#Let Jewish voices be heard now
cree-future-rabbi · 30 days
"In Our Name: ..." an article written by Jewish students at Columbia University.
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Meet Edgar Morin - a 102-year-old Jewish veteran of the French Resistance, a renowned philosopher, and a strident voice for justice. It truly upsets me that I’d never heard of this incredible man till now.
“I am both astonished and outraged by the fact that those who represent the descendants of a people who were persecuted for centuries for religious or racial reasons... That the descendants of this people who are today the decision-makers of the State of Israel, could not only colonize an entire people, partly drive them out of their land and seek to expel them for good... But also, after the massacre of October 7, engage in a real massive slaughter on the population of Gaza and continue, incessantly, hitting civilians, women, and children.
And to see the silence of the world, the silence of the United States, protectors of Israel, the silence of the Arab states, the silence of the European states who claim to be defenders of culture, humanity, human rights.
I think we are living through a horrible tragedy because we are also powerless in the face of this thing that is unleashing. At least, I say: bear witness! The only thing that remains if we cannot resist concretely is to TESTIFY. Let’s RESIST IN OUR MINDS, let’s not be fooled, let’s not forget, let’s have the courage to face things head-on.”
Repost from @middleeasteye
“After the massacre of 7 October, (Israel) engaged in a real massive slaughter on the populations of Gaza.”
French philosopher Edgar Morin, a Jewish WWII resistance fighter, criticised Israel’s actions in Gaza. He expressed disappointment at the silence of countries like the United States, Arab and European nations, whom he referred to as “protectors” of Israel.
#jewsforpalestine #jewsagainstzionism #gaza #gazagenocide #humanrights #palestine #freepalestine #freegaza #freethewestbank #israel #crimesagainsthumanity #antifascist #solidarity #ceasefirenow #neveragain #neveragainisnow
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fdelopera · 7 months
JVP Explained
So, I've been seeing WAY too many gentiles ignorantly uplifting an American "Jewish" group called JVP this past month.
Members of JVP have been very loud this past month, pretending that they speak for Jewish people. They do not.
As a Jew, I'm here to help you understand who this group is, why they act in the blatantly antisemitic ways they do, and why they are dangerous to Jewish people around the world.
And, as an ACTUAL Jewish voice, I am here to tell gentiles to STOP uplifting them.
If you have never heard of "Jewish Voice for Peace" (JVP), or even if you have, I want to give you an analogy that will help you understand this group:
JVP are to Jewish people what Blaire White, Kalvin Garrah, and Caitlyn Jenner are to trans people.
And it's worse, because JVP have gentiles (non-Jews) in their membership. (At least Blaire, Kalvin, and Caitlyn are actually trans.) So for JVP to even call themselves a "Jewish voice" is a lie.
Like Blaire, Kalvin, and Caitlyn, JVP's Jewish membership desperately want to be seen as "the good ones" by bigots, and they are willing to throw vulnerable people in their own community under the bus just for a chance to be accepted by those bigots.
JVP has been called out REPEATEDLY by the Anti-Defamation League for harassing observant Jews at synagogue, harassing queer observant Jews, invoking the antisemitic blood libel canard against Jewish people, and most recently, cheering on and uplifting Hamas after their pogrom on October 7. Among many, many other antisemitic offenses.
There are LEGITIMATE and VALID ways to protest the atrocities and war crimes of the Israeli government.
Let me say that again.
There are LEGITIMATE and VALID ways to protest the atrocities and war crimes of the Israeli government!
But JVP doesn't do that.
Instead, JVP chooses to amplify Neo-Nazi dogwhistles, harass American Jewish people at shul, and uplift Hamas — an antisemitic terrorist organization.
You DO NOT, and I repeat, DO NOT!! get to call yourself a "Jewish voice for peace" and then use BLOOD LIBEL, UPLIFTING ANTISEMITIC TERRORISTS, and HARASSING OBSERVANT JEWS as a way to "criticize" the Israeli government.
You are not a "freedom fighter." You are just a Jew who is a self-loathing, Jew-hating antisemite.
Now, if you're queer like me (nonbinary, genderfluid Jew here, hi!), you're likely aware of how Blaire, Kalvin, and Caitlyn have harassed countless other trans people, especially nonbinary people, for not being trans in the "right way." They do this because they are desperate for approval from right-wingers. Why? Because they, and trans people like them, have a deep sense of self-loathing, shame, and guilt about being trans. They think that if they harass other trans people, right-wingers will accept them. All they want is for right-wingers to tell them, "It's okay, we know you're not like those cringy trans people over there. You're some of the good ones."
Right-wingers then benefit from this "relationship" because they can deny that they are transphobic bigots. Right-wingers can say things like, "I don't hate all trans people. I watched a couple of Blaire White's YouTube videos, and she's alright." So by seeking out right-wing approval, people like Blaire are making it more difficult for other trans people to fight back against anti-trans bigotry. But Blaire doesn't care, so long as Republicans will pat her on the head and tell her she's "one of the good ones."
JVP are very similar to this, except that they are seeking approval from extreme left-wing groups. Jews in JVP may be on the opposite end of the political spectrum, but they are behaving in the exact same way as Blaire, Kalvin, and Caitlyn. They are members of a marginalized group who are seeking approval from bigots, and they're throwing their community under the bus in the process.
JVP's Jewish membership desperately want to be seen as "Good Jews."
(JVP's gentile membership, of course, are just leftist antisemites and are there to harass Jewish people they deem to be "Bad Jews.")
Why? Why do Jews in JVP want to be seen as "the good ones"?
Because Jews in JVP have a deep feeling of self-loathing, shame, and guilt about being Jewish, and they think if leftist groups tell them, "It's okay, you're some of the good ones," that this will somehow assuage their guilt for being Jewish.
This self-loathing, shame, and guilt goes far beyond the current Israel/Palestine conflict. That's just how it is manifesting right now. There have always been Jews who have wanted to assimilate into gentile spaces and be told that they're "the good ones." There have always been Jews who are ashamed of being Jewish.
Jews in JVP consider spreading antisemitic Neo-Nazi conspiracy theories, uplifting Hamas, and further marginalizing other Jewish people to be a small price to pay if it means that they are provisionally "accepted" by certain antisemitic gentiles. Even though these antisemitic gentiles will discard the Jews in JVP as soon as it is expedient to do so.
And of course, just like Blaire, Kalvin, and Caitlyn do with right-wingers, the Jews in JVP sanction left-wing antisemites to say: "I don't hate all Jews. I'm not antisemitic. I just hate Israeli Jews 'Bad Jews.' I just want those 7 million Israeli Jews 'Bad Jews' to be exterminated."
