#I'm sure you can get by only speaking English there as like a tourist
arabian-batboy · 1 year
Cass was a Batman during the Batman Inc period. Black Bat of Hong Kong. (Since when does she speak Cantonese? I wouldn't make a big deal but language difficulty is a disability for her. It fades in and out for the same reasons Babs being paraplegic does.)
I know that Cassandra being sent to Hong Kong was just them temporary shafting her since the plans to turn her into a villain has backfired and they didn't have any plan B ready for her, but I always thought it was hilarious that a girl that can barley speak English alone was sent to govern Hong Kong? If she can barley handle her ABC, what makes you think she can take care of criminals in a place where they mostly speak Cantonese? (especially when we know Bruce, Dick, Damian and Barbara all can already speak Cantonese)
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thebearchives · 2 years
slow days in monaco | PG10
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PAIRING: pierre gasly x single mom!reader
REQUESTED: [] yes [X] no
SYNOPSIS: a slow day in monaco is like a bad omen, or so you were told. what happens when formula 1 drivers pierre gasly and charles leclerc enter the café you work at and spark up a conversation with your son?
WARNINGS: fluff, son has a name (thomas), reader can speak both french and english (translations are included), probably more interactions between pierre and the kid (sorry, not sorry. I'm a sucker for guys interacting with kids)
A/N: hello, hello!! first post alert!!! i hope you guys enjoy what i came up with during my dad!pierre brainrot. please don’t be a ghost reader! i love getting feedback, even if it’s just a small comment :)
( originally, this was supposed to be a series, and i’m more than willing to write more parts to this, but i’m not entirely sure if that’s what people want. that being said, send me a message if you'd like another part and I'll see what i can do! )
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although there never truly was such thing as a slow and quiet day in a coffee shop in monte carlo, the mornings were just a little bit more mellow after the start of the formula 1 summer break. or at least they were to you.
this was your first year working at le pain d'amour, a bakery and coffee shop popular with tourists and natives alike, so you didn’t have much to go off of. you had started working there a couple of months prior to the monaco grand prix, and even three months later, you were still recovering from the weeklong madness. 
long gone were the mornings where you made coffee for f1 enthusiasts and team members alike. now, your mornings were spent serving tourists looking for a good instagram-worthy latte, and suit-clad men complaining about their early mornings and lack of vacation days.
unlike other days, today felt like your longest morning shift yet; halfway into your five-hour shift, with only about five customers sitting inside the cafe. ‘a slow day in monaco is like a bad omen,’ your coworker had said. to you, it just felt like torture.
another hour passed, the five customers long gone, now replaced with three individuals who sat scattered around the shop, all busy with their own devices. the bells above the front door chimed announcing the entrance of two men. with the way the two men loudly chattered in french, you doubted the need for the bells in the first place.
you moved from your spot leaning against the counter to the front cash register. your coworker, michelle, had stepped out not too long ago for her break, leaving the cafe in your very capable hands.
“bonjour! welcome to le pain d'amour, i can take your order whenever you guys are ready!” you channelled your best customer service voice and looked up. the smile you slapped onto your face faltered slightly when you realized the faces of the two men standing across from you.
there in front of you stood f1 drivers, charles leclerc and pierre gasly.
you snapped back into reality when charles opened his mouth, “bonjour! can i just get an iced coffee and a croissant sandwich?”
you nodded as you entered his order into the system, “and for you?”
your question was directed to pierre, who had been gazing at the (h/c)-haired boy sitting on one of the stools near the counter. his head snapped back to you, a smile following as he looked over your head at the menu. a quick apology left his lips as he requested some more time, before opting to get the same as his friend but with a cookie as well.
as you turned to make their orders, telling the men to take a seat wherever and that you would call them up whenever their order was ready, you missed pierre gesturing towards the young boy, pulling charles up to sit on the stools near the kid. the alpha tauri driver couldn’t help but miss his nephew as he watched the young boy colour his page with great focus.
the quiet clicks of keys, and the music playing over the speakers was now overshadowed by the aggressive sounds of a crayon scraping against paper and the sound of the two drivers chattering in french. although loud enough for others to hear them, the speed at which the two men spoke made it hard to understand what they were saying.
“maman, regardez ça.” mom, look at this.
you drew your eyes from the espresso machine to the five-year-old, thomas, and the paper held up in his hand. you absorbed the shapes and lines on the paper before looking at the boy who was smiling widely.
“devinez ce que c'est!” guess what it is!
his energy was palpable, no thanks to the three hours he had spent sleeping on the couch in the backroom while you worked outside. you looked back at the machine, noticing the coffee just barely starting to stream. 
you decided to entertain the boy, “hmm,” you furrowed your eyebrows in fake confusion, “est-ce un chien?” is it a dog?
“what?!” he gaped at you, “not even close! réessayer.” try again.
you giggled at the young boy’s exasperated face, “désolé, mon petit. je dois retourner au travail.” sorry, my child. i have to get back to work.
if it wasn’t for sanitary reasons, you would have reached over and ruffled his hair to get him to smile. instead, you resorted to calling out to him again, “stop pouting, amour.”
thomas grumbled, a mess of both french and english, albeit both sloppy, escaping his small lips.
a voice broke his muttering, “puis-je deviner?” can i guess?
both you and the boy looked over to where pierre sat, a small smile gracing his lips. you looked back at the young boy, eyes wide open and jaw slacked. 
you huffed a small laugh, “tommy, ferme ta bouche.” close your mouth.
thomas sat up straight, “you’re in f1!”
he turned to look at you, “maman!! driver! un pilote de course!” a racing driver!
it was endearing, listening to him exclaim in both french and english. you, yourself, had been raised in a bilingual household, with your father being a native english speaker, who met your monégasque mother on his summer vacation. you grew up in a household where both english and french were spoken in tandem, and now, with your own son, you couldn’t help but raise him the same way. 
you turned back to finish making the drinks that said driver had ordered, “oui, and he asked you something. sois poli et réponds-lui.” yes…be nice and answer him.
tommy’s eyes grew wide again and he turned back to the driver next to him, “pouvez-vous répéter votre question?” can you repeat your question?
pierre pointed to the drawing, repeating his question in english this time, “can i guess what you drew?”
thomas looked down at his drawing. an attempt at copying the foam art you had done on his long-empty cup of hot chocolate.
he looked back at you for guidance, gesturing you to come closer to him with his hand. you placed the sandwiches and coffees in front of the drivers, smiling apologetically to pierre for your son’s blatant avoidance of his question. 
“i’ll get you your cookie in just a minute,” you stated, to which he responded, “pas d'inquiétude.” no worries.
as you neared the cookie display, and thomas, he reached up and whispered into your ear, “what if he thinks my drawing is really bad?”
you looked down at the boy, a small smile gracing your lips, “i’m sure he’ll think you’re very talented, and if he doesn’t…” you trailed off as you placed the cookie onto a plate. 
after placing the cookie in front of pierre, you leaned down to whisper in your son’s ear, “i’ll fight him.”
thomas giggled, moving away from you to push his drawing in front of the driver, “maman said if you think i’m a bad drawer, she will fight you.”
charles’ chortle was loud, turning into a series of coughs as he choked on his coffee. you gasped quietly, quickly turning away from the three to avoid pierre’s amused gaze and get charles a tissue, to which he nodded with a red face, eyes watering. you began cleaning your station, ears not having to strain to hear the conversation going on behind you.
as charles’ coughs died down, pierre sighed, “well, we wouldn’t want that now, would we?”
after a small sip of his own coffee, he continues, “is this a cup?”
you couldn’t see it but pierre was pointing to a spot on the drawing. 
thomas nodded excitedly, “mhm! c'est une tasse comme celle-là.”
the five-year-old pointed to the large array of coffee cups and mugs just to the left of where you stood.
pierre nodded, “is this design on top one of those foam…” he trailed off forgetting the words.
charles piped up from his spot, “latte form art?”
again, thomas nodded fast, “yes! but maman says i can’t have coffee so she makes me it on hot chocolate!”
both charles and pierre nodded at his words, “your mother is very smart, then.”
you turned around just in time to catch thomas nodding super fast, cheeks turning red at the compliment. 
pierre took a bite out of his sandwich and charles decided to reach out and make conversation with the kid, “what’s your name, buddy?”
