#It's all about who he choose to spend his life with!
poppy-metal · 2 days
that therapy piece was so beautiful:( what if you DID end up divorcing or at least separating, art does end up joining patrick and tashi in their weird whatever the fuck, and we’re like. yeah. thought so. but little do we know that he’s an actual mess that can’t even function, let alone fuck, when he does manage to get it up he bursts into tears before anyone can cum, and as sad tashi and patrick are for their boyfriend they also really need to have a decent orgasm without some guy crying in the background so they have to like…parent trap you back together
the angst of this is so beautiful hold awn...... cause art WOULD be someone who wouldn't realize what an important force in his life you are until you're gone. in my mind, you and him knew eachother since you were kids. didn't start dating till a little before college and then you just..... stayed together. no breakups. hardly any fights. Its not like any love was lost between you two but, there was this kind of lack of...... well, fire. tashi and patrick lit apart of him up inside, and what you refuse to acknowledge is they kinda did the same for you two. you both kinda orbited around patrick and tashi in college, and similarly they orbited back around you. you just couldn't see your importance there - so you extracted yourself from that patricktashi part of your life to devote yourself to art, while he stayed in their lives because he cant live without the kind of passion they ignite in him. the anger, the jealousy, the excitement.
with you gone though its like...... hes floundering. you're so soft, is the thing. arts always depended on your softness. you dont hurt him. you dont make him angry. you're warm and gentle and he can rest his head on your lap and fall asleep like a baby fawn in the middle of the woods with no fear a wolf will come along and rip him apart. in a bad way, you're safe. in a toxic way, being with you is him choosing to not take a leap with patrick or tashi and feel anything uncomfortable.
but in a good way, you're his best friend. in a healthy way, you're his anchor. his north star. and usually thats seen as a bad thing, he knows, love is supposed to be passionate and scary but what about when he wants to be held and just at peace? you've seen him through everything and you stayed. he knows he can put his heart in your hands and you wont crush it. and he loves you for it. you're the most tender, beautiful thing that's ever happened to him.
so its like. those two needs. the fire and the passion and the softness and tranquility. and where art has messed up is seeing them in two different ways. he cant put all his scary, passionate emotions onto you in fear of rejection and ruining what you have. he cant depend on patrick or tashi completely either because he doesn't trust them with his heart like he does with you.
hes left you alone in that sense. because you need the passion too. you needed it from him for so long and maybe your part of the blame is never asking for it. for cutting tashi and patrick out of your life because you were too scared of it at the time. but the longer you spent with art, the more you craved it. the fights, the breakups, the makeup sex. all of that.
so when you leave arts comfort is gone. he thinks, well maybe its for the best. i can take a risk now, i can try this thing with tashi - and even patrick. but it doesn't feel right. the leap doesn't feel good. and he realizes its because it was a leap he was always meant to take with you, together.
all these things patrick and tashi do - he should've done with you. he should've fought with you when you pissed him off. he should've tried to be more sexually adventurous. when tashi kisses him all he can think about is how you should be here. he should've asked why you stopped talking to them - he should've pushed you - he should've - he should've - he should've -
he spends nights at their house because he cant stand being alone in the house you shared. in the empty fucking bed. he'll end up pulling one of your sweaters from the closet you forgot to take with you that still smells like you, vanilla and cashmere, and cry into it like a pathetic slob. hes miserable. he wants you back.
he wants you back so he can love you better. he wants to see you kiss tashi, kiss patrick, see you allow yourself to be consumed. and then he wants you to come to him and sink into his arms and onto his cock and look into his eyes and tell him you love him, so he can moan the words back into your mouth.
but he can't. because you left him.
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kaliforniahigh · 2 days
Noah with a girl who is most definitely not a gamer:
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Most days you're just happy to watch him play while you're reading a book or scrolling through your phone.
You add commentary here and there about the way he is playing even though you understand nothing.
You can't understand, for the life of you, how he can spend 3 or 4 hours playing the same game!!!
Noah has tried to make you like games like Red Dead Redemption or The Last of Us.
He sits behind you, with you between his legs and explains every button and how to shoot and how to aim and everything else you need to know.
And you really do try, even though his hands and his fingers are totally distracting you.
But your aim is shit!!! and you totally blame his controller when you keep crashing your horse into trees!!!
You hand him the controller whenever you have to shoot at people.
Gets sidetracked exploring the town and forgets what you're supposed to be doing.
So he tries Mortal Kombat, because that's easier, right?
You go through every character until you choose the one you want and it is solely based on looks and not skill at all.
You make him wait to start the round because you wanna test every button and every move your character makes during the fight.
His character is just waiting there like 🧍🏻
Ends up pressing buttons randomly and complains when your character doesn't do what you want them to do.
He laughs a lot at this and thinks you're absolutely the cutest thing he's ever seen on this planet.
Ends up taking your face in his hands and gives you kisses everywhere.
Downloads The Sims, Sonic, the Goose Game and Crash Bandicoot on his computer just for you.
He finds out you like to play GTA so you can steal cars and punch people randomly on the streets.
So watching you play and cause absolute chaos is his favorite thing ever.
Laughs when the police are chasing you but you can't drive the car properly, so you speed too much, crash and die.
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mxthtea · 12 hours
On Sunday We Rest
sunday x gn reader warnings: cuddling, a single kiss, literally laying on top of sunday, grammar + spelling mistakes, tell me if i forgot any! word count: 808
request rules
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Sunday, despite his name, cannot take a break for the life of him. You know this, his sister knows this, Gopher Wood probably knows this but chooses to ignore it. However, except for Mr. Gopher Wood, everyone who knows this about Sunday is practically begging him to rest. It's all for nothing though. Any concern you voice or reminder in a letter that Robin sends is just pushed away from the Halovian with a little chuckle and a reminder that he'll be fine.
You know that Sunday doesn't care for himself. It's irritating, truly. He spends so much time in the Dreamscape trying to make it perfect for everyone within it, trying to make everyone's worries wash away once they rest in the dreampool. Sunday sees himself as the sacrificial lamb though. After all, for everyone to truly be at peace, someone must bring everyone to that peace. Your boyfriend has taken that sole responsibility onto his shoulders.
Knowing all of this, seeing how much he has been working, missing when you two would spend together, you made a plan. A simple one. One that would force Sunday into taking a teeny tiny day off.
And today's the day you'll make him rest.
The night before you had coaxed Sunday into sleeping on the actual bed in your guys' shared room and not staying in the dreampool to be within the Dreamscape. With words saying how you haven't been able to hold him close to you in some time so you missed it.
You lay awake on the bed, groggy and stretching out your limbs. While you fell asleep with your arms around Sunday, it seems you've separated through the hours of unconsciousness. Now detached from each other and Sunday facing to the door instead of at you. You set an alarm to wake up before Sunday usually does, to ensure that you could catch him instead of sleeping through it all. Turns out you picked the right time to wake up.
You feel the mattress move as Sunday stirs. A yawn falls from his mouth and you can see his wings do a little stretch as his arms go above his head.
Now is the time for you to enact the plan.
You roll over and lay yourself on top of Sunday, effectively pinning him down onto the mattress. If pinning could be defined by… well, laying on someone and putting your weight on someone. Not exactly holding them down per se.
Sunday's breath catches in his throat as your weight is suddenly pushed onto his body. He lets out an exhale a second later. He props his head up to look at you clearly. A small smile dances on his lips, he quirks his brow and looks to you.
"Good morning dearest," a hand reaches up to hold your cheek. His smile widens when he feels you lean into his touch.
"Morning, dove," you trade nicknames to each other.
Your arms find their way wrapping themselves around Sunday and tucked beneath him. Your head moves to his chest as you keep yourself on top of him.
"Now, dear… I'd love to spend more time with you but-"
Your words are clear and cut through anything else that Sunday was going to say. He stutters for a moment trying to grasp at any logic or reasoning in what you've said. You smile cutely against his chest, kicking your legs on the mattress like school girls do in other galaxies. The sight of Sunday being at a loss for words is something very few people are afforded.
"I really should get to work soon-"
"Day off," you interrupt him again, propping your chin on Sunday's chest and looking up at him.
"What?" a simple question. One that Sunday asks to try and understand what the hell you are saying.
"You have the day off. Requested it and it's been approved. Today is our rest day together."
"You- what?"
Taking out your phone, you show the calendar to Sunday. Today clearly being marked as a day off for the both of you.
"See?" you point to emphasize the date, "day off. No work. Rest only."
Sunday lets out a chuckle of disbelief at what you've done and lays his head down on the bed, "dearest… you are going to be the death of me."
You scoot yourself up a bit to be closer to his face, "too bad. Today's a rest day and you can't die on a rest day. I won't allow it."