Sure, Jan. Sure, you're not antisemitic. You just want 7 million Jews mass murdered. In case you didn't know, you absolute ghoul, that's the very definition of antisemitic.
Oh, and Gentiles, many of you have gone mask-off enough with your Jew-hatred this month for us Jews to know that when you say "Israelis," "Zionists," "Zios," "Zio scum," "Zio rats," and every other permutation of those words, you really mean "those dirty Jews I'm allowed to hate publicly now."
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But the Jews in JVP haven't studied their Holocaust history. The Jews in JVP don't care to remember that the Nazis, too, rounded us up into groups of "Bad Jews" and "Good Jews" — or, really, "Bad Jews" and "Useful Jews." Then the Nazis used the "Useful Jews" to attack the "Bad Jews." Finally, they shoved ALL the Jews that they could get their hands on into the gas chambers and tried to kill every last one of us.
And what I know from studying Holocaust history is that as soon as Jews start getting sorted into camps of "Good Jews" and "Bad Jews," you had better say, "Fuck no, I'm not being a Good Jew!"
You had better get into the "BAD JEW" camp as FAST as you can and start SPEAKING OUT, and uplifting the Jewish community, and supporting as many other Jews as you can.
If you try to be a "Good Jew," antisemites will just use you as a useful idiot and a pawn against other Jews. Then within a short period of time, you will find that EVERY Jew is lumped into the "Bad Jew" camp. And EVERY Jew is now in danger. Including you, O "Good Jew" who tried so hard to convince antisemites that you were "one of the good ones."
If JVP studied Holocaust history, they would see that they are being useful idiots for Neo-Nazis, Hamas, and other antisemitic groups that want Jews around the world to be eradicated. (You should read Hamas' excruciatingly antisemitic charter sometime. I have. The group is literally founded on Jew-hatred.)
But the Jews in JVP do not study Jewish history, or Holocaust history.
The Jews in JVP don't want to acknowledge the truth:
In siding with the Neo-Nazis, the Hamas supporters, and the other antisemitic groups that are co-opting the Free Palestine movement and turning it into a movement of Jew-hatred, the Jews in JVP are signing their own death warrant, too.
It's only a matter of time, O "Good Jews," before you are rounded up with us "Bad Jews." Because to antisemites, we're all just "dirty Jews who deserve to die."
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zvaigzdelasas · 7 months
Federal Protective Service officers have been arresting protestors who filled the Ronald V. Dellums Federal Building in Oakland on Monday to demand a cease-fire in Gaza.[...]
Jewish Voice for Peace, or JVP, a main organizer of the protest, said on the social media platform X at 8:10 p.m. that "We are being arrested one by one, there are hundreds of us still at the Oakland federal building, we are not leaving."[...]
People in T-shirts reading "Jews Say Cease-fire Now" and carrying banners that read "Not in Our Name" and "Let Gaza Live" filled the area, the perimeter of which was closed off by Oakland Police. A sing-song "Cease-fire Now" could be heard echoing through the rotunda. According to Jewish Voice for Peace, an event organizer, the action is part of a national week of Jewish-led protests, with protestors demanding that President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris follow the lead of U.S. Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Oakland, in calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.
13 Nov 23
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pyr0x10n · 10 months
vaquero kyle 😍 (the reader forced him to dress like that, bro was not having it)
The main 4 are at a qunice (do wtv you want with this bit)
After awhile reader gets horny and stupid and takes Kyle to the bathroom to do 'stuff' :3
bc he looks SOSO good in his outfit
I have a really bad thing for shit like this idk why
Nah because he’s be so done when you ask him to dress like that 💀
Mi Vaquero<3
Genre: Fluff + Smut
Synopsis: Vaquero Kyle‼️‼️ y horny reader obvi 😝
Kyle Broflovski x f!reader
“I cant believe i actually did this..” Kyle sighed, frustrated. “It’s fun! And plus, you get to see part of my culture!” You laughed. “Why did they have to tag along, AND WHY IS KENNY IN A DRESS!?” He pointed at Kenny, who was checking himself out in a dress. “ “Él solo es parte de las damas!” “Huh?” “Nothing.” You smiled innocently. “Damn I look hot.” Kenny grinned.
“Anyways, who’s this quinceañera for anyways?” Kyle asked, as the cumbia started playing. “Oh, just my cousin.” You said, looking for your phone in your purse.
“Oh, okay. Well, what’s going to happen?” Kyle asked. “You’ll see, just, follow my lead. The boys can find their way around.” You giggled, and Kyle started to get a little nervous.
“What if I ruin it all!? What if I accidentally spill something? What if I ruin the- I don’t know!” He was starting to panic, and you brought your lips to his. “You’ll be fine, hun. I promise.” You smiled at him.
“BUT IM JEWISH-!” “KYLE JUST TRUST ME.” “HOW!???” “JUST THIS ONCE BABY!?” “Fine.” “Yay.” “….” “…”
“Prima!” You heard a voice yell. “Ah, there’s the girl.” You smiled at the girl who was now fifteen. Kyle just watched behind as you two talked about things.
“Oh, my mom’s calling me.” She said, and then waved, walking away.
“That’s your cousin?” Kyle asked. “Yep, the one and only.” You sighed.
“Well, c’mon, we gotta go out! The boys already went out, so we should too!” You said and grabbed Kyle’s hand, running out of the dressing room and out into the area.
“Oh shit- (Y/n) calm down!!” He said, slightly panicked. “Shh, c’mon, dance with me, vaquero!” You said, now having both of his hands in yours. He was now calming down, as you two danced to the cumbia romántica.
(Murder me, but I have no idea what else to write, sooo…)
You guys have been here for only a few hours,
Yet you were so unbelievably horny.
Just because of Kyle rocking that outfit. He had you blushing without even knowing.
“Hey Kyle..” you mumbled, tugging on his belt.
“Hm? Yeah, baby? What’s up?”
“Can you bring me to the room really quick.. it’s really hot..” you asked.
“Uh, sure?” He knew what was going on, he’s just teasing.
You grabbed his hand and let him to the gust bedroom, when the door closed, he locked it and you immediately laid your head on his chest, sighing.
“Kyle I need you..”
Kyle laughed at your neediness, as you started taking his belt off. He pulled you into a kiss, and you felt yourself getting wetter and more pathetic by the second.
You need him.
You pulled away and took his pants down, slowly due to the lightheaded feeling you had. He connected his lips to your neck, kissing the exposed area. You lowly moaned but he covered your mouth.
