#I've always had where I was worked out and it's simply always heart breaking
nescaveckwriter · 3 days
Heyy! Can I request a Dean Winchester x reader with an established relationship where they have to deal with a case for which they have to dress up all nice, and reader usually wear baggy clothes or clothing that hides most of her body and for the first time, he sees reader in a tight fitting dress and he's just
😍 "shit, that's my woman?!"
And he's just over the moon even more for reader (if that's even possible)
😱💓🥰... Awww sweetheart this is such a cute idea, I just simply love it, also thanks for asking, I really do hope you like, this little drabble, I've written is what you had in mind💓 anywayz I hope you have an epic day, love ... 🐞💓🥰
A/N: I love receiving requests, so keep em coming 😅
Warnings: 18+Only, Some mention of violence, and intimacy, but nothing to much, light foul language. And Pure FLUFF 🥳😘💕
Pictures used: Pinterest
Copyright: Please do not copy, my work.
Words: 1189 😘
Lady in Red 💕
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His husky voice lingers in the air, oh how I loved the sound of his voice, we have been together for a few years now, and somehow hearing him, looking at him, never got old. His green eyes caught mine, helding it captive, because I mean who wouldn't drown in those emerald green orbs, mouthing with his plum lips across the table, "I love you" as Sam discussed the plan with us. Mouthing back "I love you too Dean". Looking at each other as if we were the only people in the room.
"Really you two?" Sam looked at the two of them, "we need to focus, the two of you need to pose as a high end, couple, for this charity event, so I need both of you too listen" Dean and I looked a little guilty, but then Dean smirked "bite me" I chuckled a little, the way Sam's face has irritation written all over..
Sam looked at me, eyeing the oversized clothing I always wear, oh he didn't want to say it out loud but, I knew what he was thinking, how am I going to look the part?. I barely even wear makeup or do my hair, but like who would not want to be comfortable when you're fighting monsters and ghosts. I smile, "Don't worry boys, I'll dress the part" Dean gave me this surprised almost scolding look sounding sincere, "You are beautiful sweetheart, I don't care what you wear, your beautiful" he walked up to me, and without hesitation he pulled me into an endearing kiss, his hands resting on my hips, I heard Sam, mumbling "Oh! Give me a break" and walk out, leaving the two of us, I could feel the way Dean smiled, against my lips. After a few more seconds, we came up for air, sounding breathy ,"Babe you should stop terrorising your brother so much" he simply smirked "Not my fault Sammy is so easily annoyed" I laugh, starting to turn away from him, "I need to go and get ready for tonight's event, you too mister" he grabbed my wrist, "Come here sweetheart" he pulled me close to him, looking into my eyes, "you know I love you right, more than anything in this world?" I smiled, looking at this gorgeous man in front of me, his freckles, my damn weakness, "Mhmm you see I know that's not true" surprised he looks at me "what?" Chuckling a bit "what about baby?" Referencing the love for his Chevrolet Impala, standing in the garage, he burst into laughter "You are driving me crazy woman, now go get ready" giving me a playful slap on the rear. I walk away, smiling, my heart bursting with love and joy.
He smiles as he watches her walk away, wearing loose fitting jeans one of his t-shirts and some flannel, hair in a messy bun, it's true he didn't care what she wore, she's so beautiful for him, but he would be lying, if he said he wasn't curious what she'll look like all dressed up, for some reason that's beyond him, she always thinks she's not pretty, but oh how far that could be from the truth, he knows every single inch of her body, every little spot that makes her tickle, every Little sensitive part, that makes her moan in pleasure, he loves her, even more than his car, but he'll never admit it.
Checking himself in the mirror, mumbling "I hate these monkey suits" as he struggled with his bow tie. He walks around the bunker searching for Sam, of course he finds his little brother's nose buried in those damn books, "Sammy help a man out?" Sam looks up, "you can hunt some of the most dangerous creatures, but you can't fix a tie?" The glare Dean gives him shows he isn't happy at the remark, he gets up, helping his big brother fix the tie.
Sam's eyes widens, his mouth falls open, Dean looks at him "What's your problem?" Sam could barely utter a single word he was stunned to say the least, Dean followed his eyes and when Dean turned around, his breathing hitched, his heart rate went up, he slightly gasped for air, taking in the beauty before him, his eyes wandered over her. Her hair draped over her shoulders, her eyes glistening, her smile could light up the darkest of rooms, wearing a red tight fitting dress. The high cut slit in her dress, exposing her right leg, the crystal like heels, making her seem taller, her legs leaner, the low halter cut, just exposing enough of her collar bone, to leave something for the imagination.
Without saying a word, Dean gestured for her to turn, the back of the dress, totally exposed, just covered her lower back. He bit his lower lip, and with the back of his hand, hitting against Sam's chest, his voice sounding a bit more husky, "shit, that's my woman?!" She laughed and her voice rang, "Last time I checked, I was all yours"
All the way to the event Dean could barely keep his eyes on the road.
When he led her through the doors, his hand rested on the curve of her back, so many eyes were on her, and he slightly chuckled when she whispered "why are they all looking at me?" As if she doesn't know she's beautiful! So he just smiled, took her hand, and asked "do me the honour and dance with me?" She did a little playful dip, "the honour would be all mine" before he pulled her close, he gave her a once over. He never saw the highlights in your hair, that caught your eyes, or the dress you're wearing tonight, he pulls you close. Dancing cheek to cheek, the way she feels this close to him, her small hands on his shoulders, his calloused hands, in the small of her back, sending electric shocks through her spine, swaying with the music, maybe Dean's caught up in the moment, but there's a question weighing on him for months, but now, now it feels like the right moment, he's voice sounded deeper than normal as he whispered, hot air brushing against her neck "Sweetheart?"
Slightly breathy, "Yes?" He cleared his throat, "make me the happiest man alive, and be my wife?"
Her swaying body came to a stop , "A...are you asking me" he cut her off, pulled back looking in her eyes, "yes, will you marry me?" I couldn't believe it, he just asked me to be forever his, without further due, I planted a kiss on his plum lips, soft tears rolling down my cheeks, he smiled against her soft lips, "is that a yes?" I break the kiss, smiling widely, "yes a million times yes" he laughed, picked her up, gave a twirl, and placed her down, his fingers intertwined with hers. Giving me that signature smirk, "What do you, say Mrs Winchester let's go catch that shifter, then we celebrate with some pie and beer?" I laughed, nodding, as happy as can be, "lead the way Mr Winchester".
@k-slla @jackles010378 @winchesterwild78 @cevansbaby-dove @cutedisneygrl @angelbabyyy99 @pia-bartolini
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kakusu-shipping · 1 year
Where were you the day Mondatta died?
a self insert fic about loss, grief, and the stages we go through.
Ramattra was in a Talon meeting, under an agreement he’d regretted making. He was mad, he was rash, and now he’d face the consequences of his actions
Akande Ogundimu, more commonly know as Doomfist, stood proud, a live feed from Talon’s best assassin playing on a holo projection before him. Next to Ramattra was Maximillien, the highest ranked Omnic in Talon, just there for the ravager’s personal comfort.
They’d both assured him of this assassin’s efficiency, how she always hits her mark. One shot, one kill, they’d all said. When he’d had a moment, Ramattra couldn’t help but question her on this reputation.
“Everyone misses” she had answered, and now here Ramattra stood in a room of people he despised watching the brother he loved through the eyes of a killer he himself requested.
Ramattra’s grip on his staff would be enough to crush the woman’s spine three times over, as he stared unwavering at the screen, and prayed for the first time in a long time for a miracle
In an hour, the deal would be set. Mondatta would be dead, and Ramattra, his troops, his Omnics, his skills, would belong to Talon.
He would have no time to mourn in the long hours following his brother’s death. He would have no time to reflect on those back at the Shambali, the family he’d abandoned, and how they may be dealing with the loss. He would have no time to allow the pain of his choices to sink in.
And in the quiet hours, the few of them he had, he would return to the day he’d met Mondatta. Caked in blood and oil, alone on a battle field somewhere in New York city, he’d point his gun to the Monk, trembling. Mondatta would approach him and gently lay the gun to rest. He’d embrace the ravager, staining his beautiful white and gold robes in blood and oil, and Ramattra would cling to him, whimpering like a child, unable to face what he’d been made to do.
Could he face it now? Could he stand on battle fields of his own making and face his past again, knowing for sure this time his brother would not come to embrace him as he once had, sharing in the stains of his past
He had no time to ponder such things. What’s done is done. He had no time for regret, he had no time for doubt. It was time to push forward, to take what he’d been given and what he’d asked for and use it to better his people’s lives. 
The time for action is now.
Genji and Zayne, Shimadas healed in the Shambali temples, were on tour. A journey of helping, of time off, of moments spent together free as they’d ever been.
They’d stopped in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, a small city with a little silly bit of history they both enjoyed looking into.
In moments they’d overhear someone watching the news a little too loudly in public about the loss of Mondatta. Their carefree moment of exploration around a funny man moth driven town ruined. They’d be left crushed, huddled together in a back alley attempting in vein to calm each other down
Moments from now they’d both experience grief worse than they’d felt sense Genji first died, grief over a man who loved them, who welcomed them into his home and brought them to a family that would stand by them as they healed and grew.
They would find a hotel, and grieve over night. They next day they’d pack up, and return to the Shambali to find the village quiet, in mourning, monks locked away in their homes in meditation, grieving as Zayne and Genji had.
Emile would force a smile to welcome them, and apologize for the quiet. They wouldn’t see Zenyatta.
A week would pass, sitting in silence by a crackling fire, Genji would face his little brother.
“I want to find Hanzo.” The older couldn’t bare to loose any more family, and his brother was out there, lost, thinking himself alone in a sea of his own thoughts, thinking Genji dead and gone from this world. “I want him to know I’m still here. That I still.. love him.”
It would be hard on them, the older and younger so close, and yet still so distant. A love just rekindled, splitting.
They would continue to travel, separated by entire oceans. Would they keep in contact? Could they keep in contact? A family split, miles and miles of land and sea separating them.
That would be their future. For now, in this moment, they sit together in an alley in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, crying together for the loss of someone they’d known their entire new lives.
Emile was in a bar, packed full with his family, other students of the Shambali, Omnics big and small.
The bar tender had turned on the live broadcast of Mondatta’s speech. They didn’t have a television in the Monastery, and this bar was the only place open late enough to catch most of Mondatta’s touring live.
The room was hot with tightly packed monks, machines whirring and scraping together as they chatted amongst themselves, always a buzz to leave the temple.
Emile sat at the bar, a cup of orange juice in hand as he once again thanked the bar tender of letting them all take control of his television. He never minded, liked seeing the monks, he’d say, they always seemed so chipper.
In just a few seconds the atmosphere would change. All would go dead silent as Mondatta fell limp on the television.
No one would speak, no one would move. The humans in the rooms would hold their breath and wait.
Waiting for anything other than what they’d just witnessed to be true.
They’d all wait for hours in that little bar. They’d barrow phones from passers by. They’d knock on near by doors. The entire town would be up, awaiting an update, news on Mondatta’s situation.
Within two hours it would be officially announced that Mondatta has died.
There was only one who could shed tears in that bar that night, despite the near hundred people packed in together. He would cry enough for all of them.
In the coming days the Shambali Monastery would grow silent. Monks holed up in their homes, deep in meditation and prayer. The village would become a ghost town, spare one little human.
Emile just couldn’t do it. He couldn’t sleep in that home, knowing Mondatta would never return. He couldn’t wear those robes, knowing Mondatta would never straighten them for him again. He couldn’t sit to meditate, knowing Mondatta could never sit by his side once more.
So he cleaned, in his sweater and jeans that no longer fit quiet as nicely as they once had. He swept snow off the stairs and dusted the sanctum and washed laundry that had already been cleaned thrice over.
He would not eat, he would sleep, for a near 4 days the human kept himself busy, and never once would he step foot in Mondatta’s home.
He’d smile when Zayne and Genji would come back. He’d tell the townsfolk the village was doing just fine when he’d go to get supplies. He’d keep himself busy as the monks around him mourned.
And in 5 days time, he would collapse in the snow, dressed in few too little clothes, just as he had the day he’d arrived at the Shambali. And like that day he will be saved by a monk he’d come to know better than all the rest.
On that day, the day they’d lost Mondatta, Zenyatta was at home, in meditation. He loved his brother dearly, but watching his speeches at protests was starting to get rather same-y. The monk needed new lessions, Zenyatta had thought to himself.
He’d be unaware of the loss for another 2 hours, until the chimes of the temple rang out, and he would join his siblings at the sanctum, and hear the news from the group that had gone into town.
Like everyone else, Zenyatta would lock himself away in his home. Sat against a wall he would stare blankly, perusing the web in his own head for any and all sources he could find on Mondatta’s death.
He’d loose track of days, reading article after article, watching video after video, scanning for anything new he could find.
Why, he would ask himself, why would anyone take out Mondatta? What could he have done, who could he have hurt just trying to spread love?
Zenyatta would spend time wishing death on whoever would do something so awful, just to retract the thought moments later. His brother would not want such a thing for even the person who would take his life.
On the third day of mourning Zenyatta would stumble into something he would wish he hadn’t. An image of the assassin.
A face to put to his desire of vengeance.
A woman with blue skin and long dark hair, an awfully tight purple suit and a large sniper rifle.
For the next few days Zenyatta would spend all his time staring at the blurry photo of this woman, wishing the worst upon her. May she loose those closest to her and may it be her own fault. May she feel the worst pains imaginable and survive. May she live the rest of her life with these regrets and no way to return. May she find a path to recovery just to have the door slammed in her face.
On the fifth day, these thought plaguing Zenyatta’s head would finally drive him mad. He would storm from his home with a bag of few things, vengeance his only thought as he crushed snow beneath his feet.
His plan to leave the village, to find the woman who did this, to put her in the ground himself, would be interrupted as a white haired man with puffy red eyes would collapse in front of him.
Thoughts of her would leave the monk alone after so long of obsession as he found himself in the company Emile, the human had taken the loss of Mondatta just about as well as Zenyatta.
That night, they would stop avoiding the truth. They’d lost Mondatta, their brother, their master, their family, and it hurt. Together they would face this, over hot tea and by a dying fire, they’d relive stories of their life in that Monastery.
Stories of sneaking out of meditations, of snow ball fights, of counting stars atop the mountain, of learning, and laughing, and being home and happy.
The night would pass and they would still be sat there, at Zenyatta’s low tea table Mondatta had gotten him for his birthday two years ago, sitting back to back in a comfortable silence.
“I want to find Ramattra,” Zenyatta will say, his hand laid gently on top of Emile’s. “He is lost, wherever he is, I am sure he is as lost as we were” He thinks back to the day Ramattra left, the fight he and Mondatta had, the last words he’d said to their brother... He knew Ramattra regretted that, now more than ever.
“We’ll find him.” Emile will smile over his shoulder, “Together.”
And in that moment, a moment of calm between storms, Zenyatta will look back and realize quietly to himself
He is in love. He has been in love for years. This. This was what love was for him.
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hollyoongs · 1 month
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pairing tasp!jake x news intern!fem reader
summary when you told your friend about the challenge that your boss put you on in order to work on the company, which was taking a picture of the amazing Spider Man, Jake makes it come true.
genre fluff
warnings both of them like each other, cameo of Jay and Ri-Ki, everything is NYC and I tried to make it short for the other one that I'm planning to make it in the future <3
a/n I can finally get this one up here, I'll do the second part with smut, but Jake's fluff is already needed in this profile. This is my last little present for my em @cmoundiamante (and worst of all, it's late, but I blame my country for that :p), but I'm glad to finally publish it. I know you had an amazing time on your birthday and I want you to look at this little gift as something that can cheer you up for everything you've been through, I'll be there for you and I hope you like it very much. shout out to the editor of THIS Jake Spider-Man, my jupi @glitterjay and also to my lovely moot @ja3yun, this is the spidey!jake I was preparing ;) [PART TWO: 🕸]
wc +3.0k
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It was one of those days where everything seemed to conspire against you. As you trudged through the bustling streets of New York City, your camera bag heavy on your shoulder, you couldn't shake off the feeling of exhaustion that clung to you like a stubborn shadow. The sweltering heat of the summer sun only added to your irritation as you made your way to the Daily Bugle, where you were interning as a photographer.
Your future boss, Mr. Jameson, was notorious for his gruff demeanor and demanding nature. Today seemed to be no exception, as he barked orders at the staff, his voice reverberating through the newsroom like thunder. Your friend, Jay, was massaging his forehead, and you couldn't help but go there first. He looked up to see you and gave you a tired smile.
"Rough already?"
"And it's not even 9 a.m." Jay spat in anger, and you opened your bag to give him some of the jelly you always carry around. He took them slightly happier, opening as he started talking again. "He's putting stupid challenges on everyone here. Rumor has it that he's getting jealous of the other newspaper company since they took the #1 place from us."
"Well, wish me luck." You braced yourself for another onslaught of criticism as you approached his desk, hoping to avoid his wrath.
"Ah, there you are," Mr. Jameson said, his tone dripping with impatience. "I've got a special assignment for you."
You felt your heart sink at his words, knowing that whatever task he had in store would likely be arduous and thankless, just like Jay said. But you nodded, steeling yourself for whatever was to come.
"I want you to get me a picture of Spider-Man," he said bluntly, his eyes narrowing in a challenging glare.
Your jaw nearly hit the floor at his request. Spider-Man? The elusive vigilante who swung through the city was a hero to some and a menace to others. Getting a photo of him in action was no small feat, and you knew it.
"But how am I supposed to…" you began, but Mr. Jameson cut you off with a dismissive wave of his hand.
"I don't care how you do it; just get it done," he said firmly. "And make it front-page material, or you'll be out of your ear."
With that ominous warning hanging in the air, you felt a wave of panic wash over you. How were you supposed to capture a photo of Spider-Man when you could barely catch a break in your own life? Desperation clawed at your chest as you racked your brain for a solution. He looked at Jay, and he was with his mouth open. She was simply screwed.
The hours passed slowly, and 7 o'clock of the night finally reached, which made you fly to the only place you find comfort at the moment. Shim Jake's place. Feeling all the weight on your shoulders, you sigh as you knock on the door. His aunt opens before your knuckles can touch the door.
"Hey darling… Oh no, bad day?" like a button, your eyes got watery, and she hugged you. You hold your tears as she loses you in the warm hug. "I'm going to buy food. Jake and Ni-Ki are in the room. I know what you like."
"You are truly the best, May."
"I know, darling. Go." She left you, and you entered the house, going directly to the Australian boy's room. You knocked, and you heard things falling.
"Who's it?"
"Who else, Ni-Ki? Come on, I had a bad day, and I need you guys."
"Hold on a second!" A few seconds passed, and Jake was the one who opened the door, his messy hair, sweat pant and big white shirt and hsi big glasses that made him look more handsome than usual in front of you. "Hey lensgirl, what's wrong?"
You went for a hug, this time with tears going down and your crying getting noticeable.
Jake was taken aback by your sudden display of emotion, immediately wrapping his arms around you in a comforting embrace. "Hey, hey, it's okay," he murmured softly, rubbing your back soothingly. "What happened? Why are you crying?"
You sniffled, trying to compose yourself as you pulled away slightly. "It's just… work," you managed to choke out between sobs. "Mr. Jameson… He wants me to get a photo of Spider-Man for the front page, and I- I don't know how to do it. I'm so screwed, Jake."
Jake's expression softened with understanding, though you had no idea just how much he truly understood. "Hey, it's okay," he repeated, guiding you to sit on his bed. "We'll figure it out, okay? You're not alone in this."
Ni-Ki, hearing the commotion, poked his head out from behind the doorframe. "Jake can help," he said, and you could feel Jake getting tense. You looked up to Ni-Ki.
"Jake knows Spider-Man. You could get the picture." You open your eyes as your eyes travel again to Jake's.
"Since when?!" You practically shouted at him, and he gave a shy smile, which you loved, but the thought of him being friends with the hero and not telling you was in your mind.
"I'll tell you right after you clean and calm yourself. You know what? Go to the bathroom." As you were protesting, Jake obligated you to go inside. The boys went straight to the room and locked it, Jake basically punching Ni-Ki for opening his mouth.
"Are you being serious?! Why did you say that?"
"You know I'm fond of her, and I can't stand her crying. And also, I'm doing you a favor; you've liked her since forever, and with this, you can make a move. And you know that she loves Spider-Man. I consider this a win."
Jake's heart raced as he processed Ni-Ki's words. He couldn't deny the truth about them. He had harbored feelings for you for what felt like forever, but he never found the courage to act on them, and because of the sudden powers he got after being bite by a spider, the dangers were too much to the point he would rather die with the secret in order to keep you save. That's how much he loved you.
But at the same time, he couldn't help but feel the weight of responsibility settling on his shoulders. Keeping his identity as Spider-Man a secret was crucial, and now, with you unknowingly on the brink of discovering the truth, he felt the pressure mounting.
Taking a deep breath to steady his nerves, Jake turned to Ni-Ki. "Okay, okay," he muttered, running a hand through his hair in agitation. "But we have to be careful. She can't know about this, Ni-Ki. It's too risky."
Ni-Ki nodded solemnly, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I won't say anything else, I promise. Only you have to stay cool, you get to nervous around her. I'm surprise you're not right now" he assured Jake.
"Because someone open his mouth"
"Stop crying and be grateful. I pulled a move that you couldn't make for the past 4 years."
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It has already been two days since that weird conversation and the explanation of Jake being friends with Spider-Man. It was so odd to you, but the most odd thing was when he told you by text, "I will send you the address where he's going to be."
And here you were, going into the alley for him to arrive. It was getting late, and you could feel your heart beating fast when you saw a few guys in there, cigars in their hands, their auras as bad as how they looked.
"Hey, sweetheart," one of them said, which you ignored completely.
Your heart pounded in your chest as you ignored the leering comments from the men in the alley. You clutched your camera bag tightly, feeling a surge of unease as you realized just how vulnerable you were in this dimly lit space.
Just as panic threatened to overtake you, a familiar sound cut through the tension—a whoosh of air followed by the distinct thud of impact. Before you could even process what was happening, Spider-Man descended from the shadows, landing gracefully in front of you with his trademark agility.
"Hey there, fellas," Spider-Man said, his voice tinged with a hint of amusement. "I don't think the lady appreciates your company."
The men scoffed, eyeing Spider-Man with a mixture of defiance and uncertainty. "And who are you supposed to be, huh?" One of them sneered, taking a step forward. You started taking your camera out of your bag, setting it up for a good shot, and to make it take as many photos as you could as both men focused on the hero.
Spider-Man's demeanor shifted subtly, his stance becoming more assertive as he addressed the group. "Let's just say I'm the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, and I'm not too keen on seeing people hassle innocent bystanders, especially this pretty girl," he replied, his tone firm.
The men hesitated, sizing up the masked vigilante before them. But before they could make another move, Spider-Man sprang into action, his movements a blur of speed and precision. With calculated strikes and well-timed dodges, he swiftly incapacitated the would-be troublemakers, leaving them groaning on the ground in defeat.
