#I'm so sorry. but too lazy to translate.. (also- yeah. this is a work my teacher asked me to do. and so I did in my chibi style! hehe <3)
mel-loly · 1 year
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-Just literally random things that i draw, part.12
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percyramblesabouttadc · 7 months
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so i drew up some designs of what i think the cast would look like outside of the circus🥺
i wanted to make them look different while still keeping aspects of their circus designs
i saw like a post somewhere that gave humanized zooble prosthetics and i just loved that so you know i had to incorporate that somehow! i also wanted to try and get some of the colors from their circus design onto them too bc i felt like that would be nice. i'm not super happy with their design, like i feel like i could do better but like.... i'm lazy atm.... i'll do that later!
for kinger you know i had to keep his piercing blue eyes. you know i did. it's such a fun and silly aspect of his character how could i not.(his design is kinda basic so i don't know what else to say about it i'm very sorry kinger enjoyers)
when it comes to Jax's design! i still wanted him to have some pink and purple so you could recognize him but also have it be different from his circus design so i did the best i could. i also kept his teeth yellow because it's a thing you can translate to a human design and it doesn't need to be changed. i like that Jax has yellow teeth because so do i. HE KEEPS HIS YELLOW TEETH👹👹
GANGLE!!! omg i do rlly like how i designed her! i still wanted to incorporate ribbons some how so i gave her a braid with a ribbon at the end, however i do feel like she changes up her hair often in order to use more ribbon because it's something she enjoys!!! to me she gives off scared ex-theater kid. for obvious reasons. did i do that vibe justice? idk you tell me!
ohhh Ragatha..how i love you so.. Ragatha! her hair is infact dyed! bc you know her hair is so iconic to her character but i originally didn't want her to be ginger, why? felt too close to circus her! but i didn't want to rid her of her ginger entirely. so i toned it down, made it a bit more orange than red and made it dyed! i think it looks nice:) she's also a waitress! felt as it might fit sense she does give off people pleasing therapist friend vibes.
and for last but certainly not least POMNI!!!
she was the one i designed first! and obviously she doesn't have her normal colors from her circus design other than her hair!(did you know that pomnis circus design hair is supposed to be black but it just ended up looking brown? yeah. yeah.) it's mainly because she is infact wearing her work uniform and she doesn't really get to express herself through it but also i just wanted to change for her to be really present. because i can😁 but you know i had to keep her looking tired and depressed bc thats pomni for ya
see like the reason i wanted to make my own designs was because i didn't like the idea of them looking so similar to their tadc counterparts, it leaves more angst opportunities when they look so much different from their original bodies. right now this is kinda some concept work, i might change things(cough cough zooble) but right now i'm happy with them!
holy moly this post is so long i am soososo sorry
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stormoftara · 7 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I was tagged by @mysterygreentea thank you!!
I have two ao3 accounts I use regularly so I'll be answering for both!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
On hcsf: 68
On stormoftara 215
2. What’s your total word count?
On hcsf: 362,281
On stormoftara: 1,185,425
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Too many to count, but currently Hermitcraft/Life series. Previously it was Undertale, Omori and Osomatsu San
4. Top 5 fics by kudos
On hcsf: A Game of Love, Distances and Lies, Scar is Oblivious, Truth or Dare, Dick Measuring Contest
On stormoftara: The Dreamer, If not you then me, The Heaviness of a Heart, Drunken Ramblings, UN//Forgotten
5. Do you respond to comments?
Oh how I try… but fail. I'm sorry.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Uhhhhh. That's a good question. Maybe Missing, an Osomatsu San fic about Karamatsu dying. 
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
That's hard too. I write a lot of angst. Lots of my short fics are fluffy and have good endings. I can't think of one thats like super happy. 
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Yeah. Some of my Omori fics for reasons I don't understand. At one point I had one person really harassing me about it. I don't know why honestly. 
9. Do you write smut?
Yeah. Most of my highest kudos fics on hcsf are smut, if the fuc title "Dick Measuring Contest" is any hint lmao
10. Do you write crossovers?
Sure do! Mostly Mob Psycho 100/Osomatsu San. But there are other, much stranger things 
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not really. I've had some really close plagiarism, in which someone took my exact idea, but thats not really stealing. I was mad that there were comments on the other fic saying it was the best thing they ever read when it was a copy of my work, but eh... On Wattpad someone stole my story from reddit, but that particular story has been stolen and it's everywhere. It shows up a bunch in those YouTube videos where people read reddit posts too. That's not a fic and I'm not that upset since they usually credit me.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yup! One Undertale fic and one Omori fic. There might be others, but those ones I know for sure!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope and I wouldn't do that. I can't write like that.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I dunno. I like a lot of things. I guess TotoNyaa and Scarian 
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
I have about 50. I don't think I'll finish any of them. There's an Undertale fic and an Omori fic I want to finish but I don't have time. Sigh.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Writing fast. I have no lack of ideas.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Grammar. I write too fast and forget words. I get lazy and I don't edit things or polish them like I should 
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
Nah. It's confusing for the reader. If someone is speaking another language I either translate it in the text or if the Narrator doesn't understand I just say that.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Marble Hornets
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
A Game of Love. It's also by far my most popular fic so I'm happy that others like it too!
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peaterookie · 2 years
Lupin III Chapter 39 Review
I had this thing going on in a discord server where I would try to cover every single lupin manga chapter every day (sometimes i take breaks)
It wasn't until now that i realized that it would be funny if i posted these on tumblr so here we go :) I'm too lazy to post all 38 chapters since who the hell would do that but if there's demand then sure
beware i am not normal this isn't a formal review by any standards
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but lets get on with the chapter WOOOOOOO kid lupin is going to FUCK UP SOME SHIT!!! in this chapter he manages to fake his own disappearance to transport 7.2 billion dollars out of the city thats insane if you ask me
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sorry to use the crusty english print but im not gonna translate one piece of text he enters the car of his subordinate and they drive back to his mansion, in which lupin decides to not work with the man anymore since hes too boring for him
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Panel 1: "What's this?" "Your reward, ten thousand dollars." Panel 2: "You're done with me?" "Quite." Panel 3: "I told you when I met you..." Panel 4: "If you want to work for me, don't ask me questions." "Right.." honestly what a boyboss he was forced to be a crime employer at the ripe age of 15 then the dude gets sick of his attitude and decides to attack him!! he threatens lupin that hell call the cops about his status but lupin kills him!!
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he is speaking facts dead men indeed dont talk meanwhile the police is like WHERE THE FUCK IS LUPIN then this lady is like we should save lupin since hes worth 7.2 billion dollar (holy shit thats a lot) then they're like ....stfu i wonder how much he is worth as an adult at this point it'd be funny if it decreased kid lupin does look more menacing than older lupin the woman then has a plan to capture lupin since shes also works for him as a ploy, she decides to drive lupin out of the mansion and try to find the 7.2 billion along with capturing him lupin finds out immediately but he still gets captured by the police who was following the lady honestly skill issue if you ask me
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also this lady's boobs are astronomically big in this panel holy crap
also about the skill issue sorry i take it back lupin you're pretty cool
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nevermind he is skill issue i bring back my previous statement
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why does this keep happening anyways the police is like WHERE THE FUCK IS THE MONEY!?!?!? lupin points to the woman surprisingly and says that he slipped the map to the money in her the police end up undressing the woman (average cop behavior) and while theyre distracted lupin prepares this machine gun mcgee lookin' thing idk what it is sorry i may know i lot about lupin but i dont know a lot about guns
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also that shot looks BADASS why is kid lupin so cool in addition these cops fucking suck dont they know that in the manga when lupin says something is somewhere he is indeed lying??? they should catch up more on my reviews then lupin reveals that the 7.2 billion is in this truck the ENTIRE TIME (it is filled with rocks as a trick)
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you can actually see the truck somewhere in the earlier panels
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i have a funny idea that monkey punch just smacked that truck in that panel which was previously empty to show like yeah im so smart see foreshadow mmm big brain anyways lupin drives???? the truck???????????? DOES HE HAVE A LICENSE????????????????? the answer is no. its always no. lupin gets away with the money, and the cops are tied up i guess? i dont think i get how that happened but it happened
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And that's the end!
One day thing though i couldnt mention this in the middle of the review but i find the detective guy interesting
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considering this was way before zenigata became lupin's archnemesis i wish this guy got more backstory n such bro had to deal with kid lupin back then thats a big deal!!! how did he get that job!!! was he the og zenigata before zenigata???????????? and it would be kinda cool if this guy ended up being zenigata's mentor or something idk just a fruit for thought i lowkey want more about him in lupin zero now, along with the maid in ch.38 and arsene lupin anyways next chapter is going to be HUGE IM SO EXCITED YOU WILL SEE WHY TOMORROW GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH
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cryptiles · 2 years
Hey I'm sending a request for the match up event, and I would like it to be for Obey Me please.
My personality type is INFP, I'm a taurus and a non-binary, bisexual. I practically live off of coffee and energy drinks and I adore any content that has to do with horror. In my spare time I love to either read my mangas/comics, draw, take photographs of flowers and plants or listen to rock/metal music and take naps. I'd also say that I'm more of an introvert than an extrovert, however once I get to know/grow more comfortable around certain people I'll begin to talk a hell of a lot more.
(I hope this was enough info and if it wasnt/it's too much sorry)
— details ; obey me x non-binary! reader ; match-up based ; obey me m.list ; no stated pronouns
— requests are open as of 22/8 —> 5 match-ups left
— a/n ; hello hello you didn’t give me a name so i hope the nickname is okay for you aha 😼 im finishing up requests in my inbox so i’m speeding through these.
drum roll ~ i match you with … belphie !!
• if you live off energy drinks and coffee i’m assuming you’re tired most of the time and therefore need these drinks to keep you awake.
• what better than to have this sleepy fuck constantly try to cuddle with you in bed even when your alarm is ringing.
• its constantly getting snoozed by belphie or you.
• the first few times you both shared a bed with one another belphie would allow you to get out of bed when the first alarm rang , not without some whines here and there.
• as time went on he would move towards the night stand on your side , snatch your phone , snooze the alarm and put your phone on his side of the night stand.
• sneaky little bastard.
• if you scold him for it he’ll just snuggle up closer to you , i mean you cant scold him if he’s that cute right ?
• he adores taking naps with you , its his favourite part of the day.
• anytime anywhere if you need a cuddle buddy and personal body warmer feel free to sleep right next to him and he’ll instinctively wrap his arms around you.
• both of you enjoy the horror genre a lot and occasionally watch really bad ones just to make fun of them.
• if you both watch with mammon it’ll be you guys laughing at his reactions instead of the tv.
• belphie loves smelling flowers and occasionally walking in the garden , he finds it relaxing and the smells of the fresh flowers are comforting.
• he’ll bring you out to the garden to take pictures and plant new ones to grow just for you.
• belphie will point out which flowers look the best on camera , believe it or not he picked up a few things about photography through asmo.
• when he’s awake , he’ll scroll through the internet to find new places with nice scenery for you to take pictures and bring you there to indulge in your hobby.
• you like comics / manga ? no problem theres a whole shop in the house itself called levis room.
• if you mention a comic / manga you want to read he’ll barge into levis room , take it and give it to you. [ he says levi agreed but we all know he just took it and is too lazy to deal with levis shit so he’ll deal with it later. ]
mini scenario !!
“ the main character is hella stupid , like god the killer was right there a second ago why did you go and check the same exact spot ? “
“ right. i mean at least come up with a better way to kill them off. “
“ its lazy , boring and overused. “
“ at least taunt the victims more to build up suspense. “
“ yeah taunt them like how y’all did to me. “
“ mc no- “
© 2022 cryptiles. please do not repost / translate my work and post it to other social media websites without permission , thank you.
