#Isabella’s silly headcanons
isasan347 · 9 months
Wouldn’t it be really cool if Hyrules Hyrule had a museum dedicated to the hero of legend.
Because let’s be honest. Siblings or no siblings fable probably teases legend about the huge amount of magical items he has, some even multiple times. It’s ridiculous.
And they joke around that he could fill a museum with it and tadaa
Yea he can
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fullscoreshenanigans · 4 months
I headcanon that at first Ray is adamantly against the use of nicknames and pet names for himself because he thinks it's silly.
"My name is Ray. It's literally three letters and one syllable long. Just call me Ray."
But Emma can't let that stand. She has "sunshine" and "Em," Norman has "Nor," "Norm," and "Boss."
So her proposed solution is for Ray to change his name so that "Ray" can be a nickname and show of affection. Ray balks at the suggestions she litters throughout their conversations, addressing him as Raymond, Rayner, even Raybert at one point.
Norman is more deft in his timing so the first time he drops a "Raymond" during one of their chess matches he ends up on the receiving end of Ray channeling Isabella with this look
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He does eventually come around to them calling him Sunray.
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 1, Wave 3, Poll 2
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included.
Check out the other polls in this wave and prior here.
Tougou Mimori-Yuuki Yuuna is a Hero
her legs are paralyzed for a long time and even after she regains leg movement she still likely has some form of ptsd due to her experiences (she also clearly shows signs of some other kind of mental illness but that isn't explicitly stated by canon), she also canonically has a crush on her best friend and has an extremely homoerotic relationship with her other best friend
She is canonically sapphic and a wheelchair user.
she's so amazing, like she's the mom friend, the tech wiz, she pretended to be a vigilante one time, she tried to destroy the world, she's a history buff, she's stubborn, she had amnesia, she prefers her last name even with her closest friends, she's a total goofball, she loves to cook and bribes her friends with snacks
Are you a fan of magical girls? Of magical girls who would like to kiss other magical girls, perhaps? Well then. #togosweep
The qualifications and propaganda paragraphs correspond, @melodemonica is the first submitter.
Isabella Peretti-ValorPUNK
I don't have to try and argue for people to see my Vision (tm) or make up headcanons to get her into this competition. Isabella is a CANON wheelchair [user], bi/pan teenage girl!
Her exact romantic/sexual orientation hasn't been stated because she is discovering it throughout the course of the show! She falls for a girl and their romance is a long-running plotline with a lot of major focus, and then when it crashes and burns (because the other girl has unresolved mental illnesses), she takes some time to heal before dating a ninja himbo sweetheart. As for her being [a] wheelchair [user], she got into a car accident when she was little and it paralyzed her from the waist down. This is NOT a focal point because the show starts when she's a teenager and the chair is already daily life for her, but there IS one very funny scene where she goes to a classmate's house to help him with his computer and his house is two stories, so he has to carry her fireman-style up the stairs and it's awkward and silly.
Anything Else?:
ValorPUNK is a TTRPG show with a ton of LGBT+ and disabled representation! All the players are queer and many of them have chronic pain or mental illnesses, so the rep is all authentic and well-done.
Submitted by @candaru
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onboardsorasora · 6 months
Danni!!! Okay of course first I am here to give you these 💐💐💐 because you deserve them for every single fic you write and especially for Reclamation!!! 🫶🏼 I was wondering if you could give a little peek into what happens after the ending! Not a full blown 10k work or anything but just some thoughts like…what is the wedding like? Where do they live after? Do they eventually have kids? Do sewis have kids? Anything else you wanna add! 🫶🏼
Oh Isabel thank you for thisssss!!!!🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾 I had so much fun thinking of these! I could go on forever lmao. Here are some post Reclamation headcanons, I'll put them after the cut😅😅 I still can't believe its over🥹🥹🥹🥹
They get married at the Verstappen estate. Daniel wanted to elope so they didn't have to plan anything but Sophie insisted and called up Grace and they pulled rank. They have a garden party in the sprawling grounds. It's very classy. Isabella, Isaac, Luka and Lio are stinkin’ cute. 
Max and Daniel go off to fuck twice. The first time was handys after their first look (Charles reminded them that they’d have blowjob lips in all their pictures otherwise. Max thought that was a good idea, Jules vetoed). The second time they go to fuck is during the reception after the first dance because Daniel whispered in Max’s ear that he was wearing a special (and pretty) plug.