You watched in awe as Spider-Man effortlessly dispatched the thugs, a surge of gratitude welling up inside you. Once the immediate threat had been neutralized, Spider-Man turned to you, his masked eyes meeting yours with a sense of warmth and reassurance. You took your camera and looked at the pictures, so many good enough to be front page material.
"Are you okay there?" he asked, his concern evident even behind the mask.
You nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over you in his presence. "Yeah, I'm okay," you stammered, still trying to process the whirlwind of events that had just unfolded before you. You felt some drops of water falling on your face, looking up at the sky and wondering if more drops were falling. "Damn it, it's raining."
"Then let me take you out of here." without a warning, his hand wrapped around your waist, both of your bodies covering the camera. "Hold on tight lensgirl," you frown at the nicknmae. There's only one person that could call you like that, but you couldn't think much of it as you held dear life to him as he swang you around places.
You ended up on your apartment building—in your balcony, to be more exact—and the roof kept both of you off the water, you went inside for a moment to leave the camera in your bed and return. He was hanging from the ceiling as you watched him, forcing you to believe that everything that happened in the past ten minutes was not a dream.
"Don't you want to stand up? So you don't get dizzy."
"I like it this way. Don't worry. Are you okay?"
"Yes, I am. Thank you."
"No problem, that's my job."
"Because you're a hero," the masked guy sighs in front of you. making you feel slighty sad for it.
"Some people don't think so." and it was true, all the fake rumors to paint him as a bad guy made you think about how much free time all this people have to just tear the life of someone who really wants to help.
"But you are, at least I think that."
"It's nice to have a fan as pretty as you."
"Let me say thank you."
"But you already did."
"I meant the trip, not you saving me." You approached him more, and the sound of the rain at the back made the scene more lovely. Then slowly took the mask, only showing his lips. You were surprised by the familiar shape, making your mind go wild. No wonder Ni-Ki and Jake got nervous; no wonder Jake was the only one that could help you with the hero; and there's no wonder why he called you "Lensgirl."
Jake was Spider-Man.
Leaving your thoughts behind, you place your lips on his. The kiss was electrifying, a rush of emotions coursing through both of you as your lips met in a tender embrace. Raindrops fell softly around you, adding to the surreal moment as you shared this intimate connection with the masked hero who had just swept you off your feet—literally.
As the kiss deepened, you felt a sense of clarity wash over you. Everything suddenly made sense—the mysterious conversations, the unspoken tension between you and Jake, even the strange nickname he had given you. It was all because he was Spider-Man, the hero you had admired from afar, and now he was the man whose lips were pressed against yours.
Time seemed to stand still as you lost yourself in the kiss, the world fading away until it was just the two of you tangled together on that rooftop balcony.
"Thank you, Jake," you whispered, your voice barely audible over the sound of the rain.
"Wait… how?"
"You let out "Lensgirl," and I've stared at your lips too much to actually know the shape," he finally dropped himself, taking off his mask completely, revealing his red cheeks and normal shy demeanor.
He actually searched your face for any sign of rejection. "I know it's a lot to take in," he said softly, his thumb brushing against your cheek. "But I wanted to tell you, not in this way; I've got to learn to also shut my mouth up. I… I care about you more than you'll ever know."
Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes as you reached up to cup his face in your hands, the weight of everything finally sinking in. "I care about you too, Jake," you admitted, your voice trembling with emotion. "I just… I never imagined…"
Before you could finish your sentence, Jake leaned in to capture your lips in another kiss, sealing the unspoken words between you with a promise of something more. 
With a smile on your lips and love in your heart, you leaned into Jake's embrace, letting the warmth of his touch chase away the chill of the night as you watched the city skyline glitter in the rain.
"Please write a good news about me."
"Trust me, you'll sure have it, Spidey."
"I just realized that I've to thank Ri-Ki, damn it."
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karajaynetoday · 4 months
nothing's going right, and everything's a mess, and no one likes to be alone | jack hughes
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author's note: don't ask me how the university semester timeline in this works. i have simply given reader a three week break in march bc why not. this is fanfiction okay, anything can happen 😂 no one proofread this for me so soz for any typos!
word count: 3.4k words
warnings: none that i can think of? but lmk if i've missed anything. soz if the ending makes you mad LOL i do love a cliffhanger
read part one here
read part two here
(This is a fem reader insert)
More writing here (soz that the masterlist is not up to date lol) | send thoughts/feedback/suggestions here
Somehow, the ill feeling of waiting until summer to see Jack again began to fade with each passing day. The itch to text him every time something exciting or infuriating happened to you began to lessen. The thoughts of him when you saw a funny meme he’d like, or your shared favourite foods on special at the grocery store, quietly stopped happening as frequently. 
But then there were the things that didn’t stop. The sharp pain in your chest whenever Jack’s smiling face popped up on your social media feed. The butterflies in your stomach whenever your parents brought him up in conversation, fuelled by whatever the latest updates were from their group message thread with Jim and Ellen. The joy that would wash over you when you heard about a Devils win or a Jack Hughes goal, followed almost always by a wave of sadness that you were hearing about it second or third hand, rather than from Jack himself.
You were the one who’d asked for space. You needed time, you’d said. Given the blow up of All-Star weekend, all Jack was doing was respecting your wishes; but a huge part of you not so secretly wished he’d be a bit more disrespectful and reach out. Your mind was a mess of conflicting thoughts, and your heart wasn’t sure which emotion to feel or where to go next. 
Since kindergarten, you’d barely gone more than a few days without seeing or communicating with Jack in some way. Now you were nearly a month without a word, and even though you were still mad at how he’d treated you, you were craving a return to the friendship you’d become so accustomed to. Jack knew you better than anyone, could basically read your mind with a single look, and although you had plenty of friends at college and still around in Toronto from high school, none came close to the camaraderie you shared with Jack. He was someone you could talk to for hours, or sit next to in silence for the same amount of time, it didn’t matter. With Jack, you could be utterly and entirely yourself, no complications. Now it felt like you were always pretending. And it was exhausting.
It was about 9pm on a Thursday night when you found yourself pushing through that exhaustion to try and complete yet another university assignment. For motherfucking economics. You couldn’t wait until you’d completed all of your compulsory economics credits because it was the absolute opposite of your cup of tea, when it came to academic subjects. This assignment was your last one, and you weren’t sure whether to cheer or cry at the idea of hitting the submit button on the online portal. Maybe you should’ve bought a confetti cannon to celebrate. Or a box of wine. Or booked yourself a flight somewhere fun, given you had a break from classes soon.
As soon as the thought of a trip crossed your mind, your phone began to buzz with an incoming video call. A video call from… Luke. Luke Hughes. 
Your face scrunched in confusion, as you swiped to answer the call, met with Luke’s smiling face and messy curls. 
“Hey sunshine! Long time no see. How have you been?” Luke spoke cheerily. Almost too cheerily. 
You were immediately suspicious and narrowed your eyes at the youngest Hughes. 
Luke was 3 years old when you met for the first time; he could barely remember a life without you in it. Given how inseparable you and Jack were, Luke became your de facto little brother, always tagging along where he could and joining in your adventures. Later on, when he became a teenager, you were the one Luke would come to when he was having issues with his friends, or trying to build up the courage to ask out the cute girl in his math class, or missing his brothers when they moved away. You were his second call after Ellen when he felt homesick at Michigan, and you were his first call when he had fucked up something that he felt his brothers would never let him live down. Emotional support and damage control, with a healthy dose of teasing and laughs thrown in. That was the dynamic between you and Luke. It also meant you could read him to filth when he was lying to you, and your honesty radar was through the roof at this sudden video call.
“I’m fine, Moose. Just trying to wrap up my final assignment before the break without losing my entire mind.” You offered weakly, half-expecting Luke to make a joke about your mind having been lost years ago, but the joke never came.
Instead, you saw the concern flicker across Luke’s face, just for a moment, before he forced a smile.
“How long is your break for? Any plans?”
“Three weeks, and not really. I promised my mother I’d spend a few days helping her with planning for their anniversary party in June, but that probably won’t happen until right before I go back to school.” You chatted absently, hitting save on your essay and standing up from the couch, bringing your phone with you as you moved into the kitchen to make yourself a drink.
You propped the phone up against the vase on your kitchen bench, reaching up into the cabinet to retrieve a glass. 
“Well, you should come visit. We’ve got like 5 home games in a row or something ridiculous coming up. It’d be fun!” Luke’s tone was cheerful, but cautious, like he wasn’t sure how you were going to react. 
You hummed in response, moving slightly out of view of your phone to get some ice cubes from your freezer and a soda from the fridge. 
“Besides, I heard a rumour that you’ve got an airline voucher to use. I’d hate for it to expire or something.” 
You could feel your heart starting to beat faster. Luke knew about the voucher. Did that mean Jack had told him about your fight? 
“The voucher won’t expire for three years. I’m sure I’ll manage to use it before then.” You deadpanned, stepping back into frame to see Luke rolling his eyes at you. 
“Yeah, sure, but will I survive that long without seeing you? Absolutely not. Come on, sugar. Please? Even if it’s just a weekend?” Luke had moved into full begging mode, with puppy dog eyes and everything.
You sighed, fidgeting with the straw in your drink and avoiding his gaze. 
“I don’t… we haven’t talked at all, Luke. I don’t know what he’ll do if I just show up there.” You half-whispered, feeling that all-too-familiar wave of sadness coursing through your veins. 
“He talked about you tonight at dinner. Says he misses you. But he doesn’t want to push, or not give you the space you wanted. But right now, he’s on the couch watching Gossip Girl, so…” Luke stated matter-of-factly, staring you down with a knowing look on your face.
Gossip Girl was something you’d insisted Jack get into when you were teenagers, as long as he “wanted to be called your official best friend”. And The OC. And Gilmore Girls. And One Tree Hill. And basically any other teen drama series you could think of. Collectively, those shows had thousands of episodes, and you always found yourself settling down to watch them whenever you were missing Jack more than usual. You’d never realised before that he did the same.
“Should… should we tell him I’m coming? I don’t want him to get upset by a bad surprise.” 
“Not at all, sugar. Book the flight and send me the details, I’ll sort out the rest.” Luke’s beaming smile made a smile of your own creep onto your face, as you nodded at him and went to retrieve your laptop from the couch to log onto the airline website.
“Now that that’s sorted, I was wondering, what does it mean when a girl asks me what my sun, moon and rising are? Should I be worried? Or is it a good thing?”
Two days later, you were done with your semester and on your way to the airport. Luke had suggested you book a one-way flight, “That way, you can go home whenever you like!”, but you were starting to feel like the whole thing was a mistake. 
Nonetheless, you pushed through those feelings and boarded your flight. The whole ordeal took less than two hours, and soon enough you found yourself navigating the arrivals area at Newark airport. You spotted Luke’s lanky figure, clad in a Michigan sweatshirt, with his back to you. You couldn’t help but creep up on him and poke his side, cracking up with laughter as Luke jumped at least three feet into the air. He’d always been the easiest to scare, ever since you were kids. 
Luke cussed you out, and then pulled you into a bone-crushing hug. 
“Missed your face, sugarplum.” Luke murmured, as you pulled away from each other and he rested his hands on your shoulders, studying you. 
“Aw, Lukey. I’d say I’d missed yours too, but we really gotta do something about that hair.” You poked your tongue out as the youngest Hughes brother’s jaw dropped in mock offense. 
You retrieved your bag from the luggage carousel, and headed out to where Luke had parked. The two of you fell into easy conversation as Luke navigated through the New Jersey streets back to the apartment he shared with Jack. 
You managed to bury most of the nerves, but they came bubbling back to the surface when Luke pulled into the parking garage at the bottom of his building.
“Is… um… Is Jack home? Alone?” You managed to squeak out, and Luke looked at you like you were crazy. 
Ever since All-Star weekend, you’d been having a recurring nightmare about Jack and the girl from the messages you’d accidentally become privy to. In particular, it was a scenario where you would come home from wherever you’d been out, and opened the apartment door to find them… entangled, on every possible surface you could think of. You felt yourself starting to feel ill as the images from your nightmares started to flash back into your mind. 
“He’s alone. Ever since… ever since he came home early from All-Star, he’s been alone. None of the… usual visitors have been over. And he hasn’t been going to theirs, either. Not even when we’re on a roadie.” Luke said carefully, and you could tell he was trying not to upset you.
You could also tell that he was being honest. Because you could always tell when he was lying. But your mind was running a million miles a minute. Jack hadn’t… for a month? Because of his fight with you? You loved Jack, but you also knew (despite wishing that you didn’t know at all) that it had been years since he’d gone that long without intimacy. In fact, it was probably the longest since losing his virginity that Jack hadn’t fulfilled his desires. 
Your mind was starting to wander into the gutter, and you pressed your eyes closed to bring yourself back to Earth. All you could do was nod at Luke, before you both hopped out of the car and into the elevator. Luke insisted on carrying your luggage, so you found yourself fidgeting incessantly with your hands as the elevator climbed to the correct floor. 
You trailed behind Luke as he strode towards the apartment door and unlocked it, stepping inside and putting your bag down. He looked back and waved you into the apartment, pressing a finger to his lips. You tiptoed across the doorway, and your heart softened at the scene before you. 
You could see the back of Jack’s head leaned up against the couch, and an episode of Gilmore Girls playing on the TV mounted on the wall. In fact, it was one of your favourite episodes; where Jess comes back and shows Rory the book he wrote, and calls her out for dropping out of Yale. You smiled ruefully as you thought about the parallels between that episode and your current situation with Jack, as the argument between Jess and Rory played out on the screen.  
What do you mean?
You know what I mean! I know you. I know you better than anyone! This isn't you!
This isn't you! This! You going out with this jerk, with the Porsche! We made fun of guys like this!
You caught him on a bad night.
This isn't about him! Okay? Screw him! What's going on with you? This isn't you, Rory. You know it isn't. What's going on?
I don't know. I don't know…
“Are we Team Jess or Team Rory this time, Jacky?” Luke called out, making you jump. 
“Team Jess all the way, obviously. Where have you bee-” Jack stopped dead in his tracks as he turned to face his brother, and instead saw you in the middle of his living room.
Jack’s face was a revelation. Confusion, at first. Then the briefest flash of hurt and anguish. Then a smile. Then caution and uncertainty, as he slowly stepped towards you. 
You let a breath you hadn’t realised you were holding, and quickly moved across the room, clumsily throwing your arms around your best friend. You felt Jack freeze momentarily, almost as if he was shocked at your touch, but that soon passed and you felt his hands slide around your waist and squeeze, bringing your bodies as close together as possible. 
You nestled your head on Jack’s shoulder, breathing in his scent. His thumbs softly rubbed up and down your side, and you felt him press a soft kiss into your hair. You stayed like that for a minute, or maybe longer, relaxing into the embrace.
The sound of the apartment door slamming shut made you jolt, and you rolled your eyes as you realised that Luke had tried to sneak way unnoticed and failed miserably. 
“Hi.” Jack whispered, pulling back from you slightly but keeping his hands locked around you. 
“Hi.” You whispered back, reaching up to brush his hair out of his eyes. 
“Is it still shit hair? Or better now it’s longer?” Jack teased, rolling his tongue between his teeth.
“Better. But only slightly.” You teased back, your hands slipping down to the back of his neck comfortably. 
The warmth of the surprise arrival was starting to fade. The dread you’d felt over addressing your fight with Jack was starting to set in, fast. The guilt you felt for being the catalyst for over a month for not speaking to your best friend was washing over you. Your heart rate was through the roof, and your palms were beginning to sweat. 
Jack sensed your change in mood, and pulled away from you to look you up and down.
“Are you hungry? Do you want to shower? Or take a nap?” He was nervous, too.
“I ate before my flight. And showered this morning. And it’s 11am, so I think I’m good on the nap front. But I do think we should… we should talk. About everything.” You were basically tripping over your words at this point, but Jack’s reassuring nod helped to calm your nerves. 
Wordlessly, Jack took your hand and led you over to the couch, gesturing for you to sit. You sat down and faced him, crossing your legs and resting your hands on your knees, still fidgeting with your hoodie sleeves. 
“I’m sorry - “ You both said unanimously, a gentle laughter filling the room. 
“I’m sorry I needed so much time apart, J. It fucking sucked, and it was my fault, and I just didn’t -” You began to ramble, only stopping when Jack leaned over and squeezed your knee reassuringly.
“You only needed that time because I was an asshole, sugar. It’s on me, really. I had no right to treat you like an occasional friend, or something that I shouldn’t prioritise -” Jack paused as you cringed, remembering the text messages that referred to his time with you as “boring family bullshit”. 
“I was thinking with my dick, not with my head, and that’s not fair on anyone.” You shot Jack a weird look, and he looked sheepish in return.
“Quinn… Quinn said that to me. After you told him to tell me about the messages. He’s right, thought. It wasn’t fair.” Jack continued, pausing to take a deep breath. 
“This whole… thing, this life -” Jack gestured broadly at the apartment around you, and you glanced around properly for the first time. Framed jerseys of Luke and Jack’s adorned the walls.Various photos of the Hughes family scattered about the place. The fridge, with a gas bill stuck to it, along with a polaroid of you and Jack from last Christmas. And a photo from your senior prom. And a group photo of everyone from last summer at the lake house, Jack’s mouth open in laughter with his arm slung over your bikini-clad shoulders. 
“It’s all I thought I ever wanted. And it’s amazing, and I’m so grateful. But it’s worth nothing to me, the money, the girls -” You felt yourself involuntarily cringe again. “The fame, the accolades, it’s worth nothing to me without the people that I love by my side. And if those people don’t know how much I love and appreciate them, because I treat them like shit, then that’s on me. No one else. Me.” 
You sat quietly, taking in Jack’s emphatic statement. You weren’t quite sure what to say. So instead, you gently reached over and took Jack’s hand in yours, lacing your fingers through his and squeezing softly, for a moment while you gathered your thoughts.
“I know the life you live, Jack. You don’t have to be sorry for it. Playing hockey was all you ever dreamed of, and I honestly can’t blame you for… enjoying… all the perks it comes with.” You swallowed the wave of nausea that hit you, before continuing. 
“I don’t… I don’t know what life looks like without you in it. The last month was such a bizarre experience, and not one that I ever want to repeat, but I also… I need to… Can I be honest?” You spoke softly, glancing up from your hands to meet Jack’s gaze, and he nodded encouragingly at you. 
“I wasn’t just upset because you made me feel like I was inconveniencing you, or cock-blocking you -” It was Jack’s turn to cringe. “I think I was upset because I was jealous. Because that will never, ever be me. And I think… I think I want it to be? Maybe? Fuck, I don’t know!” You dropped Jack’s hand and stood up from the couch, and started to pace the room. 
“Sugar, please sit down.” Jack pleaded, and you paused, looking back at him on the couch. One look was all you needed, and you narrowed your eyes at the smirk on his dumb face. 
“Why are you smirking? I am experiencing emotional distress, you asshole.” You seethed, running your hands through your hair in frustration.
“Tell me more about this jealousy thing. I’m intrigued.” Jack’s tone was light and teasing, and washed over you like sour milk. Your head whipped in his direction and your face must’ve said a thousand words, because Jack’s smirk soon disappeared and he hurriedly stood up and walked over, reaching out to touch you. 
“See, this -” You jabbed a finger into Jack’s chest. “This is why I have avoided this conversation for almost my entire life. Because you think it’s hilarious that we could ever go down that path. That we could ever be something more than what we are. Because I’m not good enough,or pretty enough, or just enough and I never will be, and I hate it. I hate it so much.” Your voice cracked on the last few words, and you felt the hot tears start to bubble out of your eyes and stream down your face. 
Jack didn’t say a word. He didn’t have to. He pulled you into a hug, bringing his hand up to your face and gently brushing away the tears with his thumbs. 
“Breathe, sugar. You need to calm down.” Jack said quietly, willing you to calm. That just made you cry harder. 
You were about to pull away, when you felt Jack cup your face with both hands, before leaning in to kiss you. 
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talaok · 7 months
hi bestie, I've been thinking about your incredible writing and I thought of something, if it's okay for you, it would be an interesting fic, thank you very much for the dedication and love you put into your works, they are perfect.
We always see fic scenarios out there where Pedro is insecure about the age difference, exposure and privacy, but what about a totally different scenario where Pedro tries to convince the reader that none of that really matters because they are in love? and that they will be able to get through this? (In this case, I don't think the reader would have a problem with the age gap, but she would like to have a "normal" relationship and not one where they can't hold hands, kiss or be seen together because of the paparazzi...
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x reader
warnings: angst
a/n: thank you soso much love💖, and im sorry if this isn't exactly what you had pictured
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it's stupid how you got here.
How you ended up sobbing on the couch as your boyfriend tried to understand what was going on.
It was just a stupid couple, a stupid couple kissing on the subway... in public.
And all you could think about as you came home was how unfair it was, that you and Pedro couldn't do that, that you had to hide your relationship in the confines of your apartment, that you couldn't kiss, hold hands, or hug him in the street like you longed for.
it made you think, but it also did something else, it made you realize.
It made you realize just how tired you were, just how exhausting having to pretend like you didn't love someone more than life was, and to have to watch that person, the man who's the object of said love, pretend the same thing.
It was exhausting, and you were exhausted, and as much as you loved him, you'd started to realize that maybe you couldn't, that maybe it just wasn't meant to be.
"sweetheart..." he murmured, softly caressing your right arm, as you hid your face in your own hands "What are you saying?"
You'd only half explained yourself before the tears started, so he hadn't understood completely, he had gotten a part- and he didn't like what he got, it was destroying him actually, but he still had hope... maybe he had simply misinterpreted it all.
"I-I'm saying" you sniffled, peeking up at him, "I'm saying that I don't know if I can do this anymore"
"What?" he breathed, his heart breaking into a million pieces with a simple sentence "Y-you can't do what?" he asked
Hope, hope, he needed to have hope.
This couldn't be it.
No, not like this, not now- fuck, not ever.
"this- us" you explained, tears falling from your eyes without a break "The hiding, the secrecy, not being able to kiss you whenever I want to, I-"
He couldn't give up
"then let's tell everyone!" he begged, taking your hands in his, ignoring the void in his stomach, the sickness in his throat "we-we can do that, we could just-"
"you know I can't" you stopped him "My career is still at the beginning, if this got out it would destroy my image, they'd start saying that I'm with you for the fame and then no one would hire me anymore"
"but you're not" he murmured "You're not like that"
"I know" you shrugged "but how would they?"
"I-I'll tell them" He spoke, trying to sound more confident than he felt "I'll tell everyone how much I love you, how important you are for me, how amazing you are, I'll-"
it was your turn to beg now
"stop" a sob crept up your throat "stop, I just- I can't"
"Sugar, please" he whispered "I love you" he promised " I love you so fucking much, and I can't lose you- not like this, I just can't"
Your eyes were focused on where your hands were intertwining, not able to meet his gaze.
Guilt was eating at you from within, filling up your lungs with smoke until you couldn't breathe.
"I know you do" you spoke, your voice a faint thread "And I love you too, but that's not what this is about, it's about how exhausting this is- I mean, don't you feel it too, aren't you tired too?"
