#Lee! Giyuu
Well, today, February 8, is the birthday of our beloved Water Hashira, Giyuu Tomioka. So, to celebrate, a dose of love and smiles for this emo that everyone loves and deserves love. (Of course I had to do a second part, this guy deserves love)
Warning: This fanfic contains tickles. Also remind them that I don't speak English, so if they find any errors, let me know to correct it. I hope you like it!
Summary: This is a aftermath to my previous tickle fic. Giyuu will receive a kind gift from his partners
Lers: Iguro Obanai, Sanemi Shinazugawa, Mitsuri Kanroji, Rengoku Kyojuro and Uzui Tengen
Lee: Tomioka Giyuu
(Part 2)
The party was fun, they danced, they told some stories, they ate together. Tomioka was happy, although he didn't show it, he felt extremely happy to be with his classmates and friends. Although he would have liked Tanjiro to stay a bit longer, but he couldn't because he was entrusted with a mission.
'There's still a little bit of food, would you like another plate? I don't want it to go to waste', Mitsuri and Rengoku's eyes lit up and they quickly helped themselves to more food. 'It was to be expected, do you want more?', Obanai denied, he preferred to see Mitsuri eat, Muichiro was already full, Gyomei and Sanemi accepted a little more and Giyuu still hadn't finished his plate. 'Thank you, ehhh Tokito, what's that next to you?', Sanemi pointed to a gift next to Muichiro, who looked at him confused, he didn't remember how he got there. 'I don't know, is it supposed to be a gift?', Mitsuri avoided laughing at his answer and took the gift. 'This is Tomioka-san's gift?', Muichiro thought again and nodded slightly remembering. 'I think so, happy birthday'
'Open it Giyuu, what is it?', Giyuu opened his gift, it was a scarf with almost the same patterns as his haori, he couldn't help but smile a little. 'KYAAAA!!!', Mitsuri noticed that smile and got very excited, the hashiras looked at her confused until she pointed to Tomioka's slightly smiling face. 'Wow, Tomioka, you should smile more often! You have a very striking smile, I like it. What do you think Rengoku?' 'Totally agree! Your smile is so cute Tomioka, you should smile more!!' These comments embarrassed Tomioka, who covered her blushing face with his haori. Shinobu and Gyomei smiled when they heard that their classmates were having fun in their own way.
'EEEE!! Tomioka-san is blushing!! So cute~', Mitsuri kept throwing such comments, which made Obanai jealous. 'Hey Mitsuri-Chan, do you want to see something amazing?', Obanai whispered in her ear and she nodded excitedly. 'Sanemi, give me permission', Obanai whispered to his friend, he didn't ask anything and they switched places. 'I hope that's how you learn that damn piece of trash not to make Mitsuri blush or praise you', Obanai pressed on one of Giyuu's hips which made him jump. He felt all the eyes of his companions on him, his blush appeared again and it got worse with this.
'That...? Tomioka did you...?' 'No!', Tomioka knew what they were going to ask, it was bad enough that Obanai and Sanemi knew, and now the other hashiras, it was humiliating
Giyuu frowned and looked at Obanai, who was smirking under his mask. 'Please Giyuu, you know you can't help that', he raised his fingers and slowly approached him, Giyuu stepped back but collided with Rengoku's chest, who imprisoned his arms while laughing. 'Hahahaha careful Tomioka! You could fall! Now why don't we let my aniki tell us more of what he knows? Obanai?', Rengoku found this discovery amusing, but Giyuu knew he was in danger, now that Tengen, Rengoku and Mitsuri knew, they won't miss the opportunity to tickle him.
'Rengoku, let me GYAH!!', his words were interrupted by a shriek. sting that Rengoku gave to his stomach. 'Now now Tomioka, let you go? This is just beginning! Coochie Coochie little one!' Rengoku began to scribble his fingers on Giyuu's stomach, who gritted his teeth trying not to laugh. 'No! R-Rengoku! St-stop!' 'An unnecessary reaction! Let me show you an extravagant way to make people laugh like him!', Tengen raised his fingers approaching Giyuu, who started to get more nervous and embarrassed.
'Dohohon't!' 'OHHH SO CUTEEE!! I WANT TO MAKE TOMIOKA-SAN LAUGH TOO!', Mitsuri tried to get closer but was stopped by Obanai, he only stopped her to say something in her ear, whatever he said made her smile and moved to new heights.
'Tengen, go get his ribs! I'll take his hips!', he quickly approached and climbed on his legs to make sure he didn't escape' 'Whatever you say!', Giyuu felt like he was going to die, the 3 worst lers of the hashiras now knew his secret. 'No-! wait! GYAHAHAHAHA!! NOHOHO!!', he arched his back as he felt 10 fingers on his ribs and hipbones clinging to those places like magnets. 'HIMEHEHEHEJIMA - SAN HEHEHEHELP!!!', he tried to ask the Stone Hashira for help, but he found this a way to make Giyuu feel happy, so he only recommended stopping when he couldn't take it anymore. 'Hahaha! Take that Tomioka! Do you know what's the best? He enjoys being tickled!', Sanemi exclaimed when he then felt Shinobu's angry look, because they had promised not to talk about that secret. 'Oh oh oh! Really?!', Uzui laughed more as Giyuu tried to nod.
'Ohhh what a softie, ​​isn't that lovely?!', he teased to switch places with Rengoku, this time holding Giyuu so he wouldn't move. 'Of course! Tomioka, you could have told us that! We are your friends! Isn't that so guys?!', Rengoku decided to give him a little rest, tickling his side and part of his stomach. The other hashiras only nodded, well except for Obanai and Sanemi 'Stahahahap! Dohohon't tehehehase me! Plehehehehease! Ehehehehe!!'
'Oh Tomioka-san's laugh is so adorable! You know you can tell us to tickle you as many times as you want, we're delighted!' Mitsuri smiled as she gave his hips a few friendly squeezes. 'Okahahahay okahahay! Now stohohop!', he was lying, he was enjoying a certain part. 'Oh please, we know you don't want them to stop, you love tickling!' 'Yohohou're nahahat one tohoho tahahahalk, hypocrihihihite', Giyuu replied, now part of the gazes were directed at Sanemi. 'Oh, so you too, Shinazugawa?', Sanemi knew how to control his embarrassment
'You already screwed yourself!', he approached moving his fingers, at that moment he regretted having answered him. 'Nohoho! Sanemi! Plehehehase NAHAHA!!!', Giyuu dropped his head on Uzui's chest, it was the only thing he could do, he couldn't kick or wave his arms, he was trapped and helpless as Sanemi attacked the space where his armpits and ribs met
'WAHAHAHA!! SANEMI!! I'M SOHOHORRY!!' 'Prepare to meet the wrath of the Wind Hashira!!', Mitsuri, Rengoku and Uzui, just laughed and also helped Sanemi 'destroy' the Water Hashira. Sanemi his ribs, Mitsuri his thighs, Rengoku his hips and Uzui his armpits, after all Uzui only needed one hand to keep Giyuu's arms away from his body.
