#Will try to get the actual in order 3rd part of my s/i fic out like soon-ish
itisannak · 4 years
CEO!Michael x President’s Daughter!Y/N (Michael Clifford Smut Fic)
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Summary: (Y/N) is the daughter of the company's president Michael holds the CEO position. They dated a few years back until they broke up due to the long distance. Now, (Y/N) is back, and her father has plans for her. Plans that Michael is absolutely opposed to. (Smut / Unprotected Sex / Oral; Female Receiving) The fic contains 2 scenes where marital rape is mentioned. The mentions are not graphic and there is no description of the incident. I have put the scenes in Italics and they are marked with asterisks (****) at the beginning and end of the paragraph. I actually saw this story in my dream once and I simply had to write it. I hope you like it, I put a lot of work into it.   (Words: 15.9k)
"Good morning, Ms. (Y/L/N). Welcome back." My father's secretary greets me as soon as I step out of the elevator. I take off my sunglasses, looking at her with an ironic smile; such a kiss-ass. "Good morning, Mrs. Venable. My father is waiting for me in the board room. You must be aware of that..." I reply and she nods. "Of course. That's why I am here. I have specific instructions for guiding you there. You see, we had a little bit of a floor remodeling while you were away." She states, gesturing for me to follow her. "It was about time we had one." I mumble, following suit behind her. My high heels click against the marble floor, covering whatever chatter talk the secretary has been mumbling as we walk. "Your father made sure no one is going to bother you during the meeting." She comments, opening the door for me. I nod my head before walking in, being greeted by my father who opens his arms for me.
"(Y/N), sweetheart. Thank you for being here on time." He comments as I hug him. "Was I ever late when we had a meeting? Let me pour myself some coffee and then we can talk about the important matter that is so important that we couldn't talk about it at home." I sass, reaching for the pot in the center of the table. "Cutting straight to the matter, I see." He states with a chuckle, making me smirk. "Learned from the absolute best. Now, let's talk about business. Is this meeting about me being hired on the legal team of the company? Because you really didn't need to make that announcement all fancy like that." I brag just a little, bringing the mug to my lips. "It is not about that, darling. It is far more important than that." He assures me, making me look at him with furrowed eyebrows. "Then what is it, dad?" I ask, causing him to clear his throat. "Remember the Jophersons?" He asks me and I hum. "How couldn't I forget? What about them?" I ask, sitting up straight. "We have been bargaining a partnership. Their company and ours becoming one. It would be huge, we would take over the world market." He explains, far too passionate about it. "This is exciting, daddy. Do you need my approval as a shareholder? Because you know I would agree with that, even if you didn't ask." I smile at him, patting his hand. "Well, not nearly. The thing is... Jophersons' youngest son, Edward... You remember him, right? Well, he set a condition or else they pull the offer." He states, making me even more confused. "Ugh, of course, he would, that sleazy bastard... What did he ask for?" I ask, cringing at the memory of him. "You know that boy always had a crush on you... He asked... He set a clause that he would allow the partnership under the condition you would agree to marry him." He explains, making my stomach spasm. "No, not him. No. He has been trying to get me for years. It is a vanity project for him. I am nothing more than a trophy. Daddy, there has to be another way. Not Edward. Not Sleazy Eddy. Please, dad." I panic, feeling the temperature rise. "(Y/N), listen to me... It is the only way. Please, take a deep breath." He says, standing up and patting my shoulder. I tear up at the thought; he is the typical rich white guy, the type you see on the Bachelor show. He thinks that looks and money make the world revolve around him. He has been 'flirting' with me at every party, always trying to push on the boundaries, always being way too suggestive. It makes me sick, he makes me sick. My father can't really ask me to marry someone I don't like, can he? "Dad, no... This is inappropriate. This is unacceptable. We don't live in 1950. I am not some kind of exchangeable goods that he can demand on a contract." I hyperventilate, standing up from the chair I was sitting. "Sit down and lower your damn voice. All this year I have provided you with everything. It is time you finally paid back to the family. You know how important this is for me." He says, way sterner than before. "You can't be asking me to make that sacrifice. I don't love him, I don't even like him as a human. Please, dad. Anything but that. I will die if I marry him." I plead, feeling my throat convulse. I can barely breathe. "You are being dramatic. You will marry him and that's the end of it." He sounds way too determined as if he called me here to announce it rather than ask my input. "You are going to sacrifice my happiness on the money altar?" I ask him, making him scoff. "You make it sound like an Ancient Greek tragedy. You are not Iphigenia, sacrificing yourself for winds in your father's favor. You are marrying a rich guy, making your family richer and more powerful. You and your children, your children's children, and many generations after yours, are never going to worry about money. Stop pretending you are the victim here." He spits out, looking at me pitifully. "Not all that matters is money, dad." I state and he scoffs. "Please... It is easy for you to say that. You think money is not important because you never had to go a day without it. If you think money is not important, you are free to reject the offer and try to live without it." He announces, pointing at the door. I stare at him in shock, gulping down, and tensing my jaw. I nod my head, biting my lip. "Well, it seems like the decision has been finalized way before I was asked." I feel tears brimming in my eyes, sniffling as I try to stop myself from crying. "Get yourself together and go get ready. We have a meeting at 4, and your engagement will be announced along with the partnership. Make sure you are not late, make sure you look happy." He orders, making me chuckle. "Of course. We would hate for people to find out I'd rather kill myself before laying in bed with the devil." I state before storming out of the room.
I walk into the bathroom, trying to calm myself before I have a panic attack. My clothes feel awfully tight, constraining my breathing. I feel awful, disgusted by myself, by my family. My father is willing to practically sell me to someone to gain more power. I thought that this is something only happening to girls in 3rd world countries. I feel powerless; my family can't disown me, I have practically nothing, plus their connections would turn their backs on me. And I really can't marry Edward. I can't, I won't. The thought of him disgusts me, to the point of actually feeling like throwing up all over his face. I certainly cannot hope for a white wedding; his intentions for me wouldn't let him.
I press my back against the cold tile wall, sliding down on it. I want to crawl out of my skin, I want to scratch my flesh off my body. I can't be marrying him, but I also cannot reject it. The decision has been taken, my agreement was just fine letters for them. I think I chose to stay in the bathroom because I felt powerless to move anywhere else. I take a look at myself in the mirror; it is like I am having an out-of-body experience. I don't recognize the woman in the mirror, she doesn't nearly look familiar. I close my eyes, taking a deep breath before opening my purse and reaching for my little makeup bag. Just a bit of powder to make my eyes look like I haven't been crying my soul out and a little bit of lipstick to add some color to my washed-out complexion. I look better than my father and future husband deserve; had I have the guts, I would show up dressed in rugs.
"You don't look like you went home to change." My father comments as I take a seat by him on the big table in the board room. "It might be because I didn't. I didn't want to be late for the glorious announcement." I state sarcastically, taking my phone out of my purse. In walk the Jophersons, the father followed by the eldest and youngest son. Oh, my future husband... He has the stupidest smirk, the victorious kind he always sports. God, I will have to spend my life with this moron, whose only achievement is being born in a family of old money. He takes a seat across from me, giving me a side smirk as he settles. My stomach stings, every bite of my breakfast crawling up and threatening to fly out of my mouth. And then he walks in, looking like a million bucks. I haven't thought about the possibility of running into him here, like my brain refused to run down the scenario. Michael is still the CEO, he still runs the company. My father holds the founder position and the chairman of the board, but Michael is still the CEO here. My mind goes fuzzy around the edges, only focusing on him as his eyes lock with mine. Now my stomach fills with butterflies, my heart skipping a bit. I haven't seen him for 3 years now, ever since the breakup, but I would be damned if I said I haven't thought of him every day ever since. "Everyone's here?" My father asks, standing up from his chair. I press my hand against my temples, bracing myself for the impact. "Shall we begin?" He asks again, fixing the button of his blazer. "Before we talk about the business part of the meeting, I have an important announcement to make. My beautiful daughter, the most precious part of my heart, and Edward Jopherson are getting married. Everyone present is invited and welcome to the engagement party on Saturday." He announces, making the board clap and cheer, as Ed smirks smugly. I dart my eyes away, finding Michael looking at me in a state of shock.
I scrubbed and washed my skin away, trying to get rid of the dirty feeling that has seeped in under my skin. I want to lock myself away from the world outside, wishing to build a haven for me where I will be safe and all of this is just a bad dream. My hair has moistened the fabric of my romp, and my face is as blank as it has never been before. The only lights that I let in are coming from the big window that overlooks the city and the TV that has been playing for hours now, providing some noise that distracts me from going insane. I sniffle as I wipe my tears away, deciding that a good ol' sob-out is what I need. This is how my life is going to be from now on, I just know it. I don't want the only happiness in my life coming from materialistic stuff, but I know that marrying Edward is only going to give me this kind of happiness. I don't let myself get delusional, thinking that somehow Edward is going to turn out to be some decent guy, a guy that will love and respect me, because I know him for the douche he is. I am going to be a trophy wife for him. A sad, lonely trophy wife.
My doorbell rings, making me jump up from the couch. I walk to the door, fixing my romp and wiping my eyes before I peep through the peephole, finding Michael standing outside my door. "Who let you in?" I ask him as I open the door. "Yous still have the same pin. You still have my birthday as your entrance pin." He points out, making me huff. "Shit... I forgot to change it after coming back. What do you want? You shouldn't be here." I state, gulping the lump in my throat. "Can I come in?" He asks; it is more of a demand than a request, his tensed jaw moving from side to side. "You really shouldn't be here." I repeat and he hums. "Well, I am here." He states, cocking his eyebrow at me. I move from the door, letting him inside my penthouse before closing the door. "What do you want, Michael?" I ask, crossing my arms in front of my chest. "Why are you marrying him?" He asks me, making me roll my eyes. "Why do you care? We are not together anymore. We haven't been for years." I protest and he groans. "I still fucking care and you know it. You were the one who called the end." He snaps, making me chuckle sarcastically. "I called it quits because we were apart. I was away for my master's and you were here running the company. I was the one traveling to see you. Do you know how many essays I wrote on planes traveling back and forth? You were never visiting, I was tired of you finding excuses. It's been years since, Michael. Stop pretending you care." I shake as I let it out, making him groan at me from deep in his chest. "I still fucking care about you and you can't change it. Why are you marrying Sleazy Ed? Your stomach turned at the sight of him and now all of a sudden you want to spend your life with the douchebag?" He asks me, raising his voice. "Stop yelling at me. You know damn well why I am marrying him." I reply, prompting him to look at me a little disgusting. "You are marrying him for money? Doesn't your family have enough?" He asks. "I am marrying him to give my father his precious partnership. I am marrying him because there is no other way." I snap at him, making him drop his face and walk closer to me. "What? What are you talking about?" He asks, voice going soft. "Ed, set as a clause that I will have to marry him for him to agree on the partnership. You didn't know?" I ask and he shakes his head no. "He can't do that." He protests and I shrug. "Apparently he can and he already did. I was exchanged for more power, I was part of the deal. So please, spare me the dramatics right now. I have already maxed out on my tragedy for the day." I say, feeling hollow. "You can't marry him." He stutters, making me chuckle. "The other option was destroying the deal, and my parents disowning me and me being left with no one and nothing." I reply, throwing my hands in the air in frustration. "No, no... You can't marry him... I can't let you marry him." He exasperates, running his hand down his face. "Michael... It is too late. You were there when the contracts were signed. The partnership is about to start and I am about to go wedding dress shopping for my wedding with Sleazy Ed. It is over for me, Michael. It has been over for us for years, and now it is over for me as well, I will be sad and lonely for the rest of my life." I shrug my shoulders, feeling all my emotions choking me. "It's not over. It's was never over for us, (Y/N). I haven't stopped loving you and I know you haven't stopped loving me either. I know you haven't, I knew since the moment I saw you in the conference room. This can't be our end." He says, looking at me with the softest look. I can't really breathe; the only thought in my mind right now is somewhat ending up with Michael. "Don't say things you know that can't be true." I sniffle, causing him to walk towards me, grab my face in his hands, and pull me in for a kiss.
I respond to him, kissing him back as if I depend on it. I remember how much I liked kissing him, I remember every movement of his lips against mine, how warm they felt. I walk backward until my back meets the wall, and Michael's body presses against mine. I sigh in the kiss, just seconds before his teeth pull on my bottom lip. My hands move to unbutton his shirt, a little eager to feel him whole against my body. "You can't be marrying him to please your father when you know what I can do with my tongue." He mumbles, lowering his body and wrapping my legs around his waist. "Are you going to make me feel good?" I ask and he hums, bringing his face to my chest. "As always, princess." He mumbles, setting me on my bed. He kneels, undoing the belt that holds my romp together. I am left in the matching, silky negligee, which Michael just lifts its hem to my stomach. He pulls my panties to the side, bringing his mouth to my sex. "Oh, Michael..." I sigh, closing my eyes and throwing my head back. I always loved his lips there, he always knew how to make me cum. His tongue swirls against my clit, before flicking on it fast. My hand lowers to his hair, twisting and gripping on his locks. "Oh fuck..." I cry, pressing my core more on his face.
He sucks on my bundle of nerves vigorously, bringing his fingers to my entrance. His ring and middle finger circle around my entrance. I turn my head to the side, my eyes falling on the window running along my bedroom. The city looks better than ever right now, the lights reflecting on the glass of my window blurring in and causing lines of highlights to blend in the scenery. He hooks his fingers up against my spot, making my legs shake and my whole body writhe from pleasure. "Michael, please... Please, I need more of you, I need all of you." I cry out, making him smile against my core. "Want me, baby?" He asks, taking his mouth off my cunt, taking a breath as he plants kisses on the inside of my thigh. "Today... more than ever." I utter, stroking his hair. "Me too, baby." He smiles, crawling up my body and leaving a trail of kisses from my thighs, to my hipbones, and then all the way up to my neck. He reaches down to unzip his pants, lowering them until he frees his cock. He pulls me closer by my thighs, wrapping my legs around his hips and stroking his cock against my sex. "You still like it raw, baby?" He asks, nibbling on my ear lobe. "Only from you." I whimper and he chuckles. My hands go to his biceps as he tries to slip inside me.
When he does, he moves slowly, giving me time to adjust to him after all this time. His hand goes to the side of my face, stroking his fingers over it as I whimper softly and try to accommodate to him. "Please, make love to me... This might be my last time experiencing that." I plead, making him shake his head. "It won't be, princess. I won't allow it." He assures me, pressing his lips against mine. I part my lips, letting him slide his tongue in my mouth and deepen the kiss, just as he starts thrusting faster. I feel him stretch my walls as he moves, which makes me moan and moves against him. His thumb grazes over my cheek, soothing me while he pounds in me harder, angling up to hit my spot just right. I moan against his lips, throwing my head a little back and causing his lips to move on my chin. "Princess..." He mumbles softly, his voice huskier than before. "Don't stop." I beg, moving my hips against his. "I won't... I won't stop, baby. I missed you, I missed us." He breathes out, his breath fanning against my skin. "Oh, Michael... You know my body too well. I am so close." I whine, touching his face with my fingertips. I bring his face to mine, connecting our lips as he thrusts in and out of me, making my eyes flicker at how good he feels inside me. The knot in my stomach snaps, making me groan as I orgasm around him, twitching underneath him. "Fuck, I had forgotten how good you feel cumming around me." He hisses, tilting my head to the side, and latching his lips on my neck.
"There must be a way you can avoid marrying that douchebag and not breaking the deal." Michael comments as I walk back to my bed after cleaning up. "No, there isn't. And I don't want to talk about it right now." I reply, sighing as I sit on the bed. "This was a mistake..." I mumble, feeling tears forming in my eyes. "You regret it?" He asks me worried. "Not a second of it. I just... I will never be as happy as I was on this bed with you. And tonight only makes living with Ed seem harder. So, tonight shouldn't happen again. Because if it happens again, it will only highlight how sad my life with him is going to be." I sob, making him kneel in front of me. "Let me stay tonight. Let me hold you in my arms, let me take you in, one last time. If this is goodbye, we deserve a proper one, we deserve a soft one." He says, making me nod as my lips pout and twitch and my eyes fill with tears. "Hey, hey... Don't cry. Tonight we pretend all of this is not happening and that we will be alright." He says softly, peppering my face with kisses. "I always thought I would be marrying you. I always saw myself having children with you, living in a beautiful house by the sea, with a huge garden, kinda like a field." I state as Michael pulls me to lay on the bed, pressing my back against his chest. "The house sounds dreamy. How many children?" He asks me, strumming his thumb over my hip. "3. Two boys and a girl." "Two Michaels and one (Y/N), huh? Well, I want 4. And a bunch of dogs." He replies and I giggle. "This is just a dream." I say under my breath. "I know. But dreams do come true, you know..." He plants a kiss on my shoulder. "Rarely." I add and he chuckles. "I promise to make this one come true. Even if it means moving heaven and earth to make it." He tries to assure me, making me smile at how naive this is.
The house is full of people; people I don't know, people I don't care to meet. All I care about is the fact that Edward has been walking around, with his hand on my lower back and a smile on his face, introducing future Mrs. Jopherson to the invitees. I have been drinking the whole night, trying to numb myself, disassociating from all of this. I hate his touch, I hate the feeling of him close to me, I hate the sound of his voice. I hate everything, and this is supposed to be only the beginning of it. "I have to go freshen up... Excuse me for a sec." I remove myself politely from the company, walking away as fast as I can. I can't wait for the event to be over and I get to go home, lock myself in my apartment, away from everyone, away from my parents, away from my fiance.
I let myself into the upstairs guest bathroom, locking the door behind me before I sit on the lid of the toilet. I fidget with my fingers, trying to breathe normally; I didn't think of what I would do once I was away from the people in the party, only focusing on a way to just go away. The knock of the door startles me, making me jolt in my seat and gasp. "Occupied." I call, hoping whoever it is will fuck off elsewhere and leave me alone. "Michael." He responds, almost whispering. I stand up, walking to the door, and unlocking it to let him in. "What are you doing here?" I ask, closing the door. "I wanted to check on you." He says, shrugging his shoulders. "I mean at the engagement party. Why are you here?" I ask and he sighs. "It is painful. But it is way more painful for you. And I didn't want to leave you here alone. I know you are alone in this house tonight, and I wanted you to have someone here for you tonight. Plus, your father invited everyone and I think people would notice if I wasn't here." He replies, making me gulp the knot in my throat and nod my head. "I hate it here..." I sniffle and he cups my face in his hands. "Hey, hey... No crying. He doesn't get to make you cry. You are going to make it through this, I am going to help you any way I can." He mumbles, making me look at him. "You have to go. We agreed we wouldn't..." "I am not here to take advantage of you. I am here because I could tell from across the room you were about to meltdown... And I didn't want you to make anything stupid." He replies, making me chuckle. "I wouldn't. The deal would be off." I joke, laughing and making Michael join me in. "You are the love of my life. I love you, more than anything in the world." He says, looking at me in the eye. "It is time to stop. It is time you find someone else to love... It is ok, you can't wait for me forever." I assure him but he shakes his head. "You can't tell who to love or for how long. I gave you my heart way back, and it is yours to keep. I will be waiting for you because you are getting out of it." He states, pressing his lips on my forehead. "I'll go downstairs now. Try not to take too long." He mumbles, stroking my cheek before he turns away.
Sooner than I anticipated, the night before my wedding arrived. My parents and future in-laws through a big rehearsal dinner, where my future husband decided that PDA was essential. I nearly vomited 3 times during the hour-long dinner, really putting my acting skills to full capacity to avoid showing off how much I wanted to die. I could only feel gratitude the moment I walked into my apartment. My parents wanted me to stay at the family house my last night as Ms. (Y/L/N), my mother for sentimental purposes, so she could be there for her little girl on the final night she would sleep alone, and my father just to make sure I wouldn't run away. But he settled on me going to the family house bright and early, accompanied of course by a bunch of his guards. I pour myself a glass of whiskey, petrified by daylight coming in soon. I thought about escaping, I am not going to lie, but I have nowhere and no one to go to. At my father's command, everyone will cut me off if I disobey him. I thought about running to Michael; I know he will be there waiting with open arms. But he is going to lose his job and have a similar fate to mine, being turned down by everyone he asks for a job from. I know how hard he has worked to get where he is, and I would never, ever do that to him. He was at the rehearsal, looking at me silently from his spot, enduring the torture of seeing me with another man.
My doorbell rings and I rush to it, my heart skipping happily; I knew he would come. I open the door and find Michael behind it, just as I expected. I fall in his arms, making him wrap them around me tightly. "I knew you would come..." I mumble, refusing to let him go. He still holds onto me as we walk in, closing the door behind him. "I can't stay away from you." He replies, pushing my chin up so he can kiss me. "You are the only person I wanted to see tonight. No one else." I state in between kisses, making him hum. "I know. I could feel it." He mumbles, cupping my face in his hands. "Are you going to stay with me?" I ask, looking at him pleadingly. "I can't leave you... I can't..." He breathes out, picking me up to carry me to my bed.
His hands work fast to bare me of my clothes, while his lips trail my skin. His hands touch me everywhere, making me chill at the sensation. "I love you... I love you so much..." He mumbles, looking up at me. "I love you too... More than anything in the world." I reply, making him smile at me softly. His lips move to my neck while he thrusts inside me, taking my hands in his. I gasp, closing my eyes to focus only on how good he feels inside me. He kisses my jawline, breathing against my skin as he moves inside me. "I love you..." He repeats, bringing his lips on mine. He kisses me deeply, squeezing harder on my hands as he bucks his hips against mine, angling up to hit my spot. I kiss him back just as deeply, bringing my hand to twist in the hair on the end of his head. My thigh is pressed against his side, trying to hold my body closer to his as he thrusts harder, making me pulse around his length. "You feel so good." I breathe out, throwing my head back. One of his hands leaves mine, traveling down to my hip and tracing soft patterns on it as he holds onto me. "I will never get enough of you... All of you and all of me belong together." He utters, wrapping his fingers around my wrist. I moan in pleasure, eyebrows furrowing together as I bite my bottom lip. I feel warm and loved underneath him, something that my body has been aching to experience again. I buck my hips up against his, riding on him to meet his thrusts. "Fuck, do that again." He whines, face morphing into his familiar pleasure expression. "What? Move my hips like that?" I ask, rolling them against him. "Fuck... Fuck... I wanna cum..." He hisses, pounding on top of me. "Not yet... Not yet, please... I wanna cum with you. And I just need a little more to get myself there. Please..." I whimper, gasping as I feel his tip press against my cervix. His veins are pulsing against my walls, his thrusts are becoming sloppier and sloppier each passing second, showing me he is achingly close to his high. But he keeps himself from coming, biting his lip and digging his nails into my skin. I want him to leave a mark, I want him to mark me as his own so that I will have to walk down the aisle wearing his touch under my designer wedding dress. "You are pulsing around me... You are milking my cock, princess." He slurs, panting as he fucks me deeper with every move of his hips. "Michael..." I cry out, arching my back off the mattress. He scoops his arm under my waist, holding me close to him as he gives me a couple of final thrusts before I shriek and cum around him, screaming his name as I clutch onto him as if he is the most precious part of my soul; which he certainly has been, currently is, and always will be.
