dilfhos · 9 months
sataru idk who that is-
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thexfridax · 3 months
D.E.B.S. at 20: a Queer Cult Classic
Bessie Yuill Photo: Sundance/WireImage
There is a secret film hidden within the shadowy sapphic corners of Letterboxd. Some call it escapist trash, some call it an underrated cult classic, fools call it a male fantasy. It calls itself D.E.B.S. As other early-2000s chick flicks like Charlie’s Angels and St. Trinian’s have been reevaluated and embraced for their candy-floss aesthetics and campy wit over the years, the lesbian community was quietly reclaiming its own equivalent with 2004’s D.E.B.S.
The precursor to contemporary high-concept lesbian films like Bottoms, the spy flick is filled with something that queer female moviegoers still often yearn for: fun. That includes Jordana Brewster and her era-defying eyebrows as the impeccably named supervillain Lucy Diamond, John Woo–style fight scenes that parody the action genre in the same way as Charlie’s Angels, and a cheerfully cheap aesthetic where spies run around in plaid schoolgirl skirts.
D.E.B.S. was written, directed, and edited by filmmaker Angela Robinson. While “unapologetically queer” might be an overused phrase, it does apply neatly to Robinson. The Chicago-born director’s first project was a short film called Chickula: Teenage Vampire, calling on the long history of vampiric queer women that began with 1872’s Carmilla.
Her love of playing with genre led her to later put a lesbian spin on the movie musical by writing the underappreciated Girltrash: All Night Long and exploring polyamory in a period biopic about the creators of Wonder Woman, Professor Marston and the Wonder Women. On the small screen, she also burnished her lesbian credentials by working on several episodes of The L Word.
When D.E.B.S. started life as a short film, Robinson described it as “a story about a trio of superspies who are all chicks. I love all the comic-book characters: Charlie’s Angels, Batman, Josie & the Pussycats … But I always wanted them to be gay and they never were, so I wrote my own.” Success at Sundance led to Sony snatching the short up and deciding that D.E.B.S. should be a full-length feature.
Two decades later, the joy of this movie lies in the details. The tone is immediately set by a gravelly voice-over telling us that there is a secret test hidden within the SAT to recruit young female superspies (and establishing that, like Bottoms, this is a film aware of genre archetypes and willing to push believability). Our main character Amy (Sara Foster) is an academic overachiever — like many lesbians overcompensating for their perceived failure to live up to social norms. Her perfect score on the secret SAT test makes it even more scandalous when she falls for the aforementioned supervillain Lucy Diamond.
Queer friend groups may delight over the nostalgic frosty eye shadow and lip gloss worn by the D.E.B.S. (which stands for “discipline, energy, beauty, strength,” naturally) at all times. Flip phones, CGI holographic screens, and Goldfrapp’s appearance on the soundtrack will also remind you that you’re watching a film made in the early 2000s. And many will squeal when they spot Holland Taylor, over a decade before she came out, as the academy’s head.
Admittedly, the special effects are goofy enough to cross over into comedy, especially when our girls are abseiling into a restaurant or climbing walls with plungers, and the lighting could be charitably described as resembling teen soap operas of that era. But the chemistry between Amy and Lucy is crackling enough that YouTube compilations of their scenes have racked up hundreds of thousands of views online. Their fun enemies-to-lovers plotline begins with the pair pointing guns at each other and quickly progresses to a whirlwind romance (the other D.E.B.S. think Amy’s been kidnapped and launch a national manhunt, just as many friend groups have had to organize rescue missions for lesbians on weeklong first dates).
You could argue that espionage serves as a metaphor for the closet and that Amy is such an effective spy because she’s used to lying to herself about her sexuality. But that almost seems like too much weight to put on this meringue confection of a genre spoof: Its campiness liberates the characters to inhabit a fun, exaggerated universe with no serious homophobia or consequences. Guns are used, but the so-called superspies have such consistently terrible aim that there are no real casualties. And Lucy Diamond’s supposedly nefarious crimes are all reversible — the murders pinned on her are revealed to be misunderstandings, and she returns all of her stolen goods in order to win Amy back.
When this live-action Totally Spies with a lesbian twist debuted, it only made $97,000 and was dismissed by critics. But there were enough moviegoing gays impressed by its snappy dialogue, fun romance, and stunning supporting cast (including Meagan Good, Jimmi Simpson, and Devon Aoki with a French accent) for its reputation to grow online over time. In forums and YouTube comment sections, young girls were asking, “Are there any lesbian films where they just fall in love and have fun and don’t die at the end?” Their answer was D.E.B.S.
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manicpixiefelix · 5 months
head, heart, hand. {Felix Catton/Reader/Oliver Quick}
Part 12.
Summary: Reuniting with Venetia was always an interesting experience. Many people - everyone else who lives at Saltburn included - wonder why you put up with the way she speaks to you, the way she treats you. You wonder how they can't see that it's so much more than that.
{ masterpost }
Need to Know: They/Them. Explicitly NB Reader. FWB!Reader/Felix. Reader is from a well off family but has pretty much been adopted by the Cattons.
Warnings: suggestive themes, implied pseudo-incest, nonsexual intimacy with Venetia but no smut
A/N: 3644 words. i know i said there's be ollie this chapter, but i needed to set up a few more things around the house; specifically venetia and what her whole deal is with the reader. i love her, she breaks my entire heart. i know i should have edited this one but oh well, here, eat up friends.
TAGLIST IN COMMENTS!! // TAGLIST ALWAYS OPEN ! (just message or comment to be added)
Never once has Venetia been gentle with the way she speaks to you; she is sharp lines and bitter tongues and laughs and moans that edge on jagged. Nothing about her seems capable of regarding you, or sometimes even treating you, with gentleness, yet she demands it from you in everything you do.
She picks you apart the moment she sees you again, like nails over every inch of your being she pries apart who you've become in her absence, but ends it all by telling you that you're still frustratingly attractive.
"Thought that would change."
"Do you think that every time?"
"Prepare for the worst and hope for the best," she sighs with a wry smile.
"My potential descent into unattractiveness is... hope?"
"Preparing, obviously; I'm very fond of you, I don't hope you get ugly," obviously, says her eye roll. Its a compliment, says her eye roll.
Still, you know Venetia well enough, know her bitter tongue belies a sweetness she could never speak out loud.
All you'd come down in is your bathers, and an old, large button down that Felix liked to swan around the house in. Which Venetia insists you leave on, lest you get yourself burnt, though you roll your eyes and shrug it off anyways, draping it over the parasol-protected banana lounge that Venetia had claimed with her towel. Venetia herself looks like something out of countless fantasies, and even more Summer magazine centre folds, the sequins of her silver bikini shining in the sunlight.
Venetia is a shiny, pretty thing, eye catching; large sunglasses and shiny lip gloss and a body that glows and shines with what you hope is sunscreen but know is just moisturiser and tanning oil. Untouched by anything but the sun and herself on this searing afternoon, wanting and waiting for her entertainment, for you.
Venetia's gentleness lives and dies in her desires, in the way she wants. Her needs, her demands are always met, but her wants she'll never be able to put to words. So you learned to figure her out for yourself; if she loves you for it, she'll never say it out loud.
Wading into the water, towards the floating chair she's so elegantly draped herself across, you keep your hands above the water's surface, keep them dry as you reach her. With every step her smile grows wider, and you place your hand on her ankle, hand gliding up her warm leg in casual greeting. Calf, knee, thigh, soft and warm and dry, and your hand comes to rest on her belly, your fingers splayed out, cooler than her sun-soaked skin, and she giggles. The anticipation makes her giddy. Her hand comes to rest on yours, though never to take your hand; she wants to be touched more than she wants to hold, that's why when she shifts carefully on her buoyant seat, she makes sure that it's not so drastic that you'd have to move your hand from her skin.
"You kept me waiting," already there's a hint of faux disapproval on her tongue when she greets you properly, or as properly as you were going to get from her. Instead of dignifying that with a real response, you roll your eyes, and lean in to kiss her on the cheek. Giving a huff at your non-answer, she does however take your face in her free hand before you can pull away, giving you a kiss on the cheek in response.
"Hello to you too, Ven," you half laugh, but she's still holding your face, holding you close, for longer than was necessary. Letting you go, she lifts her glasses with that same hand to finally get a proper look at you. A strange, accusatory glimmer there amongst the mirth and mischief.
"I thought you kept me waiting because you were freshening up," it almost sounds betrayed, settling the glasses on top of her head. How could she have known that kind of thing? Why would she care if you hadn't?
"Didn't think it would matter; I was getting in the pool anyways," you pointed out as nonchalantly as possible, but she just reiterated that you'd kept her waiting, like it was the end of the world. Something about her suddenly intrigued gaze had you growing flustered, wondering what it was about you that had her so incensed.
In the next instance, she's slid from her seat and into the water beside you without hesitation. There's now something determined in her eyes when she takes your face in both hands, kissing you. Venetia has always been direct, has always taken for granted that you'd bend to her whims in most instances. Like this one. Your arms wind around her as if on instinct. There's nothing sweet about it, nipping at your lips insistently, tongue in your mouth -
"Oh my god," she pulls back, eyes wide with what you're pretty sure is disbelief, like she's come to an urgent realisation.
"It's so good to be home; how have you been lately?" You ask breathlessly, deeply confused about her attitude and trying to give her a hint that even for her this is a strange greeting. But then her lips are on yours again, pulling you in, all teeth and tongues and gasping furiously into your mouth. Somewhere in all of this, you pull her close, hands beneath her thighs and letting her wrap her legs around you under the water.
"It hasn't even been an hour!" She cries this time when she pulls back from you, looking almost like she's on the verge of laughter or perhaps screaming, "wash your mouth out! What is wrong with you?" Despite the fact that she'd just given you the kind of kiss that would put Hollywood to shame. Twice.
"Not drinking chlorine for you, Ven," you tell her, amused, while still holding her secure against you. Displeased with your answer, she pushes away from your chest with both hands, and you let her go, let her splash you as she makes a face.
"Don't drink it, christ," she rolls her eyes, as if she believes you're being wilfully stupid about the whole thing.
"Then I'll just taste like chlorine," you pointed out, wading over to her. The answering smile you get is particularly mean.
"I'd rather you taste like chlorine than Felix," despite all the questions and implications her disdainful words raise, you match her energy, smiling back with a blithe confidence as you approach her once more.
"You sure you mean that, Vennie?"
Immediately, Venetia is scarlet, spluttering, playing exceptionally well at being horrified by your implications, if not for the ease with which she lets herself get wrapped up in you once more.
"You're gross, you're awfully gross, you both are. I can't believe -" she tells you, looks in your eyes like she's determined to make you believe it, "I'll wash your mouth out myself," she threatens, and you nod while not trying particularly hard to hide your amusement. With a childlike scowl she dips herself mostly underwater, still encircled loosely by your arms, scowling at you all the while. Like a little, blonde crocodile, nose and eyes making sure you're watching her every move, taking her and her threat seriously.
When she surfaces, cheeks puffed out and presumably filled with water, you have to let her go for how hard your laughing. Then the chase is on.
The first mouthful of water she loses to her own laughter, and shouting at you to stop trying to get away, while you thrash through the length of the pool. Every so often she almost catches you, but you splash her and wriggle free and she shrieks with faux offense. Until she's got you pinned to the side of the pool, water just up past your waist, and a devilish look of triumph in her eyes.
At first she taps her lips expectantly. Of course her mouth is once again full to bursting with pool water. Shaking your head adamantly, you try and lean away, still faintly laughing, but Venetia changes tact.
Instead of caging you against the side, she carefully wraps her arms around your neck, gaze turning soft and fond and amused as she leans in. You know what she's doing, but you let her have it this time.
Winding your arms around her waist, you let her shotgun a mouthful of pool water into your mouth, and try not to laugh to keep it from going down your airways or up your nose. Venetia, in triumph, the moment she knows the water is in your mouth, she pulls back and clamps her hand over your mouth, looking altogether too proud of herself.
Drenched, beautiful, and grinning from ear to ear, the look in her eyes betrays just how into you, or at the very least into this moment, she is.
"Wash your mouth out before you come anywhere near me next time," she orders in a firm whisper that's definitely doing more for you than you'd like to admit. Possibly for Venetia too, considering how she's unable to wipe the smile off of her own face, "you filthy, little doggie."
No-one, maybe not even Felix, is ever allowed to find out how quickly those words have you all but melting at her command. The fight drains from you, and God all you want is to be good, good, good. Judging by Venetia's pleased reaction, she can feel the moment you start to submit, can probably see it in your eyes. Her hand stays over your mouth until she's satisfied you've swished the water around enough, and you spit the water back out to the side, instead of at her like you'd been intending to before she'd called you out.
"Can't believe you said that to me, really, Y/N," she sighed, shaking her head. Neither of you moved; you flush against the side of the pool, and Venetia pressed flush to you.
"So you're the only one who can say things in the hopes of getting manhandled?" Giving a sheepish grin, even if you don't fully believe what you're saying, there's a semblance of self-satisfaction when Venetia gives in. She grabs your chin and pulls you in for one more rough kiss, pressing against you, trapping you in this moment. A rare instance in which she gives you what she thinks you want.
But some of your bite is coming back.
"So does the chlorine taste better?" You smirked. Immediately she splashes you with a wave of water to the face. By the time you've spluttered through a recovery, she's halfway to the stairs.
"I hate you," is not a real answer to the question, but that's okay, you weren't really looking for one as much as you had been looking to rile her up, "and you've made me all wet - shut it -" she warns, cutting off the crude joke you both knew you were about to make, as she starts up the pool stairs with determination, "and you've ruined my beautiful afternoon plans."
Waiting at the top of the stairs, she turns back to you, simply watching her with a grin, giving you an impatient gesture. Your smile widens, but still, you obligingly follow her.
Even while mad at you, Venetia was a creature of predictable desires. Very rarely did her frustration with you outweigh the benefit of your company to her, and now was no different. Drying yourselves off with her towel, the only one either of you had brought down, it seems her mood is already lightening once more, letting you know that she'd gotten her hands on the latest Harry Potter novel. When she pulls the book out from where she'd stashed it under the long lounge, she picks up Felix's shirt and tosses it to you.
You know to put it on, just like you know not to comment on it.
Without asking, nor having to be asked, you settle yourself on the lounge chair and insistently pat the space beside you; almost enough for Venetia.
"Let me read over your shoulder," an incredibly flimsy excuse that you both see through, but she still settles herself on the lounge chair too. There's not quite enough room, so you're almost on your side, arm around Venetia's shoulders, head resting against hers, pressed up against her whole side. Legs curled up together, your other hand once more comes to rest on her lower belly, casually intimate, warm, tips of your fingers just barely tucked into her bikini bottoms. You're not reading; your face pressed so close to her's is proof enough of that.
"Your eyelashes are tickling my cheek," in these moments she sounds so much younger than she is. The peel of laughter that rings out from her as you nuzzle your face further against her cheek, pointedly fluttering your eyelashes, it reminds you of the way she'd laugh at the sleepovers the two of you shared in the first few years of meeting each other.
And you settle back down, angling your face only slightly to keep your lashes from bothering her, and rub faint circles against the soft skin of her stomach with your thumb. Venetia opens her book, and finally relaxes.
It's been a long time since you'd seen Venetia fully relax around anyone who wasn't you. You wonder if anyone else has noticed, has wondered, has thought to figure out the how and why of the girl beside you. Contrary to popular belief, it's been a long time since Venetia's actually sought you out for sex. Constant lewd flirting and suggestive texts aside.
So much of Venetia's self worth was tied to being sexually attractive. Pretty and fashionable and fuckable. Needed biblically, carnally. Pick up, use, put down. There was such a thrill in being wanted that it took her too long to understand why she was hollow; don't let me go felt selfish for her to even think. But you'd learned to read through the things she leaves unsaid.
Sex she could get anywhere, but the touch-starved Venetia knew you understood the truth of what she wants. It's why she treated you like furniture, like she was entitled to your personal space.
You often find yourself wondering if Venetia only touches you in ways she wishes she could touch Felix. More casually than even now, and many still would consider their relationship too close. You are kind and loving and playful and a wonderful friend, but you are nothing of real substance to her; you are a warm body and the closest she can be to Felix half the time.
