#Jack x Nina
insomniac-shado · 2 months
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Some more moodboards requested by ppl on tiktok >:3
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bloody-spider77 · 2 months
Clockwork can easily handle not seeing Toby for as long as possible due to him being a proxy, he goes on longer missions that can last months and months on end so she's used to it but if Nina doesn't see Jack at least once a day, she will go insane.
"I MISS MY MAN, CLOCKY!" - Jack was busy tending to Jeff after he fucked up on a mission
"Tell me about it." - Toby's been out on a mission for 8 months straight with no contact
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Jack Bauer + Choking as a "love language" 🩵
S02 E05 12:00 P.M. - 1:00 P.M. //
S05 E15 9:00 P.M. - 10:00 P.M. //
S07 E03 10:00 A.M. - 11:00 A.M.
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starg8rocks · 3 months
Jack & Nina || Can't Catch Me Now
“I'm here, I'm there, I'm everywhere. But you can't catch me now ..” 
HD makes it pretty :) 
 Hello, everyone! :)
 Almost 4 months into the new year and I've FINALLY posted a new video. I'm sorry it's been such a long time since my last upload. My life has been a bit busy which has made time for editing difficult. 
Sense it's the year 2024, I figured it was perfect to have my first video of the year be the show that got me into editing in the first place, 24! 
 Guys, this show means the world to me. It's honestly changed my life. Forever grateful. 
These two characters inspired me to edit. I think my edits with then end up being some of my best work. Their complicated relationship is so incredibly fun to edit with. When I first heard this song, I immediately thought of Jack & Nina. It tells their story perfectly!
 Hopefully, I'll have time to edit more often and other fandoms :) 
 Thank you all for sticking with me. It means a lot! :)
 I hope you all enjoy! :)
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darkpeacemusic · 2 months
My EJ x Nina Headcanons (BC they are my new Creepypasta OTP now)
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EJ and Nina were actually high school sweethearts before Jack got sacrificed.
They had the same English class together and they were forced to be partners for a project.
They didn't seem to fond with each other at first mostly because Jack was a bit of a quiet new kid.
However, slowly but surely they started to get to know each other and really got along as they had the same interests in music.
Jack fell for Nina first because he loved her sweet, bubbly personality but Nina fell harder for Jack.
During their freshmen and half of their sophomore year, Jack and Nina became best friends and often sat together during lunch even sometimes hanged out together at the bus stop after school (when Nina didn't have cheer practice or out cheering).
By the end of their sophomore year, Jack asked Nina out on a date to which Nina happily accepted.
Their relationship would last until they were seniors where Jack would get kidnapped and sacrificed by Jenny (who was jealous of Nina for "taking Jack from her") and her friends while on his way to pick up Nina for prom.
After hearing the news about Jack being presumably dead, Nina cried so hard and never stopped grieving over her love. His presumed death would be one of her reasons she would eventually snap.
Nina is one of the things Jack never forgot about. When he first came to the Slender Manor, he would spend days wondering whatever happened to his love.
They would later reunite years after Nina would escape the mental asylum for killing the ones who sacrificed her love.
They would rekindle their relationship after that and are still in a very happy relationship.
They don't go one day without seeing each other whether it's via video call or when Nina goes to visit the Slender Manor.
Nina often calls Jack "Jacky", "My love", and "Babe".
Jack calls Nina "Sunshine", "Sweetheart", and "Beautiful".
Nina respects that Jack is asexual and doesn't want to have kids.
Whenever Jack comes over to visit Nina in the Splendor Manor, Nina loves to bake with him and show him her newest Squishmallows.
They have promise rings from their junior year that is silver with each other's names carved on them.
Jack would sometimes try to do Nina's hair and is secretly jealous of how long and beautiful it is.
Jack loves to playfully chase Nina around and Nina doesn't mind it one bit.
Jack is big spoon while Nina is little spoon.
Nina still has nightmares from when Jack got kidnapped and sacrificed and calls Jack on the phone to comfort her whenever Splendor, Nathan, or Sally are still asleep.
Jack plans to one day engage to Nina and get married with her (he's just trying to save up enough stolen money to get the rings).
