#I'm just tired of all this communication
yuuki-mishima · 1 year
It's kind of tiring having to respond to some of my grandma's friends reaching out every few days, like I appreciate them asking how I am and updates, but it is so ugh!
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redysetdare · 10 months
A character looks straight into the camera and says "I'm not interested in romance" and people will still say "No, it's not confirmed they're aromantic!!!" "They could change their mind!!!" "it's a challenge for them to overcome!!!" "They'll have character development that makes them fall in love"
It's like they are given the most blatant answer to a character romantic orientation and they actively ignore it. all the while all it takes is subtext for people to speak as if it is fact for a character to be any other sexuality.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Why would you—That's not—I just wanted to ask for help, why did you have to go and make it awkward???
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razzek · 6 months
One thing that's starting to really get to me with the James Somerton stuff is a real strong undercurrent of disdain toward his fans. And yeah, I was one of them. A good scam artist isn't as easy to spot as y'all seem to think. You forget that you have all the information right now. Two days ago most of you had never heard of him and it would have kept going. Anyone can fall for a scam, nobody is immune. I would love to have had whatever resources you guys think we all should magically know about so I could have kept my sad $5 a month I really needed but thought was going to something worthwhile. Some of us can only devote so much energy into things and when you have no idea whatsoever that something is amiss of course you're not going to go digging for sources, why would you when everything is fine as far as you know? I really wish I could have seen the dissenting opinions on him but for many, many reasons that aren't just that the dissenting voices weren't widely circulating at the time all I had was the thought every now and again that "huh that doesn't seem right" and then go on with my day. And I think that happened to a lot of us. So yeah. Say what you gotta say about Somerton, he has more than earned it with the damage he's caused, but maybe don't shit so hard on his former fans because that is going to be you someday with something, it happens to everyone sooner or later.
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a-dragons-journal · 11 months
Forgive me for showing my fangs a little here instead of being as delicate in phrasing as I usually am, but. Periodic reminder:
sweeping "humans suck, humans are evil, the world would be better off if humans disappeared/had never evolved" statements may be cathartic but they're thoroughly inaccurate (ie, the vast majority of uniquely bad effects of humans on the planet are a) extremely recent, like within the last couple centuries, b) the fault of an extremely small minority not the entire fucking species, and c) fixable)
hating being human isn't the same as hating humans. I get species dysphoria is a thing. I get that it's often hard to fit in as a nonhuman in human social groups and that can make it easy to slip into hating everyone around you. Please fight that instinct
villainizing people for traits they didn't choose, such as the species they were born into, is neither cute nor fair. No species is inherently good or bad
misanthropy is cathartic in short term vents or whatever but genuinely embracing it wholesale as a philosophy is liable to lead to you hating humans, human society, and being in a human body more and more over time and thus make your life worse by constantly reinforcing a thought pattern that makes you angry and upset
you are not immune to being part of human society (translation: just because you're nonhuman doesn't mean you're not included in statements about the effects of the human population on the world, ie "humans are killing the planet")
related, you are not better than humans for being nonhuman. looking at my fellow dragons in particular on this one. I get it, draconic pride is a thing, dragon brain probably says you're the supreme being and all else is beneath you especially anyone who annoys you. Mine does too. Please recognize that is an instinct you are supposed to FIGHT, not something that's TRUE AND THAT YOU SHOULD EMBRACE. Good fucking gods.