With the final thrust, he glues on me, holding me down and resting his head in the curve of my neck while he cums inside me, making me feel warm, full, and safe. "Go pack a bag." He orders as he calms down from his orgasm, flopping with his back against the bed. "What?" I ask, resting my head against his chest and taking his hand in mine. "Go pack a bag, just a few clothes, and necessities. Let's leave. Now. Please, let's leave together." He begs, making me hum bittersweet. "And where do you think we should go?" I ask, knowing better than him that there isn't a plan for this escape. "I don't know. We will get in a car together, drive to a different state, and take a plane elsewhere. I have qualifications, experience, I will find another job. And we will get a house by the sea, with a big garden, just as you pictured it. Please, go pack a bag." He looks at me like a puppy, his eyes sparkling. "My father is going to fight you, no one will hire you. He has power, money, influence. He knows politicians, he is going to make sure you and I suffer if we oppose and cancel the deal. No one is going to hire you, nor me." "I don't care, I will work at McDonald's, I will flip burgers... I just want to be with you. Run away with me." He presses on me, running his thumb over the back of my hand. "You are going to hate me for the rest of your life. You worked too hard to get where you are right now. If you throw it all away for me, you are going to hate me. Maybe not the first months, or the first couple of years, but 3 or 4 years in, when we will be staying in a tiny apartment and we won't be able to afford to have a baby, and the bills are going to be piling up, you are going to despise me, you are going to curse the moment you suggested we run away and I said yes. So, since I want you to remember me with love and not hatred, I have to say no." I explain and he sighs. "(Y/N), please." He begs, voice cracking. "Mikey, baby... I love you. And turning this down is even harder than getting married to Sleazy Ed tomorrow evening, so, please don't ask me again." I reply, leaving a peck on his chest. I am oddly calm while I let the words out, my soul feeling at peace as I realize I am doing what's best for everyone. "I could never hate you. Never. Even if we lived in a cardboard, underneath a bridge. And sacrificing what I have right now, it will be a lot easier than watching you become his wife." He replies, hugging me to his body. "Don't come to the wedding tomorrow. Putting on the whole show is going to be a lot harder if you are there. I don't want you going through that." I almost beg him. "I think everyone will notice I am missing. We did so well hiding our relationship while we were together, let's not give them suspicions. Plus, I can't leave you there alone." He says soothingly, rubbing down my arm. ****"I... Tomorrow night, he is going to..." I begin but he shushes me. "If he touches you, if he lays his hands on you, in any way, I will kill him myself. I swear to God and anything sacred." He looks at me in the eye, hissing a threat I know he can't bring to life. "We know the only reason he put that clause in the contract is just to get in my pants. He couldn't ask for a night with me, that would show his true colors to my father, to his father, to everyone on both boards. He has been trying to fuck me for years, I have been turning him down every time and that pissed him off. If I don't give him what he wants, he will only become more obsessed. So, tomorrow night, when he thrusts in me for less than 3 minutes, I am going to close my eyes and think of you, and all of the times you made me feel ethereal, like a goddess on Earth." I reply, smiling at him softly. "He is going to..." He begins but I press my finger on his lips. "He doesn't have power over me. I'll give him what he wants and he will be disinterested, move back to fucking everyone with a pussy between their legs." I reply and he groans; I feel his anger, his frustration, his helplessness, and I have been there when I first realized what would happen after the wedding. You see, putting on a dress and saying "I do" is going to be just the beginning. And the beginning is the easiest in this scenario. "You are the bravest person I know. You have bigger balls than any motherfucker I know." He states and I sigh. "Yeah, I know." I reply, raxing my back and yawning. ****
"A week from tomorrow, at 9 pm, you come to find me at the hotel we used to go when we were hiding from everyone. I will text you the room number at 8:30. Come find me." He instructs and I huff. "Are we running away from there?" I ask him, causing him to shake his head. "No. Not yet, at least. It will be just you and me for a couple of hours, a bit of sensitization for both of us, because I know we will both be out of our bodies until then. I will be your haven, your safe space for a few hours, and you will be my happiness, the only thing that will keep me from losing it." He explains, making me tear up a little. "We will meet weekly." I suggest and he hums. "More frequently if we need it. You will just text me, or I will just text you and we will meet at the hotel whenever we need it." He kisses the top of my head, breathing steadily. "I love you." I utter, lacing my fingers with his. "I love you too, pretty girl." He whispers, making warmth spread on my body.
"You look so pretty, (Y/N)... You are the most beautiful bride I have seen." My father smiles as he walks into the bridal suite. He is supposed to walk me down the aisle, deliver me to the douchebag I am supposed to marry in just a few minutes. "Stop, stop with this bullshit, we both know I look nothing like myself. Not even close. We both know that this facade is not pretty..." I rumble, feeling like giving myself one last chance to walk out of this free. "(Y/N), you are being dramatic. I swear to God, if you pull that crap in front of everyone, I will make you regret it." He threatens. My chest tightens and I decide that attack is not the best strategy. "Dad... Daddy... That man... You know that man is going to torture me. I don't love him, dad. He is going to make me unhappy. Please don't throw my life away. Please, dad... You are the only one with the power to stop it. Please, dad..." I beg, looking at him for a reaction. "Everyone is waiting for us, Mrs. Jopherson." He replies, linking my arm with his. I nod my head and wipe away my eyes, taking a deep breath to calm myself down. "Yes, sir. Let's go offer everyone a show." I say coldly, putting on my brave face.
I counted the seconds until the day I would see Michael arrived. I lied to the house personnel that I would be heading to the gym in case Edward asks my whereabouts and drove to the hotel as fast as I could, feeling jittery about seeing him again. There were mere seconds between me knocking on the door and him opening it, smiling at me. I fall in his arms, breathing in his scent to ground myself to reality. He is here, and I am here, and this is real, more real than what happened in the past week. He pulls me inside and I push the door closed with my foot. "I missed your pretty face... I missed you so much." He whispers, peppering my face with kisses. "Not more than I did." I assure him, cradling his face in my hands and kissing him deeply. ****"Did he touch you? Are you ok?" He asks after we pull away, holding me by my shoulders. "He was too drunk to do anything on the first night. We stayed in a hotel suite and the moment he was off, I went and booked myself a room. I stayed there all night and only saw him in the morning. We went for lunch with my parents and his, spent most of the day there. We got home at night and he... It lasted 3 minutes and 37 seconds... I know, I counted them. He rolled to the side, mumbled something to himself. And then he fell asleep. I slept in a guest room, woke up super early just to go back to his bed. After that, he didn't bother with me. He got what he wanted. I am sleeping in a different room than him now. He doesn't seem to mind." I state, making him close his eyes and draw a breath, trying to contain himself. ****
"Hey, hey... I am alright. Can we please, stop talking about it now? This whole safe haven thing is not going to work if we are constantly talking about him." I ask, stroking his cheek, as he nods his head at me. "I picked up some Asian food from the place near my house. I got you extra dumplings because I know you like them." He says, pointing to the bag that is resting on the table nearby. "You know, my excuse for tonight was that I was going to the gym. I can't go back home blotted from dumplings." I joke and he hums. "Well, if you'd like... I can help with burning the extra calories..." He smirks, making me roll my eyes at him. "I was really hoping you would... I have been thinking of you touching me nearly every day since the last time." I place my hands on the sides of his neck.
"I was thinking... Maybe... I don't know, the weekend after this one, maybe we could go on a little trip. On a little cabin in the woods, away from everyone... If you want to of course." He suggests, stroking my hair and twisting a lock of it between his fingers. My head is on his chest, his skin still a little damp with sweat from having sex a few minutes before. "I will have to find an excuse and we should definitely not meet during the next week, just for precaution, but it sounds magnificent." I state, supporting my body on my elbows to be able to look at him a little better. "We will leave on Friday afternoon. I'll pick you up from your old apartment. And we will drive there. Hopefully, we will make it there before night falls and we will have dinner under the stars. Just you and me, miles away." He states, running his knuckles down my back. "Why are we meeting here?" I ask and he looks at me with confusion. "What do you mean?" He asks me back. "I still have my old apartment. We can meet there, it will feel more... homey, I guess." I suggest and he chuckles. "Aren't you afraid of getting caught?" He asks me and I shake my head at him. "Ed doesn't know about the house, and my parents don't have keys. I have no neighbors, I live in the penthouse... Getting caught is no valid worry." I respond and he hums. "Ok then... Next meeting will be at your house." He replies, pressing his lips on my forehead.
The housekeeper leaves the plate before me, making me smile at her politely. Edward has been scrolling on his phone, which is a huge relief for me. He barely ever talks to me while he is at home, which is torturing. He married me to prove he could, and he plans on spending our married life just keeping me incarcerate in a life of nothing. "My best friend from college is coming from Spain next weekend. We are thinking of going to Miami for the weekend to catch up. Girls weekend out and stuff." I state, picking up my glass of wine. "And you are telling me this because...?" He asks, not raising his gaze from his phone. "Just to let you know I will be gone next weekend. Friday to Monday morning." I reply, shrugging my shoulders. "Yeah, have fun. Try not to make a big fool out of yourself." He replies, making me press my tongue against my cheek and swallow my anger. "Thanks. Try not to catch too many STDs while I am gone." I roll my eyes, sipping on my wine.
Friday came and I couldn't wait to get out of the house. If sneaking around with Michael in hotel rooms makes me feel free, that feeling of freedom becomes a thousand times intenser now that we are going away from all that. Michael pulls into the parking under my old apartment, making me jump in excitement. I skip to the car, throwing my duffel bag in the backseat before slipping in the front. "Hi, baby." He greets, smiling at me. I lean closer to him, pressing my lips against his for a quick peck, which he turns into a deeper, proper kiss by gripping onto the back of my head and prying my lips apart with his tongue. "Ready for our trip?" He asks as we part, making me squeal excitedly. "I have never been more ready about anything in my life" I reply, relaxing back into my seat. "The little cabin is absolutely beautiful. It has a fireplace and a cozy bedroom. And a little hot tub on the balcony, which has a breath-taking view. You are going to love it." He says, driving out of the parking. "Pity I didn't pack a swimsuit..." I pout, picking up the coffee cup from the cup holder. "You can go naked. I don't mind... Nothing I haven't seen before, nor I don't want to see... I mean. Babe, you have a body to kill for." He replies, cocking an eyebrow at me. "I packed a suit, unfortunately for you. Just in case... Plus, my whole excuse was that I will be going to Miami. I had to pack some bikinis for cover-up." I bring my hand to stroke his hair, making him groan in disappointment. "What do I have to do to convince you to go in naked?" He asks, making me lick my lips. "Well, did you pack wine with you?" I ask back, cocking an eyebrow at him. "Rosé and Red. I know my girlfriend..." He replies, bringing my hand to his lips. "Shall we put on some music? Let freedom begin?" I ask, bringing my phone out of my pocket. "Let the freedom begin, princess." He smiles at me, almost as excited as I am.
We reach the little cabin just before sunset, the whole scenery looking idealistic with the light surrounding it. "Let's leave the luggage in the car and go to the reception for the key." He suggests, parking the car as I stretch my body. "Didn't you make a reservation?" I ask and he nods. "I did. But we need to pick up the keys and leave some identification." He explains, opening his door and getting out. I follow his lead, walking by his side and locking arms with him. He leans in, pecking my temple softly. I smile and lean my head against his arm, feeling calm for the first time in a while.
We walk into the little reception, small enough to fit only the desk and the back room. "Hi. We have a reservation. Under the name Clifford." Michael says to the woman behind the desk. She smiles at us while he takes out his ID. "Mr. and Mrs. Michael Clifford, you reserved the house up the hill." She replies, checking Michael's ID. "That's us. Did the payment go through?" He asks and the lady nods. "Of course. Give me a second to make a copy and hand you the keys." She says, moving to the back room. "Mr. and Mrs. Michael Clifford?" I ask, making him shrug. "I like the sound of it. Don't you?" He asks me and I hum. "I love it. This weekend I am Mrs. Clifford." I state, my heart fluttering at the sound of it. I lean up, pressing a kiss on his lips while the smile still spreads on my face. "Well, Mrs. Clifford... What do you want to do once we are in our cabin?" He asks me, pushing a lock of hair behind my ear. "I wanna have some wine with my husband, in front of the fireplace. Little to no clothing." I reply and he moans. "It sounds like a plan..." He replies, kissing the tip of my nose. "A good plan, I hope." I place my hand on top of his chest. "The best plan I've heard in years."He assures me, taking my hand in his.
After picking up the keys, Michael and I got into the car and drove up the hill where our cabin is. It looks like a typical cabin in the wood, with log walls and a front porch with comfortable seats. I carry my bag inside after Michael unlocks the door, and I walk in the coziest little living room, with a big sofa and a perfect fireplace. It is perfect, the total opposite of where we usually go. I walk up the staircase, leading to an open-plan bedroom. It is rustic, to say the least, but totally warm and homey. I leave my bag in the little armchair across the bed, smiling to myself as I imagine my weekend here with the love of my life. I was right; this is absolute freedom and I can picture myself living here forever with Michael, even if it isn't the dream house by the ocean I always pictured ourselves in. "Are you ok, love?" Michael asks, standing behind me and wrapping his arms around me. "I have never been better. This is oneiric, my love. I feel free." I take a deep breath, feeling my body relaxing finally. "I'll go start the fire. Wanna take a shower and freshen up?" He asks, kissing down the curve of my neck. "I'll be right downstairs. Crackers and cheese with the wine... My stomach is grumbling..." I pout as I turn around, making him hum. "You are hungry, bub?" He asks, raising my hoodie before kneeling down to kiss my stomach. "Very... But also I feel filthy after all those hours in the car. So, I need to go clean up." I stroke his hair, smiling down at him. "Filthy girl..." He mumbles, standing up and pressing his lips against mine. "Go. I will need warmth after the shower. Go start the fire, pour the wine, plate the cheese and crackers. Maybe have a shower too after the fire and before doing the rest. The car ride made you greasy..." I press my thumb on his bottom lip, pulling it down a bit, enough to reveal his bottom teeth before I press a peck on it. "And what are you going to do if I do everything?" He asks, cocking an eyebrow at me. "Look pretty, smell great, be soft... So soft... Silky soft..." I say between kissing his neck in between kisses. "Fine... Go shower." He moans, throwing his head back.
Michael enters the bathroom right the moment I am wrapping my towel around my body. "Fuck, I missed all the fun." He sighs, making me chuckle. "We have a whole weekend to shower together." I remind him and he hums. "The fire is ready. I'll do the rest after the shower, just as the princess requested." He mumbles, stripping off his clothes. "You such a good boy for me... I will have to reward you for that..." I state, licking my lips as I watch his naked body. "What do you have in mind?" He asks, turning to look at me. "You know I am very good with my mouth... And not just for talking in court." I give him a wink, before walking out of the bathroom and letting him slip in the shower.
He was quick in his shower, soon moving downstairs to set up our little date and giving me time to dress up for him. Usually, when we meet in the hotel room, I am dressed in sports clothes, to cover my gym alibi. So now it is the perfect time for me to dress up for him, finally. So, I slip in my little babydoll, with the nice panties and garter belt underneath, tying it all together with my silky romp with lace details. I walk downstairs, finding Michael sitting by the fireplace already, 2 glasses of wine before him. "Well, that's quite the setup..." I comment, waiting for him to bring his focus on me. He averts his gaze to me, his face lighting up as he scans me. He stands up, walking his way towards me. He stares at me for a while, before his hands move to the belt of my romp. He tugs at it, looking at me for permission, which I grant by just nodding. He undoes it, letting the cover-up fall from my body. He looks at me in my babydoll, blinking a couple of times before running his hands down my sides. "Don't you look like a doll..." He comments, picking up my romp from the stairsteps. "You like it?" I ask, making him hum. "You look like a painting, my love." He replies, helping me walk down the remaining stairs. We walk to the fireplace, where he hands me a glass of wine. "If you get cold, you can always dress up. It is enough for me knowing what's under the romp."
He states, clinging his glass with mine while still staring at me. "It is actually very warm in here. Plus the wine is going to heat me a lot. So, I might strip down eventually." I reply, taking a sip from my wine. He breathes heavily, his chest moving visibly with every breath he draws in, while he gulps thickly. "Shit... I don't deserve you..." He shakes his head, running his hand down his face. "You deserve all of me." I assure him, moving closer to him, cupping his jaw in my hand before I kiss his lips. He tastes like his last gulp of wine, which makes me hazy, craving him more as I swipe my tongue between his teeth. He snakes his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to his body until I straddle him. "Wanna christen the cabin, princess?" He asks me, moving his lips from my lips to my chin and then down my neck. "What do you think, daddy?" I ask, breathing hard already. "You make me feel more intoxicated than all the wine in the world, my love." His breath fans against my skin, making me feel goosebumps spread on my body. "Michael..." I moan, feeling his hands stroking over my thighs slowly. "I know, baby. I need you too. Just as badly, if not more..." He whispers, kissing my neck hungrily. "Let me strip for you. I haven't done it in a while..." I ask, gasping under his touch. "Go ahead, baby. Do it slowly, let me take it in." He requests, leaning back as I stand before him. I watch the flames in the fireplace dance around, taking the tempo from them while I sway for him and touch my body, keeping eye contact as he drinks his wine and watches me as I toy with the straps of my babydoll.
I lower the left one, letting the garment drop a little from my chest. I watch him sit up a little, licking his lips as his face becomes a little redder. I drop the other one now, letting it fall completely. I am now standing bare-chested before him, left only in my garter and my panties, contrasting against my skin. "Let those on. I like them..." He says, moving near me. He brings me to lay with my back against the fuzzy carpet, hovering above me before he brings his lips to my chest. He kisses my body softly, every now and then bringing the tip of his tongue to lick the imprint his lips left as he trails them down towards my navel. He leaves a couple of hickeys, softly sucking on my skin to mark it in the prettiest colors. "Lower... Lower... Please..." I moan, feeling a tingling sensation between my thighs. "Lower? Here?" He asks, kissing an inch above the hem of my panties. "Lower..." I plead, tangling my fingers in the fuzz of the carpet. "Here?" He asks, lowering my panties and kissing my pussy, inches above my clit. "A little lower. Please, don't tease me like that..." I beg, becoming frustrated over the whole thing. "There... Fuck... There." I cry out, right as his lips wrap around my clit. He hums, pleased by my reaction to him, while he circles his tongue around the tip of it. "Oh Michael..." I moan, as his fingers trace down my outer lips. He parts them, slipping 2 of his fingers inside me and hooking them up against my post. He pumps them against it, making me tremor in surprise. "You taste so good, princess." He whispers, leaning his head against my thigh and flicking his tongue against my clit repeatedly and slowly, sending a wave of electricity down my spine. "You are so freaking good at this." I exclaim, arching my back as he goes back to sucking on my clit. He rolls it between his teeth softly, causing a little pain to mix with the pleasure. "Please, please, give me your cock. Fuck me, please." I plead, causing him to chuckle against me, sending vibrations all over my body. "Mikey, I am begging you. Enough foreplay. I need you." I stutter, trembling as he continues his sweet, sweet torture.
He swirls his tongue between my folds, moving his tongue slowly. I hate him for what he is doing oh so well. "Please, daddy. I'll do whatever you want. Please." I beg one last time, throwing out my final hope. His shoulders move in satisfaction before he kisses his way away from my core. He still pumps his fingers inside me, while his other hand works on freeing his cock from his clothes. He doesn't stop brushing my spot with his fingertips until they get replaced by his throbbing length. He thrusts deep inside me, holding onto my legs and pushing them closer to my chest to gain deeper access to my sex. My stomach rises and falls as I take him, whining at how good he feels inside me. "What, princess? I thought you wanted my cock? Now you are whining?" He asks cockily. My gaze falls on the way his cock thrusts in and out of me, which makes me mesmerized, totally indulged in the sight. "No, no... It feels good. It feels too good." I reply, bringing my hand to my face and biting onto it. He pulls it away from my face, pinning it by the side of my face. "You can scream all you want, baby. No one is going to complain." He smirks, bringing my other hand over my head and pinning it there along with the other. "The whole weekend with you, fucking me, sleeping next to me, spending all the time with me. I can just cum by the thought alone." I whimper, bucking my hips on his. "I know, baby. It makes me lose it too. Just thinking about sleeping in the same bed with you for 3 nights in a row... Fuck." He hisses, pounding in me harder. I shriek, pulsing around him, the need to grip onto him becoming bigger with each thrust. "It feels right. All of this feels right. I love you. Fuck, I love you so much... Oh, do that again." I rumble, toes curling and body arching completely off the carpet. "I love you too, dove. But I need you to stop moving your body so I can fuck you properly." He orders, putting his weight on me to stop me from moving. He still fucks me hard, fast, restlessly. He puts his all in every thrust, gasping as he moves against me. My hands twitch, trying to grip onto anything, really, but without any success. "Mikey, I might... Fuck, I wanna cum." I press my lips together, face tensing as I get closer and closer to my high. "Yeah, I can feel you, princess. Go ahead, cum for me (Y/N)... Cum around me, pretty girl." He encourages me, letting go of my hands. I instantly reach for his biceps, raking my nails down his skin, leaving red stripes on his arms. "Fuck." He hisses, giving me the strongest pound yet. My eyes roll back and I become undone, screaming in pleasure at the top of my lungs. It is like pure ecstasy running inside my veins, making my whole body alert, sensitive to his touch. "Baby... You are milking me dry..." He hisses, grasping my face and making me look at him. "Are you going to cum inside me, daddy? Are you going to fill me up?" I ask, gasping for air. My orgasm is only becoming intenser as he thrusts inside me in pursue of his own high. "If you call me daddy again, I might." He says through gritted teeth, making me smirk at him. "Daddy..." I moan, causing him to growl before cumming inside me after 2 short thrusts.
He is a sweaty, gasping mess as he collapses by my side. I look at the flames in the fireplace as I lay my head on his chest, feeling my body totally relaxed. "Well, Mrs. Clifford... What is in that pretty mind of yours?" Michael asks me as he kisses the top of my head. "Nothing. For the first time in a while, I have nothing to think of. Everything just... flows." I reply, tracing my fingers down his chest. "Well, to be honest, I am thinking of what to have for breakfast." He states and I chuckle, pressing a kiss on his collarbone. "Now I am thinking about that too... Definitely something loaded with cheese. Preferably Parmesan cheese." I suggest and he hums. "We will ask at the reception what's the perfect breakfast place in the area." He says, stroking my back. "Maybe we can go hiking after breakfast. And find a little store to buy stuff for dinner. I wanna cook for you..." I offer and he smiles. "We should do that." He murmurs. I cup his jaw, bringing my lips to his before sitting up and slipping my babydoll on. I pick up our glasses, leaving his on the floor by him as he pulls his sweats on. "I am famished. I need those crackers and cheese asap." I smile, taking a sip from my wine. "Did I wear you down, princess?" He asks, with a cocky smirk on his lips. "I could do this all night, pretty boy. I just need to fill up." I shrug and he hums.
Morning comes and I wake up in Michael's hug, which seems to be my happy place since I just woke up with the biggest smile on my face. He is still asleep, his lips parted as he snores softly. The sun hits the bed from the little circular window above it, making the bed a lot warmer now. I like to pretend that this is my everyday life, that every morning I get to wake up next to him, that we live in this cabin, and we make love by the fireplace, and no one else but us exists. But I know Monday will come and I will return home, to a man I don't love and doesn't love me, to a life I despise, to a life which sole happiness is my weekly meetings with the only man who loves me more than I love him.
It is no time to be sad, however. I have the whole weekend to take advantage of the fact I am Mrs. Clifford, live in my little fantasy. "Mr. Clifford..." I sing, trying to wake Michael up. "Mr. Clifford. Wake up..." I nudge him softly, straddling his waist as he stirs a little, groaning in his sleep. "Mr. Clifford, your wife is hungry, she needs you awake." I say softly, making him smile as he opens one eye. "My wife..." He says groggily, smiling at me. "Your wife. Me... I am registered as Mrs. Clifford for the weekend." I explain and he hums. "I would pay all my fortune for this to be real." He says, still between sleep and awareness. "It is real, and your very real wife is really, really hungry. So, up and let's get going." I suggest and he hums. "Can we stay in bed a little longer?" He asks, taking my hand in his. "No, I am hungry, Mikey. I've been up for half an hour now. And I need to fill my stomach. Please..." I pout, earning a groan from him. "Ok, go get ready. We will go get some breakfast, then hiking, as my lady requested last night, and then shopping for dinner. Dress warmly. Can't say no to my wife, can I?" He asks, sighing in defeat. "I don't think you can." I lean down, planting a kiss on his lips before getting up from the bed.