“thomas! with an h,” he started, going on a ramble about his classmate who also shared the same name, but without the h. 
your attention got pulled from the conversation as you heard the bell chime again. this time, however, it was your coworker coming back from her break, keeping the door open for the person who was leaving the shop.
michelle smiled at you with a wave, tapping on her wrist as if to indicate the time. you looked at your own wrist, eyes widening to realize your shift was due to end in about 10 minutes. as slow as your shift had started, in the presence of the two drivers, you couldn’t help but be amazed at how fast time had passed.
there wasn’t much for you to do, waiting for the time to pass. as thomas continued chatting up the two f1 drivers, you made rounds around the tables placed in the shop, cleaning up any messes left behind.
with thomas and pierre’s loud voices filling up the air, it wasn’t long before michelle pulled you by your arm, eyes widened at the sight of the two very famous men sitting next to your son. her inquisitive look made you laugh quietly, explaining that they had come in not too long ago and had already ordered, and finished most of their food by the looks of it.
the ten minutes went by quickly, and you found yourself apologetically disrupting the very important conversation between thomas, charles, and pierre about whether or not a velociraptor could outrun charles in his ferrari. (charles: “velociraptors cannot run as fast as a racecar.” pierre, smacking his hand on the table: “you can’t believe everything you read on the internet!” thomas: “yeah! raptors are fast!”)
you smoothed out thomas’ hair, “hey, mon petit chou. i’m gonna go get our stuff from the back so we can get ready to go, okay? why don’t you start wrapping up the conversation?”
you left before charles could ask for your opinion on the matter, not wanting to face the wrath of either side if you defended the other.
by the time you made it back out, thomas was sitting on his stool, hunched over a piece of paper, a red pencil crayon held tightly in his hand as he drew something. the plate with pierre’s cookie now sat next to the boy, small teeth marks indicating that instead of the man who had ordered the cookie, the young boy was the one eating it.
pierre, noticing your return, smiled sheepishly as if embarrassed. whether it was for not ensuring your son had packed up before you came back, or for the fact that he got caught giving your son a cookie, you weren’t sure.
 “sorry, he said he wanted to draw something for us,” pierre started, his eyes catching the movement of thomas taking another bite of the cookie before darting back to your amused face, “and sorry for the cookie, i always intended on giving it to him, but i realize now i should have probably asked before if he could have one.”
you smiled at him, “don’t worry about it, either of the things. the cookies are by far his favourite item on the menu and he’s not had one yet, so no harm done.”
charles leaned over from his spot, pushing against pierre, “so, do you think i could beat a velocirapt-”
pierre’s groan cut him off, “fermez-la déjà.” shut up already.
charles poked pierre with his elbow, “no, you,” before he turned back to you, “google says raptors only travel about 40 km/h…”
you laughed, “i’m afraid i cannot give my answer without risking my life,” you gestured your head towards the boy still colouring, now with a blue pencil in his hand instead.
“i think that gave your answer perfectly.” though his words were directed to you, charles couldn’t help but stare at pierre, a cocky smirk planted on his lips.
before pierre could retort, thomas sat up eagerly, “j'ai fini!” i'm done!
he pushed the piece of paper into the middle of the counter, right in front of pierre. looking over thomas’ head, you couldn’t help but smile at the picture he drew.
two racecars, one red and one speckled with blue, the numbers 16 and 10 drawn on either car respectively. in between the two racecars stood four people. three squares bodies and one triangle, three boys and one girl. as thomas pointed at each aspect of his drawing including the people, not that any of them needed any supporting description, you couldn’t help but smile at the fact that the triangle stick figure was connected at the hand to the smallest square figure. you and thomas, holding hands.
after pierre and charles thanked thomas profusely, you helped him hop off the stool. you turned to look at the two drivers one last time, “thank you for keeping him entertained today, you really didn’t have to.”
“nonsense, he’s a good kid.” charles smiled, pierre nodding at his words, “hopefully, we’ll see you both again.”
you smiled, “well, i’m here nearly every morning, so y’know.”
you helped thomas put his backpack on, “have a good summer break, both of you. hope the rest of the season treats you two well!”
the racecar drivers smiled, waving bye to both of you as you walked towards the door. before stepping foot outside, however, thomas turned around.
 “maman’s number is written on the back! bye!”
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A/N: second part is now posted!! read lonely nights in monaco here!!
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An Americano, Please? Part 2
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Word Count: 757 A/N: italicized text within quotation marks means that the person speaking is using Romanian instead of English
Y/N's POV:
I haven't seen Jenna for five days, so she was probably just a tourist. It's not uncommon for a tourist to pop by the shop asking for a coffee but not being able to speak Romanian, so I have no idea why I'm so sad that she's not coming back. 
I thought the idea of a "hallway crush," (someone you've interacted with once or twice for a short or professional amount of time, but are attracted to nonetheless), only lasted through high school. I guess I was wrong.
Friday morning, the shop is quiet because of how early it is. I shovel some coffee beans into the grinder. Despite the annoyingly loud noise it makes, I find it an oddly satisfying process.
I yawn, getting out of bed at four thirty for a five AM shift is nobody's idea of a good start to a day.
Once the coffee's all ground up, I put some in the drip coffee brewer and the rest next to the espresso machine.
In the back, I can smell my coworkers taking today's baked goods out of the oven.
"Hey, L/N, want a cinnamon bun? It's a little 'burnt', so we can't sell it," my coworker and friend Nessa asks. Every Friday is the same, Nessa and I are two of the only people around the shop this early, so we'll sneak a pastry and say it was burnt if anyone asks.
"Sure, Thanks!" I reply, taking the warm pastry from her. Taking a bite, a smile creeps across my face, "did you guys change the recipe? This is even better than last week's!"
"Yeah, boss asked if we could add a few more spices to the dough," she explains, "I'm a pretty big fan of the new recipe if I do say so myself."
It's not long before the cafe starts to smell like cinnamon and coffee, a perfectly inviting scent in the gloomy fall weather.
Five twenty and it's time to open up the shop. Of course, no one actually arrives until six, usually. Nevertheless the owner says being open early is best for business.
As I wait for the first customers to arrive, I zone out. There's not much to do except for sitting alone with my thoughts.
I'm so lost in thought that I'm thoroughly shocked when I hear the bell on the door ring, indicating that someone has entered the shop. I look up to see who it is. Then it dawns on me. She's a little paler than last time, but it's still her.
"Jenna?" I ask incredulously, I thought for sure she was gone.
"You remember me?" she raises an eyebrow.
"I remember most people who can't speak Romanian," I lie.
"Sure," she giggles.
"What can I get for ya today?" I ask.
"You know, I think I'll take your joke from the other day seriously," she replies with a faint smirk, "I'll have an Americano with oat milk please."
"Alright, an Americano for the American," I laugh, mixing the drink, "so, what brings you to Romania?"
"Could you please repeat that?" she asks, "sorry, I've been having trouble focusing lately."
"Well, you're clearly not a tourist, because most tourists don't stick around for more than three days. So I'm just wondering, what brings you to Romania?" I repeat.
"Oh, uh, I'm filming a TV show," she explains.
"You act?" I ask. I don't know why I'm surprised. She certainly has the looks and charisma for Hollywood.
"Yeah," she smiles, "this is definitely one of the bigger things I've done though."
"Congrats on that! What are you filming? Are you allowed to tell people?"
"It's a show about the Addams family," she tells me.
