#If this post reaches someone with more skill and inspires them to run with the concept then my work here is a success :)
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Heavy is the head
that wears the crown
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etho-slabbers · 5 months
I've done it for lifesteal so I think I should do it for hermitcraft... sooo,, what I think every hermit would choose in infinite realms and (maybe) why.
warning, infinite realms spoilers lie ahead.
(any names or terms I use will be explained under cut/in a reply to this post)
Bdubs- classer 100% he would choose either a gardener based class, along the lines of Ender Ornn's one or he's a builder,,, (actually he could also be a formations master, which is cultivation but he might be that too.) His secondary is definitely skills though, no doubt, he probably advances them like Zenker does.
Cub- He would be a cultivator with a secondary focus as classer 'cause he wants the perks from it. Probably on a path based around speed and empowering himself.
Doc- he's a mainly a skill user with a secondary of cultivation. He's on a destructive path, like Ryun or Tali's main paths, his second path is formations, like Eratemus.
Etho- pure skills user, like zenker. Actually, quite like zenker, but he probably did it abit faster. He spent ages building his skills up and locking in parts of himself. He is most likely an explorer.
False- classer, with a sword based class. (I don't watch false sorry </3)
Gem- cultivator, like Anrosh but kinda better, she got her own inspiration. Uses class as secondary, finds it more useful. Main weapon is a sword. Uses a formation based secondary path.
gonna make this a multi-part thing, I wanna keep rereading the book >:3.
EXPLANATIONS. (some haven't come up yet it's just so I can just link this post to all of these & add any extras here too.)
classers get perks every 5(?) levels and get 6 stat points each time, 3 are allocated to their primary and secondary attributes and the other 3 are free. They get a class evolution every 60 levels (I think) and get a class defining perk 30 levels after that. Classes are based on achievements and influence from inside.
Cultivators advance through realms, starting at early mortal and finishing at peak eternal. Each realm has three stages, early, mid and peak. They require inspiration to advance through realms, inspiration can be shared but doing so cripples the cultivator to never be able to change techniques or gain their own inspiration again. Paths influence from outside.
Skills require understanding to advance, to advance a skill you must understand how it works and you must understand yourself. To make a tier 6 skill, you must lock in part of yourself, that part can't change.
Formations- essence arranged by a cultivator to do something, such as working as a TV or to send signals from place to place. They can do basically anything.
Focus madness- having focuses too close in tiers of power, pushing and pulling. Makes the holder insane, driven to do only what the core concepts of their, class/path and twists the wording of locked skills.
Essence- what everything in the infinite realm is made of literally, from the ground to the concept of space itself. It is also used as currency. Cultivators can pull it into their core, they can also pull only certain ones in based on their qi aspect.
Aspect- what taints a cultivator's qi.
Qi- power source of a cultivator.
Ranker- someone who comes from an iteration, their wasn't always part of the framework.
Framework- what gives the ability for classes, paths and skills to even exist.
Sect- a primarily cultivator faction.
Sect head- leader/owner of a sect.
Sect leader- helps the sect head run the sect.
Runes- like really simple formations, requires a part of your soul to be infused to work.
Twin aspects of true death- Formerly the aspect of true death itself. Also formerly held by Ryun and Melody. Currently held by Ryun and Selia.
Ender Ornn- Ender Ornn Dagada. Classer. Olriginally found by Kayra Ornn, with his garden. I think he was a ranker. Originally focus mad. Died to Ra' azel.
Zenker- Zenker Brokentail, a full skill user. Reached the peak of skills. Died to Hastur.
Ryun- Ryun Nacht Wol. Cultivator. 7th iteration ranker. Killed everyone on a planet besides Zacharia Gardener. One half of the twin aspects of true death (Reaper). Sect head of the Twilight Melody Sect. Alive.
Tali- Antalien Far Sola Wol. Cultivator. Ruler of the empty skys. Formerly crippled cultivator and slave, for about 500 years. Freed by Ryun. Alive??, captured by Ra'azel.
Anrosh- Anrosh Kesh Wol. Cultivator. Sect leader of the Twilight Melody Sect. Second in command. Raised by Ryun, after she asked, to protect the sect better. Alive.
Melody- Classer. Former Scythe of true death. Ryun's former partner. Killed by governor on earth. (unsure of last name)
Selia- Selia Ha Jhan-Ekoa. Cultivator. Current Scythe of true death. Alive.
Kayra Ornn- Kayra Ornn Dagada. Classer. 3rd iteration ranker. Formerly of House Ornn in the 3rd empire. currently of the Dagada family in the Twilight Melody Sect. Alive.
Ra' azel- Yeti of a old framework attempt. Otherwise known as the Runesmith. Freed by Zacharia Gardener. Absolute menace (/hj)
Hastur- 11th dome leader. Based on lovecraftian horror.
Zacharia Gardener- Classer. 7th iteration ranker. Formerly the No.1 Ryun Nacht hater. Oldest chosen in the infinite realm. Got stuck in a mind-palace for 5000 years and can't remember most before it. Alive.
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frostfire-17 · 2 years
KinnPorsche: the recap, episode 1
HI FANDOM, I LEFT FOR LIKE EIGHT YEARS and now I'm back with an ambitious KinnPorsche recap project. Does that need an explanation? You know, I don't think it does. Let's talk about KinnPorsche instead.
(Now with a recap master post!)
KinnPorsche is a Thai show about a mafia boss and his bodyguard falling in love. It is very, very high quality for a BL show, which is mainly because its production history is wild and beautiful. It still has its flaws! Its plot is bonkers, its characterization is inconsistent at times, it has(!) consent(!!) issues(!!!), and it truly does not know whether it is a drama or a comedy. Still, I love it with all my heart and I want others to have the chance to love it as well. To that end: a recap. (This is a very long post. And it is just episode 1!)
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SO. We open with Kinn, the mafia boss. He leaves the opulent fortress of a compound where he lives, and is driven to a meeting with an Italian mafioso. Mafioso receives him with surprise; he was expecting Kinn's dad. But Mr. Korn's health has caused him to take a step back, and Mafioso is informed that from now on, Mr. Kinn is going to be in charge. There is some INTENSE subtitle action as the Italians speak Italian, the Thai people speak Thai, and they speak English to each other. I pay close attention because this is my third time watching this series and I cannot for the life of me remember why the Theerapanyakun family is connected to the Italians, even though this is a medium-level plot throughline: from this conversation, I guess they run a casino together? Or the Italians run a casino that funnels profits to the Theerapanyakuns somehow, maybe money laundering? It's all I've got.
Meanwhile, we are cutting back and forth with a scene at the bar where Porsche works; Porsche is satisfying three women at once with his magical cocktail-making skills, while his less cool coworkers murmur in jealousy. He makes a special sugar-rimmed blue thing for a particular lady that I would love to try. (The drink, not the lady, although also the lady is very beautiful.)
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[The master at work.]
Back with the Italians, Kinn is insinuating that someone is embezzling from the casino. Guns come out! Mafioso says, chewing the scenery a little, "I've been working with Mr. Korn for years, and he's never been disrespectful with me. With ME!" Kinn creates the biggest cocktease of a backstory EVER IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD by replying, "People say…I'm more like my mom," and shooting the embezzler straight in the head. We will never learn what about Kinn's mom inspired this comparison, and it is the thing that has most upset me about this show, which is a pretty high bar to reach.
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[Mafia tableau, dead embezzler at center.]
So then Kinn admits that the corruption was coming from his side of the table, not the Italians' (the dead guy is Thai), and Mafioso is very entertained by his boldness, while meanwhile Porsche is doing a million shots while the bar cheers him on. It's an interesting contrast, because they're both demonstrating their ability to command a room, but Porsche appears to be having a fantastic time, while Kinn is pretty clearly not. (I mean, that is not the only difference between their respective scenes, but it's the one I care about the most.) Porsche ends up in the back room of the bar with yet a fourth beautiful lady, whom he totally does right up against a wall.
On the way back from the meeting, men on motorcycles with guns surround Kinn's car! His driver detours, stops real fast so that Kinn and his most specialest bodyguard Big can slip out of the car and disappear - but the motorcycles are onto them. They're chased on foot; Big gets shot in the shoulder and sends Kinn on alone. He is chased by like six dudes and ends up darting into a door that leads to…the back room of the bar, where Porsche is having a post-coital cigarette.
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Kinn asks (orders) Porsche to help him; Porsche says, "Fifty thousand," and Kinn says, "You got it." Porsche lazily and easily dispatches all of the dudes, helps Kinn up from where he'd gotten knocked over, then won't let go of his arm after, because: "Hey. Fifty thousand." Except one of the dudes has recovered and has a gun! Kinn kicks Porsche out of the way of the gun, and then they both run back through the crowded bar out into the street, where Porsche has his motorcycle parked. They drive away, and end up at a gas station, where Kinn gets off, and they do a kind of a, "Well." "Well," thing, except Kinn is thinking, "Huh, where do we go from here exactly?" while Porsche is thinking, "Please give me my money." Kinn eventually figures this out, and they have an entertaining back-and-forth where Kinn does not have 50,000 baht (~$1300) OR A PHONE(??) on him, so he's trying to get Porsche to give him his bank account number (fucking forget it), or HIS phone (fucking FORGET IT), and Porsche is yelling at him, until finally Kinn is like, "So what do you want?" Porsche grabs his wrist and wrestles his watch off, saying, "Be still," while I think wistfully about a world in which Porsche is always this toppy. Kinn relaxes after a second and says, "Take it," while I think wistfully, etc.
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[In the romantic light of the gas station.]
(The music, by the way, is this Italian-restaurant-accordian theme that has been off and on since the mafioso beginning. Against the gas-station-watch-extortion, it is WILD.)
Watch acquired, Porsche is satisfied, and starting to get a little nervous that things might go wrong from here; he gets on his motorcycle and gets ready to peace out. Kinn, having regained his general imperiousness, demands, "What's your name?" Porsche: "And what's that for?" Kinn: "I'll send you a gift hamper." They stare at each other for a minute, and then Porsche gives Kinn the fakest smile there ever was and says, "My name is Jom." He drives off, leaving Kinn to contemplate what-all just happened, circling his empty wrist with his hand, until four cars pull up and like fifteen henchmen get out, looking extremely upset and guilty. (How did they know where to come if Kinn doesn't have a phone on him? Don't ask!)
Porsche's house! He finds his little brother patching up their uncle, who's been beaten up. Turns out Porsche is behind on the rent, and their landlord is the sort of dude who sends people to beat you up if you don't pay; good thing uncle was visiting so he got the beating instead of teenaged Porchay! (Yes, Porsche and Porchay. This name confluence is not as wildly confusing in spoken Thai as it is in written English, since they lean on the second syllable or just call him Chay, while "Porsche" is often pronounced without the final consonant present at all.) Why is Porsche behind? He's paying for an expensive school for his brother. But now evil landlord wants 200k baht this week, or he'll take the house! Luckily, Porsche has this cool new watch, which he gives to his uncle to sell. He also participates in a…street gladiator fight?? I think that part is just to let us see him doing cool fight moves, which is an interesting narrative choice since we did already see that when he was protecting Kinn - maybe the point is that he has a pretty good time doing it.
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[My favorite part of this scene is that they have a girl sexy dancer AND a boy sexy dancer as hype people.]
Anyway, the watch sells for 700k, so everything is fine! Right? Right?
We cut to Kinn. He is with his dad, who does not seem particularly sick; Dad's head bodyguard is reporting that Big is pretty seriously hurt and will possibly be recovering for months. Dad reproves Kinn for being reckless and arrogant; the implication is that it's the Italians who sent the motorcycle dudes after them, I guess just because Kinn was kind of rude. Kinn apologizes without any hint of remorse and says he sent an apology gift; we cut to Mafioso turning into a hallway to find three of his henchpeople tied up with a big red bow, which sends him into a pretty serious conniption. This is interesting just because of how flippant Kinn is about defying his dad, which is a little inconsistent with how he is later on in the series, but also Dad doesn't seem too genuinely upset, just kind of "boys will be boys" about it. Which is also interesting, because as he points out, Kinn could easily have been killed. Dad leaves and Kinn presses Dad's bodyguard about finding Jom ASAP.
There's a scene where Porsche stops by the college he supposedly attends (his friends, to whom he is a little bit of a dick, are shocked to see him actually show up, which is fair because this is the only scene that even hints at the possibility that he might be interested in school) to learn that someone is looking for his friend Jom. Oops! And then when he arrives at work that night, who should be waiting at the bar but five dudes in identical suits! Oh, and Kinn.
Kinn is chatting up Yok, the bar's owner and the only regular female cast member, by saying he wants to buy into the business. So when he's like, oh, hey, your best bartender? Can I talk to him? she's like, YES ABSOLUTELY, PORSCHE GIVE HIM WHATEVER HE WANTS. What he wants, it turns out, is to be kind of an asshole and order Porsche to make him a drink. The dynamic in this scene is really interesting, because on the one hand, Kinn has ALL the power and Porsche has zero, but on the other hand, Kinn is obviously somewhat invested in Porsche as a person, has been thinking about him since they met, and is super into this little bar tableau powerplay he's set up, while Porsche has totally moved on and would prefer that Kinn just leave.
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[Porsche: This is NOT nice, and even your ombre suit jacket will not convince me it is.]
