#Kay Bee Cosplay
everyone in this match said: “Kay, so we’re all gonna cosplay as bees-”
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callmegkiddo · 2 years
they all binge watch the film theory videos (a fight broke out over the whole phone guy theory and kai just laughed)
Noxx is talking to Kai about his cousins about how back in his universe they all were game theory fans: Yeah, and Minny cosplayed as Pipachu once for a convention! :)
Copia hiding his face in Noxx's chest: <:C
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kaybee1301 · 7 years
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"Alright, I’ve got a secret A LoliRock star We’re on a magic quest Here comes the girls In a whirl out of nowhere Coming back to save the day" I officially have the best friends. We did a Lolirock group cosplay and look how cute we look. Omgosh. I love these girls. #BFF Really so glad it all came together it was so much fun. 😊 @teamlolirock thank you for creating characters who we love and adore.
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akaashisbabydoll · 4 years
Ummm can you do haikyuu reacting to their s/o getting their wisdom teeth out since I got mines out today in the morning
awww this is cute lmao i hope ure doing fine now <3 and thank u for the ask <3
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he' probably the one who took you to the dentist and been by your side
he always reminds you on why you should take that tooth out
a lot of chasing and hide and seek was happening before you finally gave in and said yes
when the dentist was done you're at the verge of crying and he's there holding your hand on your side "see? Its not bad?" And you replied "not bad? I look like someone who got attacked by bees" in a very graggy and incomprehensive way but your bf understood every word of what you just said
he scratched his nape and smiled brightly at you, "you are still the prettiest girl ive ever known tho, lets go grab an ice cream?" And you melted first before the ice cream
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he was so excited to know that you are going to the dentist willingly
before the big day you had a date and eat all the foods you wanted to eat
when the day arrived you were trying your best to show your brave side to him, he held your hand and said "I'll wait for you here, ok?" And kissed you on the forehead
when you went alone inside, suga ran off to the nearest convenience store and bought different types of ice cream in different flavors and asked the cashier to pack it with ice, he basically bought a mini diy fridge too
when you were done you saw him smiling carrying a some kind of a box, he walked towards you and opened it. "My cupcake deserves all the ice creams in the world. But i only found these. Hope it fits your taste."
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he's basically hesitant to go with you when you asked him to go to the dentist but ofc he's the type of boyfriend who'll give you anything that makes you happy so he said yes
the night before the big day he researched all the things a person should do right after they got their wisdom teeth taken out
when you saw each other the next day, you were so confused on why he looks like he was going to a battle, he got his game face on, you find it cute tho so you didnt mind at all
when the procedure was done you saw him looking so worried so you assured him that you are fine and there's nothing he should be worried about
"I'm hungry. Can we eat?" And he immediately took out his notebook and you saw whats written on his notebook, DO'S AND DONT'S AFTER WISDOM TEETH EXTRACTION, you giggled and just hugged him, he's so adorable you thought
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he laughs his ass of you when you showed how scared you were, thinking about taking your wisdom tooth out
he always talks about his experience when he got his tooth out and exaggerate it just to scare you off
when you were pouting so much trying to stop the scare he hugged you while laughing, you can feel his chest vibrate while hearing that hyena laugh of his
"Come on kitten you know i am just messing with you. I'll be there. Dont ya worry." He looked at you in the eye, leaned and whispered on your ear, "Besides we cant make out immensely if that wisdom tooth is on the way. Right?" And he winked at you.
somehow when the day came, you're not that scared anymore, yeah a bit but not as much as before, "Oh kitten got so motivated when I whispered something on her ear yesterday huh?" He teased you and you just smirked at him "You better show me all you've got mister" and you winked at him to backfire he's doing. "Oh shit" is the only thing he can mutter.
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he probably always point out on why you should take that wisdom tooth of yours, he's like a mom reminding you to set an appointment to the dentist
he always sends you link on what you should do and not do before and after your tooth got taken out
when you were both in the clinic he talked to the dentist, "Doc can you at least give an extra anesthetic to my girlfriend? Her pain tolerance doesnt even reach average. She's kinda stupid and she might impulsively punch you.", "YAKU! WTH?!" and the dentist just laughed at the both of you and you dont know why but you laughed too.
"Thats my girl." You stopped when Yaku said that to you. "Just relax, I'll just be here ok? You dont have to be that scared." And he kissed your knuckles.
"You got a good boyfriend right here." The dentist said. "Nahhh he's the greatest" and you smiled at Yaku.
