#Isn't this being sick?
birdmenmanga · 4 months
I think there's no greater indication that disco elysium is sympathetic towards communism when it literally says "communism is failure" and then the literal gameplay itself rewards trying and failing. The most obvious one being the Shivers check at the FELD mural, which is an Impossible 20 check BUT opens itself up again and again the longer you spend in the world doing things, but even just looking at sheer probabilities, for any given white check, rolling first and THEN putting a point into that skill upon failure is more likely to grant you success than putting a point first and then rolling, but that would require failing first.
Other things too: Precarious world saying you'll 100% fail red checks no matter what (not necessarily a bad thing, btw!! throwing the boule into the sea is a success but like. in some other ways one would want a perfect petanque throw instead. but people wouldn't typically assume that failure is desirable sometimes from the start) persuading you to accept that you'll fail some things that is irrevocable, for a world where everything is just a tiny bit easier.
The faux game over screen when you faint after reading Dora's letter— emulating a sense of failure on the scale of the entire game. When it rolls up most people go "What?? Game over?? No way, what did I do wrong!!" and waking up after that, with no huge or lasting impact on Harry's health or morale really tells the player, "Sometimes things will seem so bad that it all seems like it's coming to an end, but it's not the end, it's really not the end, go drink so water, you can still go on despite this failure"
I'm sure there are other things as well that are eluding me but like. The literal gameplay rewards failing and succeeding far more so than simply succeeding every single time, and I think you get a fuller experience of Elysium that way too
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riverswater · 1 year
Welcome to another episode of treating Tumblr like my diary instead of saying this to the therapist I'm currently paying
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pinkd3mon · 9 months
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Dealing with Trauma while being King Dedede
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Dealing with Trauma while being Taranza
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yesmissnyx · 3 months
An Unsexy Post About Censorship
Sooo...gumroad is shutting down NSFW content sales because of Stripe and Paypal. This is also why Wishtender has been down as well, if you weren't aware. And why Patreon is also cracking down on anything remotely kinky.
(If you're wondering why your favorite FICTIONAL sexual content isn't allowed on most platforms, it's payment processors.)
Please be extra kind to anyone who works with NSFW content right now, whether it be art, writing, audio, photos or video. Whether it be tasteful erotica, or the kinkiest BDSM porn you can think of, we're all in the crosshairs right now.
And, judging by trends from these past few years, this is only going to get worse.
Support NSFW creators where you can, whether by tipping or buying our content (where you still can) or just helping boost content on sites where algorithms want to drown us out.
Call representatives where you can and complain about payment processors acting as arbiters of what YOU are and aren't allowed to pay for and enjoy.
This may be about porn right now, but censorship of this caliber doesn't just stop with porn. Any transgressive (read: non-conservative) media is fair game.
Fight against it where you can. Support creators where you can.
Art is important. Reflections of our sexuality are important. We don't want a world where people aren't free to make or see the things they love and enjoy.
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queenlucythevaliant · 7 months
Okay but I do get really tired when people rag on Narnia's Biblical parallels for being too overt. Like, yeah dude. It's written for kids. Most kids don't do subtlety. I knew my Bible better than probably 95% of third graders, and yet my parents still had to clue me in. I've talked to people who grew up secular and didn't realize Narnia was Christian until well into adulthood. The Christian parallels in Narnia are at a pretty perfect level for most kids, and the fact that we as adults continue to get new spiritual meaning from it as we grow is a real testament to the depth of Jack's writing.
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flaticeball · 8 months
hey! as the first season of connor bedard gets underway i, your local indigenous hockey fan, have a request of you: please don't let this kid's sure to be marvellous and jaw-dropping rookie season make you complacent with the racism of the blackhawks as an organization. it is beyond heinous that they were able to secure the first overall pick this year for a number of reasons i'm sure we're all familiar with, but i am pleading with the hockey community not to let the racism of this org fall through the cracks.
they drafted connor bedard and handed him a jersey with a giant racist caricature on the front. their mascot is named tommy hawk. they continuously fail to curtail their fans' egregious displays of anti-indigenous racism at games.
i'm not going to ask anyone not to post about bedard. i know he's huge news and i'm bummed as all hell that i won't be able to enjoy the beginning of what is sure to be an incredible career myself. but i am asking, given that his presence on the team is likely to increase the prevalence of people making and reblogging posts about the blackhawks, that you please care, loudly and actively, about the racism of this organization and how much it hurts indigenous fans to see that go unquestioned so often.
consider mentioning it in posts. consider amplifying the voices of indigenous fans and community members about the issues of these types of sports organizations. consider reading up on the history of the person they claim to 'honour' with their hideous effigy of a logo. consider censoring the logo in your posts if you are able to (please do this if you are able to). consider tagging posts so that indigenous fans are at the very least able to blacklist that team and not have to see it.
above all, please just. don't forget about it. don't forget about us. we belong here too.
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pillowprincessvarric · 4 months
Finding out that buy and large what people mean when they say "it's dangerous to reheat rice!!" is that if rice is held at a tepid temperature for an extended period of time it tends to grow cultures that can cause food poisoning. A fact that is true about pretty much everything.
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bruciemilf · 11 months
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No one look at me this is giving me so many sugar baby Bruce and DA Harvey vibes
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sxturdaysun · 1 month
i am once again saying that there is nothing wrong with being a non-sharing selfshipper. there's nothing wrong with blocking people who share one (or multiple) of your f/os. there's nothing wrong with telling doubles not to interact with you. setting boundaries for yourself and your online space is a moral neutral and has nothing to do with being "insecure" or some other negative. if you find that insulting or belittling, that's on you; not on the person setting the boundary. quit trying to make non-sharers into bad guys.