Daniel changes outfits three times because of course he would. His final late night reception party shirt was actually a tasteful pattern this time but if you looked closely (and only 3 people did) you’d see that the outline design was actually cocks with a ring on them 😊.
Carlos is there as a friend and Charles' date. They finally got together. Pierre is there with a new girlfriend. A different girl from the yacht party who was also a different girl from the engagement party. She's only in one group picture because no one trusts that she'll last longer than a few more weeks.
They live in the penthouse for a bit then they buy a house in the hills with a view of the city and the ocean. Daniel categorically will not move back into the estate and Max has no problems there. They get one more cat– a compromise because Max wanted a dog (since they now have a yard) and Daniel said no and sucked his dick so he'd stop bringing it up. This happens twice before Max actually does stop bringing it up because he doesn’t want to get pavloved into getting hard when thinking about dogs 🫣
They do have a daughter eventually, but like after a good while of just being married and having each other again. They have a lot of time to make up for!
Sewis absolutely has kids. They have three little gremlins! Twin girls and a sweet little boy. The middle daughter is soooo bossy like both her dads. She bosses Blake around and has him wrapped around her finger. She was the only one who didn’t cry when he first met her– she actually went to sleep, and that was during the colic phase so Sewis begged him to come over often since he seemed to be the only one to get her to rest. 
When Jules gets married, Daniel goes all out with the planning. Jules is exasperated as fuck but he lets Daniel have this because he knows his bestie is trying to ‘repay him’. Which they’ve spoken argued about but Daniel needs Jules to know how much he loves and appreciates him forever and ever til the end of time. They ended each wedding planning email with ‘fuck off’ and Jules’ said ‘fuck of please/respectfully/categorically/emphatically’. Daniel cackles each time.
Max and Daniel do not go off to fuck at Jules’ wedding. Not because of respect or anything so silly. But Daniel essentially made himself the wedding planner's assistant so he literally couldn’t step away. Charles laughed at Max’s grumblings. The wedding was gorgeous.
They still go to the cabin as often as possible. Daniel bought more land around it and they built another, bigger cabin so that the entire group plus spouses and all the kiddies can be comfortable. None of Pierre’s girlfriends have been to the cabin.
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lonely-cereal · 5 months
Ray gets a cat: Headcanons
HEADCANON: In the human world, Ray adopts a black cat with purple eyes and names it isabella or yugo, but probably Isabella.
The cat was a kitten when he first brought it home, and she loves, and I mean LOVES ray. She's a spoiled cat, honestly.
Ray baby talks to her and someone (prob thoma and Lani) walked in on it and teased him for the rest of his life..
Ray built a silly pillow fort for the cat but he won't tell anyone. Speaking of that, Ray Cuddles with her
Ray's cat is a rather aloof and reclusive cat but still loving. She likes to sit under the sun or sleep next to Ray.
She's a jerk to Norman and likes breaking his things or grabbing his jackets or sleeves.
Ray: "awww isn't she such a cute cat?" Norman: *War flashbacks.* "right…"
Ray and cat are best buds.
Ray probably spent hours researching about cats, and he feeds her chicken and The best cat food brands he can find. He's invested a lot for her toys.
Overall, ray is besties with his cat.
All headcanons inspired by my own overly affectionate cat.
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chidoroki · 1 year
182 Days of TPN - Day 55
Chapter 55: “B06-32, Part 5” 
We see in the previous chapter’s extra page that it was Ray’s idea to tie Yuugo up and I can only imagine he’s had many fantasies of doing the same to Isabella to keep her confined from interfering with any kind of escape plan Ray came up with. How else would he be so successful at keeping Yuugo down if he didn’t already know the exact method to go about it? Just a silly headcanon of mine, of course.
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Emma’s internal clock doesn’t care if y’all just enduring a long, exhausting couple days out in the wild, you’re still gonna wake up at six in the morning. I love Yvette’s little note and how excited Chris is though. We see him wake everyone up on different occasions in both medias too so it’s cute he shares that early bird energy with Emma. Manga always tries to hide Ray’s sleeping face, but at least we get a little peak in s2ep4.
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Dominic and Rossi literally shaking with excitement over the chance to actually have a decent bath is so precious. It’s simple moments like this that make me love these kids so much.
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Why does Nat always have some of the best comments? And how massive is this tub? No way in hell would I share a bath with that many people.
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No worries Rossi, I was crying at this point during the anime too.. just for completely different reasons..