Their ship name according to Jeff and LJ is "Jacna". Jack thinks it's ridiculous while Nina thinks it's cute.
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You were my best mistake
Nina knew the rules and stuck to them because she cared about keeping her life, so despite having been sent on countless missions that revolved around seducing men to gain their trust, she had never once let her feelings compromise her missions.
Not until Jack.
Read it on Ao3 here.
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skinwalker-bratz · 2 months
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authormeat · 10 months
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Quite The Party
They are there for business they promise
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mouschiwrites · 7 months
Creepypasta/MH - Going To Sleep With Them
Characters: Eyeless Jack, Jeff the Killer, Nina the Killer, Clockwork, Jane the Killer, Brian/Hoody, Tim/Masky
Eyeless Jack
He goes to sleep pretty early; he’s in bed no later than 8 PM
But he gets up in the middle of the night for… feeding purposes
He tries to be discreet, keeping a close eye on your sleeping form as he slips out of the sheets and out the window
He won’t kiss you goodbye, he really doesn’t want to disturb you
But he’ll gaze longingly at you right before he drops from the windowsill to the ground
When he comes back, he makes sure to wash up thoroughly before getting back in bed
If you don’t wake up at the sound of the shower running, you will when he crawls in next to you
He smells nice and clean, completely void of the irony tinge of blood
If he’s upset he won’t touch you, he’ll just curl up on the far edge of the bed, trying to make himself small and unnoticeable
He’ll squirm away from your touch if you try to comfort him
He just needs to feel alone for a while
But if he’s not upset, he’ll curl around you
He clings to you like a koala, pressing his cheek against you
He’s not very warm, but his skin is soft from showering
Plus, as mentioned earlier, he smells nice :)
Once settled, he won’t move until morning
Jeff the Killer
He has no sleep schedule
When he’s tired he’ll conk out on the bed, barely bothering to change clothes
He’ll take off his hoodie and maybe his jeans, but that’s about it
If you happen to be in bed at the same time, he’ll cuddle up to you
You better hope that he’s showered recently, because he doesn’t see sleeping as an “occasion” to shower for
He likes to have your head on his chest with his arm around you
The pressure comforts him
Plus it allows him to sprawl out a little, which he likes a lot
He isn’t the type to curl up when he sleeps, he goes full starfish if space allows
He also moves in his sleep
You might wake up to him smacking or kicking you, or even shoving you to the edge of the bed
It’s unintentional, but if you mention it to him he thinks it’s hilarious
He will get upset if you actually try to sleep somewhere else, though
Even if you’re not touching, knowing that you’re near helps Jeff feel peaceful while he sleeps
Fortunately he’s not a blanket hog, so at least you have the blanket to yourself
He can sleep blanketless even in the dead of winter
He might crawl under the covers at first, but he manages to wiggle out of them by the time he wakes up
Nina the Killer
She goes to bed whenever you do
But if she’s really tired, she goes to bed by herself, telling you that she’ll be waiting whenever you’re ready to join her
She loves to cuddle
She doesn’t care what position, she loves them all
Her favorites are the ones where she gets to wrap her arms around you though
Kind of like Jeff, she does move a lot in her sleep
But instead of pushing you away, she tries to get closer
She still might end up hitting you, but it’s in an attempt to hold you
If you mention it to her she’ll laugh, but she actually feels pretty bad
She’ll sadly say she understands if you want to sleep somewhere else :(
She has so many pairs of cute PJs and old T-shirts to sleep in
She usually tries to get ready before bed, but if she’s not in the mood she’ll just conk out in her clothes
At least she’s not stinky like Jeff though, she actually wears deodorant and sometimes perfume
You might wake up with makeup smeared on you/the pillows
She generally tries to go to bed around a set time, but if she’s busy she’ll stay up
You can’t coax her to bed if she’s busy, but she’ll gladly come if she’s not
She’s pretty chill when it comes to cuddling
She will if you want to, but she’s fine if you don’t
Unless she's had a nightmare, then she does prefer to cuddle
Or if she's not in the mood, then she'll flat-out refuse
She likes to be the big spoon when you do cuddle
She's pretty warm, which is always nice in the colder months
She's eerily still when she sleeps
It's almost like she dies for a few hours
Unfortunately that means that if you need to get up and you're cuddling, you are trapped
You'll have to wake her up if you want out