For anyone else it would be too hot for this kind of proximity, but never for Venetia. So you drown in the heat of her skin pressed against hers, and let yourself drift asleep in the peaceful afternoon.
It's a sleep so peaceful that you don't even properly wake when her soft chatter infects your hazy mind. Farleigh's voice drifts through your head and this haze -
"- no-one tells me anything," you can hear Venetia pouting without even opening your eyes. Her book must be closed because she's got a hand on your thigh, bringing your leg further over her.
"Of course they don't, you should have seen both of them earlier when I accidentally implied -"
"Careful, Farleigh," you yawned, carefully snuggling further against Venetia. The pair are quiet for a few long seconds, but your eyes remained closed.
"See what I mean?" Farleigh eventually breaks the rather tense silence with a wry, pointed comment.
"Can't believe you didn't tell me we were having a guest," Venetia sounds like she's sulking, but you just make a noncommittal hum in the back of your throat, "feeling possessive of our impending Mister Quick, are you, pet?" And you feel her fingers gentle on your cheek, taking your face in her hand and lifting you to look her in the eyes. Cracking your eyes open, you level a flat gaze at her. Also, you realise how long you must have been sleeping; it's sunset.
"Simply giving you space to form your own opinions of him, Ven," you told her, gaze sliding pointedly to Farleigh, who had splayed himself out on the opposing lounge chair. He stuck his tongue out at you.
"I'm a big girl, pet; I just want to know what you think, what I should expect."
God, the Catton siblings are phenomenal at playing innocent in a way that's completely and utterly unconvincing.
Venetia's still holding your face close, gaze sharp and demanding an answer. Maybe you should untangle yourself from her, from this conversation, but something about being around her always made you want to play along, even if out of spite.
"I think it doesn't matter what I say," you tell her softly, speaking with an honesty you don't often allow yourself around most of the Cattons, or even Farleigh, "nor do I think it matters what Farleigh says, no matter how cruel he is about Ollie," everything about your tone, your expression, the way your grip on her retracts as much as you're able, it comes as a surprise to her, and judging by your peripheries, Farleigh too, "you're going to want him, adore him; Oliver is unconventionally wonderful, and you are Venetia Catton."
"The actual fuck do you mean by that?" She pulls away, struggling to her feet with a scowl, and you relax fully into the spot she'd just abandoned. By this time you smile up at her, warm, adoring.
"I mean it is in your nature to love," it's not entirely a lie, but Venetia only sees the truth in it, the fondness. Her irritation softens, "I mean no opinion will ever matter above yours, and I know you, Ven; you're hardwired into your own brand of love at first sight." It's an incredibly, meticulously diplomatic cover for your earlier, far harsher statement. Farleigh's watching you like you're a magician before his very eyes; Venetia, thankfully, doesn't look at him.
Sitting back down gingerly on the edge of the lounge, she gives into your sweet words when you softly tell her you love her. She doesn't say it back - she never will - but she kisses you on the forehead before standing again.
"Almost thought you were being a bitch again," she tells you loftily, wrapping her towel around her waist like a skirt, cocking her hip, "and I've about had it up to here with you and your -"
"Yapping?" You supplied, playing up the canine allegations just to see the way she fails the hide the quirk of her lips, the dead give away that she's desperate to smile.
"Yapping, exactly." And she turns swiftly on her heel, trying her best to storm away. When you call out that you'll see her at dinner, she flips you off. If you look to Farleigh, you think you might be able to see the cogs turning in his mind. Slowly, his mouth opens, then there's a distinct look in his eyes that says he thinks better about whatever he was going to say, and he closes it once more.
"Spit it out."
"I actually don't think I will," at least he admits it, "I think I'm in awe of your way with words and I'm gonna keep the rest to myself," he looks out at the pool, at the grounds beyond it, tucking his hands behind his head.
"Farleigh -"
"No," he says firmer, and looks at you, but his expression isn't harsh, "I think you're right; I think we should have our own opinions, and I don't want mine to get in the way of our friendship," surprisingly, he sounds very genuinely sincere; it hits the centre of your chest, and you take a moment to consider his words. "Oliver Quick," still the barest bit of disdain, but he's clearly trying, "is someone you and my cousin clearly care about; end. Of. Sentence." It does look like it pains him to say, but you're grateful nonetheless.
For a very long time, the two of you lay in comfortable silence, side by side, as the sun turn the world gold-red-lilac-blue around you. Just as you feel like you should go and get dressed for supper, you can't help but try again.
"Come on, what were you going to say -?" You don't even finish the teasing question before Farleigh blurts out -
"Just how good was Oliver's dick for you to actually be this possessive of him before he even gets here?"
And the question makes you absolutely burst out laughing, a sound which Farleigh thankfully echoes. The cathartic release is greatly welcomed as you both stand. Wrapping your arm around Farleigh's waist as the two of you head back, but he's still waiting for the answer he knows you're not nearly too shy to give.
"I'm not possessive," you justify immediately, though Farleigh's snort gives away that he doesn't even begin to believe you, "but you can never ever, ever, ever, ever, ever tell Venetia -"
"That good?" Farleigh sounds incredibly sceptical, but you go quiet; you wonder if he can tell how smug you're being right now. Clearly, after a moment of silence, the disbelief in his voice gives him away; "seriously; that good?" You make an affirmative noise in the back of your throat, "okay," Farleigh actually sounds a little impressed, "Felix's jealousy makes a little more sense; I assume he knows?"
"Of course he knows," you shake your head dismissively, "and he's not jealous," anymore, you leave off the end.
"Am I jealous of you?" Farleigh murmurs, mostly as a joke, but knowing him there's at least part of him considering it, "who would have guessed; Oliver Quick."
For the first time when Farleigh says his name, there's only intrigue on his tongue.
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thebirdandthebee · 1 year
Mighty Fine (18+)
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Just a little slump-buster ft. our favorite aviator. Taking requests for TGM and The Bear in my inbox. Smut ahead. Painfully pining Rooster. 18+ only! This is not edited, so please excuse any glaring issues.
Title: Mighty Fine Caroline, see, Caroline - all the guys would say she's mighty fine WC: 3716
The Hard Deck was not in a poor financial state – in fact, since Penny took it over five years ago, she’d done better business than the establishment had ever logged.
Sure, some positive changes, listening to customer feedback and stocking just the right kind of beer helped. But Penny knew that for the past year, there was specifically one woman who helped bump sales big time.
And tonight, a Friday night ahead of the fourth of July, Penny knew they’d hit record numbers.
The leggy brunette flitted about the full bar – packed asses to elbows – with a smile that held a secret and lashes longer than a summer afternoon.
Caroline was all perfume and warm skin. A promise of what could be behind a beauty mark and cherry gloss.
Tonight she’d tucked her white tank into a pair of cutoff shorts and knotted an American flat bandanna around her neck, the tip of the triangle teasing her cleavage. The low-slung cowgirl boots did nothing to interrupt the long lines of her legs and she trusted them with each pivot she needed to make through the crowd.
When her attention landed on you, it felt like you were the only person in the room. She knew how to work a crowd. A small gallery assembled to watch her re-stock the tray of cherries – one of her favorite snacks throughout the night.
“Caro, sweetheart,” Penny called, topping of a lager pour.
“Penny, my love,” Caroline countered, popping the tabs on three ciders.
“Can you let me these men live for one night?” Her boss teased, nipping at the fabric around her employee’s neck.
“I can’t show my love for America the beautiful?” Caroline replied with a wink. Penny laughed with a shake of her head.
Caroline had started at the Hard Deck last summer, asking for a few weekend shifts – the ones no one else wanted to take in order to enjoy their own weekends – since her classes for UCSD ran from Tuesday through Thursday.
“Rent’s due this week, Pen!” Caroline called as she ducked under the counter, greeting her adoring audience as she head to the stockroom to grab a crate of Sam Adams.
Rooster entered the bar that night with his hopes high and his buddies trailing close behind.
He’d had his sights set on Caroline for months. A squeezed shoulder here, a bat at his biceps there and he was hooked. Sometimes he felt like a cartoon, floating behind her like a cherry pie on its way to cool in the open window.
“Oh Rooster, you’re so fucked,” Fanboy commented, catching sight of the brunette wonder first. She was pouring a line of shots across the bar top, handing them out to a group of sailors who wished she was their treat instead. Taking a clear glass for herself, they all clanked their shots before tossing them back.
Penny didn’t mind if Caroline drank on the job – she was a grown woman who knew her limits who could always use working as an excuse to get out of it.
“Here’s trouble,” Caroline announced, “G&T, Fanboy?” She asked as they saddled up to the bar – their first stop before heading back to the darts.
“Please,” Fanboy grinned, basking in the glow of her attention.
“A rum and Coke for Coyote, Hefeweizen for Phoenix and porter for my Rooster,” she listed off, gathering glasses and stationing herself over the beer taps. “That sound right?” She asked with a tilt of her head, locking eyes with Bradley.
“Perfect as always,” he replied, his honey brown eyes melting into hearts.
“Ladies first,” Caroline simpered, handing Phoenix her beer, “then, we go in order of beauty,” she added. “Fanboy,” she passed over the gin and tonic, “Coyote,” she listed next, giving his rum and Coke a swish, “and, last, but certainly not least, Rooster,” she pulled the tap of the porter, leaving just the perfect thin band of foam at the top.
“You trying to break my heart?” Bradley asked, leaning over the bar, willing her to lean in closer.
“I gotta keep you humble, Rooster,” she replied, pushing his glass toward him, “because I know they don’t call you that due to the size of your ego,” she said, turning on a heel to attend to the other side of the bar while Jimmy grabbed the trash to bring out back. Though she tossed a wink over her shoulder that made his upper lip tremble beneath his mustache.
“When you going to let me buy you a drink?” He called out, voice nearly blending in with the buzz of the bar. She shook her head with a laugh, focusing on the task at hand, but they both knew she heard him.
Rooster joined his friends back at the darts. The Fourth of July weekend was guaranteed chaos at the ‘Deck – not too unlike Homecoming weekend at UVA. Bradley loved the liveliness of it all. However, it meant that Caroline’s attention was pulled every which way except his.
“I just think if I could get her alone for 10 minutes…” he said, eyeing her hopefully as she moved about the establishment.
“Rooster, give it up, she’s way out of your league and half the bar in here is hoping she’ll go home with them tonight,” Coyote said honestly.
“You’ve been drooling over her for months,” Fanboy agreed, “it’s getting pretty pathetic.”
But Rooster was more confident than ever. He knew they’d be great together – he just had to show her.
A little time passed, they took up a game of darts and after not too long, Caroline found herself making a sweep for empty glasses.
“Another, Phee?” She asked Phoenix, who nodded with a smile.
“We’ll do another round,” Coyote supplied. Caroline stacked up empty glasses, swinging around the space, aware of Rooster’s eyes on her as he leaned against the side rail that ran the length of the back wall.
“Grab your glass?” She asked, matching his posture against the drink rail, her open hand effortlessly clasping a tower of glass. Rooster pushed his empty toward her, a little downturned twitch of his mustache giving him away. “Why so glum, Rooster? It’s the Fourth of July,” she said, a little pout on her lips that made his stomach flip. “Have to imagine it doesn’t get better than that, huh?”
“What’s it going to take for you to have a drink with me?” He asked. “You know I’m eyein’ you up every time I come in here,” he elaborated.
“Maybe,” Caroline began, “I don’t want to have a drink with you at my place of work?” She suggested lightly. “But if you invited me to Buzzards, your odds would be a lot better,” she shrugged. “Thanks for the glass, Rooster, you can pick up a fresh one in 10.”
Caroline flitted away, making her journey back to the main bar with two tall stacks in her hands, gracefully hip-checking the counter to step inside.
“Maybe you do have a shot after all?” Phoenix asked, raising her brows as she turned back to the game of darts at hand. Bradley’s eyes tracked her as she moved about, pouring beers and mixing cocktails, his eyes zeroing in as she popped a maraschino cherry into her mouth before doing the same to a young, blonde sailor on the other side of the bar.
He wiped the back of his mouth off, crossing the room and heading over to the piano, his first initial plucks of the keys enough to clue a patron in to pull the plug on the juke box.
He cleared his throat as the intro grew stronger and louder, some already recognizing the tune.
“Where it began, I can’t begin to knowing,” he crooned. “But I know it’s growing strong.”
A few cheers rang out.
“Was in the spring, and spring became the summer, who’d have believed you’d come along?”
Caroline’s attention pulled over to the far wall, it now impossible to ignore with half of the bar singing Neil Diamond.
Hands, touching hands Reaching out, touching me, touching you
“Sweet Caroline!” Rooster belted, “good times never seemed so good!”
The crowd sang back, fists being pumped in the air.
So good! So good! So good!
“I’ve been inclined to believe they never would,” he focused his attention back down on his hands, but he could feel the brunette’s stare on the back of his neck.
Caroline shook her head, topping off another drink before grabbing a tall one and making her way through the crowd, which was packed near the piano as he carried on.
One, touching one
“Reaching out, touching me, touching you,” Rooster remained as focused as he could when he felt a paper-light touch travel across his the span of his shoulders, followed by a full beer being set on the top of the piano.
“Okay,” Caroline grinned, “you’ve got my attention,” she said, her arm resting across the top of his back. “So what are you going to do with it now that you have it?”
“The Deck is open until 11 – Buzzards is open till one, meet me there when you’re done?” He asked.
“I’ll be there,” she agreed, running her hand up his spine to squeeze the back of his neck. Rooster could barely keep playing as he nearly twisted his head all the way around to watch her walk away.
Buzzards Bar was different than the Hard Deck – younger, louder, and for Rooster, much less likely to run into his superiors. Sure, lots of sailors and aviators ended up there, but it wasn’t a dedicated bar like their usual haunt. Without the uncertainty hanging over his head, he really loosened up and had fun with his buddies at the Hard Deck, but they didn’t join him a Buzzards, opting to go find some fireworks instead.
It was 11:45 and Caroline hadn’t shown up yet, at least that he could see. He grabbed a round of drinks, another beer for him and a dirty Shirley for Caroline. If nothing else, he knew she loved cherries and this could be a pretty safe assumption.
Keeping a barstool warm near the back, Rooster’s gaze scanned the growing crowd on the dance floor. He could feel the air shift as Caroline approached the table, dressed in her same little outfit, bandanna around her neck like a little pack of goodies he’d like to unwrap. However, an unfamiliar man, who was standing just a bit closer to her than either of them liked, was closely trailing her. He was obviously trying to carry on a conversation with her over the loud bass of the music and she couldn’t be less interested.
Without effort or hiccup, Caroline waltzed right up to Rooster, standing between his legs that were angled outward on either side of his body, his feet on the bar of the stool. She leaned up against him, her elbows on resting on his thighs with her back to his front. Rooster’s arm immediately looped around her body, resting just below her neck, spanning across her chest.
The man immediately got the message and backed off, but she remained snug in his embrace when he walked away.
Caroline tipped her head back to look up at Rooster.
She knew she had a reputation as a flirt. It was silly to be a bartender and not take advantage just a little bit of what God gave her. But she loved Rooster’s attention. He was safe, simple and straightforward. He didn’t play games and treated her with respect.
“Fancy seeing you here,” she smiled, sending the breath rushing from his lungs.
“Happy Fourth,” Rooster said, using his free hand to offer her the cocktail.
“Mm, cherry – how’d you know?” She asked, taking a sip through the small black straw.
“Watchin’,”he replied, missing her warmth already as she put a little space between them, standing with her back to the dance floor.
“You watchin’ me?” She asked innocently enough, elbows on the high-top table. It took everything in him to keep his eyes on her face and not her cleavage that was winning the fight against her little white tank top.
“Hard to look away,” he said, taking a drink of his beer. “Though I think this is the most time you’ve ever spent looking back at me,” he added.
“Then you’re not as observant as you think, aviator,” Caroline said, setting her drink down reaching for his hand, pulling him off the chair and leading him into the throng of bodies. “Because I look at you plenty.”
Rooster was so surprised and exhilarated he wasn’t sure where to put his hands right away as she leaned back into him, moving her body to the beat of the song.