“You don’t want your family hearing your sounds, right angel?” He asked as you got on top of him and shook your head. “No..” “then shut your pretty mouth, would you baby?” He commanded, and you nodded. You just needed him in you.
You put your panties to the side and aligned yourself with him, and slowly brought yourself down to his dick. He pulled you in a kiss to muffle out your moans.
It took some time, but you finally got used to his size and started riding him.
Man we’re you in for a looooong ride ;)
Necesito ayuda 😨
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justrainandcoffee · 3 months
Home (Alfie Solomons x fem!oc)
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Alfie Solomons x Rose Coldwell (ofc) masterlist
Summary: Alfie is staying at the distillery while the men from Birmingham are there. He doesn't trust them around his place. In consequence, he feels tired and grumpier than usual. The visit of his wife, maybe can make him change his mind.
Warnings: None, except some veeeeeery slightly mentions of sex. The return of the king: Beast. I missed this little creature.
Words: 650.
Supposedly this was going to be just a moodboard plus a little blurb and it ended up as a whole drabble 💁‍♀️.
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Those were hard days for more reasons than one. Alfie was not able to go to home because of extra work. Tommy Shelby's men were there at all hours and Alfie simply didn't trust them. In consequence, the last week he barely had time to see his wife.
It's late when Alfie heard voices and laughs. Fuck them. He sighed trying to focus on the papers on the desk.
Next to him, Beast, the feral chihuahua who lived there, was sleeping. Alfie looked at the animal. The man liked him, there was something on its personality -fearless, vicious, with no sense of self preservation...- that reminded him of himself. But now, sleeping, no one could say that Beast was indeed a beast. The ankles of everyone there were safe for now.
Few days ago, one of the Brummies ended up with a bruise on one of his eyes because he tried to touch Rose when she was entering the distillery, thinking she was a some random woman. It wasn't Alfie who caused the bruise. Now, no one said a word nor looked at her when she walked into the bakery. Except the Jewish men, who knew her, and greeted her amicably.
Alfie lifted his eyes from the paperwork when he heard the door opening. Finally something good on his awful day.
"Luv, what are ya doin' 'ere?" It's too late. I thought ya were already sleepin' at home."
"I'm visiting you, Al. I need to know you're okay, sweetheart. You look tired and I miss you."
"I miss you too, luv. I look tired and I'm tired. Have ya seen them? All they do is laugh and talk all the fuckin' time. Fuck them."
His wife approached him and started to massage his shoulders. "You need to rest, Al. How many more days do you think you're going to handle this situation? Sleeping here, eating badly... You need to trust your men, they can control the Tommy's ones."
"I miss you, Alfie. And I need you, too. I understand the situation, I support you. You know that, but... You're my husband and I can't see you overworking and stressing yourself because of it." She put her arms around his shoulders and rested her head on his. "I miss you," she repeated, whispering in his ear.
"I know, Rosie. Fuck, I know. I miss you too, miss home, our evenings, your company..." Alfie left the pen on the desk and stroked her hands. "But..."
"I know."
Alfie couldn't say that her voice sounded angry but disappointed. She kissed his temple, "I know. Do you at least have five minutes for me?"
When Alfie nodded, she sat on his lap and put her lips on his. After all the stress, feeling her, kissing her it was like a day in the paradise. She was using the perfume he liked it the most, Alfie knew she was trying to persuade him to left his place to go to their home and as she was unbuttoning his trousers, apparently, she was going to succeed.
Not for the first time they had sex on his office. And in this case it was exactly what Alfie needed. He was kissing her neck, while the hands were still on her waist caressing her skin.
"I love ya," he said against her neck. "Let's go home."
"For real?"
"For real."
Alfie wasn't there when Ollie arrived at the distillery before the sunrise. There was a note on his desk saying that he was at home with his wife, he was planning to return after midday. Finally, Ollie thought.
On Alfie's chair, Beast was contemplating his surroundings. Ollie wasn't that stupid to try to remove him from there. The dog seemed proud of himself. And it seemed, too, that Alfie had left in charge the only one, besides him, capable of keeping the order in Camden Town. And he wasn't wrong.
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Over 29 thousand Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces since October 7th, however this didn't start on October 7th it started in 1948 imagine how many people have been killed by Israel in 76 years? Over 700,000 Palestinians have been displaced since 1948 imagine how many children were scared and called for there parents only too find out they were dead, how many homes villages Towns were destroyed, how many people have have to die before you realize? What's happening right now (real life that in the future your grandchildren will ask you about) this whole thing happened in Germany they killed over 6 million Jewish people and now the same thing is happening again right now! Why don't you care? Is it because they're Muslim? Is it because it's not a European country? WHY DON'T YOU CARE ABOUT THEM! What happened too 'never forget' and 'we'll never let this happen again'? Because that's what everyone says yous preach about how you'll never let anything like the Holocaust happen again yet you support Israel? This isn't even the first time it's happened what about in China when they put Muslims in concentration camps? You didn't care then and you don't care now, why? Palestinians need are help there voices aren't being heard WHEN WILL PALESTINE BE FREE?
(Sorry for any wording mistakes)
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stusbunker · 2 months
Spotless: Trill
Chapter Seventeen
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Featuring: Dean Winchester/Reader
Other characters: Rufus (mentioned), Annie/Bobby, Kevin, Cas, Billie, Kelly Kline
Word Count: 1944
Warnings, etc: Mutual pining, dream sequence in italics, minor character death, grief, Non-Jewish people trying to honor a Jewish friend's life, reader keeps putting out fires, unbeta'd
Series Masterlist
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Dean leans over the edge of the hot tub, dripping wet. He is smirking and coaxing you to join him. It’s warm, the height of summer somehow and you tell him it’s too hot for it tonight, but you can’t stop looking at him, at every exposed inch of his torso.
He pushes up on his forearms, thick shoulders somehow distracting you from his husky voice. He tells you it will be alright, it will feel better once you’re in the water.
With him.
You look over and Sam’s coming onto the patio, fully clothed in jeans and a flannel, hair flapping as he starts asking you about an interview. You look for your phone, but you look down to find you have no pockets, a swimsuit you wouldn’t put on on your best day is all that you’re wearing.
Dean chuckles and suddenly, you’re beside him, water warm and soothing as he drags you onto his lap. Your phone buzzes somewhere and you can’t find it on the ledge of the hot tub. Instead you feel Dean’s hands running over your hips, and he’s gone quiet, waiting for you to look at him again.
“You deserve to be kissed,” Dean’s voice reminds you and you look down and find he disappeared. A phantom kiss on the nape of your neck is what finally makes you look behind you and you’re standing in Elizabeth’s cafe, staring at the mural you’d been mesmerized by on New Year’s Eve.