Unfortunately for Porsche, Kinn has his five bodyguards kidnap him away from the bar instead! Cool! Great beginning to any relationship, professional OR personal. Porsche ends up tied to a chair in a big room on a river yacht with bodyguards standing over him and Kinn reading a list of facts about him from a tablet; we learn that Porsche is 23, an orphan, and was the national Tae Kwon Do champion at some point in the past. (How he got lessons that brought him to the point of national championship with no parents and debt collectors at his door, we will never know.) Porsche calls Kinn a psycho, which I think is fair, and demands to be let go. Kinn says, "Be my bodyguard."
Porsche laughs at him, which I think is MORE than fair. "Be your bodyguard? And hold my balls like a wallpaper, like these maniacs?" (Ken, one of the bodyguards, is pretty annoyed at him for that one.) Kinn says, "I know you don't like it," which does invite the question of why he thinks this is a good idea, "but this job will make a fortune for your brother and your family." Porsche spits in his face, literally, and points out that he'd have to do terrible things for that money - like, for example, kidnapping innocent people and tying them to chairs! I am TEAM PORSCHE on this one.
While he's been talking, though, he's worked his hands loose, and suddenly he jumps up and throws the chair at one of the bodyguards - but he gets caught anyway. Kinn motions for him to be let go, and steps up and meets his eyes - and they fight! They are pretty evenly matched, which 1) I do not like, because Kinn already has all the power in this relationship, jeez, let Porsche be able to kick his ass at least, 2) makes me wonder what kind of intense self-defense training these mafia kids had to go through growing up, if Kinn can hold his own against a literal national martial arts champion who underground gladiators as a second job. I guess a lot!
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[It's not what it looks like, BUT IT WILL BE.]
Anyway, Porsche eventually incapacitates Kinn enough to get away, but unfortunately they're on a boat. He gets up on deck and is looking frantically around for a way to escape when Kinn shows up behind him with a gun, which he fires into the air. Porsche does an EXCELLENT flail-and-exasperated-turn, like: what the hell is even HAPPENING? Kinn reiterates, "Be my bodyguard…or be the fish's food." My dude, this is not going to get you what you want! And in fact, Porsche decides to leap over the side of the boat rather than take this particular employment opportunity. Kinn opts not to follow.
We cut back to Dad, who is playing chess with his own bodyguard. Dad: "How come you're back empty-handed?" Kinn, angrily pouring a drink: "I told you, a guy like him wouldn't work for us." AHA, MUCH BECOMES CLEAR. My main question about the whole above sequence is whether and how much Kinn was purposefully sabotaging this recruitment attempt; he's not an idiot, he has to know that kidnapping someone and threatening to kill them in order to make them your bodyguard is PRETTY DUMB. If I were to guess based on how things go in the future, I would say yes: I think Kinn is aware that Porsche gets under his skin, and does not particularly want him around all the time. Doing a fun power trip scene where he makes Porsche dance around and make him a drink? Yes. Have him standing behind him during every meeting and taking up a position outside his bedroom? No.
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[But Daaaaad, I don't WANT a bodyguard to have fraught sexual tension with! I don't even need one who plays chess! Just guarding my body is plenty!]
Dad makes the point that a person who can't be bought is the best kind of bodyguard. (It is unclear to me whether he's going off Kinn's one introductory line, or whether he's had a report on what happened; as we will learn later on, Dad's eyes are everywhere.) How many of their people have been paid off by rival gangs? This might be exactly the guy they're looking for. Kinn is restless and unhappy. Dad checkmates his bodyguard, who is resignedly good-humored about it, presumably from LONG experience. I ship it.
Meanwhile, Porsche comes charging into his house (NOT wet, by the way; did he stop at laundromat or something on the way?), yelling, "Chay, pack your bags!" But when he comes inside, Chay is cleaning up the living room: the house has been trashed. Porsche thinks it was Kinn's people, but it turns out no, it is shady landlord! Porsche goes looking for him and finds him in an alley, directing his flunkies to beat Uncle up. Porsche doesn't get it: they paid him! Didn't they? No, it turns out that Uncle is a gambler, and owes Shady Guy two million baht. Porsche gets them to lay off Uncle by promising to get the money to them by tomorrow; Shady Guy says he'd better or they're both dead. There follows a VERY sad scene where Porsche is hurt and furious at Uncle, who is alternately defensive and abject. Porsche tells him to get lost, they're not family anymore.
Porsche comes back to the house and starts sadly cleaning up (it was, by the way, the politest trashing ever: stuff is knocked over and spilled off of shelves, but as far as I can see, nothing is actually broken; maybe the prop department didn't want anything messed up?). Chay brings him food, and Porsche tries to cheer him up; Chay, on the other hand, tries to convince Porsche that the way to solve their money problem is to leave the house, move somewhere smaller, Chay can work instead of going to expensive school, etc. Porsche, predictably, is not on board with this: he loves the house, he wants Chay to have a degree and a good life, he doesn't want to disappoint their parents. Chay tearfully presses his point, to no avail. They hug and cry and eventually Chay goes to bed and Porsche tugs a blanket over him and darkly contemplates the future.
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[Just ONCE I would like one of these scenes to end with the Designated Protector saying, "You know, Designated Protectee, you make a good point!"]
Sure enough, when Chay gets up the next morning, he finds a note saying that Porsche has solved all their problems! Yok has a rich friend who's going to clear all their debts, but in exchange Porsche has to go tend bar on their private island, where there's no cell service. Too bad! But everything's wonderful! No need to worry! It is not clear how much Chay buys this. Meanwhile, of course, Porsche is being led into the Theerapanyakun compound by Ken and a be-slinged Big.
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[This is gonna go great.]
He says to Kinn, "Don't forget our deal." Kinn: "Well, you don't forget that your life is mine now." Porsche, indignantly: "My life is mine." Big loudly objects to anyone talking to Mr. Kinn like this. Porsche: "Why can't I? Are you a god?" (Ken says, "Hey, watch your mouth," in English, because the actor is Australian and this show never misses a native English speaker opportunity if it can help it.) Big keeps objecting, but Kinn cuts him off, and then Dad's bodyguard comes in to call Porsche in to meet the boss, causing Big to shake his head in despair and Kinn to chug a finger of something expensive. No one is happy!
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[A totally reasonable alternate title for KinnPorsche: The Series would be, "How This Rando Ruined Big's Life."]
They all troop over to meet Dad, who says to Porsche, smiling gently, "I heard you didn't want to work here. But I'd love for you to be here and be happy." Porsche, tiredly: "To hell with happiness." Awww, buddy, that attitude is probably best for now, actually! Dad keeps smiling and says, "And about your brother, don't worry. I'll take care of him as promised." Porsche very obviously is not comfortable with this much attention on his family from this many dangerous rich people, and retaliates by saying, "If you really want me to be the bodyguard here, I must be in charge of these two," and points to Ken and Big, who are Not Pleased. Dad is pretty tickled at this display of bravado, though - Kinn, too, in the background - and he laughs and says, "Good. You've got the guts. All right. Because now Big isn't in good condition." Big, desperately: "But sir…" Dad's smile disappears, he shoots Big a look, and Big immediately shuts up and bows. Can't wait to work for this guy!
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[What a coincidence, my dad's fountain-overlooking balcony-tower looks exactly like this one!]
Dad dismisses all the bodyguards, while Kinn stays behind for one last attempt at dubiousness about all of this, but it falls on deaf ears. We cut to Dad and his bodyguard alone, at chess; he says, "At last, all the pieces are in place." DUN DUN DUNNNNN. End of episode!
So that is KinnPorsche. Stay tuned for next time, when everything gets worse!
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kenjakusbrainstem · 2 years
Surprise! (Kenjaku x Mahito)
Contains: somnophilia, oral, biting, forced restraining, hair pulling, face fucking, begging, light slapping, choking, orgasm denial, edging, ripping skin with nails, pussy slapping, p-i-v sex, Kenjaku uses curses to restrain Mahito.
Hello! Sorry it took a while to post this, and even write it in general. My creative writing skills were being put to use elsewhere! But here I am with this...story. It technically is a follow up to Rip Your Brain Out, but reading isn't required. I wasn't sure about writing it as it is character x character but the idea just wouldn't leave me alone. Hopefully all the GetoMahi lovers out there appreciate this, its not like I write for the targeted audience that is myself. Reblogs and replies are appreciated, I love you all!
Kenjaku wasn't quite sure why he was making his way to the sewer. The last time he'd come down here was when he'd brought that useless human here. Plenty of humans had a purpose, but he didn't need someone like them.
One good thing to come from that day was Mahito's new interest in human sexuality. Unfortunately the curse was less interested in the scientific side and more interested in his own silly wants.
Mahito kept asking him to 'shut him up.' Kenjaku almost regretted using those words to describe what Mahito now interpreted as a kiss. Unfortunately Mahito was so cute when he would just ramble about unimportant things and then ask for a kiss.
"Don't you want some silence, Geto?" "I'm not going to stop talking unless you make me." "Geto~ if you shut me up, I'll leave and you can read in peace."
Those were just some of the ways Mahito had tried to initiate kisses. Kenjaku wasn't quite sure the young curse understood what he was asking for. His words always teasing, but when Kenjaku conceded, the kisses were both hesitant and messy. As if Mahito had no idea what he wanted.
That was alright, Kenjaku was more than willing to show the naive young curse what he really needed. Every time he had allowed Mahito to kiss him, the curse would always sit on his lap. He knew that Mahito had taken some inspiration from watching him fuck that useless human, but it isn't like the positions were very similar.
Kenjaku had to stop himself several times now from pinning Mahito down and fucking him right there on the beach. He seemed to only want Kenjaku's attention when he was busy or speaking to another curse. Mahito's need for attention had always been there, but that was normally just to show off. Kenjaku found himself wondering how much the curse would beg for his attention if he were exposed to more creative pleasures.
The point of Kenjaku's unprompted sewer visit was to find out just that. He'd had enough of all the teasing, but wanted a more private venue. Somewhere dark, quiet and away from the prying eyes of humans or other curses.
Stepping into the area he knew Mahito used as a living space, Kenjaku looked around. He could tell by the energy in the room that Mahito was there, but just not visible. It only took him a moment to notice the dip in the hammock.
"Mahito, come down here," Kenjaku ordered, feeling more like a parent now than at many other apt times.
Usually the curse jumped at the chance to follow his orders, so it was odd when his command was met with silence.
Summoning a smaller curse via his curse manipulation, Kenjaku stepped onto it before directing it to lift him up to the side of the hammock.
To Kenjaku's surprise, Mahito was fast asleep. He'd only ever seen the curse sleep once before, but this was a pleasant surprise. Kenjaku always appreciated Mahito's soft features, the delicate looking flesh unmarred by anything other the stitches adorning his body. He had wanted to touch Mahito for a very long time, to find out exactly what he felt like.
In all his time, he had never seen a more disgustingly beautiful curse.
Kenjaku reached out, pressing a hand to Mahito's face, running a finger down the stitches on his cheek. The skin was cool to the touch, something that had always been fascinating to him.
As full of life as Mahito always was, he was as still as a corpse. The familiar feeling of cooling flesh was exciting to Kenjaku, who had handled more corpses than you'd assume with such a youthful form. Though the allure of death wasn't what drew him to Mahito.
Quite the opposite, the overflowing life that Mahito seemed to embody was very attractive to Kenjaku. His youthful, somehow distinctly human energy just made him seem all the more corruptible.
When Mahito didn't react to the hand on his face, Kenjaku slid his fingers into the fluffy hair that framed his face. As simple of a gesture it was, he enjoyed the softness. While he continued to stroke and play with Mahito's hair, Kenjaku's other hand went straight between Mahito's legs.
The only reason Kenjaku's touch was measured at this point was to make sure the curse stayed asleep until he was ready. Softly groping at the front of the pant's Mahito wore, Kenjaku was more surprised at what he didn't find between the curse's legs.
Where he had expected to find Mahito's cock through his pants, there was nothing. Kenjaku paused, his hand cupping Mahito's groin. He was a curse so it wouldn't be that surprising if he lacked sexual organs naturally. It would also explained why through all Mahito's incessant kissing, he'd never once felt the curse hard against him.
Kenjaku unbuttoned the curses pants and slipped a hand inside. The smoothness surprised him, the curse's cool flesh decorated with a small patch of fine hair. Kenjaku didn't need to see them to know where the style had come from. Following the patch of hair down, his suspicion was confirmed when he felt his thick fingers slipping into Mahito's wet slit.
Unfazed by the development, Kenjaku slipped his thick fingers into the heat of Mahito's pussy. Though it would be different than he'd planned originally, Kenjaku was still set on putting the curse in his place and punishing him.
Pressing a finger against Mahito's clit, Kenjaku slowly rubbed, eliciting a sleepy moan from the curse below him. Continuing for a few soft circles, Kenjaku decided a change of plans was in order. Removing his wet fingers, he brought them to his lips, sucking the fluid off as he thought.
"Mahito," Kenjaku spoke, seeing if the curse would react. He wanted to give him a chance to wake up. When Mahito didn't respond, Kenjaku got to work removing his pants. The task semi difficult without waking him but the fabric pooled at Mahito, Kenjaku spread the curse's legs apart at the knees.
The movement shuffled the hammock but had no effect on Mahito, he was still fast asleep. The sight of Mahito spread open and unconscious made Kenjaku's cock throb impatiently, this body's urges wanting him to bury himself in the curse.
Kenjaku brought his hand back to Mahito's pussy one resting on the curse's pelvis to spread him open, while the other teased the small hole that was already leaking from just a few touches. Kenjaku slipping the tip of his thick finger inside, Mahito would need to be stretched to fit his size.
