first grade class
T.V. Dogg-Rainicorn (he/him), 4. In the same dare care as Sweet P
Viola Dogg-Rainicorn (she/her),2. Very sweet, wants to be an actress.
Kim Kil Whan Dogg-Rainicorn (he/him),6 mon. Literal baby
LSP (she/her), 16. High school junior. Gossip girl. Often acts low-key bratty, sassy, attention-seeking and willfully ignorant, and enjoys texting on her phone but actually has depth that she doesn't like to show on the outside. Marceline's insider informer
Frieda (they/she), 27. Very open to different things, likes trying new hobbies. Always working on a different project. Very involved with helping Susan and has become a regular visitor at the Amnesiac Support Group. Sapphic and in a relationship with Susan
Susan Strong (she/her), 27. Super loyal and has strong intuition about who to trust. Likes picking people up. Has a golden retriever personality. After a fight with Frieda as teenagers, she stalked off and was involved in a car accident, leaving her with amnesia and aphasia. Subsequently ended up in the same ward as Simon and after a whole bunch of shenanigans was able to reconnect with Frieda several years afterwards. Hasn't recovered her memories but has strong feelings of intuition and remembers knowing Frieda from before. Sapphic and in a relationship with Frieda.
Cadebra Daniels (she/her), 6. Pep's #1 best friend (but he'll deny it). Loves sleight of hand magic. Super hyper and has ADHD. Is in Lady's first grade class
Tiffany Oiler (he/they/she), 23. Plays the viola. Old friends with Jake who acted as an older brother figure until Finn came along. Has a mini rivalry with Finn about being Jake's bestfriend/brother. Has soon come to respect Finn and now they get along, if somewhat grudgingly. Has been adopted by Joshua and Margaret Dogg
Blaine Jay (they/them), 6. Spader's best friend. Has become grudging friends with Pep and Cadebra, and often feels like they need to earn Spader's attention. Is in Lady's first grade class
Spader Petersen (he/him) 7. Frenemies with Pep. Used to be really stuck up but has taken it down a notch since then. Has sensory issues with noise so he almost always wears noise cancelling earphones. Carries around a rock named Larry. Is in Lady's first grade class
Betty Grof (she/her), 54. Simon's fiance and Marceline's mother figure.
Huntress Wizard (they/she), 16. The emo/scene kid at high school who has a mutual platonic crush on Finn. She ends up bonding with Fern after they realize how much they have in common. Aro
Prismo (they/he), 33. Fashion designer, has his own homemade pickle brand, "Prismo's Homemade Artisanal Pickles". Plays the banjo. Best friends with Jake from their college days when they dated. Pansexual. Somehow always has an answer to every question, though it's not always correct. Will often get the gang to model his clothes for his brand
Jermaine Dogg (he/him), 34. Jake's biological brother, Finn and Tiffany's adopted brother. Artist and keeper of family heirlooms.
Mr Pig (he/him), 64. Married to Tree Trunks, Sweet P's adopted father
Tree Trunks (she/her), 65. Pie shop owner and Sweet P's adopted mother
Punchy Gumbald (he/him), 43. Bonnie's uncle. Runs a collective foster home and small candy store, "Candy Kingdom". Husband to Lolly, father to Chicle
Sweet Pig-Trunks/Sweet P (he/him), 3. Adopted kid of the Pig-Trunks family. Has nightmares. In the same dare care as Viola
Chicle "Crunchy" Gumbald (they/he), 19. Bonnie's cousin. Six foot four. Self conscious about his laugh. "The funny one™". Away at college most of the time, doesn't always feel comfortable being at home with the foster kids.
Lolly Manfried Gumbald (she/he), 42. Bonnie's aunt. Runs a collective foster home and small candy store, "Candy Kingdom". Wife to Punchy, mother to Chicle
Hope Lemongrab (he/him) 11. Earl's little brother. Foster kid of the Gumbald Foster Home.
Earl Lemongrab (he/him) 16. Autistic. Foster kid of the Gumbald Foster Home. Needs glasses but never wears them.
Martin Mertens (he/him) 40. Finn and Fern's scumbag biological dad. Con artist. Has brain damage.