"Alright. I get it. Today is a rest day."
Sunday relinquishes to you and relaxes into the mattress again, submitting himself fully to the rest day. You kiss his neck gently as you see his tired eyes close.
Just a few more hours… then you two would get up and get something to eat.
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jp---v · 3 days
I don't need to, but I'll explain my Bakugou hate because I want to.
Long post. Beware
When I started reading the series I was the same age as the characters. Looking at my interests you can probably guess that I was bullied, but instead of getting all sad, I got angry at the people treating me poorly.
So as soon as Bakugou was introduced, I didn't like him. Seeing someone my age verbally threaten and physically attacking people without being punished just really put me in a bad mood whenever he showed up.
Then certain parts of the fandom got incredibly toxic, and suddenly the author is pandering to the worst of them
But the problem keeps getting worse. The entire world warps to kiss his ass. He got everything he wanted at every turn. He deserved nothing and got everything.
Immediately established as a long-term bully. His bullying is then retroactively justified by the world itself saying that Midoriya is worth less than Bakugou as a person.
Why did Aizawa, who was famous for expelling students, not so much as give Bakugou detention for trying to attack Midoriya on the first day of school?
Why didn't All Might punish him for using that gauntlet in the Battle Trials?
Despite all of his actions so far, just since being accepted into UA, the other students still want to be friends with him. They actively choose to spend time near him.
Why is it never mentioned how him(and Kirishima) attacking Kurogiri and getting in Thirteen's way is a large part of why the USJ played out how it did?
His speech at the Sports Festival
Everyone wanting to be on his team, but he doesn't know any of their names or quirks.
Trying to make an unconscious Todoroki fight back in the finals
Aizawa constantly excusing all of his behavior, circling back to my point about the world itself justifying Bakugou's shitty behavior
Attacking Midoriya in the Final Exam.
How did Sero fail his exam by being carried out but Bakugou passed?
At the Training Camp, he actively tried to go fight the villains that have openly stated were trying to capture him. Making himself an easy target and hindering the people trying to protect him
During the Rescue Operation he somehow managed to hold his own against the majority of the League of Villains on his own? Really?
He forced Midoriya to break curfew and just starts attacking him until Midoriya fights back. It's caught on camera and Midoriya somehow gets in the same amount of trouble?
And for some reason he gets let in on the secret of One for All after being such a monumental asshole since forever, despite the fact that even Inko doesn't know? Or literally anyone who would be, like, supportive of Midoriya?
He failed the Provisional License Exam, but don't worry there's a special make-up class just for the people that made it into the second half. Everyone who failed in the first half will have to wait for the next exam.
Oh wow, flawless victory in the Joint Training Arc by displaying teamwork out of thin fucking air that was really just him barking orders at the others.
For a while we just get his usual brand of egotistical asshole-ery and now being needlessly shoved into places where Midoriya's actual friends should be. Or even any of the other side characters. Horikoshi, give them some screen time
But then the war arc and the vigilante Deku arc all just get down on their knees to suck his dick so hard that his quirk evolves and his heart explodes. And I finally get a glimmer of hope for the series to finally stop shoving him down our throats, but no.
Edgeshot decides that this one kid is so important that he will sacrifice his own life to save Bakugou specifically and no one else is on his level of importance.
Going back a step; That apology was pure fucking lip service. Not a single goddamn thing changed in the way he acted afterward. He had a couple of "soft" moments when he wasn't actively screaming and cursing, but that's it.
And Horikoshi keeps fucking doing it.
Somehow each and every thing has to include Bakugou or be about how it's effecting Bakugou or has to mention Bakugou.
The majority of the (much more interesting) cast has been completely forgotten, and Midoriya's characterization got taken out back, given three rounds to the head, skinned, washed in bleach, and hung out to dry, but Oh Wow! BAKUGOU'S HERE!
I said it before and I'll say it again, I'd throw a brick at him.
These are only the broadest strokes of what happened too. If I reread the entire series I could write a massive in-depth character analysis, but that's too much even for me.
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alpydk · 2 days
Writing Prompt! (No pressure) -
Tav and Gale move into his tower after the fight, Tav is a druid who feels out of place - Gale makes the tower feel more like home for them.
Finding Balance
Thank you for another beautiful prompt that again got a way from me. Word count - 1939 - Angst/Comfort - M/M
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Gale had noticed how distant Tav had become over the recent weeks. What should have been a honeymoon period of days nestled in the comfort of warm cotton sheets, bodies entwined in ecstasy were instead being met with moments of hands being tentatively pulled away, of distant gazes from the balcony over the extending seas.
Waterdeep, the city of splendours, was the wizard’s home. He loved the bustling streets, the worn cobbles that shone with the fresh autumn rains, the lines of shop windows he could peruse on quieter days. There had been so many aspects of the area he’d wanted to show Tav, and yet all had been met with the same indifference as the tower. He’d cook the druid’s favourite meals, rub scented oils into the muscular shoulders, tense from adventuring, from conversations avoided and yet Tav still seemed to pull further away, and Gale was losing hope.
He’d, of course, tried communicating with Tav about the problem, his stoic friend, providing little in the ways of feedback as to what the matter was, and so despite the inner turmoil he was feeling, he let his friend leave. Days the druid would be gone from home, coming back dirt covered and bruised, choosing to sleep on the hard wooden floor rather than under the soft blankets Gale had provided. He conjured stars on the balcony, read sonnets of his love, wooed Tav, and in those moments they were together again, only to part as the stars faded, night becoming day. His moon Tav, vanishing with the light of the morning dawn. He knew he needed to trust his love, needed to respect their boundaries, that in the end they were two different people who had their own ways of living, and yet he felt lonely, desperately alone in the confines of his beloved tower.
The rains poured from the slate tiles above the balcony; the thunder rumbling in the distance from the flashes of lightning. Gale had longed to spend days like this; wrapped in the embrace of Tav, a book shared between them and the safety of one another’s hold, acting as a protective shield from the storm. But there was no Tav, no embrace. There were only the icy winds whipping the pages of the tome with little regard for his wanting hands. It was at this moment he went against his unwritten code and cast the scrying spell, peering at the druid without their knowledge.
Tav sat in the forest clearing, his hands absentmindedly stroking the head of a white wolf that dozed next to him. The rains had not reached this part of the lands yet, but even if they did, the druid knew they would only bring new life out into the woods. Rabbits and birds would become the frogs and earthworms. The gentle breeze in the trees would become the pitter-patter of raindrops on the leaves. Prickling blades of grass would turn to soft moss under his boots and each step would be another of a freedom he felt he was losing.
He loved Gale, that much he was sure of, but Waterdeep, the cracked stones of the packed roads, the soulless windows he’d seen his own reflection in. That he did not love. Gale’s tower, which had been spoken of fondly in the past, was more of a stone prison, its large open windows taunting him with the world he wished to be a part of. The bed was too soft, the meals too exquisite; the sonnets he’d once loved now brought him guilt. He wanted to be honest with Gale, to tell him everything, and yet he instead pushed away the only person who’d ever grown close to him. Tav knew the wizard had been away from home for so long, had nearly lost everything at the orders of Mystra, and so this was the sacrifice to be made. Nature would have to come second, Waterdeep first. Freedom lost.  
He felt the sensation of being watched, lifting his head and glancing around the clearing. The wolf tensed next to him, and he heard the distant rumble of thunder that came with the storm. His eyes were sharp, years of hunting in difficult conditions giving him the advantages he needed to spot both prey and predator and with them he saw the scrying sensor hovering by the treeline. He didn’t need to approach it; he knew immediately who was watching him from the comfort of their sky bound throne. It was Gale, his love, his warden.
It was some time later before Gale heard the oak door of the tower creek open and Tav enter, a heavy thud against the wall as the leather boots hit it with force. As the druid had spotted the sensor, Gale had been quick to dispel it, his heart pounding in his chest, guilt clutching his throat tightly. He’d been overbearing in his search for answers, in his attempts to save the marriage that may have been doomed before it had even began. He listened for the footsteps, sipping his tea in a hope it would steady the rising nerves.
Tav entered the room, his jaw tight, his hands clenching and unclenching, as if trying to relieve the tension. The once warm eyes that Gale had longingly gazed into were now cold and glinting with the fires of a rage not seen since Baldur’s Gate. “You were spying on me.”
Gale swallowed deeply, his mind racing, trying to find the right words to diffuse the situation. He wanted to apologise, but he also wanted to unleash his own simmering anger at being ignored, at being pushed aside and abandoned. Just as Mystra had done… “I’m sorry, my love. You must understand, though, that I was merely concerned about you, what with the storm.”