She'll just grunt and turn to the other side of the bed, then proceed with her stone-still slumber
Which means you won't be cuddling anymore when you get back :(
She always changes her clothes before she goes to sleep
Even if it's just a T-shirt, she makes an effort to sleep in different clothes than the ones she wore during the day
Jane the Killer
You can tell she's getting ready to go to bed when you hear her showering
She's a night shower person, and she always showers before she goes to bed
She'll change into nice PJs and climb into bed, smelling clean and feeling soft
Unless she has... plans... for the evening, she sticks to a specific bedtime
She likes to have you in bed with her, but she won't force you to adhere to her schedule
She isn't a huge fan of cuddling, she prefers to just know you're there
She might reach out and rest her hand on you during the night, just to reassure herself
She won't object if you decide to hold her hand
If she's out for the evening, she looks forward to coming home to you
She doesn't like to sleep during the day, so she'll just take however much time is left in the night to sleep in bed with you :)
Her favorite thing ever is to climb under the covers and see/hear you sleepily acknowledge her before drifting back off
It makes her feel seen and loved
Also, she always kisses your hand before she goes to sleep
No matter how tired or upset she is, she never forgets
He doesn't go to bed until very late at night
You're usually in bed before he is
But that's the way he likes it; he loves knowing that you're waiting for him whenever he's ready to sleep
He'll slip under the covers silently, wrapping himself around you and allowing your bodies to melt against each other
If you wake up while he does this, he'll apologize and kiss your cheek before telling you to go back to sleep
He usually changes into different clothes to sleep, but sometimes he forgets
You can always tell when he forgets; his clothes reek vaguely of earth and sweat
He doesn't move a whole lot in his sleep, but when he does move he'll try to keep physical contact with you
Sometimes he'll literally heave you over him so that you're on his other side and he can keep cuddling you
He's a pretty lonely guy, and he sees sleep as his solace
Having you to hold makes him feel like he's not really alone
If he wakes up in the middle of the night and you're gone, he'll get up and find you
Once he finds you he just waits, rubbing his eyes and yawning until you go back to bed
He does not sleep often
Or well
Sleeping next to him is both nice and a nuisance
For one, he tosses and turns constantly, and when he finally drifts off, he usually wakes with a start not even two hours later
He gets nightmares almost every night, which makes him anxious to fall asleep
You'll probably end up getting only a little more sleep than him
On the other hand, he does like to hold you
It calms his nerves when you're in his arms, so he'll hold you against him while he tries to get some rest
Sometimes he doesn't even try to sleep, he just stares into the darkness with you in his arms
He presses a kiss on the top of your head when his anxieties start to get to be too much
It's honestly more refreshing than sleep for him
But if he falls asleep while holding you, be prepared to be jumpscared when he suddenly sits up with a gasp
He'll apologize, but it won't sound all that sincere
He's more occupied trying to calm himself down
He doesn't bother to shower at night because he wakes up in a cold sweat too frequently, so he prefers to shower in the morning
He tries to change clothes before bed so that he doesn't smell too bad though
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Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed :) take care my sweethearts <33
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crushedsweets · 4 months
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familiar-anonymous · 1 year
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Jesper : *starts rambling*
Wylan : *starts kissing*
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eldritch-nightmare · 8 months
Can you make a scenario about how the pastas would react after an argument? Like, if the reader left to get some fresh air? (I crave angst)
a/n: indeed i can my friend here's a healthy amount of (very mild) angst just for you. i'm so totally gonna use this idea in a future chapter for the silly lil scenarios book as well because uh angst. maybe the prompt got away from me just a little bit i won't lie.
how do they react after an argument?
includes: jeff the killer, laughing jack, slenderman, nina the killer, eyeless jack, jane the killer, candy pop, clockwork, ticci toby, nurse ann, x virus, kagekao, jason the toymaker, the puppeteer, homicidal liu, sully, the bloody painter, the doll maker, zalgo, and hobo heart.
warnings: the aftermath of an argument, relationship disputes, some of these are healthy and some of these are not, inconsistent length.