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lucithornz · 7 months
Tagged by two amazing people @amoxilwrites and @scoops404 I love you both <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Under my main and pseud 12 (35 if we are counting my other account)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
I am about to expose myself . . . Under LuciThornz it's 495,611 Combined with my other account it's . . . . 2,205,774 . . . .(don't ask lol)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
DNF and the Aurelian Cycle, a few other niche fandoms but those are the main two(other account is all Supernatural baby)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I'm doing top 3 because I am lazy.
I'd Lie
2. Unsought is Better
3. Suffer Love
I'm so happy the series is together here!!!!
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! I love responding. People take the time to say something and I love talking about my work and stuff. It's fun and I think makes the reading experience a lot more dynamic if that makes sense. As a commenter I also really like hearing back from authors, it's a lot of fun!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
. . . . Oh we all know. Haunted Deep (iykyk) I never link that fic so if you wanna find it you have to go digging :P
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Umm probably Suffer Love, that or One Fated Thread(soulmates will make for a pretty sappy ending)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Had one person take personal issue with George's characterization in Unsought is Better, but they still demanded updates ahead of schedule(blocked). Seen a few things on Twitter and one anon, but I really don't care.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I do. I have written omegaverse and monster smut. It's a work in progress I'd say, I like to try to ruin smut with emotions that's my M.O lol
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
No, but one day I'll write a dnf Supernatural crossover fic
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge, and it better stay that way. There's a very good reason I'm good at writing enemies to lovers.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
14. What's your all-time favourite ship
Destiel until the end of time!!! Sorry I love dnf too but the angel that changed the course of the entire universe for one man is more important. But yeah DNF, also Samifer, Daemon/Rhaenyra, Power/Annie(my beloved Aurelian Cycle ship) also Will/Emma Swan(literally never gets old)
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
None, I am a completionist to a fault. Now you have to be nice to me if you want to see the finished work, but I finish all my shit.
16. What are your writing strengths?
You all better tell me, the only thing I know I'm good at is angst.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Smut, sometimes I feel very shaky on characterization for some characters, and fluff(I am trying my best here people I promise)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Don't see the point, unless the character can't speak the language and doesn't understand also, but then just say they can't understand. I don't see the point unless it's elvish in LOTR I need that shit.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Wheel of Time/Supernatural. It was almost simultaneous. I gained access to Tumblr and went wild.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
I hate it till it's done, but it will be I'd Lie, until then Suffer Love gets the top spot
Thanks for tagging me, Scoops and Vesp! This was fun! Scoops tagged most people I would have, and I am very tired, so if you see this and want to play consider yourself tagged!
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changlixx · 2 years
Love your blog! Would love to know your personal interpretation/lyric breakdown of this song 좋아해서 미안 (sorry i love you) I think it would be really interesting!!!
ooof i've had this ask in my inbox for like 88 years. i'm sorry i didn't get to it sooner but i knew i'd have to go through the lyrics line by line and i was. lazy.
obviously this is just my personal interpretation and i don't claim to know... anything really. what follows is like a whole fanfic. anyway, in case anyone doesn't know, changbin wrote these lyrics and basically i think this song tells the story of how they got together and the hard time changbin had before that. i'm gonna talk about the lyrics out of order in a way that makes sense to me timelinewise. okay let's get into it.
i think this is the key part:
But maybe I took too long Our timings were off, I feel like I’m being punished What I did to get closer to you was rather Building a wall between us, I’m speechless
i've talked about this before, i think they were on different timelines in the beginning. felix has talked about how he was immediately struck by how handsome changbin was and we can see how flirty and handsy he was right from the beginning. definitely clumsy and not subtle at all, which... he was 17. they were both really young and i think changbin was overwhelmed by felix's advances. he was so forward and obnoxious about it lmao and felix was just starting to learn korean so there was a language barrier between them. also changbin comes from a wealthy korean family, i think it's safe to say that he was raised at least somewhat more conservative than felix growing up in sydney. maybe he had never even thought about being queer before. so yeah, as he puts it, their timings were off. felix was all in from the beginning and changbin got scared and built an emotional wall between them, and then when he had worked through it to some extent he felt like the distance he had put between them was his punishment.
I blame myself, I blame you I don’t know whom to blame, my resentment grows Trying to break down the wall between us just breaks my heart While making my mind up, I missed the most important one, you
this was when he realized what he'd done and wanted to get closer to felix again but couldn't. he blamed himself for being hesitant, he blamed felix for being too intense and he kind of resented the both of them for the situation. he took too long making up his mind and now that he had maybe felix was too far away. maybe felix didn't take the rejection well. it must have been a painful situation.
I can’t, I can’t hide my feelings for you anymore I bravely take a step closer to you But this step was never easy I made up my mind long ago, but I still needed more time
i think this is self-explanatory in context. he wanted to get closer but he didn't know how or if that was still possible. boy had a hard time.
Sorry that I like you so much, I’m sorry I tried to hide my feelings, but I guess it was too obvious Sorry that I like you, I’m sorry If liking you is a sin
now that's a loaded expression. in some translations this line is translated as "if liking you is wrong", which of course could be the ultimate meaning, but he does use the word 죄 which means sin. so when is liking someone a sin? i think this could be interpreted in multiple ways. one of which is the obvious christian one. the word sin in a song by a man about falling in love with his male friend is quite heavy. maybe he had internalized homophobia from growing up in a largely conservative country where many people think that homosexuality is a sin. maybe he had a hard time shaking that off even after he had accepted his feelings.
another possible interpretation is for the word sin to just mean wrong, which could be about falling in love with a friend. maybe at that point changbin didn't think he had a chance at anything more than a friendship with felix anymore. and falling in love with a friend can obviously be very damaging to the friendship. so maybe he thought falling for a friend is probably a bad idea in general.
then we also have the damn company of course. maybe the only person who'd think that changbin falling in love with felix was wrong would have been jay why pee. the man, not the company. park jinyoung. obviously that sort of thing is frowned upon in idol companies. imagine dispatch following them around with binoculars, snickering like the trash goblins they are.
and then the last interpretation that i have is that changbin felt guilty for pushing felix away and that it's wrong to then want him after all the emotional turmoil he'd caused.
i think these interpretations all make sense and maybe it was a bit of all of them.
When I gave you a movie ticket, you were just so happy But now I’m unintentionally pressuring you I just wanted to be with you, the two of us, together The tickets were just an excuse
yeah, maybe now it was felix's turn to be hesitant about this. maybe he wasn't sure what exactly changbin wanted and if it's worth risking to get hurt again.
To be just friends You’re too beautiful To just stay as friends
as my dear (non-kpop) friend put it: this part feels very much like it has to be about felix lol. imagine being blinded by that kind of beauty up close every day.
I try to hide this feeling that I can’t control I get carried away by this feeling that I can’t control With you being so irresistibly charming I should have looked away Yet I’m mesmerized again
a bitch is pining.
I know I’ll regret, so I end this I know I’ll regret, so I decide to express my feelings I want to be more than just friends I like you too much
the only way to get out of that messy situation was to clear the air and tell felix flat out how he feels and what he wants. whether that ends in them getting together or in regret and broken hearts.
The time waiting for you Feels like waiting for a traffic signal at a four way street The fact that we’ve grown even further apart than we were Makes me weary Because of my honesty, there is no relief All that remains is regret
so he told him. but he was still in suspension because apparently now felix was the one who couldn't make up his mind and changbin had to wait for an answer. no relief, still in limbo. fuck.
that's it. so in my mind this song is about the confusing and painful time before they got together caused by the different timelines they were on. fortunately there's because i like you so apparently they got their shit together :)
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effielumiere · 2 years
I miss you!!! Just passing by to check you out! What are you doing? tell me something to read! Love you. And...im gonna leave this here...🤐😏
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hiiii helloooooo
I uh... lol so sorry, i kept promising an update but since I started working last April whenever I get home I usually just rest, sometimes I eat dinner, sometimes I got straight to bed because I have to be up early, so the only times I get to write are on the shuttle on the way back home and sometimes during lunch breaks, I keep forgetting to write on weekends because laziness hits me like a train whenever I see my bed. I miss you too, and I miss posting stories 🥺and watching people interact with it even if it's just by liking it.
Right now, I'm finishing up my J-Hope fanfic which might get posted before the weekend (lets pray) and it will serve as a filler because I'm hesitant to post the next chapter of Girl of My Dreams because I wanna hear the demo version of I Need U, lol. But once I get to hear it and read the translated lyrics, I'll probably continue on with it. The Companion will be written after I'm finished with GOMD's I Need U/Run chapter. Hobi's fanfics came before Tae's because it's very light hearted and very Hobi, so yeah, stay tuned lol
And right now, I'm waiting for @sopejinsunflower to update her latest story lol xD, and my weekend reading of @casuallyimagining's story Home. Aaaaand I'm still hunting down Soulmate AUs of BTS Fics, aside from the one you suggested, Turbulence, that I'm also waiting for an update, I'm also reading restarting over again and a fic called Love at First Touch by bagelwrites and This Cruel and Beautiful World by aroseforyoongi, both on AO3, love at first touch is kinda like turbulence with the Skinship-to-live theme but it's Jimin💜 Speaking of which that Gif is very distracting as I'm typing... like the way he moves his body will never fail to amaze me. Like pls... protect me from sexy!jimin, I need soft!jimin.
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Morning! I hope you don't mind if i give you yet another She-Ra thought I'm too damn lazy to post on my own. Also, it's long again. I WILL find that character limit some day.
So, we know the way Shadow Weaver raised Adora resulted, among other issues, in her being selfless to the point of self-sacrifice, which came to a climax in the Heart's failsafe business.
And it's been suggested that this was basically intentional on Shadow Weaver's part. Basically, selflessness is a very beneficial quality for others to have. My theory is that <b>her plan for Adora had always been specifically for her to someday use the failsafe and release all magic</b>.
(i will admit i am also curious how formatting works in this app. thank you for your help with these experiments)
So, evidence. Let's start with her name. I know this is a remake and they were stuck with the existing names, but there's a scene where Scorpia complains about it ("yeah i GET it, everyone LOVES you"), which constitutes the writers acknowledging its meaning, which makes me think it's fair game to analyze.
First, I'm obviously assuming Shadow Weaver choose it, as part of her ongoing parenting plan. It's also possible it was her original First One-given name, we don't know. Neither quite works because either she or Light Hope should have had some issues knowing what the name was and they clearly knew automatically. Really the entire series is weird in that everyone communicates with everyone else way too easily, and i will definitely rant about that someday.
For now let it stand that Shadow Weaver is the parent figure, it makes the most sense for her to pick the name, both in-universe and narratively, so i shall assume so by default. I have two things to say about that choice.
First, as we all have noticed, most of the princesses have names ending in -a. All of them, if you count "Glimma". It's never said to be intentional, but it would make sense. And then IF such a tradition exists among Etheria's royalty, it's not unreasonable for Shadow Weaver, a notable and moderately respected member of the land of knowledge, to know about it.
And then if she knew, of course she would take it into consideration when looking for names. Admittedly it's a little weird with the anti-Princess propaganda that the Horde has, but she doesn't really need to explain or justify this. Hordak has a very [i]laissez-faire[/i] attitude, and everyone else she clearly doesn't care about.
And if she knew or suspected that the princesses' powers were related to the Heart of Etheria, which i will argue for later, then giving her a princessy name is also adequately ironic.