Wind rattled the balcony door, the heavy rains now battering the tower; though Gale questioned which would be the worse storm to withstand, the one outside, or the building tempest within the walls.
“The storm?! Don’t give me that bullshit.” Tav threw off his leather overshirt, raindrops still travelling down the contours of his firm arms, and marched into the bathroom, his voice raised and intimidating. “As if it wasn’t enough to keep me holed up here. Now I must be monitored in the wilderness as well?”
Gale leaned forward, putting down the teacup and registering the complaints his companion spoke. He didn’t understand what was being accused of him. He could accept the fault for the spell, but anything else was lost to him. “I apologise for the spell. It was a failing on my part, but holed up? Is that truly how you feel here? With me?”  
Drying his hair, the druid left the bathroom, his shoulders no longer showing the glistening remnants of a previous life outside the walls. The few moments alone had given his temper time to calm, his blood flowing slower, his mind realising that this was the time to confess all if he was to reclaim any balance in this relationship. “I…” He took a seat on the floor at the foot of the bed, his weathered hands flat on the cool floorboards beneath him, the darkwood frame of the bed, a support for his arching back. “The city, the tower… it’s not my home.”
Lowering his head, Gale sighed. He’d suspected as much but hadn’t wanted to admit the truth, unwilling to give up his own home after so long away. He wanted to speak, wanted to find out what it was Tav needed, but he dreaded the answer that would come: that it was over between them, alone again.
The druid’s voice was quiet as he spoke, a softness that Gale had heard very little of during their adventure together. Tough was the persona that Tav had used so often, driving forward with determination until eventually returning to saying very little when resting in tranquil glades. “Gale… I want to be with you. I never doubt that. But here, in Waterdeep. I don’t think I can do it. Aside from you, there is nothing for me here. There is no nature, no life aside from that of the people that push and shove in the streets below. There’s no peace like that I find in the forests.”
The wizard nodded, a relief that at least he was not the primary issue in this scenario. He searched for solutions, thinking of past conversations with Halsin on the matter of nature versus humanity and the balance that needed to be found for them to truly exist together. “I could…” He hesitated, pondering the mechanics required for such a feat. Would it be enough to keep Tav with him? Would he be enough?
Tav looked over with curiosity in his eyes. He’d be open to try any solution at this point. All he wished was for them both to be happy, as they had been on their travels, as they had been during their night together under the stars at Moonrise, bodies flowing together on crisp conjured grass.
“It would take time and resources, but I could come up with something that would work for you. Would you be willing to let me attempt this feat for you?”
The druid nodded, his shoulders relaxing, and he gave a heavy sigh. “Ai armiel telere maenen hir.”
Gale heard the familiar words and smiled softly. He stood, approached his love, and knelt in front of him. His knees screamed at the position not felt in so many nights, but he cared not. He brought his hand to the chiselled jaw in front of him, his thumb running lightly over the bristles of unshaven hair. “And you mine, my sweet galanodel.”
Over the following months, the tower changed dramatically. Wildflowers bloomed on the balcony railings, blues and purples; their petals scattered on the sea breeze. On more than one occasion, Gale found his bookmark replaced with a leaf from a mighty oak or the feather of an unseen bird. Wild wines now wrapped around the bedposts, their forest green leaves casting dancing shadows under the candlelight. The smell of water lilies permeated through the musty tomes, and the sound of trickling water could be heard as the sounds of the city quietened with the descent of the warm sun.  
These were not the only changes that had been made. Gale’s desk had been moved, the large stone wall behind now left blank. Mystra’s statue had been placed in a shaded corner, no longer an unspoken altar, but a memory of a time long since passed. He would glance at the wall often during his studies, knowing what lay just beyond it. As evening would fall, the bright light would erupt into the room, the ever-present portal of his creation creating the balance needed.
Tav would often step from it with small gifts bundled into his arms. Sometimes it would be a selection of ingredients, Gale’s cooking now involving an additional element of research which he relished in. Flowers and herbs of various types as we well as interesting stones and crystals gathered were found too, which Tav knew the wizard would find interesting to read about.
The most treasured discovery, though, was that of a large branch which had been collected, and working together, the married pair had created a small piece of artwork. As the springtime sun had shone in from the balcony, the harbours waves licking upon the shore; they’d hung it from the rafters with an auburn ribbon, the knotted wood wrapped in dried orchids and the torn remnants of purple robes.
"Ai armiel telere maenen hir." - You hold my heart forever.
"galanodel" - moon whisper
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sunshineandspencer · 3 days
Work the case (Iridescent, Part 5)
Let me stress, this is not Maeve from the show, but my own Maeve just named the same to send Spencer into hell whenever he thinks about it.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!BAU!OC.
Summary: His first bout of cases with Maeve, and one of them doesn’t exactly go the way they had hoped
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: swearing, cm typical horror, mention of cannibalism and choking, spencer is less of an ass™
Parts: Pt1, Pt2, Pt3, Pt4, Pt6
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In the past 100 days that Spencer gets to spend with the BAU, they were only on their third case. Which, really, should’ve been a good thing, because it means less time stuck with Ave.
Their first case, which came in on his first day back, took them to Atlanta for about a week.
Men had been turning up with their own ring fingers in their stomachs, with the ring still attached. It was clear that the fingers had been cut off and force fed to the men while they were still alive and conscious, evident by the bite marks on the fingers and the degradation from the stomach acid.
It hadn’t been a very pretty case, and with the mild Atlanta weather, it wasn’t the nicest case to be in.
Emily had, of course, noticed Spencer’s mild distaste for Maeve, and made it her life mission to have them paired together for everything. Which led to them sort of bonding. Him explaining their Tracey Lambert case, which was so long ago now, and her talking about her very first case with the BAU and the man who had a hungering for brown eyes. Laughing softly when she recalled how the man had made immediate eye contact with her, and Emily threatened the man.
The case after that, something that could’ve been a national emergency, was actually solved relatively quicker. In Iowa, almost an entire town of people came down with a sudden and painful illness that was suspected to be the work of activists since Iowa was one of the largest states for agriculture.
Since they were called in so quickly, they knew they didn’t have much time to work it out. On the off chance it was an attack on an agricultural state.
It wasn’t, it was far simpler than that. Two of the largest farming families in the town had been in a massive rivalry for years, something that the BAU had definitely seen before. One of the grandsons decided enough was enough and, with his ties to the industrial plant the next town over, poisoned the rival’s crops and blamed the activists.
Not intending for anyone to get hurt, or to die, but he actively evaded the cops and lied in their investigation. So it ended up worse for him.
All in all, a completely normal case.. except for the sleeping arrangements. There had been an influx of media reporters and visiting family, meaning there were very few rooms in the motel they’d been sent to.
Emily, still trying to sort out their rivalry, sent them to share a room.
It was.. painfully awkward.
Thankfully there were two, very shitty, beds, but that didn’t change the fact that they bickered over everything. For the most part it was playful - for them anyway - fighting over who gets into the bathroom first, shoving each other out of the way to get into the mirror while they brushed their teeth. The only time it got serious was when they needed to choose the beds.
Maeve wanted the one near the window, and so did he. After a strangely heated argument, they agreed to rock-paper-scissors for it, and he lost. So she got the bed by the window.
After learning, however, they both beds were equally as shit, she let him take the window bed the next night and they swapped each of the four nights they stayed. Neither of them said a thing about how much.. nicer it was to sleep in a bed that smelt like the other person.
Blatantly ignoring whatever comfort they’d gotten from that, a week later they were on a new case in Alaska.
This one was a little more concerning, a very small town - the smallest Maeve had even been to anyway - and anyone that had ever tried to move in or leave in the last ten years had been killed. At first they’d all looked like an accident, until a junior, researching their aunt’s death for fun, found all the connections and the BAU were called in.
They knew it had to be someone who had lived here their whole life, but experienced a massive change in their childhood, unfortunately that was most of the residents. A fire about a decade ago had killed a significant amount of the elderly people in the town, and matched their timeline.
When it all went quiet, however, Maeve had suggested having her act as someone who was going to move in. The most recent victim left behind an empty house, and trying to ‘move in’ to that would probably drive the UnSub crazy and draw him out.
Emily agreed, knowing that she was capable and also it would be good for her to have some kind of undercover work. Not that it encapsulated more than just acting like a woman moving into the home alone.
For the rest of them, they were parked in vans just down the road. There were a few cameras on the outside of the property as the remaining family didn’t want any cameras to be placed inside. With Maeve told to have her phone on her constantly and her earpiece in.
The first hour was alright, she was responding to everything, even complaining about the shit channels on the tv.
Only twenty minutes later, Spencer was tense. Standing behind Emily as she kept a look on the screens, occasionally asking Maeve to respond but assuming everything was alright. Spencer knew better.