Cause great scenes might be great But I love your bloopers
“Rooster, relax,” Caroline purred as he ducked his head down to be closer to hers – his height difference over her apparent. She reached back, taking his hands in her and placing them on her body – one on her ribs and the other just inside of her hips. “You got me right where you wanted me.”
And perfect's for the urgent Baby I want forever
Caroline’s hands drifted up to cradle the back of his head, her back arching in the slightest. And while Bradley Bradshaw was a man of morals, they were mostly forgotten as he lowered his mouth to Caroline’s neck.
Caroline, don't you see that I want you to be mine?
“You request this one?” Rooster asked, his mustache ticking her in a skin, which immediately went to her nipples, hardening them beneath her tank.
“Just lucky I guess,” she breathed, rolling her head to the side to give him a little more access to her skin.
“I think luck follows you around,” he said.
“It must if you’re here with me,” she replied. Rooster didn’t even justify her comments with an answer. If she thought she was lucky because he was there with her, she wouldn’t begin to comprehend the amount of times he’d dreamt of this moment.
“Rooster?” She asked, threading her fingers through his hair, giving it a little tug as a test. The groan in her ear told her all she needed to know.
“Caroline,” he huffed out an exhale.
“I don’t want the rest of that drink,” she said, looking up to lock eyes with him. “I want you to put me in that big blue truck of yours and take me home.” Rooster felt his heart skip hard enough that it shot him with adrenaline.
“Honey, lead the way,” he replied, sober as a judge.
She’d seen the blue Bronco pull up to the Hard Deck a hundred times – it was as much a calling card of Rooster’s as his mustache or Hawaiian shirts. Now, she was thrilled to be inspecting the inside, her back to Rooster’s side with his arm draped over her shoulder again as she made the most of the bench seating.
Leading Caroline by the hand from the car to the house, she gladly stepped into his bachelor pad.
Rooster was just grateful that Bob was out of town for the weekend.
“Roommate?” She asked, walking along the picture rail in the family room – something Bob put up. It was mostly his stuff, anyway.
“You know Bob?” Bradley asked, tracking her movement as he stepped out of his shoes.
“Bob the sweetheart is your roommate?” She asked, looking over her shoulder, eyes dilating in the slightest as she took in the view. Rooster with his big shoulders, broad chest and handsome face – honey brown eyes focusing entirely in on her.
“Bob the sweetheart?” He asked, a small quirk to his lips.
“Bob the sweetheart, Bob the puppy dog…” she trailed off. “Pen and I have many nicknames for perfect Bob.”
“I think I’ve heard enough about perfect Bob,” Rooster said, advancing her like a predator stalking its prey.
“Want me to tell you what we call you behind your back?” She asked, a glint in her eye as he scooped her up with one arm, holding her tightly to his body as he carried her back to his bedroom.
“What’s that?” He asked.
“We – well, more like just me, because Penny babies you,” she screamed as Rooster gave her ass a hard squeeze. “But I,” she leaned in close, whispering into his ear, “I call you Oh My God Rooster,” she giggled, tracing the shell of his ear with her tongue. “Want to know why?” She asked.
“Tell me,” he said, kicking in his bedroom door.
“Because I always knew one day you’d make me say,” she fisted his shirt in her hands and tossed her head back, “Oh my God, Rooster!” She moaned, quickly gasping as he dropped her on his unmade bed.
“That shit isn’t fair,” he pointed an accusatory finger down at her before reaching for the fly on his shorts.
“Why not?” Caroline asked with a tilt of her head as she leaned back on her elbows.
“Because ever since you started at the Hard Deck, you haven’t given me the time of day,” he crawled over her on the bed, sealing his mouth over hers.
“I was avoiding you, I’ll admit,” she smirked, hips lifting as he began to pull her shorts off. “I knew as soon as this happened,” she paused, lifting his chin up to kiss her once more, “there’d be no going back.”
“You didn’t want to be my friend?” He asked, running his nose down her jawline as he reached behind her, pulling off her tank.
“Oh Rooster, we’re going to be much more than friends,” she purred, unhooking her bra. She reached for her little bandanna, but he stopped her.
“Leave it on, cowgirl,” he said, licking his lips. Stunned, he found himself down on the mattress, Caroline swinging a leg over his body to land gracefully on his hips. She pulled her bra down her arms and tossed it somewhere into the darkness – Bradley’s bedroom illuminated by the bright light of the moon through his window. He thought his tongue might roll out of his mouth like a yoyo.
“Does that make you my bucking bronco?” She giggled, reaching behind her to give his erection a quick, firm pump.
“Jesus,” he hissed, all the air leaving his lungs at once.
“Just Caroline,” she grinned maliciously.
“Why don’t you get up here and let me find out how sweet you are, Caroline,” he cajoled, tipping his chin up. The brunette threaded her fingers through his hair as she settled over his mouth, a long, low moan drawn from her lips as he licked a broad, flat swipe up the seam of her sex. Rooster’s hands slid around her sides and up to her lower back holding her body tight against his face.
“You’re never allowed to shave that mustache,” Caroline panted, followed by a high-pitched whine as she felt his whiskers against her clit. “Right there,” she mewled.
Rooster was a generous lover and apparently had a voracious appetite.
“Jesus Christ, Rooster,” she shivered as one of his thick fingers teased her entrance, circling her slowly as his lips cradled her clit. She could feel each and every one of his taste buds against her. “Roo, please,” she panted, “I want your cock.”
Bradley lifted her, a squeal on her lips as she landed back down on his abs. She couldn’t help but smile broadly at his wet mouth.
“If you smile at me like that again, I’m going to fucking marry you, Caroline,” he threatened, absolutely captivated by her.
She untied the bandanna from her neck, reaching down to cover his eyes and tie it loosely behind his head.
“Then don’t look, because I think I’m going to enjoy this a lot,” she said, smiling just the same as she lined up his cock and slowly sank down on it.
“You’re amazing,” Rooster crowed, “God you feel so good,” he said, hands resting on her soft thighs.
“You’re big,” she huffed, “like shit, Rooster, how do you have such good posture?” She asked, making him bark out a laugh. She settled herself all the way down and squeezed him on an upswing, making his abs flex as he tried to keep from busting immediately.
Leaning down, while still riding him smoothly, she pressed a kiss to his scarred cheek, tracing the line there with her tongue. He jumped as she dragged her teeth against his jawline, biting him gently while rolling his balls in her palm.
“Caroline,” he sounded worried, “I-fwa,” he lost his words as she did it again.
“Want me to stop?” She asked innocently enough.
“Don’t you dare,” he grunted while she tweaked his nipple.
“I can see it now,” she giggled, the action sending a ripple of pleasure down his spine. “C-a-r-o-l-i-n-e,” she twirled a finger across his pec.
“I’ll go tomorrow,” he promised, a sweat breaking out across his brow.  He could feel her fingernails just grazing his happy trail as Caroline circled her clit, wanting to meet him at his level.
“Rooster?” She asked, and he could hear the breathlessness in her voice.
“Caroline?” He countered, his face screwed up in conversation.
“Cum,” she commanded, finding her own euphoria, setting him off just moments later, thrusting up into her as he rode out his orgasm. Caroline grinned, pushing off his blindfold to reveal his beautiful face again. “Hi gorgeous,” she greeted, a lazy, satisfied smile on her face.
“What did I tell you about that smile?” He groaned, palming her ass in his hands.
“I know the consequences of my actions,” she sighed dreamily. Climbing off of Rooster, she wandered her way into the bathroom, cleaning up and grabbing the T-shirt that was slung over the bathroom door before pulling it on.
Rooster was sure he was delirious as she joined him back in the bed, hiking a leg over his hip and throwing his comforter over both of them.
“Rooster?” She asked, sparing a glance over at his alarm clock, which was flashing nearly two in the morning.
“Caro-line,” he sang back.
“I want my eggs scrambled in the morning,” she said, eyes closing gently as she curled up on his chest.
“Yeah? And what would you like to eat?” 
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ddejavvu · 1 year
meiii meii meii meii
ahh I got offered an official paying contract at the school I’m a student teacher at and I’m buzzing because admittedly I’ve been working so hard for that as we’ve discussed and ahh idk I didn’t expect much praise for it but also didn’t expect none so it’s been a weird day which led me to tiktok for like ten minutes and now I’ve got thoughts ndjd
but wait hear me out, post prison dbf!spencer stealing shy reader away from a little celebratory dinner your dad is holding to give you some love, I love my shy pretty boy but I saw an edit today of him after prison and that alone made me blush, I just know he’d do anything for that reaction while also having to do almost nothing at all because the slightest praise from that man would have me melting
today is multiverse monday, send me any au you can think of! :)
YAYYY congrats baby!! i've already gushed over this with you but i just want to make sure you know how insanely proud i am of you and your achievements!!! <333333
this post is 18+ (and so are its characters) because of an age gap, minors dni.
Spencer feels weird walking into the women's bathroom. But hey, what are they going to do, arrest him? Been there, done that. He catches you by the sink, the edge of your thumbnail scraping away stray lip gloss you've just applied.
"Spencer!" You gush, eyes going wide as you see him in the mirror, "What are you doing here?"
"Getting you alone," He murmurs, lining his hips up with yours and hugging you from behind around the waist. He leans his face into your shoulder, dotting kisses down your skin, "I'm so proud of you, y'know?"
"Someone might see us," You warn, but his lips are addictive, and you don't want them parting from your skin.
""Then let's move," Spencer pulls you away from the sink by your waist, leading you into one of the stalls against the opposite wall. As soon as the door swings shut he takes your face in his hands, tilting it up so that your lips meet his.
"You're amazing," He hums, the words funneled straight into your mouth, down your throat, and to your heart. It pulses at Spencer's soft tone of voice, and you clutch the front of his jacket.
"Thanks for being here," You gush, lips brushing against his as you speak.
He leans more into the kiss as a response, tongue brushing over your lower lip before he hums, "Wouldn't miss it for the world, angel."
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gr00vyminibus · 8 months
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[A/N: This was called century old soul where Izogie was nothing but a museum guide and history textbook obsessed nerd who kept wishing to witness the history of the dahomey kingdom first hand and of course it happened. But it wasn't quite working out so this a short drabble of it. *cus I got horny mid-way, yeah, crazy¿*]
[Second edit: this was a couple of months ago btw but I just thought to share because its a greeeat idea, also read the images above before the smut snippet let's you understand more]
18+ smut
| loosely translated fon |
"Y/n, I need you to fuck me." Izogie pants out in-between the session.
"Fuck?  Such foul language." You smirk as you pulled back from the kiss and took in her expression, desperate. In your eyes this warrior was desperate for you to please her and it made something within you start to kindle, that small flame.
It grew the longer you stared into her eyes and glanced at the mixed spit that glossed her lips from your sloppy kissing.
"Do you want me to show you how?" You met her eyes again and slowly nodded. Izogie repositioned your legs and slotted them together in a proximity that was nearly threatening to her self control.
"What does this do?"
"Grind your hips into me and see." You followed her husky orders and grinded against her, the pleasure of your pussies rubbing against eachother made you moan lowly, even for a second.  You tried it over and over and over. Izogie wrapped an arm around your waist and made some noises of her own that you never really heard often.
But then again, this wasn't the Izogie you knew.
"Just like that, y-yes.. you're doing so good– axɔ́sú ce. My princess" You preened at the praised and went faster as she pitched in with her hips.
"Are you g-giving me control?" You asked yet expected a concise and stern answer, especially in a denying tone that would also make you know your place but what you received was far from that and made you soak uncontrollably.
"If you want it.." Izogie trailed off when she realized that you probably weren't used to that surrending change, a tip in the scale of dominance which your izogie would only allow if you earned it but here this other one came along. Ready to be under you, on her knees for you and beneath one principle that were your instructions.
"I ahn.. I– I want it.." You focused your vision back to her as she smiled and settled back on her hands.
"Then have it, have me the way you want." You weren't following thoughts that were leading with the word should or supposed to, rather senses that blurted do's and try's. You leaned forward and kissed her as your hand held her the neck for a sort of leverage.
"You've— changed?" You got through the feverish kissing and Izogie smirked and pressed kisses on the junction of your damp neck. "And you like it." You nodded and shut your eyes as you both continued to fuck eachother until the bed started creaking and even after that you did activities where they required no rocking.
At the end of night of course, you both were tangled with each other. Sleeping sound.
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dejasenti99 · 1 month
hi hi, could you maybe show us how to render skin in Blender or make it look a bit realistic? When i import my Sim into Blender it doesn't look like it should, it's texture isn't really good. Or do you know any good tutorial? Hope you can help me out<3
hey babes! :3 this got kinda long bc i ended up writing a tutorial so i put it under a readmore lol as usual anyone can dm me if they need more help
so first off if u dont have this setting enabled on simsripper, definitely turn it on
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it makes a huuuuge difference.
i render in eevee nowadays so i also make sure to check ambient occulsion on so i have sexc shadows
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and these are my node usual settings for that look of pores/gloss my sims faces/bodies have it is MAGIC
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to do this you have to separate the eyes from the head/the body parts from the top and bottom meshes, which can be done in the UV editing tab
this is what it looks like when u go into the uv editor after selecting the head mesh
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click those little arrow guys so it looks like this and u can select the eyes part of the head
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hover over the other window (the viewport thingy where u can see ur actual sim) and hit the P key, then hit selection and itll separate the two! this is suuuuper useful its how i add varying texture/shine to clothes n shit and u can even delete parts of meshes u dont like if the texture cooperates
i feel like there may be a better way to do this?? but back over in the layout tab ur gonna go to the materials section
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and hit that little minus so that the material thing goes away. it doesnt matter which part u do this on(the head mesh or ur new eye mesh) it just unlinks the textures so u can edit them separately
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hit new
and then i usually go to another mesh that i havent messed w the nodes in and copy + paste them into this ~ new ~ material thingy u get it LAWL. so now it should turn from white to the normal texture and u can edit it at will! repeat one million times for everything u wanna change kjhkljhk
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this is usually how my eyes nodes look
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and again this is my head/body nodes like we saw before! the bump map is what gives it that look of pores its soooo sexy. u can get those by hitting shift + a and searching for color ramp + bump. obviously i mess w these settings depending on the vibe/lighting but yeah thats how i set up my skins for Realism!! :-)
ngl it was actually kurt tricoufamily that taught me this a whillleeee ago so thank him not me im just a thief
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mattynmarns · 10 months
please give an essay about this sunglasses 🙏 I love you talking about sunglasses
ok so.
the sunglasses in this picture
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are vintage, baby !
this is a reselling off Etsy, but they're the Oakley E Wires! (I'd have to look at the sides to see what generation lol). very European, super y2k, super sports luxe!
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while they're sadly not milf glasses (PLEASE get some Prada George. for all of us) they are a pair full of history!
this style came out in 1992 and slowly evolved until it was discontinued in 2005 (according to the O-Review website there was also a collectors edition that came out in 2013). It's a metal version of the eye jackets aka one of Oakley's most ICONIC frames
Before we get to that though, when Oakley started as a company, they were a motocross grip-selling company (the plastic they used, called Unobtainium, is what the rubbery part of Oakley glasses are mostly made of). Over time, Oakley shifted its main market from motocross gear to shield visors to shield sunglasses. These are what the first Oakley 'sunglasses' look like ->
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The pair on the right was made from a motocross visor shield, electrical tape, and a coat hanger. The pair on the left is a style called the Eyeshades, the first commercially sold version of the extremely popular modern-day Sutros.
The Sutros are an iconic sports frame and have been extremely ingrained in sports culture since they were put on the market. However, they weren't suited for ALL of sports culture. This is where the Eye Jackets come in. (We'll come back to the Sutros and Eyeshades later)
I'm sure you've all heard of Michael Jordan but did you know that Michael Jordan LOVED Oakleys? He was actually on the board of directors for a while and wore Oakleys all the time, specifically, he wore the Eye Jackets (and similar styles)
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if you scroll back up to the pair George is wearing, they look very similar to these! And for good reason! The E Wire is essentially the thin metal frame version of the Eye Jackets.