Your eyes were melting with his now
"yeah I am" he nodded "but if it's what I need to do to be with you, then I gladly do it. I'd do anything for you sweetheart- I'd jump off a bridge if you asked me to"
A soft, silly smile pulled unconsciously at your lips.
And he saw it as a victory, a small one, but still something, a crack he'd created.
"Please sugar" he squeezed your hands "Please don't do this, I'm begging you."
"I love you. I love you more than anything, more than myself, more than life itself, so please, for the love of god, don't do this"
"Baby I-"
"Please-" his eyes were shimmering "we'll get through this, we'll find a way"
"what way?"
"I-I don't know yet" he admitted, his voice lower "but what I do know it's that I can't lose you, not over something like this, and that I'm gonna work my ass off to find a solution"
"yeah?" a snort bubbled from your nose
"yeah" he smiled, leaning closer so his hot breath was fanning over your mouth "So what do you say," he asked, "you trust me?"
And at that, you couldn't help but smile
"I do," you said "I trust you"
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wileys-russo · 8 months
childhood sweethearts (1) II a.russo x reader
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series playlist
this is part one to a lil multi part fic i've been working on, sequels and prequels to come
childhood sweethearts II a.russo x reader
"and you promise you'll not burn yourself out again right darling?" you sighed at the obvious concern present in your mums voice on the other end of the phone line. "yes mother i've learnt and i've grown and i'm doing all the self care things!" you cheered sarcastically, switching to hands free as you moved to stir your dinner.
"ha ha ha. i think you forget that i still know where you live and i have no issues just popping in every now and then to check on-" the older woman began to threaten as your eyes widenened.
"okay okay there's no need for that mum! i'm doing well, i promise." you responded a lot more sincerely as the woman on the other end simply hummed. "this school and my workload is a lot less intense, really! my colleagues are very friendly, my boss is approachable and i love my class. better?" you sighed as you switched off your stove and began to dish yourself up a bowl.
"and it's brought you back closer to home, my favourite part!" your mum cheered as you playfully rolled your eyes.
"yes it has however i maintain that i have boundaries mum. you, lily and harry are only welcome to visit with an invitation." you warned, half serious and half joking as you grabbed your phone and moved to the living room, sinking down into the sofa.
"yes you made that very clear, feeling very loved darling." "you know i love you ever so dearly mum but i also love my own space."
"oh god i almost forgot. you'll never guess who i ran into the other day!" your mum suddenly gasped making you chuckle, if you'd even tried guessing you could have been stuck on the phone with her for hours, your mothers social circle seemingly never ending.
it used to be a point of contention for you in your youth, hating the way you were seemingly forever pulled away to dinners or parties or barbeques, having to beg your parents to leave once it grew late in the night and your social battery had long hit its max.
as your siblings grew older they were always excused from going to these elaborate social events and you'd beg to be given that same privilege but as the youngest that was one thing you coudn't talk your way out of.
though once your dad passed you watched that break her down to nothing, seemingly just a shell of the woman she once was when he was alive and all was well.
but with time you grew to watch your mother pick herself back up slowly and start to rebuild her own support net. recconecting with her inner circle after isolating herself from the outside world for so long, it warmed your heart and was something you would forever encourage for her.
knowing that the older woman would always thrive and be at her best as a social butterfly and the hostess with the mostess, it had helped her to heal.
"if i guessed we could be here for hours and i have an island full of gorgeous single airheads and a bowl of pasta calling my name, so who did you run into?" you chuckled, shoveling in a mouthful of food as you awaited her answer.
"carol russo!" you choked at her words, spitting out the pasta you'd half chewed and breaking out into a coughing fit, scrambling for the glass of water on the coffee table.
"oh honestly i wish you'd learn to chew before you swallow, the food isn't going to disappear!" your mum scolded you as you finally caught your breath again.
"oh i'm grand mum, thank you for your concern!"
"anyway. well i've not seen her for years as you'd know and then there i was just browsing the strawberries, i needed some for a new crumble recipe i'm trying, and there she was, just grabbing a bunch of carrots!" you had to withhhold the urge to laugh at the way your mother told stories and just how animated she'd become, so fixated on the small details as she basically told you their entire conversation and coincidentally revealed her entire shopping list as she went.
"so we're all going out for a meal on thursday to catch up properly." you hummed, only half listening at this point. "that sounds nice." you mumbled, flicking through the tv.
"so you'll be there then? i said half past six since i know you're normally home from work around five." now that had you tuning back in. "wait, you what?" you directed your full attention back to the conversation.
"dinner with the russo's. half past six at paradiso, your brother and sister already said yes." your mum repeated as your stomach dropped and you fell silent. "darling did you hear me?"
"yeah i did. but look mum i have lesson planning to do and that's a school night and-" "oh y/n please! carol made such a point to ask how you've been and how much she'd love to see you. i know you and lessi drifted apart but you're both adults now darling i'm sure you can find some common ground, and the two of you used to be inseparable."
and there it was.
you could have just maybe deluded yourself into thinking that there was a slight chance the youngest russo wouldn't be present, perhaps you'd get lucky and she would be too busy off being a european football superstar.
but now you knew she'd be there the pit of worry and dread forming in your stomach only widened, quickly going from a small hole to a gaping chasm as the nerves already settled in at the thought of speaking with her after so many years apart.
"actually no you know what darling i don't care if you're an adult now, you're going. no arguments!" your mum decided, hastily excusing herself and stating she couldn't wait to see you, ending the call before you could utter another word.
"oh god, get it together! they're just regular people and its just one dinner." you mumbled to yourself with a shake of your head as you fixed your hair in your rear view mirror for the fifth time, sinking into your seat with a long exhale.
you jumped and let out a yell of shock as someones knuckles rapped against your window, an all too familiar toothy grin shining down at you as you grabbed your bag and popped open your door.
"shortstack!" giorgio cheered, surprising you as he scooped you up into a bearhug. "well, maybe not so much anymore." he placed you back down as he looked you up and down with a beaming smile.
"hi gio." you laughed fondly, hugging him again as he squeezed you, having been just like another brother to you as you'd grown up, it seemed he hadn't changed a bit.
"still shorter than me though, and definitely shorter than lessi." the boy teased as you felt a wave of nausea wash over you as the realization once again sank in you'd be seeing her again after all these years.
"so its been years, how have you been?" the italian laughed, throwing an arm over your shoulder as you briefly caught him up on what you were doing now as he did the same, the two of you wandering into the familiar restaurant.
"hasn't changed eh?" he chuckled as the both of you looked around, fondly recalling memories of all the dinners your combined families would have here throughout your childhood, the same owners still preserving its legacy and charm years and years later.
"hey, i was really sorry to learn about your dad. he was a good man, one of the best." the boy gently grabbed your arm and tugged you to the side a little, genuine sorrow in his eyes at the words as your lips pressed together and you nodded.
pity, you hated pity.
"thanks gio." you squeezed his shoulder with a small smile as the two of you resumed your chatter and you spotted the rest of your families already gathered together at a large table up the back, the same table you'd always sat at.
it seemed the two of you were the last to arrive as cheers erupted and you both made your rounds saying hello, without even needing to look to your right you could feel a certain blondes eyes burning holes in the side of your head, but you weren't quite ready to accept that just yet.
"sweetheart look at you! absolutely beautiful." carol beamed, pulling you into a very tight hug after you'd finished once again being lifted into the air both by mario and luca, seemingly an italian tradition as thats how it had always been for you with the men of the russo household.
"its so lovely to see you again carol, mum was delighted to have bumped into you, i know she's missed you since it all happened." you admitted softly, the older woman nodding in understanding and rubbing your back comfortingly.
though the gesture was not anything new it did send your heart racing, as you knew another russo who was fond of that exact same thing and at the seemingly simply action a million memories came crashing down onto you and your knees buckled slightly.
doing your best to shake them off you greeted your own siblings and mum, and then without anyone else to use as a buffer you found yourself having to take a seat, and of course the only seat free would be next to her.
your stomach dropped as finally you had no choice but to look at her, the girl thankfully caught up in conversation with your sister sitting across from her you found her eyes no longer gazed back at you.
it presented you with a small fleeting moment to actually take her in.
long gone was the grubby ten year old brunette who would tackle you to the ground and sit on you to paint your face with mud after she'd spent the afternoon kicking footballs at your head, now sat before you was a woman.
you knew she'd forgone her natural hair colour for the bottle blonde, in fact you'd been the very first person she told the moment she even started to consider it. you'd gone with her to the salon for her appointment, showering her with praise at her new cut and colour which she'd clearly stuck with over the years.
gone was the baby fat which once rounded out her face, her features though still soft had become more defined over time, and you couldn't help but allow your eyes the luxury of roaming her incredibly toned arms which sat on full display, likely attributed to the hours she dedicated to training every day.
she had always been strong physically, easily able to overpower you during countless wrestling matches in your early youth, or pinning you down on her bed to steal the breath from your very lungs with a searing kiss in your teenage years, forever teasing you to no end at all the ways she bettered you in strength.
sat with one leg crossed over the other you marvelled at the tight fitting dress which adorned the curvature of her body, another thing that grubby ten year old alessia would have scoffed at, forever foregoing fancy dress ups and heels for football boots and a tattered hand me down manchester united jersey.
of course over the years you'd grown up together there was changes within you both, the biggest of everything being the fact you realized you loved one another in a way best friends shouldn't, thinking about one another the way the rest of your friends spoke about liking boys.
it was how the two of you had wound up being one anothers first everything, though that was a secret reserved only for the two of you to share, and one that would take much more time than a quick dinner for you to really unpack.
so swallowing down the hard lump in your throat at the cascading emotions washing over you, you screamed at your legs to move and cleared the distance between you and her, your sisters eyes flickering toward you alerting alessia the chair beside her would no longer be vacant.
sneaking a glance up toward you she had to stop herself from gasping. much like your own observations, to alessia gone was the shy smiley ten year old she'd chased around her backyard every afternoon and sat giggling for hours with tucked away in pillow forts on rainy days, replaced instead with a well spoken and quite frankly drop dead gorgeous woman looking to her expectantly.
alessia quickly stood to her feet, wincing at the obnoxious scrape of her chair against the hard wood floor, the two of you sizing one another up clearly unsure how to proceed.
"hi." you started softly, alessia swooning at the dimples which hadn't left you over the years, your nose still scrunching slightly as it always had when you smiled.
"hey." the striker managed to force out with her own nervous smile, the two of you hesitating for a moment, clearly both ticking over if a hug was the next most appropriate step.
though right as alessia began to move closer, arms ready to envelop your shorter form, it seemed the decision had been made for both of you as servers arrived.
handing out menus and starting to take drink orders meant the two of you dropped down into your seats, refusing to look one another in the eye as you spoke to everyone and anyone but each other.
alessia ordering a glass of white wine with a grateful smile her ears perked up and a slight frown appeared on her face as you murmured to the man you were content to stick with water.
"let me guess, no drinking on a school night?" your older sister lily had mocked with a teasing grin as you rolled your eyes at her over the lip of your glass.
"oh yes your mum was telling me you're teaching now! and you've just gotten back from working abroad?" carol tuned in at that point, seated beside your sister as you nodded.
"yeah i was in australia for two years teaching, i actually only got back a few weeks ago and started a position here in a local school." you confirmed with a smile, alessia glancing toward you with a look of surprise at the new information.
“oh that’s just wonderful, I can see you’d be the most amazing teacher. what age?” carol complimented sincerely as you sent her a grateful smile, you’d definitely found the right work for you and you adored your job so you always appreciated when it was picked up on by others.
“I was teaching grade five in australia but my class here now are only second years which is a bit of a change.” you answered with a chuckle, it had definitely been an adjustment but you honestly preferred it to how things had been overseas.
"got over your fear of planes then if you made it in one piece to australia?" luca chimed in with a wink as you waved him off, having always had a paraylsing fear of aircraft it had taken a lot for you to board that final plane away from everything you knew.
but with a new adventure awaiting and having done about as much preparation as one girl could do, once you were in the air it relieved you to know it actually wasn't all that bad.
"lessi just got back from australia, well we all did actually what a place it is. and what a shame we didn't know you were living there at the time!" mario added with a regretful smile before returning to his conversation with your brother.
"yes i was sorry to see how that ended for you lessi, you played brilliantly though! lil and i watched most of the games, footy for breakfast." your mum beamed, alessia unable to not share a grin with the woman, her happiness always having been infectious just as yours was, it wasn't hard to see where you got it from.
"y/n was at the semi finals too, in person." your brother harry chimed in as your face paled, having hoped this wouldn't come up as you felt ocean blue eyes pierce into the side of your head. "you were?" alessia's voice was soft and laced with surprise, and you were sure you were the only one who had heard her as you nodded.
"our school was given a handful of tickets by one of the parents who sits on the FA board, so i went with a few other teachers. the only english woman among a huddle of australians i wasn't the most popular on the train ride home or at work that next day!" you joked, cheeks flushed slightly red at all the eyes on you, grateful once the conversation seemed to shift to another topic.
but alessia wasn't quite finished with it yet.
"i wish i'd known you were there." the blonde admitted quietly, sparing a glance toward you as you stiffened. "you scored the winner, i didn't miss that." you replied softly, messing about with your fingers and staring down at the table as alessia's wine arrived.
she downed it in one go, tapping the server and murmuring for another as he nodded and took her glass away, the blondes head buzzing with the much needed liquid confidence.
"did your friends need to explain the rules to you?" alessia smiled, her tone now much lighter as you shared a look, own lips curling upwards at what she was insinuating.
"mostly just how offside works and what the hell VAR was." you joked, seemingly relaxing a little more in your chair as alessia did the same. "i see your ever growing passion for football hasn't changed then." the older girl teased sarcastically, ring clad fingers drumming against the table.
despite it being her one true love you couldn't have cared less about the sport, the only reason you feigned any interest was not to upset her or have her feel unsupported, and so you allowed her to teach you the rules of the sport so you would appreciate every game you sat at to watch her play, and you hardly ever missed a single one.
though that also never ever stopped her from forcing you to stand between the posts as she and her brothers fired shot after shot at you.
you’d often run off after a few minutes of being hammered and your best friend would chase you down, dragging you back to the goal and demanding you try to stop at least one of her shots and she would switch with you and let you kick at her instead.
it was safe to say you never did manage to get a turn at playing striker.
"could say the same for you, champion of europe now isn't it? bit of a step up from winner of the backyard round robins one on one with your brothers." your shoulder nudged into hers slightly, setting alessias entire body on fire just from the marginal contact, something she'd not felt in years.
"seems we have a lot to catch up on then." alessia smiled, your stomach erupting into butterflies at the slight rasp of her voice, scolding yourself for such feelings as you settled again.
"well six years is quite a long time."
though alessia was hyper aware of all of the physical changes within you, it warmed her to see there were still some things which stuck around all the same over the time you'd spent apart.
"some things don't change do they." the blonde murmured with an amused smile seeing you pick out every single tomato from your side salad, subtly moving them to an awaiting napkin as you blushed having been caught out.
growing up you’d always do the same, normally not much of a picky eater but what you didn’t like you didn’t like. thankfully for you though the blonde beside you ate like a hoover growing up with how much physical energy she exerted daily, especially in her early teen years. and would always take whatever you didn’t want, making sure her mum never noticed as you were determined not to have her think you didn’t like anything she prepared for you.
"here." alessia chuckled, reaching out to grab the small handful of tomato’s you'd collected and depositing them on her own plate, in turn dropping a few of her roast potatos onto your own in a silent exchange, shutting down your protests with a firm look.
"thanks." you smiled gratefully, conversation turning toward alessia now as everyone picked at their food. "so arsenal then less? big shift from you as a die hard united fan." your brother joked though knowing the girl as you did you didn't miss the way a small frown of discomfort flickered across her face.
but as soon as it was there it had disappeared again and she was chattering away about how happy she was with her new club, and admittedly you tuned out a little bit as your mind wandered to your lesson planning for tomorrow.
"hm?" you hummed as you heard your name, shooting back down to earth and rejoining the conversation. "head in the clouds still sweetheart!" carol teased as you laughed nervously, apologizing for your lack of focus and asking your mum to repeat herself.
"we were just saying that lessi's new place is quite close to yours." the older woman smiled with a look in her eye you didn’t like, sipping at her wine as you forced a smile. "oh is it? thats nice." you nodded, looking anywhere than at alessia who you knew was waiting for you to say something more.
though when you didn't the conversation turned once again and you exhaled slightly, however of course the conversation had shifted to what you and alessia were like as children, your mums swapping story after story which frankly sent your head into a spin.
you abruptly stood, excusing yourself to go to the bathroom as you started to feel a little overwhelmed, alessia's eyes following yours with a concerned frown. "go make sure she's okay lessi." her mum ordered, shooting down her protests with a stern look and shooing her away as the blonde sighed and got to her feet, following after you.
she hesitated on the handle for the bathroom, she was almost certain she'd had a hand in why you left the table in the first place so would her coming to check in on you even really help anything?
she mulled it over for a moment, hand still on the handle before she shook her head, deciding against it and taking a step away. though no sooner had she made up her mind was it changed for her as the door opened and you'd come striding out, smacking into the blonde whose hands grabbed at you.
though with her notoriously clumsy nature she found her footing slipped and she was sent tumbling to the floor, accidentally taking you down with her as your bum smacked against the concrete with a wince.
"fuck, i'm so sorry." alessia blurted out as her face burnt red in embarrassment, hurrying to her feet and offering you a hand up. "it's fine." you smiled politely, the blonde frowning at just how quickly you dropped her hand once you were back on your feet, attempting to step around her to return to the table.
"wait." her strong hands landed on your hips, spinning you around as your eyes widened and alessia realized her mistake, hastily snatching away her hands and stepping back, mumbling an apology.
"you said to wait?" you reminded, eyebrow raised clearly giving her the opportunity to say whatever she had intended. "oh. can we get a coffee sometime? to catch up." alessia forced out, grateful for the few glasses of wine in her system that allowed her to swallow the nerves which threatened to drown her.
"alessia-" you started and the striker could tell right away from your tone and furrowed eyebrows that you were angling for a no. she had to swallow her wounded pride at the realisation you were also the only one at the entire table who'd not called her a single nickname all night, and if she was honest you were really the only one who she wanted to.
"please." the blonde almost begged, her hand reaching out for yours again but pausing midway as you ever so slightly retreated, fingers falling dejectedly back to her side as you sighed.
"alessia i really don't know if-"
"we were best friends for a lot longer than anything else went on. i want to hear about what you've been up to, properly. not just a few awkward sentences at a dinner you clearly don't even want to be at."
you hated her for how well she knew you and could clearly still read you like a book, despite the length of time it had been since she'd even seen picked up and glanced at the cover.
"i've missed you."
and there it was, the three word confession seemingly innocent however it was enough to drive a metal spike right through your insides, and had you wishing you could curl into a ball and be swallowed up by the floor right about now.
"please? it would just be two old friends getting a coffee, catching each other up about the last six years of their lives. completely normal!" alessia tried again this time with a joking smile, desperately trying to ease the fast mounting tension arising between the two of you.
you had to respect her efforts, the taller girl rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet nervously, hands rubbing at the material of her dress desperate to try and wipe them dry, her skin soft and clammy at the sight of you in front of her again after so long.
part two
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bestedoesmeow · 8 months
king of my heart requested!
toto wolff x ex!driver!reader
( Ok hear me out... Toto Wolff with a ex driver reader (first female driver maybe in redbull or Ferrari but retired) and she knew toto back when he was racing and she was racing and they liked each other but never confessed
Fast forward to now where she's been invited by (redbull/ Ferrari ) and idk somehow they reconnect )
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In the heart of the bustling Formula 1 paddock, where speed and ambition were matched only by the relentless buzz of the media, Toto Wolff stood by the Mercedes garage, his delicate dark brown eyes scanning the sea of people moving about. It was another race weekend, but this time, there was something extraordinary in the air. He had received a message that someone from his past was back in the racing world. A name he hadn't heard in years: Y/N
You had been a trailblazer, a pioneer in a sport dominated by men. You were the first female driver to ever compete in Formula 1, but your career had been cut short due to an unfortunate accident that left you sidelined. Yet, you had never truly left the world of racing. You had become an advocate for women in motorsport, working tirelessly to break down the barriers that had kept so many talented females from reaching the pinnacle of racing.
As Toto watched the cars zipping by on the track, a voice called out his name. He turned to see a familiar face in the crowd. It was you, unmistakable with your beautifully tied hair and a smile that lit up the paddock. Toto felt a rush of emotions he hadn't experienced in years.
"Y/N," he said, his voice filled with a mix of surprise and delight.
"Toto," you replied, a hint of nostalgia in your voice. "It's been so long."
You embraced, the years melting away as you held each other. Toto couldn't help but remember your time as fellow drivers, the camaraderie you had shared, and the unspoken connection that had always simmered beneath the surface.
You walked through the paddock together, catching up on each other's lives. You had taken a break from racing to focus on your advocacy work, and your efforts were starting to bear fruit. You had even received invitations from both Red Bull and Ferrari to collaborate on their initiatives to promote diversity and inclusion in motorsport.
Over the course of the weekend, Toto and you found yourselves spending more and more time together. You attended team meetings, watched races, and shared meals. It was as if you had never been apart, and yet, there was a certain tension between you two, a question that lingered in the air, unspoken.
One evening, under the starry sky of the Grand Prix city, Toto and you found yourselves alone on a rooftop terrace, overlooking the glittering lights of the city below. The moment felt right, and the words spilled out.
"Y/N," Toto began, his voice soft but resolute. "There's something I've never told you."
You turned to him, your eyes curious and expectant. "What is it, Toto?"
"When we were both racing," he said, "there was something more than just friendship between us. I never had the courage to say it then, but I… I cared for you deeply."
Your eyes widened, and a smile played on your lips. "Toto, I felt the same way. But we were young, and the world of racing was a different place back then. We never got the chance to explore what might have been."
Toto reached out and took your hand, your fingers interlocking. "Y/N, the world of racing is changing now. And maybe it's time we explore what might have been. If you're willing."
Your eyes sparkled with a mix of emotion as you nodded. "I'd like that, Toto."
As you leaned in to share your first kiss, the city below continued to glitter, and the echoes of your past merged with the promises of the future. In a world where speed and ambition reigned supreme, your love story was a reminder that some connections, no matter how long they've been dormant, are simply meant to be.
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dreamisols · 7 months
。⋆.luxiem + the things they do for love
—headcanons for how the boys show their love for you in their own little ways —fluff, gn! reader, i dumped this all in one night, update i finally proofread it!, the boys are their personas in the fic, i'm not including a certain someone out of respect :(, please remember that fiction is not equal to reality, always respect the livers! —rimi's ramble: i've always wanted to write for niji (T v T) i'll write for other fandoms too soon!
