#Indoor Humidity Control
hydrofoggers · 2 months
The Active Air humidifier employs advanced technology to regulate and maintain optimal humidity levels in indoor environments. Its efficient design ensures consistent moisture distribution, promoting comfort and health while preventing issues such as dryness and static electricity.
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icewindandboringhorror · 10 months
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... how am I meant to get any sort of restful sleep when it's like 85F indoors in my bedroom at NIGHT .. hhhhhhhhhhhhhh
#why the next poll adventure and everything else has taken so long lol.. I straight up have just not done anything#the past few days... staring down my todo list and sweating hopelessly#AT LEAST it;s relatively low humidity. the highest it's been up to is maybe 65%. but is usually around 50 or 40ish#There is one small window air conditioner in a roomate's room that can KIND OF be shared by nailing a sheet up to block off the hallway#with the rooms in it so the cool air goes into the other bedrooms but doesnt flow out into the kitchen or etc but#wjhen it's the time of day that the sun is directly hitting the window & it's like 102F outside even that doesnt help much. to cool 3 rooms#and I always feel like we're going to explode the air conditioner or something running it too much with direct heat on it. sometimes it#smells like hot plastic or whatever ghj.. so it's mostly just.. block off all windows with 5 layers of blankets and cardboard#starting at 10am (meaning.. no indoor light for days basically.. no natural lighting.. time passes weird. hard to determine time of day).#throw water on the bed every night so you sleep in wet sheets and keep your clothes and hair wet at all times. ice. cold drinks. keep a#little fan running pointed directly at you nearly 24/7 even when sleeping with a fan blowing air on you makes your eyes and throat painfull#dry. etc. etc.. and i KNOW people have it worse in plenty of places blah blah. i am just complaining on my little blog that is about me lol#I think the biggest thing about lack of adequate/central air conditioning for me is just the LACK of productivity!!! I am working on games!#and novels!! and so many other crafts. costumes! sculptures!!! things I want to do!!! we all have a limited amount of time on this planet a#nd I have so many goals!! To lose basically 4-5 days straight or producivity - when if I had been able to temperature#control my environment better I could have easily gotten more done because I wouldn't be laying around nuseous and too hot#and sick to do anything all day etc. -- is like.... GRRRRRR... it just feels so senseless.. i could have USEd that time...#Every CEO who has contributed to global warming owes me 1million doallrs to fund my art projects and make up for all the time#I've lost on them due to their stupid bullshit.. also they should be stoned to death in a public square. but redistribute the money FIRST#to everyone on the planet. but especially people who have been affected by floods. fires. etc. etc.#poor people who have limited choice in housing and access to air conditioning. homeless people in cooling centers. people with disabillitie#and health issues that are worse in the heat so the entire future just seems increasingly terrifying for them. etc. etc.#ANYWAY.... eughhhgh.... It can cool down SLIGHTLY at night but the past few nights I have been sleeping in an 81 degree room and I wake up#and first thing in the morning its like 82 by then and I'm so nauseous and nasty feeling... just so so tired of it.. I NEED SNOW#literally not even joking.. snow would heal me. .. oughffff...#AND i got the new nasty stinky poo poo pee pee tumblr dashboard update lol.. e v i l
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swankpalanquin · 11 months
opening my windows cos i think the air quality has gotten a little better and i’m at the point where i’d rather breathe in smoke than have to sit in this slightly damp stagnant air for one more minute
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emergencyplumbingil · 29 days
What is steam humidifier and its maintenance.
The AprilAire 800 steam humidifier is known for its efficient performance in providing whole-home humidity control. It uses steam to add moisture to the air, which can be particularly effective in areas with very dry climates or during the winter months when indoor air tends to be drier. It's often praised for its ability to maintain consistent humidity levels and for its reliability.
The AprilAire 800 steam humidifier utilizes a canister to generate steam for adding moisture to the air. Over time, minerals and other impurities in the water can accumulate within the canister.
