#I've listened to this like ten times and just can't be normal about it my brain is scattered to the win
myreallovelymind · 22 hours
Diary - 2.5 hours edging with my new toy
I love edging on all fours. It does something to me. I would say it's my happy place. Somewhere I can switch off and just be in the moment. I widen my legs, arch my back and lean forward so I'm as exposed as I can be. It makes my pussy so happy.
The problem is... I get very wet. I'm pretty sure it's not typical wet. I've dripped all the way to the floor once down my leg standing up. My pussy just drips and leaks. It also only gets worse with denial! This means that any edging gets tricky. My clit gets really swollen and my vibrator slips everywhere. It makes the whole situation more frustrating but not in a hot way (to me). So, I bought myself one of those clit suction toys. My thought process was that it would latch onto my clit and won't move too much.
It arrived today. My mum asks me what's in my parcel. I panic and say books. She then starts telling me off about buying more books for ten minutes when I just want to put it on charge.
It was meant to be as I had the flat to myself for the afternoon. I asked Daddy for permission to edge. I try out my toy and it's weird. I can't figure it out. It hurts a little? After 10 minutes, I get the hang of where to put it and I start edging hard fast. But I breathe through the waves and I can feel myself goon. I'm on the edge but it's controlled and calm. I just feel like my body is melting onto the bed. I lift my hips up to reposition and that gave me a flashback of Daddy putting me in the same position after I had ruined on his cock.
I message him telling him I need to be fucked. Not any cock. I need Daddy to fuck me like he did a few weeks ago. I had asked Daddy this morning about using my dildo so I can fuck myself. But I told him I don't think I could handle both stimulations without ruining. I had been edging for an hour at this point.
An hour is usually when Daddy would tell me to stop. So I expected him to tell me to stop soon... Daddy instead told me to edge for as long as I can or until 4:30, whichever comes first. That was... 1.5 hours from now. I didn't give myself the option to stop before. He wanted to push me, I was going to obey him.
I just start gooning. I can't watch porn, I can't read porn, I can't even listen to porn. I just close my eyes, and edge. I don't remember much for 20 minutes until my toy died. I put it on charge, and go get my normal vibrator. I wipe my pussy down because it's soaked and go on my back, legs wide. My vibrator feels different and not as good. I watch some creampie compilations and edge harder until I can go back to my new favourite vibrator.
Daddy and I don't exchange that many messages in these couple of hours. He's in meetings and tells me he loves knowing I'm at home edging and suffering for him while he works. That starts to snap me out of gooning. He says he can see it on his watch when I beg? What? The image of him basically seeing his toy melt on his wrist just... kills me.
I start shifting from gooning pet to primal pet. I start thinking about... humping his leg... edging at his feet... being his service sub... My brain is blank. I just feel...
I feel my hard nipples rubbing against the mattress
I feel the cold breeze on my sticky thighs
I feel moans escape my mouth
I feel my breath quicken like I'm hyperventilating
I feel tears running down my face gently
I feel my moans starting to get louder into screams
I beg Daddy for more time as I have only a couple minutes. He says no. I stop at 4:30. My legs collapse and my body shakes. I curl into a ball to try and recentre myself.
I get up and give myself a little self-aftercare. I have tea, chocolate, and some strawberries as I'm writing this to process how I feel. I'm so grateful. Looking back now, another 10 minutes and I would have been too deep to get out without sub dropping.
I can't remember the last time I edge for that long. And I'm in love with my new toy!
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I...I can't be normal about this, I'm so sorry.
(Source - the lovely kimmlynnn)
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victoria-grimesss · 10 months
Price Headcanons ~SFW & NSFW~
masterlist ->Paring: Captain John Price x F!Reader ->Warning: fluff, romance, smut down below >:) ->A/N: MDNI! I've had some of these floating around my head and had to write them down.
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This man needs a vacation, he needs to sit on the beach and drink a little something with an umbrella vacation.
I imagine even if he went on vacation, he would be the "feel free to text me if anything comes up I'm just a flight away" kinda guy. Please someone make him relax.
He's a romantic guy for sure, will kiss you on the hand and bring you flowers without asking.
When you go out to eat he will open the car door, the restaurant door, and pull out the chair for you because the woman he loves will NOT be touching a door. He gives you a wink once he tucks your chair in.
When he's home, especially right after he gets back he loves nothing more than to sit side by side and read your books together, make him a good cup of tea and he's sending heart eyes your way.
His favorite way to sleep is with you right on top of him. Out on the job he sleeps with his gear on, so he's become accustomed to having a weight on his chest when he sleeps, he feels uneasy without it. But when you lay onto of him like that he's out like a light.
He gets nightmares frequently, if you're a light sleeper he apologizes for waking you up but you never complain and for that he cannot repay you. If you're a heavy sleeper and you don't wake up he'll calm his beating heart and find comfort in your scent and soft breaths. Sometimes he wants to talk about it sometimes he doesn't, it depends on the severity and if he wants to plague you with it. At times he just wants to lay with you in his arms, he's safe at home with you, his boys are safe at their homes, everything is okay.
He's built a steady routine over the years, part of that routine is waking up ten minutes before he's supposed to so he can admire you when you sleep and hold you close to his bare chest, he loves these mornings.
He trusts you with his life, and with that he'll let you trim up his beard, a barber botched it once and Gaz laughed at him, so he said you're the only other person allowed to do it now.
He definitely falls asleep when watching TV and when you try to change it he'll wake up and say he's watching it.
One time you washed his hat without telling him and he panicked like when you lose your wallet. You had to pre-soak his hat twice to get it semi-normal.
I imagine him as a good cook but a shit baker. He gets frustrated when he tried to follow a cake recipe for your birthday and can't find the recipe under the person's life story. He went to the store and bought one then wrote your name on it.
He loves it when he can show off how strong he is, sometimes you'll pretend you can't open a jar just so he can crack his knuckles and "show you how its done".
He's over the moon if you ask him to show you how to fish, even more elated if you offer it as a date idea.
He loves to sit at the counter and listen to you talk about your day. He's a sucker about your voice and could listen to you talk about literally anything.
He calls you on his way back to base and talks to you on the drive home, makes the drive go faster.
He starts ring shopping 2 months after you two started dating, he knew you were the one.
He almost threw up when he proposed, he was so fucking nervous but the night went perfectly.
Definitely carried you through the door of your shared place when you got married, he's old fashioned like that.
His dad jokes are out of this world awful, but you laugh at them even if it hurts, because you love him.
Loves to have the team over to watch sport matches, when you were house shopping he always referenced about having them over when the two of you would view the living room.
When the two of you are out he puts a hand on the small of you back to guide you through crowds.
His stamina is impressive, he's an older guy but he can go for rounds and those rounds are heavy and sweaty.
Alot of things you do turn him on, kiss him on the spot where his neck meets his head, touch his knee and move you hand slowly up, tell him how much you missed him, tell him he looks good in that shirt, wear that shirt, really anything you do turns the man on.
John Price loves to love you through and through this man is a giver.
He will kiss you from ankle all the way up, muttering about how good you looked today and how much he was thinking about getting you out of these clothes.
Not possessive but more protective. Your relationship is built on mutual respect for one another, although there is a trend between the times when you get a little more attention from other guys and when he absolutely fucks your brains out. He denies it the next morning.
He uses his voice to his advantage. He purrs in your ear hours before he undresses you, light light touches and honeyed words butter you up to the point you're begging for him to take your clothes off. "You need me this bad love? Desperate girl." He wears a devilish smile.
Certified pussy eating master and I stand by that. That man can go forever between your thighs, his eyes roll to the back of his head when he first licks you, you'll have to pry him away beard soaked with evidence of his skills.
Good with his hands too, he angles then just the right way to find your G-spot, all while saying the dirtiest things just so he can feel you clench around his fingers. "You like that, fuck look at you dripping down my hand."
He loves when you grip his arms when he drives himself into you, you leave nail marks and he gets off on it. That you're feeling so good from what he's doing to you that you have to hold on that tight.
Favorite positions would be missionary, cowgirl, or anything where he can look you in the eyes so he can see your reaction when he slides it in so agonizingly slow.
Loves it when you ride him, front facing so he can see you cum. He makes you wear his hat for sure. And when it dips too low in front of your eyes he'll stop all movement just to fix it. "There's my pretty girl." He grinds into you to start again.
You guys fucked in his car once and he loved it, couldn't do it again though. His back hurt too much the next day.
Guilty pleasure is hotel sex. The both of you get a nice big room at a fancy hotel, have sex in clean white sheets making a mess of the newly made bed, he fucks you in the bed, the shower, the desk, over the dresser, and against the wall, afterwards you two order all you can eat room service.
He loves getting blowjobs when he smokes, something about the combination of the two make his head dizzy in a wonderful way.
Heavy on safe-words and making sure you feel the best you can when you two have sex, always checking in on you but in the most seductive ways as to not lose the mood.
Price loves to praise you, before during and after he's telling you how good you're doing and how beautiful you look taking him so well.
Most of the time he asks you where he should cum, he just likes hearing you say it, it gets him off harder.
Aftercare!! John is big on it, he'll take you to the bathroom and you'll have a bath together or shower, he'll give you extra time when he leaves so he can change the bedding and put on a sweet movie.
If your muscles ache he'll take a body oil or lotion and gets those knots out with those expert hands, he prefers it when you're naked for these massage sessions, easier to get all your sore spots he says.
More than half the time this result in another session and neither of you are complaining.
peepaw for the win!!!
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anarcho-skamunist · 8 months
Generally speaking while I would personally tack on at least an extra five or so decades to the typical human lifespan had I gotten a say in it, mortality is generally something I'm cool with. That said, the one thing that does make me upset that I'm gonna die someday is that I can't play every video game that has ever been made. All the other more important stuff is kind of like. meh that's normal I've had my whole life to process and accept that things are finite and there is a certain beauty in allowing things to end but for this one thing it's like okay if I don't enjoy a game my time is better spent just doing something else. there are tens of thousands of dog shit games that I will simply have to go "no it is best if i don't touch this it is a waste of my limited earth time". How am I supposed to become an expert on this artistic medium that I care about if I'm only experiencing the good ones that I like?