The second name bit is that Scorpia clearly knows some Latin, but not enough. True, <em>adorare</em> means to worship and/or to love, but Latin verbs are more complex than that. _Adora_ specifically is 3rd person singular present indicative active. The translation would be "she loves".
Names aside, i want to talk about how they (we) learned about the Heart of Etheria. Castaspella doesn't know what to do, Shadow Weaver suggests they take a road trip to research, which she's reticent about but concedes is probably the best use of her time, and they find success. We don't know how long it took them, but i had the distinct impression that it wasn't very long.
Naturally, I'm suggesting Shadow Weaver knew all along, and led Castaspella on the trip to have an excuse for the inevitable "how do you know?". Also tricked her into thinking it was /her/ discovery, and maybe even that she was succeeding where Shadow Weaver had failed before, if necessary.
That's why she's so excited to share their results with everybody, and Shadow Weaver cuts her off, apparently just to antagonize her for fun, but I'm suggesting it was also because for her this is the culmination of a decades-long plan, and she wants to Get On With It.
It's also interesting that there was a mural depicting the Spell of Obtainment in the hallway leading to the failsafe. It was a reminder of Shadow Weaver's past, and an opportunity for her to show she regrets her results but doesn't repent from her choices, which i quite like actually. But I'm also saying that, meta-textually, it was a signal that she'd been there before, literally.
And then there is the potential in-universe connection, since we don't know what exactly the spell was meant to be obtaining. Power, for sure, and from what happened we're probably meant to assume it's tapping into some sort of demonic entity or dimension.
Fair enough, except that it never comes up again. And it's kind of a big plot point that Etheria is isolated from the rest of the cosmos, which may or may not conflict with it having a contactable "hell". Meanwhile there's the Heart of Etheria Project collecting all that magic, which Mara's allies (and their descendants) would know something about, have access to at least one backdoor to, and may well have tried to tap into its power at some point.
And then what went wrong may well be one of the defense mechanisms of the Project, though I'm admittedly veering into unfounded speculation.
So, a rough timeline. Light Spinner was always motivated to excel and craved power. She was probably always envied the princesses, who command greater magic than most sorcerers with apparently none of the study and practice.
She took to researching everything she could that might lead to power, eventually discovering the chamber with the failsafe, and presumably other information left by Mara's Friends, either in other chambers or in documents she's since removed. She would have learned a lot of things from this.
As i suggested, i believe she knew there's some connection between the princesses at large and the Heart of Etheria. Incidentally, i don't know exactly what that connection is, and in particular whether princesses were created by the Project or an existing phenomenon that the First Ones co-opted. But it doesn't matter, exactly.
What's important is that there's clearly a connection, more specifically a control system for the princesses and their magic, which is presumably related to how Shadow Weaver was able to tap into the Black Garnet's power. With Hordak's help, obviously, since she clearly believed it when he claimed he could cut her off at will, but he's later shown to have basically no understanding of First Ones' tech, so the knowledge must have come from her.
For the record, i would guess she thinks princesses are artificial, empowered both magically and politically to keep the planet in check, and that they would be depowered once the failsafe was fired. I also think that may be true, actually, since it almost happened when Entrapta was messing with the system, and if i recall none of them were shown to use any magic after Adora did fire it, while she clearly used Perfuma's power. But anyways!
Back to what Shadow Weaver learned, she would know some of what the failsafe does, namely disrupt the system that's hoarding most of the planet's magic, thereby spreading magic to all (most notably her), and some of how to use it, and the fact that she couldn't do so and hope to live, and some of the criteria for who can. That part is important.
But first, she also learned the Spell of Obtainment, deemed it more likely but didn't think she could do it herself, despaired of getting help until she thought Hordak's rise to fame would give her #casus belli#, lost her patience when the Mystacor leadership disagreed, etc etc etc. Pretty uncontroversial in this part, i think.
After she'd joined the Horde, when Hordak showed up with baby Adora and wanted to lump her with the rest of the orphans they have, Shadow Weaver pleaded to have her get special treatment. She even said that she's special, and it couldn't have been her leadership skills or good heart, since she didn't have either yet. It's heavily implied she could recognize her as a First One, but it's not clear why she would care, since they were known for leaving behind advanced technology, which a baby also doesn't have. Unless, of course, she knew there are devices only a First One could use, and maybe has plans related to that.
So I'm pretty sure she learned the criteria that the failsafe requires, devised some spell or technique to check people for them that she pretty much used all the time, just in case, and was very surprised when a newborn tested positive. She was also surprised when Hordak made her personally responsible for the raising of the kid, but her reaction is pretty much "ok, that could work, i guess".
Also also, i suspect she can read First One script. Not perfectly like Adora, but better than Bow's parents probably. Mostly because when she puts Adora's hand on the crystal and says "i think you know the password", that seems like a very transparent attempt to pretend she knows it too when she doesn't. But that seems irresponsible at such a crucial moment, she and Castaspella should really have researched it earlier. Or at least her line there should have been "you can read this, right?" or somesuch.
So I'm thinking it's a double bluff, hoping everybody assumes she doesn't know so she doesn't have to reveal how and why she knows, again.
And that's all i have, i think? This is not nearly as well laid out as i would like. But then, nothing ever is, right?
Also it's not even close to morning anymore. Thank you if you even got this far, and have a good evening!
hi!!! this took me a while to answer, i'm so sorry about that <3
i'm very low on energy today so i cannot summon up the brain energy to respond properly to this, as much as i want to, i'm really sorry for that as well
i love this theory!! it actually fits in really well with canon and makes, like, a LOT of sense now that i think about it. i definitely wouldn't have thought of this on my own, so thank you for sharing this with me!! :D
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inessencedevided · 3 years
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(You can find the set that this gif belongs to here 💙)
From planning to posting, share your process for making creative content!
To continue supporting content makers, this tag game is meant to show the entire process of making creative content: this can be for any creation.
RULES: When your work is tagged, show the process of its creation from planning to posting, then tag 5 people with a specific link to one of their creative works you’d like to see the process of. Use the tag #showyourprocess so we can find yours
I was tagged by @aheartfullofjolllly. thank you so much Pat! it was really fun to reflect about my own process 💗 You can find her post here and @lan-xichens' post that started it all here :)
Also thank you @huigusu 🥰 (who tagged me for my nie brothers set) I'll get to that one in a few days!
Now Pat gave me two sets to chose from to show my process, so obviously I chose the more complicated one :P
I only work in Photoshop CC 2018. I know that there are programs out there for easier cutting and sharpening but I have only just figured out how to do that in PS and I am too lazy to figure out any other programs right now xD
1. Idea and Planning
This set, like most of my sets with lyrics started with me reading the poem, clutching my heart and going "oh shit this fits my favourite characters!!". The idea actually started with me thinking that the first stanza of the poem would go really well with wwx during the burial mounds arc. Then I realized that the last stanza fits lwj better than him and from there came the idea to contrast the both of them next to each other. This is when I realized I wanted to do a dark-light contrast set, though I did not know that I would go with red and blue at that time. My idea in the beginning was just to do a black and white set
I was really impressed by how Pat said that she plans her sets around exact timestamps. Because I don't do that at all ^^ I just get ideas for which scenes would fit (in this case the wwx burial mounds scenes and lwj's kneeling and punishments scene) and then I watch the scenes to narrow them down.
Back when I made this set, I still used a screenrecorder (AceThinker Screen Grabber Pro to be precise. They have a test version that allows you to record up to 3 minutes) and recorded the scenes I needed from Netflix. This worked well enough but now I have the entire show saved on an external drive and it makes a world of difference when it comes to gif sharpness
Now, in this case I had to repeat this step once because when I was almost finished, I realized that I wanted a gif for the lwj corner but let's pretend I didn't do that and that's the way this gif was always going to look because otherwise this post will be way too long ^^
2. Creation
Short disclaimer: The creation process for this gifset was anything but linear. Multiple effects I used here were things I had never tried before. I just had a vague idea and tried to realize it through trial and error. So whenever I say "then I did xyz", it is implied that I ultimately went back to that step several times and changed stuff ^^
I started with the Wei Wuxian part of the gif. I usually use a frame rate of 0,06 (with some variation depending on gif length and size). I work in timeline so I converted all the layers to a smart layer. Then I resized the gif into a square, leaving big chunks of the gif empty (as can be seen below.) I flipped the gif horizontally, so he is looking inwards. This was simple because I felt it fitted the composition better. Then I imported the Lan Wangji part of the gif, again with a frame rate of 0,06. (Image 2)
After that I created a layer for masking in a separate PS document by rotating a square until it was point down (is that a rhombus?). I sized it to match my gif (540x540 pxl) and copied it over. (Image 3) a bit of masking magic and ta da! There's the basic layout (Image 4)
I put a layer of solid black behind wwx to get rid of the transparent bits (Image 5) and then started adding more white and black to both sides by adding solid whit and black layers that i put masks on and changed the opacity as i needed (Image 6)
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("reading" direction: from the upper left to the lower right corner)
Then I fiddled with the colours a bit. The first thing I always do is using the curves layer to get more contrast. Then I use the colour balance tool and the selective colouring tool to get rid of that cql-typical cyan tint after that it's just trying to have it look "natural" while the colours still fit the overall scheme. This was difficult here because wei Wuxian’s side of the gif was very dark and when i turned up the saturation to see which colour dominated it was a very weird mixture of multiple colours. That's when i decided that I'd just go with red on his side, since lwj's side was already so blue and those to look great as contrasts.
After that just came a lot of fiddling with selective colour layers and brightness and contrast unti I has happy. There really wasn't much to it ^^. (Image 1)
After that I added the text. I knew I wanted the two lines to for a square of some kind. So I tried different fonds until I arrived at the one below. The two lines are in seperate layers so I could move them around and change the spacing between the letters until I was happy with the layout. I also changed the layer mode for the text to "difference" (is that what it's called in english? my PS is set to german sorry ^^), keeping their colour white. (Image 2)
I originally hadn't planned adding anything else but I felt like the gifs (plural because I switched between the gifs of this set) was still kind of empty and lacking, so I added the tear down the middle (a tutorial for that is either coming up later or already posted. I recently got an ask for this :)) (Image 3)
It still felt empty after that, so I tried different overlays. Okay no, first I wasted a lot of time on different free image sides but then I tried out different ones until I chose the one you can see in the finished gif. I liked that one because a) I felt the round shape was a nice contrast to all the straight lines already there and b) because once I applied a black and white filter to it and switched the layer setting to "difference" (again, i hope this is the correct translation) it looked a bit like a moon. (Gif at the top)
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("reading" direction: from left to right)
And that's it! :)
Although in general, these gifs took so much fiddling! I went back and forth between them a lot and sometimes almost redid the entire thing because I had no idea what I was doing in the beginning and by the time I noticed an error, the only way to fix it was ti redo everything. So yeah, this set definitely is the the one that took me the longest out of all the ones I've posted so far.
3. Posting
I save all my gifs to my drafts first to see what they look like put together and to check if they look any different on mobile. Usually i do this several times and change stuff until I'm happd enough with it to hit post. Once i am happy enough, i can't hold back. Doesn't matter if it's at a time when nobody is online, i hit post 😅
And that's it!
@lanwuxiann for this gifset (I adore it so much. I've looked at it and read it severat times since you posted it and the poem just kills me every time!)