Your phone buzzed again.
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You stared at the screen, dumbfounded, then quickly got out of bed.
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You made it to Bobby and Annie’s in less than an hour, which was practically a miracle even in the middle of the day. You didn’t even knock, instead you let yourself in through the back gate and stepped into the now somber kitchen.
Annie appeared suddenly. “So you heard?” she asked softly, pulling you into a hug.
“Yeah, I — How is he?” Bobby was the only thing on your mind the whole way there, not bothering to even post a condolences post from the band until you knew how he was handling the loss of his best friend and biggest pain in his ass.
“Oh, you know, fine— if you ask him. He hadn’t seen him in months, but the secret diagnosis and the shock has him more pissed than anything,” Annie filled you in as you sat down at the island and let her pour you a cup of coffee.
Bobby had known Rufus for over thirty years, having worked as his roadie for most of the eighties. A prolific piano player and notorious grump, Rufus had been one of the first actual celebrities you’d come to know through the band family. Now that he was gone, it felt like one of the elders was missing from your California tribe.
An end of an era.
“What’s he doing?”
“Sitting Shiva. Though I think that’s supposed to be after the funeral,” Annie added offhandedly.
“Have you heard anything about services?”
Annie shook her head. “I texted his daughter asking if she needed anything and she just said that they’d be in touch.”
You wanted to go give Bobby a hug, but you knew it was best to let him sit with the quiet for a while longer. Unfortunately, Dean didn’t get that unsent memo.
A loud banging rattled the front door and before you or Annie could rush to open it, Bobby was yanking it open and bellowing “what in the hell is this all about?!”
Dean gave him a pointed look. “Lunch,” was his only reply before stepping into the foyer, arms full of take out.
“What’d you get?” Annie asked, trying to ignore Bobby’s aghast expression as everyone returned to the kitchen.
“I stopped by that little Kosher deli Rufus always liked, and got one of, well, everything. I figure, whatever we don’t eat will keep,” Dean explained, unpacking submarine sandwiches and more sides than you tried to count.
Bobby tried to storm back to his study, but Annie wouldn’t let him. You all ended up just eating in contemplative silence and letting the food soothe some of the ache. You were so grateful for Dean’s thoughtfulness in that moment, you almost forgot about your racy dream and everything that led up to it.
It wasn’t the time or the place to get all hot and bothered anyhow.
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After the food was done filling your bellies and Bobby’s and Annie’s monster-sized fridge, you pulled out what you had brought along to honor Rufus’ memory, an unopened bottle of Johnny Walker Blue.
You set the bottle down in the middle of the table with a thunk. Bobby whistled and Annie tried to get up for glasses but you waved her off, you knew where they kept them. Dean was reading the label when you returned with four cut crystal tumblers and a side of ice, you could never remember if Annie took it straight, she drank the hard stuff so infrequently.
He cracked the cap open and then your phone buzzed, but you ignored it. He poured doubles all around, but served Bobby first. 
“To that dick, may he play on in glory,” Bobby toasted.
“L’chaim,” Dean replied and you and Annie followed suit.
The stories started after Bobby’s second glass, with Dean filling in bits he’d heard from Rufus or had witnessed himself from after he’d earned the man’s rare respect.
One time Rufus actually asked Bobby to help him bury a body, but it turned out it was Rufus’ neighbor’s dog and the lady was too heartbroken to do it herself. Another time they had been mistaken for federal agents due to their matching suits, but that was just because they had to walk passed an active crime scene on the way to Bobby and Annie’s wedding ceremony.
It felt good to laugh, even while it still hurt.
You got up to get everyone some water and finally checked your phone. What greeted you was a huge reminder that it was still a work day. And you needed to get back to it.
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“Oh, fuck me,” you groaned, scrolling through the rest of the comments.
“Where’s the fire?” Bobby asked, the managerial voice coming out strong.
You looked at Dean and he could tell it wasn’t great, but you weren’t sure if you needed to bring Cas up at a time like this.
“Everybody alright?” he asked, testing the waters.
“For now, until I kill them,” you muttered, thumbing your screen until you could get to your contact list. You felt everyone’s eyes on your back as you started to pace as the phone rang, but Annie was the only one with the sense to find out what had made you so upset.
“Those morons,” you heard her say as you got sent to Kevin’s voicemail.
You hung up and called a different number. After three rings, someone finally picked up.
“Castiel’s phone, how can I help you?”
“Trouble?! Why are you listed as Y/N Y/L/N?”
“Cuz that’s my name, dumbass,” you snipped. “Where are you? Is Cas there? Why didn’t you answer your own phone?”
“Relax! I just got out of the chair, Cas’ stencil is just getting set. I would have called you back in like five minutes.”
You exhaled. “Okay. Few things. Field trips with rival schools require prior permission, you get me?”
Kevin had the nerve to laugh. “It’s just Cas, it’s not like I’m dating Ruby or hanging out with those wannabe Ghostfacers.”
You rolled your eyes. “Okay, but the band does have a designated artist. Who you— very publicly— didn’t use. You don’t piss off somebody like Billie, Kevin, you just don’t.”
“How was I supposed to know?!”
You did not feel sorry for the kid. “Put Cas on the line— speaker if his arm is busy.”
You turned around and raised your eyebrows in question to Dean, mouthing, ‘you want to hear this?’
Dean swallowed and shook his head. And you kept the phone call one-sided for your audience.
“I’m here,” Cas’ deep voice greeted you over the line, low and private.
“Who's your publicist?” you asked, not bothering with formality or reprimanding a forty-year-old man who knows better.
“Kelly, she’s also our manager and—.”
“Jack’s mother. Oh, Cas.”
“Don’t pity me, it’s fine. She’s good at what she does.”
“Okay, well text her my number and we can try and ease the backlash, but you’re gonna have to grovel to Billie on your own.”
“Right,” Cas bit out like he forgot who had covered half of his body in color.
You let the awkwardness hang in the air, but sighed when your curiosity got the best of you, “what’re you getting anyway?”
Cas hummed. “A quote from ‘Good God, Y’all’ looping around his earring.”
It was one of Rufus’ most loved albums, but not the most popular.
“Inside my left upper arm— Kevin’s is just below the seam of his elbow.”
“Did he cry?”
Cas sounded like he shifted positions, or maybe he was distracted watching the artist’s hands. “No, but it wasn’t his first one.”
“Pity. Okay, well I will be in touch. Don’t forget to talk to Kelly for me.”
“I won’t.”
“Bye, Cas.”
“Goodbye, Y/N.”