'HAHAHAH!! HEHEHEHEY!! NOHOHOHO FAHAHAHAIR!!! YOU ARE TOHOHO MAHAHAHAHCH!!', Giyuu squirmed at the combined touches of the 4 hashiras
'It's not like he's asking me to stop, it's obvious that he likes it' 'SHUHUHUT UHUHUHUP!!', well he couldn't deny that, he was having fun but it was definitely too much, besides he was already tired from the round he had before with Shinobu. 'Oi, who are you silencing?', Obanai approached Mitsuri and took one of his hips but unlike her, his tickles were stronger and more precise. 'GYAHAHAHAHA!! I'M SOHOHORRY!!', Giyuu was on the edge now, it wasn't long before tears of happiness rolled down his flushed cheeks.
'STAHAHAHAP! *hic* E-ENOUGH!! *snort* PLEHEHEHEHAHAHAHSE!! *hic*' 'That's enough, let him rest for a moment', with that order given the 5 of them moved away from Giyuu who was panting on the ground trying to catch his breath
Muichiro walked over to his 'brother' and hugged him 'Are you alright?', Giyuu smiled goofily and nodded. 'Cute~', Mitsuri cooed at that scene. 'Sanemi, Obanai we'll have a serious talk about this later, okay?', Shinobu smiled at both of them, but his intentions weren't good. 'O-okay Shinobu, it-it's not necessary. T-thank you... It was the be-best birthday', Giyuu smiled at his companions before closing his eyes a little tired.
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creative-kny-fics · 2 months
It may not be the exact translation and there may be errors, but take a good look at both images...
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Giyuu can't stand Sanemi tickling or kissing his neck without laughing 🥹
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helloitsghost · 8 months
Tktober Day 4: Weak Spot
Def not a good thing this is a continuous patter of me posting tktober at 1 am cause my bum ass is busy as shit and is drawing these as we go but hey
At least I know my drawing speed has fixed itself/improved :D
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@giggly-squiggily thought you’d like this it’s sanegiyuu :3
Happy with this love that giyuu is smiling but Jesus his haori made me wanna drown in a toilet💀
Anyways see y’all tmrw ima sleep :p
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yourllocalaroace · 8 months
DAY 5 - ‘I’m not ticklish’
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Sorry to disappoint Uzui but I’m not ticklish.’ Giyuu explained. Tengen had tried to sneak up on him and go for his sides, but he didn’t get any reaction from him. Not even a flinch or a jump. ‘Seriously how much more serious can this guy get?’ He thought to himself
‘I don’t believe it. Not even a little bit?’ Tomioka shook his head. ‘Then I’m sure you wouldn’t mind if I tested that?’ The water hashira sighed, of course he wasn’t going to take his word for it. But since he had nothing better to do anyways.
‘Go ahead, I don’t really care.’ Giyuu replied, placing his arms above his head. ‘But don’t be disappointed with the results,’ Tengen moved behind him before squeezing his sides again. Nothing. He tried moving across his stomach, lightly scratching. Nothing. He decided to go for his lower body, going for his thighs, hips and knees. Nothing. ‘I told you Uzui….I’m no- !!’ He was cut off when a sudden finger travelled  the length of his spine up his back.
‘Oh? You alright there Tomioka,’ Tengen had a clear mischievous tone behind his voice. The water hashira simply nodded. It wasn’t that Giyuu was lying intentionally about not being ticklish, he just hadn’t been tickled in a long time and the times he was he had long forgotten about so he just assumed he wasn’t at all. However it seemed Uzui was about to jog that memory. ‘Is here a bad spot? Because you look like you’re struggling there Giyuu’ Tengen snickered. ‘Quihit it Uzui.’ 
‘But I thought you weren’t ticklish?’ The sound hashira mocked, moving his hands under his uniform to tickle the bare skin of his back. ‘Ahahahah! Uzuihihihihi! Stahahahap!’ Giyuu began to squirm a bit a reach back for his arms. 
��I’m definitely not disappointed with this result Tomioka!’ ‘Now let’s see how ticklish you really are 
Hope this was good!🤍🫧
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calicocatsarecute · 3 months
Hii i was wondering if u would do a, Lee shinobu or Lee muichiro with anyone ler
I feel super bad for not seeing this right away! But, I’m doing it now at least. I decided to go with Giyuu bc of the gif below. Enjoy!
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“Tsun tsun! Tsun tsun!” Shinobu was repeatedly poking Giyuu. With every he quivered and flinched.
“Kocho, please. St-stop poking me.” It was getting annoying now. Giyuu’s irritation was now more prominent.
“Why should I Tomioka~? Are you perhaps… ticklish?” Shinobu’s teasing was always top notch. It didn’t matter who it was, in the end they were always a flustered mess.
Giyuu was no exception.
“It’s not the time for games Kocho. We have to get to our destination before sundown.” The hashira’s gaze was dead as he looked her in the eye.
But alas, it didn’t stop Shinobu. In fact it made things worse. The poking got more more rapid with each movement. Giyuu couldn’t take it anymore! He had to fight back… so, begrudgingly, he poked her back.
The girl jumped back with gasp, caught off guard by the retaliation. When she tried to poke him again, Giyuu squeezed her side.
“AH! Tomika!” Shinobu squealed, grabbing onto his hands.
“So it’s a big deal when I do it, but not you do it?” He said with a raised brow, still squeezing her side.
“Ehehehek! Yehehesss!”
“Well that’s not fair now is it? Besides you’ve gotten away with tickling me for faaar too long!” Giyuu somehow came off as teasingly possible. He now used his other hand to squeeze her other side.
“Ahahahaha! Ihihi’m sohorry! Ihihi’m soh-OHOHORRY! NOHOHO TOHOMIHIOKA STAHAHAP!” The insect Hashira squealed as her ribs were now the prime target.
Giyuu smirked,internally, while he picked up the pace of his scribbles.
“Will you not mess with me for the rest of this mission?”
And with that, the tickling stopped.
“Good, now come on, we’re going to be late.”
As Shinobu caught up, she couldn’t stop thinking about how to get revenge on her boyfriend.
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kokupuffs · 9 months
hello koku!!!
i saw you were wanting some requests!
may i pls request lee tanjiro with ler giyuu and rengoku? personal hc, they argue over who tanjiro likes best and playfully tickle him to get him to tell them who he likes but he never admits who he prefers since he sees both of them as his older brothers
feel free to decline if you don’t feel inspired. have a great day!🫶🏼💚
Hello! Ofc! And I love your hc! I'm definitely gonna use it for this fic! Also I've never even thought about Giyuu being a ler so this will be interesting :3
Note: freaking LOVE lee Tanjiro
He had just come back from yet another mission when he heard voices off in the distance. He thought that it was probably the other hashira and turned to leave, but as he did, he heard shouts and had to investigate. Upon arriving at the cause of the noise, Tanjiro found Rengoku and Giyuu, who appeared to be having an argument. Tanjiro crouched down behind a bush to see what they were talking about.
'He spends more time with me.'
'that doesn't mean anything..'
'Yes, it does. Come on, you know he likes me more!'
'No he doesn't.' Giyuu responded before then going on to say
'I've known him longer.'
'Are they talking about me?' Tanjiro thought to himself as he continued to watch them he realised that yes, yes they were talking about him. Well fighting over him it seemed like.. Tanjiro wasn't one to have favourites, ofc he liked some people more than others but that doesn't really count. He got up and was about to leave when a voice behind him made him jump.