"Ah, Mr. And Mrs. Clifford... Up so early?" The lady from the front desk greets us as we enter the reception. "Oh, the wife is starving. We were wondering where in the area we could go for breakfast." Michael replies, running his thumb over my hip softly. "And any places we could go for a hike after breakfast? This scenery is worth exploring..." I comment and she hums softly. "I will give you a map of the area. There is a diner near a hiking trail, you will need to take your car and leave it there, but the hiking trail starts right after the diner. Here." She replies, marking the map for us before handing it to me. "Thank you." We say in unison, taking a look at the map.
I cradle the mug of hot chocolate in my hands while curling up on the little couch of our booth. "Why do you have to look so precious?" Michael asks me, leaning his face on his hands. "Someone has to..." I shrug, smirking at him. "Why do I sense that something changed?" He asks me, making me look at him with furrowed eyebrows. "What do you mean?" I ask him back, tilting my head at him. "Since we arrived... Something is different on you." He points out. "I don't know, Mikey. It might be... I was thinking last night, while you were sleeping. I will send the contracts to a friend of mine, ask him to weight in on the clause. There must be something. I don't want to live like that anymore, Michael. I will try to fix this, anyway I can." I state, making him smile at me. "Let's drink to that." He brings his cup to cling against mine.
The food is slowly cooking in the kitchen; I have at least 30 minutes until I will have to check if it is ready, so I grabbed my book and a glass of wine and head to the little balcony of the cabin. I am wrapped in a linen scarf, trying to protect myself from the chill that has covered the area since the sunset. "You are having second thoughts..." Michael comments, walking out in the balcony with me. "What? About what?" I ask as he takes a seat on the chair by my side. "About the house by the sea, with the big garden. You are thinking about a mountain house now, a little bit like this cabin." He states and I hum. "Well, it would be nice to have a little cabin. But just for me and you to escape in. The children will have to stay back to the house by the sea, with your parents to take care of them for the weekend. The cabin will be for me and you, a hidden little secret." I reply, reaching to take his hand in mine. "I love it." He mumbles, leaning in to press his forehead against mine. "I know you do." I breathe out, closing my eyes as I stay there, motionless, my forehead pressed against his as my hand leaves my book to travel to his cheek.
"Will I be seeing you this weekend?" Michael asks as I fix the buttons of my blouse. He is still naked, lying in bed with only the bedsheet covering just a bit of his body. "I wish. Saturday Edward is taking me to some investors' dinner. And Sunday, we are going to have lunch with the parents." I sigh, leaning down to kiss his lips. "I'll see you at dinner. I am going to be there..." He smirks, wrapping his fingers around my wrist. "Oooh... I am going to wear something nice then... Just for you." I reply, seconds before he pulls me in for a kiss again. "Can't wait to see you..." He mumbles against my lips, making me smile. "Will you lock the door after leaving?" I ask him, pulling away from him to continue getting dressed. "I always do, don't I?" He sighs, still staring at me. "Mikey... Don't be sad, please... You'll see me at dinner. And then next week, Friday as usual." I coo at him, earning a chuckle from him. "I miss our little cabin in the woods. I wish we could go back..." He pouts, making me sigh happily. "We will." I assure him, throwing him a smile. "Call me when you make it home, ok darling?" He asks me and I nod. "Of course, baby. I always do." I reply, leaning down for one last kiss.
The investors' dinner turned out to be way more interesting than lunch with the parents. Both families gathered in my parents' house, so the place is filled with obnoxious laughs and non-sense chatter. I hate it here, to the point it makes me sick to my stomach. The sight of the food on the table makes my stomach turn, a horrible taste crawling up my throat. "(Y/N), sweetheart... Are you alright? You look a little pale." My mother-in-law comments, making me whimper under my breath. "Too much champagne at the dinner last night... Why don't you go get some air, sweetheart?" Edward snarks, patting my thigh. I wince at his touch but cover it with a smile. "Maybe I should... Excuse me for a second..." I excuse myself, actually thankful for Edward's suggestion for once. I stand up from my chair and take a couple of steps before the room starts spinning and I collapse on the floor.
The smell of alcohol brings me back to my senses and I open my eyes to find everyone over my head. I am confused and disoriented, and I taste this metallic taste in my mouth. "Good... Let's get her to the car." My dad instructs and I am picked up, carried towards the front door. No one is talking, not while I am taken in the car nor during the drive to the hospital. And I decided that staying silent is the best thing I can do, at least until I exclude the possibility that the thought I have in my head since I was taken in the car.
I am seated on the Emergency pit, in one of the beds while some doctors take my vitals. "I will need you to give a urine sample." The doctor says, handing me a little cup. "We will take you to the OBGYN department. They will handle your case from now on." The doctor helps me off the bed, and I bite the inside of my cheek. "Please don't inform my family yet." I plead and the woman smiles at me. "I don't have anything to inform them on just yet." She replies, guiding me towards the OBGYN exam room.
I hand the nurse the urine sample, bouncing on my feet as she dips a strip inside the cup. We only wait for a couple of minutes for the test to show my results, but it is the longest I had to wait for anything in my life. "Doctor, we will need an ultrasound." The nurse announces, making a shiver run down my spine. I feel heat crawl up my face, my throat going dry as she doctor gestures toward the exam table. She gives me a paper gown to change into for my ultrasound, which I stare at for more than it is normal. "Sweetie, I need you to change." The doctor says softly. I nod my head and move behind the divider, changing into the gown.
Once I am on the bed, the doctor preps me for the ultrasound. "I will have to go transvaginally." She gives me a heads up to which I nod. "I know. Go ahead." I reply, fixing my gaze on the screen. It makes me feel some discomfort, only for a little, like every other time I have had an examination. The doctor twists the prob a little, fixing her eyes on the screen. "I would say you are six weeks far. Does that sound right based on your last period?" She asks me, while I look at the little bubble on the screen. "Yes... It does." I reply, smiling softly at the picture. Six weeks ago, I was in that little cabin with Michael, away from everyone, in our own little safe world. It sounds right that I got pregnant that weekend. "I suggest going to your regular doctor for a thorough check, but for now I can tell you that everything seems alright." She replies, taking the bubble's measurements. "Do I need to look at for anything right now?" I ask her as she turns off the machine. "Your doctor will tell you more. But I suggest you stay calm and watch what you are eating. If you are a smoker, consider cutting it, same goes with alcohol." She suggests and I hum. "Thank you. I will go get dressed." I smile at her, moving behind the divider.
"Love... Oh, you made me so happy today..." My dad is the first to hug me, making me panic at the realization they were told about my results. "They told you already?" I mumble. "They told me, my love. And I was so excited not to share the news with them... You are going to make me a father." Ed says cockily, giving me a look I can only translate as threatening. "Of course he told us. I can't wait to tell the whole company I am going to be a grandfather..." My dad cheers. "Maybe we shouldn't announce it yet. I mean, I am pretty early into the pregnancy, I don't want to jinx it." I rush to let out, causing everyone to gasp approvingly. "Of course, darling." Edward's father agrees, making Edward hum. "Of course. We wouldn't want anything to go wrong with our precious little baby." He smirks at me, making chills run down my spine. "We should all go celebrate." My dad is looking at me excitedly. "Father, if you allow it, I would like to take my wife back home. She needs rest and I want to spend some time with her." Edward steps in, wrapping his arms around my waist. I nearly puke, disgusted by his touch but also scared of the moment I will be alone with him. "The parents-to-be need some time together. Go. We will see you next weekend, for lunch. I am not taking no for an answer." My dad insists, making Ed chuckle.
The ride back to the house was silent, with Ed speeding up at times to scare me. I know that the silence won't last long, and I dread that moment. I am not only scared for myself, but the baby inside me as well. We walk into the house and he pulls me straight to the bedroom, dragging me by my arm. "6 weeks ago you told me you were with that classmate of yours... You were with him, weren't you?" He growls at me, forcing me to sit on the ottoman at the end of his bed. "I don't know what you are talking about..." I mumble and he chuckles. He looks like a mad person, making my heart skip a beat. "I am not an idiot, (Y/N). I've only fucked you once and it has been months since, nearly half a year. It's that Clifford dude, isn't it? You've been fucking around with him, and you were both stupid enough to get knocked up." He screams at my face. "Why do you care? You got what you wanted from me." I stand up, trying to walk out of the room. He grabs me by my arm, jerking me back to him. "You are hurting me." I protest and he chuckles. "I've let you do whatever you wanted until now. Now, listen to me. That bastard inside you is the best gift you could give me. Your father will be wrapped around my finger for giving him a grandchild. So, you break up with your little boy toy, he never finds out the mutt is his, or else I will destroy his life. I will make him so miserable, I will make him curse the day he met you." He says through gritted teeth, letting go of my arm violently. "You have a week to break up with him. Or else..." He threatens, tapping the underside of my chin. "Go... You need to rest." He orders, practically shoving me out of the door. I gasp as lock myself in my room, finally letting myself break down. I don't know what to think, or how to feel, or how to react to all of this. My mind is blank, totally empty at the moment. All I know is that I will protect this baby until my last breath. And that I will not let Edward hurt the only person I ever loved.
Friday came and I made it to the apartment way before Michael, in a way trying to practice what I want to tell him.
In my head, it makes no sense. But Edward always gets what he wants, so he will keep his word and destroy Michael if I don't comply with him. Punctual to the appointment, Michael unlocked the door at 7:30. He has the biggest smile on his face the moment he sees me lounging on the couch. "Baby, you are here already." He cheers, walking towards me. "I brought dumplings from your favorite place. Wanna start eating?" He asks me, lifting the bag to show me the food. "Michael, we need to talk." I pat the empty spot on the couch for him. He becomes more serious, leaving the bag on the coffee table. "What is it, love? Is everything ok?" He asks me, placing his hand on my thigh. "I've never loved anyone or anything more than I love you." I take his hand in mine, making him smile at me. "I know that, love. And I do too. I would do anything for you." He replies. "That's why we need to break up. I am trapped, but you don't have to be. I want you to move on with your life, find someone who is going to give you everything I can't." I state, making him sigh. "We have been through the same discussion before. I don't want anyone but you." He assures me but I shake my head. "Michael, this time I am serious. I want you to move on. I want you to go ahead and have a family, I want you to find a love that's going to make your dreams come true. I want you to build the house by the sea with the big garden for your wife and children, and the cabin in the woods for a little retreat. I want you to have 4 children and a bunch of dogs. I want you to grow old with someone you love and loves you back. I can't give you that. I am sorry." I tear up as I bring the words out of my mouth. Michael sniffles, shaking his head. "No. I don't care about all that. I want to be with you, this is enough for me." He insists, making my stomach hurt. "I thought you would take advice from a friend on the contract... I thought you wanted to fix this." He mumbles and I close my eyes, taking deep breaths. "I can't, Michael. I can't change things. Please, don't make this harder than it is. We can't get out of this. Well, I can't. But you still can. You can get out, you can build a life. Please. It's over for us." I sob, making him breathe out disappointed. "I'll leave. Since that's what you want. But I love you. And I will continue loving you. No matter what, forever." He murmurs as he tries not to break down crying before my eyes. He leans down to peck on my forehead, making my bottom lip quiver. I want to cry, beg him not to go. But I know that if I do, Edward is going to ruin his life. I watch him leave the key to my apartment on the table before he turns to walk out the door. I feel horrible, the worst I have ever felt in my life for breaking his heart and letting him down, but it is for the best. "Your father is a wonderful man. And he would love you so much if he knew you exist." I breathe out, placing my hand on my stomach. I grit my teeth and close my eyes, trying to calm myself down; stress is one of the forbidden things while I carry little peanut inside me. I reach for the bag on the table, picking the paper box out and opening it to dig in the dumplings. At least I get to eat my feelings away before returning home.
Edward is sitting on the couch, waiting for me to walk in. He has the sliest smile on his face, which gives me a headache already. "Your sweetheart just quit. Through email... Very unprofessional if you ask me. We are having a meeting Monday morning to appoint a new CEO... Guess who's the strongest candidate... The only candidate, actually. I love that bastard already." He cheers as I walk in, making my face scrunch up as I feel vomit crawling up my throat.
I have never felt as alone as I felt on the day I gave birth to my son. My parents and Edward's parents were there, along with Edward of course, who played the happy father and the loving husband, but the only person I longed for was absent, still in ignorance of our son's existence. I really dreamt of Michael just barging in the delivery room and holding my hand, even though I knew he wouldn't since he knew nothing. Since the day he quit from the company, he nearly vanished from the face of Earth, no one really knows where he left for. We named the baby Philip; at least Ed let me pick up the name. Philip sounds royal, fitting the little guy who as he grows he looks more and more like his father. Philip was and still is the only reason I am holding on. Edward stopped caring the moment he got the position he craved, only putting on the facade of the warm family guy whenever any of our parents were present, or someone he needed to impress. And Philip seems to not get along with anyone but me, always clinging to me. And to be honest, I am not letting him go, holding onto him all day long. I don't trust Ed; he seems disinterested, and at least for now he is not mistreating us, but I just can't trust that he will always be like that.
The two-year-old is fast asleep in my hug when my phone rings. I hope and pray he won't wake up as I reach for the coffee table to pick up my phone. I don't recognize the number, which makes me furrow; I don't get calls from people anymore, so this seems strange. "Hello?" I ask as I press the accept button. "It's me." I could recognize that voice amid a thousand others. I bite my bottom lip, leaving Philip carefully on the couch so he can continue sleeping while I talk. "I am in town for a few days. I really want to see you." Michael says after a moment of silence. "Michael..." I protest, seriously putting on an effort to turn him down once more. "Please. Just for an hour." He begs. I want to see him, for 3 years now since he's left, I have been dying to know how he is. "Where?" I ask him, giving in to my desire. "The penthouse. Tonight, at 8." He instructs. How does he know that I still have that house? "Just for an hour." I mumble, making him hum. "See you tonight." He replies before hanging up.
I can't stop myself from shaking in jitters, my body filling with anxiety. I haven't heard from him for 3 years, 3years that he could have followed my advice, gotten married, had children, bought my dream house for someone else. I am scared; I am scared that I will see him and he will tell me about his new family, or that I will admit we had a child. And that secret being revealed might cost him everything.
At 9, I unlock the door to my old penthouse. I haven't been here in years, but I paid for it getting cleaned twice a month, so it looks decent enough for two old lovers to meet. I know that the moment I see him, I will die inside, my stomach will fill with butterflies, and I will crave to be touched by him. And the knowledge I can't have him pains me, makes my head hurt. The ring of my doorbell makes me more anxious than before. He is here, behind this door. The love of my life is just milliseconds away from me. I open the door, revealing Michael who smiles at me. He looks better than ever, grown, more mature. And I feel my heart beating fast, my palms sweating. "I didn't think you would actually be here." He comments, walking further inside the house. "I said I would." I mumble. "You look great, my love." He comments, scanning me down. "You look... Well, I can't put it in words. But time treated you right." I smile, taking a deep breath. "Come sit. I won't bite, I promise. Well, only if you ask me to..." He says cockily.
I take a seat on the couch, keeping two cushions empty between us; I know it will be futile if I succumb, but for now, this limits me. "So, where were you all these years?" I ask, running my hands down my thighs to straighten my dress. "I left the night we broke up. Of course, you knew that. I had many job offers but I was staying here for you. So, when I lost you, I had nothing keeping me here. With the money I had in my account and the money I made from my job, I bought shares in the start-up company I was working on. Now I am the CEO and a shareholder. Pretty solid position if you ask me. The first few months after I left were difficult, I am not going to lie, but I managed to get through. I bought a house, overlooking the sea, with the biggest garden I could find. And I bought a cabin in the woods, made it just like the one we stayed at during that trip. I bought them in my name. But they will be titled as yours after you divorce Edward. Unless you prefer me passing them to Philip, our son." He says, pushing an envelope towards me. I gasp and look at him in shock, making him reach to take my hand in his. "You know?" I ask him and he nods. "I still have friends in the company. They told me your father threw this big party to announce it. I did the math... You got pregnant in the cabin, didn't you?" He asks me and I nod. "I couldn't tell you. He threatened me, he told me he would ruin your life." I begin explaining but he hushes me. "I know. Well, I suspected it. I battled with myself not to come and get you the moment I found out. But I knew I had to build a life for us, put us in a position where no one would be able to hurt us. So I did, and I hated every moment I wasn't with you and our baby. I hated every moment I imagined Edward holding our son." He groans, and I chuckle, wiping away my tears. "He didn't. He didn't care about us after he took your place. And Philip pretty much hates him, he cries hysterically every time Edward picks him up. And he only does when he needs to sell the image of the loving father and devoted husband." I reply and he chuckles. "I took the contract to a lawyer. She said that since you followed all the clauses, you can get a divorce from him without affecting the deal. The merge holds and you are free." Michael explains. "He will give us hell. And take us to the court about Philip." I point out. "Baby, you are a lawyer. Think about it. We will have a DNA test, prove Philip is mine. And he won't do shit. He knows that a court battle will harm him. He forced you to marry him, he abused you. He knows it won't look good on him. Nothing and no one is going to hurt us, baby. Not anymore, I won't allow it. Run away with me. Get our baby and run away with me." He says, moving closer to me to cup my face. "I was so scared that you would have gotten married, moved on as I suggested. So, so scared..." I mumble, feeling my cheeks become wet with tears. He presses his forehead against mine, stroking my cheeks and wiping away the tears. "Not yet, baby. You have to get divorced for me to get married. I had children, though. One, to be exact. Philip, who I can't wait to meet and hold in my arms." He whispers, making me chuckle softly.
Michael was right; Edward didn't say a word when I took Philip and packed my things. I filled for the divorce and Michael started the process to recognize our baby as his, the exact same day. Edward pretended to be deceived and heartbroken, to get everyone's good grace, but he didn't fight for custody. Everything was solved before Philip even turned 3. My parents practically disowned me after everything, which I didn't care much about. I didn't want a claim in a fortune that was built and grown on my unhappiness. Plus, (Y/N) Clifford sounds dreamy. The house by the beach surpassed all expectations. It has this vintage vibe that I love, with the prettiest garden ever, in which Philip and Michael run around all day on the weekends. I am pretty sure Philip doesn't understand much, so I will have to explain more when he grows up, but he adores Michael and calls him daddy, which makes Michael melt in a puddle.
I work with Michael now, in the legal department of the company, which is something that I couldn't do before since Edward wanted me to be a trophy wife. I have a pretty office with a view, friendly colleagues. But honestly, the best thing is working with Michael, getting to spend more time with him every day. We even got married, in a small vineyard, with a few people present, mostly his family and a couple of coworkers. It was magical, the best day of my life, truly. It's just me and him that matters. Philip also, of course. But everyone from my past seems to be muted, almost deleted.
And now I am sitting on the warm grass, with the sun hitting on my face and our dog laying on my lap, while Michael and Philip are dressed as superheroes, playing around, with Michael lifting Philip in the air to fly. He is an amazing dad already, and I can't wait to see him grow more into this role. "Hey, superheroes... Snack time. And you both need sunscreen." I shout at them, making Michael giggle. "Let's fly to mama... Come on." Michael cheers, running to me with Philip in his arms. He lets Philip on the blanket, making the toddler giggle. I hand him his cheese sandwich, planting a kiss on his forehead before standing up. "Hi, mama," Micheal mumbles as he helps me up. "Hi, daddy." I reply, cupping his jaw in my hands. "I am trying to make him tired and get him to bed early tonight..." He wiggles his eyebrows at me, making me chuckle at him. "I have my money on Philip spending you down before you do." I reply, tracing the hem of his cape. "We need to give him a sibling... Maybe a little sister." He mumbles, lifting my chin. "Yeah, that doesn't sound that bad, to be honest." I sigh, smirking at him. "Maybe we should go to our little cabin this weekend... Mommy and daddy retreat." He suggests, earning a hum from me. "It's been a while since the last visit." I cock an eyebrow at him. "Sounds to me like it is time for another trip there, Ms. Clifford." He licks his lips, leaning closer to kiss me.
My Masterlist
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Author Spotlight : Nineofhearts4 Day 1
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Author : @nineofhearts4​
How did you get into Glee and Glee fandom?
I got into Glee my Freshman year of college when season 2 was airing. I was looking for an excuse not to do my homework and randomly watched the performance of "Baby " and then felt the need to watch an episode to figure out why Sam was singing the song and then just proceeded to watch everything. I got into the fandom early summer of that year when I was making plans to go see a Darren Criss concert
In general, what drew you into writing (and/or creating)?
I had never really written (aside from a few little stories in like 3rd grade) before Glee. I started writing fic because there was a story I wanted to read and I couldn't find it. So I wrote it.
What was it about Glee that made you decide to write fanfic for it?
Tumblr/ Glee is how I discovered fanfic existed. Once I discovered it I was hooked and found it to be a good outlet to make the AU's or "fix it fics" that I would play with in my mind before I knew fanfic existed.
Have you been a part of other fandoms before? Have you written fanfiction pre-glee?
Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to?
I don't think so! There's no trope I'm itching to write that I haven't tried yet
Is there a trope you wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole?
The one I was going to list is actually one I wrote once... I can't think of anything, but I'm sure there's something
How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?
I've been slowly typing away at one based off some comment Niall Horan made about backpacking through Asia after One Direction split up. I'm also always thinking about my Kid Nation!Klaine fic that I've written like 40k words for over the years and just can't seem to make work. One day I'll make it happen, especially with the recent attention Kid Nation has been getting.
Check out Nineofhearts4′s Fics
Play Pretend -  Blaine has to get married in order to inherit his grandparents money?
The President's Son -  When Kurt is in 8th grade, Burt is elected President of the United States. Eventually, he decides to get a tumblr (despite an explicit ban on all social media accounts), where he meets Blaine, who has no idea that he has just met Kurt Hummel, son of President Hummel.
I’ll Be the One If You Want Me To -  Kurt is looking for an apartment in New York, and happens to meet (and move in with) Blaine while searching. Between class and work and everything else, they slowly get to know one another, and eventually fall in love. 
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chatxkilluaxnoir · 4 years
I Finally Finished My TAU’s 6th Year Tauathon Fic, Yay!  I’m So Tired Now.  I’m Gonna Take A Break now, after...
I finish proofreading and editing that fic I have been working on for the Transcendence Zine here on tumblr.  I hope they are still taking it, I have been working on it periodically while also writing at the Tauathon fic that I have been working on at the same time.  
And funnily enough, I actually got that tauathon fic done first.  To be fair, my tauathon fic was shorter.  It is over 8, 000 words which isn't short, but it still shorter than that other fic I have been working on for the zine.  Which I hope isn't too long for a zine.  I haven't really participated in a zine before this.  I haven't done or/& bought much zine stuff before this.  
In my free time, I am for sure gonna be participating in more zines like this, not for just Gravity Falls and TAU, but other fandoms I’m in like HxH/Hunter x Hunter and Undertale to name some (some other favorite things of mine).  I'm also gonna be starting to buy some more zines, probably physical, because I prefer I that.  Will try being the key word, because of money, but I really want to do that.  
But yeah, I haven’t really entered a zine before, so I hope my fic isn't too long for it, and that they are still taking entries.  I told them I was entering, but I don't know.  I have been busy writing posts, comments, replies, and most importantly fics lately that I haven't really been using tumblr and etc. a lot lately.  Including going on the TAU zine’s tumblr.  