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shu yamino
... entertains you with little light shows
if the people from shu's past life saw him now, he's sure that they would've had a whiplash
the sorcerer admits that he's handled his fair share of deadly curses, especially back in his prime. the delicate fingers brushing through your hair as you lay peacefully on his lap were the same fingers that conjured nightmarish realities towards those who truly deserved his wrath
does he still know all of these curses now? obviously.
can he still cast them as proficiently as before? absolutely.
shu simply chooses not to, so really, he wouldn't blame the people for whatever presumptions and thoughts they would've had about him. he's a man with a notable reputation—though good-natured, still fearful in his own right
his mind drifts along with daydreams as he continues combing through your hair, amused while imagining the terror on their faces upon seeing you so casually sprawled on his lap. no care whatsoever of the fact you're dating a sorcerer, because you trust that you can be vulnerable around your beloved shu
it was a nice change of pace. you're a nice change of pace.
your soft whine breaks shu from his daydream and he can't help but chuckle at the sound. it sounds irritated, but still playful and light. his eyes meet yours when you blink up and speak in a confused daze, "why'd you stop?"
in response, he sends you his signature cheeky grin, "you're gonna grow spoiled if i continue," he jokes, booping your nose "i also wanna show you something."
mumbling a few things under his breath, shu's hands gracefully draw shapes in the air. immediately, a humble array of beautiful sparkling lights and mythical looking creatures dance around the both of you. your mouth gapes in awe, looking at the fantastical sky
"it's a little thing i learned," the sorcerer perks up, adjusting from where he's seated so your back's leaning on his chest. a perfect view to gauge your response. "it's one of the few spells i know that doesn't hurt others. is it nice?"
you nod, still not looking away from the view, "nice? shu, this is breathtaking. i love it"
he leaves a small kiss on your temple, and you feel the smile on his lips as he murmurs a quiet thank you
shu hopes you never find out that he's spent a good chunk of his time learning that spell for you because he knew it would make you smile. and he definitely hopes you never find out that he's willing to do this over and over if it meant you two could always be like this. (that's a lie, he really wants you to know)
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ike eveland
... immortalizes you in his work
to say your lover is currently inspired is an understatement
you were convinced that all nine muses had suddenly bestowed gift after gift to him, because you've never seen ike create works at such a speedy rate. he reminds you of a cat overwhelmed with the amount of treats and toys around him, because he keeps on alternating between one thing and the other
though you support your lover's endeavors and encourage him to work to his heart's content, you couldn't help the concern that washes over you when you register the amount of work he has on his plate
now you stand before his room with a mission in mind: make him take a break
maybe also grabbing an opportunity to take a little peek at the content of his works....
you march up with a tray of snacks and a drink in hand, "ike," you call out softly as you shut the door behind you, "i've got some snacks for you"
the novelist perks up at the sound of your voice and immediately turns to face you with a smile
"hello darling," he greets you softly, melodiously, while making quick steps towards you. ike kisses you as gently as he speaks to you, before he flashes an appreciative smile at the sight of your little gift "you really shouldn't have, thank you"
"you need to take a break too, you know" you're quick to comment as you trail after him while he carries the food to his desk. the novelist just hums and nods, and you get the lingering sense that what you said entered one ear and went out the other
you don't even hide the sigh upon noting all the papers scattered around his desk, "i'm serious, ike.." judging by the unfinished thoughts and abruptly cut paragraphs, it seemed like they were all unfinished drafts. "what's gotten you so worked up anyways?"
it's like he's stating an obvious fact. he replies so quickly and so casually, so unlike the deep thinker you're used to.
you stare at him shocked, while he reaches out to grab some of the said sheets of paper
"i was initially just going to write a cute romantic letter for you, but in the process of writing it, i realized i could somewhat incorporate everything that i feel for you into my actual working project. so i paused in writing the letter and went to writing my draft."
he grabs another few pages from a different pile, and dramatically continues, "but then the more i was thinking of how i felt for you, the more i thought about you in general. you and your pretty self, you'll be the death of me."
"then i realized that if i suddenly started writing about you in that draft, it wouldn't make sense, so i made a new draft just for that."
ike sighs, looking at you with a small pout, "now you can see how it became a cycle from there. really, if anything, you're..." he stops mid-thought, looking straight into your bewildered eyes. you're sure you look like a flustered mess, but you catch the way his eyes carefully map your entire face in adoration as his hand blindly reaches for his notepad
"hang on, i need to hold that thought. i'm getting an idea for yet another work."
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luca kaneshiro
... has a whole folder in his notes app dedicated to you
the life of a mafia boss is no joke, you could practically imagine how hectic the day-to-day workload must be
despite your knowledge about luca's line of work, your sweet lover refuses to ever expose you to such ministries underground. he'd indulge you with scraps of information, sure; and the people under him all recognize (and adore) you, yes. but that's just as far as you're gonna get! he doesn't want to risk your safety, and you're beyond grateful for that
but imagination does wonders in filling up for whatever information you're lacking, and you pride yourself with how much your brain's able to conjure on what luca could possibly be doing (though you believe you need to tone down with the gruesome details)
one thing's for certain, there is a lot of things going on in the underworld. a lot of stressful things that leaves even your beloved sunshine of a boyfriend frustrated
his preferred method of blowing off steam? ranting to you
you really don't mind whenever he does since he'd always ask whether you're fine with him talking about it or not, and even with your consent, he really tries to keep everything to a minimum for you. still, that doesn't stop you from empathizing with the struggles and frustrations that come along with his line of work
"i'm really gonna make it up to you, okay?" luca mumbles into the crook of your shoulder, his arms securely wrapped around your frame. you just hummed and kissed his cheek, hugging him back
you regret not taking his words much more seriously
"mister luca kaneshiro, what on earth is this?"
you desperately wish the content of this clipboard was all a joke, or probably something you misread. but judging from the way he giggles like an excited child (which fits the charming grin on his face), you don't think there was a mistake at all
"i said i'm gonna make it up to you! remember?" he chirped before kissing all around your face "we're gonna start with this!"
you blink dumbly at him, "luca... this is a whole week's worth of high class things"
his grin falters and he looks at you with a quizzical stare "wait, does that mean i forgot to print out next week's cruise trip there?"
sometimes you want to take his brain and study it under a microscope.
for a good chunk of time, you scolded luca with how careless and hasty he is with spending, especially when it comes to spoiling you. he retaliates with whines of his own as he childishly pouts and points at the agenda he made for the both of you
"but you said you've always wanted to visit this pop-up cafe since the collab featured is one of your favorite shows! and since you wanna go, then i wanna go too! it even has your preferred drink on the menu, see?"
at some point you tuned out his nonstop rambling, especially when the contents on the clipboard caught your attention. you're quick to realize the entire week's plans are fit exactly to your tastes. all the places and activities are more or less suited to your preferences, and you couldn't help but inwardly applaud luca's attention to detail (he even placed the preferred time according to convenience and comfort)
you don't realize that luca's stopped his persuading rambles when he caught you studying the paper. immediately, a proud grin etches on his face at your astounded look and he puffs his chest in pride,
"i take note of aaalll the things you like and tell me about, y'know? what kind of boyfriend would i be if i didn't know whether- i dunno- my lover would prefer their coffee iced or hot? or, trick question: if they even like coffee at all?"
upon seeing your poorly-concealed smile, he beams a smile of his own and kisses the corner of your lips, "just allow me to spoil you and show you my love, yeah?"
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vox akuma
... makes a promise ring
"red really does suit you, darling"
vox chuckles when he sees you visibly shiver from the sheer intimacy of his actions. he can't blame you though, not when he's looking at you so affectionately as he gently plays with your hand
one by one, he leaves trails of kisses on your fingers. his lips trailing and mapping each and every area as if he was worshiping you. it feels light and dreamy, the way he's showering you in affection, you really can't help the way your heart swells
the demon is truly a man of his word, an ironic statement you've come to realize given how long you've been dating him. where in stories demons are usually depicted as deceitful beings, the one standing before you is nothing but sincere
he had always been someone who emphasizes the importance of promises, and with his background, you've come to understand why
it's in his principle that promises are meant to be taken seriously. they require mutual trust and a deeper sense of connection between the individuals after all. for instance, when you broke down and told vox all your troubles one time, he wrapped you in his wine colored coat and held you to his chest. you can hear the silent oath he made to always be there for you like you were there for him
but some promises between you two are more silly. like the time he accidentally ate the remaining dessert in the fridge despite you clearly stating over and over again how it was yours. the poor man had to endure your glares and pouts through fits of amused laughter. he finally gave in when he realized you'd playfully dodge his kisses, and made a lighthearted promise to not touch whatever food you said is yours and even compensate by cooking for you that night (the food was divine)
other times, it would sometimes come in the form of affection. simple and direct to the point, but as effective as ever. if he ever had to run late due to some errands or because he's meeting up with his friends, he'll always let you know prior with a gentle kiss on your forehead. a silent way of saying that the moment he's done, he's rushing home to nobody but you
vox really is a man of his word
the ring fitting snuggly around your finger is yet another form of his vows
the red jewel glimmers and winks at you, a lustrous ruby shade strikingly similar to the shade of red your beloved voice demon loves to parade around in.. and the fact that the both of you are wearing similar rings is surely bound to have heads turning to your direction.
you're snapped out of your trance when you feel vox playing with the cool metal wrapped snuggly on your finger. instead of a smug smirk or a devilish grin, his lips are formed into the smallest of smiles. a soft and content smile. he looks at the ring like it's the one thing that genuinely makes him happy, and you understand why
vox gave you a ring not because he wants to own you, but because he trusts you'll never break his greatest oath
"promise you'll take care of it?" he asks, guiding your hand to rest where his heart is—his greatest and most vulnerable vow
"i promise"
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likes and reblogs are appreciated, but please don’t copy or repost my work! [edited and proofread: 110623]
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chvoswxtch · 1 year
all i need is you
pairing: matt murdock x fem!reader
summary: following the morning after matt's run in with elektra, you have a lot of decisions to make about your future together.
warnings: swearing, angst, explicit sexual content (minors pls dni), mentions of pregnancy
word count: 8.2k
a/n: y'all have been requesting a sequel to please don't be mad for almost 6 months now, & I apologize it's coming so late. there were a lot of things y'all wanted to see happen in the sequel, & I took all of that feedback to heart & incorporated as much as I could in a way that made sense to me. i've been working on this for months, & it was really important to me to create something you guys would really love & be happy with. thank you to everyone that even wanted a sequel, & for being so patient. as always, feedback is welcomed/appreciated!
[part one]
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It was almost crazy to think that just over a year ago, you thought your relationship with Matt Murdock was over for good. 
When you had awoken that following morning by his side, head clear of the rage and lust induced haze you had been captured in, all that was lingering was a heart heavy with hurt and stinging with betrayal. You had silently collected all of your belongings, pressed one last kiss to Matt’s lips, and granted his peaceful sleeping form one final glance before leaving your spare key on his entry table and disappearing into the twilight. 
All of his words still echoed in the back of your mind, but so did his actions. The promise of marriage was eclipsed by the cherry lip stain on his collar. The prospect of a family was diluted by the scent of an expensive perfume that didn’t belong to you. The vow of faith and love was broken by yet another lie. 
You loved Matt, more than you had ever loved anyone, and more than you ever thought you could love another person. You knew deep down that he was a good man. You tried to believe that he would never intentionally hurt you. But it had gotten to the point where you couldn’t ignore the ache he left in your chest. 
You needed time to try to forgive him. You weren’t even sure if you could forgive him at all. The cut he’d made ran deep, and you couldn’t decide if it was because he’d made it with her blade, or if it was simply his own that had been slicing away at the same spot over and over and over. Regardless, you needed time. Time away from him; to heal, to think, to decide. 
But Matt Murdock had never been a man of patience.
For two endless weeks your phone constantly lit up with his name, filling up with messages containing apologies and desperate pleas. You started arriving early to work and left later than usual to throw him off your schedule. You had the receptionist bypass all his calls and made security aware that he was not welcome in your office. You ignored all the usual spots that he knew you frequented, and especially the ones you went to together. For the first time in over a year, you locked all your windows to ensure he couldn’t slip through in the middle of the night. You blasted music through your headphones so you didn’t have to hear the pain in his voice as he called out your name, fist banging away at your front door so hard you were certain he was going to actually break it down. 
It was torture. Even though he had been the one to wrong you, a piece of you felt guilty. You could hear the terror and remorse in his voice when he stood outside your door, begging for forgiveness, chanting your name over and over as if you were the deity he worshiped and needed absolution from. It left a bitter taste in your mouth to be yet another person to turn your back on him, but through the wave of your sadness came the tide of anger, reminding you that he had done this. He had forced your hand. He made a choice, and you had to make yours. 
The guilt from also having to ignore Karen and Foggy weighed heavily on your chest. They knew what had happened. You had just as many sympathetic voicemails and unanswered texts from them asking if you were okay, and if you wanted to talk. You hated not being able to lean on them when you were at your most vulnerable. They were your family just as much as Matt was, but you couldn’t talk to them or be around them. They just reminded you of him. A huge part of you resented him for that, for making you feel like you couldn’t go to the two other people you loved most in this world for comfort because of what he did. You had spent the past few years building your entire life around Matt, and he had selfishly sent it crashing to the ground, leaving you completely isolated beneath the debris.
For two long weeks, you felt trapped beneath a heavy blanket of depression you couldn’t seem to find your way out from. 
And then she happened. 
How Elektra had managed to break into your apartment when Matt couldn’t, you weren’t sure, but the day you came home to find her in your living room with a bag of your things packed by her feet, you were stunned silent.
“I need you to come with me.”
“What? Why?”
“Because Matthew is an idiot and he’s put you in danger. We need to go. Now.”
She didn’t even give you a chance to hesitate, gripping your overnight bag into one hand, and forcing you out your door with the other. The ding of the elevator dropping you to the lobby seemed to wake you out of whatever trance she had put you in, and you stared at her in confusion as you stood firmly outside the metal doors.
“I don’t understand. What are you doing here? Where are we going?”
“I’ll explain when we get there. We need to move.”
“I don’t-“
“Listen. You don’t know me. You’ve got no reason to trust me. But right now, I am trying to save your life. So if you’ll please-“
Elektra paused for a moment as she looked at you. The annoyance on her perfect features vanished slowly, taking in the pain and confusion that were clearly plastered on yours. 
“Because you’re important to Matthew, which means you’re important to me.”
Elektra filled you in on everything the moment she had secured you away in a penthouse uptown that was registered under an alias. What she and Matt thought were the Yakuza had ended up being a much older and sinister organization called The Hand. They were into some freaky cult shit that you didn’t quite understand, but you got the gist that they were powerful, and extremely dangerous. They were also everywhere. They had tracked her and Matt, and a man named Stick that had trained the two of them, back to Matt’s apartment the night after the gala. They had been tracking him ever since, and because he had continuously been going to your office and apartment, they knew all about you. 
She even told you the truth about how she had met Matt, and how it had all been a set up by Stick to bring him back to their side; to fight the war that he had been warning them both about. 
“I don’t know what Matthew has told you about me. Probably nothing good. But I need you to know…I did love him. That’s why I left. I realized…he wasn’t like us. He would never be like us. He was too…good. He didn’t belong with Stick and I. I didn’t want to be the one to put that light out inside of him. I didn’t want anyone to. I didn’t mean to cause any trouble between the two of you the night of the gala. I wasn’t aware that he hadn’t told you that I was in town, or what we were doing. I swear I was only trying to protect him.”
There was a glimmer of regret dancing along Elektra’s waterline, and you could see her own pain shadowing the faint smile on her lips. 
“You weren’t the one that lied to me.”
Elektra blew out a breath as she took a seat in front of you, dragging her teeth along her bottom lip as she nodded.
“Matthew always has pure intentions. I know that. But for someone who is incredibly intelligent, he’s also a complete dumbass. He tries so hard to do the right thing…but he doesn’t stop to think about if he’s doing it the right way. Look I don’t…I don’t know anything about the two of you, and I’m not telling you what to do, but I can tell you that he is absolutely in love with you.”
“So…you didn’t come back to New York for him?”
“For his help, yes. To rekindle whatever we had, no. But for the record, even if I had, I wouldn’t have stood a chance in Heaven or Hell against you.”
There was something oddly comforting about Elektra’s words and the timid smile on her lips. It eased some of the tension pent up in your body, and you felt a little lighter as you let a deep exhale out through your parted lips. Nibbling on your bottom lip, you glanced over at her as you anxiously twisted a ring around your index finger.
“I…thank you. You…you didn’t have to…do all of this. I hate to even ask anything of you when you’re already doing so much for me but…can you just…not tell Matt I’m here? I’m not ready to talk to him yet.”
Elektra flashed you a pitiful smile as she gave a slight nod of her head.
“Of course. It’ll be our little secret.”
It only took Matt three days to figure out that Elektra had been hiding you, and as he burst through the front door of her penthouse, he was absolutely incandescent. 
“You have got to be fucking kidding me. You’ll have a sleepover with her, but you won’t talk to me?”
“Watch your tone, Matthew.”
Elektra glared over at Matt, tightening her grip on the knife in her hand that was hovering over a cutting board filled with various ingredients. 
Matt furiously tore off his glasses as he angrily pointed his finger in her direction, the top of his lip curling up into a menacing snarl.
“I don’t want to hear shit from you after you-“
“I protected her because you led the Hand right to her. You’re fucking welcome by the way.”
Elektra let out a deep angry exhale as she turned to face you with a sour pout on her lips. She gestured her head in Matt’s direction with a quirk of her brow.
“I can get rid of him if you’d like.”
“Excuse me?”
“I wasn’t speaking to you, Matthew.”
Sighing heavily as you let go of the whisk in your hand, you pushed the large bowl of batter forward on the kitchen island and wiped your hands off on a small towel. Rubbing your hands over your tired eyes, you waved your hand dismissively towards Elektra.
“It’s…it’s fine, Ellie. I’ll deal with him.”
Elektra eyed you for a moment before shooting another glare in Matt’s direction. She dropped the knife onto the cutting board, wiping her hands off on the same towel before clasping them together loudly.
“Right, well, I’ll leave the knife out just in case. Remember the three main areas I taught you to stab. I’ll be upstairs if you need me.”
After you watched Elektra disappear upstairs into her bedroom, you turned around to face Matt. His eyes were absolutely wild with rage and his face was morphed into complete disbelief as he blanched at you.
“Ellie? Since when the hell is she Ellie?”
“Since she’s the only one around here that tells me the truth about what the fuck is going on.”
Matt clenched his fists at his sides as he stared blankly over at you, and you watched as a muscle feathered in his jaw. 
“What did she tell you?”
“Everything you didn’t.”
You could practically feel the anger radiating off of him in waves, but you had more of a right to be pissed off than he did. Matt shoved his hand into his pocket, producing a shiny silver object that he held out in front of him between his thumb and index finger.
“What is this?”
Crossing your arms over your chest, you arched one of your brows as you looked at him.
“A key.”
Your key. 
Matt’s nostrils flared as he clenched his jaw, quickly crossing the distance between you to stand directly in front of you.
“Don’t get smart with me. Do you have any idea how it felt to wake up that next morning and you were gone? All of you, your things, everything gone? And to find this on the table? Not even-“
“I’d imagine it was as shitty as you coming home covered in red lipstick and smelling like your ex lover's perfume. Or as shitty as finding out you lied about where you were and who you were with, and that you kissed her and lied about that too.”
Matt ran his hand through his hair quickly in annoyance before dragging it roughly down his jaw, shaking his head as he flung his arms up in the air with frustration.
“Goddamnit Y/N, we talked about that! We worked through it. Then you just…disappeared and ignored me for weeks. You won’t return any of my calls, you won’t open the door, I can’t even-“
“We didn’t talk about anything, Matt! You kept trying to justify your actions and completely ignored how I was feeling. We didn’t work through anything. You manipulated me and we fucked. That is not working through it.”
Matt sighed with exasperation as he stared at you incredulously. 
“I did not manipulate you. Fuck, I told you that I wanted to marry you and have a family witn you-“
“In the middle of sex, Matthew! I don’t know if you even meant that, or if it was a heat of the moment thing. And don’t you dare say you didn’t manipulate me. You took advantage of the fact that I was frustrated and that you hadn’t touched me in weeks. You knew I would give into you. How do you think that makes me feel? That you completely ignored my feelings, manipulated me into sex for forgiveness, and filled my head with all those promises knowing that our relationship was in a bad spot. I can’t trust a word that you say because you can’t seem to stop lying to me.”
Matt’s anger evaporated the second he tasted the salt of your tears in the air. He hung his head between his shoulders in shame, shifting his weight from one foot to the other as the severity of your words nestled in the silence. Letting out a soft sigh, Matt’s tongue darted out to quickly wet his lips.
“You’re right.”
His hazel eyes were more clear without the cloud of vexation, and you could see the way they glistened with regret. Matt’s plump lips fell into a frown, and guilt seemed to tug the rest of his features down like gravity.
“I’m sorry. I swore to you that I wouldn’t lie after I told you the truth about me. I broke my promise to you, I betrayed your trust, and I disrespected our relationship. I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I never, ever meant to hurt you. I didn’t want you to get mad that I was working with Elektra. I didn’t think…I wasn’t thinking. I wasn’t considering your feelings. I shouldn’t have kissed her. I could’ve come up with another diversion. All of this could’ve been avoided if…if I had just told you the truth.”
Matt let out a shaky breath as his blank eyes glanced upwards, closing for a moment as he clenched his fists by his sides. A stray tear slipped past his lashes when he opened his eyes again, slowly lowering himself onto his knees before you as he reached for one of your hands to hold.
“I have been…absolutely fucking miserable these past few weeks, and that’s my own fault. I know that. I have hated not getting to feel your touch, or hear your voice, or be able to tell you how much I love you. I am so fucking sorry if I ever made you question how I feel about you, but Y/N I meant every word that night. You are the love of my life. You do belong with me. I do want to marry you and start a family. I swear to God, I will do whatever it takes to earn your trust back and your forgiveness. Just tell me what I have to do sweetheart, and I’ll do it.”
It broke your heart to see Matt look so distraught. It stung even more than he was on his knees begging for forgiveness instead of asking you to spend the rest of your lives together, but there was an undeniable conviction in his voice. It soothed the pang in your chest slightly to finally hear him acknowledge his fuck up, and apologize for it instead of getting defensive. Elektra had melted away the insecurity you had felt with her confession, and the frightened look that shattered Matt’s face showed you just how scared he was to lose you.
There was still a lot of work to be done on your relationship. It wasn’t going to be fixed overnight, and Matt was going to have to put in a lot of effort to earn your trust back, and prove to you just how much your relationship mattered to him. But you were in love with him, and you knew there was no one else for you but him.
“You can start by taking care of this…”Hand” shit. I’m not loving the fact that I’m being hunted by zombie ninjas because of my idiot boyfriend.”
Matt’s ears instantly perked up, and a lopsided hopeful grin stretched across his lips.
“I’m still your boyfriend?”
“For now. You’re dangerously close to being replaced by Elektra, though. She’s always bluntly honest, and her bed is way nicer.”
You never in a million years thought that your boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend would fight just as hard as he would to keep you safe, but Elektra had. She protected you from The Hand just as fiercely as Matt did, nearly giving her life for you both, and now she was securing the last button on the back of your wedding dress and staring at you in the mirror with a knowing smirk. 
The morning you slipped out of Matt’s apartment heartbroken and desolate seemed like a lifetime ago as you prepared yourself to meet him at the altar in just under an hour. 
