#Lex Talionis AU
gffa · 29 days
Do you have any Sith!Obi-Wan fics you can recommend? 🙏
Hi! You can do a search for Sith Obi-Wan in my bookmarks which brings up several or you can start with the novel-length ones that still live rent-free in my head even years after I've read them: Equinox by lilyconrad, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 95.9k During the Clone Wars, Obi-Wan and Anakin crash on a remote planet and take shelter in the ruins of a grand estate only to find they are not alone. This fic was written for me, so I'm biased, but it's genuinely my favorite for the trope because Lily put all this thought into the undercurrents going on between the characters, because it gives such care about why any version of Obi-Wan would fall to the dark and what he would be like, because each chapter had moments of foreshadowing and care given to lush, beautiful descriptions and the creeping dread of the place. It's a gorgeous fic and I think even if someone doesn't usually like Sith versions of the characters, the way this one does it (created reflections, not that our characters are falling, so it's scratching the itch of how it's an extension of our characters, but our characters are not on that exact path), I would gently suggest this one.
Lex Talionis by intermundia, obi-wan/anakin & cast, NSFW, 187.1k Or, how Obi-Wan and Anakin fell to the dark side, obtained their revenge, and saved the galaxy in the process. My other favorite Sith Obi-Wan fic, this one is about how these characters fall to the dark, and the author takes his time with how it happens step by step, but also how these massive, galaxy-spanning changes happen, how it's a combination of how sexy the dark side can be but also how awful it can be, how much pain and hurt it can cause. There's so much care and effort put into this story, it spans such a huge story, that it's one of those fics I want to physically print out in special binding because it deserves to be a pretty set on my bookshelf.
wicked thing by imaginarykat, obi-wan/anakin & cast, NSFW, 124.2k the story of how Anakin exists in a perpetual state of intense embarrassment, Kenobi is enjoying it a little too much, and everything is, generally speaking, a gigantic mess. This is an AU where Obi-Wan never trained Anakin and is already a Sith when we meet him, and there's a reason it's one of the most famous fics in the fandom, because it is the most charismatic thing I've just about ever read, the sheer amount of dark side sexy charm coming off Obi-Wan is incredible, the tension between him and Anakin is delicious, and the writing/plotting of the storyline is superb. I could not put this fic down when I read it, there's a reason this fic helped really popularize the trope, because it's just so goddamned addicting and glorious to read.
Soldier, Poet, King by Glare, obi-wan/anakin & cast, NSFW, time travel, 106.4k wip Second chances are very rarely given, but the Force smiles upon two of its favorite children and returns them to a time before their actions have met their consequences. Anakin Skywalker, also known as Darth Vader, seeks redemption while Obi-Wan “Ben” Kenobi, disillusioned with the Jedi Order and its Code, falls to the Darkness. Trapped out of time, Master and Apprentice must once again work together to stop Sideous’ plans from reaching fruition and bring Balance to the Force—all the while dodging the Jedi, the Sith, and their feelings for each other. I think this might even have been the first Sith!Obi-Wan fic that I read and I know it remains dear to me because I reread it a year or two ago and got sucked in just as hard as before. Obi-Wan is dropped back into his younger body, feels like the whole thing is a bunch of bullshit, gets sucked into dark thoughts, and just goes full dark side dom on Anakin and fixing the galaxy through machinations and foreknowledge. It's so fun and it does such great service to Anakin's level of power, that this guy is an absolute dragon in the Force, but that he also very much wants Obi-Wan's hand on the back of his neck to force him to kneel to the one person he loves. Hnngggg, it really cemented me as a fan of this trope because of how well it scratches the sexy dark side dom/sub while they're both badass dynamic, I love it so much.
I'm still making my way through a lot of Star Wars fic, so if anyone has any more recs, feel free to jump in, especially if you have some gen ones, since I mostly read pairing fic for Sith!Obi-Wan (because I'm personally after the sexy dom/sub dynamic with it)!
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intermundia · 2 years
hello! my name is will :)
what to expect here: it’s like half aesthetic posts and half star wars, specifically obi-wan and anakin, aka the team, with romantic obikin. i also post about ancient greece a bit, and applied my classics degree pointing out some cultural history of obikin dynamics.
i made edits of obi-wan saying “anakin” and anakin saying “master” at each other and a combo. i love to read about star wars and talk about it, esp. the revenge of the sith novel. sometimes i write meta about it all. i also collect star wars books too (more than 300 so far!)
i've also officially published more than 50 obikin stories! if you are interested in checking out what i have written, here are links and short descriptions of all my works, from novels to PWPs. i'm really proud to have reached this milestone (750k words! whew). thank you guys for all your support along the way <3
Novel-length stories:
Lex Talionis: COMPLETE Plotty, smutty, Sith AU. It’s my take on how Obi-Wan and Anakin could fall to the dark side, weaving in as much lore as I can. Force dyad, Sith’ari, Zygerria, etc. Obi-Wan and Anakin go through.. character development.. and it is dramatized in the changing way they have sex. I poured in all of my theories about metaphysics and the Force, all my knowledge about Augustus and how a Republic dies, all of my opinions about consent and agency. It has rough sex in it and some uncomfortable power dynamics that get resolved, so it is not for everyone, just a heads up. It is complete, and yes, there is a happy ending lol. War Drums: IN PROGRESS Darth Vader dies at the end of Return of the Jedi full of regret and wakes up in his 10-yr-old body after the events of the Phantom Menace. Young Obi-Wan struggles to acclimate to the death of Qui-Gon and the discovery that the boy he swore to train grew up into a Sith. Vader tries to use his knowledge to fix the galaxy and Obi-Wan uses his training to make sure they do it the right way. Anakin underwent his rite and is now an adult, galaxy beware. Murder Puppy: IN PROGRESS Obi-Wan’s decision to do more than flirt with the enemy ends up accidentally acquiring a clingy Sith acolyte, and he is tasked with holding his leash while they work together to end the war. This will probably end up around 40k so a bit shorter than the other two, which are chunkier
Core Oneshots: (my argument for the ship, basically)
Symposium: The story that started it all for me haha. I put Plato's Symposium in a word document and transformed it into a scene where Obi-Wan is forced to reconsider his relationship with Anakin, while dosed with an aphrodisiac, which leads to lines being crossed back in their hotel room. It suggests the erastēs/erōmenos dynamic that appears in much of my work. Unwrap, Wrap: Obi-Wan needs emotional hurt/comfort. This story has him fall apart, and Anakin help put him back together, after a traumatic battle late in the clone wars. Dramatizes the way that the war has muddied their roles and how much their lives are entangled. Obi-Wan gets a handjob in the shower, also, if that is relevant.
Longer Canon AUs: (8k+ words, AUs that take place in the GFFA)
Nostos: Technically a sequel to Symposium. It explores would happen if you took the dynamic established in Symposium and then put the characters in the canon end of Attack of the Clones. How would their behavior be impacted? How would the Jedi react to their decisions? Suckerpunch: Set during the Clovis arc, after Anakin had his jealous fight. Obi-Wan checks on him, and learns about both his marriage and the Tuskens. He doesn't want to lose his apprentice to the dark side, or a Senator. Ready Stance: Anakin is bored during a hyperspace journey during the clone wars, so he asks Obi-Wan to spar. Obi-Wan watches him warm up, they spar, and things escalate. This fic explores more core facets of their relationship, like the legacy teaching dynamic. Found, Fixed: Post-Zygerria Obi-Wan hurt/comfort. It’s similar to Unwrap, Wrap, except it’s told from Anakin’s POV and is much more explicit. It’s one of my rare bottom!Obi-Wan fic, he gets taken care of and comforted from being whumped so hard by the show. Anakin Sucks: Anakin has an oral fixation and it drives Obi-Wan to distraction over the course of the Clone Wars, 5+1 crack taken very seriously lol Make War: show!era Obi-Wan after fighting Vader on Mapuzo shares a dream with him while suspended in bacta. Warning for noncon!! Now with a second chapter set after their near miss on Jabiim. Third chapter based on the kenobi show finale hopefully will be out soon!
A/B/O Stories: (AUs that have this squicky trope, all set in GFFA)
Warm Blood: A/B/O fic that people seem to enjoy. Features omega Anakin having a suppressant failure on the battlefield and going into heat. Alpha Obi-Wan has to fight his way to him, and then tries to resist his instincts—until Anakin confesses his true feelings. Run Away With Me: A/B/O sequel to Warm Blood, tells the story of what happened after the mating, how they left the Jedi and what they’ve been doing. Anakin is preparing to go into heat, and Obi-Wan is helping him nest. Set during Revenge of the Sith, though they don’t know what’s happening in their isolation. Temporary Like Achilles: A/B/O fic. Alpha Obi-Wan is drugged by Dathomirian Nightsisters into a feral state, omega Anakin finds and rescues him. It's a fuck or die with feelings and ultimately a happy ending. Heat Haze: A/B/O fic. Alpha Obi-Wan is living alone on Tatooine, 10yrs post Mustafar. Omega Anakin is about to go into his first heat, and is searching for his mother during the Attack of the Clones. The Force shifts Anakin into the future, bringing the two together in time for Anakin’s heat to begin. Heat Shimmer: A/B/O fic. Alpha Obi-Wan is on Geonosis during Attack of the Clones, investigating. Preheat omega Darth Vader is on Geonosis 13 years later, and the Force decides to move him back in time for his heat. They fight, but it's impossible to fight some insticts. Give Up, Give In: A/B/O fic. Qui-Gon lived AU. Omega Obi-Wan is dosed with a heat inducer during a mission. Alpha Anakin who has loved the older Knight forever doesn’t handle that very well. Ends with Service Top Anakin, a favorite of mine
Longer Modern AUs: (8k+ words, developed AUs that attempt to model the canon dynamic in everyday life)
My Anankē: Classics AU is built on the premise that Obi-Wan would never break the rules re: teacher/student fraternization. He would rather endure years of mutual pining than act inappropriately. Once Anakin’s graduated though, that’s a different story. These are oneshots telling the story of their relationship. It is not told in chronological order, so each one basically opens up another window into their lives. Soulbound: Obi-Wan is a bossy lawyer who plays World of Warcraft. Anakin is an insecure veteran who is in Obi-Wan’s guild and drives him insane. They meet randomly in a bar, and Obi-Wan realizes that Anakin acts the way he does because he likes to be bossed around—so he bosses him around. Zone of Truth: Obi-Wan basically helped raise Anakin through being his Big Brother mentor through a local gaming shop, eventually teaching him to drive and getting him an internship etc. Anakin graduates college and Obi-Wan turns into a ghost, for very good reasons, it turns out. Anakin’s betrayed him, and he’s betrayed himself.