It was Giyuu's voice. He spun around to look at the two men and said
'Do you need something..?'
'Yes young kamado! We'd like to know who you like better, me or Tomioka?'
'I already told you that I don't know, I like you both the same..' This was true. He really had no idea. He viewed both men equally. However, the others did not think so..
'He denies it every time'
'Well, that won't do, will it now? I guess we'll have to teach him a lesson~'
At first, Tanjiro didn't understand, but when Rengoku wiggled his fingers, a bright smile on his face, Tanjiro took off running. He was fast, but the others were faster, and he was easily captured by Giyuu, who wrapped an arm around his waist as he easily, but gently, pushed Tanjiro to the floor and sat on his arms to prevent him from escaping. Rengoku soon caught up and loomed over Tanjiro with a smirk on his face.
'Young kamado, you do know what happens to liars right?'
'I'm not a liar..'
'So you deny that too, huh? Tomioka you know what to do'
A shriek erupted from tanjiro along with a few giggles as Tomioka pressed down on his upper ribs. He didn't even press down very hard, but it was enough to get Tanjiro giggling. Remgoku then also decided to join in by spidering his fingers up and down his sides, which caused Tanjiro to let out a whine, followed by another stream of giggles while Tanjiro shook his head.
'Tanjiro, you shouldn't have lied to us.' Giyuu wasn't one to tease, but when it came to Tanjiro, he made an exception. Deciding to give up on his ribs, Giyuu gently fluttered his fingers against Tanjiro's neck, causing the latter to scrunch his neck in a way of trying to protect himself.
'Ahahahahaha! Gihihihihihiyu!' 'Rengohohohoku!'
'What's up, Young kamado? Is something funny? You're giggling an awful lot.'
'i- I'm Nahahahahat!' He replied, squealing as Rengoku found a sweet spot on his side.
'Still lying, I see?'
'There's no point in lying now. It will only make your punishment worse,' Giyuu said as he started digging into Tanjiro's hips, smirking slightly as his laughter increased in volume.
'So are you going to tell us what we want, or would you prefer to keep lying?'
Tanjiro couldn't respond, his laughter was almost starting to go silent, and he just begged them with his eyes to stop. For the next 3 minutes, he shrieked, squealed, screamed, and laughed until finally they let him go, and as soon as Giyuu got off of him he curled up into a ball, face slightly red as he sucked in much needed oxygen. (Idkkk what happened to the text here- I'm sorry 😭)
'So?' Rengoku asked, turning his head to a now recovered Tanjiro.
'I still can't decide. I view both of you equally. I like and dislike things about both of you and making a decision is just something that hasn't crossed my mind. So I'd say I like both of you, your like brothers to me I guess..'
I wanted to write more but my motivation has left me..
Hope this was good-
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leafywhowritez · 9 months
…….switch Muichiro, Giyuu, and Sanemi pls
Okay ✅ don’t be so shy anon! Well alright
Switches: Muichiro, Giyuu, and Sanemi
“Giyuu, why is your so called ‘little brother’ here?” Sanemi asked with jealousy.
“Nemi, don’t be jealous, look how cute Muichiro is!” Giyuu exclaimed and proudly turned to Muichiro. “Furthermore, he is asleep! So we could have a peaceful break!”
“Tch, okay, whatever you say,” Sanemi smirked, Giyuu definitely saw it.
“Sanemi.. I warned you..”
Shit, I should’ve never done that..
“GIYUU! NO!” Sanemi screamed, when Giyuu grabbed Sanemi’s left ankle.
Sanemi remembered last time Giyuu grabbed him like this.. And it did not end well for him.
“Well, aren’t you the one screaming? Relax, because I am not done with you yet,” Giyuu started his friend’s punishment, sinking his nails into his socked sole making him screech.
“*yawn, huh what is happening?” Muichiro questioned and ran to the room where he found Giyuu.
“Ni-Chan! Let Sanemi go! I heard enough screaming!” Muichiro commanded while squeezing his ribs.
“Why not? Ni-Chan always did this to me!” Muichiro replied sinking his nails into his stomach making the older man cry with laughter.
“Hey Mui, I have to tell you something! It is a secret!”
Muichiro then abandoned Giyuu and went closer to Sanemi to hear the news.
“The secret is.. That you are gonna get tickled!” Sanemi whispered into the younger’s ear while Giyuu scratched at his sides.
“Eehehe! Yohohou trrahahahtor! I hehehlped yohohou!”
“But, remember when you tickled me when you were jealous? I’m getting revenge!”
Now Muichiro is in a very tickly situation.
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nataliewritez · 1 year
helloooooo !! could you write lee giyuu where shinobu finds out he’s ticklish and has fun exploring it hehe please and thank you !!
Butterflies Bounty || KNY Tk Fic
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A/N: aaaaaa dani!! this was such a cute yet fun idea, these two are my heart and soul!! i hope you enioy reading this!! \\(*´▽`*)//
P.S: Sorry if it took too long, you're the first person to request so yea (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)
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"Tomioka-san, oi oi, Tomioka-san!" Shinobu attempted to catch the water hashira's attention.
All day, Kocho had been trying to catch Tomioka's attention, but with every large attempt she did, the more it failed, it was starting to out her on edge quite the bit. Giyuu was one hundred percent aware of this, but just acted as if nothing had been happening at all, shooing her away like an insect.
As Giyuu had went out for a mission, she had went to her fellow accomplices, seeking for any chance of an answer. As expected, Sanemi and Iguro didn't give two craps about him, whilst Rengoku and Mitsuri were out training most of the day, Uzui was caught up in a mission himself and Gyomei and Muichiro had been helping Genya train. What possibly could be keeping him so on edge? Either way, she was going to get her answer today, whether he liked it or not. Meanwhile, she had patient's to help, especially a certain Bluenette, Blonde and Red head, hoo boy.
After the long day, Tomioka had came into her mansion to get some small injuries treated, they weren't much, but still, the fact that he'd been hurt by a small demon made her think even more that something was on his mind.
"My my, Tomioka-san, how did you get these injuries over a simple mission, hm?"
No answer.
"This is why you've got no friend's, Tomioka-san."
Again, not a answer, nor a single glance.
Shinobu's smile quickly faded, spinning the water breathing user to look her in the eye, "Tomioka-san, I'm worried for you, this isn't like you." Hopefully that got to him, and it eventually did. His bland expression lightened up a bit as he gazed into her eye's, his gorgeous, ocean blue.. what was she thinking? Snap out of it Shinobu!
With a small shake of her head, Shinobu waited for Giyuu to invite her to sit beside her. He quickly caught on and patted beside him, her smile quickly coming back into place as she sat beside him.
"You can talk to me, Tomioka-san, I'll always be here to listen." She assured, humming happily when he nodded slightly. Eventually, he opened up, explaining how he didn't deserve to be with such strong, kind people such as herself.
Oh my, how couldn't she have noticed sooner? His endless amount of survivors guilt had pent him up so much, that it eventually got the best of him, now she understood why he'd never associate himself with any if the other's.
"Tomioka-san.. it's difficult, I understand that, but.. if they were here right now, I can assure you that they'd be so proud of you. I mean, look at you, most people can't be as- are you okay?" She asked. Whilst she was talking, she had placed her left hand against his left side and rubbed him, offering him reassurance, she didn't expect this type of reaction.