She’d been quiet for too long.
Ave had offered herself up, to be used as bait for the UnSub. He’s sure it’s out of some misguided need to prove herself as more than just the newest member on the team.
Arguably, he should’ve put her foot down, as both her partner and the senior agent, it should’ve been someone else to go in, him preferably, but she’d had none of it. Playfully suggesting that he’d gotten a concussion from whacking his head on the hotel door frame which is why he almost gives a shit.
He’s stopped after that, scowling at her, and refusing to allow any kind of implication that he cares. He doesn’t care.
Of course he doesn't, however, you certainly don’t need to care about her or be a profiler to notice things. Ave is a stickler to the rules, a real suck up, and she wouldn’t ever go this long ignoring Emily’s order to respond. Nor would she miss the chance to snipe back at him, and she’s ignored all his insults.
So, blatantly ignoring his Unit Chief, he gets out of the van and walks down the road towards the house. Actually, he runs, gun drawn and earpiece taken out so that he can’t hear the team yelling at him to get back.
Kicking down the front door in a way that would make Morgan proud, he could already hear her struggling. It sends ice through his veins, and he raises his gun. Even though he heard the UnSub react to the door, clearly he didn’t stop with Ave.
Rushing to the living room, his heart dropped, and he allowed himself a split second to react. Their UnSub was holding Ave down face first against the carpeted floor, and he could already see the violent burns on her jaw where she’s trying to hold her head up. But the guy’s knee was firmly on her face and his hand was around her throat, choking her from behind. One of his entire hands wrapped around her throat, and the other pinned down her wrists so she couldn’t reach her phone, which had been kicked across the room.
Taking in the scene, and knowing he could hear backup coming through behind him, he raised his gun, shooting the man in the shoulder. Barely registering the howl of pain from the guy before he tackled him.
Killing this guy would be too easy, he needed time to sit and think about what he’s done, for a very long time. And shoving his shoulder to the ground, putting all his weight onto the wound as he sobbed was good enough for him. Even as he thrashed and tried to get out, Spencer just pressed down harder.
“NONONO! It has to be perfect! It has to stay the same!”
Backup arrived and helped Ave up, and Spencer considered just killing the man anyway, choking him just like he’d done to his partner. They’d profiled this man to have severe Metathesiophobia, and his fear of change stemmed from losing his parents in that fire.
Even though Spencer knows why the man did it, that doesn’t stop the flood of white hot rage hardening his grip on the man as he finally caught sight of Ave’s face.
She was breathing slowly, shallowly, trying not to pass out from taking in too much oxygen after being deprived. Her face was covered in tears and spit as JJ helped her to her feet. But it was the harsh, mottling bruises on her throat that made killing a man seem like nothing.
But Emily eased him away before he could ruin his entire career over someone he claims to hate.
Statements were taken, and Ave was forced to be checked out by the paramedics, but just wanted to get back to the hotel. So once she was cleared to leave, Spencer took them back, knowing the rest of the team would deal with the arrest and interrogation.
The entire ride, she was silent, and while he knew why that didn’t make it any less odd. Even at the beginning, when he snapped at everything she did, she was never this still or quiet, he hates this. Jesus, he’d even take her useless humming to the radio.
In fact, she didn’t even say anything until they were in the elevator. Huffing out a watery laugh and rubbing at her eyes, leaning against the wall.
“It’s a shame..” he waited uncharacteristically patiently for her to continue, not wanting to stop if she needed a serious conversation, “I was really into choking before tonight.”
It was such an insane thing to say, and so jarring after having watched a man strangle her, that it made him laugh. In turn, she laughed, a sound hoarse and scratchy but delightfully alive. Both of them tried not to acknowledge that this was their first real laugh together.
Dissolving into delirious, quiet giggles as they stepped out onto their floor. But as he followed behind, watching her pull out her keycard, he realised she was still shaking. Calling out softly to get her attention.
“Ave.. Ave?”
When that didn’t work, he got a little closer, slowly enough that she wouldn’t get spooked from where she was just staring down at the keycard. Voice soft as he tried again.
She finally turned around at that, surprised to see him so close considering how much he preaches about personal space. Her lips formed a thin line as she forced them not to tremble, not wanting to cry and not trusting her voice.
Just this once, because it was a horrible experience and she was clearly more than shaken, he’ll be gentle with her. Today, right now, she deserves it.
“Are you alright angel?”
Hearing that, immediately being sent back to when they met, she couldn’t hold it back anymore. Tears finally fell and she tried to hide them, turning back to the hotel door and fumbling with the keycard.
“‘M fine-”
But he grabbed her elbow and urged her into his arms, letting her cry it all out. He hates touch, still tells himself that he hates her, but for a few minutes he could act like her friends and someone who cares. She’d do the exact same thing for him.
Plucking the card from her hands, and letting them in, walking her backwards into the room and not bothering to turn the lights on. Easing them down onto the couch so that she could tire herself out and get some decent rest. It passed the few minutes he thought it would take, but a couple more can’t hurt.
Once she was finally exhausted, he got her up and walked her over to the bed. Sitting her on the bed and easing her shoes off, and standing to get her jumper off so that she didn’t get too hot. But as he did, her hand shot out to his forearm and he met her very embarrassed gaze.
“.. thank you.”
He didn’t say anything, just got her to lie down so that she could get comfortable, but even as she started trying to sleep she kept hiccuping through uneven breaths. And the bruises were even harsher in the soft moonlight filtering down on her.
Just a little while longer, he’ll sleep on the couch for a few hours, just in case she needs anything. It’ll save her from having to go too far to get help.
It’s nothing, he’d do the same for anyone else, he.. he still doesn’t like her. But he’ll be a bit nicer, at least until she feels a bit better. If only to stop her from retreating and not getting any help from the people that care about her.
The team cares, of course, he tells himself as he settles onto the couch, he doesn’t care. 
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acourtofthought · 2 days
I'd love to hear your take on the frankly alarming degree to which e/riels seem to perceive Elain as if she were real person who needs all this protection and defence from """antis""" (adding three quotes on that because I find the term hilarious, honestly). Maybe it's just what the algorithm is showing me but it seems to me that this rampant, aggressive, near feral attitude of e/riels trying to prove they're the only ones who care about Elain and everyone else is, in their eyes, almost an evil caricature out to hate on her is so prevalent these days? I see plenty of rational ones too, but the vocal ones (that I see) seem to have lost their grip on reality vs fiction.
It's always "we care what Elain wants and Elucien's don't" isn't it?
So what they're saying is they are happy for Elain's character to end up with a guy who hasn't thought of a future with her beyond his sexual fantasies, called her a mistake before Rhys even spoke to him, can't admit to being over the female he loved for centuries, doesn't think Elain can handle the trove, gave her zero credit for her part in the war and felt a spark in his chest over the thought of another females joy simply because "it's what she wants" (though we actually don't have canon evidence that what Elain wanted from Az was anything more than a hookup).
These are books so what she wants honestly doesn't matter because her arc isn't over and SJM has the final say on what she wants (something that she has proven to have no issues changing up for her FMC) but say she was a real person. Say your best friend wanted a guy who felt better after spending time with a different girl, who wanted a guy who didn't think of a future with her beyond a night of hooking up, and they'd be completely supportive of that simply because "it's what she wants"?
My sister WANTED to stay married to a guy who was verbally abusive because she has low self esteem issues. While we accepted that it was her life and therefore she made her own choices we weren't required to be excited about it. We were allowed to see how unhappy the situation made her despite her inability to leave at the time, we were allowed to acknowledge how bad he was for her. We were allowed to hope that someday she'd meet someone who was better for her.
To me it's a very immature frame of mind to think that the people who care for you, truly care for you (and are not just motivated by their own desires) need to be happy with what you want when those people often are able to view how those things are unhealthy for you. We are at times our own worst enemy and when we're struggling with things like trauma we don't always make the best decisions. Elucien's are able to spot this behavior in Elain right now especially when she herself confirmed in SF that she still has trauma despite her attempts at find some sort of purpose in the NC. We are able to clearly see how she's choosing to avoid her real problems in favor of fixating on something that gives her a shot of dopamine which, while understandable after great change and loss, is not the way to go about having real character growth.
Does Mor not also have purpose in the NC? But is Mor making the best decisions for her own personal life at this point in the series? The same can be said of Elain's character.
We've all witnessed how Sarah writes a FMC wanting one guy only to start the deterioration of his character so that her eventually wanting another makes sense to us.
Feyre loved Tamlin to the point she was willing to die for him in book 1 but the author hammered home the red flags in book 2 paving the way for Rhys.