Shorter Smutty AUs: (shorter stories, canon + AUs)
Snap, Crackle, Pop: Padawan Anakin gets braid tugging and spanking after behaving very badly during the Battle of Muunilinst early in the Clone Wars. Tilted: Anakin wakes up after Mortis in a female body and hides, struggling to come to terms with the change. Obi-Wan comes to check on him and reassure him, smut ensues. Make Your Siren’s Call: show!era Obi-Wan struggles to fall asleep in the cave from the photoshoot, and dreams about his old apprentice, full of guilt, angst, and smut Stress Relief: Sith-like/Dom!Obi-Wan is rough on eager!Anakin in their Temple apartment, plays on Master/Padawan dynamic. Unperishing Glory: Homeric AU, Anakin is Achilles-type Chosen One and Obi-Wan is his Patroclus-type mentor-friend, angsty sex Murder Puppy: Playful!Obi-Wan seduces raisedSith!Anakin during a duel, bringing him back to the light during sex. People seem to really like this one, it is one of the things I get the most asks about. I have plans for a short story to expand, it’s on the WIP list I promise. Unwelcome Guest: An AU where Obi-Wan couldn't strike Anakin down on Mustafar. Suitless!Vader comes to find him on Tatooine, and wants to be punished for mistakes, there is spanking involved. Rosetta Stone: Based on the Mummy, an AU where Obi-Wan is a librarian and Anakin is a former soldier, and they defeated a mummy together. Obi-Wan is oblivious and repressed, so Anakin has to be very forward. Safe as Houses: Based on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Anakin is the slayer and Obi-Wan is his Giles-like librarian watcher. Anakin seeks Obi-Wan out in crisis and Obi-Wan takes care of him. The Outlander: Obi-Wan fell to the dark on Naboo AU, so Qui-Gon is Anakin’s Master instead. Anakin sneaks out of the Temple to a club to meet possessive Obi-Wan, there is smut against a wall outside, and Anakin falls to the dark side. Please, Daddy?: Daddy kink fic. Features a bratty Anakin, sex pheromones, spanking and just general daddy!filth. A New Hope: Anakin never left Tatooine AU. He becomes a Han Solo-type pilot who helps a rebel!Obi-Wan escape the Empire. He’s a touch starved, praise starved, virgin who’s insecure about his missing hand. Obi-Wan takes good care of him. Communication, What Communication: Organized Crime AU with collegeStudent!Anakin and accidentalSugarDaddy!Obi-Wan, gratitude kink haha. This fic has been picked up and turned into the phenomenal multichapter story Recoil and Ricochet by @wernnaa.
Potidaea, 432BC: Alcibiades!Anakin and his tutor Socrates!Obi-Wan fight together in the phalanx. Armor kink and period-accurate intercrural sex ensue lol. Minikin and Tiny-Wan: Fluff and crack based on the premise that there are tiny figurines of the Jedi that are alive (kind of like the little dragons in the goblet of fire). Obi-Wan and Anakin each get one, and their Tinys enjoy each other’s company, leading to an awkward but useful conversation. #BinGate: Great British Bake Off AU, Anakin is a contestant who lost his temper and destroyed his bake, Obi-Wan is a judge who enjoys scolding Anakin. Let Me, Master: Padawan Obi-Wan, shy demisexual Master Anakin, Obi-Wan throws caution to the wind and finally seduces his clueless Master, smut ensues with bottom Obi-Wan. Anakin, Duke of Vader, Prince of Coruscant: Anakin is a bratty, troubled prince and Obi-Wan is his unimpressed knight bodyguard. Anakin cries, showing true vulnerability, and Obi-Wan realizes he has a kink for that lmao Sic Transit Gloria Mundi: Sexually frustrated after sparring with his Master, Anakin decides to visit the glory hole in the locker room. Little does he know, he’s not the only one. Boy Toy: Obi-Wan is a fashion designer and Anakin is a first time model. They’ve just finished a boytoy themed photoshoot and get trapped together in an elevator Brotherhood: Anakin is a college student in a spiral after the death of his mother, and his father Qui-Gon left for a trip, leaving his much older step-brother Obi-Wan, who he doesn't know very well, in charge. Obi-Wan picks Anakin up from jail, and the argument goes places. Hard Racing: Anakin is a Formula 1 driver and Obi-Wan is his team principal. After an accident at the Azerbaijan Grand Prix where he ran into his teammate, he is sore, tired, and afraid of getting demoted from his spot. Obi-Wan comes to his hotel to reassure him of his value to him and the team. Beer and Paint: Obi-Wan and Anakin are both apprentices to famous artist Qui-Gon. Anakin has tattoos/piercings/blue streak in his hair, and Obi-Wan is obsessed. Sloppy art and drunk sex ensue.
Smutty +F fic AUs: (short fics that includes Padmé or Ventress)
Très Lecherous: Padmé and Obi-Wan agree to share subby!Anakin, this fic is all three together, and includes DP if that is your jam. Blue Shadow Virus: continuation of above AU, Padmé almost died on Naboo and Anakin doesn’t take it well. Obi-Wan and Padmé dom him into relaxing Post-Revenge: Set after the episode of TCW where Ventress rescues Obi-Wan from Maul and Savage. This is only Ventress/Obi-Wan, but Anakin is extremely present in the fact that Ventress uses Obi-Wan's secret feelings for Anakin to incite him into hate sex. Plus Anakin Makes 3: Sort of a sequel to the Post-Revenge fic, Anakin discovers Obi-Wan and Ventress having a tryst, decides to participate rather than freak out, so more DP haha.
Collaborations: (stories i co-authored with friends)
Apartment Story: Post-Deception arc reconciliation fic, where Obi-Wan is drunk and Anakin is angry. Feelings are revealed, and comfort, understanding and smut ensues. Written with my friend @whohatessandas a RP and adapted into a story. Satellite Mind: What would happen if Obi-Wan could hear Anakin’s thoughts? Spoiler: it does not go well. Set during the last few days of the clone wars, and tracks how their relationship combusted over Anakin’s secrets. Written with @theseptemberist.
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hergan416 · 10 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love❤
1. I do think that there is one thing that I have written that specifically stands out from the rest of it as kind of the best thing I have written while still being extremely "me." That is Lex Talionis. This was my solitary OP2020 bingo card fulfillment, for the square "temporary character death." It's katamar, starts with my brand of katamar violence/sex, and descends from there into something that honestly turned out even more gut punching than I had hoped. I remember @straycrayoncrypt being around on discord while I was writing it, and while I don't specifically recall the whole conversation, I know that my decision for the trajectory of the fic being as tragic as it turned out was directly tied to that conversation about who Katakuri is. I don't think I can ever manage that level of satisfactory angst again. I'm not sure I want to try. Contains explicit sexual content.
2. I also really like Intermediate Move, my 2022 YGOME gift fic for @millenni-em-tauk . This is another one where I just ended up very satisfied with many elements of the piece, but especially the ending. It's a Kaiba bros relationship fic from Mokuba's perspective....as an older adult who has a child and a divorce and who feels a little displaced in life. I had a very vivid idea of the scenes and setting and felt like I'd managed to hit on something meaningful with it. It was very fun to write.
3. It's odd how many prompt fics I'm adding here, but my DVOD gift to @kaibacorpintern last year, Heartsick, was also just really fun. The premise is that after Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dark Side of Dimensions, Kaiba returns from Aaru with Atem. However, time went screwy, and over a decade has passed, landing them home in the middle of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. Worse, Atem has forgotten all languages but Ancient Egyptian, and ends up sick and in isolation separate from Kaiba. I just really enjoyed the AU that I built and had a lot of fun with the premise. Writing Sugoroku was a blast, and I ended up with bonus content because Mokuba was really going through it, even if we didn't see it in the first part.
4. Left Alone I Will Break [Come Back To Me Brother] is just a pet fic of mine. Louis becomes a vampire after William dies of his fall into the Thames. Unable to die and share his fate as he has always wanted, Louis decides to resurrect William and force him to share in painful unlife. While the fic is basically just a snapshot into the necromancy ritual and a description of that premise, the tragedy of that premise is something that just grinds my gears. It just feels satisfying to me. I wish there was more of it without me having to spend time writing it. Contains explicit sexual content.
5. It's hard choosing my final slot. Part of me wants to select one of my One Piece character study fics, like Shared Nightmares (platonic lawbin) or Sanji's Respite (Law & Sanji). These are certainly safer recs than the self-indulgence I'm actually choosing. I re-read What Louis Wants an embarrassing amount. Not quite as often as I reread Silver's Cruel and Unusual Torture, but still quite a bit. I like moriarthree. I like moriarthree smut. I like Louis with sexual agency and desire. I do think considering my repitoire...its only honest to include at least one pwp fic on my list. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Contains explicit sexual content.
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hellertears · 1 year
hi this is for the kristoph fic rec post uhh...
i've got some
Full Circle by Bright Nebula. kristoph backstory fic.
No Heroes by rachhell, another kristoph backstory fic. he really is just like me fr fr in this one /j
anything by venomouschocolates.
Lex Talionis by edelgarfield if you haven't checked it out already. backstory fic.
Collateral Damage by Northernflicker, a gone girl au :)
No Emotions, We Discussed That by Bardic_Feline and Zarla. this one is a fave of mine andddd it's a frozen au.
that's about it T^T
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philippebresson · 9 months
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An Eye for an Eye
Rappel des faits : vingt-quatre heures après la sortie du livre de V. S. "Le consentement" début 2020, le parquet de Paris avait ouvert une enquête pour viols sur mineurs de moins de 15 ans. Très bien. G. M. a donc fait l'objet en 2020 d'une enquête préliminaire. Tant mieux.
"Sauf rebondissement, l'enquête s'oriente, pour cause de prescription, vers un classement sans suite", lisait-on dans les colonnes du Monde en octobre 2021. Dommage, sans doute.
Loin de moi l'idée de défendre l'homme visé par cette enquête, mais quelque chose me dérange dans l'adaptation du livre de V. S. au cinéma prévue pour octobre 2023, dans le contexte sus-cité.
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Si Vanessa Filho avait réalisé son film "Le consentement" en s'inspirant de l'histoire relatée par V. S. dans son livre éponyme et en changeant le nom des personnages, c'eût été différent. Mais le livre s'étant vendu à des milliers d'exemplaires, on peut facilement imaginer que l'idée d'une adaptation littérale fut reçue comme "pain béni" par les producteurs et autres investisseurs pour qui, on le sait, la fin justifie les moyens.