"Shinobu, no."
"Oh Tomioka-"
"Don't." His once slumped over torso now stood straight, his hands grabbing her wrist, yet not even tugged them even the slightest away.
"My my, I think I know how to cheer you up, Tomioka-san~" Teased the insect Hashira, her smile only widdening when she saw the usually pale white face of his brightening a cute shade of red. Her once rubbing her now latched onto his side and with each twitch of her fingertips, so did Giyuu's body, quiver.
"Glad we're getting closer, Tomioka-san! Maybe we could become friend's!" She played, surprised to hear her usually stoic companion whine from such a innocent tease. Ohohoh, now this was fun.
"What's wrong, Tomioka-san? Can't handle a few tickles? That's unfortunate, I thought you'd have some resilience in you." She playfully tsked and shook her head, making him arch away when her over hand came into play. "K-Kohoch- Kocho, nohoho! Pl-Please dohon't!" He melted even more as she awed at him, her hands lowering as she squeezed at his hip's, making him immediately turn to his side, laying on the bed as his right arm covered his face.
"No no, we can't have you do that, Giyuu, this is only getting started!" She exclaimed with excitement, now squeezing his hips with vigor, making the once silent hashira go into a giggle fit. As her thumbs accidentally found the divets of his hips, it only made him buck and arch, luckily for Shinobu, she wasn't ontop of him, kudos to her for sitting beside him whilst he was laughinh his head off. "Ahahah, S-Shihinobu! Plehease! S-Sto-NAHAH!" Howled Tomioka, throwing his head back as her left hand squeezed at his thigh, "Oh? Is this a bad spot, Tomioka-san?~" He didn't even have to say, the both of them already knew the answer to this answer.
"It was a rhetorical question, Giyuu, I don't expect you to understand tha- what is that?" She asked, making Tomioka immediately look, "What do you- NOHO!" He kicked and squirmed, "Oh no, it's a tickle bug! Don't worry, Tomioka-san, I'll save you!" She playfully retorted, treating him like a child. As the tickling pursued, she took a glace to see if she needed to stop.
His once long hair came undone, becoming messier, his once blank expression was filled with childish glee, along with his ears, nose and cheeks dusted a bright red, his fists clamped onto his haori and the sheets of the bed weakly, trying to keep some of hispride intact, oh how she dreamed she had done this sooner.
As she listened to his breathing become more frantic, she had stopped, her hands resting against his own.
"So, how was that, hm?" She teased, not expecting an answer, before hearing him muffle something under his breath. She drummed her right hands fingertips into his armpit to make him curl, "I couldn't hear you, Tomioka-san, speak up please." Smiled the insect Hashira, only for her heart to swell with pure love for him over his word's.
"I said I lohohove y-you." He exclaimed breathlessly, hiding part of his face into the cover of his haori. "I love you too." Shinobu kissed the back of his hand, making his impossibly red face grow even redder, "Okay, now rest up, those injuries should heal in a few days." She patted his stomach, oh how they'd do this again.
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ticklish-n-stuff · 2 years
Hi! Could you write Lee! Tomioka switch! and Ler! Rengoku? Obv when you have time or feel like it :)
Wrath of the tickle monster
Wooo new demon slayer fic! *throws confetti*
It's ler Rengoku, ofc I had to write it aifhskfhsidh
Hope you like it :]
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Giyuu x Rengoku (interpret as you wish)
Lee: Giyuu
Ler: Rengoku
Warnings: Tickles!
Giyuu was currently running for his life. Why is that you ask? He was being chased down by the resident tickle monster, also known as Rengoku. Rengoku was set on wrecking his friend, after all, Giyuu could use a good laugh.
The water hashira had managed to hide behind a tree, thinking he had finally lost the other. He let out a sigh of relief, although not long after all his hopes got crushed when he felt someone behind him. "I found ya~" teased the blonde as he hugged the other from behind, making sure he couldn't get away.
"W-wahait! Rengoku dohon't!" Giyuu tried to sound angry but he couldn't hold back the nervous giggles that bubbled up in his chest. He wiggled and squirmed with what little room he had to work with, kicking his legs out in the process.
"Already giggling? I haven't even done anything, well... not yet atleast~" with a teasy smirk, Rengoku digged his fingers into Giyuu's sides.
"HNGH!" the water hashira chocked on a laugh as he bit down on his lip on instinct. He wasn't sure why he tried to delay the innevitable, the thought alone of being tickled definitely dumbed him down.
"Aww come on, y'know you wanna laugh~" Rengoku teased into his ear, sending ticklish chills down Giyuu's body. But he remained stubborn and shook his head, not wanting to give the flame hashira the satisfaction of hearing him laugh. "No? Then you've left me no choice!".
In a flash, Rengoku's hands shot up to Giyuu's ribs, making sure to dig between each bone. "PFFT! AHAHAHAHAHA! Y-YOU JEHEHERK!" Giyuu cackled like a madman as he wriggled around in Rengoku's grasp, desperate for that ticklish sensation to leave his worst spot... okay maybe not that desperate lol.
"There's that laugh! Now... tickle tickle~" teased the flame hashira as he kept tickling at that dreaded spot. All while Giyuu got lost in his obnoxious laughter, his face errupting like a volcano from how flustered he felt and how hard he was laughing. Not long passed until the water hashira gave up on fighting back, his body going limp, the only thing keeping him afoot was Rengoku's grip on him. Seeing as his laughter was starting to get hiccupy, Rengoku decided to show him some mercy. He let go of Giyyu, who instantly fell to the ground, curling up into a 'lil ball while still giggling hysterically. Rengoku sat next to him, rubbing his back soothingly, while occassionally laughing alongside him. Giyuu's laugh could be very contagious.
Once the water hashira's giggle fit subsided, he threatenened "I'm soho gehetting you back for thahat!".
"Oh yeah? You're gonna have to catch me first!" declared the flame hashira as he zoomed out of the scene. Giyuu still felt defeated by all the tickling but once he regained his strenght Rengoku would be getting a taste of his own medicine.
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Well, today, February 8, is the birthday of our beloved Water Hashira, Giyuu Tomioka. So, to celebrate, a dose of love and smiles for this emo that everyone loves and deserves love.
Warning: This fanfic contains tickles. Also remind them that I don't speak English, so if they find any errors, let me know to correct it. I hope you like it!
Summary: Shinobu plans a surprise party for Giyuu along with the other pillars, but he doesn't plan to celebrate. Will Shinobu manage to convince him?