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ctrltech · 2 months
Dive into Comfort: Choose the Perfect Indoor Pool Dehumidifier!
Combat the humidity challenges of your indoor pool with our state-of-the-art dehumidification system. Specially designed to tackle the excess moisture generated by pool water, our system ensures a comfortable and healthy environment by maintaining optimal humidity levels. Prevent structural damage and mold growth, and ensure the longevity of your indoor pool area. Dive into a fresher, drier swimming experience with our advanced indoor pool dehumidification technology. Call us today in Dubai, Muscat, Riyadh, Doha, Dammam, Manama, Kuwait, Yerevan, Baghdad, and Jeddah. #IndoorPoolDehumidification #MoistureControl #IndoorPoolDehumidifier https://www.dehumidifier.ae/dehumidifiers.php
For indoor pools, maintaining the proper humidity level is crucial to protect the structure of the building and ensure a comfortable environment for users. Swimming pool dehumidifiers designed explicitly for this purpose come in various types to suit different needs and space constraints. An inline duct model integrates with existing HVAC systems for a seamless solution. Portable units offer flexibility and can be moved as required; ceiling models save floor space while providing effective moisture control. Freestanding dehumidifiers are robust, easy to install, and ideal for areas where ductwork might not be feasible. Each type helps efficiently manage indoor pool humidity, preventing mold growth and structural damage.
Find the ideal dehumidifier to balance your indoor pool environment, from inline duct to freestanding.
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cselandscapearchitect · 5 months
Shining a Light on Profitability: How to Grow and Sell Tropical Foliage Plant Liners Under Grow Lights
This blog post aims to provide a comprehensive guide on growing tropical foliage plant liners under grow lights for profitable resale. It targets nursery owners, small-scale growers, and gardening enthusiasts interested in expanding their product range or starting a business in plant resale. The post will delve into the practical aspects of setting up and managing a grow light system, selecting…
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houkairconditioning · 2 years
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Drying Herbs
How to Dry Herbs
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Drying is the easiest method of preserving herbs. Simply expose the leaves, flowers or seeds to warm, dry air. Leave the herbs in a well ventilated area until the moisture evaporates. Sun drying is not recommended because the herbs can lose flavor and color.
The best time to harvest most herbs for drying is just before the flowers first open when they are in the bursting bud stage. Gather the herbs in the early morning after the dew has evaporated to minimize wilting. Avoid bruising the leaves. They should not lie in the sun or unattended after harvesting. Rinse herbs in cool water and gently shake to remove excess moisture. Discard all bruised, soiled or imperfect leaves and stems.
Dehydrator drying is a fast and easy way to dry high quality herbs because temperature and air circulation can be controlled. Pre-heat dehydrator with the thermostat set to 95°F to 115°F. In areas with higher humidity, temperatures as high as 125°F may be needed. After rinsing under cool, running water and shaking to remove excess moisture, place the herbs in a single layer on dehydrator trays. Drying times may vary from 1 to 4 hours. Check periodically. Herbs are dry when they crumble, and stems break when bent. Check your dehydrator instruction booklet for specific details.
Less Tender Herbs — The more sturdy herbs such as rosemary, sage, thyme, summer savory and parsley are the easiest to dry without a dehydrator. Tie them into small bundles and hang them to air dry. Air drying outdoors is often possible; however, better color and flavor retention usually results from drying indoors.
Tender-Leaf Herbs — Basil, oregano, tarragon, lemon balm and the mints have a high moisture content and will mold if not dried quickly. Try hanging the tender-leaf herbs or those with seeds inside paper bags to dry. Tear or punch holes in the sides of the bag. Suspend a small bunch (large amounts will mold) of herbs in a bag and close the top with a rubber band. Place where air currents will circulate through the bag. Any leaves and seeds that fall off will be caught in the bottom of the bag.