In one quick motion, Kenjaku forced two fingers into the tight heat.
A pained gasp tore from Mahito's sleepy lips. Looking up, Kenjaku saw Mahito's flush face staring back of him. Though he looked a confused, he looked more aroused than anything else.
"I didn't know you slept, Mahito. I didn't expect to find you like this, but it was pleasant," Kenjaku spoke like he wasn't knuckle deep in the curse below him.
Mahito whimpered, the sensation obviously an unexpected intrusion. It filled his body with liquid pleasure and an overwhelming sense of dread at the pace Kenjaku had set inside of his pussy. He wanted to answer Kenjaku, but as he opened his mouth the fingers inside of him pressed up against the spongy gland inside and all that left his lips was a loud moan.
"With the way you've been teasing me, I'm sure you knew this would happen. Or are you too dumb to know what you're doing when you sit on my lap and beg for me to kiss you?" Kenjaku asked, his fingers fucking into Mahito mercilessly. He assumed with Mahito's naive nature that the curse in fact, hadn't expected this at all.
Grinding his hips down involuntarily, Mahito could barely control the sounds leaving his throat, let alone reply. His brain felt fogged, of course he'd wanted Kenjaku's attention and had been inspired by watching Kenjaku experiment on that useless human. How was he say that when he was already so overwhelmed?
"Geto I-," Mahito tried to speak, to ask Kenjaku to stop but the fingers playing with the spot inside him pressed in harder. The pressure inside of him paired with Kenjaku digging his thumb into his clit, all that escaped Mahito's lips after a choked sob.
"Can't even use your mouth to speak? You're so useless. I'm going to teach you exactly what happens when someone naive like you tries to tease those stronger than you," Kenjaku fucked his fingers harder into Mahito's already soaked pussy. Slamming them in a few more times before pulling them out and slapping Mahito's clit.
The curse's body convulsed at the sensation. A few more sharp smacks to his oversensitive clit had Mahito trembling. Kenjaku was honestly surprised the curse hadn't tried to fight back at all. His arms at his side gripping the sides of the hammock.
It seemed at least a little clear to Kenjaku that Mahito wanted to be used the same way they'd used Kenjaku's last subject. The thought and reality of having such a strong curse just waiting to be used in front of him had Kenjaku reaching to undo the flow on his own pants.
Mahito watched through sleepy, half-lidded eyes as Kenjaku pulled his thick cock out and slowly started stroking it while moving up toward Mahito's face. The curse's mouth watered at the thick cock in front of him.
Before he could react to Kenjaku's closeness, Kenjaku threaded his thick fingers close to Mahito's scalp and pulled his head right in front of the thick cock.
"Be a good slut and open your mouth for me," Kenjaku guided Mahito's lip to the tip of his cock before wiping the bead of cum across them.
Without having to be asked again Mahito immediately opened his mouth, allowing Kenjaku to force the head of his cock into his throat. Mahito immediately gagged as his throat was violated. Pressing the curse's head down, Kenjaku used his hair to hold Mahito's head still while he set a steady pace fucking into his mouth.
The feeling of Mahito's throat closing and swallowing around his cock made Kenjaku's grip tighten. The heat of Mahito's throat was delicious, Kenjaku let out a soft groan as he felt the curse's tongue attempt to wrap around his cock.
Mahito whined as his mouth was used, he could feel himself getting wetter and more turned on with the way he was being treated like a toy. Drool spilling out from the side of his lips with the speed Kenjaku was thrust into his throat. Moaning around the thick cock, the curse felt his eyes roll back.
Mahito's hands rose to Kenjaku's hips, not to try and stop but he needed some type of leverage. The feeling of Kenjaku's cock reaching down his throat would have choked a human. Even being a curse it still made him dizzy.
The hand Kenjaku had in Mahito's hair tightened more, the hair threatening to tear from the scalp as he pulled the curse's mouth off of his cock. Despite not choking before, the violent removal made Mahito cough and sputter, trying to wipe the drool off his face.
Kenjaku reached past Mahito's head, the curse unsure what was happening before he heard a soft 'click' and was suddenly falling to the ground.
The fall hadn't been too far, but as the curse wasn't expecting it, he couldn't help but feel the soreness in his back and hips. Mahito understood enough about humans to know that the fall would have broken a bone or two.
Silently staring inside of questioning, Mahito watched as Kenjaku lowered himself gracefully before dismissing the curse upon which he stood. Kenjaku towered above Mahito looking down on the curse with a dark lust in his sharp eyes.
Before Mahito could respond, Kenjaku stepped forward, placing his foot firmly on the curses chest, he glared down at the pitiful looking curse.
"Geto, why did you do that?" Mahito whined, more upset about his hammock than the pain in his ass.
Kenjaku put more weight on the curses chest, watching as Mahito winced and grabbed at his leg.
"I'm putting you in your place. You've been tempting me all week, how many times do I have to say it?" Kenjaku pressed down harder, knowing that it wouldn't hurt Mahito the same way it would hurt a normal human. Even if it wouldn't hurt him, he still wanted the curse to be uncomfortable.
"I just wanted to kiss you more! Like when we kissed and you were playing with that toy you found! The one you let me break after," Mahito was confused. Kenjaku had never seemed upset at his requests to kill only mildly inconvenienced.
It seems Kenjaku had been correct in assuming that Mahito hadn't thought about the consequences to his actions very much. Seeing it as more of a fun game than anything else. The naivete of the curse under his boot made his cock twitch.
"I bet you're too stupid to realize how much of a burden and a slut you've been. Always sitting on my lap, squirming on my cock while you just take simple kisses, toy," Kenjaku said, stepping off of Mahito's chest to kneel next to him.
Kenjaku took Mahito's hands in his own, at first acting like the gesture was one of comfort. The confused look on Mahito's face, enjoyable, though not as enjoyable as the shock that followed when he pressed his arms into the floor above his head.
Mahito had been too preoccupied staring up at Kenjaku to notice that a small worm-like curse had been summoned and was waiting behind him.
He felt the small curse wrap around his wrists, leaving him bound. It wasn't the strongest curse, and he could easily dispel it. However Mahito was curious about what Kenjaku had in mind for him.
While he was distracted, Kenjaku also used a similar smaller curse to hold Mahito's legs open. With Mahito on full display below him, Kenjaku leaned over the curse, his hand returning to Mahito's pussy and immediately plunging three fingers inside.
"Geto! Ah~," Mahito's moan was cut off by Kenjaku's mouth covering his. The kiss was nothing like the ones Mahito had initiated. Kenjaku shoved his tongue into Mahito's mouth with the same ferocity as the fingers driving into his pussy.
The fingers curled up into Mahito's sensitive spot as Kenjaku's tongue filled his mouth and traced the roof of his mouth. Mahito whimpered at the overwhelming sensations of being filled in multiple ways. He felt his legs shake against the small curses that curled up his calves and held him still.
Kenjaku's lips moved away, kissing down Mahito's jaw and onto the curse's neck. Mahito's back arching at the way Kenjaku's fingers stretched and rubbed his soaked walls. His mouth now free to pant and moan obscenely, the pleasure too much to keep inside.
Sucking at Mahito's neck, Kenjaku bit down tearing the flesh, no blood seeped out though. Kenjaku licked at the flesh as it stitched itself back together. He could feel Mahito's pussy clench tighter around his thick fingers as he had bitten down. Frustrated at the lack of blood, Kenjaku bit again at the curses ear.
"Let me touch your soul, let me make you bleed, toy," Kenjaku licked at the shell of Mahito's ear as he forced another finger into Mahito's tight hole.
A sharp keening noise left Mahito's lips as he nodded his head.
Kenjaku's lips moved back to the curses neck, again biting into the flesh. This time however, when his teeth sunk in, he felt the warm rush of blood against his lips. Sucking on the torn flesh, Kenjaku moaned deeply, fucking his fingers into Mahito faster.
The trembling in Mahito's legs increased, the pain of letting Kenjaku literally rip into his skin was intoxicating. Mahito felt the heat inside him pulsing through his veins, making him feel like he was going to explode. Mahito tried to close his legs, but the curses holding him still prevented that.
"Geto~ please, fuck~ please," Mahito begged unsure what exactly he was begging for. He had no way of knowing he was about to finish, but Kenjaku could tell. From the pussy clenching around his fingers to the tremors that wracked his body, it was obvious Mahito just needed a few more seconds to orgasm.
Suddenly the fingers were ripped from Mahito's pussy, the curse gasping and whining at the loss. He ground down on nothing, chasing the release he hadn't noticed what had been pulled out from under him. He started to whine more, to be Kenjaku to put them back, but Kenjaku had other plans.
As Kenjaku bit down on the open wound again, he shoved the wet fingers into Mahito's mouth with such force that he felt the curse's jaw pop against his face. Mahito swallowed as best as he could around the fingers in his mouth. He could feel his pussy clenching around nothing as he desperately ground his hips into the air.
Kenjaku sat up, wiping Mahito's blood on the sleeve of his his shirt before moving between the curses legs. Mahito shifted and squirmed again pulling against the curse holding him down. Once Kenjaku was settled, he dispelled the curses holding Mahito's legs in favor of holding them himself.
Nails digging into Mahito's thighs as he pressed them up toward the curse's chest. Kenjaku watched as Mahito allowed the skin on his neck to stitch back together, the blood remaining and covering his shoulder as he panted.
The sight of Mahito so flushed and bloody under him made Kenjaku's cock throb as it nestled up against Mahito's pussy. Even just grinding against Mahito, Kenjaku could tell just how turned on the curse was. His cock soaked already.
"Mahito, in all my experiments, I've never filled a curse's womb," Kenjaku's hand left Mahito's thigh momentarily to slide down the curse's stomach before spreading Mahito's pussy lips open. Kenjaku watched as he sunk his cock into the wet heat.
Despite stretching Mahito with his whole hand, the tightness was surprising. Kenjaku had to close his eyes at the overwhelming feeling around his thick cock. Mahito felt different than anyone he'd ever fucked before, the wet hear similar but the way Mahito's pussy squeezed every vein on his cock was intoxicating.
Mahito's moans were now obscenely loud, echoing off the sewer walls as Kenjaku thrust into him. He felt his body convulsing with every thrust, not used to being filled let alone fucked so violently.
Kenjaku's hips set a brutal pace, as overwhelming as it felt to be buried inside the curse. Kenjaku could handle it. He loved feeling Mahito shake around him as he took out his frustration and pent up arousal on him.
Pressing his palms into Mahito's thighs, Kenjaku folded the curse up further. The action lifted Mahito's ass further into the air, allowing Kenjaku to press in as deep as possible. Kenjaku groaned as he felt his heavy balls slap against the curse's plush ass. Grip tightening on Mahito's thighs, he set a more intense pace as he brutally fucked into him.
A gasp left Mahito as the hands on his thighs tightened. Blunt nails tearing into the skin and ripping as they skated from the knee to the sensitive upper thigh. Mahito didn't need to see to know about the trails of blood now adorning his thighs. His legs trembled in response to the harsh treatment.
Trying to close his legs out of pain and the overwhelming pleasure, Mahito ground down on the thick cock inside him, as if that would give him any relief. Kenjaku slapped Mahito's raw and bloodied thigh, warning him to stay still.
As he fucked into Mahito's writing body, Kenjaku felt himself quickly approaching his limit. The way Mahito's pussy sucked him in paired with the curse himself grinding down was too much, Kenjaku lifted his bloody fingers up to his mouth, licking as much of Mahito's blood into his mouth as he could.
Body still convulsing, as Mahito felt himself clenching around Kenjaku's cock, something inside him snapped. He pulled his hands free from the curses above his head, everything in his body on fire as he came undone on Kenjaku's cock.
Hands now free, Mahito reached up and pulled Kenjaku down on top of him. Kenjaku's hands landed on either side of the curse's head.
Kenjaku was unprepared for Mahito's arms around his shoulders, and more unprepared for the kiss that followed when his face was right above Mahito's. The kiss was sloppy and desperate, both moaning into each others mouths.
Feeling Mahito finish on his cock was too much for Kenjaku, burying himself as far inside Mahito's pussy as possible before filling the curse's womb. As he came, Kenjaku continued to thrust, fucking both of them quickly into overstimulation. Mahito whined desperately into the kiss at the feeling.
As his hips finally slowed, Kenjaku stayed deep inside the curse. The kiss, brutal at first, had turned into a softer, more passionate exploration of mouths and tongues.
Mahito moaned in Kenjaku's mouth at the overstimulation as Kenjaku's thick cock twitched inside him. Their lips parted and Mahito gasped for breath, Kenjaku still looming over him.
"We won't be done until I fill you to the bring with my essence," Kenjaku promised breathlessly.
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physicsfox7 · 6 months
Another late night post. I wrenched my back reaching for my phone charger, and now I think I might sleep on the couch so I dont exacerbate it.
So I'm watching the McElroy brothers play Super Mario World, have a heating pad pushing on my ouchies. And with Christmas coming up, lets do a teensy thought bubble.
This year has been absolutely crazy. A year ago I was negotiating a ridiculous raise at my last company, as everything fell apart around us because they had just demoted the obly other project manager. Meanwhile, my boss and the owner of the company was in South America because he doesn't like cold weather.
Now I'm unemployed, Kenna has a job, and I've spent most of the year playing video games and napping. No job prospects as of now, but who knows what this week holds.