Mainly in order to not get distracted and get those things done.  Including the 2 TAU fics I have been working on.  One for the Tauathon and one for the TAU zine.  I really wanted to get those 2 fics done before going on tumblr more.  And with one of the done (tauathon one), and the other in major editing/proofreading stage (the TAU zine), I have a bit more time to post and do stuff on tumblr and other places.  Not much since I have a lot of posts, comments, replies, and etc. to get done, some I have delated too long, eiter out of shyness or being busy that I need to get done as well.  And the TAU zine fic that needs finishing and polishing.  
The funny thing is that I started that fic before the tauathon zine by quite a bit.  But with actually knowing the (kinda) due date of the tauathon fic unlike the zine one (at least last time I checked.  Which has been a bit.  Crossing my fingers' that my fic isnt too long, and too late to enter into it.  I have worked just as hard if not harder on that zine fic as the tauathon one.  Which is a lot), and haven't had finished and posted it yet a few days or so that date (Oct. 5th), pushed me to get it done quicker and first.  Even though I started it second.  
Though, It is also taking me longer to do the zine fic, because it is longer (not by a lot, but it still is), somehow even more complicated (I will admit, both these fics are a bit convoluted.  I like my complex stuff.  Even though I'm also super insecure if my writing is good enough to handle want to do and write.  Its fricken great.), and needs a lot of proof reading and editing to do.  
Something that usually takes me just as long as writing the actual fic, if not longer.  Since I’m the type of person who just plans and writes in rushes, then edits an grammar, better flow, person and pov, and etc. stuff later on.  And the zine fic has a lot more weird, different formatting, povs and 1st/2nd/and/or 3rd person stuff than the tauathon, and all of those things some of the things Im most worried about getting right, consistent, or at least making sense (and being as as readable and well-written as possible).  
Honestly, I would probably post more fics, if wasn't for me thinking that I really need to work on those things (as well as sometimes getting too wordy, a bit convoluted, and expositiony/explanationy with stuff.  I need to be/do better with that.  Need to also work on being even more natural, and also not hurting my readers brains too much or confusing them), and being more nervous about posting stuff partially because of that.  
Really, I would have gotten a beta for both my fics, because I would really love the help.  But the tauathon fic I just really wanted to get posted for the tauathon, and the fic for the zine, I didn't know if was allowed to let other people look it, even for beta’ing, so yeah.  Plus, I didn't really know how to get a beta, at least not as quick as would like for these fics.  
Anyways, maybe I should finally check out the TAU discord(s) in general, but also for getting some help and betas, because I would love such things.  Also, been meaning to check out TAU discord, but I haven't been able to really use discord for awhile.  But yeah, Im for sure gonna be checking it/them/TAU discord(s) out soon, because it will be great.  And just want to stuff on discord in general, its been awhile.  
Saying all this, Im happy I got the Tauathon fic done.  I have a post down below linking it to where I posted it on AO3 if anyone wants to read it.  I don’t if I shared that post and my story the right way.  I see a lot of people, both posting the fic and liking other places like AO3 or/& Wattpad.  But I didn't know if I should do that, or if my fic was too long to do that.  So I just shared my AO3 fic here.  If you think I should also post the whole fic here, and just link other places instead of (or maybe even as well) doing what I did, please tell me, I would love to know?  And it wouldn't even be just for that fic though, it will be for future ones as well.  
If you think I should do post the whole fic here and then link it, I will probably make another post then.  Probably wont delete the original post though, because that will probably be the easier way for people to just read on AO3, plus I like that post and tags I did for it.  Wish me luck on finishing that other TAU fic (for the zine) I have been working on, it is even longer and harder to do than my 1st one.  The idea, format, and concept itself is just for the most part my complex, then when you the other stuff, it is even trickier.  
I'm also gonna finally be checking out that TAU zine tumblr again to see if I'm not pass the due date.  I admit another reason I'm putting that off, is because I feel really nervous if am actually, since I have worked on the fic for it, and think its quite good.  This always happens when replying and checking out stuff for me, I sometimes get very nervous, then I feel bad because I sometimes take awhile to do such things, I have kept people waiting for awhile, which I'm definitely not doing on purpose, but I still do.  Though, stuff also takes me awhile, usually because it is long and want to be really good, but still.  
So yeah, I should take a break after finishing that fic, and posting something on AO3 for the 1st time, but Im not since I still have that other TAU fic to finish, which I am gonna finish, it has already been long enough.  Once I'm done with it though, I'm finally taking a break, because I am really tired.  This has taken a lot of energy out of me, esp. with my need to do always do stuff long and try to do it as good as possible at the time.  
Alright done posting for awhile, at least until I finish my other fic, and take a break.  Though, I might do some reblogs, likes, and etc. in the meantime while finishing up that fic.  Though, when I say no breaks and other stuff till I get that fic done, I will probably still read some fics, watch some videos, and make some other comments/replies, because I need more variety, and I need some breaks intermittently, even if not full-on ones, because I need some kind of small breaks.  
I will probably keep on writing that fic while doing most of those things, because I like to do things in long bursts, because if I don't it can be hard to finish stuff even if I want to, so yeah.  Anyways, see you everyone, this was a nice and like most of all my stuff long, talk!
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shadowlink06 · 3 years
I did my first trade with @amazingferret and learned a lot while working with on the piece with them. To start off with yes, I will accept trades although I do have some guidelines/quirks you should be be aware of before inquiring.
Trades can be: art-for-fanfic or fanfic-for-fanfic depending. If you have another idea or medium that you work with (maybe plushies or some other artistic media for example), by all means feel free to pitch it. I am working on my drawing skills this year as a resolution to myself, but my skill level is nothing that I feel would be up to par to offer as part of a trade. I strictly offer writing from my end.
I honestly don’t expect to have a commission request but yes I am willing to do those if you are interested. If I do, I’ll make a separate post as my criteria for doing a commission is different for a trade.
How long does it take?
Always check my Trello to see my current workload: https://trello.com/b/m1tVuzmq/wips
I usually give myself a 30-60 day completion duration to do a trade after you approve the pitch idea. I have a full time job and I usually freeze all my personal projects in order to complete your trade. If I have to do further research, that is part of the reason that a story may take longer to write. (This can include looking up information needed to make an AU for instance, reading a fic that my pitch may be based on, looking up information about a character that I don’t know much about, etc). This is just a general estimate. A story may take longer to finish, it may be shorter depending on the subject matter/characters involved since some situations are easier to write about than others. Keep in mind, everything that I do will be made from scratch. I try my best to keep in contact with you to let you know the status. You can ask for access to the Google Doc to see the story being written from the prompt/pitch stage to finished state if you so wish. If you opt to do this, the story will be messy and likely not make a lot of sense since I skip around and write scenes rather than be a chronological writer. I do not pay attention to my word count when doing trades. What I am more concerned about is creating a story with the prompt you gave me and hitting all of the details that were pitched. It is very important that you give me time, and don’t rush me. I put a lot of love and effort in my stories and this is why I’ll only accept trades one at a time. 
How do you write?
Style: 1st Person/3rd Person only. If you don’t specify which one, my default is 3rd person. I won’t do a 2nd person/reader interactive story - this is out of my comfort zone.
Subject matter: I won’t shy away about writing about heavy subject matter from violence, abuse, non-con, torture etc. I actually do well with these types of stories. There may be limitations and I will let you know when we discuss the prompt idea and pitch  
IC Personalities: Characters usually will stay true to their in-character selves from the source material. I'm strict with myself regarding this unless a plot detail forces them to be altered.
Tone: You need to probably see examples of my current work, but I will always consider myself a dark fanfiction writer and as such the tone of my writing usually stays true to this. I can alter it if needed, but I do encourage you to see my current work on AO3 to get an idea with how my writing style looks like and what to expect.
Fluff/Cute/Happy Fics: This isn’t a automatic no if you want a story of this nature, but keep in mind, I rarely write these types of stories. I like tension in my works and my experience is that it’s hard to pull it off with these types of fics when writing.
PWP: It’s boring to me. Yes I can write explicit scenes, but they always have to lead up to it for it to feel organic.
Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics
Male Pregnancy
Gender Swaps
What do you need from me?*
Fandom: I’m currently involved in with FFXV heavily, although I do have other fandoms I am familiar with. You should keep in mind, I’m in my 30s so the anime/video games that I’m most familiar with may be seen as “classics”. I don’t have much time to watch anime like I used to so, I only know the ones that I grew up and bonded with. This list highlights the ones I can pick up easily, although it is not exhaustive. Chances are if it was made between 1990-2000 and came to Cartoon Network/Toonami/Adult Swim, I’ll know about it. Yes I do have video game Fandoms as well, but again, you’ll have to ask. If you want me to do a fanfic or AU featuring something else not on this list I’ll likely need more time to research it. You can also just tell me to look up background information and I can work with that too.
Pairings: Usually I like to work one/two specific pairing(s) so I can develop their relationship within a story. Parings can be gay, straight, or even platonic in nature. I am rare-pair/crackship friendly and will happily take on challenge writing prompts as long as it’s an interesting plot.
Rating: I need to know the rating and if you are okay with explicit scenes being included, or other triggering details that you may not want in the story. I can fade to black if you are uncomfortable with reading smut but want to allude that it is happening in the story too. Typically my works are explicit but I can tone it down to the teen rating.
Universe/Plot/Setting: The story can fall in line with the canon material, be an AU, be divergent from the canon source material etc. I just need to know for research purposes. 
Prompt: The basis for the story. This can be a quote, a phrase, music lyrics, a scene you wish to see etc. I need this if nothing else in order for me to formulate a pitch that I send to you. We can work together refining if even if you just have a vague idea.
Considerations: What you want included in your fic. This can range from it having a specific tone to a piece (for instance do you want it to be angst, suspense, bittersweet), side characters being added, scenes appearing, or in a specific setting.
Limitations: What you don’t want to see in the story. It could be you don’t want mentions of characters not appearing, perhaps making sure that a scene/circumstance isn’t present in the work etc.
*In general, there has to be a medium. If you give me free range, my hands aren’t tied trying to fulfill every detail and the story will feel more organic. On the other hand, I do need direction as to what you want so you will be happy with the end product.
Fandom Specific Limitations/Considerations:
FFXV: Gladio - He is hard for me to write about. If I'm honest, I likely will decline a trade that makes me write him in a sexual way because it is outside of my comfort zone. Platonic relationships involving him are fine but again, be mindful that I struggle a lot to write this character in a believable way. 
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olderthannetfic · 4 years
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37 Days Till Escapade!
There’s still time to make it to this year’s con. It’s going to be a good one!
Due South was a staple of late 90s slash fandom and predictably popular at Escapade. It was a fun buddy cop show about a mountie and two different Chicago cops named “Ray”, Ray K and Ray V, or as I like to think of them:
The Cute One and The One Who Can Act
I kid! I kid!
The series started out by teaming Fraser up with Ray Vecchio, salt of the earth local Chicago cop with the stereotypical big Italian family and a sadly prescient surname. After two seasons, the show got canceled. Fans went nuts trying to get it renewed. For once, their beloved show actually came back!
But as often happens in these situations, some of the actors had already moved on. Ray V’s actor left the show and was replaced by “Ray” K for reasons too stupid to need exploring at this or any other juncture.
(Okay, look, he’s undercover as Ray V so Ray V can go undercover with the mob. They look nothing alike. Ray V’s family has to play along with this. Like I said, it’s absurd.)
Incidentally, if you see fans using some version of “For reasons that do not need exploring at this juncture”, that’s a Due South reference.
Fraser/Ray V already had a following amongst slash fans of the later zine era, but Ray K hit just at the right time. It was 1997: the public was getting online, and fandom was expanding rapidly. Free mailing lists and online fic archives were possible on a scale they never had been before. And Callum Keith Rennie is awfully pretty, isn’t he?
I think you can guess what happened next.
Overnight, the new juggernaut with The Pretty One dwarfed the old ship. The show changed tones somewhat, and later viewers who were pimped in through the new ship didn’t always even bother to watch the first two seasons. Remarks were made about the shipability of the balding one. Fans who felt like their efforts to save the show were what eventually got it renewed felt betrayed both by canon and by fandom.
Massive butthurt ensued.
So virulent were The Ray Wars that there are places on LJ/DW where to this day you cannot talk about Due South without instantly restarting the fight. If there was one silver lining it was the many snarky Livejournal icons proclaiming: “I swing both Rays”.
I’m bi and I like terrible dad jokes. I am required to love that.
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Sample lulz from isis, though made by lozenger8. I know like 50 of you had these damn icons, but it’s probably been 15 years since I actually saw one used.
Escapade Due South panels include:
1996: Perfectly happy couple, or the world's most dysfunctional relationship? And where does the wolf fit in?
1998: Is 3rd Season an AU? (Get that strange man's hand off my Mountie! Is Due South like M*A*S*H* - strong and secure enough to survive the loss of a major character? Or will Fraser wake up and find Ray Vecchio in the shower, and the third season just a dream?)
1999: Can this Fandom Survive with Two Rays? (No matter what you say, they're both good for Benny. And bad for him. Is there room in Benny's universe for two loves? Maybe neither of them is right for him. Turnbull, anyone? )
2000: Season 3/4 (Fraser/Kolwalski: who's really in charge here? Who's needier?)
2002: Swingin' both Rays (Fraser cares for both of them, so why can't we? Is it possible to accept all seasons as canon? Is it necessary, or desirable, to go beyond OTP in order to embrace all the wonderful characters Due South offers?)
2003: Small Fandom or Monster in the Closet by Alice in Stonyland, Sharon Marais (This panel will discuss both viewpoints; audience is encouraged to share their stories and opinions.)
2014: Due South Retrospective (Let's stage a dramatic historical reenactment of the Ray Wars for the benefit of those who missed it the first time around! Or we could skip that part and just talk about how awesome Benton Fraser is.)
2017: due South: For Reasons That Continue To Need Exploring At This Juncture (Whether long-time fen or new to this fandom, an opportunity to give and get fanworks recs, share links to social media due South community sites, display show-and-tell due South memorabilia, squee about canon and about fanon. May also include topics that are Canadian Six Degrees (AKA Six Degrees of due South).)
2018: Do Slash (Rey Fraser/RayV? Fraser/RayK? Ray/Ray? Fraser/Ray/Ray? Red ships, green ships, other dS ships? Let's show the love for any of them! Share fanworks recs! Reminisce about how we first found dS slash! Discuss dS slash zines (plus some announcements about NEW dS slash zines).)
Personally, I’ve seen exactly three episodes of Due South: The first one, the first one with Ray K that’s a huge callback to that, and the one where Fraser fakes his death. (What? A girl has needs, okay?)
As pretty much a bystander, I gotta say... wow, the potential between the Rays is so interesting.
Here’s Ray V off on this deep cover mission for ages and ages while Ray K is pretending to be him and hanging out with his family and his old partner. Imagine the loneliness and insecurity of knowing you’ve been replaced at home. Imagine the mindfuck of stepping into some other guy’s life and feeling like a fraud. Ray K ends the series riding off into the sunset with Fraser... while Ray V marries Ray K’s ex wife. Whut?
It is no surprise then that my very favorite Due South vid--and it has a lot of competition because this fandom is known for vidding--is Phoenix by Scribe. It’s a constructed reality of Vecchio’s time undercover. (Helpful of that actor to have been in like 800 mafia canons!) I saw this at Bitchin’ Party a number of years ago and was blown away.
Phoenix on AO3
Due South has tons of great fic, making it another great older fandom to check out. The big archive was the Due South Archive, but like so many other great slash archives of ages past, it now resides conveniently on AO3.
I suppose Due South must have had a het arm of the fandom at some point, but if so, I sure don’t know where it hung out. Fanfiction.net has like 800 stories, as compared to AO3′s 12,580.
Due South on Fanlore
Due South on AO3
Countdown to Ray Wars 3.0:
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elitespacefreak · 4 years
Hello! So, for no reason in particular when you write self shipping fics how do you refer to yourself? Do you do the reader insert 2nd POV (you) or do you do 1st person POV (I, Me) or even 3rd person by using your name?
THATS A GOOD GODDAMN QUESTION let get into it shall we? I need an excuse to use my degree
So firstly I’m going to break down the differences between the tenses because I see them missused a lot and it’s a really big pet peeve of mine. The worst thing to me is finding a fix that hits all the marks and it labeled as a reader x insert when in fact it used first or third person - neither of which are reader insert tenses. Sure, I suppose you could make the argument that they can be, but even if that’s the intent it does not translate well at all.
First Person: [I, Me, My] This is reading the story from inside someone’s head, and is usually the tense falsely considered reader perspective. The reason this doesn’t translate well for a reader insert is partially because when we do things in the natural world, our inner monologue doesn’t narrate what we’re doing, so it feels unnatural to try and put ourselves into that monologue. It also feels far more presumptuous when the writing tells us that we’re thinking or feeling a certain way, seeing “I felt angry” (on behalf of the reader) and trying to apply it to yourself when you might not actually feel angry is a lot different than seeing “You felt angry” (to the reader), because at least we could rationalize out of one but the other is too concrete to argue with.
Second Person: [You, Your] This is the actual reader insert tense. This is the story speaking directly to the reader, not on behalf of the reader (pointed out above). This is engaging the reader specifically without being so forward in telling the reader what to think or how to feel. Ultimately when we’re writing we as authors simply have to make decisions in order to move the plot forward. It’s going to be impossible to be completely inclusive for every reader, but this tense helps a lot in making the reader feel more welcome to participate. Second person is inviting, first person is assertive.
Third Person: [S/he, They, etc.] Okay, I’ve seen people try and use this tense for reader inserts and it just doesn’t turn out well. Mainly because you end up using a lot more identifiers, especially for names; (Y/N), which is the quickest way to make a story feel totally disingenuous. It’s jarring to come across in the middle of a paragraph or dialogue sequence, and because third person is omniscient, it’s nigh on impossible for the reader to feel like a part of their own story because third person forces so much distance between them and who their character is.
To put it shortly, first and third person tenses create distance between the character and the reader, either in mind or physical story. Second person is what you should use if you want the reader to feel like they’re the one the story is talking about, they’re the one things are happening to, they’re the one forwarding the plot. Other tenses make it feel like the reader could be anyone, and that makes it impersonal and ineffective.
NOW TO ANSWER YOUR ACTUAL QUESTION. As a self shipper, I’ve employed all three tenses! But only I know that they were all self ship fics because I knew who the self insert was - which was probably super obvious but let’s pretend it wasn’t. I essentially use the same technique for first and third person stories; ones just in the mind of the self insert and one is outside the mind of the self insert. But in both instances I’m creating a totally separate character that I’m simply projecting onto - sometimes quite heavily. But I’ve never full on inserted myself exactly as I am into a story, just created characters that were a lot like myself and pretended I was them when I read my own fics.
But over time it started losing its effectiveness for me and I tried out the second person tense. I loved it so much more. Not only can I be really discreet about molding the reader to fit my wants and needs, but I can also keep it open enough so that other people can find the same self fulfilling joy in it. Sure, I’m going to use plot devices and details that aren’t going to connect with every single reader, but in this way it’s more inviting for people to try out new things. I’ve discovered a lot of new likes and links through reader inserts, and I realized I liked those things because it felt like they were happening to me, which in wouldn’t have felt if I’d read them happening to someone else - or someone I couldn’t connect as well too even if they were supposed to be “me.”
I hope this answers your question!! I’m very passionate about tenses apparently lol
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epicstuckyficrecs · 5 years
How To Tag Stucky Fics Part 3: Additional Tags
The Additional Tags are probably the hardest to fill out, but also the most important! All of the other fields are pretty straightforward when it comes to what you need to put in, but here? It’s the Wild West! You can pretty much write as much or as little as you want, but those tags are really gonna be the ones that will let potential readers know what is in your fic. In fact, they’re probably as important as your summary 
If you want an easy reminder of what to tag for, keep in mind the W’s: WHO, WHAT, WHEN, and WHERE? 
Under a read more because this is long!
Character traits
We’ve already settled which characters are appearing in your fic, now it’s time to tell us more about WHO they are. This can include:
Physical traits
Personality traits
Sexuality and other sex-related stuff
Disabilities and mental illnesses
Fantasy creatures: vampire, werewolf, angel and demon… you get the gist.
MCU specific stuff
In my opinion, these tags are useful if the characteristic in question is something that is memorable, important with regards to the plot, something that defines the character in your story specifically, or something that differs from canon. I don’t really need to know that your fic contains some Shy Bucky Barnes if it’s not somewhat important to the story; you probably don’t need to tag for “British Peggy Carter” since thats just the default canon, but you could tag “American Peggy Carter” if she’s American in your AU!
I’ve mentioned a lot of them in my Comprehensive List of Stucky Tags post, but it’s not actually a complete list! If you want to know all of the canon tags existing for a specific character: go on AO3 and click on the Search tab on top of the page > Tags > Enter the character’s name > Select “Freeform” in the list > Click “canonical”. 
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And besides, if you can’t find a canonical tag for what you want, you can always invent one! Just remember: if you wanna create a freeform tag for a character, please make sure to use the characters’ LAST NAME too, in order to help tag wranglers! For example: if you want to tag for Steve having black hair, you should write something like “Steve Rogers has black hair”, and not just “Steve has black hair”, because at the moment there are 279 canonical “Steve” character tags so… who knows which Steve you’re talking about? XD
As for some things specific to the MCU, again, I’ve listed a lot of them in my Comprehensive List of Stucky Tags post, but I would tag especially anything that differs from canon, for example, “Steve Rogers as the Winter Soldier” or “Bucky Barnes as Captain America”. You can check out the post if you wanna have an idea of the canonical tags that already exist, but once again, you can always create your own tags and let the wranglers deal with it! :P Just make sure to use the characters’ last name in your tag.
Another tip: if there’s a dichotomy in the character roles or attributes, or opposite roles/positions between the characters, I would make sure to tag them both! For example: 
Don’t just tag “Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics”: also tag Alpha Bucky Barnes, Omega Steve Rogers, or vice-versa
Don’t just tag “BDSM”: also tag Dom Steve Rogers, Sub Bucky Barnes, or vice-versa
Don’t just tag “Alternate Universe - Angels & Demons”: also tag Angel Steve Rogers, Demon Bucky Barnes, or vice-versa
Why am I talking about relationships again, you say? Haven’t we covered that in Part 2 of the series? Yes I did. But here’s a little reminder of what I said then:
“Any side pairings/friendships can go in the Additional Tags field (for example: Minor Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov or Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes Friendship).”
So there’s a few types of relationships that you can consider here: 
Friendships: you can decide wether you want to mention the friendship in the Relationships field, in the Additional Tags field, or both. That’s your choice!
Past relationships, minor/side relationships: I personally would put them only in the Additional Tags field (NOT in the Relationship field), and here’s why: 
Putting “past” or “minor” or “side” or whatever else qualifier in front of your ship in the Relationships field makes it a non-canonical tag (only the Additional tags can be non-canonical, or “freeform”. Like I’ve said in Part 2: try to only use canonical tags for the Fandom, Relationship, and Characters fields). That means that your tag is gonna be made a synonym of a canon tag. For example: the non-canonical “(Past) Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers” tag that a few people have used is a synonym of the canon “Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers” tag. That means that those past Peggy/Steve fics appear in the Steve/Peggy tag. Are people looking for Steggy fics likely to want to read past Steggy fics? You tell me...
If you’re tagging with the canon tag, but the couple is only a side/minor pairing, it might annoy people who are looking for fics in that tag and keep seeing fics that are not about their ship. This is especially true if the ship is less popular in the fandom.
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So TLDR in my opinion: tag your main couple (if you’re writing a romance) or your main friendship/platonic relationship (if you’re writing a Gen fic) in the Relationship field, and tag everything else in the Additional Tags field.