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Look at how pleased they are when they overhear how their family’s so happy and proud they all escaped and worked so hard to get here. Ray especially. Surely he knows by now that escaping with everyone and not just the other oldest kids was well worth it.
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The change of clothes and how the kids finally getting some freedom in choosing what they wanna wear! I’ll still never understand the reason why the second season decided to keep them all in the GF uniforms for all of ep3 and a majority of ep4. The way they had Emma out hunting in a skirt wasn’t practical in the slightest nor did it fit her character at all. Tag explains the frustration better than I ever could.
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Chef Ray back at it again with yet another incredible meal for everyone.
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Rossi really does have some of the best faces, but someone needs to save this lad from being squished. Anime didn’t quite nail his expression but at least it had the other kids like Chris, Alicia and Mark react to Don’s outburst too.
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I gotta stop picking on Nat's low enthusiasm because odds are I’d probably react the same way to a lot of things in this world. Also love the small detail of the additional bandage on Emma’s face from where Yuugo’s bullet grazed her cheek.
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I know Chris and Jemima are often seen as Ray’s closest younger siblings, but I wanna add Mark to that list. That boy certainly loves our chef’s cooking. And I’m so happy we get to see Emma with her sleeves rolled up like they were in some of the really early chapters. How she wears the necklace is super cute too.
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At least the anime allowed us to hear what our favorite piano man sounds like.
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They give themselves a brief moment to think about their dearest friend and then it’s right back to business. I love them. And Ray saying that they “can still see Phil and the other kids” is like a gentle reminder to them both that Norman is no longer with them. Or so they were led to believe.
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Favorite panel/moment:
It may just be a daydream but it’s a damn adorable one and it makes me wanna cry!
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duckietine · 4 months
emmay Valentine's headcanons pls☹️☹️☹️☹️
Ray is the one who told her about the Holiday in the first place at Grace Field since he read about it!! I think Emma would like it since it's a day to celebrate loved ones and you know how she is
She probably wrote him like a silly letter or something and he was like "yk I'm right here you can just SAY those things instead" but he wrote her one back anyway and she teased him about it
She dragged him with her to pick flowers for their family and he was like leave me alone freak get Norman to do it (then he ended up rambling about which flowers would be best for a bouquet)
Ray used one (1) of his rewards to get a box of chocolate to share with his family on Valentine's day but he just told Emma half the truth which is that Isabella got it and not that he asked her for it
Post canon she helps him bake things for their family but they end up goofing around 50% of the time
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faintingheroine · 1 year
Isabella Linton for the character ask?
Since you haven’t specified numbers I will do most of the asks.
Isabella Linton:
1. My first impression of them: I actually disliked her a lot when I first read the book as a 12-year-old. Found her silly.
2. When I truly started to like them: I reread her parts around the age of 15 or so and said “She is great actually??”.
3. A song that reminds me of them: Love Is an Open Door from Frozen due to a Tumblr post I saw in 2016 or so. Also Vay Halime by Candan Erçetin.
4. How many people I ship them with: No one.
5. My favorite ship of them: Isabella/Happiness
6. My least favorite ship of them: Isabella/Edgar. Yes, there are some weirdos speculating that Linton was their incest baby.
7. A quote from them that you remember: ““’But then,’ I continued, holding myself ready to flee; ‘if poor Catherine had trusted you, and assumed the ridiculous, contemptible, degrading title of Mrs. Heathcliff, she would soon have presented a similar picture! She wouldn’t have borne your abominable behaviour quietly: her detestation and disgust must have found voice.’”
10. Describe the character in one sentence: Edgar Linton’s seemingly weak and petulant but actually witty and determined sister.
11. What’s the first thing you think about when you think about the character: Her burns to Heathcliff.
12. Sexuality hc: I think she is heterosexual.
13. Your favorite friendship they have: I like her complicated relationship with Catherine Earnshaw.
16. A childhood headcanon: I think Edgar was the favorite child of their parents.
17. What do you think their first word was: Mamma
18. How do you think they were as a kid: A crybaby
19. The most random ship you’ve seen people have with them: Well, Edgar/Isabella should get that title. Cathy/Isabella is not random but the amount of fanfics it has is still a bit surprising.
20. A weird headcanon: I can’t think of anything.
21. When do you think they were at their happiest: Maybe when she was living alone with her son, especially in the brief periods when Linton wasn’t as sickly as usual.