We used our tax return money to fund a dream trip to Japan. We got a whole house to ourselves, finally got passports, registered for the train pass, and planned so many things.
We skipped the trip because I couldn't hold my anxiety in check after opening up the Pandora's box of emotional mess that is me. And neither of us regrets it. We haven't complained that we missed out. Other than the loss of money (almost the whole fucking trip sadly) were good with it.
Now onto my all time favorite subject. My friends.
This year, I reaffirmed my love for many old friends, and got closer with a few. I lost a couple to differences of opinions, and I just can't bring myself to be broken hearted. They have hate in their heart, I just can't. Finally, I met people who changed my whole world.
Last year, I got to attend a friends wedding and meet him for the first time, and I thought I was going to die. We had a wonderful time, and the warmth of the hugs I got changed me forever.
Earlier this year, I befriended my beloved Oat. I have a friend that I can bullshit with, who can somehow get me talling about the deepest stuff, who makes me feel heard and felt. She helped me with so much, including my mental health, relationship help, self confidence, and my streaming. Oat, I think you'll see this. I need you on my stream again soon, I miss you! Forehead kisses!
Then in August, while streaming some batshit crazy stuff (encouraged as always by Oat! < 3) I got raided. I figured cool, another Zelda streamer, maybe we can help each other out. Tch, to underestimate something so drastically. Not only did she inspire me to up my streaming game, Rachine collabs with me, has brought me tons of followers, workshops streams and tech issues with me (sometimes live on air) and most importantly, become one of my closest, dearest friends. She pushed me to play some of her favorite games, and brought me back to FFXIV. She encourages me and inspires me to try new things. (And yes, you're always right).
She also let me join her FC, and opened up a whole new world of friends. I have befriended some of the warmest, kindest people who went out of their way to make me feel welcome. They run dungeons, they answered questions, they carried my ass.
Finally, Jengo (who is not online other than streaming. Purest of us.) Who is part of Rachine's FC. She was the first one to essentially insist I run a dungeon with her, she made time for me to walk me through my combos, has mentored my climbing skills, answers more questions than anyone.
All of them also sit in VC with me when I'm having anxiety or breakdowns, support me when I doubt, encourage me. They are my family and I just...
Look, I know I dont shut up about them. This isn't a grab for brownie points, it's not attention. Its me workshopping how to express my deep love and gratitude to them without making them uncomfortable or laying it on too thick. Maybe they never read this, maybe they never have to put up with it for the fifth time this week. How do you properly express it to them? Telling someone you love them only gets me so far. Even with Kenna. After 17 years, saying I love you doesnt feel like the proper way to tell her shes my world.
As I regularly talk about, I am not a brief person. I am almost pathologically incapable of keeping any kind of explanation short. After a certain point, a 60 paragraph diatribe on how important someone is gets tired. I love my friends.
Its been an up and down year, but I have to say I wouldnt trade it for anything. I need those people in my life, because I am a gigantic baby and the alternative is I have internet access and no friends. That would be worse than what you have to read now.
To my friends: thank you. I love you. Happy holidays. Thank you.
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ramrage · 1 year
141 football HCs
inspired by the scrumptious works (x, x) by @horsebra, here are some headcanons that no one asked for but i couldnt help but make
Malingers a lot. and dramatically. everyone, himself included, recognizes this but just kinda rolls with it because sometimes it pays off, and to be fair, man does get fouled a ton
if someone is on the ground, 9/10 times it is him
tenacious as hell. will run to balls he won't reach, faces off in aerial duels against könig-height dudes.
somehow always scoring because he'll go for shots others would shy away from and is magically in the right place at the right time (jk he reads the field well)
social captain of the team. is quick with a compliment or consolation no matter what
constantly talking shit and is a nightmare to play against
shows off a ton which would be a problem if he ever lost possession, but he infrequently does
has fouled out the most and leads the team in cards
just as aggressive a player as Soap, if not more
speaks spanish with rodolfo to covertly talk shit or point out weaknesses in the opposition's defense
his locker room pump up playlist is nasty and excellent and everyone loves it, even ghost (doesn't admit it)
coolest boots on the pitch
obnoxious yet impressive celebration dance, will taunt the fans
official idiot wrangler for soap and ale
his passes are clean as hell without fail. no one would score without him.
not a particularly flashy or dramatic player, he's more on the side of efficient, but he'll sometimes pull out the most ridiculous, odee goals you have ever seen in the beautiful game
is great at intercepting the defense's attempts to clear the ball and then proceeds to cross it perfectly and it pisses the other team off severely
big on post-game stretching and gives people shit when they don't. he has saved the team so many injuries.
goes apeshit when ale gets fouled and is actually hurt. if he isn't foaming at the mouth, alejandro is fine. no one can figure out how he tells the difference
effectively a center mid but says he's a defensive mid for reasons unknown
great at assessing the pitch and moving his team around to make saucy plays
scores an awful lot for a "defensive mid"
king of set pieces
surprisingly supportive and kind when his team fucks up
not afraid to play dirty but will immediately own up when the official chews him out for decking a guy
once lifted soap up in a hug after he scored a goal and everyone teased him about it so he never did it ever again
acts pissed but is amused when Soap malingers to win foul against the other team
is probably way too old to be playing but does anyway
switches between center and l/r-back depending on what the ol knee is telling him
not as fast as he used to be but his judgment and technical skills are impeccable
sometimes pulls out fancy footwork to wow the kids
comfort character on the pitch. when he recovers the ball after shit goes tits up, you know the team is safe
best pump up speeches you have ever heard
quick as hell and loves playing teams that rely on fast breaks because it's a fun challenge and he cuts them off damn well
had one (1) own goal when he was really young and will never forget it
booted the ball to the other side of the pitch and it bounced over the other team's keeper and rolled on in for a goal one (1) time and will never forget it. or stop talking about it. knows better than to try it again.
talks and sings to himself when the other team's offense sucks and the ball generally stays on the far side of the pitch
feels bad when he decks players from the other team and will help them up but also finds it kinda funny
gets beyond hyped for the rare hydration break on hot days
team coach/manager, Head Idiot Wrangler
has evil conditioning days but no one gets too mad because they trust her judgment
is somehow cool with the owners even tho they're dicks and uses that relationship to advocate for the players
generally keeps her cool during matches but got a red card once for laying into a official for a terrible call
earned many wrinkles and grey hairs from managing the boys
constantly getting shit from people in the league because she's a woman but she shuts that shit down with calm, scary efficiency
not afraid to play politics with the owners and the league but is always honest with the players
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subnautica-reviews · 2 years
In my fictional persona party, i created 9 characters. In this post i will go into more detail on the “story”. Also 9’s role has changed a bit since the initial post, but i’ll get there when i get there.
1 was orphaned at a young age and spent her life in an orphanage 2 towns over from the town the story takes place in. She gets adopted by 6 and moves to the main town.
On her first night, she dreams of being on a talk show called “The Velvet Room”, hosted by a man named Igor. Igor asks her a few questions and tells her about things she doesn’t particularly understand, but the sound important.
She arrives at school the next day and signs up to run for student council president, as she had been in the student council in her previous school. Your political views do matter during the election, as they decide wich High Priestess social link you get out of the 3 options, but you will be elected either way. She also meets the 2 leaders of the culture clubs: 3 from music and 4 from drama.
After winning the election 2 weeks later, she meets the three high priestesses as well as 5, the treasurer. On her way home on election night, she encounters an injured owl on the side of the road. Wondering what a snowy owl is doing in Japan, she takes the poor thing home and patches her up. This owl is 2 btw. 6 is cool with keeping 2 around, as she used to own birds herself. This also causes a little bit of bonding between the 2.
The next day is a Sunday. 4 invites 1 to go skating with her. 1 accepts the invite and they agree to meet at a bus stop. 4 tells 1 that 3 is also coming and that she can bring someone too. 1 takes 2, thinking it would be good for her to get some fresh air.
When 1 gets to the bus stop, she sees a ring she recognises from 3’s hand on the floor. She picks up the ring and puts it in her pocket after looking around for 3’s presence. Neither he nor 4 is here. 2 acts a bit strange around the site. Her eyes glow red and the duo is taken into a nearby security camera.
After waking up, 1 notices a strange marking on her right wrist, as well as 2’s bandages on the floor, no longer on her wing.a dark mass approaches the duo. 2 shrieks and her persona: Houdini appears.
Character bio:
2 wields the Feather as her physical weapon. A hgih critical rate, yet low accuracy weapon inspired by the Stymphalian Birds from Heracles’ labors. Her persona Houdini uses Bless skills and likes to raise agility in allies. Of course, her persona also focusses on high critical rates.
Watching 2 fight inspires a strange feeling in 1. She reaches for the marking on her right wrist and scratches it open. Dark blood-esque liquid escapes from the scratch and transfroms itself into weapons for 1 to use and her persona appears.
Character bio:
1 is of course the wild card user and can wield multiple personas. Her initial persona Famine is strange however. It’s primarily a healer, but also uses Ice skills. She wields blades similar to those of Baraka from MK. Overall a solid weapon, nothing special. Again: Wild Card User.
The 2 fighth a few shadows and defeat them with ease. They go further into the sci-fi esque halls and find 3 speaking to… himself? The other 3 talks about his resentment of his sister and hatred of life. 3, surprisingly, isn’t upset by hearing this. Instead, accepting the feelings as something he does feel somewhere in his heart.
A marking appears on his left wrist as shadows approach the humans. They share a quick conversation and the battle begins. 3 feels compelled to scratch at the marking. He does, revealing his weapon and his persona.
Character bio:
3 is not very good at direct damage. He wields a Scythe, wich looks cool, but honestly lacks in damage output. The same can be said about his persona Grimm. Grimm uses curse skills and mostly exists to annoy the opponent, inflicting instakill, status ailments and lower opponent agility.
1 gives 3 his ring after the fight and he expresses his thanks. He tells 1 about how he wants to save 4, since she must be going through the same as him, but how he can’t do it right now due to the exhaustion of awakening to his persona. The trio head out after following 2.
After giving her a pen and a paper in the real world, 2 writes down the basics of what just happened: They were in the “Digispace”, created by the same people who robofied her, they wielded personas , summoned through slitting the dominant wrist, and fought shadows, and must enter through this camera to get a consistent entrance to that specific part of the “Digispace”. 3 agrees to meet them there tomorrow, as the school is closed for an undisclosed reason. 1 and 2 go home as well.
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alokkashyap123 · 17 days
Continuous Learning & Growth
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I have been in the tech industry for almost 15 years now and what a journey it has been. I have faced and discovered a great deal of new things along the route. And I have realized that the profession in the tech industry necessitates ongoing skill development. Technology is advancing quickly, therefore to succeed, you have to strike a balance between trying to stay as current as possible at all costs and staying in your comfort zone by doing the same old repetitious duties over and over won't help you in the long run. 
For suppose, someone with five years of experience doing the same thing as opposed to five years of trying new things and taking on challenges makes a big difference. When I write about my career or professional things that I have achieved or experienced, I always try to pen down the things I've learned in my way and if that can help you in any way, I will be more than happy about it. 
In my opinion, it is the “mindset” of a person and how one takes action about it matters in continuous learning and growth. Since mindset is not the primary focus of any work, it is frequently undervalued as a member of the soft skills family. 
On the other hand, employing the capacity for continual learning may require the right mindset. A growth mindset is a natural approach to the process of acquiring knowledge successfully, between a fixed mindset, which discourages learning new abilities, and a growth mindset, which promotes improvement.
A growth mindset can unlock your potential and make your mistakes a part of an improvement process rather than an indicator of failure.
I have seen people who have a fixed mindset frequently put limitations on their potential because they think they are only capable of success in fields where they have shown prior proficiency or where they feel they are naturally gifted. This may lead to a fear of failing in unfamiliar situations or a reluctance to accept challenges that could test their limits.
Over time I have realized that nothing is genuinely innate or inherent. Naturally, this does not imply that everyone has an equal opportunity for success. All abilities and skills are the result of past experiences. Even while some people seem to pick up abilities more quickly than others, their current level of ability must always have been the result of prior practice or experience.
It's important to realize that trying doesn't ensure success, despite the claim that broadening our horizons and striving for success in areas where we might not consider ourselves "talented" (do not have adequate expertise or skill-improvement rate presently). It's difficult to succeed in almost any field. It takes perseverance, grit, and the backing of a supportive environment. This includes having mentors and advisors, having the money to support our profession, and having other vital resources like excellent health that are required for us to be competitive and ultimately successful. However, the growth mentality shows that success is possible. 
Constructing a system with objectives.
Setting objectives that inspire us to become better versions of ourselves is crucial. However, you need to include your goals in a repeatable process if you want to succeed in reaching them. For example, I have decided to create blog posts on Monday and Wednesday, so this might be objective, on the one hand, writing for 30 minutes each day will be the strategy that will help me reach a significant goal.
Prioritizing efficacy over efficiency.
Serving your employer well does not always equate to producing the most. Developing a diverse skill set is the most effective strategy to increase productivity and enhance work output. It should therefore come as no surprise that you dedicate a portion of your workday to honing your competencies. The efficiency of the work process itself is a crucial component of productive work. By putting strategies and conventions into practice, it can be enhanced. 
Enough knowledge about the business field.
Once more, being effective (doing the correct things) is more important than being efficient and productive (doing things right). Maximizing outcomes (user impact, user experience) and decreasing output (features, activities) should be the main priorities. It is the central idea in Jeff Patton's excellent user story talk. Be a resource for industry specialists, maintain your curiosity, and raise concerns about needs. Only if you comprehend the business domain is it conceivable.