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JEFF THE KILLER would honestly be more upset if you walked out after an argument. he's already upset enough as it is, so you turning your back to him and storming out just makes his blood boil. he won't follow after you, but he'll definitely disappear for the next few days. he really isn't the best at resolving arguments, no matter how small they are. and unless he really fucks up, then he isn't going to apologize even if he is in the wrong. he's jeff the fucking killer, what the hell does he have to feel sorry about? you should consider yourself lucky that he didn't gut you for pissing him off.
if you want to have any form of resolve to this argument, you'll have to force the conversation because he will actively try to shut you down. he can't. he literally can't. resolution is not something he is good at, and unless you're the one to apologize, even if you aren't the one who is at fault, he's just not going to let any of this resolve. does that make him an asshole? yeah, it does. does he feel guilty? just a little. does that change anything? no, not really.
LAUGHING JACK, similar to jeff, would feel more upset over you walking away from the fight rather than the fight itself. he can come off as pretty scary during an argument, especially if it's one where he feels like he's in the right. he gets frustrated easily, and he's just overall a very expressive person, so. and he can get pretty fucking mean if he wants to, so yeah honestly you needing to walk away makes complete and total sense and he knows that it makes sense but that doesn't make him any less upset.
he'll just blame it on his abandonment issues or something because seeing you leave just to go and calm down should not have hurt as much as it did. and he debates going after you but he ultimately decides it would be best if he didn't. he wants to resolve this though, and he'll try but it'll be painfully awkward because, i mean, yeah.
SLENDERMAN is, by default, a pretty scary being the begin with so i imagine an argument with it would be pretty unnerving. it isn't used to people arguing with it, that's for sure. i think it would be more amused than upset, seeing such a small being stare up at it as if trying to intimidate it... it's a cute sight to see, that's for sure. it'll keep that thought to itself, of course. it imagines that saying such a thing out loud may only make things worse.
slender won't be upset when you walk away. it understands that you're just going to cool off. it'll take this time to clear its own thoughts until the two of you are ready to talk again and clear up the tension.
NINA THE KILLER would be immensely frustrated seeing you walk away. she'll probably let out a groan and tell you to come back, but she won't follow after you. she understands that if the two of you kept arguing any longer, things would only get worse. she knows that, so she'll use this as a chance to calm down herself. nina gets over things easier than you would think, and if this argument wasn't over anything major then the next time you see her, she'll most likely be back to her usual self.
she'll probably be the first to apologize as well, even if she feels as if she's not the one at fault. she can't stand when you're upset at her, so just accept her apology so the two of you can move on, yeah?
EYELESS JACK is always viewed as mature and in control of his emotions. and he is. a little too in control if we're being honest here. for most arguments you guys may have, he'll keep his cool and will try to understand your point of view and where you're coming from. there are times, however, when the control he has over his emotions slips, and you get reminded that oh. your boyfriend is a cannibalistic demon that can literally kill you in the blink of an eye. he really doesn't mean to scare you, but it's definitely a good thing you choose that moment to walk away to cool off because he has to physically force himself to not go after you.
and once he calms down, he will apologize. it's a genuine apology, one written all over his face. he never wants to or means to invalidate you and your emotions, and he never wants to make you scared of him.
JANE THE KILLER would probably be the first to walk away from an argument, if we're being fairly honest. if this is richardson we're talking about, then she's definitely more mature about it and politely suggests that you both take fifteen minutes to cool off before continuing the conversation. she does it because it's one, a healthy thing to do for your relationship, and two, while she is heavily in control of her emotions, the liquid hate running through her veins enhances her anger and it would be really bad if she genuinely got angry.
if this is arkensaw, i think she'll be a little less mature than she would like. she portrays herself as someone in control of her emotions, but her emotions and her hatred are what drive her. she does her best to her burning-hot anger in check but if you two have an argument, then it's fairly difficult. if you walk away first, then it'll only serve to upset her more, but she won't go after you. honestly, she'll probably even avoid you in the coming days because her anger lingers. it always lingers.