@suibianjie for this gifset (The combination of static images and gifs in your gifs is always absolutely perfect! This one is only my favourite of yours because the light coming from behind wwx is just so pretty!!! ^^)
@sweetlittlevampire for this piece (It was soooo hard to pick a piece of yours because I have so many favourites! But this one is just so out if this world, I want to know how you worked that magic :D)
@wei-gege for this set (sparkling shijie! 😭 that set is so incredibly beautiful! I love how you matched the colour of the overlay with her dress!)
@purplexedhuman for this set (your gifs are always incredible! I chise this one because it showcases both your colouring skills and some really intricate effects)
If any of you have already been tagged or don't have the time or energy for this, obviously no pressure to do this at all! 🥰
(btw, I originally tried to place the actual text of this under a "read more" cut but somehow it always messed with the order of the images, so this ended up as a rather long post. sorry!)
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limjaeseven · 4 years
GOT7 When They Are Jealous
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Hey guys! This is my first official post as a GOT7 blog and I would like to say a huge thanks to the lovely anon who sent in a request. I had never originally considered opening my requests but I realised it's a good way to get me to write and stop being lazy. So yeah, as of now my requests are open, just drop em off and I'll try to get to them as soon as I can.
Before we get into the reactions, I really need to address something quickly: I will be avoiding writing member X female reader fics as much as possible. For those who don't know, I am trans and over the time that I have realised that fact and come out, I've become more and more uncomfortable reading and writing female reader fics.
I will instead be writing member X member, member X male reader and member X gender neutral reader fics as much as possible. I hope you guys can respect that, and to all of you who continue to stick around to read my work, thank you so much.
Also final note: to all readers and writers of GOT7 fanfiction, my new network @got7writerscollective is officially here and spots are filling up fast so head on over there and apply! I hope to see you join our community. Apologies for all the blabbering and let's actually move on to the reactions.
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Jaebeom never wanted to be the jealous, possessive boyfriend but he just hates seeing guys get handsy with you. His angry chin made quite the appearance when you were cuddling with Yugyeom while watching a movie together. Jinyoung noticed the death stare coming Yugyeom's way and nudged him to move away from you, making him whine. As soon as you were out of Yugyeom's reach, Jaebeom pulled you into his lap, wrapping his arms around your waist and snuggling his face in the crook of your neck, causing the other guys go snicker at the second oldest's obvious jealousy.
"I'm sorry baby but I just can't stand seeing someone else's hands on you. I promise I'll try to stop being so stuck up but you'll have to give me some time. It's not my fault that I have such a perfect partner who makes everyone fall for them"
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Mark had absolutely no issues with you hanging out with other members and friends because he trusted you enough to know that even if someone tried to make a move on you, you'd try your best to get out of the situation as soon as possible. But once when you both were out on a date, a waiter tried to flirt with you, ignoring Mark's presence. Mark pulled your hand and made you sit on the same side of the booth as him, wrapping his hand around your shoulder and giving you random kisses, making sure the waiter was watching the displays of affection. He made sure to give you a solid kiss on the lips when the waiter came to give the bill, making the stranger blush and leave quickly.
"I hate it when guys try to flirt with you especially when I'm around. I don't blame them for wanting to try, you're absolutely irresistible but you're mine"
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Jackson always became extremely pouty when he was jealous. You had planned to go shopping with Mark and asked Jackson if he wanted to tag along and he agreed. Unfortunately for him, you and Mark were busy looking for new shoes together, alomst forgetting that he even came with you. You were about to ask Jackson for his opinion on a pair of sneakers you were planning to buy when you found him sitting alone in the corner of the store, staring at his phone and pouting. You held a finger against your lips, signaling Mark to be quiet before sneaking up on Jackson and giving him a tight hug from behind. You turned him around to face you and told him it was time to head home, making him smile.
"I didn't want to interrupt your shopping but you and Mark hyung were having so much fun together I felt a little bit left out. Next time you two can go together without me or the two of us can go"
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When your group of friends had invited you to a trip to Jeju, Jinyoung wasn't the happiest. He didn't want you to not go because he did trust you but he just hated the idea of someone making a move on you. He made you promise to send him pictures of yourself every hour and told you to immediately call him if you ever felt uncomfortable. He called you up at random times in the middle of the trip just to check up on you. He felt bad for seeming like such a possessive boyfriend but you knew that he did what he did because he loved and cared about you. The day you returned, Jinyoung came to pick you up at the airport and gave you a huge bear hug and clung onto you the entire day because of how much he missed you.
"I never mean to sound so possessive but I'm just worried about you. I love you too much to let someone else take you away from me"
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Youngjae had always struggled with insecurities and seeing you spend all day in the studio with Jaebeom made them resurface. He always wondered how he was able to get such an amazing partner as you and it made his quite insecure and upset. You and Youngjae shared a love for music but somehow it never translated in the studio whereas you and Jaebeom clicked quite well together, musically. It always made him upset that he couldn't be the one to make music with you. Instead of getting vocally jealous or angry, Youngjae just closed up and became quiet. As soon as you noticed his behaviour you asked him what was wrong and reassured him that you loved him and that you had no interntions of ever leaving.
"I know how much you love music and I want you to make songs with hyung because they always turn out well but I'm afraid someday you'll find him to be better than me and leave me"
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Deciding to surprise you at work, Bambam dropped by your office during your lunch one day to find you sitting at a table with another man who was continuously chattering away. You looked quite uncomfortable, like you wanted to leave or get out of the situation but couldn't. Bambam walked up to the two of you, wrapping his hands around your waist. The other man questioned who he was and you introduced him as your boyfriend, giving him the clear signal that you were taken. You later explained that you had told your co worker that you had a partner but he refused to believe it and continued to flirt with you. Bambam bought you an expensive and flashy ring the next day to wear at work and told you to wear it till he actually proposed to you.
"I already know that you're the one for me, love. Till I propose though, wear this and make sure they see that your mine and I'm yours"
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Usually shy Yugyeom would get irritable and snappy when he's jealous. You were close to one of your ex's who you'd grown up with and broken up on good terms. He was getting engaged and invited you to help buy a wedding ring. You tried calling Yugyeom to let him know that you'd be going out with your ex but he was too busy to pick up your calls. Yugyeom later that day went to the mall to look for an anniversary gift for you and found you there with him. When you got back home, you saw Yugyeom curled up on the couch, refusing to talk to you. After a lot of persuading he told you why he was mad and you just laughed and explained he situation to him, showing him pictures is the ring and your ex with their significant other.
"I'm sorry for getting jealous, love. I don't doubt your love for me but seeing you with them just made me feel upset. I promise I'll trust you more in the future"
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And that's it for now guys! This is my first ever reaction so I'm still new to the format. I really hope you guys liked it. Like I said, requests are open, and @got7writerscollective applications are open so head on over there and join our community
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savysavannah · 3 years
Challenge 1
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Special thanks to @damian-schreave and @hadleyjaneharper for the rps.
Also the last section is not in fic format because its 2am, im lazy, and you get the gyst from the RP. Apperantly this is too long so part 2 soon.
    The Prince was off in Paloma for a bit so we were of little use in the Palace, no idea why they had us move in so early. Therefore, I’d spent most of the day with some books I’d grabbed from the library. Primarily they were legal books since it never hurts to brush up. But every once in a while, such as now I’d need to go and grab some food. 
I brought my notepad and a book on contract law with me and walked into the kitchen. There was another girl also in the kitchen. We haven't spoken to each other, she didn’t seem unfriendly or particularly awful company, just hadn’t really had the moment to. I grabbed a plate of fruit and wondered if she would say anything. After a moment I sat down and resumed reading. 
Then a small sad sigh came from the young woman who was looking down at her phone with a sad face. It wouldn’t be too bad if I took a break for some conversation. However, the young woman looked troubled, she may not be in the mood. I yawned and stretched then mumbled, but loud enough for her to hear, “God, I could use a drink.” and wondered if the other would take the bait. 
There was a beat before the other spoke, “Long day?”
“More or less. Lots of reading, missing work. How about yourself?”
She shrugged “Its...different than what I’m used to. Lots of sitting still when I’m used to spending my days moving around.” SHe grimaces then sighed, “The adjustment period is always the toughest, though.”
I thought for a moment trying to remember the occupations of the selected, “The dancer?” I asked. 
She grinned “Yeah. Hadley.” She raised an eyebrow, “And you?”
“Lawyer.” I said and stood from the table, walked over to Hadley and held her hand out, “Savannah Mars, Labrador, three.”
She shook my hand, “Nice to meet you.” then thought for a moment, “You said you were missing work? Do you work at a law firm?”
“Kinda. I work for the Illean Civil Liberties Union in their legal division. It's a non-profit which focuses on civil rights and for me civil legal cases. Lgbt+ rights defense, domestic defense, that sort of thing.”
“Oh, that’s really cool.” She said, seeming actually interested in my work. “Are you missing the casework, or something else?”
“It's pretty hard for me to step back from my work. Since I'm kind of left worrying about my clients. A new guy took over my cases but I'm trying to still work in my own way by studying up on some legal sections I work in less frequently but still may come up. Such as contract law.” I explained not fully hearing her other question. 
She nodded, “I understand, sort of. I’m left worrying about how my ballet company is going to perform, with somebody else taking over the role in the Nutcracker that I’ve had the past few years.”
“Yeah the transition really is nerve wracking. Have you seen them perform though?” I asked hoping that could at least provide some solace. 
“I’ve seen pictures on Instagram, but no videos yet. We were just finishing up our performance of Cinderella when I left. Nutcracker rehearsal started a few days after, but it’s a show we do each year, so... “ She sighed “ It /should/ be fine.”
I nodded, “well if they assigned them the role try and have faith in their qualifications. That's what I'm keeping in mind for mine. They did go to law school so it's fine. They got the role so it’s fine.” I said partially for her and partially for me. 
She sighed a little hesitant, “Yeah, you’re probably right. Competition is just gonna be a bitch and a half when I’m sent back.” She chuckled wryly.  
“Well maybe you'll win and then you won't have too. Who’s gonna take a role away from the future queen of Illea.”
“That’s extremely unlikely to happen.” She then almost smirked “What about you? If you win, nobody’s going to tell you no in a courtroom.”
I laughed, “If I win I'll kill myself.” Then I realized how dark that sounded, though it didn’t seem to phase her.
“I hate to say that I feel the same way, but…” She shrugged and nodded, “I feel the same way” For a moment I was confused, why would she join if she felt the same way? Then it clicked, a dancer would be a five, lower class, need the money.
“You're a five right? Did you apply for the money? If you don't mind my asking that is. It would just make sense why you'd dislike to win.” 
“It…” She bit her lip, “Kind of? It’s a long story involving a deadbeat mom, a shitty health care system, two starving artists, and a kid with leukemia.” She said with an apologetic smile. Whatever she’d be apologizing for I can’t say. 
“Well shit man, I'm glad you got in then. Both for the money and for a break from that. I know this society fucking sucks and we've got a likely shit for brains hier, but if you ever need a lawyer I'm here to help. Hopefully, being a three now will provide some help for you too.” I said then caught myself making a mental note to not be so vulgar with my language. 
She gave me a small smile, “Thanks. Now I just have to figure out what I’m doing with the rest of my life, after throwing my career into dance, only to become a Three.” She laughed, “What about you? Why did you enter? It sounds like you had a pretty cushy gig going on.”
It wouldn’t be smart to tell the truth, but lying when Hadley had been so open felt wrong, I sighed and said, “My brother. Basically he forged my entry and I didn't want him to get into legal troubles for that. He's a fucking idiot.” I sighed and let that last cuss word slide as he is a fucking idiot. 
She snorted, “Men really do only have two brain cells.” She gave a small smile, “I’m sorry that you ended up in that situation, though. That’s rough.”