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when he knew that you are planning to go to the dentist, he was very supportive to you
he always cheers you on and reassures you that everythin will be fine, and that he will always be there for you
"What kind of ice cream do you want to eat after? No chewing and no straws tho. Vanilla? Chocolate? Strawberry? Do you wanna go watch your favorite anime later? Do you want me to cosplay your fav character? Do you want me to give you my sweater while we're watchin your fav show?"
you got so excited to finish your appointment when he said all those things, you just want this to finish so you could cuddle and eat ice cream and watch your fav anime with your boyfriend with his sweater on
basically he got you motivated without him knowing because you know Kai has been always like that, thats why you fell in love with him, he's very caring
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writingtrashcan2-0 · 3 years
When Fantasy becomes Reality
Attending bookfairs was definitely not his favourite part of being an author. The obnoxious fans, women who did not respect his boundaries and a sore hand from all the notes and autographs.
What he liked however was to watch the many artists and cosplayers. Seeing his own creations come alive always felt megical to Kai, even after years of writing. And its by far not the same than seeing Actors taking on roles, there is something in the purity of fans that Kai liked a lot more.
On this particular weekend he noticed a familiar face in the crowd. A young boy of Asian decent, donning the suit of one of Kai's lesser known main characters. One of his favourites too.
Kai Hiwatari, known for his mystery and Crime Series of which some have even been adapted as movies, very much prefered the fantasy genre. Yet none of his fantasy Novels sold as well as the crime ones did and as a full time Author he turned most of his attention to the Series that brings in the money.
Or at least he did, by now he has reached the comfort of being able to choose what to write . And lately he published a Series about an avian boy in a partly-real, partly fantasy world who had lost his wings. The Series was all about finding ones place in life and regaining freedom, much like Kai's pown life had been.
He dearly loved Awi, and he was quite surprised to see his real life twin one day at a convention. Shoulder lenght blueish-black hair framing a round face with auburn eyes. Sunkissed Skin, but not to dark and a slender frame with stron shoulders. The Boy even wore the tattered clothes described as Awi's favourites in the first volume, complete with a structure on his back symbolising the broken of wings modeled with real feathers. Only the colour of said feathers was off.
The first few times Kai merely watched the boy, fascinated by the surreality of it all. But today, today Kai planned to talk to the boy. Simply because he once again ma´naged to not only catch the elders eye with his cosplay but because he somehow managed to rebuild the aritificial wings Kai had described in the last volume. Somethig that had cost him hours of research and feedback from actual engineers to construct. He was curious about wether or not they were actually movable.
Now he only had to wait for a moment of peace when teh boy was not surrounded by photographers who swarmed him like bees swarm their queen.....
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brondoesart · 5 years
Eight people I’d like to get to know better
So I was tagged by @utanoprinces​ and by @jam9821-newaccount​ . Thanks! thats really sweet of you guys
Name/Alias: my name is Bronwyn! I also go by Bee. My labels are usually MagicianBallerina or PineappleLight :)
Birthday: May 26!
Zodiac: Gemini
Height: 165cm/5′5″ ish
Hobbies: cosplayyyyyyy and also drawing and painting! but mostly cosplayyyyy
Favourite colours: mint, lavender, black and grey?
Favourite books: I don’t read often rip uhhhh Ouran and Cardcaptor Sakura are some of my favorite mangas, and @kiri-kay writes a lot of my favorite fanfics
Last song I listened to: I was showing my friend the kickass opening to The Promised Neverland this afternoon
Last movie I watched: Your name, for like, the 8th time oops
Inspiration: asdfdhhlkj hoo boy there are so many and off the top of my head I’m forgetting all of them uhhhhh..... Aoi Shouta means so much to me for his expression of gender, and his variety and excitement to try new things, and obviously his costumes... Sakizou illustrator makes the most beautiful and also ridiculous designs I’ve ever seen, someday I need to cosplay them. @utanoprinces is beautiful and sweet and really inspires me! and @aifister is hilarious and also absolutely gorgeous. KamuiCosplay, Cowbuttcrunchies, Tecanoshinju, Pannon, Wirru, and JoshuaHartDesign are all amazing cosplayers I adore and some of whom (teca and pannon) I’ve met and they were super nice and aaaaaaa
Dream career: It’s challenging to picture exactly what I want to do... I’m studying the process of design for characters, costumes, props, sets, ect, and it’s pretty fun but I’m not sure what exactly that will lead me to. Honestly my goal is live comfortably, do art, and have time for cosplay. Maybe I’m just pessimistic but that sounds like way too much to ask for if I’m honest.