CANDY POP thinks it's cute that this little argument of yours got you so worked up that you had to walk away from him. honestly hell yeah if i were you i'd walk away from him as well because there is simply no winning with this guy. worst man you could ever argue with, to be honest.
but as we all know, his mood can change in an instant with no warning so. one moment, he thinks you walking away from him is cute and adorable. the next, he's getting frustrated and following after you because you don't get to walk away from him, silly. haven't you realized that he owns you?
CLOCKWORK, while she has her own anger issues and tends to get easily frustrated by the smallest of things, does try her best to keep her emotions in check if you two ever have an argument. it's not easy, and there have been times when she's snapped at you, but she always apologizes immediately after.
you walking away would make sense. she understands, she knows that you both need to take time to calm down before things get too heated. she gets it. but depending on what you two are arguing about, doing so could only serve to make her more angry. it's... frustrating, really. she won't follow after you though, because she knows it's what is best.
TOBY would want you to walk away. he needs it, to be honest. he tries to avoid getting into arguments with you for various different reasons. arguing with you stresses him out more than he would like it to, and it reminds him of the hold you have on him. you walking away from the argument would give him time to clear his head and cool off.
once you've both calmed down, he'll probably be the first to approach you because he cannot stand the awkward tension that always lingers after arguments with people. he wants to clear the air so this can all just be water under the bridge. it'll be a painfully awkward conversation though. he's not good at... resolving arguments. never had a positive example, to be honest.
NURSE ANN struggles to speak, so i think she would try to avoid getting into an argument because she feels as if she won't be able to properly get her point across. but arguments are bound to happen sooner or later, even in the healthiest relationships. and ann, to put it simply, is a very angry person. she keeps that anger in check when you're around, but it's literally impossible to not slip up a few times.
since ann rarely ever vocally speaks, her anger is typically conveyed in her stares and her jerky gestures as she signs. you walking away is the smartest thing you could do in that moment, leaving her alone to stew in her always-burning anger that she'll choose to take out on any nearby destructible objects or some sad poor soul that just so happens to trespass at her hospital in the coming hours.
X-VIRUS seems like the type of guy who has never really been in any arguments, to be honest. maybe when he was at the orphanage he got into a few petty arguments between the other kids, but nothing that would warrant needing to walk away, y'know? and i definitely don't think he'd treat the argument seriously, brushing off your words and whatnot.
he only realizes that you were genuinely angry with him when you walked away. it's definitely like... a slap in the face that oh. i'm a fucking asshole. he's not really sure what to do in this moment, and he waits until you come back on your own to try and apologize. but he's not the best at apologies.
KAGEKAO wouldn't treat the argument seriously at all. at least, not at first. honestly, he'd probably purposefully get you even more upset just to get a reaction out of you. does that make him an asshole? oh, most certainly. he just likes seeing you feel anything towards him, even if it's anger. he likes getting a reaction out of you because it's him you're reacting to. and it's entertaining as well, though you don't need to know that.
when you walk away, he'll feel a little frustrated at not being able to see you but he won't follow after you. he knows when to stop his antics. shocking, i know. and, if you're lucky, he may even hold you in his arms once you calm down. it's his way of an apology, i suppose.
JASON THE TOYMAKER fucking hates arguing with you. you're his other half, so arguing with you makes him feel sick to his stomach because what if... what if you aren't the one? he likes you too much to lose you, so you have to be the one. he definitely seems like he'd try to keep the argument short, and he'll be relieved when you walk away to cool off.
you don't try to leave him afterward, even if he was at fault for whatever you two may have been bickering over. that's good, really. that means you want to stay with him, even if you two have arguments like this. that's... that's so good.
THE PUPPETEER can't stand when anyone argues with him, so yeah, any argument you may have with him will be horrible and tense and it will not be pretty. he has to be the one to get the final word. he has to be the one in the right, even if he isn't. you must be aware of this, right? i mean, you're (hopefully, i assume) willingly sticking around this guy, right? so you should know that there's no winning with him.
and you walking away is simply not something he'll take kindly to. it's something that'll more than likely get a how dare you reaction out of him. you're a fool if you think he's just going to let you walk away. no, he'll either follow after you, or he'll pull you back with his strings. the conversation isn't over until he says that it's over.