“Yeah. I tried to beat him up but my other brothers stopped me. It was really a mess. Had to find out from a waitress asking for a photo with me.” 
She shook her head, “My best friend told me that he was so upset to see me, “throwing my life away,” as if I hadn’t entered to help him and his brother.” Sounds like an ungrateful ass. She sighed and looked down at her fruit, “When did life get this messed up?”
A question with too big of an answer. A bit panicked and not knowing what to say I took a strawberry off my plate and held it out to her, “Fruit?” 
She chuckled and took the strawberry, “Thanks.” She takes a bit, chews, and then pauses, looking at Savannah, “You know what I could really go for right now, though? A good gin and tonic.”
“God that'd be great. You know what, let's make some. One glass can't hurt.”
She shrugged, “Sure, sounds fun. I’m down.” She looks around, “I know they keep the wine in that cabinet, but I haven’t found the liquor yet.”
After gathering our ingredients we get to work making the glasses, “so, what's your plan in all this?”
“In the selection?” She raises an eyebrow and then shrugs, she starts pouring things into the mixer bottle, “Stay here for as long as I can so I keep making stimulus checks, and then get sent home before I’m stuck spending the rest of my life here.” She finishes pouring and looks at Savannah, “You?”
I sighed, “about the same. Give the money to the non-profit I work for. I was hoping I could root for you to win, you seem like you have a good head on your shoulders to influence him, but the more I think about it the more I realize that's like damning to hell.
She snorts, “Well, I still appreciate the compliment, and I would’ve said the same about you.” Then she sighs, “I’ve always known that it’s been like this, though. He gets to squander every penny he has on luxury shit, whereas my paychecks…” another sigh, “But life isn’t fair.”
“Yeah. And then waste the money on useless shit and trying to pass dumb laws like making 'cats' illegal instead of actually fixing the problems in this country.” I said and poured myself a glass of the drink.
She poured some for herself and then shook her head with an eye roll, “Don’t even get me started on that debacle. Why even joke about things like that?”
“Because he doesn't comprehend how the people of his own country are suffering. He's just so blind with privilege. Not that I have much to speak on but at least I freaking try to think about others in the country and their situations.”
She gave me a small smile, “You didn’t seem like the type to blow your money on worthless things to me, at all. I don’t even know what I’m going to say to him when we have that interview in a few days.”
“Yeah I think im just gonna be polite for the sake of not causing a scene that'll haunt me my whole life” I said and took a sip, then clarified, “polite though, not kind.”
She nodded then drank too, “I really went from putting on one type of show for Twos to another.” 
“Any idea what you're gonna do as a three?” I asked.
She pursed her lips and shook her head, “I haven’t taken a science or maths class since I was eleven, and I don’t have the money for university. I guess I could work as a translator, or if that doesn’t work out, marry a five and go back to dancing.” She took another sip of her drink, “Hopefully I’ll be here long enough to figure it out.”
“Do they not have like threes who are dance teachers? I haven't really looked much into the area myself but it may make sense.”
She shook her head, “For me, at least, it was mostly Russian immigrants who were former dancers themselves, so Fives.”
I thought for a moment, “Well if you ever need history lessons, english, or legal aid I'm around. I dug into my pocket and pulled out a business card, since it’s not like either of us plan to be here long,  “Just all the way up in Labrador. Where are you from again?”
“Allens. So, not too far. Thanks.” She replied and looked at the card.
“Welcome.” I replied, finished off my drink then wrote down another idea. 
Hadley narrowed her eyes curiously, “What are you writing?”
“Just an idea for a proposition with the ICLU. There are probably other girls in a similar situation as you being lower caste now upper be it through marriage or selection, it may be helpful to talk about implementing a caste readjustment program.”
She lifted her head, smiling just a little, “That sounds like a great idea.” Then a little quieter she added,  “I'd appreciate it.” 
“Hopefully my boss will agree and pass it onto the innovation department. I'll write a quick memo about it to her later.” I smiled happy to have something to do.
“You really love your job, don't you?” She asked. 
I nodded, “It makes me feel like I have some kinda purpose. As cheesy as that is to say.” Making actual change in Illea instead of just prancing around doing whatever else I could have grown up to do. 
“No, I get that.” She looked down, “As a kid, I never really felt like I belonged, but on the stage, dancing?” She looked a little distant, “Standing out was a good thing.”
I nodded,  “Mhm. Have you thought of ways you could continue working while at the palace?”
She smiled, “Actually, I had a conversation with Prince Eaton about that, and I’ve been able to work out a schedule that allows me to still practice, even though I have to do a little more work to catch up on lessons.”
“That'll be good. If you wanted too you could put on a performance and donate the profits. That way you could be working towards a goal too instead of general practice.”
She tilted her head, “That's an interesting idea. I’ll keep that in mind.”
I nodded, “Well it was nice meeting you, Lady Hadley. But it is probably time for me to get back to work.” Then held out my hand to shake goodbye.
She took it, giving it a shake. “Nice to meet you too.”
It was pretty late in the afternoon by the time I was escorted to the interview room. Damian was in a navy blue suit jacket, dress pants, and a white button up shirt. He smiled at me as I got closer.  His eyes flicker to my nametag for a second before he speaks, “Hello, Lady Savannah. It’s a pleasure to meet you in person.”
I smiled trying to stay polite, then gave a small curtsy, “The same to you, your highness.”
He smiled back, taking a few steps back and gestured for me to go into the interview room. In the room is a sofa, surrounded by stage lights and a few cameras, what a romantic first meeting. There is one camera on a swivel stand, that is currently focused on Damian and I. He starts walking into the room, looking at me as he talks, "How have you found your first few days here, so far?"
I debated giving him a short one word answer of 'fine' but Danny's words of 'don't ruin your own happiness" slipped into my head. "They've been fine. I've enjoyed your library. It's helped me feel like I can in some ways continue working by catching up on legal matters normally outside of my areas of expertise."
He nodded while smiling then took a seat on the sofa, "So you're a lawyer, then? What kind of law do you practice?"
Reluctantly I sat next to him, hopefully I wouldn't catch an STD from proximity alone, "Yes, I practice primarily civil and criminal law with the Illean Civil Librities Union. So primarily defending people who are in bad situations due to outdated laws which need amending." My tone came out more passive aggressive than intended, but it was slightly justified as he should have been working to amend said laws and help people instead of partying.
"That's a great thing, to be doing. What got you into law?"
"Well I was at the University of Labrador. My best friend I'm the sorority I was in decided to go to a protest over women's rights in illea. We went, someone man came and antagonized some women, she defended herself verbally, got arrested, felt up by the officer, then was unable to do anything legally about it. I felt that was unfair so I decided to look into being a lawyer, liked the process, graduated in 2 years, went to Yale and here I am." 
He lets out a low whistle, looking down for a second. I couldn't help but be a but prideful at my accomplishment, then looks back up at me, more serious than before, his jaw tense, "I'm really sorry that happened to your friend." He said and fell silent. What a conversation killer. 
"It's fine." I said trying not to dwell on it, "How was your time in undergrad? Partied a lot, I saw." I said the passive agressiveness coming out again. 
He smiled, a little more relaxed than before, but not as relaxed as he was when he first entered the room, "I enjoyed my last few years of freedom before entering the real world, yes." He then raised his eyebrows, grinning a little wider, kind of teasing, "And what about you? Being in a sorority and all, I doubt you were much of a homebody yourself." 
I couldn't help but completely flush and bit down my urge to absolutely smack him upside the head. "It was a brief phase. It was fun. But also a waste of time." I chuckled a bit remembering my airheaded behavior in that year, "had I already been working harder I may have been able to finish faster and help more people."
He grinned a little at how flustered I was, which just made me want to punch him more, then smiled a little more genuinely towards the end, "We're still young. We have our whole lives to keep fixing things."
i frowned, "That isn't true. We never know when we're going to die. Something could always happen so we should be trying to help as much as we can. Not to mention while we" I paused after my slip of the tongue, but didn't correct it "partied in undergrad people were suffering who could have been helped."
There's a flicker of a frown on his face when I mentioned how short life is, but he lets it go, tilting his head when he looks at me, "We can't save everyone. That's impossible. We can try to do as much as we can, but there will always be more people in need of help.
"Partying isn't trying."
He raised his eyebrows, "You didn't even know you wanted to be a lawyer, back when you were partying in college."
I got kinda flustered again, he's right, there's no logically sound way to win. Yeah but I should have, I wish I had. Would have made the time a lot less regrettable." I said then cleared my throat, "Though, this is a bit of a heavy topic for our first meeting, don't you agree? Your- Damian." I barely corrected myself from saying Your Highness.
He chuckled, "A bit, but it's different from the surface level talk about work and provinces." He inclined his head, "Though, if you think about it, you never would have discovered your passion for law if you hadn't joined your sorority." He shrugged and gave a stupid grin which made me blush even more. 
Finally I snapped and turned to point a finger at him, "You won okay. I can't regret something if I didn't know to do something better, but that doesn't make topless jello shots any less of an embarrassing memory." I exclaimed then heard what I said and wished to curl into a ball and die. 
He chuckled a little, "We all have our moments. It's okay."
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door then, and a guard pokes his head in. Damian nods at him, then turns and looks at me, "Unfortunately, we'll have to exchange stories another time. It appears our time today is up."
I sighed in relief at my rescue, then mumbled under my breath, "Thank God." I stood to curtsy, "Your-" I cringed a bit at the error, "Damian."
He chuckled again, "It was a pleasure to meet you Savannah. Until next time." He smiled at me when we got to the door, and stopped in the doorway.
I smiled back politely, "Thank you for the conversation. Till next time." 
*savy was taking a break from her work and decided to out for a walk in the gardens. She had always been a fan of taking runs when stressed snd the gardens were providing a peaceful alternative. She was walking around when she thought she saw a bunny in the bushes. Being the gal she is she wanted to see it closer so she stepped off the path and walked into the gravel. Immediately her heel sank in the gravel. She lost her balance for a moment but didnt fall. Instead she panicked. She debated stepping out of her shoes to get it out but she didnt wanna hurt her skin on the gravel. Instead she tried to wiggle it loose and hopped no one was near*
*rip savannah, but Damian is out distressing by playing basketball at that point in time, and from where he's standing as he shoots this basket, he can see someone clearly struggling with something in the gardens. he can't see who it is, or what the problem is, but he figures he should go check it out. he tucks the basketball under one arm, jogging towards the person he can see, calling out* Hey, everything okay?
*savannah hears him call out an knows immediately it's the last person in the world she'd want to find her like this* Absolutely peachy! *calls back and debates ditching the shoes*
*he slows to a stop when he gets closer, his eyes going from savannah's face to her foot* Mmm, looks like you've got yourself in a bit of a sticky situation, there.
*is extremely flustered* no situation at all. I said I'm fine. *aggressively wiggles the heel and almost trips so she squeaks but manages to catch herself*
*when he sees her almost trip, he lunges forwards to catch her before she hits the ground, but then she catches herself, so he's like "oh was that for nothing?" he looks down at the shoe, furrowing his brows, thinking* Here, let me help with that, before you actually fall.
I'm not going to fall and I don't need your help. I'm perfectly capable of defeating some gravel on my own
*he takes a step back* Alright... if you insist... *hes not going anywhere, just watching her, waiting to see what she'll do*
*huffs when she doesnt hear him walk away and continues to wiggle then huffs when shes not getting anywhere* Fine. If you're just going to stand there anyways you may as well help.