some nonhumans are also human (it's me, I'm some nonhumans) and you are making sweeping "humans suck, why would I ever want to be human, all humans do is kill the planet" statements in the presence of people included in those statements, which is insanely rude (and no, you don't get to "but you're different because you're nonhuman" me! you do not get to decide to ignore half of who I am because you don't like it, you do not get to decide I'm not "really" human, and also see the previous bullet point). this goes doubly if you're in a space like a DIscord server where people have expressly stated they're not comfortable being tacitly included in statements like that
saying "but I don't REALLY mean all humans, I just mean the specific ones at fault!" after the fact does not actually change anything if every other thing you say is constantly "humans humans humans" and not the group you're actually referring to, or at the very least doesn't change how it reads to everyone around you
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starflungwaddledee · 3 months
this is a long shot and i'm sorry to ask, but if you don't mind, can mutuals (or contacts or regulars... just... this community) of mine who aren't jumping ship like... let me know? will any of us still be here? is it over? i'm trying to know if this really is it or what's... even happening. i hate to reassurance seek but i'm feeling pretty miserable and confused.
edit: felt like i was being really pitiful and fragile making this but everybody is being so nice to me and responding so patiently with all your thoughts and i'm in tears of gratitude thank you thank you thank you 💖
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aro-culture-is · 7 months
hey all. it's been a while. life has been not... bad per se, but I certainly haven't had the energy to keep up with this blog in quite some time. I'm closing submissions for now, and gonna try to queue up the whole of what has previously been submitted.
i'll let you know at the end of all that if i'm gonna continue at all. if I decide to abandon this blog, I do intend to keep it up as a resource and will not delete it.
thank you all for a great time
--- mods, kee system
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lovvecherrymotion · 4 months
i've had more than one friend harassed over fanfic/shipping now and i'm so fucking done.
i know i don't have a lot of followers and i'd hope most people around here don't do it but if you think this is in any way acceptable, unfollow me. there are real people behind the screen and bullying them and sending them hate is not justifiable at all.
if you don't like something, unfollow/block/ignore. move along.
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gamblegun · 7 months
I really don't understand seeing posts hating on another group of trans people as a whole. Like, that's trans people. What makes you different from any other transphobic bigot? Ohhh, but Gun, I have reason, [insert extremely specific ideology or semantic complaint]. I hate to break it to you, but all the screaming Republicans believe their reasoning is sound and righteous too lol
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matrixbearer2024 · 26 days
Matrixbearer's Ranting Time:
Referenced Post is here. Fair word of warning- the original post does have a fair share of mature themes. But you don't have to read it to get context since I do explain anyway.
Just a gentle reminder for the ladies, gentlemen and everybody in between- but please please for the love of god be careful about how you word your reposts.
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I want to give @claudethecrabdemoness the benefit of the doubt and say they had well meaning intention thinking that @bindeds wrote a drabble that was very oc x canon coded which they really enjoyed. But please pay attention to how things were worded in their tags.
"Not my writing but it might as well be."
Excuse me my dear but that is genuinely quite an entitled thing to say! How unbecoming of you to go ahead and so blatantly undermine another creator's efforts! It isn't your writing and please highlight that fact instead of trying to pass off someone else's work as your own.
This isn't me being protective of Beck, I just hate hate hate content thieves and liars. We appreciate the reblogs guys, especially when it gives us more exposure; but not when you try and brush off that we created for you all to appreciate simply because you want the credit to a similar idea you have.
A gentle reminder that it actually takes our time, energy and effort to post things for you all to enjoy. We don't even know if you enjoy it as much as we do but we shoot it out anyway with the hope that you will. So please, please be considerate enough next time to not do this.
As writers and creators it hurts to see this, especially when there's such an obvious disregard for the effort and time we've put into honing our craft just for someone to go: "I like this! It's mine now!" That's not how the world works hun. Grow up.
Lastly, please don't go and attack the person who did this. I just wanted to make my stance and opinion clear on the matter as a fellow writer and friend. Again, they possibly mean well or the words carried the wrong intention- which is why I'll say it again.
Be careful about what you post online, how you word your posts, and who you affect. Anonymity and social media presence can often make us forget that there are in fact other people who we make happy or sad depending on what we do on here. So be mindful, be kind, and be considerate. We just want to all have fun here like you do.
