valictini · 2 months
Everything in Lea’s interview only cemented the fact that the QSMP really is just the biggest shitshow ever, but one thing that took me by surprise is how badly the prison arc development was managed
Wdym the admins had to create it in only 5 days?
Wdym Quackity ordered for drastic changes THE DAY BEFORE it was supposed to be shipped?
The more I learn about QStudio, the more it makes it easy for me to just drop the whole project, honestly. Like what’s the point.
They let the server run as an empty shell.
They clearly give 0 shits about any of the admins that dared to point out problems.
And now we learned that the people who weren’t fired have probably just stayed in the studio because of « privileged » treatment + trauma bonding + manipulation from upper management making them think that the admins who spoke up are liars
[Edit: the situation is more complicated, but this statement up here is going off the assumption that some of the people who are still on the team were never paid and their passion + loyalty are still being exploited, notably to throw the ex admins under the bus. This might be false. They might have been paid fairly since the beginning and are just trying to keep their job. We don't know. But that was my assumption when writing it.]
It’s looks genuinely unsalvageable to me
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evansedmundo · 13 days
y’all, when buddie gets married, is anyone else gonna be unable to stop themselves from tagging eddie and buck as #eddie buckley-diaz and #evan buckley-diaz?
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eclipseshotel · 1 month
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aurosoul · 11 months
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croton flower update!!!
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the-only-country · 1 month
Welcome to society
We hope you enjoy your stay
Where our churches full with piety
Graves may lay where they lay
Butterflies shine on golden wrists
Semicolons on a golden chain
Scratches and cuts due insists.
We ensure you no physical pain.
But if you cross a number on a scale
Our help for you may just fail
And if you may cut or starve
Into you an idea, we will carve
That you are not good enough
We will make your days mighty rough
You can not love or think for your own
We will make sure that you are alone.
You will cry until your eyes are dust
And trust our reasons are just just.
You won’t know the pain we have caused,
We will cut your knees and make you pray
Our great God will make you pay.
And if you doubt for a single second
We will post an idea we have reckoned.
So welcome to society
just remember to number your days
We will cut you down to our model
In several numerous ways.
If you resist, your neck we will throttle
So count your blissful days.
Welcome to society
We will never change
The gays and trans stay out of our way
That is something strange.
Welcome to society
Paper notes flood our streets.
The people cut and blood spills
They finally admit their defeat.
We say we don’t hurt but in truth don’t count our kills
So welcome to society we aren’t perfect but we have our wills.
So welcome to society, please leave.
We aren’t designed for stays.
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blitzy-blitzwing · 3 months
How did they die (the hazbinformers)
There’s only one way to find out.
*nudges the fic forwards*
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bunnyshipper2001 · 1 year
Some Kyle Headcanons I Have:
-Short, short, short, springs up to either 5’4” or 5’7” and never grows after that
-He loves his curls but keeps them in the hat because it keeps them out of his face (and he puts it into a ponytail b/c he isn’t giving anybody/anything the opportunity to yank it — he eventually goes no hat at all in 10th grade)
-9/10 is probably Autistic (is also fairly good at masking)
-Has OCD, can’t convince me otherwise
-8/10 has BPD or Bipolar
-Sleep? What sleep? His schedule is an on-and-off relationship
-Gay and Demisexual af
-On the basketball team, volleyball team, track team, and does winter sports recreationally because he’s a sporty boy
-Is also apart of theatre club, student council, and debate team because he wants as many extracurriculars on his college applications as possible (also, he enjoys being apart of various things he takes special interests in)
-He’s really good at playing musical instruments (guitar, violin, and piano specifically) and writing compositions but keeps it mostly to himself for various reasons, most involving Stan
-Insecure af to the point he never actually notices when someone is crushing/in love with him because he’s a) believing he’s undeserving or unlovable, b) oblivious as all fuck, c) misinterpreting all the social cues, or d) all of the above (insecurity is pretty/kind of canon though, lol) 😅
-Adding onto above that he’s praise driven and approval seeking to the point he looses his sense of self trying to live up to others expectations and opinion of him
-Sweater vests, turtle necks, and button-ups with corduroy or dark-coloured slacks (but also sweats when he’s wanting a lazy day)
-Goes back and forth between indie pop and alt. Rock music (his playlists are a mix of both)
-His anxiety and sadness almost always presents as irritation/frustration, so everybody typically assumes he’s pissed off when it’s the exact opposite (which then causes him to actually get angry later on)