You hung up and slumped in annoyance and minor relief.
“What’d they say?” Bobby asked, breaking the silence of the room around you.
“Nothing too damning, but still enough to piss me off,” you replied. “I’ll talk to Cas’ people. Figure this out. I’m sure I have a million messages from Becky and Billie and probably even Crowley to sort through. Assholes couldn’t give me a day off.”
“You want me to talk to Kev?” Dean’s voice broke through your mini-rant.
“Only if you want to, I kind of gave him a piece of it already.”
Dean nodded and finished his glass.
“Damn idjits, even when they mean well.”
“Tell me about it,” you said over your shoulder, heading to Bobby’s study to get to work.
As it turned out, Kelly Kline was a stand up manager, both competent and protective. You figured out their niche and tried to work with it, though your fans were louder and more numerous, you didn’t want the frenzy of the matching tattoos to become a question of loyalty, for either Cas or Kevin.
You had Bobby read over your post memorializing Rufus and got that out into the world before you left to head back home. Dean offered to wait with you on the porch. You sat, once again, in silence, letting the sunset and breeze off the ocean ease some of the tension from the day. When your driver was two blocks away, he finally turned to face you.
“How’s he doing?”
You sighed and shrugged. “He seemed good. But from what I gather, he’s got a lot on his plate.”
Dean nodded. “Right, new band, new set list to master.”
“No, Dean, I think over everything else, the music is the easiest thing Cas has to deal with.”
Dean spotted the little hybrid approaching and he stood to give you a hug. “Thanks for coming, I mean, I know it was for Bobby, but it was nice to see you on a day like today.”
“You too.” And you meant it. You squeezed him one last time as the driver called out to you through the passenger window. “Thanks for lunch.”
“Be safe.”
“Take care.”
You felt Dean’s eyes on you as you were driven away, back to the house he had bought with Sam way back when, where you were always, glaringly alone.
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Chapter Eighteen: Mordent
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maluceh · 7 months
i think i have talked about it everywhere but here, cause it’s the app that i use less sometimes…
I came here to say that I stand with the people of Palestine, and I encourage you (specially if you are from the west) to keep spreading information, to keep talking about it, to keep amplifying Palestinian voices that can’t be heard right now. We need to be their voice and help raise theirs.
If you are from a big city, from one of the big countries that refuses to listen (USA, Canada, UK) MAKE THEM LISTEN!!! Palestinian people have not stopped fighting for their land for more than 70 years now, and we CANT keep our heads down and our voices quiet about this, not anymore.
the “isr4eli” government has tried for so long to squash their voices, to fill the west with propaganda and make us think that they’re the victims. so NO, get educated, get active, and raise your voices. Don’t let yourselves be fooled by a few videos made in english to make us feel bad for an oppressor who is actively committing genocide.
here’s a list of things you CAN do:
Targeted boycotting, forget about all the long lists of brands. BDS has called to boycott these specific brands for a much more impactful result.
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(Domino’s Pizza, MacDonalds, Papa John’s, Pizza Hut, Burger King, AXA, Puma, SIEMENS, Carrefour, HP, AHAVA, soda stream, and fruits and vegetables labeled as from Isr4el.) It’s not on the list, but a lot of people are including Disney after their large donation to Isr4el.
Here’s a list of brands that are PRO-Palestine
If you’re an artist, STOP SHARING YOUR ART IN DEVIANART!!! they support isr43l
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Join a protest! If you can, of course. Here’s a thread of upcoming protests in different countries
If you do go to a protest, i urge you to take care of yourself, here’s a thread on useful tips to keep yourself safe during a protest.
“i’m not educated enough to talk about it” GET EDUCATED! here are some sources that were helpful for me (a westerner):
and last but not least, keep TALKING ABOUT THIS!!! Palestinian people have not lost hope and neither should we! People all over the world, THOUSANDS of people support Palestine, we MUST get other people to listen, and open their eyes, opening other peoples eyes to propaganda also helps the cause. The more people who wake up from that fake countries lies the better.
from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!
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There should be some moments in fanfic where the reader seems exactly like a real person. For example: (btw there is hypnosis at the end so watch out for that TW)
Yandere sets up cameras and mics in readers home, thinking it’s super romantic that they get to watch their darling 24/7 until shenanigans ensue.
Darling: on the phone with their parent, “yeah… okay I already took out the trash. Anything else?”
Parent: “tell (siblings name) to have their damn report card ready when I get back.”
Darling: “okay, can I say damn tho?”
Parent: “sure, whatever.”
Darling: “thx mom/dad! Bye!” Reader ends the call. “(Sibling name)!! Mom/dad said GET YO MF REPORT CARD READY BITCH!”
Yan: 😀
Yan was busy spending the whole night watching you on their monitor. A small beeping alerting them of movement in your house. With tired and loving eyes they moved the mouse to click on the screen of your room,
The door opening quickly as your figure shimmies out of the room. Arms stretched in front, holding your beloved pet, “Bugs”. Taking wide, almost comedic steps, frantically scanning every inch of the dark hall till you reached the bathroom. Switching on the voice recording device yan heard your pet plead to be let go of.
‘Why were you in the bathroom with your pet??’ Is what they wondered until your beautiful sleepy voice answered their question.
You: “I know you were sleeping Bugs. I DONT care, I’m NOT gonna get caught lackin by Freddy Fazbear.”
The yan just face palmed and waited till you went back to your room, making sure “Freddy fazbear” isn’t gonna materialize out of the dark like you think.
Tis’ the day of grades at school. For some reason you were the one tasked with handing out report card to the students, bad news is you didn’t know anyone there. So with some (ALOT) of help from other students you finally got to the last one, (yanderes name). Not knowing who tf this was you ended up asking around, which got the weirdest reactions out of people.
“WHATT!? You don’t KNOW who (yanderes name) IS?? BITCH have you been living under a ROCK!?”
“(Yanderes name) is THE most gorgeous being EVER! It’s a SIN to not know who they ARE”
“One time (yanderes name) wore a cross knecklace and I went out and bought the same one so we MATCHED-“ “—bitch ain’t u Jewish??”
“They were rumored to have Royal blood and I know it’s 100% true because DO YOU NOT SEE THE WAY THEY ARE PERFECT!?!?”
Everyone gossiped and gushed. While you were tired of goin on a hump for this asshole. Someone’s presence loomed behind you as the person in front kept on ranting, “yeah- I’m just tryna hand them their grades or sum- i don’t even—“ “my grades?”
Swiftly you turned around to see said “yan’s name” and look them up and down; very obviously. Brows furrowed as you looked at the paper then back at them, “you (yan’s name)?” They nodded, by now the person behind was squealing.