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cardentist · 7 months
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The post that was screenshot: [Link] This post with the reply by catgirlforeskin: [Link] A convenient post that I wrote going into it about my gender yesterday: [Link]
obviously I would suggest reading the original post, as it has context for what was being said in those screenshots.
So Like, We Just Hate People Who Aren't Binary Huh?
We See Someone Come Out About Being Genderqueer And Talk About Their Own Presentation And Sense Of Self On Their Own Post And It's Immediately Responded To With "You're Fetishizing Trans Women By Thinking That You Have Anything In Common With Them."
let's review !
1: I made a Vent Post where I responded to a Cis Person, I made my own post and crossed out their username because I didn't feel like they did anything Wrong, but I wanted to discuss my feelings on it anyways!
2: these feelings were that it's upsetting that people don't seem to think about the trans perspective when discussing gender Stuff, or how marginalization in general plays a factor when discussing representation in media.
3: within Two Notes I got someone crawling into my replies and dms to talk down to me for being trans masc, so I expressed frustration that That's something that happens to me.
4: THEN somebody responded to That to insist that me expressing frustration about people lashing out at marginalized men was harmful to trans women.
you'll notice ! I was a trans person speaking about my own feelings on my own post, responding to a cis person and someone who explicitly harassed me. I did not mention trans women in this post, because it was a vent post. I explicitly say in my response to that post different kinds of trans people venting about their experiences does not imply or take anything away from other sorts of trans people.
so ! what we're left with is !
1: people being Furiously Angry that I would say that all trans people are capable of being hurt and that all trans people deserve to speak about their feelings, enough to rip things out of context and lie
2: People Just Unironically Saying With Their Entire Chest That A Trans Person Who Considers Themselves Both Masculine And Feminine Is Transmisogynistic, Because Being Genderqueer Implies That You Don't See Trans Women As Real Women. Somehow.
so like. where do we go from here huh.
firstly, there's an awareness. I need people to be Aware that this is something that is happening. that we've reached a point where people hate trans mascs so much that they're willing to tear them down for talking about Their Feelings in response to Cis People.
that we've reached a point where people get so blindly Angry when someone suggests that trans people should all be treated with dignity and respect that they're willing to act like this.
I Need people to share things like this, even if it's not this post specifically. because I Need People To Understand the kind of vitriol and hatred that trans mascs are facing simply for being visible At All.
if people aren't aware then they Will end up supporting and spreading this kind of harassment without realizing.
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otakusapien · 6 months
You're allowed to dislike children, but you still have to be polite and reasonably kind to random ones around you for the same reason you're passingly polite to random adults in you're daily life: Because they are people
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selina-meyer · 1 year
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....rebecca’s coat is the  box and her scarf is the biscuits....
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eveningrainstorm · 6 days
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you can take the family out of the psychics but you can't take the psychics out of the family
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edwardallenpoe · 1 month
so, I've read quite a bit of bagginshield fanfiction, because of course I have, and I've noticed that Bilbo is not as sassy in fic??
Like, is it just me or was Bilbo like, sarcastic and had an attitude in the moveis?? The best example I can I remember off the top of my head of this is when Bilbo tells Gandalf he saw Thorin and co. On Ravenhill and said he had to get to them, and Gandalf said he couldn't make it, and he said "uh, yeah I can." I loved it, honestly, but in fic writers tend to make him softer and shyer? This isn't a problem but I would love to see more sassy Bilbo!
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forestshadow-wolf · 5 months
Cw: angst, (not actually) unrequited love... but it is unresolved
Soap thinking that falling in love with ghost may, very well, be the most painful thing he's ever experienced. He knows ghost doesn't do this. 'Love' or whatever. But maybe he doesn't care if it kills him.
Thinking about soap drinking a glass of scotch at night, not enough to get drunk, just enough to take the edge off. He convinces himself that it's fine, that it doesn't matter. He convinces himself that if he acts like it isn't there it won't destroy him. He convinces himself that this isn't him being self-destructive. He convinces himself that it doesn't hurt to be unlovable.
I wonder if he kneels and prays to a god he no longer believes in, not after all those years of begging for even a sliver of salvation. I wonder if he offers up his sins and prays to be just a bit more palatable, even as nothing more than a companion. He hopes and prays and has faith in a god that continues to disappoint him, because he cannot bare to be nothing. He knows he cannot ever be anything more, but perhaps he can simply keep what he has, hopefully. He prays.
I wonder if he hands ghost a chocolate, and silently begs him to continue tolerating him. I wonder if he cleans ghost's kit as an offering of his use. I wonder if he he sorts paperwork like a confession. I wonder if he slides ghost his favorite part of mealtime like repentance to the bitter taste he leaves him mouths. I wonder if he's on his knees groveling for mere tolerance to a hard pill to swallow. Maybe ghost will crush him up and take him that way.
What if he watches ghost at the pub. What if he sees how receptive he is to the advances of men and women alike. What if he thinks ghost is happier this way.
What if he sees ghost accept the free drinks from some quiet scottish bloke with a modest mohawk, and thinks maybe it's not that ghost doesn't do 'love' or whatever, it's that he's simply unlovable, untolerable, maybe ghost did crush him up but left him there flailing.
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Craving warm soup, a visit from my f/o, and for them to pepper my face with kisses. I want them to hold me and take care of me, and I want them to giggle as I burn the soup on my tongue and then tell me they will kiss it better once I'm no longer sick.
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