-Contrary to what others around him think, he keeps most of his thoughts and feelings to himself (bottled up inside of him). While he’s almost always vocal about his opinions on the world and people around him, things that pertain specifically to himself are kept hidden because he doesn’t want to burden others with his issues (after all the problems he’s had with Stan or seen from him— he feels just as unheard by his sbf and others but he doesn’t feel like he can actually talk about his own problems, especially when Stan has a habit of going into “woe-is-me” and making it all about Wendy or Randy)
-He never actually had a crush on Heidi and has only thought of her as a good friend— his obsession over it was mainly due to two different facts: the first, he saw parts of himself in Heidi (smart, strong morals, wanting to extend a hand to others) and didn’t like he could see himself in that position (abused/misguided) and felt he needed to destroy it so it wouldn’t destroy a metaphorical version of himself. The second, he wasn’t about to turn a blind eye to verbal/emotional abuse, manipulation, or even assault (which, considering Heidi was vegan and Cartman switched her food and lied about it -food tampering- is considered a form of assault, especially as introducing meat proteins to someone who’s been vegan for even a couple of months or year can cause the individual to become physically sick) and his concern was misinterpreted by the girls (who didn’t seem to give a shit about it as they already tried convincing Heidi in a way that pushed her right back into Cartman’s arms and made her less likely to look for help, sadly) as him being in love and Kyle just went with it because he’s impressionable
-Hand gestures (talking w/ hands) and yiddish/hebrew are a must for emphasis— and for insulting people without getting in trouble at school 😈
-Everyone wants to do him, he only wants to do like 2 people if any at all
-Apart of the Petty, Dramatic Bitch™️ Squad (made up of himself, Cartman, Bebe, and Kenny, for clarification)
-Psychoanalyses everyone and everything
-Spends hours thinking about the who, what, when, why, and how of the universe and the human condition— goes down his own self-made rabbit holes as a consequence
-Should have probably been a philosophy professor ngl
Some of these are kinda canon in a way, but also kinda unofficial so whatever 🤷🏼
I have like 20+ more but i’m stopping the list here for now
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finally started on the real into the dark chapter 42
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yugiohz · 1 year
do you have a link to the bnha bachelorette fic?
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britany1997 · 1 year
Songs I’ve been playing while writing fics for y’all’s requests
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bunny-rambles · 2 years
You know what
You’re all getting Albedo rambles today because
I’m just so proud of him.
Albedo went from a closed off, cold, lonely person when we first met him, to this bright source of warmth he is now.
He even admits in one of his events that Dragonspine is a cold, lonely place. He put himself there because I believe he was still grieving his master leaving him, and because he felt like he was a monster. But I truly think his mindset is changing after that event with everyone.
I really saw him open up to not just us, but everyone else too. And I think we all saw just how kind hearted he really was. I wish there was an option to tell him how monsters can’t be as kind as him. Yes, he isn’t human (and he obviously has some sort of complex about it because of the things he says) but my boy is no monster, and I think at the end of the event, he perhaps realised that.
I truly believe that was Albedo at the end, by the way. Why do you think the traveler, or us, was so chill with what he did? We can tell when it’s not Albedo, even when his back was turned from us in the beginning - so we could definitely tell when he’s right in front of us. He’s playing a prank on us and being playful because now he’s so comfortable with us. He’s ‘coming out of his shell’, if you will. And what he said was really telling, about his pockets being full. He’s satisfied with life, and has no need to ask why anymore. He’s happy. And I don’t think he killed his imposter - I think he’s either still living on the mountain, which is why maybe Albedo hasn’t removed himself from it - or he went with that kid as his dad and just decided to live a normal life. I just really think with how Albedo could emphasise with his situation, he wouldn’t kill him after that. He even said he’d do the same if the roles were reversed !!
Moving on from his event - how about we talk about how much he changed when we last saw him?
Was it just me, or did Albedo seem a lot more willing to be social? He even helped Kazuha with his family crisis, when he wasn’t exactly needed. He could’ve just carried on trying to find inspiration, but I think he helped out with everything because he genuinely cares. He’s so sweet, no one ever realises how selfless he really is if someone needs him. I don’t even think he noticed that he was like this until everything went down.
I think when he cooked for people, and realised how much he actually liked other people’s company, something must’ve snapped (but in a good way). Because since then, I’ve been seeing him smile more and more in official art when before it was extremely rare to see one on him. I think even his little emoji’s only had like one or two. Sure, he had his smug little bastard smirk, but an actual smile? It wasn’t something we often saw.