Meaning of my URL: I like card tricks and I used to do ballet
Tag 8 people: I’ll be honest I’m not on here too much and I really struggle to remember names and the people I can think of were also the ones who tagged me sooooo I tried @aicouldstabmeandiwouldthankhim @kiri-kay @friendypon @butternubbin @odin-snakemuffin and I don’t remember if @kotobukink was already tagged
If you don’t want to do this then that’s cool. 
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ges-sa · 7 years
Cosplayer Of The Month August 2017 | Kay Bee Cosplay
New Post has been published on https://ges-sa.com/cosplayer-of-the-month-august-2017-kay-bee-cosplay/
Cosplayer Of The Month August 2017 | Kay Bee Cosplay
[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”26512″ img_size=”large” alignment=”right” style=”vc_box_circle”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_gallery type=”image_grid” images=”26522,26521,26520,26519,26517,26514,26513,26511,26510″][vc_column_text]Our Cosplayer of the Month for August 2017 is the lovely Kayla from Kay Bee Cosplay. Kayla is a Johannesburg based Cosplayer and I’ve always liked her attention to detail in her cosplays. Let’s find out a bit more about the lady behind Kay Bee Cosplay…[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Hi there lady! Tell us a bit more about the person behind the cosplay persona?
Hi! I’m Kayla. Bubbly, kind, enthusiastic and passionate about everything I do. By day I’m a 3D animator and character designer and when I’m not creating magic, I’m a full time fan girl.
How and when did you get started in Cosplay and why do you enjoy it?
I’ve always known about cosplay but didn’t know it existed in South Africa until I went to Geekfest in 2015. I was overwhelmed by the amount of cosplayers and I wanted to get involved too. So I promised myself for Geekfest 2016 I would do a full cosplay, wig, outfit, and the lot. I did it and I have been cosplaying ever since.
I love cosplay because it’s the one chance I get to be my favorite characters. It’s also another way for me to get creative and make new friends who are as passionate as I am about cosplay.
Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of cosplaying?
Yes! Lots in fact. I love to read and sometimes I write. I draw all the time since I’m an aspiring fan artist. Dancing is in my DNA. I began Irish Dancing at age 9, moving onto Latin and Ballroom when I was 18. During this time I also took up horse riding, really enjoying dressage. Now I figure skate. Oh… I forgot to mention, I also take art lessons.
We all know that cosplay has been become a very expensive hobby these days, do you have hints or tips for other cosplayers as far as cutting down expenses etc. are concerned?
Wise things I’ve learnt
Create a budget, that includes cosplay outfits for the year, convention entrance fees, transportation costs and a little bit extra for just in case.
Look for bargains. Sales come up all the time so keep an eye out, you may be able to snag a great deal on something you need.
Raid your cupboards for odds and ends you could use.
Remember you don’t have to go to every cosplay event and re-wear your cosplays.
What is the one thing that you try and avoid when making a new costume?
I try to avoid comparing my work to others. Since we live in a world where we have access to large volumes of content, it’s very easy to compare. I start a new cosplay with the mindset that this is my version of a particular character and I’m going to try and do it to the best of my ability.
Every Cosplayer has a favourite part of creating a costume or something they are really good at, what is yours?
I love 3D modeling my props.
Tell us about your most epic fail ever, whilst crafting a cosplay costume
It was the week before ICON 2017 and I was busy with Princess Talia’s top. I had to cut out a particular shape on the front panel. So I marked everything, pinned it all down and cut the shape out. Needless to say I cut the shape out of the front and back. I spent the next hour unpicking and replacing the back panel.
Which character do you consider to be your Holy Grail of cosplays?
I believe that each year I will have a particular character who I will consider my Holy Grail of cosplays. One that will put my creativity to the test. This year that character was Princess Talia from Lolirock.
Which international con would you really love to go to and why?
I’m going to be cliché but I would love to go to the San Diego Comic Con. It was the con that introduced me to the world of cosplay when I was 13. To go would be an incredible experience. I would look forward to all the cosplayers, the panels with my favorite creators and I would go on a shopping spree in the artist ally.
South Africa’s convention scene has been growing leaps and bounds over the last couple of years. Do you have any tips for the other cosplayers as to how to stay comfortable throughout the day?
Tips and Tricks
Get a good night’s rest. Cons are really not enjoyable when you’re super exhausted.
Take a bag, with water, snacks and an emergency cosplay kit in it.
Stop and take a break every few hours.
If you’re wearing heels, pack a pair of flats.