“What’s on your mind, little dove? Got cold feet?”
Elektra quirked one of her dark brows as she stared at your reflection with her signature smirk. Karen had left the two of you alone to go check on Matt and Foggy, and she was helping you with your finishing touches. 
After helping save New York, Elektra had stuck around, and to both of your surprises, and certainly to Matt’s, you two had become very close. The more you got to know the more vulnerable side of her, the more you felt for her. She wasn’t the villain that everyone had painted her out to be. She had been a scared little girl, manipulated with a promise of something resembling a family, only to be broken down and molded into something to orchestrate death and destruction instead. It wasn’t unlike what Stick had done to Matt. As a matter of fact, it was worse. 
“If I said yes?”
Elektra hummed quietly as she moved your hair off your shoulder, leaning in to rest her chin on it as she wrapped you up in a hug from behind with a grin on her lips. 
“Ever been to Paris this time of year? It’s beautiful. We could be at a private air strip before anyone even knew what happened. Matthew is fast, but he can’t outrun a Maserati.”
A grin broke out across your lips as you giggled, squeezing onto Elektra’s arms when she winked. You had never been more sure of anything in your life than you were sure that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with Matt Murdock. Both of you knew that. But you also both knew he was eavesdropping just on the other side of the church, and it was incredibly easy to rile him up.
As if on cue, Foggy suddenly burst through the door and pointed a finger at Elektra with an expression of pure irritation on his face. 
“Whatever you’re telling her, knock it off. You’re scaring the shit out of him, and he’s already convinced enough as it is that she's not gonna walk down that aisle.”
“Oh relax, Franklin. Girls got to have their fun, yeah? Besides, I thought they called him the man without fear.” 
Foggy rolled his eyes as he shut the door behind him, walking over to shoo Elektra away as he stood behind you and adjusted your veil down your back.
“Yeah, until it comes to her. Go head to head with the Punisher who's notorious for using automatic weapons with sticks? Sure. Take on a weird cult of ninjas that can’t die and like to use really sharp swords also only with sticks? Why not. Fuck it, let’s use every goddamn tall building in Hell’s Kitchen for parkour practice. But ask the woman I’m ridiculously in love with to marry me and put up with my shit for the rest of our lives? That’s where the devil seems to tuck his tail between his legs.”
Matt had been an absolute nervous wreck the night he proposed to you. He had brought you to the same restaurant that he had taken you to for dinner on your first date, and was fidgety the whole time. Every time you asked if he was okay, he swore up and down that he was, and you figured there was just something overwhelming one or several of his senses. But then you noticed that despite it being mid November, he was sweating as you walked hand in hand through Central Park, and his hand kept nearly slipping from yours. Finally, you stopped and turned to face him, placing your hand on his chest to steady him.
“Okay, what’s going on with you?”
“N-Nothing, I’m fine. Let’s keep-”
“No, you aren’t. You’ve been acting strange all night. You’ve been anxious and fidgety, and now you’re sweating.”
“It’s hot-”
“It’s November, Matthew.”
Matt’s lips parted slightly as he went to protest, but nothing came out. He was usually good at coming up with excuses on the spot, but whatever was going on with him had seemed to completely take over his mind. A soft sigh slipped past your lips as he averted his gaze to the ground, watching as he clenched his fist by his side. You took a step forward to place your hands gently on his cheeks to cradle his face.
“Matty, please talk to me. Is something wrong?”
“No, no nothing…nothing is wrong.”
“Then what is going on? What’s got you so worked up?”
“I’m not worked up-”
Matt let out a sigh of defeat hearing the tone in your voice, his tongue darting out to quickly wet his lips as he attempted to flash you a reassuring smile.
“Can we just keep walking please? There’s something I wanna show you.”
There was evident excitement in Matt’s voice, but it didn’t resonate with you. The way he kept dodging your questions was beginning to put you in a sour mood, conjuring up a bitter taste of realization that he was on the cusp of breaking an oath he had sworn to keep. Dropping your hands quickly from his face, you shook your head in frustration as you turned around swiftly to walk ahead without him.
“You promised me you wouldn’t do this anymore.”
You only made it two steps forward before Matt blurted out a confession laced with full blown panic.
“I’m in love with you.”
Immediately pausing, you turned around to look at him in complete confusion.
“I know that, Matt.”
Matt let out a heavy exhale as he rushed forward and took your hand into his, scrunching up his nose as he shook his head quickly.
“No, I…I mean…that I’m…fuck, this isn’t going right.”
Matt pinched the bridge of his nose as his lips pursed into a frown, and you eyed him curiously as you gave his hand a gentle squeeze.
“What isn’t going right? What are you talking about?”
“Will you just…come with me? Please? I really need to show you something.”
Matt’s face was twisted in what looked like agony, and the desperation in his voice made you nervous. You didn’t think you had ever seen him look so…terrified, not even that night at Elektra’s when he thought you were going to leave him for good. You allowed Matt to guide you further through the park, venturing off down a path only he seemed to know, and stopping once you reached a gate that was covered in ivy. He pulled a key from his pocket to unlock it, and pushed it open with a slight creak, gesturing for you to enter first with a timid smile.
A shocked gasp flew past your lips as you stepped inside. It was an isolated garden, completely closed in by ivy covered walls, lit up only with various strings of white twinkle lights and the glow of the moon. To your delight, there were several plants and flowers in full bloom, and the whole scene looked like a vibrant painting you would hang on your wall. 
“I hear this place is beautiful.”
Turning around to face Matt, you noticed that he had taken off his glasses, and was apprehensively turning them over in his hands over and over. The timid smile was still plastered on his lips, but his eyes were nearly blown open with distress.
“I…it’s…I don’t even know how to describe it. How…how did you find this?”
“Karen did. It’s technically private property owned by the city, but Brett owed me a favor.”
The puzzlement on your face only grew as you stared at Matt, a soft laugh leaving your lips as you gestured around.
“Is this why you’ve been acting so weird? You didn’t think I’d like the surprise?”
Matt’s eyes darted back and forth blankly as he dragged his teeth along his bottom lip, swallowing thickly as he placed his glasses into his jacket pocket and took a few cautious steps forward.
“I…I hoped that you’d like it.”
“Matty, I love it. It’s so beautiful. But you didn’t have to be so nervous to show me this. You could’ve taken me to a random alley and I still would’ve loved it.”
Matt let out a breathless laugh as he shook his head, clicking his tongue against the inside of his cheek as he smiled softly.
“Then it wouldn’t have been special.”
A furrow formed between your brows as you looked at him, trying to decipher all the cryptic pieces he was laying in front of you.
“What wouldn’t have?”
Matt was silent for a moment as he fixed his gaze on your face, tilting his head to the side ever so slightly as he studied you. Finally letting out a deep breath, he reached out to take one of your hands, brushing his thumb delicately over your knuckles as a slow smile spread over his lips.
“I told you, I’m in love with you.”
“And I’m in love with you, Matty.”
Matt took a step closer as he brought his other hand up to cradle your face, a tender smile on his lips as he rubbed his thumb soothingly over your cheek. You couldn’t tell if it was the reflection of the lights in his eyes, but they looked glossy, almost as if he was about to cry, and it made you squeeze onto his hand tighter.
“You…are the first person that has ever truly understood me. The first that’s ever accepted and loved both sides of me. You’ve never shied away from one, or favored the other, or asked me to choose. You haven’t given up on me, even when I’ve given you plenty of reasons to. You are the best part of my day. I can’t tell you how…how happy it makes me to know that when I come home at night, you’re there waiting for me. And no matter what kind of day I’ve had, or how rough of a night it was, it…it doesn’t matter, because you’re there. You give me a reason to make it home. I can’t tell you how much I love that I get to fall asleep holding you and listening to your heartbeat, and start every day hearing your voice and kissing your lips. I have never felt as…happy…and light as I do with you. I want to spend the rest of my life feeling this way. I want to spend the rest of my life ending every night with you and starting every morning with you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So-”
Matt let out a shaky breath as he slowly dropped his hand from your face and tightly held onto your hand. You were already in tears from Matt’s words before, but the moment he dropped down onto one knee before you, the floodgates opened and a choked sob caught in your throat as your other hand flew up to cover your mouth.
“Y/N Y/L/N, will you marry me?”
“Oh my God, Matty…yes…yes!”
Matt blew out a shaky breath of relief as he closed his eyes for a moment, the tension in his shoulders evaporating right in front of your eyes as he let his head drop. You couldn’t help but laugh as you stared down at him in perplexity.
“Did you think I was going to say no?”
Matt rubbed his hand down his face to wipe away his own tears, letting out another breathless laugh and sniffling as he looked up at you with a goofy grin on his lips.
“Figured I had a fifty-fifty shot.”
Lips splitting into the biggest smile you had ever seen, Matt quickly rose to his feet and grabbed your face, capturing your mouth in a deep kiss as you gripped onto his jacket to hold him close. All of a sudden he quickly pulled away and shoved his hand down into his pocket.
“Oh shit, uh…sorry…I…here.”
Matt laughed nervously as he pulled a small velvet black box out of his pocket, opening it to reveal the ring inside. Your mouth fell open as a gasp escaped, and you gripped onto Matt’s forearm as fresh tears welled in your eyes.
“Do…do you like it?”
“I…I love it. It’s…it’s perfect. How did you-”
“I had some help.”
Glancing up at Matt through your teary eyes, you watched as a bashful smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. Pulling the ring from the box, Matt gently grabbed onto your wrist with a shaky hand, and carefully slipped the ring onto your finger. It fit absolutely perfectly, and you stared down at it in awe as it dazzled beneath the lights. You were overwhelmed with so many emotions, and you didn’t know what to do other than grab Matt’s face and pull him down for a searing kiss. 
The two of you gripped onto each other as if you were afraid the other might disappear if you loosened your grasp even the slightest. You were a flurry of lips and teeth, trying to devour the other’s desire, consuming the taste of happiness together. Matt laid you down in the soft grass of the garden floor and made love to you right there, intertwining his hand with yours that wore the symbol of his love and promise to you.
A burst of laughter ripped through your chest at that memory of Matt’s nervousness as you covered your mouth, staring at Foggy knowingly in the reflection of the mirror. Elektra’s mouth split into a huge grin as she rolled her eyes, pressing a quick kiss to your temple and giving Foggy’s shoulder a squeeze on her way to the door.
“Alright, alright. Let me go do damage control. I’ll see you both out there. Oh, and Y/N, darling?”
You turned your head to look over at her as she paused in the doorway.
A warm smile tugged at the corners of Elektra’s mouth as she stared over at you, leaning her head briefly against the door. 
“You are the most beautiful bride I’ve ever seen.”
You pursed your lips slightly as your face twisted up faintly into an expression of gratitude, returning her smile with one of your own.
“Thank you, Ellie.”
Elektra flashed you a quick wink, closing the door behind her to leave you alone with Foggy.
“She’s right, you know. You do look beautiful.”
A smirk tugged at the corner of your mouth as you looked at Foggy in the mirror, arching one of your brows quizzically.
“Did you just agree with her?”
“That stays between us. This is a one time thing.”
Laughing softly, you turned around to pull Foggy into a tight hug, sighing in relaxation as his arms came around you to hold you securely to his chest. There didn’t seem to be anything that a hug from Foggy Nelson couldn’t fix. All of the pent up nerves seemed to dissipate from the warmth of his embrace, and you suddenly felt a million times lighter.
“Thank you.”
“You don’t have anything to thank me for.”
“I have everything to thank you for.”
“Well in that case, I think Foggy would be a great name for your future kid.”
A deep laugh rumbled in his chest as you giggled, pulling back slightly to peer up at him with a grin.
“I’ll put in a good word.”
After Foggy left you alone to go rejoin Matt and the others, you stared at your reflection in the mirror, smoothing your hands over your dress for the millionth time. A part of you was still in disbelief that today was the day you were marrying your best friend. Matt had sworn to not take the second chance you had given him for granted, and had been treating it as if it were sacred. He opened up to you about everything now, even the rough nights that plagued his thoughts, and the horrors he desperately wanted to protect you from. There wasn’t a single thought or emotion he hid anymore, and he’d even gotten better about finding balance between each of his lives. That wasn’t to say that you both didn’t struggle from time to time still, but your relationship was the healthiest it had ever been.
A knock against the door tore you from your thoughts, and a smile quickly spread across your lips at the sight of the figure leaning against the doorway.
“Hey big guy.”
Frank’s mouth split into a grin as he looked at you, giving a slight nod of his head in your direction.
“Hey darlin’.”
Turning away from the mirror to face him fully, you swallowed thickly as you smoothed your trembling hands down the sides of your dress and gestured to it.
“I look okay?”
Frank cocked his head to the side as he smirked, taking you in with his eyes as he took a few steps forward to stand in front of you.
“You kiddin’? You’re gonna knock Red on his ass.”
You didn’t hardly have any family outside of the chosen one you had made with Matt, Foggy, Karen, Elektra, and Frank. When you’d let it slip to him that you would be walking down the aisle alone, Frank instantly offered to be the one to walk you. He confessed that it would probably be the closest he would ever get to walking his own daughter down the aisle, and you graciously accepted without hesitation. 
A smirk curled at the corner of your mouth as you let your eyes wander over his large figure, finally meeting his deep brown curious eyes.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so…”
“Dressed up, yeah yeah. Don’t get used to it.”
“I was gonna say not covered in blood.”
Frank let out a deep chuckle as he shook his head slowly, looking down at you with a dazzling grin on his lips.
“Figured I could behave for a few days so I didn’t mess up your pretty dress, yeah?”
“How generous of you.”
As the processional music started to play, the nerves you felt earlier returned full force, and you gripped onto Frank’s arm tightly as the reality of the situation started to sink in. This was actually happening. Matt was waiting for you on the other side of these doors, and in just a few moments, he would finally be your husband. Tears started to form in the corners of your eyes as your emotions started to catch up with you, thinking about everything the two of you had gone through together, and how it had all led up to this moment. Frank’s lips brushed against your cheek as he bent down to whisper into your ear.
“You say the word, and I’ll get you outta here. No questions asked, yeah?”
Gripping a little tighter onto his arm, you leaned into Frank’s embrace as a shaky breath left your lips.
“Where would we go?”
“Wherever you want, darlin’. I could hide you places even he couldn’t find.”
You swore you heard Matt groan loudly on the other side of the door, and you couldn’t help but giggle as you dipped your head back to look up at Frank. Taking a deep breath in, you exhaled slowly through your parted lips and nodded with a soft smile.
“I’m ready.”
Frank gave a slight nod as he leaned in to kiss your forehead, dropping his left eye in a wink as he smiled.
“Yeah, sweetheart?”
“Don’t let me fall, please.”
Frank wrapped his right arm tightly around your waist, holding onto your hand with his left one as he squeezed it gently.
»»———  ———««
“As absolutely beautiful as you are in this dress, it’s time for it to come off.”
“You don’t wanna leave it on?”
“I’d love to, sweetheart, but it’s kind of in my way. Besides, it’s so pretty, I’d hate to ruin it with all the things I wanna do to you, Mrs. Murdock.”
A soft gasp left your lips as Matt gently sucked on that sensitive spot on your neck below your ear, and you could feel him grin against your skin when your heart skipped. He had taken every opportunity throughout the evening to call you that, or refer to you as his wife. Every time it hit your ears, a buzz of serotonin flooded your bloodstream and left you hazy.
“And what, exactly, is it that you wanna do to me, Mr. Murdock?”
Matt’s fingertips brushed lightly along the exposed skin of your bare back, causing a shudder to course through you while his nimble fingers delicately tugged the zipper of your dress agonizingly slow down your back. His stubble tickled against your cheek as he nuzzled your jaw, inhaling your scent deeply while leaving open mouthed kisses down the column of your neck.
“Fuck a baby into you.”
Gripping tightly onto his suit jacket, you were suddenly taken back to that night over a year ago when he’d first made that promise, and his words from that night flowed through your ears. 
I’m gonna marry you someday, Y/N.
I will put a ring on your finger tomorrow. 
I will put a baby in you tonight.
A fresh wave of mixed emotions glossed over your eyes, and Matt slowly pulled back to stare blankly down at your face with an expression of concern as he cradled your face in his hand.
“What is it, angel?”
“Nothing. It’s nothing.”
Matt tilted his head to the side slightly as his honey hazel eyes gazed down at you, tongue darting out to quickly wet his lips before they pulled into a timid smile.
“Was it the wedding you always wanted?”
Bringing your own hand up to cup Matt’s jaw, you pulled him in closer to touch your foreheads together as you whispered softly.
“Of course it was, Matty. You were the groom.”
Matt had been continuously asking you the same question all night, wanting to make sure you were absolutely happy with the biggest day of your lives. Honestly, it had been perfect. Karen had taken over as your unofficial wedding planner, and between her, Marci, and Elektra, you’d hardly had to lift a finger. Getting married in a church wasn’t a huge deal for you since you weren’t religious, but you knew how much it meant to Matt, and you offered to marry him in his church where his parents would’ve married. It was small and intimate, exactly what you both wanted.
The second you stepped through the open doors with Frank, Matt immediately started to cry. You were only a second behind him as soon as you saw him, the two of you gripping onto each other’s hands as Father Lantom led the ceremony, bringing everyone in attendance to tears as you exchanged your heartfelt vows. Matt had captured your lips in a deep kiss as soon as Father Lantom uttered his name, and he lightly smacked him over the back of the head with his bible to remind him that he was in church when the kiss started getting a little too heated for the house of God. Maggie had simply laughed, reminding Father Lantom that Matthew was indeed Jack Murdock’s son.
The reception was held at Josie’s where you had first met Matt over two years ago, courtesy of Karen. Foggy had drunkenly climbed onto the bar to deliver his best man speech which only drew further tears out of everyone from laughter by telling the most embarrassing story he could conjure about Matt from college, and also from the passionate gratitude he showered you in for making his best friend the happiest he had ever seen him.
Matt told me once he thought you were an angel created by God himself, and sent down from Heaven just for him, exactly when he needed you. I believe that’s true. There’s no other explanation for how perfect you are for him. Thank you for bringing my brother the happiness he’s always deserved. I love you both.
Karen could hardly contain her own tears as she spoke fondly about you and Matt, bringing even Frank and Jessica to tears with her sweet words.
I knew the night you met Matt that you loved him. I could see it in your eyes. Thank you for loving him the way that you do. I can’t tell you how happy it makes me as your best friend for you to end up with someone like Matt. Because I know he will take care of you, and protect you, and love you with everything he’s got, and I know you’ll do the same for him. I’m just so happy my two favorite people found each other.
“Today was the happiest day of my life. A day I never honestly thought would come, but I’m so happy it did, and I’m so happy it was with you. I wouldn’t change anything about it. I mean…apart from everyone offering to help you runaway, but.”
A loud laugh slipped past your ears at the annoyed look on Matt’s face, countered by the smirk that was threatening to spill across his lips. You gently squeezed his cheeks to purse his lips into a pout, leaning in to kiss them softly.
“You know they were joking.”
“No, Frank and Elektra were serious. They were actually gonna smuggle you out.”
Giggling softly, you shook your head as you leaned in to press your lips against Matt’s softly once more.
“Well I didn’t run, did I?”
Matt let out a deep exhale through his nose, shaking his head slowly as he pressed his forehead against yours.
“No. Still not sure why you didn’t.”
“There was cake.”
Matt rolled his eyes as he pushed himself up above you, and you giggled uncontrollably as you grabbed onto his tie to pull him back down towards you.
“I’m kidding! You know someone has to keep the Devil in line.”
Matt clicked his tongue against his cheek, narrowing his eyes slightly as he cocked his head to the side and stared down at you with a light smirk.
“That the only reason, then? Because you’re the only one that can?”
“I can think of a few more. Now, I thought you were helping me out of this dress?”
“I was.”
“Then be a good husband, Matthew, and help your wife.”
Matt’s eyes darkened considerably at the sultry tone of your voice, and a devilish grin took over his mouth as your beloved dimples settled in his inner cheeks. He was careful as he slipped the silk gown down your body, laying it carefully over the dresser before attacking your body with kisses once again. You frantically clawed at his jacket and dress shirt, blindly making quick work of his belt, already panting just from the idea of having your husband inside of you. There seemed to be a silent understanding between the two of you that neither of you had the patience for foreplay tonight, and all you both wanted in that moment was to be absolutely consumed by one another. 
As Matt settled between your spread thighs, a wash of nerves made you shiver, and you found yourself placing your shaky palm on his chest over his heart to get his attention.
“Matty…did you…are we…you really want a baby with me? Right now?”
Matt tilted his head in confusion as he let his eyes blankly wander over you, placing his palm flat on the pillow by your head as he leaned in closer towards you. You and Matt had been talking more seriously about starting a family after you got engaged, and you stopped taking birth control a few months before the wedding to make sure it was fully out of your system for when you two were ready to actually start trying.
“Of course I do. Why? Did you change your mind?”
“No! No no, it’s not that. I just…you aren’t going to miss it? I mean…the city means so much to you, Matty, and-”
“Hey, you mean the most to me. You’re the love of my life, sweetheart.”
You wrapped your fingers around Matt’s wrist as he held your face, nibbling at your bottom lip as you let out a shaky breath.
“I know, baby. I just…I know how much you need that part of yourself-”
“Not anymore. All I need is you. I’m still protecting the city, and the people in it, everyday. I’m still helping people. But New York doesn’t really need Daredevil anymore. It has people to protect it, like Luke and Jessica. And Colleen, Danny, even Frank and Elektra. You need me. And the one thing I care more about protecting and keeping safe is you, and our family.”
“I just don’t want you to wake up one day and regret hanging up the suit, or feel any kind of resentment-”
“Sweetheart, listen to me. I could never regret anything with you. How could I feel even an ounce of resentment when you’re offering to give me the greatest gift in the world that I’ll never be able to repay you for, hm?”
Matt carefully wiped a stray tear away from your eye as you reached up to gently grab onto the back of his neck, pulling him down so that his chest was flush to yours as you whispered softly.
“I just want to make you happy, Matty.”
“You do, angel. Everyday. You are my happiness. Now, can I please make love to my wife?”
Matt took his time as he entered you, peppering kisses on every inch of your body he could find, moving his hips lazily as he fucked into you slowly to ensure you both felt everything. Interlacing your fingers together, he held your hands above your head and squeezed them tightly, repeatedly whispering into your ear how much he loved you, how beautiful and perfect you were for him, and how badly he wanted you to give him a baby. Matt pulled your legs tightly around his waist, angling your hips to reach the most delicious depths within you, spilling his seed into the deepest layer of your garden to plant the foundation for the family you both so desperately wanted together. 
Neither of you could get enough, and Matt fucked you sweetly and slowly several more times into the early hours of the night until your bodies simply couldn’t take anymore. He refused to withdraw himself from you, keeping his soft cock nestled within you, preventing any ounce of your future he had emptied into you from slipping out as he wrapped his arms around you from behind. Matt placed his palm over your lower belly, absentmindedly stroking his thumb in slow circles over the first home your child would have.
“I love you so much, angel.”
“I love you so much, Matty.”