"Oh I love that franchise!" I exclaim, "Are you playing one of the family members?"
"Yeah, I'm Wednesday, which is both exciting and nerve wracking." 
Okay, so I'm literally talking to a celebrity. 
"Woah... That- that sounds like an awesome job," I smile, "good for you. So you'll be in the area for a while?"
"What's it to you?" she smirks flirtatiously, "you wanna take me out on a date or something?" I feel a blush start to creep it's way to my cheeks.
"That depends, you gonna be in town for a while?"
"At least six more months."
"In that case, how about I show you around town sometime?"
"I'd like that," she smiles. As much as I would love to keep up this banter, there's too many people in the store now.
I hand her the receipt, my number neatly scribbled down on the blank side, "reach out when you're available," I wink.
She heads out and I watch as she leaves.
On with the day. Only four hours left of this shift.
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cats-closet · 1 year
As mentioned,,,, poly yandere erasermic right but now I raise you, poly yandere erasermic with an american tourist with a cat quirk.
Weird and specific I know but hear me out, the tourist darling in question doesn't have to be american just foreign enough that they don't know a lot of japanese, and cat quirk can be to what ever extent you want but my preference is cat ears, tail, fangs, nails, and pupils. I've considered whiskers and even some level of paw pads but if there's not fur around those it's strange to be yk. ANYWAYS.
Allow me to elaborate on the tourist feature again. For a while I've been considering what erasermic would be like with a darling that just doesn't speak Japanese or at least not very well. This was brought by the fact im leanring Japanese in college and it's very fun to think about Mic trying to first calm you down when they ya know, kidnap you, and then later giving you Japanese lessons so the three of you can better communicate. I'm sure Aizawa would also begin to practice some english as well with Mics help but i lean more towards them having a lot of fun teaching you. Not to mention having lessons and probably homework lends itself to some scenarios if you catch my drift.
It's also an added layer of helplessness because not only would you have more difficulty outside raw in Japan but being in a completely foreign country means it will be difficult for you to get home when the pair confiscate your phone, passport and id. They definitely tell you that a lot as well to make sure you're appropriately discouraged from attempting escape hehe :)
These could be completely separate btw it's just two traits I like to imagine on specifically their darling that makes it more fun and adds some more drama I think,,
Jump back to the cat quirk HERE ME OUT. Obviously Aizawa loves cats and I'm sure Mic finds them cute too. So when say Mic randomly sees you oh my god he HAS to tell his husband. Mic observes you for a while because of course he thinks your adorable and when Aizawa sees you they both start getting some ideas.
They're not the kind of people to randomly kidnap and helpless civilian they find cute but they're still psychotic freaks that watch you for a while at least out of curiosity. Eventually your mannerisms and persona wins them over and they become further obsessed with you for more than just your quirk. Maybe they see you feeding stray animals or maybe confronting someone who was rude to you, depends on you of course and whatever tf you do but I digress.
After you win them over with your delightful personality they kind of go about the same process of abduction as you would for trapping a stray cat. Cats have a natural intuition so instead of ever confronting you face to face they lure you into an alleyway like serial killers before blocking both exits. This is something extremely frightening and you try your best to escape but you're no match for two experienced pro heros. Hizashi is profusely apologizing for scaring you all while they inject you with a sedative to make the trip home easier.
They probably socialize you like a feral cat too now that I think about it but that's a story for another time.
Anyways I like both these concepts separate but something about the two together is rather special teehee
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alex scott supposedly learnt spanish in lockdown as well
ngl as an english person we are set up to fail. like up until recently it's been impossible to access spanish or any level of foreign media and music etc. so we can actually absorb ourselves in the language and then the teaching is shit
i learnt spanish and french for five years and i was good at it, best in the class and i KNOW NOTHING. my french accent is only vaguely decent because my teacher was actually french (a rare thing) and my spanish accent was shit because it wasn't until three years in that an actually spanish teaching assistant came into our class and told us basic things like the double L sound makes a 'y'
es mierda
and i don't even know if the grammar is right on that phrase and i don't know how to check because the system in the UK makes it impossible to learn languages easily even if you want to
but it doesn't excuse it imo. google exists, do better. in most foreign countries, i can stumble through a sentence that Google has given me to communicate if i don't speak the language. i hate british tourists so much and they are the worst in spain as well. i never go to mallorca or ibiza for a reason and it's my fellow brits who vote to leave the eu then get pissy that they can't easily go to Spain THAT'S ON YOU
yeah this country is a mess and i hate it. this is mostly a rant, i got off topic. you can ignore it
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well, you two anons can fight it out. 😂
and to the first anon, i'm sure you know a lot more spanish than you give yourself credit for.
to me, but it's all about perception of an interaction and that two people can perceive it completely differently based on their background and life experience. and finally, i think it's one thing to learn a whole new language, but another thing to be able to say someone's name. and the last part should be standard for any commentators working in the game.
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yellowlikelemons · 3 months
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The clock on your dashboard reads 02:58. Shit, I've been out for that long?
"English? Sorry, I don't speak..." Staring back at you trough the crack in the window, I'm silent for a moment, registering what you'd just said. "Oh!" I light up a little. You'd looked tired as soon as I opened my mouth, so I'd assumed you simply weren't in the mood to deal with a stranger. No - you just hadn't understood what I'd said.
"Tourist?" Comes reflexibly, but I figure you probably don't want to sit around and be interviewed. Why would anyone tourist here anyway? "I, uh, I missed the bus in from town, next one's not until tomorrow. Would you maybe help drive me home?" The headlights hit a crooked sign barely visible beyond the bend. "I live right down that dirt road. It parts further... south, and you turn left at this big grey building, old factory." My ego takes a hit at how much I stumble over the words. I'd rehearsed what I wanted to say in case I could wave down a car, but here I'd had to quickly shove it trough the mental translation filter. You don't seem to care, however, and nod torwards the back seat. "Sure. Get in."
Gravel crunches as we turn off the asphalt and drive in between pines. We're slow. It's not populated enough to warrant streetlights, and the first thing I do once I'm seated is warn you about wildife on the dirt road. "We almost hit an elk here once, those are terrifying up close. You american? Heard they're not as common there. Unless you're like, way up north?"
We catch eyes in the mirror. I expect everyone I meet out here to be at least in their fifties, and you're much younger, probably around my age. If it wasn't clear you weren't local I would've asked for your number, then planned to come by with cake as thanks. I'm starved for interaction with non-retirees, but I'd be lying if I denied that you're also just kind of my type. I feel shallow for thinking that right away. Then guilty. You're not very talkative, and you're doing me a kindness, the least I can do is be quiet and refrain from mentally commenting about your looks. You remain silent. Insecurity washes over and I pop my beanie off, suddenly hyperaware of what an annoying clicking the badge along the hem makes.
I've taken to looking out the window when you finally speak up. The trees outside rise in jagged black walls on either side of the car, so there's not much to see. "...Why were you out on the highway so late?" You've angled the mirror away. "Oh, uh," There's crinkling and rattling from where I start digging around in my hoodie. As if you didn't have your eyes on the road, I pull out a tiny cardboard box and a few plastic packets. Sweets. "Now, it was, it was kinda stupid, got just like a strong sugar craving. Needed the grocery store. I missed the last bus at midnight - usually I have someone to drive me, but he's not home right now," It bothers me that I feel the need to explain myself to you. I've turned up the same "everything-is-fine-i-am-so-responsible-really" cadence I use when I speak to real adults, and can't quite tell why. Usually I'd be much more at ease with someone my age.
"So I ate at this local pub for an hour, and then just kinda started walking back, a-" I think you're about to comment, but the car replies first with a defeated buzz. The rumbling of the road stops. We're still. Shit.