*he chuckles, setting the basketball down on the ground, kneeling down to look at the gravel and the heel, before beginning to dig the heel out with his fingers* Not the best shoes to walk off the path in.
*rolls her eyes* I didn't think about that. I thought I saw a bunny and got distracted
*he can't help but raise his eyebrows at that, grinning, twisting the heel a little to unscrew it from the gravel* Was it at least a cute bunny?
*his tone is a little teasing*
It was cute, be careful with your tone though when your face is near my foot. *once its free she steps back on the path so she doesn't sink again*
*he chuckles, joking* What, are you planning on giving me a royal nose job with your shoe?
You could probably use one. *offers a hand to help him stand back up*
*he picks up his basketball, taking her hand, still grinning at her, teasing* Maybe it's just the angle you've been looking at it from.
*stands on her tiptoes looking at his nose* Nope. It's a little off. Nose job it is.
*she pinches his nose* its a big flaw. Doubt you'll be able to get a wife like that
*he chuckles* I don’t know, my nose has never gotten in my way before
*considers* You're right, I'm sure that was just your sense of responsibility that got in the way.
*he raises his eyebrows* You know, I’ve never turned in an assignment late, or anything for work late. Never asked for an extension.
I somehow find that doubtful. Your reputation of being a loose partier precedds that of a responsible duitiful person.
Well, it’s the truth. *he shrugs* If you’re really curious, you could email my professors. It’s all about finding a balance. *he smiles*
*grumbles because he seems to be honest about it* What did you even study?
I dual majored in political science and marketing. You?
*sighs in relief* at least you werent a buisness major. Political Science and History for me on a prelaw track.
*he nods, smiling, genuinely curious* Did you prefer one over the other?
Probably political science. I mean I love history it's why I added it. For fun since it's just like learning stories and seeing the modern day impact of said stories. But political science felt more efficient. Like it helped me have a better understanding of the philosophy of political thinking which has helped me a lot in law. Plus I just liked the professors more.
*he smiles* Understandable. Good professors make it so much easier to learn the content
*smiles* yeah and lots and lots of highlighters. Did you have a favorite topic in political science?
*grinning* I took a really cool course on comparative political economies - I really like the economic side of things. That, and the classes I had to take on international politics. *he looks over at savannah* What about you?
Probably civil politics. I've always been a fan of civil work. I honestly thought about working for the AFEI instead of the ICLU but decided I wanted to do more personal legal work than policy legal work. But it's always been the work that has interested me more since it's important to bring up civil conflicts within the country and try to help as much as possible. But learning about where we came from in terms of The United States vs the civil policies of Illea was an interesting course for me, especially because of the overlap of History and Political Science.
*he nods as she talks, thinking that all over* I think work guided what classes I liked as well. Because beyond national politics, I also have to think about international politics, trade agreements, and maintaining Illéa’s position in the world.
*seems slightly surprised* so you actually liked your major? I assumed you just were kinda forced to pick it
I was kind of forced to, but I could still pick the classes that interested me more. *He shrugs* Plus I really enjoyed my marketing major.
*thinks for a moment* Can I ask you something and have an honest answer? No bullshit PR answer. I'm just trying to figure out if we can trust you to be our future king through this, at the very least.
Sure *he nods, pursing his lips a little* Ask away.
Do you actually want to be the king of this country? Like aside from the perks you have from it, do you care about the work?
I do care. *he pauses, swallowing* I really do. It’s just...it’s a lot of pressure to accept from a young age.
*she thinks for a moment* Noted. Thank you for your honesty. *Looks at the basketball* Do you play much?
*he smiles kind of sadly* Not as much as I used to. I’ve gotten a little busy helping to run the country, and such.
*gets an idea* Do you wanna make a bet with me?
*he grins* Depends on what it is
Basketball. I'm working on a program right now with the ICLU, a coworker wants to come visit me and discuss about it but appreantly work visits aren't allowed during this. If I can get more hoops in you'll arrange that?
*he furrows his brows* Better yet, I could just organize for your coworker to visit under the guise of another event going on. Just give me a few weeks to work out the details.
*kinda chuckles because shes competitive* oh? Youre scared you'll lose? But if that's what you prefer
*he laughs* No, I just know I’d win, and I’d hate to deny you the ability to see your coworker
Fine. You'll set up the meeting, then I'll just prove to you that I would win had their beem stakes.
*he narrows his eyes at her, extending a hand to shake, still grinning* Deal
*shakes it firmly then kicks off her heels planning to walk to the court barefoot.* Would be an unfair advantage for me to still be in them
*he raises his eyebrows* Why, they helped square up the height difference between us, at the very least *he chuckles*
*almost elbows him over that but barely stops herself* I don't need that help. I'm perfectly capable of crushing you independent of my shoes
*he laughs* I played basketball in uni, you know?
As did I. Well- not in a club. A guy who I was *ponders for a moment* acquainted with, played it therefore I played with him and his friends fairly often
*he raises his eyebrows* And how tall was your acquaintance? Because I’m used to playing with people my height, but also my mom and sister, who are - *he puts his hand somewhere around his shoulder because they’re 5’4” and 5’5”* - about this tall
He was around 6'3. His friends the same or more. Don't worry I'm well aware of the disadvantage of my height and very prepared to utilize it
*he chuckles* Oh, I’ve got to see this. *when they get to the court he starts dribbling the ball casually, walking towards the middle of the court* Do you want to start with the ball, or should I?
*thinks for a moment and puts her shoes down on the edge of the court and rolls up the bottoms of her dress pants a bit* You can start with it.
*he raises his eyebrows at her rolling up her dress pants, but he nods* Okay, if you insist. *he waits until he’s ready before starting the play*
*she walks up prepared to steal since she cant block*
*he starts dribbling more seriously, quickly maneuvering around her, taking three large steps with the ball, and then shoots a basket, and it goes in*
*she kinda huffs about that dislikes. But once he has the ball again she tries again, this time getting it and doing her UNDER THE LEGS MOVE AND SHOOTS*
*he turns around, a little in shock* That is not a legal move!
Hmmm *puts her finger to her chin very smug* I dont think it explicitly says in the rules that you're not allowed too. You use your height I'll use mine *VERY SMUG*
*he narrows his eyes* Fine, best 2 out of 3? Whoever gets this next shot wins, then
*SHES BEING COCKY NOW* Aw is the wittle princey calling it quits so soon? His fragile ego damaged? *bats her eyes teasingly*
*he narrows his eyes* Fine, best three out of five, then. *he starts dribbling the ball right from here he is, and it’s a long shot to his basket from there, but he’s pretty confident, so he goes for it, and somehow it actually goes in. he raises his eyebrows at her* Still think you’re gonna win?
*crosses her arms* That was luck. *goes to get the ball since shes closer*
Or just sheer skill. *he smirks a little*
*turns to face him just to roll her eyes and gets the ball. She then dribbles it back to the middle or something idk how basketball works*
*he follows her to the middle, standing in front of her, knees bent in that “ready” position idk wtf it’s called lmao*
*that position makes knees wide so she dribbles and goes to do her fast under the leg move again*
*he sees it coming this time, and takes a few steps back, keeps his arm in front of him to reach for the ball, which he gets, and then dribbles across to the the hoop he has to score in, taking the shot, and watching it go in again. he grabs the ball as it bounces back up, raising his brows at savannah* One more, or are you good? *he grins a little*
*huffs again and crosses her arm* Fine we'll call it at 3 to 1. But in my defense it's been awhile.
*he grins* Well, you’re always welcome to practice out here with me, if you want.
I can't tell if you're being taunting or not *rolls her eyes and walks up to him then holds out her hand to shake for the end of the game*
*he takes her hand and shakes, then gives her a genuine smile* No taunting. I mean it. I’d love to have someone new to play with.
I'll consider it then. I am getting slightly bored of your homes running path for exercise.
*smiles back even tho she doesnt wanna because it was a nice offer*
*he tilts his head from side to side* Yeah, the running trail through the gardens is kind of short. There are better ones /in/ Angeles, if you ever want to check them out
Not sure I'm allowed to just waltz on out of here, but I'd love the names of any you know. My grandmother lives near her so I'm sure I'll be visiting soon enough after this if not immediately so.
*he shrugs* I could also drive you sometime, if you want. I /do/ have a car.
*seems a bit surprised* You know how to drive?
*he furrows his brows* Of course! I got my license as soon as I was legally allowed to.
But its not like you need too? Don't you have like drivers?
*he looks a little confused and taken aback* I’m sure some exist, but why would I want someone else to drive me when I could be free and drive myself?
I'm not sure. I just know rich people, like for example my cousin *mumbles for a moment to find the phrasing* So my grandmother is in charge of the Mars Candy Corporation. My mom's older brother Nathaniel will be taking over it, his kids also my cousins all have drivers. They're like twenty something now but Jackson is always bragging about how he doesn't have to take the effort to drive himself places. I just assumed other people who could afford them would have them, especially busy people who could work instead of drive.
*he blinks* Wow, I never even would have considered that. *he shakes his head* No, I like driving. Being able to roll the windows down and blast the music...it’s like a few moments of freedom. *he shrugs, smiling a little sadly*
*she noticed the smile then something clicks* so freedom is your vice. You act out to feel free, thus the partying. You mentioned earlier the responsibility of being a prince being am influence on the partying. A lack of freedom makes sense. *she knows shes getting too personal but her curiosity and worry for the future gets the best of her* But what does that mean you're going to do when you're king? You'll have even less. How do you plan to maintain that restriction without bursting and needing freedom?
*he stiffens a little at her analysis because damn it’s spot on, but sighs towards the end* Getting as much out of life as I can now. I always knew what my future held for me. So I can plan accordingly. *he forces a small grin, trying to joke* Besides, with any luck, I’ll be old and almost out of energy by the time I’m king.
*furrows her eyebrows concerned* That doesn't work. *sighs* Believe me I'd know. But we aren't wired to run off memories. Instead we develop habits and coping mechanisms. Everyone snaps from time to time, you'll go back to what made you happy last. For you I assume that'll be partying. Which is something you can't do as king, and assuming it wont be till your old isn't right either, regardless of if that was a joke it's not something that you can lean on since millions of people could be relying on you and you'd be unprepared. You are going to be king, You are not going to have freedom, you are going to be under immense pressure and responsibility, honest answer, what are you going to do when you need to snap?
*he narrows his eyes at her, this time more out of irritation than anything else, and he’s a little sarcastic* Gee, thanks for the reminder. Though, for the record, I /haven’t/ partied since uni, and I have no plans to in the near future. So perhaps I’ll rely on my other coping mechanism, such as basketball, or taking a drive.
Yeah well it's the truth and uni wasn't that long ago. It's hard to break habits. I mean I partied like 4 times a month in undergrad and I still use it. That was forever ago but that's not how humans work. You're gonna lean on what you've leaned on. You're going to get shitfaced, you're going to want what you used to have, you're gonna idolize those times in uni and want them back. But you're not going to have it and it's going to be hard and shitty but you have to tough it out because of the country that relies on you and this is proving to me that you're not going to be a reliable King for the people who need you.  