Aelin loved Chaol in book 2 of the TOG series only to for Sarah to write his later actions as being something she was unable to forgive, paving the way for her to eventually fall for Rowan (after having no romantic interest in him at the start).
Lucien was introduced as a possible love interest for Elain when the author mated them in book 2 (a very simple fact that proves that if they do end up together Sarah went the route of what SHE wanted and not fanservice since mates getting together is the hallmark of a fated mates author). But instead of ruining Lucien as a possible love interest for Elain, instead of writing him as doing something problematic that makes us understand why he's not the guy for Elain, she has continually written him to be supportive of what she wants, going out of his way to do what is best for her, has him acknowledge her bravery in the war, has him meet her father and realize what a good man he was, has him stare at Elain and only Elain with longing two years after their bond snapped. A lot like what we saw with Rhys for Feyre or Cassian for Nesta, where they longed for the females despite them pushing them away.
If Sarah did not want Elucien's to have hope that they might overcome any current obstacles she would have gone out of her way to show us exactly why he's not the right guy for Elain despite what anti's claim Elain wants right now. Because again, what Elain wants can change and precedence shows us what a FMC wants often does. Not to mention we don't know the exact reasons Elain has withdrawn from Lucien meaning there might be some deeply meaningful explanation for it in the same way we saw with Nesta for Cassian.
You know whose character she did begin to tarnish though? Az when it comes to Elain. He looked sweet towards her in ACOWAR and FAS but in SF he was petty, childish, jealous. He went off half-cocked at how he'd easily defeat Lucien (who is most certainly a future HL and by default will automatically have more power than Az will ever have once his powers manifest, Lucien who controlled the fiercest warrior of the Illyrians with a single word), she wrote him as never once acknowledging how Elain also saved him in the war, how she saved Cassian and Nesta during the war, how she saved Briar during the war. Sarah wrote Az has never having thought of a future with Elain beyond his sexual fantasies. She wrote Az very quickly moving past the events of Solstice with Elain and showing admiration for another female, believing in that females ability to take care of herself, having that female spark something in is chest that is a thing of secret lovely beauty.
It's fine if some people still like the idea of Az and Elain but let's not fool ourselves, it's clear that the author is not writing Az as being the good guy when it comes to her. She gave him the Tamlin treatment when it comes to Elain and we all know what that spells out.
I think the most amusing thing for me will be hearing what anti's have to say when / if Elucien is written as endgame after years of telling us that we don't care for Elain. When the author herself decides Lucien is the best thing for her, when the author herself decides to have them fall in love, when the author herself has left us those clues all along, are they going to accuse the fated mates author who created this world and these characters of not caring about a character they themselves had zero part in bringing to life?
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richeeduvie · 2 days
When Baby jr is a young adult, she does a month long volunteering excursion like her mom did all those years ago and Roman wants to rip his hair out because it's happening to him again. Roman pretty much spends that entire month inside Baby (and her in him) cause he can't let himself sit in his thoughts for too long. Lucky for him though, Baby jr hated being away that long and never wants to do it again
"She's coming home in a week, Rome."
Roman doesn't say anything, but his head rests on top of Baby's breasts.
"I think that fact that you haven't ripped your scalp away and have let her enjoy her time at her work whenever she calls is the most impressive you've ever been."
"...Why is she doing this to us?"
Baby sighs, her heart twists at how genuine it sounds. Nothing humorous, nothing on that end of Roman. She runs her hand over his head, fingers tickling his neck. But she can feel him growing heavier on her.
"She's going out to experience the world, and in a good way. Imagine, she could've been a clubber. But she's volunteering and she'll be back soo-"
"Why does she want to be away from us?"
...Baby blinks.
There's something but his question that's...childish. But not like it's a tantrum. It's just...insecure and worried. Like Roman's traveled back in time to reach for that voice.
That us isn't you and him. It doesn't feel so, it feels like he's asking this question to whoever he's met in the past - or that he's asked it before at least.
"It's okay, Roman."
He doesn't say anything after that. But that's been the month at it's heaviest. For most of it, it's Roman not being able to keep his hands off of you. And you'll take him anyway he lets you, and he'll let you because he's your pathetic, freakish slut of a man who needs you, but you know it's because he can't stand to sit in his thoughts. He can't think about missing her and this is the first time your home has really been empty.
You miss her too, so much - that's just being a mother, but this is Roman being Roman. At some point, all he wanted was you and her, that's all his life has been.
Last night, you tried to make him face it, bring normalcy to his hatred of your daughter being away.
He sat on the counter, groping your breasts and not able to look you in the eyes.
"You didn't ask her to come home this call, that's goo-"
And then he stopped, which you thought is what he wanted, just until he didn't say one word as he left you in the kitchen.
"You and her are the same, I guess I'm that fucking leavable. She aged by fifteen and suddenly the world is cooler than her dad, which fair. Whatever, but you do the same."
"....Is this about my volunteer-"'
"Yeah. And everyda-" Roman clears his throat. "Just...you smell really good right now. Not in terms of your perfume. I like your sweat-scent-"
You both still at the sound of the door clicking.
"What the fuck?"
"You heard that?"
"Of course I fucking heard that-Can we just say it's nothing because if it's someone with a gun I will shit on you. Which...you're half naked so-"
"Dad? Mom?"
You blink at the sound of your daughter.
Of course you've missed her, but the way you almost knock Roman's head in when coming up makes you realize that you need to get to her now.
There's no logic in the fact that you're both expecting her a week later, but you don't need logic when you're a mother. Or Roman as a father.
It's the sound of loud shuffling and shifty cursing as Roman stumbles in putting on his pants at a hilarious, impossible speed - he almost runs out the door.
"Fuck you! Help me find my shirt, you can't greet her without me."
You see Roman almost choose to leave you in the dust.
"Oh my god, just-"
Your shirt gets tangled in your hair as he pulls it over hard and tightly. Your hair is a mess in the end, but both you and Roman are running. It's down the hall with a harsh beating heart.
And then the sight of your perfect daughter, bags behind her. She's wearing your sweater, it's a big long in the sleeves for her. And she looks so beautiful and you've missed her.
Roman's right to want to keep himself in you and all over you to keep the thoughts away, but now she's here and the thought of her leaving again is unbearable.
"...It was alright. I just-I hope you don't mind coming home early."
You're surprised Roman hasn't tackled her, but he just stares. She sighs like he does.
And she's pressing herself into the both of you, arms hugging around at your and Roman's sides. You and Roman hug the life out of her, her between the both of you.
"I've missed you, baby."
"I've missed you too, Mommy. And you too, Dad. I guess."
It's a joke with a shaky voice. Relief. You know your daughter well enough to know she's wanted to be home a long time ago, and you know kids well enough to not say anything about it.
But Roman says nothing, you just watch his eyes shut so tightly as he breathes into her hair.
Somehow, he shuts them even tighter when you rub his back, vein bright in his forehead.
"I've got a lot to tell you, though."
"About it being alright?"
"Yeah, what else?"
You and your little, forever little girl talk as Roman keeps himself quiet and tightly shut with love at it's most painful. Only Roman can make relief painful.
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10underoot2 · 2 months
Not sure how I feel about the Episode 9 epilogue but it's so comforting to know Hyunwoo choose to love and marry Hae In despite holding on to that memory of his ideal type.
I say this cause Hyunwoo doesn't know the girl he met in highschool - his ideal type- was his future wife. So he essentially met Hae in years later and said yea I wanna love her for the rest of my life. I'm also thinking of those lovely epsiode 1 Germany scenes when he has no idea she's his first love and ideal type. Like she's just the women he choose to love and marry. And he loves her so much, so deeply, so truly.
It's really hard to have someone hold a candle to what's an ideal to you. And Haein fit the bill for him. He really saw her and choose to love her fully - not really thinking too much about that one highschool interaction that marked his life deeply enough for him to remember it almost 10 years later.
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quillium · 2 years
Tim and Damian Sharing Robin
Think of it this way: A cafe only needs one barista at a time, but there are multiple baristas who cover different shifts
Scheduling errors where BOTH of them thought they were gonna be Robin that night and the ensuing fistfight
Scheduling errors where both of them thought the OTHER was gonna be Robin and the panic that ensues. Damian planned a trip to the art museum. Tim planned a date with Bernard. Bruce is like “I don’t NEED a Robin” and they’re both like “YES YOU DO”. Jason ends up being Robin. Everyone assumes Robin simply got hit by a magic spell that made him Buff and Twice His Size
Tim and Dami sometimes getting mixed up for each other. Tim is mortified that he’s short enough that people think he might be the same person as his ten year old brother
People who think there’s just one Robin assuming that Robin just brings his sword out when he feels more murdery and his bo staff when he feels less murdery
Bernard being like “I have a conspiracy theory where Red Robin sometimes acts as Robin because of the bo staff, different looks, and different character”. Tim is like. Wow my boyfriend is so smart. Time to gaslight him.