22. When do you think they were at their lowest: Her first few days at Wuthering Heights when she wanted to be killed by Heathcliff. Also possibly after her wedding night when she understood her mistake in marrying Heathcliff.
24. What do you think is a secret they have never told anyone: Maybe she was more spiteful towards Catherine then she let on to Nelly.
25. When do you think they acted most ooc: Some critics find her actions and strength and wit after marriage ooc but I don’t agree. We don’t even know Isabella much before that.
26. When do you think they were being “themselves” the most: While she was hysterically laughing after having just escaped Heathcliff’s clutches.
28. The most unnecessary thing they ever did: Suggesting a young Heathcliff be imprisoned because he looks like a fortune teller’s son who stole her tame pheasant: racism. Marrying Heathcliff also caused much trouble for herself, her child and her niece.
29. How do think they would be as a parent: I think since she had an especially sickly son and was a single mother, she had to be very attentive, anxious and indulgent. Not SUPER indulgent, not grotesquely Charlie and Chocolate Factory indulgent, but indulgent. I think Linton only survived till the age of 12 because she was especially attentive.
30. The funniest scene they had: Her whole story can be interpreted as VERY darkly humorous.
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waveofstars · 5 months
Repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. if you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some other of your own!
Tagged by: @myriadxofxmuses for chey (<3 <3)
Tagging: @myriadxofxmuses (Silas), @rosesonbreeze (Isabella), @writermuses (Caitriona), @dcgtown (Fin), @heroexxs (Molly), & anyone who sees this!
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► NAME: Amanda Chey Johnson
► NICKNAME: Chey, Mandy
► AGE: 33
► SPECIES: Human
► SEX: Female
► INTERESTS: filmmaking, surfing, making music with her band, beaches, bonfires, going to breweries, playing pool, road trips, going to concerts
► PROFESSION: Filmmaker
► EYES: Blue
► HAIR: Blonde
► SKIN: White with orange undertones, usually sporting a tan and freckles on her skin from the sun.
► FACE: Jennifer Lawrence
► POSTURE: Stands tall at work, slumps at home
► HEIGHT: 5'7
► VOICE: singing voice inspiration (x), (x), (x)
► SIGNATURE OUTFIT: ripped jeans, mock turtleneck tank, some sort of outerwear (most likely a leather jacket), boots. here's a post of her general style (x)
► SIGNIFICANT OTHER: verse dependent
► COMPANIONS: her family, her best friend Tegan, her coworkers, her bandmates (Connor Rose)
► STRENGTHS: She is very charismatic and generally sees the best in people. She is hardworking and never backs down from a challenge. Extremely confident in her career and is successful for a reason. She handles everything with a sense of humor. Completely loyal and protective of her friends and family. A huge lover with a huge heart and secretly the most affectionate person you'll meet.
► WEAKNESSES: Way too stubborn and hellbent on proving a point. She is easily agitated and can't contain that anger of hers when it comes out. Sharp tongue and an even sharper right hook. Deflects her own pain with humor too much. Occasionally shuts down when her depression gets the best of her. Pessimistic about her love life and/or future. Doesn't always think before she speaks and accidentally inappropriate at times. Horrible at apologizing. Has a difficult time letting people completely in.
► FRUITS: Coconuts, strawberries, bananas... basically any and all fruit.
► DRINKS: Water
► ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: Beer is her go to, but she'll drink anything. She has a high tolerance for everything except wine. Wine makes her silly.
► SMOKES: Never! (jk she wants to believe that but she definitely still bums a cigarette now and then)
► DRUGS: Occasional weed
► DRIVER'S LICENSE: Yep and she loves to drive (but also loves being the passenger!)
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mullet--head · 2 years
okay finally time to do this
[REDACTED] sonic au (w/ a pinch of utmv)
WARNING!! THIS MASTER POST CONTAINS SLIGHT SPOILERS FOR THE SONIC 2 MOVIE (i took inspiration from a scene, specifically a Knuckles scene)
The (main) characters in this au are: Sonic, Tails, Amy, Knuckles, Shadow, Silver, Eggman, Mochi(my persona), and Arson (@freshmichael 's persona), w/ Blaze and Rouge as frequently appearing characters
The 1st arc consist of the main group (minus Silver, Blaze, and Arson) coming together and deciding to, while taking care of Eggman, uncover secrets about the past. This arc also includes a fraction of Mochi's back story.