These days, anyone working in the tech industry must possess more than just one skill. Developing a strong learning strategy can yield greater results than mastering a single skill at a time. To sum up, adopt a growth attitude, create a system of repeated learning, and always strive for the best.
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alliance75 · 1 year
Top Benefits of Hiring a Physician Staffing Agency for Your Hospital and Clinic
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Staffing is becoming a huge point of administrative overload, budget overruns, talent gaps, and a constant source of worry for hospitals and clinics. No wonder, physician staffing services have become essential for UAE-wide hospitals for streamlining the hiring process and filling positions on time.
Here are the top benefits of partnering with physician staffing agencies for hospitals in the UAE.
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Ability To Identify Right-Fit Candidates
Physician staffing agencies have a detailed history of each and every physician candidate they source. They are able to dig deeper into talent pools and identify the skills and capacities based on interactions over the years. In comparison, a hospital’s in-house teams can only get as much information as a CV provides.
As medical recruiters gain a wider knowledge of candidates, wider talent access, and a strong understanding of hospital scenarios and job roles, they get more insights to identify the right-fit physician candidates. Employer staff will not have to spend a huge amount of time weeding out misfit candidates.
By partnering with physician staffing agencies, you can rest assured that you will get a shortlist of top talent for any number of positions you need to fill in your healthcare organization in the UAE.
More Choices For Quality Physician Staffing
The best way to fill physician positions involves getting choices. When you get a scarce number of applicants through a job post, you tend to hire someone who is fulfilling at least some of the hiring criteria.
But physician staffing agencies provide you with a shortlist of only the best-fit candidates who have not only all the skills and experience required for the position but also the potential and training to meet higher goals. Whether it is for full-time, part-time, or locum tenens doctor staffing, getting a choice of best-qualified candidates helps you enhance your reputation and patient base.
Better, Faster Hiring Process
Competent physician staffing agencies have an excellent tech-enabled infrastructure for searching, data-mining, screening, analyzing, and reaching the best-match doctor candidates for the positions listed. They can arrange screening interviews and assessments quickly and generate a pool of doctor applicants – local or international – within days or a few weeks. Also, physician staffing agencies can also scale up resources to meet emergencies or sudden peaks in physician hiring.
Recruiters With Extensive Physician Talent Access
Unlike general recruitment consultants, physician recruiters focus exclusively on doctor talent search, screening, and candidate sourcing. They connect with thousands of doctor candidates every year through passive search. The physician staffing service providers are also approached by thousands of medical graduates and experienced doctor professionals every month.
Also, physician recruiters increase their presence on various medical talent communities and platforms and are able to get responses from a much bigger talent pool for any vacancy that their clients specify. Such extensive physician talent access provides numerous advantages to hospitals and clinics, enabling them to run any kind of health campaign or meet an unexpected influx of patients with efficiency.
Wide Coverage in Global Healthcare Industry
Your hospital need not invest a huge amount of money and time in maintaining a team of international physician recruiters when you partner with a physician staffing agency. Global physician staffing agencies can source medical talent with up to 50% cost savings while providing employers with a diverse, highly-skilled, and inspired physician workforce.
More Flexibility And Reliability in Physician Staffing
There is a huge focus on sourcing medical talent from strategic global locations where talent availability is immense. But hospitals need a highly expensive infrastructure to source and onboard such talent. This is where global physician staffing agencies can offer incredible flexibility, scalability, and reliability. The medical recruiters of these agencies offer international physician talent sourcing in a compliant and secure manner, ensuring transparency and strong adherence to hospital policies when sourcing physician talent.
Huge Savings
One of the biggest benefits of partnering with a global physician staffing agency is their ability to help you boost revenue levels through strategic permanent, contractual, and locum tenens staffing services. Finding dynamic doctor professionals for various public initiatives and expansion moves in a timely, cost-efficient manner enables your hospital to gain significant cost advantages in addition to winning higher patient satisfaction levels.
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Final Thoughts
Staffing problems in the healthcare industry are projected to increase. Attracting talent is best left to the expert medical recruiters who can ensure timely placements through qualified talent sourcing. With physician staffing services from a provider like Alliance Recruitment Agency in the UAE, your hospital or clinic can count more advantages and fewer troubles in meeting doctor staffing needs.
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We are a global medical recruitment company offering physician staffing services in the UAE and 25+ other countries. Since 2010, our global manpower agency has been making doctor recruitment a successful experience for hundreds of healthcare organizations worldwide. Our wide doctor talent networks help clients find the right medical talent from across Asia, Europe, and North America without hassles. To discover more about our physician talent sourcing services – please get in touch!
View Source: https://www.alliancerecruitmentagency.ae/benefits-of-hiring-a-physician-staffing-agency-for-your-hospital/
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coopopportunities · 1 year
Career guidance, marketing opportunities and networking.
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Building a network and locating resources for a job requires a mix of strategy, perseverance, and good communication skills.
Marketing professionals have long relied on networking to discover new opportunities and advance their careers. However, as the job market becomes more competitive, it is more essential than ever to establish a strong professional network. Indeed, networking is responsible for filling 85% of all positions.
Having such great industry experts every week in this course taught me that networking can be time-consuming and draining. However, a little amount of consistent effort can be extremely beneficial in the long run. The proper connections can lead to incredible opportunities.
Throughout the course seminars, I heard a variety of inspiring speakers, but one stuck out to me, Ashley Walsh from North Strategic, Senior Account Director and Caroline Berryman, Manager, Departmental Communications, Strategic Initiatives & Programs, Transportation Operations, Public Works, The Regional Municipality of York.
I've also been proactive in expanding my network and identifying resources that can assist me in finding employment in the industry. I joined several LinkedIn marketing groups and have attended industry events and webinars.
Despite my efforts in networking and employment searching, I am still looking for a co-op placement. Co-op is an important step for me as a student in getting hands-on experience and developing my marketing skills. However, in today's employment market, the search is daunting and competitive.
I've been networking with hiring managers and reaching out to companies and employees.
I attended a few webinars and career advice seminars, where I met a few industry experts and expanded my network. This enabled me to identify the errors I was making when looking for jobs.
Indeed, Glassdoor, LinkedIn, Zip Recruiter, many businesses posting job openings directly on their websites, and visiting job fairs are some of the tools I looked into for job hunting. Indeed, and LinkedIn are the most helpful because you will at least receive a response from the employer on this website, and in the case of LinkedIn, we can directly contact the Hiring manager via messages.
I haven't had the chance to help yet, but I would love to if the opportunity emerged because it is a good method to network.
Networking is a valuable skill that can help students and professionals advance in their jobs. Here are some networking tips and best practices that I discovered while building my network and advancing my business:
1.Be Authentic: When it comes to developing relationships, authenticity is essential. Be yourself and avoid attempting to be someone you are not.
2.Attend Industry Conferences, Seminars, and Networking Events: Attend industry conferences, seminars, and networking events to meet new people and extend your network.
3.Connect Online: Use social media platforms such as LinkedIn to connect with professionals in your area and business.
4.Follow up with a personalized email or note after meeting someone new. This contributes to the continuation of the discussion and the strengthening of the relationship.
5.Consider how you can provide value to the other individual when networking. Maybe you can point them in the direction of a helpful resource or introduce them to someone in your network.
6.Be an Active Listener: When speaking with someone, try to actively listen and ask thoughtful inquiries. This demonstrates that you are eager and engaged.
7.Build Relationships: Networking is about more than just gathering business cards. Make an effort to interact with people in your network in meaningful ways.
8.Give and Take criticism: Be willing to give and take criticism. Constructive criticism can help you grow and better, and it demonstrates that you care about the relationship.
9.Maintain Organization: Use a spreadsheet or CRM tool to keep track of your contacts and follow-up actions. This keeps you organized and prevents you from losing track of important relationships.
Prior to networking:
Set objectives: Before joining an event, establish clear networking objectives. Aim to meet three new individuals or exchange contact information with two potential collaborators, for example.
Develop a short and lasting elevator pitch that highlights your abilities, interests, and objectives. This can help you confidently and successfully introduce yourself.
Ask open-ended questions and express genuine interest in the individuals you encounter. This can assist you in developing rapport and learning more about possible opportunities.
Stay optimistic: Networking can be difficult, but it is critical to remain optimistic and persistent. Remember that it requires effort to build relationships, and that every connection is valuable.
Despite the fact that I am still looking for a co-op, I am confident that the contacts I have made and the resources I have collected will assist me in finding the right job. I am thankful for the opportunities offered by this Marketing Seminar series, and I am eager to continue expanding my network throughout the semester and beyond. I encourage all readers to take advantage of the resources and opportunities that are accessible to them. Participate in events, join groups, and network with business professionals. Also, remember to contribute back to the community.
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watercolorgalore · 2 years
The Lore Behind Watercolor Fantasy Genre (Introducing My Topic)
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Note: This time a warrior comes charging towards the post. I took references of Valkyries from Norse mythology. This is something different for me since I rarely tend to draw female characters. I kept myself aware of the proper body proportions and anatomy to still make her look feminine.
Watercoloring may be the main concept here but that would not work without drawing first. As this also applies to any other form of art methods, drawing acts as the foundation for it all. Then comes the basic elements of the artwork - line, shape, space, color and texture - regardless of order or inclusion. Painting with watercolors is like adding layers upon layers of details meaning that patience is crucial in between the process of letting the paint dry. It matters because it can help you identify your style and attitude towards creating art.
Toddlers can’t just run without learning how to walk first, and drawing is universally experienced by everyone since they were little too. This spontaneous childhood activity is often dropped as we grow up and become more critical of our efforts. In social situations where people are required to draw something, you would typically have someone admitting they are bad at drawing and just laugh it off. It’s so common that it makes drawing seem like a difficult skill to master or just for the few who are naturally gifted.
While drawing may not be for everyone as there are other skills and professions that contributes to society with more relevance, it still serves as a guide before action. Cake designers, fashionistas, and mechanical engineers draw up their plans before executing/rejecting them. And have you seen news stories about people without arms defying their disabilities and inspiring the world with their own artworks? Tons of it online. Drawing well is not impossible. You just need good hand-eye coordination, adequate depth perception, and a wild imagination! There is an artist lying dormant in all of us.
Like me, you can pursue it as a hobby and challenge life concepts. Pictured above is my attempt at projecting a certain stereotype with the intent of getting different reactions from viewers. I think creating a female warrior would appeal to the male fantasy. There must be people out there that are into fiery redheads. Bright auburn locks match her ferocious image, symbolizing destructive wildfire. Personally, the thought of publicly producing any artwork involving female subjects is quite risky nowadays yet very thought-provoking. I ask myself whether the fictional character I created is empowering or mildly inappropriate to some.
Besides that, others might do it to relieve stress and explore what they can do with their imaginations or as a way to connect with people. Parents keep their children’s crayon doodles of family portraits within eyes reach as heart-warming mementos… or sometimes as the only things that is left of them. A certain aspiring artist (who enjoyed watercolors as well) got rejected by the same art school twice yet he managed to change the world forever.
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Musical Theatre Podcast/Game Idea
As an avid fan of many musical theatre podcasts (such as Musicals with Cheese, Musicalsplaining, and more) I have spent a lot of hours hearing people talk about musicals and gotten the urge to join in! While a lot of things are holding me back from creating a podcast I still have an idea that I've grown quite fond of. It's unlike other podcasts that I listen to as it is more of a game and less of people talking about it, and I've even used this as a party game with my theatre-minded friends.
So the pitch is: a podcast with at least two people, one host and one participant. The job of the host is to select a musical that the participant doesn't know. In my experience, it has been more fun when it is a title that they know vaguely of. A plot point here, an assumption there. But they cannot know too much about it because:
They must create the musical on the spot!
Everything apart from the title - which includes characters, plots, songs, and anything else that comes to mind when thinking of a musical. It requires a lot of improv skills but even improv masters may get stuck from time to time, so if anyone reaches a point where they cannot think of anything else the host can give hints. Whenever I played I would give hints such as 'there is a song about an evil dentist' or 'the whole musical is a parody of children's entertainment'. Something kind of vague that allows for them to build off of that and still not resemble the originally musical.
As a host it is your job to not only know the musical well enough to give hints, but to allow for the participants to bounce of ideas and continue to get inspired. Just letting them talk is a good way to get them to run out of steam, so it is important to build up their ideas but NOT provide too much of your own or ever correct them if they are out of line. It is most fun when they go completely off the rails!
When I played this with a friend I had chosen Little Shop of Horrors for her. She had never gotten around to watching it but had heard the title and assumed that it was a straight horror musical. So the plot that she came up with was that there was this curator of a sort of horror antique shop, where everything in it appears normal but is actually cursed. The musical is an anthology of sorts where every song is a different person with a problem coming in and they think that the object will solve it, but in reality it makes their lives worse by the end of their song.
She asked me for one hint and I mentioned that there is an evil dentist in this musical, and she from that she said that the main through-line of the musical is the story of a dentist that gets cursed to become evil and he is the only one that gets repeat songs. There is the original where he becomes evil, then he comes back because he ends up trying to kill his daughter but he is fighting with himself about it, and then his final song where he throws himself off the top of the antique shop rather than actually go through with that.