Pourtant, tant que la justice n'a pas statué, il s'agit bien de "la parole de l'une contre celle de l'autre". De quel "droit" met-on en scène dans un film de cinéma des personnages existants dont certains, on s'en doute, n'ont pas donné leur "consentement", quand il s'agit d'un dossier aussi litigieux que celui-là ?
Purplewashing, again and again ?
Lui a fait d'elle son héroïne littéraire autant que sa victime ; elle (à son corps défendant peut-être) fait de lui, héraut-bourreau de son adolescence, un héros de cinéma.
Sous les yeux ébahis-ébaudis d'un public complice toujours plus avide de scénari à la mode Law of Retaliation (Lex Talionis, Eye for an Eye, Loi du Talion), leur histoire continue... Et c'est bien ça le plus pervers dans une relation perverse : ça ne s'arrête jamais.
(P. B.)
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black-strike-otp · 6 years
LT : Chapter 8
Trust is such a fragile thing.
Barely a joor left, and they’d have been gone from Cybertron a full cycle. It was thrilling and arduous all at once on Nova’s processor to think that they were finally going out to fulfill an objective held close at spark. Much less horrendous than the first time she had laid her gaze upon their homeworld while on a shuttle being thrown into oblivion. The last time she’d had such a view, she was mourning the still painful loss of a friend and leaving what had been a norm all her life.
You could say that fighting a losing battle on a planet in disarray wasn’t normal; that it wasn’t healthy, but it was a lifestyle she had been used to.
Now, standing aboard a ship bound to destinies unknown, there was a goal. Clear familiarity. With each bot that strode by her, a reflection of time itself in motion, on their way to perform their duties diligently.
She stood a bit straighter as though it would give her height and an appearance of authority for a femme slightly less than half the size of more average mecha. A glitter of stars were before her from the bridge; signaling her to new beginnings afair. She gave a little sigh to herself and looked to her left, where in the center of the room surrounded by stations to work was the single most state of the art equipment on the vessel.
A projected three dimensional star chart hovered in a holo-projected field. A few bots were murmuring a discussion to themselves beside it; gesturing to various positions. Even as Nova watched them operate it; stitched together portions of the map would zoom in and out as it identified worlds and galaxies; stars and asteroid belts.
With a stroke of a digit, you could pull up just about every string of information gathered on anything in the universe. The lifeforms that were known to exist, when the planet was last investigated, the life rate of stars and the dangers documented. It took just as much if not more time to manufacture than the Guardian’s Light had, but they’d had a lot of help in doing so. And not just from bots, but from an undiscovered and lost room built in the Golden Ages in some ruins among the Sea of Rust.
Twitching her audio stacks to the side, the pale moon colored femme listened in on the mechs at work with interest.
“This is Nighthawk’s last known location, as stated in his message,” one of the mechs stated, flicking his wrist to speed through the map. His sharp digit pointed to a planet named Gochivie HR57 in the Tadpole Galaxy.
“That’s an estimated…” a mech stuttered, faltered, and went to tap a few keys in.
Another beside him vented, rolling his optics as he grunted the calculations, “3.48 million light-years away.”
“Exactly. And that last transmission was received seventeen cycles before departure; nearly eighteen now. And traveling at our current velocity; judging by rate of travel on Nighthawk’s broadcasts, it should take us…”
“Four deca-cycles to reach them; give or take,” muttered the mathematician wiz.
“That’s given they continue at their own current speed,” one agreed. “And with no sure way of knowing their direction; as they have looped around on numerous occasions for reasons unknown, we could reach them sooner- or later if they choose to flee.”
“The Rising Star’s fuel economy isn’t exactly the best,” another joked.
Rolling her optics, the short femme gave a shake of her helm. She spun around, heading to the door while still eavesdropping on the conversation.
“Well, if we push the Guardian’s Light to it’s full capacity; we’d be sucking fuel down like a rabid Insecticon, but we could push the boundaries a bit…”
The rest of the bot’s words were lost as the duel pneumatic doors hissed closed behind Novastrike. One-hundred-fifty days, and that was all but a guess.
They’d waited this long. They could get by a little longer.
She just hoped Nighthawk had that sort of time…
“You look a bit distracted,” a voice growled in her direction.
Raising her helm, the femme squinted her dark sapphire blue optics up at her sparkmate.
“And a bit worried,” Blackout continued as he caught her gaze; his own a scarlet haze of concern. “Having second thoughts?”
“By the Primes no,” she sniffed, lashing her tail back and forth whilst crossing her arms.
She halted a moment, looking over the cool stolid features of her always impassive mech. He quirked a brow slightly the longer her pause continued, with the blades on his backside sliding back and forth behind him gradually.
Ever patient. Always willing to wait and let the silence speak on his behalf.
Groaning quietly, Nova glanced aside as she responded: “No, I’m not having second thoughts. I am a bit worried about Nighthawk, though.”
“Worried about him?” the titan echoed, ushering his mate to follow with a curl of his digits as they walked. “What for? You know how reception goes; the time it takes messages to travel, the delay, the waiting process. Eighteen; sorry, nineteen days now, is nothing.”
“I don’t know… my gut says something is wrong.”
“Are you sure it’s not just nerves, dearest?”
She huffed. Her pedes practically glided on the floor seamlessly; an enchanting motion, a pace of confidence and well-timed coordination. It was an action she didn’t even need think about, but it spoke volumes to her growth. A few years ago, such a look of assurance and positivism would have been lacking from her posture entirely.
Just as she felt more sure of herself and her footing, and what she could do, so she felt confident in her unease. Something was… off. Maybe the handsome devil staring at her with worry had a just point. She could reason his words to truth; they seemed credible, even likely, but her intuition whispered something different.
“Things are just going… too well for us, I guess,”  she finally admitted with reluctance, her ears lying back against her helm.
Blackout chuckled, a rich deep sound. “He’s a medic, Novastrike. I’m sure he can take care of himself if he gets some bumps and bruises.”
Her next words came out harsh a bitter; even unexpected by herself: “Like Guard.”
There was a strained, uncomfortable silence. Worry and guilt gnawed on Nova’s thoughts. She shouldn’t have said that.
“Guard was… not expecting that kind of betrayal,” Blackout said slowly, his voice a hush. “It surprised him. Nighthawk agreed to help. He has an idea of what he’s getting into. He’s not alone, either. His companion will see to it he’s not taken by surprise.”
“Infiltrator,” Novastrike noted from memory, recalling the dragon with perfect clarity. Funny how different he was from Fireline, yet they both carried an uncanny appearance to Predacon lore. One a goof; a playful and hyperactive wvyren with a hoarding problem and enough wit under his guise to offer surprising intellect in the science field.
The other, a refined medical professional with some sly comments, clever comebacks, and a witty if not at times wisecracking sense of humor.
When bots said that Primus made each Cybertronian to be unique, they certainly weren’t kidding.
“Yes, the uh… dragon,” Blackout offered with disinterest.
“Oh come on love,” Nova snickered. “It’s not that difficult to learn his name.”
“I’m sure it’s in my memory files somewhere,” the giant agreed offhandedly. “But I’m more inclined to faces than names.”
“Why; harder to forget a pretty faceplate?” Nova teased, placing a servo on either side of her cheeks innocently.
“I could never forget the most eloquent and beautiful face,” he chuckled. “But designations… they’re easy to change. Your identity lies within yourself.  Besides, it’s easier to recall a face than a name.”
“You went from sounding poetic to plain lazy, love.”
“Forgive me, dear, I’ve never been the best with words.”
A quiet wheeze escaped Nova. That wasn’t entirely true, but she’d let him go on and think that.
“Have you thought of any further plans on how we’re going to board the Rising Star?”
Blackout gave a doubtful shake of his helm. “No, not really. We can either try discretely sending in some smaller bots; like yourself and a few others, and try gaining some traction taking out larger bots and disabling primary functions on the ship before getting other’s on board… Or we can use my EMP. But I’ll need to be in a decent proximity if it’s going to be effective, or last very long.”
“And that would be exposing you to whatever working weapons the Rising Star still has, or has had installed since, as well as any crew members under Neutroboost’s command,” she muttered. “Too bad we can’t just blast the ship.”
Solemnly, the obsidian mech nodded as he glanced away. There was a sense of regret about him that was all too common these days.
“I don’t want to risk losing any more innocent lives,” he reminded her softly.
In that moment, he sounded so much like Guard that Novastrike had to rub her optics just to make sure it wasn’t him. It was astonishing; down to the gaze that had a million thoughts lost in them, the murmured agony in his voice, the sag in his shoulders.
This same mech had once looked to her like she was nothing but collateral. He’d rebuke the very idea that he’d changed, but it was all over him. Stains of Guard’s life and habits, his thoughts and ideals were blotting Blackout’s very essence.
He was still lethal. Of that, there was no doubt. But his sharpened judgmental edges had been snipped and sandpapered; his glaring optics now more often a thoughtful, wide-eyed look of consideration. The former gladiator from the arenas of Kaon was still evolving, hundreds of years past when most stopped learning how to grow and change he was only just discovering things anew. Feelings were fresh and exotic; expressions a new boundary, to care and to have compassion a foreign affair he was entangled.
Smiling sweetly, she reached out to pat her servo against her sparkmate’s pede. He turned his helm to look back to her blankly now.
“You’re doing just fine. Don’t doubt yourself; we all believe in you. We can all do this, together,” she urged.
The indication of a smile pulled at his lips. His optics softened; closing partially as he emitted a deep reverberated rumble deep within dark ebony armor.
“We’ll figure out our course of action when the time grows closer to do so,” Blackout growled. “There’s bound to be things to factor in at the time anyway; a hostage situation, planets we can use for cover…”
“A black hole, trying to suck us all in?” Nova suggested with a grin.
“Nova… No.”
“What? Plan for the impossible, right?”
“My warrior goddess of the moon, please, do not speak bad omens into reality.”
A mirthful laugh escaped Nova, pressing a servo to her mouth. “Since when did you become the superstitious type?”
Blackout frowned deeply. “Since now, when you decided to throw in a black hole and threaten to squash us all.”
“Or send us into an alternative parallel world; frozen in a paradox timeline that never ends, stuck fighting the same battle over and over again with no recollection of the beginning or the end,” she expressed loudly. “Or, you know, we could just run into our altered opposite selves. You’re altered-self would be a humble artist bent on peace and would oppose all fighting; and my altered-self would be a far-less attractive bland femme who just wants to punch things to see how they function.”
“I’m destroying all copies of ‘The Astrophysics to Black Holes’ immediately after this conversation,” he mumbled with deep disapproval.
“Will you be doing that before or after you get into the berth?” inquired the femme with a virtuous smile.
Sharply, her mate cleared his vocalizer. There was a stern appearance about his stature but in his face, mild entertainment.