IMPORTANT AU LORE!! (This is for echidnas specifically and is based off of Knuckles' back story scene,the actual headcanon is made by me)
There are/were "six" (6) main exhna tribes: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, and "Purple". They all had their own base abilities and were separated into tribes based off there color.
Red: Strength
Orange: Flame
Yellow: Cosmos
Green: Earth
Blue: Water
Purple: ???
The other echidnas actually never found out what the purple ones could do. In fact only a few have ever claimed to see one. They just assumed they preferred to keep to themselves.
There were other tribes besides the echidnas. For example the Skeleons and Isabella's home tribe (the names not important)
The main settings for this au Mobius, Earth, and sometimes places in the utmv
This au belongs to me and is co-written by my friend @freshmichael
We have about 4-5 arcs worth of info ready to be shared but there are things we cant tell because we want them to come to light naturally
If you have any questions please send them :)) I hope you all enjoy this silly little thingy
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isasan347 · 9 months
Legend and Ravio have the same voice. But during the events of albw since ravio didn’t want legend to know his identity he made it sound raspier and pitched it higher.
During LU legend actually makes it deeper to sound older, and Ravio and leg only talk in their normal voices when they’re alone/ not with the chain
Also I don’t think the chain knows that ravio is legends counterpart so there’s that
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micro-meltdown · 2 years
unasked AAF Headcanons I like to share about the pumpple pie au-
Content / ramble about: [under cut]
dif. possession and appearance forms in spirits and the Entity
how the spirits can be summoned
The Entity's influence on Peter
in this au, the spirits are separate from the characters
I don't claim that any statement is true to the real world, those are simple silly thoughts about a silly video game
Spoilers for Andy's Apple Farm
ghost form; humanlike, independent form, outside their vessel
Possession and Appearance Forms
All spirits generally take two forms:
possession form; taking control over the vessels body
There are two kinds of possessions:
form A; passive, "outside force" (not in control of the body)
form B; active (in full control of the body)
(Here you can find out more about the two possession forms)
The spirits don't always need to be with their vessels. They have a max. area to how far they can be away (differs from spirit to spirit)
They only possess their vessels when they are summoned, they get triggered, or they try to protect their vessels
The Entity:
Unlike the outher spirits, En does not have a ghost form
It only has power/influence in the game world when it's using a vessel (aka Peter)
(In the "real world" it doesn't needs a vessel)
When it's not using a vessel, its more of a concept, a lurking force with no real influence
Because of this, the Entity is Always with Peter (usually hiding in the deep corners of his mind, or lurking nearby)
En possesses Peter whenever it feels like it (tho especially when Peter acts out / is in danger)
A spirit can always be summoned, by the vessel and/or an outside person, trough "trigger events/objects"
Triggers, to force a spirit into p.f. B:
-> goal of summoning: possession form B
Reasons: mostly to talk directly to a spirit
event; recreating a traumatic/pleasant event with the same phrases/actions
objects; a familiar object to the spirit, one which reminds of a trigger event (for example an axe for Andy)
Each spirit reacts differently to a summoning:
Louis and Isabella usually react fearful or curious
Margaret and Arthur are always cautious, but open
Thomas, especially when summoned trough the trigger object "Axe", usually reacts hostile and defensive
The spirits will leave if "released" (aka being told to leave with a firm/stern voice)
Tho depending on the spirit, some might be more stubborn and difficult than outhers
En's Influence on Peter
Peter is always 100% aware during a possession, but En paralyzes him so he won't put up a fight
It's rare for En to let Peter have "clear moments", but once En warms up to Andy, it allows him one-two times more clear moments than usual
(basically, Peter's a silent, motionless observer)
En likes its vessel paralyzed/numb/dissociative, no matter if possessed or not. It's just simpler to control and possess him like this
-> It archives this trough forced intrusive thoughts and flashbacks
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loracarol · 3 years
Went and saw Encanto today in the theater - before anyone gets on my ass for seeing it in the theater, I’m vaccinated, I wore my mask, I was the only person in my row, and for other reasons that I’ll put in the tags so as to not spoil the mood, even though there will be some Encanto spoilers ahead. 
Just some thoughts
My sincere headcanon is that Antonio sent the toucan after Maribel to be her friend like how she gave him the stuffed jaguar. Unfortunately, the living toucan still had a mind of it’s own. 
My ridiculous headcanon is that Mirabel has the magical power of Conjuring Musical Numbers, but the Casita freaked out because it couldn’t figure out how to show that on a door, and it panicked. It’s spend every day since then trying to make it up to Mirabel by being her bff. 