She created all of that with just the original prompt and minor help from me, but this game is a great opportunity for group storytelling and honestly it doesn't have to be strictly musical orientated (it just is that way because I thought of it haha). Someone could tweak this to be about video games or movies or anything else and it could work. Even if this podcast never gets off the ground I still am very fond of this idea and intend to keep using it as a long improv game!
(Crossposted to my blogger account here: https://www.blogger.com/blog/posts/5926808849128833207?hl=en&tab=jj )
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Ben Beckman NSFW Alphabet
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A/N: This is mainly for @missbeckman. I just saw your post about not having enough Ben Beckman material around here so there you go! I didn’t feel inspired to write a full fic so here’s an alphabet…
Disclaimer: some headcanons are made for a female bodied reader
A - Aftercare
Ben is a very gentle lover in general. But when it comes to aftercare, he is all the more careful with you. He is very cuddly after making love to you. He will pull you close and shower you in kisses, telling just how good you did.
B - Body Part
He just loves your stomach so much. He loves to put his hands on it, caressing and squeezing your soft skin. He loves pressing it gently and feeling the slight bulge he makes whenever he buries himself deep inside you.
C - Cum
He loves when you eagerly spread your legs before him, letting him shoot his cum all over your pretty pussy.
D - Dirty Secret
He sometimes likes to watch you touch yourself and make yourself cum. He loves how you shamelessly splay out on his bed and moan your pleasure outloud.
E - Experience
Being as old as he is, he has quite the experience. That allows him to know when to listen to you and what to look for when it comes to pleasuring you. That makes him very good at it.
F - Favorite Position
His favorite position in a variation of the missionary. He will have you legs spread in front of him as he sits upright on the mattress, pounding into you and watching you bounce with every thrust.
G - Goofy
He will joke from time to time when you are intimate together. He loves bonding with you on another level than just physical.
H - Hair
He doesn’t particularly tend to his hair down there. He likes to let them run wild and he likes when you do the same.
I - Intimacy
He is a very romantic man. He will praise you and compliment your body and skills, inside but also outside the intimacy of your bedroom.
J - Jack Off
He usually prefers to do it alone. You could still remember the only time you caught him jacking off, his long hair sticking to his sweaty forehead as he moaned your name.
K - Kink
He loves praising you and watch you get flustered as he does so. He will sometimes give you praises while out in public, just to watch you fight with your thoughts and arousal.
L - Location
He prefers a good old bed, it offers many possibilities when it comes to making love to you.
M - Motivation
What gets him going is certainly you wanting him. He will sense the change in your behavior when you start to get all touchy-feely around him, he loves feeling how needy you are for him.
N - NO
He would never want to try sadomasochism with you. He isn’t really into masochism himself and he definitely couldn’t hurt you even if you begged him to.
O - Oral
He loves to give it. He loves the feeling of your flesh twitching under his tongue as you reach climax.
P - Pace
He likes a slow and languid pace. He likes to take his time to feel your walls tighten around him as he thrusts in and out of you.
Q - Quickie
They won’t happen all that often. If you need it, he will gladly oblige but he will usually try and find the time to take you make love to you properly.
R - Risk
He likes to try new things if you ask about them, but he will rarely suggest things himself.
S - Stamina
He can go for multiple rounds in one night but he will need some time to recover in between. He will tell you about a time when he used to be able to go for hours on end while you eagerly hump his naked thigh as you try and reach another climax.
T - Toy
He doesn’t really like toys that much. He’d much rather use his fingers, hands and body on you.
U - Unfair
He will often tease you with lewd praises and smutty innuendos. He likes to watch you get all worked up and shy at his words.
V - Volume
He is rather silent except for when he moans and groans your name or praises.
W - Wild Card
Sometimes, he likes to share you with someone else. He loves the idea of guiding you to a new partner, even for just one night. Caressing your hair and telling you how good you are to the both of them.
X - X-Ray
Length. He is long and you usually can’t fit him all inside your mouth. His penis is slightly bent upwards when erect so it always hits the perfect spot inside you when he takes you.
Y - Yearning
His drive is not very high, especially with his age. But mainly because he can easily control himself and keep his wants at bay. But once he goes into it, he can barely stop.
He will have to fight a little to stay awake when you are both spent, panting and sweating after a long love-making session. He just loves to spend that time with you, caressing your hair, your skin and cuddling you but he usually ends up falling asleep once you start to drift off.
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I would be eternally grateful if you could share and reblog this! Feedback is also highly apreciated, thank you so much for reading!
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divinerulerluvr · 3 years
Crimson and Leather
After a murder, you and Kai have some fun.
Pairing - Kai Anderson x Fem!Reader
Words - 1.8k
Warnings - smut, murder mention, blood (a little bit), oral (male receiving), unprotected sex, Kai Anderson is his own warning
"I wanted to request some Kai smut. The reader is just as messed up as he is. They are powerful together, he trusts her with everything and values her opinions over any other member. She’s the only one who can bring out the real Kai. There’s a moment where they had just killed someone and she has to clean the blood off of his boots and he is sitting behind her massaging her back and it leads to dirty things." Requested by @friendly-neighborhood-ghoul
A/n - I know it's been a bit since I last posted but I make amends with this. I hope you guys like it because I feel like everything I've written recently has just been... blah. *also, had to resist the urge to name this crimson and clover but didn't*
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Walking in through the door of Kai’s house, you watch as he closes and deadbolts the door. It was a habit he had adapted due to his heightened paranoia.
You guys had just gotten back from killing a couple. It was just the two of you since this was personal business and had nothing to do with the cult. You had always been Kai’s favorite since you were the most ruthless of them all.
He admired your lack of remorse.
Reaching his living room, you set your phone down on the coffee table as Kai removes his bloodied tee shirt. It was late at night and you and Kai were the only people home. Everybody else had left hours ago.
Kai sits on the couch, pushing his hair from his face as his eyes migrate over to you. Your shirt had blood on it as well but not as much as Kai’s had. “Make yourself useful and clean the blood from my boots,” he orders, his voice raspy.
“Only if you ask nicely,” you counter, pulling off your own shirt and tossing it to the ground, leaving you in just a bra and your pants. Kai sighs heavily, irritated at your reply.
“Can you clean the blood from my boots?” he asks again, this time in a nice tone. You smile and nod, leaving the room to get a wet rag. Coming back, you kneel down in front of him, ready to clean his boots.
You didn’t mind. It never bothered you having to do things for Kai. But you’d only do them if he wasn’t being rude about it. That was your rule.
There was more blood than usual on his shoes. You weren’t sure if it was because the guy Kai killed put up a fight or if it was because Kai had taken out a lot of aggression on the man. Either way, the dark crimson blood-soaked the damp rag quickly.
His hand rests on your head, using a gentle touch as he plays with your hair. You allow your head to fall back into his lap slightly, your eyes still drawn onto the black boots he wore.
“You know I’m proud of you, right? Everything you’ve done, everything you offer. It’s inspiring,” he says, his voice softer and kinder than usual. You just hum, leaning back into his touch. “You’re so open-minded. You listen to what I say and you never doubt. Unlike the other women in our cult,”
Kai always said “our cult” and never “my cult” when talking to you. It was strange, given he took high credit for starting and leading it. To hear him give you joint leadership was out of the ordinary. Then again, so was he.
“I believe in you. That’s why,” you reply, finishing off his right boot. You briefly move your head to face him, your head angled up to make eye contact. “I trust your philosophy,”
He smiles, patting your cheek lightly before running his warm hand down to your neck. “I know you do, little lamb,” he says. You move your eyes back to his boots, going to the still bloody left boot and cleaning off the leather.
Kai’s eyes watch you affectionately as you clean the blood, oddly turned on at the sight. The silence lays heavy over the both of you as you finish clearing his boots of any trace of blood. A proud smile falls on your lips as you admire your work.
Looking up at him, you’re met with his eyes already on you. “Done,” you say simply. Half-dried blood remains on his chest, stomach, and arms but you also had half-dried blood still stuck to your skin that had soaked through your thin shirt.
His hand runs down your neck and down the front of your chest, running over the splotched of blood that had fallen into the V between your breasts.
Your breath catches, your own hand running up his leg. Your hand quickly reaches up to his crotch, feeling his already hard dick through the fabric. “Someone’s a little needy tonight,” he comments snarkily.
“Just shut up and take your pants off,” you reply, not ready to put up with his stupid remarks. Kai had a skill at making the environment horny. It was like this weird seed was being planted in your mind going “fuck him, fuck him, fuck him,”
You didn’t care, though.
Standing from the floor, you watch as Kai pulls his jeans off so he’s in just his boxers. He pulls you down onto his lap, forcing his lips onto yours as your legs settle on either side of his thighs. He holds your face in his hands, keeping you secure as he kisses you hotly.
You grind your hips down on his bulge, suddenly desperate for some type of friction between your body and his body.
One of his hands strays from your face, wrapping around your back and unclasping your bra with ease. He pulls it off of you, all while still kissing. He tosses it aside and his hand moves to massage your breast.
Your moans become muffled by his lips, his tongue making its way into your mouth. Your hands go for his dick again but he grabs you and flips you so that you’re laying across the couch and he’s on top of you.
A giggle leaves your lips from the swift and surprising action, your eyes meeting his eyes now that he had stopped kissing you.
He starts trailing kisses down your body, starting with your neck and traveling down your chest. Reaching a patch of your victim's blood, he licks a slow stripe over the dark red stain on your skin. You squirm under him, a strangled moan leaving your lips.
His tongue trails back up your body, stopping at your nipple where he grazes his teeth over the peak tenderly.
After teasing your nipples, his lips crash onto yours again. His hands move down your body and he removes your pants and underwear in a single movement. Your own fingers slip under the waistband of his boxers, tugging them down.
Kai pulls his lips from yours, his hand petting your cheek as he lines up with your entrance. You hold your breath, preparing yourself for him to thrust into you.
He never did it nicely. That was his thing.
A sharp gasp leaves your lips as he pushes ruthlessly into your pussy. You were wet, but it still hurt. Your fingers dig into his shoulders, his sadistic smile hard to ignore. He loved the way you sounded when he fucked you.
He felt amazing, as usual. The house was dead quiet save for your moans and Kai’s soft grunts. It was awfully intimate.
Your hips buck up into his, his rough yet passionate thrusts making you unreasonably squirmy. “You’re so cute when you’re sensitive,” he comments, his thumb running over your lower lip. You whimper, your head pushed back against the armrest of his couch.
Kai moves so that he’s kneeling back on the couch. He pulls you down by your hips so that he can resume fucking you. He thrusts even harder this time, his tip hitting into your cervix as he uses his leverage on your hips to fuck you harder.
Your hands move to the cushion of the couch, digging into the material to relieve the tension building in your body.
You had gotten embarrassingly close already. You knew if you came now, Kai would make fun of you for it later. The only words you could piece together were “fuck,” and “Kai”. Making it rather difficult to get your point across.
Kai raises his eyebrow teasingly, his hands traveling over your breasts that move with every rough movement he makes. “Words, little lamb. I don’t answer to unintelligible whimpers,”
“I’m… I’m,” you stammer. “Kai,”
“I love hearing you say my name, believe me,” he says, punctuating his sentence with a particularly merciless thrust. “But I need more than that,” You whine, your back arching off the couch as you writhe around.
Your pussy clenches around his dick, your stomach filled with butterflies. “Please, Divine Ruler,” you finally manage to piece together. “L-Let me… cum,”
He smiles, leaning back over you as he kisses you. “Yes,” he says as his lips migrate to your jaw and to the crook of your neck. He buries his face there, his thrusts keeping a steady pace as he pushes you over the edge.
“God!” you cry out, your nails digging into his back as you orgasm. Your ears ring loudly and the world spins before you.
Kai fucks you through your orgasm, making sure you enjoyed every last bit of the feeling. You finally come down from your high, feeling Kai’s thrusts slow even if he didn’t finish. Panting, you regain your senses as the orgasm washes over you.
Your legs still shake, your body still going through the reverberations of your orgasm. Kai pulls out of you, still hard.
Kai moves so he’s sitting on the couch and you quickly get on your knees in front of him. He holds you by your hair, guiding your movements so your mouth wraps around his dick that was still coated with your wetness.
He pushes your head down onto his dick, only stopping when his tip hit the back of your throat. Kai was a head pusher but not in the bad way because you didn’t care.
He helps you get your movements steady before letting go of you and leaning back on the couch. Your head bobs on his dick, your eyes watering as he repeatedly hits the back of your throat.
A low groan leaves his lips, his eyes having shut as he indulges in the warmth of your mouth. “Fuck, your mouth feels so nice,” he exhales deeply, his chest heaving as he gets closer to his climax.
Tears streak your cheeks as you move your head a little quicker, helping him cum. He finally does, his cum filling your mouth.
Kai lets out a heavy sigh, his head falling back as he rides his high for a few more moments. You pull your mouth off his dick, his cum pooling on your tongue. Kai leans forward, pushing his two fingers into your mouth.
You suck on them, your eyes glued on his dark ones as your cheeks hollow around his ring and middle finger. Pulling his fingers from your mouth, he smiles. “Swallow for me,” he instructs plainly.
With a smirk, you swallow his cum, the salty liquid moving down your throat. He pats your cheek with his wet fingers, a proud look on his face.