Quickly you shoved the paper in their chest, “sorry, you failed. Bye.” You waved and dipped. Not catching the way your audience gasped at your audacity.
The paper actually revealed a perfect 100 but you just like lying for fun.
(This is me trying to be funny. Laugh.)
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edenfenixblogs · 6 months
This is just terminology but regarding asking goyim to ID ourselves as such, may I ask if there's a specific reason you prefer that phrasing? Asking because I've previously heard that hearing someone self-describe as goyische can be a bit jarring due to Connotations from white supremacists "reclaiming" the term (scarequotes bc that's obviously not how reclamation works) so I'm wondering if you have an alternate perspective I should be taking into account or if it's just like, personal preference/not that deep.
Ah! @faggotry-enjoyer, My friend! I did not see this message from you until today! My deepest apologies!
I didn’t mean that every goy had to specifically call themselves goy. I’m just descended from Hungarian, Russian, French, and Mongolian Yiddish speakers and that’s more familiar a term to me than “gentiles.”
Personally, I’ve always found “gentiles” a little awkward as a term anyway. As I’ve stated repeatedly, goy is a fully neutral word with no positive or negative connotations. But the word “gentile” seems to have a weirdly positive connotation that I find off-putting. It seems far too close to the word “gentility” for me.
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It feels like “gentile” is a person of “the gentility,” thus inherently socially, behaviorally, and aesthetically superior to non-gentiles (aka Jews). Perhaps this is just because of my relationship to Hebrew (and its use of root constructions that convey connotations in the base structure of the word) that this seems to be a term that is inherently critical of Jews in a pretty blatant way. But it always seems just…idk. Uncomfortable for me to use I guess. It feels like I’m putting myself down to elevate someone else and acknowledging their inherent superiority over me.
That said, I am in no way suggesting that this is how all Jews relate to this word. I have studied Hebrew since I was very young (I’m not a fluent speaker anymore, but I was once), and I’m a writer and love words and etymologies. It is extremely likely that I am thinking more about this than someone else would or does.
So, I say goy because it is the most neutral to me. It doesn’t convey that I’m better than a goy or that a goy is better than me.
When I said “goyim identify yourself as such,” I meant more generally, “if you’re not Jewish, please indicate that in your reblog or tags when reblogging from a Jewish person.”
And to anyone who is new to my blog, the reason I asked goyim to do this is because Jews feel very alone and hated right now and a very easy way to help us feel better is to just let us know that someone outside of our community sees and hears us. It so very often feels like we are shouting from inside a soundproof room and we can only hear and be heard by each other.
There are so very few Jews left in the world. It is simply impossible for us to survive if we advocate for ourselves alone. We need goyische voices alongside our own if we hope to be heard at all amongst those who outnumber us.
One thing about Jewish culture though, we all disagree a lot about a lot of things. Someone probably does find it offensive to self-label as a goy. Someone else probably finds it offensive to reject the idea of self-labeling as a goy.
However, by and large, I think most Jews won’t be concerned that you’re appropriating our language and culture if you are using our language to identify yourself as someone who supports our culture. Yiddish isn’t a religious language, but a cultural one. While Judaism is a closed-practice religion, Yiddish is the language of our culture in exile. It is the language we used while existing in a goyische world that was and remains hostile toward Jews.
I think, personally, that if you’re not using our language to demean us, it’s not off limits. Like, call yourself a goy! You are one! It’s not a bad thing! But, like, don’t call Jews you disagree with schmucks or something like that. And, obviously, if someone is antisemitic then I do not want them using Yiddish at all.
If someone wants to condemn our culture, then I loathe the idea of them picking out the parts they can use for their own purposes. If you reject an entire culture, you do not get access to the parts of that culture you like, imho.
So, I guess (in answer to your question) it is personal preference but is also that deep. Jewish culture is old, deep, and complex. I'd never speak for other Jews, and I'm sure plenty disagree with me on this. But I have personally never heard of a Jewish person offended that a goy calls themselves a goy. Personally, I find it endearing.
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the-catboy-minyan · 1 month
Hello, as someone who is comes from Jewish heritage I just wanted to ask for your advice.
I am American and I don't feel comfortable supporting pro-palestinians because they are threatening us online and within my physical surroundings. I wish people would understand that many MANY pro palestinian protesters seem to think that every Jewish person is the cause of this genocide and evil.
When I voice this discomfort, people call me a zionist and evil but I just don't want my people to die needlessly. I do not support any genocide, only thing I support is the protection of jewish lives and our faith.
They claim they just hate the government but this is a lie. The hate is for us as a people, as a religion, as an identity. I am trying to distance myself from the news and what is going on, but every day it gets harder and harder to try to hide from the growing antisemitism against my family.
I'm scared of another world war. I'm scared for what this could escalate to another Sho'ah
שאלוהים יתן לך את כל ברכותיו
I'm sorry, I don't have any advice for you. the only thing we can do right now is to let our voice be heard, I think, scream to the world that we're human, and that they're not punching up like they're so convinced they are.
this is just me thinking out loud, but maybe if maybe more Jews create their own pro palestine marches, and show the world how to advocate for peace without veing antisemitic, it could make a difference? show that not every Jew who's concerned with how eadical these protests are becoming is a (((zionist))) in disguise, but actually a human being?
I don't know, please try to stay safe, I can't even imagine how hard it must be for American Jews right now. in regards to antisemitism IRL, I had the privilege of never experiencing that, only a handful of slurs that happen when my posts breach containment and the dehumenization that comes with being Israeli.
I don't know.
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hebrewbyinbal · 3 months
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With International Women's Day fast approaching, let's take a moment to recognize the strength and resilience of women everywhere.
In Hebrew, we use the term אֵשֶׁת חַיִל /'e-shet 'kha-yeel/ to describe a woman of valor, someone who embodies strength, wisdom, and compassion. This term has been used for centuries to honor the powerful role of women in society, culture, and family.
This year, more than ever, it's crucial to lift up and support the women around us. All women! Recent events have brought to light the challenges and injustices women face, some more than others.
Sadly, in these trying times, too many organizations that should stand up for Israeli and Jewish women have remained silent, leaving those who have endured and still go through unimaginable experiences be left alone and unsupported.
Let's use our voices to highlight and celebrate the incredible Israeli women who inspire us, whether they are well-known public figures or unsung heroes in our own lives. These women could be your family members, friends, people you saw on the news, heard about, public figures, or national leaders — anyone who has made a significant impact on you or your community.