HOMICIDAL LIU definitely does try to avoid any potential arguments with you. to be honest, most of your arguments with him will more than likely stem from his almost blatant disregard for his health and safety when he's injured as well as his almost suffocating habit of needing to protect you and keep you safe. it's inevitable, even if it's something he tries so desperately to avoid. that desperation is what tends to lead to arguments as well, if we're being honest.
he's not upset when you walk away. honestly, he's glad that you do. he always feels pretty damn awful whenever you two fight, and he patiently waits until you're ready to pick things back up so you two can resolve things and move on.
SULLY listens to everything you say with rapt attention. the only thing that matters to him at that moment is whatever you two are arguing about. hell, he doesn't give a shit about the argument itself rather than what you say, the expressions you make, and your tone of voice. every little gesture or movement you make catches his attention. honestly, if you asked him what you two were arguing about, he'd just look at you with a slightly confused expression because he's already forgotten.
and when you walk away to cool off and get some air, he has to restrain himself from following after you. he forces himself to sit down and he bites his fist as his mind hyper-focuses on every word you said and the way you looked at him and just... yeah, he's already moved on from the argument he just wants to see your face and hear your voice again.
THE BLOODY PAINTER is definitely not someone you want to have an argument with, honestly. not because he's an angry person or scary to get into an argument with or anything like that, no. he's just... very apathetic. it'll feel like you're arguing with a brick wall rather than a person, and you'll maybe even feel as if he doesn't care about you or your feelings. he just stares at you, blank-faced and monotoned.
once you realize that this argument is going literally nowhere, you leave to calm yourself down and he stays behind. it's not that he doesn't care about you and your feelings, he does, truly, he just... well... i could go into heavy heavy detail about his apathy when it comes to arguments but to spare you the length of that, just know that he does care, he's just absolutely horrific at showing it. once you come back, he will apologize for not better expressing himself and for unintentionally invalidating you and your feelings. he'll be better, though it will take time for him to become expressive.
THE DOLL MAKER seems like the type of person who wouldn't handle arguments well, i think. he's a fairly closed-off person and has some trouble conveying his thoughts and feelings sometimes, so i think it would stress him out a bunch if he got into a fight with you. depending on how bad the argument is, he'll either try to diffuse the situation or he may get angry and make things worse.
the moment you walk off, vine will be throwing himself into work to both calm himself down and distract himself from any potentially needless thoughts. he'll certainly try his best to resolve the conflict with you once you've both taken time to calm down but it'll definitely be stiff.
ZALGO would be very amused if you try arguing with him over something. you, a silly little mortal that somehow managed to catch his interest, are trying to argue with him, an eldritch horror beyond human comprehension that literally creates chaos for shits and giggles? how adorable. he's not going to take you seriously at all, i hope you know that.
and even if you walk away, you won't exactly be alone. zalgo is always there with you, even if not physically. a part of him is stuck with you, so he's always able to watch you, to talk to you. he thinks you're being dramatic for getting upset over something that he deems to be so utterly insignificant. there won't be any form of conflict resolution with him, so don't expect any form of apology or empathy or anything of that sort.
HOBO HEART you gotta be careful with, i think. the last time he felt as if he'd been wronged by the person he loved, he tore her heart out. not to say he'd tear your heart out over a minor argument or anything like that, no, that would be pretty petty and... he doesn't really think he's a terrible enough person to do that. maybe. depending on how serious the argument is.
he'll be a little disheartened when you walk away because he would rather clear up the air and tension immediately rather than wait but he understood, somewhat, that it'd be better if you both took time to cool off before either of you tried to resolve the conflict hanging in the air.
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bloody-spider77 · 2 months
When Jack and Clockwork became friends, Toby immediately saw it as in to be friends with Jack, who he always thought was cool as fuck and super mysterious and naturally, Toby wanted to uncover this mystery demon for himself but in typical Toby fashion, creeped Jack out a bit in his overzealous attempts at friendship, causing Toby to literally study his every move for weeks instead until Clock ended up just,
"Do you want to hang with us...?"