Matt was here. Matt loved you. Matt was yours.
tags: @yarrystyleeza @little-miss-dilf-lover @neverlandcity @charmedkim @queenofthenoobs @stilldreaming666 @messymissy @dark-academia-slut @strawberry1042 @thychuvaluswife
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scientia-rex · 18 days
Hi Dr. Kristophine, do you have any advice on what kind of information doctors need for medical issues that are more nebulous than "my knees hurt"? I've been feeling Weird and Bad in a way that has me concerned, but I'm afraid to make an appointment because I don't know what to say that will get the Weird and Bad feeling across in an actionable way. Going to the doctor takes SO much energy that I don't have to waste and I don't want them to just take a blood test and say everything's fine go home (again).
The best thing you can do with medical information you're trying to prepare for your medical provider, as a lay person, is be as specific as possible.
-Location: Is it one place in particular, or everywhere? Does it stay in one place, or move around?
-Timing: When did it start? Did it come on suddenly or slowly? Does it happen continuously? Does it come and go? Is it always there to some extent, but it gets better and worse? On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being fine and 10 being the worst you can imagine, how bad is it at its best, and how bad is it at its worst? How much time does it spend really bad vs only kind of bad?
-Quality: If it's pain, is it aching, burning, stabbing, dull, electrical zap, etc.? If it's not pain, what is it? Is it discomfort? Is it weakness--i.e., you can't do that thing? Is it fatigue--like maybe you can still push through doing the thing but it feels like you're trying to wade through mud to do it? Is it a racing heart, sweating, pressure?
-Triggers: Does something in particular set it off? A time of day, a food, an action, a medication, a thought? A surprisingly common trigger for migraines is sitting still with your neck in one position. (New research suggests that necks are critical to migraine formation, to which I yelled out loud at the paper, no duh!) There may be triggers you haven't noticed; try keeping a symptom diary, where you note down when you have episodes and what you were doing beforehand, what you ate that day, menstrual phase, etc. Any detail that you can remember, whether or not it seems relevant at the time.
I cannot tell you how many times I've dug deeper into a chronic issue only to discover that the patient can, in fact, tell me what the trigger is, but because it's something important to them, they simply haven't noticed. May subconsciously even avoided noticing. Do you get migraines every time you DM? Do you need to work a stretch break into your D&D session?
There can also absolutely be multiple triggers--I know I'll get migraines if I don't sleep, if I'm sick, if I sit still for too long, if I have dental work, etc.
So bring in all the info you can. Write it down if you're afraid you'll forget. Don't hand it to the MA, too many doctors will go "oh my GOD they brought a LIST how high-maintenance" and tune out. Hang on to it but tell them about everything.
I don't expect patients to be able to tell me "I believe I've had a left radial styloid fracture" but I do expect them to tell me "I fell and tried to catch myself with my left hand and now my wrist hurts," and that's good enough. The rest of it is my job. When it's something more vague, like "I started feeling different and bad about six months ago," any other information helps. Did you start a new med around then? Are you going through menopause? Do you struggle with anxiety? Do you have first-degree relatives (parent, sibling, or child) with genetic disorders, autoimmune disorders, etc.? Do you have a history of anemia? Are you vegan? Have you started having night sweats and unexplained weight loss? Did you recently travel internationally? This can go a lot more different directions than a hurty wrist, so bring in all the info you can.
And keep in mind that modern medicine is very limited--much more so than most people think. There is an excellent chance that medicine will not be able to diagnose your condition. It may still be able to offer treatment. It may fall on your shoulders to manage it as best you can, knowing that doctors don't have answers. Nobody can tell me why I have chronic pain, and I don't mean as in "I've asked doctors and they don't know," I mean "I've personally scoured the literature and had the relevant and appropriate tests and no one can know at this phase of medical knowledge." So I deal with it, I've stopped trying to push myself past my reserves because people who can't admit to ignorance tell me to, I keep my painful body moving because that helps, I do PT, I take a multivitamin occasionally because I know my diet sucks. I manage.
There are not always right or wrong answers--I don't take gabapentin, because I don't want the sedation and kidney exposure, but patients with my exact symptoms might find it helpful and may find the risks and costs worth the benefits. My mother, who has whatever it is that I have, right down to the tricky stomach, from whom I presumably inherited it, has taken medication at different points in her life, depending on how much pain she was in and what other responsibilities she has, and that is perfectly reasonable. Autonomy matters. People have to be able to make these choices for themselves, with assistance but not paternalism from their medical professionals, because the math is different for everyone.
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thefallennightmare · 3 months
For You? Never-Matt Dierkes
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*gif created by me. feel free to use, simply give credit*
Pairings: Matt Dierkes x Reader
Warnings: just pure fluff, a smidge of smut talk.
Summary: A cute moment where you try to surprise Matt with something only to find out he's always two steps ahead of you.
Authors Note: Enjoy this little drabble about a dream I had the other night! I really love writing Matt so there will be more in the future, besides the one-shot I've got planned.
Tags: @thescarlettvvitch @burning-outx @concreteemo @artificialbreezy @klutzy-kay24 @itarisblog @cookiesupplier
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I have to tell Matt this. 
Pushing my way through the crowds of people, I took the stairs up to the rooftop garden two steps at a time, trying to get to Matt before something else took his attention away. I knew he was busy setting up for the small acoustic show that Bad Omens was putting on tonight but he needed to know what I just found on my phone. 
There was a small raccoon sanctuary place a few blocks from here that allowed small group tours. With our off day tomorrow, I knew that he would be all for this idea. It’d been so long since only the two of us went out together, especially while out on the road working. 
Once I stepped onto the rooftop, the cool autumn air made me pull Matt’s sweater closer to me as I looked through the busy bodies running around setting up for the show. When my eyes landed on him, I felt my heart jump into my throat at the sight of him. 
His typical hat was covering his face as he bent over the sound desk, working on a new softer mix for tonight's show. I could see the muscles strain under his shirt, memories of last night fluttering to my mind knowing that the fabric was hiding the scratches down the entire length of his back. 
“Matt,” I snuck underneath his arm to wrap myself around him. “I have to tell you something.” 
If it was anyone else interrupting his work, they’d be on the receiving end of a glare and a typical Thotblaster comment but for me, those hard eyes softened as he cupped my cheek. 
“Where’d you run off to?” Matt asked after pressing a kiss to my forehead. 
“I helped Noah set up the merch table downstairs. But I have to tell you something,” I said while gripping the front of his shirt. 
“Oh did you see the new design for the Hell I Overcame sweater? I know you love Greek Mythology so I reached out to the guy who drew it,” Matt brushed away a few loose strands of hair from my face. 
“No not that,” I chewed my lip. “Well, yes. I do love that design. I already told Noah to keep one to the side for me. But that’s not what I wanted to talk to you about. I know you’re busy.” 
“For others, yes,” he pressed a kiss to my lips. “For you? Never.” 
Wrapping my arms tighter around his waist I deepened our kiss for another long beat before pulling away, breathless. Two years together and Matt still managed to make me breathless with every kiss. 
“So you know how we have an off day tomorrow?” I started. 
The sounds of everyone setting up for the show faltered beneath us, only Matt and I existed as he stared at me with fondness in his eyes. 
“There’s this raccoon sanctuary a few blocks from here. I thought maybe we could make a day of it. Get dinner afterward. Maybe see a movie? I don’t know, I just thought that it would be good for us to take a break away from everyone for a few hours.” 
I rambled on when I noticed Matt didn’t say anything, simply stared at me and lifted my chin with a finger to brush his lips over mine again. 
“I’m two steps ahead of you, sweetheart,” he muttered against them. 
“You planned this already? Why did you let me ramble on then?” I gazed up through my lashes while sneaking my hands underneath his shirt, softly scratching at his warm skin. 
Matt shrugged and gently pressed me against the sound desk behind me. “You’re cute when you ramble. The way your mouth moves, your eyes shine with excitement, and the way your teeth bite your bottom lip.”
I could feel his cock twitch underneath his joggers when he pressed his hips against me and knew he was also thinking about last night. It was a quick but quiet fuck in his bunk on the bus since everyone was asleep. His hand was covering my mouth as he fucked me with such fever it made my head spin; my nails against his skin were the only outlet for my screams when I finally came. 
“Matt,” I breathed. “There’s people around.” 
He hummed into the crook of my neck, breathing me in. “I’ve got a couple of minutes until the show starts. Maybe we can sneak onto the bus again? No one’s there so you can be as loud as you want.” 
With a giggle, I patted his chest to give us some space, but not before kissing his jaw. 
“Later,” I promised. 
Wrapping his arm around my shoulder, Matt pulled me into his chest to show me his laptop. 
“Any guess what song I’m working on?”
I shrugged while wrapping an arm around his midsection again. “I have no idea what I’m looking at.” 
“Two years together and you still don’t understand my mixes,” Matt tsked while clicking his tongue against his teeth. 
I pinched his side. “Sorry, I was preoccupied with being your assistant for the first six months. Your good looks distracted me from paying attention to anything you said.” 
“And my charm?” He smiled wide with a wink. 
“Sure,” I joked while stepping away from him, knowing I had to head back down to help finish setting up the merch table. 
I made it two steps before Matt wrapped his arms around me again, this time my stomach to pull me into his chest. 
“Matt,” I giggled when his fingers softly dug into my stomach. “I have to go help finish setting up.” 
I felt him shake his head behind me before resting his chin on top of my head. 
“Nope, you’re staying here with me. I want to officially show you what I do.” 
With a content sigh, I eased into his embrace as he went through everything he did as the front-of-house manager for Bad Omens and all the other varieties of mixes for each song. All the while, I gazed up at him over my shoulder with a fond smile. 
The sight of him was breathtaking. He looked so intense as he rambled on about things I didn’t understand with the view of the skyline behind him, the flowers and plants that lined the edge of the rooftop paled in comparison to his eternal glow that always captivated me. 
“I love you,” I proclaimed. 
Matt paused talking about the kind of equipment he used to cup my cheek, laying a firm and fiery kiss upon my awaiting lips. 
“I love you too.”
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trumanbluee · 3 months
if its not with you - matty healy
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minors dni !! this is 17+ nsfw material !!
content: matty's away on tour, and you miss each other dearly
word count: 1724
warnings: phone sex! established relationship, afab oc, lmk if i missed anything! xx
a/n: hi!!!! im so sorry i havent been active at all recently i've been super busy with schoolwork, here's part one of a two part thing i wrote a little while ago !!! love u <3333
She stirred as she felt her phone vibrate on the bed beside her. Eyes still shut, sleep glueing them together, she blindly felt around the bed for it, gripping it with her freshly manicured hand once she’d found it. 
Opening her eyes, she screwed her eyebrows together at the brightness of the screen, before the furrow quickly dissipated when she saw who’d disturbed her nap. Matty ❤️ was sprawled out on the top of her screen in bright white, and behind it a picture of her kissing him on the cheek, taken on their first date. Sitting up in the bed, she didn’t hesitate to accept the call. 
Instantly, she heard a tired, “Hey baby,” ring out from the other side of the phone. She smiled as she pictured him in bed, rubbing his eye sleepily as he held his phone to his ear. 
“Hi Matty,” she whispered through the phone, positioning her pillows at the head of her bed so she could sit back. “Did you just get back to your hotel?” 
“Yeah,” she heard a soft exhale followed by a sharp intake of breath. “Long day.” 
Her heart sank at the exhaustion that was so evident in his voice, and she just wished she was there with him. 
He’d been touring for 6 months now, and had been away for far too long. She missed him dearly, and these phone calls, that lasted no longer than 10-15 minutes at best, simply weren’t enough. 
She huffed, repositioning herself against her pillows before placing her phone back to her ear, “I’m sorry baby, I know you said you’d call but we don’t have to if you’re too tired. Just want you to take care of yourself, Matty.” 
She heard him shuffling against his sheets, and hoped he was getting comfortable in order to fall asleep. She loved the calls where he’d fall asleep on facetime whilst she worked, her camera roll full of screenshots he didn’t know she had, of his soft, relaxed face. 
He tutted, “Never, baby. Always wanna hear your voice after a long day. Just wish you were here instead of me havin’ to call ‘ya.”
She sighed, “I know babe, I miss you so much. When are you coming home again?” she asked, sure of the answer but wanting to hear the excitement in his tone as he said it.
“Three weeks, honey. Three weeks and then I’m never leavin’ you again.”
She laughed softly, “Yeah, I’m sure Jamie, the fans and the lads’d be happy to hear that. I can see the headlines now, ‘The 1975 breaks up because Matty refuses to ever leave his girlfriend again.’
She hears him chuckle down the phone, low and gruff, obviously strained and exhausted from the long day of rehearsals and performing. 
“I just hope that picture I sent you’s enough to tide you over for another three weeks, hon.” She said cheekily, tracing a finger up the exposed skin of her thigh, where her shorts had ridden up. 
She heard his breathe hitch slightly, and she imagined all the nights when he’d really missed her, where he’d pulled that picture up, probably saved in his ‘Baby ❤️’ album knowing him, and, laying amongst the soft white of the hotel bedding, shoved his hand into his boxers and tugged at his throbbing cock needily, until he came all over his hand. The thought made her ache, and she felt heat pooling between her thighs. 
He laughed softly, “Yeah baby, it’s been getting me through the nights. You look so sexy honey, all dressed up in pretty lingerie for me.”
She whined softly, “Fuck, miss you, Matty. S’not the same without you here.”
“S’not the same? How’s it not the same, baby?” He asked cockily, knowing in which direction she was trying to steer the conversation. 
She huffed, “Y’know what I mean.” 
He laughed softly, repositioning himself to lie further down the bed. “Humour me babe, tell me what’s not the same.” 
Having discarded her pyjama shorts, she lay with her head on the pillows, tracing lazy patterns along the soft skin of her thighs and stomach. “Fingers can’t reach all the spots you do, Matty. Need you here to help.” 
He tutted in faux sadness, “Oh my poor baby, let me see if I can help you now, huh? Why don’t you lie down on the bed and spread your legs for me, sweetheart.”
She obeyed, hurriedly pulling her favourite pair of underwear, light blue, adorned with yellow daisies, down her thighs, using her right foot to fling them somewhere in the room. 
“You good, honey? Lyin’ down f’me?” he asked, making sure she’d done what he had told her to. 
She hummed a yes, waiting to be given her next instructions. 
“Want you to start by playing with your clit a little bit, okay baby?
She quickly put her phone on speaker, laying it on the pillow beside where her head was propped up, before she snaked a hand down her body, moaning softly as her index finger began rubbing soft circles on her throbbing clit. 
“Good girl.” He spoke, slightly breathless. She could just make out the sound of him unbuckling his belt, making her thighs clench at the thought of him stroking his thick length. 
“Actually, baby, can you prop your phone up somewhere I’ll be able to see you? Can you do that, honey? 
She nodded, though she knew he couldn’t see her, and opted to prop her laptop up against the end of her bed, receiving a facetime request from Matty mere seconds later. Pressing ‘accept’ in record time, she scrambled to resume her previous position, being sure to spread her legs as wide as she could, just to make sure Matty could see as much of her as possible. 
Drawing lazy circles on her clit, the facetime finally connected, and she was met with Matty’s tired face, though she couldn’t tell if his eyes were hooded from sheer sleepiness, or horniness. Every thought wiped from her brain when he registered what was on the screen in front of him, flashing her a wide grin at the sight of her spread-legged for him. 
“Oh honey, such a good girl for me, doing what I tell you when I can’t even see it.”
She nodded, feeling her cunt get stickier as he watched her actions, speeding up slightly. 
“God, you’re gonna be the death of me sweetheart… Pussy’s so fucking pretty. Think you can fuck yourself with your fingers f’me now baby? Yeah?” He asked, though the questions were rhetorical. They were both well aware she would do just about anything and everything that he asked her to.  
However, she nodded nonetheless, looking at his pretty face on the screen in front of her as she brought the hand that wasn’t occupied with her clit down to tease her hole, swirling her index finger around the entrance teasingly. 
“Fuck, baby. S’that feel good? Huh?” He asked, though he received only soft moans and needy whines of his name in response, as she finally pushed a singular digit into her now soaking cunt. 
He threw his head back, eyebrows screwing together as he swiped a thumb across the head of his cock, smearing the pre-cum down the vein that ran along his length. Giving it three quick pumps, he began to slowly slide his fist up and down at the same time she pressed her fingers, having added a second not long after the first, into her tight pussy, a squelching sound reverberating from his laptop and around his hotel room. 
“Fuck,” He said breathlessly, “Such a good girl, baby. Takin’ those fingers so well f’me. Miss you so much, wish I was there with you right now honey.” He rambled, fist pumping his cock quicker now, as she slammed her fingers into her hole, right hand rapidly swiping across her clit as you brought yourself closer and closer to her orgasm, with Matty coaching her through it. 
“M-matty, feels so good!” She stuttered out, head thrown back against her pillows as her orgasm got closer and closer. 
He groaned as he watched her, fighting the urge to squeeze his eyes shut in pleasure as he fisted his slick length. 
“C’mon baby, you - fuck, you’ve got it baby. Can you cum f’me? “He spoke, though he had to try his hardest to speak in a way that was understandable, eyebrows furrowing as his orgasm approached alongside hers. 
“F-fuck!” She moaned, legs clenching together around her hands as she came, body jolting. Almost as though the two are connected, Matty’s body tightens, and thick ropes of cum decorate his lower stomach as he groans loudly, head thrown back against his pillows. 
Silence filled both rooms, with nothing but heavy breathes from both sides of the room to fill it. Her chest rises rapidly, hair sticking to her forehead. She reaches down, still silent, and fishes her laptop from the bottom of the bed, placing it on the side of the bed that Matty would usually occupy. Turning on her side to face the computer, she sees that he’s had the same idea, and is now lying beneath the duvet, curls messy and out of place, hooded eyes staring back at her through the screen. 
She smiles sleepily, though it’s midday for her and night-time for him; her sleep schedule had been messed up by consequence of her trying to catch his shows via livestream. He smiles back, eyes lidded and eyebrows relaxed. 
“I love you, baby.” He says, eyebrows lifted, softening his fatigued features, before he smiles cheekily. “See, all you needed was a bit of help, huh honey?” 
This causes her to laugh softly, head turning into her pillow to muffle the sound. She shrugs the best she can in her position, “I love you too Matty. Would’ve been better with the real thing here though.”
His eyebrows furrow slightly at this, as if reminded of the fact that he’s looking at her through a screen, and she isn’t actually in his bed right now. 
“I know sweetheart, just three more weeks, yeah? We can do it, honey. We’ve gone this long.” Just then, he checks the time, mumbling a low “Shit”. “Sorry honey, I gotta go to sleep now. I love you, I’ll see you in three weeks.”
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mrshesh · 10 months
Okay, I've just watched King the land, and I saw this scene
Can you write a scenario (idk exactly what you write, feel free for this :D) where 141 boys+alejandro are talking with their partner while they're in the edge of a pool, and the boy enter it and take their partner in by the waist, ik kissing and cute stuff. I CAN'T TAKE THIS SCENE FROM MY MIND HELP ME PLEASE IT WAS TOO CUTE FOR ME UGHH
also, have a nice day and drink water, sorry for my poor english, I'm brazilian ♡♡
"you coming in?" - modern warfare 2 x reader
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overview: the 141 + alejandro being affectionate with their s/o at the pool
pairing: the 141 + alejandro x gender neutral reader, romantic
genre: fluff
a/n: hi anon! this scenario is the cutest - thanks for requesting it! i just had to see the scene for myself, and i know exactly why you can't stop thinking about it - it was adorable! i did make a little twist, i hope you don't mind - it's basically a bit more detailed and deep than just the pool scene, but the scene in itself is a big part of these headcanons! and your english is perfect babes, don't worry! i hope you love it.
It feels blue, serene, and calm - yet cold and lonely. The sapphire-colored water is hitting your shins continuously, yet it’s not aggressive or scary. It’s welcoming, ataractic, even. You sit unaccompanied on the pool’s edge, kicking your feet through the deep Adam’s ale. You sigh as you think of what would complete the calm inside you - him. You have no clue that he, however, is… 
x simon "ghost" riley
You have no clue that he, however, is staring at you as he rests his shoulder against the doorframe of your back door.  
You have been out there all alone for God knows how long, and he’s only seeing you now that he is home from work. He can feel his heart throb upon seeing you. Why are you out here all by yourself? 
He doesn’t break his silence. Instead, he simply walks up to you and sits beside you, dangling his feet in the blue water, matching you. Although he’s wearing jeans and a hoodie, he’s still accompanying your feet underwater with his own - always being his actions that speak out to you, are the loudest, and make your heart flutter the most. 
Your eyes meet his almost immediately, your lips curling into a small smile as he removes his mask. 
“I’ve missed you, Simon.” You grin, feeling his hand hesitantly brush against yours. His scarred face is tranquil, telling you he’s completely comfortable with you. It took time for you two to get to this point in your relationship - but you would do it again in a heartbeat if you had to.
With a tame smile, he lets his shaky hand rest on top of yours. “Why are you here all alone?” The concern in his voice is subtle, but you can smell it and touch it - you know he’s worried for you. 
“I guess I just got bored. I missed you a lot, you know?” You shrug, nodding softly to signal to him that you’re all right. “You need to be careful. What if you get hurt?” “I think I know my way around our pool, Simon. I’ll be fine.” Your tone is playful, masking the gut-wrenching feeling you can never get used to. You sigh, knowing that his worry for you can easily turn to agitation. 
Your gazes turn to the cold water both of your feet plopped into. The muteness between you two is comforting, but you can feel the tension in the air. You can’t help but worry for Simon. He’s a hard worker, a loving boyfriend, and a thoughtful soul, yet a broken one. 
“Why do I feel like there’s something you aren’t telling me?” You break the silence, looking at Simon’s hand that sits cozily on top of yours. “Are you okay?” “I’m fine.” He quickly responds before he looks at you, his brown eyes softening immensely, sending chills down your spine. “I… I’ve just missed you.” 
His words hit you like a truck. It’s hard for him to express his gratitude and love for you, having built up several thick walls of stoicism and numbness to avoid all loving interactions. But now that he’s with you - comfortable, adored, and safe, he can tell you anything on his mind, breaking down each of his walls one at a time. 
“I’ve missed you, too.” You place a small peck on his cheek before your eyes dart to the water before you. 
“I kinda want to get in.” You sigh, changing the subject. It’s hard for Simon to talk about his feelings, hell, it’s hard for him to talk about himself, and you respect that. You’ll do anything in your power for him to feel content. 
“Why don’t you?” “I don’t know.” “What about if I get in with you?” Your head shoots in his direction with a wide grin, snickering as you scoot closer to him. “You’d do that for me?” “You’re actin’ like I’m not your boyfriend.” He rolls his eyes, making you chuckle even harder. “Well damn, sorry!” “Fuckin’ hell.” He takes a deep breath, sliding into the pool as you stare at him in shock. “So you were serious?” “Don’t be a pain in the ass and get in.” He shivers slightly at the feeling of the frigid water embracing his anatomy, wishing you’d come and hold him - you could make the Atlantic Ocean feel like a hot tub. “Can I prepare myself first?” You bite back your laugh, teasing him. 