Anyways if I was a immortal vampire the inside of my spooky gothic castle walls would be lined with shelves filled with games called stuff like "Shitto Quest" for the commodore 64 and I would have a billion things to say about each one at my giant fifty foot dining room table dinners I have with my victims (happens after the orgies and before the blood sucking). And it would kind of suck for anyone who wasn't into that sort of thing but my vampire cleavage would be out and i would be so hot they would listen anyway and I wouldn't even have to use hypnosis.
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hanniluvi · 10 months
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“ I’ll do better, if you stay with me like this. ”
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ where jay keeps a journal where he documents all the reasons he hates you, his rival. despite claiming he will forever hate you, keeping this journal only makes him realize his feelings for you.
PAIRING rival!jay x gn!reader
GENRE angst, fluff — WARNINGS jealousy ; overthinking !
WORD COUNT 1.7K+ (1730)
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ soph strikes again!! angst cb, did we cheer?? anyways i was in the feels okay 😢 listening to music while writing really unlocks something in ur brain im telling you…idk what really went thru my mind when making this but enjoy 😊🫶
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Is it normal to have a journal dedicated to someone you hate? Whatever, I just need to get this off my chest. Whenever you’re involved, it’s like I could have nothing I want. It’s stupid, but I don’t care, it just pisses me off when you easily follow instructions, perfect things on your first try, and get all the awards I wish to have. I admit, jealousy consumes me. It's frustrating how effortlessly you seem to achieve anything you want without even trying. Seeing your achievements plastered all over the school only intensifies my anger, making me wish I could tear your posters into shreds. I've never despised second place more than now. Why can't I find contentment with my own scores or position, just like you? How can I remove you from my life and find peace within myself?
How is it possible for someone to remain so happy throughout the entire day? I can't help but wonder if you possess some magical influence over my friends, as they seem to shower you with compliments non-stop. It's weird to hear nothing but praise for you while I find myself complaining about various things. It's almost as if nobody comprehends why I harbor such animosity towards you, and this frustrates me immensely. Every time I express my emotions, they tell me to laugh and smile more, as if I don't already do it enough. But then, when I contemplate your cheerful and positive demeanor, it becomes clear why they encourage it. You're like the epitome of a model student everyone aspires to be, while I remain the perpetually angry and stubborn person. No wonder everyone wants to spend time with you, and perhaps that's one thing I can agree with others on.
It's almost like a curse that we share the same interests. It's the reason I keep encountering you everywhere. Whatever I do, you seem to be there, expressing your fondness for the same things with your friends. It's frustrating, and I can't help but roll my eyes at the thought of encountering you even more. Even listening to music has become a challenge, as I know you like the same artists. I purposely skip their songs because they only remind me of you, and I hate being consumed by thoughts of you. I yearn to stop learning more about you so that I can enjoy the things I like in peace, without these constant reminders of you.
Maybe because of how perfect you seem to be in other’s eyes, I wonder how I look in other people’s eyes too. Am I that awful to hang out with? Am I always seen as this angry person who hates everyone? I’m not that, I know that–my friends do as well. But others? I’m not so sure about that. What confuses me even more is why you persist in wanting to spend time with me despite any perceived flaws or stubbornness on my part. You could easily choose to be with other people who might seem better to converse with. Yet, you continue to stick around, refusing to give up on our “friendship”. And because of this, I can see how others might form a negative opinion about me. My constant push to keep you away could be misunderstood, leading people to believe I'm simply a horrible person.
I'm not sure if you have romantic feelings for me, but I can tell that you consider me a friend. It's interesting because I hadn't thought of you in that way before, but it doesn't seem to bother you. Today, you stood up for me, and it felt really heartening. Normally, I might have felt angry or vulnerable when someone defends me, but this time it was different. I don’t know, it just did feel really nice. Your quick response in telling those people to stop was captivating, even though I didn't express my gratitude at the moment. Lately, I've been struggling with the loud voices in my head, and sometimes I wonder if you could help quiet them too. But now, I'm not sure what I'm trying to convey. You confuse me a lot.
The other day, I saw you in tears because someone had broken your heart. I must admit, I was taken aback because I had never seen you sad or upset before. It was quite a contrast to the cheerful version of yourself that I'm familiar with. What happened to you that everyone sees all the time? I hope you had someone to tell you your problems too, as it’s not easy for someone who is your rival to be comforting you. I didn’t, so I hope you went home that night filled with less worries because you have someone to talk with.
What surprised me even more was that the very next day, you gave the person who hurt you a second chance. I can't help but wonder why you keep allowing people to hurt you when it's likely they'll repeat the same behavior, ultimately affecting your radiant smile. Stop going back to the people that hurt you once, it’s only going to be a cycle. I wish I could share these thoughts with you, but I hesitate because I doubt you'd take them to heart coming from someone like me. However, I can't help caring despite my own imperfections. It's puzzling to me as well, as you make me feel oddly connected to your feelings.
I never imagined how much I could despise seeing someone cry until the moment I witnessed your tears. Ever since that day, I always thought about it, so how could I let it slip out of my mind this time? I’m sorry for yelling at you today. I’m sorry for saying I hate you. I didn’t mean it, I was just extremely frustrated today, and not at you. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I know how saying this won’t do anything, but I truly mean it. I wish I could rewind time once I saw water fill up in your eyes, but what’s done is done. You made me realize something crucial—that I've always seen you as a rival, whereas you only wanted to be friends with me. I allowed my competitive nature to ruin our chances of a meaningful connection. I fear now that you might avoid me, and I understand if you do. I worry that I might continue to hurt you, just like the people you often encounter, who don't treat you with the kindness you deserve. You deserve better than that, and I'm sorry for contributing to your pain.
I never imagined we'd get another chance after what happened. I tried avoiding you, genuinely attempting to keep my distance. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't resist reaching out to talk to you again. It's almost as if we both sensed the need to address the situation, leading us to have that important conversation. I still don’t know why you gave me another chance. Did I not say hurtful things to you? How easily are you able to put that behind? Your ability to forgive and move past it leaves me in awe.
It's making me reflect on my own flaws, especially how I tend to hold grudges and struggle to let go of negative feelings. I can't quite comprehend how you do it, but you make me think about you more than ever before. Every word I speak now feels like it needs to be carefully considered, thanks to your presence in my thoughts. Your gesture of offering another chance touched me deeply and brought a smile to my face. I can't help but wonder what you've done to influence me in this way. I think you really did something to me.
We've connected much faster than I anticipated, even surprising my friends. I'm left wondering what you've done to me. You've become an all-encompassing thought – your smile, your laughter, your sense of humor – everything about you fills my mind. At times, I ponder whether I ever cross your thoughts too. Could this be love? My friends have mentioned it, and I can't find a way to refute them. I'm fond of you, immensely so. Isn't that a crazy twist?
It's a strange journey we're on. I started this journal to document the reasons I disliked you, but look at where it's led us. Is it too soon to be feeling this way? The idea of revealing my feelings is terrifying, yet I'm unsure if I'll ever have another opportunity. Please bear with me, allow me to find the right moment. Perhaps soon, hopefully, you'll be in my arms. I realize how absurd all this sounds – what am I even saying?
You won. You won my heart effortlessly, but I didn't win yours in return. I'm burdened with regret for how I've treated you. My ignorance and neglect weigh heavily on me now. It's painfully clear that he's all you've ever been able to think about. Why did I delude myself into thinking I could make a difference? If only I had treated you with the kindness you deserved from the start. Could that have made you love me instead? These thoughts haunt me.
I've grown aware of my own attachment, and I'm sorry for allowing it to consume me. I apologize for the disruption I've caused in your recent weeks. I can't bring myself to be genuinely happy for you and him, though he does seem like a better man than I could ever be. It's evident that I need to move on for your sake, to make things easier for you. Yet, there's a part of me that wishes I could still claim you as mine. That longing will always remain unchanged.
I doubt you'll ever stumble upon this journal entry, not that I would ever permit anyone to. But regardless, I want you to know that I do love you. It's a truth that's etched deeply within me, even though it pains me to admit it.
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💭 — fun fact this was supposed to have a happy ending until i pulled out spotify n listened to lyn lapid…yeah.
ENHA PERM TAGLIST (🎥) — @flwoie @ixomiyu @yenavrse @shinsou-rii @bearseulgs @ilovewonyo @yenqa @dimplewonie @bubblytaetae @wtfhyuck @ineedaherosavemeenow @starcubes @starikizs @wonioml @chirokookie @xiaoderrrr @neozon3nha @en-chantedtomeetyou @millksea @enhaz1 @eundiarys @woon2u @ja4hyvn @judeduartewannabe @j-wyoung @thia-aep @vampcharxter @softpia @officiallyjaehyuns @itsactuallylina @hsheart @sweetjaemss @ahnneyong @hanienie @jwnghyuns @kpoplover718 @jiawji @rikizm @haknom @yeokii @wvnkoi @whoschr @teddywonss @shinunoga-iie-wa @flwrshee @skzenhalove @misokei @s00buwu @ox1-lovesick @miercerise @litttlestars @enhapocketz
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cairavende · 4 months
My wonderful girlfriend got me Gideon the Ninth for Christmas and I realized why should I just give Worm recaps? Let's read some Locked Tomb! (We'll see how this format works, maybe I'll adjust it. Specifically might break stuff down into smaller segments instead of full acts, but I didn't think of doing this until after I had read all of act 1.)
Gideon the Ninth Act 1 (chapter 1 through 8) thoughts:
This book is so gay oh my god
Like, it's gay in ways I can't even explain. I love it.
Harrow beats the shit out of Gideon in chapter 2 and I don't know if I've ever seen someone get beat up in a more gay way.
"Oh Griddle! But I don't even remember about you most of the time." ROLL A FUCKING DECEPTION CHECK HARROW! You are saying this standing in the middle of the field you spent all night burying bones in just to foil her escape in the most dramatic way. You can't stop remembering her.
Gideon is the most herbo of herbos. I fucking love her. I love reading her PoV. She just knows punch and stab with sword and if those don't work than she'll just do them harder.
Also Gideon is SO fucking gay. Dear god. Dulcinea faints and Gideon turns off all though. HELP PRETTY GIRL. Nothing else.
Ok I could just make this whole thing "EVERYTHING IS GAY" but there is technically more than that.
