#I'm choosing not to TW this one.
uncanny-tranny · 4 months
Choosing not to recover is, frankly, a non-action and something neutral. While you can absolutely abuse people, choosing not to recover is not in and of itself an act of abuse, and sometimes it seems like people think that not recovering holds the same weight as abuse. While things like abuse are nuanced and dynamic, recovery is not a respite that prevents abuse from happening.
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minzbins · 2 years
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@hanjesungs asked: mischief chan or my house chan
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and-stir-the-stars · 10 months
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@raccoon-in-a-dumpster gladly!
Sooo, I still haven't decided how much of this is canon, but my current thoughts is this:
After Will gets arrested in saffron au, Henry gets full control over Fazbear Entertainment. When he does, he starts to notice something-- strange-- about the animatronics at various locations.
And when Henry picks up on the possibility of possession, his thoughts of course go to his daughter, who's dead body was found with the Puppet laying on top of her.
Henry becomes desperate to learn more about Will's experiments and possession so he can figure out what happened to Charlie and how to help* her.
(*except as pizzasim has shown us, Henry's idea on how to help lost souls is... very messed up. I'm currently thinking maybe saffron Henry actually DID find Marionette/Charlie, but just like in pizzasim, he doesn't view Charlie as human anymore and wants to use Will's experiments to make her human again or to free her spirit entirely)
Obviously the best way to learn about William’s experiments would be to go through William himself, but because he's in prison, that option is... unavailable. So Henry figures the next best option would be the person who helped Will commit his crimes: Evan.
Except, the thing is, Henry is revolted by William and Evan. He can't look either of them in the face any more than Henry had the guts to be the one facing off against the animatronics in pizzasim. Just like in pizzasim, Henry gets someone else to do his dirty work for him.
so, Henry starts talking to the parents of Will and Evan’s victims. Posing as another grieving parent who just wants retribution for what the Aftons did to his daughter, Henry offers these parents a deal, and he offers it again and again until he finally gets a taker.
"I can tell you where Evan Afton is. You can get retribution for what he did to your child, since unlike his father, he got away without paying for the crime. But in return, there's information that I need you to get from him."
Soo... remember the plotline about Evan getting kidnapped by grieving parents? If I end up going through w this thing w Henry, it will be Henry who caused the kidnapping to occur in the first place.
Though I think the grieving parents in question would betray Henry when he starts asking them to interrogate Evan about possession and ghosts. To Henry's outrage, they think that Henry is crazy and refuse to work with him once they get their hands on Evan.
At this point, Henry either used a fake name around these parents (meaning he doesn't get arrested or charged for kidnapping Evan), or he got caught when the parents did.
Assuming Henry didn't get caught, though. Then sometime later, months or years after Ev initially got kidnapped, Henry finally gets the courage to see Evan face-to-face.
In another attempt to get the information he needs to "help" his daughter, Henry tries to hide his animosity toward Ev (and Mike, to an extent) as he reintroduces himself into the brothers' lives.
Evan is happy to have his uncle back, even if Henry is acting... strangely (is unresponsive to Evan's attempts to make him feel welcome, is more emotionally distant that Ev remembers him being, has a tendency to ask Evan questions-- esp about Ev's time with Will-- that stress Ev out, and Ev is ofc not good at setting boundaries). And Evan, who doesn't know about all the times Mike reached out to Henry for help with William's abuse only to be turned away, doesn't understand why Mike is so angry with Henry and keeps trying to push the only family they have left away, causing Ev to lash out at Mike.
Blah blah blah, some Big Event happens and it gets revealed that Henry set up Evan's kidnapping, and Ev learns that he knew about all the red flags in Will's abuse (the same abuse that led to Evan being manipulated into being a murderer) and did nothing to help the Aftons, blah blah blah.
I would say Henry kidnaps Evan again, but this would mean the Witness Protection Program would have Mike and Ev move away from the town they met Jeremy and Valerie in, which I am unwilling to make happen. So the Big Event would have to be something else, and Mike and Evan (possibly working with the Marshal in charge of making sure they're doing okay in the Wit Protec Porgram: Vanessa) would frame Henry for smth so he goes to prison (not for kidnapping Ev, but for one of the various crimes surrounding Fazbear Entertainment).