Simon shakes his head in annoyance, grabbing your waist firmly and lifting you into the pool as you protest, you both laughing till the warmth inside you radiates off you. 
He holds you close, allowing you to wrap your legs and arms around him. Your forehead rests against his, noses and lips brushing past each other as your guys’ cheeks burn, almost stinging you. 
When you finally lower your lips onto his, you can practically feel your worries melt away, dripping down your body and into the water surrounding you, touching you, yet not absorbing into your skin. You feel complete, and so does he.
Simon’s heart aches when the delicate skin of your lips touches, almost like you’re covering an open wound of his that has blood gushing out of it, keeping him alive and secure. He needs you so, so badly. 
His wet hands travel up your back, gripping the soft skin of your shoulders to ensure you never let go. 
You share soft, innocent kisses, yet they’re desperate and hot, showing how much you yearn for each other. 
It’s nearly impossible to touch Simon's heart, to send shockwaves of heat and adoration through his body - yet you’ve managed to do exactly that, to the point where he finds himself kissing you while clothed in your shared pool. 
x john "soap" mactavish
You have no clue that he, however, is running to you with a huge smile, immediately wrapping his arms around your shoulders as he sways you side to side eagerly. 
“Hey, bonnie.” He whispers in your ear, kissing your cheek as you grip his arms, giggling excitedly at his impatience. “Hey. Is everything alright?” “Yeah, just happy to see ya.” 
You motion for him to sit down. He happily complies, taking your hand into his and rubbing small circles with his thumb into the soft skin of your palm. “What’re you doing out here?” “Just thinking.” You kick your feet ever so slightly, holding eye contact with John. 
“You seem tense.” He says, wrapping his arm around your shoulder, allowing you to rest your head on his chest. He knows you too well. 
“I’ve just had a lot on my mind lately. But I’ll be okay. I promise.” You close your eyes, the soothing feeling of his body against yours washing all your worries away like a downpour. “You can talk to me, bonnie.” His tone is extremely matter-of-factly, almost uncharacteristically so, making your eyes open to glare at him, punching his pecks playfully as you snicker. “Of course, I know I can. I just prefer to dwell on my sadness sometimes. You know, typical angst.” “Dark.” “I know.”
“But remember, I’m here for you when you need me.” He caresses your arm as you rest against him once more. “I know. And I appreciate it.” 
“I wanna swim.” You turn to the water, your hand reaching into it to let it glide between your fingers. It’s cold. “Let’s get in then, aye?” John hops into the pool, not bothering to change his everyday clothes, making your eyes widen. You try to get up when you realize what he’s doing, but you can’t. His strong grip on your waist is making it impossible. You’re both laughing like children, with you struggling against his grip and him carrying you into the water. “Ain’t this what you wanted, bonnie?” “Johnny!” 
When you’re finally in the water, you hug him close to you, trying to generate heat between you. You press your cheek against his cheek, shivering while chuckling. Meanwhile, John’s having the time of his life. He’s laughing smugly, holding you up by the back of your thighs as he allows you to snuggle into him. 
“I think I know how to warm you up.” “Well, how about you tell me then?” You jolt slightly at the chill running down your spine, hugging him even harder. 
His hand reaches the back of your head, pressing your lips against his, making you yelp in surprise. 
When your smiles connect, your teeth clank slightly, making you both snort before you continue sharing sloppy, clumsy kisses. 
It’s almost as if the cold, wintry water instantly turns into a hot spring, all of your skin from the top of your head to the tip of your toes thawing up. 
He breaks the kiss sooner than you both want, staring into your eyes as his hand slides down your back again. “I was right, wasn’t I?” “Just kiss me again.” 
x kyle "gaz" garrick
You have no clue that he, however, is looking for you, walking around your shared home while calling out your name. Where even are you? He doesn’t think to check the backyard, the image of the patio and pool abandoning his mind. 
When you hear your name coming from a familiar voice, you immediately look over your shoulder, trying to see if Kyle is at the door to your backyard. “I’m here!” You mindlessly say, not knowing what he wants just yet. 
When he hears your faint voice in the distance, he speedwalks outside, sitting beside you unquestioningly and dangling his legs into the water. “What’s up?” You ask, grabbing his thigh playfully. “Tch.” He smirks, matching your energy. He returns the grab, running his hand up and down the fabric of your clothes on your leg. “I’ve been looking for you.” “I know. What’s up?” “I’ve just been missin’ you.” “I’ve missed you too, pretty boy.”
He kisses you softly, making his heart flutter, like he didn’t just run around looking for you. (Just picture him jogging around your house like: “Babe?” “Babe??” “Baby?” Ugh, the cutest ☹️)
When he pulls away, you two are giggling and looking at each other, still caressing one another with hearts for eyes. “You should’ve told me you’re out here.” He boops your nose, making you chuckle even more. “I just thought I’d come and sit here for a little. The water is weirdly relaxing.” “It’s cold.” 
“We don’t nearly use this pool enough,” Kyle continues, his linen shorts not touching the water yet. It’s as if he’s eager to jump in and hesitant simultaneously. “Wanna get in?” You suggest, making his gaze turn to you once again. “Let’s not even change. Let’s just get in.” You smirk, making him giggle. “It’s cold as shit, babe.” “So?” 
That one word makes him return the smirk - he could never say no to you. 
He gets in the pool, only to turn around immediately, picking you up by your waist and lowering you into the frigid water. Your giggles are cut short by a shiver, hugging him close to you to feel less frostbitten. He chuckles, his hand coming up to the back of your head, holding you so you warm up. He hates seeing you uncomfortable, but your shuddering in his arms heats his heart. He wants to protect, love, and care for you - you’re so precious to him. “Told you.” “Shut up, Kyle.”
You wiggle in his grip, trying to create friction between you to stay heated. “I hate to admit it, but it is colder than I thought…” “I’m doing pretty okay, actually.” “Okay, no one asked.” 
You laugh brightly, hugging each other as if your lives depend on it. Kyle looks you in your eyes, his gaze darting to your lips. “Can I kiss you?” He asks tamely, not wanting to overstep any boundaries of yours. He has made it into a habit to ask. “Yeah… of course, you can.”
With that, his lips are all over yours, kissing you sweetly as you shiver from the coldness of the Adam’s Ale. His touch is dove-like, as gentle as it can be, showing you how much he cares about you, despite his teasing.  “Still cold?” “Just… be quiet.” 
In truth, Kyle is colder than you are. His hands tremble from the chill of the water that hugs you both, but he pretends to be sweltering just so he can take care of you and your needs - your chilly body. 
The worst part is that it’s working. You have no clue how utterly icy Kyle feels - but he doesn’t mind. As long as his remaining heat transports to your body, he’s content.
x john price
You have no clue that he, however, is already walking toward you, smoking his cigar as his heavy footsteps approach you. 
He has been worried about you. John has noticed that you’ve been acting atypical lately. You’ve been quiet, distant, and on ice. He has no clue what could be bothering you so profoundly, and quite frankly, he’s frightened - worried for you. 
“Been lookin’ for you.” You look up at him for a second when the soundwaves of his voice reach your ears, giving him a tiny grin. “Hi.” You simply say. He’s standing behind you, taking a drag of his cigar. “You’ve been off lately.” He confronts, not wasting a second to get to the bottom of your worries. 
You look back at the pool, blinking. “Hey, talk to me.” He sits down next to you, dipping his feet into the water. “What’s wrong, doll?” 
“Nothing’s wrong, John.” You look at the man next to you, the man you’ve oathed to never lie to, the man you love the most. There’s no convincing him that you’re okay - he knows you inside and out. “Is there a reason you’re lying to me?” He quickly calls you out, erupting a small chuckle from you. “You’re not gonna let this go, are you?” “Never.” 
“I don’t know. I’d rather not talk about it.” You sigh, kicking your feet in the pool. “Sweetheart, whatever it is, you shouldn’t carry this on your own.” He persists. He wants to respect your boundaries, but when he sees how much this has affected you, he can’t. He needs to help you. “I promise, John. I’m fine.” “You’re not.” 
“Fine.” You say after a couple of seconds of excruciating silence. “I’ve been feeling down. My stress has been getting to me. I’m trying to find a way to calm down, but I feel helpless. Nothing is working.” You vent, resting your head on his shoulder. “Sweetheart…” He caresses your hair, letting you melt into him. “Thank you for telling me.” He starts, readying himself to give you some words of wisdom, but you cut him off, foreshadowing him spewing his advice. “And as much as I appreciate your advice, I don’t want it.” You relax into him. “I see.” 
Your attention turns to the water before you. “I think I’m going for a swim.” “I’m swimming with you.” John almost instantly says, making you sit up straight and stare at him with a small smile. “Really?” “Really.” “You never swim with me.” “I don’t care. I’m not leaving you alone when you’re clearly in need of comfort.” He puts his cigar out on the ground, throwing it off to the side. 
You blush instantaneously. “Alright, I’ll change quickly.” You start standing up, but John holds you firmly in place. “No need.” He smiles at you, hopping into the pool with his clothes on. He turns to you, holding his arms out for you to grab onto. “Hop in, doll.” “I don’t know, John…” “Oh, come on, don’t be silly.” He chuckles, grabbing your waist gently, giving you a questioning look, almost telepathically asking if you’re okay with this. You giggle, easing into his arms. “Fine.”
When you give him the green light, he wastes no time. He picks you up, lowering you into the pool and hoisting you in his arms. 
“You okay, sweetheart?” He asks, feeling your legs wrap around his waist. “I’m okay… it’s a little cold, though.” “Let’s get you warmed up, then.” 
He quickly brings his lips to yours, capturing them in a comforting kiss, holding you to ensure you don’t let go of him. Your worries are slowly fading, the memory of them in your brain clouding. You cup his cheeks hesitantly, letting yourself get loose. He knows you too well - this is just what you need. 
Your heart feels full, and you feel content. You know that John also feels satisfied. He’s happy knowing that he can be of comfort to you. You’re so special to him - how can’t he be joyful knowing you feel safe with him?
You continue kissing passionately yet smoothly. It’s not rushed, taking your time with each other, allowing you to let one another into your embrace. Even though you’ve been with John for a while, you’re still cautious with each other, showing you how much you care about one and all. 
You’ve never felt more stress-free. You’ve got John holding you, kissing you lovingly as he hugs you, his strong arms pushing you against him. The content of the pool makes you feel weightless, mimicking the zero-gravity properties of space. What more could you ask for? 
x alejandro vargas
You have no clue that he, however, is in the kitchen, cooking for you as you sit outside, pondering what you should do to get your mind out of the frenzy it’s in. You know Alejandro is inside, but you don’t feel like joining him. The pool is enough to get you to settle down a little, but you still feel lost. 
Alejandro soon walks out to the backyard, making his way to you. He can sense the worry oozing out of you - it’s natural for him. He knows you inside and out. 
“Mi vida, food’s ready. Are you coming?” He asks, bending down till he’s at eye-level with you. “Yeah… just give me a second. I’ll be right there.” You smile at him, caressing his cheek. He can sense a tinge of sadness behind your smile, making him frown. “Are you okay?” “Yeah… yeah, I’m fine.” “You’re lying.” 
He immediately sits down and wraps his arms around you, dipping his feet into the water. “What’s wrong, cariño?” He kisses your temple, making you melt. 
“I’ve just been feeling so overwhelmed… and I don’t want to put that burden on you since you work so hard and have problems of your own.” 
Alejandro feels his heart burst. He had no clue you feel this horrible. “Mi vida… your feelings are not a burden.” He hugs you tightly, kissing your forehead sweetly. “Look at me.” He says, grabbing your chin and making you look up at him. “You’re so important to me, corazón. You should’ve talked to me.” His eyes lock with yours. Trying to look away is out of the question - he’s got you in a trance with his gaze. “I know I should’ve. I’m sorry.” “Don’t be sorry. Let’s get you cheered up instead, yeah? Are you hungry?” He smiles, rubbing your chin with his thumb. You get an idea.
“Can you get in with me?” You shoot the pool a glance and then look back at Alejandro with a devious smile painted across your face. “That would make me happy.” 
His eyes widen before his smile matches yours. You’re so unpredictable at times. He loves that about you. “Of course, I’ll get in with you, cariño.” He chuckles, tucking a hair behind your ear. “There’s that smile I love so much. Come on, amor, I’ll carry you in.” He gets in, catching you by surprise. You didn’t expect him to get in fully clothed - but it makes you the happiest you’ve been in a while. 
He gently grabs you by your waist, pulling you close to him so the feeling of the water around you is less intense. You’re feeling overwhelmed, after all - you don’t need any more unnecessary discomfort. 
“Feeling okay?” He asks, kissing you softly on your lips and caressing your back gently. “Yeah. I feel great. Thank you.” “Of course, mi vida. You know you can always talk to me. Your struggles are my struggles. Your triumphs are my triumphs.” His hand finds the back of your head, pulling you in close. “I’ve got you.” He whispers before kissing you again, taking in your scent and touch. He feels so alive. 
You, on the other hand, feel tranquil - you’ve been yearning for this feeling. Your body is relaxing, melting into Alejandro the longer he holds you. It’s like your bodies are colliding into one. His heartbeat matches yours, making you feel intact. 
He holds a special place in your heart.
so sorry for the wait, beautiful! i hope it was worth it.
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cannellee · 4 months
HI-HI! I've been really enjoying your alpha! tokyo revengers fics and I was wondering if you were taking requests?
If so, could you do yandere! alpha! Kawata twins fighting over omega! reader before deciding to just share the reader? Like, the reader now has to deal with two yandere alphas who are working together.
You don't have to do it if you're too busy!! I just thought it would be a fun idea to explore and read.
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yandere! alpha! kawata twins x omega! reader
tw : assault, rape attempt, curse words, possessive behaviour, isolation, sequestration, soft yanderes (sorry I made it extremely angsty for some reasons??)
my masterlist : ☆
(I feel like I didn't exactly answered your request, I still hope you'll enjoy reading it!
btw I'm trying a new format, different from my usual headcanons, I tried to make it as less boring as possible and not write anything unnecessary but I'm not sure... I would love to hear your thoughts !)
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as far as you remember, it's always been the three of you. since you were little, your joyous friend group did everything together.
school hours were spent with you trying to appease their arguments, playing with them and going back home hands in hands.
as a kid, you were less aware of your surroundings and what was happening around you. you had a dynamic you were very much pleased with, smiley taking the role of your alpha, angry following meekly his brother, and you, you were their omega. they looked after you, with clumsy attempts at impressing you, growling to other kids when they were being mean.
to them it was clear since age 5, you are their omega. you never gave it too much though, at the time you simply went along with it, you growing instincts beckoning you to follow what your two alpha friends told you.
you noticed growing up that they became very dependent on you. the both of them seem to always know where you were, trying to be the first to help you carry your bags after you went grocery shopping, helping you with homework and asking questions about who hung out with today.
you liked this routine, and accepted gladly their presence. you were so close, it was only natural for them to stay close to you.
however, the older you became, the more they acted out of line. you could forgive them once or twice, but it soon became too much to bare.
their once innocent bickering, turned into a full war to see who was better suited for you. you surely hadn't expected this turn of event, angry having always went along with his brother's every words, seeing his in such a confrontation surprised you.
high school was tough. being in separated classes gave you a few hours break, but considered the interrogation which followed right after, you didn't know which was worse.
lunch period was spent in a secluded area where you gave to each their lunchbox. this was something they requested and eagerly waited every day. being able to taste their omega's cooking was a privilege they didn't take lightly!
careful though to prepare them identical, otherwise, - if one was to notice how you accidentally gave the other a bigger portion, or how you placed the sauce in a heart shape while the other couldn't witness that same attention in his- you would be met with a fight.
at first, they would verbally fight each other, cursing the other. however they recently started throwing hands, probably coming to the conclusion that it was the most effective method to assert dominance over the other.
sadly, none of these ever came to a decent end. they either would both tire the other out without any real "winner", or you would successfully stop them.
the situations really stressed you out, you didn't like them baring their teeth at each other. they're your precious friends and it makes you feel so sad to see them so hostile. whenever they went too far, unable to talk them out of their nonsense, your sent turned sour, incredibly painful to the nose, their behaviour even forcing a few whines out of you.
this would pull them of any trans they found themselves in seconds ago, stopping in their tracks to cradle you in their arms. your teary eyes and trembling lips did their job right, they hated that sight of you. how could they be the ones provoking such awful reactions out of you ? them who swore to protect and care for you.
"it's okay omega, we're so sorry"
"we didn't mean to scare you, it's over now please don't cry"
it seemed to be the only moment when they stopped to argue and instead focused on your wellbeing, their scent mixing with the other and completely showering you with their comforting pheromones.
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to assume their aggressiveness doesn't go beyond their fraternal relationship would be wrong. you can't even count the number of time they teamed up to get rid of one of your poor classmates. they got too close to you, they said. you didn't like that one bit, nonetheless, you had little to no control over your entourage.
if angry or smiley considered someone to be too shady, threatening or unworthy of your time, they were quick to scare them off, no matter the irony behind their actions.
the same goes to anybody, really. they don't have to be associated with weird business to not being allowed to approach you. a male ? a friend with too much influence? someone who dares speak up about the twins' strange possessive behaviour with you ? or worst, an alpha ? all of them are nowhere near you the moment they surprise you talking to them.
a few broken ribs, a beaten up face and threats will keep them at bay from their precious omega.
by the end of the first month, everyone's heard of the rumour concerning you. and even though it's hard to confirm them, nobody's crazy enough to attempt finding out. and with the way you always smell of the two alphas' pheromones, it seems plausible.
you don't miss the worried glance thrown your way, or the hurried and panicked apologies whenever someone accidentally bumps into you.
having no one else to turn to, you spend all of your days either alone or with angry and smiley. they love it, love how you now rely on them. of course they'll give you all of their time !
they coax you into coming at their place more often, not caring if you miss a few classes. their bickering lessened, you note. but you can feel the tension in the air, whenever smiley's hand caresses you too close to your breast, angry is quick to yank it away. but they say nothing, your cries from last time being a lesson they'll never forget.
you spend a few nights there, watching movies while cuddling. you're able to find comfort in their arms, surrounded by their familiar scents.
despite how they tend to go overboard when it comes to you, you've never once felt threatened or in danger by their side.
actually, that's when you feel the safest. late night walks are no longer a foolish desire, they'll walk with you, each one on one side of you, watchful and alert. whether it's their reputation or the strong aura they emit, you've never been bothered when you're with them. you can't say the same when you go out alone, even during daytime. that's why you like the protection they provide.
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they take you wherever you want. they always try to loose the other, angry making you walk faster when smiley has his back turned.
it never seems to work though, and at the end it's always the three of you.
they're always observant, especially in crowded areas. you really wanted to go to an amusement park, and upon seeing your hopeful eyes, they reluctantly agreed, already dreading how you'll be exposed to the eyes of countless of strangers.
"don't wander away y/n, we don't want to loose you, okay?"
you happily nod, too focused on what you could do next.
angry is tightly holding your hand while his brother is buying you a treat. the queue is long and you suggest that you go and try your luck at another stall.
you watch angry doing his best to earn that big plushy you had your eyes on earlier. you stay on the sidelines, softly cheering on him. while letting him focus on shooting the balloons, your eyes wander over the next stall. the prizes are even better and you tell him you're going to check the prices. you don't wait to check if he heard you and get going immediately, eyes glued to the huge teddy bear.
you slalom between the people, until you're able to see more clearly. this one is the same price, might as well try it too you thought.
you went to join back angry when a strong smell prevented you from doing so. a massive hand grips your arm before you can even do anything and you're dragged in the forest near the stalls.
the music is slowly fading away as you trash around. you're scared, unable to free yourself from this man.
he pins you against a tree, the darkness around you making it harder for you to make out his face. all you know is that his voice is low and frightening.
"what's a pretty omega like you doing here all alone, hm?"
he pulls your chin up, grabbing your ass. you froze instantly, eyes shutting on their own.
"come on, you can't tell me you went there without expecting something like that to happen"
time seems stuck, you can't help yourself from shaking and each of his movements send you into an even more distressed state.
his scent reeks, it's all over you. pleas leave your mouth one after another and you so desperately want angry or smiley to find you. surely they're looking for you now ? angry has noticed you weren't there anymore and alerted his brother, you hope.
"fuck, omegas like you always make me so fucking hard", he laughs, his hands undressing you despite your attempts at taking them off of you.
you successfully kick his nose, taking advantage of the moment of surprise to make a run for it. you almost instantly regret your act as soon as you feel him tackle you to the ground, having no problem getting to you, this alpha being obviously faster than an omega.
"you fucking bitch! quit trashing around and take it"
a slap is all it takes to stop all movements from you. the silence is excruciating, a ringing sound in your ears and his excited breaths as he unbuckles his belt are the only thing you seem to hear. your tears cascade over your cheeks. you don't dare move.
"there you go, now that's more like it. discipline always works with your dumb brains, fucking omegas.."
you shut your eyes, not wanting to see anything more, when you're suddenly freed from the painful weight over you. still, you don't move a muscle.
you hear your name being shouted and gentle arms making you sit.
"y/n ? y/n please are you okay ?"
you recognize smiley's voice and pheromones. you lean into him, accepting wholeheartedly the comfort he's providing.
you open your eyes to an extremely pissed off smiley. he's caressing your face, pushing a few strands of hair behind your ears.
"everything's fine now, angry is taking care of that bastard"
at the mention of his brother, when you turn your head to the side, you're hit by a bloody vision, one you never saw, before smiley tear you from it.
"don't look y/n. listen, we'll just go home okay? don't worry about anything, you're safe now. we're so sorry we couldn't get there sooner"
you can only nod, still very sensitive and vulnerable from what you just experienced. the sounds of angry beating up the alpha to death doesn't appease you one bit. with frantic pupils and distressed whimpers coming from you, angry does everything to keep his composure. the sight of his panic omega is atrocious and he can't believe it happened while you were with them.
he carries you in his arms, still making sure you can't see angry, "angry stop, you're scaring her"
it takes a moment, but you eventually stop hearing punches and bones being broken. then you're given a tender squeeze, your clothes dampened by blood.
you look up and see angry, his usual warm smile gone and instead looking at you with ferocious eyes. you cuddle closer to smiley's neck, nose buried in his scent gland. he's purring, hoping that'll ease you up.
the way back home is silent. you're covered with their jackets, to keep you from the cold and hide your naked shoulders after your clothes were torn apart.
you see them exchange a few glances, silently communicating, but you don't say anything, too occupied by the plushies angry gave you.
the walk is long, and the breathing of smiley lulls you to sleep soon enough, way too comfortable to do anything else.
"hey, we're home baby"
you feel yourself being put on a soft bed, you don't answer, too tired to do anything else. still, you wait for angry to say something too, which never happened. his silence is unusual and you can't help but worry.
"I'm really sorry for what happened, I shouldn't have left your side..."
"no of course not, it's not your fault, nobody's mad at you, just go to sleep okay, we'll talk tomorrow"
you only listen to him, an alpha knows better, you should've stayed close and listen for once, you feel really bad and disgusted at your behaviour.
you let them dress you up with their own clothes, a sweater from smiley and angry's sweatpants. you know that's also their way of reassuring you, and themselves.
