#Like I'm not afraid of it but I do think “eww what happens if I see bug guts everywhere”
thegoldheartmonk · 2 months
Fun Fact: GoldenWeave Edition
While I don't think Gale is necessarily scared of bugs, I do think he wouldn't want to kill them. Like he may throw Tara to get it, while he tries to get a good distance between it and him.
Ruiz is the type to just pick up a bug (bare hands, I should clarify). And throw it outside. They don't practically care to kill bugs.
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deadprompts · 8 months
content warning applies. change any pronouns / wording if necessary.
there's us and the dead.
this is what takes us down.
the tragedy of their loss cannot be overstated.
i'm gonna get shit-faced drunk again
you should've seen the look on his face when i punched out his front teeth.
you're still a dumbass.
nice moves there, clint eastwood.
i think tomorrow i'm gonna blow my brains out.
y'all be more polite to a man with a gun!
zero tolerance for walkers.
that's the biggest lie there is.
we're safe here.
it's not a toy.
i know how the safety works.
keep drinking, little man.
do not enter the city.
bright side, it'll be the fall that kills us.
you may think you do but you don't.
living underground doesn't help; not knowing if it's day or night.
wish i could have done it a month ago.
friend, you need glasses.
there's good news?
it was worth every minute of it just to see that prick spit his teeth out on the ground.
i finally got the scrubbers in the east sector shut down to save power.
there were dozens of 'em.
eww. that's nasty.
maybe we got a second chance.
help me now, show me the way.
i didn't behave, i know.
screw you, man.
sometimes they fall short.
you take that stupid hat and go back to "on golden pond."
you the new sheriff come riding in to clean up the town?
cozy in there?
the only reason i got away was 'cause the dead were too busy eating my family.
i don't even know why i'm talking to you.
that's my boy.
this is our extinction event.
how far do you think i can chuck this, huh?
things are different now.
if you see anything, holler. i'll come running.
go on, tell me what to do.
hey kid, what'd you do before all this?
what are the odds, huh?
i know what i want to say.
i see a chance to make a new start.
i remember my dream now.
i ain't begged you before, i ain't gonna start begging now.
i know i'm being punished.
it wasn't my intention.
i can't let a man die of thirst.
i wanna see how red your face can get.
the world ended, didn't you get the memo?
we survive this by pulling together, not apart.
anybody that gets in the way of that is gonna lose.
it scares the fish.
thought i'd get to drive at least for a few more days.
i'll give you a moment to think about that.
i'm sorry this happened to you.
i'm old enough.
it belongs to the dead now.
maybe we'll get to steal another one someday.
nobody is gonna hurt you, okay?
they came out of nowhere.
saves me the embarrassment.
that's the bad news.
can i learn to shoot?
you pull the trigger, you have to mean it.
not many people get that.
bites kill you.
just...feeling very...off.
words can be meager things.
what he would or wouldn't do doesn't interest me.
what do you say to that?
guess the world changed.
the fever burns you out, but then after a while... you come back.
hell yes you're gonna learn.
you heard me, bitch.
the weak get taken.
there's no clinical progress to report.
still not sleeping well, can't seem to keep regular hours.
we gotta do it carefully, teach you to respect the weapon.
we are surviving here.
too bad i never studied engineering.
yeah, whatever, yee haw.
they might not seem like much one at a time, but in a group all riled up and hungry, man you watch your ass.
one thing i do know, don't you get bit.
we don't kill the living.
no crying in the boat.
i bet there isn't a single son of a bitch still listening out there, is there?
that's no way for anything to die, let alone a human being.
you don't know what it's like out there.
you're surrounded by walkers.
we don't have to be afraid anymore.
who voted you king boss?
we left him like an animal caught in a trap.
the line is pretty clear.
admit it, you only came back to atlanta for the hat.
i can see you make a habit of missing the point.
it's only a matter of time.
is this real?
there's us and the dead.
you got a problem?
there's too many of those things.
i never told them what i really thought.
i ain't so worried about some dumb dead bastard.
i'm a glass half full kinda guy.
it's the same as it ever was.
who the hell are you, man?!
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mowsyling · 1 year
Willow season finale some thoughts &stuff
Ermahgerd!!! The end... 👀👀👀😱😄
But first things first... I was so frickin scared going into this. I had a crappy first half of the day and when I got around to having time to watch I hesitated, afraid I'd be disappointed again &turning a crappy into a horrible day... I wasn't.. it didn't.. 😅
Anyway, some scenes and thoughts..
Sibling & "lovers" reunion scene was delightfully awkward &weird.. Wtf Airk? Acting like nothing is wrong.. He guys great you made it!🥴
The cliff scene with the rest of the gang went pretty much exactly as I expected, including Willow not jumping at first.
Meeting unexpectedly hot Crone.. Also not far from what I thought would happen.. I was pretty sure they'd end up caught in an illusion type thing. I had even had considered a wedding scenario once, still surprised that actually happened. A surprise was Madmartigan's involvement.. Hadn't considered that! (It makes me think it really was his voice Kit heard in the treasury in the mines.) Anyway..
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I cheered!! 😄😂🙌
(There's someone far better suited.. he just needs to get through his corruption arc first.. *coughs* I'm getting ahead of myself..)
Of course Willow turns up on time to save the day, shatter the illusion &de-petrify everyone.. fighting ensues..
This was funny... 😆
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👆This was hilarious to me😆😂 I want it on a shirt! 😂
This scene was... oof..
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My poor foolishly brave baby boy!!🥺🥺😭 I had such a hard time getting through this🫣.. hit pause to collect myself.. I knew he was gonna "die" just didn't know how ded hed get.. When she poofed him through the passage l was very uncertain.. torn between "she literally shredded him - there were pieces!😳 and "but he went though the passage so there's a chance..?" Ooof..
I made it through.. and on the battle went.. Wand broken but Elora now fired up & lo & behold! Shooting lightning from her hands!😅
I was so tense through all this, still worried about Graydon's fate.. I knew everyone else was gonna be fine..
Important realisations &decisions (Boorman)
Then.. I cackled so hard when this happened! They really went there! 😆
(Monster fuckers unite!😂😆)
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Kit's face!🤌😆😂😂 The personification of "Eww"...
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Croneified Harbinger Airk.. Evil is really not great for your skin it seems.. Do not recommend..
Jade finally activates the cuirass for Kit... I have to say I absolutely love the design of that armour! Gimme!😍
I had considered Willow deliberately breaking his staff but my guess had been the crystal might be needed for the Lux instead it was used as detox or anthelmintic I guess you could say😆😅 for Airk.. kinda..
Boorman.. I feel you..
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This is when I finally shed some tears... 🥺😭😭
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I was almost convinced at this point Gray was gone for good.. was mentally preparing myself to be very sad disappointed 😅
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I shrieked! I was so happy! Idc that he's in Wyrm-land with (fake) Dark!Elora.. He's alive! (-ish?) The relief!😅😅😄😭
Man bun Graydon has rights!
Dark!Elora is hot!
(can't blame Graydon if he's gonna fall for that for a bit..😆)
(This looks exactly like the Battlefield from Willow's vision btw.. (sadly reached the picture limit😆)
So I guess Graydon might have a corruption arc next season... And it looks like they planned for three seasons!
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That's it.. not super detailed just what hit me most..
Not all hope is lost for Graylora nation! 😄😅🙌
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ofswordsandsorcery · 1 year
My thoughts on SHADOW & BONE S2
I wrote this while watching, so it's really chaotic
Also, I haven't read any of the books in a while, so forgive me for not remembering how to correctly write the names and probably forgetting stuff :D
Episode 1
A privateer actually, it's an important distinction
Take your fuckin shoes off the bed
Episode 2
"you live in a single moment I live in a thousand"
You're old as shit we get it
Nina Zenik is a fucking menace and I am SO living for it
Also, we love a queen that eats <3
Oh oh Nikolai trying to steal Mal's girlfriend i see
Tamar and Alina interaction ahsjsjsjsj
The bonding over being shu han???
Awww, i loveee themm
Wylan and Nikolai working together would be the end of the world as we know it
I thought the girl working for Aleksander was Zoya for a sec and i was SO confused
Aww, Wylan he's beyond thrilled, he just doesn't show it love
Jes getting his fucking hat before leaving is everything
Episode 3
Soaaring flyyyyinnn
Nikolai is one hell of an inventor
Jes and Wylan on a missionnn *in a singing voice*
Nina giving Kaz contra >>>
Ajsjyjsjsjs Prince Nikolai reveal i am jsksksjsj AN ICON, truly
You lying bastard
Even more iconic
David and Genyaaaaa
I love David
I'm still so incredibly mad
On an unrelated note: Lewis Tan is one fine man
A casting decision I actually love
Side eye to Nikolai
(sorry paddy, nothing against you, you are doing a wonderful job just really not how I imagined Nikolai to look at ALL)
Nadja meets Tamar
Brb, I'm going to turn in to a useless queer
Also, I love Aldrick
Fuck allies, you need a wife
I am so living for Wylan begrudgingly agreeing with Jes
Wylans horrified stare at the piano playing omg and the little flinch
"He's really good" lol
Jes is so falling in love with Wylan over his piano playing skills
Uhhh, kaz inej fight lol
Let me bandage it for you even tho i am deadly afraid of touching skin
Ahhh, communication
Omg the subtle shaking? The fear in his eyes? Well done.
What's your telll?
The cane the limp, know ones ever smart enough to look for the real one????
It's not what you think??
Nina is like yeah, take your bullshitting elsewhere
I LOVE seeing that friendship develop.
Shit at first dates lmao
Love you Nina
Kaz fighting scene omg
Crow club takeover? What?
Y'all I wasn't prepared for this
So much is happening at once, help
Eww he licked the knife? Bah
Go Inej, get his ass..
Wow the prayer
So much emotionnnn
Vladim, what are you doing love
General Kirigan what the actual fuck
That.. Is your mom
The horror on David's face
I feel the same way tho
I HaVe a PrOPosAL
Shut up Nikolai, you're gonna get punched again and you're face is actually to pretty for that...
STOP IT. They're holding hands
This is a fucking emotional roller-coaster
I'm not going anywhere - walks away
Thanks Jes, for saying what i thought
Jesper you little fuck
Don't betray Wylan like that?
Wylan talking about how Alby isn't responsible for who his father is
Oh Mathias my poor boy <3 he seriously needs a hug...
What's your price? Nuh uh
Episode 4
Vasily you idiot
Baghra the wise im cackling
Jes you can't just drop that casually and then move one as if fucking nothing happend????
No mourners no funerals and it's almost all of my babies
Nadjas impressed look at Tamar and her axes has me SOBBING
That was a long time ago
Yeah oops
Make him kneel make him kneel make him kneel omg
That whole scene is so fucking good i had to actually rewatch it multiple times before i could move on
Tolya and Tamar supremacy <3
Tamar and Tolya meeting the crows??? Holy shit
This has taken so many twists and turns and loopings what
You could... Come with me??
Wylans lil shrug???? I'm actually crying
Kit's acting in the confession scene? SPECTACULAR the glances, the lil eye roll before be gathers the full courage, the little waver in his voice when he does confess??
Maybe you need a reminder?? The laughs the giggles I'm going to spontaneously combust
Wtf kaz
I worry about you?
I can't have a weak link in my crew?
You're a bloody idiot, is what you are
Nina should kock some sense into that head of yours after what you just said you moron
I think Rollins knocked it outa ya
And king he shall be
Just not yet oops
Unhinged Genya? hell yes!!!!
Ahhh, Baghra, you sly fucker
Not Adrik
Not him
Please not him
Jesper, Inej and Nina solidarity
Jes loves the gossip so much ahahahah
Episode 5
Genya not wanting David to see her because she's afraid of what he'll think hurts my heart
Genyalina hug supremacy
Baghra said sobatchka
I'm crying. This is not the time but omh
Damn right she doesn't.