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kaptain-k-pop · 4 years
[?] Days of K-ristmas: Day 6*
The K-List: #15
*(if you have no idea what I'm talking abt with this "[?] Days of K-ristmas" thing the very longwinded explanation is here lmao)
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She's In The Rain
The Rose
Okay okay, I know this is another title track, probably one of their most famous so everyone who knows about The Rose knows about this song already
But I wanna talk about it anyway bc this is my blog and I can do what I want it's a really important song for me that stuck with me from the first time I heard it and I just wanna gush about it and talk about that
So some of my moots who have followed me since before last April may know this story already because I mentioned it in a post at the time, but last spring I was in a really bad place. I was having a really stressful semester and going through a lot of inner conflict about my future. My roommate had moved out (not because of any conflict! She just wanted to live somewhere cheaper, which is valid!) meaning I was living alone in a two person dorm, which was actually really bad for my health because without anyone else around I wasn't taking good care of myself or my environment. My sleep '''''schedule''''' was non-existent and there were many times when I was pulling all nighters or skipping meals to work on things. My group of college friends had all moved off campus, so even when I did remember/make time to go eat in the student center I ate alone. The fact that I was so worried about school meant I never really made plans with those friends either because I was always beating myself up for not focusing enough on my coursework. I was pretty much completely isolating myself and I spent most of my time alone in my dorm -- which you may recall, I wasn't taking good care of -- and being in that environment only made me feel worse about myself. I felt so depressed and unproductive in such a messy place, but I couldn't make time to get my environment in order because I had coursework I needed to do... but I couldn't efficiently work on my coursework because I felt so depressed and unproductive in the environment I created and around and around (it's also really difficult for me to focus in public places/around other people because I get easily distracted, so I didn't really have a good place to work other than my dorm). My irl best friend (aka my main source of support and physical affection) and my family were 2 hours away and I was completely touch starved. And I rarely went home on the weekend or left my dorm at all because I felt like every moment I wasn't trying to be productive I was being lazy. Both my mental and physical health were absolute trash. And I knew I was in a bad place but I had no idea how to get myself out. I felt like I had no time or energy to take any major steps to improve my situation.
I went home for Easter break. Three days of focusing on family instead of school and acting like I wasn't spending the whole time worrying about all the stressful things I would have to deal with when I got back.
During my 2 hour drive back to school Monday night I was keeping myself company with my Spotify playlists as usual and eventually Spotify began playing me "recommended radio"
And it was at this time that I heard She's in The Rain for the very first time
My first thoughts were that it sounded like an amazing song, but even despite the language barrier I could tell that it was a very emotional song so I was thinking it might not be the best thing to listen to when I was already feeling so down
And then Woosung's voice in perfect English in the last verse:
"You wanna hurt yourself, I'll stay with you
You wanna make yourself go through the pain
It's better to be held than holding on"
completely struck me in the heart and I pulled over into the next gas station and cried.
I'm not in that same situation anymore and I've been taking steps since then to try to get myself to a better place and improve my health. And living at home now with my family (and my best friend living 5 minutes away) and not feeling so isolated anymore has been a huge part of that
Hearing those words that night really struck a chord with me. It is better to confide your troubles in people and to be vulnerable and let yourself be held by someone who cares about you than to be just trying to hold on all by yourself. And the way the last chorus changes from "She's in the rain" to "We're in the rain" is such a beautiful ending as well as a perfect metaphor. When you're struggling your friends can't always do anything to get you out of that situation no matter how much they want to. But they can be there to try to support you and stand in the rain with you so that you don't have to go through hard times all alone
(this post is so long now and it's mostly just been about me and not the song I'm sorry ajdjksla)
But I also just wanna say that this song is so beautiful! It's really a masterpiece imo
The way that it starts out with just the acoustic guitar and Woosung's voice is so simple and pretty (and I thought it was a violin but then I realized maybe it was the bass but I swear I hear violin too idk maybe it's in the backing track or something?? am I crazy? lmk) and then the drums and everything really coming in almost halfway through the song after the first verse??? 😔👌👌👌
One of the things I love about Korean songs in when the singer is able to convey the emotion of a song with their voice and make you feel despite the language barrier. Woosung has one of the best examples of this. His voice is so unique, just hearing it can tug at your heartstrings even if you don't actually know what the words he's saying mean (which also makes it a 1 hit KO when he DOES say something in English ajdjksla) the way his voice literally makes him sound like he's on the verge of tears throughout the whole song really enhances it so much
(Dojoon has such a pretty voice too!! It's been a while since I've head it since he didn't sing on RED and I've been listening to a lot of other groups but yeah after listening to this song again to pick out all the parts to put in this post I'm reminded of how good he sounds in it 😔🙏 bless)
So I'll try to just wrap it up now since I've talked a lot: The Rose is such a good band and this is such a good song and the lyrics are so beautiful (you should look up the full translation if you haven't!)
Okay. That's all. I love this song, and if you've read this far I love you!!!!
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audiovisualrecall · 5 years
Someone I know (around my mom's age) shared some dumb 'millenials cant read analog watches or cursive and dont know what a rotary phone is hahahaa' type jokes on Facebook and a friend of mine made her own post about how it was incorrect (because we grew up with those things???) and that's more gen z, but Also that even so, why does it matter, why do older people need to put down/make fun of kids? And this woman was like 'sorry but it was just a joke, and if it doesnt apply then it's not about you' and im so pissed
Because yeah I cant fucking read an analog clock because I'm fucking dyscalculic/adhd/autistic and somewhere in there I was never able to really get it perfectly, I'm not Awful at it but its difficult! it's hard to process and translate analog into actual time, why not move along with the times and just use digital it's easier and it fucking makes sense. Why cling to the old like its somehow Better than new?! or do you abhor all technology that's meant to make your life easier? I doubt it!! But like this dumbass judgment that we're stupid and lazy and it's so funny, Haha. That hurts because it's another person saying to me that I should just. Magically not have a brain that cant process certain things easily. Im not dumb and im not any lazier than this older lady who thinks she knows everything. My brains just wired differently. So yeah it applies to me and some of us, but you really think there are no older people who couldnt/cant read analog clocks? Who do you think invented digital clocks and why do you think they did it, hmmm? Because perhaps analog is difficult for some people and digital takes less time out of everything else to parse? Hmmm? Anyway so yes im mad and bothered and upset and offended, maybe my friend isnt someone it applies to but maybe she is! And anyway that doesnt mean it's ok to joke about or put down those of us who can't. Or put down or make fun of the gen z kids for stuff that isnt their fault!
Also, if you notice young people who dont know how to read analog or cursive (which is also not needed really and thus probably not being taught anymore or used... and fyi ALL of my professors who took hand written assignments Insisted on print only, including my sharp witted 60 something year old art history prof who didnt miss a beat. He also wasnt afraid to call us out on shit, and he was my favorite professor tbh because I got amazing grades and he remembered me despite me not speaking up much at all in class. But anyway...) the point of that is to say, if you notice young people who dont know how to read either of those, before you make fun or them or put them down or sum them up as typical [whatevers] why not ask who didnt teach them how to do those things. What adult your age decided not to teach the kids how to read an analog watch? Who didnt tell the kids or grandkids or students about what a typewriter is or how a rotary phone worked. If your kid or student doesnt know something you know, that's on the adults in their life, not on them. Dont laugh about how millenials dont know what a rotary phone is, or use a kid not knowing what that is as an excuse to put them down because you feel like all the technology you knew is going away and being forgotten and it makes you anxious that you too will be forgotten. Teach the kids. Ask them if they know about x or know how to do x, and then show them, teach them, tell them about your old phone, or your first clunky portable phone with its giant antenna, or about how you learned how to write in cursive. Make them interested in these things by sharing your knowledge with them. Theyll remember you better that way, and theyll know about all the things you dont want to leave behind. Dont judge them for not knowing something as if they should just know it magically, look at yourself and at other adults and realize that if we or the younger people dont know something you know, that's on YOU.
That's different from bring concerned about kids not learning how to type or use a laptop/mouse/etc. Those things arent out of use yet and these kids are going to have to use them at some point. But it's not an excuse to make fun of them, not for anyone to do that. If you notice your nephew or niece or younger sibling doesnt know a thing about typing on a real keyboard (and not on a tablet) why not offer? Find a typing game or make a game out of writing a story on your laptop on docs or word with them.
If you, older lady on Facebook, think kids should know how to read cursive, suggest it be taught, or teach it to the kids you know! You can write letters in cursive to your grandkids, and help them (or suggest their parents help them) to parse the flowing script, or you can start slower and show them how cool it can be to write in cursive and how to do it. They may not need it, but knowledge is always worth having. And it can be fun to learn things, especially stuff you're not going to be graded on. It can become you and your grandkids' special thing writing cursive letters about whatever, the weather, their pokemon cards, the cool bird they saw.... teach them about a rotary phone, my grandma used to have one for me and my sisters and cousins to play pretend with. I learned cursive in school. I didnt learn how to bake or cook or sew or embroider but I want to learn all of it. Typewriters are cool and aesthetic tbh but difficult to work with, and a computer is far more efficient. Its only logical that things become obsolete with time. Analog clocks are difficult to read for many people afaik, digital clocks are very simple to understand, and efficient time wise because you just need to glance at one to know that you have to leave Now to be on time...or that you've been reading too long and its 3am. Oops.
Anyway I wanted to just be like, if we (or more accurately, the gen z kids) dont know something like how to read cursive, perhaps the fault lies with the adults and the bot at all with us/the children??? Also other people can be upset with a joke that's in bad taste.
I also want to comment to her that I cant read analog clocks because my brain has a hard time processing it in spite of my efforts, and I dont appreciate being the butt of a joke that is either implying we're dumb and lazy, or is hiding an insecurity over obsolete technology being left behind
But I also have to see this woman at shul sometimes and it would be awkward (but satisfying). Especially if ma saw it and got involved because this lady is her friend, it would just be very awkward. But this lady is being judgemental and made a half assed apology.
Also there was another lady on the friend's post who is also older who originally agreed that ita unfair to put us/the kids down like that and uncalled for as well, but then someone else younger mentioned that older people will joke about us not knowing this older tech and then come to us for help with a pdf. And it was a snarky way t ok point out the hypocrisy - the older people being in the wrong for their attitude towards us firat!!! - and that lady commented on his reply saying that she can open pdfs and respect is a two way street or something like that and im so baffled how she went from being on our side (being reasonable and logical) to nasty defensive asshole over a much softer and also very deserved joke! Which was not aimed at her because she was on our side, it was very clearly aimed at the old people who think we're all useless layabout idiots or whatever. But she still got defensive for no reason! And the whole respect thing like??? Older person was disrespectful, so this guy made a little joke at the expense of those shitty older people, is basically told old people dont respect us because we dont respect them.......because one kid made a joke after being disrespected. Sure, that makes total sense! Yeah!
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udaitenma · 6 years
HI! FOREVERYELLING FROM THE ROLLING THUNDER SCANS GROUP HERE. I'm hoping I don't come across as a fucking dick (which I'm sure will happen anyway) but wanted to address a few things that have been sent your way about us, or your handful of subtle jabs at our work, since everyone seems to be shitting on us expecting THE HIGHEST QUALITY SCANS OF ALL TIME!.. or something. Our disclaimer isn't so we can purposely put out shoddy translations, and it really annoys me that people take it as such. 1/?
FOREVER YELLING AGAIN- Our disclaimer is because WE KNOW THERE IS GOING TO BE ERRORS. We literally JUST started translating, and are all very new to this entire thing and we wanted to make people aware that there will likely be bumps. On that, we don’t have a raw provider. We translate from the Chinese/Korean as best we can, and try to compare against the Japanese if we can find them, which isn’t always possible. We’ve only been doing this 5 weeks total, and first had the idea to do it in 2/?
STILL YELLING- the 3 days before the super late MS chapter. we joked then went “oh fuck, uhhhhhh, I guess we’ll see what we can do?”. So our disclaimer is because we know things get lost when you don’t translate from the JP raws, but don’t even know where to start for getting ones that aren’t potato quality. Also, we do try and correct stuff when we realize we’ve fucked up, and consistently read the MS translation after to compare so that we can improve, but again, we’re all beginners. 3/?