Neddy Bubblegum (he/him), 17. Bonnie's twin brother. Autistic. Currently residing at a separate care facility
Hunson Abadeer (he/him), 50. Marceline's scumbag biological dad. Business man™.
Minerva Campbell (she/her) 39. Finn and Fern's biological mother. Doctor.
Margaret Dogg (she/her) 63. Jake, Jermaine, Finn and Tiffany's mom. Runs a detective firm with Joshua, her husband.
Joshua Dogg (he/him) 62. Jake, Jermaine, Finn and Tiffany's dad. Runs a detective firm with Margaret, his wife.
Billy (he/him) 35. Finn's celebrity crush
Ok phew that's over for now
Specific Situational things that are important:
Canyon (she/they) 33. Billy's girlfriend
Finn and Fern were born to Minerva (doctor) and Martin (former con artist) Mertens. Incident happened where Martin and Finn were confronted by Marten's past clients (people he'd cheated), they ended up running. Finn was found and adopted by the Dogg family, Fern grew up alone with his mother who never told him about his brother. Martin returned to his con artist ways. Minerva tried to search for her missing family but never found them, and tried to move on with her life.
The Mertens
Finn and Fern didn't know the other existed, being separated as babies. They eventually met by accident when they bumped into each other at [an event]. After the fact, Fern took matters into his own hands and stalked Finn down via the internet.
Mertens brothers reunion
Joshua and Margaret Dogg run a private detective investigation firm. They have four children- Jacob, Jermaine, Tiffany Oiler and Finn Mertens
The Doggs
Jake and Lady are not officially married but live as if they are. They have five biological children, Kim Kil Whan, Charlie, Viola, Jake Jr and T.V., as well as adopted children BMO and Neptr. Finn lives with them, usually opting to stay in the tree house. Jake is a stay-at-home dad but tends to do random jobs during the day while most of the kids are at daycare/school. Lady works as a first grade teacher
The Dogg-Rainicorns
Punchy and Lolly run a collective home where they care for foster children. Some of the residents of the home include Pep, Earl and Hope Lemongrab, Bonnie and (formerly) Marceline. The Gumbalds also own a small candy store called "Candy Kingdom" where the kids will help out after school.
The Gumbald Foster Home
After Marceline's mother died, Simon, who was a close friend of Marcy's mom, took her in as his own. Marceline lived with Simon and Betty, his fiance, until soon after taking her in, Simon began experiencing a mental breakdown/psychotic episode that lasted a couple months, and is still recovering. Betty attempted to reunite Marceline and Hunson Abadeer, who wasn't interested in raising his kid. After the attempt ended in disaster, Betty was unable to care for Marcy and longer and she was transferred to the Gumbald Foster Home while Simon was committed to a psychiatric ward. Only when Simon was on the road to recovery and was released from the hospital did Marceline return to living with him and Betty.
The Simon/Marceline relationship
Simon had a mental breakdown/psychotic episode which ultimately resulted in dissociative amnesia. Marceline created an insert oc for him called The Ice King to try and help them both while dealing with the situation. Simon did get professional help but the amnesia remained for quite a while. He now attends an Amnesiac Support Group, which Susan also attends.
The Ice King Incident
Marcy and Bonnie were good friends throughout elementary school and the beginning of middle school, until they started to fall apart because of Bonnie adopting more responsibilities in her life (including helping her brother Neddy, dealing with family dynamics, the foster home, and accepting responsibilities at the candy shop) and as a result, Marcy felt ignored and left out especially because that's when she needed a friend (while going through her own issues with Simon's mental downfall). The two had a big fight and didn't talk for a few years but they're patching up their relationship and aren't dating yet, but both have feelings for each other.
Marceline/Bonnie relationship
Kara and Frieda were good friends as teenagers but after a fight, Kara stalked off and was involved in a car accident, leaving her with amnesia and aphasia. She subsequently ended up in the same ward as Simon and after a whole bunch of shenanigans involving changing her name to Susan, they were able to reconnect several years afterwards. Susan hasn't recovered her memories but has strong feelings of intuition and remembers knowing Frieda from before.
Susan/Frieda relationship
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