Take the season into account when planning your cosplay lineup. You don’t want to be freezing or overheating.
[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”26515″ img_size=”large” alignment=”center” onclick=”img_link_large”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1445504261410border-top-width: 3px !important;border-top-color: #aa71e2 !important;border-top-style: solid !important;”][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]Cosplayer Bio
Real name Kayla Bubb Cosplay name Kay Bee Cosplay Age 22 Current home town Johannesburg
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]Find Kay Bee Cosplay On Social Media
Facebook Kay Bee Cosplay Instagram KayBee Cosplay Twitter @kaybee_worx
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]Cosplayer Roulette
My favorite anime/manga is
Yuri!!! On Ice
Why do you like this particular title?
I love this anime with my heart and soul. There is just something about the characters and the storyline that had me hooked from the first episode.
Yuri’s story is inspiring and heartwarming. In many ways we are alike and I have never related to a character as much as I did with him. It brought back motivation I had lost and made me dream again. ”
My favorite platform to watch or experience my favorite titles is
Movies, TV Series, Books
Complete the sentence: I want to run after them and tell them that……
…………. if you can dream it you can do it.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”26518″ img_size=”large”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]
Pictures were supplied to GES-SA by the featured Cosplayer. We do not own these pictures so if you do, and you would like to us to add the credit please drop us a mail to [email protected]
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‘Life itself is the most wonderful fairytale of all.’
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If you missed my announcement post last week, you may not know that I am a co-host of a wonderful readathon that will be taking place from 11th-18th August. My co-hosts are BookTubers Sam, Becky, Erica and Jordan and I would love if you could subscribe to all four of their channels. They are all fantastic creators and their videos deserve a LOT of love!
Today’s post aims to give you some inspiration for your FairytaleAThon TBR. The challenges for this round are in the above image and I’ve selected a few books that fit each one, which you’ll hopefully be interested in. FairytaleAThon encompasses original fairytales, myths, folktales and retellings of them so the possibilties are almost endless! Here are my very best recommendations:
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1. THUMBELINA: Read a fairytale or retelling under 250 pages.
This very funny and sweet retelling of Cinderella is perhaps better known as a cute Anne Hathaway film but the source material is definitely worth the read. It follows Ella, who was given the curse of obedience by a fairy, when she was a baby. This means that she has to do anything that anyone tells her -fight monsters, let down her friends and even deny that she’s in love with the prince. However, there is a beautiful feminist resolution that is sure to delight modern fairytale lovers!
The story that inspired Frozen is over 200 years old but this beautiful new edition from independent publishing house Pushkin is worth picking up for the coverlust alone! The original tale is quite different to Disney’s version but it is still an epic story of love and loyalty in the harsh landscape of the snowy North. When a magic mirror breaks and curses Kay to be blind to all of the good in the world, he is taken by the Snow Queen and locked in her ice palace. It’s up to his friend Gerda to trek across the icy plains and rescue him and his frozen heart.
Inspired by Norse mythology, The Broken Sword is a dark high fantasy that has somehow been packed into just over 200 pages. Skafloc is a human boy who has been raised by elves amidst their war with the trolls. The elves require the use of the sword Tyrfing, which the mighty Thor broke in order to stop it destroying Yggdrasil -the tree that brings the earth, heavens and underworld together. Only the giant Bolverk can fix it and it’s Skafloc’s job to persuade him. As well as this huge undertaking, Skafloc also needs to face his dark changeling self! This is ideal for Tolkien fans who need a quick whimsical adventure in a strange land.
I’m aware that this is the second Christian Andersen Pushkin edition in this post but LOOK AT THEM! The Wild Swans is a little-known story about a princess whose 11 brothers are turned into swans by their evil stepmother. Despite being determined to break the curse, the stakes are high and huge sacrifices will need to be made to reunite the siblings. It’s a heartbreaking story about familial love and loyalty.
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2. GENTLE GIANTS: Read a fairytale or retelling over 500 pages.
This sci-fi retelling of Rapunzel is actually the third book in the Lunar Chronicles series. Although each book is a retelling of a different fairytale, the characters do overlap and therefore it is best to read them in order. The good news is that you have plenty of time before the readathon to read both preceding books -Cinder and Scarlet. The series is incredibly unique, quirky and funny with some truly shipworthy romances and madcap adventure.