Tolya looking at the bowl of food is literally me
I'm not here for you whoops
Oh Jes, you said the wrong thing baby
Bhez Ju? It looks INCREDIBLE!!!
Tolya being like wtf is going on with you and wylan is gold
I know metal
David i love you
The gentle forehead press
What did you do to him
Tolya giving relationship advice to jesper avout wylan I'm going to cry
Nvm I'm actually already crying
Nina trying to talk to Kaz about tea had me laughing so hard
Tolya snacking all the time, we love it
Zoya honestly
Tolyas comment about soldiers, i love that
Episode 6
I'm laughing so hard
Poor Mal
He doesn't deserve any of this
The thief is so beautiful
And she's so badass
Lol she's giving it to Jesper
I think she knows he's a special one
Love her so much
Another Wesper kiss??? Also, Tolya's knowing face lmao
Mathias = slab of fur and i will not refer to him as anything else ever again
Episode 7
Why on earth is everyone losing their hands?
This is ridiculous
Let me introduce you to Inej - Badass of the Barrel
Uh oh is right you witch
The crows join, it's over you idiots
Not the cane, that's a sacrilege what you just did.
Sibling reunion I'm sobbing over that hug
Um, Mal u okay hun?
Episode 8
Not kaz giving his cane away what is happening???
My Man
Kaz and Tolya bonding over Poetry? Of all things? love it
Ah ah ah is that an upward lip tug i see Kaz?
Jes... Why did you ruin the moment like that?
There's six of you you morons
Just don't know it yet lovelies
Have i said i don't like Genya's eye thing? It just looks so cheap
He wants an investment lol
Kaz you fuking idiot
You actually have to say it you know
Oof, the I want- I want you
Gives me the same vibes as i love, i love, i love you
How many fucking flying ships do they have?
Nah wtf is this Inej & Tolya shit
What's with the suggestive camera angles, stop that
Actually, i like the sturmhond look on Mal
Inej on the boat taking over slaver ships
So many things i didn't think I'd see this season omg
Ketterdam what kinda fucked up, out of proportion moon do you have???
Ugh not the apparat
Fuck off already, i didn't miss you at ALL
For a man of faith...
Love you for that, sobachka
Finally a better eye patch
Zoya you actually could lol
Are we going to get a triumvirate sitch with Alina?
Omgg yesss
You finally gonna go to Fjerda huh
Not that it doesn't look good just...
Talk about show stopping, am i right
Well, that's a way to end the show
Additional things I LOVED
- The show name at the beginning of every episode
- The different languages >>>>
- everything Tolya does
-Patrick Gibson as Nikolai, the longer I watched the better it got
What I did NOT like:
- lots of things actually but I have decided for myself that from here I'll just see the show as something different from the books and cherish it for what it is
-David and Genya having literally five seconds before he died? WTF? David was supposed to be here longer :/
-that they put SO MUCH into this season? like so much is happening at once and then they introduce additional stuff??? Felt a little rushed to me... Like were kinda already at the point of King of Scars but at the same time the SOC plotline is so ripped apart? I am confused...
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Nightmares (Part 1)
No permissions to repost anywhere online or print or reuse in any fassion. Reblogs are appreciated.
Warnings: nightmare blood gore other people afraid of self harm missunderstandings steve being an idiot and doing too many missions in a row.
It happened all at one
Bed dipped I woke and saw a I woke up darkness. All the lights were off the windowshade was closed....darkness.
"Shhhh" i felt an arm sneak around my waist pull me to him. It made me smile his warmness his... his something was off
I turned
Darkness. But this time it was from a mask.   he put his hand over his  lips would be and air my throat caught but I was able to scream and I screamed i shot up in bed.
The same freaking dream. Again.
God I couldnt wait until Steve was back from his mission. Then I heard the door creak open.
Oh god i can't be one of those dreams within a dream can it?
I sat up slowly
"Sweetheart?" He said tentatively. I could hear his bag slowly get place on the floor with a thunk followed by another thunk.  "Why are you awake?"
"Oh thank god."
"Nightmares. Since you've been gone."
With two steps he was right next to me.
"The winter soilder trying to kill me."
"Babe, I know that was scary for you. You never saw me like that before."
Understatement. Bruised and bloody and unconscious with no explination why until he woke up. But he wasn't waking. Well he didn't wake uo for a while rather.
"But you're safe here. I'm fine. Tony makes this place a fortress. We can move in  completely if you want. You won't just be here alone when I'm gone. Friday is here."
"Not helping Steve" say what you want. That thing is creepy at times. He knew I thought that.
"I'm sorry babe," he kissed my forehead and rubbed circled on my back.
He looked dirty.
"But I'm back now and I'm here."
He was here.
"Go shower you smell I'm sleepy. " I smirked.
He smiled and kissed my head again and then turned to the bathroom.
I layed down and closed my eyes. Feeling safe Steve is home. And safe.
I closed my eyes. Im not sure for how long but the man has to learn to dry his hair off better as dripping on my neck woke me up.
"Hey go back to sleep," he kissed me on his cheek even his kiss was wet. Ugh. And warm. Eww.
I turned and opened by eyes.
There was blood all over him like, like he was in an explosion or something a sword fight a gun fight. I couldn't do anything just pant in horror as I saw the crimson blood drip onto the cream colored sheets. He just sat there leaning up no shirt on.
"What's wrong babe?"
I couldnt see a wound no no wound but blood so much blood.
"Honey" he leaned over  to me moving his arm off his body and I saw a gaping hole in his side and I could see in. That's when I screamed. I had woken myself up and in one movement had pulled away from Steve and rollen onto the floor from the middle of a king sized bed. Covered in sweat shaking.  I breiefly remember  Steve being shook or looking shocked, maybe he reached for me I'd like to hope he did, before I ended up on the floor but then he was right next to me. As I sat there crying.
" What's wrong? What happened? Are you hurt?"
All I could do is just sob.
"Its ok you're ok. I'm here i wont let anyone touch you. You're  ok." He had pulled me into a tight hug. One of my hand was on the carpet. It had such a nice texture. Soft but billowy and I dont know....the feeling was nice... That calmed me down more than Steve.
When I calmed down he asked. "Nightmare was bad this time hu?"
"You were covered in, there was a hole," I reached to his side moving my hands over where i recal the injury to be. It was smooth. "There was so much...." my breathing was finally calming down.
I put my head back to lean the side of the bead.
"I can't  do this anymore. I really don't think I can do this anymore Steve."
He looked at me heartbroken like I was so low so pathetic so... like he felt bad or maybe I was....
"It's ok. Its ok it's ok im here. I'm right here. It'll be fine. I promise you it will be ok.." but to me it he had broken me, my resolve. My thoughts. This him running off not caring about getting hurt was too much for me but it wasnt just that it was I dont know but he was too much for me.
"I'm right here next to you. Ok. Right here. How about, how about I get you your valium hmm?" He kissed my forehead "what do you say? Could help this."
"I dont know Stevie."
"Let's just give it a try." He kissed my forehead then walked to the bathroom came back with a pill and grabbed my water bottle from my next to me, as it had toppled over as i fell out of bed and I took it. I didn't really want to but whatever.
"Just relax ok, relax. It's ok." He took me in his arms.
I dont know when or how I fell asleep. But I woke up to an empty bed but there was a note.
"Had a meeting for the mission. Ill be back later get rest- Steve"
For the mission? He just came back from a mission.  Is that what he meant. The immages from last night were still so fresh in my brain. The other "avengers were so tight It felt weird being around them. The agents saw me as Caps's girlfriend and a reason why they could be given desk duty or otherwise if they loooked at me wrong. Apparently his past girlfriends weren't nice. So It could be lonely here. With no one to talk to. I layed back down in bed. And I realized the sheets had been changed. He must have done it after I fell asleep on the floor. I know he tries but the nightmares are just too much. Last nights was overboard way, way overboard.
I looked at my phone it was 1pm. I dont know how I slept that long.
There was a text from
Sam: text me when you get up. I wanna talk to you. Steve said you've been having nightmares and last night said you dont think you could  do this anymore. Im worried.
Sam was always kind. Always had a joke a smile. But I think steve got it all wring.
Me: What no sam that wasnt what I -Steve took it all wrong i have nightmares when hes gone about I meant I dont know if I can do our relationship any longer. I love him a lot. Maybe its not actually love I care i do but. The nightmare last night steve was covered in love
Sam: covered in love?
Me: i mean blood. Sry typo. I meant blood I really did mean to type blood i dont know why i typed love. But he was covered in blood and it terrified me. I mean absolutely terrified me. I told Steve i dont know I can do this anymore. Our relationship not life. Me and Steve...I think we're done.
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spideykaiparker · 3 years
A hot day indeed
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Peter Parker x Stark!reader
warning(s) : smut
this is based on this tiktok trend ↓
authors note : this is my first ever fanfiction, I'm sorry if it's bad, also english is not my first language, please forgive any grammar and spelling mistakes.
Happy Reading! ^_^
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it was hot outside, and even with the air conditioner it was still hot as hell. All of the avengers were just laying around in the common room whilst fighting the hot weather.
peter was lying on the ground next to the fan, while Y/N was on the couch next to him.
"ugh it's too hot" Y/N complained throwing her head back.
"hey what about we take a nice and cold shower" peter suggested looking up to her with a smirk.
"eww we didn't need to hear that" sam groaned while the other avengers were just wearing disgusted faces.
"yeah whatever, you know what, that's actually a good idea, c'mon peter" Y/N said while getting up from the couch. peter looked at her with a shocked face.
"w-wait really? okay then let's go" peter stuttered while dragging Y/N away to his room.
they arrived to his room and peter immediately dragged Y/N to the bathroom and started to take his clothes off, and Y/N followed him taking her clothes off too.
while taking off his clothes, peter couldn't take his eyes off of Y/N who was preparing the cold shower. she looked ethereal even with all those scars from past missions, peter thought that she's perfect even if she doesn't think so herself.
when the shower was ready, Y/N got inside under the shower and started washing her hair. noticing the absence of a certain someone, she looked up and saw peter just standing there staring at her.
"what are you looking at? c'mon you were the one who suggested we take a shower, get in here" Y/N asked making a gesture with her hand to tell peter to join her while raising one of her eyebrow.
"y-yeah, no, i wasn't looking at anything" peter stuttered while shaking his head, walking to her and standing behind her in the shower.
while showering, peter couldn't stop his mind from thinking about how the water slid down the valley of her breasts, how her ass was the perfect size for peter to grip on due to all of those intense training. everything she does looks hot to him.
noticing someone's stare, Y/N turned around and saw peter's eyes were blown, looking at her like she was a snack, nope scratch that, like she was a full course meal. his hands were kept to his sides but was clenched into a tight fists, willing himself not to touch Y/N.
"peter" Y/N said, looking at him
"yeah?" he answered.
"kiss me" she said, and that's all it took for peter to get rid of any remaining self restraint, immediately kissing her, pushing her against the wall with one hand besides her head while the other gripping her waist like his life depended on it.
his lips clashing with hers in a messy kiss, tongue immediately pushing into her mouth, exploring every inch of her mouth. one of his hands coming down to her ass, gripping it like he imagined before.
her hands coming up to his shoulders, connecting behind his head, switching up between playing with the hair on his nape and gripping his shoulders.
"peter" kiss. "pete" kiss "pete!" Y/N said tapping his shoulders while pulling away from the kiss.
"what?" peter asked, breathing heavily catching his breath"
"we shouldn't do this here, let's go to your room" Y/N said.