I love how weird everything is and how little explanation is given. I don't want pages of exposition, I want to learn the world as it comes at me! This is perfect.
And just the very nature of things that seem weird not being given more than a passing thought in the book is information. Something may seem wild to the reader but it's so normalized to the characters that they wouldn't even think about the idea of it being different.
Lack of explanation also helps really show how much of a meathead Gideon is. Do the readers get to learn details about this thing? Only if it is a weapon, has tits, or Gideon is forced to listen while Harrow explains it. Otherwise no, why the fuck would Gideon spend her precious few brain cells on thinking?
And even if Gideon is forced to listen as Harrow explains it, the readers might not learn much cause Gideon might stop listening. I love her.
Aiglamene is wonderful. Crux is fine but I like her more.
Poor Gideon just wants a big sword that she can swing hard. It's not like she can't use a rapier. But why when she can go big sword?
As someone who once was Catholic and then realized I was actually not a straight man, but instead a lesbian, I am in deep.
And the fucking slang used! Or whatever would be the right term. The shit they say! I love it. Just the weird sci-fi far future space necromancer universe and then suddenly "Are you asking me to . . . throw her a bone?", "Gideon had always known that this would be how she went: gangbanged to death by skeletons.", "Don’t hypothetically shove stuff up my butt again, it never does any good.", "Lo! A destructed ass.", "Well we were developing common sense, she studied the blade.", "Double Bones with Doctor Skelebone."
House of the First appears to be Earth. I kinda assume the House of the Ninth is Pluto, even though things obviously aren't in order given that the Seventh and Sixth are closer to the sun. Of course, I'm kinda expecting this to not technically be this solar system at all.
Undying Emperor, King of Resurrection, I Have Ten-Thousand Titles, Boss First, etc etc hasn't been on "Earth" in over nine thousand years. I wanna know MORE.
And the fucking Ninth House has their own prayer! Everyone else has one that the Ninth didn't know and then the Ninth had one that no one else knows! GIMME MORE!!!!
Also again, so many Catholicism metaphors or comparisons or whatever!
I could go on forever but gonna end this one with OH MY GOD SHE FOUND SUNGLASSES I LOVE HER. Fucking "I came prepared, my sweet." and "But then you couldn't have admired . . . these!" as she whips on the sunglasses. God. I nearly died.
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mncxbe · 1 month
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈•゚。𝒂/𝒏: i've been listening to espresso on repeat these days and it's so denji coded i just had to write this.
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𝑭𝒂𝒏𝒃𝒐𝒚!𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒊 who has a massive crush on you, his favourite singer. he learns all your songs and choreographies, the tv in his room stuck on a music programme just in case your music videos are played so he can watch you.
𝑭𝒂𝒏𝒃𝒐𝒚!𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒊 who keeps up with the latest news about you– the trips you take and fan meetings you host, the dramas you're involved in and knows the dates of your upcoming concerts by heart. he knows he could never afford going to one, but he still memorizes them
𝑭𝒂𝒏𝒃𝒐𝒚!𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒊 who thinks about you day and night. he's completely smitten with you, dreaming about meeting you one day and asking for your autograph. you'd give it to him, right? of course you would, you were the sweetest girl ever
𝑭𝒂𝒏𝒃𝒐𝒚!𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒊 whose heart skips a beat when he spots you inside a café, prettily seated at a table as you scroll on your phone and sip from your cup. he rushes inside the coffee shop, brimming with anticipation as he comes up to your table. he doesn't spare you the generic "god i can't believe it's you. i'm like your biggest fan" talk before asking for an autograph
you've been through this before a thousand times, it's a given when you're a popular idol. still, there's something about this guy that's just adorable. he's so flustered, stumbling over his words and toying with the end of his black tie. you ask him for something to write on and he checks his pockets, his pretty face dropping when he realizes he doesn't have any paper on him. so you simply sign your autograph on a napkin you find on the table.
𝑭𝒂𝒏𝒃𝒐𝒚!𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒊, who's quite literally about to faint when you pass him the folded napkin with a wide smile on your face. his fingers brush against yours in the process, his heart beating ten times faster. half afraid he's going to make a fool of himself if he stays any longer, he mutters a thank you and bows, rushing out of the café. once outside, he eventually regains his composure and unfolds the napkin, his eyes shooting open when he sees you didn't only give him your autograph, but also your number. was he actually real? nah, he must be dreaming, right?
𝑭𝒂𝒏𝒃𝒐𝒚!𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒊 who waits a few hours before texting you. he doesn't want to seem too desperate (though he is). he waits all day by his phone, checking it every five minutes just in case he missed the notification sound. when you text him back he's thrilled, grinning from ear to ear like a lovesick idiot
thought you gave me a false number for a second haha
aww, you can't possibly think i'm that cruel
course not, you're so nice, really. can we meet one day? i mean, i'd like it if you're down for it. i don't mean to intrude though
well, i didn't give you my number for nothing. are you free tomorrow?♡
𝑭𝒂𝒏𝒃𝒐𝒚!𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒊, who actually thinks he's dreaming. he's getting a date with his favourite idol, it feel so surreal. still, he makes sure to put on the nicest clothes on to impress you and ends up arriving at your meeting spot half an hour earlier.
𝑭𝒂𝒏𝒃𝒐𝒚!𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒊 who somehow manages to fall head over heels for you after just one date. you were even nicer in person, so caring and sweet and attentive– surprisingly normal in the best was possible. he knows he's a bit awkward, gushing over how much he loves your music and how lucky he is to be able to meet you irl but you don't mind it. if anything, you find his behaviour adorable.
by the end of the date you have him wrapped around your finger. he walks you home, his hand loosely holding yours, thumb caressing the back of your hand. denji hopes you didn't notice how sweaty his palm is, how nervous he is. god, you were driving him crazy
𝑭𝒂𝒏𝒃𝒐𝒚!𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒊 who swallows the lump in his throat, shyly looking down at his shoes when you ask him for a goodbye kiss once you get in from of your apartment building. for a moment he thinks you're joking, but it soon becomes apparent that you're dead serious. hesitantly wrapping an arm around your lower back, he presses his lips against yours.
you taste like strawberry chapstick and he loves it, eagerly deepening the kiss, his hands gripping your waist in a desperate attempt to keep himself in check. but you can feel his growing bulge pressing against your navel when he pulls you closer.
he's a blushing mess after you break the kiss and wish him goodnight, thanking him for the date before you disappear inside your apartment complex.
hey there pretty boy. did you get home?
yea, all safe and sound
good, good. thanks again for today. i had such a great time. can't wait to see you again♡♡
totally, me too. just let me know when you're free
𝑭𝒂𝒏𝒃𝒐𝒚!𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒊 who's promoted to boyfriend level after a few more dates. he truly can't believe his luck, it feels like all his dreams came true– he accompanies you to all your events, meeting your friends on weekends and going on city get-aways to places he never dreamt of visiting. all that aside, he loves you so much. just being around you makes him feel like the happiest man alive.
he's never had a relationship before so it was all so new to him. he wasn't used to being so loved either so now that he was finally getting the affection he always craved, he was starting to feel that normality he's always wished for. in just a matter of months, he had the life of his dreams. and he shared it with the girl of his dreams.
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xetswan · 4 months
The Switch of Daylight- Steam
(Alice x Reader x Jasper)
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Nine | Ten | Elven
I sat with Mike, Angela, Jessica and Eric like usual. Listening to them rant about the illness going around.
I then look up to see Bella carrying her tray of food to her normal table but then looks at us. I smile, encouraging her to do it. She takes a deep breath and joins us. I watch as the others take note but continue talking.
"I'll kill Tyler if he gave me his flu." Jessica threatens. "It's going around. My sister was so sick she couldn't come on our hike this weekend... so she didn't see it." Angela frowns, they were talking about a large animal. "Ang, maybe you should keep that to yourself." He whispers to her.
"We saw something Eric." Angela argues with him. "I believe you." He assures her. "No he doesn't. He's just trying to get lucky." Jessica calls him out.
"Is that an option?" Eric asks in a hopeful tone. "It was jet black and huge; on all fours it was still taller than a person. A bear maybe." She explains what it is and I stiffen up.
That's definitely one of the Quileute boys...
"Or Big Foot." Jessica interjects. "Or an alien. Lucky you didn't get probed." Mike jokes. "We saw it." Angela whispers and my face softens, I believe her but I can't be the one to speak up. "You're not the only one." Bella says, everyone then stares at her, shocked that she actually spoke up. "My dad's been getting reports at the sheriff's station. A couple hikers went missing. People are scared." She explains, everyone's now sitting a little straighter due to what she said. "I did hear some guy talking about it at the store." Mike admits. "Last time you clowns doubt my girlfriend." Eric puts his arm around Angela, now they all continue to another conversation.
Angela moths a thanks to Bella. Sharing a smile before they both join in. Bella rejoining the group again.
"You look scared." Jacob tells Bella, I stand there with my arms crossed. "I'm not." She's lying, she's now on one of their completed motorcycles, Jacob stands next to her, holding the bike up.
Now on the La Push forest clearing, a dirt road, Jacob runs through the instructions. "Brake?" She taps it. "Clutch?" She squeezes it. "Right. Gas?" She then grips it, he smiles up at her. "You ready?" She nods, he then grins, kick starting the bike. "Slowly release the clutch."
She does as told, the bike moves forward an inch. Jacob nervously steps back and she moves another inch forward. I notice her turning to find something. Her hand slipping off the clutch and the bike bucks and falls on top of her. Jacob and I quickly lift it off of her. "You okay? Bruises, breaks?" He questions her and I stare down at her. "I'm going again."  She tells us. "I'm not sure that's a good-" She's already up and hopping back on the bike. "Guess we're going again. Now what are you going to do with the clutch?" He asks her.
"Release it. Slowly." He nods, kick-starting the bike again. She releases the clutch and moves forward. Slowly at first.
Now she keeps going, a tiny bit faster. I notice as she is looking around and then the curve up ahead gets closer to her. "I don't- How do I turn!?" She yells to us. I drop my arms and I want to run to her but it would give myself away to Jacob. "Bank it! Bank- hit the brake!" He shouts. "Hit the break, Bella!" I scream. Both of us running to her. I try to match my pace with his, She reaches the turn, not banking and goes straight.