Ok, so this may be cheating a little BUT what would FairytaleAThon be, if you didn’t dip into some classic original stories at some point? This Penguin Vintage Classics edition of the tales collected by the Brothers Grimm is a simple yet beautiful chunk of a book that I believe should be a staple in any fairytale lover’s library. Featuring the original gruesome versions of classics such as Hansel and Gretel, Little Red Riding Hood, Twelve Dancing Princesses and so many more, there is bound to be more than a few of these 279 twisted, disturbing stories that you love!
It was one of the biggest books of last year and its sequel is on its way next year. Children of Blood and Bone is inspired by the Orisha (deities) of West African mythology. It follows Zelie, a young girl with magical powers in a world where magic has been taken away and people like her are hunted by a tyrannical king. However now she is on a quest to avenge her dead mother and restore magic to her homeland. Followed by her brother Tzain, a rogue princess Amari and enemy prince Inan, this is a truly unique YA fantasy that I found completely unputdownable.
This prequel to The Wizard of Oz is best known as a hit West End and Broadway musical but the source material is also a fantastic read. Elphaba has been an outcast and persecuted all her life because of her green skin and this doesn’t change when she starts at Shiz University, where she meets the beautiful, queen bee Galinda. After a reluctant start, they soon form a friendship and band together with Munchkin boy Boq and quiet Vinkus prince Fiyero to put the injustices of their world to rights. Spanning over years of Elphaba’s life, Wicked features forbidden love, high-stake drama and challenges your idea of what evil really is.
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3. IF THE SHOE FITS: Read any fairytale or retelling on your TBR.
Of course you should use your own TBR for this challenge but I’ve chosen some popular releases over the last couple of years that just might be on your TBR anyway.
Not only is it a beautiful book but the story inside is truly captivating, bewitching and heartbreaking. This is a feminist retelling of the Greek myth of Circe, the sorceress living alone on the island of Aiaia with a talent for potion-making and a penchant for turning sailors into animals. In this version, Circe is banished to Aiaia by Zeus when he feels threatened by her unique brand of magic. There she develops her craft, tames the animals, grows herbs and even encounters travellers such as Daedelus, Icarus and Odysseus. After angering both mortals and gods, she needs to decide where she truly belongs to protect the thing she loves most. Madeline Miller is a gorgeous writer and Circe is a masterpiece.
Although not a fairytale or a retelling, The Hazel Wood has many fairytale elements and therefore, I feel it more than qualifies for FairytaleAThon. It follows 17-year-old Alice who has spent most of her life moving around with her mother because bad luck and disaster seems to follow them around. Alice’s grandmother is the author of a book of dark fairytales set in mysterious Hinterland. When her grandmother dies and her mother goes missing, Alice has almost nothing to go on. She teams up with classmate Ellery Finch, who also happens to be a superfan of her grandmother’s stories, to find her mother and discover the secrets of her grandmother’s creation. It’s the perfect remedy if you’re craving some fast-paced, whimsical action. THE SILENCE OF THE GIRLS BY PAT BARKER
Ok so it’s ANOTHER Greek myth retelling but this is another book that should really be on your radar.  The Silence of the Girls tells the story of the women affected by the Trojan war, who have been largely ignored by the original myth. It focuses primarily on Briseis, a Trojan queen who became a concubine to Achilles after he murdered her husband and brothers. Her life in the Greek camp is a world away from the one she led in Troy and she is now a slave to the army. When commander Agamemnon wishes to claim Briseis as his own prize, she finds her fate entirely at the mercy of the two most powerful men of Greece as the war wages on. It’s an engaging accessible version of the story with some lovely female friendships, intricate and illicit romances and an ending that will definitely touch your heart.
This quirky, nerdy YA romance is enormous fun to read! Vegan food-truck worker Elle is a superfan of hit sci-fi series Starfield, a love she shared with her late father. When a cosplay competition is announced to celebrate the upcoming movie reboot, Elle has to enter. The prize is a ticket to the Cosplay Ball at the fandom’s convention ExcelsionCon and a meet and greet with the new Prince Carmindor. However, when it’s announced that the role will be played by teen idol Darien Freeman (who her stepsisters are obsessed with) Elle isn’t hopeful he’ll do the part justice because surely a pretty boy actor doesn’t know the first thing about Starfield, right? Told through the viewpoints of both Elle and Darien via alternating chapters, it’s full of dramatic irony and the subtle similarities to the story of Cinderella are so fun to pick out. Our group book for this round is its recently released companion The Princess and the Fangirl, so what better reason to pick up Geekerella if you haven’t already?
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4. CREATURES OF THE DEEP: Read a book with mermaids, sirens or sea monsters.