It sent waves of adoration through Nova’s entire body. Starting in her spark and sparking with electric pulses through her veins. Oh how she treasured his happiness; the way his mouth curled up and the way light danced in his optics with just the right sparkle. He could pretend to hide it, especially around others, but it was just as obvious in his face and the minuscule shifts of his gears and body as it was the smell her hypersensitive features picked up on.
“We’ll discuss that later,” Blackout finally said in answer, shaking his helm a little. “I had meant to go to the bridge before I was drawn impulsively to the brightest star I’ve ever seen.”
For a klik, Nova thought to harass her handsome other half with a comment questioning him on what star was, in fact, the closest to their current position. But she thought better of herself before opening her mouth for such silliness, looking to his inviting gaze and feeling her spark give a little flip. She was, truly, at a loss for words.
Blackout too seemed a bit taken off guard for spare moment. He parted his lips just slightly, staring, before shaking himself with a shy snicker. He turned away, shaking the spell as he turned to walk in the opposing direction of the white femme. Stopping to speak to the nearest bot walking by to confirm their current course and traveling speed.
Withering, Nova began to internally sulk. Just a smidgen. How she longed for tranquil days of serene bliss; lost only with each other and their closest friends and family. For her, she needed no other life. Staring into his optics, clutching his servo, kissing his mouth and teasing that foolish mech from the break of a dawn’s light to the twilight dusky hours of the night.
Days spent wistfully lost in thought. The smiles on the faceplates of those who she cared for; who she lived and breathed for. It wouldn’t be paradise; it wouldn’t be perfect. They would bicker and argue over even the stupid things but they would get by. You forgave those you truly loved.
A slight skip now in her pedes, Novastrike made her way with her helm held high. She’d offer a comment or wave to those she passed until she came upon the rear deck to step into the armament room. Within it, some bots were stepping carefully around constructed weapons positioned on pivoting retractable arms that took on the size of multiple Predacons.
She spotted the Sigma Three defense cannon. One of three onboard; with two others connected to externally enclosed casings reachable through air-tight doors. The final cannon; a rapid-fire plasma shooter, was placed in an upper deck, with its lines running through the ship to a section in the hull that contained its ammunition.
A swell of pride hummed in Nova’s spark. Blackout had helped to manufacture and install these. Unsurprising really; the mech had such a knack of artillery. He’d grown using it all his life just to survive.
Decepticon’s hadn’t simply called him a weapon’s specialist for his own unreasonably large arsenal.
Novastrike moved with care not to get too underpede of those few bots roaming the room. Only a few were stationed here permanently and specifically to maintain the Sigma Three. The others were general mechanics and engineers, walking the length of the Guardian’s Light to inspect the entirety of the spacecraft. Any signs of degradation or damage from their first few cycles were being heavily scrutinized, but what space debris around Cybertron that remained from the war they’d knocked into left aesthetic damages here and there so far as anyone had noticed thus far.
From there a simple look around would suffice from time to time. The little femme could understand their concerns. For their own safety and for their love of a project and a dream, they wanted this vessel to succeed.
Too small to reach more than a thick under-panel to the beastly weapon, Nova reached up to pat the equipment with a devious smile. She turned around slowly, examining those busily moving around until she caught the look from a mech. He went from looking over the form of the gun, to her with some misgivings written on him.
“Sorry,” she stated with a smile while retracting her digits. “I’m just coming by to check up on things.”
Mutely, the mech gave a simple nod.
Feeling awkward by the lack of response, Nova quirked a partial smile as she stepped out from beneath the cannon.
“Designation Novastrike, mech,” she purred, offering a servo.
He looked from her face to her servo. Back again.
Uncomfortably, he finally reached for her servo. A single digit from the mech was extended for Nova to shake.
Stammering, she uncomfortably released his digit. “S-Sorry for bothering you-”
A sudden, wheezing laughter had Novastrike’s ears swiveling. She turned her helm a moment later to follow the trail of the noise.
“Aye, lieutant-commander, don’t mind Whisper,” a mech cackled. “ E’s a mute, you see. Born with a defective ‘box. Can’t speak a lick.”
“O-Oh,” she squeaked, giving an apologetic glance back up to the bot beside her.
“Don’t worry ye’ pretty little helm there girly. ‘E’s fine. Just o’ bit shy. Can’t blame him; ye’ a pretty sight to these optics.”
“E-Excuse me?”
A flame of tinted blue worked into the femme’s audios as she went slack-jawed. Partly, she was surprised by comment. Another part of her was irritated. Whether he was mocking her for a cheap gag joke, or if he was disrespecting her position came into play.
Every bot here was well enough aware of her situation with the captain of the ship. Yet this one was openly mocking her; toying her. Defying her role-
The mech tapped beside his optic, grinning. “I mean no harm girly; I promise. I o’ bit of a vision impairment myself. Got some damage from the war, ye’ see. But ye’ a bright thing of beauty on this dark ship. Won’t be losing ye’ armor or ye’ eyes anytime soon there, young miss.”
That should have made her feel better, but Nova instantly felt terrible for thinking the worst. She swallowed, well aware her ears were far beyond a simple pestering glow and now a full lantern of light. Cascading blue seemed to bounce off of her and glow upon anything within her radial circle of space.
“Well… thank you, uh…?”
“I’d be Killshot, miss.”
What a designation.
“Right,” she stated, giving a lopsided smile. “Well thank you, Killshot. But in the future please, keep the uh… flattery to a minimum, shall we?”
He nodded. “I can do, ma’am,” he agreed with a salute. “Come ‘ere Whisper, ye’ can help me with checking this ‘ere hydraulics system for the arm extension.”
With just a hush of his pedes, Whisper moved past Novastrike on almost deathly-silent pedes to follow the other bot. An ear upon Nova’s helm tilted to the side as the other remained erect while she watched the two. Oh boy, she really misjudged. She owed them an apology…
She turned, smacking instantly into the bot directly behind her and falling on her aft.
“Oh- sorry lieutenant Novastrike!” the dark grey mech yelped with a blush. “I shouldn’t have been so close; I was just keeping an optic on you, making sure you were safe.”
“I think I’d be safer if you were a bit less up my aft,” she growled, reaching up to tentatively touch her now-throbbing forehead.
Taking a moment to adjust her optics, Nova looked up to see the mech offering her his servo. The mech had to be all of but twenty-one feet at maximum; not including the jutting pieces of decorative metal on his helm. He held a guilty little smile on his face as she took it, helping her to her pedes.
“You can call me Oblivion, lieutenant-commander Novastrike!” he stated with glee. “I was assigned to be your assistant. Not because I asked, of course.”
He gave an awkward little laugh at that, waving a servo in the air.
Peculiar mech, Novastrike reasoned while eyeing him over. But what was most intriguing were his optics. One was a solid shade of red; a few hues brighter than that of Blackout’s. The other, a steely grayish-blue.
Even as she watched, she could swear the blue one gradually appeared to waver between blue, and green.
“I don’t require a personal assistant,” she coldly remarked. “Maybe you got the wrong bot.”
“Oh no, I got the right bot,” he chirped with merriment. “You’re the second-in-charge after captain and Commander Blackout. You were on board the Rising Star; a neutral party during the Autobot-Decepticon war. Previously an Autobo-”
“Okay, mech,” Nova vented with a servo placed to her faceplate. “I’m going to stop you right there. I don’t know how- or why- you know so much about me but I don’t need an assistant.”
Oblivion laughed breezily, his engine purring to life. Even the door-wings on his back began to give a joyous little flutter like he was some sort of a seeker.
He seemed rather young, and childish. Novastrike tapped a digit against her chin lightly with confusion and curiosity as she mused the odd behavior.
“Well of course you don’t need me,” Oblivion agreed. “I’m just handy. You know, a messenger just for you. Run some errands, finish up uh… do you even get paperwork? We don’t keep that type of stuff here, do you-”
“Oblivion, might I ask: what were you before you were my assistant?”
“Oh, well-” he scratched the side of his helm. “I was an Autobot during the bot-con war. Before that I was a-”
“No no- I mean, what were you before you requested to be my personal subordinate?”
“Ooooh! Gotcha. I was originally on bridge duty; you know, keeping ship’s course and such. But that didn’t work out, so I got put on maintenance. Then I broke too much stuff, and…”
Scrap. They threw her a bumbling moron for her aid. Some respect the other’s had to insist her be her aid.
Giving her most impressionable and dazzling smile, Novastrike laced her digits in front of her chassis. She breathed in, breathed out just as slowly, and dropped her arms to her side. Finally, she looked up to the young mech.
“What are the chances I can reassign you?”
There was a clear indication of hurt in the mech’s optics.
“Little to none, lieutenant,” he mumbled.
“Right,” she vented. “Alright- fine. But we’ve got to work on your personal space thing. And you’re breaking-things thing. And maybe we’ll find you a more suitable position once you’ve worked your way up a bit.”
A soft, delighted gasp escaped Oblivion. He slapped a servo over his mouth as a sparkle entered his heterochromatic optics.
“I’d love that,” he squealed. “Well- except the not working for you part. I mean, what an honor-”
Raising a servo, the white-armored femme held up a single digit. The mech fell obediently silent, looking to her with the most puppy-dog like gaze.
An honor, he’d said? This bot was disillusion. An honor would be serving a historical figure. Bots like Blackout, or Guard, or frag even the Primes. Even the famous Ratchet or Sideswipe would do, but instead, this bot was looking to her with reverence like some sort of legend.
Did he ever pick the wrong bot to idolize. A scrawny, little-known neutral like herself. She pitied him as much as she was annoyed by his peppy attitude and the fact he’d been placed on her like some second-hand yappy canine.
“Come on, then,” Novastrike vented, giving a whisk of her servo.
Without question, the mech glued himself to her side as she walked. From his subspace, he emerged a datapad and stylus to take notes studiously. Or, for all Nova knew, to scribble doodles.
As they left the room, Oblivion glanced in the direction of Whisper and Killshot. There was a tense moment between the trio, with the two later squinting their optics towards Oblivion. He gave a gradual flinch, blushing before darting out of the door after his tutor.
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tomicaleto · 3 years
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Tiny AUs
Somehow I have the feeling that this Tiny-Wan has plans much bigger than him...
(or Tiny AU meets @intermundia Lex Talionis AU!)
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hoholupercal-adopts · 3 years
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cansofbees · 4 years
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King papi...