Now I see it all the time and it makes me so happy. He’s really grown as a character, and he’s still continuing to grow, but I think his smile is the evidence I need to know it’s going in the right direction. I also think Klee might bring out the best in him too, there’s probably a big brother Albedo we haven’t quite seen yet and maybe it’ll happen in the upcoming event. (That’s not a spoiler, he seems to have one every winter which is what I’m talking about).
I don’t think his character journey has ended, for from it, and I’m really looking forward to seeing him again in an event (even though people have dubbed him the event archon lmfao) I want to see him smile more and be happy. Maybe come off that damn mountain so he can be truly happy with everyone, but maybe he’s not ready for that just quite yet. He’s no extrovert, so maybe in some way he loves the mountain for that - but I can see he would really like someone there with him sometimes. I hope he doesn’t punish himself with no company because he feels like he deserves it - please see how much people care for you baby ):
Btw side not but kazubedo has great potential and I will not shut up about it, soft boys in love. They’re both the chillest characters in the game, they would be perfect for each other. Albedo obviously loves exploring, so ofc he wouldn’t mind if his rogue prince dragged him around everywhere. Ugh I’d talk about it more but I don’t think anyone likes hearing about ships much
If you read through this all, well thank you but are you okay after that much incoherent rambling? It probably didn’t make sense, I just wanted to go on about how I’m proud of my boy for coming so far.
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obitoslay · 1 year
im mostly promoting my fic on twitter when i release it in a few days (yeah idky im writing so fast im 6k words in) but i’ll post the link here too… not on sapphic-sasuke even tho that’s literally my writing account bc idk . sapphic-sasuke isn’t the vibes these days🥱
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apieters · 2 years
🖋 André Caron
Thank you for the ask, @tzarina-alexandra , but you may get more than you bargained for…
Ah, André Caron… what better prompt than to dump his backstory?
André Caron’s Backstory
André Caron is one of the tritagonists of my Disney fanfiction story, Swashbucklers of the Magic Kingdom. André is the childhood friend of the swashbuckling anthropomorphic tyrannosaur Chris Carnovo, and the two characters are the titular Swashbucklers.
The Magic Kingdom is a place inhabited by all the Disney characters, who all have jobs and lives outside of their movies but who often band together to make movies of exceptional quality and artistry. The kingdom is divided into principalities ruled by the members of the Royalty of the Magic Kingdom, and who govern the Kingdom as a whole through a National Assembly composed of all such royalty. These movies require many behind-the-scenes roles. Chris and André are fight choreographers for all the Disney films.
However, in “real life” they are master swordsmen, and often their friends that they’ve made in the course of their career find themselves in need of two friendly swordsmen—and that’s when Chris and André show their true skills.
André is the more cautious and practical of the two. While Chris is ready to rush into danger without a plan, André is usually the one who holds him in check and develops the plan. More often than not, though, he gets dragged prematurely into a conflict and has to improvise a way out of the mess Chris got themselves into. However, that doesn’t mean he’s gentle. On the contrary, while Chris usually fights to disarm or would, André fights to incapacitate. He’s the one who kicks, grapples, and breaks bones—anything it takes to win the fight and get out in one peace, and to make sure that his adversary thinks twice about ever crossing his path again.
André was not always so gruff. As a kid, he was selfless and heroic, almost losing his life to save Chris’s at least once. The two of them made their first fortune as privateers, helping to recover buried treasure stolen by the Magic Kingdom’s rampant pirates—for which many were willing to share a substantial portion as a reward. It was Chris and André who ended the career of the infamous Captain Flint, and helped recover the largest of several treasure troves.
André was also friends with a little girl named Cinderella, her only human friend and the first to call her a princess. He and she would play as knight and lady, she playfully ordering him to fight invisible giants or to help her with her chores, and like a chivalrous knight he obeyed. When one day he observed Lady Tremaine yelling at Cinderella, he stepped in to defend her. He had often wondered how Cinderella came by the occasional bruise, but when he saw Lady Tremaine raise her cane he drew his wooden sword and defended his Princess. He disarmed Lady Tremaine and, in his outrage, shattered the bones in her hand so that she could never hold her cane properly again. For this, he was arrested and flogged—in the old days, they still flogged people for violent crimes. He wore the scars with pride from that day forward. However, that extreme reaction was hardly the norm—Cinderella often spoke of him as gentle, courteous, humorous, and kind. After they had grown up, they retained their friendship, and although they asked serious questions of themselves, they realized that what they felt for each other, though strong, was not romantic love. Cinderella often said that Prince Henri “the Charming” was her Prince, but André was her Knight—and a Princess had need of both.