“Go upstairs and shower. I’m not done with you yet, little lamb,”
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gyusbambi · 3 years
humph; han seojun (pt 4)
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 5
click here for humph masterlist!
story: frenemies to enemies to lovers, high school au
synopsis: seojun and you have known each other since kindergarten. you’re neighbors and even attended the same singing and piano classes. despite knowing each other for such a long time, you don’t enjoy spending time with seojun. even though you are aware of his unfairness, you keep spending time with him. when will you finally leave your childhood frenemy?
note: humph! is a story inspired by pentagon’s “humph! / 접근금지”. originally, this is a seungyeon fanfiction, which i posted on my wattpad. words: 3.8k
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to claim that the cupid-team is surprised to witness han seojun getting along with his long term frenemy would be an absolute understatement. in fact, they seem completely and utterly dumbfounded as they watch you both laugh at a joke seojun pulled in the middle of the bus ride back home. needless to say, the childhood friends tease each other now and then like they’re used to it, this time without hurting any feelings. all of these observations, including the fact that you decided to sit next to each other in the bus, lead to several assumptions and without you knowing, rumors start to develop. 
for whatever reason, neither you nor seojun are aware of the gossip regarding both of you. perhaps it’s thanks to kim chorong, who’s apparently really skilled at being inconspicuous. 
it’s been one day since you arrived home and you find yourself sleeping in till two pm on a saturday. 
seriously, you should fix your chaotic sleeping schedule.
when you finally leave your room to get some food into your stomach, dressed in your favorite hoodie and sweatpants, your mum and juyeong are already eating lunch. like expected, they give you a quick judging look without interrupting their conversation. while you’re putting some rice in a bowl they talk about juyeong’s crush on some girl. soon their conversation moves to something related to seojun, and that's when you suddenly pay attention instead of playing with the cold food on your plate.
"y/n, is seojun’s mother in a better condition now?"
instantly you look up to react to your mum’s question. instead of looking at you, she puts more vegetables on juyeong’s table,
"it's been a few days since i last visited her, maybe i should do it again soon. i really hope she gets better."
"what are you talking about?"
"seojun hyung's mum is in hospital." juyeong answers, his mouth stuffed with food while pushing the vegetables away with a scrunched face.
"hasn't he told you about his mum? i thought you guys would tell each other everything." my mum questioned with a small pout forming on her lips, finally meeting your worried eyes.
"they broke up.", your annoying brother fails the attempt to whisper.
"we're not together!"
displeased, you hiss at your brother, voice getting higher.
"you guys act like a married couple sometimes. it's annoying."
"shut up!"
"both of you stop now." your mother sighs while her hands move in the air in attempt to stop you from attacking your own brother.
"seojun’s mum is seriously sick and i'm going to visit her tomorrow morning. y/n, maybe you should do too? or talk to him a little since he's probably not doing so well."
"i will."
feeling upset that you’re just finding out about seojun’s mother’s condition, you can’t stop thinking about it for the whole day. besides that, you are worried and consider visiting them the next day.
even though their house is quite near to yours, you have to go through the dangerous part of your quarter. as you make your way to the han’s, your hand moves to your right pocket to grab the pocketknife, which seojun gifted you in your freshman year of high school. for defense reasons, he said.
"you need to be careful when you're walking down this street. here, have this."
however, instead of seeing a group of dangerous men, you spot han seojun himself, walking towards your direction with hands in his pocket. thinking of a casual way of greeting him, you clear your throat before taking a few steps forwards in order to greet him,
"hey, what are you doing here?"
surprised to see you in this area, seojun raises his eyebrows.
"well, i actually wanted to visit- what the hell happened to your face?"
rapidly, you interrupt yourself when the boy is finally close enough for you to spot the multiple bruises on his pale skin. this causes you take a few steps forward and reach for his cheek instantly, worry written all over your face.
he looks horrible. bruises all over his face, lip bleeding, knuckles visibly red.
seojun catches glimpse of your worried eyes and feels embarrassed for you to find him at this state. instead of making the attempt to explain the situation, he grabs your hand which rests on his cheek. the touch of your warm and soft hand causes a pressure building in this chest. seojun doesn’t dare to take his eyes off of yours.
suddenly your cheeks feel like they’re turning into the shade of a tomato. besides that, your heart starts acting all weird when you catch glimpse of his intense eyes.
"what happened?" you question once again, this time with even more concern.
"it's not important-"
"did you get into a fight?"
"that bastard lee seungyong was getting on my nerves again, it's not important." he sighs after running his hand through his hair.
"alright. come on, we need to clean those bruises before they get worse." you mutter after grabbing his right arm and pulling him towards your house.
seojun hisses with a painful expression as you attempt to clean the awful wounds on his cheeks. with a concentrated look crossing over your face, you focus on the terrible cut. however, you impatiently drop your hand on your lap when seojun can’t seem to stop moving, an annoyed sigh followed after. 
“could you stop moving the whole time? i’m trying to do something here.”,
positioning yourself closer to the boy sitting on the edge of your bed, you’re ready to treat his wounds for the third time. seojun only grins playfully despite the painful bruises,
“look at you acting like a doctor.”
ignoring his comment, you raise your hand once again to reach for his chin. fingers brushing on his skin, you are able to focus. this time seojun doesn’t flinch. quite the contrary, he’s like frozen on spot. the only thing he seems to be able to focus on are your features. 
nothing but silence dominates your room as you decide to clean the cut on his bottom lip. you fingers brushing over his soft lip, eyes completely focused on them, the poor boy’s heart is about to explode in front of you. he internally thanks to god that you don’t notice his chest rising up and down or his ears turning into a darker shade of red. breath taken away, his eyes linger on your lips, blinking frequently.
yet, his relief only lasts for a couple seconds when the silence eventually makes you look up to seojun, only to find him already staring at you, eyes gazing at your lips.
not aware of your slightly surprised eyes, he continues staring. clearly, your bodies are almost attached to each other. not to mention, you leaned in a little earlier, grip on his shoulder to prevent him from moving. the young boy practically prays that you won’t hear his heart racing in his chest.
aren’t you even a little nervous? it almost makes him annoyed how the closeness doesn’t seem to bother you at all.
little does he know that you feel the exact same way. in fact, you’re so bothered by the butterflies in your stomach that you suddenly wish that he would just continue making dumb jokes or rude comments.
pulling your hand away from his shoulder in a swift move, you blink. still, you’re not able to look away which seems so stupid and unbelievably odd. 
seconds after you catch glimpse of his hand getting closer to yours but that isn’t enough for you to look away.
why would someone look attractive with a beaten face? that doesn't make any sense.
seeing him in this state, bruises, messy hair, intense gaze, flushed face, makes you want to hug him, ask him what was wrong, tell him you were here for him.
however, right when you think he is going to say something or reach for your hand and hold it...
"guess who just ate two big delicious menus-"
the second your brother lays eyes on seojun sitting super close to you, his eyes widen in horror.
"o-oh adult business, i get it. i'll leave now. bye, hyung!"
yet, of course, before leaving your room he doesn’t miss the chance to make gagging noises.
"and y/n, sadly, there wasn't enough food for you."
his fake pout makes you want to throw your slipper at him but you just close your eyes for a second and exhale, trying to remain calm.
seojun only chuckles with amusement.
"mum! y/n and seojun hyung are a couple again. can she move out now?"
juyeong’s annoying voice can be heard all the way too my room. embarrassed, you glance at seojun, who is obviously trying to hold in his laugh.
"i'm sorry for my brother."
"you don't need to be."
"a-anyways, are you better now? i mean your bruises?" you stammer while pointing at his face, wanting to ignore what just happened.
"yeah, a lot better. thank you."
he trails off, eyes darting through the room,
"i-i should probably leave now."
right, your stupid self forgot to ask him about his mum.
"i heard about your mum. i hope she's doing better?"
“thankfully, she is. it's a little difficult for us but we’re going through this."
“hopefully she’ll feel better soon. i’m sure you’re taking good care of her,”
you’re always like that. caring about others more than yourself.
“if you need anything, i’m here.”
he smiles genuinely, “thank you.“
and that's when he leaves.
the sun shines outside the next day. but instead of going out and enjoying the nice weather like other normal people, you lay on your bed while thinking about the previous day. strangely, you couldn’t stop thinking about the way seojun made you feel. 
why did your heart race? why were you left speechless?
in the corner of your mind, there’s been an explanation for your weird feelings for your childhood friend. although, you’ve always tried to ignore it and distract yourself.
but now, thinking about all the times seojun made your heart flutter, it just made sense.
you like him.
with widen eyes you swiftly stand up, not believing yourself.
it couldn’t be, right? everyone feels this way to their friend at some point of their friendship, no?
but the thing is: you’ve been feeling like this the whole time. 
letting yourself fall on your bed, you scream into your pillow.
you like han seojun.
and there’s no way your former frenemy likes you back.
it’s another school morning as you walk into your class. this time however, you’re nervous to enter the room. after all, you’ll have to be around the one person you now feel nervous talking to. what if he notices your odd behavior. praying that he won’t approach you in a way that made your heart flutter, you eventually enter the classroom.
however, it seems like the universe is making fun of you when you’re met with something hundred times worse the moment you step into the room. instantly, all eyes land on you and all you hear are cheers and screams from your classmates,
“congratulations on dating, y/n and seojun!”
“you’re so cute together!”
“y/n and seojun sitting on a tree!”
at the sight of chorong and his group wearing t-shirts with your shipname printed on them, your eyes widen in horror. they think you’re dating han seojun?!
“why didn’t you tell me anything? i’m your close friend after all!”
sua pouts, hitting your arm playfully while your eyes are still glued on the ridiculous t-shirts.
“is it true, y/n?”,
from the corner of your eye you see soojin giving you a teasing smile.
“listen, guys. there has been a huge misunderstanding.”,
when you can finally focus on your friends, who surround you with curious looks, han seojun enters the classroom, completely unaware of what’s happening right now.
the young boy frowns at chorong after setting his bag on his table. yet soon his confused face changes to a shocked one, as he eventually notices the t-shirts, everyone congratulating him with cheerful laughter.
turning his head to you, he notices your helpless look while you tilt your head to the side. totally surprised by everything, seojun has no clue how to act at the beginning. 
finally, both of you manage to stand in front of the class, facing your classmates as they continue asking several questions,
“since when have you been dating?”
“no way! did anything happen during the school trip?”
“tell us the truth!”
frustrated, you move your hands in the air, trying to speak with a loud tone so that everyone can understand you,
“i don’t know how you came up with this rumor but seojun and me are only friends, okay?”
hearing your statement, everyone groans at the same time, not believing you at all,
“it’s so obvious! just tell us the truth.”
letting out a sigh, you turn your head to face seojun with an annoyed look,
“could you at least say something?”
however, seojun only raises his eyebrows before taking his hands out of his pockets,
“would you hate it that much?”
his sentence makes you frown and multiple questions appear in your head. not quite understanding his point, you continue staring at him with furrowed eyebrows before he finally slams his hand on the desk in front of him, catching everyone’s attention,
“you guys better stop spreading all those rumors around. she’s only my friend...,”
disappointed, many students groan before going back to their seats while others still don’t seem to believe seojun and shake their heads in denial.
seojun bends down to your height so that his face is only a few inches apart from yours before whispering with one eyebrow raised,
nervously you blink, sadness starting to grow inside you after hearing his words. of course, he only considers you as his friend. there’s no way he would see you as something more.
friday nights are always the same for you: watching your current favorite tv show while snacking on whatever you have at home. whereas other people from your grade probably club somewhere.
that night your phone rings and an unknown number appears on the screen. thinking it’s a stupid prank, you pick it up with an annoyed sigh.
"hello. is this y/n?"
"yes. who am i talking to?"
there is a short silence before the unknown person starts talking again,
"look, i work at this club near your neighborhood and this dude randomly passed out here. i found your number on his phone so i thought of calling you. can you maybe come and get him? he's seriously wasted a– dude, what the hell, stop spilling all the drinks!"
"i'm sorry but who are you talking about?"
you heard the unknown man mumble before answering, "seojung? seung- seojun?"
"han seojun?"
"yes! that's his name."
a short silence takes over when you sit up in shock.
"so, are you coming?"
you sigh before replying, "i need the adress.”
the moment you enter that club, you want to return to your house. many people dance on the dance floor, totally wasted. everyone is pressing their bodies against each other's. the loud music makes you feel even more uncomfortable. you look around and let out a relieved sigh when you find a bartender with a phone on his hand.
"hello, i'm here for seojun. the guy who–"
"hey, finally! he's right here."
you follow the man to the other side of the club, where people are sitting on the couches and drinks were sold every minute. it doesn’t take you long to spot seojun sitting on the couch. his eyes are closed but his head is swinging from left to right. you can’t believe your eyes. you’re pretty sure you haven’t seen him in a state like this ever before.
"don't worry. your boyfriend didn't hook up with anyone." the bartender next to you said.
"he's not my boyfriend."
"what are you then?"
"i'm his..." you trail off before answering,
"neighbor! i’m his neighbor!"
seojun shouldn't know that you came to pick him up at this time.
without waiting any longer, you help seojun getting up and wrap his arm around your shoulder. before leaving the club, the bartender reaches you seojun’s phone and makes sure to call a taxi. after thanking him you leave with seojun’s heavy body.
while waiting for the taxi to arrive, seojun keeps rambling stupid things you can’t understand. it’s getting harder for you to stand with him by yourself every minute, so you decide to sit on the bench with him, which is a couple steps away from the bus station.
you let out an exhausted sigh after sitting down and then turn your head towards him. suddenly you grab his face and make him look at you. he smiles like an idiot after you brush his bangs away from his forehead. his cheeks are extremely red, his lips pouting slightly and his eyes struggling not to close. your cold hands hold his warm, soft cheeks while you analyze his expressions. you have to admit: seojun looks cute.
after a few seconds he suddenly frowns. he narrows his eyes and tilts his head to the side slightly, looks you up and down considerately before asking,
"who are you?"