Flying right into a wall of trees. As she lies on the ground dazed, we hurry to her. "What are you training for the X-games?" He questions her. My nostril flares as I can already smell her blood. "I want to go again." She says. "Forget it. I'm revoking your motorcycle privileges. Man, look at your head." He tells her, I back away from the sight. Holding my nose. Normally blood doesn't affect me, but it's been a while since I've been hunting.
"God, I'm sorry." Bella shrinks as Jacob pulls his shirt off to wipe the blood. "You're apologizing for bleeding?" He questions her. "It uh bothers name." She points to me as I then pretend to gag at the sight.
Knowing it's really just making my mouth water like feigning animal. "[Name] you alright?" He asks me and I just put my thumb up. "I uh, I'm gonna go over there." I look away from them , hurrying away.
I go into the woods, far away from them. I can hear them talking but I know that they won't be able to hear me.
Shit, why haven't I gone hunting in so long. I feel the pain of smelling her blood. My nose stinging as my mouth waters tensely. I cover my mouth to muffle the sound of my groans.
I then see a deer walking, my body starting to shake as I try to control myself. I squeeze my eyes. Looking back to the entry of the forest. They can't see me. I'm going to have to not be messy with this. I then surprise attack the deer.
Wiping the blood off of my face, I cover the deer with leaves, cleaning myself off as well.
"[Name]!?" Jacob calls after me. I curse mentally. Checking myself one more time and I walk over to him.
"I'm right here." I laugh. "Sorry, blood really freaks me out. I had to throw up." I lie to him, walking up to him. His facial expression shows confusion. "You never had that problem when we were kids. You were the one who practically played doctor when one of us got hurt." He remembers and I bite my bottom lip thinking of what to say.
"Yeah, then in Arizona a kid broke his leg, bone out and all. I've gotten sick at the sight of blood ever since." I pick up a quick lie, he seems suspicious but shrugs it off, both of us leaving the area.
Charlie and I are watching a game, well more Charlie than I am. I'm more focused on Bella doing homework, she's on edge. Jacob hasn't respond to texts or calls after they went out to the movies together with Mike. She wanted me to go too since it was going to be awkward for her, knowing both boys like her. I refused though, not wanting to be caught up in that mess. She told me Jake wasn't feeling good at the end of the night, feeling extremely warm.
She's been trying to call him, she had the flu too so she wanted to make sure he's alright too.
As the next few days passed I heard her try to call him over and over again. Now we're in the kitchen, she left yet another message. Charlie comes into the room.
"Harry and I will be back by three." His sentence stops when he sees her, putting a hand on her shoulder. "It's mono, Bells." He softly reminds her. "He's too sick to even call?" She exclaims. "You just gotta wait it out. You know, I don't have to go fishing..." He says, even though he desperately wants to go. "No, go. I have [Name]. I'll just call Jessica or something." She forces a smile. "Good but you two stay here or at Jess's. No hikes or anything. We're issuing a warning about those bears." Charlie sternly tells us.
But of course Bella and I don't listen, After we watched Charlie and Harry leave we went to the woods. Bella tries to navigate her way to the meadow with a map and a compass. "You know I could just get the top of a tree and probably find it easily right?" I remind her, she just hums in response. I just let out a sigh, continuing to follow behind her. I know it's a wolf that everyone's seeing but I want Bella to feel a little safer so I can along.
After a while I see Bella notice the clearing ahead, hurrying towards it. Once she goes into the opening she seems hopeful. Like something... someone will be there waiting for her. She told me about the sun that would be out but instead it's cold, gloomy and cloudy. Bella sinks to her knees, I frown at the sight.
Before she can even cry, we hear a rustling noise. We turn towards it, I move my body to cover hers. Another noise coming from a different area of the woods. Then we turn to another noise and Laurent is a few yards away. My body stays in front of Bella.
"Laurent?" She questions.
"Bella. [Name]." He acknowledges my existence as well. "I must admit, I didn't expect to find you two here." He admits to us. "We live here. But you- I thought you were in Alaska with Carlisle's friend." She brings up.
"Tanya, I was. It was kind of him to arrange, given my association with James and Victoria. The enemy." He smiles to himself. "You tried to help us." Bella disagrees with the last part. Laurent begins to stroll in a slow arc around us. Bella grips onto the sleeve of my jacket. Every movement he makes I follow. "I went to visit the Cullen, but their house is empty. I'm surprised they left you two behind. As you were some sort of pet and you... you turned." He grins. "Congratulations." I roll my eyes in response. I begin to feel Bella's fear. "Um... something like that." She tells him.
"Do the Cullen visit often." He looks between the both of us. "Absolutely. All the time." Bella lies. Good call. "I'll tell them you stopped by." She's trying to soothe her body. I begin to focus on my energy while also on him. Any step closer and I'll tear his head off. "Will they be able to reach you in Alaska?" She questions.
"I don't think so. Tanya's vegetarian family was pleasant enough. But the dietary restrictions were difficult- living on nothing but animals." He then looks at me, smirking.
"Something you've been finding difficult lately, hm?" He whispers, only audible to me. I give him a look. I haven't tried human at all. What is he talking about?
"Tell me Bella. Do you ever fell compelled to cheat?" She tries to step back while also holding me but I keep my stance. "But that's not why I left. I came back here as a favor to Victoria." She
"You're still friends."
"More or less. She asked me to get the lay of the land with the Cullen. Because, well... I'm afraid Victoria is quite put out with you." He informs her. "That's too back." She responds. My eyes glare him down, he's not focused on me. He doesn't know my ability. "Yes. She feels it's only fair to kill Edward's mate, given he killed hers. Eye for an eye, mate for mate." He tells her, Bella's heart quickens each word he speaks.
"Edward will know who did it. He'll come after both of you." She knows to not bring up my ability. "I don't think he will. After all, how much could you mean to him if he left you here unprotected?" He then glances at me again, he thinks I'm not a threat. "Victoria sent me here for information. She won't be happy about my killing you." He hums. "No, Laurent..."
"No, no, no. Don't be upset. I'm doing you a kindness. Victoria plans on killing you both slowly. Painfully, whereas I'll make it very quick." I'm apart of it now too?
"And you smell so mouth watering." Laurent inhales my sisters scent which grosses me out. He then shoves me out of the way, taking Bella into his arms.
I hear her whisper something. I stand up, then look over to see a black wolf. It's Sam. He skulks out of the darkness of the woods. Letting out a disturbingly deep growl, his sharp teeth gleaming. I smile at the sight of the others coming out. I go over to Sam. Laurent goes to bolt across the meadow. I use my ability to slow him down, weaken him.
"What is-" He stares back at me, noticing it's my doing. The wolves then spring out, seemingly towards Bella but then leap above her. It's impossible for Laurent to fight back as my ability weakened him into an almost human state.
"Run, Bella." I push her towards the way we came in. "What about you?" She panics. "They're good. It's okay." I tell her. She then runs like she was told.
Once she's out of sight I run to the mess they've made of Laurent. His limbs all over the place. Sam and who I think is Jacob come up to me. I smile.
"Good timing." I pet who I think is Jacob. "I'm sorry you turned." I sadly look at him. He whines a bit, backing away from my hand. Sam makes a low grumbling noise.
"I'll make the fire and then meet you guys at the rez." I tell the five wolves. Sam huffs. Paul comes up, purposely bumping into me, whipping me with his tail. "Hey, get going now." I order them.
Sam does a quiet howl, they make their way away from the scene and I pick up Laurents limbs, putting them in a pile.
After putting out the fire I rush back to my house. Charlie is already angrily storming out the door. "I'm going to the station, you want to come?" He asks. "No thanks, I'm gonna go to the Rez." I tell him, he comes over and gives me a quick side hug and kiss on the forehead before getting in his car. Bella comes out.
"Can you come with me to get Jacob?" She asks, storming towards her truck. "Uh-" "I'm going either way." She opens the truck door. I let out a groan, she's already taking off so I look around and then jump onto the back of the truck bed. She looks in the back and I irritably wave, she tries to hide her smile as she continues to drive. I stay sat in the back.
Feeling rain droplets start to fall on me. Lifting my hands I feel the rain. Then notice my hands steam, I begin to panic. Going to yell to Bella but then it stops and I close my mouth. What is happening? I feel my chest begin to pound and the steam emits once again off my body.
Stop stop stop stop.
Bella's truck goes to a halt and I stand up from the truck bed. The steam stops again. The rain only getting harsher.
Bella and I head to the door, she knocks. No one answers. Then a second time and finally Billy is at the door. "Hi, Billy. I know Jacob's sick but-" "He's out with friends." He cuts her off. She seems taken aback. "Oh." "I'll let him know you came by." He begins to close the door but Bella stops him. "Wait- he's got mono, right? That's what you told my dad." She interrogates him. "You should go home, Bella." Then he finally closes the door.
Bella storms down the stairs, getting into her truck and slamming the door behind her, obviously pissed. She begins to start the truck but then stops, tossing the keys aside. I slowly walk down myself, instead of going towards the truck I go to where I can hear five boys rough housing in the woods.
I speed off to where I hear them, peeking out from a tree as they don't even notice me.
"You know for wolves. It was pretty easy for me to sneak up on you." I fold my arms in front of my chest, they all jolt, getting into an attack position but once they realize it's me they calm down.
"Jake you're hurting my sister." I point a finger in his face. "I don't have a-" "Ah," I cut him off. "I didn't ask for excuses. We all have choices." I then look over to Sam who doesn't look me in the eye. "He really doesn't have a choice." Paul speaks up and I laugh. "He does, everyone does. You guys just choose the dumb ones!" I throw my hands up in the air.
"Well here's a choice you have, you're a bloodsucker who has the choice to be something better." Jacob throws in my face and my eyes widen. "Excuse me?" I step closer to him, Sam places a hand on his chest, pushing him back. "Jacob that's not-" "You told him!?" I glare at Sam.
"I can't control it, wolves read each others minds. I don't get to hide anything." Sam defends himself, I close my eyes tightly, now angered. "Jacob apologize to my sister or so help me." I spit in his face, shoving him against a tree before I walk away. I hear Sam jog after me, the boys looking after Jacob.