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wwheeljack · 2 months
I genuinely remain confounded by the two sides to the Tech debate in this fandom. I've seen so many people on the Tech Lives side proclaim that they will be attacked, or insulted or made fun of for their ideas, all while they argue that those who see Tech as dead do so only because they want him dead since he's "autistic".
I've seen people on the Tech is Dead side go out of their way to comment unnecessarily on people who want him back with their beliefs on his death. This is unnecessary, just as it is unnecessary for those who believe or want Tech alive to make assumptions about those who believe the opposite.
That multiple people believe that is why someone may believe he's dead is confounding. The idea that Tech may be dead is not predicated on a hatred for autistic people, or autistic like characters. It isn't malicious for people to either want him alive, or to have accepted his death.
Frankly, it is tiring how the main focus of Tech's entire being since season two is that he died, and he's potentially autistic (The Crossing included, he never has been outright confirmed as such). He is so much more than that, and deserves to have people focus on him aside from just his death.
Curate your fandom experience by muting words or tags that may upset you.
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oathkeeper-of-tarth · 3 months
Also I quit my job of what would in about a month or two have been 10 years, and perhaps now I will get to actually be a human being again.
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vt-scribbles · 1 year
Really wish younger fandom kids/adults would be aware that if a community gets big enough, there's /always/ going to be problematic people/content in it. Like.
If you have more than 1000 people in a group, you're gonna have racists, pedos, etc. There's always gonna be shitty people in the mix. But that doesn't mean the community at-large is bad if the focus of the community is something unrelated to these harmful people.
I've seen 'this fandom/community is toxic' more times than I can count, when in the end, every fandom/community has toxic parts. Every single one. To reduce a community's whole down to one of its parts is reductive and harmful, and often chases out the good people because they feel guilty by association.
Anyways. Be kind to your communities. Allow them to grow up. Be the good parts you apparently want to see in it. But don't go tearing apart the chicken coop because of a few bad eggs.
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taichouu · 13 days
I just wanted to reach out to folks and say thanks for not scrutinizing me for interacting with a little more selfship content than usual lately. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, and I just hope I'm not being overbearing with that kind of content ?
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artheresy · 3 months
An argument over whether or not Dan Heng is Dan Feng seems to have begun getting sparked again in certain parts of the Fandom and it does nothing but hurt my head to no end
Both sides cherrypicking or treating it like a strange situation, making false equivalents. "Yknow governments don't consider people who've lost their memories to be separate people" that's a flawed argument to use in favorite of DH = DF because it's not just he lost his memories. He literally grew up, experienced his own childhood, had a whole identity cultivated based on those experiences and that life and continues to live his own life. To treat the situation like it's just him getting a bit of amnesia is wild to me
But also I hate when people continue to insist he's running from Dan Feng and his past and how he's miserable and shouldn't ever confront the past and deal with it as if his and Blade's whole stories aren't centered around rebirth and karma, paying for your past life's karma. He needed to confront the past to ensure a freer future! He literally has!! And he will continue to do so because he realizes this, DH isn't dumb and he's grown since we first saw him. He understands
But yeah uh I'm so tired
This whole thing feels very Ship of Theseus. What makes the ship what it is, the physical aspects of its planks, its sailing history, or both?
For him, the question is what makes someone who they are? Is it the body that makes them up and any inherent genetic factors (like traits)? Is it their experiences, how they've grown up, and the identity they've developed in that time? Or is it both factors mixed together?
Personally in the case of Dan Heng, I think it's both! Yeah he has a lot of traits from Dan Feng. There's a lot inherently there. But we can't disregard his own experiences and the identity that has formed based on his history and what he's seen.
Again I can't stress this enough... It is a false equivalent to compare him to people who lose their memories or get amnesia, he didn't just lose those memories. He started life from the beginning, a whole different kind of life. And even then, the amnesia topic comes with its own debates. Isn't there a whole other thought experiment regarding someone put to trial who ends up with amnesia and what their verdict should be?