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alister312 · 2 years
so you’re into gregstophe now and looking for good fics: a rec list by me, local gregstophe brainrot bastard
As might be obvious, I adore Gregstophe and I really want to get more of the SP fandom into them. But if you’ve already read my big fic Just Business (or even if you haven’t) you might be wondering: which Gregstophe fics should I read if I want to really get into this pairing? They may not be the rarest pair in South Park shipping, but finding good fics wherein they are the main pairing can be hard. Well, I’ve reread all of my old favorites from ff dot net recently and I’ve spent a lot of time going through the ao3 tag to now present you with…
THE Gregstophe fic rec list of all time (according to me)
A quick note: for a fic to be on this list, it means it is 1) completed, 2) in English, 3) Gregstophe-centric (i.e. they’re the main pairing), and 4) particularly impactful. There’s a bunch of incompletes I could recommend (such as Just Try to Remember and Moonheart13′s various AU fics), a bunch not in English so I can’t read them, quite a few that merely feature Gregstophe (Lex Talionis comes to mind), and many fics that I do truly like but can’t quite bring myself to seriously recommend because they’re too short or too tropey or too much porn not enough plot. Also, only fics on ao3 or ffn were considered and I didn’t include any OT3 fics (such as gregstophlovski ones). With these qualifications out of the way, let’s get onto the list!
Petroica traversi/effingbirds: so this isn’t an actual fic so much as an author but I consider her Gregstophe content to ALL be top tier. Both of her long form Gregstophe-centric pieces (The Fight and The Well and the Lighthouse) are wonderfully told. My favorites from her one-shots are Ocean of Noise and Ready to Start. Her characterizations of the two boys are some of my favorites, really emphasizing their complicated devotion to one another.
A Stupid High School Tradition Called Prom: This is such a classic fic to me. I read it years ago on ffn but it’s since been ported over to ao3. I personally find Christophe’s written accent to be a bit much (coming from someone who does enjoy writing and reading his accent) but I encourage you to give it shot even if you don’t like that. If you want fluffy Gregstophe (which is rare!), this is the perfect fic. It centers around Christophe being a dick (affectionately) and Gregory being frustrated with him (also affectionately) all while they play at being normal teens for once in their goddamn lives.
Bereaved of Light: If you’re into Gregstophe simply for that good good Angst that comes with being mercenaries, THIS is the fic for you. There isn’t a happy ending but sometimes you’re looking to get emotionally destroyed and that’s alright! Maybe you WANT to simply read about men being full of regret and love while dying. Valid. Read this fic.
Three Years of Gregstophe: Ok this is technically 3 different one-shots but they’re all very good! I really like the headcanon of Gregory going into the government but still doing mercenary business on the down-low via Christophe. That’s kind of the main link between each chapter, as well as Gregory being VERY oblivious about Christophe’s feelings towards him. And his own feelings towards Christophe in the final one shot.
97 Safety First: Gregory playing nurse/doctor to Christophe after missions is a very classic and vital Gregstophe trope. I think this fic handles it very well, along with having some wonderfully done dialogue. Snappy dialogue between Gregory and Christophe is my favorite and very in character for the two of them. Gregory is so insistent about caring and Christophe is so insistent that he isn’t worth caring about… one of my favorite topics to explore in their dynamic.
2am: Following along similar lines of “Gregory cares for Christophe after a mission”, we’ve got this fic! I may be a little biased bc Saturnpanther and I have talked at length about Gregory and Christophe and our characterizations of them are pretty similar. As such, I really love all of her fics but this one is just so classically them it had to be on here. It’s really all about the subtleties, hard to break habits, hesitancy… all that good angst.
Delayed: Yes, this is yet another “Gregory waits up for Christophe” one-shot... what can I say? It’s a classic!! That’s all!! Gregory being a nervous wreck about Christophe’s well being but trying so hard to stay calm and professional will always get to me. Plus, this particular fic has Kyle and Kenny mentioned! That’s another thing you may find a lot of within the Gregstophe fandom, stories with Kyle being a tech whiz and sometimes Kenny too being explosion fodder. The Kyle is more common, as is the ship Gregstophlovski, though that’s not in this fic. Mostly just a fun factoid.
Roses Ought to Covet Honesty: If you’re a sucker for Gregory “i did cotillion as a child” of Yardale and Christophe “fuck god, eat the rich” DeLorne, you’ll like this piece. It’s mostly Christophe being grumpy about being placed in high society while Gregory is very comfy with it… but also Christophe loves Gregory so he puts up with it. I personally really enjoy that characterization of them and I think this little one shot does a good job exploring their dynamic. Also it’s from Christophe’s perspective, which is surprisingly rare within Gregstophe fics.
Crooked: Speaking of the rarity of Christophe POV fics… there’s this fic! Very short but I think it does a great job capturing Christophe’s self loathing and doubt. His Catholic upbringing paired with his seemingly very religious mother makes his character ripe for ✨Catholic Guilt Angst✨. With how perfect Gregory likes to conduct himself, they make for quite the contrast. And Christophe really needs the pillar that is Gregory’s love to convince himself he’s worthy sometimes.
catching up: There’s a lot of Gregstophe fics out there about them having some sort of falling out, or one of them simply disappearing for years, only to suddenly come back into one another’s lives. This particular fic is one of the fluffier version of this trope and I think it’s very sweet. It doesn’t get super into their relationship, but it still does a good job with how short it is.
leave america, two kids follow her, i don’t want to talk about who’s doing it first: By the same author as the previous fic, this one has just slightly more angst but ends on a very sweet note! If you’re curious for a short peek into Gregstophe but in college, this is great for that. Even when trying to live normal lives, they face some struggles. This fic also has a really nice interaction between Christophe and Kyle as friends, which is always a super fun bonus in my opinion.
Puppy Love: I feel like there’s not enough exploration of Gregory and Christophe’s childhood friendship. They can know one another beyond mercenary/revolutionary work! This fic does a great job touching on that. It’s sort of a series of scenes of them growing up together and the slow development of a crush. Also, a heavy emphasis on Gregory being a revolutionary and Christophe just being along for the ride that is Gregory.
Gregstophe Week Entries.: Another series of one-shots rather than a whole story, but they’re all very good! Maybe I’m a sucker for happy endings and nice things, but I really like Day 4 and Day 7 the best. However, all of these are really just kind of a study into their relationship in different aspects, which is why I like them. It also makes me want to maybe do another Gregstophe week... 👀
Adrenaline: This fic is VERY short but still packs quite a punch. If you’re a fan of the more cold/calculating sort of Gregory, or possessive Gregory, I think you’ll like this one. I wish the author expanded a little more on the few things hinted at, but that last line of Christophe showing his true feelings and emotions, just a little bit, really does it for me.
When Tomorrow Comes: Gregory waiting on a hurt Christophe is very common, but this fic turns it on its head with Gregory being the one hurt! I’m a bit sorry to reveal that, because while it’s not quite a twist, it’s still not totally obvious that Gregory is hurt in the beginning. I think this fic in particular does a good job with balancing Christophe’s devotion, frustration, projecting of internal doubts, and soft side.
Cigarette Daydreams: By the same author as the previous fic, this one does a really wonderful job capturing their dynamic. There’s a lot of trauma they both need to unpack (mostly Gregory’s in this case), but there’s also a lot of love and tender fluffy moments. Plus, it’s always good to see someone who understands that Christophe is witty and a jokester.
Bath Time: A fic a little on the NSFW side, but containing the very classic trope of “My God, Christophe is filthy and must be forced to bathe” (with a hint of “Gregory is wealthy and bossy”). While there can definitely be a lot of tenderness in Gregory making Christophe take a bath (such as in 2am), there can also be fights! And sometimes fights are very fun, especially when it comes to these two. Christophe’s accent in this is a bit much but sometimes that’s just how things are.
The Rush: If you’re looking for the perfect mix of smut and story in one little fic, I wholeheartedly recommend this! The ticking clock incorporated in the first half provides a great sense of tension. It’s also one of the fics where Christophe and Gregory’s mercenary sides really shine and feel realistic. Even if you’re not into smut, you can just read up until the point where things get NSFW and still get an incredible short story!
Smoke: I think I really like this one because it reminds me of a somber version of my favorite Clybe one-shot. There’s just really something to be said about two characters coming together and having complicated emotions about a dead mother. Plus I love that Gregory is able to see through Christophe’s emotional walls.
Good Dog: Ok, I know I said that I’d only include finished works on this list but... there’s so few finished long form Gregstophe fics out there?? It’s kind of sad, actually. I pronounce this one finished enough, in the sense that the last chapter has them (basically) getting together. It’s also a darker fic, with Gregory being more on the controlling sadistic side and Christophe being rather emotionally broken. However, I think it’s got wonderful prose, good exploration of character, and a good bit of intrigue. You may be sad that the plot of the job itself doesn’t wrap up, but let’s be honest— it’s never actually about the job when it comes to these two.
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Masterlist & The Night Market of Dathomir
A smut blog dedicated to Darth Maul, Savage Opress, and Feral. All content is NSFW unless otherwise noted. Minors, ageless, and faceless blogs are blocked on sight.
Asks will be answered at my discretion, and at my leisure for the near future or, until I decide to dim the lights. A slightly different format than the frenzy you may be accustomed to.
With love, and welcome back,
*Collected posts will appear under The Night Market of Dathomir tag, and all posts are mirrored at the collection on Ao3.
Water of Life (Explicit) Opress Brothers x Reader (AFAB Cis)
Summary: A spiritual pilgrimage for Dathomir’s third moon festival requires little of its attendees: respect for the culture and respect for its rituals are paramount, and you must always do as the Nightbrothers say — but you know for certain, what is lost in the process never outweighs what’s gained…
Least of all when Lord Maul throws a party in honour of the old Gods.