Ok, cool. 90s and early 2000s fashion. very y2k and we know they come from Oakley so they're sporty. epic. awesome, even. but what's sports luxe? Why European if Oakley's an American brand and why do we care about these now?
Sports Luxe is basically a style that's based on athletic gear with a sophisticated undertone. Think leggings and tracksuits. Think Bella Hadid or Billie Eilish. Think Adidas or Nike or Lululemon. That's sports luxe babey (also called athleisure). When you have a basketball game at 12 and a photoshoot at 2. That's the vibe.
Now, full disclaimer, I am American so ig I can't really speak on if the recent spark in this trend started in Europe but from my viewpoint it totally did. It's big, it's bold, it's based in streetwear, it's casual but it's not lazy, and it flexes wealth subtly which is much more common among European celebs than American celebs and influencers (imo).
We can also go back to those Eyeshades from earlier and see that those became popular in Europe through cycling. Greg Lemond debuted the Eyeshades in the Tour de France 1984 making Oakleys a huge hit in Europe. This eventually progressed and made Oakleys an iconic 80s sunglass brand.
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Trends did what trends do and the Eyeshades eventually took a backseat from mainstream fashion and instead became popular among surfers mostly. The trend that replaced it, was the Oakley Eye Jackets courtesy of MJ23 himself.
Glossing over 20 years of sunglass history, trends did what trends do and the 80s shield style and 90s/2000s eye jacket style of sunglasses faded into the back of closets. Until now.
The biggest modern name in bringing back this trend (via sunglasses at least) is Balenciaga. (disclaimer: I'm not getting into the whole thing with their brand, I'm sure you heard about it, I don't support the brand etc etc I'm talking from purely a fashion/trends viewpoint, which what I'm talking about was started by them prior to everything)
These are some of the most high-fashion sunglasses on the market right now.
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fun, right? and maybe a little familiar..................... oh wait of course those are just smooth versions of the Oakley Eye Jackets. History repeats itself.
All in all, trends move in circles, fashion mistakes repeat themselves, and this will be Dream and George in denim on denim on denim suits next time they go somewhere fancy (REAL NOT CLICKBAIT)
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sighingsiren-tales · 2 years
3 is Never A Crowd (pt 3)
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Lol, between the 10-hour work shifts, the homework I have and the sorority I joined, I'm surprised I even had time to edit this.
I must love y'all, enjoy
Part 1
Part 2
~ ~
I never expected Mingyu to be so sweet and gentle in his ministrations; His hands holding my waist lightly as I straddled his hips. His lips were sweet and ever so soft as they met mine over and over and over again. His kiss was just as savory but drawn out and much slower than I expected from him. I could truly do this for hours.
The man was full of surprises it seemed. I let my fingers trail up to his neck, tangling themselves in the dark hair at the base of his neck. I tug at the strands; he hissed as he pulled back to look at me. His gaze was glossed over with desire, his mouth slightly open as his head was tilted back. His hand made a slow motion to the middle of my back, pressing me into him as he lifted his head to stare at me directly. I felt myself caught in his gaze; I couldn’t move. 
“Do you know how long you made me wait for this?” His breathless whisper was against my lips in a whoosh of breath. 
I could feel my body reacting to his ministrations almost immediately. My legs part and my hands trail underneath his shirt, relishing in the skin-to-skin contact. His arms wind around my waist, settling there comfortably and keeping me against him for as long as he wished.
I wish I could say he was the only one on my mind at the moment. In the back of my mind, in the darkest crevices, I felt guilt slowly make its way into the situation. I wished his kiss was enough to take me away from my memories, from my anxieties, away from it all. 
But alas, it couldn’t; I have been held like this before. I have been looked at like this before. I have been touched like this before. I have been kissed like this before. 
By my ex. 
By Hyungwon. 
The pit in my stomach quickly turned into the chilling of the blood in my veins; In a moment of sheer panic, behind my eyes were endless moments of what seemed like pure happiness and joy with Hyungwon, at least from what I knew. 
I could almost feel the joy I had in those moments again. 
That was until he said the words that shattered my heart; Within moments I was off of Mingyu’s lap and about 3 feet away from him. I could see him look at me as if I had just caught fire right before his eyes and, for all intent and purposes, I might as well have. I found the self-criticism coming back full force, now with the backed-up power of alcohol. How could I have been so goddamn stupid? Did I not remember what it was like with Hyungwon? Did I not remember how that ended? What makes this different? What makes them any different? The low inner voice telling me that they were my friends first and cared for me was barely heard; The slow-moving argument of “they were two different people” creeped into my mind but I dismissed and buried it before it could even fully take root. I could not think of that argument right now while intoxicated and horny; It could only lead to disaster if I didn’t do this with a clear head. I could only scan his face in a quick panicked glance before I was scurrying over to the previous booth. I made my way through the various dancing bodies and a few couples on my path back to where the boys were sitting. Wonwoo was still there, his amused expression turning into concern once he saw my state; He rose from the booth, looking to approach me but I took about 3 huge steps back before he could even take a full step forward. I didn’t know which face to look at, the hurt of rejection on Mingyu’s or the hurt of confusion on Wonwoo’s. I opted for neither, choosing to reach over a sweaty and confused Seungcheol to grab my purse, my hands shaking slightly as I berated myself once more internally. 
How could I have ever thought that this was a good idea? 
Shaking my head to dispel my thoughts, I fumbled around for my car keys in my purse. The split second of panic that came with the thought of me losing my car keys was dispelled as the realization that I drove here with both Wonwoo and Mingyu set in. I cursed, turning sharply towards the exit as the need for fresh air became urgent. I felt a hand grab my wrist before I could even take a full step forward and it took all my sense, along with fear of embarrassment, not to snatch it away. I looked up into the dark, soulful eyes of Mingyu, who looked down at me with the expression of a scolded puppy. I had to push away my remorse just as quickly as it came. The almost immediate response of wanting to comfort him was way too strong to be flippantly regarded as best friends caring for another and that fact alone scared me more than my blatant feelings ever could. How was I letting him drag me in this deep? How did I let it get this far? 
“Did I hurt you?” He asked, his tone sounding absolutely desperate for the truth, something I just couldn’t give at the moment.
“No” was my immediate answer, strong in volume but weak in conviction, not that he could tell. 
He didn’t hurt me in any way shape or form. If I was being absolutely honest with myself, he made me feel too good. He made me feel like I could rely on him, like this was real and I just wasn’t ready for the commitment that came along with such emotions. 
“Did I make you do anything you weren’t ready for?” He asked with the same tone of desperation. 
I shook my head at his question; He didn’t make me do anything. His fingers trailed down to my fingertips, gripping my fingers in his hand as pleaded for my attention as well as an answer. 
“So then why?” His voice was so broken and heart wrenching that I needed to come up with an excuse immediately. 
Unfortunately, excuses were not easy to come by and the truth was not an option; I didn’t want to hurt him anymore that I most likely already have. Someone trying to pass by caused Mingyu to move me towards him in order to let whomever it was pass. His hand stayed on the small of my back, holding me against him and I could feel the heat radiate off of him.
“I-I just...” Staring up at him caused me to pause. 
He was absolutely gorgeous, crafted by angels. I don’t think I deserved someone like him; What if I ended up not being enough for him too? What if, by the time he realized it, I fell too in love to let go?
Why can’t I say anything? Why can’t I speak? Use fucking words.
“I, uh, I just had a lot to drink and I, uhm, I really need to get home. I’m just drunk. I don’t, I mean, I think I-”
“You’re rambling darling” Wonwoo’s clear voice only provoked my anger, which wasn’t necessarily pointed at them; They were just in the vicinity. 
“And you’re being invasive. Anything else?” I shot back in a cold tone as I ripped my hand away from Mingyu and stormed off as discreetly as I could to the door. Unfortunately, someone grabbed my wrist again before I could reach the door. I whip around angrily. Mingyu, even while angry, is something to behold. 
“Better than being secretive” Mingyu hissed in my ear.
I scoffed, not even bothering to turn around as I barked out the words “I don’t have fucking time for this” and continued making my way towards the door. 
Bursting out into the warm night air, I felt the sweat on my body chill slightly. I barely made it two steps from the club before I felt a hand snake around my waist and pull me back into a firm chest. 
“I don’t give a damn what happened. I’m not letting you walk off to God knows where because you’re having a hissy fit” I heard a very familiar voice whisper in my ear.
“Cheol, please” I huffed, hoping that he would just let me go so I could be alone and deal with this accordingly. 
Seungcheol, however, kept me by his side as he instructed the valet to bring his car around. I stayed silent, allowing myself to mull over the last few minutes which ended much more horribly than I expected it to. I could only think of Mingyu’s lips caressing my own; His kiss was so passionate, so sweet and so domineering that it was no wonder I lost myself within his depths. I could still feel his hands on my waist, I could still feel his lips on my own and I could still feel my body pushing into his desperately. I angrily huffed once I remembered that this was why I had to stop myself in the first place. I wasn’t entirely sure that I was completely over Hyungwon and I would be damned if I allowed myself to fuck up something else in my life just because I didn’t properly assess a situation; How I handled this could lead to the aversion of a tragedy. I silently followed Seungcheol to his car, getting into the passenger seat the moment it arrived. Seungcheol slid into the car not too long after, putting the vehicle into reverse and driving off smoothly. 
“Wait! Are you sober enough to drive?” I asked in a slight panic, whipping my head over to stare at Seungcheol. 
He cracks a smile. 
“You worry about that now? I’m already driving”. 
I stayed silent, looking at him in slight disbelief as I awaited an answer. 
“I only had one drink. I’m the designated driver” he explained, allowing me to relax slightly as well as return to my inner monologue. 
I vaguely heard him mumble “And even if I wasn’t, there’s no way in hell I'm letting you drive my car” to which I simply put up my middle finger. 
I was both thankful and a bit hurt upon seeing that neither Wonwoo or Mingyu followed me out into the night. I couldn’t even give accurate answers as to why causing me to further frustrate myself. Why was this so damn difficult? Why couldn’t I just choose? 
“Are you done with your hissy fit?” Seungcheol questioned, breaking the silence. 
I sighed lowly, annoyed at myself as I fought to keep the rest of my emotions internal. 
“I’m fine just...please take me home” I pleaded. 
I needed to be alone right now. 
“You are not fine and I’m not letting you leave this car until you can convince me otherwise” his tone was the same one he used on the boys from time to time; Authoritative and final. 
He left absolutely no room for argument and, just like the boys, I stood down. 
“What is with all of you and this stubborn personality trait?” I mused aloud, more to myself than to Seungcheol as I sunk back down into my seat.
He gave me a quick glance, eyebrows raised as he flashed a quick smile in my direction.
“I know you are not talking about stubborn” He started. 
I let out a short giggle, offering a small shrug as a response. When we pulled up to a red light I took my phone from my bag, turning it on and going through my messages the moment I unlocked it. Surprisingly, there were none from Mingyu, 2 from Wonwoo and 2 from Minhyuk. 
Wonwoo (1:53 am) : I don’t have to tell you that we’re talking about this do I? 
Wonwoo (1:55 am) : You know that we only mean well 
I sighed aloud at the messages, realizing that, as always, Wonwoo was right. I knew that I would have to apologize to Mingyu and I knew that I would have to explain myself. The question is: What would I say? How would I explain myself? This wasn’t an easy issue to approach let alone explain. Scrolling through the rest of the list of messages, I clicked on 
the ones from Minhyuk. 
Minhyuk (12:02 am): I know you probably don’t want to talk to him but I say you do it. It could be closure. 
I didn’t want to talk to Hyungwon; At least not now. I wasn’t ready to do that nor was I ready to throw myself into yet another situation that would only be a whirlwind of confusing emotions. 
Minhyuk (12:04 am): I’ll be right there with you if you need.
I locked my phone after that message, pushing away possible scenarios of that conversation. In a split second I was bombarded by imagines of Hyungwon and I when we were together. How sweet and loving he was; How slow, gentle and passionate he was. His ministrations tricked me into believing that I meant something to a man that didn’t even share half of that. I fell in too deep; I got too attached, moved too quickly and I refuse to make that mistake ever again with anyone else. That heartbreak was more than enough for me to learn a lesson on caution. 
“You got quiet. Is there something you want to talk about?” Seungcheol’s voice rose far above the low music that we playing as background noise. 
I only nodded, inhaling sharply before leaning back against the seat and closing my eyes for a quick moment. I let the vibrations of the engine lull me into some type of serenity as I tried to calm both my thoughts and emotions before speaking. 
“I... I just can’t right now” I stuttered pathetically, referring to all of these emotions as a whole. 
“I know that I don’t know much about the situation, but I see the way that those two look at you. They want to protect you” He pauses. 
“I don’t think I have ever seen Mingyu look the way he did tonight”.
You close your eyes and let out a shuddering breath. 
“Please, Seungcheol” He places a hand on yours to stop you. 
“I am not saying this to shame you or to make you feel worse. Just to give you an outside perspective.
 Please just talk to them. Please. I hate it when you guys' fight” he spoke solemnly. 
My heart softens at his words. I feel my body relax, the tension eases away, even if just a bit. It eased my heart to know that at least an outside perspective thought the feelings were genuine.
I nod my head to show my understanding. I lean back against the seats in silence just as Seungcheol pulls up to the front of my house. As he put the car in park, he gave me another solemn glance. 
“Are you sure that you’re, okay?” He questions once more. 
I couldn’t help but smile at his childlike concern, even if only slightly. I nodded, leaning over so I could lean my head on his shoulder in a show of affection. He returned the slight hug, letting me stay like that for a moment. 
“I just don’t want to be hurt again” It is a whisper, but it is audible. 
It is a few moments before he speaks again. 
“Have they given you any indication that they would hurt you?”. 
The question keeps me silent. 
“Don’t hit me, but they aren’t him, pretty girl. Let down the drawbridge; They’re knights, not invaders”. 
I do not have words to accurately respond, so I chew on the inside of my cheek instead. He squeezes my arm affectionately before jerking his head towards my front door, silently telling me to go inside.
 I nod at the instruction, thanking him once more for driving me home. He nods before I get inside, he yells from the driver seat:
“Remember! If you tell Mingyu and Wonwoo I said nice things about them, I will deny it!”. 
I chuckle before waving him off. He waits until I shut the door to drive off, which I was thankful for. 
The moment I was back in my own space, I kick off my heels, walking towards my bathroom with the full intent of taking off this makeup and going straight to sleep. 
I nearly jumped out of my own skin at his voice. 
I heard him shift on the couch before I could actually muster up the courage to look at him. Even in the dim light, I could feel his gaze on me. 
“Is... Is Gyu here?” I ask in a soft voice, slightly anxious of his answer. 
Wonwoo shook his head once, opting to walk over to me instead of keeping his place on the couch. I let out a slow exhale just before he reached me and, when he did, he took my face in his hands in a smooth motion before pressing his lips to mine quickly. I knew that I shouldn’t, I knew that it was wrong, but I couldn’t help but grip his wrists and lean up to meet his lips eagerly. 
Maybe Cheolie had struck a chord; I would like to believe they were my knights. 
If I was being honest, it was my biggest wish. 
His kiss was sweet, soft and a much-needed distraction from all the emotional thinking I was doing. I could tell that he was trying his best to make it so he wasn’t too domineering; He was soft and gentle with me, as if one move could break me. It was only a few moments before we parted that I realized exactly why that was: because that is not what I needed right now.  He was being gentle because he had seen how I reacted when pushed too far; He didn’t wish to push me too far. 
Breaking the kiss, he stays nose to nose with me. 
“You keep hiding and running from us. Why?”. 
I opted for silence. How do I even begin to explain that? I could deny it but even a blind man could tell that I was avoiding the issue in any and every way that I could. 
“You know that we care about you. We were there with you through so much. We missed you like crazy when you disappeared like that for months on end. Do you have any idea what we went through? It felt like we lost you” Wonwoo and his eloquence, forever your stubbornness’ enemy. 
His words are soft, but his touch is softer, hands sliding down my arms and playing with my fingertips. 
I was at a loss for what to say. Shit, what could I say? 
“I didn't mean to worry you but, respectfully”
I swallow before looking into his eyes. 