My hands go back down into my pockets, trying to remember where I put my phone. "Hey, we-should I call somewhere? It's close enough to my house to walk there if we need to." I'm only watching you from behind, but see you shake your head. "Not needed. Stay." The doors unlock with a click, and you pull on your handle. "Do you need help?" I ask, reaching for mine. "Holding the light or something?" I don't know shit about cars. "No. Stay," you insist, more forcefully this time. I briefly hear crickets outside as you open the door, then am left in silence again as it shuts.
He doesn't wake back up when the car starts. Not strange. That sugar craving had to come from somewhere, and you're pretty sure you saw him put something out against his boot as you first pulled up. A few minutes into your abscense there'd been screenglow from the backseat, by ten it'd dissapered. You reach down and pick the phone up from where it's slid off his lap. Something's still playing behind the case, so you check the notifications before sliding it into your pocket. Nothing important, hours old texts in his language. Seems lighthearted in tone from the pictures attached.
The boy in the back doesn't stir while you glide further between the pines. You push the mirror into place to check every now and again. There are headphones wedged in his hair now, they're still faintly playing that video. His clothes pool around him, and that beanie's about to slide off his lap just like the phone did. What was it he said about somebody not being home?
The trees give way. A long, grey, industrial building sits in what's essentially a large clearing. You stop. The car huffs, and instantly you have to check so the boy wasn't shook awake. No. No worries. The road forks, and further to the left there are lights on somewhere in a window. He forgot them on before he left home. Cute. If somebody was inside, and you're pretty sure they're not, they would've turned them off by now. That means you've got at least until dawn, probably longer, until he's missed. You start sliding up the road. Now you've got his address, at least - should you decide to return him sometime.
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nipahnan · 4 months
realistically , how is it like living in japan ? i am a POC so our experiences would definitely be different .. but are you fluent in the language ? how is everyday life for you ? do you have a job there or remote work overseas in the US ? sorry for all the questions !! i'm hoping to move to japan myself eventually . ♡
Aaah I’m so happy to finally get a question, I’ve been waiting to be able to ramble about myself on here thehe :) This is gonna be a long one, so I’m sorry in advance, but I want to try and be as transparent as possible!♡
I don’t live in Tokyo, yet I have a bunch of friends who live there and who talk about their experiences very openly, so I’ll also talk about things they went through and that they observed. In general people of course need to make sure not to romanticize a country. Japan is a country like any other and a lot of people forget that. I’ve been interested in Japan since I was around 11 years old and I came to Japan knowing about it’s good and bad sides because I did research about it for years. So coming here with very realistic expectations and not thinking I’m gonna live in a fairytale, I’d say it’s great so far! :)
Of course I’ve only been here for 1 year now, but it’s definitely so much better than living in Germany. It just suits my lifestyle and general personal behavior so much better. I never felt connected to people in Germany with the way they behave and so I’m having it way easier here. I definitely aim to obtain permanent residence status one day because I really believe that I want to enjoy my life here. I definitely feel like foreigners who move to Tokyo have it so much easier than people who move somewhere else in Japan, because there’s so much more English writing or people who try and speak English since it’s full of tourists too, so it’s easier to navigate without learning any Japanese. When I first landed in Japan I literally only spoke English and I was kinda shocked since I didn’t expect that at all tbh. I actually know a few people who have lived in Japan for years without learning any Japanese and it kinda baffles me sometimes lol. I definitely recommend coming here with at least some basic Japanese and then trying to gradually learn more, that’s how I did it and it’s been working very well. Im not fluent at all yet, but im able to have conversations and I’m learning every day and that’s what counts :)
I also know a lot of people who realized how fake Tokyo can be and decide to move away from it quickly because of them getting mental problems or their mental problems worsening, considering how awful mental help in Japan is. They’re feeling very lonely, overworked, and even get bullied. It definitely depends on the workplace of course. But as long as you make sure to make genuine friendships and realize that Japanese people can be extremely blunt and that their behavior is overall quite different, you’ll have no problem with them. There’s a lot of rules and there’s no way you’re always able to remember them, so I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Definitely try and act according to how they act and you will be welcomed with open arms I’d say :)
I currently don’t have a job because I got hit with a very hard illness right after 3 months of living here which resulted in me almost dying that I’m still recovering from. So I didn’t have time to work with how many times I was in the hospital, yet I’m having an interview soon and I’ll hopefully be able to start work in the next month if everything works out :)
I have a spouse visa after finally marrying my partner that I’ve been with for 4 years, so that made immigrating here way easier for me of course and I definitely realize that I was very lucky to get here that way. I only had to wait 15 minutes and immediately had my visa, meanwhile a lot of people say how long they had to wait because they had a different visa and of course because the Tokyo immigration is so much fuller than the one in Nagoya.
Everyday life is very chill, it’s very quiet so as a person who is very easily irritated and overwhelmed by loud noises it’s so much better for my mental health. yet again I don’t live in Tokyo and in a very tiny town (13.11 km² big lmao) so I have to drive to Nagoya for some of the „fun“ parts.
Now for some of the VERY annoying parts.
Stares. People stare at you ALL the time. Even tho I’m white, they love staring at me like I’m some alien because I have blonde hair and stick out like a sore thumb here in my city where there’s such a tiny amount of foreigners(basically 0 lol) I’ve noticed that people usually say that old people are kind of rude to them and how nice young people are, yet for me it’s the complete opposite at times. Old people, especially old women, love randomly talking to me and are generally very nice to me. There’s this older lady who works at my local family mart and she is sooo nice to me, always giving me compliments and everything, she is so cute♡ Meanwhile young people love staring and making fun of me because they often think I don’t understand them. I get comments like „she looks cute but she’s kinda fat.“ „do you think she even understands Japanese?“ and they giggle all the time. Sometimes they also take pictures of me in the train and it feels very rude. As someone who never stood out in her hometown and always trying her best to not get any attention, it definitely hurts to suddenly hear comments like that and basically feeling like a zoo animal at times. Yet I knew this would happen so I was prepared for it and I know I just shouldn’t care about comments like that. Now idk how bad it is in Tokyo but I can imagine it’s not as awful since it’s way more diverse? Yet you still hear stories about how this also happens very often to POC and sometimes even white foreigners who just happen to have a different type of style. So it’s definitely something to keep in mind.
Also about the topic of getting called fat. Japanese people LOVE to call you fat in your face. As soon as you’re over 50kg no matter your height they will probably consider you fat. One time I had to state my weight at the hospital for a scan and the lady literally yelled „…kg???“ and then proceeded to giggle to her male coworker. Considering that coming from the hospital staff, it was definitely shocking. Especially since I was literally about to die that day? I was so shocked and felt so bad considering I gained 10kg during that time only due to steroid medication which I literally had no control over. So I’d definitely say it’s another thing to be prepared for.
Their clothing style is also pretty different from the west, you’ll see a lot of long skirts and blouses or sweaters. Tight fitting clothes or clothes showing of a lot of skin aren’t as common here and it definitely makes you stick out. One time I was wearing a tank top under a jacket and didn’t close the jacket all the way while going to get takeout and some school boys sitting at the table loudly made a comment about how giant my boobs are and didn’t stop staring and it made me insanely uncomfortable to which I immediately just closed my jacket. Most uncomfortable encounter I’ve ever had and made me stop wearing shirts that show cleavage lol.