Read it on Ao3>
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Darth Maul x Reader
Brula Shampoo (AFAB: gn) The Collector Ao3 Drown me in you Ao3 This Fic is Cursed Ao3 The Perfect Pet - Part I (AFAB) The Perfect Pet - Part II (AFAB) The Ritual Ao3 This is not the Sundari throne (AFAB Cis) You think you're worthy? You're not. (AFAB) Post-Battle Canoodles (AFAB)
Savage Opress x Reader
Afterglow (AFAB Cis) But what's the lucky number? (AFAB) Dathomir's Champion (AFAB) Long Days, Pleasant Nights (AFAB) The Fanged God Walks (AFAB Cis) This Fic is Cursed Ao3 The Throne (ABAB) Make you smile (AFAB Cis) No Losers Here (AFAB) Paging Doctor Savage (AFAB Cis)
Feral Opress x Reader
Article 342: One locking door (AFAB) Ao3 First blush of dawn (AFAB) Little Hours Away (AFAB Cis) Ao3 Mazes (AFAB Cis) Rough Day Socks (GN) The Dominant Kind (AFAB Cis) Ao3 Three Princes: Part I - The Oldest Profession Ao3 This Fic is Cursed Ao3 You're cute for a fuck toy. (AFAB Cis) We're Feralfuckers in this house (AFAB)
Darth Maul X Reader x Savage Opress 🥪🥪
The Feast (AFAB: gn) Opress Bros x Reader 🥪🥪🥪 Somebody's gonna have a bad time Ao3 Tell that Zabrak he just made my list of things to do today Ao3 Nobody asks the pertinent question until the end Ao3 No Quarter Revenge The Monster of Blue Coral Cove The Cold Season The Whole Loaf
After the War (The One Where Everyone Lives) All Dressed Up Back of the throat Bookshop Edition But I still feel the bright eyes Cantina Edition Collision Dynamics Collision Dynamics Vol. II Dirty Secrets Vol. I Dirty Secrets Vol. II Dominance Traditions of Dathomiri Zabrak Evidence in the Aftermath Feral gives you what you need too. Firsts First Date Fails Gentlemen Friends & Fuckboys Good Boys Grand Theft Autumn Helpful Tips for Busy Dark Siders Honour: A Maul Headcanon Honour: A Savage Opress Headcanon Hush It's a numbers game Last Call Lex Talionis Maul sometimes doesn't know what he needs Maul's cock has bluetooth enabled Piercings Prelude to a ____. Prep Headcanons: Savage Opress Primal Questions about Maul's Cock Red Threads Rough Night Savage gives you what you need. Small, Soft Things Sugar, Baby Take my hand The one where no one else knows Two more minutes Wayfinder Wedding/Mating Headcanons Welcome to New Dathomir - Vol.I
Pool Rules (Trio) Summer Anthems - Vol I: Feral Summer Anthems - Vol. II: Savage
Lunations (Werewolf AU) Swains Lane (Highgate Hauntings AU) Kindred (Vampire AU)
Murmurings Vol. I (Savage Opress) Murmurings Vol. II (Darth Maul) Murmurings Vol. III (Feral Opress)
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gffa · 2 years
Oh, friends, there is so much good Obikin fic about our two favorite idiots in the STAR WARS fandom out there and I have a huge back archive of recs to show for it, but sometimes it’s hard to know where to start when you’re new or haven’t read anything in awhile, so I wanted to put together a list of Starter Recs that I think are great places for a beginner who’s just dipping their toe into the waters! There are many, many fics that are often times some of my favorites that will not be on this list, because these are the ones that I think are specifically useful to those who are just kind of figuring out what they like or aren’t really sure they 100% ship it and just kind of want to test things out. And also because if you made me list my actual favorites, it’d be literally thirty times as long as this, and that might be just a bit overwhelming. So, here, have my suggestions for where to start! Joinnnnn usssssssss. OBIKIN RECS - CANON-COMPLIANT UP TO BEFORE EVERYTHING GOES TO SHIT: ✦ Equinox by lilyconrad, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, sith!obi-wan (sort of), d/s, 95.9k    During the Clone Wars, Obi-Wan and Anakin crash on a remote planet and take shelter in the ruins of a grand estate only to find they are not alone. ✦ Upfall by bell (belldreams), obi-wan/anakin & some obi-wan/satine & ahsoka & cast, NSFW, 166.8k    Anakin is doing just about everything he can to hold himself together; it won’t last. ✦ the sound of your voice (helps me find peace) by izazov, obi-wan/anakin, 34.7k    Five times Anakin had to ask for a story. And one time Obi-Wan offered it freely. ✦ Lex Talionis by intermundia, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka & cast, NSFW, sith!obi-wan, sith!anakin, 187k    How Obi-Wan and Anakin fell to the dark side, obtained their revenge, and saved the galaxy in the process. ✦ starbird by imaginarykat, obi-wan/anakin & cast, 8.8k    Anakin thinks he knows everything about Obi-Wan but doesn’t. Anakin thinks a lot of things, actually, and he’s wrong about most of them. Anakin’s whole world view is turned upside down. Obi-Wan is having the time of his life. ✦ small gestures and grand vows by loosingletters, obi-wan/anakin & cast, 6k    Five times Obi-Wan and Anakin show how devoted they are to each other, and one time somebody demands proof and they are insulted. ✦ Across the Stars by unfortunate17, obi-wan/anakin & cast, NSFW, time travel, 14k    A story of how Obi-Wan and Anakin have thousands of firsts between them, fates intertwined by the will of the force across space and time. Or, Obi-Wan is the Time Traveler’s Wife. ✦ love is a battlefield (not a one-night stand) by izazov, obi-wan/anakin, 15.5k    For all his skills as a negotiator, Obi-Wan does a poor job of handling the aftermath of spending the night with his former Padawan. (He gets better at it. Eventually.) ✦ what heaven did you leap from, dear love? by loosingletters, obikinn, obi-wan/anakin, 3.2k    Surely Obi-Wan hadn’t meant to call him that. It was just a slip of the tongue, he told himself. But that didn’t stop his heart from racing and his palms from getting sweaty. ✦ Abyssus Abyssum Invocat by Burning_Nightingale, obi-wan/anakin, 10.3k    While searching for Separatists on the very edge of the Unknown Regions, Obi-Wan and Anakin discover three things. A Chiss pilot in desperate need of their help; a Jedi Temple more ancient than the Republic itself; and a dire warning. ✦ Into the Archives by skygawker, obi-wan & anakin (& some anakin/padme) & palpatine & cast, 104.9k wip    After hearing the legend of Darth Plagueis the Wise from Palpatine, Anakin decides that his best chance to save Padme is to break into the restricted Holocron Vault of the Temple Archives to search for information about Plagueis. Predictably, all does not go according to plan. Revenge of the Sith AU. ✦ Satellite Mind by intermundia, septemberist, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 19.3k    Five times Obi-Wan heard Anakin’s thoughts, and one time Anakin heard Obi-Wan’s ✦ Aggressive Negotiations by RagnarLothcat, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 15.7k    Five times Obi-Wan makes use of Anakin’s beauty in a negotiation, and one time someone turns the tables on him. ✦ It’s How You Learn by Is0lde, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 10.6k    Anakin and Obi-Wan spar in Jar'Kai and it ends up exactly how they both planned. ✦ Moment’s Silence (Common Tongue) by Gwendolyn (storiesofchaos), obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 8.1k    Three occasions in which Anakin comes in his pants. ✦ Seed by bell (belldreams), obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 44k    When Anakin falls prey to a lethal poison, Obi-Wan has no choice but use all his resources to heal him– no matter how reluctant he is in administering the antidote. ✦ Over and Over by obiwanobi, obi-wan/anakin, 1.4k    “I love you,” he blurts out, loud and impossible to miss. Obi-Wan blinks once, twice. And freezes. The first time Anakin tells him is a mortifying experience. ✦ hey there by retts, obi-wan/anakin, 4.6k    ‘Sick,’ says Anakin, stood in the doorway of Obi-Wan’s room aboard their ship. 'You’re sick.’ 'No need to sound so delighted over it,’ grouses Obi-Wan, bringing his fist up to his mouth to cough feebly into it. Damn. 'I’m not, Master.’ ✦ O Trespass Sweetly Urged by Artemis_Unbound, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 8.6k    Anakin and Obi-Wan witness a sex ritual while on a mission. Obi-Wan doesn’t understand why Anakin is so scandalized by this, until Anakin admits that he’s never had sex. Obi-Wan…might need a minute to process that. ✦ Too Hot by secretsolarsystem, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 4.8k    Too Hot: A game where two players kiss without stopping and without touching each other. If one player touches the other, that player loses. The winner gets to do whatever they want to the loser. OBIKIN RECS – THE DARTH ASSHOLE CAT DYNAMIC THAT’S CLOSER TO THE SHOW’S RELATIONSHIP POINT (SOMETIMES FIX-IT, SOMETIMES NOT): ✦ Sear me by thedunesea, obi-wan/vader, NSFW, suitless vader, 9.9k    “So here we are, a failed Jedi, a Sith, and our imminent deaths. I leave it to you to choose how we will meet our demise, whether fighting or doing something else entirely.” ✦ Make Your Siren’s Call by intermundia, obi-wan/vader, NSFW, 4.5k    After a visit to check on young Luke, Obi-Wan spends the night in a cave nearby. He struggles to fall asleep, his mind reaching out into the Force, and is surprised by a visit from his old apprentice in his dreams. ✦ to touch the light, darkest by treescape, obi-wan/vader, NSFW, 6.5k    Obi-Wan begins to fuck Vader back to the light. ✦ Mirage by intermundia, obi-wan/vader & obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, time travel, omegaverse, 17k    The Force switches AotC Anakin with Kenobi-series era Darth Vader. ✦ (Un)happy Reunions by izazov, obi-wan/vader, 4k    After defeating his former Padawan but sparing his life on Mustafar, Obi-Wan had hoped that their paths would never cross again. He should have known better. ✦ Homestead by JSwander, whohatessand, obi-wan/vaderkin & cast, NSFW, 46.2k    Obi-Wan deals with a troubled newly widowed Anakin, two twins, and desperately needs a hug. ✦ game plan by treescape, obi-wan/vader, NSFW, raised as a sith!anakin, 11.2k    Or, Vader keeps capturing Obi-Wan during the Wars. Obi-Wan keeps escaping. It’s kind of a thing. ✦ Neutron star collision by thedunesea, obi-wan/anakin & cast, 66.2k    In the aftermath of Order 66, Anakin Skywalker’s miraculous survival after his confrontation with the new Sith Apprentice Darth Vader ignites a sparkle of hope in the remaining Jedi, in the fledgling rebellion and, above all, in his former Master, who had thought he had lost everything to darkness. ✦ love is not a victory but neither is it pain by Himboskywalker, obi-wan/vader, NSFW, 4.7k    Five years after Anakin Skywalker falls Obi-Wan Kenobi helps lead the Rebel Alliance against the Empire.But hope has reached its end,and General Kenobi confronts Vader in a desperate effort to save his men and the last threads of the rebellion. ✦ nothing compares to you by RagnarLothcat, obi-wan/anakin & cast, nsfw, time loop, 40.5k wip    Sometimes you only get one chance to make things right. But when you’re Anakin Skywalker, Chosen One, sometimes the Force intervenes to give you a second chance. Or a third. Or a fourth. ✦ Prompted - Chapter 5 by intermundia , obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, spanking, rough sex, 2.3k    5. suitless!Vader / resentful!Obi-Wan (Spank a Sith back to the Light AU) ✦ Don’t go blindly into the dark by obiwanobi, obi-wan/anakin, 3.5k    Anakin falls to the dark side earlier than expected, gets scared by his own impulses and decides to hide somewhere nobody will look for him. It doesn’t stop Obi-Wan from finding him. ✦ Replaceable by ibex_ascendant, obi-wan/vader, nsfw, ~1k    He buries hands of flesh in thick, auburn-colored hair. He knows this is a dream. ✦ Pivot by Phosphorescent, obi-wan & anakin, 1.3k    “What would you have me do, Anakin? Just… walk away?” “Or you could join me.” OBIKIN RECS - DO YOU WANT THEM TO KISS BUT DON’T WANT TO WADE THROUGH THAT GROSS PLOT WHILE STILL GETTING INSIGHTFUL CHARACTERIZATION? I GOT YOU: ✦ Collar by bell (belldreams), obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, d/s, 9.4k    “You have to be sure, Anakin. Once we’re in, we’re in.” “I think I can handle being your sub, Obi-Wan.