My hands go to caress his cheeks before I can stop their trajectory, softly stroking them. 
“You don’t know what this is like; You don’t know what it’s like to give your all to someone like that just to have them throw it back in your face and tell you it meant nothing to them” I mumble.
My voice was rather pitiful, if I do say so myself. 
“We give our all to you and you shrug it off” He pointed out quickly 
“Is this going to be a pity party? If so, cups are on the table and towels to the left”. 
When he does not respond immediately, I give a soft smile and take a step back from him. Turning away so that I could walk over towards my bedroom, take off my makeup and forget the majority of this night was at the forefront of my mind. 
That is, until Wonwoo stops me. 
“Less like a pity party and more like a goddamn intervention”. 
I stop myself in my tracks hearing those words come from Wonwoo’s mouth. He almost never swears.
 I sigh, breathing deeply in an attempt to think of something to say. My palms rest on my dresser as I busy my gaze with the perfume bottles, a sorry excuse not to meet his eyes. The aforementioned man wraps his arms around my waist, kissing the base of my neck. I try to keep my resolve strong, but with the next sweet kiss to my nape, my arms loosen. With the next, I’m releasing the hold I have on my dresser and leaning back into the back holding me. He whispers his sentence right in my ear, lips tickling the shell of my ear. 
“This has been a long time coming and while I will never” A kiss to the shell of my ear.
“Ever” His lips find themselves at the slope of my neck.
“Ever, force you into something you weren’t ready for or didn’t want something tells me that you want this as much as we do”. 
It’s small, it’s barely audible but the quiet “I do” leaves my lips before I can filter it. 
“Then you need to give us something concrete to base this off of. Something, shit, anything. Because, realistically, we cannot wait for you forever”. 
The very thought of not having them wait for me forever had my heart constricted in terrible, painful ways. But he was right. 
Such was reality. If I did not make a choice, I was sure I would regret watching them leave me behind. The thought of how they viewed your past relationship came to mind as well; You shake it away. 
One issue at a time. 
Let’s start with the first issue: I was being selfish for making them wait. Though my feelings were valid, it did not make theirs any less valid. I could not ignore how they felt forever because I was scared.
“We?” I questioned once I left my inner monologue. 
He chuckled rather cutely; he pulled me back snuggly into his frame. 
“Yes, we. Mingyu and I care for you so much. The concept of we is a road less traveled and you can imagine how much hell it was for Mingyu to even fathom the idea, much less agree to it” he mumbled into the crook of my neck. 
I raised an eyebrow, leaning back into his comfortable embrace for a moment as I allow myself to toy with the idea of a “we”
“I don’t want to hurt anyone” Your hands trail across his own. 
“Or be hurt”. 
“I can promise that will never be our intent” he paused, letting his hands trail down over my shoulders in a sensual massage, His specialty.
I let any resolve I had left melt away, rapidly. 
“I will not pressure you to make a decision now, but I need you to tell me how you wish for us to proceed. Deal?”. 
I lean back into his chest; I nod before mumbling out a low “deal” as I let Wonwoo coax me into speaking. The silence was no longer awkward, but comfortable. My hands wander to his thighs, keeping him against me. 
“You know” He pauses to chuckle. 
“You almost got Junhui killed tonight princess,”.
It is now my turn to chuckle, ever so slightly. I had almost forgotten that. 
“Did I really?”. 
He turned me around quickly, grabbing the flesh of my ass and pulling me flush against him in a quick, rough movement. With a dark look in his eyes that I wasn’t used to, he asks “Is that even a question?”. 
For the first time in my life, I found myself speechless; I barely had enough sense to shake my head from side to side. The alcohol was still in my system; I wasn’t the best judge of sense right now. 
Speaking of alcohol, I couldn’t tell if it was the liquor or Wonwoo but God did he smell good. I leaned in a bit further, burrowing my head in the crook of his neck. He let out a low grunt as my lips brushed against the heated skin of his neck. 
“Don’t get ahead of yourself” He warns.
I would not heed that warning; He smelled too good, and his body fit too well with mine. His hands travelled higher, though not high enough, much to my tipsy annoyance, resting right on the curve of my ass. I whisper against his neck. 
“Ahead of myself, under you, on top of Mingyu. I’m just in a lot of positions today”.
He catches your innuendo before you do and laughs, catching your drift. 
“You want my hand lower?”. 
I nodded, pulling him closer to me with my arms around his neck, my face still buried there.
“Look at me or I’m not doing anything”. 
I took myself away from his scent, slightly irritated that he made me change my position but the look in those dark eyes had that irritation gone within seconds. I found myself getting lost within the deep, soulful, intelligent eyes of Wonwoo. I couldn’t stop it from happening, although I needed to. I raised up slightly, letting my arms curl around his neck completely as his snakes around my waist. He leaned down but kept his lips a few hairs away from my own. 
“Kiss me” I whisper against his lips. 
He shook his head slightly. 
“I’m not making any more moves tonight, princess. I’ve made more than enough for the evening” he spoke, resigning back to his former policy of silence.
I found my gaze dropping to his lips before I leaned forward, pressing myself against him as tightly as I could, as I initiated our kiss for the first time. 
His hands immediately sprang into action. They flatten against the sides of my waist before gripping the area just as my fingers tangled themselves into his dark mane. I felt myself losing the last bit of my control the longer our lips stayed connected. His lips were a soft, slow, sensual seduction. 
He was lethal. One hand stayed on the expanse of my hip as the other pressed into my lower back, making sure I couldn’t move from my place against him. I was kissing his lips as if they were the only thing I would ever need. His lips were better than any liquor and I was quickly becoming addicted. He let out a low groan as I swiped my tongue across his bottom lip. He played coy with me, letting his tongue escape mine frequently. I found myself growling, yanking on his dark strands so that he had no choice but to kiss me how I wanted him to. With a quick rough bite, his mouth was away from mine, and I was left absolutely frustrated as he refused to lean down to kiss me again. I tug on his neck, scowling slightly. 
“Get down here you goddamn giraffe”. 
He laughed at my choice of words, shaking his head before tilting his head up so he was even more impossible to reach although I could clearly see his gaze still fixated on me. 
“No, think about this-us-and then you can have me as much as you’d like. On the bed” he took a step forward, causing to me to take a step back. 
He let his hands come forward, gripping my hips and pulling them forward. 
“On the table” he whispered, leaning down towards me. 
In a quick succession of movements, my back was on the bed. 
“On the counter” he stayed between my legs getting his hands ghost over the back of my knees.
Gripping the back of my knees, he pulled me forward. He leaned down, letting his lips ghost the plane of my coveted stomach. His gaze shifted and he was looking directly into my eyes as he said the next line. 
“And in the shower”. 
I should’ve expected what came next, but Wonwoo was just too enticing for me to use logical reasoning. 
“Wonwoo” I whined-yes whined- for the man above me to stay next to me. In a quick childish display, I wrapped my legs around his hips, tugging him forward and stopping him from leaving me. He lost his balance causing him to end up hovering above me in push up position. He didn’t say a word, only scanned my face quietly. I caught his gaze lingering on both my lips and chest, but he didn’t go lower. Every time he met my eyes I felt as if my entire body and soul was on fire. 
The same way I felt with Mingyu. 
The same way I used to feel with Hyungwon. With the smile mention of the man who broke my heart, I felt my emotional defensive walls coming up almost immediately. I felt myself shying away from Wonwoo and his gaze. The lock of my ankles around his hips was becoming looser and looser by the second. He noticed my withdrawal almost immediately and let out a low growl of disapproval. 
“What are you so scared of?”. 
I didn’t answer him, instead I held his gaze. 
“I-...” I stuttered but the words seemed to die in my throat. 
I was absolutely silent for what seemed like such a long time before I leaned up slightly, placing my hand on Wonwoo’s cheek tenderly. He was not Hyungwon; He wouldn’t hurt me. I didn’t think he would hurt me, but I didn’t have confirmation of that, and I’m not sure if that’s a risk I’m willing to take. I felt Wonwoo’s finger drag slightly down my bottom lip, breaking my concentration and causing me to look up at him. 
“You need to understand that I’m not kidding” he spoke softly, that deep rumble reaching places of me that I thought were untouched. 
He removed my legs from around him, setting them down gently before he leaned down and kissed my lips sweetly. His kiss was so savory, sensual and ignited a dangerous desire in me; A desire that I wasn’t so sure I could control. He pulled away not too long after, much to my dismay. 
“I’ll be here when you’re ready but remember: We cannot wait forever”
With that, he was leaving my room.
I bolted upright, watching Wonwoo walk over towards the door. He gave me an adorable smile before he was gone. I found myself staring at the ghost of his presence before flopping backwards onto the bed in a childish and irritated fashion. I sighed in annoyance as I close my eyes in an attempt to calm myself. What the fuck was I going to do?
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resident-gay-bitch · 1 year
My Handsome Boy
ASK: "hi… it’s me again, sorry :) i was wondering if you could do eddie x ftm reader where the reader gets bullied by jason and jason says stuff like “she’s not even a real boy” or idk and it’s just eddie comforting the reader, thank you sm i love ur writing <;3" - @ilovejquinn
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pairing: eddie munson x ftm!reader
summary: Jason Carver is a transphobic asshole who decides to openly attempt to humiliate you in the middle of school. no matter how low the jock makes you feel, Eddie’s always there to pick up the pieces. your number one supporter, right from the get go.
warnings: Transphobia, use of transphobic slurs (‘tranny’ & 'hermaphrodite’)
Reader Description: trans f to m, Y/N = your name, L/N = last name, D/N = dead name. 
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The thing about Eddie is that he didn’t care about people’s differences. He was different himself. It’s why you initially took such a liking to him. It was way back in middle school, before you had even realised who you really were, when your hair still hung long, when you’d still put on pink shiny lip gloss in an attempt to fit in, when you still wore dresses and skirts everywhere you went. You remembered, it was right after the talent show, another student had just been booed off the stage for their ventriloquy act. You found it rather amusing, actually, but this kid had thick framed glasses, he was book smart, he always wore superhero shirts to school, and during his act he matched his outfit to his puppet and made jokes about sci-fi and fantasy books. The jocks didn’t like that. So they booed him off, none of them suffered any consequences of course. But you remembered, you were walking around the back of the school to your mum’s car, and you saw Eddie and his old buzz cut with a soft hand on the crying boy’s shoulder, his other hand cradling the puppet. You remembered over hearing what he had said when you walked past, 
“I loved the joke you made about The Hobbit man, I love those books so much. My uncle got me the hard backs for my birthday. Maybe you’d like to borrow them some time, if you don’t mind my drawings and little writings in the margins.” 
“You mean it?” The boy perked up.
“Hell yeah.” Eddie smiled. 
“You can borrow my director’s edition of the Starwars films sometime, if you like that stuff too.” 
“No way man! You have those?” Eddie grinned, “I’m jealous. How do you get this puppet to speak like you do? I think it’s really cool.” He tried to move its mouth with his hand. 
“It’s– it’s pretty stupid.” 
“No it’s not.” Eddie spoke with full sincerity, a wide smile spread across his face, “It looks really hard to do. You must have, like… magic or something to make it work. Are you a wizard or something?” 
You thought he must have been the sweetest boy alive, because you knew damn well that he didn’t even see that boys whole act. He was backstage himself, practising for his own set. His band got booed off stage that day too. Yet, no one comforted him. So the next day back at school, you fought down all your nerves and walked right up to him at lunch. His table went quiet, eyes all dead set on you. No one dared ever talk to them, they were the freaks… the outcasts. But deep down, you knew you were one too, and you didn’t want anyone to feel as alone as you did. 
“Uhm…” you started, and neither of them blinked, “I just wanted to say that… I– I thought your song was really cool yesterday. Did you write it?” 
Eddie laughed, he full on laughed, rolling his eyes and shaking his head, “Why don’t you just fuck off instead of making more fun of us?” 
“What?” your words caught in your throat, you didn’t understand why he was being so mean. 
“Your song was so cool.” he mimicked in a high pitched preppy voice, “We get it. Satan’s music. Whatever.” 
“No, I-” you swallowed the lump in your throat down, “I mean it… it’s not exactly my taste, but I still thought it was cool. Did you write it, or was it a cover? You said it was called Wicked World or something.” 
Eddie’s face turned red, “You– you mean it?” 
You just nodded. 
“Ye-” He cleared his throat, “We– It’s a cover. From Black– Black Sabbath.” 
You nodded, “I just wanted to tell you that someone thought it was cool.”
“Thanks.” He smiled sheepishly. 
“I like your guitar too… It looks so cool.” 
He beamed up at you, those big brown eyes looking deep into your soul, the slight pink in his cheeks. That’s when you knew you had a crush on him. 
You were invited into his friend group after that, and after a couple months, you finally felt like you belonged somewhere… like you fit in. It took you a few more years to figure out that you weren’t actually a girl. And the first person you told was Eddie. You were terrified. Absolutely the most scared you had ever felt in your entire life. The first thing he said to you, after you explained your situation to him, was something you never expected, 
“Do you want me to cut your hair? Or do you like it long, like mine?” 
You looked at him, awestruck. Not a single response comes to mind. 
“You want to look more like a boy, right? Or am I getting confused?” 
“No, I-” You shook your head in disbelief, “I do want to look like a boy- I am… I am a boy.” 
“Yeah.” He smiled, jumping to his feet, “If you want some boy clothes, you can have some of mine. Come on, let’s pick some out for you.” 
Once Eddie helped turn you into you, you decided to face your parents. Eddie right beside you as you did. Your father didn’t really understand, but he tried his best and respected your choices. He slipped up a lot, but you knew he was trying, and that was all that mattered. You mum however, needed a little more time to come around to the idea. She left to live with her friend for a while, but when she was ready to return, she handed you your first binder. Goodbye bandages! Thank You mum! 
You had your first kiss at seventeen. It was during a game of spin the bottle with Hellfire, plus a few stray outcasts from around the school that Jeff had invited along to his birthday party. The rules were simple, if it landed on the opposite gender, you had to kiss right there, if it landed on the same gender, you had to tell them a deep dark secret. When it was Eddie’s turn to spin, it landed on you. That struck a problem, no one really knew what to categorise you as. It hurt. 
“He’s a boy.” Eddie said in full confidence. 
“Yeah, but-”
“He’s a boy.” He smiled at you, standing on his feet and reaching his hand out to you, “Come on Y/N, I got the perfect secret to tell you.” 
It was really the bare minimum, but since Eddie was the only one to give you that, it made your heart soar. He took you around the corner, the designated secret sharing spot, and smiled at you softly. 
“You okay?” 
“I am now.” you smiled. 
“So, what’s your secret, Edward Munson? What have you been hiding from me?” 
“Well… I never thought I would tell anyone this… ever. But, since you told me the scariest thing about yourself, it’s only fair.” 
You nodded your head, smiling at him for assurance. 
“I’m–” He cleared his throat, “I’m gay.” 
Your eyes widened, your mouth hung slack for a moment. Your heart fucking skipped a beat. 
“Is that okay?” He looked at the ground instead of you. 
Obviously Eddie, you thought, “Why wouldn’t you be? Have you seen Robert Plant?” 
Eddie looked up at you, his head tipped slightly and he raised his eyebrows, “Yeah… yeah I’ve seen him. Are- do you see Robert Plant like that?”
You nodded your head with a soft smile, “So… you into anyone?”
He swallowed thickly, “Maybe.” 
You held your breath, “Who?”
Eddie looked back to the ground, his cheeks bright red, “Well… he’s really cool, he makes me smile a lot… he– he is super handsome, and probably likes my guitar more than me.” 
You couldn’t help the small smile that creeped onto your face, you bit your lip to hide it and shuffled in your spot a little. 
“Is that… okay?” He looked up at you slowly, “Do you mind?”
“Eddie,” you smiled softly, “are you that oblivious to the fact that I’ve had a crush on you since middle school?” 
Those perfect eyes stared right into yours, slightly alarmed, a little taken aback, but mostly burning with desire, “Apparently I am.” 
You laughed. 
“Can we totally fuck the rules of spin the bottle so I can kiss you anyway?” 
“When have the rules ever applied to us, Ed’s?” you smiled and pulled yourself a little closer. 