Ler: Kocho Shinobu
Lee: Tomioka Giyuu
(Part 1 - Part 2 in process)
'A SURPRISE PARTY?!', Mitsuri exclaimed before putting her hands to her mouth to keep from screaming again. 'Yes, tomorrow is Tomioka-San's birthday and I want to surprise him, do you have any plans for tomorrow? It would help me a lot to have someone else helping me' 'The truth is that I was planning to train tomorrow, so-', Obanai could not finish his sentence due to the enthusiasm of Love Hashira, who said that she would gladly help and attend the party. 'I'll make a little space to help Mitsuri and at the party'
'I'll help too, that party will need a touch of extravagance', 'I'll support too! It will be a lot of fun!' Uzui and Rengoku agreed to help, calming down and making Shinobu smile, who turned his gaze to those who still hadn't said anything. 'Who is Tomioka? Muichiro's question made Sanemi snort
'It's the Water Hashira. Tokito, you've been talking to him a lot lately, remember?', Gyomei replied calmly to the boy's doubt. 'Oh, my brother... I must have forgotten his birthday, but if I'm going, I'll bring some balloons,' he smiled. 'I'll go too Kocho, that's a nice gesture from you to Tomioka. And you Sanemi? Will you attend?', Gyomei touched the head of the aforementioned, he stayed muttering for a few minutes. 'Ok, I'll go, but just this once', he crossed his arms and turned his head
'Then it's done! Let's give Tomioka a good dose of joy!' Mitsuri exclaimed excitedly. Each Hashira gave a contribution: Shinobu his estate, Mitsuri, Obanai and Sanemi the food, Gyomei and Muichiro the balloons and gifts and Uzui and Rengoku would help decorate.
The next morning. The Hashiras went to work, trying to keep Tomioka from realizing what they were doing. Kagaya/O.S also agreed to help them, entertaining Giyuu and treating him to lunch. 'Shinobu-san! We're here!!', Shinobu turned his head to find Mitsuri, Obanai and Sanemi with various food packages on their shoulders and hands. 'Oh, what a joy to see you! They came very early!', she approached and took some packages and entered the room where Rengoku and Uzui were decorating while Gyomei and Muichiro inflated the balloons. 'What did I tell you? This party already has an extravagant touch. Himejima, Tokito, very nice choice of colors', Uzui patted the shoulders of both hashiras. 'Thank you, Tokito chose the colors. I'm glad you liked it, well let's continue with this. Shinobu, what time will Giyuu arrive?', the gazes turned to her. She thought for a moment, she didn't know what to answer 'When I told Oyakata-Sama about this, he told me that he would invite him to lunch. Maybe I'm on your estate, do you need help before I leave?', she looked at his companions, they told him not to worry, they could finish on time. Shinobu wished them luck and said goodbye, the first place he went to was the Oyakata-Sama farm, but he was no longer there, he had left a few minutes ago. 'Oh, Shinobu-San!', she recognized the voice and turned, Tanjiro was in front of her. 'Hi Kamado-Kun, how have you been? Oh yeah, one question, have you seen or talked to Tomioka-San today?', Tanjiro denied, he had been with Inosuke and Zenitsu almost all day before separating and walking alone for a while. 'No, I'm sorry, has something happened to him?' 'Oh no no, don't worry. Today is his birthday and we are planning a party for him, but it wouldn't be a party if he wasn't there'
'EHH?! It's his birthday?! I didn't know!' Tanjiro felt embarrassed, which made Shinobu laugh. 'Don't worry, if you see him tell him to please go to my farm', after that, they said goodbye and she kept looking. Almost 1 hour had passed, but he had not been successful, he was about to give up until he found him about to enter his farm.
'Tomioka-San!', Shinobu exclaimed and ran towards him. He tried to take him to his estate, but he couldn't, Tomioka kept insisting that he was fine. Shinobu knew exactly what to do to convince him, he asked him for a glass of water and they both entered the estate, they talked for a while until Shinobu ran his finger along Tomioka's ribs making him snort.
'Kocho, no,' Tomioka moved away from her a bit, but was quicker and moved closer and straddled him hips. 'Kocho, yes', she laughed and with her index finger began to gently go up and down his ribs. 'Ko-kocho please n-no!', he put his hands to his mouth to avoid laughing and please his friend, but he wouldn't give up so easily, she already knew the way to make him laugh. 'Oh come on Tomioka-san! You don't have to be ashamed, we're friends!', her fingers started to move like spider legs up and down, the touch although it was very soft was driving Tomioka crazy, he was trying with all his might not to laugh.' Stahap! Ple-please!', Shinobu looked at the clock and knew that she had to hurry up, she gave him the last chance to accompany her, but he still didn't give in. 'Oh well Tomioka, you know what will happen next', his fingers now began to squeeze his ribs, getting between the gaps in each rib and staying in a place that saw his laughter grow. 'GYAHAHAHAHAHA!! STAHAHAHAP!!! NO NO NO NO!!! SHIHIHINOBU PLEHEHEHEHAHAHAHSE!!! I CAN'T!!', he began to kick the floor hard and try everything to get those sensations away from his body. 'No~ come on Tomioka, you're a hashira~ is it that bad?~', Shinobu sneered at his friend's futile escape attempts 'Besides, I know you like being tickled~'.
'WAHAHIT!! YOHOHU!! WAHAHAHA!! NOT THERE NOT THEHEHERE!!!', he felt the tears touching the corners of his eyes, while his cheeks burned from the enormous blush. 'Tomioka-San, since today is a special day, I wrote a song for you~ it's called Happy Birthday Tomioka-San~', she began to use Giyuu's ribcage as if it were a piano as she hummed the song. 'HAHAHAHAHA!!! OK OK!! *snort* I'LL GO WITH YOU!!! *screech* BUHUHUT PLEHEHAHAHASE STAHAHAHAP!! *hic* I CAHAHAHAN'T!! *snort* I BEHEHEHEG YOU!!', she didn't trust her partner's words, but finally let him go as she saw some tears spilling out. She got off him and sat next to him, laughing as he snuggled in trying to get his oxygen back. 'Thahahat was so mehehehan', after a few minutes they both got out and headed to the party venue.
'Kocho, why are there screams?', Tomioka looked at her confused, to which she shrugged and they continued walking. When he opened the door a big 'SURPRISE' and confetti were waiting for him, he saw his colleagues and friends gathered to wish them a happy birthday. Some approached to hug him and give him his gift, Shinobu whispered 'Happy birthday, Tomioka-San' before walking away.
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creative-kny-fics · 1 year
Hi! I could do a Lee Giyuu, Ler Sanemi but a moment after the final battle (you can refer to the image of them 2 that you uploaded before) please
Waaah!!! Of course!! (Kinda inspired)
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Warning: This fanfic contains tickles. Also remind them that I don't speak English, so if they find any errors, let me know to correct it. I hope you like it!
Lee: Giyuu Tomioka
Ler: Sanemi Shinazugawa
'I can't believe it's all finally over... A world without demons is something I didn't think could happen and if it did, I'd be dead by then..' 'Hey, don't say that. But you're right, everything finally ended... All thanks to everyone's efforts, although I would have liked none of our partners to have died', Sanemi and Giyuu looked at each other and looked at the sky again.
'I wish my sister was here to see this. I had friends, I got married and I'm happy again....', Giyuu turned so that Sanemi wouldn't see him cry, but it was in vain, Sanemi could hear his sobs
'Yu-yuu! Don't cry!', Sanemi turned his boyfriend around and placed him on his lap, making sure he was comfortable and comforted him, although he cried with him, he also wanted his family to be with him and see his happiness, but he knew what they were seeing from heaven.
'Better? Eh?', Sanemi smiled, Giyuu had fallen asleep, so he placed him gently on the grass and stroked his head
He didn't know how much time had passed, but maybe it was an hour, Sanemi got annoyed. They had arranged to have lunch with Tengen and he hadn't arrived, fucking oversized rock, Sanemi whispered.