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"can't you see? the world is a scary and dangerous place. if you stay here, you'll be safe"
"angry and me will take care of you, together like you said we should, we won't argue anymore okay? so just let us love you baby"
head still fuzzy from waking up a few minutes ago, you're sitting at their table, eating the breakfast angry cooked.
you don't say anything at their words, events from last night preventing you from even finding a decent protest.
you can't help but feel like locking you up is wrong, but what can you say to them ? they're always there for you, and always will. you know they want the best for you.
"that's why we're doing this baby, I hope you understand, it's for you, only you"
"but, always staying inside still is a bit..."
"a bit what? what do you think would've happened yesterday night if we weren't there huh? are we wrong for our way of dealing with this? we're going to protect you, provide for you, isn't that enough?"
his voice scared you, he sounded mad, you didn't like that one bit. he unknowingly let out a more domineering presence, your omega not even able to protest. it forced your eyes on the floor, not daring to look up, in fear of upsetting the pink haired alpha more.
this was in those moments you got reminded of the painfully obvious difference between the three of you. angry and smiley were alphas, no matter how hard you would try to act as friends on a same level, the power imbalance between your two genders would always make it impossible for you to win an argument.
"it's just... I'm worried about your safety. we will protect you from everything, just rely on us for once"
you choose to stay quiet. you head was pounding and no matter what you replied, they would always find a way to prove you wrong.
you finished eating, letting them guide you back to their shared room. they dropped you on the floor, a small and tidy corner. you questioned them, wondering why smiley didn't carry you back to the bed you were on earlier.
when angry came in too, he held a few hoodies, blankets and pillows. he gave it to you, immediately understanding what he meant.
building a nest was a permanent thing, only done in places you consider home. it's very intimate and only the alpha's omega was allowed to come near it. to make you build such a precious space, inside their room ; you knew you weren't getting out of here any time soon. they were deeply serious about you.
smiley scented the first blanket, handing it to angry so he could do as well. they then gave it to you, softly urging you to start your nest.
you were hesitant, but eventually gave in. carefully placing each items, the two alphas practically purring from satisfaction with the way their omega was obediently going along with their request, trusting them enough to let them help her with her process.
"good omega, so docile for her alphas"
he takes you in his arms once it's all over, pushing your head against his neck, while laying down inside the soft nest you made.
you were quite proud of the outcome, having put much efforts to accomplish a well made nest.
"right, you're so pretty, we were so lucky to find someone like you. a sweet little omega, letting her alphas cuddle her like that, you're such a good girl"
you were ashamed to say their praises worked like a charm, and soon appeased your worries and constant questions. you wanted to trust them wholeheartedly. it felt too right, they sounded so right. praising flowing towards you, you felt loved and appreciated.
they both gave you soft, gentle kisses, a boy on each side, heat of their chest engulfing you entirely. you wish you could stay like this forever, in the warm embrace of your alphas.
their love for you would only grow from now, knowing that they now had full responsibility over you, their adoration having no limits. they'll work twice as hard to become he alphas you're deserving of.
and you'll stay in the safety of your home, patiently waiting for them every day to come back. you won't leave. you're now bound for life, especially after the claim they put on your neck.
a sign of the ownership and affection they so preciously hold over you.
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rafaelaaron · 7 months
𝙁𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩 𝙎𝙣𝙤𝙬 | 𝘼𝙖𝙧𝙤𝙣 𝙃𝙤𝙩𝙘𝙝𝙣𝙚𝙧
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AN: Is it too early for first snow fic? No because it snowed where I live...English is not my first language, sorry in advance for any grammatical mistake!
Summary: Hotch is thinking about reader while watching the first snow, wondering if she would come back after protection.
Warning: none
The park was quiet, too quiet for the fist snow of the year. The team had just closed a case in Virginia, but it felt like they went to the opposite side of the earth, simply because the case was personal. Personal to the one Aaron Hotchner himself, and that's why it took so long for the team to have a well-deserved break even after making sure that the unsub will never see the daylight again. The bureau had to gather a commitee to question the team's decision, and most importantly, the protection detail had to be cleared.
Protection detail for you.
He hated the idea, of course, considering how Haley's protection ended, but there was no other choice. He didn't want you to be terrified of a serial killer without any security detail. He couldn't bear another loss.
It was a terrible year.
He missed you badly, so he worked extra hard to get the closure. Now that the unsub is gone, he should be happily waiting for your return, but he couldn't. It felt weird. He had an uncomfortable feeling that you might not want to be with him anymore. What kind of a boyfriend he is, he thought, to put his lover in danger and take away her freedom? Of course you said that you aren't scared of his job, but there's a high chance that you are now. Hell, you can even be afraid of him.
The park was quiet, and he was watching the snow falling down gently. The day when it snowed for the first time last year was the day the both of you saw each other for the last time. That fact didn't help his complicated mind and it didn't help to make him hear the sound of an SVU stopping and a small sound of a footstep.
“First snow always feels weird, you know.“
His heart dropped and skipped a beat at the same time.
He had heard that a year ago. That same comment with that same voice. Slowly, he turned his head around and found you, standing right beside him wearing a long black coat. All he could see was you.
His hand twitched in his coat pocket, but he could not dare reach out. He was afraid that one touch might hurt you and one hug might make you disappear. You sensed his hesitance and brushed snowflakes off his head on tiptoes.
"Haven't you missed me?"
You asked with a brilliant smile, and he snapped into reality seeing your smile. He pulled you toward him and wrapped his arms around you so tight that you thought you might suffocate.
“Of course I missed you.”
Hotch's big cold hands cupped your slightly flushed cheek lovingly. His lips instantly found yours, licking its way in. You happily opened your lips to let him explore your mouth that he missed so much. He pulled away first, playfully biting your lower lip.
"My love,"
He murmured with a smile, just as you promised each other to greet with a smile when you meet again. All of his worries melt away while slowly walking hand in hand.
"So, Aaron, there's this new bakery down the street—"
"Do you want to go?"
"I've waited so long to go with you."
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changbunnies · 5 months
Crave, Part 1 (18+)
♡ Pairing: Romantic Demon!Hyunjin x Human Fem!Reader
♡ Genre: supernatural au, demon au, age gap relationship typical in monster fucker fics, intended to be porn with plot but atm there is more plot than porn lol
♡ Word Count: 3.6k
♡ Summary: "The more a thing is perfect, the more it feels pleasure and pain." - Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy. In which Hyunjin, a demon from the nine circles of hell, finds himself impossibly infatuated with the very human he once set upon himself to destroy.
♡ Warnings: don’t read if you’ll be uncomfortable over talks about religion from the perspective of a demon!, themes of sexual purity in the context of religion, a lot of immoral behavior and thoughts + ideas from hyunjin, supernatural abilities, themes of possesiveness, the seven deadly sins are brought up multiple times, hyun is thousands of years old so take that as you will lol, hell's structure is based off dante alighieri's depiction of it in the divine comedy but knowledge of it isn't necessary to enjoy this fic!
♡ Smut Warnings (contains spoilers): there isn't really any overt smut in this first part it's more like referenced sexual activity, masturbation, voyeurism (hyun is watching reader while they're unaware he is there), porn watching
♡ Notes: after receiving feedback, i'll now be posting my long fics in multiple parts as i finish them like i do on ao3 instead of waiting until it's finished to post here! i'm taking a break from my royal au series to finally write out this fic i've had rattling in my brain since last september but never got around to writing until this past month :') idk how long this will be in the end but i'm planning at least 3 parts! i hope you stick around till the end <3
♡ Disclaimer: please read responsibly, and remember that this work is fiction and meant strictly for imaginative fun. the idols used in fics are more accurately faceclaims and personality outlines for imaginary characters, and should not be interpreted as factual representations of existing people.
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There are many things in this world, the world of humans, that even a monster such as Hyunjin was born to desire. A primal want, weaved into the very fabric of his being, designed to be etched into his soul- if he had one, that is. That is what initially brought him here; the heart of one of the world's most populated cities, his territory an otherwise unoccupied luxury suite in one of the many skyrises that line the bustling streets.
It was an ideal place to be; there wasn't much in the way of furniture, given that it's a new development with no human occupants, but the amenities it held were sleek and pristine. High windows that overlooked the entirety of the city rife with sin from what was nearly the top floor, marble countertops that screamed sophistication and elegance, and well equipped with security of both the physical and digital kind to keep out those who may want to chase the thrill of wandering where they do not belong. Hyunjin, who could simply float about wherever he wished, had no need for human things like beds or sofas.
In this space, he already had everything he needed- an ideal vantage point, isolation from the world until he himself chose to interact with it, and easy access to the myriad of damned soul that walked the streets beneath him. It was perfect, and it was his- until you showed up.
Hyunjin was no stranger to dealing with potential renters overtaking his territory- it was only natural for those with wealth to be ready to spend a fortune on the newest availble luxury apartment that catches their eye. While Hyunjin had never once been seen; he was certainly known; rumors abound of an evil presence in suite 13, that left even non-believers fleeing in terror, leaving as quickly as they came. "Evil" felt a bit extreme of a description from Hyunjin's perspective, but what would humans truly understand of him? 
He always felt as if his actions were completely justified; after all, why should a being with immense power such as him bend to the will of a measely human whose life was akin to a grain of sand in the desert of immortality that was his own lifespan? Regardless of his justifications and thoughts on what is evil and what isn't, he welcomed the fear humans have towards him- it made his life easier if they feared him and stayed far from his domain. 
And yet here you were, seemingly ignorant of the fearful reputation this apartment held (not that he expected that the building's landlord would have informed you of it, of course- their only goal is money, at the end of the day.) Hyunjin didn't care for the rules of humans- whether or not you'd supplied the necessary money to purchase your way here or were deserving of it made no difference to him. It was his until he decided otherwise, and you were trespassing on his territory by being here.
When he'd first arrived back after a long outing back in his home within the second circle of the nine hells, only to see you filling his space with your things, walking about the apartment as if you owned it, blissfully unaware of his presence- it was infuriating. He had half a mind to scare you out right then, forever scar you by showing you his true form, send you running as he'd done to countless before you who tried to be here. But no, that wouldn't be enough. It would be letting you off too easily for his liking; this was different than scaring off someone who might intrude on his home- you already had.
What he wanted was more than his territory back- he wanted to make you suffer the most egregious torment one could ever endure for intruding on it, something far worse and much harsher than whatever a demon below his stature could muster. You deserved worse than that of mild terror, or to be able to flee from his space without repercussions for your transgression. No, he would only take back what was his after he'd turned your mind into a den of paranoia and hysteria. You needed to know true terror, true loss, true suffering, by his hand.
So he settled for observing you- it would be a longer process, one that could easily take months to reach true fruition, but the reward would be well worth his patience. He watched carefully, intently, his presence always concealed but unmistakably there. You would feel it sometimes, unbeknownst to yourself. A sudden chill up your spine, the subtle feeling of being watched making you turn your head, only to be met with nothing unusual in your line of sight. Funny, how humans were so attuned to the supernatural while simultaneously being so oblivious to their reality.
Your routines became committed to his memory, your every step and every action becoming increasingly familiar to him. Boring at times, but necessary if he wanted to learn the ins and outs of what makes you you, taking in every detail and memorizing them fully, so that when the day comes for him to turn your life into a miserable tragedy, forming you into a shell of who you once were, you'd have to beg him for forgiveness, for his mercy.
What were your fears? He'd easily make them reality. What did you hate? He'd make sure you suffered it. What broke your heart? He'd subject you to that pain over and over, until your heart was left shattered into a million, microscopic pieces. And it was only then, when you were mentally destroyed, the lowest you could ever possibly be and unrecognizable in your despair, that he'd appear before you, triumphant as he made you apologize for ever having stepped foot in his domain.
But as he observed you, he came to realize something strange- something he had never once found himself thinking about a human before. You were so... good, the closest to perfection a human could ever possibly be. And not perfect by the bullshit puritan standards set by the "heavenly creator," because you were as touched by sin as any human is, but perfect to him specifically.
Your sins were few and far between, with only one making a substantial impact on your purity; but it was the most important, most delicious sin of them all, the one that made Hyunjin's body seethe with delectable desire. You weren't envious, nor greedy or gluttonous; you lived in a luxurious penthouse suite, that was true, but greed to have the best of everything isn't what brought you here. The pride you felt for your accomplishments didn't go anywhere near sinful levels- you were proud of yourself, but not in such a way that you looked down on others while you sat atop your high horse.
You weren't slothful, brought to your current position by your own hard work and tireless efforts, and you weren't wrathful either, your emotions toward your fellow man always sweet, compassionate, and gracious. That only left one sin- just one that impacted your soul, that barred you from reaching true, godly purity.
It wasn't an unhealthy amount of lust by any means, but any at all is enough to damn an unmarried woman's soul if she gives in to the temptation- an unfair ruling that has cost many their rightful place in paradise. And you certainly did give in to your temptation, and that is what made you perfect to him. You had none of the avarice of other humans, none of the undesirable qualities that made them foolish and arrogant and insufferable to deal with, instead held closely by one desire, the most important desire.
Was it a coincidence, he wondered? That he, a demon born of lust himself, found one such human that seemed to adhere perfectly to what he enjoys most? Hyunjin often felt himself above that of the sins his brothers were born to pursue. Violence did not suit him, emotions such as greed, pride, and jealousy often went beyond his comprehension. And not because he was some lowly, ignorant creature who was only capable of thinking with his dick, but because those feelings simply never came to him to begin with.
What was there to be jealous of? If he wanted something, he could have it, he could take it, as simple as that. Was he prideful? Sure, one could say he was, say that he had an ego, but he would argue that there was a clear difference between the arrogance that often comes with pride, and simply having confidence in one's own abilities and joy in their accomplishments.
He knew he could feel other emotions, indulge in other sins, if his brothers' conquests and actions were any tell, but he simply.. didn't. Lust was all he knew, was all that he enjoyed, but at the same time, he wasn't some low level demon who was consumed by lust. No, he could control it quite easily if he wished, was more than capable of waiting for the most ideal moment to finally savor in the addictive dance two bodies can share. (Or more than two bodies, should one prefer that.)
Lust was all he ever knew, but unlike the sex-starved beasts he ruled over and observed in his circle within hell, he was very much in control of himself. Make no mistake, it never went away, he always felt the gnawing craving for more and more and more- but it never addled his mind. That was the perk of being a demon with a higher consciousness than that of say.. an imp. He had complete control of his compulsions and desires. 
It was this control over himself that led to Hyunjin savoring the lust that poured from human souls in only the most ideal conditions. There were many different kinds of lust, each with their own "taste" so to speak, and while Hyunjin found them all enjoyable to at least some degree, there was one in particular that was the most intoxicating to him, one that never failed to light a fire within him, the one that was always, always, worth waiting for.
The lust between two lovers, whose care for eachother was true, and good, and special- such as you would see from couples sleeping together for the first time, full to the brim with nervous excitement. Or maybe from long-time lovers reigniting their spark with a romantic night spent together after a warm, candlelit date. Especially delectable was the sweet consummation after making an eternal promise under God to be together forever, in sickness and in health, 'til death do you part. Those are just a few examples of the sort of lust that gave Hyunjin the best, sweetest taste.
The irony of being an immoral entity who gained the most enjoyment out of love and romance wasn't lost on him, but his preferences weren't built on some misconceived notion that he could aspire to feel those things himself. Yes, Hyunjin knew he would never feel the human emotion that was love, but he could understand, at least on a superficial level, why it tasted so sweet, and why humans seemed to fight for that feeling above all else.
Perhaps he existed to be a hypocrite, sowing seeds of chaos and turmoil while valuing true love, contradicting that which humans believed they knew about demons of lust such as himself. After all, was it not the very nature of a demon to confuse, contradict, and twist the human condition? And was it not utterly against his being to indulge in a feeling that was considered sacred by God? It didn't matter either way; if there was one thing that Hyunjin knew for certain, it was that sweet tastes were the best, and it didn't matter where it originated from or how- he just knew he liked it.
And oh, how his proverbial heart jolted when he sensed it on you the first time he saw you touching yourself. It was a surprise when, after a long day of unpacking and arranging furniture, you let your hand travel sinfully between your legs with a heady sigh- and far be it from Hyunjin to deny himself the opportunity to feed on a human's lust when it's practically being delivered to him on a silver platter. You hadn't been touching yourself for long, barely got your panties down your legs when he tasted it- subtle, but familiar enough to Hyunjin that he could recognize it anywhere.
It was hard to explain the sweet taste in human terms- there were really no words that could come close to describing it, as the "flavor" itself didn't exist within human understanding. Suffice it to say, it was something entirely unique to his kind, and something any demon would be able to distinguish with ease should they be in close enough proximity. It was unmistakable- you loved someone. That was information that could serve him well, something that he should be delighted to know he could ruin you with. And yet, for the first time in all his thousands of years, the feeling of lustful love left a bitter taste on his tongue.
You were in love.. And you envisioned that person while your fingers were buried between your legs, as you bit your lip and made your eyes roll to the back of your skull. Who was it? Why did you love them? Were they even deserving of someone as perfect as you? Did they deserve to touch you? To feel you? Hyunjin grit his teeth, fists clenching into tight balls as an unfamiliar feeling began to permeate through the entirety of his being.
Is this.. what envy feels like? A rage beyond comprehension at the thought of someone else having you when it should be him? He should be the one you desired to have touching you, the one you imagined marking your unmarred skin, the one who made you cry out and tremble with even the simplest of touches. Would they even indulge in the sweet taste you radiate like he would? Would they even understand what perfection it is you offer simply by being? His, you should be his, only his, his, his.
The realization hit Hyunjin like cold water over hot skin- he wants you. And not just for one night, not superficially, not with needing to part ways afterwards. He wants you to love him, wants the feeling of love-drenched lust that radiates off you to be because of him, wants you to belong to him and him alone. You don't know him yet, but you will. And he'll make sure you're left wanting him, and only him, by any means necessary. Because it's what he wants, and he always gets what he wants.
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Hyunjin wants to say it's simple curiosity that leads him to carefully stealing your phone off your nightstand once you've fallen asleep, or that's acting with the desire to know how to ruin the target of his ire more succinctly, but that simply isn't true. No, he is scrounging through your phone not with the intent to learn your greatest fears and hates, nor does he scour your messages to discover your darkest secrets.
It's a different purpose that has led him here, an unfamiliar ache that drives him to search your phone for something more. In hindsight, going through your phone to learn about you is a simple, easy act he could've, should've, done already, but he's a bit of a traditionalist in that regard. (Or maybe he just doesn't want to admit how much he's liked watching you these past few weeks.)
Who is that you love? And why? It would've been easier for him to find out had you truly let yourself go, allowed yourself to be loud and moan their name to your heart's content, but you hadn't. And maybe that was a good thing, as hearing someone else's name leave your lips in such a moment would've definitely sent him into a dangerous hate spiral, but that also meant he was left with nothing to go on as a clue.
He was much too stunned, and then seething with anger and jealousy, to read your thoughts in the moment, and if he tried to do so now, while you were sleeping, all he would do is catch a glimpse of your dreams- not helpful in the slightest, unless you happen to be dreaming of the object of your desire. (Which you weren't. He already looked.)
Unlocking your phone is easy, as he's seen you put in your password several times over at this point. Unfortunately for him however, (and fortunate for the one undeserving of Hyunjin's wrath,) he finds nothing that makes the object of your affection explicitly obvious. Your texts with friends all use the same tone, you talk about mundane things like what movies are coming out or how you wish you could go on a vacation for a while.
Your photo gallery is relatively small, filled mostly by screenshots of things you wish to remember or keep for a laugh, and the occasional selfie. There's nothing that screams "this is the person i'm in love with!" no matter where in your phone he looks, and if it wasn't for how intensely he felt the emotion radiating from you as your fingers sped up and release built, he'd think he must have imagined it.
What interesting this he does find, however, are the differen't porn links littered through your incognito tabs, all that paint a very vivid picture of what you find most appealing, or in more vulgar terms, what gets your pussy really fucking wet. He skims through your collection of favorites and private bookmarks, and quickly comes to realize they all hold a similar theme- love, romance, and doms who are soft even when being rough with the sub's body or speaking condescending words.
Various videos and audio files, with titles such as "roommate gets railed after confessing her secret feelings," "pov: boy next door accidentally confesses and then fucks you passionately," and "soft dom makes his good girl cum hard: boyfriend asmr." There's even an entire erotic movie, much to Hyunjin's surprise, with a 2 hour run time and dedicated plot in your recent bookmarks.
He decides to watch it, for research purposes of course- what better way to get to know the object of his desire than by watching the porn she consumes for himself? It's rather generic as far as ideas go- childhood best friends confessing their love before going away to college, with sweet, sensual but desperate fucking and a promise they'll be in love no matter the distance put between them. A cliché plot, by human media standards. 
However, he has to give it due props- it's obviously not an amateur production. It's acted well, has better cinematography than one might expect for a film produced by a porn studio, and the dialogue never crosses into cringe, overtly fake territory. Despite it all, something about it feels real, as if he'd taken a genuine glimpse into the lives of two young people in love, rather than a manufactured video meant to make the people who watch it unbearably horny.
Hyunjin continued through your collection after that, eager to see what other gems lied in your favorites, waiting to be watched by him. They're all the same fundamentally speaking, your preferences and biases easily shining through with each video watched and audio listened to. Emotionally charged, romantic confessions, sweet "i love you"s, soft, caring doms who take good care of the submissive one, making them feel desired, beautiful, and secure.
The person you're in love with, the one who lingers in your mind when you watch these videos and your hand travels between your legs- this is what you want them to do. You want them to love you passionately, to make you fall apart in the sweetest of ways, to take care of you so well that your thoughts can linger on nothing but the way they make you feel. You want them to sweetly tell you they love you while they fuck you, to speak filthy words in your ears in a soft, saccharine voice as they make you cum. To fuck you dumb, to ruin you, and then expertly put you back together with a tender touch. 
Carefully, he puts your phone back in its place, looking at you once he's done, still sound asleep in your bed and without a clue in the world that there's a demon standing before you, close enough to touch. You've lived with Hyunjin for weeks now, but you don't know who he is, don't know that he's there, don't know that you have unexpectedly become the reason for a demon's strange and new complex emotions. Isn't it funny? How a demon as powerful as him has become infatuated with you despite you not even knowing he exists.
It's illogical to desire you, truly. Humans are fickle, subject to corruption and irrationality, their lives impossibly short. What one man works his entire life to obtain, Hyunjin can have in mere moments with a fraction of the effort. To a being that has lived thousands of years, the life of a human happens in a mere blink. You grow old, you get sick, you die, your accomplishments fade to nothing, forgotten as the next wave of humans walk the earth in your stead. You're beneath him, he's better than you, and yet..
Why does he still crave you so? Maybe he's no better than the humans he's looked down upon, considering them lesser for their innate hypocrisies and irrational actions- because Hyunjin is about to do just the same. His feelings for you are hypocritical, irrational, foolish, but also the most real thing he's ever felt. And if it's romance you want, that will make you fall head over heels for him, then he'll be the most romantic demon the nine hells have ever known.
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