Since that night, Eddie would never leave your side. To everyone else in the world you were just a couple of inseparable best friends, and a couple of freaks. But to each other, you were everything. Behind closed doors you would hold each other close, and you’d kiss, and you let yourself fall in love. The only other person to know about the two of you was Wayne, because he picked up on everything. 
“Dude, no way.” you laughed, your voice deeper than usual, you had finally started on T a few weeks ago.
“Yes way.” Gareth smiled as you walked between classes, “I still can’t get over your voice man, it’s so weird.”
Your heart sank. 
“Not like that!” He was quick to say, “it’s just different. I’m used to your voice being higher, you know. It just catches me off guard.” 
A smile surfaced back to your face, “Yeah, I guess it surprises me sometimes too.” 
It was the first day back at school after spring break, no one but Eddie and his band members had been around you since your voice dropped. So it was safe to say you got a few weird looks here and there, a few odd questions about it Eddie was quick to answer for you whenever he was around. It felt good, to finally grow into yourself a little more, but the amount of attention it got you felt horrible. You felt like a walking target, bright blinking arrows pointed right at your head from every direction and honking noises came out of the ground with every step you took. You were just relieved no one had picked a fight with you yet. 
Yeah, I spoke too soon. 
“D/N L/N!” Jason Carver called out from across the hall. 
Only a small number of people called you by your real name. You were used to it, but it still cut like a knife, every goddamn time. 
“What?” you turned to him slowly. 
He laughed, “So it’s true. Your nonexistent balls finally dropped.” 
You rolled your eyes, “What’s it to you, Carver?” 
“Ohhh, someones feeling sassy today, isn’t she?” that wicked smirk on the corner of his lips dug deep into your soul. 
“He.” Gareth spoke up, correcting the jock.
“I hardly think so. She’s a fake. Not an ounce of man in her body.” 
“And you think there’s an ounce in yours?” you hummed. 
He glared at you, “Thats bold, coming from someone in your position, D/N.”
“Thats not my name.” 
“I. Don’t. Care.” he shook his head, a small chuckle erupting from his lungs, “Your still a freak. Who cares what the freak wants?” 
Your face started to heat. 
“Awh, look at that, the Tranny’s gonna cry.” 
You looked away, tears threatening to spill, “Fuck off, Jason. Don’t you have some balls to play with or something?” 
“Hey!” He snapped, learching closer till he was right in front of your face, “Don’t you dare speak to me with such disrespect, you piece of shit.” 
“Go away.” you whispered, eyes clamping shut as you tried to take a step back. 
“Yeah,” he nodded, “don’t want to risk catching the hermaphrodite disease.” 
He half laughed, half scoffed before walking back to his little parade of friends. Eddie came racing around the corner having heard about the previous interaction. He came to a screeching halt right in front of you, his hands landing on your biceps, his eyes scanning your red face, a certain tenderness in his expression that made your heart sink a little. 
“What did he say?” 
You couldn’t speak, you knew if you did you would only cry. He looked at Gareth who just slowly shook his head, sadness in his eyes. 
“Come on, we’re skipping.” He grabbed your hand, and took your books from you, leading you through the halls and out to his spot in the forest behind the school, “I got you, sweetheart. You’re safe with me.” 
You hurried along beside him, clutching onto his hand for dear life as you crossed the empty football field. When you arrived, he carefully sat you down on the picnic bench, pulling his jacket off and placing it down on the table before squatting down in front of you.
“You wanna tell me what happened? Or not yet?” his tone was soft, the gentle hum of his voice was the cushioning your heart so desperately needed. 
You looked at him, eyes glassy, your vision blurring as tears spilled out, “Am I a disease, Eddie?” 
“What the fuck?” a lump formed in his throat, “Did he say that to you?” 
You nodded. 
“No. no your not.” He grabbed your hands, “If you were, wouldn’t you think I would have caught it by now? You know… considering I’ve had my tongue down your throat and everything?” 
“Eddie!” You swatted his chest, a small laugh was shared between the two of you. 
“He kept calling me a girl.” you sighed, “Telling me I was fake and stuff. He made fun of my voice.” 
“Are you kidding me? How could he make fun of that?” He smiled, “It sounds so good already. Maybe he’s just jealous you sound more manly than him.” 
You half heartedly smiled, your hands still in his, tears still creeping their way down your cheeks. 
“You remember I only like dudes right? So if you were a girl, or a fake guy, there would be no way for me to love you, sweetheart.”
“But I don’t look like a boy.” 
“You do to me.” He smiled, “I think you are the most handsome boy I have ever seen… apart from maybe Robert Plant.” 
You bit your lip, how did he always make you laugh when you felt so glum like this? 
“It doesn’t matter what that fuckwad thinks. It doesn’t matter what any of them think, they’re all fucking losers. You, Y/N L/N are a boy, through and through, and I love you everyday because of it. Anyone who wants to disagree, doesn’t deserve to have you in their life. They don’t deserve to know such a beautiful person.” 
“You’re just saying that because you’re my boyfriend.” You sighed. 
“So fucking what?” He scoffed, shuffling a little closer, “Shouldn’t that make it more meaningful? The people that love you, and accept you… those people mean the most, right?”
You looked at your hands as you played with one of his rings, “I suppose.” 
“I promise you, Y/N, you’re not fake. You’re just as real as I am.” He smiled up at you softly, “Yeah, you might have had to take a few more steps to get there, yeah… the postage company sent a few wrong parts-” 
You laughed, your eyes fluttering shut for a moment and you took a breath. 
“But that’s okay. Because deep down inside, you are a boy. You always have been, and you always will be.” He pulled one of your hands tight to his chest, leaning down to press a soft kiss on your knuckles, “I hate that there will be some people- a lot of people, that arent gonna like it… but none of those people really matter. None of those people mean anything. Me, your parents, the guys… we will always love you, and accept you, and let you be who you really are because you matter, and you are valid, and you are real.” 
You took a shaky breath, more tears threatened to spill, but this time they weren’t tears of hurt, “You really think that?” 
“Sweetheart, I know that.” 
You shut your eyes softly, a small tear slipped from the corner, and then another, and then another. Eddie kissed your knuckles again, a swift hand came up to wipe at your tears. His hands cupped your face gently, the calloused pads of his thumbs brushed over the undersides of your eyes and the high of your cheeks, now wet with your tears. He whispered sweet hums of reassurance and shushs as he let you catch up to your emotions. 
“I really love you, Eddie.” you whispered. 
“I really love you too, my handsome boy.” He smiled so softly, you thought if you started at it too long you would break. 
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sun-aries · 11 months
Broken Mirrors and Their Reflections Edit (chapter 29)
Once in awhile, I go back and edit scenes that I think need work - and I kinda liked this? So if you've read BMTR, here's an edit for the end of Chapter 29. I'll be editing the smut that went along with it and might post it here too.
Also, do readers like when fanfic writers go back and edit their work? Just wondering! Anyways, enjoy!
Steam trailed after him as he left the bath chambers, but it sat in the cold air like oil sat on water, adjacent and yet not able to truly interlace, as if the realm itself rejected the heat. At least the bath chamber was small enough so that it was hardly noticeable. But as he stepped out into the adjacent bedchambers, the cold slapped him harshly, and he rubbed his arms to bring some heat back to his body.
But thoughts of cold and heat mattered little when he saw her silhouette by the window, encapsulated by the violet light casted through the glass. For a second, he was taken back to the moment he met her, standing before a view of a twilight world with the light as filtered from her as the land beyond. If it weren't for her warm and comforting scent, he might've thought she was a portrait.
Her arms were wrapped around her body as well, though her hands sat elegantly on her inner elbows, and her back was nearly pin-straight. She'd set her hair free from its knots and it tumbled down her back and over her bare shoulders. Even from the distance between them, he could see the goosebumps pepper her skin. He swallowed and urged his feet forward.
At last, she'd moved - had she too been suspended in time by his presence or did time slow down as he admired her? She looked at him over her shoulder with the familiar solemnness on her face, before it cracked and a small smile slipped through. His eyes examined the familiar outline and curves of her face: the gleam in her pale eyes, the lashes that curled past her silhouette and the way light sat on her lips like gloss. Her warmth radiated to him, even without touching, and he settled a little into his spot beside her.
She turned back to look through the window. "The Twilight Realm is beautiful. I still cannot believe that I'm able to see it with my own two eyes." His eyes followed hers back to the slow-moving clouds as they drifted past their window; were it not for the glass, they could simply reach out and let them sift through their fingers.
"It is."
"I haven't been able to properly enjoy it. But now that you're here-" She paused, took a small breath that seemed to catch her off-guard, and nodded before continuing, "It's nice."
"Zelda-" he started, but she looked back at him with a curious look in her eyes, and though he felt the volume drain from his voice, the words seeped through. "I've missed you too," he whispered thinly, his lips clicking under his breath, "so much."
He wanted to reach out as he said it, to touch her and show her what he meant, as they often preferred, but he kept his hands to himself, his fingers twitching and tangling in the loose fabric of his shirt. She'd been through a lot these last few weeks: he didn't want to push her.
Her eyes creased, little lines drawn at the corners, and she smiled again. Whether her eyes caught his twitch or she’d read his mind, she reached behind her neck and gracefully gathered her hair over a shoulder, leaving her back bare. His stomach leapt. "Would you help me?"
It didn’t take him much to understand. As her husband, he’d often incidentally taken her maids’ job of undressing her, but he hadn’t minded in the least. He stepped behind her, to the expanse of her back that she'd just unveiled with a simple sweep of her hand.
Laces followed the length of her spine and casted a webbed shadow onto her skin. Undoing them was second nature, but as his hands found the first knot, just inches below her shoulder blades, he found that his hands trembled. With every inch, more of her back was exposed: every familiar scar and scratch that nearly faded with the shadows of the room.
When he’d reached her waist, the dress fell slack and gathered at her hips, and his breath caught in his throat. She looked over her shoulder, her face half-obscured, and so he leaned in closer, her pull on him like gravity. As her eyes fluttered between his eyes and his lips, he understood, and though they moved slowly, they moved together, their lips meeting above her bare shoulder. Long, bidding strokes moved against each other and with each other at the same time.
It'd been so long since they kissed that he'd almost forgotten how it made him feel. He took a starved breath, like he'd just surfaced for water after a stint below, before coming back for more. His hands burrowed in her dress, finding her bare hips beneath, and he pressed his body against hers. She made a pleased noise that sent his blood pumping, and his brows pinched as he deepened the kiss.
It was strange how powerful his feelings were for her – that they could be apart for a week or so and it would scare him to death. Or that he would travel through realms without a second thought. It was like he was made to protect her, to love her ardently, with all that he was. Without Zelda in Hyrule, it was as if the sun had vanished from the sky, the life draining slowly from all beings.
They sighed when they parted, eyes searching and asking and hoping. "Zelda…" His voice was weak, his throat dry, and he swallowed. "You've been through so much. I…" He swallowed again, unsure what he was properly in favor of.
It was clear he was flustered; Zelda knew that he wouldn't go further if she didn't reassure him that she wanted him to. "It’s okay," she assured him, voice as steady as she could manage at the moment. "I'm okay."
"You were shaking earlier."
She tensed. She really shouldn't have been surprised he'd noticed something like that, what with those sharp eyes of his, but it still took her aback. "It wasn't anything," she started, a blush darkening her pale cheeks. "It's just that...I've missed you.” She paused before admitting, “I was nervous."
He blinked, and to her surprise, his face brightened into something akin to amusement. Zelda frowned. "What is it?"
"Nothing just..." His smile stretched. "You're adorable."
"Goddesses," she twined, her blush spreading to her ears, and he laughed bashfully before his lips met hers again.
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tboybuck · 1 year
WIP wordsearch game!
rules: share snippets of your work containing each of the words the previous poster selected for you (optional addition: if you can't find the word in your WIPs, or you simply don't have any WIPs, you can just write a sentence around the word)
tagged by the lovely and wonderful @delta-piscium
my words: laugh, wear, sleep, look, thigh
(all snippets are from greatest hits and subject to change at a moment's notice because we are in editing mode on this bad boy <3)
“And I apologized. Y’know, the comment about old habits, Harrington… that was kind of out of line.”
“Yeah? Well, I meant it. You were running away.”
“And you weren’t?” Eddie asks.
Steve sighs and drags his hand through his hair. He leans with his hip up against the counter and crosses his arms again. “Can we not do this again today?”
Eddie scoffs a laugh and shakes his head, moving to the fridge to get them each a beer. “Civil for the kids, right?” “No, Eddie, not just for the kids. You piss me off like no one I’ve ever met but goddamn. I want you here, okay? Who else is gonna gang up on Mike Wheeler with me?”
“You’re so hot. So fucking hot. You’ve got this fuckin’ mouth, Stevie. Looks like you wear that fruity lip gloss sometimes, makes me wanna taste ‘em. Sometimes,” Eddie hesitates, unsure if he should say it. “Sometimes I wonder what you’d look like suckin’ me off.” 
He watches Steve take that bottom lip in between his teeth, his hips and thighs twitching a little. Like he’s enjoying hearing Eddie talk about him like this.
It lingers between them, taking up space. Eddie waits. Eddie'll wait forever, if that’s what it takes. He looks away from Steve. “I won’t,” he says. “Not till you ask.”
“Thanks.” Steve clears his throat and slaps the tops of his thighs as he goes to stand, effectively resetting the anxious silence between them. “Tired?”
Not in the slightest, Eddie wants to say, but he stands as well. “Yeah. Let’s get some sleep. It’s late. Should I, uh…?” he gestures to the couch, still a little unsure of where they are after the fight.
Steve’s expression is unreadable. “If you want.”
“And if I don’t?”
“Then come to bed.”
Maybe if Steve doesn’t feel like the pressure is on him to initiate their fooling around, Eddie will be able to have a little more of him, a little more frequently, and they can take their time a little quicker.
Steve touches him then, as he and Eddie stand there in the kitchen. He draws the tip of his finger up the back of Eddie’s bare arm, goosebumps rising in its wake, before encircling his wrist in a loose grip. “Your arms look good in that shirt,” Steve murmurs, his voice so quiet it’s as if he’s afraid any more volume would shatter the moment.
“Yeah? Tell me more about how good I look.”
Steve rolls his eyes and scoffs, and he reaches up to tug at Eddie’s ponytail. “In your dreams, Munson.”
“Is this okay?” he whispers, his lips brushing against the shell of Steve’s ear.
“What happened to not jumping back in, dick first?”
“Will you shut up already and just -” Steve presses back against him again, and Eddie can feel where the seam of his ass is against his cock. 
He’s sure Steve can feel it too, the implication of what they’re doing. They are both right at the edge of that line, the very first and most important boundary. Eddie can’t penetrate him like this, of course, with two layers of cotton between their bodies, but it’s a direct simulation of what could be. It’s a technicality at best. Eddie thrusts again, gasping at the catch and drag of the head of his cock against - what? Steve’s thigh? His crack? His hole? At this angle, Eddie can’t tell.
“Turn over,” Eddie whispers, and Steve does. Eddie takes a moment to position them the way he wants, with one of his thighs between Steve’s legs and one of Steve’s thighs between his. He goes to put a hand on Steve’s hip but stops himself, moves his hand up to his waist instead. He guides Steve to thrust against his thigh.
wait this was so fun, i forgot some of these bits existed, but i'm feeling super motivated now to spend the rest of the night writing!
no pressure tags: @barbariansteves , @corrodedbisexual, @matchingbatbites, @anzelsilver
your words: first, blank, under, lips, deep
(you're right del coming up with words was hard)
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bylightofdawn · 1 year
WIP Sunday
Woof I barely made this in time. I'd made a snarky comment about how WIP Sunday doesn't need to be 1200 words and then turned around and am offering 1800+ words. I am an actual clown. This one is a very rough ride, NGL.
Slick and Cody are both super angry and being enormous dicks to one another. And I know some idiot reader is going to read this and prolly accuse me of demonizing the Jedi because of Slick's very loud and critical takes on the Jedi. Just like...ignoring that is the character traits he's been given in canon. And maybe I'm being a little harsh labeling them as being an idiot but strawman tumblr arguments or ones made deliberately taking things in the worst amount of bad faith whilst ignoring the nuance of the topic is exhausting and I don't have the time or patience to engage in that bullshit.
