#I'm dead inside
toodrunktofindaurl · 11 months
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Barbie movie review
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neontokyoo · 10 months
Hi! May I request some kunikida x reader angst? Where reader is the other woman? To make it easier, imagine reader fits not all of his ideals as a partner and then a new girl shows up at the agency and everyone's attention is on her, everyone is making plans to hang out with her and kunikida is enamored with her and has his attention on her. And to make matters worse? She fits all of his ideals. He slowly starts making plans with her but everything reader and kunikida used to do? (Ex. Go on dates, hang out with each other and just spending time together) is no longer happening. And then one day, he comes home late and when he gets home he drops the bomb and breaks up with reader. Then, not even a week later he gets together with the new girl. It makes reader think they were never good enough so they just keeps to themselves after that.
Not only did reader lose their friends that they considered family, they also lost their one and only. So, ever since that they just hates anything related to couples and what not. Hell, they even hate love itself. So they end up working for the port mafia instead. And they also went from a nice, loving person to a mean, cold person?
Man why do I love breaking my own heart 😭💀 gn neutral reader please if that's possible. Sorry if this is too detailed and what not, I just wanted to make sure you understand and see my vision to be able to make this 🧍
Have a good day/night! 🫶
Man, screw the ideals. My heart broke just reading this and it's giving me the twisted Disney princess/Descendants 3 vibes where the protagonist somehow becomes the antagonist. Also really reminds me of my ex. Seriously making me wanna burn every single notebook that I own. 😭🤧
Pairing: Kunikida Doppo x GN!Reader Genre: Angst Summary: It's all fun and games until you become "the other woman".
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The sun had set, casting its warm glow over the agency, but the once vibrant atmosphere felt tainted with unease. You and Kunikida had shared two years of cherished memories, laughter, and passion, but a new presence disrupted the delicate balance. Akiara Ishikawa, with her enchanting presence and seemingly perfect allure, had captivated not only the attention of the agency members but, more notably, Kunikida's heart.
As days turned into weeks, you tried your best to maintain composure while the weight of insecurity gnawed at your soul. Each time you caught Kunikida exchanging glances with Akiara, a pang of jealousy tore through your chest. You wanted to be everything he desired, but reality dealt you a hand that fell just shy of perfection in his eyes.
One evening, you stood together in the dimly lit living room, the air thick with tension. The flickering candlelight cast haunting shadows upon the walls as Kunikida struggled to find the right words. "We need to talk," he finally said, his voice strained.
Your heart clenched at the premonition of his words. "What's wrong, Kunikida?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
He hesitated, the internal conflict evident in his expressive eyes. "I can't ignore how I feel, and it's not fair to you," he confessed. "Akiara, she's everything I've ever dreamed of in a partner. I can't help but be drawn to her."
The admission hit you like a crushing blow. Tears welled up in your eyes, threatening to spill over, but you fought to maintain your composure. "So, what are you saying?" you managed to ask, your voice quivering.
"I'm saying… I think we should end things between us," Kunikida said, his gaze dropping to the floor. "I don't want to hurt you, but I can't deny this connection I feel with Akiara."
It felt as if the world had crumbled beneath your feet, leaving you standing on a precipice of heartbreak. "But, Kunikida, we've shared so much together," you pleaded, trying to salvage the love you believed was still worth fighting for.
His expression softened, and he reached out to touch your cheek gently. "I know, and I'll cherish those memories forever. But sometimes, love isn't enough," he whispered, his voice laden with regret.
Days passed like a blur as you tried to navigate life without Kunikida by your side. You distanced yourself from the agency, unable to bear the sight of him with Akiara. The pain of losing not only your love but also your best friend left you feeling hollow and isolated.
Seeking refuge in the port mafia, you buried your emotions deep within, embracing the darkness that now consumed your heart. The kind, loving person you once were retreated behind a cold and distant facade.
With time, your heart hardened, bitterness taking root against love and the notion of couples. You buried yourself in work, dedicating your energy to the darkness that now surrounded you. Yet, deep down, a small part of you longed for the happiness you once knew, wondering if love could ever heal the fractures within your heart.
But for now, you remained guarded, keeping your emotions under lock and key, afraid of the pain that came with vulnerability. As you treaded through the shadows of your new world, you couldn't help but wonder if there would ever be a chance for your heart to mend and love again.
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phasmophobie · 1 month
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create a picrew of your muse
tagged by: @a-neverending-story & @inscmnis
tagging: @thisis-elijah, @trauma-report, @caughtbetweenworlds, @ertraeumte, @exsecrabar & you !
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dybalassunshine · 1 year
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"The greatest team to ever play the sport"
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fategoflatass · 3 months
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This should be considered a crime.