Also there’s of course a lot of sexual harassment here, especially in Tokyo. There’s literally guys just staring at 🌽 that you can see in the reflection of the train window (I even saw that in person one time, absolutely insane) or just straight up jerkin off. They literally have posters at my train stations telling women to pay attention to their skirts because there could be someone taking pictures of your panties. So if you intend to wear short skirts you always have to wear shorts under it if you don’t want some pervert to take a panty shot of you. At this point they even have hidden cameras in their shoes which is just insane to me…
Overall, don’t believe most things those tiktok or YouTube videos from tourists tell you. They often times don’t have any knowledge about Japan or how it is to live here, often give misinformation or are just straight up romanticizing this country to the max. All my friends and me even absolutely hate these travel vloggers at this point because of how much bs they’re saying :,)
To sum it up: if you have enough knowledge about the country and the people, prepare yourself as much as possible and realize that it’s very different from what you’re probably used to, and most of all, that it’s just another country that you’ll be living in, you’ll definitely love it here! :)
I definitely could tell even more because I had so many crazy encounters already and so many cool places to talk about, but I think I’ve been talking long enough now :D
Hope my ramble was a bit helpful for you(╹◡╹)♡
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opalchoi · 1 month
Writing challenge! 🥸
Include one or more of the following:
It was Opal's last week at the cafe before embarking on her new adventure.
She was cleaning the counter as the door chimed, she looked up to greet the customer and her heart stopped as she saw a beautiful tall presumably European tourist stooping down as they entered the doorway.
Their complexion glistened in the sunlight and Opal lost her balance for a moment as their eyes met one another...
For that fraction of a second, Opal was elsewhere. She felt herself floating above her body feeling nothing but a mere spectator.
The girl walked up to the counter
"Scusi ...Do you speak English?"
Opal came plummeting down back to earth like a waterfall. Feeling bruised and nauseous she attempted to compose herself
"Uh...Hi yes! I can speak English, what can get for you?... " Opal froze again as she once again locked eyes with the customer, she noticed the depth of brown in their eyes through neat tortoiseshell glasses & the delicately placed freckles on their cheeks.
She looked away shyly and gasped for air while the customer had chance to respond
*come on Opal get it together!!* she commanded, pleading with her brain to switch on & whatever was in charge to drop it momentarily.
Opal had forgotten the kissaten she worked at had a good reputation online, part of the reason she got the job was her ability to speak English.
"One cappuccino please..." the girl paused to look at the array of cakes and sandwiches, then up at the specials board in deep thought
"And uhm, I'd like something sweet, what would you recommend?"
Before she realised her mouth had opened, still a spectator Opal heard her own voice immediately respond
Again her soul came crashing back to earth stunned that whoever was in charge of Opal in that moment had the audacity to be so confident
Opal unlocked herself from the eye contact in an attempt to regain control of herself
"Uh..... I mean, how about a waffle?
You can have ice cream & strawberries with it?"
"Sure that would be great" the customer responded in a friendly tone
Opal noticed how cute they looked as they smiled back at her, and became more flustered
"...pppp-Please find a seat, I'll bring it to you when its hot... i mean, when its ready!"
"Perfect, thanks"
The customer beamed at her once more and Opal just froze with a dumb look on her face and holding an extremely awkward thumbs up 👍
As Opal began to breathe, she now had the accept the reality that this cafe did not infact sell waffles... or have any ice cream to place on top... it had strawberries used for some of the cakes at least.
She rushed back into the kitchen to check what ingredients they had, clumsily bumping her shoulder into the doorway as she entered.
As she ran through the ingredients in her head 'eggs, flour.. sugar...."
She realised the biggest thing was there was no waffle maker...
"I'll be right back" she shouted to the owner as she ran out the back door
There was a store a block away, she ran as fast as she could, it was a mini mart the chances of a waffle maker was slim
Opal quickly stepped through the Isles trying to find the random electronics section in the back corner of the store "Yesss" she thought as she saw a pokemon waffle maker with a pikachu on the front.
She grabbed it and ran, quickly throwing money onto the counter in the vague direction of the clerk "do you have any ice cream?" She panted..
"No sorry" they responded "but there's a ice cream stall a couple blocks that way" they pointed back towards the direction of her café. ".....Thank you" the dust of Opal echoed to the clerk. She left so abruptly it was the only trace of her left.
Opal ran as fast as she could with her newly purchased waffle maker under her arm. She quickly checked her pink casio for the time "Oh man, I'm running out of time"
She burst back into the kitchen, stuffed the waffle maker into her colleagues arms and said "Please please please can you start making a waffle with this I promised a customer...."
"The Cute Italian one?" Yumiko replied
"Uh yeah!! and pleeeease make your best cappuccino for them" she was still out of breath "it's important"
"Okay okay I will, you planning to propose or something?" Yumiko teased
Opal punched Yumiko in the arm as she ran out of the kitchen to not expose her bright red cheeks.
Opal found the ice cream stall thankfully fairly quickly. In the end she got a takeaway coffee cup filled with vanilla ice cream
She ran back to the cafe, blinkered like a horse in a race and as she turned a corner there was some small children walking home from school.
Right in front of the onrushing Opal..
Opal took evasive manoeuvres to avoid killing the innocent children but this meant she tripped on the curb and she could only watch as the tub of ice cream went hurtling into the air
She fell to the ground, scrambling to get back up to catch the makeshift ice cream tub but as she was disoriented it was unclear what the trajectory was.... and as she reached out the tub actually landed on her face *bonk*
At this point the children started to break into fits of laughter and were cheering what they had just witnessed
Opal put on her falsest smile and bowed towards the children as if an entertainer at a birthday party. She then bolted back towards the store, not feeling any pain due to the adrenaline or shock.
As she got back into the kitchen the owner was irritable as usual
"What are you doing, you sneaking off to get coffee elsewhere?"
"Why are you covered in blood?!"
"Why is your uniform ripped?"
Opal's eyes welled up with tears, she didn't like conflict & wasn't well versed in dealing with it...
"This isn't coffee this is ice cream for a customer!!" She chirped back
"I'm sorry nakamura-san" she bowed briefly
"There was a tourist and I mis-spoke so I went to get a waffle maker and ice cream"
The manager started to laugh, "Opal you realise this is a waffle maker for kids right? "
"Buh.. does it still make waffles?"
Yumiko shyly appeared in a crab like fashion from behind the owner to show Opal a plate covered in tiny Pikachu face shaped waffles
"Ohhhh fuuuudge" Opal sighed
In the end the Pikachu waffles looked cute with strawberry ears and ice cream eyes and tourist found the funny side.
Opal proceeded to hide behind the counter occasionally peeking to see if they were enjoying the food.
Still dying of embarrassment
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Hey! I'm planning a trip to Italy, and I'd love some recommendations from a local <3 I'm visiting Milan, Florence, Rome and Napoli, so if you have any suggestions, I'd appreciate them. Also any tips will be welcome 😄
A trip to Pasta Land! How amazing?!
So, since in my humble opinion Italy is a country of art, architecture, Jesus on the cross, and food… I feel like you should see some obvious places, such as:
Milan: Duomo (and the surroundings), Castello Sforzesco, Pinacoteca di Brera (which is one of my favourite art museums), Pinacoteca Ambrosiana, the Navigli. Also I would suggest browsing for events/gigs that might be happening while you’re there. Milan always offers a lot of activities, it depends what attracts you the most! For me personally it’s always been art and music and I would be looking for galleries, gigs at Alcatraz, Fabrique or even bars and other small locals that host local artists 💛
Florence: ALL OF IT. Literally. I fell in love with that city, expecially the old town which is easy walkable: Santa Maria del Fiore is a must (and the surroundings), Basilica of Santa Croce, Uffizi Gallery (my absolute beloved! You might stand in the queue for a while but it’s worth all the wait), Ponte Vecchio, Pitti Palace, The Boboli Gardens… Everything a typical turistic guide tells you to see, go for it!
Rome: oof, Rome is a lot. I don’t know how many days you have in your schedule dedicated to Rome but I can tell you what I saw in one day: Vatican, Colosseo, Foro Romano, Pantheon, Piazza Navona, Castel Sant’Angelo, Fontana di Trevi, Piazza di Spagna, Piazza Venezia. I walked pretty much from 6AM to 8PM with a couple of short breaks but it was worth it. Expecially strolling around the old town 💛
Naples: I’ve never been to Naples, so unfortunatelly I can’t suggest much but between Rome and Naples there is one of my favourite places I’ve studied in art school: Reggia di Caserta. It’s basically the italian Versailles.
