sanya-is-me · 1 day
Some quotes from Robin Harris's «Talleyrand - Betrayer and Saviour of France»
«The relationship between Talleyrand and Napoleon was complex. Moreover, it evolved over time. It sometimes resembled a love affair, or perhaps a marriage, even if it never amounted to a friendship. It left its marks, and in some respects scars, on both men, but particularly upon Napoleon, who was more sensitive and more vain. Before 18 Brumaire, Talleyrand’s age, experience, sophistication and connections had given him a social edge over the young general. He even exhibited a quasi-paternal affection. Bonaparte, for his part, seems on occasion to have played on it. Sick in bed and learning from Napoleon that he was departing for Egypt without any money, Charles-Maurice told him to go and take 100,000 francs from his desk drawer. Some years later, Napoleon asked him what he had hoped to gain from this generosity and his Foreign Minister answered, perhaps even truthfully, that it was just an impulse. The (now) Emperor replied brutally that, in that case, it had been the action of a dupe»
«In his memoirs, Talleyrand speaks simply and persuasively of his early attitude to Napoleon: ‘I loved Napoleon. I was even attached to him as a person, despite his faults. At the start, I felt myself drawn towards him by that irresistible attraction that a great genius brings with him. His generosity had provoked within me a sincere gratitude. Why should I be afraid to say so?… I had enjoyed his glory and the reflections of it that fell on to those who assisted him in his noble task’»
«Charles-Maurice’s own letters, by contrast, reveal much of how he kept his grip on power: by the graceful insinuation with which he cultivated the great man’s favour. Thus, departing for his annual cure to Bourbonl’Archambault in June 1801, and conscious, it must be added, of the First Consul’s own fragile health, he wrote:
‘I leave with the sole but lively regret of going far away from you. The feelings that attach me to you and my conviction that the devotion of my life to your destiny, to the large vision that inspires you, is not useless to its fulfilment, have brought an interest to the care of my health that I never previously felt… Permit me to repeat that I love you, that I am afflicted at leaving, that I have the most lively impatience to come near you again, and that my devotion will only end with my life’
The following month, having heard that a parade had been cancelled, and surmising that the First Consul was seriously ill, Talleyrand wrote:
‘I cannot entertain the idea of seeing pain approach you, first because I love you, and after that because, being the person best equipped for all happiness, you would be the most pitiable of all if you saw before you a prospect of suffering against which force of character could do nothing, and philosophy still less… I do not like your library, you spend too long there. I believe it to be damp; ground floors do not suit you; you are made for the heights’»
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scripted-downfall · 3 months
I love how having only Xie Lian's perspective on TGCF does absolutely nothing to hinder the audience's understanding of what's going through Hua Cheng's head. My guy is not subtle At All about what's going through his head; Xie Lian is just such an unreliable narrator that it doesn't change anything about the story.
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ordinaryschmuck · 1 year
I want you to know that Lumity is adorable and their cuteness gives me life...
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But THIS is so much more amazing to me.
They were separated for years due to things not turning out as they’ve planned, only to now have a moment like this. A moment where they snuggle and just...be. It’s peaceful, it’s adorable, and it’s...perfect.
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lyra664 · 22 days
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She's dealing with it.
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spearmintpatty · 3 months
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An alternate reunion idea for when Steve breaks Bucky out of Zola’s lab in The First Avenger. My first Stucky fanart ever, hope you guys like it! 🙈
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kis-draws · 2 years
The disaster twins
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Idk if someone did this a long time ago so uhh oops lol
but I can tell that it's totally them
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tekitothemagpie · 11 months
"stop staring at me with those eyes!"
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"what eyes?"
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brinkmage · 1 year
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maryheart22 · 6 months
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Hello everyone, Finally finished with finals, so have time to draw again ^^ Anyways, take a drawing of my favorite demon boys for a Twitter trend based on a meme lol
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epickiya722 · 6 months
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The absolute sass radiating off these two.
Yuuji looks absolutely disgusted (I don't blame him), giving this mean glare, BOMBASTIC SIDE-EYE.
Meanwhile, Sukuna does not want to be there. This man really is crossing his arms and has his hands on his hips.
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lizshaw · 6 months
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Sylvester McCoy and Sophie Aldred on the set of Doctor Who (1988-89)
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volddraws · 8 months
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(I kinda picture this is what Rhys wanted to happen the first time he saw Feyre in night court clothing)
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thelunarfairy · 2 months
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skelodian · 3 months
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love this duo
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carolkinopf · 1 month
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esker tries to calm down marl only to discover the anger will linger for the rest of their lifes
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yreapwhatyasow · 9 months
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