Tim and Dami switching Robin shifts without informing Bruce and letting Bruce be absolutely baffled and off-footed when a different son shows up.
Bruce is like “tonight Tim is Robin so we’ll look into [investigation that requires computer skills]”. Dami shows up and Bruce is like uh oh. This is why Bruce has like 50 different contingency plans, because his children just do stuff without telling him and it destroys all his og plans
One time Tim and Dami switch and Bruce doesn’t notice for a solid 10 minutes because he’s so sleep deprived
Core Four invites Tim to a group get-together so he asks Damian to switch shifts with him, Damian demands a bribe, Tim gives Damian a new set of brushes
Damian wants to go see an animated movie with his art club, tries to ask Dick to ask Tim to switch with him, Tim appears very smug and tries to ask for a favour in turn but then Dick being a DICK says that Tim has to be the “older brother” and “if he’d do it anyways he should just do it” and “as the older brother you can’t take advantage of a ten year old”
Tim: I’m supposed to be MATURE and just allow the switch without forcing you to take my weekend shifts-- Damian: HAH Tim: --BUT I’M NOT MATURE SO TAKE THE WEEKEND SHIFTS SO I CAN STAY WITH THE KENTS ON THE LONG WEEKEND.
Tim and Damian forming a union and presenting their terms and conditions to Bruce saying that they’ll strike unless he agrees. Bruce, exhausted, points out that he has literally been trying for over a decade to get Robin to stop existing and that THEY were the ones to force him to accept them as superheroes. He gives into the union’s conditions anyways.
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maddy-ferguson · 11 months
i don't like j0pper either but when people say joyce should've stayed with bob they always lose me because i have a hard time believing she even liked the man
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youngpettyqueen · 1 year
Henry or Potter?
man as much as I do love Potter, gotta go with Henry here
I like Potter a lot but I do think my interpretation of him is. definitely not what the show intended him to be read as. and for all I love him, he does bring in this softening of the anti-military stance of the show in general which im not a huge fan of. he's a great character, but narratively speaking not always handled the best, and I gotta dock points from him for that. he's funny as hell, he's got some real interesting nuance, but I wish he'd been handled better overall when it comes to how the narrative treats him
Henry is also funny as hell, he's got some really fucking cool nuances to his character, and his spin on the anti-military attitude is really neat imo. I think the fandom has a tendency to dumb him down a lot because he's fairly indecisive- Henry's incompetency is sometimes plain old incompetency, yes, because he was never the sort of person who should've been put in charge, but there was also a decent amount that I think was deliberate incompetency. Henry didnt want to be in charge, and he showed that where he could. but he also stepped up whenever he needed to, I could list examples for hours, but one of my favourites has always been when he had to choose which patient to save- one who would take an hour, or one who would take several hours and more than one surgeon. underrated moment imo
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lookninjas · 2 years
It’s not even so much that I specifically want to insult Paul Weller, although he was a dick about Robert Smith but whatever, the insecurity speaks for itself really.
It’s that he looks like what would happen if Iggy Pop grew up in Grosse Pointe, and as someone who grew up surrounded by Grosse Pointers on vacation at their ten bedroom summer “cottages,” I have a lot of really creative insults that only the 80 people in my graduating class would really understand, and I want to hurl them at someone.
And he was a dick about Robert Smith, so.
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agoddamnrayofsunshine · 7 months
I’m sure someone has talked about this before but one thing I absolutely love about tbosas is how Snow’s descent into villainy is never once presented as something that was inevitable
So many villain origin stories portray this idea of a person who tries incredibly hard to be a good person, who takes every opportunity to be kind and to better themselves, but are ultimately doomed to fail by the narrative. Their environment and their circumstances make it impossible for them to be a good person, and while this is effective from a storytelling point of view it’s not exactly accurate to real life
In real life there is always a point where a bad person makes the decision to do something bad, they make the decision to prioritise themselves, their own power, money or desires over someone else. That’s how real life dictators are made, they are presented with every opportunity to be good, and they purposefully choose to not take it
This makes Snow’s storyline so effective because he is given so many opportunities to do the right thing and yet, at every single turn, he chooses to serve himself instead, exactly like how real dictators are made
Snow, unlike most people we see in the capitol, is in a unique position where he could genuinely have the chance to understand and relate to the people from the districts. He, unlike his classmates, is poor and spends most nights going hungry, he witnessed firsthand the cruelty of the capitol when Clemensia was bitten by the snakes for nothing more than lying about doing her homework, when his sister was forced to sell herself on the streets in order to feed the both of them
Throughout his book, the three people he is closest to are Tigris (who dislikes the hunger games, is a rebel, and a victim of the capitol forced to turn to prostitution), Sejanus (who is originally from district 2, dislikes the capitol and knows he will never be accepted there, and also a rebel) and Lucy Gray (who is a victim of the hunger games, from district 12, and is also treated horribly by the capitol). These are all people who gave him an opportunity to realise the cruelty of the system he was in, a chance to directly confront his prejudices and see that people from the districts are just the same as him, and yet he still refuses to take the chance to change
He is given every opportunity, he’s sent away from the capitol to be a peacekeeper in the districts, he forms personal connections with people from the districts, he helps Sejanus perform funeral rites, and yet at every moral crossroads he comes to he makes the wrong decision. He didn’t have to become a villain, and yet he made the choice to do so anyway, despite every chance he was given
I think it’s a really effective portrayal of Snow as a character, and it’s a very effective villain origin story for the type of villain that Snow is. It never once excuses him from his actions because it highlights just how accountable he was for his actions
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𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐟𝐞.
Synopsis: What I think Alastors wife would be like, if he had one of course.
Warnings: mentions of blood, pinning, harassment?, Alastor being himself, not in a specific time period but at some point shifts to hell? Let me know if anyone is interested in a part two!!
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Alastors wife probably didnt like him at first, and that’s a guarantee. He likes a challenge, but Alastor also likes being liked by people. It fills his ego, makes him feel good about himself. He likes to watch people stumble and fall but quite literally cracks under the pressure of doing just that when it comes to winning you over. Chances were he was constantly trying to figure you out, for two reasons. One, being that he didn’t understand how you couldn’t like him. I mean come on, look at him! He’s got the charm, the manners, the style and the class, the status. What more could you want? The second reason being, the more you denied him, the more he took it as a challenge, the more he wanted you.
Well, surprise surprise, you dont like people with an image to keep up; and to his dismay, that’s exactly what he does. He projects an image. One he refuses to change, and even after marrying you, still doesn’t drop the image, but starts to become more real and honest with himself.
“People who project an image of themselves to others are just trying to fool themselves into being someone they aren’t.” Was what you told him.
Alastor had also asked you out multiple times before you finally said yes. Everyone knows Alastor is very picky with the people he chooses to surround himself with. Everyone he associates with is either there to serve him, or to provide him with something, even if they’re unaware of it. Which only made you trust him less. What purpose did you serve him? What if one day he found you no longer useful and tossed you to the side? Well what were you to do then?
Denying him proved to be a challenge in itself, seeing that he’s quite literally everywhere all at once.
He’d try cheap tricks first. Buying you gifts, constantly showing up at your doorstep with a bouquet of flowers or a stuffed animal. One time he even got you a whole gift basket of your favorite treats. How sweet~ if it was actually about you and not him just trying to patch up his ego. Well at least that was what you thought on the matter.
If that didnt work he’d resort to going ghost. After all, people only miss you when you’re gone right? Well not in this case. He had left you alone physically, at least to your knowledge, but he had still kept a close watch on you. Why, he just knew it would bother you that he suddenly stopped! Until he overheard you speaking with a friend about how happy you were to finally get some peace and quiet. Well that simply wouldn’t do. After all, you should always make an impact, and what kind of impact would he be leaving on you if you went back to your old boring life? No no that just wont do dear.
He’ll start showing back up at your doorstep, taking you on surprise outing to force you to spend time with him. He’ll take you on a walk around a nearby park, a restaurant one day, the picture show the next. He has a long list of places to take you, so you’ll never go to the same place twice! Get your dancing shoes because he’s gonna take you out to the town for the night, after all the city never sleeps! This is when he becomes less forceful, but more of a decent calm. He begins to listen more when you speak, and you actually begin to care about what he’s saying, what a shock!