'Yuu, how about we go back home? I think Tengen won't come, let's wake up', Sanemi gently moved his boyfriend but he didn't wake up or was what he wanted to pretend, Sanemi could see a smile on Giyuu's face, he wasn't asleep
'Ohh so why are you pretending to be asleep? Come here Giyuu!' 'Wahahait! Nehehemi! Cohohohome on!', Giyuu tried to curl up into a ball when Sanemi decided to gently and playfully squeeze his hips
'Stohohop! Tehehengehehen cahahan come!' 'That oversized rock won't come and if it did come it would join me!', Sanemi didn't remember when was the last time he tickled him, no wait, he remembered it, it was before he left and got to the field.
'I had forgotten how fucking ticklish you were! Hmmm.. let's see, where else are you ticklish?' 'Hehehe! Nehehehemi!! Gyahahahaha!!', Giyuu tried to stop Sanemi but, he could only catch one hand, you know what I mean...
Sanemi teased Giyuu, mentioning some place and tickling him in that place, laughing and enjoying how his boyfriend covered his embarrassed face with his sleeves. For Sanemi, that expression was priceless and he knew that Giyuu didn't care much but was embarrassed by it.
'You are upset? Come here!', Sanemi picked up Giyuu and once again sat him on his lap, lovingly kissing his neck as his fingers slid over his ribs.
'SHINAZUGAWA PLEASE!! IHIHIT TIHIHICKLEEEES!! WAHAHAHA!!! STAHAHAHAP!!! OHOHOHO GOHOHOSH!!! ENOUGH!! Nemi please!', Sanemi stopped and looked at Giyuu, gently caressing his cheeks and wiping away his tears of happiness.
'Ahh~ you're so mean...' 'Hehehe, I couldn't help it.' 'Did I tell you or not that they are adorable?' 'Eh?!', Sanemi and Giyuu looked behind them, Tengen was leaning against a tree while smiling.
'Am I interrupting something?' 'Hah?! We were waiting for you almost 2 hours! Where were you?!' 'I was with the Ubuyashiki and then I went to visit the Kamado siblings, I guess I didn't calculate the time. But, I guess you guys didn't care, right?', Giyuu and Sanemi were embarrassed, Sanemi would kill Tengen after that picnic, he definitely would.
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iloveubepancakes · 5 months
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Giyuu and Muichiro being sibling’s
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yourllocalaroace · 7 months
I hc Giyu as a RUTHLESS ler. He doesn’t actually use it a lot though, unless he needs to. For example, when a certain someone with white hair and scars stabbed Nezuko, he met a terrifying man he had never met before.
that being said, may I please request one of Sanemi’s encounters with said ler Giyu? If not that’s totally ok 😊
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Note: Hi Anon, I love the trope of the quiet, reserved character is actually a really evil Ler. So this was fun to write( ◠‿◠ )
Everyone in the Corp was aware of Shinazugawa’s temper, but no one could’ve expected him to go as far as to ignore a direct order the Master. 
‘You seriously expect me to believe that a demon that doesn’t eat humans exists?! What a joke.’ He lifted Nezuko’s box into air, before slamming it on the ground. With one foot on the box to keep it steady, he jammed his sword straight through the box, smiling when he heard the demon wail in pain.
Even Sanemi could except that what he did was wrong, but in his eyes it needed to be done, Even though he was heavily scoulded by the other hashira. 
‘Sanemi! Why would do such a horrible thing?’ 
‘Seriously. That was not flashy at all.’
‘You clearly don’t know how to act around the Master Shinazugawa. Maybe I ought to teach you.’
Great. Now they’re going to be nagging me. Whatever I don’t care.
 He sat outside his estate while eating some ohagi. Then he heard a noise. Someone was approaching. He stood up, Leaving his sweet treat on the ground. Then appeared the water hashira, Giyuu Tomioka. Sanemi rolled his eyes. 
‘If you’re here to complain about what I did, you can leave. I’ve already heard enough about it.’ 
Giyuu didn’t respond. But instead walked closer to his estate. Before Sanemi could blink he was standing in front of him. Staring at him with those blank blue eyes. ‘What do you want. And stop looking at me. It’s creepy.’
‘It really wouldn’t hurt if you just apologised.’ He finally spoke. 
‘And it really wouldn’t hurt if I didn’t. If you’re looking for sympathy I don’t have any, especially for a demon so get lost.’ 
Tomioka sighed. Short Tempered and stubborn. This wasn’t going to work. 
‘Fine. you leave me no choice.’ 
‘No choice? What’s a loner like you going to-‘ 
The black haired man had run straight at him, knocking  him to the ground. 
‘Argh! What the fuck!’ Giyuu sat on his thighs and swung an arm around him, straddling his waist and keeping pinned him to the ground.’Get off!’ 
‘If there was even a chance I would’ve done it before, it’s definitely gone now! Let me go!’ 
‘Fine.But just know this is your fault.’ He dragged one finger up the length of Sanemi’s sides. 
‘Ack- stop! What are you doing!’ 
‘So you are ticklish. Great, that makes my job easier.’
‘The hell are you talking abohohommmph!’ The wind hashira slammed his hand against his mouth, refusing to let even the hint of giggle free. 
‘I couldn’t hear that? What did you say?’ Tomioka asked, scribbling against his sides with passion now.  
‘hmmmphehehehpfttmhmhm!’ Sanemi cried out behind his hand. ‘Ahahahmmmphstahaha!’ 
‘Sanemi I can’t understand what you’re saying. Take your hands away from your mouth.’
‘Nohohohohpfft! Mmphhehehfahahck yohohohou!’ One hand remanined glued to his mouth, while the other tried to swat away the attacking fingers on his sides. However this only opened more Tickle spots, which Giyuu quickly took advantage of. He moved his hands up into his armpits, there was a screech and Sanemi used both his hands and slammed them against his sides meaning the giggles were able to escape freely. 
‘Nahahahaha! Fahahaahack Giyuu Stahahahap!’ 
‘I’m honestly surprised. It’s quite ironic how someone so aggressive can have such a sweet laugh.’  
‘Shuhuhuhut uhuhup!’
‘What? It’s the truth.’ 
‘AGH! Gihihihiyuu! Nahahahaht thehehere!’ The white haired man shrieked when he felt fingers travelling up and down his back.’Stahahahahap!’ 
Not there? Then about….here?’ He made his hands into claws and curled them around  Sanemi’s ribcage. 
NoHOHOHohoho! ThahaHAHAhahahts wohohOHOHohorse! ‘GeheheHEHEHehet ohOHOohohoff!’ 
‘I’ve already told you what you need to do to get me to stop.’ 
‘NoHOHOohoho! I’hihill neHEHEver!’ Sanemi almost couldn’t believe that the same Tomioka Giyuu who never spoke at hashira meetings and avoided the rest of them like the plague, was threatening him. 
‘Then I’m not stopping’
The way Giyuu said it in that monotone voice drove him up the wall. And he was sure that behind that blank expressionless face he was smirking slyly.
‘The fact you’re able to stay stubborn after what you did outstandes me. You disobeyed a direct order from the master, and stabbed Nezuko -a now proven innocent- demon.’