Another method, especially nice for mint, sage or bay leaf, is to dry the leaves separately. In areas of high humidity, it will work better than air drying whole stems. Remove the best leaves from the stems. Lay the leaves on a paper towel, without allowing leaves to touch. Cover with another towel and layer of leaves. Five layers may be dried at one time using this method. Dry in a very cool oven. The oven light of an electric range or the pilot light of a gas range furnishes enough heat for overnight drying. Leaves dry flat and retain a good color.
Microwave ovens are a fast way to dry herbs when only small quantities are to be prepared. Follow the directions that come with your microwave oven.
When the leaves are crispy dry and crumple easily between the fingers, they are ready to be packaged and stored. Dried leaves may be left whole and crumpled as used, or coarsely crumpled before storage. Husks can be removed from seeds by rubbing the seeds between the hands and blowing away the chaff. Place herbs in airtight containers and store in a cool, dry, dark area to protect color and fragrance. Dried herbs are usually 3 to 4 times stronger than the fresh herbs. To substitute dried herbs in a recipe that calls for fresh herbs, use 1/4 to 1/3 of the amount listed in the recipe.
Copyright: This document was extracted from "So Easy to Preserve", 6th ed. 2014. Bulletin 989, Cooperative Extension Service, The University of Georgia, Athens. Revised by Elizabeth L. Andress. Ph.D. and Judy A. Harrison, Ph.D., Extension Foods Specialists.
Picture Credit: Linda Palmer- Pinterest.
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randomprose · 4 months
heat wave cool down
[written for the satosho discord server valentine day prompt: soft touches] also posted on ao3
'Shoko has her hair up’ is the first thought that entered Satoru’s head when he stepped foot on the training grounds. 
It is followed by a sudden need to lay his hand on her exposed nape.
The doctor’s coat she typically dons is surprisingly absent and her usual turtle neck is switched out in favor of a light cotton blouse with a modest v-neckline exposing her collarbones and all Satoru wants to do is touch.
“Get away from me.”
“Wha—” Satoru frowns. It hasn’t even been a minute since he arrived. Hell, he hasn’t even gotten within five feet of her. “I just got here! I haven’t even said anything!”
“Sorry,” Shoko sighs and sends an apologetic look his way. “It’s just…it’s the heat. And knowing you—” with his tendency to get all up in her space. Tch. “Whatever. Just stay where you are. You standing beside me is just gonna make it worse.”
“Is this your indirect way of saying I’m hot?” When Shoko just rolls her eyes, Satoru closes the distance between them anyway (because when has he ever done as he’s told?) takes the papers she’s been using as a makeshift fan from her hands, and fans her himself. “If it’s so hot, then why are you out here, Doc?”
“Supervising,” she nods towards where the second and first years are paired up. “First-aid training.”
“Oh. Didn’t realize that was today.”
“Infirmary’s not big enough for all the students and the gym is basically an oven this time of the year. You’d think after all these years Yaga would have installed an airconditioner there by now or at least better vents. The field is blessedly cooler than anywhere else indoors.”
Sweat trickles down the side of her neck. Satoru’s eyes follow its journey all the way down until it disappears down the collar of her shirt between her cleavage. 
He licks his lips and swallows.
“Gojo, are you listening?”
“Hmm? Yeah, totally. You were saying something about Nobara being the worst at bandaging and Yuuji being the best at CPR.”
“Impressive,” Shoko hums an eyebrow raised as she snatches her papers from Satoru to aggressively fan herself since he stopped. “Considering you’ve been practically staring down my shirt the whole time.”
“Guilty as charged,” Satoru says, shrugging and sticking out his tongue in an attempt to act cutely his way out of Shoko’s heat-induced ire. He reaches in his pocket for a handkerchief and dabs at the sweat on her forehead and on her nape, tucking a lock of hair that has managed to escape the hair clip she’s twisted her hair up in behind her ear. “Better?”
“Thanks. Would still prefer for this heat to be gone though.”