Please share in the comments below the names of the Israeli women who inspire you. Tell us their stories, their achievements, and how they've influenced you. By doing so, we're not only honoring them, but we're also reinforcing the network of support and recognition that all women deserve.
Let's come together this International Women's Day to celebrate every אֵשֶׁת חַיִל in every form, acknowledging the strength, courage, and resilience of women in Israel and around the world.
Your stories and voices matter, now more than ever.
Let's uplift each other and stand united in solidarity and respect.
I look forward to reading your tributes and stories in the comments below. Let's make this International Women's Day a powerful testament to the spirit and resilience of women everywhere!
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seaside-stories · 1 month
HaKodesh Kadosh (Take me to Shul)
nsfw, religious imagery, ~1500 words
It was his brother’s bar mitzvah. His mother was absolutely livid when we walked in a half hour after shacharit had already started. She couldn’t chew us out since she was sitting at the front of the room, closest to the bimah, so she settled on giving us death stares. We both grabbed siddurs and he grabbed a kippah before we both went our separate ways, on opposite sides of the mechitza.
It didn't really matter to me which side of the mechitza I sat on, but I chose the women’s side that day to try to allay his mother’s fears of us disrupting the service after the transgression of coming in late.
I picked a seat all the way in the back. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to show support for the bar mitzvah boy and his family, it’s just that sometimes the rabbi can go on for a long time, and I want to be able to pull out my book without judgment.
Today, though, I was feeling rather spiritual. I abandoned my book in the siddur holder attached to the back of the seats in front of me and stood with the congregation. I said kaddish with them and sang along as they took the torah out of the aron and paraded it around the sanctuary. They even brought it all the way to where I was sitting so I could plant a little kiss on it.
I kept my eye on the person carrying the torah as they took it up to the bimah. They started to undress it, removing the cloth cover, velcro band, and adornments that kept it safe while it sat in the aron, waiting to be used.
“I wish that could be us,” said a voice from the other side of the mechitza. I didn’t have to pull the curtain aside to know that it was him.
“Are you serious? Right now?” I hissed. If it was any other situation I’d be inclined to humor him. But this felt a little sacrilegious. 
“Oh come on, I know you’re thinking it too. Plus, he’ll become a man whether I’m here or not, we may as well have a little fun while we’re here.”
I said a silent prayer for forgiveness and reminded myself that sex is technically a mitzvah.
I closed my siddur, put it in the holder attached to the seat in front of me, and slipped my hand behind the mechitza. His hand met mine and he interlocked our fingers. He brushed his thumb over the back of my hand for a minute, testing the waters.
I heard the sound of fabric against drywall in addition to the feeling of his weight shifting. I realized he’d moved from his seat to the floor and I followed suit. As soon as I got comfortable he got bolder. He moved our hands from his side to my side, and he rested them on my thigh.
He unclasped our hands and placed his palm on my leg. He didn’t stop the rubbing of his thumb, moving it from the back of my hand to my inner thigh. They had finished undressing the torah by now and had already called up some family member for the first aliyah.
As the bracha was read, his hand climbed higher and higher until it rested just before my most sensitive spot. I let out a shaky breath before placing my hand over his, guiding it onward.
“Amein,” the crowd sang out, and he sang it with them as he expertly slipped his hand under my clothes. I stifled a gasp as he ran his fingers through my pubic hair. I peered behind the mechitza and saw him looking dead ahead. He was playing the part of the perfect older brother, the good Jewish boy. But for a moment, he glanced over at me and flashed a sultry grin. I prayed the sound of crinkling candy wrappers would mask whatever noises I made.
After a few minutes he got bolder, moving his fingers so that they brushed against my sex. He worked them back and forth, with varying pressure, knowing just how to push my buttons and make me groan. He kept going, through the second and third aliyah, at a lazy pace, ignoring my hushed requests for him to speed up.
Then, all of a sudden, he stopped. I looked over and he got up almost mechanically, taking out a travel pack of kleenex and wiping his hands on it. I watched as he walked up to the bimah and put on a tallit. I mentally smacked myself. Of course he was reading from the torah. He’s the bar mitzvah boy’s brother. I saw him adjust his kippah and take the yad in his hand. Some people I didn’t recognize stood beside him and said the bracha, and then he began to read.
I tried to follow along in a chumash, but I couldn’t. I was still so distracted by his touch. I could feel the pulsing arousal in my core and I couldn’t ignore it. Eventually I worked up the courage to bring myself to the front of the sanctuary; to sit next to the bimah. I brought my chumash with me and I sat myself down right near where he was standing. He couldn’t see me yet, he was too focused on reading, but when he was done, he looked around and caught my eye. He came around to the right side of the table where the torah was being held, holding my gaze the entire time. I wondered if he was going to bend down and say something to me, when I noticed his hands were moving. He gestured to me, then to him, and then to the aron. I cocked my head at him. He wasn’t seriously suggesting…?
Before I could clarify his attention was taken by the chazzan, who was asking him to recite a bracha. Only two more aliyot before he would be able to sit down with me again.
Or so I thought. I had forgotten that the rabbi enjoyed speaking at length to the celebrating family. He was stuck up there for what felt like a million years. The rabbi droned on and on about community and adulthood and whatnot before finally giving the family a little baggie full of assorted judaica. I caught his eye one last time before he sat down next to his brother. He mouthed something to me, which looked a lot like “meet me behind the aron” before turning to face the front of the room, acting as if nothing had happened.
I sat on my hands all throughout musaf, trying to keep my mind on the prayers instead of where it wanted to go. I forced myself to say the words of the kaddish in earnest and I tried my best to follow along through the recitation of the amidah. But the end of the service couldn’t come fast enough. When the rabbi finally said the bracha over the wine, it took everything in my power to not race up to the bimah.
As calmly as I could, I ascended the small steps and looked around for him. I didn’t see him at first, but then I heard a hiss from behind me.
“Over here!”
I turned around to see a hand poking out from behind the aron. Inconspicuously, I went around the side to find that there was a small crawl space behind the aron that I had never known about, and that he had discovered. He beckoned me inside and I gladly took his invitation.
Neither of us wasted any time on pleasantries. We were both too worked up. He quickly slipped his fingers under my clothes once more and I took this opportunity to finally kiss him. I kissed him long and hard, moaning into his mouth as he worked his magic, flooding my senses with pure arousal.  I bucked my hips, grinding into his hand, and he laughed softly.
“You’re so worked up,” he whispered. “Maybe we should come here every week.”
I didn’t know if the pun had been intended, but even if it wasn’t he sped up his handiwork. I knew I wasn’t going to last much longer, and I tried to warn him. He simply shushed me and enveloped my mouth in another kiss. I continued to muffle breathy moans into his mouth as he pushed me over the edge and helped me through the aftermath.