As this is a summer round of FairytaleAThon, my co-hosts and I decided that we wanted to dedicate a challenge to stories that feature cool blue waters. We agreed that this book doesn’t have to be a fairytale, folktale or retelling; it just has to feature a mythical aquatic creature.
This dark retelling of The Little Mermaid sees Princess Lira as a ruthless collector of princes’ hearts. However, when she kills a fellow siren, the Sea Queen punishes her by turning her into a human and taking away her singing voice. She needs to bring back the heart of Prince Elian in order to return to the sea. Prince Elian is himself a siren-hunter and when he rescues a drowning Lira, she promises to help him destroy all sirens but of course, she has her own motives for getting close to him. Although I’ve seen mixed reviews for this book, I really enjoyed it for the concept. Lira is a much more powerful, more formidable figure than Ariel and the story is much more brutal. I’d definitely recommend it for anyone who feels like Ariel deserved more.
The Pisces is an incredibly strange novel about Lucy who has recently split from her long-term partner and is lacking inspiration for her thesis. In the hopes that it will help her forget her problems, she agrees to spend the summer in LA, looking after her sister’s house and foxhound. While there, she goes on a string of grisly Tinder dates, attends a therapy group for love addiction and falls in love with a mysterious but gorgeous surfer dude… who appears to have scales over the entirety of his lower body… It’s funny, it’s weird, it’s sad in parts but it’s also somehow bloody brilliant. Be warned that there are some pretty graphic sex scenes, so perhaps avoid it if you’re sensitive to that!
This is a wonderfully charming magical realism book following Mara and her family, whose island is surrounded with magic and stories. When tragedy strikes her family, Mara finds solace in enigmatic Pearl who introduces her to a new way of life and possibilities she never dreamed of. Torn between the traditions of her island and the ever-changing course of the sea while still haunted by the past, Mara needs to decide which is the best path for her to take. Kirsty Logan is a lyrical genius so if you like beautiful imagery and strange diverse storylines, The Gloaming is a great choice for you.
Set in the 18th century, The Mermaid and Mrs Hancock is a beautifully written and surreal read that will appeal if you’re looking for a more literary, social history-led mermaid book. Merchant Jonah Hancock learns that one of his captains has sold his ship for what is apparently a mermaid. Naturally this piques the curiosity of the area and he is soon thrown into upper class circles, where he meets the beautiful, accomplished Angelica Neal. Soon enough, both of their lives take a new course at a high price. It’s a pretty big book so I wouldn’t necessarily recommend it if you’re not already a historical fiction reader but it’s definitely a unique story of obsession and intrigue with bags of wit.
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5. TRY THE GREY STUFF: Read with a yummy treat.
Naturally, your choice of reading snack is ENTIRELY your choice but these are four of my favourites to get your tummy rumbling!
The perfect treat for a hot day. Just don’t let it drip onto the pages!
Is there anything more tasty than a plate of warm, gooey, freshly baked cookies? Pretty sure there isn’t!
If your book is painting beautiful cinematic images in your mind or the drama is getting a little tense, you might want to grab some popcorn to add to the experience. MOZZARELLA STICKS
Possibly my favourite savoury snack ever. A few mozzarella sticks dipped in sweet chilli sauce is simply delicious!
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6. A WHOLE NEW WORLD: Read a fairytale or retelling with a diverse character.
This bisexual retelling of Cinderella is one of my favourites ever. Ash dreams of being taken away from her miserable life with her stepmother by fairies so when she meets handsome but dark fairy Sidhean, she thinks her life is about to change. Then she meets beautiful huntress Kasia and begins feeling things she hasn’t felt in a long time. But how can she choose between true love and her fairytale escape? It’s sexy, enchanting, incredibly intense and I absolutely devoured it.
This was our group book for the last round of FairytaleAThon, so if you joined us then, there is a good chance you’ll have already read A Curse So Dark And Lonely. It’s a recently released Beauty and the Beast retelling which has been getting a lot of hype in the book community. It follows Harper, a teenage girl living in Washington DC with her ailing mother and dismissive older brother. When she intervenes in a street incident, she finds herself being pulled into Emberfall, a broken kingdom ruled by Prince Rhen, who has been cursed to relive his 18th year until a girl falls for the vicious beast he has become. With evil forces at work, Harper and Rhen need to defeat more than a curse to save the people of Emberfall. Harper has cerebral palsy and as a result, she has developed a strength and feistiness that I don’t think I’ve ever seen in YA fantasy. It’s a must read for anyone who loves cursed hearts, easy-to-root-for characters and page-turning tension.