"yeah okay" peter answered, still dazed while catching his breath.
Y/N pulled him to his room, immediately kissing him again. peter wasting no time to kiss her back, even more messy and rough than before, if that's even possible.
slowly, they made it to his bed, Y/N falling backwards with peter following suit, hovering above her with his each of his hands besides her head, still kissing her.
slowly one his hand snaked down to her breasts playing with her already hard nipples, pinching and tugging on it, then continuing down to her wet heat.
slowly rubbing his fingers on the bundle of nerves in a circular motions, she let out a small moan, while his hands inching down to her hole, inserting two fingers at once, slowly pulling it back out to test the waters, and then pushing back inside in a rough pace immediately hitting her sweet spot.
"c'mon baby, let me hear your pretty moans" peter said while moaning himself looking at her face that's contorted in pleasure. she moaned harder when peter added another finger inside of her, slowly inching her closer to her release.
her walls tighten around his fingers, indicating him that she's close to her release. immediately, peter took out his fingers, Y/N releasing a cry of disappointment, inching her own hand to finish herself off.
"a-a-ah, you're going to cum around me" peter said while shaking his head.
peter took his already leaking hard self, lining it up with her heat, slowly rubbing up and down, teasing her.
she whined, legs wrapping around his hips, pushing him inside herself.
they both let out content moans, peter slowly moving himself, getting rougher and rougher with each thrust.
hands gripping her waist tightly, thrusting in even deeper than before. slowly one of his hands went up to her throat, slightly gripping it.
she moaned harder even with the hand on her throat. hands finding themselves on his abs and chest, going up to his shoulders, pulling him even closer than before.
their mouths found their way back to each other, kissing messily, biting each others lips.
his lips went down to her neck, kissing and biting every inch of her skin, marking her up, to let know everyone that she belongs to him.
her walls tighten around him, indicating him again that she's close to her release. peter's grip tightened on her waist also indicating her that he's also close.
"i-i'm cumming" she said in between moans.
"i know baby, let's go together, okay?" he let out, thrusts becoming messy.
she cums first, with peter not far behind, cumming inside of her, moaning into each others mouths.
slowly his grip falters and peter fell on top of her, face going in between the part where her neck and her shoulder connect, still holding onto his weight to avoid crushing her.
"that was.." Y/N trailed off, catching her breath.
"amazing" peter continued with a smile.
"yeah" she replied also smiling.
she began to get up to go to the bathroom to clean herself up again, while peter changed the sheets.
after awhile, she came out, only wearing one of his oversized t-shirt with a pair of panties.
she laid down on the bed, head against the headboard, grabbing the remote to put on a random tv show. peter following her, laying in between her legs, his head right on top of her covered heat. her hands found their way to his head playing with the curls
it was silent for awhile, except for the tv show playing in the background.
peter pulled out his phone, scrolling through tiktok for a little bit, then finding a certain video that intrigued him. it was a guy with his head in between a girls thigh, lipsync-ing to the audio.
peter decided to make that video. he recorded himself in between her thighs, Y/N was curious of what he was doing and saw that he was recording himself, she smiled and slightly squeezed her thighs together around his head, he looked up at her with a smile, then kissed one of her thigh besides his head.
then at the last few seconds, he angled the phone upwards, to catch a glimpse of her in the video. he ended the recording then watched it over, deciding to post it not giving it any second thoughts. going back to cuddle with her
the next morning, peter got out of bed and preparing for school, then heading to midtown. while Y/N was still sleeping because she was homeschooled.
at school, he went to his lockers that was coincidentally next to ned's, grabbing the books that he needed for first period.
ned and mj approached him, ned slightly running to peter, while mj was just walking normal.
"dude!" ned slightly shouted at peter while slapping his arm.
"what?!" peter answered, slightly agitated with the slapping
"your tiktok!" ned said excitedly.
"what tiktok?" peter asked, confused to why ned was making such a big deal about his tiktok.
"the video you posted with the Y/N stark yesterday!" ned said while swinging peters hand back and forth.
"yeah, what about it?" peter asked, still confused.
"it's viral!" ned said excitedly once again.
"what?!" peter exclaimed, afraid of what would happen if the kids in his school finds out.
"yeah dude! your tiktok got like a million likes and probably flash is going to come for you, right about now.."
true to his words, flash appeared besides peter with a glare, slamming his locker shut.
"hey penis, what was your tiktok about yesterday with Y/N stark, huh?" flash asked crossing his arms to make him look intimidating.
"nothing" peter simply answered.
"nothing, huh? it sure doesn't look like nothing to me" flash snapped.
"well what do you want me to say huh? that i recorded a video of me in between my girlfriend's thighs after sex? is that what you want to hear?" peter snapped back, fed up with flash's nonsense. while the other students that were starting to gather around his locker gasped.
ned and flash looked at peter with shock clearly on their faces, each with a meaning different from the other. ned was shocked because peter finally snapped back at flash, and flash, shocked because of the fact that penis parker the nerd of the school was sleeping with the Y/N Stark, daughter of Iron Man and heir of stark industries, gifted with both beauty, and intelligence. also the fact that peter admitted that he was dating Y/N stark.
"i-i bet you're lying, there's no way you, penis parker can know Y/N stark, let alone date her." flash stuttered but still not wanting to lose.
"what other proof do you want huh? I don't know what else to tell you, it's fine if you don't believe me, but just leave me alone." peter said while rolling his eyes and gestured for ned and mj to head on to class.
the three of them walked to class with ned not shutting up about how cool peter stood up to flash, while mj just had a small proud smile.
"that was nice of you to finally talking back to flash, nerd" mj said with a sly smirk.
for the rest of the day, they carried on with their normal lives but with people still talking about peter and Y/N.
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bellarkeselection · 3 years
Parenting Fun
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Part 5
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Kayce and I disagreed on whether or not bree should go hunting in the morning. My dad took my hunting so to me it seemed fair. Kayce was taught that only boys hunted - meaning Tate would go. The morning came and I sit on the bar in the kitchen when he walked in with his son. John gives him an amusing glance shaking his head with helping bree put her jacket on.
"Don't look at me, it's all her" crossing my arms over my chest I give him a serious smile. Kayce runs a hand down his face saying. "Are we still talking about this?" I jumped off the table to gently grab him by his cameo jacket, pulling his face down closer to mine. Our gazes intensity locked.
"Lisen to me kayce. I went hunting with my father and I'm not a boy, so I see no reason why we can't go with you. And I want you to know that I've been doing whatever the hell I want on this ranch with our daughter since the day you left. I'm not afraid to take her and walk out the door with a gun in my hand fully on my own...so choose wisely because if you try to keep me here I'll kick you in the-" I paused aiming a finger in between his legs making him stiffen a little before I keep talking. "Or we can all go hunting and I'll leave you be, everybody wins!" He sighed not saying anything to which our intense state is broken by bree whispering to tate and john.
"Are they gonna kiss?" Tate shrugs his shoulders as they both go "eww" john chuckles at that before kayce hands me back my crossbow for bree.
I replied taking her hand with a smirk. "Thank you, kayc" Once on the porch I hear Tate ask John "grandpa what just happened?" He told him "Well Tate, I believe that your daddy just got beaten by his-"
Kayce cuts in mumbling in his dad's ear. "Don't tell him yet!" I knew what it was about. The insider on the porch last night. Kayce proposed to me - but we haven't told anyone yet, except John. He still loves Monica so we have to see if he's allowed to have multiple wives or not.
The sun rose after we came back with two deer in hand. Bree was grinning a bit and Tate was happy but still not sure he liked it all that much. John came out to see me and rip teaching them tricks after kayce gets off his horse Rip complains slightly.
"I didn't think I'd have to add babysitting to my list of stuff I do" kayce puts an arm on my waist kissing me quickly. Tate and bree whispered something in the others ear nskig me ask out of curiosity. "What are you two talking about?" Bree comes forward with Tate going to John getting real serious.
"We need to talk!" Kayce and I glanced to one another when he asks bree "just him?" She nods looping her arm through tate's. "It involves money, and you don't got any." the pair say as I chuckled in amusement watching them talk with John. Bree and Tate come back shortly squealing and jumping up and down in front of the two of us. "Daddy you gotta train my horse" Tate said and bree squealed "daddy, mommy you gotta train my horse too!" Kayce puts two fingers between his eyes shaking his head in amusement as I head over to John. He smiles at me as I put my hands in my sweatshirt pockets smirking lightly. "What did they get you to agree too?" He answered plainly "horses of their own. I told them they'd be there responsibly and that you and kayce would have to train them." he chuckled at the last bit as do I. "Well in our case they've gotten learn how to take care of them first - plus she's wanted to ride a horse by herself since she was 5."
The day finally came  - horses came. Tate named his lucky and was really happy. Bree on the other hand was over the moon, giggling like crazy. She named hers Holly. And things went south after that because Tate and Bree got taken and tourachered. Now it's been months since then and John set up camp around the cattle to protect them. Kayce and I hang out in the woods around the camp looking for wolves. John hangs out with Tate and Bree who are loving being out here in this environment - as do kayce and I. 
Kayce searched around for a wolf with gun in hand as I watch him closely before tipping my hat to him smirking.
"Howl - Howl!" I howled into the daylight twirling around with giggles making him turn to me, laughing and sitting the gun on ground. He pulls me closer to his chest by the belt buckle of my jeans. "If you're attempting to make me scared. Hate to break it to ya darling but you're not". I grab his hat allowing him to toss it to the ground with mine included. "Awe boo, I wasn't trying to cowboy." We weren't married yet but we couldn't keep our hands to ourselves, plus this was the first time in a long time we'd been alone so we took advantage.
Night came and I was laying in my tent with Bree before I hear a wolf breathe outside. I grabbed my gun and stepped outside in a pair of leggings and a sweatshirt. Kayce came beside me gun raised.
"You're all alone. Now listen to me those are my cattle and if you try to eat them I'll kill you. If you don't I'll let you live" he told the wolf and he stared at me running off into the woods. I lowered my gun, leaning into him asking stumped. "What - how did you?" John's voice breaks the wind making us turn slightly. "My father could do that. Talk to animals and they'd listen." I looked up at Kayce who chuckled "I'm not sure he was truly listening." With that we went to bed for the next morning of what John called Dutton Summer Camp.
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elles-writing · 3 years
Flowers for a girl
A/N: This still comes back sometimes, so I thought why not to write it down, though I don't exactly remember some parts of it for some reason (is it ptsd? idk), but in Middle-Earth AU, Kili is little younger (12-13 in human years, in TH he'd be like 16-17 i guess. Reader is 10-11 years old) and it happens before TH events. It's something different than I usually write, because it's based off on my personal experiences, so...yeah.
I wanted to write it down mainly for myself, to accept my past. If this is happening to you, please seek for help!! Better be safe than sorry. If you'd needed to, my ask box and messages are open, if you need to talk.
Warnings/triggers: description of emotional and physical bullying, body shaming, very low self esteem of reader, hints of swearing, eating disorder thoughts, mention of catcalling
If any of these is triggering you, please don't read this story!! Even if there is fluff, there are still these.
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"Look at that fatty," one of the boys laughed into her direction. Y/n felt tears swelling in her eyes.
Don't cry, don't cry.
"How much do you weight? I bet as much as a pig!"
"You are so ugly and fat!" The other one said and pushed her. Y/n tried to do anything, but she was too scared.
"No, give it back, that's mine!" She said, when the boys took her sketchbook.
"Look at those drawings, they're like so bad," one of them pointed at them.
"Give it to me back!" She tried to grab him, but he put his arm up.
Don't cry, please, don't cry, not now...
"Ah, then come and get it!" He runned away, and Elle tried to catch him, but he was quicker.