‘IhiIHIhi wahahahas juHUHUhuhst doing my job’
 ‘Since you’re insistent on being so stubborn…’ 
Tomioka reached down Sanemi’s uniform and scribbled lightly against his stomach. In response he got a loud screech from the wind hashira, he bucked his hips as loud, uncontrollable laughter spilled out of his lips 
‘GAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! GIHIHIHIHYUU STAHAHAHAHAHP!’ He cried out, attempting to kick Giyuu to get him off. 
The water hashira simply scoffed and easily dodged. ‘The only way you’re going to escape is by agreeing to apologise Sanemi, and you made it harder for yourself with your uniform. It makes it so easy to get to your worst spot.’ 
He hated Giyuu. He hated him even more than he hated demons. He could see behind those empty blue eyes that he was smirking slyly, enjoying being is his position. 
‘Are you ready to apologise?’ He still maintained that calm monotone voice, as if he wasn’t tourting  him.’
‘That’s rich coming from you.’ He dipped  a finger inside his navel and began scratching the walls of his belly button.
‘NOHOHOHOHOH STAHAHAHAHAHA- OHOHOHOHOHOKAY! OHOHOHOHOHOHOKAY! I’LL APOHOHOHOHOLOGISE!’ He finally gave in as he wanted this to be over as soon as possible. 
‘To the master AND to Nezuko?’ 
As promised Giyuu got off him and watched him curl up  into a ball and catch his breath. 
‘I swear Giyuu Tomioka you’re dead.’ But when he looked up, he was already gone. 
He never wanted to see that side of him again. 
Hope you enjoyed🫧🤍
Please send in requests!( ◠‿◠ )
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calicocatsarecute · 1 year
Hi!! Are requests still open?? If yes then could you write lee Muichirou with lers SaneGiyuu as Mui’s father figures??
OFC! I love SaneGiyuu and Mui, and them as father figures towards him! ( Dies internally) I’ve gotcha covered anon!
Muichiro was walking back from a mission. He missed both Sanemi and Giyuu greatly. He saw the couple as a comforting presence.
Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder. “Hey Squirt! How was your mission?” The wind Hashira asked.
Muichiro nodded as he clung to the older’s haori. He then looked around knowing that Giyuu was probably not far behind.
The Water Hashira was, in fact, right behind them. He smiled softly at the Mist Hashira.
“I’m glad you had a good mission Muichiro.”
Muichiro just smiled softly, putting his head down so they wouldn’t see it.
“Oi! Are you hiding a smile Mui?” Sanemi asked, a hint of teasing in his tone. “We can’t have that can we Giyuu?”
“Yeah, where’s our smiley Mui?” Giyuu teased as he pulled Muichiro closer to him, placing his hands on his sides as he started to scribble away.
“Wa- wahahihit! Ihihihi’m nohohot hihihidihing ahahanythihihing!”
“Don’t lie to us! We just know that you were hiding that cute little smile.” Sanemi teased, bringing his own hands down to scribble at the younger’s stomach.
“Nyahahahaha! Thahahat’s nohohot fahaihihir!” Muichiro squealed.
“But hey, atleast we get to see your cute little smile!” Giyuu teased the him.
“Ihihihihihihit ihihihihis nohohot cuhuhute!”
“Wanna try that again Mr.?” Sanemi asked as he changed to squeezing his hips.
“You know how to end this.~” The two older men said in sync.
The tickles stopped and they helped the teen catch his breath.
“Ready to go home?” Giyuu asked.
Muichiro nodded and they finished their hike back to the mansion.
__________________________________________ Sorry if it’s short, but I hope you still like it!
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shoto-chann · 2 years
Hi! Lee Giyuu, Muichiro and Ler Rengoku, Mitsuri or Lee Sabito, Giyuu and Ler Udokodaki plisss
You got it. Here you go 🙂
Never Say No
Demon Slayer
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Summary: Rengoku and Mitsuri invite Muichiro and Giyuu to a party, but the silent duo turn the invitation down. They quickly learn not to say no to Rengoku and Mitsuri
. . .
"This party will be the best one yet!" "Don't forget the flashiest!" "Who brought the sweets?" "Someone get Inosuke away from the pinata!" The Hashira, Tanjiro and his friends were running around, setting up for a party. All of them were celebrating just to decorate. No special occasion. Just to decorate. Everyone was partying, playing games, laughing, and having fun. Well... not everyone.
"Has anyone seen Tomioka?" Shinobu asked. "Come to think of it, Mr. Tokito isn't here either. Where could they be?" Tanjiro asked. No one but Rengoku and Mitsuri stopped and looked around. They both couldn't find either of them. "Well, could you two please find them and invite them? This is a party after all. And everyone should be here to have fun." Shinobu asked politely with a warm smile. "Of course, my friend! Let us go, Mitsuri!" The love Hashira nodded and followed Rengoku to find their friends.
Tomioka and Muichiro were just sitting somewhere outside, far away from where the others were partying. Both sat in silence and just stared into space. Rengoku and Mitsuri found them immediately and walked up to them. "Hello, my friends!" Rengoku greeted with his usual loud, upbeat and fiery tone and smile. Tomioka and Muichiro only looked at him, saying nothing. "Why aren't you guys at the party? Everyone is waiting for you." Mitsuri said.
"I'll pass." Tomioka said after a minute of silence before looking away. "Same here. I'll stay here." Muichiro agreed and looked away. "Are you saying no to our friendly invitation?" Rengoku asked with a hint of mischief in his tone. He looked at Mitsuri, who caught on to what he was doing and joined in. "Are you...saying no to us?" They inched closer and closer. Tomioka noticed this and inched farther away from them. Muichiro didn't have a clue on what was going on until he looked at Rengoku and Mitsuri. They were smirking and inching closer to them. The way that they were smirking, the way they were looking at them....
Muichiro finally caught on and tried to run for it. He remembered what would happen when he saw that look. He knew he was in trouble and he had to get out of there. Unfortunately, he didn't get far because Mitsuri caught him before he could take two steps. Rengoku managed to catch Tomioka after chasing him for a bit. Dragging him next to Mitsuri and Muichiro, Rengoku pinned Tomioka with one hand. "No, don't you dare, Rengoku." Tomioka tried breaking free of the flame Hashira's grasp, but had no luck. "Don't worry, my friend! You're not going to be first!" Muichiro silently whimpered. If Tomioka wasn't going to be first....
Before he could say anything, he yelped and started giggling at the sudden attack from Mitsuri as she started wiggling her fingers on his ribs. "Hehehehey! Nohohohohoho!" "Aww, Muichiro, you're even more ticklish than I remember! You must've gotten more ticklish! That's adorable!" Mitsuri teased. "Nohohohohoho! Plehehehehease! Stahahahap ihihit!" Muichiro squirmed trying to avoid Mitsuri's fingers, but she just moved everywhere Muichiro moved, tickling his ribs and staying in place as if her fingers were glued to that spot.