I guess in the end, it's all up to people's own philosophical beliefs after what constitutes a person. My personal belief that DH and DF will always be connect but the separation between them is also meaningful is something based on my own ideas of what consisitutes a person and their individual identity, similar situation with how I see Rukkhadevata and Nahida as connected but still not the same person exactly. At the end of the day again, it's personal beliefs
But what I can't stand and can't stand by, is someone acting all high and mighty like they're perfectly right and everyone else is wrong, especially when they're cherrypicking or not holding all their evidence to the same standard. According to some ppl, apparently it's better in the CN fandom where instead of treating it like "I'm right you're wrong" people have divided themselves into "DF and DH one person" and "DF and DH two people" groups and most importantly of all, they treat both like theories and just keep to their space and tag which they believe when it's relevant. Why can't we just do that? Why can't we follow in their footsteps instead of bringing up this argument every so often with the same tired flaws from both sides?
#Lore discussion in this community can be so tiring#I wish more people would be open to their viewpoint being challenged instead of believing they can never ever be wrong#And seeing people throw out wild accusations#Like someone saying people are transphobic if they believe dh is df like what?#I get it if you identity with dh and read it as a trans narrative personally even if I dont#Doesn't mean you can call people transphobic over it#I dunno I'm tired#Everything I see this topic I get mad#“He says you're my past in the ichor of two dragons!!”#He also says right after “But you won't follow me into my future” so your point is?#Additionally if we're being 100% real that animation feels like it's less about his rejection and eventual acceptance of DF specifically#It feels more so like his rejection of the role of Imbibitor Lunae given what I've talked about about the DF being there would never say#Any of those things how it's based on his biased view of him and is a projection of things he was told growing up likely#So I'm tired#One of the only good arguments I've ever seen to say DH is DF is in regards to how he clings to DF's old stuff#I have things to say about it personally#But it's a MILES better argument than some of the other ones I've seen and even then my arguments against it would still be an up for#Interpretation kind of thing like the initial argument rather than pointing out someone is looking at the full picture#Again I respect how people see it! Believe what you want to believe about it again it's all about our own perspectives#Just don't be a dick to people on either side if you don't agree with them#Dan heng#Dan feng#Hsr#Honkai star rail
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vynnyal · 11 months
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Unga bunga these take 3 hrs to make
#Artfight#Art#Hollers into the sky I'M MAKING AAART#Glad I still got it#Also was on vacay for the first two weeks of AF so thats. Great#Is it update time? Sure here's a quick life update#So I work at this tiny mom and pop shop right. Because they were so small they liked to take advantage of their workers#Aka me and literally 2 other people ever. I've been here for a year lmao#I always knew they were suspicious but it really came to a head when they accused me of stealing money#Btw they issued me a 1099 (the wrong tax form) so they already stole from me#I talked to the bank and had the delightful experience of slapping their account across the face with my guilt free hands#Metaphorically unfortunately#I'm gonna quit this week. I'm tired of these people. The drama was fun tho#Let's see. Ah! I just passed 1 1/2 years of Sky the other day!#More than the game itself I've become engrossed in the modding community hahaha#It's the weirdest little cranny of a fandom I've seen for such a large project#It's basically ONLY passed via word of mouth. And there's all sorts of fun drama happening within the discord(s) too#Idk this is just so funny to watch. Might get banned sooner or later but oh well. I've spent hundreds#It's their loss 🤪 and mine. Mostly mine. But also their loss 🤪#.... You know. My blog is small enough that I could post some funny stuff that I don't dare post anywhere else#Hehehuhuhu I just might. I have a lot of videos#OH SPEAKING OF VIDEOS I'm thinking of cleaning up all my old vids and publishing em to youtube#Apparently I just never did that#May as well dust off the ol' tube of yube and my handful of subs#I'll just post the unfinished ones unlisted as well. Why not!#Till next time. Hopefully soon
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