Obviously that's really convoluted, and it might work best if Henry DID get arrested when the Grieving Parents kidnapped Evan. It would still have a Big Emotional reveal for the bros if Henry's part in the kidnapping was revealed soon after the fact rather than later, and Henry would have a more straight forward reason for being in jail instead of the brothers having to frame him. The only thing is, I really like the idea of Henry trying to insert himself back into their lives, struggling to hide his resentment of Evan and for there to be tension between Mike and Ev since Ev doesn't know just how badly Henry treated them in their childhood.
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dolores-madrigal · 1 year
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@usergif 1 year celebration: shuffle challenge day 2: colour manipulation | poster design | single colour focused
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 1 year
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watcha doing out so late? you might get in trouble...
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alt versions because i am indecisive x) <3
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A. Thank you for all the comments, it really meant a lot <3 i'm feeling better now, I was just really shook and because I was at work there was no “moment to process”
B. Context! (b. 1 hi to like the 3 people who just followed me heads up I was raised in a cult and y'all just happened to show up right after some bullshit relating to that)
So I got to work, clocked in and my manager comes out of the office with an envelope says it came in the mail that day. It has my first name, the address of the store, and no return. They offer to throw it out, or even close the office door so I can open it in private, I kinda laugh and am like "No one is out for me as far as I know" so i just open it then. Inside is a track (one of those like "if you died today do you know you would go to heaven?" things) and a little pamphlet, zine-ish like thing about repenting from homosexuality. I'm just taken aback, because it's not like a customer handed this to them, it was mailed to me specifically. I flip it over and stamped on the back is the name of a church, I looked it up and while it's not the one I went to it is in the same group. I still don't know who sent it, we have a couple theories but hey, until then I get to be anxious and hope nothing else shows up ✌️
All I know right now is I'm keeping the letter and marking down the date, so if something else shows up or anything happens we have record of it. Honestly though pray this was a one time event, because if it happens again I might need to look at changing jobs and I love my job and my coworkers so that would genuinely suck.
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foster-the-moths · 1 year
4, 11, and 20 :3
4:HANDS!! at first i was afraid of them, and sometimes they are still intimidating, but soooo many weird shapes for light to bounce off of, which is fun to play around with! i also like drawing eyes (+the skin around them) and teeth :)
11: ooh so last night i got silly and made barebones concept for a medieval europe/fantasy tmc au lol. heres a concept of mark as a medieval knight w fancy decorative armor. hes winged lion themed :)
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i. know VERY little about medieval europe unfortunately so its mostly just inspired by medieval art rather than ACTUAL medieval europe. ngl i just wanted to draw mark as a knight LMAO might render this later tho bc rendering metal is fun
20: answered this here, but i also really like how my art i made for catalyst came out bc. i literally made it in an hour and. 10 minutes i think??? its so funny. i went sooo hogwild on that. i did not move the entire time i drew it and my back hurt so much afterwards LMAO
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pierswife · 1 year
Vent under cut fjqjsjq sorry I am just a certified mess rn
I've been doing so so good not crying since Wednesday, almost cried I wanna say 3 times? Once when dropping a friend off, once when I left my sister's (she lives 9 hours away from me), and once while I was driving home. But it's like all crashing on me now since I can finally properly rest and there is just an overwhelming urge to cry cause I miss the people I care about, especially when some of them I only get to see once a year. I'm getting so fucking lucky and I get to see my sister in person twice. I miss my friends. I miss my sister. I miss them so fucking much. I miss my sister so fucking much. I miss my big sister. It's no fair. I wanna see her more often but work and school schedules suck. I got lucky that my sister could skip working her second job so I could go see her when I was doing my 14 hours drive home. This is the person who kept me as safe as she could a sacrificed so fucking much when one of our parents was being an asshole and making our lives and our mom's life hell. It's not fair I don't get to see her every day. I know we're both adults and it's not like we don't call and text everyday but it's not the same as being able to run and hug her whenever I want or to be able to poke my head into her room and ask if she's awake because I don't wanna be alone. When I was leaving her house she hit me with "If I hug you, that means goodbye and I don't want to" and honestly it broke me but I didn't wanna cry in front of her cause I knew she'd start crying too so I forced myself to stay strong and keep smiling. And god I miss my friends so much I had literally one of the best weeks of my life being able to hang out with some of the people I care about the most and not having to worry about work or school or monet and just have fun with them. Walking away back to my car to start driving home was one of the hardest things I have ever done, but I knew if I started crying that I'd be exhausted after and not awake enough to drive, so I didn't.