Oh also, Isabella's dress is at least partially made out of flowers, and that's why it never rides up or anything of that nature, even when she's doing her Cool Vine Tricks.
Just in general, I don’t think that the Casita, or even the Miracle honestly, is really this omnipotent/omniscient force that knows what it’s doing all the time? Like, it’s doing it’s best, but it’s in it’s way just as “human” as the other Madrigals. 
Luisa hits all the tropes I like for a very specific type of m/f pair oops 
I loved Bruno, but I definitely felt like he was being a bit silly on his sister’s wedding day. I mean, yes, you can argue that she should be able to control her powers, but (1) his whole deal is seeing the future and (2) I want you to not think about an elephant right now. Don’t do it. Don’t think about elephants, whatever you do. Now is a bad time to think about elephants. Cool, did you successfully Not Think About Elephants? Now pretend that it’s your future-seeing brother and he’s told you it’s going to rain. How well do you think you’re going to avoid thinking about rain? Like, Bruno, ILU, but that wasn’t your best plan. |D   
I think that the Miracles going away was probably really good for the town too; they got to learn how to deal with their own problems without going to the Madrigals for everything. Seriously, they can go get their own donkeys. 
This is just my opinion, but I think if I was in Mirabel’s position, I could forgive Abuela? I know that not everyone could, and that’s fine, but IDK, I felt like her backstory explained but didn’t justify her actions, and as long as she was willing to put the work into changing, which we can kind of guess that she did considering the magic came back.... IDK that’s just my opinion. 
Okay that moment though, when she collapses on the ground with her babies. Ugh. That hurt a lot. 
I really liked the songs. 
Mirabel’s freckles are super cute.
I actually really ended up liking the whole family? Like, they’re flawed AF, but I still came out of the movie liking them. 
IDK, I think I need to acquire this movie as soon as I can.  
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I've already made a post for Isabela and Dolores. Now, it's time for Luisa!
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Tio Bruno always made time especially for her, in part because he was worried that Alma's favoring Isabella over Dolores and Luisa would effect both of them, but more so his soft-hearted, strong-willed (then) youngest niece. He was right btw.
Tio Bruno babies Luisa the most out of all of his nieces and nephews, as he sees the need for care and rest in her. I see him using sweet nicknames or suffixes with her the most, maybe on some level to remind her that while she is quite literally five times her tio's body mass, she's always gonna be his pequena sobrina
When they hang out, it's all fun uncle-esque stuff. They play games, go on nature walks where they catch lizards (and if Luisa keeps it to herself when tio Bruno brings home a new rat or four, that's her business) and overall just chill, because that's all Luisa wants.
I mentioned that I thought Bruno would play Hernando and Jorge when the kids were younger, just as a silly little thing to make the ninos laugh, but I would like to add that I think it started with Luisa. When she was sad, Bruno would console Luisa by making up adventures for her and la trio de tios to go on, all the while joking in his silly voices.
Louisa outgrew Bruno in height at age nine. The first thing he said to her when he came back was "Nina, you've gotten so tall!" Because idk I think it's funny, extended family always says something like that but in Louisa's case, it's a bit of an understatement.
Their first hug that day cracked Bruno's back so loud Julieta shrieked because she thought Luisa killed him. The two of them had a laughing fit, accompanied by Agustin, while Julieta cussed them out in spanish.
They like to build intrucate rat mazes together, often spanning the entire perimeter of Casita. Luisa has made it her mission to stump Teresa, tio's smartest rat.
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chocogoths · 3 years
bc I haven't read the books in a long ass time but they live in my head rent. free. please feel free to scream w/ me PLEASE
it's. actually "D'Angelo" lol. I like to imagine when they arrived to the US some worker misunderstood their family name as.. "D. Angelo" like it was an initial or smth (saw that in a movie once ksksk) and it just stuck until it eventually became "di Angelo"
Nico's full name is Niccolò Salvatore D'Angelo uwu I'm not too sure about Bia, but I like Bianca Isabella D'Angelo
they both look so much like their mom!! I hc that Maria had a couple beauty marks that Bia and Nico inherited✨ bottom corner of the eye maybe? and freckles too
Goth Maria supremacy!!! She always had a fascination with death and ghosts and such, that's one of the reasons she fell in love with Hades<3 Plus she canonically dresses in all back and wears dark makeup
Maria was an opera singer! I have no proof but also no doubts. In the present Nico managed to find some records of her singing and now Mama sings him to sleep every night💕
also Hades canonically enjoys music and singers (Orpheus) so that's one of the reasons he fell for Maria
I think Maria was generally an artsy person, she had Bianca and Nico take lessons in dance, music and painting, Bianca probably learned embroidery and Nico BEGGED her to teach him so he learned too, they had lil music sessions where Maria would sing, Bianca played the violin and Nico the piano (Bia and Nico weren't perfect but they tried so hard and Maria always encouraged them!!)