You can specify from which POV your fic is written from. Personally, I would pay attention to this mostly if your POV differs from the classic “3rd person” Steve or Bucky POV. Some existing tags tags to give you an idea:
POV Steve Rogers
POV Bucky Barnes
POV Sam Wilson or POV Natasha Romanov, etc.
POV Outsider or POV Original Character
POV First Person or POV Second Person
POV Alternating
POV Multiple  
This is pretty self-explanatory, but you want to tell your readers what’s in your story! What’s happening? What’s the plot about? What are some specific subjects/themes your story contains?
When I think about genres, I always picture the FF.net categories lol XD. But it’s actually a good way to look at it!Here’s a few examples on AO3:
Character Study
Crimes and Criminals
Crossovers & Fandom Fusions
Science Fiction & Fantasy
Sexual content
I wouldn’t say these are the most essential tags, but they can give your readers a general idea of the tone/content of your story.
On top of that, we want to know what kind of relationship your ship has in this fic! What are they to each other? What’s their progression? Here’s a few examples:
Boss/Employee Relationship
Break Up
Childhood Friends
Enemies to Friends to Lovers
Established Relationship
Fake/Pretend Relationship
Friends to Lovers
Friends With Benefits
Getting Together
Long-Distance Relationship
Strangers to Lovers
It can be hard to know what to tag with regards to triggers. I’d say better safe than sorry, and be open to suggestions and comments from your readers, especially with triggers. 
Here’s a few examples to give you an idea what to tag for, which are taken from this great triggers list, but I definitely suggest you take a look at this post and bookmark it for whenever you need to tag your fics!
Death: main/minor character death, animal death, child death...
Suicide: suicide attempt, suicidal thoughts, suicidal “insert character name”, ... 
Abuse: child abuse, domestic abuse, sexual abuse, emotionnal abuse, gaslighting... 
Rape/Sexual assault/Non con
Dub con
Specific sex acts: like @kiragecko says in the post I linked: “some people search for, others want to avoid”. 
Specify if your characters are being Safe Sane and Consensual or not when engaging in kinky sex.
Drugs and/or Alcohol
Illnesses (physical or mental)
Pregnancy: mpreg, miscariage
Panic attacks, PTSD, dissociation
Any phobias that your character(s) have and are specifically mentioned/depicted in your fic
Common phobias: spiders, clowns, hospitals...
Gross content:
Bodily fluids
I’ve said it above in the triggers section, but you can tag sexual acts appearing in your story as a way to both attract readers who are looking for them and help readers who want to avoid them. 
If your story has a lot of smut, you might be reluctant to tagging all of them in fear of making your tag list very long. I would always at least indicate in your tags that there’s Sexual Content in your fic; then, you could do like I’ve suggested with the Warnings and add something like “more info about specific sexual acts in the author’s note” to your tags, and make a detailed list of sexual acts in your authors’ note.
Here’s a few generic tags about smut, and here’s a link to all the different canon “sex” tags (350 at the moment!)
Angst and Fluff and Smut
Angst and Porn
Emotional Porn
Eventual Smut
Fluff and Smut
Identity Porn
Mild Sexual Content 
Mild Smut 
No Smut 
Non-Graphic Smut 
Porn with Feelings 
Porn With Plot
Sexual Tension
Unresolved Sexual Tension 
In my post about Stucky tags, I made a list of a lot of tags regarding the MCU movies. Not all of them of course, this list was mainly focused on movies where Stucky would appear, but you get the gist. We want to know WHEN in the MCU your fic is happening.
I’m not gonna list every single MCU movie and all of their tags, but basically you have a few options:
Movie mid/end credit scenes
Movie compliant
Not Movie compliant
Canon divergence
Canon divergence - post movie
Some movies also have specific tags for their trailers. I would recommend using the trailer tag if you are indeed writing your fic based on the trailer of a movie that isn’t out yet (you could also add the movie’s specific “spoiler” tag too while you’re at it!) in order for people to be able to avoid spoilers if they want to.
Moreover, in the case of movies that are canonically happening in another time, you could also add the relevant tags if it’s pertinent! (for example, with The First Avenger: 1930s or World War II). You can also refer to events that happened within the MCU (example: Battle of New York (Marvel)).
Alternate Universe
Whatever era or time your fic is happening in, there’s probably a tag for that! There’s a tag for every decade of the 20th century and pretty much every century too. Is it a Victorian, Ancient Rome, or a Future fic? 
But even if it’s just a simple Alternate Universe - Modern Setting with No Powers … there are tags for that too! :P 
If there’s a specific historical/fictional event that your story is centered around, you could tag it too! For example: PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympics, World War I, 2008 United States Presidential Election, Battle of Hogwarts, 75th Hunger Games, etc.
Don’t forget your holidays! Christmas, Valentine's Day, Halloween, to name a few...
Self-explanatory again, but where is your story taking place? :P Again, maybe not the most important tag category to consider, but I would use it especially if the story is taking place in a specific/unusual place for the canon or your ship. See examples below!
Avengers Tower
Avengers Compound
Red Room (Marvel)
Sanctum Sanctorum (Marvel) 
Wakanda (Marvel)
Asgard (Marvel)
Alternate universe
(Reminder: There’s sooooooooooo many different Alternate Universe tags!)
If your AU is taking place in a different country/city, you can mention it! You could either go with the AU tag or just the tag for the place itself. For example: Alternate Universe - Canada or Canada. 
But it can also be even more precise than that! Stuck in a cabin during a snowstorm? There’s Cabin Fic! Steve and Bucky are men of the Night’s Watch? Maybe tag Castle Black! You get the gist ;) 
And lastly...
(inspired by this post from @salt-of-the-ao3 on tumblr)
If your fic has a specific format, you can specify it! Here’s a few suggestions:
And I think that’s it folks! All you need to know to tag your fics the best you can! :)
See Part 1: A Comprehensive List of Stucky Tags here!
See Part 2: Rating, Warnings, Fandoms, Relationships & Characters here!
You can also access a handy bullet-point checklist that summarizes these posts on Google Docs here! 
117 notes · View notes
contact--light · 6 years
a promptis fic catalogue post
note: I made this as like my own personal directory type thing when if I suddenly have the urge to reread a particular fic I already read, I would look at this and be like oh yeah that’s the bitch
all these fics are completed and are as promptis-centric as possible, so I put down other pairs that also feature in the stories (sadly, I don’t do ot3/ot4). please note I still have a ton of other promptis to read too so if u don’t see a fic that’s like THE ONE ppl have read, that’s bcos I’m still finding the time to read it in one go (can’t read fics on and off or else I’ll get side-tracked and forget the plot completely)
ALSO each and every story absolutely bangs so I put a little comment about them so if the authors ever see this, know I am incredibly sorry if I have offended you with how I worded my praises, but know that they are praises of the highest calibre that I can write this is why I’m not a writer lmao
ALSO possible spoiler alert for the main game and the fics I rec. it’s a ‘fic directory’, not a well written one but it’s good enough for me and if other people enjoy it, very cool, I like u, let’s be pals
Links to the story and links to the author’s other promptis works are provided (if available)
ANYWAY, on to the nitty gritty! There is no god in the order I rec these fics, absolutely no order, except the end of the list are the mega angsty fics but aside from that, again, there is no god in this list.
lucidus by scylaire
12,270 words | Rated T
this au is so feel good like minimal angst (but bcos resident emo prince just can’t be himself w/out some angst), mad fluff bcos of cuddle buddy prompto, and they in college. all in all, a very nice fic
runaway by tenzoh
70,828 words | Rated M
other pairs: minor lunyx
I can’t believe this fic broke into my house and straight up murdered me. I love this one and will reread this again when the other fics aren’t trying to barge through my door like I’m dodging tax. this canon divergence goodness is based on if no one fucking died, which is a godsend of a fic already, and oho u might think ‘oh that’s good!’ that no one dies, well tru but the dRAMA and the SCANDAL and noct’s priorities man oh man
the loveless prince by niuniu
196,869 words | Rated T
this absolute unit took me 4 days to read despite having work and uni bcos it had one of my fave tropes: soulmate au, so I was instantly hooked, it’s also somewhat canon divergence bcos noct is still a prince and the astrals are around but bruv, every chapter I finish got me thinkin like “what happens next will shock u”; absolutely gripping stuff ‘eva is a story that repeats’
cactus in the valley by liziscribbles
112,330 words Rated M
other pairs: gladnis, iris/aranea
another absolute unit of an college au that has all the ingredients of a wonderful soap opera (as is promised on the fic’s tags): DRAMA ✅ DISASTER ✅ LOVE ✅ RESOLUTION ✅ ARDYN ✅ liziscribbles writes a TON of promptis, I swear I’ve read most of them and I rate them so check their other stuff out too
in another time by dragongem777 & kiacoral
85,687 words | Rated ehh I’ll guess about M
other pairs: mad gladnis happenin outchea
I’m hesitant to call this a canon divergence bcos it’s based on the main storyline but it’s essentially a reincarnation au and BOY DOES IT DELIVER. the lads one by one recall their past lives and we follow their journey on how they find each other and how prom and noct fall in love all over again #the gladnis is pretty heavy in this one
the royal wedding of noctis and prompto by latias_likes_pizza
6975 words | Rated G
other pairs: gladnis, lunyx and cindy/aranea
I read this when I feel down bcos it’s my pick-me-up fic, this is the promptis royal wedding ending we all deserve and more, you can really feel the love in this fic and I can’t emphasise enough how much I adore this work
emperor who? by andromedas_void
3,817 words | Rated G
I really rate this fic bcos I like emperor prompto aus and I really beg for more of this goodness, this has tons of potential but it’s terrific as a standalone piece
the last prince of tenebrae by oh my fae
21,694 words | Rated M
Oh my fae? More like Oh my DAY...S. I haven’t read this for the second time in ages but I remember feeling really good about reading this and I saved it on my phone’s bookmarks so that must deffo mean it bangs. this is another prince prompto au but if he was the 3rd nox fleuret sibling wHICH at the time I found this was (lady gaga) SPECTACULAR, NEVER THE SAME, TOTALLY UNIQUE, COMPLETELY NOT EVER BEEN DONE BEFORE
affogato by moonside
55,442 words | Rated E for hEhEhEhEhE noice
other pairs: bare gladnis
most works by moonside are actually so good so go check their whole ffxv works out too if u like this one. I’m gonna be completely honest, based on emotional memory, this fic made me feel good but the actual plot of this fic? A-FFO-GA-TO (get it? I forgot tho, whatevs man I think that’s funny) but from what I can probs remember is this is a coffee shop au with gladnis drama AND if u like gladnis there’s a second instalment that is gladnis drama heavy
to build a home by just_peachy
61,642 words | Rated M
other pairs: gladnis, lunyx, cindy/aranea
hello, this is another case of “I swear I read this bcos I have a good feeling about this fic but I can’t recall the plot to save my life but my heart says I likes the fic so I’m gonna go with that” plus its by just_peachy who has done TREMENDOUS amount of work and you can really see them progress in their skills as a writer, reading from their past to current stories so I always look forward to any future fics they complete bcos they deliver with quantity and increasing quality as well but I’m digressing, this one is a soulmate au which is an au I ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO READ and  it’s a modern au (business instead of royalty) AND prom finally gets to be the photographer he’s always wanted to be
secrets by trirocksalt
4785 words Rated G for GOD THIS IS SO FUCKING CUTE
while I was undergoing my second playthrough of ffxv, and (finally) went to altissia-- although it IS beautiful, I miss the chocobos and the fucking car and just not being able to be restrained to travel by city walls and social pressures by not sprinting in public and dON’T GET ME STARTED WITH THE GONDOLA SYSTEM— due to my frustrations, I remembered this feel good fic, where it’s like noctis is taking over as CEO for regis’ massive business and prompto as a gondolier, and it took me SO LONG to find this fic again, and being in altissia made my heart so heavy so this was the perfect fic to get me through the shitstorm that is chapter 9
croquis by peonysoda
43,113 word | Rated T
PEONYSODA TAKE MY HEART all their promptis stuff ARE ABSOLUTE GEMS! this is a college au where noct has to model for a figure drawing class aND CAN U GUESS WHO’S IN THAT CLASS?!??!
something just like this by yuneyn
42,712 words | Rated M for Mecessary smut
this fic is literally like as if it cleared the dark rainclouds from a bad storm and descended from the heavens with open arms, rays of light shining behind it, to offer you salvation; in other words, this fluff-a-mania of a fic is all feel good no bad shit happening here and it DELIVERS, bcos I’m so used to expecting bad stuff happening when the couple gets together very early, but this fic doesn’t do that, nah mate, but it does make dino look like the bad(abing badaboom) guy but eh, u get over it. this ‘stuck-in-the-airport’ au will have u grinning from ear to ear throughout the whole thing
to love by emziewrites
other pairs: lunyx, some cheeky gladnis
37,020 words Rated E for EYYYYYYYY
this one’s an age difference royalty au, where king noct finds the one thing he’s missing and prompto is much more than just the hoe he thinks he’s hired as. literally DIS FIC IS 2 HOT 4 U and most of their promptis fics are top quality too check their works out too
like & subscribe by just_peachy
36,590 words | Rated M for MIGOS
I read this one quite recently and I very much enjoyed this youtuber au but with a twist bcos prom became a youtuber thanks to his princely pal, who has been giving him lovey dovey eyes in each upload that sunshine boy is completely oblivious to it, but viewers needn’t not be eagle eyed to see noct’s infatuation
marry your best friend, but like literally by brosura
8,300 words | Rated T for TERRIFIC
other pairs: cheeky gladnis
exactly what it says on the fucking tin and it DELIVERS (I need a new phrase). all feel good times about MARRIED BOYS AND HOW THEIR LIVES ARE BEAUTIFUL TOGETHER. this GOOD TIME OF AN AU is one of some that brosura wrote, but all in all, the mother of feel good fics and I'm gonna rec another, just watch me
‘the Good Time Train™’ series by brosura
25,090 words | Rated T for y’all TOTALLY saw me rec another brosura work
other pairs: hints of lunoct
features stories such as: ‘friends with benefits’ au and an extra piece. Now, friends with benefits IS another good time train bUT IT’S DIFFERENT THIS TIME: the 4th chapter, after being so used to the journey of the good time train, feels like that part when the train splits to two and you’re on the wrong compartment, and the destination really isn’t going where u think it’s going bcos this end of the train takes a different detour and destination and u see this as the fic starts getting deep and u should have really paid more attention to the train conductor’s announcements so it’s completely ur fault that u didn’t BUT there IS a complimentary fic about blanket forts if that’s any consolation AND this is a good read
king of catfishing by trashmccree
10,567 words | Rated I’ll guess about a T
Other pairs: minor cindy/aranea
this tinder/catfish AU got all up on my FEELS and the fishing puns! I love a good pun, especially if it hurts other people.
golden catfish, king catfish by unsungillumination
9541 words | Rated T
hOLY SHIT ANOTHER CATFISH AU! BLESSED BE THE STARS FOR THIS BOUNTIFUL HARVEST. I can never have enough of aus. so the boys find each other via online gaming and silly prompto put himself as a girl on his online profile! and noctis is asking to meet with him?! What will prompto do??? No I’m serious, what did he do, I forgot, so NOW I have to reread this
FFXV Promptis SFW Week by treya_barton
23,871 words | Rated if I recall correctly there may have been some implied stuff so I’ll put M to be safe
This smorgasbord has 8 chapters, approaching each prompt given from, you guessed it, Promptis Fanweek 2k18; each story I believe (IIRC AGAIN) are standalones, but all in all a very good read, I truly enjoy reading treya_barton’s works
A Thing with Feathers by farseersfool
22,713 words | Rated T
I. LOVE. THIS. FUCKING. FIC. it’s a domestic AU where prompto and noct live together, and they’re adults, like obvs there’s still a bit of drama here but not as overly dramatic as it would be if they were younger, ANYWAY prompto adopts a cockatoo called HER RADIANCE QUEEN SQUISHUMS, THE FIRST OF HER NAME and I LOVE HER. There’s also a lot of emotional constipation from both sides but with a large, very clever bird involved and eavesdropping—and oh, have I mentioned that I love Her Radiance?
Guide to Fake Dating: Best Friend Edition by cup_of_comfort
22,607 words | Rated T
WHO LOVES FAKE/PRETEND RELATIONSHIP AU? /I/ FUCKING LOVE FAKE/PRETEND RELATIONSHIP AU. This fic is literally, prom and noct being part of the cosmic joke and not getting the punchline.
Ghost of the Sun by Phosphorite
22,371 words | Rated M
INSOMNIA BOYS ON TOUR M.E. 7XX doesn’t go as well as they hoped as noct slowly realises that his migraines are trying to tell him something. in this canon divergent like au, noct and everyone he loves finally gets the happiness they deserve.......kinda. this fic was an absolute trip, I mean I didn’t think it would take me where I thought it would, but where I ended up was still plenty good, despite the destination being flooded. by my own tears.
Prince Noctis' Hot New Date? Read More on Page 7! by SharkbaitSekki
3719 words | Rated T to be safe
Prom ends up in the hospital and ignis is ‘mom’ on his phone au. I live for fics where ignis is ‘mom’ on the chocobro’s phones.
sunshine blues by dirtmemer
9124 words | Rated G for GOD IGNIS LET THE BOYS BE HAPPY
In a surprising twist of canon, ignis, for once, makes a super horrible, very bad decision and is not the voice of reason in this story. What happened here DID shock me, this is borderline whump so fair warning to those with prompto biases
perhaps you noticed something strange yesterday by ObscureReference
1681 words | Rated T
This isn’t really like bait promptis but it’s a good fic that makes me think a bit. Those kinds that leaves u going like ‘huh’ and u have to take a pause before you continue on with your day
birth of a wish by whimsofffate
15,729 words | Rated T
A groundhog day AU that will make you want to scream at the skies warning the astrals to catch your hands bcos ur gonna fight them, kick them, you’ll punch a cloud u don’t give a fuck! So they reluctantly listened and gave u that happy ending…. for now
feathers and fleece by ienablu
12,774 words | Rated T for Texting
King Regis starts texting Prompto bcos Noct doesn’t. The man is just concerned for his only son, pls noct ur angsty teenager phase is showing. you also slowly find out that King Regis is like any other dad…  meaning he is a massive troll.
Sunflowers by moonside
18,955 words | Rated E
PROFESSOR/STUDENT AU IS A FUCKING JAAAAAAAAM. In here, we have sexy economics professor Noctis, and uni student prompto who have mutual hots for each other but it’s not all sexy fun times ladies and gentlepeople, for I bear warnings of a tragedy occurring in this fic, but aside from that, it’s a very good read, great plot and again, DIS FIC IS 2 HOT 4 U.
Life Imitates by Riona
3293 words | Rated T for TOTALLY UNCALLED FOR, GLADIO! but u gotta admit, it’s effective
Everyone gives Noctis and Prompto the shovel talk, which would have been very useful if they were actually together. This fic is an absolute classic.
convince lucis that you're dating (and get an existential crisis while you're at it), a guide by prompto by crosspolination
13,841 words | Rated G
THE RUMOUR COME OUT: does noctis lucis caelum is gay? This great fake/pretend relationship au (with proms family consisting of dad cor and big sis aranea) this fic will have you wanting to join in on teasing prom about the situation he’s in, thanks to a prince who has yet to learn how to think before he speaks
The Pursuit of Happiness by mahbecks
15,568 words | Rated E for ahh… it’s Explicit
I forgot this fic was explicit lmao but there’s a quote at the end of chapter two that absolutely grips me by the heart, it’s those kinds of quotes that got u thinking that it could be written in like a profound book or said in a deep film but no, surprise bitch it’s in this incredible soulmate au fic.
Horizon Linked by cup_of_comfort
18,470 words | Rated E for EVERY CHAPTER (ish) IS LOTS OF SMUT MY GOD
a/b/o fics may not be for everyone, but I liked this, it’s also angsty but what’s different about this is that it definitely has a happy ending and a great resolution, so the angst train is present but the happy ending J U S T about outweighs it. It still has tons of heavy, and dark themes so read with caution if ur not into that, but I liked the fuck out of this
Suggested Forms of Intimacy by Akumeoi
21,091 words | Rated T
A fake/pretend relationship, university au all in the name of science?! Well, more like, u get to live in a flat during the research and who would say no to that, I’d do it too mate. SO prom and noct sign up for a study that’s for like close relationships and they see how they fair in a shared flat. Mad fluff happens
In Defence of by eblisbaculum
1700-ish words | Rated I’d say about a T for the swearing
This fic isn’t on AO3 but it deserves a shoutout bcos of BAMF Prompto defending his best friend, and there really isn’t any glaringly obvious promptis in here but the end implies something but hoo boy this fic is a trip
‘Fucking Finally’ and it’s sequel ‘Word Theory’ by repmet
around 2000 words altogether | Rated T for the word ‘fuck’
Again, I found these on tumblr but it’s a short and sweet soulmate au, so this one is a massive shout if u want a quick read
Waking the Gods by Asidian
778 words | Rated G
This isn’t really promptis but I LOVE ORACLE PROM AUS AND I WISH THERE WAS MORE OF THIS AU but in this one it’s like canon divergence and prom is the oracle instead. Spectacular read (AND HAS ACCOMPANYING ART BY KACI!) THANK YOU FOR THIS BOUNTY
Black is the Colour by withoutdrawbacks
1371 words | Rated T
Noct lends prom his clothes and he totally isn’t staring too long. A lovely short and sweet fic about pining noct
somewhere I have never travelled, gladly beyond by bellpickle
10,188 words |Rated T
The canon did luna so fucking dirty, she didn’t deserve that fam, so here’s Luna writing letters, not only to Noctis, but to Prompto as well. Ever like the all-knowing big sister, she knows these boys ain’t slick
Tight fit by Dandy
26,982 words | Rated T
Prompto gets shoved in a locker by a bunch of jealous, little bitches and Noct wants blood when he finds out that Prom is ignoring him bcos he was in a locker for DAYS, fam that’s mad
Tolerable Toxicity Levels by saltslimes
3796 words | Rated T
Another glorious ‘Ignis is ‘mom’ on our phone’ au, where prompto is sick at work, noctis and his retinue arrive to the rescue and manager aranea hates prompto’s parents.
strange obsession (for my automatic weapon) by dustofwarfare
8530 words | Rated E
Who doesn’t like a bit of BAMF Prompto? Apparently, Noctis likes it… maybe TOO much, but that’s not a problem at all, it’s more like admitting it to Prompto that he likes that shit. This is some cute gunplay smut, no wounds or nothing like that at all, just the gun, and some sexy times bcos of it
Ten Years Is a Long Time by Tenzoh
9443 words | Rated T
other pairs: prompto/cindy
MY HEART HEAVES FOR THIS STORY. in this au borderline canon divergence fic is based on the 10-year time skip, world of ruin etc when noct returns and he confronts everything that has CHANGED. The happy twist is that noct doesn’t die, but the catch? Prom and cindy are together, and noct has to cope with his feels. The journey of reading this was close enough to make me cry; tenzoh, stay right where u are, I’m calling the police
raining knives, like, all the time by zinthos
13,132 words | Rated
other pairs: lunyx
this is literally the second fic I’ve rec’d featuring big birds with big names (FLAPPERDIGINOUS FLORATIO FONDA THE THIRD aka FLAPPY BIRD) hence why I named my chocobo in FFXV (the first playthrough) Flappy Bird as tribute to this amazing fic. But u have big sis luna in here and I love that so much, but u also have stupid af noct with an equally stupid af prompto so what’s not to love in this fic
Watching the Rain become the Sea by Ieroses
12,604 words | Rated T
The scenery in this au, my god, ieroses paints an absolute beautiful picture of this fic using words as her brush and canvas, like I remember reading this and I picture the scenes, and for some reason it reminds me of a CSI episode or smth like that, which makes sense bcos it’s like a crime au but the angst is evened out by a good ending
Epiphany by moonside
10,552 words | Rated E
Don’t 👏 stop 👏 me 👏 recommending 👏 moonside 👏 for 👏 smut 👏 bcos 👏 I 👏 won’t 👏 stop 👏 Another terrific age difference au and it DELIVERS. AGAIN. Moonside u done it again u crazy son of a gun. This one is literally pure smut, as it’s a one-night stand au with the promise of more in the end? Not like a sequel (I CAN DREAM THOUGH) but u can see inklings of noct liking prom more than just a one-time ting
To be Happy, To be Loved by thatoldeblackmagic
10,079 words | Rated T
Regis wearing the typical Jimmy Buffet ‘dad-on-holiday’ ensemble? outstanding. noctis being made fun of as a discount Sasuke Uchiha? ground-breaking. matchmaker regis? oh yeah, I’m game. also great shout out to that meme where cups were stacked on ppl who are asleep, I swear someone redrew that but with noct instead, pls @ me on that if it is out there
The Trouble with Rumours by candiedillusions
9630 words | Rated T
I JUST. CAN’T HOLD ALL THESE FAKE/PRETEND RELATIONSHIP AUS. In this instalment, Prompto and Noctis become BFs instead of BFFs thanks to a typo on social media.
noctis gets a toy stuck up his ass and calls prompto for help by demnocts
1500-ish words I guess | Rated E
I couldn’t breathe typing up the ‘title’ of this piece bcos it’s literally, what it fucking says on the tin and I can’t stop crying. what else do u want me to say about this? It’s hot af, full stop. this smut is no plot set-up, all punchline, get-on-your-fucking-knees, proper full-on dirty
Where the Blue of the Sea Meets the Sky by canary
16,265 words | Rated M for MEAT BEATING
don’t let the smut fool u into thinkin this got a happy ending nah fam I got bittersweet at bEST (but that good smut is there, teetering between the M to E rating) this fic got all up on my feels in the last bit; that the friendly banter between prom and noct (top-notch characterisation), is all smoke and show behind the impending doom that is altissia. And don’t get me started how the scenery in this fic gives you that full immersion u need to feel like ur in Caem
The Experience by MakikoIgami
7735 words | Rated E
aND BOY WAS THIS FIC AN EXPERIENCE. Basically, the boys think of all the loopholes they can use to reach maximum satisfaction AND the experience is an experience bcos u get all this good, filthy smut and in the end the feels train hits you out of nowhere so u don’t know what to do with urself
Letters for Nobody by Ashino
13,939 words | Rated I’ll gauge it about M
other pairs: gladnis
wherein umbra becomes postman pat for the crownsguard and their late king. This fic, although set in the tragedy that is the canon end, has a lot of feel good letters in there that makes u wanna get out ur best stationery and write one urself.