The first in the Wayward Children series of novellas, Every Heart A Doorway is the perfect twisted fairytale. The premise explores what happens to the children who have been to magical lands on their return to the real world. Ever-changed by their experiences, they are often take to Eleanor West’s Home for Wayward Children, where everyone is seeking a door to the fantasy world they’ve left. When Nancy arrives, darkness and tragedy are just around the corner. There are asexual and transgender characters, multiple ethnicities represented as well as plenty of dark whimsical adventure. It’s certainly a strange little series but once you start it, you’ll be hooked.
A retelling of an Arabian Nights story, The Wrath and the Dawn tells the story of the young king Khalid who murders a new wife every night. When her best friend becomes one of the slain, Shahrzad volunteers to be his next bride with every intention of not being the one who ends up dead. Through the power of storytelling, she survives night after night and inexplicably finds herself falling in love with Khalid, who appears to be nothing more than a tortured soul -much like the rest of his palace which seems to have more than a few secrets. It’s a novel full of tradition, elegance and fantastic world-building. You’ll definitely get swept up in this one!
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7. RAGS TO RICHES: Read the group book.
Our group book this round is The Princess and the Fangirl and I can’t wait to dive into it! It’s set in the same fandom as Geekerella but is not a direct sequel, so you can technically read it if you haven’t read the previous book. It follows fangirl Imogen who is on a mission to save her favourite Starfield characters Princess Amara from being killed off. However Jessica, the actress who plays her, is desperate to shake off the pressure and intensity from the fandom and would actually quite like to bow out of the series. I don’t want to know too much more about it but I know it involves an F/F romance and I’m guessing there’s a case of switching places or mistaken identities at some point, given that it has been touted as a retelling of The Prince and the Pauper. I am INCREDIBLY excited for this one and I hope you’ll be picking it up too!
Hopefully I’ve given you some ideas for your own TBR. I’ll be posting my own next week, so look out for that. This round looks like a good one!
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Don't usually do too many of these (I'm lazy as hell lol) but what the hell, I'm feeling generous. Tagged by my lovely sister-from-another-mister @headoverhiddles 💖
Nicknames: Sabine, normally. I prefer it to my real name lol
Zodiac: Scorpio
Height: 5'8"
Last movie I saw: Reservoir Dogs (rewatched, technically. Absolute fave 😍) - and Spiderman: Into The Spider-Verse. Cute film 😊
Last thing I Googled: cosplay reference for Ella Lopez in Lucifer
Favourite musician: I have, like, a LOT. Currently its between Alien Weaponry, Heilung, Bloodywood and The HU.
Song stuck in my head: Wolf Totem by The HU. Good god, that song has some RAW power!
Other blogs: had one for smutty confessions about actors, but that died :/ @xratedactorsecrets
Do I get asks: almost never, but I answer what ones I do right away!
Following: a shit ton of people lol
Amount of sleep: usually as much as I can, about 9-10 hours
Lucky number: dunno if it's lucky, but its always been either 23 or 56
What I'm wearing: oversized Disney Villain Queens nightshirt and purple Snoopy shorts :p
Dream Job: working a horror convention as a volunteer looking after guests
Dream trip: all the horror cons everywhere in the world! Particularly the UK, Canada and USA
Favourite food: Mac n cheese, hands down. Or katsu chicken on rice
Play an instrument: learned the recorder at school, later tried cello for about three months. Sucked at cello majorly, but got to play bass recorder eventually which I thought was badass at the time lol
Languages: besides English, I have some basic grasp of Japanese and Spanish still
Favourite songs: Stuck In The Middle With You by Stealers Wheel, Kai Tangata by Alien Weaponry, Yuve Yuve Yu/Wolf Totem by The HU, Krigsgaldr by Heilung, Havana (Spanish version) by Camila Cabello and Daddy Yankee, Ari Ari by Bloodywood and Valentine by 5SOS.
Random fact: I'm super afraid of bees, but only if they get close. Even before I got stung 😅 but I firmly believe we need our little bee buddies even more than they need us, so as long as I'm gar away we get on great! 😛
Describe yourself with aesthetics: Jeez I'm bad at this 😛 black lace, black feathers, warm summer evenings, Old West saloons, skulls, dark abandoned hospital hallways, cryptids, the sound of distant drums, whispers of an unknown creature's tail echoing behind oneself, the taste of rich dark plum, cherry and chocolate, the warmth of rum chasing down inside, pumpkins glowing, special characters (Gir, Ed from Ed Edd n Eddy, Cheese from Fosters Home etc), fire.