“ ✦ This Was Obi-Wan by Himboskywalker, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 5.3k    With how proper and refined his master is,Anakin just can’t figure why he sits like that, all spread-legged and obscene.But after a mission goes awry and he sees Obi-Wan naked for the first time,the question isn’t why,but more like how he’s possibly going to survive with the knowledge. ✦ Home Again by lilyconrad, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, d/s, mild bondage, 1.7k    When Anakin’s emotions overwhelm him, Obi-Wan is always there with a firm hand and clear eye to help him find his way back from the dark. ✦ It’s How You Learn by Is0lde, obi-wan/anakin & cast, NSFW, 10.6k    Anakin and Obi-Wan spar in Jar'Kai and it ends up exactly how they both planned ✦ Good Form by ranianke, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 15.1k    Obi-Wan needs help shooting a training video. What could go wrong? ✦ Lifeblood by Himboskywalker, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 8.3k    The ancient people of the Zeffo contact the Jedi in a cry for help,they need force users who can connect to the living force,who can save something dear to them. But the price of life is itself something dear,and one Obi-Wan is not sure they can pay. ✦ Persistence is Key by ToolMusicLover, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 2.2k    Anakin has been making suggestive remarks all day, when they’re finally alone together Obi-Wan finds himself succumbing to Anakin’s persistence. ✦ Bloom the want by ToolMusicLover, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 13.5k    Upon being reunited with Obi-Wan after a number of months apart, Anakin struggles with his Master’s continued distance, but perhaps there is something he can do to get his attention. ✦ Exile Vilify by nessa_j, obi-wan/anakin, nsfw, 1.4k    Anakin struggles with the horrors of war, Obi-Wan tries to offer comfort. ✦ that which rages in the place of dearest love by shipwrecks, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 4.4k    He loves Obi-Wan but he’s not going to let him tell him to calm down like he’s still a padawan who doesn’t understand anything about the galaxy. He understands plenty—the galaxy is cold and unforgiving, dark and pain, he’s known this longer than anyone. OBIKIN RECS – IF YOU WANT TO GET YOUR FEET WET IN A WORLD WHERE THEY WEREN’T TEACHER AND STUDENT TO SEE IF IT’S FOR YOU: ✦ wicked thing by imaginarykat, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka & cast, nsfw, sith!obi-wan, 117.4k wip    There are rumours of yet another Sith Lord hiding among the Separatists. The Council sends Anakin to investigate. Anakin has a bad feeling about this. or, the story of how Anakin exists in a perpetual state of intense embarrassment, Obi-Wan is enjoying it a little too much, and everything is, generally speaking, a gigantic mess. ✦ Conceal Me What I Am by Himboskywalker, obi-wan/anakin & cast, NSFW, omegaverse, senator!obi-wan, 108.3k    Separatist Propaganda is turning the Republic against the Jedi Order and the Senate sees no choice but to join in a political alliance to fight dissent on a unified front.An alliance is proposed through an arranged marriage,between a Jedi Knight and Republic Senator. Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi are chosen as representatives of the political union by Darth Sidious, meant to bring ruin to the marriage and the public’s support of the Jedi,for Obi-Wan Kenobi is not the Beta he claims. But even Sidious does not know of the secret Anakin Skywalker keeps, that he is not the Alpha the galaxy believes him to be. ✦ Needing/Getting by chapstickaddict, obi-wan/anakin & luke & leia & ahsoka & cast, NSFW, alternate canon, 198k    Anakin is a paranoid, over-protective hot mess doing his best to raise his weird pack the way Padmé would have wanted. How the hell is he supposed to do that when his kids and not-apprentice make him haul a half-dead Jedi Master home like a lost pet? OBIKIN RECS – LOOK, JUST TRUST ME, IT’S GOOD: ✦ à la carte by RagnarLothcat, obi-wan/anakin & cast, NSFW, modern au, 55.6k    Anakin Skywalker is a perfectly normal grad student. He spends his days at the robotics lab, his evenings working at an upscale restaurant and his weekends on inadvisable hookups. That is, until Obi-Wan Kenobi saunters into his workplace and sweeps him off his feet. ✦ The Snowball Effect by Ghost_Owl, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka, modern au, 11.3k    Anakin had not meant to nail the cute guy from his building in the face with a snowball. Obi Wan had absolutely meant to hit him back. ✦ when all we have are shadows by tennessoui, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, modern au, 8.3k    Anakin’s gone when Obi-Wan wakes up. He’s left a note, a little cutesy message with a smiley face and awful handwriting. He has a class he can’t miss, it says. Obi-Wan’s gone and fucked a college kid. ✦ Too Hot by secretsolarsystem, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 4.8k    Too Hot: A game where two players kiss without stopping and without touching each other. If one player touches the other, that player loses. The winner gets to do whatever they want to the loser. OBIANIDALA RECS – BECAUSE ANAKIN SKYWALKER HAS TWO HANDS AND REALLY, REALLY WANTS IN THE MIDDLE OF THAT SANDWHICH, AND WE HAVE FEELINGS AFTER ALL THOSE PADME MENTIONS: ✦ Only Ones Who Taste by maravilla, obi-wan/anakin/padme, NSFW, 3.4k    "Have I ever noticed what?” she said, half smiling and fixing him with a stare. “That Anakin – he – I mean, we’re not here to talk about Anakin.” ✦ more than a candle by jenmishe, obi-wan/anakin/padme, NSFW, 50.3k    How Anakin, Obi Wan, and Padmé realize many things, which include, most notably, how they feel about each other and how to handle said feelings. Oh, and in the meantime, they deal with a megalomaniac Sith Lord. ✦ Exposure Therapy by septemberist, obi-wan/anakin/padme, NSFW, 10.1k    Anakin struggles to overcome jealousy in his relationship with Padmé and Obi-Wan. They decide to help him in an unconventional fashion. ✦ Only Ones Who Taste by maravilla, obi-wan/anakin/padme, NSFW, 3.4k    “Have I ever noticed what?” she said, half smiling and fixing him with a stare. “That Anakin – he – I mean, we’re not here to talk about Anakin.” ✦ Diplomatic relations by Tenillypo, obi-wan/anakin/padme, NSFW, 6.2k    It was late when Padmé Amidala got home, and there was a Jedi sitting in her living room.
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intermundia · 2 years
the line "your need to prove yourself is your undoing" makes me go feral because honestly that's the heart of my obikin prequels fix-it hypothesis, which is that obi-wan sees this need and could in an AU offer anakin a safe, private space to do just that, without the consequences spilling over into his actions in the galaxy at large. it's the thesis of my fic symposium, a core theme of my novel lex talionis, really the basis of my ship interpretation in general, that letting anakin prove himself in the realm of eros and get that validation and satisfaction might make him a more balanced and stable individual, less vulnerable to sidious's mind games or available to the lure of having a secret wife.
the core problem is that he needs more from obi-wan than canon obi-wan is willing to give him, because a jedi needs to be free of that kind of craving and dependence, and obi-wan has dedicated so much of his life to making anakin into a good jedi. no matter how much he might want to give him slack, he has to curb his arrogance, fragility, and pride somehow. it's a task he promised his master he would complete, and it makes him occasionally austere and distant, and this just makes anakin more desperate to either beat him or outsmart him or otherwise prove himself to be his equal or better. it exacerbates the problem, when it could solve it
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tennessoui · 2 years
what fics are you currently reading miss kit? 🤔😇
currently i am not reading that many unfortunately!!! i have only 4 fic tabs open right now, but i haven't clicked on them recently because im either on tumblr or trying to write a ton right now, which hasn't left me much time to read a lot of other works which sucks because that's absolutely my favorite part of fandom
i do keep trac of amidnightlove's sith au because i love their writing and i know that it updates pretty much every tuesday.
i saw @ragnarlothcat's updated her detective noir au which i loved the first chapter of soooo much, but i haven't read the newest yet but i know it'll be amazing.
@ricelife's lil sweet drugstore au is really cute and sweet and i was in love with it as soon as i recognized the au and then the writing just made the premise even cuter and better!!
and i reblogged it earlier today but im so excited to have the time to read @theseptemberist's sequel to @intermundia's Lex Talionis. i think it's going to be absolutely wonderful because their writing just is. so good.
and for reasons, i've just reread @pontah's ex sex/getting back together fic which is just as wonderful and hot and sorta silly but also completely seriously a bit devastating (happy ending tho)
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luvreyn · 3 years
lex talionis | Gojo Satoru x Reader (Part 1)
Summary: When the Royal Knights took your Father and people, they also took your innocence, dreams, and life. Because of that, they will pay, and you’re targeting the Royals who decreed it in the first place. 
lex talionis (noun) law of retribution in kind : an eye for an eye
(AU Royalty! Gojo fic.)
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"Love," your Mother hummed as she brushed your hair. "Your Father would be so happy to see you wear his gift."
"Will he?" You can’t stop the smile on your face.
"Yes," she said, kissing your cheek tenderly. "That necklace has been passed down from one chieftain to another."
Your eyes twinkled. "But I am still 12 years old. Am I not too young to be Chief?"
"You are, Love. That is why you must learn all that you can from your Father to be a great Chief."
Your Mother has never lied, and so you believe her. So when your Father came home that night with the meat he traded in exchange for the grains your people planted, you thanked him and showed him the necklace around your neck.
You feel a sense of pride when he looks at you and tells you that you’re going to be a great Chief.
The years passed.
You’re a chief-in-training, almost of legal age. You helped with the preparations for the next harvest and studied medicine under your Mother.
Life is peaceful in your village. Peaceful and beautiful. You could hear the contagious laughter of children, the proud boasting of men, the soft and calming voices of women, you could hear life.
A dark cloud hovers above your village like a bad omen. At night, you heard the sound of the rain, horse noises, swords being unsheathed, and yelling.