“you don't know who i am?"
"hmmm..." he rubs his chin carefully, acting like he’s solving a mystery,
"you're telling me that that's fine?" seojun giggles and covers his mouth.
"yes, absolutely."
"alright! i'm han seojun. who are you?" he stretches his hand out for you to shake.
"does that matter?”
“of course! who are you, young lady?”
"that's not important right now. what matters is that you're extremely drunk. what were you doing here?"
"you're rude!" he pouts and crosses his arms,
"you won't even tell me your name."
"why are you acting so childish?"
"i-i don't know."
"never mind. that's fine."
"yeah, you're good."
you notice how his lips form a small smile,
"you're nice and then rude and then nice and then- you remind me of someone you know?"
yes, that's you.
"my friend y/n."
"oh, really?" you sarcastically laugh.
"yeah! she's like you. but prettier. like so much prettier. she’s pretty."
"that doesn't even make sense."
"huh?" seojun asks confused.
oh no, why do you have to be so cute.
"actually, it’s hard for me to be her friend." suddenly he’s all sad,
"sometimes i cross the line and don’t know my limits. but she's so dumb and stubborn!"
"and why is that?” frowning, you cross your arms in front of your chest, waiting for his response. 
he only sighs with tiredness, "never mind–"
and then he falls asleep on your shoulder.
finally you arrive at seojun’s house and fortunately all the lights are out. with his heavy body pressing to your small one, you struggle to carry him up the stairs. quietly, the door is opened by you before seojun falls into his bed. your head starts hurting, which makes you sit down next to him and massage your temples. however, you help seojun standing up and carry him to the bathroom carefully, in order to wash his face. he lets you take off his jacket and his shoes. finally he lays down on his back, with his face facing the ceiling.
"don't lie on your back." you demand.
"hm?" seojun’s eyes are firmly closed when he mutters with tiredness.
"lie on your side." you pull his body to the side, so that he could face you.
definitely, his facials expressions change. his lips are no longer pouted, his eyes extremely tired, his cheeks pale. from analyzing his face once again, you fail to notice him staring at you with his eyebrows drawn together. soon his confused expression changes to a sad one when you cover his body with his bed sheets.
"i'm sorry." seojun mutters suddenly. you expect him to continue, as he grabs both of your hands and slightly pulls you closer to him. a shiver goes down your spine.
"y/n, you deserve better."
he knows it’s you? 
"i know i treated badly but i need you."
his eyes are barely opened, his words barely understandable. your hands start shivering as his grip tightens.
"i-i should go."
"no! please stay here." he rambles drunkly.
you decide to stay a little longer, just until he would fall asleep and hopefully forget everything that has happened this night.
“i mi..."
you aren’t able to understand his quiet mumbling, so you lean in a little,
“what did you say?"
“i miss y/n."
silence takes over the room before you finally reply,
“i missed you too, seojun-ah.”
your words make him open his eyes immediately. with a surprised face he tilts his head slightly and narrows his eyes,
instead of saying anything, you hold his hand while he’s still questioning your identity. all of the sudden his hands leave yours to grab your face. without waiting too long he pulls your face closer to his. instantly, your eyes widen when you notice the small gap between your noses. intensively, he looks into your eyes. so many emotions can be read from his look, yet you can’t figure out what he‘s feeling exactly. they have the most beautiful brown color you have ever seen. so deep, that you could get lost in them. only seconds pass, but it still feels like you were staring at each other for an eternity. you can even feel his soft breath on your face, which causes your ears to turn a dark shade of crimson.
seojun then glances at your lips before looking back into your eyes again. without waiting any longer he presses your lips together, one hand holding your cheek while the other grabs your waist. you let out a small gasp, your eyes remain closed, your whole body frozen. is this really happening?
when you’re finally able to kiss him back and hold firmly into his shoulders, he tilts your head, deepening the kiss. you feel your heart beating thousand times faster, almost exploding in your chest, as his soft lips press against yours. your face is glowing when you eventually wrap your arms around his neck to pull him closer, unable to resist the warm feeling. without doubt, you are sure that you've never felt something like this before.
seojun slowly pulls back when he feels your fingers softly tugging at his hair, leaving a small gap between your lips. you feel his breath on your face when he hums something before his lips meet yours for the second time, not giving you enough time to open your eyes,
“hmm, strawberries.”
feeling his lips forming a small smile, your heart is about to explode in your chest. seojun was insanly drunk but clearly enjoys the taste of strawberry lip balm, brushing his thumb over your cheek softly.
soon you break the kiss only to find seojun falling asleep on his bed seconds later. not believing what just happened you stare at him, admiring his features before panic takes over you and you rush out of his house.
would he remember any of this tomorrow?
to be continued...
(p.s: sorry for making you wait for so long🥺)
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mercurytrinemoon · 3 years
Me debunking astrology generalizations and misconceptions or smth idk...
Squares and oppositions aren't pure evil. 
I can't believe I have to say this because I thought ya'll have learnt the characteristics of every aspect but here we are. Nothing in astrology is black and white. And I saw some ridiculous statements (not necessary here on tumblr) that said things like "if your Venus squares someone's ascendant then you don't find that person attractive AT ALL". Or "Mars square Mercury people can't speak politely and have an annoying voice". Like????? First of all, that's ridiculous. Second of all, square in not "everything bad" just like trine is not "everything amazing". Squares bring tension, which leads to motivation, they’re stimulating; sometimes excitement or charisma; sometimes they can make you overdo things. I'm not saying they're oh-so-marvelous because the challenges are still there, but they're not as bad as people paint them to be. Squares happen between two signs that are in the same modality so they have a bunch of things in common. Besides, some of them (Sagi-Pisces and Gemini-Virgo) are ruled by the same planet so there's a special type of chemistry between those (especially when applied to synastry). Oppositions work in two ways, planets either meet in the middle - opposite signs usually complete each other and fuel each other up. And worse case scenario? Natally this means being pulled in two different directions; synastry-wise, you can completely miss each other like two passing cars - so there may be some misunderstandings but I don't think that's the end of the world... And, as per usual, may be mitigated by other positive aspects.
This is me debunking other people's attempts at debunking Sun sign compatibility. 
Sun IS very important but when people ask about compatibility and go with Suns... and then someone tries to be a smartass and debunk the "compatible-incompatible" and does the same thing without even realizing it. Like, "oh I actually see a lot of Aries and Pisces having amazing relationships because *insert someting that is a total stretch and refers to their Sun sign traits*"... But you seem to forget that they're neighbouring signs... which means they probably have personal planets in those neighbouring signs... which means they're compatible not because of some made-up stuff that you're trying to come up with but because their other planets are compatible with each other. But you're still feeding into the Sun sign compatibility talk. (So like, what I'm trying to also say, yes, the entire synastry chart comes into play; Also, side note, everyone can get along on some level if they’re mature enough).
Planet in a sign is NOT the same as planet in the house. 
There may be some overlaps in some of the sign-houses associations (like in the overall energy; like for example, it sort of makes sense that 3rd, 7th and 11th are referred to as “air houses” because they’re the most social) but in NO WAY there are similarities between planet house position and the "ruling" sign. That association started a few decades ago and some would say that NOT linking houses with signs is a purely traditional approach. But there’s plenty of professional modern astrologers with 20/30/40-year experience who still differentiate between sign/house position... because they know (and have learnt along the way) that there’s a huge difference.
I'll give you 3 quick examples: Gemini planets and 3rd house planets both may put emphasis on communication, mental stimulation and gathering data. But Geminis are often scattered in their approach, they may be easily distracted, may be indecisive, may be jack of all trades and talkative jokesters. They actually hate routines and dullness. "Spice it up" is probably a Gemini's philosophy. Now 3rd house planets may indicate you actually LIKE doing things on the regular - like running errands every other day in the mornings or going to that one specific coffee shop to pick up a snack. You may actually work in logistics or as a postman (especially if your chart ruler or MC ruler is in the 3rd). Planets in the 3rd talk about your siblings, neighbours or school experiences - like having Venus in the 3rd may point to positive experiences within those areas - something Gemini Venus has nothing in common.
Venus in the 9th can study at an art/beauty or fashion school (or even teach there if the MC is involved); can be very attached to spiritual and religious matters; can also find love in a foreign land. But imagine it being in Taurus - rather shy, needing those stable values to feel secure, being an exceptionally great student at that art school thanks to its domicile. Venus in Sagittarius on the other hand, likes adventure, things being shaken up from time to time, lightheartedness and exploration. But what if we flip the scenario and that Sag Venus is in the 2nd house. This can denote earing money through travelling and looking for ways to expand but in a financial matters.
Continuing with the Venus examples, having Venus in Aries is completely different than Venus in the 1st. What do people usually say about Venus in the 1st? That it makes the native charming, lovely, well-put together, with great manners, maybe beautiful, graceful, maybe a bit shallow. When in Aries? None of these characteristics fit, on top of that, it's in its detriment. Our poor gal Venus is uncomfortable and confused in Aries. She's like, "conquer? Swords? Selfishness? Obnoxiousness? Sparring? You're telling me to fight people? What am I doing here???" 
And I'll leave you here with that cause those examples weren’t that quick lol and in fact, I could give you a 100 of those. Besides, this actually inspired a 3-page rant that I've already posted not so long ago that you can read HERE.
There's no such thing as "more accurate" astrology. 
Both western and vedic are valid. Both can show you the same things. JUST KEEP THEM SEPARATE AND DON'T MIX THEM WITH EACH OTHER. And don't say things like "sidereal shows your soul" - omg I saw this statement soooo many times, who the hell even came up with this?! Actually, if anything, it's the modern western approach that "psychologized" (yea I just made up a word, you mad?) astrology while Jyotish still sticks to the very real "here and now", sometimes fatalistic predictions of how exactly your life is going to roll out... But hey, reach for hellenistic methods and they can tell you the same things, just with different tools. So no, they do not show different things, it's just their language is different.
If you say you don't identify with your chart then you're just reading it wrong.
This partially connects to the last one in some ways... Switching to a different astrology or different charts is not a solution. Learn how to read your natal. If you say it doesn’t describe you, I can guarantee you that you haven’t studied it properly. (Now this hasn't turned into a rant yet but I may actually do a whole-ass post on this because if I start elaborating on it now I'll end up with another 3-page essay).
Learn how and when to generalize. Also learn how to take generalizations. 
I understand that you have to pick up on every single thing separately in order to put everything together. It's like learning a new language: first you need to learn individual words and then you need to know the proper grammar to create a full sentence. This is 100% understandable and necessary, but it's important to take the entire thing into consideration. And this goes for all branches of astrology, but I guess it's especially annoying with synastry. This, again, comes down to the very black and white approach. You know, like when you see those long paragraphs where people elaborate on all the intricacies of Venus-Pluto aspects or whatever as if that one thing was determining the entire relationship between two people. (Side note, no shade but some of ya'll should start writing fiction or poetry cause the amount of fluffy speech and waffle that I see floating around here on tumblr is insane sometimes). Why are you wording everything as a make it or break it type of situation? And on the receiving end - learn how to take *properly phrased* generalizations constructively. Example: it IS a rule that Aries is a competitive one, maybe you're not one of them (for many reasons) but don't make a fuss about someone saying this. It IS a basic rule that energies of the same sign in two people are going to get along (well that depends on the planets involved but I digress), if that, for some other reasons, doesn't apply to you, don't go yelling that it's bullcrap because you hate people of the same sign. You know? Like, learn the difference.
I had a mini-rant on this one a while ago, but I think this deserves a constant reminder (and refers to the last point), I don't want to see any more posts that would say things like "xxx house placements will bring you suffering" or "stay away from people with planets in your xxx house" or, even worse, making a (completely untrue btw) prediction based on one single thing like "someone with so-and-so aspect is going to harm you". And you're so casual about it??? You know there are sensitive people in the world. Learn some ethics. Learn some counseling skills. Don't be ignorant. Don't throw these random stuff at people just like that. And learn some actual astrology cause most of these aren't even closely describing that particual aspect. LIKE WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK.
Ok now I'm pissed again.
Studying astrology and believing in free will doesn’t go well together.
It's not just psychological and spiritual. It's useful to know that western astrology made it like that because there were still people threatening astrologers for using it as a divination tool. So they moved away from the predictive/deterministic aspect of it. Now, I'm not here to change anyone's beliefs cause that's a very personal thing that everyone should develop on their own. But once you start diving deeper into astrology you'd notice that there's a heavy emphasis on fatedness and things being predetermined. That includes both the good and the bad stuff and you should learn to accept that. And with the bad things specifically, let's not excuse it with some "oh that was an opportunity for growth". Like yea, maybe, occasionally??? But just acknowledge that sometimes things happen not because there was a deeper meaning in them... but because you have a Pluto-Mars conjunction in the 6th that makes an applying square to your chart ruler and you were going through a profection year where Mars was your time lord and it transited that chart ruler while making a conjunction with Neptune so you were attacked by a baby crocodile while swimming and it bit off your toe and you got a nasty infection and that’s it (I just made that up btw, I don't actually know anyone who was attacted by a crocodile). So like, sometimes shit just happens and there's nothing psychological about it. Also, I bet your free will didn't want to be attacked by that croc.
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