It’s almost like a switch flips after your outings. He’ll take you to an orchestra show, snickering to himself when he sees your eyes begin to water as the show closes out. He’ll force you to hold onto his arm as he walks you across the street on a rainy night, making sure you don’t slip or trip on the wet pavement. If you ever do, he’ll try his best to catch you and if he doesn’t? Oh what a nightmare, it seems he’s fallen too! For you that is~
You two begin to feel closer, not only physically but emotionally. He gets you to open up about your personal struggles, and in turn, he’ll share some of his own, but not too much. He doesn’t allow himself to be fully and completely vulnerable with you, not yet. But he does try his best to sympathize with you when you share your piece of mind with him. He feels accomplished to know this part of you, and his ego is the last thing on his mind anymore, but instead you take up all the space.
He doesn’t use pet names for you, not cute ones anyway. He’ll call you his devilish belladonna, especially if you love flowers. His creepy spider Lillie. He’ll often speak in the ‘language of flowers’, and will educate you on it if you don’t know so you know exactly what he’s talking about.
He’s the type of person to correct people in public to make them feel stupid, but he never does that with you. Instead he’ll wait until it’s just the two of you and tell you jokingly how wrong you were. You’ll get upset because he let you look like a fool, but in his mind he’s just protecting your feelings. If anyone else corrects you, they’ll have their mouth sewn shut that’s for sure!
He never gets you the same bouquet of flowers. They’re always different, and every week or so you have a new one. He keeps a separate batch for himself so he knows when to get you another. That being said he also makes the bouquets himself, he does not buy them for you already made.
When you finally take Alastor up on his offer to court you properly, he is over the moon about it! Finally, you seem to be coming to your senses dear! Though you quickly follow that comment up with a “Let the blood rush to your head first.” He just bats his lashes at you with a smile. You always know how to make him feel so loved!
Gets very jealous very easily. If he sees you laughing with someone that isn’t him, he’ll size them up before deciding if they’re a threat or not. Heaven forbid anyone actually put their hands on you and uh oh! Limb of the floor someone come get it!
His possessive nature is rooted in abandonment, and thus being said, he has deep attachment issues to you. You are never out of his sight when you two begin dating, and you’re hardly ever far from him in general. You two dress similarly too, especially if you’re from the same era. He’ll switch up your wardrobe slowly so it complements his.
He isn’t one for strong PDA unless he feels like he needs too or just has a strong want too. Usually it’s an arm around your waist, or you hanging onto his arm loosely. The most he’ll ever really do is a kiss on the back of your hand or to your temple. That being said, he’s like this for various reasons.
One, he has a lot of enemies, which means that not not only does that put you in danger, but if you’re also a powerful overlord, it puts him at risk too, though he doesn’t care much about that part.
Second, he doesn’t like physical contact much, and though he always makes an exception for you, he has his image and pristine reputation to keep up. Which you extremely dislike but tolerate because it’s Alastor and if he hasn’t changed much in centuries, nothings going to change ever.
Alastor is very very fond of you, whether you believe it or not. Your fiery attitude has him whipped more than he likes to admit. He’ll joke with other sinners that he’d sacrifice you to save himself but you both know that isn’t true, his nervous ticks prove it to be false, if you do say so yourself.
He’s very fidgety. He’ll tug a piece of your clothing or twirl a strand of your hair between his claws. If you claim he’s messing up your hair he’ll cast a tornado of shadows around you to fuck it up even more, and then smiling at you lovingly when you threaten to cut his ears off because you can’t tell if they’re his hair or just furry ass ears. You always give him a good laugh.
Other sinners are actually convinced you both hate each other, but turf wars on the news show that you two are the most in love when you’re wreaking havoc on innocent sinners for no possible reason other than the fact you two had an argument and the best way to settle it? Dancing in the rain, which actually isn’t rain, just blood falling from the sky because you like to kill people for fun.
“My darling looks the best in red if I do say so myself! Especially if she’s dressed by another’s remains, oh the beauty!”
Alastor has and will continue to get in his feelings about you and his mother getting along so well. He loves you both to pieces, so seeing his two favorite people together makes his dead heart swell with joy.
He’ll ask you to accompany him to the tailors, he values your opinion more than others so you often make adjustments to his suit and he’s just like ‘Whatever she says that’s what’s going on the suit.’ You also make him your personal dressing doll, trying different patterns and styles on him for fun. Alastor is a true skinny jeans hater and he will die on that hill, again. He really appreciates the 60’s style, but prefers to stick to his own decade.
He will take you out hunting with him, and the two of you share breakfast together with the fresh meat you’ve caught. He only gets the best quality for you because he refuses to have you two ‘eating like chums’. A restaurant tried to lie to the two of you, saying their meat was high quality and fresh. Alastor killed everyone in it and you two shared remains like a true power couple. Hells finest of course. ;)
He’s very critical of picking out jewelry for you. Hunting for the perfect ring for you took him ages, mainly because he knew exactly what he wanted but no jeweler had what he wanted all in one ring. So instead he forces them to make him a custom one. Torn limbs and bloody parts later, you have the ring that Alastor worked so hard to give you. He proposes to you Extermination day, claiming he’d love to spend another year in hell with you before the angels come to rip you two apart from each other. It was such a sweet day, at least to you it was.
The type of relationship where he plays the piano and you sing. He loves when you sing and will gush about you to anyone in sight even if he doesn’t know them.
Is very needy in private. He’s a stage 10000 clinger, and will stick to you like his life depends on it, but will be damned if anyone catches him. You don’t tell anyone about it, you like the private life.
You two have cook offs all the time. You make the hotel staff judge, and ultimately Niffty is the tie breaker because she’s brutally honest. Once she told Alastor he should stay out of the kitchen because women were better at it for a reason… harsh!
He was fine though, he got her back by ridding the hotel of bugs. He knows she likes chasing them around and for that she sobbed at his feet for ten minutes asking him to bring them back. It didn’t take much actually, Sir Pentious brought them back on his own, much to Charlies dismay.
He loves to read with you. You two often read a book and once you both finish you have a tea session over it. It starts off being about the book and then somehow shifts to just gossiping and talking shit about the other overlords, except for Rosie, we love Rosie in this household.
Speaking of, Rosie is usually where you get your clothes from. She’s a sweetheart when she isn’t picking pieces of muscle from her teeth, that sharp smile is a killer! She loves to talk about Alastor with you, and usually she’s where you go after you two have had an argument. You’re also her personal Barbie doll. She puts you in outfits and she and Alastor judge over them. Nine times out of ten you leave her boutique with a new wardrobe every time.
Now let’s talk about Vox.
Honestly the whole reason Vox knows about you is probably because he was digging through Alastors shit. But when he sees you? Oh lord, this man is HOOKED.
He doesn’t even know how Alastor managed to get you entangled with him. He finds out about you when you and Alastor aren’t dating yet, and he basically jumps at his chance to try to be with you.
Vox will forever consider you the one that got away, you can’t change my mind.
Alastor has proven time and time again that he’s basically better than Vox. He took a seven year back, came on the radio one day and boom all his viewers were back. In Alastors mind there’s no competition, just Vox being obsessed with the fact Alastor said no.
Valentino uses it against Vox all the time, and it will always make Vox buffer.
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hyewka · 6 months
warnings. sub!tyun, noona!reader, desperate shit, degrading, use of whore/slut, handjob
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flirt freshman!taehyun who, even if he looks polite and at times would even be described as cute, is definitely a heartbreaker. stringing along, fucking, then ghosting.
you see right through his nice guy act when he subtly hits on you, flashing you his white pearls, blinding smile that show off his dimpled cheeks and the way his eyes form into crescents, his simple charms almost, almost having an effect on you. but you know better, you’ve already passed this chapter of your life, getting yourself fucked over by cute assholes. so you reject any and all advances that he makes on you, even as so far as to completely ignore him whenever he addresses you in a group setting.
you wanted to protect yourself, because again, you knew better. but what you dont realize is how often your blatant rejections have been either straight up cruelly humiliating or just plain harsh to the younger boy. not until you’re stuck with taehyun as you awkwardly wait in the car for your friends.
“why dont you like me?” he starts, quiet as he looks out the window. you turn to look at him, a little astonished that he decided to confront you. then you quickly recollect yourself, clearing your throat.
“who told you that?”
he scoffs, a sneer retching his expression. “you’re kidding aren’t you? i don’t think i know anybody more repulsed with me than you. everyone can see it. you almost jumped out of the car when they told you i was going to sit in the back tonight.”
it’s like hes been keeping all of his thoughts behind a lock with how fast everything spilled out of his mouth and you take in a breath. “okay now that’s an exaggeration.”
“not really.”
then it falls silent again, hearing the distant horns of cars and you awkwardly shift. he’s right, its not.
then suddenly, his eyes shift from the window to you, and the eye contact catches you off guard, you can make out the slight furrow of his brows and the small pout that rests on his lips—you’ve never seen him look like that. you avert your gaze almost immediately.
but he’s still staring. and it has you nervously tapping your finger on your lap.