I'm just so tired and I don't wanna cry because it's obviously not the last time I'll see all of them, but it still fucking hurts knowing I can't see them whenever I want because of distance and it just makes me feel so alone that a good handful of the people I care about the most are so physically out of reach. It fucking sucks.
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piplupod · 6 months
why the hell did my molar have to go and get chipped somehow randomly (i dont know when it happened or how it happened, i just noticed it was very sharp one day earlier this year) right after i was no longer eligible for my dad's insurance that covers dental.... i am going to have to probably pay at least $200+ to get this checked and taken care of,,,, head in my hands. i swear someone up there wants me to off myself I swear to fucking god
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kutyozh · 3 months
need my therapist to give me a detailed description of how i need to feel in order to justify taking a pill
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livingprophecy · 1 year
actually i do have one more thing to say about the hogwarts game because its the same fucking debate as "free speech means i can say what i want," people are like "you can't tell me not to play the game!!!!" fine! but i can criticize you fucking endlessly for it! so eat glass!
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horrorvillaintourney · 9 months
Round Two, Match Fifteen: Jennifer Check (Jennifer's Body) vs. Angela Baker (Sleepaway Camp)
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"yes she may have maimed and murdered many, but killing and eating men while having a toxic homoerotic relationship with your girl best friend is just what being a teenage girl is like"
"She's an incredibly fucked up person who lived as a boy until her sister and father died and then her aunt forced her to live under her dead sister's identity. And now she kills people who bully her and they deserve it! She shoves a curling iron in the mean girl's vagina! She beheads a dude who won't take no for an answer! She pours boiling water on a pedophile! She is an icon!"
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rejoiceandcomplain · 11 months
I'm running out of comical or poetic ways to say it atp, like I just really and truly and desperately want someone to love me fr like when will it be MY turn??
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astrxealis · 2 years
mikoto kayano. (just a few gifs. please perceive him.)
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#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#⋯ ꒰ა milgram ໒꒱ *·˚#cw partial nudity#cw blood#tw murder mention#he is so. HE IS SO...#i am so obsessed with him. he interests me so much he is so silly he is so funny he is so cute he is so pretty#his voice is so nice. he's so silly. he's. so incredibly interestinf#I HAVEN'T READ STUFF ABT THE TAROT CARDS SYMBOLISM YET................#wheres that gif w him in the bathtub smoking (hes so hot. even if yk uhm blood and smoking haha)#okay anyways little ramble but#irl don't fucking like murderers or 'bad guys' just bcs of their looks#but in fiction imo it is. fine? but also i'd rather not that be the Only Reasoning but if others yeah there's no problem#jackalope himself (?) said particularly for milgram that you can choose to vote#innocent/forgiven or guilty/unforgiven based off your sexuality preferences and all which is really funny#bcs they must have seen stuff w shidou. and esp mikoto i'm guessing#hello. they didn't have to put those kinda scenes in. mikoto's literally shown w/o proper clothes one way or another 3 times#and then shidou is less extreme but dude... the gloves..........#anyways yeah. really funny jackalope! but i get it. i really do#mikoto. you are so pretty you make me go insane in more ways than one#the 1st gif here... wnvr i see that it always makes me laugh. hes smiling!! hes so normal and silly inwant to cry#hes so cute but so fucking silly its hilarious i just want to CRY#but then the yk. and its like. prisoner 009 you are very interesting what is up!#hes just smiling#i want to cry#and then boom#yeah..... he is so interesting#but also i appreciate his beauty so much ^___^#but yeah he's so interesting. i hope they do him good and don't uhh...#bcs ofc the thing w him. a bit of a negative stereotype w Murder. but. ??? i hope they do it well
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loveofastarvingdog · 2 years
no no no because this professor is sooooo complicated and specific without actually explaining anything (gave me and my sibling a b on our discussion posts while saying he has nothing to critique and not providing anything for us to work on) and is. so scary because it’s so confusing. BUT THEN. i got a b+ on an essay I DID HALF-DEAD AND A DAY LATE......... 
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sunlitmcgee · 1 year
CClibgy r probably already being tortured by thw human ticking time bomb that is cdream because its been weeks and knowing him he's already been set off because ctubbo called him stinky or something
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