Tagging: @kuranes-parnassus, @taneleertivan-thecollector, @mysticaltimemachinewench, @castles-crushes, @adoctoraday24
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fliroye · 4 years
Kyoshin-Kai Highschool is a fan school made for the Haikyuu fandom, if you are interested to join please message me on Instagram by the same username.
Currently has 16 members!
Killer Bee Members (boys' team): Shiawase Akaji and Atae; Ichihara Furuya; Kouichi Watari; Hiroki Kikomoto; Kazue Kiyoshi; Hakushima Yomi;Yoroshi Atari; Saito Taiyou
Bumblebee Members (girls' team): Kirei Matsuhiko; Kiyomi Nakamura; Oikawa Tori; Furukawa Suzume; Ueshiba Yo; Tanoshime Fuyune
Coach: Kasumi Satomi (fem)
(Apologies if I didn't include everyone)
Akaji and Atae are identical to the very end, every edge of them seems to be reflected, to the point Atae just packed his hair to the back side to avoid confusion
Furuya took care of Kazue just like Kuroo took care of Kenma
Furuya and Kazue works part-time together at a little flower shop, occasionally bringing the girls flowers
surprisingly, the flower scents stayed on Furya much more than Kazue, leaving him to smell like fresh flowers All. The. Time.
sweat mixed with flowers does not smell nice. 0/10
Atari is extremely good with animals, to the point he doesn't know how or why. Once the team when camping up a mountain and was attacked by a snake, one look at the boy and the serpent was already slithering happily up his arm like a pet. that didn't mean the snake was flinged away by the frantic male though
Kazue cosplays and goes to con. it's one of the only forms he will be happy to show himself in.
Akaji went for the "bad boy" look, but is softer than cream cheese on the inside
Kazue totally did not manage to convince Akaji to cosplay and go to cons and Akaji totally did not got extremely hooked
Kirei blew a giant guitar solo when the team won this huge match
Being the little sister of the Oikawa Tooru, it is only natural for her nosy brother to be protective and clingy towards Tori. Oinky tried to sneak inside Kyoshin-Kai to see his lil sis on her first day, only to get his ass kicked outside.
Oinkawa never approved of the Killer Bee boys. "You should have come to Aoba Johsai," he would say. So much for rivalling Ushijima
Akaji was always amazed when Tori blew her serves. he made it his first priority to match his kills with the skilled setter's, being ambitious
Kikomoto always had a soft body no matter how hard he trained. he gets quite self-conscious about it but after some comments on how he's extremely warm and cuddly he eventually takes it was an advantage! omg this boi is s o f t we must protecc
Ah yes, tall, intimidating players who are actually softer than cheese cake and violent dwarfs howling inhuman screams
Taiyou has silky silver hair, long and always flowing gracefully by him whenever he goes. It's just soft, like super soft. 🥺 bby
Sike you think Kazue would give up the opportunity to dress him up as Zen from MysMes-
Yomi and Furuya totally did not planned to cut it off and sell it at least twice
Due to his oversized fanclub, confessions to Yomi was a pretty normal occurrence. Though, ironically, he once had to let a girl down gently while praying that his earphones weren't playing Let Me Down Slowly by Alec Benjamin too loud
Taiyou is constantly getting pushed to girls' hangout, being told that he's a "good mannequin" and has to sit through hours of torturous treatments, mostly experiments that the females don't even know if it works or not
Yomi's Snapchat is filled these super aesthetically pleasing pictures from is modelling agenda, but if you scroll down far enough, there might be some slime asmrs or "me n the bois" pics that were many's nightmares and monsters for years
Fuyune is normally a reserved person. She never seemed to just ever get mad. So of course the gremlins put a bet to see who can annoy the poor gal and oh boy the gym's windows never shook harder that day
After screaming she had a sore throat for days and was unable to speak. They almost tried to piss her off again but took pity. Kikomoto totally did not educate them like a good dad
Coach Satomi would always award the teams with a filling meal at hear house. her cooking is like a gift from heaven to be honest.
Coach totally did not once got carried away and shoved beer to the boyst faces
Cute fluffball coach with her sweaty stinky volleyball dork-children hugs are best fite me😤👌
And that concludes the end of part 1! Part 2 will be focusing on the gorls a lil more, please be patient!!
- admin fli
Characters belongs to: nasi.goyenk; alohaloaa; sap.ling_studio; poritora; bagofdoritos_; r0seoc; chaoticcopic; ta32y; and me
All admins are on Instagram
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