"[Name], I swear I didn't mean for anyone to know." He tells me and I just ignore him. "[Name], I'm sorry." He's practically pleading and a part of me wanted to stop to listen to him. That child in me who had the biggest crush on Sam Uley wanted to stop. But the other part, the person I am today, refuses to even look him in the eye after the betrayal he committed for his own selfish reasons.
I then see Jacob at Bella's truck, her climbing out. "You cut your hair." She announces. "Go away." Jacob turns away and bite the inside of my mouth. She grabs onto his arm. "What happened to you?" She asks him and he turns back as the others wait for him, out of earshot.
"I can help." She lowers her voice. His face is stern, shaking his head. "Sam got to you. What did he do?" Bella questions, obviously concerned for her friend. "Sam's trying to help me, don't blame him." He retracts. "Then who?"
"How about those filthy, reeking bloodsuckers you love? The Cullens... your sister." He says, he obviously didn't realize I was there, if my heart was working it would be broken by the fact that he just said that. "I... don't know what you're-" "You know exactly what I'm talking about." His body was shaking with anger.
"The Cullens are long gone. How are they to blame? And [Name] is still her how could you say that..." Her face falls. "They started all this by existing. Goddamn leeches-" "Jacob." Sam gives him and look and Jacob takes a breath, then he finally notices I'm there, rolling his eyes before going back to talking to Bella.
"I can't be friends with you anymore." He tells her. "Jake, I know I hurt you, I should have been more up-front but I needed you, I still do. I don't know what that means yet, but if you give me time-" "Stop. Don't it's not you." His humanity is still there, Sam is making him do this.
"It's not you it's me? God." Bella shakes her head. "It's true. I'm not good." He tries to find the right words. "You're wrong-" "It's doesn't matter. This is over." He tells her.
'"I can't take losing my best friend too." Bella's voice breaks.
"You already have-" "don't say that- you promised!" She tries to remind him, it was an effortless fight though.
"Go home, Bella. Don't come back." He runs away, joining the group to leave Bella standing in the rain.
I helped Bella into her truck and it felt like that day all over again. Only this time I was filled with a rage I've never felt before.
And when we got home I knew there was something wrong with me as Bella said the only words I never wanted to hear again. "[Name], you're really hot. Like burning." She mutters to me, backing away from my body. "I think you're hallucinating." I wave it off, lying to her is my best option right now. Charlie comes out and helps her inside. I sit in the truck, nervous about the steam with the rain again, it would prove that I'm heating up instead of being cold.
I can't turn. I can't.
I curl up in the truck seat, wanting to cry.
A&J M.L.
I guess I’m posting a lot right now. lol might post another tonight🧍🤷‍♀️ What are your theories for future chapters🤪🤭
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boyfhee · 2 years
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G. fluff, humour, established relationship
W. none WC. 0.7k
N. this is just a random idea i had while having lunch gn
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very subtle about it, actually; or tries to be. he knows how wild things will get if media got a whiff of your relationship so he pretends to be just another idol who admires you for your hardwork and talent. however, catch him trying to seize every opportunity to be with you off camera. like, at the backstage, he's barely leaving your side and honestly, a bunch of idols artists already know about your relationship. smiles at you whenever he's on camera and looks at you with such loveable eyes, it's a fandom joke now : 'find yourself someone who looks at you the way heeseung looks at yn' yeah, it's only a matter of time before it won't be a joke anymore
JAY — !
probably the one who's very professional about it. he knows how to separate his work and private life, and is actually quite good at it, but he can't stop looking at you. you'd be in middle of a music bank interwiew and his eyes would be on you; like, someone would have to remind him to stop looking at you and face the camera instead. is your biggest fan and posts about you the way he posts about seventeen. you drop one new mv and he's on weverse, telling everyone to check out your new song because it's so good ( remeber he's trying to act normal about it ) you both get in so many dating scandals and he just hopes that both of your labels would stop denying it someday</3
JAKE — !
stays ten feet away from you on camera. he was told to keep things low since both of you are at the beginning of your career and my guy understood the assignment. you wouldn't spot him near you on camera, no jakeyn selca, fans are suffering. however, he makes up for it by sending gifts. if you won an award, he'll send flowers. they're from jake but they're tagged as 'from enhypen' because ,,, secrecy. never leaves a chance to praise you like, if someone asks about his favourite artist, your name is the first to roll off his lips; and then he'll go own about how your whole discography deserves Grammy tbh. jungwon has to remind him to stop before their cover blows away
it varies to be honest. there are days when you subtly brush your hand against his on camera and he goes 'eek!' as if he has never experienced human touch before. other days, he flirts with you on camera during interviews and wonyoung is literally found third-wheeling. your relationship isn't really a secret. there are dating speculations, company doesn't deny or conforms it, and fans are having a blast. likes to see your reaction when he deliberately gets close to you in public so expect him to tease you a lot. randomly posts his selfies with you on enhypen's twitter account and goes 'someone asked for ynhoon selca' like stfu hoon, no one asked
he's someone who's very real about it. sunoo admires you as an artist, a person, and someone he loves, and he isn't afraid to show it to everyone rightfully. everyone knows he's a big fan of your music so find him talking about you on all the shows he attends and every live he does. 'i've been listening to yn's music a lot these days' this line, all 365 days of the year. remembers the choreo and does tiktoks with you, hangs out with you in public occasionally, posts pictures at times, might as well vote for you, honestly; and the best part of this is that it doesn't seem like you both are dating. it's more like a healthy friendship in the idol community that everyone adores, so you both get to spend a lot of time together without caring much about scandals and all
being a leader has many responsibilities and dealing with you is one of those. he's trying so hard to hide your relationship from dispatch and you're here, doing the exact opposite. it's playful, really, and you understand the depth of the situation, but jungwon tends to panic at tiniest of the events and you can't help but do it again to get a cute reaction put of him. you'd playfully slap his butt on camera ( while being really secretive by the way ) and he'll see his whole career flash before his eyes. you're literally just complimenting him in front of his own fans and man's having an internal crisis because the mischievous glint in your eyes tells him a different story. well, you both have made it this far and his fingers are crossed so that you can make it till the company decides to disclose your relationship
NIKI — !
you both are menaces. the fans consider you best friends who love to hangout every weekend and spend quite a lot of time together but in reality, you both are just couples who are out with hopes that someone would move on from the best friend allegations to dating speculations soon because things have gotten exhausting. he's so done with everyone : niki talks about you almost every time he's on camera, promotes your music better than your own label, has done a couple of vlives with you but you both never manage to beat the best friend allegations. definitely tries to steal kisses in front of camera and gives everyone a heart attack. the day media catches on to the truth is the way ynki stands win </3
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taglist in the rbs
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robininthelabyrinth · 11 months
I messed up my prompt, I left some out so I’m going to awkwardly regroup it.
Au where Wen Zhuiliu is Meng yao’s dad instead of JG. Meng Yao is raised in the wen sect, as his son also the idea of the golden-core-snatcher thing being hereditary or not would be fun to explore. It’s be the ultimate dagger-up-the-sleeve move. Meng Yao joins Wen Qing and Ning to study at the Lans sect.
"Question," Lao Nie said, and Wen Ruohan tried not to groan - the other man had a tone that suggested trouble. "Do you remember that time in Yunping when that Jin bastard was so drunk that he couldn't find the brothel stairs?"
"Why do you care?" Wen Ruohan grumbled. He just wanted to sleep - Lao Nie was one of those irritating people that got more energy after sex rather than falling asleep like any normal man. Freak. A freak who wouldn’t stop poking him, and not with anything fun, either. "Fine, fine, yes, I remember. What about it?"
"Didn't you order that new retainer of yours to go upstairs and fuck that prostitute for him? Saying something like 'it's a waste not to get the value even if he can't'?" 
That sounded suspiciously like the sort of spiteful mean-hearted joke Wen Ruohan might make while drunk, yes. 
"What about it?" he asked.
"She got pregnant."
Wen Ruohan blinked.
"Now, she's saying it's Guangshan's, of course,” Lao Nie said. “They all do when they don’t realize how much of a miser he really is under all that gold. But if there's a chance...it was that Zhao Zhuliu fellow, wasn't it? The one with the core-melting hand?"
"Wen Zhuliu," Wen Ruohan corrected. "And yes. I think he was too new to realize I wasn’t actually serious...hm. You think the child may have inherited his talent?"
"Why not? Especially if you start teaching him early..."
What an interesting proposition.
"So…” Lao Nie scooted closer. Somehow. There was not enough room on this bed. “Can I have this one?"
"What? Absolutely not."
"But you already have the father!"
"And that means the son is mine as well. Get lost!"
"But -"
"Keep your grubby hands to yourself,” Wen Ruohan scowled. “All good things belong to me, least of all talents that I've put in time and effort to raise."
"Spoilsport,” Lao Nie said, though he didn’t look especially put out by the refusal. “Anyway, what if I were to put my 'grubby hands' here..."
“Get lost!”
"Sect Leader."
"Get lost," Wen Ruohan growled, not even bothering to turn to look at whoever it was that had entered. When he didn't hear the pitter-patter of fleeing feet, he added: "Or else I'm going to kill you."
It wasn’t a threat. It was a statement of fact, and a sincerely meant warning.
Wen Ruohan might have a temper and be inclined towards sadism, but he valued talent. Anyone with access to his study was a talent he had cultivated with great effort, and it would be such a pain to undo all of that by murdering them himself. 
Which was not to say he wouldn't, if his mood were bad enough, just that he'd make the effort to warn them away first. If they still didn't listen, that was their problem, and presumably a sign that they didn't really have as much talent or brains as he'd initially thought.
"Sect Leader, I have some news for you."
Wen Ruohan restrained the urge to throw something - did he seem like he was in the mood to receive news, either positive or negative? - but only because the longer speech had revealed the identity of the servant that had intruded: it was little A-Yao, Wen Zhuliu's boy.
He was being uncharacteristically stupid in stubbornly insisting on approaching Wen Ruohan now, which was most unlike his usually gentle and cautious character, but he was also ten years old - some stupidity was to be expected. Didn't adolescence start around then or something....? Or whatever it was that rotted teenage boys’ brains the way it obviously had his sons’? 
Wen Ruohan pinched his brow and exhaled hard, struggling to manage his temper. He had not yet descended to the level of squabbling with children.
"What," he forced out through gritted teeth, "is it?"