Nothing to Lose by AJDiamond
4986 words | Rated T
HHHIIII I like age difference promptis so here’s a classic coffee shop au, with gladio being a broken record in terms of his love advice
here is the root of the root (and the bud of the bud) by stardusting
11025 words | Rated T
U kno ur fandom made it when it’s got a hanahaki au, so ur sorted for that angst, plus their other works are also very cute!
designation by yeaka
1327 words | Rated E
this a/b/o fic never fails to get me hot under the collar no matter how many times i read it #mkinyk #dont@me but DO check out the promptis yeaka writes fam fucking W O W read them
galleria by omegas
2180 words | Rated G for GOOD SHIT
in the famous words of utada hikaru: simple and clean is the way that this fic makes me feel tonight. in this au, prom opens a photo gallery, noct is smooth af and the art industry in insomnia is just like the one in real life: difficult
silver linings by countingpaperstars
7625 words | Rated E
I bet if they were an indie band, they’d be called prompto and the niffs but I digress. IN THIS BAND AU we get massive fanboy prince noctis and iggy the square doing his typical: no u cant do blah bcos u r the prince and responsibility and reputation etc; can never get enough of these, plus smut in the end 👌🏼 absolute cherry on top of this sundae
‘holidays with promptis’ series by fmpsimon
10,389 words | Rated M
Get urself in the spirit of Christmas by reading these beauties; plus their other work s are also worth the read
‘the body’ series by ipacialiera
79,199 words | Rated E for MASSIVELY EXPLICIT
other pairs: highspecs, lunoct, ravus/gentiana, promptio, prompto/iris, promdyn, promptHOE, verstael/iedolas, soz if I missed some but go read their tags
lemme say this first and foremost: I tend to avoid angst and heavy, dark themed stories like the plague, but bcos I’m an absolute little shit I obviously read the first chapter of this and I was instantly hooked; I don’t recommend this to anyone who wants to have a good time bcos as much as this story was engaging, my soul cries for the boys in this film noire/detective/crime au so read if you like the sound of it. I give massive, massive props to the writer bcos this 2-part series was a rollercoaster, and at least you get some closure in this fic, but that’s like trying to douse a kitchen fire with a cup of water; however, it’s literally better than no closure. I implore those who consider this fic to look at each tag the author puts down and if you really, really can’t read something like them, don’t bloody read it, like I can’t say I enjoy reading these kinds of stories bcos I don’t but I just wanna give credit where it’s due because this is incredibly written
a long december by promptoschocohoe
32,934 words | Rated M for My God, I still haven’t stopped crying bcos of this one
other pairs: gladnis
so this and ‘the body’ will probably be the only angst heavy fics I will rec in this whole list unless I get back on my bullshit again and this one absolutely hurt me, incredibly bittersweet with 17% sweet and 83% bitter from the heavy themes you will face on here, and the reason why this fic hits me more is because it feels very ‘real world, real life’ believable like I can imagine this being something someone will actually go through. again, I rec this one to give credit where it’s due bcos, man, I’m still reeling from this. I couldn’t put it down once I started reading it. read their story’s tags and if u don’t like don’t read and the song choices are just. a good choice. can someone pls make a spotify playlist of it and @ me on that so I can follow it and cry my heart out again? thanks x
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kpopchangedme · 6 years
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To tease you, Yongguk decides to claim that the main character of your popular online Pirates!AU Fanfiction is inspired by him. Little does he know…
Tumblr media
Protagonists: Bang Yongguk & You
Word Count: 8.8k
Genre: FicWriter!Au - Friends to lovers - Romance - Smut - Pirates!AU - (Kind of a Fic-ception?)
Rating: NC-17 - NSFW - *Explicit Sex* - *Swearing* - *Violence*
Snippet: “If he is your ruin then so be it. You don’t care, you want it all. You will become his everything and him yours; even if you must vanish into each other tonight. “Please, Guk… Stay…””
Lyz’ note: I was tasked by Santa’s elves to create for the magnificent @yehet-me-up as part of the KpopTrashNet’s Holiday Haul! Here it goes Sarah, I really hope you enjoy this. You’re often using our weaknesses to wreck us and this is my revenge. Also: I’m sorry this took is so long, tell me what you think!  HO. HO. HO.
 The dim light is drawing shadows on the dark stranger’s face, hiding most of his emotions, but you already know he’s unhappy. His breathing is deeper, gaze heavy when he slowly approaches you. To keep your fingers from shaking, you grab the edge of your corset. If there’s a thing your father taught you about pirates it’s that although they abide no laws, they usually respect courage and determination. Sadly, you know you lack both of those qualities. It’s okay though, you just need to make them believe you are strong. The tall man finally comes to a stop when his face is a few centimeters from yours, studying you.
“This doesn’t look anything like a muskets shipment.” Although his gaze is still boring into yours, it’s clear he’s talking to the small and stocky built man that brought you here.
“The w-weapons were gone, Cap’n!” There’s fear in his voice and you try to not think too much about why he seems to be so afraid of the man in front of you. “Somebody t-tip them off… We took her instead; she’s the d-daughter of the Gov’nor.”
At this revelation, the Captain’s face pales and his eyes leave yours to briefly glance the man’s way.
“Leave us.” His order is immediately obeyed and the door slams when the pirate hurriedly exits the cabin.
You know you promised yourself that you’d stay strong, but the perspective of being left alone in the Captain’s room makes you panic. Without really meaning to, you try to take a step back, only to be stopped by a piece of furniture.
“Is it true?” The stranger leans in too close, not bothered the slightest by your evident display of fear. He smells of rum, salt and sweat.
“Yes.” You force yourself to roll back your shoulders, proudly. “I am y/n, daughter of the Governor of this holy land and coast.” You raise your chin, braving his glare again and you’re surprised when he smirks, amused by your change of attitude.
“Not that. I don’t care who your father is; I’m not into hostage trading.” He tilts his head and licks his lips, letting his words sink in. “How did your father hear about our little raid?”
Not into hostage trading. Meaning you’re not getting off this ship, at least not alive. Incapable of stopping your panicked train of thoughts, your eyes flutter to the Captain’s unmade bed. Dead or maybe even worse.
Annoyed by your lack of response, the dark man follows your gaze. When he realizes what you’re thinking; he takes a fast step back and you turn your attention to him, surprised by his actions yet again. He’s now leaning against a low table, his fingers leisurely toying with a beautiful feather. He’s avoiding to look your way.
“I… I am not into rape either.” This time his voice is striped from the coldness it held earlier. “You will not be touched as long as you are under my guard. This is my ship and the men here abide by my rules. You can trust me when I say that you are safe… As long as you stay-”
“Why should I trust your words?” You don’t know why you spoke and immediately after it leaves your mouth, you regret everything. The Captain eyebrows shoot up and he bites his lips, refraining from laughing.
“You’re right; if I were you I would not trust me…” He shrugs and studies your reaction. “You are feisty, I like that.” He smiles widely; the gesture transforming his traits into a softer, almost reassuring, expression. “It’s strange, now I feel like convincing you!” The man shakes his head as he stands up and walks towards the door. “Don’t try to leave this cabin, you’re way safer inside… And don’t worry…” He pauses to look at you one last time, an arrogant smirk plastered on his face. “I’ll come back when I have an answer to give you!”
Kicking open the door, he disappears in-
“Don’t!” Your fingers freeze over the keyboard. “I’m writing do not read above my shoulder, you know I hate that!” Yongguk lets out a hollow chuckle, moving aside to drop on the chair next to you.
“Don’t be so mean Austen, I come bearing gifts!” You wince at the nickname, but as if he hasn’t done anything wrong, your friend slides a new cup of coffee next to your laptop. He rests his chin in the palm of his hand, waiting for you to take a sip, before opening his mouth again. “I’m glad I ran into you, Daehyun wanted me to make sure you are coming to his house-warming party tomorrow.”
“I don’t know, it depends on how it goes. I’m busy with this week’s update.” You vaguely gesture your laptop and Yongguk laughs again.
“I know, I’m happy to discover that they actually meet in the 3rd chapter! I’ve been reading it too…”
“You really have?” You ask, tentatively taking a second sip of the coffee he brought you. It’s perfect, mixed just like you love it. “Why? It makes me nervous if you say you’re reading my work…”
“Hundreds of strangers read it, why should I make you more nervous?” Your old friend shrugs and you stare as he mindlessly licks the foam his own latte left on his lips. “Is it because it’s about me?” He tears his eyes away from the wooden table he was staring at to meet your gaze and grins mischievously.
“No! Why would you say that?” You snap your head in direction of your laptop screen; anywhere but him.
“Here.” He points to the last paragraph on the screen. “I’ve said that. You asked why you should trust a guy like me and that was my answer. Those were my exact words. You were so mad back then.”
Annoyed, you roll your eyes back and slam your laptop shut, nearly catching his finger. It’s true; you drew inspiration from the first time you two met back in college, still, it doesn’t mean that he is the character.
“Fine, I wrote that because you used to be kinda cool.” Yongguk’s smile widens almost inhumanly at your statement and you know you better add something to deflate him. “Are you a mysterious lonely pirate? The smooth Captain of a ship full of blood-thirsty hoodlums?” He shakes his head negatively but continues to stare at you with his amused expression. “See? He, is not you: are you a sensual corsair looking for love?”
“I mean…” Yongguk tilts his head to the side, hesitating about something. “… I could be.” He leans closer, reaching to push your hair behind your ear, the tips of his fingers linger, voluntarily grazing your cheek. You freeze, completely lost and blushing at his sudden proximity. You realize your lips parted slightly by reflex when you catch him glancing at your mouth and you move slightly away. “Is this smooth enough for a lonely corsair?” Going back to his usual self, he blinks coyly. “You see? Aren’t I still cool? I still got it!” He ends up beaming again when it becomes clear you won’t answer his questions.
You both used to fool around. Partied too much together when you were younger and occasionally ended up making out in dark alleys in the middle of the night. None of you ever pushed it further though, nor ever brought it up. That’s why his move surprised you and took you back to those fleeting memories. Except it’s the middle of the day, years later and you’re both way too sober to be remembering that.
“So, Daehyun?” You clear your throat to regain control and he nods.
“I could text you his new address, but he moved into my building… Except not on my floor, thankfully.”
“It’s so weird that he’s out of the dorm, I wonder how the guys feel…” Yongguk shrugs; he was the first to move out almost a year ago. “It seems like only yesterday I was helping you all to move in together…”
“And Himchan was mad at you for almost a year because of that scratch on his table.” You laugh but wince almost immediately at the memory.
“Ugh, happier days, when we ignored he could be that frightening!” Yongguk scoffs, eyebrows raising up.
“You; used to ignore Himchan could be scary. I was never that naive!” Saying that he stands up on his feet. “I need to get going. I saw you by chance from outside the coffee shop, but I was actually on my way to the hospital.”
“Ah! You see, that’s why you can’t be my pirate! You’re all motherhood and apple pie; cool corsairs don’t volunteer at children’ hospitals on their free days!” He chuckles and fakes to think about it.
“Are you absolutely sure? I’ll ask the next time I meet a mysterious and sensual pirate…” Laughing, you watch him grab the messenger bag he dropped under your table earlier. “Oh, by the way, y/n?”
“Yes?” You open your laptop, already thinking about the rest of this week’s chapter.
“What’s his name, your pirate? Because you haven’t mentioned it in the previous chapters and I am pretty sure that… Captain Bang sounds about right!” He playfully winks at you and walks away without waiting to hear your protestations.
Maybe he was right. Perhaps you should stay in that cabin but after 8 days of captivity you just have to, at least, do something. When you first hear the screams and muskets firing, you directly assume that the Royal Navy is attacking the pirates. You’re relieved, they probably found the ship at your father’s request and are trying to get you back. That’s why you try to peek outside. In front of the door, the darkened corridor is completely empty. The boy responsible for your meals, your personal jailor, isn’t even guarding it anymore. You assume he left to murder poor soldiers of his Majesty on deck with his companions and without thinking twice, you make a run for it.
It’s annoying, now that you’re finally leaving that damn room, you can’t help but think back to the words the Captain said to you the first day of your kidnapping about your safety. You don’t want to ponder on them now. You have no idea where you should go or what you should be doing, you’re just running in direction of the deck. Finding and throwing yourself in front of the first man in a uniform would probably be the most efficient method to be rescued. You follow the sound of the screams in hopes of finding someone. You barely have time to register that you’re emerging on deck when the reality of the situation hits you.
“Bloody hell” You swear, a rare occurrence, as you witness the slaughter in front of you.
No, this is definitely not the Royal Navy. Too bad, it’s too late. You grasp the next bribes of information through impossibly short impressions rather than logical thinking; the omnipresent smell of gunpowder in the air, the main mast burning, the sun dipping low on the horizon and sounds of sword fights and gun firing everywhere around you. Your luxurious jail now seems like a safe haven. You turn back; how did you even get so far on deck? You’re a few meters away from the entrance you came from. It would have been smarter to take a peak before running out, but you were just too focused on getting rescued. In your haste, you slip on the wooden floor and fall on something soft; someone.
You push the body away, scared, but when you look, you recognize him: Jihun, that’s his name, your jailor, although he inappropriately called himself your bodyguard. When he presented himself, the first night of your captivity he tried to give you a dirty handkerchief to wipe your tears, but you ignored him. Now that he’s lying there, in front of you, holding his own guts with both hands, it’s impossible to do the same thing. Forgetting where you are, you stare in horror at the blood slowly spilling out of his torn abdomen. The boy can’t be much older than your youngest brother, around 17. You press your shaking hands on his bloody ones, seemingly waking him up from his daze.
Jihun stares at you for a few seconds in amazement before remembering his surroundings. He tries to push your hands away, but you fight back to help him, tears stinging the corner of your eyes. You hate to admit it, but he was nothing but decent with you and nobody this young deserves something like this. Jihun renounces and reaches for something on his right instead. You feel a cold object getting pressed in your palm; his pistol.
It’s clear that the boy is dying right here, on the dirty deck of this vessel, where he won’t get a proper burial, not even a single prayer. He opens his mouth, but blood spills out instead of the words he intended to speak. The dark sanguine fluid contrasts with the pallor of his skin. It hits you how he already looks like a corpse although his body is still warm, he must not have a lot longer to live. Jihun’s gaze grows glassy, distant, but he still presses his pistol into your hand and motions for you to leave with one finger.
The boy is dying, he knows this, but still, he’s trying to make sure you make it back to safety.
When your fingers finally stop the pressure on his open wound and grasp the cross of the metal gun, his lips curl shyly upward.
He is gone now.
Shaking, you rise to your feet and turn in direction of the corridor leading to the Captain’s cabin. You need to go back now before it’s too late and you end up like your young bodyguard.
You make a run for it. Holding your heavy skirts in one hand and the pistol in the other; you race. It’s curious how nobody seems to notice you, they’re all busy fighting for their lives, close, yet so far away. You’ve almost made it to safety when you’re suddenly yanked into the opening and unceremoniously pinned against the wall.
Captain Bang is staring back at you, enraged.
You lean back in your chair, satisfied. Stretching your arms above your head, you let out a loud yawn. If somebody dies in the chapter, should I put an additional warning for the readers? You rub your eyes and glance at your phone’s lockscreen.
Maybe you should go to sleep and wake up early tomorrow morning to finish that chapter. You need to upload it before Daehyun’s party if you don’t want to wake up to passive aggressive update requests Sunday morning.
You stare for a second at the last sentence on the screen before saving and shutting off the laptop. Captain Bang, you scoff. It does seem rather fitting for a pirate. At first, you thought it would be a fun way to get back at Yongguk, but the more you think about it, the more you fall for the name.
Only now, it is impossible to not picture him as the love interest in your story. You bite your lips, imagining your friend in the Captain’s tight hide trousers and loose white shirt. What a bad idea. Yongguk shouldn’t have joked about this sort of thing. Ever since you coincidentally met him this morning, you haven’t been able to keep this image out of your mind. It’s true you drew inspiration from your first meeting, but the pirate character was born of a fantasy, something that had nothing to do with him. Well, a fantasy that used to have nothing to do with him… It’s not surprising that when you finally fall asleep that night, you dream of your first meeting.
It’s officially 2:00pm and he isn’t here. You scribble the word “LATE.” on the corner of your notebook. You were annoyed, but now you are straight up pissed. This only confirms the suspicions you had when you were paired with the tall dark man in the back of the class. Your friends were all jealous, but you immediately knew it meant that you’d have to do the bigger part of the project all alone. You weren’t a fan of the good-looking-guy-often-skipping-class types, but maybe if you carefully kept track of his whereabouts, the teacher would understand and reduce his note consequently.
At 2:20pm, you’re still sitting all alone in the coffee shop, so you find yourself stalking his Facebook profile.
Bang Yongguk. Status: single. Born in March 1990.
You scoff, the man’s so late, of course; he’s an Aries! He’s making you wait and he’s actually younger than you by a few months.
His description box catches your attention and you roll your eyes: “"Do what you like and love what you do“ - Ray Bradbury”
Moving on, you scroll down on his wall, looking for something interesting about your assigned partner. Not much is public, but after a few memes posted by his friends, you find a single photo with his brother, a twin, paired with a curious caption: “Flashing Lights. Hip Hop for life. Proud bro.” You’re not sure what it means, but you know he’s a music major, so maybe he’s into rap or that sort of thing. Studying the picture, you take a sip of your coffee. The girls in your class were right; the man’s gorgeous.
“Are you stalking me?” You almost drop the hot liquid on your lap when you hear a low voice above your shoulder. He smirks when he sits in the chair in front of you and opens his bag. “Hi, y/n, I believe you already know my name, enchanted.” There’s something more to his voice, a small shyness you wouldn’t have guessed. You blush from embarrassment, but then remember that you’re mad at him.
“You’re 30 minutes late, I have to start my shift here at 3pm!” You sigh and he freezes, his arm mid-way out of his bag.
“Sorry, I’ll forget to tease you about the stalking if you let my tardiness go?” He glances up with a timid smile before carefully placing his laptop on the table between you two.
“Let it go? Are you always going to be late like that?” The shy curl of his lips disappears completely and you would feel sorry about it if you weren’t so fed up with people using you for college projects.
“Sorry.” He blinks, expressionless.
“I was looking you up to see if you had an accident. I was about to research about spontaneous human combustion!” You cross your arms and he struggles to hide his amusement.
“Actually I was just volunt-”
“Scratch that. I’m sorry if I’m being an asshole, but if you weren’t dying, rescuing kittens from a house fire or saving children’ lives, I actually don’t want to hear it.” This time Yongguk can’t help himself. You’re surprised because he laughs hollowly like you’ve said something incredibly funny like he’s aware of something you ignore. “Look, I just want to finish the project. We only have two weeks and after that, we won’t ever have to see each other again. Let’s just divide the work, I know you’re in music and this class probably isn’t serious to you, but I don’t want to carry you as a dead weight.” He freezes again before starting to pack his things back in. You bite your lips, perhaps you were too harsh, but you’ve met many students like him.
“I have no idea what you think you know about me, but you’re wrong. I won’t let you do the work alone and I didn’t choose this literature class to half-ass it. It’s one of my favourite subjects.” When he zips his bag, you open your mouth to try to protest, but he continues: “We could just exchange emails, but instead, I’d prefer to meet you here before your shifts to discuss. Do you mind?”
“Euh, no?”
“Perfect. Just bother worrying about your part, I’m quite an exigent partner! You can trust me to do mine just fine!” Your part? You roll your eyes, annoyed at his insinuations.
“Why should I trust you? We are just forced to be teammates, sorry to point that out-” You gesture him vaguely with your hand; his long black floppy hair and loose Hip Hop t-shirt. “But you’re not the type of person I trust blindly! Plus; you just arrived, but you’re already leaving! So why would I ever trust you?”
“Why trust me? You need a reason?” He grins with all his teeth, clearly enjoying your little confrontation. His smile is breathtaking and your mind goes blank, betraying you. “You said you have to work! But don’t worry, I’ll come back when I have an answer to give you!”
With that, he is gone and you’re left alone in the half-empty coffee shop. You scoff thinking back of the man’s arrogance. It’s weird, for a second, you were almost sure he was a bit shy. You bring your palm to your burning cheek; you can’t deny the effect his words had on you. Annoyingly enough, you feel like you don’t really need an answer to your question anymore.
Waiting is pure torture. You were able to clean your bloody hands in the water bassinet kept in the cabin, but somehow they still feel stained. You had never seen somebody die of a violent death before today. Or was it yesterday? You don’t know, you can’t sleep. You heard of the violence committed by pirates as scary stories, they attack, gut and take women all for the sake of gain, but you had never seen it. Jihun’s face haunts you; his last smile. The Captain was furious when he dragged you back to the cabin, but since then he hasn’t come back. Nobody has. Your shock passed, the echoes of the fight faded, but still, no one came. Perhaps they’re all dead, this thought may be scary, but getting out again to find out is even scarier, so you stay hidden. Like he ordered you to.