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kokoshka67 · 2 years
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Consistent timeline? I hardly know her
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spaced-out-cosmos · 10 days
I LOVE MY JOB (said while crying and torturing characters) (i'm a writer)
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mistress-light · 7 months
Thinking again about what @cruelfeline wrote. About how Frey asks Cuff of all beings about the behavior of her mother, while he may be the only one who knows her better than anyone. Her mother's destroyer is Frey's key to all of her questions....
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Somebody take my uterus away.
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mybpdiary · 2 years
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glitterstarly · 1 year
No way Slime just killed Tilín by accident 😃
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uzi-doorknob · 1 year
"average worker drone is dead" factoid accurate. everyone on this planet is either a corpse or dead inside. or both
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neontokyoo · 10 months
Hey I saw your kunikida x reader angst and I was wondering if we could get a part two where kunikida has an encounter with the reader in the port mafia and just sees what they’ve become?
Maybe him and a few others are on a mission when they come in contact with reader and either they fight or flee…SORRY JUST ANGST AA
This has honestly gotten so much love in less than a day and I'm honestly so attached to it, we're gonna have like 3 alternate endings lmao.
Alexa, play Queen of Mean by Sarah Jeffery on Apple Music :)
Pairing: Kunikida Doppo x GN!Reader Genre: Light Angst (I think. Maybe if you squint you can see it) Summary: After leaving the ADA for the PM, you're finally reunited with the man who started it all. And to make matters worse? He's with his new girlfriend. Warnings: Season 2 Spoilers
Read part one here :)
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The Yokohama sky loomed ominously overhead, mirroring the heavyweight that settled in your heart. It had been several months since you left the Armed Detective Agency to seek refuge in the darkness of the Mafia. A decision that came at a great cost—leaving behind a life you once cherished and the only person you had ever loved, Kunikida.
No one at the agency knew the full story behind your departure, only that you had personal matters to attend to. While it was partly true, the pain of losing Kunikida to someone else ran far deeper than anyone could fathom. You had kept your heartache hidden, locking away the emotions that threatened to consume you entirely. The emptiness remained, a constant reminder of the love that slipped through your fingers.
Now, circumstances dictated that you had to team up with the agency once more to save Yokohama. The thought of facing Kunikida again sent shivers down your spine, stirring memories you wished to bury forever. You feared the vulnerability that might resurface in his presence and the chance of revealing the truth behind your sudden departure.
As you stood amidst the shadows of the Mafia headquarters, preparing to meet the agency once more, conflicting emotions tugged at your soul. A part of you longed for closure, an opportunity to tell Kunikida the truth and finally lay your feelings bare. But another part of you felt the bitterness and anger that had become your shield, urging you to remain distant and cold.
As you arrived at the designated meeting place, your eyes met familiar faces - faces that were once your friends, your family. Their warm smiles were met with a stoic expression, a carefully crafted mask you had mastered over the past months.
Dazai, seemingly perceptive as ever, glanced at you with an unreadable expression. "Welcome back," he said, his voice tinged with a hint of understanding. "It's good to see you again."
You nodded in acknowledgment, unsure of how to respond. The familiarity of the agency's camaraderie threatened to break through the walls you had erected around your heart.
As the mission unfolded, you found yourself working alongside Kunikida. Every stolen glance and accidental touch reignited memories of happier times, but you quickly brushed them aside, focusing on the task at hand.
During a brief respite, Kunikida approached you, his eyes filled with a mixture of concern and curiosity. "I'm glad you agreed to help us with this mission," he said, his voice soft yet guarded.
You offered a faint smile, doing your best to maintain the cold exterior. "It's for the greater good," you replied, avoiding eye contact.
He hesitated for a moment before speaking again, his voice a whisper. "I've missed you," he admitted, his vulnerability momentarily peeking through.
The words caught you off guard, and for a moment, your defenses wavered. But you quickly regained control, pushing down the flood of emotions that threatened to resurface. "It's best not to dwell on the past," you replied, your tone colder than you intended.
Kunikida's expression faltered, hurt flickering in his eyes. "If you ever want to talk, I'm here for you," he offered, trying to reach out.
But you couldn't allow yourself to open old wounds. "There's nothing left to say," you stated, turning away before he could see the pain in your eyes.
As the mission continued, you remained distant, avoiding any further interactions with Kunikida. The pain of seeing him and the life you once had together became too much to bear.
Once the mission concluded, you retreated back into the shadows of the Mafia, torn between the love you once knew and the coldness that had become your shield. The mission may have ended, but the battle within your heart continued, leaving you lost in a sea of unresolved emotions. The road to healing seemed distant and uncertain, but for now, you clung to the darkness, hoping it would shield you from the pain of a love lost.
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dorkygurl-89 · 2 months
nobody talk to me
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lunathegalacticwolf · 3 months
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I was looking on the TADC wiki just for fun and- omg, Zooble's gender is just Zooble. HELP- 💀💀💀💀
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dirpinationsonyt · 1 year
Short animation thing I made
Sry if ur flag wasn't on here
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