So please, don't come for my throat, I don't espouse his radical ideals even if I do understand his message wasn’t completely wrong if you squint and turn your head to the side. Though at the end of the day, at its core it’s still very much a bad faith straw man argument.
As always this is super rough, has not even begun to be edited and I will prolly change it before it actually gets posted yadda yadda
When Cody came to, it was a confusing and slow process as his sluggish brain struggled to interpret and process what was going on. He was laying on a soft surface, the softest surface he’d felt in weeks of sleeping on duracrete with the thinest of threadbare blankets for padding.
His brain recognized it as a bed and noted the other subtle changes such as the fact that his arm didn’t feel completely on fire. He still felt like he’d been run over by a Walker but in comparison to how he’d felt earlier, even with the low-grade headache that always accompanied being stunned, he still felt markedly better.
Then the realize he’d been stunned set in and the memory of Slick standing over him glowering returned and Cody immediately tried to sit up only to find himself impeded by the fact he seemed to be strapped down to the bed.
When he looked down, it didn’t appear to be traditional binders so much as hastily tied rope and even strips of fabric in places. This gave Cody some hope because, with enough work, he might be able to squirm and wiggle enough to loosen the knots enough he could make his escape.
“Calm down, Commander. Those are just to make sure you don’t try and attack me while we’re talking.” Slick’s voice came from the foot of the bed, and the unfriendly-looking clone stood there, having appeared seemingly out of nowhere with his arms crossed over his chest.
“What the hell is this, Slick?”
“Some would classify it as helping though I doubt you’ll appreciate the amount of effort it took for me to cart your unconscious ass all the way back here.”
“Where is here?” Cody just glossed over that complaint, refusing to even acknowledge it.
“My ship, clearly.”
Cody couldn’t quite mask his inhale of shock as that news reached his ears. How the hell had Slick managed to pull that off?
“How…how are you not rotting in a prison cell right now?”
The other clone’s expression shuttered before his eyes and he was suddenly completely unreadable. “That’s really not any of your business.”
“Cut the bantha poodoo. You clearly escaped somehow but you actually seem to be thriving.”
“Ah, so you’re jealous I found my feet as a free man while you quite literally rotted away in some lower-level death trap.” Slick mused with an edge of vicious satisfaction. “I guess all those years of kissing the boots of your Jedi master didn’t really teach you any useful skills for anything beyond being a soldier.”
Anger kindled in Cody’s heart in the face of those taunting words. “If you think I give a whit for the words of a traitor, you’re vastly overestimating yourself.”
“Of course not. You’ve always been a sanctimonious prick. If you’d listened to me all those years ago on Christophis maybe you wouldn’t have to lead your men into literal slavery courtesy of the Empire.”
“You-” Cody looked absolutely apoplectic as white-hot rage welled within him and the sudden need to find a way to free himself and punch this shabuir in the mouth repeatedly until he couldn’t spew his bantha shit suffused his entire being. He started to yank at the bindings holding him to the bed with rage-fueled aggression.
He wanted to feel an ounce of satisfaction when Slick started to look at him warily and his hand drifted down to the butt of his blaster. Cody didn’t want to get stunned a second time in one day but if had even the tiniest of chances to punch Slick in the fact, he’d take that tradeoff.
“You don’t get to speak to me about Christophis ever. You betrayed your brothers and fellow soldiers and assisted the people trying to kill us. You got your brothers killed!”
“I’m a traitor for refusing to assist the bastards who enslaved us and used us as literal cannon fodder in their bantha shit war? Over more territory they were trying to steal from people who refused to give in to their expansionist ideals!”
“We weren’t slaves!”
“We were you’ve just got your head so far up your ass you cannot even recognize that even now, we’re still slaves. The Jedi and the Republic had years to fix our situation. To pass legislation to give us personhood, but instead, that was too damned inconvenient because Little Gods forbid their meat droid soldiers to get radial ideas like not wanting to perpetuate their bloody wars on the backs of their dying brothers.”
“Sithspit, you’re just trying to justify your selfish actions during the war!”
“The same could be said for you, vod.” Slick spat that word like it was venomous or unclean. “You’re just as complicit in the slavery of your own brothers. You should have been advocating for us from the start. If even a handful of you kriffing Clone Marshals had put your foot down and fought for us then maybe we wouldn’t be in this position now where our brothers are being treated as the actual property of the Empire.”
Those words hit especially hard, and Cody couldn’t suppress his flinch when they struck true and dug bloody barbs in his heart. Slick’s words only echoed the things that had been running through his mind for months now.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” He said somewhat lamely.
“I know firsthand what I’m talking about. You wondered how I escaped prison? I didn’t, the Empire gathered all of us imprisoned clones and were going to ship us off to some place where they were probably going to dissect or experiment on us. It was sheer luck that they got intercepted by a cell of brothers who were freeing us before we could disappear into an Imperial blacksite.” Slick stated flatly, his expression and eyes deadly serious.
“If Captain Howzer and his men hadn’t found us, I doubt I’d be alive.”
Cody’s eyes went wide with shock. “Howzer is alive? I thought we’d lost him on Ryloth.”
“Nope, he questioned his masters too much, and they threw him in an Imperial prison. He was going to suffer a fate similar to mine when he was rescued by a team of rogue clones rescuing other clones. That’s what I’ve been doing for the past few months. Trying to find and rescue as many brothers as I can and getting them off of Coruscant and out of Imperial captivity.”
Cody found himself frowning as he ceased pulling at his bindings. He hadn’t heard anything about this in his time. There had been a marked increase of clones who had defected, and he’d chalked it up to them getting fed up with the Empire as he had.
Maybe some of them had ended up being exfiltrated by clones like Slick, of all people. For some reason, that thought unsettled him to his very core.
“And what? Now you’re suddenly a freedom fighter trying to rescue as many clones as possible?” He didn’t even bother to try and mask his skepticism.
“I’ve always been a freedom fighter for our brothers. And unlike you lot living in your lofty towers above the rest of us, I’ve actually been making effective changes in the lives of our brothers.”
“I’m sure you thought of our brothers when you took Ventress’s blood money.”
Slick’s jaw went tight enough that the muscles in it bunched up as he bit down on his molars hard enough he very nearly broke them.
“Yes, I karked up, I’m man enough to admit that, unlike certain people in this room. But I spent nearly three years enjoying Republic hospitality, I won’t rest until every clone has been rescued from Imperial captivity. Including sanctimonious little shits like yourself.”
“I’m sure you’re doing this from the kindness of your own heart and not because you’re playing yet another angle.”
“You could never understand my reasoning because even now, you continue to propagate this myth that the Jedi were these wholesome, perfect people who could do no wrong. Rather than facing the truth that they let us remain enslaved because it was convenient for their war efforts, and even if they were sympathetic to our situation, they still stood aside for three years. They didn’t advocate for us in any way.”
“You’re completely wrong about the Jedi. They did try and improve the lives of clones and were fighting for our rights. The damned Senate wouldn’t listen.”
“Then maybe you Clone Marshals should have kriffing done something. If you’d refused to follow their orders and stopped fighting their war, they would have had to do something. Instead, you licked their boots like good little akk hounds until their fragile house of cards came tumbling down. Despite the fact their own brothers and sisters were wasting clone lives and even turning us against one another. Do you really think a mudscuffer like Pong Krell was the only Jedi to abuse his authority?”
“How could you possibly know about Pong Krell?”
“From a rookie I met in lockup of course. He actually did something proactive to protect his brothers by shooting that traitorous sleemo and what does he get for his courageous act? Life in prison? Execution? Yeah, your Jedi masters were truly the epitome of kindness and fairness.”
“Dogma murdered his superior officer. And Kenobi and the other Jedi were torn to pieces by what happened along with the rest of us. They fought to keep him from being decommissioned.”
“By locking him in a hole and throwing away the key. Truly, compassion at its finest.”
“I’m not saying what happened to Dogma was fair. It was a karked situation all around. Everyone was devastated by what happened on Umbara. I personally lost one of my closest friends to Krell’s treachery.”
“My heart weeps for you.” Slick drawled scornfully.
“Kark you.”
“Not even if you were the last sentient being in the universe. We all lost friends and batchmates in that damn war.”
“Which makes what you did ten times worse. How much different are you from the likes of Pong Krell, huh? You both betrayed our brothers for Sep blood money. At least Krell was honest about how karked his motivations were while you try and justify your actions like you’re some freedom fighter for the clones.”
Something dark and angry flashed in Slick’s eyes. “I’m done wasting my breath trying to talk any sense into you.” The blaster came up again and Cody didn’t even have a chance to try and flinch away from the blaster bolt. Bright blue energy enveloped him as the stun bolt hit him, and sent him back into the blackness of unconsciousness for the second time today.
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csmeaner · 2 years
Design Shitting: Secati Edition
I’m low on words. Probably one of the ugliest “alien and magic” hand-wavey humanoid species I’ve seen in awhile. The owner has some sense of how to draw an anatomically convincing humanoid, but then again, they also use bases a lot.
They look like they have a skin disease, which someone paid $100 for. https://deviantart.com/secatimasterlist/art/389-Drought-And-Drowned-910736371
too much detail for shit no one’s going to be willing to draw and then it meshes in on itself because there isn’t much else to break up the noise. it’s nicely done but very poor for an adopt and also seems it was draw with the symmetry tool so it gets that lifeless quality
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Those markings are the artist way of saying, “fuck you.“ https://www.deviantart.com/secatimasterlist/art/411-Waterside-Wisteria-915113859
now this is just ugly plain and simple. the lazy overlay on the fur for highlight with the ears twice as long as the head and very short stomach somehow? with huge ass thighs? the fur that falls over the side like a cape but mostly feels like it’d be disgusting to deal with. the absurd amount of tiny little details in the patterns that is too much yet also boring in its contrast. not to mention the color palette is just very unappealing
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$400 for something that’s basically 99% shiny texture. https://www.deviantart.com/secatimasterlist/art/365-Grace-Of-Abundance-898033567
the problem in these is that they’re overly rendered for what they are and poorly designed too. it’s the same pattern repeated over and over so that’s why, despite being rendered so much, it’s still a flat, somewhat uninteresting design because there’s not much to feast your eyes on. the red on the face+throat are good but then it’s just this same gold and prismatic colors they meld together and your eyes gloss over them learn how to fucking design.
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Look, there’s "alien”, and then there’s “$900 clusterfuck of details and poor contrast”: https://www.deviantart.com/secatimasterlist/art/307-Lost-Navigator-875544181
i took a look and my god this bitch has all the traits. it is once again made from symmetry tool and slightly color shifted. it’s ugly it’s overly designed and still bland all at once.
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More shiny abuse: https://www.deviantart.com/secatimasterlist/art/419-Dragon-Oracle-919098057
some things about making designs number one is they have to be nice to look at and this already failed step one. it suffer all the problems of the ones above along with being a very monotonous and overly simple design of just purple and gold if it’s ever drawn again it would lose so much details but those are the main draw to it also so you’d be simplifying something that’s only interesting feature is its complexity. ask yourself if this will look as good in someone else’s style or even sketched or scribbled. too much time rendering pieces that leads to an overly complex design that would be a pain in the ass to draw again while also not being a very good design regardless
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All of these are from the species owner. I was going to shit on some of the GA designs but you know what? They aren't that bad. Mediocre, sure, but place them next to Sheimei’s designs and they’re fucking brilliant. Even a lot of the MYOs are passable. In fact, I actually saw a handful I liked.
How embarrassing.
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moongumi · 2 years
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anything for good grades.
pairing: gojo satoru x f!reader
⟶ cw. teacher!gojo, student!reader, smut, oral, unprotected sex, cum kink, creampie, gojo is a warning, p/with some plot, depriving
sypnosis: you'd do anything to pass gojo's class, even sleeping with him even if you hated him
⟶ wc. 1.7k
a/n: short little one, just wanted to get back into writing again :P hope u enjoy! warning its not edited and written v fast.
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"Open your mouth more."
You complied, doing as he asked, yet it felt impossible. "It can't open anymore!"
"Well that's just a lie, isn’t it?," Gojo Satoru shoves his two fingers into your mouth exploring it through and through. His bottom lip tucked between his teeth as his ice-blue eyes gaze down at you as if you were his prey, making you feel weak and vulnerable. You were placed on your knees behind his desk, as the older man leans against it casually. His lips crack into a smirk when he finally gets a good look down your throat, "See, now you're ready."
If you had to explain this situation to anyone it would be hard to come up with a good excuse but otherwise, you'd just say you were going to fuck your teacher only because he was hot, not because you were borderline failing this course. Anyone and everyone would fuck this man, you could remember the first time he walked into your lecture, and all the girls melted at the sight of him. He adorned his dark sunglasses usually, even indoors but every now and then his beautiful eyes would peek past them and catch you off guard, shit you can't catch feelings for this man. He's too old and your teacher!
His fingers are beyond deep, patting your wet tongue with the underside of his thick fingers, "I'm confused, you're good at art so why are you here?"
"I─I, just didn't d─do well in the writing part, o─okay?" You managed to utter out whenever he’d find it in his heart to let you get a breath.
His eyes narrow, indifferent, "Hm, sure. Not because you're lazy?"
"I'm not lazy!" You argued immediately, narrowing your eyes at the white-haired man, "I just─hate this course, I just wanna get through it okay?"
He nods, breathing heavily, "You're in your third year darling, there's not much left plus why do you care about passing if you hate it so much?"
"My parents would kill me if I waste their money."
Gojo chuckles, pressing his bulge against your shoulder, "Art school is a waste already─"
"Not to them, a degree no matter what is still a degree," You say, sticking your tongue out as if ready to receive something from that. "After that, I'm free."
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Your knees are bound together in his large hands, propped over his right shoulder as his raw and hot dick penetrates into you. Jeez, you're grateful for the birth control you have now. "What's your thing against condoms?"
"I don't have a thing against them, I just wanted to fuck you raw," He chuckles, leaning to brush his lips against your ears, "And you let me."
He thrusts deeply, his balls slapping against your bare ass. You didn't have to strip anything off, he seemed to like the whole fully clothed but the assets are out thing. Your skirt pulled up and underwear pushed to the side as it tightly pulled up against your clit adding a whole other sensation to your body. You couldn’t help letting the small whimpers slip past your glossed lips.
Your top pulled down for his mouth to suck on your pointed nipples, making your back arch into him even more. Gojo had his hands wrapped tightly around your waist, holding you down against the table while his dress pants were pushed down alongside his expensive belt. For some reason whenever your eyes would flicker towards his mesmerising ones you couldn’t help but desire something deep down in your gut, biting your lip you attempted to get what you want. Leaning your head towards his wanting to get a taste of his pink dusted lips, wet with nothing but the glistening remains of whenever he’d wet his lips with his tongue─oh that tongue. “Please, kiss me.”
He pries his driven eyes towards yours, sending you a grin. He thinks about it, is it alright-well he’s got his dick deep inside of you what would a kiss hurt. He presses his plump lips against your-left cheek. “Happy?”
You gasped, in shock and pleasure. He seemed to like the disappointed look on your face, with furrow eyebrows and a pouted lip whilst his thrusts resumed. You whimper, saying, “That is not what I mean.”
Sucking your lips between your teeth holding back your voice, feeling the ridges of your insides tugging his overly thick cock drag the wetness in and out of you.
He hums, looking down between you where you were both connected. He slowly drags a thrust out, watching your cunt swallow him whole, “I don’t kiss students.”
“You’ve done this a lot then?” You hiss through your teeth, feeling his own bite down on your neck where he decides to trail kisses instead. Even though he was so rough below, somehow he was so gentle up here. One of his large hands weave through your hair, getting a good grip he pulls you back exposing your neck and face to him. He stares down at you, letting the words sink, “You’re not that special, kid.”
Shit, that stung yet he didn’t seem to care much. Gojo holds your head back as his mouth leaves rouge marks on your neck. Dropping your waists his thumb finds it’s joint on top of your swollen clit giving you that last bit of push that caused you to clench hard around him. It wasn’t going to be much longer but god, he wanted to drag it out. You were after all one of the prettier ones he’s fucked.