Landmarks aside, here are some random tips and tricks:
- Ask locals for the best osteria/trattoria. TripAdvisor is kinda accurate but the locals know their shit and can spot a place that only pretends to serve great food. They will send you to a place that is actually good 😂
- Speaking of food… There’s a lot of different things you should try! Artisan gelato and granita (make sure it’s artisan and not just crushed ice with fake fruit syrup), fresh pasta al ragù/caccio e pepe/amatriciana/gricia, wine, spritz, the famous tagliere served mostly as an apetizer before the first course or to go along the aperitif, maritozzi and any kind of pastry, tortellini, pizza in Naples, etc, etc. I could go on for hours but what I’m saying here is to try as many things as you can. Also coffee. Cappuccino with cocoa or cinnamon is a must.
- If you’re gonna go to museums, gigs or any paid events, book your tickets in advance when available
- Use the subway or rent a bike instead of getting a taxi or buses if you don’t want to walk for miles
- People working in touristic places and hotels will speak english but keep in mind that a lot of locals don’t. But with a mix of simple english words, dialect, “come cazzo si dice” and plenty of gestures… you will understand them (hopefully) 😂
- Be patient with Trenitalia, if you will have to catch a train at some point. Bitches are always late and there is always a lovely stink of piss. Somewhere.
- Don’t pay attention to scammers that will most likely ask you for donations for a dying dog or a sick person that never existed. Just tell you don’t have cash on you and go away.
- Italians are loud. Brace yourself.
That’s all for now! I might edit this in the following days if anything else pops in my head 💛💫
Hope you’ll have an amazing time in Italy! Slide into my DMs or anon messages to tell me how did go 🥹
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horizonspurple · 10 months
*excitedly waves at you*
Some things I say definitelly sound badass as well🤭but I'm really not hihi.
Also yes! The Neatherlands are way too overpopulated hehehe, one of the only things I'm not a fan of. So if I just go over there to be a tourist Amsterdam definitelly wouldn't be the main focus.
Some words just sound so awkward or out of place I guess. I would burst into laughter with some kinky words in my native language🤭but I'm also not the biggest fan of mixing English and my native language since it's a slavic language and they just sound very different. I will definitelly be sticking to English with kink🤭English is cool because it has a huge vocabulary so there are a lot of words to choose from.
I've seen Lucifer one time, and now I watch some episodes from time to time. It was one of the series I've watched during the quarantine times so it has a special place in my heart. Lucifer is so cool as a character, honestly morally gray characters are so interesting. And I also absolutelly adore Trixie.
My question this time is how did you get into kink?
And also☺️I had a dream about you. I dreamt that I woke up and you messaged me a dm saying that maybe we should stop chatting like this. I promise I'm not obsessed, but I may have a tiny lil crush👉👈 🙊
Hope you have a nice dayy
-your sleepy anon
*excitedly waves back* xD
Fake it till you make it right 🤭 atleast that's what I always tell myself
I get that! There's plenty of other cities to go to And Dutch people usually speak English very well, so that wouldn't be an issue, unless you go to like a tiny farmers village xD
Yepp very relatable haha Mmm yeah I can imagine, those are indeed very different, I can get why mixing wouldn't always be nice Just do whatever you feel like! English is definitley a very suitable language to use for naughty talk hihi
Nicee Ohh that's relatable, I watched and rewatched Sex Education during quarantine and feel like that just hit different Lucifer is very cool yeah and I liked how unpredictable he is as a character xD, and yeah morally grey characters are definitely interesting and Lucifer is for sure a morally grey character 😂 Trixie is a cutiee, although I did start to like her more towards the end of the series
Ohh good one! There wasn't one clear thing that got me into kink tbh When I was around 15/16 I started getting more thoughts and fantasies about rougher sex, bondage, spanking etc but I always thought it was just fantasies and not something I would actually like (boy was I wrong xD) I also got my first boyfriend around that time and he was also a bit kinky so we did some veryyyyy light experimenting, which I did like but turned out he was not a safe person After that I kind of dropped it for a while, until about two years ago when I just really started to want to explore this side of myself I did have another bf in the meantime and we tried exploring but our kinks were a little different I learned about fetlife and made an account, met @lord-of-dice-and-kinks there and after a year of being on that site we decided to meet up and see if we could have kinky fun together And the rest is history 😇 So sir is my actual first proper introduction to kink
How about you? If you don't want to share that is fine too no worries :)
Ahww I'm flattered! 🥺☺ Know that my DM's are open, you can send me a message there if you'd like, but also if you don't want that you can just stay my sleepy anon! I'm having fun talking to you regardless :)
I hope you're doing well and catching lots of cute pokemon! ☺
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hi-intrepid-heroes · 1 year
Hi! I hope this isn’t bad to ask but I’m going to the Netherlands in a couple of weeks (first time traveling outside the US) and I was wondering if u have any recommendations on things to do/foods from the area I should try?
hi anon!
I've been thinking about this for a while, cause I wanted to give you some tips that aren't also in any google search, so here they are, sorted into an activity, food, and general tips to survive the country section (it's mostly focused on Amsterdam and Utrecht, cause that's where I have the most experience)
Under the cut cause I had a lot to say apparently
In Amsterdam, I love the Hortus, which is a botanical garden dating from the 17th century! It's partly outside but there are several indoor parts that are really pretty!
This probably is in the google searches but the Amsterdam Light Festival is going on, and it's really fun. There's a walking route and boat tours, but you can also just keep your eyes open when moving through the city and spot the art works that way
The Hallen in Amsterdam is a really fun place to go if you want to do something a little more lowkey, there's a few cute stores, expositions, a market hall-style food place and a cinema, as well as some events that they host certain days!
I haven't done this myself but the Adam Tower (in Noord, so you can take the ferry from central station which is fun) has a lookout deck where you can see the whole city! There's a swing set where you can book a place to swing over the edge I think (Europe's highest swing let's go). My brother did this a few years ago and thought it was really fun!
If you like books Savannah Bay in Utrecht is one of my favs, one of the top bookstores I've ever been to in my life in general I think
When in Utrecht pls hit the Miffy stoplight, it takes 5 minutes and she's a national icon (it's literally just a stoplight with a Miffy figure and it's adorable)
This may not be worth it if you're only here for a short period of time but if you have a day where you want to escape the city, Dutch beaches are beautiful even in the winter! The practice of uitwaaien (lit. outblowing), or walking into the wind to feel more invigorated (specifically a winter thing and popular among the Dutch especially on Boxing Day or New Years Day), is really nice to do sometimes, and a beach walk can be nice for a change!
Stroopwafels are on every list BUT I'd specifically recommend getting a hot one somewhere, cause they're much better than the packaged ones! They sell them at outdoor markets and I'm sure there's also some stores that have them!
Everyone also always talks about hagelslag but I personally prefer vlokken, which is a similar concept but thinner so they're nice and crispy would recommend
If you want a quick lunch, Bagels & Beans is a small chain that's got places across the country, they have nice bagels and I have it on good authority the coffee's also good!
If you want to get takeaway food, I would highly recommend Surinamese food. These generally don't really have restaurants and the places I've been to haven't really differed in quality so I'd just pick a nearby one but you simply must eat roti (a dish popular across the Caribbean so not specifically Surinamese but delicious) it rules so hard
Editing this cause I just walked past an oliebollen stall and you should absolutely try one of those if you’re here on time they’re a traditional Dutch new years treat!
General tips:
Always look every way when crossing the street even if it's one-way cause bikes can and will come from everywhere
In a similar vein: some tourists think bike bells are rung simply for fun, they are not, they have the same function of a car horn! If you hear one please do get off the road lmao it'll save you a lot of cursing from the locals
Pretty much everyone here speaks English really well, but a general rule of thumb for non-English speaking countries is that it's really appreciated if you learn at least hello and thank you in the local language (hallo and dank je wel in Dutch)!