It was always André’s dream to become a Knight of the Magic Kingdom. Any non-Royal could become a knight, but it was an honor that even Princes coveted—in fact, the young Prince Kopa of the Pridelands once sank into a week-long pout when his father Simba told him that as a Prince he could never be knighted. To become a Knight, one had to perform a great deed or service, usually at the risk of one’s life, for a member of the Royalty of the Magic Kingdom—a King, Queen, Princess or Prince—or on behalf of a whole district or principality of the Magic Kingdom, in order to protect their patron’s life or honor, and then be dubbed by a member of the Royalty. André strove to become a paragon of chivalry, a skilled swordsman, and a loyal friend. After having drifted apart somewhat in their teenage years, Chris found himself exiled from his homeland after the rest of the dinosaur community condemned the “Rite of Spring” segment of Fantasia as racist, a segment which featured Chris himself in heavy makeup and prosthetics. It was André who took him in and it was André who suggested that they make a career as fight choreographers. The two became inseparable once again, developing friendships with figures like Peter Pan and Captain Hook (who gave them their big break and earned themselves a very close friendship), Prince Philip, Merlin and Arthur “Wart” Pendragon, and Robin Hood and Little John.
It was during this season of life that they met a group of Shakespearean actors lead by a young, charismatic lion king named Mufasa. He and his brother Prince Taka , the leaders of the prestigious Pridelands Shakespeare Company, had just put on a disastrous production of King Lear that left Taka with a livid scar across his eye, and the two realized that they needed professional fight choreographers. Chris and André soon became the official fight choreographers of the Pridelands Shakespeare Company, a position that the two fight choreographers still hold at the time of the preset tale and which supplies most of their annual income. The swashbucklers became close friends with the Pridelanders, and even Taka (nicknamed Scar by his brother), who grew more bitter with each performance as he found himself typecast as the villain, suffered their company without too much I’ll humor.
Chris and André were a dynamic duo once again—
Until they had a falling out.
Chris and André had defended Cinderella’s castle, just the two of them, against a small army of ruffians when Prince Charming was away and unable to help. Unusually, it was André who insisted on rushing in to help. André, as usual when facing superior odds, took on the greater mass of his opponents, but it was Chris who dueled their ringleader after he had broken through the line and menaced Cinderella herself. Cinderella knighted the two right on the battlefield, but André had been wounded so severely he had to be taken to the hospital and spent several weeks healing.
However, it was then that Chris did something that he regretted for the rest of his life. He missed his homeland terribly, and wanted to maximize his fame and prestige in order to win back the hearts of his people. So he told only the story of his deeds to the press, and never mentioned André. When André realized that his name had never been registered in the official rolls of the Knights of the Magic Kingdom, he and Chris had a huge falling out, and André disappeared.
It was at this point that the infamous Tristan L’Hermite rose to prominence. The Captain of the Guard for Minister of Justice Claude Frollo, Tristan, known as the Black Knight, initiated a roughly 7-year Reign of Terror that saw hundreds imprisoned and tortured in the Palace of Justice. Mufasa and Cinderella, bodyguarded by Chris Carnovo and his new regiment of Royal Musketeers, opposed the Black Knight but found themselves on the losing side. According to Chris, he reached out to André once, begging him to help him end the Reign of Terror, but they left even more angry and bitter with each other than ever before. It was during this time period that Chris dueled Tristan in the belltowers of Notre Dame, almost killing Tristan but suffering a massive scar that covered nearly half his face.
As the Reign of Terror dragged on, Mufasa’s and Cinderella’s allies were slowly captured and imprisoned by Tristan until their army was reduced to a small band of Musketeers, lions, and other miscellaneous characters besieged on Pride Rock—Mufasa himself had been captured and imprisoned, and his wife Sarabi, soon found herself claiming sanctuary in the cathedral of Notre Dame.
Tristan barged into the church, violating sanctuary, and was about to slaughter Sarabi on the very steps of the altar. What happened next, only Sarabi and André know the full details, but it ended with Tristan lying dead on the steps of the altar. André single-handedly liberated the Palace of Justice and the freed prisoners relieved the Siege of Pride Rock, ending the Reign of Terror. André, however, was nowhere to be found amongst the victors, last seen holding off the rest of Frollo’s guards so that the other prisoners could escape.
For nearly 7 more years, Chris believed his best friend dead, until one day he and the Archdeacon of Notre Dame, snooping through the Palace of Justice during the Archdeacon’s prison ministry, managed to penetrate into the darkest and deepest of the old torture chambers. To their horror, they found that it was still in use, in secret. They managed to get a look at the prisoner, and from a distinctive crucifix that hung from the prisoner’s neck realized who it was:
It was André.