Your Father orders you and your Mother to stay inside while he faces the Royal Knights. Odd, they don’t step foot here because they say you are savages.  (You didn’t follow his order. You’re a chief-in-training. Surely you should know why the Royal Knights are here. They might not be your people, but a good leader is someone who can harmonize with other people)
"I am the Chief. What brings you here at this late hour?" you hear your Father.
A Knight hops off the big dark horse and faces your Father, scowling, produces a piece of paper (you later saw the Royal Insignia attached to it) and says, out loud. "As the King decrees, all men of legal age are arrested for the crime of murdering a member of the Royal Family."
Murder? Of a Royal Family? Who? (Later on, you’ll find out that Her Majesty, the Queen, was slayed in a gruesome manner.)
"Good sir," you said as you took a step forward, your shoe making contact with the wet ground.Your Father looks horrified to see you outside. "There must be some kind of mistake. My people are not murderers. We are farmers. "
The Knight looks at you in disgust, like your very existence personally offended him.
When the Knight refused to speak to you, your father pleaded their innocence.
"Please, I would like to request an audience with His Majesty. We did not kill anyone. It is unforgivable. It is worse than death."
But they did not listen.
You watched in horror when they started dragging people out of their homes in the pouring rain.
"Please, sire," you pleaded again. "There is a mistake. Please."
"Take them away." The Knight ignored you. They rounded up your Father’s friends, your people, and your Father.
Your Father fell when the Knight suddenly pushed him. You shrieked and ran towards your Father to help him, but the Knight pushed you away.
"My love," your Mother cried out as she tried to reach for your Father.
Your Father looks back at you both. "I am fine. It will be fine. I will ask for an audience. " He assured. You would have believed him if you hadn’t seen the killing intent in the eyes of the Knight earlier.
Nevertheless, you gave a firm nod.
"Keep our people safe, my love." your Father told you.
Your people are tied tightly using ropes and were forced onto a cart.
You nodded again while holding the necklace tightly. You’re a chief-in-training. It’s your duty to take over whenever your Father couldn’t.
"Stay with your mother! Stay safe!"
As if he were not being dragged against his will. Your Mother is hugging you tightly while crying, and you turn around to comfort her. You say assurances that you do not believe in , but you hope that will happen.
You can hear crying, rain drops, sounds of horse noises, swords sheathing, and yelling.
The nightmare has just begun.
You dropped on the ground as you bowed deeply in front of the Prince and King. The Royal Knights are trying to remove you because you are in the way.
Your Father failed. They did not allow any audience. They did not want to listen. The investigations are over. The evidence clearly points to them. They told you over and over again.
It does not make sense.
"Your Majesty, Your Highness, I beg of you, my Father is innocent. All these men are. " Your head was pressed against the cold, hard ground as you prayed for them to believe you and for the salvation of your people and Father. "We are only farmers. Please reconsider, Your Majesty-"
"Get her out of my sight." His Majesty’s tone reminds you of the Knight who visited your home. He is disgusted with you.
"Your Majesty! Your Highness!"
(His Highness's eyes are a clear blue, like the skies - threatening to devour anyone and anything they see. It’s beautiful and terrifying all at once.)
The smell of death is strong. It hovers around you like a mother's hug. You are sure your lips are bleeding with the way you are biting it.
You watched with tears in your eyes as they executed your villagers one by one for a crime they didn’t commit. You refused to blink or turn your head away. You wanted to see your people. You owe it to them to know that they didn’t die alone, here, in front of a crowd that wants them dead. They’ve been there for you since the day you were born, and you will return the favour by being with them till they die.
Look, look, look. You failed to protect your people. You can feel the soft liquid on your hands where your nails are digging. Don’t falter now.
Your Father, as the chief of the village, is the last one. They say he was the leader and was the one who killed Her Majesty. Another lie.
"Do you have any last words, murderer?" his executioner (death) asks. And you want to hurt him for talking to your Father like that.
The blade is shining as if in waiting. You closed your eyes and prayed, please let there be a miracle. Save my father, please. Gods, if you are real like my Father told me, then save him.
"I—" coughed your father.He is weak physically, but you saw that his spirit is still alive. "I didn’t kill her Majesty. We didn’t kill her."
"Liar." they hissed, whispered, cursed. "Savages, they should all die."
They chanted for your Father’s death. Again and again and again until you had to cover your ears.
You are overwhelmed by their sheer hatred and prejudice. These people—citizens and aristocrats alike—want your beloved Father dead.
Your Father's eyes found you. His eyes widened, and he looked scared. His eyes tell you that he didn’t want you to be here when he take his last breath (for a crime he didn’t commit, a crime the Empire is accusing him of).
"You would be wise to tell the truth before you die." Death hisses.
Your Father took a deep breath and you cried at how broken he is. He is shedding tears right now, for his people, for your Mother, for you.
"My family... my daughter...Please spare my daughter."
You don’t recognise yourself as you sobbed loudly, clawed at the guards trying to stop you from going to your father. You are undone.
Death is swift, precise, and unforgiving.
Finally, they are dead. They cheered, saying justice had been served.
Your ears are ringing, your head is spinning, and the smell of blood and death is strong. It hugs you like a Father cradling a scared child.
You have never been a hateful child. Your parents told you that you are born from love. You were raised with love and affection by a devoted mother and a (now deceased) father. So you shall embody it. That is why we call you ‘Love’, they said.
But, right now, as you stand alone in the crowd, among the people who wanted your people (your Father, you terribly missed him.) dead, you are overcome with hate and loathing.
You think you are seeing blood on your hands, on your clothes, but there is only blood where your people and your father stood just a moment (or is it minutes?) ago.
(Blood, so much blood. Blood of your people, blood of your Father, your blood)
There is one death today, too. The death of Love, the wishes of your Father and Mother that you would always be full of love. You mourned for it, too.
One day, you vow as you look at the people gathered, that will be all of you. I will not stop until you are all dead.
(You could paint the sky with their blood right now and give it to your people and father without feeling guilty.)
And when your eyes find the eyes of the Young Prince (His Majesty is sitting next to him, a satisfied grin on his face and eyes full of mirth as he looks at the aftermath), you are hit with an overwhelming desire to drag them to the mud where they deemed you worthy.
You clutched the necklace your father gave you tightly and thought darkly. Especially you, Royals. I will take everything you ever loved from you.
(When you closed your eyes, you saw blood, still, and the young prince's eyes that were so terrifyingly beautiful.)
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himboskywalker · 3 years
Hello Tag, I was wondering if you can recommend me some of your favourite Obikin multi-chapter fics that may be not so well-known but are true gems? (I have read almost all of yours by now within a short span of time and I loved them all, btw. <3) Thank you in advance <3
Absolutely! I’m not sure what constitutes less well known so there may be some on here you consider pretty popular. I can’t tell you how many fics I put on my to read list when I went through the tags looking for stuff so please know I am in fact quite terrible at keeping up and finding stuff apparently.
Come Down From Your Holy Mountain by Jotunblood (Rated M 130k+) Post Mustafar redemption fic with lots of slow burn and sexual tension. This fic will tear your heart out a hundred times over and you will anguish for every character. Bonus points for absolutely gorgeous world building!
Lex Talionis by Intermundia (Rated E 180k+) Sith!au where Anakin and Obi-Wan both fall to the dark side except it’s far more complicated than that and there’s so much world building and politics and philosophy along the way. Heed the tags for darker themes but if you like rough gorgeously kinky sex and discussions of morality than this one’s for you.
My Anankē by Intermundia (Rated E 29k+ WIP) Teacher/student college au with classics and possessiveness and some desperate desperate pining and sex. I don’t normally like modern aus but this one is everything I love for this dynamic plus Molly’s love and knowledge of classics and that adds just such a delightful layer for me as a historian.
Untouchable by Blu3scorpion (Rated E 190k+) Absolutely read the tags for this fic and take them as they are. This story contains graphic rape and the psychological trauma from it. It’s dark,I had to read this in chunks because it fucked me up so bad,be mindful of this content and yourself. But blue does a gorgeous job of exploring this trauma with deftness and an incredible emotional complexity. I don’t think this fic will ever be updated or finished but it’s certainly worth a read.
CT-Skywalker by Selcier (Rated M 37k+ WIP) There is technically one unfinished chapter for this fic but it stands as complete as is and is one of my absolute favorites. Star Wars meets Mulan when Anakin isn’t raised as a Jedi and he steels a clone trooper’s armor and impersonates him while falling in love with his general. This tickles so many loves for me and one of them is the culture and world building for the clone troopers as well as the beautiful pining.
Like Real People Do by Glimmerglanger (Rated M 140k+) Clone Obi-Wan’s!!!! I adore Glimmer’s worldbuilding in all their fics and this is my all time favorite of theirs. I love the options for so many ships and the many versions of Obi-Wan,and the hurt pining in addition to the plot? Just wonderful stuff.
Put Down the Knife (the night is here) by Astalitha and Kaiserine (Rated M 35k+ WIP) Here’s another one that will probably never be finished but it’s worth the read anyway! Obi-Wan is a Sith dragon and Anakin battles him and falls for him despite himself. The tension is wonderful and the world building and DRAGONS.
Parks and Recreation by Luckee and Septemberist (Rated E 31k+) Park Ranger Anakin And English Professor Obi-Wan with a busted foot and some lovely sex. This fic is written with such love and deftness and the sweetness of it is just as good as the steaminess.
Flashing Lights by des_nuages_de_paris (Rated E 26k+ WIP) Oh look another modern au that’s an exception. Photographer Obi-Wan and model Anakin in the fashion world with so much ust it’s ridiculous? I just love the writing style so much in particular for this one that I find difficult to articulate as to why I enjoy the fic so much. It’s a lot of tropes I love just written very beautifully with an electric dynamic between these two.
Needing/Getting by chapstickaddict (Rated E 150k+ WIP) Sith Anakin with Jedi Obi-Wan and the twins. This fic is just so absolutely gorgeous and wonderfully written and it combines so really cool force world building with beautiful tension. The character building is top notch and I have adored every bit of this fic.
Through a Glass,Darkly by Glimmerglanger (Rated M 49k+) Obi-Wan and Anakin meet their sith mirror selves and have to return to one another. This fic combines wonderful world building with some really fun tropes with Sith shenanigans. The pining is immaculate and so fun to watch unfold.
Mud by Alcalina (Rated E 49k+) Pining during military campaigns is probably my absolute favorite setting of all time for this ship and I wish there was more of it,but this is one of my favorite and glorious examples for it. This fic combines the juicy background of military campaign with Anakin’s ridiculous wanting which will always be wonderful.
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