FY- we’ve never purposefully tried to mislead anyone, and we’ve never sat around and discussed wording with the intention to fuel ships or anything of the sort. Like you said, we just have a lack of flair, I guess. Anyways, we started translating because we’re impatient with the rest of the redditors, and will continue because it’s fun (though admittedly all the extra hate is a mega fucking bummer), and are continually working to improve every week, but until we’re confident the disclaimer 4/?
FY- the disclaimer will stay in place because, as of right now, we know we can only get a passable translation out, and we’re actively trying to improve. We never foresaw the shitshow it would cause by having the fandom grab and run with our words, and have been more cognizant of our wording since. I understand the fans deserve the best translation available, and we know we aren’t the best, just a stopgap since HQ is almost always last released on MS and we’re impatient as fuck. Cheers. 5/5 
Heya, it’s alright, actually after I responded to the anon yesterday I ended up feeling pretty terrible. Thanks for the inbox, I’ll put it up here. I’m really sorry for going so far in my response to the inbox yesterday, I read it and I sort of lost my temper with the anon and said some hurtful things which I probably shouldn’t have said.
End of the day you guys are just a bunch of honest haikyuu fans sick of haikyuu coming out so late from ms, and i guess i can say i get it because haikyuu is the series i’m responsible for translating and it gets put out last.
anyway i’m not here to argue with you guys, I’m sorry for contributing to the negativity that made you guys feel bad, that’s me in the wrong here. I initially just wrote a translation note just pointing out the raws and explaining the discrepancies (because i’m fluent in both english and mandarin chinese), but yeah the anon kind of ticked me off and I went a bit far (also the disclaimer thing, i think i’ve had thoughts about that for a long time and ended up offloading it in the anon post in the general context of TLA scans, which was also my bad since it’s not warranted at you guys in particular really, and you know, afterwards I sort of thought about your position and I mean, I do get it. I was just filled with an urge to explain to the anon why their argument was poorly articulated, flawed and built up on inexplicable illogical premises, it’s not anything I should have directed at you guys.) 
I’m usually too lazy to write translation notes, but when I do, it’s because I want people to  be aware of something I think a fan, or fandom content contributor would want to know - and it’s not like I never make mistakes, people are nice enough to let me know when I’ve screwed up - so yeah. I hope people don’t mind me making translation notes here on out.
I don’t think you guys should ever quit just because of what other people seem to be saying. 
the only thing i think i want to disagree with you about in this post is about fans deserving the best. We as volunteer scanlators don’t owe the fans anything, we put in our time and effort because we love this series and want to share it with more people - and i’m certainly not the best translator, but we do it not out of obligation but out of love for a story. 
sorry again, and thanks. 
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the-cryptographer · 7 years
Screw it, I'm asking Malik Ishtar for the meme thing! (Only if you want to, of course...)
How I feel about this character:
My secret favourite!!! I think I tend to likecharacters that are all about BIG UGLY EMOTIONS, and Malik is a lot of those,lol. For me, he’s an effective villain – both really terrible and really understandably so. I think the way he gets so energetic about pursuing the God Cards and the Pharaoh, and then gets in over his head and has to abandon ship on his own revenge, and then continues to see through his role as tombkeeper because he’s just so worn out from trying to fight it – aaaaagh! It’s so upsettingly believable.
In terms of characterisation, he’s floating around brilliant but lazy territory for me. He’s intelligent, but also an idiot, andalso all he really wants to do is ride around on his bike and sleep alone inhis room and live comfortably. He’s capable, but not very ambitious. Not much of a visionary, lol.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Ryou. Yuugi. Shizuka.
…well that was a very short list for me. I can also enjoy theifshipping to a certain degree, although I’m not really very interestedin it as a postcanon or endgame ship. And the potential for Malik’s torture ofMai to be sexualised is something I think is both interesting and not that farfrom its canon presentation – so I guess that may count as shipping them insome kind of messed up way. And I guess I also I find myself conceptuallyinterested in Ishtar sibling incest, but I haven’t run into any that treats thesubject matter with the kind of tone I’d like.
More on the ships though: Malik doesn’t directly interact with Yuugi or Ryou much in canon, but both ships seem to have the ability to be about softness and healing to me. Since Ryou and Malik have both experiences a violent and upsetting possession of sorts, them coming to move past that together has the potential to be pretty sweet. And since Malik has a kind of troubled relationship with ‘the Pharaoh’, and how he feels his life has been shaped by these ancient politics, I think Yuugi’s kind of in a unique place to be able to understand both the past and Atem’s journey and his ownplace in the present to be able to help Malik contextualise that in a waythat’s meaningful to him.
And Malik & Shizuka is a nice ship if what you’re going for is exploring Shizuka’s massivedisillusionment. Leaving aside the way that a nice trip to visit yourestranged brother suddenly turned upsettingly full of ugly complicated feelings and murder, I think Malik tends towards a frankness that doesn’t sit well with Shizuka's ideals. This is a fun ship~
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Ishtar Siblings!!! Malik’s relationship with Rishid is at once so lovely and so heartbreakingly upsetting. I think they struggle to find the balance between how they see each other as siblings and how they see each other in this hierarchy of master and subordinate – the way they come through for each other at the end of the story is just so touching. And Malik and Isis aren’t as close, but I like that their conflicting values, and understanding of their responsibilities, don’t compromise their love and the desire to protect one another. Ishtar Siblings!!!
I also like Malik & Yuugi & Ryou as a BrOTP. And I have a strange interest in Malik & Jou broing out or coming to realise they can’t bro out because he murdered you and tortured your best lady friend postcanon.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
I’m not really sure what constitutes an unpopular opinion regarding Malik, but I have several that might count.
(1) The Millennium Rod only exacerbated problems hewas already having due to the effects of trauma and a shaky headspace. YamiMalik is the product of Dissociative Identity Disorder in relationship to Borderline Personality Disorder, and exists in a reactionary way to Malik rather than being a distinct person.
(2)  He’s about as culturally Egyptian as your standard Amish person can be considered culturally American. (Or, idk, I think the Hutterites are a more apt comparison in a number of ways, if I’m sticking to offshoots of Christianity. More research on different religions is needed but, in terms of daily living, you can take all sorts of cues about the tombkeepers from different isolationist religious “cults”.)
(3) He’s a deadly serious character really –cerebral and ponderous. His sense of humour is along the lines of dry andsarcastic, rather than laugh-out-loud.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
I think it would have made sense to mention them in relationship to what Seto was doing in Egypt at the very least. Seto was rooting around in Ancient Egyptian ruins that the tombkeepers had the right too, yeah? I feel like it might’ve been an interesting political/business deal he struck with the Ishtars. Maybe Isis needed money to help in the process of reintegrating the tombkeepers into above-ground society? I don’t know, but I feel like there’s a story there~
Also, it might be obvious from some of these other headcanons, but I wish the conclusion to Malik’s story had been more on the side of ‘the hate you’re feeling is valid if completely toxic’, which is why I like the idea of Yami Malik running amok in his head postcanon, even though I think the manga leaned heavily towards a canon interpretation where he was freed of Him.
my OTP:
Malik/Ryou edges out Malik/Yuugi by a little, but not by much.
my happy ending for them:
Not part of this meme, but you made me realise I wanted to write it all down~
Given my incredibly depressing diagnosis for Malik, I think managing his life will always be somewhat of a struggle. Yami Malik is probably here to stay. Malik will likely always have outbursts, and always have a cruel and violent streak. At his worst, the most I can say is that he and the people around him will be aware of the warning signs and be able to restrain him ahead of time instead of having to do so in the middle of an episode. At his best, I think Yami Malik might appear once every month or two, and just kind of storm around the house/apartment being sullen. I don’t think Yami Malik has the same kind of emotional range or needs as one would expect a completehuman to have – so he doesn’t need much more than to be acknowledged by the others and then left to his own devices. I don’t think he likes being touched, but he may someday accept a hug from Ryou or Yuugi or Isis and take a small comfort in the fact that he isn’t hated. Rishid is a lost cause, and will have to stay away during those times, because Yami Malik will without question react violently to him. I think, in a way, a direct reflection of Malik’s own desires– for his hatred and pain to be acknowledge and accepted by those around him, by all except Rishid, who Malik would most keenly like to be less hateful person for. Malik does not want Rishid to see Yami Malik, and so Yami Malik pushes Rishid away with a lot of force… potentially lethal force.
In terms of the more mundane things, I imagine Malik goes through a period where he wants to travel everywhere and see everything to kind of make up for the fact that he was confined to a dark hall his entire childhood. I think he’ll travel Africa and Europe and see more of Japan at thevery least, but who knows where his travels might take him~ But eventually Iimagine him settling down somewhere, since I don’t think his affinity fortravel is about travelling as much as its about taking in the world’s breadth.As long as he can enjoy bike rides and the wind and open sky and the company of those he likes, I think he’s fine being anywhere. He and Rishid are veryride-or-die so they’ll definitely stick together, I think. Him and Isis is moreiffy, but I’d like to see Isis and him also remain close and live close together.
In terms of a job, he’s really not into forty hour work weeks, lol. He wasn’t raised under the expectation he’d be part of a contemporary work force. And he’d additionally have trouble balancing that amount of stress with his mental healths. He’d take odd jobs here and there, or work part time in something pretty low pressure. Depending on how lucrative the limited amount of work he does is, he may or may not need to rely on his siblings or lover for support. In terms of what he does…? Tinker around a souvenir shop maybe? Or he runs errands for or does translations for the museum, through his connection with Isis?
And I don’t think he’d want kids, or make a verygood parent for that matter. He’s satisfied with being the weird uncle to his nieces and nephews.
my cross over ship:
I don’t have one, sorry~
a headcanon fact:
Hasn’t everything I’ve said thus far been me taking my own headcanons way too seriously?
Coptic, Arabic, French, Japanese. Rishid is the same, except he’s not as fluent in the last two, and also not as well studied in Ancient Egyptian scriptures. Isis is the only one of the Ishtar siblings that speaks English.
Oh, jeez, he is pretty much universally hated by his tombkeeper peers. Even when he was little he was a divisive character with how harsh and cruel he can be at times. And then he was shadily involved in the bloody murder of his father. When he left to form the Rare Hunters with Rishid, he bitterly alienated most of his extended tombkeeper family, but some of them followed him to join his crime syndicate. And then those who had followed him took poorly to the way Malik abandoned the Rare Hunters, and followed Isis back home with his tail between his legs. Literally everybody he grew up with except his siblings hates him and Malik spends the time from Battle City to the Ceremonial Duel hiding out in his room having Rishid bring him his meals because the tomb keepers are done with him and he’s done with them. And he’s technically their ‘leader’, but Isis made a bid for being de facto leader when he skipped out years earlier and, disappointed but resigned, she continues to carry the position when Malik’s returned. “She’s a great leader (even though she’s a woman),” everyone says. They all love her, lol.Rishid is more polarising, since he’s generally so mild and polite. Some of the tombkeepers see what he did as betrayal, but a lot of them view him with a sort of condescending pity and kindness - poor boy, led astray by his association with Master Malik. This makes Malik even more angry. ‘We are brothers and equals!!’ he yells. Even though he isn’t completely free of blame when it comes to treating Rishid as lesser.
Also, it’s totally canon that somewhere along the line he makes some big fuss and his criminal record from being involved with the Rare Hunters gets dragged out of the closet, and the Egyptian Government tells him to gtfo of our country… right?
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