“i like you, noona.”
your eyes widen a little. not because of the confession, you knew it was coming eventually. something about this variation of gentleness with his voice that you don’t think you’ve quite heard��ever coming from a man has your heart beat just a little faster. noona? its nothing new coming from taehyun, but your hands still slight dig into the fabric of your skirt. “if that wasn’t already obvious enough.” he says bitterly with a non humored laugh.
you spend the entire night, staring at your blank empty google doc, wallowing in all thoughts related to taehyun. it kind of pisses you off that he’s managed to chip a little away from your wall, you usually disperse any thought that comes up in your head that has to do with him. but now you choose to give yourself a leeway, just a little to think over whether he was being genuine, and whatever happened in the car was taehyun serving his heart on the platter to be so…vulnerable, or if it was just the last trick up his sleeve to lure you in like a toy he can’t have.
but then you remember the little features—the way his brows slightly turned up, the way his bottom lip instinctively stuck out, just a tiny bit—the way his eyes twinkled, just somewhat, as cliché as it is to say, it felt genuine, real.
when taehyun sends you a text that night, with a string of other unread messages from weeks or days ago before it—you come to the conclusion that he likes you, really likes you.
sorry, ignore what i said today
i don’t want you feeling uncomfortable around me any more than you do
your heart swells a little, simultaneously feeling the guilt conscience slowly creeping up on you. maybe you really did misread him this entire time.
so imagine your surprise when the next time you see taehyun, a week later, it’s at a frat party, looking down at a girl clinging onto his arms with those same twinkling eyes, smile, dimples, gentle look—eventually laughing then biting down on his lips as he looks away, the red on tips of his ears making you fume more than you’d admit. you don’t know what it was, what exactly made you insane enough to stomp over to him in long strides, wobbly pushing through the drunks, seeing red as you grab taehyun by the arm when he’s of reach—the surprised look on his face only lasting for a second before you furiously turn around, dragging him away from the confused girl that he was getting way too flirty with.
he could’ve easily shaken off your grip, it was weak, but he followed, he let you take him, only when you push him in a non occupied room and lock the door does he finally say something.
“hey, what the fuck was that—”
then you go for it. throwing all logical justifications and reasoning, you pull him into you harshly by the collar of his shirt, crashing your lips onto his. you don’t know what you expected, up to now it felt like you’ve been on airplane mode, but you know it wasn’t what taehyun returns. even if youre the one who came onto him first, he kisses back even more passionately, leaning into you, so quick to be receptive, hands going up to your cheeks as he lets you walk him hard into the door, latching onto your lips as if its a taste of a drug that has him hooked right from the first dose.
he’s so…desperate, it scares you, and turns you on at the same time. every time you try to pull away a little he reels you back almost immediately following your lips, the kiss becoming open mouthed as he breathes in and gets more and more messy, sloppy—he’s so sloppy, it’s the last thing you expected from him.
you finally manage to pull away, both of you catching your breath, with his lips glistening and red, mouth agape, chest heaving, up and down as he stares stunned.
“wha—um, so—fuck, sorry, no wait—” hes stumbling over his words. again, something taehyun never does. whenever hes spoken to you, it always felt so calculated, like every word hes thought over, because it felt so perfect. hes always collected.
you clasp your hand over his mouth, weakly, but he stills shuts up his ramble and jumble of words, blinking at you, with those god damn adorable brown eyes.
“kindly, shut the fuck up.”
his brows twitch a little, but he’s still silent.
your eyes search for something in his, you don’t know what, but it feels like you’ve gotten a green light, sighing. “i wanna fuck you.”
“shit.” he marvels, feeling his breath against your palm, his eyes still just as wide. you don’t know what exactly he’s thinking but if the dick already poking against your thigh was any indication, it was that he wanted it. really bad.
you slip your hand off his lips, then you whisper, fixated on how plump they are, “open your mouth.”
he blinks confused, hesitant until you take it upon yourself to rub your thigh against the tent in his pants, having him almost immediately buckle as he lets out a sinful groan. you should know he’s probably not into what you’re into, so you ease into it, testing the waters as you press yourself flush against him, rubbing your leg up and down against his clothed dick. “feel good?”
“y-yeah, shit, noona, please touch me.”
“i am touching you,” you swipe your hand over his bottom lip, fuck, they really are pretty. and so kissable. you’re shocked you haven’t kissed them sooner.
“no, i want your hand.”
you scoff, he’s so confident with what he wants, and so demanding. bratty. he’s probably so used to dominating. “this isn’t enough? me getting off your crusty dick isn’t enough for you? you’re feeling good, aren’t you?”
you press harder and with no consent of his own, his breaths knocked out of him, a slight squeak by the end that has his ears running red again. your thumb slips into his mouth, easing into it, slowly, before you fully press on his tongue as the friction of your knees against his cock gets more and more frantic and torturous. “you tell me you like me then decide i’m not worth the headache, a week later you run off to another innocent girl you’ll try to break the heart of after getting your fill. someone needs to keep you in check for becoming such an asshole, no? do you have no shame?” you mock, feeding him another finger in his mouth so he can’t retort like you know the smartass in him would do.
he sucks on them, surprising you as you feel his tongue licking eagerly…fuck, how badly did you misread him?
but you can tell with the way his eyes involuntarily water, and the way he shakes his vehemently, he still has the audacity to deny everything.
you scoff, slipping them out of his mouth, string of his saliva coating your fingers and shoving that hand down his pants, promplty grabbing his dick, marveling at the soft, wet feel. he already spilled so much pre-cum—slut. he likes this.
“you don’t like me, you have no right to be jea—hahhh..fuck, you can’t be jealous, you c-can’t. shit, faster, faster please noona, noona…” he whines, delirious as he gets lost at the feeling of your hand, bucking his hips, clearly getting frustrated with how irritatingly slow you’re tugging at his dick.
“i don’t. i don’t like you. i don’t like slutty men who’re bad.”
he whimpers, and fuck does that noise have you pooling your underwear.
“how have i been bad? how? i’m always good to you, i always—”
you twist your hand a little and his head immedietely falls back against the door, mouth hung open as he lets out pathetic, needy pants, “fuck, fuck, fuck.”
“like it? is it how you imagined it’d feel to have my hands wrapped around your cock?” you press, kissing down his jawline, hand letting out wet sounds as you jerk him off with more speed
“yes, yes, so much better noona, so much—” he chokes on his own words when you suck on his neck, feeling him let out shuddering breaths. cute.
when you use your other hand to trail up under his shirt, feeling up his muscle, you can hear him gulp, and for whatever reason, it turns you on even more.
“fuck, you’ve been trying to dom me, haven’t you?” he breathes out.
you let out an airy laugh out of your nose, grazing your thumb over his nipple, the hitch of his breath being your undoing. “i have been domming you—this entire time. what, don’t like it when a womans in charge?”
he shakes his head immediately, “no, no, i like it. i really do, i like it a lot. i like it when its you, noona.”
even when you have his mind sent to overdrive, he still knows exactly what to say to have your heart racing, it’s dangerous.
“hm?” you hum, throat dry, trying to forget the comment thats repeating over and over in your head. he likes it when its you. you scoff a laugh, “you really know how to get a girl going huh?”
“would treat you right. give me a chance noona, i’ll treat you like a queen.”
“a queen?” you laugh, then pretend to ponder on it as you play with his bud more, his dick leaking through your hand—he’s enjoying it all too much. “think would like goddess more.”
he moans wantonly when you thumb his tip, then transitioning to jacking off his shaft in frantic speed, it gets him delirious. “goddess, goddess, fuck—i’ll treat you like a goddess baby, swear.”
“sure you wouldn’t ghost me?”
his breath hitches again, head dipping into your shoulder, jaw practically hung open, mix of moans and whines spilling out of his mouth dumbly—who would’ve thought, huh? “never. so pretty, you’re so pretty and smart, and and—”
“such a slut, just want your dick touched and you’ll say anything.”
you feel him shake his head, still panting heavily as he grabbles onto you for support. he’s clingier than you expected, he holds onto you so often.
“faster…faster please, ‘m sososo close.” he sobs, his shaky breath fanning on your shoulder.
you chuckle, giving him what he wants, the wet squelching sounds heightening until he breaks. “gonna—gonna-” he spills before he could even finish his sentence, with a high pitched noise he cums in his pants, no doubt creating a big stain in the area of his crotch.
well, shit.
but when he lifts his head, a dopey smile on his face, eyes glazed over still, you think he might not mind all too much.
note. long overdue sub taehyun and a noona smut from me 🙏 did they fuck. no. will there be a future continuation of this au. perhaps.
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