"Ha! You out of breath already, you ugly fat pig? C'mon, come for it!" Him and other boys laughed. Y/N tried to catch his shirt, but he was running and jumping around.
"Look at how she jumps, look at her! It's like pudding!" They laughed. Y/N felt tears to come up into her eyes.
Don't cry, not now, you can't...
"Look, she's gonna cry!" You looked away, blinking furiously.
You can't cry in front of them.
"Leave her alone!" A voice came from behind the boys. They all looked back at him.
Y/N couldn't see him, she was shorter than them, and they were around her in a circle.
"Or what?" Said one.
"Look, the fatty got a boyfriend, eww!" One of the boys, and Y/N wanted to hide somewhere. She felt scared, shameful, and embarrassed.
Who would have ever loved her?
"Look, she's not speaking," they pushed her and Elle let out a surprised gasp as she fell to the ground.
"I'm saying it again, leave her alone," the other boy said. She looked around, and noticed him looking at her. She blushed, and looked away. He was handsome.
She knew she will hear about it later.
"Or what? What are you?"
"I'm Kili, from the line of Durin, and I would suggest you to get out, if you don't want me to kill you," he growled out, and Y/N felt fear rising in her. Would he hurt her?
Kili pointed the tip of one of his daggers to the main boy's throat, who then quickly took his friends and went away. They even threw her her sketchbook back.
"Did they hurt you?" Kili asked, then looked down at her for the first time.
She refused to look at him at first, but then she did. She was scared, and reminded Kili of a bunny.
She could be around ten years old. She was a human, he guessed, based on her ears.
"No, I'm...I'm okay," Y/N whispered and looked away.
"Thank you," she muttered.
"What happened? Why did they followed you?" Y/N looked down in her lap.
"I was drawing and reading here. I think they seen me, and went after me...it's been my safe place," You whispered.
"I can stay with you, in case they would come back," Kili offered before he thought of it. At this point, he was sitting down next to her.
"I-I don't know. They would laugh at both of us..." she said quietly, fearing of a wave of laugh. Kili furrowed his brows.
"How long has this been happening to you?"
"For over a year..." you said.
"I'm Y/n," she said a little awkwardly.
"I'm Kili," Kili introduced himself, remembering how his mother taught him to introduce himself.
"So that's decided, I'm staying with you," he said, and muttered some curses in Khuzdul, as he thought about the group.
"H-here, take my coat. It's getting cold," he said. She smiled nervously.
"Don't worry, I won't let them hurt you anymore," He offered her a smile, and she decided to take his offer, though she hoped he won't comment on her warming up face, or her body. She liked him, he was not just handsome, but actually kind to her.
It has never happened to her ever before, with a guy, who was a stranger...
The coat was big on her (that was a huge relief) and she cuddled into it.
"So, what are we going to do now?"
"Well, I-" Y/N didn't finished her sentence, because the first drop fell on her head, and other quickly started following. She gasped and quickly put her belongings to her bag. As she finished, it was raining heavily now. Her hair was soaking wet, sticking to her head.
Now he will see how I'm ugly, and laugh at me and call me names, and- she wanted to cry. Kili noticed her expression.
"So they did hurt you? Where is it?" Y/n shook her head, as they walked in the heavy rain.
"N-no, I just...I hope the sketchbook didn't got wet," she decided for the safer version.
"But you got wet. Where do you live?"
"Well...around twenty minutes of walk," Y/N said, so if anything, he wouldn't try to find her, though she was kind. But just to be safe.
"I'll take you home with me, it's not that far," Kili offered, and you quickly turned to him. He was kind, but her parents warned her about going somewhere with strangers.
"I-I think it's okay, thank you for your offer,"
"You are going to get wet to bone if you keep walking," Kili said and Y/N looked at him, but quickly looked away. The rain sticked Kili's hair and clothes to his body, and she blushed.
He surely has a girlfriend, don't be stupid, she snapped at herself.
He would never want to be with you, you are a child, and he is older. And he is super kind and handsome.
"Alright, then...I will go with you," you said unsurely. She thought she would think of something, if anything would go wrong. Plus, he was a prince. Y/N doubted he would do anything like this, if he was a prince.
"Amad, I'm home!" Kili said as he closed the door behind him. Y/N curiously looked around. It was a nice small house, with the smell of bread hanging in the air.
"Come with me," Kili said, and as Y/N was about to make a step, she noticed the puddle, and how she was soaked.
Before Y/N knew it, she was sitting in clean dry clothes, borrowed from Kili, wrapped in sweater and a blanket, sipping on warm tea.
"Kili, who is this?" Dis asked her son quietly. Kili looked at the human girl.
"Well, some boys called her names, so I went there, and then started raining, so I told her to come with me, because she told me she lives futher away, and she was soaking wet already..." Dis nodded, though she eyed her son, if he wasn't hiding anything.
"Where do you live, dearie?" Dis asked the little girl, who shyly looked around.
"I live near that small forest, my family owns multiple fields, and we work there," she admitted to the woman, who introduced herself as Dis.
"Would you like to have anything else to eat?" She offered her. Y/N shook her head. She didn't wanted to embarrass herself, and look like all she could do was to eat.
"No, thank you for your offer," she smiled, and carefully sipped on her tea.
The rain stopped, and Dis went with the girl where she lived, to explain what happened, and make sure she was safe.
Kili didn't seen the girl for next couple days, but when he was on the hunt in the forests, he overheard a conversation.
"He was cute, brown eyes and he was kind to me," Smile stretched across his lips, as he recognized that voice. He wasn't considered as too attractive among his kin, but hearing this made his heart warm up.
"Blue eyes are prettier, aren't they?" a voice of another girl said. Y/N was quiet.
"Well, they just are. Brown eyes aren't that pretty," the girl said.
"Don't you think so?" She turned to Y/N.
"W-well, um, depends on a person, I think?" The other girl got up.
"They are prettier." Kili could clearly see how Y/N looked down, and she seemed to feel sad.
He walked away, with thoughts of Y/N in his head, when he suddenly overheard some voices in the distance.
"Do you think we will find the pig today?"
"Probably. Her and her ugly drawings."
"It's not just her drawings who is ugly," the boys laughed.
"Do you remember her? 'Don't do that,' and then she went and started swearing back at us,"
"We are going to get her back, don't worry. She's slow runner, what about if we would take her things and made her run around? She would lose some weight at least."
"Great idea," other boys said. Kili felt his blood boiling.
How dare they to talk about her this way?
As the boys walked along, Kili prepared to scare them a little, but then he overheard another things.
"The guy who protected her, he has horrible taste in girls."
"Yeah, what a jerk. And those eyes the small fat pig made on him," one of them widely opened his eyes and wildly started blinking. The other boys were laughing.
Kili gripped his bow. He didn't knew the girl too much, but nobody deserved to be treated this way.
His arrows found their target quickly. The boys stopped, and looked around. Kili noticed they were really afraid, and smirked to himself.
When he came back home with two rabbits, he decided to go look around again. The sun was still not setting, so he still had some time.
His thoughts took him far away, and he didn't noticed he stepped on something, that felt like a pencil. He looked down, and realized it was a few pencils, hidden in grass, and when he looked around, he noticed sketchbook, hidden in old willow. If he wouldn't know what to look for, or didn't had as swift eyes, he wouldn't ever notice it.
He took the sketchbook out. It was familiar, and though he felt a little guilty, his curiousity was stronger.
He noticed a few sketches of trees, flowers and attempts of drawing people. They all were made with precision. They were not as realistic, but that certainly didn't mean they were not nice. It was drawn by someone, who was still learning, but truly excited about it.
Kili put it back carefully, and got back home.
It's been a few weeks, when he met the girl again. He came home with Fili from sword training, and his eyes widened when he noticed Dis with Y/N, chatting in the kitchen.
"Hi," she greeted them shyly.
"We have first strawberries, so I thought I would bring some for you," she shyly looked at Kili.
"Stop it," you muttered. Kili rose his brow.
"Oh, what is it?" He looked her into face, and noticed her shy smile, while he was grinning.
"You made me obsessed with these strawberry cakes your grandma bakes, can I have another one?" He made puppy eyes. Y/N sighed.
"Fine. But don't distract me, okay?" Y/N handed him the sweet pastry, and Kili winked at her.
"You're the best," He kissed her cheek quicker, than he thought of it. They both deeply blushed.
"Um, thank you, I suppose," Y/N muttered, and looked back into her sketchbook.
Meantime, when Kili chewed on his cake, Fili came back from his and Kili's room, and started reading a book. He started laughing, and Kili quickly took a look what was his brother laughing about.
"C'me read this, Y/N, this is so funny!" He said, but his smile froze, as he noticed her ashamed expression.
"What happened, Bunnie?" He used the nickname he gave her, because she loved bunnies. Y/N sighed.
"Well, um...it's embarrassing," she whispered.
"Neither of us will laugh at you, I promise," Fili said, and the girl looked at both of them. She took a deep breath.
"Icannotread," she muttered, and quickly looked away.
"You can't...read?" Y/N nodded shamefuly.
"It's, um...the school is too far for me to go  alone there, so, um...yeah." The brothers shared a look, which Y/N took in different meaning. She felt tears in her eyes, but Fili was quick enough to notice.
"No, we won't laugh at you, Y/N!" He said and pulled the girl into a bear hug. Kili quickly joined.
"Yeah, Bunnie, don't worry. We would never laugh at you," Y/N relaxed in the hug.
"Thank you," she muttered, and hugged them back.
They spend rest of the day by teaching her how to read, and write. Soon after, Y/N started studying with the brothers.
"You are distracting me," Y/N muttered, as Kili was kicking his legs back and forth. It was summer - over four months after they met. Y/N sat up on the tree, and Kili was sitting down on branch a little lower.
"How can be that possible?" He looked at her innocently. Y/N blushed, when she seen his big brown eyes in sunlight. They were in shades of melted gold and caramel.
"The tree is shaking, and I want to enjoy reading this book without distractions."
"I'm not a distraction!" Kili pouted.
"You are," Y/N offered him a smile, and got back to her book. Kili pouted a little more.
"Will you read it to me, then?" Y/N looked at him, and dramatically sighed.
"Fine. But let's sit down on the ground," Kili got down, and then he carefully placed his hands around her waist, Y/N placed her hands on his shoulders for support, and he put her down.
Y/N sat down, her back leaning against the tree, and Kili placed his head on her lap. Y/N smoothed her skirt and placed her book next to her, so she could read it, while playing with Kili's hair.
Y/N was the only one allowed to touch Kili's hair, aside from Kili's family. She never understood why dwarves were such touchy about their hair, but again, she was the same way, so she fully respected it.
Kili fell asleep after a while, on the sound of her voice.
"You the last cake I said was mine!" Y/N growled out and Kili laughed, but he quickly stopped laughing.
After the months of spending time together, running around the fields and archery lessons, she got much stronger, so her punches had strength and would hurt. Kili and Fili would never hit or fight with a girl, and though Y/N became like another part of the family, only tickle fights were allowed with her.
"You-you Kili!" Y/N was more upset than angry, and Kili started laughing again, as he was jumping around and trying to get away from her punches.
"Stop, Bunnie," and tickled her.
"N-NO-T T-HAT P-PLAC-E, K-KI-LI!" Kili grinned.
"Awn, who is ticklish?"
"I ha-te you!" Y/N slid her hand across the back of his neck, and Kili let out a squeal.
"N-NOO!" You giggled as you started tickling him.
"Gotcha," You sticked out your tongue on him, and quickly runned away to hide, before he would get you back.
You runned, but didn't noticed when you bumped into someone.
"Aah, long time no see," a voice said, and you shivered.
"You squeled on us, huh? Is that everything you can do? You loser," the boy said. Y/N kept quiet, with her head down.