"Nie-gongzi wrote that he'd like to come visit," Wen Yao said, which was both exactly the type of "news" a child might be expected to think was earth-shatteringly important and which made Wen Ruohan nearly see red at how stupidly inane it was - and all the more because it included that accursed surname Nie. "He says his father is being intolerable."
Well, Wen Ruohan could scarcely argue with that.
After all, wasn't that why he himself was so angry at this precise moment? Lao Nie's cavalier behavior, his indifference, his disdain...
Wen Ruohan frowned, suddenly distracted from his anger. 
"Did you say Nie Mingjue was complaining?" he asked. "Nie-gongzi, not Nie-er-gongzi? Not Nie Huaisang, the littler one?"
Nie Huaisang complained about everything, being six, but loud with it. But Nie Mingjue?
Nie Mingjue was fourteen and fundamentally a good boy, with none of the typical self-absorption and moodiness of adolescence. For him to complain about another person, least of all his father, and to someone in another sect, no less, even if that someone was just a friend he'd made during his father's visits to the Nightless City or Wen Ruohan’s own to the Unclean Realm...that was out of character.
That was practically a cry for help, really. It suggested something might be genuinely wrong.
Something wrong with the Nie sect leader –
Wen Ruohan’s anger, entirely caused by the particularly aggravating behavior of Lao Nie, abruptly cooled so fast that it felt as though his entire body had fallen into an icy river.
After all, who didn't know about the Nie sect's famous inclination towards qi deviations...?
"Yes, sect leader," Wen Yao said, blinking up at him. "The older Nie-gongzi. He seemed very distressed. Should I write him back and ask about particulars?"
"No need," Wen Ruohan said, making a snap decision. "I'm going to go pay a personal visit to the Unclean Realm right now. I'll settle the details myself when I get there."
He swept out the door, tossing a "Get someone to clean this mess up, will you?" over his shoulder as he did.
It turned out the letter from Nie Mingjue was a fabrication, but after patching things up with Lao Nie, Wen Ruohan was in a good enough mood to forgive Wen Yao for his little schemes.
"How attached are you to Wen Yao?"
Wen Ruohan blinked, then stared incredulously at Lan Qiren, who was probably the last person he'd expect to try to poach talent away from him. It was Lan Qiren, after all, boring old-before-his-time teacher that he was.
Lan Qiren grimaced at him, which was an unusual posture with which to start such negotiations. Normally someone trying to steal someone away, much less someone actually surnamed Wen, servant or not, would put on a flattering expression and try to butter him up first. Lan Qiren’s disgruntled expression was completely out of place. After all, people didn't try to steal other people's servants involuntarily...
"Wait, you're saying Mingjue's little scheme worked?" he blurted out, and Lan Qiren’s scowl worsened. "It did? Absurd. I don't believe it."
Nie Mingjue had only been talking for the last two or three years about how he had to introduce his two good friends, Wen Yao and Lan Xichen, and how well he was sure they would get along. Up until now, Wen Yao had been politely putting him off, mostly because of some ridiculous self-image issues - so what if he was a servant's son or born of a prostitute, he had the Wen surname, and that alone made him nobler by far than any of the smaller sect's true-born children, perfectly capable of speaking on equal terms with the heir of a different Great Sect, and really, Wen Ruohan needed to encourage the boy to pick up more of the arrogance that was now his right - but with Wen Ruohan sending him, Wen Chao and Wen Ning to the Cloud Recesses for lessons with Lan Qiren as a favor to Lao Nie, he presumably wouldn't have been able to avoid meeting Lan Xichen any longer.
Apparently, it had gone even better than Nie Mingjue had predicted, if Lan Qiren was already here to feel Wen Ruohan out about a potential marriage agreement.
Unless that had been what Nie Mingjue meant all along - Wen Ruohan wouldn't put it past Lao Nie's son.
He wouldn’t put anything past that family of rascals.
"Believe it or not, as you wish, but that doesn't change the reality of it," Lan Qiren said, sounding grumpy, and for the first time Wen Ruohan realized that the other man - who he normally avoided out of residual dislike of teachers, and perhaps some jealousy of Lao Nie having friends other than him - was completely unafraid of him. How interesting. "I assume you'll want to extract everything you can over this and naturally you have me over a barrel, so I thought it better to finish it quickly so that you wouldn't have time to think of any more outrageous demands."
How delightfully blunt. Had Wen Ruohan missed something here, seeing Lan Qiren only in his role as acting sect leader? He'd assumed that the overly-cautious pedant was all there was to the man, Lao Nie's unfathomable appreciation for him aside, but perhaps Lan Qiren was one of those rare people who was genuinely different in a different milieu. 
Perhaps Lao Nie might even be right about him, which, knowing that man's proclivities, would mean that this seemingly innocuous man was actually dangerous in some fashion. 
Interesting indeed.
"What's the rush?" Wen Ruohan asked, and suppressed a grin at Lan Qiren’s audible huff of exasperation. "This is their life we're talking about, after all. We should treat it seriously."
It was said that Lan loved only once in a lifetime, and irrevocably - if that were true, Wen Ruohan really did Lan Qiren over a barrel, as the other man had so forthrightly admitted. Given Lan Qiren’s obvious adoration of his nephews and Lan Xichen's role as sect heir, even sect leader presumptive given his father's seclusion, Wen Ruohan was in a position to make considerable demands.
Studying the man in front of him with curiosity, he wondered idly if he could even go so far as to obtain a person of the previous generation. A teacher renowned throughout the cultivation world had to have considerable talent, and, well, Wen Ruohan had always appreciated talent...
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poppadom0912 · 1 year
Characters: Kelly Severide x Reader, Matt Casey, Crockett Marcel
Warnings: Mentions of surgery.
Summary: It's incredible was anesthesia can do to a person.
A/N: Very much mixed feelings but it's also kinda cute, idk. Really short compared to what I normally do but oh well.
"Everything ran smoothly, not a single complication. I'm proud to say your stitches are some of my best and with this kind man at your bedside, you'll be back to firefighting in no time." Crockett said with a smile once he checked all your vitals.
You hummed happily, a sleepy smile on your face as you mentally thanked the man, forgetting he couldn't hear your thoughts. "Your a really good surgeon Crockett."
"I try my best." The surgeon laughed, taking your compliment in his stride. "Rest up alright? I'll be back later to check on you."
Wiggling your fingers, you sighed as the surgeon left the room and looked up at your man in interest, only now remembering his existence when you felt his fingers combing through your hair. "Oh! Husband you're here!"
"Always will be." Kelly chuckled, finding it too amusing how loopy you were after your surgery. He'd definitely remember every single second and make sure it came in handy in the future. "How you feeling?"
"Like a billion dollars." You said with a cheesy smile, enjoying the comfort he was bringing you. "I have a question for you though."
"Ask ahead baby." Kelly said, entertaining you.
"I'm not a baby." You scoffed, looking at him disapprovingly. "What happened to our baby though, y'know the reason why my stomach was so fat." You said, poking your completely flat stomach in pure wonder.
"I did give birth right?" You asked, confirming that your fears weren't true. "There was no surgery for taking our baby, they can't cut into my womb, the wombs mine-"
"Y/N, who do you think is sitting in the chair opposite mine." Kelly rose a brow, stopping you mid ramble before you could get yourself riled up for no reason.
Confused, you huffed but listened and turned your head to your left and what do you know, there sitting was none other than your husbands best friend with your six month old playing with his fingers on his lap.
"You have a baby?" You asked, your eyebrows shooting all the way up. "Since when was Sylvie pregnant?!"
Struggling but somehow managing to keep in his laugh, Kelly mocked glared at Matt who snickered. "That's our baby. The baby we made and was just talking about."
"My baby!" You said with the biggest smile. "I missed you baby boy."
Your son sent you a gummy smile, easily recognising your voice. He made random but very cute gurgling sounds mixed in with his giggles which made you smile even more.
"Don't you dare hurt my baby boy Matthew Casey." You said threateningly, glaring at your friend with squinted eyes. "I know where you live, where you work, sleep, and eat."
"We do a lot of those things together Y/N." Matt said, reminding you that you worked in the same firehouse as you and he was also your roommate at the loft.
You hummed nonchalantly, waving him off. "I'll still come for you Matthew."
"Copy that." Matt smiled, eyeing the time on his watch. "I gotta go, shift starts in ten and I need to drop off this little man with your sitter."
"Thanks man." Kelly said, helping gather up your son's nappy bag. "Be good alright? Don't be trouble." Kelly looked at your son seriously, giving him a quick kiss before they left.
"Aw, I miss them already." You pouted, looking at your husband longingly opening your arms wide open. "Come cuddle me please. I miss you too."
"I've always been here Y/N, and I'm not leaving any time soon." Kelly chuckled, sitting on the bed besides your legs. "I've taken time off to nurse you back to full health, remember?"
You hummed, not fully paying attention, simply gazing adoringly at your husbands incredibly handsome face. At the lack of an answer, Kelly laughed, brushing your hair back from your face so he could see your properly.
"Alright, budge up." Kelly gave in, watching you cautiously in case you hurt yourself as you moved.
"Your a firefighter, shouldn't you be able to fit into small spaces?" You asked very seriously but made room for him anyways. You wanted a proper answer but all your got was a small shake of his head and a hearty laugh from your man.
Settling against him, you rested your head against his chest, finding extreme comfort in the steady beats of his heart. His warmth enveloped you the second he gently wrapped his arms around you.
Pressing a kiss into your hair, Kelly listened to you hum contently as you relaxed in his embrace. Even on drugs, you always felt as though you were home with Kelly.
"Love you." You mumbled into his chest, your eyelids fluttering shut, completely wiped out despite barely moving and doing anything.
"Love you too." Kelly replied, watching you doze off and the only thing he could hear was the beeps of the monitors telling him you were alive and your barely audible snores.
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666writingcafe · 8 months
RAD TV (Part Two)
Mephistopheles: Welcome to a very special edition of RAD TV. We are reporting to you live from the auditorium as voting for the bloody moon contest wraps up.
Rogmen: It's a close race for first place with Lord Diavolo, Lucifer, and MC vying for that coveted top spot. In fact, it's so close that the call can't be made until the final vote gets tallied.
Mephistopheles: Speaking of which, I believe the last person has just cast their vote.