Afterward I wanted to fall limp, like a puppet whose strings had been cut. I hadn’t realized how much energy I had devoted to this, but now that I had lost it I just wanted to fall asleep. He beckoned me closer and pulled my head onto his lap.
“Don’t worry about falling asleep,” he reassured me. “Everyone’ll be back for seudat shlishit. They won’t even know we’re gone. His words calmed my nerves, and I was able to fall into an easy doze.
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mirxzii · 5 months
you've recieved a letter from: roxie! 💌
2023 has been like a rollercoaster for me. i had my ups, discovering kpop and seventeen, and my downs, struggling with grades and more.
scrolling through kpop and seventeen tags when i was a little baby carat, i was so nervous. i wanted to be friends with so many people here, to talk and giggle about my faves like others did. but i wasnt a writer, i wasnt even a big account.
however, my desire for friends who loved kpop and seventeen as much as me pushed past my social anxieties, and i began to talk to people here, praying they'd see my efforts, and like me.
so, i want to thank some of those writers and people who heard me, and who i love
@blue-jisungs my silly axie, youre one of my comfort friends and writers. you know just how to cheer me up, and even if you arent the best at math or chemistry, you certainly try your hardest to help me, and i love and appreciate that. id also love for you to proof read any essays i need help with for english sometime ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ your writing never misses, and i love talking with you about polish and jewish cultures. i cant wait to get closer with you in 2024, and i promise i will have that in my dreams cover when im back from japan. (╹◡╹)♡
@fairyhaos yena, im pretty sure you were the first seventeen account i looked up to. not only was your writing accurate and pretty, you were kind and sweet to everyone. i really wanted to be your friend, & im so glad i am now. ◠‿◠
@wheeboo rania!! your writing is always fun to read, or heartbreaking (still not over that hao angst). i remember how ecstatic i was when you asked me to make you a carrd, & i knew i had to make it perfect for you. anytime you want me to make you a new one, let me know! i love you so so much, thank you for listening whenever i needed someone and also trying to help me with math hahhah ٩(๑`^´๑)۶
@slytherinshua my zanna, i remember seeing you interact with so many accs and i had wanted to be your friend too!! so i followed you, thinking nothing of it. but im so glad we could connect over lucy and ofc, seventeen! youre so cute and kind, and i love to talk with u, esp in the server. i cant wait to get to know you more in 2024! ٩(^‿^)۶
@rubywonu nia, youre so amazing (and a little intimidating *´-`) ... your writing is amazing, and your layouts absolutely never miss. i really hope we can be closer friends in the new year!! ^o^
@pixieskie prish, thanj you for dming with me! youre so kind, im sorry for not responding quickly!! lets get closer, ilysm! (๑>◡<;๑)
@weird-bookworm sky, lets absolutely get closer next year!! thank you for liking my voice and i promise ill be active when im back from japan!! (≧∇≦)
@etherealyoungk skye, youre also a writer i really looked up to! thank you for being my friend, and i hope we can talk more and get closer!! (๑・̑◡・̑๑)
an extra thank you to some more of my favourite mutuals, @icyminghao, @hannieheartuu, @hannieehaee, @wonijinjin, @alexwilders, @zhuiren, @haecien, @starry-night-rose, @haowrld, @welcometomyoasis, and more!
thank you all so much for being there. i love you, and may we continue to be friends in the years to come. 🩷
FINISHED: letter from roxie! 💌
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schraubd · 22 days
Did You Hear? CUNY Branches Cancel Hillel Yom Ha'atzmaut Events
Two branches of the City University of New York system -- Kingsborough and Baruch -- have apparently canceled Israeli Independence Day events sponsored by local Hillel chapters, citing security risks. In the case of Baruch, administrators reportedly offered alternative venues to the Hillel chapter (which were declined), at Kingsborough, by contrast, the administration reportedly refused to make any arrangements to enable the event to go forward. CUNY is a public university, so this raises the usual First Amendment problems. While every case is different, there are some clear overlaps between this case (in particular, the citation to "security" concerns) and the cancellation of pro-Palestinian speakers and events justified on similar logic (for example, at USC). This, of course, represents a golden opportunity for people to lob dueling hypocrisy charges at one another ("You were aghast when this happened at USC, but I don't hear you complaining now!" "Yeah, well you were apologizing for this when it happened at USC, but you're aghast now!"). I'm sure that will be a grand old time for everyone. I do want to make one note on the relative coverage and penetration of this story compared to other free speech debacles related to Israel and Palestine on campus. I haven't seen this story covered outside of the Jewish press. That doesn't mean it won't be later, and I'm not generally a fan of the "...but you'll never see this reported in the mainstream media!" genre of commentary. In part, that's because I think there's massive selection bias in what we claim is over- or under-covered; in part, it's because I think virtually everyone massively overestimates how many stories break through to mass public consciousness at all. In reality, I think different stories gain traction in different media domains, such that a story which might tear through one sort of social or ideological circle might make barely a ripple in another. That said, in many of the circles I reside in, there is essentially no knowledge that there are any cases of academic censorship of "pro-Israel" voices on campus at all. To be clear, I'm not saying that there are not numerous cases of academic freedom violations targeting pro-Palestinian speakers -- there are a slew of them. But the notion that this is a Palestine exception to academic freedom, rather than something which unfortunately happens in a host of other cases and contexts (including, in the right-slash-wrong environments, to pro-Israel speakers), speaks less to the reality of academic freedom and more to an epistemology of which cases get attention and which don't. There are many academics for whom the Steven Salaitas are known, while the Melissa Landas are not. In other domains and registers, there are different gaps. Ultimately, it's a variant on "they would say it about Jews, they'd say it about other groups too." The claims of injustice are not wrong, but the claims of uniqueness very often are. How many times have we heard variations on "can you imagine if there was a mob of people harassing and making racist remarks towards any other minority group -- how would universities respond to that?" (As we saw at UCLA, the answer apparently is "they'd sit back and let said mob kick the crap out of their targets"). And at the same time, we've also heard plenty of iterations of "if a university dared cancel a pro-Israel event, it'd be on the front-page of every newspaper for the next month" (so far, no headlines). So I'll all say is that, if you're of the bent that there's no meaningful suppression of pro-Israel speech in campus environments, and your informational ecosystem (other than me, I guess) didn't alert you to this cancellation at CUNY, you should consider how the former belief might be correlated with the latter lacuna. Other people might have different gaps, and they should contemplate what generates them as well. via The Debate Link https://ift.tt/SaROhQI
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