“Well, damn, Shoko. I can’t control the weather!” Satoru snickers as he continues to fan and dab at her sweat. “But I can do this.”
In the next second, he’s standing side by side with Shoko as he expands the range of his Limitless to her space. Shoko feels Satoru’s cursed energy and the slow crawl of his technique all over her, enveloping and shielding her from the heat and the humid air.
“Goddamn,” she mutters as she slowly feels her body cooling down. Satoru has stopped fanning and grinning at her. “Is this why I’ve never seen you sweat? It’s like a personal cooling bubble.” 
“Never been touched by rain or snow either since I’ve had it. Unless I want to that is.”
“And you’re just keeping it for yourself while the rest of us mortals sweat and shiver at the mercy of nature and its seasons.”
“Well, it’s not like I can break it into pieces and pass it around,” Satoru scoffs. He peers down at her and sees that Shoko’s face has relaxed to her usual soft passive expression compared to her earlier scrunched-up annoyed one. “Anway, why did you think severely-allergic-to-pollen-Suguru sticks to me like a second skin every spring?”
“Tch. God really has favorites.”
“Good thing you’re one of them, huh?” Satoru says, smiling when she doesn’t shrug off the arm he’s put around her shoulder. 
Shoko huffs out a laugh and bumps their shoulders.
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terrence-silver · 6 months
I’m not sure if you saw that Reddit story about the guy who turned his air conditioning way colder than normal so that his wife cuddled with him while they slept but that gives me such Terry Silver vibes and I want to know what you think
Oh, he'd do more than just that.
Sure, amping up the air conditioning system to influence the environment to ensure (and very, very subtly manipulate) beloved into seeking out his body warmth because they're shivering from the cold, but also? Also?
Terry ensuring it's way more humid and warm indoors than it reasonably has to be purely to see beloved sweating and perspired. Terry keeping the mansion drafty with it's many windows open, at times, just so he could see the occasional gust of wind toy with their clothes and hair. Terry the Machinator. Terry the Tactician. Terry with an immaculately trimmed estate lawn with built in remote-control sprinkles that can go off any time and give beloved a good and unexpected splash, because he wants to see them wet. Peel them out of their moist attire afterwards, not that he needs extra excuses; he just like the scheming part of it. Terry with floor and wall heating there to ensure beloved can technically walk around with as little clothes as they please, because, again, it's awfully hot in here. Terry keeping certain rooms deliberately dark and dim just to keep beloved unbalanced and titillated --- others, entirely light so he'd keep them aware. Terry influences the space around himself to achieve a specific effect what he wants to achieve, if need be, and how he does that is as varied and as multiple as environments and their external or internal factors can be. So, quite literally speaking? The world's Terry Silver's oyster. That air conditioning unit is there to serve his desires like a teensy, tinsy, unassuming weapon in his arsenal --- it's called conditioning for a reason. And why wouldn't it be? If it can have beloved cozying up to him as close as they can, looking for comfort and an embrace, than clearly, he's won and all it took was tweaking the remote a bit.
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breelandwalker · 11 months
Our AC still isn't fixed and it's going to be in the 90s for the next week. 😭
There's nothing for it, unfortunately. The service contractor our home warranty company assigned us to was TERRIBLE and I had to chase them down for two full months to get appointments and updates, and six weeks after we finally got a tech out, they STILL hadn't sent the report to the warranty company so they could order parts. No wonder all their Google reviews are 1 star. (Like seriously, what part of "Our HVAC system doesn't work at all and the temperatures upstairs are rising to a dangerous level on hot days" says meh, this can wait? Fuck you, Reliance.)
Thankfully, I was able to get us assigned to a different company and they were at the house the very next day and had the report in and parts ordered by the end of the week. So we're waiting on delivery and a repair date. But because of that two-month delay, we're kind of screwed here. Seriously, we put the request in in MID-APRIL hoping this could be resolved before the summer heat waves hit.