"Oh, look guys, she's going to cry! What are you gonna do? Run to your mommy, or your friends? Go on, you tettle-tale." Elle felt tears in her eyes, and quickly looked up.
"I'm not a tettle-tell, I-"
"That's what you say, and then you will go and tell your mommy about 'the big boys are bullying you'," they laughed. Elle wished she could hide somewhere, and try to cry. She wasn't able to cry, even when she was alone, as she learned to hide her tears.
And then a yelp from the boys.
Y/N looked up and noticed the arrow in one of the surrounding trees. It was Kili's arrow.
"You told someone to spy?! You will pay for this later," one of the boys said, and then another two arrows pierced through the air. The boys quickly walked away, leaving her alone.
Kili runned out from behind the trees, and pulled her close to his chest. He started saying something angrily in Khuzdul, and Y/N was sure those were swear words.
"Shh, it's okay, I'm here," Kili whispered, when he finished his quick session of swear words. Y/N shook in his embrace.
"Let's go home," he said. They picked up his arrows, and went home.
Kili made Y/N tea and gave her his favourite sweater, which also happened to be her favourite as well.
When Y/N went to sleep, Kili checked her every few minutes. He felt guilty. He should've protected her better, stay with her.
He carefully sat to the edge of the bed, and slid his thumb softly over her cheek.
"I will make sure they get what they deserve," he muttered and softly caressed her cheek.
"Sure, I will go with Bella and Alia, you don't need to worry about me, I will be safe," Elle gave Kili a smile. Her two friends from her neighbourhood, with who she enjoyed to spend time too.
"I just don't want you to get hurt," he shrugged, and sharpened his dagger. Y/N started on brushing her hair.
"The boys won't do anything, if they meet us in a group. Plus Fili gave me that sharp dagger for my fourteenth birthday, I always keep in my shoe."
Kili looked at his friend, focused on brushing out the knots in her hair. Y/N grew up and changed the way she reacted to what other people told her. But that wasn't just what changed.
She grew up into a young woman. She was beautiful, and some girls were jealous of her because of it, but luckily, Y/N had great friends.
"You home, sleeping beauty?"
"Oh, of course I am!" Kili grinned as he heard Bella's voice.
"No, you are snoring beauty."
"That's Fili!"
"That's both of you," Y/N rolled her eyes, but chuckled. She and Kili said their goodbyes to each other, and her friends she knew for three and two years, turned to her.
"So, how was your date?" Y/N blushed.
"He gave me flowers for my birthday, so what? That's what friends do." Y/N turned to Alia to change the topic.
"How about you and girls?" The blonde rolled her eyes.
"Some of them are arrogant, but other than that it's good. But I have you, so I don't care," she grinned and hugged her friends around their shoulders.
"So, what do you-" Bella started, when a group of boys passed them. They whistled, and started talking about them. Y/N's cheeks blushed, as she overheard them.
"Don't listen to those idiots, they still share one brain cell," Bella and Y/N said at once, and they all laughed, though Y/N didn't felt any happiness. Her instinct to run and hide from these boys was still there.
And then we arrived to the market. I still looked around if they were not there, but luckily not, Y/N wrote down the sentence, and put the notebook aside. She felt happy they didn't recognized her, but it still stressed her out. She looked over to the bow and quier with arrows Kili gifted her, when she had thirteenth birthday.
"Trouble with sleeping?" Kili's raspy voice appeared behind her.
"Yeah," Y/N sighed out, and pat on the bed next to her.
"C'me here, snoring beauty," Kili chuckled at that nickname.
"Ugh, again?" You nodded with a grin.
As you laid in safety of Kili's arms (and him being soundly asleep), your mind turned into a specific direction. Would Kili like you? Not just as a friend, but...more?
You'd fall asleep like this, if you had bad dreams. Kili fell asleep first, and softly snored, but he looked cute while doing so. You shook your head, and decided to listen to his breath, and soon, you fell asleep yourself.
The memories of the times you used to be bullied by those boys came back. You didn't felt confident at all, and mostly sad. You couldn't fall asleep at night, and you often found yourself looking over your body. Fat pig, that's how they called her. Was she still...like this? Would she ever be pretty enough?
It's been a while, since she cried before sleep, and then fell asleep afterwards.
The brothers noticed something was going on, when their friend seemed to be bothered by something. So, they decided to do thing they always did, which was making flowercrowns together.
"You're messing it up, Fili," you giggled, when the blonde prince's flowercrown fell apart.
For fifth time in twenty minutes.
"Well, I'll go get some fresh flowers, over here," he pointed to the carpet of daisies in the golden light of setting sun.
"Guess who," Said smooth voice next to your ear, when his hands covered your face.
"Hmm, is that you, Ki?"
"Who else."
Kili sat in front of you, and placed a flowercrown on your head. You both stood up, and he twirled you around.
"I've got you something else," he whispered.
"Flowers," you looked happily over the small fresh bouquet of wild flowers, and felt warmth spreading in you. You looked into his chocolate eyes.
"Kili, thank you so much, it's...it's beautiful,"
"Not nearly as beautiful as you," he looked deeply into your eyes.
"Flowers for a girl," he said, with a slightly pink-tinted cheeks.
"Now finally braid her hair," the lion prince's voice interrupted the romantic scene.
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nashibirne · 3 years
Painkiller -4
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Here we go again. The date was a disaster and in chapter 4 Henry and Ella deal with their feelings and get some advice, even if they don't want to. I hope you enjoy it - likes, reblogs and comments are much appreciated, so feel free to let me know what you think!
Paring: Henry Cavill x OFC (Ella) Summary: What do you do after a disastrous date? You get unasked advice from your brother and your friends. Warnings: slight angst, that's it Unbeta'ed! English ist not my first language, so sorry in advance for mistakes in grammar or spelling. Credits: The pics for the moodboard are from pintrest, except Jax's pic, that one is from a screenshot from an app (moments - choose your story). If I violate any copyright, please let me know.
Previous parts can be found here: Nashi's Masterlist
Taglist: @hell1129-blog @lunedelorient @inlovewithhisblueeyes @willkatfanfromasia @mis-lil-red @agniavateira @omgkatinka @legendarywizarddetective @summersong69 @taebfada @xxxkatxo (let me know if you want to be added or removed!)
Later that night when Henry was back in Kensington, sitting on the couch in his living room, having a glass of whiskey, he couldn't stop his thoughts from running through the night's events again and again. He was disappointed, he was angry, he was sad - he simply felt terrible. Kal was lying beside him, his big head resting on Henry's lap, enjoying a bit of tender love and care. 
When his phone beeped, his heart skipped a beat. 
He took a look at the screen and closed his eyes with a sigh. Charlie. His brother knew Henry had a date tonight and now he was trying to tease him.
"Hey, supes...how's your date going. Already saved the damsel in distress? Holding her in your arms rn?"
Henry considered ignoring the message but he decided to answer anyway.
"Nope. Back in my fortress of solitude. With empty arms."
His phone started ringing only seconds after he'd sent the message.
"Hi Charlie." Henry greeted his brother not too enthusiastically.
"Hey, Hen. What's up? You're already back from your date?"
"You don't sound so good. What happened?"
"I fucked it up, Charlie. That's what happened." Henry pinched the spot at the root of his nose with his thumb and middle finger. He felt a bad headache coming. He was going to need a painkiller.
"She turned you down?"
His little brother sounded much too amused for Henry's taste.
"Well, we had kind of a Daenerys-Ser-Jorah-moment..."
"Ouch...she friendzoned you?"
Charlie laughed.
"I can hardly believe it. But good to know even you can't have every woman you want. I mean normally they jump you before you can count to three."
"Oh shut up. That's not funny." Henry snapped, his voice loud and sharp.
"Okay, okay...I'm sorry brother. No need to get mad."
"But I am mad. Mad at myself." 
"Why. What did you do?"
"I didn't listen to my intuition." Henry said with a deep sigh of exhaustion and disappointment. "You know when I asked Ella out and she agreed my gut feeling told me to take her to a simple Italian restaurant, nothing trendy, nothing too expensive. Just a normal place for a normal date. She even suggested going out in Uxbridge because she knows some nice restaurants in her neighbourhood. But my ego knew better. It was like...make this date different. Take her to a place ordinary guys don't have access to. Let her see how special you are and what you have to offer...and my intuition was beaten."
"You wanted to show off to her" Charlie stated the problem in one sentence.
"Yeah. I wanted to impress her. Of course I chose the Aston Martin and not the Audi or the Tesla. And I took her to "Gianni's"..."
"Oohh...Fort Knox..." 
"Exactly. The food was great, she loved it, but she was intimidated by the atmosphere and the exclusivity. She was tense and felt uncomfortable and our conversation was dragging and uneasy. It didn't help much that I made a fool of myself, trying to make her loosen up. On set the director would have stopped me for overacting. And I don't know what happened when she went to the toilet but when she came back she was pretty jazzed and somehow distressed. 
And now she thinks our lives are too different, that she doesn't fit into my world and that we're better off as friends. Oh and she mentioned not being completely over her ex but that was probably an excuse to make me feel better. To put it in a nutshell, I was bragging and it totally backfired"
"But why? Bragging is not much like you."
"Honestly? I don't know. There's just something about her that puts me off. And that's crazy because she is really down-to-earth, humble and nice. I'm sure she's not the kind of woman that's impressed by status symbols, money or fame. I knew that the minute I met her. But I have this irrational need to show her what I've got. Maybe it's because I subconsciously think that all that's left when I show her the real Henry, without all the luxurious and impressive extras, is an ordinary, average, nerdy bore." 
"You can hardly call it subconscious when you can name the core problem so accurately." Charlie threw in.
"Shut up, smartass. That's not the point."
"No, it's not. The point is that somewhere underneath all these muscles and this superman aura you're still the insecure teen, who always had the feeling to be not good or cool or attractive enough."
"Oh come on, Doctor Freud. Don't try to analyze me."
"There's not much to analyze, Henry." Charlie sounded serious now. "You have this tendency to feel bad for who you really are. An ordinary guy who likes pc games, books, animals and sports. But that's not nerdy, it's perfectly normal. You're a home loving man in his late thirties who prefers a netflix marathon to a wild night out. That's not boring, it's what millions of people our age do. But it collides with your public image, with your looks and the characters you portray, so you play this role when you date women and they're attracted by the man you pretend to be, by all the glamour, money and VIP stuff and when you can't live up to their expectations when a relationship evolves it doesn't work and they leave or you leave or whatever."
"Are you done with your psychological profile?" Henry was annoyed and Charlie could almost hear him rolling his eyes.
"Not yet. What your little brother is trying to tell you is the following. When you're not showing your true self you attract the kind of women you actually don't really want and who don't really want you. Physically maybe but not for the real thing. So the fact that Ella doesn't want your jet-set self, that she doesn't like all the glitter and gold, shows that she's perfect for you. For the real Henry. Got it?"
"I don't know. Sounds a little complicated to me. But even if you were right. The damage is done. She just wants me as a friend."
"Then be a friend. Spend time with her, talk to her, show her your world outside the biz and when she gets to know you better she'll realize that you're not a poser and maybe there'll be a second chance someday."
"That's all you have to say?"
"I'll think about it, Charlie."
"Good. Maybe, just for once, you listen to your annoying little brother."
Jackson took a big bite of his slice of pizza looking at Ella with a frown. Ella had invited him and Katie for a crisis meeting at her place and they had shown up with lunch exactly after Ella's taste: Pizza and donuts. Ella had put them in the picture about last night and now they were discussing the events.
"But I don't understand why you're not willing to go out with him on another date. Why not give him a second chance?"
"Why would I? This one date was enough to tell that I don't fit into his world."