Finally, a request more than a tip: please don't rent a bike cause it's genuinely dangerous. 99% of tourists can't bike that well and even those that can aren't used to the type of traffic here, as it's incredibly chaotic because of all the bikes, and tourists on bikes are even less prepared for that than ones that are walking (I know it looks fun I get it but the amount of times I've almost gotten into an accident bc a tourist made a weird swerve is so high I just had to put this in)
I hope you have a lovely trip anon, enjoy!!! <3
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icestarphoenix · 2 years
I'm in Salem, MA right now and a thought just occured to me about a possible solution to Mass's Team Spirit form. Why not just make it an actual spirit?
I think it would make sense since MA's Slogan is literally spirit of America, and he can also see ghosts. Not only that but as the state who started the revolutionary war, he'd probably have some skeletons (or ghosts) in his closet. Why not have one that stick to him like a second shadow?
It would be the crimson red color that you had assigned, and maybe a revolutionary man? Or even Mass himself dressed in his revolutionary war attire, gun and all. Could be a fun metaphor for his past haunting him since y'know that seems to be the entire theme for this state.
I don't know if you think this would be an idea or not, but it could be interesting to have possibly one of the most haunted states be haunted himself.
Also the spirit should have a tricorn hat because yes.
Oh yeah, that's really good! Why didn't I think of that lmao
With your idea, it'd be an adult soldier from the Continental Army, though not adult size. The soldier is only a little more half the size of a person, but it just floats above the ground behind Mass. Its body is still entirely cranberry in color and its appearance is smoky and wispy so you can't make out too many details. However, the silhouette and layers of the uniform (along with the tricorn hat) and things like the crossed sash in front can still be seen. The soldier has two blank glowing eyes of a lighter shade.
(TW: Body horror?)
When his emotions become more intensely negative, Massachusetts's Spirit grows larger and monster-like in appearance. If Mass gets to panic-attack levels of anxiety, his Spirit grows into an amalgamation of multiple soldiers. It would reach out, as if it’s trying to consume him. Since it’s usually behind him and he isn’t in the headspace to actually notice, Mass doesn’t know that his Spirit can get like this.
(TW: end)
It doesn't usually react much to anything and is typically just looming over Mass and looking at him. He's tried talking to it before, just to see what its deal is. However, seeing as it never responds or reacts and only continues looking at him, Mass has given up on that and now just tries ignoring it the best he can. The only time when the soldier will divert its attention from Mass is when he's wary or angry at something, in which case its attention will be focused on whatever is making him wary or angry.
It can be another reason that Mass is annoyed by all the haunted places in his state besides the tourists. It's because he always has this [speaks Boston]er around him watching his every move.
I really like the metaphor you can interpret if you go English class on it. When I was doing research for headcanon ideas, colonial landmarks and people came up very often as stuff special to Massachusetts. Despite all the progressive accomplishments of the state, its colonial history will still be in the forefront.
Thanks for the suggestion! I'll be sure to add it to the HC post!
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macchiatioo · 10 months
I'm Back
I only posted on this blog for like a month, and then I disappeared for over a year, so I don't really know if anyone is going to read this, but I'm back. I've updated my pinned introduction post if anyone's interested.
Short Life Update:
It has been a while, to say the least. A lot happened, a lot changed. I graduated from NC State this May, so that's probably the biggest thing. I think when I first started this blog, it was the spring semester of my third year, so I was planning on studying abroad in Prague, which didn't happen, lol, unfortunately. A BUNCH of family drama occurred over the summer. Last winter, I was planning on teaching English in Japan through the JET Program once I graduated, which also didn't happen. I couldn't even finish the application and submit it before something happened lmao. So that all sucks. However, I am planning to travel to Japan this fall and be there for a couple weeks, which is exciting. I took a couple-months-long break from studying Japanese after I graduated. So, I really need to review and study for my trip. I know many people in Japan, especially in major tourist cities speak English well, but I've studied Japanese for two years and I really want to take in and absorb as much as possible when I go.
I went to Epcot in Disney World with my family to celebrate graduation. I moved back from my college apartment to stay with my family. I started taking pre-req classes for a medical sonography program at my local community college on a whim. They begin taking applications for the program this-coming spring semester, so fingers crossed I make it. I think I have a good chance. The job search has not been going well and I'm beginning to get a little discouraged, both in the current options and some previous responses. Although, imo, if a job has "social media-obsessed" in its description, it's not really a job worth having, which is another reason behind my sudden and early career change.
Blog Plans:
I do want to continue as a studyblr since I am still studying Japanese, and will hopefully study other languages in the future, as well. And, since I started another degree almost immediately after graduation. I would like to restart and try my hand at the 100 Days of Productivity challenge again since I didn't get very far last time and I've been lacking motivation since graduation, but I'm not sure I'd be successful given some current circumstances. I know that productivity can be relative during the challenge, such as doing stuff like housework or exercise, but I still just don't want to set myself up for failure, especially given my current state of mind. So, I might put that off for a little longer.
I'm hoping to post daily updates and such, maybe some study tips or motivation, and also just use it as a place to rant, vent, scream into the void, etc.
That should be all for now. Sorry for the long post if you made it this far, lol.
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baratrongirl · 1 year
I keep having random dreams featuring Klavier Gavin. The other day I dreamt I was visiting some city I'd never been to before, it was 10pm or so, we were waiting for our suitcases to be unloaded from the tourist bus, and I saw Klavier rollerblading down the street.
He was wearing a black beanie, had his hair down, glasses, a purple jacket, a long black skirt, and rollerblades - and was pulling a purple suitcase on wheels. Like he was a tourist too.
And I called out to him, "Hey Klavier, I didn't know you knew how to rollerblade!" He replied, "I learned how to ice skate in Germany, this isn't so different!"
So that was weird, but he was only in the dream for a couple of minutes. It wasn't actually a dream ABOUT him. Nor did it have any particular message.
The dream I had last night was different. And I'm trying to decide what it means. I don't think it's a message for me, necessarily, but it's definitely an important message for someone.
I dreamt that I was Klavier's manager? Tour manager? Record company executive? Some kind of person with whom he had a professional relationship due to his music, except we were actually friends as well. And there had been some sort of competition to come up with light and staging concepts for his solo tour. We'd weeded through a bunch of video proposals and got them down to five or six artists to interview.
Klavier wanted to make sure that he would actually get on with the artist, that they shared a vision, and that there wouldn't be any more Valant Gramarye-style surprises. (Like, really! The man was still at the very least a witness in an unsolved murder trial - if not the suspect!)
So we were meeting these two Dutch kids. They were very young, like 18/19, so we were meeting them in one of their houses with parents present. The parents were very polite to Klavier, asking him what languages he spoke, and he told them, "I'm fluent in German, English, and Japanese, and I know some Borginian, Spanish, and Khur'ainese." They didn't ask me what languages I spoke because they just assumed I could only speak English because I was British.
Klavier was sitting on the sofa being really rockstar cool in dark glasses. He wasn't being charming and warm like usual because he didn't want to get any of the artists' hopes up. (If that makes sense? Like, if he was too friendly, they might assume they've won the competition/commission based on his attitude towards them.) So he was being cool and aloof, not talking too much and getting me to do most of the talking.
Because I knew him, it was obvious to me that he REALLY liked these kids' art but was worried about hiring them because they were so young, and he'd had the experience of becoming famous in his teens, and wasn't sure if it was the best idea for anyone.
After they'd done their presentation and talked about music a bit, the parents called us to another room where there was a dining table set up with drinks and snacks. We all sat down there and the parents asked Klavier what the kids' chances of getting the commission were. Klavier was cool about it, said that we still had several more artists to see, and we couldn't promise anything to anyone yet.