MC: *walks up to them* Hi guys.
Rogmen: MC! What a nice surprise.
Mephistopheles: I take it you're the last vote, then?
MC: I think so. The Little D's took away the ballot boxes as soon as I put my slip in.
Rogmen: Well, we might as well take the opportunity to interview you as we wait for the final results.
Mephistopheles: If that's alright with you, that is. I know you weren't too keen the last time.
MC: I don't mind chatting for a bit. *pauses* Lucifer's glaring at you.
Mephistopheles: I'm not surprised. We've never gotten along all that well.
Rogmen: I can think of a few reasons why.
Mephistopheles: We are not here to talk about my relationship with Lucifer.
MC: Excuse me for a moment. *walks out of the frame*
Rogmen: For those watching at home, Lucifer is currently standing behind the cameraman with his arms crossed, and MC's trying to calm him down.
Mephistopheles: *mumbles* I really wish he would let me do my job.
MC: *returns* Sorry about that. He's been a bit twitchy lately. I had to tell him that I was doing this interview voluntarily.
Rogmen: He does seem rather protective of you.
Mephistopheles: Moving on from that little hiccup...MC, how have you felt about participating in this contest?
MC: Can I be honest?
Rogmen: Certainly.
MC: This whole thing has been rather exhausting, and I can't wait for it to be over. That isn't to say that I'm not grateful for all of the support I've received, because I am; I'm just ready for everyone to start acting normal again.
Rogmen: Completely understandable. The fact that you've maintained a level head says a lot about your character.
Mephistopheles: I agree. Throughout this entire process, you've stayed true to yourself, and I think that has drawn a lot of people towards you. You don't feel the need to put on airs in order to impress someone; you just come as you are.
MC: I appreciate you saying that.
Mephistopheles: It's the truth.
Little D. No 5: Mephisy, Mephisy!
Rogmen: Now, you know he hates that nickname.
Little D. No 5: I have the final results!
Mephistopheles: Thank you, Number 5. *sighs* I swear, he's worse than Asmo.
MC: *chuckles*
Rogmen: Do you want to do the honors, or shall I?
Mephistopheles: I got it. *unfolds the piece of paper, glances at the top of it, and looks directly into the camera* Excuse us for a moment.
For those watching at home, a "We'll Be Right Back" screen pops up and stays for a couple minutes. When RAD TV resumes, MC is no longer with the news anchormen.
Rogmen: We apologize for the unexpected break. We had to make sure that the results were accurate before reporting on them.
Mephistopheles: Without further ado, here are the final results of this year's bloody moon contest. In last place is none other than Solomon himself.
Rogmen: I tried telling him that he shouldn't host that banquet, but he didn't listen.
Mephistopheles: *runs through spots 19 to 11*
Rogmen: *provides commentary for each person*
Mephistopheles: At number ten is Beelzebub.
Rogmen: I'm surprised he dropped.
Mephistopheles: He had an incident at Deja Vu.
Rogmen: I see. *glances at the paper* You finished ninth.
Mephistopheles: That's higher than last time. In eighth place is Belphegor. He offered to clean up after Beel's mess at Deja Vu.
Rogmen: *glances at the paper again* Lucky seven goes to Satan.
Mephistopheles: Let me announce the results.
Rogmen: Sorry.
Mephistopheles: At number six is Simeon.
Rogmen: That's really good for an angel. Then again, he doesn't really act like his fellow brethren, does he?
Mephistopheles: That is a conversation for another day. In fifth place is Leviathan, and Barbatos is number four.
Rogmen: Speaking of which, he's headed this way.
Barbatos: *appears in frame briefly to whisper in Mephistopheles' ear*
Mephistopheles: It appears as though they've finished setting up.
Rogmen: Excellent.
Mephistopheles: For those wondering what is going on, there is currently a three-way tie for first place. As per the rules, a tiebreaker vote must be conducted to determine the final winner. We will cut away to the scene of that vote...now.
The location on screen has changed from the auditorium to a conference room, where MC, Lucifer, and Lord Diavolo are seated with a piece of paper and a pen placed in front of each of them.
Barbatos: *off-screen* You may now write the name of the person you think deserves to win this year's bloody moon contest amongst the three of you. Whoever gets two votes automatically gets the title of the most honored and respected individual at this school.
MC: *scribbles quickly and hands their paper to someone off camera*
Lucifer: *hands his vote in second*
Diavolo: *contemplates for a bit before writing down a name, making him the last person*
The camera pans over to Barbatos, who's seated across from the three finalists.
Barbatos: *accepts the pieces of paper from the person that collected them* Thank you. We have one vote for Lucifer, one for Diavolo, and... *trails off as he looks at the last slip of paper and sighs* I can't trust the three of you, can I?
The camera moves down to reveal the three slips of paper, each with a different name on them. Those familiar with their handwriting can tell right away who voted for who.
Barbatos: In the event of a failed tiebreaker vote, the rules dictate that each person must participate in a talent-based performance. For the three of you, I think a good old-fashioned dance battle is in order.
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btr-rewatch · 4 months
Big Time Rush Season 1, Episode 10: “Big Time Party”
Highlights: An epic Palm Woods party thrown by the Hollywood Super Party Kings of Hollywood! Also, a single five-second scene proves enough to nearly break me.
As the guys enter Rocque Records, their party-detecting senses start tingling. They find out that there's going to be a big party to celebrate their first album! Except they're not invited!
Booooo! 👎👎👎👎
Gustavo doesn't want the dogs messing up his fancy shindig, but Kendall declares that they are STAYING. Gustavo, however, has cleverly planned for this exact scenario. He tells them they can stay, but they can't go into his Super Party Fun Box.
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The boys immediately enter the Fun Box.
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Cannot contain my amusement at this whole scenario. The fact that Gustavo had this at the ready. The muffled music playing from the inside of the box. The fact that the group's singular shared brain cell evidently did not go to any of them that morning.
Brilliant show, I tell you. I think it may even be funnier now than it was when I was younger.
Later on, Mrs. Knight tells the boys that she and Katie are taking a day trip to San Diego. Kendall thinks it's the perfect opportunity for them to throw a party and, being the responsible young man that he is, goes to ask his mother if it's okay. Mrs. Knight reminds them that it's against Palm Woods rules to throw parties, and they're one strike away from being kicked out.
As soon as Mama Knight and Katie walk out the door, the guys immediately commence scheming to throw a "social gathering." They agree to keep it small (three people each), and Kendall doles out the responsibilities to his buds. This scene then happens, and listen. LISTEN. I totally forgot about it, but as soon as Kendall started delivering the line, it all came back to me. This was by far one of my favorite lines of the entire show, and I cannot properly convey how much it made me laugh when I used to catch the episode on TV. It is hysterical. The absurd humor in this show is top of the line.
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No, you don't understand. This is like. The funniest gag on the planet to me. Kendall has an actual (unidentifiable) thing that he gives to Jo. She's so polite and appreciative about it even though she clearly has NO CLUE what it is. It's just—it's just a thing. He just gives it to her and does that goofy smile and point thing and moves onto chit-chat about the party. No additional context.
WHY did he give that to her?? What is the wacky in-universe explanation? He's so pleased with himself! Jo doesn't know what it is!!! I've spent the last ten minutes laughing over this scene. If anyone ever wants to know what my sense of humor consists of, I'll show them this one specific exchange.
Okay, I must summon my strength to pull myself together.
Kendall invites Jo to the not-party and asks if she'd like to be his "guest, friend, person thing." He is so normal.
Meanwhile, James and Carlos are also being normal about their party-planning responsibilities.
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As the party gets into full swing, Camille wastes no time in coming on very strong to Logan, who is so overwhelmed by the attention that he literally crawls away from her and goes running to Kendall for help.
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Kendall suggests that Logan simply be truthful and tell Camille he's not interested. Jo suggests Logan relax a bit and give things a chance with Camille. In a bizarre shift from the norm, Logan takes Jo's advice and tells Kendall he's wrong. *gasp*
We briefly go to Rocque Records then, where Gustavo is busy throwing the lamest party of the century. He tells Kelly they've got to liven it up.
Back in 2J, Kendall casually asks Jo if she likes hockey. She replies that she hates it, and Kendall proceeds to choke on his drink and go into a violent coughing fit. Jo doesn't like hockey?? Earth-shattering news.
Meanwhile, Logan is dealing with his own crisis when Mercedes Griffin suddenly walks in. As you may remember from the previous episode, she wanted Logan as her new boyfriend but never got the chance to date him because Kendall gave her a real stern talking to. Well, she wants to now pick up where they left off. And just like that, Logan is thrown into the classic sitcom "I've got two dates for the party!" plotline.
Moments later, the apartment is overrun by a huge crowd of people on account of Carlos is a bonehead who misread "all contacts" as a name.
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Yes, it is, boys. Yes, it is. Also, I have to wonder how this even managed to happen in the first place. Aside from the fact that I don't even think it's possible to send a message to every contact at once (I looked it up, and it said you'd have to use third-party apps, and like. This is 2010, and Carlos has a flip phone.) But even if he managed to do it, I'm sure he's got family in his contacts! His parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, siblings?? They would have gotten messages inviting them to this. Did none of them try to reach him and ask why he sent a mysterious party social-gathering invitation to them?
Listen, I realize I'm thinking too much into this, but still. A lot of things would have had to have lined up and gone wrong in order for this to happen.
Good job, Carlos.
Knowing Bitters will be on the hunt for their party, Kendall recruits Jo to help intercept him while James and Carlos shut the party down. The Hollywood Super Party Kings of Hollywood decide that moving the party down to the pool area is good enough.
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Seeing that his friends are going to be of no help whatsoever, Kendall decides that if Bitters wants to bust a party, they're going to give him a party to bust. After running around the building with a boombox, they manage to lure Bitters into the Super Party Fun Box. Wooo! The threat has been eliminated! Kendall and Jo celebrate with a high-five.
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They are so cute.
We go back to the pool then to tie up some remaining loose ends. Camille (who is angry after discovering Logan's double-date situation) says she won't talk to him for a week, but she will dance with him. Mercedes quickly moves on and picks Guitar Dude as her new boyfriend. Gustavo and Kelly have managed to save their boring party by bringing everyone over to the Palm Woods, and Carlos and James sit on their thrones and look upon their party kingdom with satisfaction.