"You're just scared, he's really 10 inch." Jackson teased with a lewd expression and Katie started to giggle.
Ella made a face at him but she couldn't help but grin. "Why would I be scared? Have you seen your brother naked lately." She asked with raised eyebrows and a smirk.
"Eww...Elsie...gross" Jackson made a puking noise.
"You started it..." She gave him a friendly nudge.
"Guys..." Katie laughed. "Back on topic, okay? I understand Ella, Jax. Maybe his lifestyle really isn't what Ella's looking for in a man."
"You can hardly judge his lifestyle after one date. Maybe he tried to impress her and went a little over the top. And Ella, I'm not saying I know the guy but what I've seen of him on set was all humble, decent and very friendly. No signs of airs and graces, no extravagance.
"Yeah, maybe. But it's not just the car and the restaurant and his VIP friends or his job. I really think it's too early. I'm not ready for something new...after Craig." Ella nibbled a donut, shaking her head before giving Jax a shrug.
"That's bullshit, Elsie, and you know it." Jackson replied, his tone pretty annoyed. "You had zero problems fucking my brother only two months after the break up. And now you're trying to tell me you're not ready to date after one year? He wasn't asking you to marry him. He was asking for a second date. You have to be open minded if you want to move on" 
"Oh, stop lecturing me, Jax. That's not what I need right now." Ella got up from her chair with an angry snort. "I need to pee." She left the room and slammed the door behind her.
Jackson took a deep breath and rolled his eyes.
Katie turned to him with a soft smile. "We both know you're right about Craig but don't be so hard on her."
"I'm not hard on her, Katie. She's hard on herself. Why does she make such a fuss about a little swagger? He tried to impress her, so what? Isn't that kind of a compliment that he tried so hard? Truth is...she's scared to be not good enough for him...that's all. Elsie thinks she has to be glamorous and  extravagant to fit into his world. She feels not special enough, not beautiful enough, too average or whatever strange fantasies are running around on her mind. She is afraid that he loses interest soon but instead of taking a risk she chickens out and just wants to be friends with him."
"Maybe it's for the best...A bird in the hand...you know. I don't want her to get hurt…"
"No, Katie. You didn't see them at the party. There was this chemistry between them...it was incredible. Like in a movie, you could almost see the sparks and little hearts fly from their eyes. They're meant for each other. As lovers, not as friends." Jackson let out a sigh. He sounded just as frustrated as helpless. 
"Yeah...I thought so, when she told me about it. The way she talked about him, with so much enthusiasm, it was remarkable. But Ella doesn't see it that way. Or she doesn't want to." Katie shrugged. "You know how stubborn she is. And how much a cerebral person. Reason tells her that he's out of her league and that his world is too different from hers, from ours. She won't let us tell her otherwise. So just let them be friends and if you're right, if they're made for each other, destiny will find its way."
Katie patted Jackson's knee giving him a comforting smile.
"Yeah. Or maybe she wastes the chance of finding the love of her life and ends up on her own..."
"That's not our responsibility, Jax."
"What's not your responsibility?" Ella asked, entering the room, obviously in a better mood again. It was typical for her. Close to throwing a tantrum the one minute and back to cool, calm and collected the other. Her temper was unpredictable sometimes.
"Your happiness." Jackson replied, giving her an apologetic smile. "I didn't mean to lecture you, Elsie. I'm just trying to help."
"I know, doofus. And I didn't mean to snap. It's just...let me handle this my way, okay?"
"Okay, at your own risk." Jackson got up and hugged her.
"At my own risk." Ella mumbled into his chest.
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to-come-alive · 3 years
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Baht Oyunu 1x07
UGH! This was such a dramatic episode! It was so sad seeing Ada giving up of her dream. If there's a person who deserves all the best, that person is Ada. I understood her drcision of quitting, she's feeling so guilty for lying to him a lot (she's covered up in so many lies I can't count. Only in the 1st half an hour of this ep she went from getting out of a lie to go to another! She's really going through a lot of pressure). But couldn't she just tell him he truth?! I mean, if she wants to get out of his life she might as well tell him the truth. It wouldn't make so much of a difference anyways, except that if she tell him the truth she would have a chance of forgiveness.
Isn't Ada living with Bora? So ... why did she quit her job to get out of his life if she would have to see him everyday at his home? Ada did not think abt this right. It doesn't really make sense.
I think what I loved the most in this ep was how Bora was so supportive of Ada's dreams. I knew he was but it was actually so good to see it with my eyes - him giving the floor for Ada to give a speech; him writing her name on that paper; him calling people to applaud her - He was just amazing to her! You can see how he admires and cares for her a lot. And that's so important, especially after her last relationship being with a guy who didn't even pay attention to her. Bora really is the guy for her. He was so crushed for Ada giving up of her dreams. And that's the feeling. He knows how important being a writer is for her and how giving this up is the big regret of her life. He just can't understand how could she do this again for no apparent reason.
Loved to see how Bora doesn't just gave up fighting against his feelings for her but he's giving in to these feelings as well. He's going with the flow to see where this is gonna take him. And what abt that scene where he sang at uni?! He was so flirting with her!! Not to mention the fact that it was him who went after her at the restaurant she started working on. He can't stand being away from her!
Loved what that professor said to Ada. She was such a promising writer at college and she gave up all that to marry. Now I'm wishing that Ada come back to college someday maybe.
Eww!! 🤮 What I was most afraid of happening happened: Ada and Trash playing couple for Celal. Although I laughed with that scene (what can I do? Ada is the sweetest and Celal is funny too) I did not like that. And Ada and Bora took too much time to appear in scene together. I couldn't help but miss them.
I never really talked abt Ada and Selin's friendship. Selin is such a good friend for Ada. Her willing to lie to everyone, even to Ali, just to protect Ada is so important and meaningful. She just wants Ada to be fine and I respect that.
I don't think Ada will tell the truth right where the ep ended. If she was going to, she would've said it before the ep ended. But I do think she'll tell/he'll know the truth very soon, maybe next ep. Hope this secret plot ends soon cuz Ada can't handle this anymore. And also cuz they must be together soon or our dear Bora bey might explode at any moment.
That's all for now guys. Thanks for reading my thoughts!
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lia-the-potato05 · 4 years
Reader (Ler) x Jungkook (Lee)
Description: Jungkook loves scaring the crap out of you and you just had enough of it. After an interesting information you heard from Jimin you decided to take revenge
Author: Eyyy I'm back...with another fic. I feel like this is a mess because I didnt even bother to proofread this (Im hella lazy sorry mate). Uhm anyways let's get on with the fic
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"Boo!" You turned back and screamed, falling to the ground scared as hell after you saw a scary clown infront of you.
"Haha got you!" The clown then removed his mask revealing your best friend Jungkook "Oh my gosh have you seen your face? That was Hilarious" He started laughing his ass off
"Ugh!" You grunted as you stood up fixing yourself "Jungkook!" You screamed at him
Jungkook ignored you and continued laughing as he turned around, walking away from you.
"That f*cking prick" You said through gritted teeth.
Jungkook just recently knew how easily scared you get. And because he is known as the Evil Maknae he has been scaring you every now and then. He was a fond of your reaction when you get scared. You were extremely annoyed of his doings and worst of all he manages to get away from it aswell
Up until now you were still upset with what Jungkook has been doing to you. Your arms were crossed and frustration was written all over your face. "Y/N are you ok?" You turned your head to owner of the Voice which was Jimin's.
"I'm good" You said. Knowing it was a lie Jimin sat himself next to you
"C'mon Y/N I'm your friend, I know you better than that. Now tell me what's wrong"
You sighed "It's nothing, really...Just so f*cking annoyed with that muscle bunny!" you slammed your fist against the table in front of you startling Jimin
"Chill" Jimin said
"How can I?! Ugh! He does it all the damn time! and gets away with it aswell" You pouted with your arms crossed
"Since we're friends I might have something that can surely help you" You tilted your head in confusion. Jimin then gestured you to come closer for him to whisper something into you ear.
After hearing what Jimin has said a smirk formed on your face as began mentally planning your revenge on Jungkook
Oh Jeon Jungkook you are so gonna get what's coming for you
It was a Saturday morning. Jimin has given you an extra key to Jungkook's apartment. You entered his place and found him asleep like you expected him to be. You were lucky he was the type of person who wakes up late aswell. Perfect for you to continue your plan
You cleared out his bed making sure only Jungkook was on top if it. You then positioned him into an X position (which was hard by the way because he had an odd sleeping position and he was hella heavy). You then took out the straps tying his wrists and ankles to the bed post making sure he wouldn't be able to move once he woke up.
Once that was done. You took out items from your bag such as Feathers, Baby Oil and an electric toothbrush. After everything was all set all you have to do now is to wait for the muscle bunny to wake up. I mean you can start right now if you wanted too but where's the fun in that? You wanted to see his reaction first.
After what felt like years (it was only an hour actually) Jungkook finally woke up. The boy tried pulling his arms down only to find them stuck above his head "What the f*ck?" He tugged on both his arms and ankles only to find out that he was strapped
Jungkook turned to his side to see you sleeping on his study table. "Y/N!"
His yelling suddenly woke you "Huh what?" You said, you wiped the drool off your mouth, letting out a yawn then stretched a little. "Oh your finally awake" You looked at Jungkook with a smile
"What the hell is this Y/N?!" Jungkook asked glaring at you
"Why that's my revenge dear friend" You stood up walking towards him
"You know if you wanted to f*ck me you could have just asked" You looked at the smirking bunny in disbelief after hearing his snarky remark.
"Eww no, What I had in mind for you is something different" You smirk back at him "Just you wait"
Without further a do you then sat on stomach. "You sure you don't plan on f*cking me?"
"You pervert!" You slapped him, not too hard though and he just laughed at your reaction "Oh laugh all you want, I'm gonna make sure of it"
You took out the baby oil and started rubbing it against his exposed stomach (He was shirtless). "Nice revenge there" You rolled your eyes at him, you ignored what he said and continued on
Once you finished you took out a feather. Jungkook looked at you now aware what this little revenge you planned is all about. But he is Jungkook the Golden Maknae he does not show fear well...that failed today
"What's wrong Kook? Afraid of a feather?" You smirked at him. It didn't start but I know this will be so much fun
"What? No! It's just a feather what's there to be afraid of?" The maknae said with confidence laced in his voice but oh how nervous he felt inside. I am so gonna regret this later on
You raised your eyebrows at him expecting that kind of attitude "Ok, then you won't mind me doing this then" You then slowly dragged the feather around his toned stomach drawing random patterns
Jungkook started biting his lip trying to hide his laughter. But it was so damn hard, it felt too ticklish.
"What's with the face Jungkook? You seem rather ticklish" You smirked
"I am not ticklish!" He yelled
"Oh I see" You then stood up
Jungkook thought it was over but boy was he wrong. He suddenly felt you rubbing oil over his foot. "I wonder what will happen if I do this?" You said wiggling your fingers on his bare sole.
"S-stop that!" Jungkook said a small giggle escaping his mouth. His eyes widened after realising it
"What's that? Is that a giggle I heard?"
"Nope, you heard nothing! You're just crazy!" He spat out making you gasp
"Well that wasn't nice, we can't let that slip now can we" You started using your nails scratching his bare two feet fastly.