Nico inherited Maria's love for all things spooky, his favorite thing to watch was Disney's Silly Symphonies: The Skeleton Dance (he tried to imitate it in front of the tv hghghfhfhg)
also he loves chocolate. this one's kinda out of pocket i know but i just had to say it. Nico says dark chocolate supremacy
I also hc that one time, they found a baby bird that had fallen from its nest, Maria let Bianca hold it while she fetched a first aid kit to nurse it back to health, while Nico peeked and jumped around Bianca bc he wanted to hold it too🥺 When Maria came back though, Bianca had tears in her widened eyes and she told her that the lil bird had suddenly died on her hands :(( she didn't squeeze or anything!! one second it was just sitting on her palm and the next it was just. dead (i saw this in a movie too lol)
Nico didn't really understand what was happening, but that's how Bianca learns about mortality (and unknowingly, a lil bit of her powers) and y'know how some little kids learn about death and are either fascinated or scared by it? poor Bia was TERRIFIED
Bianca developed a fear of dying, and anything to do with death in general (which I hc as one of the reasons she joined the Hunters of Artemis.. besides wanting to actually live for herself and not be a mom to her little brother :c) the bird incident was something she was never able to get over😔
also!!! both Bianca and Nico sometimes saw ghosts. Baby Nico would babble all day long to his ghost buddies, Maria found it SO cute. Younger Bianca chatted with them and had tea parties and such, but after the bird incident she would flinch and look away whenever she saw one :(((
Bia's fear of her (unknown) powers sometimes manifested and her Mama's roses would wilt and dry up :c But Maria would kiss her forehead and tell her she liked them better that way, and Bia would feel a lil bit better, and a lil less scared<3<3
Nico's first crush was a boy he went to school with, he also once had a teeny tiny crush on his teacher, and another time a crush on one of Bianca's classmates... he falls in love easily ok lol
he never acted on his feelings bc he wasn't even sure what they were?? he just knew he really liked those guys and he'd feel lil skeletal butterflies in his tummy when he looked at them!! when he told Mama about this she laughed and hugged him, and told him he'd understand those feelings when he grew up a bit💗
this one is more set in the present-future but. I really desperately need Hades (& Persephone!!) and Nico to have a good relationship🥺 I like to think they slowly but surely work through their issues, and Nico does end up regularly visiting (or even living in!!!) the Underworld with his family, since Hades has a room for him in his palace💕💕 One for Hazel, too! and they get along marvelously with their step-siblings as well<3
Macaria, Melinoe and Zagreus loooove them. big siblings taking care of and mentoring their lil siblings. good. One big, happy goth family that's all i ask!!
y'know this one. no one beats Nico at any videogame or card game ever. thank u Lotus Hotel
ok that's it!!!!! for now.
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cinnamon-ginger · 2 years
It’s so strange as a white queer person to see other white queer people not even just do the silly headcanons but replace the story entirely. Like when people say Isabella is a lesbian because she doesn’t want to marry mariano, like no she just doesn’t want to and she’s doing it for the family, because she’s the oldest grandchild. Like white queer people forget that people can just not want to get married because they don’t want to not cause they’re queer. And like yeah I had a couple of queer headcanons like I have with every movie but not in place of the story itself. And there’s absolutely no way that abuela is homophobic. Just because YOU don’t like a character, or doesn’t make them a monster.
And I’m not trying to be like “I’m not like other white people uwu” or anything. I just know that those same people will say “I just can’t relate to them” or “this is the only way I can understand their trauma” and I want it to be put out there that that’s utter crap. I’m a white person, I saw the generational trauma in the movie unfold, I saw the Latino influences on the town and the characters and how it shaped them. I also learned things about Colombian culture. So for the white queer people to say “they just can’t understand it” is willfull ignorance and should not be tolerated, especially from other white queers like myself.
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