Rengoku decided to join in and squeeze his knees. Muichiro jolted and kicked as he started full on laughing. "Hahahahaha! Nohohohot thehehehehere! Nohohohot thehehehehere!" "Oh? Would you rather me go here?" Rengoku started attacking his hips. Muichiro screamed and nearly kicked Rengoku. "NAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NOHOHOHOT THEHEHEHEHERE! STAHAHAHAP IHIHIT!" "And why should I stop?" "IHI WILL GOHOHO TOHOHO THE PAHAHAHARTY!" Rengoku stopped tickling the young Hashira. But that didn't mean Mitsuri stopped. She just kept going.
Turning his attention to the water Hashira, Rengoku's eyes gleamed with that fiery mischievous look. The one that told Tomioka he was screwed. Before he could say anything, Rengoku started squeezing his sides vigorously, but gently. "Wahahait! Rehengohohohohohoku! Stahahahahahahap!" "Already? But I just started! I'm sure you can take more than this!" Rengoku started tickling his ribs and hips simultaneously. Tomioka tried covering his torso to stop the tickles. "PlehehEhehease! Stahahahahahahap! I'll gohoho! I'll gohoho toho the pahahaharty!" "We appreciate your cooperation! Unfortunately, your punishment is not over yet!"
"We need to be sure you really mean what you say." Mitsuri continued to poke and squeeze Muichiro's ribs, hips, sides, and tummy, keeping the mist Hashira in hysterics. "WEHEHEHE MEHEAN IHIHIT! WEHEHEHE *snort* PROHOHOHOHOMISE!" "Aww, you snorted! That's so adorable!" If Muichiro blushed at the comment. He never could take teasing very well. "What's wrong, Muichiro? Does this tickle? I bet it does. I bet it tickle tickle tickles when I poke your cute small little tummy and squeeze your little ribs." Muichiro's face turned another shade of red. Mitsuri was the meanest teasing ler he's ever met. She would tease and baby talk EVERY chance she got. "I wonder if you'll snort if my fingers were to tiptoe all the way to your baby tickle button." "NOHOHOHOHOHO! NOHOHOHOT THEHEHEHEHERE! AHAHANYWHERE BUHUT THEHEHEHEHERE!" Muichiro thrashed and kicked violently to get away. He knew exactly what she was going to do, and he couldn't stand it. Mitsuri started using two fingers to poke his tummy as she slowly made her way to his belly button. At times, she "accidentally" slipped just so she could drag her fingers across his tummy and start tiptoing to his belly button again. This drove Muichiro MAD. Every time she did this. That's why she's the second best ler of all the Hashira.
Tomioka wasn't fairing any better himself. His arms were down at his sides, protecting his armpits from Rengoku's fingers. Unfortunately, Tomioka trapped his fingers, so now he was trapped in a tickle trap. "REHEHEHEHENGOKUHUHUHU! GEHET YOUR FIHIHINGERS OHOHOHOUT!" "I would, but my fingers are trapped! You will have to raise your arms in order to set my hands free!" "I'M NOHOHOHOT FAHAHALLING FOR THAHAHAHAT!" "Then I guess my hands are forever stuck here!" Tomioka started crying from laughing so hard. He rocked side to side trying to wiggle out of this trap, but Rengoku kept inching his hands deeper and deeper into his armpits. "Come on, Tomioka! What would happen if a demon found your hilarious weakness?" "NOHOHOHOHOHO TEHEHEHEASING!" Rengoku laughed alongside Tomioka. "Tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle Tomioka! Hey, that was six T's in a row! Hahaha!" "NOHOHOHOHOHO MOHOHOHORE! PLEHEHEHEHEASE! REHEHEHEHEN!" "Hey, that's half my name!"
"Rengoku, we should let them breathe. After all, they need their energy for the party." "A great idea!" Both of them stopped the tickling. Tomioka and Muichiro took in much needed breaths of air. Rengoku and Mitsuri switched spots while the other two weren't paying attention. "Okahay, we're sorry for saying no." Muichiro said. Tomioka only nodded. "We appreciate your apologies, friends!" "You guys are welcome to come join the party with us!" Tomioka and Muichiro got up and started walking towards the party.
The two Hashira were once again pinned down, this time Rengoku pinned Muichiro, and Mitsuri pinned Tomioka. Without any warning, Rengoku started tickling Muichiro's tummy, and Mitsuri started tickling Tomioka's ribs. "We cannot let you go until you are properly punished!" "NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! PLEHEHEHEHEASE! I CAHAHAHAN'T TAHAHAHAKE IHIHIHIT!" "My my, Tomioka, you are extremely ticklish. How would you ever defend yourself from the other Hashira when your this ticklish? I'm barely touching you." "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! PLEHEHEHEHEASE!"
The tickling continued for five more minutes. "What do you think, Rengoku? Do you think they learned their lesson?" "I would say so, Mitsuri! These lees have definitely learned their lesson!" Both of them stopped tickling. Tomioka and Muichiro struggled to stop giggling and breathe. Eventually, their breathing steadied. "Are you two alright?" Mitsuri asked. The two giggling Hashira nodded, although Tomioka tried to play it off and be serious. "That's great! I thought you guys would need more convincing!" Rengoku and Mitsuri wiggles their fingers, causing Tomioka and Muichiro to back away. "Now, my giggly friends, please come with us to the party! Everyone is waiting there for us!" Tomioka and Muichiro nodded and followed Rengoku and Mitsuri to the party. And from that day on, they learned to never say no to two certain tickle monsters of the Demon Slayer Corps.
. . .
Author's Note:
I had a lot of fun making this fic. I love making lee muichiro fics since there's so little. There's a possibility I might even make a demon slayer headcannons
As always, dms and asks are always open. I'm open for any ideas you may have. And who knows, your idea could become a future fic
That's all for now. Until next time,
❄️🔥 shoto-chann 🔥❄️ out
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leafywhowritez · 10 months
Day 6: Chase
Lee: Giyuu
Ler: Rengoku
It was a really, just really boring day, perfect for Giyuu who was at the benches enjoying his food.
While Rengoku on the other hand, is spying on Giyuu and gasped a little when Giyuu smiled after a bite of his slimmered salmon.
Although it is a boring day, Rengoku was going to think hard to make Giyuu laugh.
“Hey Giyuu! I see you lonely right there! Wanna sit together?” Rengoku asked his fellow friend cheerfully.
If it was Sanemi, Muichiro, or Obanai receiving the message, it would automatically be yes. However, Giyuu is quite stubborn.
“Are you sure you’re gonna ignore me like that?” Rengoku got closer to him and realized that he could just do “the thing” he did to Muichiro.
Rengoku pinched his sides making Giyuu move a little. “Wahahait! Rengoku-San nohot when I’m eating!”
“Hmmm, nahhh you ignored me! Don’t you think that’s rude?” Rengoku replied and took his lunch away with scribbles on his ribs.
“I’M SOHORY! I’LL NEHEHEVER DOHO THAT AGAIN!” Giyuu broke out and ran away from Rengoku with the flame hashira faster than a cheetah.
“WAHAHAIT! PLEHEHEHASE! STAHAHAHP!” Giyuu begged when Rengoku pinned him during the chase.
“Nah, you’re having fun! Soooo,”
“YOUHOU ASKED FOR IHIT!” Giyuu broke from the pin squeezing his friend’s calf with him crying in laughter.
Well, Giyuu might not know Rengoku’s spots that well and hopes he doesn’t find out anymore.
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