Jungkook balled up his hands into fist, eyes tightly shut trying his best to bare it "C'mon Kook laugh for me" You teased
And just like that he realized he couldn't take it any longer so he decided to let it out "Oohohohohokaaayyy I'm tihihihihihicckliiisshhh nohohohoww pleheheheheaaseee stopppp!" He laughed loudly wiggling around the bed like a mad man. He tried tugging on his ankles to escape your wiggling fingers but sadly it stayed in place
"I know you are sweetie, look at how well you are reacting. But this is just the beginning" You finally stopped tickling his feet as you then went to get the electric toothbrush, two electric toothbrushes
"Now Y/N let's not have any of that please! I'm sorry! I won't mess with you again" Jungkook pleaded
"Hm let me think for a second" You said looking up, tapping your chin as if your thinking "Nahhh I'm having so much fun I don't think I wanna stop" You then turned on the two electric toothbrush with an evil smile as you went to his feet again using the electric toothbrush on them.
"NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO" He let out a cackly laugh as he began wiggling once again wanting to escape.
Already having enough with his feet you then positioned yourself back to sitting on his stomach and roaming the electric brushes around his upper body, from his sides to his tummy then to his ribs. At this point Jungkook's face was red as a tomato and warm tears were streaming down his cheeks.
Because you are so kind you turned the two electric toothbrushes off and set them at the side. Allowing Jungkook to have a quick break.
You watch Jungkook catch his breath heavily panting "My my Jungkook you are the most ticklish person I have ever met, Even Jimin can't beat your level of ticklishness (it's not a real word but eh😂)"
"I've never been tickled this much before" He said
"Yeah? I bet you enjoyed it"
"Did not!" Jungkook lied. He unexpectedly enjoyed it. He didn't know why but he just did. Of course there is no way his gonna admit that.
"You know there's this one spot I haven't tried yet" You smirked, you decided to use your fingers this time. To tease him you started wiggling your fingers  above his face then slowly you bring it down to a specific area
Jungkook realised where your fingers were going. He looked at you in horror "No Y/N! Don't you dare!"
"Oh I do"
"Y/N no no no no no n-AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH" You were now tickling Jungkook's armpits. And so far you received the best reaction out of the other areas you tickled
Jungkook was harshly tugging on the straps and head shaking side to side "IT TIHIHIHIHICKLES SOHOHOHOHO MUHUHUHUHUCCHHH" Jungkook screamed through laughter
You giggled "I can see that"
It's been 20 since you were torturing his armpits, poking them, scratching them, using the tickle tools on them."I cahahahahan't tahahahake it aanymohohohore"
"Almost done!" You blew raspberry on his left armpit
"Stohohohohop" Then u blew again on his right armpit "Pleheheheheaaseee"
"Last but not least" You said then did a final blow to his tummy. Jungkook's laughed has now turned silent.
After that was over you then untied hus wrists and ankles.
Jungkook was extremely exhausted. His hair was messy, he was sweating, his tummy was hurting from laughing, his cheeks were hurting from smiling a lot. but nonetheless he still he enjoyed.
"Hey Look Listen..." He looked at you scratching his nape "I'm sorry for scaring you the past few days, I have totally learned my lesson and I wont do it again"
"Don't worry I already forgive you" You smiled at him
"I-I don't like like admitting this but you're right...I did enjoyed it" You looked at him surprised.
"Really now?" You grinned at him with your eyebrows raised "Guess I have to do it more often then"
Maybe you should
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nyctophilin · 4 years
Babe, I'm sorry I just saw your post. I'll be honest, I was horrified, it started in third grade?! I can't even imagine how traumatising it must be for you and how you were conditioned to normalise it, no one should ever have to go through any of that, to worry about pedophiles while in middle school or be sexually harassed by a teacher, it saddens me that I feel angrier at the women/girls who blamed you/asked you to be grateful.
Of course, you're a gorgeous and talented girl who deserves love and care and happiness, but to have certain disgusting expectations thrust upon you just because of how good you look or how perfect your body is sounds terrible. It makes sense to be insecure and have feelings of contempt for it, I wish people would see beyond looks and understand the meaning of consent.
What I do feel from your post however thankfully is that you realise that it was wrong, that you're not to be blamed, that you didn't bring this upon yourself and just for the record I'll repeat it: No one deserves it, no matter how good/pretty/sexy/inviting (whatever tf that means) they look. You're more than just your body, you're a wise girl who went through that and still stays strong, you aren't afraid to acknowledge your insecurities, you're a kind girl who radiates happiness and love, you're talented and curious and a dreamer despite all odds and, you're all of that. You deserve pure love and someone who truly cares, and you'll get there someday.
It takes great courage to talk about such things in depth Pearl, I'm genuinely so proud of you for doing that ❤️
Please remember you can talk to me whenever.
No, it's fine! Don't need to apologise!🥺 Yeah, at least I think in third grade. It might have been second grade, but I doubt we were that young. I personally like to think of this starting in third grade just to make it seem like less time, lmao.
It's actually horrible what has happened and what is still happening here. This whole brainwashing of both girls and boys, girls into thinking that it's okay and good to have this happen to you and boys into thinking that it's appropriate to do that and that there are no consequences. Men are given so much power, it's scary. And I am also angry at those women/girls, but at the end of the day they are also victims of the patriarchy that benefits men. :/
Honestly, I don't even know how perfect my body actually is. All I know is that flat chested girls always told me to be grateful cause I got boys looking at me. It was always about the boys and they were saying it like I wouldn't rather be part of some wlw porn that have to date a men that like my boobs more than he likes me. I've been told one too many time things like "X looked at your chest, he really likes you!".😬😬😬 Sis, no! Was I supposed to feel flattered by it? Eww, gross! Please never look at me.
I think a big part of me remaining grounded were my parents. Since I grew up in a very balanced household where there didn't exist any power differences, the whole thing seemed off to me. My parents were equals and respected each other and they thought me that this is how relationships work. When I didn't receive this kind of respect from someone else, then this is when I was becoming uncomfortable. I wasn't raised the way society wanted me to be raised so I think this is why I always had this instinct to resist and not accept this kind of abuse.
And thank you for saying all that!~ I don't know if I really am all the things you mentioned, but I am surely trying to. Because I don't want to let these things define me, like no one else shouldn't. It's okay to suffer and feel bad for a little, but try to get back on track as fast as you can because you know what babies? None of those people that tormented you will pay for your food or bills later in life, so you shouldn't give them the time of the day. In the end, I was the one that ended up the best and most of those people are some sorry losers now.
I don't even think I talked about it properly. There are events that I missed and remembered after posting it, i feel like it's very poorly and summarily written and a lot of parts don't make sense. I just wanted to let it out and it was definitely an impulse decision. Definitely thought about deleting it and not posting, but I really have nothing to lose. I really wanted to take this weight off my chest. But thank you for being proud!🥺💛
And I know! You and everyone else can also talk to me. I am here to listen to you!💕
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asking-jude · 4 years
I snooped through my boyfriend's phone even though I knew it was wrong & I probably wouldn't like what I found & I was right. I saw that when we first started dating a year ago he told one of his friends he sent another friend a pic of us & she said "ehhh". I'm assuming she's referring to my looks. Instead of saying anything negative about it, he put "LOL" after it. That was only our 2nd date & it's unrealistic for me to think he'd defend me when we barely knew each other, but this caused--
(ask continued) ...me to be insecure & I'm starting to compare myself to his exes physically. It caught me off guard bc I met this girl months later & we were both nice & he later told me she really liked me. But after finding out her initial reaction to me I'm afraid I'll treat her differently if we see each other again. I also know she doesn't have a filter; she said "eww" to our guinea pigs & my bf thought it was rude.
 I know I shouldn't care what she thought/thinks about me, but I just wonder if she said that, what has his other friends said about me? I also noticed he shared stuff about our sex life when we first did it & I feel kind of violated, if that makes sense. It's normal to talk to friends about issues, but it seemed like he was just bragging with the detail he went into. I'm trying to move on bc this all happened over a year ago, but I can't help but wonder how his friends view me now after meeting me. I learned my lesson & am never snooping again.
Hi love, 
Thank you for contacting Asking Jude. Snooping through your boyfriend’s phone was a massive invasion of his privacy. I understand that you were probably curious about some things, but it would have been better if you just asked him what you wanted to know. I am glad that you learned your lesson, even if it did cause some distress for you. 
I think that you are overthinking the situation that happened with your boyfriend and his friend. Humans use body language and facial cues to understand how another person is feeling or to gauge situations. Texting doesn’t allow those types of signals, so it’s easy to misunderstand the meaning behind texts without emojis. I don’t think that she was referring to your looks. It could be that she was uncomfortable talking about you when she barely knew who you are. A lot of times, people say “LOL” when things are awkward. 
When you met her, she liked you, and she still has to like you. You mentioned that she doesn’t have a filter and commented about your guinea pigs, but I don’t think those are comparable situations. Maybe she doesn’t like animals in the rodent family, so that’s why she said ew. Has she talked about other people’s appearances before? If not, I don’t think you have to worry about her talking behind your back about your looks. 
I know that you don’t want to care about what she thinks about you, but we want to be liked by people. It’s part of our psyche. If we believe we are disliked or talked about negatively, it causes great distress because we don’t want to feel like outcasts. Do you think you would treat her differently because you’re angry with her for something that happened before you two even met? People’s opinions change all the time. She knows you now, and I don’t think that warrants you giving her the cold shoulder. I believe it is important that you let it go. It’s not healthy to ruminate on the past, especially when you don’t know what she truly meant.
Part of the reason you are ruminating on the past is that you have fallen into negative thinking. You’re trying to “mind-read,” aka a thinking trap where you think you know what other people are thinking about you when you really don’t. We don’t know what people are thinking, but we can tell how they feel about us by how they treat us. Do your boyfriend’s friends treat you with respect? Do they treat you like their friend? Did you see any instances of them talking bad about you? If not, then you have to challenge these negative thoughts, because it’ll only harm your self-esteem and mental health further. 
Here are some guides on negative thinking that you should try out: 
It’s okay that you feel insecure, but you don’t have to be. You are beautiful and attractive, especially to your boyfriend. I know that it’s easy to look at your boyfriend’s exes and compare your features to theirs, but that’s not a measure of beauty, because everyone is beautiful. It’s so unhealthy to compare yourself to others. We’re not meant to look perfect like a doll. Out little quirks and flaws make us who we are. Please stop looking at their photos. Mute or block them on any social media site until you can stop looking at them. Your insecurity is tied to negative thinking, so make sure that you use the guides above to challenge those thoughts. Moreover, you can utilize the following guides on self-esteem for further help: 
Understandably, you felt violated after learning that your boyfriend talked into detail about your first time with him to his friends. I wouldn’t want my significant other to do that. However, I think that it’s okay and normal to talk about your sex life with close friends to a certain extent and with consent from your partner. Your boyfriend should not have overshared like that. He didn’t have a right to do that since he didn’t get your permission. I can see why you would feel that his friends would think differently of you, but I doubt that they remember that conversation. 
I advise you to speak to your boyfriend about boundaries when it comes to what you can and can’t share with others about your relationship. If you’re not comfortable with him talking about your sex life, then you need to tell him. You may not want to mention that you snooped through his phone, but you should let him know how you feel on the topic. For example, you could say something like “Hey, I was wondering have you ever talked about our sex life with your friends before?” and if he says yes, you can reply with “Oh, it’s okay that you talk about it, but can you make sure not to go into detail?” I hope that helps. I found these guides on setting boundaries that you should take a look at for further help: 
In addition to the resources above, I recommend that you utilize helplines for support. Hotlines are excellent resources because they are free, confidential, and available 24/7. Here are my suggestions: 
Crisis Text Line: Text “HOME” to 741741 to speak with a crisis counselor. 
7 Cups of Tea: Visit www.7cups.com or download their app (IOS or Google Play) to create an account. Once you have, you can start chatting with a trained volunteer or attend group sessions on several topics. 
CONTACT Helpline offers emotional support listening-Call 800-932-4616 to talk with a counselor. 