"Dude, you could've just asked."
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It’s you and me, won’t be unhappy
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Four years after his imprisonment, Russia has agreed to allow Jack's return to the US in exchange for another prisoner, a Russian spy. Jack can't possibly think of anyone who is as valuable as him, but he goes along willingly anyway. Not only is the prisoner familiar to Jack... she's also powerful enough to make him reconsider his plans. Crossover between 24 and Covert Affairs.
Read it here.
A collaboration with @more-comfortable-in-hell.
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starg8rocks · 8 months
Nina Myers || no one knows what it's like
“Truly, I think Nina loved Jack. I like to think Nina was a pretty good person and she just made some really bad mistakes and then it just spiraled.” - Sarah Clarke
Hello, everyone! :)
I'm back with a new Nina video! I love editing her so much. I love the cover of this song and couldn't stop picturing Nina as I was listening to it. I know her eyes aren't blue lol but it's close enough.
I’ve always believed that the character of Nina was more complex than the writers ever intended. She wasn’t a one dimensional villain, she had feelings, and regrets. As seen by Sarah Clarke’s phenomenal acting.
I tried my best with this edit to show some of that.
I hope you all enjoy! :)
- Starg8rocks
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tryingtofindava · 4 months
𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐮𝐩*ೃ༄
(Includes: Jeff the Killer, EJ, Ticci Toby, Nina the Killer, Kate the Chaser.)
: ̗̀➛Back to source
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╰┈➤ 𝐉𝐞𝐟𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫
Wasn’t ready for it.
At all.
What are you actually supposed to do when you walk into your partner doing their makeup to look like you…?
He stared at the makeup around your mouth that was mimicking his cut smile.
He’d think it was real if he hadn’t seen the makeup brush in hand and the darkest red eyeshadow you could get on the vanity.
His exact words were:
“What the actual fuck are you doing??”
You explained the whole shower makeup thing to him. He personally thinks you’re weird for this. Why do your makeup just to wash it off?
He doesn’t come in your room anymore before you go in the shower…
╰┈➤ 𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤
Another one who wasn’t ready for it.
He’d forgotten his scalpel for his… night activities…
“Hey, have you seen- … Why are you blue…?”
He stared at you intensely waiting for some answers.
He doesn’t know what’s going on since his eye sight is, like, REALLY BAD.
You drop the makeup brush, eyes wide. Blabbering about pre-shower makeup and how it’s practically a ritual.
He’ll laugh about it later though, won’t look at you doing your makeup the same EVER again.
╰┈➤ 𝐓𝐢𝐜𝐜𝐢 𝐓𝐨𝐛𝐲
He wants to have a go!
He loves when you do your makeup, he feels like he’s getting in on something he shouldn’t know…
You’ll be sharing the stool of your vanity, brushing the makeup brush against his skin. As he try’s to sit as still as possible giggling as the brush tickles his skin.
(I searched it up, people w cipa respond well to tickling.)
He over all just loves when you do his pre-shower makeup. He feels like he’s getting pampered.
He’s a chancer and will try to join you in the shower too. (It’s up to you how it goes though)
╰┈➤ 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫
She came into your room to borrow you bronzer for her pre-shower makeup!!
She’s excited as fuck since she thought she was the only girl in the manor who did this.
“I’ll do yours if you do mine!!”
Girlys ecstatic.
Like with Toby, it becomes a ritual of sorts and you guys ALWAYS!! Have to do it together.
And before you guys head into separate bathrooms to shower, lots of selfies will be taken to remember each time.
Like a get ready with me shower edition™
╰┈➤ 𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐫
Knows exactly what’s happening when she walks in.
She knew all too well from witnessing this exact routine with Nina.
All she wanted was some loving from her girlfriend and now she has to wait until you wash all the makeup off during your shower.
That may turn into an everything shower due to embarrassment from getting caught.
She’ll snort out a laugh, before closing the door and coming back in after your shower.
Will tease you about it as you guys snuggle though.
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