Happy ending for all (except for Bitters, who was likely stuck in that box for the remainder of the night)
Good episode. Love seeing those guys get put into situations and then spend the next 20 minutes desperately trying to scramble their way out. I'm still thinking of the "I kinda got a thing for her" scene, btw. Living rent free in my head.
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ueinra · 1 year
Another day another comic to talk about! 
This is a French Comic illustrated by Houy Raymond and published in 1953 by Vedette, It’s volume 5 of the "FanFan" Collection.
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Oh wow ​The Conventionist! He looks so much younger here. 
I think this is the only comic I've seen that has this chapter so far.
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Look at my beautiful women, they look sooo well. 
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I love Javert's expression here but why does he look kinda sad.. since when does this **** have feelings?? 
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The way he doesn't like the whole thing but accepts it at the end and gets his best nap.
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Aww this is adorable and I like the colors, they are comfortable. 
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Yeah give me some Mabeuf moments with Marius!! always happy to see more of him. It's sad when one of the important characters is so forgotten.
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He looks great as always and I love how this comic contains moments of him when his character is not important to the story lol
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He has two moments, when he comes to visit his aunt and she asks him to spy on Marius and when she later introduces him to M. Gillenormand and he sits with him to listen to his empty talk.
Seriously just look at his face, I'm sure he regretted sitting with him. 
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Bless the illustrator for giving Montparnasse these lips and that elegant look.
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and of course this moment when Valjean kicks his ass and gives him a fatherly admonition bc it’s ICONIC.
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and here are my guys Les Amis who all look like they're wearing a liberty cap.
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The way he stands on the table to prove how great Napoleon is ASDJFKASIKDASDF THIS IS SOOOO MARIUS.
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I know that Azelma is younger than Cosette and Eponine but she looks like a baby here.
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ok why are all the Thenardiers' children blond?? I want an explanation RIGHT NOW.
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You don't know how much I love this moment. It's hard to explain. I just love them more than you can imagine.
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The audacity he has to ask for water lol.. man ur a spy just shut up and stand there fr. 
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I can't believe they're still going to kill him after he showed them his chest.. It's Enjolras' chest PEOPLE.
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The hilarious thing about this part is that Javert doesn’t seem interested in Valjean’s musty smell and makes him JUST SIT NEXT TO HIM.
and Hugo completes the story as if it’s a very normal thing.
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Whatever the ending absolutely breaks my heart, but the way Cosette embraces and cares for her father warms my heart and I know it makes the ending ten times worse but... yeah. 
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Ajax - Not you
Warnings: High Ajax, Y/n starting arguments for why?, drugs, angst, fluff, DONT DO DRUGS KIDS
It was 1 am and a soft knock at the door awoke Ajax from his 'state'. He groaned in annoyance, hoping his roommate Xavier would open the door. 
Since Rowan got expelled, Xavier started to share his dorm with Ajax and right now he wished he never moved in because the first knock was practically silent and it profoundly got louder each minute.
"XaViEr.." Ajax cracked his voice out and turned his head towards his roommates bed, only to not find him there. 
Ajax facepalmed mentally and got up from the desk he was trying to sleep on for some reason and dragged his feet towards the door. "Who is it?" he asked in annoyance.
"Baby? can i come in please? We have the nightshades meeting tonight remember?" A soft voice called out.
Ajax's droopy eyes half lit up and he opened the door and pulled the knocker into hug.
"Its my N/nnnnnnn...." He said baby like. 
Y/n shut the door with her foot and broke the hug to look at her boyfriend properly.
"Jax, why are your eyes droopy and red?" she asked with a bit of worry and grabbed his face to inspect it a bit better. "Are you sick? why does it smell weird in here too?" she looked around the room and there it was.
4 joints (in the UK we call them zoots if you were wondering :D) on the desk Ajax was trying to sleep on. Y/n shook her head and placed her index finger and thumb on the bridge of her nose.
It wasn't the first time Y/n caught him like this. Normally, he would be asleep and she would find them in the bin or peaking out of his pillowcase. 
She never really saw him high and to be honest, she never wanted to ask.
Ajax followed Y/n's previous gaze and opened his mouth.
"Cara mia, i can explain about those but i can't find the right words" Y/n put one hand behind his neck and sighed in defeat.
"You know what? you don't have to explain anything." She let go of her boyfriend and walked towards the desk. 
Ajax scratched the top of his hat in confusion. "Ill get high with you." she shrugged and picked up on of the joints.
Ajax widened his eyes in fear, he didn't look like he took drugs anymore. Instead, he walked up towards his girlfriend without tripping or stumbling like he would normally do.
He took the blunt from her hand and placed it down. Before Y/n could say anything, Ajax put a hand in front of her mouth.
"Not you my darling. Y-you can't take it."
"What why?"
"Just not you okay? Anyone but you. How about you go to the nightshades meeting without me and tell the others ill be there tomorrow. Please."
Ajax let go of Y/n and encouraged her to leave the dorm by extending his arm like a gentleman to lead her out but Y/n, like the stubborn independent woman she is, didn't let go of her boyfriend.
"Babe, this isn't the first time knowing you take drugs. I've seen you like ten times and i've never asked or stopped you. So, why are you stopping me?" she snapped. Ajax sighed in annoyance and put both of his hands on the side of her face.
"You listen to me Y/n M/n L/n. I take this crap when i have shitty days and i don't wanna talk about it. This is my way of coping and if you do it too, it will just ruin you and i don't want you to end up like some stoner idiotic loser like me." 
So many questions were running through Y/n's head, she pushed away his hands away from her face.
"When you have shitty days? really?. I thought we talked about everything together! I thought when you had shitty days, you would sneak into my dorm and cuddle me! but no, you just do that for the sake of it don't you? the real coping method for you is smoking this shit!?" 
Y/n wanted to cry, but she stood her ground and Ajax grumbled.
"That's not what i meant N/n... I love cuddling with you. It's like im on cloud 9 whenever im with you. It's just, i can't worry you all the time you know? just throwing pressure onto you, only for it to get better the next day. It's not fair on you baby. I need to be the one there for you but i do such a shitty job."
Suddenly, all of the rage had vanished. Somehow the floor managed to suck out the venom in her veins and he gazed softened
"Ajax...i didn't know. Baby, im so sorry!" The H/c haired girl clung onto her boyfriend and he hugged her right back. "And your not a bad boyfriend or a loser! You're literally everything i asked for! even more! Your existence, your presence. That's what keeps me going."
Ajax smiled into her hair and kissed her forehead lovingly.
"But obviously, if doing this helps you cope, then i understand. I just care about your health you know?"
Ajax shook his head reluctantly.
"No baby.. you're right" 
He broke the hug and held both of his girlfriends soft hands in his big rough ones. "I promise, from now on ill stop. I love you" He smiled and tilted her chin up for her to meet his gaze.
Y/n smiled and kissed her boyfriend. Lingering her lips on his longer than usual and Ajax couldn't get enough of her .
"I love you more baby." 
The couple then walked towards Ajax's bed and cuddled. They both held onto each other like there was no tomorrow.
Few hours later, Xavier walked in and inspected his best friends bed to find Ajax's head laying on Y/n's chest and Y/n's head was on top of his.
"They deserve each other." Xavier smiled to himself to find that his friends eventually found each other and despite some differences, they made it work.
Xavier pulled his phone out of his pocket and took a picture of the two sleeping so he could tease them about it tomorrow.
"Damn, i need a girlfriend too." He mentally noted.  
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nohoperadio · 16 days
Oh, hello. That's right, I'm in Bristol, thanks for noticing. I had some business to conduct with some goats, which has just lately concluded. It went very well.
Definitely the best time I've ever had seeing them. It helps a lot that Mr Jon Wurster was present, the last several times I saw them goats it was the drumless version, which is still good but having him makes a huge difference. I hope the fandom at large understands just how special Jon Wurster is, I feel like we have a proportion of people who really do Only Listen To the Mountain Goats or close to it, which is fine as long as you appreciate how lucky we are, the man is a fuckin... like I wanna say he's a fuckin beast but I need to convey that his drumming has tremendous power but also great intelligence and artistry. He's like a fuckin, a beast who's a wizard as well. You know?
Great set list tonight, and although I was rude about the newer albums on here a week or two ago, I have to report that every song they played from the past ten years (there were about 6?) was one I was actively excited to hear. Not that these were new revelations to me, I already knew they were bangers, but it's good to be reminded that they are still putting out some bangers and I'm glad to see the band agrees with me about which ones those are. Or I just got lucky tonight, but fine I can be glad about that too.
It's an open question in my worthless opinion whether Matt Douglas and his contributions have been a net positive on tMG's recorded output, but there's no possible doubt he's been a huge positive to their live presence. There were several moments during the show that made me audibly gasp, or put my hand to my heart, or say out loud "oh fuck", or make some other melodramatic gesture, and a good many of those moments were directly Matt's doing. Also, what a great face he's got? Absolutely iconic face, inspires a combination of enthusiasm and trust otherwise elicited by only the very best dogs.
I love Stabbed to Death but would never have expected it to be a highlight of the gig like it was, I can't describe the mad shit they did with it but I can tell you it was gripping.
I only contributed my voice to I think three songs towards the end, most prominently the best No Children I've ever experienced, but managed to give myself a sore throat anyway. Don't worry, it was mild enough merely to contribute to the atmosphere. I must admit that despite being an annoying hipster who thinks This Year is just a pretty good B+ song, I did get swept up by the spirit of it this time.
It's been a firm and settled matter in my mind for years now that Beat the Champ is the third best album (Tallahassee second, WSABH first), but the last song of the encore was Heel Turn 2 and as the first chords sounded I was instantly and forcefully struck with the thought: "wait, is Beat the Champ actually the best Mountain Goats album??" I feel quite perturbed. I am going to have to think.
There was some kind of throuple directly in front of me who were all dancing with indefatigable abandon and frankly excessive horniness throughout the show, and it's a testament to the excellent general atmosphere, to my good mood, and I suppose also to their winsome spiritedness that I was for the most part simply charmed by this. Normally any stranger being conspicuously happy and in love is enough to fill my shrivelled lonely heart with black bilious resentment, but tonight, quite the opposite. That's part of the magic of them goats, you know.
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