He finally comes at night. When he does, he enters in silence and drops on the chair at the desk, his desk. This is his room you remember that fact and blush, despite the situation, you’re actually lying on a man’s bed. You never witnessed a man’s intimacy before your kidnapping, let alone live in a man’s room. The Captain’s eyes are closed, he hasn’t even looked your way. You know it’s wrong, but you find yourself really wanting him to.
“Well…” You clear your throat, sitting up. “I don’t think I need an answer to my question anymore…”
“I thought you were sleeping.” If he’s surprised, he doesn’t let it show. He still keeps his eyes closed and his head rests on the chair back. The unique oil lamp in the room is placed on the desk, lighting his features and his raven hair. Resting like that he doesn’t seem so scary, his presence is strangely comforting to you. You prefer staying here rather than switch captors, you already accepted this reality; you really do trust him now. “You can stop watching me, I won’t bother you. I just came to rest away from my men.”
“I wasn’t-” You bite your cheek. “That’s not what I…” You stop talking and blush even darker, the truth wouldn’t be less embarrassing than his assumptions. The man opens his eyes and turns your way.
“Is it because you have questions?” His jaw tightens and the veins of his neck swell. “Jihun and many more are dead, but we won, so you don’t have to worry anymore.” Jihun. Without realizing, you wipe a fugitive tear on your cheek. The Captain silently watches as you cry, you wonder what he’s thinking, but that’s not what you want to ask.
“Were they also pirates?”
“Mercenaries…” He gives you a curious look.
“Mercenaries? Why?” He turns his head away and you think it must be a silly question to ask, probably for weapons or treasures.
“You.” His voice is even lower this time, almost inaudible. “Somebody paid a lot of money to get you….”
“My father?” His words make you nauseous, those people died because of you.
“Yes… Your father sent the Royal Navy, but they couldn’t catch up to us.” He smirks at that, but his face falls when he notices that you started to cry again.  “Probably angered the Governor… They asked nicely and we told them that we weren’t going to sell you…” The man frowns this time, standing up to sit on the edge of the bed. “Are you alright? Why are you crying? I told you about that already.”
“That I don’t trade hostages; I told you I’d keep you safe until I find a solution! Those scumbags… Well, you probably wouldn’t have a private room on their ship. It doesn’t matter how much your father is paying…” You wipe your cheeks again; it’s weird how you thought you should trick the pirates into believing you were courageous. All you ever do here, since your first day, is be a cry baby. “So… Please don’t cry anymore, okay? I’ll find a way to get you home somehow… You just need to stay here.”
“Jihun… He was just a kid.”
“Jihun was a good pirate, not a kid. He knew what the ocean life meant…”
“He died because of me…” The Captain turns to stone, his body a mere meter away from you.
“No…” You can hear the tension in his voice and you raise your eyes, only to discover distress on his face. “I did it.” He brings the back of his hand to delicately wipe one of your stained cheeks. You wonder if the gesture is even more comforting to him than it is to you. “Don’t cry anymore, I’m the only one bearing that.”
After that night, the Captain starts to visit you almost every evening. When you complain that you are bored, he brings you books; stories of adventures and passionate love affairs that make you blush, stuff you wouldn’t have known existed before.  When you say you feel lonely, he jokes about his company not being entertaining enough for a lady. He starts playing cards and dice games with you and some of his men. When you tentatively mention feeling stuffy, he brings you out for a walk on the deck at night and teaches you about his favourite constellations. When the day comes where he mentions that the ship is almost back to your father’s harbour, you realise you’re more scared of what you used to call home than a vessel full of pirates.
The day after this announcement, he comes in abruptly. He doesn’t even knock, he just enters and walks in, slightly unsteady.
“Jesus Christ! Guk, are you hurt!?” He drops himself on the bed and you follow with concern. You stop in front of him; he brings one of his fingers to your mouth. The hot contact on your lips spreads goosebumps all over your body.
“Shhh- Don’t swear, feisty lady!” You wince at the bad nickname and he raises his eyes to meet yours, a strange look on his face. “Would you really care if I hurt?”
“Yes…” You’re breath hitches when his fingers move down under your chin. “Are you drunk?”
“I am hurt.” Ignoring your question, he whines. “Why do you hurt so much?” You stiffen at his words, not sure to understand what he means.
“W-what?” Neglecting to answer once again, he encircles your waist and buries his face in your clothes.
“I didn’t know it would be that painful…” Without really knowing why, you find yourself shielding him in your arms and toying with his black hair.
“Me neither…” Slowly, you sit next to him on the bed and he sighs into you. You both stay like this for a moment that feels like everything, until he pulls away. His face is close to yours, so much so, that you are lost in the softness of his brown irises. Somehow, his right hand has found its way to your lower back. He’s using it to draw small circles with his palm; the warm sensation is waking something entirely new in your stomach. Weirdly, the foreign tingling doesn’t scare you but seems to be pulling you even closer.
“I don’t think I can keep you safe anymore.” His breath on your cheek makes you shiver in anticipation and you watch as he licks his lips.
“Then don��t.” When the words leave your mouth, you see a hint of incertitude on his face, but you close your eyes and lean in.
At first, the Captain doesn’t react much, then he lets the desire take over. His lips move against yours, eager and you fight back. The kiss is messy and needy. His lips taste like what you believed heaven would and when he begins exploring your mouth, you discover his tongue is as sweet as rum. You suck it and he moans, leaning even more into you. His hands explore your body, playing with your hair, then with the ribbon of your loose corset. He tries to pull back, but you hold on, fingers intertwined in his hair. If feels as though you don’t need to breathe; together you are one and if you must die, then you want him to consume you. Your whole body is burning, the sensations are devouring you. You’ve been aware of your own feelings for a few weeks now; he is your end, you won’t ever need to leave this ship. Suddenly, he pulls back, panting.
“I think I’m the thing threatening you tonight… I should go…” You don’t hesitate when he tries to stand up and you grab his shirt to keep him close.
If he is your ruin then so be it. You don’t care, you want it all. You will become his everything and him yours; even if you must vanish into each other tonight.
“Please, Guk… Stay…”
You nailed it, the new chapter was uploaded this afternoon. Now you can just relax and enjoy Daehyun’s party, even if it means avoiding Yongguk. It seems like an easy task; he’s nowhere to be seen until 11pm and even then, he disappears with a man to discuss something about his music. You’re glad that he doesn’t try to talk to you at all, perhaps he didn’t even have time to read the chapter. You’re overreacting, but you shouldn’t have named the Captain after him. You knew one hour after the upload that it was a mistake. Not because you were anticipating your friends’ reactions, but because you grew anxious and scared of his opinion. Even now, you’re not quite sure if you want him to like or hate it. You probably wouldn’t mind it as much if you hadn’t spent the last 36 hours fantasizing non-stop about your best friend. Like a jerk.
“Y/n, do you want another glass of wine?” Hana, Daehyun’s girlfriend, turns to you like a saviour.
“Yes, thank you!” You grab the glass, looking once more around the room to make sure that Yongguk is not mingling in the kitchen. You catch Hana staring at you and you exchange smiles. She’s way more reserved than the rest of the group of friends, which has always been kind of intimidating to you. You never know what to say to people like that, you’re good at conversations that keep going back and forth. Talking with a silent introvert has a history of turning you into a rambling mess, Yongguk is no exception to that rule.
“Are you looking for Yongguk?” You almost choke on your sip of wine at her question and shake your head vehemently. “He’s talking with Jinyoung in the living room.”
“No, I wasn’t- Why would I be looking for him?” She gives you a puzzled look and shrugs. You’re usually hanging with him during those events, after all, he’s the one who introduced you to the boys. “Ah, actually, I’ll go talk to him sometimes… later…” Hana nods, unconvinced, but if she’s curious she doesn’t let it show. You feel a strong arm wrap around your neck and freeze, relieved when Youngjae speaks with his usual cheery tone.
“Have you asked her about it yet?!” You wince, it’s not like you didn’t know this would come up tonight. It’s a chance that the person of interest isn’t here right now. “Because we want answers!”
“Ask me what?” You play dumb and Daehyun who appeared at the same time as his partner in crime laughs knowingly.
“About your story!” Youngjae giggles in your ear and you wiggle out of his hug, while Hana shoots you a sorry look.
“Hana told me that the sexy pirate AND love interest of your current story has sort of a familiar feel-OUCH!” Dae whines after his wife elbow him. She may be on the quiet side, but she definitely knows how to handle her extra lover.
“I didn’t tell him…” Hana looks at you with sincerity before turning to Daehyun who still is rubbing his ribs. “He just doesn’t want to say he reads it himself!” Youngjae squeals, hitting both of his friend shoulders excitedly.
“HEY! Nonononononono- It’s because of that dance practice after care one!” He pushes Youngjae back.
“My Show Me Everything smut?” You crinkle your nose at the thought of your friends enjoying your erotic stories. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been doing this, you can’t help but still find it a bit cringe-worthy.
“Yes, Hana made me read that one! It all started because she really wanted to try som-”
“SHUT UP!” Everybody in the kitchen stops to look at Hana when she screams. Even Youngjae doesn’t dare to push his curiosity further when he sees the cute girl with her face covered by her hands. The tips of her ears are bright red and she slaps her husband’s hand away when he reaches for her cheek
“Glad to know you read me Dae” You poke his arm teasingly and he grimaces. “But don’t overshare or I’ll use it and-”
“You’ll what?” Youngjae cuts you off, onto something. “Name a sex beast character after him?” While both Daehyun and he burst out laughing, Hana risks looking up at you to see your reaction.
“Sex beast?!” You roll your eyes dramatically. “Are you sure you read that story, there’s no sex!”
“Yet… No sex yet!” Everybody freezes when Yongguk makes his entrance, an amused smirk on his lips. “Can I talk to you, outside?” Here it comes; the moment you were dreading all night. He tilts his head to the side, curious when you say nothing back. It’s Youngjae who wakes you up from your daze with his usual teasing.
“ARRR!” He grunts, offering you all his best pirate impression and Daehyun laughs loudly, encouraging him. “Fancy a glass of grog tonigh’ Cap’n?” Shoving past them, you grab Yongguk’s sleeve to get away. You hear him laugh too when Daehyun yells “YO HO HO!” as you pass by, but you ignore them.
Zelo, who’s in deep conversation with a girl in a corner, catches your gaze as you exit the room. He winks your way and raises his index finger in front of him, curving it like a hook. Great, everybody’s in on it!
Yongguk leads you down the corridor to one of the bedrooms that’s left empty by the guests of Daehyun and Hana’s housewarming party. Not only is the newlyweds’ apartment in his building, it’s also the exact same disposition as his place. He pauses to see you’re following him before going inside the darkened room. None of you turns the light on, so the room stays dim lit, most of the lighting coming in through the cracked open door. You’re growing even more anxious. Earlier, he didn’t seem angry or annoyed, but he avoided you all night too and he never acted like that before.
“So…” You breathe out because he’s staring at you in silence and it’s very intimidating.  “What do you want to talk about?”
“That kiss!” He sounds still amused by all this and you frown, uncertain. You assumed he would want to discuss the name of the main character, his name, not the storyline.
“What about it? That is a love story, Yongguk… Haven’t you read the preface?”
“You made our characters kiss…” Ignoring your question, he takes a step closer and you back up against a wall, feeling trapped.
“I already told you…” Somehow, you’re troubled by his demeanour. He always had moments like this; ones where you were absolutely unable to tell what he was thinking, but it’s been a long time. “That pirate. Is. Not. You…” He scoffs at this and you feel his breath on your face. He’s way too close, what is he doing?
“Or so you keep claiming, but you named him after me.” Yongguk brings his hand above your head, towering over you. “So tell me, again. Tell me you weren’t thinking of me, at all, when you wrote that.”
“Wow, you’re so full of yourself!” He smirks at this, you sound less than convincing and he knows it very well. “What are you doing? We aren’t kids anymore…”
“I want to know what happens next…” He ignores you again and your breath hitches when he licks his lips, gazing down at you through his lashes.
“A-are you into spoilers, Bang?”
“Yes…” He gulps, getting closer. Suddenly, you flashback to those drunk nights out in college, those very dark alleys… “Will you humour me?” You don’t know when it happened, but his other hand is now rubbing small circles down your lower back. Just like you wrote, just like you imagined he would do; you close your eyes, knowing what comes next. His lips are soft and warm on yours, nothing but a delicate touch. It’s just the same as when you were young, the calm before… Something entirely different…
“Are you drunk?” You pull back, worried of letting it go too far and his eyes widen in surprise, shining in the darkness.
“Do you think I have to be drunk to kiss you?” You nod and he shakes his head, annoyed. “I didn’t get a single drink tonight, you were in the kitchen. I couldn’t possibly go there without seeing you, without wanting to…” He brings his fingers under your chin, softly pecking your lips again. “That.” He smiles his usual smile, the one you used to believe was full of shyness when in fact it’s just pure sincerity. “I can’t stop thinking about that, you shouldn’t be allowed to write things like this.”
It’s your turn to ignore him, you pull on his collar, lowering him to kiss you again. After all, you wrote about that scene and couldn’t stop thinking about it either. That new kiss isn’t soft like the other ones. He opens your mouth and pushes himself inside, exploring with his tongue and you grip his hair to keep him close. Yongguk traps your body against the wall, pressing himself on you. You toy with his lips, sucking and nibbling, making him grunt in your mouth. His hands roam your body, riding up your dress to give himself access to your ass. This is new, you think, this is great; he never did that before. You moan loudly when his hands massage your thighs, climbing up and he chuckles, pleased. You both want it and need this, you roll your exposed hips and Yongguk moans.
“-and this room is the guest bedroom and my own personal stud- OH SHIT!” It’s like time is frozen when Daehyun flicks the light open. You and Yongguk both stop and tear apart, but it’s clear the intruders had a great view of your body. You’re eyes meet Jongup’s, who’s accompanying Dae, and he turns away, burning red.
“Gentlemen…” Yongguk grabs your hand, leaving the room with a nod when you pass the boys. “Sorry, we’re leaving so soon!” He drags you along towards the front door and you follow, too happy to care about what your friends are thinking.
Somewhere down the corridor, Youngjae stretches his neck to see what the commotion is: “I KNEW IT!” He screams, earning himself a slap across the chest from Hana.
Yongguk’s place is two floors lower, that’s where he takes you. When you make it, his hands immediately continue their exploration. He guides you to his room, not slowing down a bit when you begin to speak
“It’s funny, earlier, you just said you wanted to talk.” You turn to face him, pecking down his neck and trying to tug his shirt above his head. “I love how you talk about things.”
“You know I’m not a big talker.” He chuckles, helping you with his shirt and immediately attacking his belt to get rid of his pants. ”Tell me what happens in the next chapter, we can discuss things even more.” You sit down on his bed, not sure what he means.
“What? My story?”
“Yes…” He sits next to you, half-naked, sliding his hand in your lower back to rub small circles again. “What do they do after that kiss? After she asks the Captain to stay, I want to know about that.”
“Spoilers?” You gulp nervously. You’re so comfortable with Yongguk, that you haven’t thought twice about what is happening between you, yet. You have no idea where the story is going. “I don’t know, it’s not written yet…”
“Do you want me to tell you then?” He pushes you on the bed and climbs over, eyes beaming. “He could tell her about how he has been wanting her ever since they first met…”  Yongguk begins to suck your right earlobe and hums against your skin. You feel him getting hard on your leg and he presses on you, grinding almost subconsciously. “Forget that! Even before their first meeting; he was missing her. He could say he wants to give himself to her, ask if she’s willing to be his everything.” He pauses, hesitating. “Say he wants to fall asleep next to her every night…” Your heartbeat dangerously accelerates at his words you bite your lips to stay calm.
“Guk?” He grunts in response. “Nobody wants to read about that kind of sickeningly sweet romance…” He sits back between your legs, a mysterious look on his face.
“What’s wrong about fluff?” You shrug, too busy admiring his torso instead of actually thinking of an answer. “Well, then I have a few other ideas that could help you…” He rolls up your dress up until your panties are exposed, throwing it over your shoulders. You raise your eyes to meet his again, now he’s got your full attention. “I bet the pirate likes it hard, don’t you think so?” Your eyes widen and he slides a hand to your panties, his thumb brushing over the wetness of your already apparent arousal. He chuckles, tilting his head to the side. “Or is he into teasing?” He presses harder, rubbing the soft fabric and you curl, craving fiction.
“Guk… N-no teasing…” He takes his hand off, licking his lips with a skeptic look.
“I’m pretty sure that’s what the next chapter is all about, though…” You lift yourself on your elbows to protest, but your words turn into moans when he resumes his misdemeanours. Yongguk hooks his fingers to your panties, sliding them off your legs. You try to cover yourself, embarrassed, but he grabs your hands, holding onto to them as he drops kisses on the inside of your thighs. “You say you don’t want to be teased, but you’ve been tormenting me for way longer… I think it’s just fair game. ” He freezes, inches away from your core to stare at you and you sigh deeply, head hanging low, defeated. He blows on your core and you wiggle, miffed. He can’t help but laugh at your evident frustration.
“For fuck sake’s Yongguk, I already capitulated!”
“Did you?” He quirks a questioning brow, his voice is even lower than usual, sinful.
“I do now! Stop teasing!”
“I haven’t done anything yet! Besides, haven’t you heard my policy?” You sigh, irritated and bite your lips to keep from answering something you’d regret. Yongguk gently bites the interior of your leg to make you squeal cutely. You raise again on your elbows to glare at him. “No quarter!”
That’s the moment he chooses to give in to you when you’re busy laughing at his bad pirate joke, that’s when he leans in to finally taste you. Yongguk runs his tongue on your slit. He goes slowly at first, although he knows you’re more than ready; he wants to savour the moment. He wishes this to be the first time of many more, so it should be right. He flattens his tongue, running it everywhere on your folds. Your hands grip his hair tightly, intertwining your fingers with his curls messily, but none of you care. Your moans get louder and louder as he goes. When he sucks on your clit, you can’t help but grind on him in ecstasy. He lets you do it, pleased he has this effect on you. He wants to make you come like this, know what you feel like when you orgasm, delight at your everything in his mouth, but you pull him higher.
“G-Guk” You peck his lips, tasting yourself on them. “Just…”
“You want me inside you?” You nod and sigh, a bit overwhelmed. He reaches in his nightstand for protection and you stare at the ceiling of his room. You and Yongguk. Yongguk and you. In more ways than one, it makes perfect sense. You sit and wrap your arms around his shoulders, resting your head in the crook of his neck.
“What is it?” He turns to you, concerned, and pushes a strand of your messy hair behind your ear.
“Nothing… I’m just-”
“A bit nervous?” You bite your lips and nod, making him chuckle knowingly. It’s not fair how he can guess you so well when you can’t figure out what’s on his mind half of the time. “We can wait if you want t-”
“Oh hell no!” You bite on his shoulder in frustration and he laughs. “I’m not waiting for anything any longer Bang Yongguk!”
“Then do you want my answer now?” He raises an eyebrow and you immediately know he’s being a little tease again, but you just have to ask.
“What answer?”
“The why-you-should-trust-me one.”
“I trust you.” He smiles at your instant reply.
“I know, but I never told you what answer I came up with…” You blink, waiting for him to go on. “I like you. Trust me, because I like you and I’ll never deceive you. I’ve been liking you since the second you were an ass to me in that coffee shop.”
“That’s a weird way to fall for someone!” You bury your face in his neck, embarrassed. “You’re so cheesy, why are you telling this to me now?”
“I thought your story was lacking…” You scoff and roll your eyes. “I think my character needs to come up with an answer, you know, to bring a culmination point to their romantic story.” Slyly, you slide your fingers to his length, grabbing him in your hand.
“Isn’t this a good enough conclusion? Closure of some sort?” You stroke him and he drops his head back on your shoulder, melting.
“That’s not romance-” He grunts, getting lost in your touch. “That’s just development, a twist…” You nibble on his ear, toying with his cock and rubbing his tip. “It needs an end, sex isn’t completion…”
“No? So we need a denouement right, Mr. Writer?” He grunts approving and you smirk. “Then can you come over here?” He whines, needy when your hands ghost him and watches as you move to straddle him.
“You want to ride me?” Yongguk helps you get on him, strong arms catching your thighs.
“You said we needed a climax, Mr. Writer…” You lower your hips to meet his, languidly, taking him inside you and he grunts in response.
“Oh shit.” You bob on him, keeping a slow pace and his hands find your boobs. “I have to say-” He inhales, sharply, throwing his head back. “-I, um- Love your work ethics!”
“Yongguk…”You smirk, grinding harder and digging your fingernails in his shoulders. “Will you just shut up already?”
He nods in approval and brings his forehead against yours to gaze at you. His eyes are full of lust and softness and you stare back at him,  forgetting everything about being embarrassed at his scrutiny. Your pants fill the room and before your thighs tired, Yongguk flips you both, to sink deeper into you. He drops his head in your neck, burying himself into your core relentlessly. You feel the apex of sensations come closer again, only this time you don’t stop it, you wait for it to wash over you. The knot in your stomach tightens, building up and all at once, you can’t hold it anymore. You let loose, reaching a new peak of pure delight. Your orgasm washes over you through waves of bliss and Yongguk comes soon after, feeling your spasms around him.
After you’re both done, he falls on the bed. He wraps your shoulder in his strong arms and pulls you against his chest. You’re still lost in contentment when he chuckles lightly, not able to conceal his happiness.
“What?” You snuggle closer, curious and brush your nose against his jaw.
“I wonder what the guests upstairs are talking about…”
“Oh god…” You grimace, finally remembering you’re exposure from earlier tonight. “We’ll never hear the end of this, right? Not in a million years…”
He shakes his head, still laughing, not caring at all what everybody thinks of this.
Raising your eyes above your laptop, you catch Yongguk walking through the living room. “What the hell are you doing?”
“What?” He throws his hands to the sides, an innocent look plastered on his perfect face. “I’m just gonna go grab a glass of water” You wave a hand his way for him to get out and lean back again on the couch.
This chapter, the finale, needs to go up tonight. It’s your deadline; chapter 20. Well, it could be up tomorrow but Daehyun might come bursting through the front door, freaking out because of the wait. Afterall, he knows where you live. You take a deep breath and rub your temples, tired. When you open your eyes, your boyfriend’s strolling through the room again, humming the melody he’s currently working on.
“Hum? Mind you? You’re distracting me…”
“I forgot to bring the cookies…” He shrugs and you giggle as he leaves.
You try to write for several more minutes, erasing words and going back to change a sentence. The pirate’s bride needs to defeat the traitor and free the Captain, but somehow it isn’t working as it should. You sigh and surely enough, Yongguk appears out of his studio’s door. He just can’t help bothering you today.
“Are you done?”
“Do I sound like I’m done, Guk?” You throw your hands to the sides, exasperated and he grimaces. “Are you done?”
“No, I’m hitting a dry spot…” He takes a step into the living room, studying your reaction to see if he’s in enemy territory.
“I really really need to write this, I can’t talk right now!” You warn him, but he gets closer, a look you know too well on his face. He stops in front of you, lowering just enough to brush your lips with his. He smiles when he feels you’re giving in, slightly opening your mouth, inviting. “We need to work…”
“I know, let’s do a quicky then!” Without warning, he shoves his t-shirt above his head, revealing his chocolate abs.
“Yongguk…” He throws your own shirt across the room, leaving you topless on the couch. He smirks proudly at the sight and kisses you again, this time deeply.
“Let’s be clear…” He pulls back, suddenly serious. “This is purely professional. I’m just doing this for you. I’m sacrificing myself right now!”
“What?” You frown and he nods with all his fake conviction.
“Everybody knows I’m your muse… I’m just doing this to help you with the story, you know; for inspiration.”
“Wow, that’s dedication! Come here Bang, I need insight right now…” You tug his sweatpants down, grinning playfully. “And I need it fast and good!”
“Please… Call me Captain.” He laughs, ignoring your warning glare.