On top of that, our HOA doesn't allow window AC units because Gentrified Aesthetic Bullshit. So I called and explained (read: gave somebody a barely-polite earful) about our situation and our request was still denied, but we have until mid-July to remove the unit we put in our bedroom so that the upstairs doesn't get hot enough to be a health hazard for us and the cats.
(The HOA does allow indoor units with a low-profile window exhaust panel, but they cost twice as much as a window unit and we could only afford the cheaper model at the time that the temps were really starting to rise and we had pest control coming so the cats HAD to be upstairs overnight. I'm holding aside a little money just in case we need to get one.)
We'll manage though. We have proper curtains now and plenty of fans, and if worst comes to worst, I'll just spend the weekend in the bedroom with the cats and the AC. It's currently a toss-up as to whether we'll have thunderstorms or just swampy humidity.
I do not enjoy summer. 😑
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rosengeist · 1 month
Ok, actual comics question about X-Men. I like Marvel, but even the best of us cannot keep up with the sheer volume of X-Men spin-offs and lore.
Does Gambit’s cowl serve a purpose other than like…looking neat? I know he has the altered gloves, but outside of just aesthetics I can’t sort out why he almost always has that.
My best guess other than character silhouette/recognizability is that…maybe it prevents people from touching his head/neck/accidentally setting off his powers? But then this would imply he would need full body coverage and I was always under the impression that Remy was in control of his powers. Like they can’t be set off if an object just brushes him. Considering he’s so strongly tied to a hot, humid climate as a character, it seems like it would honestly SUCK to wear in the deep south.
The only practical explanations I can think of for it are,
1.) Altered balaklava, implying he is always ready to steal something should the opportunity arise.
2.) Again, an altered balaklava. Despite being the “ragin’ cajun” he has a profound love of down hill skiing and is down to let that icy powder fly at his face, any time and anywhere. You never know if a mall will randomly have an indoor ski hill.
It doesn’t need an explanation other than “it was a cool design element and stuck, like the black sclera in his eyes”, just curious if it has a practical purpose that was ever given in cannon.
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ctrltech · 2 months
Clear the Air: Advanced Dehumidification for Indoor Pools!
Experience unparalleled indoor pool comfort in Dubai, UAE, with CtrlTech's comprehensive range of indoor pool dehumidifiers. Whether you're looking for ducted, wall-mounted, or portable options, we have the perfect solution to manage the humidity your pool generates. It is designed to prevent mold growth and structural damage and ensure a healthy swimming environment; our humidity dryers maintain optimal conditions effortlessly. Trust CtrlTech for all your indoor pool dehumidification needs and dive into a fresher, drier, and more enjoyable pool experience. Call us in Dubai, UAE, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Qatar, Armenia, Muscat, and Jordan. #Dehumidifier #IndoorPoolDehumidifier #CtrlTech4u https://www.dehumidifier.ae/dehumidifiers/best-indoor-pool-dehumidifier.php
A dehumidification system for indoor pools is essential to controlling humidity levels and creating a comfortable and safe environment. Excess moisture from the pool water can lead to structural damage, mold growth, and an uncomfortable, humid atmosphere. By implementing a dehumidifier for pool rooms, you can efficiently remove this excess moisture, maintaining optimal air quality and protecting the building's integrity. These systems are designed to handle the significant humidity load that indoor pools generate, ensuring the air stays dry and the environment remains healthy for users.
Enjoy your indoor pool without worrying about moisture damage or discomfort with our effective dehumidification solutions.