Gojo couldn’t hold back his grunts and sounds of pleasure when he reaches his limit. At least he had the audacity to let you hit it first. His thumb flicks fast and in sync with his rough thrusts, your body lets out and you start to let it all out. Biting your lip as hard as possible to not let anyone waiting to use the lecture hall hear.
He wishes he could hear it all, you break out and let go after all your pretty lips were one of the things he always found himself staring at during classes. Your cute oversized sweaters and wide jeans every other day, he couldn’t believe you were hiding all this under that.
Coming off your high you feel him blow his load inside of you, letting it all fill and drip out between the gaps of you and him. He breathes heavily, eyes closed and he lets go of your hair letting you finally lean back and rest. You watch his eyes narrow between your legs, he pulls out slowly and watches the cum dripple. He smiles, “You look good with my cum inside of you.”
“I’d look better when you let me pass.”
He nods, “Okay, okay.” Gojo packs himself back in his pants, eyes still not leaving the sight of your fucked out pussy. His finger prods at it while he pulls your underwear back up for you.
He holds your thigh while you put your shirt and all that back on, ready to leave. You cocked your eyebrow at him.
“Need something?” You ask, zipping on your hoodie and finally putting your legs down yet he didn’t let go. His pretty face rather close to you, he seemed like a man on a mission, thinking. Then he blinks and is back to being a smiley idiot.
He smirks, finally getting to the point, “Don’t forget about your exhibition, after all you’ve got to impress the curator.” Right, your face drops remembering how that was literally next week. And Gojo of all people is the curator.
“Is there any way─”
“You can’t just avoid all your work.” He says your name when he leans down as he chuckles, grabbing the fallen papers that included your own essay. Since when did he actually know your name. “You’re passing the essay, not the course with this.”
You huff, jumping off while you pushed your shoulder against the overly arrogant teacher. His cum is still mostly inside of you leaking through your underwear, god you wanted to get home.
“When is that again?” You ask.
Gojo sits back in his chair watching you gather your bags and portfolio, “Monday, a finished piece with an artist statement. Plus you’re trying to get someone to buy it for charity. Impress me, Y/n.”
You shot a salute at him while you opened the door, looking back, “Didn’t I already impress you?”
Gojo’s eyes widen realizing what you meant, he nods smiling to himself, “Monday.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
© moongumi 2022. all rights reserved, do not copy and publish my writing anywhere else.
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satinsumu · 3 years
first. || suna r.
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word count: 2.8k
warnings: MINORS DNI, f!reader, slight slight angst but mostly fluff, language, unprotected sex, fingering, virginity loss, dirty talk, praise, creampie, soft suna is romantic, shy baby’s first time ❤️ 
summary: it’s hard not to get self-conscious being intimate with suna for the first time, especially when he’s far more experienced than you are—but your boyfriend is sure to remind you that there’s nothing to be afraid of.
a/n: what did i say about loving the first time trope lol. also didn’t proofread bc that’s how we do it here (edit: this was so much longer than i’d intended and i ended up getting so much more attached than i’d intended lmfao i want a suna in my life Right Now)
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a tingle travels throughout your body as your bare back touches the soft sheets of suna’s bed, your boyfriend’s hands gently moving from your shoulders down to your knees.
he lifts one of your legs up, slender fingers rubbing small circles against your skin, before bending down to press a small kiss to your inner thigh. his greyish, golden eyes—half-lidded and slowly growing darker with desire—flick up to meet yours with such tender intensity that it takes your breath away.
“are you okay?” he asks quietly at your silence, carefully setting your leg back down against the mattress as he leans over you, one hand planted beside your head. 
“yeah,” you reassure him. the reply comes out a bit weaker than you’d intended.
“we don’t have to do this if you don’t want to,” suna murmurs, lowering himself to give you a small kiss, right at edge of your mouth. his lips are warm. gentle.
“i do, i’m just—” you quickly answer, but look away with slight embarrassment. “just a little nervous, that’s all... don’t know if i’ll be good.”
the second half of your sentence is just barely above a whisper, and suna’s expression softens.
“don’t worry about that,” he mumbles, pressing another kiss to your forehead, before slowly moving further down your neck and chest. “just want you to be comfortable.”
you feel him stop just above your left breast, the ghost of his breath lingering on your flesh. a sudden, warm sensation washes over you as suna takes your nipple into his mouth and sucks, his hot, wet tongue swirling circles around the bud. you gasp at the feeling and squeeze your eyes shut while his other hand slides down your stomach, hovering just above the thin, silky fabric of your underwear.
suna releases your nipple from his mouth as he pushes himself back up, licking his lips while studying your expression.
“you’re so warm down here,” he says with a small smile. his finger draws a long, slow stripe along your folds, the pressure through your panties just enough to send another tingle traveling all over your body. “can i take these off?”
you nod and grant him permission, shyness burning in your cheeks at how exposed and vulnerable you feel, but also at how careful suna is being. he smooths his palm against your hip bone and drags the garment of clothing down your legs before it comes back up, teasingly squeezing the flesh of your inner thigh. 
“good girl,” suna hums, straightening himself to pull his own shirt over his head. the words make your heart pound violently in your chest.
without another word, he takes your other breast in his large hand, groping and kneading the flesh while his opposite hand begins to make work of your sex. he presses two fingers against your folds and slowly rubs circles against the skin as you feel your clit grow more and more sensitive to the pseudo-contact. 
you tilt your head back, dipping further into the sheets, while a shaky sigh escapes your lips. a small smile rests on suna’s face at the sight—you seem to be feeling good, and he intends on keeping it that way. 
his movements are growing faster now. you can feel your arousal growing wetter, and you know suna can feel it too, with the way his fingertips are coated with your slick. he takes this as a safe indication to finally slip a digit into you—god knows how fucking badly he wishes it were his cock instead—and the little squeak that rolls off your tongue is like music to his ears.
“so tight, baby,” he murmurs, elated at the sight of you clenching around him while trying to keep his composure. how did he get so lucky? “but you’re taking my fingers so well.”
there’s so much going on.
you can feel your boyfriend watching you, but you’re too distracted to think about how your face must look right now. especially when he’s still squeezing your tits, focusing on your pleasure as he continues pumping his finger in and out of your tiny hole. then he adds another, and you sink your teeth into your bottom lip, surprised that suna’s hands are moving with so much ease and also how good it feels. even more so when his thumb continues to rub at your clit in tandem with his other fingers.
soft, lewd squelching noises can be heard in the quiet of his room as both you and suna realize that this won’t be enough. you need more. your pussy is practically begging for it, even if your mouth isn’t.
“think you’re ready, sweetheart,” suna breathes, willing himself to pull his fingers out of your cunt.
you nod coyly in response, slightly irritated at yourself for feeling uneasy in front of your boyfriend; he’s being so good to you, so patient, but you’ve just never done anything so lewd befo—
your brain short-circuits as you watch suna look you dead in the eye before putting two glistening fingers, still covered in your juices, into his mouth. he slowly pulls out, soft pink lips wrapped around them, tongue lapping shamelessly at whatever he missed on his thumb.
he gives you an alluring smirk, and your hands instinctively fly up to cover your flustered face. your cheeks are burning with both desire and embarrassment, but suna grips your wrist and slowly pulls it away.
“look at me, baby,” he says, his body hovering closely above yours. “nothing to be embarrassed about.”
god, you look so fucking cute, he really doesn’t know what to do with himself.
“can i...?” suna trails off, the hardness in his pants growing more and more difficult to ignore by the second as it presses against your leg.
“p-please, rin,” you whisper. the way your innocent, nervous eyes are asking him to fuck you is honestly enough to make him jizz in his pants. 
without another word, suna pushes himself back up, unzipping his pants so that his erect member can finally spring free. he barely has to give it a few impatient strokes—a trait you rarely see in your boyfriend—before it’s fully hard. the sheer size of his cock causes you to gulp, the tiny beads of precum already leaking out from its tip.
suna takes it in his hand, smearing his own arousal over the head before bending over to rub its heaviness over your folds. your clit is already puffy and sensitive from his fingers earlier, and it feels like it’s twitching in pleasure from the contact. 
“o-oh,” you gasp, and suna smiles at the sound, his eyes glossing over your body like he simply can’t get enough. he slowly moves his cock downwards, using all his self-restraint to ignore the throbbing, aching desire in it to just fuck your brains out already.
lining it up with your entrance, he murmurs, “i’m gonna put it in.”
“okay,” you exhale, chest heaving in anticipation.
your hands travel up beside your head to grip the pillow as a means to brace yourself, and you finally feel suna slide into you with surprising ease. every inch of his cock drags along your walls in slow motion, and you’ve never been so physically close to him before. there’s a soft ache—barely noticeable—but it’s not painful... and yet, it’s not pleasurable either.
an unprecedented panic creeps its way into your head at the realization.
what if this doesn’t end up feeling good? what if he doesn’t end up feeling good? oh god, what if he doesn’t even finish? surely, you’d be the only girl he’ll have slept with that could fuck up this bad—who knows how many girls have come before you? (literally.) what if—
“what’s wrong?” suna’s gentle voice snaps you out of your thoughts, his tone tinged with a slight worry. 
“n-nothing,” you shake your head quickly. ugh, you feel like such... a loser. an idiot, really.
“talk to me, sweetheart,” suna murmurs, towering over you as he’s still balls deep inside your cunt. “does it hurt?”
he wants to pull out in case that’s the problem, but also doesn’t want to make any sudden moves, for fear of hurting you.
“no, i’m okay,” you insist in an attempt to reassure him. “i just, i don’t know, i’m being stupid.”
suna’s expression softens, but before he can say anything, you’re already babbling on again, and you can’t even stop.
“what if you don’t end up feeling good?” you quiver, the question more so directed at yourself than at your boyfriend. “what if you don’t even finish because of how much i suck? i-i don’t want to be the only person you’ve been with who’s bad at sex—”
your heart is racing now and the words are tumbling out of your mouth helplessly. you feel so bad for dumping this on him, and your frustration towards yourself brings small tears to the corners of your eyes—
“baby, listen to me,” suna says quietly but firmly, one hand cupping your cheek and turning your face towards him so that you’re no longer avoiding eye contact. his thumb gently brushes away the dampness at the edge of your lower lashline before he continues,
“first of all, there’s no such thing as being bad at sex—and you’re doing great,” he murmurs, planting a quick kiss to your lips. “you’re the only person i want to do this with, and as long as it’s with you, i’m happy.”
you sniffle a little bit, but your heart soars at his words, the tension in your chest slowly easing.
“second of all, don’t worry about me,” he says gently, his eyes filled with a tender adoration as he gazes at you. “it’s really sweet that you’re thinking of me, but i want you to feel good.”
a warmth blooms in your cheeks. 
“and besides, you’re fucking beautiful,” suna continues, leaning down again to press his lips against your bare shoulder. “i could cum just from the sight of you, but i’m trying to hold back because i want you to finish first.”
the bluntness of his words causes you to look away shyly, and suna smiles down at you. 
“so,” he begins again, before giving you a small suck on your jaw. “can you let me make you feel good?”
you nod slowly, and bring your arms up to wrap them around his neck.
“sorry,” you manage a small giggle at the feeling of his dick still inside you—you really have terrible timing, that much you’ll admit.
“it’s okay,” suna murmurs, turning his head to kiss your cheek. “i love you, you know that.”
he’s said those words before, but the way he’s uttering them into your ear right now, in the quiet intimacy that only you two share, makes your heart race and your head spin.
“just let me know if you want me to stop,” he says, before finally, gradually pulling himself out.
suna slides his cock back into you with ease, your juices still coating his member. he repeats the motion a few more times, each time just a little bit more fluidly and rapidly than the last, until you’ve fully adjusted to his size. the sensation is still foreign, but no longer uncomfortable.
he finally reaches a pace where he thrusts himself into you for the first time with a low grunt, the rough penetration catching you off guard. a small “mmf!” escapes your mouth as you bite your lip, embarrassed at hearing the sound of your own voice.
“don’t hold those precious noises back, sweetheart,” suna breathes seductively into your skin, his low voice causing you to clench harder around him. “wanna hear how good i make you feel. the louder the better.”
you nod at his encouragement as small beads of sweat form along your temple.
he gives you another sharp thrust, followed by another, and then another, until he’s steadily rocking into you as the bed creaks with every movement. this time, you can’t help the wanton moans of his name that fill the air, each one prompting him to continue.
“a-ah!” you cry at a particularly harsh snap of his hips, your cunt sucking him back in every time he pulls out of you. “r-rin! rin! rin!”
suna’s never been one to have a big head or a large ego, but the way you’re chanting his name like a mantra makes pride swell in his chest. you look so angelic, eyes fluttered shut with every time he fucks into you, nipples moving up and down with your breasts, hair splayed out against his bedsheets, sopping wet pussy clamping around his cock as your very first time. how could he not be in love with you?
“f-feeling good, baby?” he pants, trying to hold it together. 
“yes,” you gasp as a small dribble of drool leaks out of the corner of your mouth. but you don’t care. you want him. more of him, more, more, more. “want you so bad.”
suna thinks he’s going to lose his damn mind.
“you like that?” his voice borders on a growl, and his strong arms snake beneath you to pull you into a hug before one of them props his body up against the mattress so he can angle himself into you with even more intensity. lord help him, he wants to cum so fucking bad with how hot you look, your nails digging into his skin as he fucks you into tomorrow.
“n-ngh!” you groan, tossing your head back at the way suna is driving himself in and out of you as his eyes flit down to your heaving chest. “i-i think ‘m c-close...”
that was all suna needed to hear as he laid you back down, flat against the bed as one hand travels urgently down to your heat. he takes two fingers and begins rubbing your folds again, one dipping past them to play with your clit, the stimulation causing you to see stars. suna presses an open mouthed kiss against your lips at the sight of them parting, taking the opportunity to slide his tongue across yours.
he picks up the speed of his thrusts again, his other hand now preoccupied with kneading your breasts and pinching your nipple as you cry out for him, and only him.
“r-rin!” your voice rings in his head, your gasps broken up into needy pants. 
“doin’ so good, angel,” he mutters against your lips, still mercilessly slamming his cock into you. “taking my cock so—ngh!—well, wanna keep this pussy all to myself.”
you don’t even have time to process the lewdness of his words before your back is arching, suna’s fingers rubbing your clit at an unbelievable pace as he simultaneously slides himself in and out of you, the slapping sounds amplified by your juices.
“cum for me sweetheart, you can do it,” suna urges, his eyes fixated on your face. “show me just how good i make you feel—”
a sudden wave of bliss floods over you as you feel the tension in your body release, your clit throbbing with pleasure at the sensation. suna’s eyes widen at the way your jaw grows slack, trying not to cum at the mere sight of your fucked out expression while he helps you ride out your orgasm.
“h-hah,” you gasp, still chasing your climax while suna continues thrusting into your cunt, his cock twitching with arousal. after a few seconds, he picks up his own pace, chasing his own high with your body.
“god, you feel so good around me,” he mutters, clenching his teeth at the way your walls continue to suck him in. 
“want you to cum inside, r-rin,” you whine into his ear, the syllables broken up by how hard he’s fucking you as your whole being practically bounces around his cock, his balls clapping with wet slapping sounds against your ass. “f-fill m-me up?”
you don’t need to say anything else as suna finally snaps, pushing himself so deep into you with an almost primal urge as cum shoots out of his cock. you can feel the warmth all the way in your belly as you look up at your boyfriend, sweaty and out of breath, panting into your neck before finally pulling himself out of you.
he catches your lips with his as he gives you a long, passionate kiss, before breaking away and giving you a quick peck on both cheeks, then your nose, then your forehead.
“you did so good, baby,” he murmurs, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear, that had found its way to stick to your face. an affectionate warmth brings a small smile to your lips as you nuzzle your cheek into suna’s palm, and he feels himself lose his breath at the sight of you.
“be good and stay here, okay?” he mumbles, reluctantly pulling himself off of you. he could stare at you forever. “i’ll go get a towel and clean you up. i love you.”
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