Evidently, he had not been killed, but rather had been tortured just short of death for the past 7 years. Chris, the Archdeacon, Mufasa and Cinderella, Peter Pan, Captain Hook, and Quasimodo (who had his own reasons to be involved), formed a pact to liberate André and keep him safe, as repayment for the life-debt they felt they owed him for saving their lives at the end of the Reign of Terror.
Their plan succeeded, though not without difficulty, and André was rescued from the Palace of Justice. However, André was no longer quite the same. He refused to speak if his whereabouts and activities during the Reign of Terror. He especially avoided the person of Tristan L’Hermite. He often experienced vivid nightmares, screaming loud enough to wake neighbors. He would be either stricken from fear or fly into a rage at the mere mention of the “Palace of Justice,” and was often reluctant to help his friends, and usually did so with very ill humor. His temper became legendary, and even his friends feared him in those moments when his wrath was directed against them. And he and Frollo, mostly impotent to re-imprison him, held a bitter hatred for each other, as well as a mutual fear.
But although more harsh and abrasive, André never—in the end, at least—refused to go along with Chris on his wild quests. Characters on the wrong side of Frollo’s “justice” never found a more ferocious defender than in André. If a kind word was hard to come by, small deeds of tenderness were common. He sparred for hours at a time with a young blacksmith named Will Turner, and paid him handsomely for new swords that he didn’t really need; he never passed a street dancer without dropping a few coins in their waiting hat; he often sat with veterans of the War and listened to their stories, saying nothing and nodding thoughtfully.
André held a special fondness for the Pridelanders, especially Simba—Sarabi was pregnant with him when André saved her from Tristan. Chris and André were both present during the infamous “Hamlet Incident,” a theatre fire which left Mufasa in a coma and Scar as King Regent. Chris and André found themselves in a political maelstrom, with Scar plotting to disinherit his nephew by any means necessary and Frollo all too eager to have Simba arrested for his suspected role in the fire. It was Chris and André who helped Simba escape across the desert to the Jungle Oasis where two comic actors, Timon and Pumbaa, lived and agreed to take him in, and where Simba could hide from his uncle and from Frollo. Chris and André became his tutors, teaching him not just the martial arts of hunting and combat with toot and claw, but history, literature, and statecraft. They were his go-between to the outside world, transferring a steady stream of coded messages between Simba and his mother and Nala, his childhood friend and betrothed.
Andre spent years patrolling the borders of the Pridelands, stopping every incursion by Frollo into the principality. At the same time, he and Chris helped police the Pridelands in the wake of Frollo’s mismanagement, preserving sone semblance of law and order. It was André who taught Nala to defend herself from Scar’s untoward advances, teaching her to be the best warrior in the Pridelands. When Simba finally decided to take back his throne, it was André who played the role of Simba’s sparring partner as Chris trained him for the judicial duel he would have to fight. It was André who encouraged Simba to face his fears by telling him that doing the right thing was worth it, no matter the cost. And during the Battle of Pride Rock, André was the one who held off a small army of Frollo’s soldiers sent to interfere with the proceedings. When Simba had taken his place as king (Mufasa, having awoken from his coma, would have resumed the throne but had been declared legally dead during his coma and was thus disqualified from holding office), he remembered his loyal swordsmen and made them honorary members of his Pride.
André now finds himself a man with many friends and a reputation for heroism once again. Yet his past continues to haunt him. He still has nightmares frequently and blames himself for the Reign of Terror, claiming that he could have brought about Tristan’s end but refused to do so. He longs for a quiet life and is frequently annoyed and upset when the more adventurous parts of his life conspire to invade. Yet his relationship with Chris is as strong as ever, and never has he refused his friend’s summons to help a mutual friend in need.
Which takes us to the present, to Swashbucklers if the Magic Kingdom: after Simba’s son Kopa’s birth certificate goes missing—without which Frollo can arrest Kopa for trespassing—it is up to Chris and André to protect him until Simba and Nala can find a way to protect their son and heir. Chris accepts the task immediatey, while André only reluctantly agrees. However, as the web of intrigue winds tighter around Simba and Nala, Kopa’s inquisitive nature may end up uncovering some long-buried details of the Reign of Terrorvthat may put everyone’s lives at risk…
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silverj0 · 2 years
Good news I’m 14% through one piece
Bad news I’m only on chapter 155
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parttimepunner · 25 days
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Pour one out for a real one.
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whiteshipnightjar · 4 months
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Zoozve, my beloved
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