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M A S T E R L I S T 
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thecuriouscrusader · 7 years
A Brother’s Love
Characters: Castiel & Jimmy Novak Word Count: 1327
Prompt: "I want to be like everyone else." 
Tags: Sibling Relationship, Cas & Jimmy Are Twins, Mentions of Mental Illness, Psychiatric Hospital, Self-Inflicted 3rd Degree Burns, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Canon Divergence, Mentioned Claire, Mentioned Jimmy/Amelia
Summary: Castiel visits Jimmy at the psychiatric hospital. Cas wishes that he could help his brother, and that wish comes true.
A/N: Written for @winchestersgirl-67′s 1500 followers celebration; congrats my dear! As usual thank you to @mrsgabrieltrickster for betaing, she also released the plot bunnies so this fic may be continued at a later date ;)
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Jimmy sat alone in the corner of the 'social' room, but there was nothing really social about it. A lot of the other people there could not speak, bless their souls, and a lot of them did not have much choice but to live in their own little worlds. 
"Jimmy?" The nurse calling his name broke him out of his quiet contemplation. "Your brother is here." 
Jimmy stood from his chair and found his twin, Castiel, standing next to the nurse. He was smiling nervously.
"Hello, Jimmy." 
"Little brother" Jimmy grinned. "Is it really Friday already?" 
"Yes" Castiel replied with a furrowed brow. Jimmy did not understand why he was so perturbed; it was easy to lose track of the days in a place like this where it did not matter. 
"Come and sit with me" Jimmy said as he took Castiel's hand and led him over to the chairs. "Tell me about your week" he said eagerly as they sat. 
"Well, I haven't really done much except work. And I visited Amelia and Claire." 
"How are they?" Jimmy asked as he desperately clung to Castiel's hand. 
"They're...fine" Castiel said a little uncertainly, but then he huffed with amusement. "Actually Claire has been grounded for a week. She tried to escape the house in the middle of the night." 
"Really?" Jimmy asked. He tried his best to fight off the smile twitching at his lips because he knew it was serious, but that was his brave and daring daughter and he could not be more proud of her. "Where was she trying to get to? Not off with a boy I hope." 
"You" Castiel replied quietly. 
Jimmy's smile faded. Although he was glad to know that Claire still wanted to see him it was not right that his own daughter should have to resort to sneaking out of the house to do so. 
"I tried to convince Amelia to let Claire see you and that I would bring her" Castiel blurted. He really did not want Jimmy to be upset but that was inevitable given the circumstances. "I'm sorry" Castiel mumbled.
"Nonsense. It isn't your fault" Jimmy said with a forced smile. He squeezed his brother's hand to reassure him before sitting back in the chair. 
"Perhaps I could bring Claire anyway?" Castiel said. "Pick her up after school-" 
"Castiel, you're far too kind to do something like that behind Amelia's back" Jimmy claimed. "And I admire that about you. Besides, I don't think we should do anything to worry her further or else I'll never see Claire again" he half-joked. 
Castiel did not pick up on it though. He bowed his head as if he was filled with shame. 
"I'm so sorry" he murmured. His hands were trembling in his lap and Jimmy did not miss the tear which dripped from his cheek.
"Oh, Cas..." Jimmy sighed. He moved to sit on the arm of Castiel's chair and pulled his brother against his chest. "There's nothing to be upset about."
"I feel like I've failed you" Castiel sniffed. "You always looked after me when we were children, but now I can't do the same for you."
"Hey, no. Look at me" Jimmy said sternly as he lifted Castiel's head. "You have not failed me. You've always supported me Cas, and you're the only one who doesn't think that I'm bat crap crazy." 
"You aren't" Castiel stated.
Jimmy sighed. "Cas, my arm doesn't look like this for nothing" he said as he pulled up his sleeve and brandished his scarred arm which would forever look pink and raw no matter how many skin grafts he got. "A voice I thought I heard on the radio told me to stick my hand in a pot of boiling water and now it's damaged beyond repair. Hurting myself because I believe that some higher power willed it was bad enough, but if I start to hurt other people-"
"You won't!” Castiel exclaimed. "Jimmy, you couldn't-"
"Really? Because I'm pretty sure I've already hurt Amelia and Claire" Jimmy said. "Last time I saw them they were pretty damn terrified of me." 
"I just..." Castiel trailed off and tried to hold himself back from crying again. "I want you to come home."
"And you think I don't?" Jimmy said a little heatedly. "I want to be like everyone else, Cas, okay? I really do. I want to be sleeping in my own bed, waking up next to my wife every morning and taking my daughter to school, but I can't. I want to go to work. I want to feel sane. I want to live without these voices in my head ordering me about and telling me I'm meant for more. I never thought I was so self-obsessed that I'd suffer from delusions of grandeur."
"Jimmy, it's not caused by self-obsession. You've been selfless all your life" Castiel insisted. 
"Right, I'm schizophrenic, depressed, whatever" Jimmy said dismissively. "Perhaps I'm better off here anyway. Amelia won't let me come home, and I'm certain that I don't have a job anymore."
"You know that you'll always have a home with me" Castiel implored. "And Amelia will come around when she sees how much progress you've made." 
Jimmy huffed. "That's just the problem. Whenever I think I'm making progress the radio starts screeching at me again. The seizures floor me." 
"Well...I know it's not encouraged for me to say this, but perhaps an angel is speaking to you" Castiel said. "If angels don't really exist then who am I supposed to be named after?" 
Jimmy smiled then; he believed that his twin was just humouring him but he greatly appreciated it.
"Thank you, Cas, for never losing faith in me" he said. He kissed the top of his brother's head. "Love you." 
"Love you too" Castiel mumbled as he buried his face in Jimmy's chest and hugged him tight. 
They remained like that until the nurse said visiting hours were over and Castiel had to go. It broke Castiel's heart every time he had to leave Jimmy there. 
"I'm sorry that you have ended up comforting me" Castiel said as he wiped his eyes. 
"Well I'm your big brother" Jimmy said. "That's what I do."
Castiel rolled his eyes. "You are not my big brother."
"I was born first!" 
They both laughed. They had had that argument many times and it was comforting; like for a second nothing had changed.
"I'll see you next week" Castiel said. He kissed Jimmy's cheek and left.
Jimmy waved his brother off and then retreated to his small dark bedroom. He prayed for Claire, Amelia, and Castiel before getting into bed. 
For once, things were quiet. 
The first thing Castiel did when he got home was kneel down in front of his bed. His bowed his head and clasped his hands together; they were shaking with desperation.
"Please, if you are out there then please don't torture my brother anymore" his voice quivered with emotion. "He has a wife and a daughter who need him. He has done nothing but good all his life. I know you think you are helping him, but all he is doing is hurting. I would do anything for him! It would only be a small part of what I owe him. I don't have any of the responsibility that he does! Please let me take his burden." 
The television switched on. The static was loud and the screen was glaring, but Castiel was transfixed. He crawled on his knees towards the set and listened to every shrieking sound that it made. 
He stopped just inches away and for a few moments things were silent. 
"Yes" he whispered. 
There was a bright flash, and Castiel blacked out. 
When Jimmy woke up the next morning he got out of bed and stretched as he looked out of the widow. The sleeve of his gown fell down. 
He saw it in the reflection. His breath caught and his eyes widened with shock.
The burns on his arm were gone.
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eloarei · 7 years
Tagged by @chocochipbiscuit to post my current WIPs. Thanks, Choco! (lol this is going to be self-indulgent and painful XD;)  (As with Choco, I also have more bits and blobs and ideas than I know what to do with, but I’ll focus on the ones that have a remote chance of ever getting finished.)  Active WIPS (I have at least opened the document in the past month and I honestly intend to finish them this year.)  In order of recently modified: OP CM BB -- "One Piece, Cobymeppo, Beauty&Beast" I mean, it's kind of what it says on the tin: it's vaguely a Beauty and the Beast AU. (Factoid: this is at least the 3rd or 4th fanfic I've written based on friggin' B&B. It's my favorite fairytale and I'm weak.) Currently at 12.5k (when did that happen?!) out of, I dunno, 18k? I honestly never intended to write this. It just sort of happened-- and kept happening, which is the weird part. I'm liking it though. Factoid #2: there are a lot of dogs in this fic. JD LLW -- "Jak and Daxter, Love Like Winter" 100% inspired by the AFI song, I won't lie. I've been meaning to write this for at least 7 years. I have a lot of thoughts and headcanons about the Jak and Daxter series, and this incorporates my hardcore favorite: Daxter is a Precursor. It also uses a couple tropes I love: reincarnation cycles, and fated lovers. As with any song, I can't say what it's actually supposed to be about, but I always heard it as the story of, well, reincarnation and fated lovers. "I met my love before I was born", and then switching between he, she, and then back to he. The story became very vibrant in my head! And this format especially allows me the opportunity to explore Jak/Keira as well as Jak/Daxter, because while I'm not a huge fan of Jak/Keira, I don't like just ignoring canon if I can avoid it. Currently at 7k out of... maybe 20k? It was supposed to be a lot shorter, but I'm only on chapter 1 out of 3, so less than 15k is probably not happening. Factoid: I think a lot of people only know this series second-hand, so I feel the need to mention that Daxter does, in fact, have a human form. XD FO4NV -- "Fallout 4, Nick Valentine" A very creative document name! XD; The story will probably eventually be titled "Same Heart" unless I come up with something better. It's a Fallout4 AU(ish) centering around Nick having been recaptured by the Institute, getting a memory wipe, and then living there during the years when Shaun is being raised there. Eventually, he and kid-Shaun break out to explore the Commonwealth and try to find Shaun's parents. I swear it'll be a Nick/Nora story if I ever friggin' get to that part, but right now it's mostly a Nick&Shaun story. Currently at 30k out of, I dunno, 70k to 100k? It's on chapter 7 out of 17, I think. I have this one planned out pretty well chapter-by-chapter, so of all my fics it has the best chance of actually happening. (Aside from the length, which sort of counts against it. It was supposed to be shorter, but I apparently couldn't shut up.) I'm thinking about focusing on this one for my NaNoWriMo, since it has about 50k left to it. Factoid: I get more emotional about parental relationships than I do about romantic ones, despite the fact that I LOVE romance. Stories I write about parent-child relationships always end up being my favorite. BttF On Track -- "Back to the Future, On Track" The only one I've actually started posting. I feel bad because I meant to continue writing this through December and January, but I got lazy and distracted, so it didn't happen. The season is just about right to jump back into it though (Fall is a more BttF season for me), so I HOPE to finish it this year. Currently at 18k (holy shit, seriously?) out of probably 30k. Chapter 3 (out of 6 well-planned chapters) is aaalmost done, but I might have to go reread some of IrisBleuFics stuff to get back into the mood of it. (Or maybe Rae's or Edgebug's.) Factoid (actually a question) : does anyone else have seasonal fandoms? Inactive WIPs (there are lots of these, so I'll put them under a cut for you. Still, these are only the ones I’ve worked on in the past year. Again, from most- to least-recent.) 
HP GOtG -- A silly Harry Potter/Guardians of the Galaxy fic I have like a page of. I was mentally explaining the concept of fanfic to someone and this... happened.
HPCM Ways to Live -- Another One Piece Cobymeppo fic, and AU (or UA) about if Luffy had never met Coby in ep.1 and skipped right over to kick Morgan's ass in Shells Town. tldr Coby and Helmeppo become pirates.
FFXV parents AU -- I was REALLY into this one for a while, got a couple thousand words and a good plot outline on it. It's Final Fantasy 15 AU (or, as usual, a UA) in which Noctis is only a baby when the empire attacks, and teenage Ignis and Gladio have to run away with him, and end up raising him on their own. I 100% intend to finish this one, but it's not top priority at the moment.
A modern prometheus -- A magical-world retelling of Frankenstein. Probably gay.
FO4 WFM-- "Fallout 4, Waiting for magic" On the day the bombs drop, Nora's husband is still at war, while she's several months pregnant and working on her legal cases from home. Her friend Nick Valentine has come to give her some documents and check on her when they're suddenly ushered into the vault and frozen. AKA the romantic adventures of Nick and a heavily pregnant Nora out in the Commonwealth. (Inspired by an Ace of Bass song)
Fo4 Sky-- "Fallout 4, Skyrim" Basically a riff off the previous story, but not the same at all, somehow. Set in Skyrim, Nora is essentially sleeping beauty. Wait. Snow white? Er, yeah. Magically frozen in a coffin, yeah. 
MEA Avi -- "Mass Effect Andromeda, Avi: a sci-fi ghost story" REALLY thought I was gonna finish this one, but I got distracted from MEA altogether. The story of Avitus Rix and his SAM unit, which has begun to think it is the late Macen Barro, its previous owner/partner, and Avitus' longtime boyfriend. Still can't decide how sad I want it, but it'll be pretty gloomy even if I go with a happy ending.
DCo side story AU -- A modern mini-fic about my DamselCo characters going on a double date, except Addisson and Hunter are both late so it's just Ellery and Isabelle being kind of awkward.
FFXV Dear Fellow Traveler -- AU, Prompto was raised in Niflheim and meets Noctis and the others on their (very long, winding) trip to Noct's engagement. Promptis, no war.
FFXV mermaid AU -- More Promptis. Noctis fishes up mer-person Prompto. They have adventures. Ignis has to go looking for Noctis later and meets mer-person Gladio.
OW Sagittarius  -- Eheh, posted the first chapter of this in January and then just gave up. XD;;;; I feel so bad. An Overwatch teenage McHanzo AU, where Jesse is a centaur sold into slavery to the yakuza. Trained by the Shimada clan, he falls in love with the heir, Hanzo, who then helps him escape. Many years later, they meet again in Overwatch. I have a GOOD plot outline for this, so I really have no excuse for not finishing it. It's on the to-do list after the first few.
FFXV Firstborn son -- Question: is a person still consider a trans-person if they're born female, but both raised as and identify as male (because patriarchal bullshit)? If so: trans-Noctis, Promptis fic.
FFXV Mirror Sword Shield -- Yet another FFXV AU, obviously inspired by that one Coldplay song that I love. Hundreds of years ago, Noctis defeated the darkness, but was sealed away inside the crystal, only to return when he needed to do it again. Prompto, Ignis, and Gladio have trained as his guardians all their lives, for the slim chance that he does return. (I really like this idea, but if I write this one, it'll only be after I finish the other FFXV fics.)
OW BB -- Guess what? Another "Beauty and the Beast" fic, Overwatch flavored. Except it's really more like, "the beast and also another beast". McHanzo, of course, featuring a snarky dragon spirit that constantly taunts Hanzo about his guilt.
BttF Ashes -- Hot damn I gotta write this fic some day. I have a GREAT plot outline for it, following a chiptune song called Ashes. I love it, it makes me cry. It's a Back to the Future AU, about Doc dying when his house burns down. Years later, ghost-Doc teams up with Marty to finish the time machine, and then (spoiler alert) Marty goes back in time and saves Doc, pulling his corporeal self into the future ala The Mediator and they live happily ever after the end. XD
PacRim Redefined -- Another one I feel bad about, because I have posted most of what I have written, but I don't know if I'll ever finish it. It's a far-future semi-AU about Newt and Hermann. TBH it's one of my favorite fics I've ever written, but I'm a loser and can never finish anything. Hopefully next year??? I've got much of a plot outline, so.
Bttf Dino prompt -- Braincoins prompted me last year to write a fic about Marty and a dinosaur, and I started to! But then I had no idea where I was going with it, so I stopped a few pages in. ^^; I'd like to figure out an ending to it that isn't both boring and bleak.
Bttf Solving for X -- A series of short AUs about if either Doc or Marty (or both) were women. I'd like to maybe work on this one again sometime.
HxH AU Laughter Lines -- A Hunter x Hunter fic that makes me cry when I think about it XDXDXD Based on the Bastille song of the same name, it's an AU in which Gon is like... a tree nymph. A little hard to explain, it's a sad little Killugon fic, and it should be pretty short, so I ought to just sit down and write it one day.
BttF Thirst for Romance -- I love this idea! Why haven't I written it?! In his 30's or 40's, Marty is a nurse at a convalescent home/ hospice, where he meets Doc, who loves to tell wild stories. He tells Marty stories about adventures that the two of them had in the 80's and with time travel. Everyone assumes Doc is just very creative and lonely, and they love his stories. He and Marty become close, and when Doc passes away, he leaves his meager possessions to Marty, including a mysterious set of keys which unlock his old garage, and a strange old car inside... (Really want to write this one eventually!) (Based on the song of the same name.)
BttF Hell Valley -- A sad AU, taking place in the Hell Valley timeline from movie 2. Marty has run away from his abusive step-dad and finds himself living in Doc's garage. They're just two broken people trying to get by. Marty wants Doc to run away with him, someplace far away, but Doc has a better idea, if he can get it to work. (Inspired by the song Fast Car, the sad-sounding Jonas Blue version. "You got a fast car. Is it fast enough so we could fly away?")
BttF SG fusion -- and last and possibly least, yet another BttF AU, but a fusion with Steins;Gate, because time travel is not complicated ENOUGH, I have to make it WORSE. In this story, Marty is raised in the dystopian future with the goal of going back to the past to kill Doc Brown before he can create time travel. I liked the idea a lot, but to be honest I think I even confused myself with it. I'd sort of like to keep writing it, but it'll take a lot more effort than I can foresee me wanting to put in any time soon. Tagging: (if I can remember which of my friends write) um... @braincoins, @nomadsky, and, uh... I know that more of you are writers, so just... take it and pretend I tagged you! 
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thezolblade · 7 years
Fanfic ask game~ C, F, G, and V. If that's not too much :')
Okay let’s try these for some of the fandoms we have in common, though not all apply to each letter.
C: What member do you identify with most?
- FF7
I was going to say that I don’t particularly identify with any of the cast, beyond feeling for them as the story plays out. But then I remembered, omg Shera. It was obvious from the start that she did her job and saved Cid’s life, but he gaslighted her for not telling him what he wanted to hear, and only realised that she was right after bullying her for years? Wtf Cid, go die in a fire if that’s what you really want. It left me thinking “…And…? Will Shera be okay? Will she finally leave and get on with her life?”
I don’t care what Cid named after her in AC, I want to know if she recovered her self-esteem & career & personal life. If you have a techy skill, and people who don’t know better try to undermine you, that can be such a tough situation to handle… Years of it would be horrifying.
- Revolutionary Girl Utena
Anthy most of all, I think. Not the drama and trauma at the end, but the solitude she maintains when it’s not yet clear why. The show did a good job of showing that school can be hell for a lot of people, for all kinds of reasons. And damn, it was painful seeing Anthy spending so much time alone, offering everyone a false smile, avoiding the crowds because they really weren’t going to do her any favours. It got frustrating in the early episodes, seeing Utena push her into things when she’d said she didn’t want to about as clearly as she was ever going to. And it was pretty gratifying to see Utena apologising for that at the end.
I mean it was also relatableto see Utena trying to do the right thing, and getting frustrated at the world when it was never easy. I’m still impressed that they managed to demonstrate so much emotional realism in the conclusion, at least as far as you can extrapolate reality for magical near-immortals or whatever they are. With the show being heavily metaphorical, and ending with everyone trying to take the same journey in the movie, it seems like Anthy’s struggles were meant to have universal elements - showing how you can self-sabotage by hurting others, and hurt yourself by telling others what they want to hear. How you need to be able to imagine better options before you can walk away.
- Golden Sun
Uh, Alex, somehow. He’s an embarrassing mess, he makes so many bad decisions which are all ‘wft are you doing?’, and Dark Dawn got into near-wallbanger territory where I was disgusted with both him and the game, bc the gratuitous damage seemed pointless and inconsistent from a gameplay perspective, and so far across the line from a characterisation perspective that it’s really hard to see why Kraden was programmed to say that Alex may have been 'helping in his own way’ or something like that. But in the first two games, at least, there was some complexity to his attitude. (And bits like that of the 3rd one indicated that the canon may still have been trying for nuance, only pretty poorly executed. #.# )
Still, gotta admit by now that judging from the amount of meta and fic I keep writing from his pov, something about his thought process is relatableenough that you can see why he’d think what he thinks, even if he’s wrong. When he actually provides factual information, it tends to be correct. He uses relatively inarguable facts to try to influence people, and the trolling is kinda unrelated. The manipulation isn’t emotional “Leave or I’ll be disappointed in you for picking this fight” - it’s attempted-impartial “Don’t pick this fight because your opponent(s) are too strong / your parents won’t be released unless you keep your side of the deal with those people.” Plus a side of “Lol you think I’m trash don’t you?”, demonstrating that he’s not trying to use a personal connection as leverage bc he’s burning those bridges, and still somehow expecting people to listen. ’I’m not on your side! But you should take my advice!’ Embarrassing mess…
And yet the others sometimes come across as relatively young and distracted by comparison, making assumptions about the world that he wouldn’t, and arguing over petty details. What is the point of panicking over things you can’t change?
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Oh I like so much dialogue, tough choice. Uh well this probably isn’t the best scene, the oldest oldfic is still a messy WIP and I can tell it’d need a lot of work to match the newer stuff, and even to get it finished as what I originally envisioned I need to schedule a whole lot of time to work on it. But I want to, because I still love it, and since I haven’t managed to communicate the whole story yet to its readers, it feels like a self-indulgent choice. I’m pretty attached to the parts where Alex and Isaac get incredibly annoyed at each other, making the situation worse even while trying to work together, though they can’t each recognize genuine effort in the other - for a variety of reasons by this point.
“I… am sick of receiving derogatory communications from the aether, the last one wasn’t nearly as offensive, it wasn’t even real, - ”
“Wait, it’s… What?” Isaac was having trouble making sense of this. “Have you been getting obscene messages from the gods?”
“Can’t you go five minutes without bringing the gods into this?” Alex snapped, looking down again, seizing the chance to change the subject. “We are the ones with infinite potential!”
“Yes… but…”
“And you are the one capable of taking the rest…” It was only after Alex added this that Isaac realised he’d meant the two of them, not humanity in general. For a moment, he’d thought they were of the same opinion there.
“But is it… really…?” Isaac gestured at the paper, wondering how its message could be so irrelevant to Sheba’s fate. If it wasn’t about Sheba, what use was it?
“If you do not intend to believe anything you hear from me, why tell me to speak?”
“No, it’s… uh, don’t worry. I’ll take your word for it, for now.” Isaac smiled, realizing that 'don’t worry’ was slightly inadequate even as he said it. “We have to make sure it comes into existence the way it’s supposed to. First things first. We’d better head upstairs and tell the others the plan.”
“Bring them to me.” Alex could see that Isaac didn’t understand why he would request this. Shouldn’t it be obvious? Why would he want to go back to them, to approach them entirely on their terms? “Whoever would be involved, bring them here.”
“If it happened upstairs, you should probably try it there.”
“Do you think I still need higher ground?” Alex asked quietly, his voice barely audible over the noise of the water behind him - boiling water flowing from the cold tap.
G: Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
Often from start to finish in as few sessions as possible, though if it’s long enough to take more than a few days, I end up jotting down dialogue notes, and then trying to put the notes in order, which gets more fiddly the more there are. The multichapter longfic get big chunks written out of sequence, which sometimes makes it easier to fill in the gaps by joining the dots, and sometimes leaves me blocked on how to tackle the parts in between.
V: If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
Not sure I could choose anything; other people’s stories are their ideas, and I generally want to hear more from the authors because they’re not the kind of stories I’d have intuitively come up with. Reading fic does tend to spark plotbunnies, but more those that place a headcanon in its own verse showing how else it could play out - different characterisation even if I’m adopting a headcanon I like. Back when I read more fic, I used to get the urge to play with the more macguffiny plot elements of things too, but never got to the point where I had a divergent fan-fan-fic that I could have asked the author about as far as I remember.
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