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cselandscapearchitect · 11 months
The Essential Guide to Managing Humidity for Your Houseplants
Welcome, green-thumbed readers, to our comprehensive guide on one of the most overlooked aspects of houseplant care—humidity management. It’s an integral part of creating the perfect environment for your beloved green companions, yet often overshadowed by the attention we pay to watering schedules and light conditions. Humidity, defined as the amount of water vapor in the air, significantly…
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pokemonshelterstories · 10 months
hi!! do you have any facts about leafeons or their care? i'd really love to get one at some point!!
sure do! i've cared for a lot of veevees and their evolutions. leafeon is actually my favorite!
keep in mind that if you're looking for a battler, a different pokemon might be a better idea. it's possible to convince a leafeon to battle, and their sharp tail is no joke, but they're often battle-averse and would rather snooze at home. it takes a lot of energy to battle when your primary nutrition comes from sunlight!
in terms of their care, they need plenty of access to both sunlight and shade. choice is important for them, so they can prevent themselves from burning in too much sun! ideally they should have access to some sort of outdoor run so they can get fresh air and sunlight that isnt filtered through a window, but you can also buy a uv lamp for indoor sunning. really super important is temperature and humidity! leafeon are most comfortable at a temperature between 24 and 27°C with humidities of about 55-70%. thats way more than a human is usually comfortable with in their home! so, a controlled environment for your leafeon is a must. you'll know your enclosure parameters are off if you notice yellowing or browning of their leaves, wilting leaves, fungal growths, or sluggish behavior. if you can't dedicate a room of your house to maintaining this, it's better to only get a leafeon if you live in a suitable climate for it to live in your yard.
they don't require much in terms of food, and their diet in the wild consists largely of berries, plant matter, and the occasional small pokemon/egg. commercial food for them isn't always regularly available, so you might have to order it online unless you want to formulate their diet by hand with the help of your vet. they absolutely need access to a soaking pool, a dig box, and something they can use as a den. leafeon spend a lot of their day sunbathing, but they also enjoy exploring areas with plenty of plants and rooting around for food, so harness training and foraging toys are a great option for them!
they're a tough pokemon to care for, since they're so specialized to their environment. you really have to be prepared to care for both a plant and a pokemon at once!
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macleod · 2 years
From Japan to Iceland, futuristic vertical farms are starting to bloom
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Indoor farming is a new and rapidly growing trend that has significant benefits over traditional agriculture methods, including increased efficiency and sustainability. Indoor farming can also help to combat climate change by reducing the amount of greenhouse gas (carbon dioxide, methane) released into the atmosphere and reducing the need for pesticides.
There are several different ways to do indoor farming, but the most common approach is to use hydroponic systems. These systems rely on water systems rather than soil to support plant growth, creating a controlled environment for the plants to grow in efficiently. An array of sensors designed specifically for this ensure that waste is minimized and resources are recycled whenever possible. Hydroponics also allows farmers to grow crops without dealing with pests or disease outbreaks, and it requires minimal land area compared to traditional agriculture methods. Because you essentially build the farm vertically, you can use places like former factories or warehouses.
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In the Shizuoka Prefecture, a facility that’s around 20,000 square feet (0.2 hectares) grows a whopping 12,000 lettuces a day (lettuce is excellently suited for this type of farm). Farmers set up the light regime for the plants (using LEDs), as well as the temperature and humidity level, and enjoy round the year crops. Not only is the area required for the yield much lower than with conventional methods, but the water usage is also lower (10-20 times lower).
More recently, a farm in Kyoto developed by a company called Spread became a record-breaking facility that also introduced bees to pollinate its strawberries, achieving stable pollination under LED conditions and showing that there’s plenty of unexplored opportunity within vertical farms.Image credits: Spread.
Singapore is also betting on vertical farms with one farm established in 2022 producing 500 tonnes of greens each year, in addition to its previous projects. Being able to grow food directly in urban areas means you can bring it to consumers quickly and inexpensively.
Meanwhile, Iceland is taking advantage of its ability to produce cheap, sustainable energy using geothermal sources to fuel a large vertical farm. Iceland has constantly had a problem of having to import food, and Iceland has one of the most expensive food markets in the world due to this. But Andri Bjorn Gunnarsson, founder and CEO of VAXA, the company behind the vertical farm, says Iceland also has some advantages that make it suitable for vertical farming.
(Source: ZME Science, November 9th 2022)
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