I hope that I was able to help you. Please do not ruminate on the past. It’s not good for you. Instead, look at the present and look at what you know, not what you believe. You will get through this and rebuild your self-esteem. If you need any more help, please don’t hesitate to come back to Asking Jude. 
P.S check out Asking Jude’s YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/c/AskingJude for helpful videos. 
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undeservedfavor · 4 years
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The Bucketlist
Mini-Series of Short Stories
SILK-Should I Let him Know[EN]:Chapter 1
Three individuals...
Neither one of them knows what was bound to happen.
They're enrolled as sixth grade students, they are not very close to each other even though they are classmates. They all went quiet when Mrs. Dowager came in...
"Guys! Do you know what date it is today?" The teacher asked them.
"Uhm... July-XX-XXX?" One student asked.
The most enigmatic and boy-mannered female...
"Good. Then, we all need to greet Zack today since it's his birthday!" Mrs. Dowager explained.
Greetings filled the room, you can't even seem to understand it anymore.
They even sang him a birthday song.
"Oh boy..." Phoebe did not sing along and covered her ears.
She was annoyed with the perky voices of her classmates.
When the song was over Phoebe stopped covering her ears...
"Glad that's over..." She whispered.
Just then, Mrs. Dowager went to the front to show something to the class...
"By the way, class I have a surprise for you! Tada!!!" The teacher pulled up the sheets of that's covering the big glass container.
"Eww!!! Frogs?!!!" One said. Her name was Zoriah...
The class muse.
"What are we gonna do with them?" The other one asked...
His name was Zack.
The popular one.
He's a midget level athlete.
Member of the school's soccer team.
"We're gonna dissect them! Isn't it great?" The teacher said.
"Dissect?" The fat one asked.
He was the school bully named Josh.
"We're gonna cut them by method. Don't be afraid kids, we're gonna teach you. We'll do it by Friday." The teacher said.
"First of all, we're not afraid. Secondly, we're not kids anymore, most of us are 12, and last thing is that, I think we need to let them go for we should not cut anything that's not food." Phoebe said while chewing gum.
"Phoebe... The gum please." The teacher laid her palm and she spit the gum into Mrs. Dowager's hands.
After class...
Phoebe sneaked into the Laboratory to let go of the frogs.
Ever since she saw the frogs, it has been her mission.
When she went broke into the window, she was about to scream when a boy held her mouth quiet.
It was Zack.
"I don't know what you're trying to prove but it's easier if you went through the unlocked door over there." He pointed at the door of the Lab.
"Here to steal the frogs too?" Asked Phoebe.
When they got to the empty Aquarium, they saw another one who was about to scream but they both held her mouth shut...
It was Zoriah.
"Mmm!!!" They let go when they remembered that their hands are still blocking Zoriah's mouth.
"Sorry..." Both said in unison.
They looked at Zoriah.
"What? Is it a crime to be beautiful and a pet-lover at the same time?" Zoriah asked.
Zack was stunned.
Ever since, he already got a huge crush on the girl but doesn't know how to bring it up.
Phoebe looked at Zack.
She was crushed when she saw her crush, crushing his crush.
Hope this made sense.
Well, somehow, she always asked the question at the top of her head...
Should I let him know?
She shook her head and opened her mouth again...
"No Zoriah. What we're doing now is THE CRIME." Phoebe reiterated.
When they got a hold of the frogs, they went at the back of the school to let go of them, they found a well and Zoriah had an idea.
"If we let them go, they'll just be caught again and be dissected. The well, we need to throw them in there." She said.
"No, there's no way out of the deep well..." Phoebe said.
"Hey!!! What are you geeks up to?! I'll tell on you!!!" When the class bully Josh chased them, all three frogs jumped into the well.
"Darn!" Phoebe pulled Zack and Zoriah by the hand and they ran as fast as they could.
Josh did what he needed to do.
They all went to detention by letting go of the frogs for dissection.
After the sulking hours of detention, they decided to meet in an All-dessert Restaurant called The Cookie Jar.
"We have to get those frogs out of there." Said Phoebe.
"Yeah, but how?" Zoriah asked.
"The only way is to... Go down the well." Zack suggested something so dangerous.
The next day... The class was over and they have decided to go ahead with their plan.
They made a long net using the school mop and their tied handkerchiefs to catch the frogs from the well.
Zack was trying to bend over for the net to reach the bottom part of the well.
But... The rod fell and Zack slipped from the mouth of the well...
As quickly as they could... The two girls tried to pull Zack's legs but... They all fell down... Inside the deep, dark well.
After a few minutes... All of them woke up. They're okay. Well, sort of. Zoriah has a few bruises. Zack has a little arm injury. But the worse of all... Phoebe. She suffered a severe leg injury.
The weird thing is that, she never cried even when she can no longer stand.
"Phoebe!!!" Zoriah screamed when she saw Phoebe's leg bleeding.
"A-are you okay Phoebe?! Help! Somebody let us out of here!" Zack asked for help...
After hours of screaming for help and trying to get out, they were able to pile all the rocks and three-feet more and they'll be out of there.
"Guys, go, I'll give you a lift! Rescue me after you both got out." Zoriah and Zack was shocked when Phoebe tried to stand with one feet.
"B-but?" Zoriah said.
Zack held Zoriah's hand.
"Y-you heard her. We'll get her out don't worry." Zack said.
Even though Phoebe wanted to throw up...
She just doesn't have time to meddle with their puppy love right now.
Both Zack and Zoriah got out of the well...
Then, they sought help from the school personnel they saw.
At the end of the day... They we're able to rescue Phoebe but... Phoebe was badly injured.
Little did they know... Phoebe still saved the frogs and kept it from school. She did not want them to get hurt and be dissected. One way or the other. So while she was inside the well, she kept them safe and warm in her pocket.
The doctors said she will not be able to walk anymore.
Zoriah and Zack tried to visit her but their parents won't let them. Phoebe's parents was so angry because of what happened... They ended up transferring Phoebe to another school and moving to another city...
The connection between the three broke... They have lived sepearate lives...
Even Zoriah went overseas to continue her studies there.
Zack... The same trouble maker turned popular High School jock... Stayed in the same neighborhood and studied in a school just few blocks away from his street.
Phoebe has been through surgery and therapy but... Her right leg is not getting any better. She's not in a wheelchair anymore. She's now using a crutch. Atleast, there's an improvement.
Although, she was a late bloomer, she became prettier with still the same boyish attitude that she's known for. Good thing she had souvenirs from their deed that's pretty much keeping her occupied.
One: Her leg injury.
Two: The frogs.
She did not let go of it. They are keeping her busy as she kept the three frogs inside an empty glass aquarium.
She treats them as pets. As she has a very unique taste when it comes to pets. Hell. She will baby-sit an Anaconda if it's possible. Too fearless.
The moment that Zack graduated highschool... It was already an achievement for him. Because he's not really an over-achiever. He's just your average athlete. He still enrolled at the nearest University...
"Zack... You're mom said you enrolled alone yesterday. What course did you sign up for?" His Dad asked.
"Biology." He answered. He took up Biology as he was reminded of someone when the topic is caring about life-forms.
"Bat-shit crazy and weird girl. Hell. She'll take care of a fly if she has too." He whispered.
"What's that son? Did you say something?" His dad asked.
"Nothing Dad." He said smiling.
As Zack is on his way to school... On the other hand... Little did he know that Phoebe and her family came back to the city. Phoebe also enrolled in a nearby University. Phoebe was preparing her things inside the car. She took up the course Biology for she just loves the type of Science and how fascinated she is about it. She was an excellent student and graduated with honors. As she was preparing her things she muttered under her breath...
"I've missed you home-town... I'm looking forward for the things you will throw at me... I'm not scared anymore." Phoebe whispered.
"What's that honey?" Her mom said.
"Nothing." Phoebe answered. A glint of anticipation in her eyes to begin her new chapter.
Characters/Cast/Face Claims (But feel free to think of your own):
Vanessa Hudgens as Phoebe
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Robert Pattinson as Zack
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Emma Stone as Zoriah
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Jamie Dornan as Josh/Joshua
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sapphic-sex-ed · 7 years
I'm a lesbian but I used to have sex with men and those memories come back and I feel traumatized. Like remembering my ex-boyfriends hands on me makes me feel so upset and shameful and nauseated. Is that normal? sometimes I was being coerced sort of which is upsetting but even when I remember 100% consensual sex I had with dudes it feels like I'm reliving trauma. I've see lesbians jokingly shudder when they talk about previous het sex is that the same thing and I'm just the one freaking out?
Allow me to be very, very, crystal clear. This is common, but not normal.
There is no “sort of” when it comes to consent. Coercion into sex is rape, full stop, end of story, no excuses. Rape is very traumatic and I’m sorry that you went through that.
When lesbians talk about having consensual sex with men, they’re saying “eww, why did I do that lol”. They might feel grossed out, but they don’t feel sick and afraid. Thinking about sex with men is triggering to you even if it was consensual (though you cannot consent to sex with a man who previously raped you in my opinion). Hun, that is PTSD.
I’m proud of you for being able to tell someone about what happened, even anonymously to a stranger. I recommend trauma therapy. It’s very helpful for a lot of survivors.
-*Mod Star*
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1feihu · 7 years
Project Rainfall, Concept 2
Some more dialogue testing. Just doing this to figure out characters and hope that this might give me an idea about how to do this.
Drick: Well well well, what do we have here? who are you, kid.
Osiris: I... I'm Osiris, who are you guys?
Drick: I'm Drick, and this is Fynn.
Osiris: It's nice to meet you both.
Fynn: What are you doing back here? This place is ours.
Osiris: I.... I got lost and walked back here, can you help me find my guardian.... err... my father I mean?
Drick: Absolutely not, you're going to pay for trespassing.
Fynn: Yeah, that's right.
Osiris: No please, I'm going right now, I'm sorry for any trouble I caused.
Fynn: You're not going anywhere, we're going to have some fun first.
Osiris: What.... what are you going to do?
Drick: Oh I dunno, I was thinking that I could take my claws and cut your face up. That or we could just beat the shit out of you. Seeing how this is your first offense, I'll let you choose.
Osiris: I don't want either! Someone help! Jaek! Jaek help!!!
Drick: Hah hah hah, scream all you want. Take your punishment like an adult.
Osiris: I'm not an adult! Just let me go! I want tell anyone about this! Please stop!
Drick: Eww you're crying? How can you call yourself a dragon if you cry like a baby. Hah hah hah!! Fynn, hold him down, let me cut up that puny face.
Jaek rushed towards them at full speed.
Jaek: Back away from Osiris right now, both of you.
Drick: Why should we, old one.
Jaek: Old one? Ugh, back away from him or I'll show Osiris how weak you both are right now.
Fynn: You can't talk to us like that?
Jaek: Why not, little bitch? Afraid of what I'll do?
Fynn: We're teenagers, isn't it against the law or something?
Jaek: We're out of sight, no one can see us and everyone would believe an adult such as myself over some spoiled brats such as you two. I can beat the shit out of you both without any consequences. Would you like to test me?
Drick: Come on, Fynn, let's go, we'll find someone else to fuck with.
Jaek: Aww what's wrong? Did I scare you? Get out of here, punk ass bitches, go cry to your momma. Come, Osiris, let's go.
Osiris: Thank you, if you hadn't come.... I don't want to think what would have happened.
Jaek: You're welcome, but you need to learn how to defend yourself against assholes like that.
Osiris: I'm just a kid though.... what can I possibly do?
Jaek: Your age has nothing to do with your ability to fight. Once we get home, I want to start training you how to defend yourself, alright?
Osiris: Really? That would be amazing! Thanks, father.
Jaek: Osiris.... what did I tell you about that. Stop calling me father, I'm serious, just stop. let's just get out of here.
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