So the dad, who was an asshole, said to his son, in Dutch, "I knew he wouldn't like it, now you can go back to studying like you should be." And it was SO rude, they WERE studying, but they were studying art and not a "real" career. He couldn't affect the other boy's choices but he could make his own son feel bad.
Except in the dream, I understood Dutch. (I don't in real life.) Between seeing the boys' reaction and my reaction, Klavier figured out what had happened, because it was such a Kristoph thing to do, to put your younger relative down in front of others using a language you know they don't speak.
Klavier got angry, and his anger broke through the rockstar cool façade that he was trying to do. He said, "Actually I like your son and his friend's art very much, and if we didn't still have more artists to see, I'd give them the commission now."
The asshole dad was like, "How did you understand what I said? I thought you didn't speak Dutch."
Klavier said, "I don't, I only know a few important words like stroopwafel and speculaas. But I had an older brother who felt about my music the way you do about your son's art. And which of us was right about that - him, who thought it was a waste of time, or me, who has sold millions of records?"
It just feels like a really important message.
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psychewritesbs · 1 year
So about the 'love in the time of cholera' post. I did read it in English back in 2017 and i started ' thousand years of solitude ' around that time too and somehow lost the book and never bothered to buy another. And then i read something else by Marquez ( of love and other demons) and i have tried to study Spanish ( which hasn't been great because all i could manage was a tourist level knowledge). what i wanted to ask is how can i study spanish so that I'll be able to read spanish literature???
ok so... first, you're read about as much Hispanic literature as I have and I was raised in México. I feel a bit ashamed bahaha. I grew up south of the border with the US so my parents forced me to learn English by only buying media in English. It paid off because I've never been popular but whenever there was an English test, everyone wanted to sit behind me.
Second, that's a loaded question. mmmmm so... you're probably in the same situation as me with Japanese.
For context, I studied Japanese in a formal setting in college for about 2 years, and then took private group lessons more recently sometime around 2018 for about a year.
So part of my recommendation involves hiring private lessons. It's really one of the best ways to get personalized feedback. I wish there was something like that where I live rn but, alas, such is life.
Anyways, I'll elaborate under the cut...
Get your brain used to the language
Watch anime without subtitles or listen to podcasts
What I've done with Japanese is that I sometimes turn subtitles off when watching anime. This mostly works if I've seen the show or movie enough times to where I know what the dialogue is about. So like, I literally watch You Name (which I've only seen about three hundred million times), in Japanese without English subtitles and I can ALMOST understand the movie in its entirety. You'll be surprised by how much you do understand.
That said, you can actually watch jjk in Spanish! I think that to prepare for season 2 I'm going to watch season 1 in Spanish just because why not 🤣. Spanish dubs are always fun and I've always much preferred them over English dubs.
The dub Crunchyroll uses seems to have Mexican actors so the accent and should be pretty neutral. They most likely also avoid highly Mexicanized slang. So no need to worry, Megumi won't be saying "wey, no mames" every 5 words like I do.
Another thing I started doing but haven't done lately is that I found a podcast, spoken entirely in beginner-friendly Japanese, for Japanese learners. I am sure there's something similar in Spanish. Again, the point is to get your brain used to the language.
Pick up a children's book in Spanish and start reading
Why children's book? Because the vocabulary and grammar will be much simpler and accessible. You can gradually move up to more complex works as you see fit.
I have a Japanese manga magazine that I translate as I read.
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Another benefit of this is that it gets you used to how language is used in its native form.
For example, if you read a children's book, you'd be learning Spanish as a child would, as opposed to learning text-book Spanish.
Follow accounts on social media by Spanish-speaking content creators or language instructors
I follow a couple of Japanese private tutors on Instagram like this one and a couple of accounts that use content to promo their work. That way, as I'm doing the endless mindless social media scroll, I can at least do something productive.
Use language learning apps
This one is a simple one. It's pretty basic but they are helpful. The point is to practice. This is a good way to get the basic grammar rules and vocabulary going.
Hire a tutor or enroll in private lessons
Ok I simply can't emphasize this enough. I really would take private group Japanese lessons in person again if there was such a thing where I currently live.
But there's also online tutors. What I like about having a proper teacher is that they can help correct grammatical or vocabulary errors. You should be able to find someone by doing a google search for private language tutors.
Another thing that hiring someone does is that it creates structure, accountability for you to actually sit down and study AND it creates a habit of it.
Which brings me to my next point...
I've literally shared what I do to study Japanese, but like I actually don't do it consistently enough for anything to stick for longer than 5 minutes.
Looooooool epic fail.
You want to be as consistent as possible which is defo not one of my strengths. So don't be lazy like me.
This is a long-term project so you are defo in it for the long run if you decide to go through with it. I feel like Márquez uses big words but Laura Esquivel's use of language is very simple and you might be able to understand her if you take the time to just sit down and translate at least a paragraph at a time.
Keep me updated / mantenme al tanto!
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Continued from here for @scarlxtleaves (I can't edit the previous post because I think it was done with legacy editor and I use beta editor)
"I'm not sure if I'm an efficient ruler yet," Sonia admitted, switching lanes in order to pass a particularly slow truck on the highway. There were speed limits of course, but they were more like guidelines. And the more distance they put between the car and the manor, the greater chance they had of not getting caught. Or at least, not getting caught for a few days, until the group found some way to track them, reach them, and likely be torn between relief and berating the two of them for running off.
Sonia cast a quick, sideways glance to Lupin: considering how he had plan A and contingency plans that often didn't look like contingencies at all, surely he must have considered what would transpire once their holiday getaway ended. Whether they'd seen everything they wished to or they were uncovered early, what did he plan to do? How did he plan to explain it? Or would that task be put squarely on her shoulders? Smoothing over conflict was part of the royal skillset, and while she could do it Sonia still wondered how he'd steer the situation into some sort of resolution.
Preferably better than her own steering, at least where the car was concerned: it was precise and no one was hurt, but with Tokyo well behind them, she could now drive as if she were on a simulated battlefield: carefully weaving with both hands on the wheel and adrenaline in her veins. "I suppose others would be impressed by our fluency in Japanese, but I feel that's almost impolite in a way. Whenever you visit another country where the citizens speak in foreign tongues, it is most appropriate to learn as much as you can so you might communicate more efficiently. Novoselic is a bit of an anomaly: Japanese is the fourth most popular language at home, with French and Italian, and then English, that are spoken more frequently."
But she paused her criticism of tourists to laugh at Lupin's warning. Maybe if she hadn't needed both hands to drive, she could've hid her amusement behind a feminine giggle and a well-placed hand over her mouth. But his advice came years too late, and she was both less-naïve and far more experienced in the exact issue he'd put forth. "I think the term you're searching for is 'gaijin-hunter,' Mr. Lupin!" She told him, as soon as she'd been able to take a breath. "Truthfully, I had a boy stalk me for the greater part of three years in high school, and he was a classmate. And it's not just boys, either: women can be equally interested in, as you put it, 'beautiful foreigners.'"
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She grinned as she switched lanes, moving the car into the appropriate exit lane. "Should I look out for you too then, as we obtain food and petrol?" She asked playfully, turning at the light and stopping at a nearby station attached to a FamilyMart. With a 7-Eleven across the street should they need it, it looked like the small town they'd chosen would serve them well. It was only when she'd put the car into park that she'd realized what she'd done: she'd inadvertently called him a beautiful foreigner.
That wasn't exactly a lie.
"Shall we go in and find something to eat?" Sonia asked him in French, quickly getting out of the car. Hopefully she changed the flow of the conversation just as quickly: the last thing she needed to do was make him feel uncomfortable. "I've always seen on television programs that sandwiches are best whilst engaging in long drives, but I've never had the opportunity to indulge in such things." Not when hampers had always been prepared for her, or she ate on the train or plane.
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